Learning Journal Unit 1

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Learning Journal Unit 1

This first week of CS1102: Programming I marked the start of my second term at the
University of the People. Last term, I started my studies with CS1101: Programming
fundamentals and the language that was introduced to us was Python. We saw the importance of
high language programming and the various things we could accomplish using this language
such as mathematical equations, debugging and fundamental concepts in computer
programming. I got to understand python’s environment and structure and by the end of the
course, I was left wanting to learn more and very excited about what will come next in my
programming journey at the University of the People.

This term, we got introduced to a new language called Java. Java is very popular among
both programmers and non-programmers. This week, we started learning about the mental
landscape which includes object oriented programming, java virtual machine etc. and the names
and things. Names and things are about the programming environment, variables, types,
subroutines, expressions, and text input and output. So far, I can say that I am very optimistic
about learning more concerning Java.

This week’s discussion assignment made me to understand more about the syntax and
semantic of a programming language, I know that there are some important rules I have to follow
and I should be very careful with the upper and lower case letters. I have also received good
feedbacks from my peers concerning my discussion post. There are so many functions in java
and I wonder if and I wonder if I will be able to know them all, I am well aware that I will learn
those functions as weeks passes, but I also know that without the syntax, semantics, functions
and experience all together, it will be difficult for a person to write good codes because all these
skills are needed in other to improve. I really wish that I can further my knowledge as the course
progress and be able to successfully master as much functions as I can.

Since programming language is a language like any other, I want to be able to fully
express myself while coding and create or reproduce exactly what my mind is set to do. I wish to
understand and fully speak Java programming Language. With all the skills that I am gaining, I
would like to be able to start writing important codes and create useful applications using GUI.

For this week’s programming assignment, we had to write some codes with the
guidelines that allow us to enter a message in a dialog box and then, the same message is
displayed again but with capitalized letters. I think I did well for this assignment and I also
learned how to write a code that allows me to display and enter a message using a dialog box.
Apart from that, I have learned a few other things during this week and I hope to learn more as
the week progress.
Looking forward to learning and gaining more skills in Programming I 

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