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Data as of:

Sustainable Development Goals 31 October 2020

2020 Summary Report

Overall budget Overall expense Projects

$6,167.72M $3,116.17M 4,646

Peace, justice, and strong institutions

25.7% Budget Expense Projects
of the total budget allotted to this SDG
$1,584.65M $881.9M 1,280

No poverty
21.8% Budget Expense Projects
of the total budget allotted to this SDG
$1,343.43M $665.86M 1,198

Good health and well-being

8.4% Budget Expense Projects
of the total budget allotted to this SDG
$520.22M $310.74M 199

Climate action
6.7% Budget Expense Projects
of the total budget allotted to this SDG
$412.98M $174.38M 841

Partnerships for the goals

4.2% Budget Expense Projects
of the total budget allotted to this SDG
$261.8M $120.3M 525

Life on Land
4% Budget Expense Projects
of the total budget allotted to this SDG
$249.43M $121.28M 496
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
1.7% Budget Expense Projects
of the total budget allotted to this SDG
$106.26M $54.91M 256

Sustainable cities and communities

1.7% Budget Expense Projects
of the total budget allotted to this SDG
$104.79M $54.58M 210

Decent work and economic growth

1.6% Budget Expense Projects
of the total budget allotted to this SDG
$98.84M $56.02M 185

Responsible consumption and production

1.5% Budget Expense Projects
of the total budget allotted to this SDG
$93.33M $48.19M 289

Reduced inequalities
1.5% Budget Expense Projects
$91.88M $54.05M 189
of the total budget allotted to this SDG

Gender equality
1.5% Budget Expense Projects
$90.75M $43.63M 336
of the total budget allotted to this SDG

Affordable and clean energy

1.3% Budget Expense Projects
of the total budget allotted to this SDG
$82.54M $37.67M 188

Quality education
1.2% Budget Expense Projects
$76.66M $42.08M 129
of the total budget allotted to this SDG

Zero hunger
1% Budget Expense Projects
of the total budget allotted to this SDG
$63.22M $41.89M 80
Life below water
0.7% Budget Expense Projects
$43.47M $24.47M 115
of the total budget allotted to this SDG

Clean water and sanitation

0.5% Budget Expense Projects
of the total budget allotted to this SDG
$33.12M $16.32M 60

14.8% Budget Expense Projects
$910.36M $367.9M 937
of the total budget allotted to this SDG

Top 10 Projects

ID Project Title Budget Expense

00087555 Acercando el Estado al Ciudadano $12,439,649 $9,889,655

00126131 Fortaleciendo Ciudadania de cara al Bicentenario $5,139,962 $349,521

00088902 Mejoramiento Servicio Comercializacion Mercado Belen $2,903,841 $2,799,805

00096495 Contribuir al incremento del valor de los bosques $2,655,313 $445,722

00087268 Gestión Cuencas Peru Bolivia $2,261,064 $662,623

00087272 Paisajes Productivos en la Amazonia Peruana $2,217,249 $1,379,791

00081013 Amazonia Resiliente $2,181,723 $1,059,654

00099484 Generando Ciudadania Activa $1,255,294 $290,857

00122727 Fortaleciendo la ciudadania rumbo al Bicentenario $1,188,877 $1,182,311

00099416 Gestión territorial del desarrollo $1,179,413 $1,085,742

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