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Ozonation of Cyanide Catalyzed by Activated Carbon

Article  in  Ozone Science and Engineering · May 2014

DOI: 10.1080/01919512.2014.965804

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4 authors, including:

Marco Antonio Sanchez Castillo Francisco R Carrillo-Pedroza

Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí Autonomous University of Coahuila


Ma. De Jesús Soria-Aguilar

Autonomous University of Coahuila


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Ozonation of Cyanide Catalyzed by Activated Carbon

a b a
Marco A. Sánchez-Castillo , Francisco R. Carrillo-Pedroza , Flor Fraga-Tovar & Ma. de Jesús
Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí
78290, Mexico
Facultad de Metalurgia, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Monclova, Coahuila 25710,
Accepted author version posted online: 25 Sep 2014.Published online: 25 Sep 2015.

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To cite this article: Marco A. Sánchez-Castillo, Francisco R. Carrillo-Pedroza, Flor Fraga-Tovar & Ma. de Jesús Soria-Aguilar
(2015) Ozonation of Cyanide Catalyzed by Activated Carbon, Ozone: Science & Engineering: The Journal of the International
Ozone Association, 37:3, 240-251, DOI: 10.1080/01919512.2014.965804

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Ozone: Science & Engineering, 37: 240–251
Copyright © 2015 International Ozone Association
ISSN: 0191-9512 print / 1547-6545 online
DOI: 10.1080/01919512.2014.965804

Ozonation of Cyanide Catalyzed by Activated Carbon

Marco A. Sánchez-Castillo,1 Francisco R. Carrillo-Pedroza,2 Flor Fraga-Tovar,1
and Ma. de Jesús Soria-Aguilar2
Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí 78290, Mexico
Facultad de Metalurgia, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Monclova, Coahuila 25710, Mexico

In this work, the removal of cyanide from aqueous solutions of heap leach residues, tailings, and spent process waters
Downloaded by [Marco Sanchez-Castillo] at 18:15 13 May 2015

was accomplished by using the synergetic effect of activated with several cyanide containing species (Mudder and Botz
carbon and an oxidizing agent. A basic-character coconut
2004). Among these species, free cyanide, which includes
shell activated carbon (CAC) was used; experiments were
conducted in a semi-batch reactor, at 25 ◦ C, initial pH of cyanide anion (CN− ) and hydrogen cyanide, is considered
11.5, and using cyanide solutions with initial concentration the most toxic cyanide form as it causes harmful effects at
up to 1200 mg/mL. In particular, the beneficial effect of an relatively low concentration (U.S. Environment Protection
oxidizing agent such as air, oxygen or ozone on the removal Agency 1999). Other cyanide species must be present in
of cyanide by CAC was evaluated. At the optimum operating
higher concentration to induce toxicity; for example, hydro-
conditions found in this study, 1200 mg/mL of cyanide were
totally decomposed in about 3 h, by using 1 g of CAC and gen cyanate and cyanate ions are less toxic than cyanide and
about 2 mgO3 /min. The experimental results were rational- they are easily dissolved under acid conditions. Similarly,
ized based on different mechanisms reported in the literature. thiocyanate is relatively non-toxic as compared to free cyanide
The findings provide the basis to optimize the removal of (Akcil 2003).
cyanide from aqueous solutions in mining or metallurgical
The problem arising from the disposal of CN− from spent
effluents by using the synergetic effect of CAC and ozone.
solutions is also characteristic in other mining/metallurgical
Keywords Ozone, Activated Carbon, Cyanide, Advanced industries, as it is the case when CN− is added as a modifier
Oxidation Process, Mining Effluent in the flotation process to separate base metal sulfides from
pyrite; to a lesser extent, the problem is also found in the tex-
tile, plastics, jewelry, paint and agriculture industries (Young
INTRODUCTION et al. 2001). Thus, the safe industrial use of CN- requires
the appropriate transport, storage, handling, and mixing of
Cyanide leaching (cyanidation) is currently the most pre- cyanide chemicals, as well as monitoring of the environment
vailing process to extract precious metals, mainly gold and when cyanide losses or discharges take place. In this case,
silver, from geological ores (Botz 2001). This hydrometallur- the appropriate treatment of the various cyanidation wastes is
gical technique is so efficient that the mining of low-grade required to avoid or minimize environmental and health issues
precious metal ores has become profitable; however, several (Gijzen 2000).
practical, economic and environmental concerns are still mat- Several biological, physical and chemical techniques have
ter of debate to optimize this process. For instance, the process been developed for the treatment of CN− solutions (Kitis
requires high cyanide consumption to improve metal recov- et al. 2005; Kuyucak and Akcil 2013; Sarla et al. 2004).
ery but, in turn, it produces exceptionally large quantities Biological treatments are a feasible alternative and environ-
of cyanide-bearing wastes (cyanidation wastes) in the form mental friendly; however, these techniques are mostly used
for polishing applications because they cannot treat a highly
concentrated CN− waste (Dash et al. 2009a). Similar practical
Received 12/31/2013; Accepted 9/8/2014
Address correspondence to Francisco R. Carrillo-Pedroza,
limitations apply for physical methods, where CN− com-
Facultad de Metalurgia, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, pounds are removed from waste solutions by adsorption on
Carr. 57, Km. 54.5, Monclova, Coahuila 25710, Mexico. E-mail: various organic and inorganic adsorbents such as minerals, agricultural by-products, resins, activated carbon, and bone
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be charcoal (Agarwal et al. 2013; Asgari et al. 2014; Behnamfard
found online at
and Salarirad 2009; Gupta et al. 2012; Yeddou et al. 2010).

240 M.A. Sánchez-Castillo et al. May–June 2015

The application of activated carbon (AC) for the treatment chromene and pyrrone or pyrrolic groups, have been identified
of cyanidation effluents is notoriously restricted due to the as active centers for the decomposition of O3 into • OH radi-
limited adsorption capacity of AC to remove CN− (Adhoum cals, which increases the oxidation or decomposition rates of
and Monser 2002). However, several studies have shown that the pollutants.
CN− removal can be significantly improved when the AC Importantly, to date, there are no detailed studies of CN−
surface is impregnated with metals such as Ag, Cu, Ni or removal from aqueous solutions by using the combined effect
Fe (Adhoum and Monser 2002; Agarwal et al. 2013b; Depci of AC and O3 . Therefore, in this work, we report the ben-
2012; Deveci et al. 2006, Yeddou et al. 2011, Zhang et al. eficial effect of combining O3 and AC in the removal of
2010), and also when the adsorption process takes place in an CN- from aqueous solutions. We studied different processes
oxygen-containing atmosphere (Ahumada et al. 2002; Yasici that might take place in this system, including the adsorption
et al. 2009). of CN− on CAC under different oxidizing atmospheres, and
On the other hand, chemical oxidation methods such as the ozonation of CN− with and without CAC, for a better
chlorination, ozonation, copper-catalyzed hydrogen peroxide, understanding of the synergetic effect of AC and O3 for CN−
electrolytic oxidation, as well as the AVR process and ther- removal from aqueous solution.
mal hydrolysis (Young and Jordan 1995), are either expensive,
require hazardous chemicals as reagents or cannot completely MATERIALS AND METHODS
accomplish the degradation of CN− species. Thus, the appro-
priate removal of CN− is a complex process that must be A commercial coconut shell activated carbon (named
further optimized and that requires the conjunction of several CAC) was used to study the removal of free cyanide (CN− )
Downloaded by [Marco Sanchez-Castillo] at 18:15 13 May 2015

approaches to improve the efficiency of the treatment. Suitable in aqueous solution under inert and oxidizing atmospheres.
alternatives to this purpose are advance oxidation processes CAC was crushed to get carbon particles in the range of -150
(AOP), which have been successfully used for the treatment +106 microns. Carbon particles were sequentially washed
of other highly-toxic industrial effluents (Suty et al. 2004). with deionized water to remove fine carbon powder; then, car-
Some AOP for CN− decomposition have used a com- bon particles were dried at 110 ◦ C and kept in a desiccator.
bination of ozone (O3 ) with H2 O2 and UV light, or have CAC was morphologically characterized by N2 physisorption
suggested the application of TiO2 to generate • OH radicals, at 77 K to evaluate its surface area and pore volume; to this
which, being a highly oxidizing species, increase the oxida- purpose, a Coulter SA 3100 Series Surface Area and Pore Size
tion rates of CN- and strong acid dissociable (SAD) cyanide Analyzer (Brea, CA, USA) was used. Additionally, the surface
complexes (Ford et al. 2006; Kepa et al., 2008; Kim et al. chemical properties of CAC were analyzed by Boehm’s and
2003; Mert et al. 2014). It should be noticed that other AOP mass titration methods. Boehm’s method (Boehm 1994) was
combining the effect of O3 and AC have been suggested used to evaluate the surface acid and basic sites distribution
to decompose diverse pollutants. In several applications, a with a Titrino Metrohm 794 Basic acid-base titrator (Hereau,
beneficial effect of AC has been documented when using Switzerland). Mass titration was used to determine the point
O3 for a faster removal of a number of recalcitrant model of zero charge (PZC) following a straightforward procedure
compounds such as carboxylic acids (Faria et al. 2008), (Noh and Schwarz 1989) and using an Orion 720 A pH meter
alcohols (Kastner et al., 2008), phenols (Beltran et al. 2008; (Waltham, MA, USA).
Gu et al. 2008; Merle et al. 2010), phathalates (Ferreira de Experiments of CN− decomposition from aqueous solu-
Oliveira et al. 2011), dyes (Parsa and Negahdar 2012), and tions were conducted in a semi-batch reactor, at room tem-
some others resembling pharmaceuticals (Goncalves et al. perature (25 ◦ C), and an initial pH (pHo ) of 11.5, which
2013; Pocostales et al. 2010) and pesticides (Guzmán-Pérez was adjusted by adding 0.1 M NaOH. For all experiments,
et al. 2011; Sanchez-Polo et al. 2006). 250 mL of a CN− solution were loaded to the reactor; the
In the indicated AOP, the mechanism to explain the ben- CN− initial concentration ([CN− ]o ) was varied from 100 to
eficial effect of AC during the ozonation process is complex 1200 mg/L. An inert atmosphere was set in the reactor by
and it is not fully elucidated. It is generally accepted that both flowing 300 mL/min of He through the reactor. Similarly,
textural and surface chemical properties of AC, as well as the oxidizing atmospheres were set by flowing 300 mL/min of
operating conditions such as pH, temperature and initial solute air, O2 , or an O2 /O3 mixture. O3 was generated from air or
concentration, determine the extent of the decomposition of pure O2 by using an ozone generator (Pacific Ozone L21,
organic pollutants. In addition, it has been postulated that both Benicia, CA, USA); the O3 inlet concentration ([O3 ]o ) was
homogeneous (liquid phase) and heterogeneous (AC surface) varied between 0 and 6.88 mg/L. Typically, a given atmo-
reaction steps are required to explain the pollutant´s decom- sphere was secured in the reactor after the gas had flown
position (Ferreira et al. 2011; Rivera-Utrilla et al. 2010), through the reactor for 10 min.
and also that some steps may involve . OH radical species in At the beginning of the experiment, a given CAC mass
the solution (Merle et al. 2010; Parsa and Negahdar 2012). (0–1.5 g), was contacted with the CN− solution. During the
In addition, it has been suggested that basic-character acti- experiment, CN− decomposition was monitored by periodic
vated carbon is the best catalyst, because the delocalized π analysis of both CN− and a cyanate (CNO-) concentration,
electrons or other oxygenated basic surface groups, such as until an equilibrium condition was reached, or a total CN−

Ozonation of Cyanide Catalyzed by Activated Carbon May–June 2015 241

decomposition was achieved. CN− was measured by titration
with silver nitrate, in agreement with APHA-AWWA 4500-
CN D method. On the other hand, CNO− was indirectly
determined by measuring ammonia, which is a product of
cyanate hydrolysis, by using an Orion 95-12 ammonia elec-

Cs, mgCN/g CA
trode. When necessary, O3 concentration was measured at
the reactor’s inlet and outlet by using an iodimetric method 6
(Gordon et al. 1992).


CA Characterization 0
Surface area of CAC was calculated from the correspond- 0 250 500 750 1000 1250
ing N2 physisorption isotherm using the BET model; the Cm, mg/L
surface area of CAC was 731.5 m2 /g. In addition, by using
the t-plot model a micropore volume of 0.26 cc/g, and a He Air O2
total pore volume of 0.39 cc/g were calculated for the CAC
used in this study. Results from mass titration showed that the FIGURE 1. Cyanide adsorption isotherms in CAC under He, air,
and oxygen atmospheres. The lines correspond to the predictions
Downloaded by [Marco Sanchez-Castillo] at 18:15 13 May 2015

PZC of CAC was 9.0, which indicated the basic nature of of the Langmuir adsorption model.
the CAC surface. In addition, results from Boehm’s method
showed that the concentration of basic surface sites of CAC
(0.54 meq/g) was higher than the acid surface sites concen- (Equation [1]) or the Freundlich (Equation [2]) adsorption
tration (0.22 meq/g), in qualitative agreement with the PZC models.
of the CAC. A more detailed analysis of the surface acid sites
showed the presence of small surface concentrations of car- aCm
Cs = [1]
boxylic, phenolic and lactonic surface groups. However, no (1 + bCm )
experimental work was made to determine the nature of the
basic surface groups of CAC, but these are typically associ-
ated to delocalized π electrons of the graphite layers and/or Cs = KCmn [2]
to oxygenated surface groups such as chromene and pyrone
(Menendez 1999). where Cm is the concentration of solute (CN− ) at equilib-
rium or after adsorption, Cs is the mass of CN− adsorbed per
unit weight of CAC, a and b are the constants for Langmuir´s
Cyanide Removal in the Presence of CAC under model, and K and n are the constants for the Freundlich model.
Helium, Air, or O2 Atmospheres In any case, the constants must be evaluated at a constant
The extent of CN− removal by CAC under an inert (i.e., temperature.
He) or an oxidizing (i.e., air and O2 ) atmosphere was deter- The linear fitting of the experimental data showed that both
mined from the corresponding CN− adsorption isotherms, Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption models were in close
which were measured at room temperature (∼25 ◦ C), [CN-]o agreement with the experimental data. A closer look of the
of 1200 mg/L, and [pH]o of 11.5, and by using 1 g of constants and r2 values (Table 1), suggested that the Langmuir
CAC. Figure 1 shows the experimental data of the adsorption model was slightly better to describe the CN− adsorption pro-
isotherms under He, air and O2 atmospheres. In the pres- cess on CAC. As it is shown by the solid lines in Figure 1,
ence of He, the extent of CN− adsorption on CAC was under the experimental conditions used in this study, CN−
limited to around 4 mgCN− /gCAC. In contrast, in the adsorption on CAC was reasonably well described by the
experiments conducted under an air atmosphere (21% O2 ), Langmuir isotherm. Accordingly, it could be initially assumed
about 7 mgCN− /gCAC were removed from the solution; that a reversible adsorption process takes place on the CAC
this uptake was 75% higher than the CN− removal obtained surface until a CN− monolayer condition is reached. This
under a He atmosphere. Additionally, in a 100% O2 atmo- finding is consistent with some works in the literature, which
sphere, the CN− adsorption capacity further increased up to also found that Langmuir model was more appropriate to
10 mgCN− /gCAC, which was more than 150% higher than describe CN− adsorption in AC (Dash et al. 2009b; Deveci
the CN− uptake under an inert atmosphere. et al. 2006; Gupta et al. 2012). It should be noticed that more
The experimental data of CN− adsorption isotherms has detailed work in the literature, modeling the thermodynamics
been described in the literature by using 2- or 3-parameters and kinetics of CN- adsorption on AC (Gupta et al. 2012),
adsorption isotherm models. Based on the experimental has suggested that despite the fact that Langmuir model ade-
data profile found in this study, it was proposed that the quately describes the process, the nature of CN− adsorption
adsorption process could be described by either the Langmuir could be chemical or physical, depending on the acidic or

242 M.A. Sánchez-Castillo et al. May–June 2015

TABLE 1. Parameters of the Freundlich and Langumir Adsorption It should be noticed that the CAC characterization by
Models as Determined from a Linear Fit, for Experiments Conducted Boehm’s method indicated that some acid character surface
under He, Air, and Oxygen Atmosphere
groups with a positive charge were also present. If some of
Freundlich K n r2 these groups remained under the experimental conditions used
in this study, then the adsorption processes could also take
He 0.207 0.427 0.994 place via an electrostatic attraction mechanism between the
Air 0.0955 0.606 0.991 CN- ions and the positively charged sites. However, it should
O2 0.0440 0.768 0.999 be emphasize that this adsorption mechanism is feasible in
an inert atmosphere such as He only if the CAC surface kept
Langmuir a b r2 some positive surface charges. The conditions just described
He 0.0286 0.0073 0.957 explain the limited extent of CN− adsorption on CAC under a
Air 0.0179 0.0019 0.998 He atmosphere.
O2 0.0163 0.0009 0.998 Similarly, the beneficial effect of oxygen on the extent of
CN− adsorption on CAC observed in this study was also in
agreement with previous work in the literature (Yasici et al.
basic character of the AC sites, which might be changing as 2009). To get a better insight on the effect of an oxidizing
the process is taking place. atmosphere in the adsorption of CN− on CAC, two transient
In addition, it should be pointed out that the kinetics of experiments were conducted under the same conditions. One
CN− adsorption was not evaluated in this work. However, it experiment was performed without CAC and the other one
Downloaded by [Marco Sanchez-Castillo] at 18:15 13 May 2015

has been suggested in the literature that, under similar exper- with 1 g of CAC; both experiments were carried out with
imental conditions, kinetic data closely follows a pseudo– 250 mL of a cyanide solution with a [CN-]o of 400 mg/L,
second-order kinetic model, which assumes that two reactions and 300 mL/min of 100% oxygen were flowed to the reactor
take place, one of them being fast and reaching the equilib- during the experiment. Figure 2 shows that in the experiment
rium quickly, and the other one being significantly slower without CAC there was not significant decrease of CN− con-
(Behnamfard and Salarirad 2009; Gupta et al. 2012). In more centration; the slight scatter observed in the experimental data
detail, it could be assumed that at the beginning of the process was due to the detection limit of the method used for CN−
CN− adsorption is very fast, prevailing the adsorption of CN− analysis. In addition, no CNO− formation was detected in the
on the sites externally exposed on the CAC surface; even- solution. These observations clearly suggested that no CN−
tually, the CN− adsorption rate slows down as the external oxidation was taking place in the absence of CAC. On the
adsorption sites are occupied, and CN− are forced to a meso other hand, in the experiment conducted with 1 g of CAC, a
and micro pore diffusion process, in order to find available noticeable decrease in CN− concentration was observed.
adsorption sites. The CN− concentration profile in this experiment clearly
Furthermore, the limited CN− adsorption on CAC showed two different regions. In the first region, which took
observed in this study under a He atmosphere was in agree- place within the first 9 h, a decrease of CN− concentra-
ment with previous findings in the literature (Deveci et al. tion was observed at the beginning of the experiment and,
2006). The limited CN− adsorption capacity of CAC may be
explained in terms of the surface functional groups of CAC
and the nature of the CN− adsorption process taking place.
As indicated before, the surface character of the CAC used
in this study was mostly basic (i.e., ZPC 9.0). In addition, 390
it is reported that the basic character of AC is associated to
delocalized π electrons of the graphite layers, or to chromene- 380
like surface functional groups, such as quinone and pyrone
[CN-], mg/L

(Merle 2010, Parsa and Negahdar 2012). It is well known that 370
when a particle is dispersed in a solution with a pH higher
than its ZPC, the particle develops a surface charge that is 360
mostly negative. Therefore, under the pH condition used in
these experiments, a (pH)o = 11.5 that is required to keep
CN− in solution, it could be expected that the CAC particles 0 g CA
developed a mostly negative surface charge. In such a con- 1 g CA
dition (pH > pHZPC ), under an inert atmosphere (i.e., He), 330
it could be postulated that the negative surface groups of the 0 20 40 60
Time, h
CAC acted as ion-exchange sites for CN− adsorption:
FIGURE 2. Transient experiment of CN− oxidation under an O2
CA − OH − + CN − ↔ CA − CN + OH − [3] atmosphere with (1 g) and without CAC.

Ozonation of Cyanide Catalyzed by Activated Carbon May–June 2015 243

then, the CN− concentration asymptotically reached a pseudo- some issues such as the number of oxidized (i.e., positively
equilibrium condition after 9 h of operation. In the second charged) surface sites of CAC, under the actual experimental
region, the CN− concentration linearly decreased. In this conditions, have to be significantly increased.
experiment, CNO− concentration was also measured. During Related to the second process, the catalytic effect of CAC
the first 9 h, corresponding to the first region previously for the oxidation of CN− to CNO− , two main pathways have
described, the CNO− concentration was practically negligible. been postulated (Yasici et al. 2009). One of them is that CAC
However, in the second region (i.e., after 9 h), CNO− con- directly catalyzes the oxidation of CN-:
centration linearly increased. Additionally, the experimental
stoichiometric ratio of CN− decomposed to CNO− produced AC
CN − + 0.5 O2 (aq) −→ CNO− [5]
in the solution under these conditions, closely matched the
theoretical value (CNO− /CN− = 1.6). The described trend The other pathway suggests that oxygen could be catalytically
was similar for the experiments conducted with air (21% O2 ) reduced by a basic character AC (such as CAC) to produce
and pure (100%) oxygen atmospheres. hydrogen peroxide:
The previous results suggested that two main processes
were taking place. One process was the adsorption of CN− AC
2H2 O + O2 + 2e− −→ H2 O2 + 2OH − [6]
on the CAC surface. This adsorption process was more sig-
nificant at short operation times (i.e., during the first 9 h).
At the beginning of this stage, it could be postulated that In this case, both products (H2 O2 and OH− ) are highly reac-
CN− concentration rapidly decreased due to the adsorption of tive and could directly oxidize CN− to CNO− in liquid
Downloaded by [Marco Sanchez-Castillo] at 18:15 13 May 2015

CN− on the sites easily accessible on the surface and, then, phase:
the adsorption process was progressively slowed down due AC
to either thermodynamic constraints or to diffusional limi- CN − + H2 O2 −→ CNO− + H2 O [7]
tations to reach accessible sites for CN− adsorption. In the
second process, it could be postulated that CAC catalyzed
the oxidation of CN− to CNO− , which was experimentally AC
CN − + 2OH − −→ CNO− + H2 O [8]
supported by the production of CNO− when CAC was used,
and by the fact that no CNO− was detected in the experiment Thus, the overall reduction in CN- concentration observed
without CAC. Importantly, under the conditions of this study, in the liquid phase should be the sum of both suggested
the catalyzed CN− oxidation process became more signifi- pathways. Under the conditions used in this study, no H2 O2
cant at long process time (i.e., after 9 h), once that the CN− formation was detected and, therefore, it was assumed that the
adsorption process seemed to reach an equilibrium condition. preferential pathway was that given by Equation [5]. It is not
As it has been suggested in the literature (Ahumada et al. ruled out that reaction [6] could take place and have an effect
2002; Yasici et al. 2009) the beneficial effect of an oxidizing on the surface-site distribution that, in turn, might be more
atmosphere during the adsorption of CN− on CAC may be favorable to promote the oxidation process. However, further
the result of at least two main processes. One of them is the characterization studies of the spent catalyst are required to
adsorption of CN− on CAC, which surface sites might change test this idea.
along the process due to the presence of oxygen. The other
one is that CAC catalyzes the oxidation of CN− to CNO− .
Related to the first process, it is known that an oxidiz- Oxidation Process in Solution
ing atmosphere (i.e., air or O2 ) may oxidize the basic surface Kinetic data of CN− decomposition were collected for
groups of CAC (i.e., chromene, quinone, and pyrone), to gen- experiments conducted in an oxidizing atmosphere (air or O2 )
erate positively charged surface sites (Ahumada et al., 2002). at 25 ◦ C, [CN− ]o of 1200, 800, 400, and 100 mg/L, and with
As it was previously suggested in this work, these positively 1 g of CAC. The kinetic data collected in the so-called second
charged sites may promote the adsorption of CN− via an region, that is when CNO− was found in solution, was used
electrostatic mechanism: to estimate the rate of CN− oxidation to CNO. This rate, at
constant temperature, can be determined from the CN− mass
or mole balance in a batch reaction system:
CA − OH + + CN − ↔ CA − OH − CN [4]
− (−rCN − ) V = [9]
This alternative adsorption mechanism may contribute to dt
increase the adsorption capacity of CAC under an oxidizing
atmosphere, as it was observed in this study. However, the where (-rCN- ) is the CN− oxidation rate. In agreement with the
increase in CN− adsorption capacity shown in Figure 1 when literature (Adhoum and Monser 2002) this rate is zero order,
air or O2 atmospheres were used, might have limited practi- that is, it is independent of CN− concentration. Thus,
cal applications because the total amount of CN− removed
from the solution was still low. To improve this condition, −rCN − = k [10]

244 M.A. Sánchez-Castillo et al. May–June 2015

TABLE 2. Rate Constants of CN− Oxidation under Air or Oxygen Cyanide Removal in the Presence of CAC under O3
Atmosphere, Evaluated at 25 ◦ C and Experiments with Different Atmosphere
[CN− ]o
The removal of CN− by CAC in the presence of a stronger
[CN− ]o (mg/L) 100 400 800 1200 oxidant such as O3 , was also studied. These experiments were
k (mg/L h) air 0.110 0.193 0.217 0.358 conducted at room temperature (25 ◦ C), using 250 mL of
k (mg/L h) oxygen 0.240 0.303 0.479 0.595 an aqueous CN− solution, which pHo was adjusted to 11.5.
To evaluate the independent effect of CAC and O3 , two series
of experiments were conducted. In one series, experiments
were carried out with and without activated carbon, at a fixed
where k is the rate constant at a given temperature. Therefore, O3 feed concentration. In another series, experiments were
the concentration of CN− in solution (CCN ) could be calcu- carried out at different O3 concentrations for a fixed catalyst
lated at any time by the following equation: load.

CCN0 − CCN = kt [11]

Catalyst Effect at a Constant O3 Feed Concentration
Equation [11] was used to fit the experimental data and, in These experiments were conducted without (0 g) and with
general, each set of kinetic data was appropriately fitted by 1 g of CAC; in both cases, experiments were conducted with
Equation [11]. The corresponding rate constants are reported [CN− ]o of 100, 400, and 1200 mg/L. The oxidizing atmo-
in Table 2. Note that the rate constants for each series of exper- sphere was kept in the reactor by flowing 300 mL/min of a
Downloaded by [Marco Sanchez-Castillo] at 18:15 13 May 2015

iments, air or oxygen, varied as a function of [CN− ]o . As the gas stream with an O3 inlet concentration between 2.1 and
intrinsic rate constant should not change with CN− concen- 2.6 mg/min. Importantly, O3 concentration was also measured
tration, these apparent rate constants suggested that either the at the reactor outlet through all the experiment.
assumed kinetic law was not appropriate or that some other Figure 3 shows the concentration of CN− in the solution
heterogeneous processes should be taken in consideration to as a function of treatment time for each experiment. Clearly,
get the intrinsic rate constant. This observation is in agreement for experiments without (0 g) CAC, CN− concentration lin-
with the fact that the pathway indicated in [5] is preferential early decreased with time for all experiments with different
under the conditions of this study, as compared to the pathway [CN− ]o . This linear trend was in agreement with the litera-
given by [6–8]. ture for liquid phase ozonation of CN− (Barriga et al. 2006;
In agreement with the literature, the results previously Parga et al. 2003). Also, in agreement with previous findings,
discussed verified the beneficial (synergetic) effect of an oxi- it can be postulated that without CAC, the oxidation of CN−
dizing atmosphere when using CAC to remove CN− from an in solution by O3 occurred according to the following reaction
aqueous solution. Importantly, we clearly identified that in (Gurol and Bremen 1985; Somboonchai et al. 2008):
this condition, two processes were taking place in the system.
Initially, CN− was only adsorbed on CAC, validated by the CN − + O3 → CNO− + O2 [12]
fact that the CNO− concentration in solution was negligible;
this process reached an equilibrium condition after 6 to 9 h, as
a function of the [CN− ]o . In the second process, the removal of
CN− from the solution was further promoted by the presence
of CAC carbon that promoted the oxidation of CN− to CNO− , 1400
which was experimentally validated by the gradual increase of [CN-]o (mg/L)
1200 Triangles 1200
CNO− concentration in the solution. Squares 400
These results were in line with other studies conducted 1000 Circles 100
with different adsorbates, which have also suggested that
[CN-], mg/L

the linear reduction of the adsorbate concentration in an 800

adsorption process could be associated with the decom-
position of the adsorbate by chemical reaction (oxidation)
(Adhoum and Monser 2002; Deveci et al. 2006). Moreover, 400
results of this work showed that the CN− oxidation process
became relevant only after the adsorption process saturated 200
the surface sites of AC; it could also be suggested that the 0
oxidizing atmosphere prevailing in the system modified the 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
CAC surface group distribution in such a way that either, the Time, h
resulting surface group distribution favors the surface oxida-
FIGURE 3. Transient experiment of CN− oxidation under an O3
tion of CN, or has the sites required to promote the formation
atmosphere, with 1 g of CAC (full symbols) and without CAC (open
of the precursors (oxidizing species) required for liquid phase symbols), at various [CN− ]o .

Ozonation of Cyanide Catalyzed by Activated Carbon May–June 2015 245

According to Equation [12], the expected molar ratio of CNO− production rate (as given by the slope of the experi-
O3 /CN− is 1 (mass ratio = 1.85), and the molar ratio of mental data curves) was practically observed for experiments
CNO− /CN− is 1 (mass ratio = 1.615). Both molar and with [CN− ]o of 100, 400, and 1200 mg/L. For these exper-
mass ratios were experimentally verified in this work. The iments, the average experimental mass ratio of CNO− /CN−
amount of O3 consumed in a given experiment was deter- was 1.592; this ratio was in close agreement with the value
mined by quantifying the O3 concentration at the reactor’s predicted by Equation [12].
outlet and subtracting the O3 concentration at the reactor’s In further detail, once that all CN− had been decom-
inlet. The experimental O3 /CN− mass ratios were 1.89, 1.89, posed, Figure 4 shows that further treatment of the solution
and 1.65 gO3 /gCN− , for experiments with [CN− ]o of 100, with O3 led to CNO− decomposition, as it was clearly
400, and 1200 mg/L, respectively. In this way, the O3 /CN− observed in experiments with [CN− ]o of 100 and 400 mg/L.
ratio was fulfilled in each experiment given the fact that the According to the literature, products of CNO− decomposi-
higher deviation with respect to the stoichiometric ratio was tion include ammonia and carbonates (Kumar and Bose 2005;
10%, for the experiment of [CN− ]o of 1200 mg/L. Somboonchai et al. 2008), which were not monitored in this
On the other hand, Figure 4 shows the CNO− concentra- study.
tion as a function of time for the experiments before indicated. These results confirmed that, under the conditions used
It was clear that there was a linear increase of CNO− concen- in this study, all CN− in solution was oxidized to CNO−
tration as CN− was being decomposed. Notoriously, the same by O3 ; in addition, the results qualitatively suggested that
CN− oxidation was faster than CNO− oxidation. Furthermore,
in agreement with the literature, a zero-order reaction was
Downloaded by [Marco Sanchez-Castillo] at 18:15 13 May 2015

2500 postulated to describe the rate of CN− oxidation by O3 , fol-

[CN-]o (mg/L) lowing a kinetic analysis similar to that shown in the previous
Triangles 1200 section. The corresponding rate constants, determined by an
2000 Squares 400
Circles 100
adequate linear fitting of the experimental data, were reported
in Table 3. Importantly, the rate constants were practically the
same (194, 195.1, and 212.2 mg L−1 h−1 ) for the experiments
[CNO-], mg/L

conducted with different [CN− ]o (100, 400, and 1200 mg/L,
respectively), confirming a zero order kinetic for ozonation of
1000 CN− in aqueous solution.
On the other hand, Figure 3 also displays that the removal
500 of CN− on CAC under an O3 atmosphere showed the trend
previously described for experiments carried out in the pres-
ence of air and pure oxygen, that is, two clearly different
0 regions were found as it was evidenced by the CN− con-
0 2 4 6
centration profile. First, at the beginning of the process,
Time, h
CN− concentration decreased up to an adsorption equilib-
FIGURE 4. CNO production as a function of time under an O3 rium condition was reached on the CAC surface. Then, a
atmosphere, with 1 g of CAC (full symbols) and without CAC (open linear decrease of CN− concentration in the solution was
symbols), at various [CN− ]o . observed; as indicated above, this stage is associated to the

TABLE 3. Experimental Conditions and Apparent Rate Constants (Zero-Order Reaction) for the Ozonation of CN−

[CN− ]0 (mg/L) CA mass (g) O3 mass flow rate (mg/min) k(mg L−1 h−1 ) R2
100 1 0 0.240 0.987
400 1 0 0.383 0.965
1200 1 0 0.595 0.974
100 0 2.40 194.017 0.976
400 0 2.63 195.109 0.995
1200 0 2.10 212.157 0.997
100 1 2.11 198.56 0.972
400 1 2.58 253.36 0.987
1200 1 2.06 333.48 0.991
1200 0 0.21 26.96 0.977
1200 1 0.29 56.36 0.999
1200 1.5 0.36 91.24 0.999

246 M.A. Sánchez-Castillo et al. May–June 2015

oxidation of CN− to CNO− . For the experiment with a [CN− ]o experiments, even when CN− was still present. This could
of 1200 mg/L, the adsorption equilibrium conditions was suggest that the residence time of O3 in the reactor was very
reached around 1 h. short, not having enough contact time to promote the oxi-
The time required to reach this equilibrium condition dation reaction in liquid phase (Equation [12]). In addition,
decreased as a function of the [CN− ]o , and it was almost the experimental O3 /CN− mass ratios were 1.94, 2.17, and
negligible for the case of the experiment with a [CN− ]o of 1.78 gO3 /gCN− , for experiments with [CN− ]o of 100, 400,
100 mg/L. Figure 3 also indicated that a higher [CN− ]o pro- and 1200 mg/L, respectively. These ratios were calculated
moted a larger extent of CN− adsorption on CAC. Given the with the data collected when CN− was totally consumed;
fact that the size of the CN− species is very small as compared therefore no secondary reactions could be associated to the
to the CAC pore size (by order of magnitude), no diffusional slightly higher O3 consumption found for these experiments.
limitations should be expected for CN− . In addition, consid- Previous studies (Barriga et al. 2006; Somboonchai et al.
ering that the same load of catalyst was used (1 g) and that the 2008) have suggested that O3 consumption scales with the
adsorption equilibrium condition was reached at longer times amount of O3 fed to the reactor. However, this might not be
for experiments with higher [CN− ]o , it could be suggested that case in our experiments because the concentration of O3 fed
these experiments favored a higher “local” CN− concentration to the reactor was practically constant in all experiments.
in the catalyst pores that, in turn, promoted a larger extent of
the CN− adsorption process.
It is important to indicate that for experiments with [CN− ]o Effect of CAC Load and O3 Feed Concentration
larger than 100 mg/L there was a beneficial (synergetic) effect The effect of the catalyst load or catalyst external area on
Downloaded by [Marco Sanchez-Castillo] at 18:15 13 May 2015

when using CAC and O3 , as compared when only O3 was CN− ozonation was evaluated in a set of experiments con-
used. This synergetic effect was evident because a shorter ducted with a [CN− ]o of 1200 mg/L, and an average O3 mass
treatment time was required to remove a given CN− amount. flow rate in the feed of 0.29 mg/min. This O3 mass flow rate
For the experiment with [CN− ]o = 400 mg/L, the time was 10 times smaller than that used in the previous experi-
required for total CN− removal was reduced by 0.5 h (from ments, to have a limited amount of O3 in the feed and, thus, to
2 to 1.5); for the experiment with an [CN− ]o = 1200 mg/L, the facilitate the observation of the effect of CAC load. The exper-
time for total CN− removal was reduced by 2 h (from 5.5 to iments were conducted with 0, 1.0 and 1.5 g of CAC. Figure 5
3.5 h). In addition, it should be pointed out for the second clearly shows that a higher amount of CAC promoted higher
stage of the process, the rate of CN− removal from the solu- rates of CN− removal. For instance, in the experiment with
tion, estimated from the slopes of the corresponding kinetic 1.5 g of CAC the total amount of CN− was oxidized in 12 h;
data curves, was different for the corresponding experiments at this treatment or reaction time, only ∼60 and ∼30% of CN−
without CAC. This difference is important because it may sug- had been oxidized when using 1 and 0 g of CA, respectively.
gest that the rate and maybe the mechanism of CN− oxidation As expected, Figure 5 displays that the experiment without
process were different in each experiment. CAC (i.e., 0 g) did not show a CN− adsorption stage; the data
Figure 4 also shows the CNO− concentration as a func- displayed correspond to the oxidation (ozonation) of CN− in
tion of treatment time for the experiments with 1 g of CAC. liquid phase.
Similar to the experiments without CAC, there was a linear In the experiment with 1 g of CAC, the CN− concen-
increase of CNO− concentration as CN− was being decom- tration profile evidenced the occurrence of the two stages
posed. The average experimental mass ratio of CNO− /CN−
for experiments with CAC was 1.59, which was in close agree-
ment (10%) with respect to the stoichiometric value. These
results confirmed that all CN− was oxidized to CNO− by
CA, g
O3 in the presence of CAC. In addition, after all CN− had 1200
been decomposed, further treatment of the solution also led to
1000 1
CNO− decomposition, as it was the case for the experiments
[CN-], mg/L

conducted without CAC. Additionally, for a given treatment 800
time, experiments with CAC showed a larger decomposition
of CNO− due to the fact the CN− is decomposed faster in
the presence of AC, having then more time to promote CNO− 400
decomposition. It is emphasized that Figure 4 shows that the
rate of CNO− formation (as given by the slope of the exper-
imental data) was different for experiments with [CN− ]o of 0
400 and 1200 mg/L; for the latter experiment the rate and 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
the amount of CNO− produced were larger, in qualitative Time, h
agreement with the trends observed for CN− decomposition.
FIGURE 5. Effect of the CAC load in the removal of CN− under
Another important observation was that a given amount an O3 atmosphere.
of O3 was detected at the reactor’s outlet for this series of

Ozonation of Cyanide Catalyzed by Activated Carbon May–June 2015 247

1200 2.5

[CN-]-[CN-]0, mg/L


O3/CN-, mol

400 CA, g
1 [CN-]0, mg/L
200 1 100
1.5 0.5 400
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1200
Time, h 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
FIGURE 6. Zero-order fitting of the kinetic data for CN− oxidation CA, g/L
with O3 and different CAC loads.
FIGURE 7. Experimental mass ratio O3 /CN− ratio as a function
of CAC concentration, during the removal of CN− from aqueous
solutions using CAC and O3 .
Downloaded by [Marco Sanchez-Castillo] at 18:15 13 May 2015

previously described, a CN− adsorption process followed by

a CN− oxidation or ozonation process. Finally, in the exper-
iment with 1.5 g of CAC the CN− concentration profile did became smaller for experiments with [CN− ]o of 400 mg/L,
not show evidence of a CN− adsorption stage, only the CN- and it was almost negligible for experiments with [CN− ]o of
oxidation/ozonation stage; it was assumed that the adsorption 100 mg/L.
stage was not observed probably due to experimental issues, In addition, the experimental data of this set of experiments
but additional experiments with a higher carbon amount might showed that the mass ratio CNO− /CN− was practically equal
be useful to elucidate if a different process is taking place at to the stoichiometric value (1.615). On the other hand, the
short process time. In addition, the evidence of CN− oxida- mass ratio O3 /CN− seemed to be a function of the CAC mass.
tion was a linear increase of CNO− in solution, similar to As a result of various sets of experiments, Figure 7 shows that
that shown in Figure 4; however, no evidence of secondary the experimental mass ratio O3 /CN− decreased from about
reactions was found in these cases because experiments were 2.0 for the experiment with no CAC to about 1.3 for an exper-
stopped before the total consumption of CN− in solution. iment with 8 g/L of CAC. Therefore, as the CAC load was
For each experiment, the kinetic data of the stage when increased in the reaction system, a smaller amount of O3
CN− is oxidized was fitted by a zero order kinetic law was required to oxidize CN− , confirming the catalytic role of
(Equation [12]). Figure 6 shows the fittings for each kinetic CAC.
data set, and the corresponding apparent rate constants are Finally, the effect of O3 feed concentration could be esti-
reported in Table 3. For the experiment without CAC, the mated by comparing experiments with and without CAC.
apparent rate constant was 26.96 mg L−1 h−1 , and it increased For experiments conducted without CAC, a [CN− ]o of
to 56.36 and 91.24 mg L−1 h−1 for experiments with 1 and 1200 mg/L, and an O3 mass flow rate of 0.21 and 2.1 mg/min,
1.5 g of CA, respectively. These results clearly showed the Table 3 shows that the apparent rate constants were 26.96 and
catalytic effect of CAC in the oxidation of CN− with O3 . 212.57 mg L−1 h−1 , respectively. Similarly, for experiments
In addition, the difference in the rates or in the apparent conducted with 1 g of CAC, a [CN− ]o of 1200 mg/L, and
rate constants for experiments with different amount of CAC, an O3 mass flow rate of 0.29 and 2.06 mg/min; Table 3 shows
could be qualitatively explained in terms of the total surface that the apparent rate constants were 56.36 and 333.48 mg L−1
area or the total number of active sites of CAC exposed in h−1 , respectively. These results suggest that in the absence of
the experiment. As the total exposed area increases, a higher CAC, the rate of CN oxidation scaled with the O3 mass flow
number of sites become available to catalyze the oxidation rate. However, when CAC is in the system the use of a rela-
process. tively large amount of O3 was not beneficial. This might have
Noticeably, if the rate constants are normalized by the cat- some economic implications if the application is scaled, and a
alyst load, they are within the experimental uncertainty (less detailed study of the effect of O3 residence time and the hydro-
than 10%). The advantage to have a relatively small O3 mass dynamics involved in the reaction when CAC is used would be
flow rate when evaluating the synergetic effect of CAC could convenient in the future.
be observed in data reported in Table 3. The comparison in
terms of the apparent rate constants for experiments con- Mechanism Considerations
ducted with a 10 times higher O3 mass flow rate and with The CN− adsorption process as well as the sequential CN−
[CN− ]o of 1200 mg/L was not as remarkable; this difference oxidation process identified when CN− is removed from an

248 M.A. Sánchez-Castillo et al. May–June 2015

aqueous solution by using CAC in the presence of O3 , could of the CAC surface sites is required to figure out the nature
be mostly described by the basic ideas discussed in the pre- of some other surface groups that might play a role in the
vious sections, for the case when air or oxygen were used catalytic effect of CAC.
as oxidation agents. Of course, the oxidizing potential of O3 It is important to emphasize that the proposal of a feasible
is significantly higher as compared than that of oxygen and, mechanism for the catalytic oxidation of CN− in the presence
therefore, a notorious enhancement on the rate and extent of oxidizing species (air, O2 , or O3 ) provides a fundamental
of the overall CN− removal process was observed when O3 and helpful framework to explain the nature of advanced oxi-
was flowed to the system. Based on this scenario, it could dation process. In this way we could guide the optimization
be expected that the basic character sites of CAC, such as of the operating conditions for the treatment of contaminated
quinone and pyrone could be oxidized to a larger extent, gen- effluents, the development of new or modified materials, or
erating positively charged sites on the CAC surface. In this the development of new process to improve the efficiency of
condition, the ion- exchange type of CN− adsorption could cyanide removal from mining and metallurgical wastewaters.
be extended by an electrostatic type of CN− adsorption,
increasing the overall extent of this process.
With respect to the CN− oxidation process by O3 , pre- CONCLUSIONS
vious studies conducted without CAC (Barriga et al. 2006;
Somboonchai et al. 2008), showed that O3 could be easily An advanced oxidation process, combining the effects of
decomposed in aqueous solutions, at alkaline pH, to form activated carbon (CAC) and ozone was found to be a very
radicals or active species such as • OH, and O2 − : adequate alternative for the removal of cyanide in aqueous
Downloaded by [Marco Sanchez-Castillo] at 18:15 13 May 2015

solutions. Under the oxidizing conditions used in this work,

O3 + OH − → HO−
2 + O2 [13] the overall cyanide removal process consisted of two main
stages. In the first stage, cyanide was adsorbed on the CAC
until an equilibrium condition was reached; then, cyanide was
O3 + HO− −
2 → OH + O2 + O2

[14] oxidized to cyanate in solution. The extent of the overall
process increased as air, oxygen and ozone were used as oxi-
On the other hand, Beltran et al. (2002), Guiza et al. (2004), dizing agents. At the optimum operating conditions found in
Rivera-Utrilla and Sánchez-Polo (2002), Sánchez-Polo and this study, 1200 mg/mL of cyanide were totally decomposed
Rivera-Utrilla (2003), and Sánchez-Polo et al. (2006) demon- in about 3 h, by using 1 g of CAC and about 2 mgO3 /min.
strated that CAC promotes de decomposition of O3 into • OH The use of larger loads of activated carbon decreased the con-
radicals. Based on these findings, and the experimental results sumption of ozone up to 1.3 mol O3 /CN− , for an experiment
obtained in this work, it could be postulated that oxidation of with 8 g/L of CAC ([CN− ]o = 1200 mg/L, 0.2 mgO3 /min).
CN− by O3 could be described as follows. O3 reacts to oxidize The experimental results were rationalized based on dif-
the surface of CAC and also to form • OH radicals in solution, ferent mechanisms in the literature. It was suggested that
according to the following reaction: oxidizing agents, preferably ozone, modified the basic charac-
ter of CAC surface to generate surface acid sites that improve
2 1 cyanide adsorption; in addition, they also contribute to the
CA − H + O3 + H2 O → • OH + CA − OH + H2 O2
3 2 catalytic generation of highly-reactive oxidizing species in
[15] solution (such as • OH radicals in the case of ozone), which are
responsible for the oxidation of cyanide to cyanate. The find-
The • OH radicals thus formed are responsible for the oxi- ings provide the basis to optimize the removal of cyanide from
dation of CN− to CNO− , in agreement with the following aqueous solution in mining effluents by using the synergetic
reactions (Jans and Hoigné 1998): effect of CAC and ozone.

CN − + • OH → Intermediates → • CN + OH − [16]

CN + OH − −→ CNO− + • HO2 [17] A scholarship from the Mexican Council of Science and
Technology (CONACYT) for one of the authors (FFT) is
The oxidation of the basic surface sites of CAC by O3 appreciated. The experimental work was partially supported
indicated above leads to the formation of surface acid sites. by SEP-CONACYT grants (Ref. 25713 and 61930).
Therefore, if the proposed mechanism is feasible, the PZC of
the CAC at the end of the experiment should be lower than that
before the experiment. This has been preliminary confirmed REFERENCES
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