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Evidence for interpersonal violence in the

St. Césaire Neanderthal

Christoph P. E. Zollikofer*†, Marcia S. Ponce de León*, Bernard Vandermeersch‡, and François Lévêque§
*Anthropological Institute and MultiMedia Laboratory兾Department of Computer Science, University of Zürich, 8057 Zürich, Switzerland; ‡Laboratoire
d’Anthropologie, Université de Bordeaux I, 33405 Talence, France; and §Résidence Charles Perrault, 3, Rue de Provence, 86000 Poitiers, France

Communicated by Erik Trinkaus, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, February 26, 2002 (received for review December 1, 2001)

The St. Césaire 1 Neanderthal skeleton of a young adult individual derive from a spatially confined area with a diameter of no more
is unique in its association with Châtelperronian artifacts from a than 70 cm (1). The excavation yielded no signs of a burial pit;
level dated to ca. 36,000 years ago. Computer-tomographic imag- yet the local inhomogeneity in the distribution of rocks and
ing and computer-assisted reconstruction of the skull revealed a implements at the spot where the skeleton was found, as well as
healed fracture in the cranial vault. When paleopathological and its association with Dentalium shells (10), may be indicative of an
forensic diagnostic standards are applied, the bony scar bears intentional burial (11). The postcranium is represented by
direct evidence for the impact of a sharp implement, which was fragments of the axial skeleton and the limb bones, some of
presumably directed toward the individual during an act of inter- which were found in anatomical connection. The skull was lying
personal violence. These findings add to the evidence that Nean- on its right side, with the upper and lower jaws in anatomical
derthals used implements not only for hunting and food process- association. Most of the preserved cranial structures come from
ing, but also in other behavioral contexts. It is hypothesized that the right side and comprise the mandible and maxillae (up to the
the high intra-group damage potential inherent to weapons might left lateral incisors), the face, and the right anterolateral region
have represented a major factor during the evolution of hominid
of the braincase. The internal lamina of the cranial vault bones
social behavior.
is partially eroded, and with the exception of several isolated
teeth, the left cranial half is missing (Fig. 1). Deterioration and
Châtelperronian 兩 paleopathology 兩 tool use 兩 trauma 兩 computer
loss of these elements is probably because of temporary exposure
and weathering of the upper layers of the sediment in which the
fossil was embedded (1).
T he St. Césaire 1 Neanderthal partial skeleton was discovered
in 1979 at the site of La Roche à Pierrot (near the village of
St. Césaire, Charente Maritime, France), a collapsed rock shelter
The physical reconstruction of the fragmented right hemi-
mandible and skull was performed by one of us (B.V.) and
revealed taphonomic deformation of the face relative to the
comprising a sequence of Mousterian, Châtelperronian, and braincase, resulting in an everted position of the cranial vault
Aurignacian deposits (1). The skeleton was recovered from level relative to the midplane of the skull. As an effect of the general
EJ0P (1), which contains a Châtelperronian assemblage ther- flattening of the cranial morphology, the anatomical connec-
moluminescence-dated to ⬇36,000 years ago (2, 3). This ensem-
tions between larger reconstructed pieces remained inconclu-
ble represented the first direct evidence for the association of
sive. Among these was an apical vault fragment representing
Neanderthals with Châtelperronian implements. Together with
substantial portions of the right frontal and parietal bones joined
a similar association from the site of Arcy-sur-Cure (4), these
finds spurred an intense and ongoing debate over the evolution- along the coronal suture. This fragment is delimited by post-
ary, paleodemographic, and cultural relationships between local mortem fractures on its anterior, posterior, and lateral sides (Fig.
Neanderthal populations and the early modern human (EMH) 1). The medial margin, however, exhibits a smooth border, which
newcomers during the early Upper Paleolithic in Europe. extends in an anteroposterior direction across the coronal suture
The St. Césaire 1 skeleton is fragmented and partially eroded, and was initially interpreted as representing the partially fused
but the reconstructed craniomandibular and long bone diaphy- sagittal (interparietal) and metopic (interfrontal) sutures.
seal morphology permitted significant inferences regarding the To correct the taphonomic deformation of the skull and
phyletic status and behavioral specializations of this individual. re-assess the anatomical position of this piece, we performed a
The craniomandibular morphology of the specimen largely computerized reconstruction of the skull. Virtual reconstruction
corresponds to the ‘‘classical’’ Neanderthal type (5). Tooth was indispensable because the brittleness of the original fossil
microwear analysis suggests a meat-rich diet comparable to that material prevented physical disassembly and manipulation of the
of earlier Neanderthals and modern hunting societies (6). The specimen. Following three-dimensional data acquisition with
morphology of the well-preserved right femoral shaft indicates computer tomography (CT), all fragments were isolated elec-
Neanderthal-type hyperarctic body proportions, but cross- tronically from filling material and then recomposed on the
sectional biomechanical analysis suggests locomotor patterns computer screen, according to procedures and criteria described
closer to those of EMH than of classic Neanderthals (7). in ref. 12 (a detailed account of the new reconstruction will be
Here we report on recently discovered paleopathological given elsewhere). One result was that the medial border of the
aspects of the morphology of the fossil. During computer- isolated cranial vault piece clearly does not correspond to the
assisted reconstruction of the skull, we detected a healed frac- midsagittal plane of the skull (Fig. 1), nor does it represent
ture in the cranial vault. When paleopathological diagnostic normal cranial anatomy at its true position lateral of the
standards (8, 9) are applied, this bony scar bears direct evidence midsagittal plane.
for the impact of a sharp implement, which may have been We established a differential diagnostic scheme, according to
directed toward the individual during an act of interpersonal which this unusual morphology, its underlying causes, and
violence. We discuss the possible behavioral context of this
evidence and its implications for hominid behavior during the
Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition in Europe. Abbreviations: EMH, early modern human(s); CT, computer tomography.
†To whom reprint requests should be addressed. E-mail:
Materials and Methods
The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This
The St. Césaire skeletal remains belong to a young adult, possibly article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C.
male, individual. All preserved cranial and postcranial elements §1734 solely to indicate this fact.

6444 – 6448 兩 PNAS 兩 April 30, 2002 兩 vol. 99 兩 no. 9 www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.082111899

margin (Fig. 1) exclude that it represents parts of the interpa-
rietal and a supposed metopic suture. On the other hand, a
presumed suture in parasagittal position would imply the exis-
tence of a large persisting fontanelle or a bregmatic ossicle (15).
However, the fairly straight margin does not correspond to a
border around a fontanelle or a suture around a bregmatic
ossicle. Furthermore, the cross-sectional structure of the bone
clearly differs from that of an interosseous suture, which exhibits
a corrugated border with less dense cortical bone than the border
of a healed wound (Fig. 3). The most probable cause of the
observed morphology is therefore bone regeneration following
a lesion, a scenario that is corroborated by the close match of the
cross-sectional morphology of the St. Césaire fragment (Fig. 3a)
with that of comparative specimens exhibiting healed trepana-
tions and scars (Fig. 3 b, e, and f ).
In a next step, we analyzed the morphology of the injury with
the aim to infer the proximate mechanical causes of the lesion
and to reconstruct its posttraumatic history. As evidenced by the
nearly straight border of the scar, the individual most probably
suffered a lesion from a blade-shaped object. The resulting slash
in the cranial vault is preserved on its right (lateral) side over a
length of 68 mm; it was probably slightly longer in vivo. The left
(medial) side of the groove was lost during fossilization. Judging
from the degree of bone remodeling along the margin, the injury

reached its greatest depth near the coronal suture, correspond-
ing to the presumed primary site of impact. Toward the anterior
and posterior ends, the groove tapers off. This morphology most
closely matches the pattern of direct, sharp trauma. Under these
biomechanical conditions, the high but localized stresses caused
by the impacting object lead to puncturing兾cutting of the scalp
and the external lamina of the bone, comminution of the diploë,
and separation兾displacement of bone fragments from the in-
ternal lamina (9). The St. Césaire specimen in fact bears
evidence that at the primary site of the impact the internal
lamina was fractured and parts of it were dislocated whereas,
toward the periphery of the slash, it was only partially severed
Fig. 1. Computerized reconstruction of the St. Césaire 1 Neanderthal skull (Figs. 1 and 2). The interpretation of the slash as a linear
(mirror-imaged completed parts are transparent) showing the bony scar in the fracture resulting from blunt trauma is a less likely scenario
right apical cranial vault. The skull is seen from the direction in which the because the compressive forces induced by blunt objects lead
hypothetical blow was exerted. Arrows indicate the anteroposterior (a and p) to nonlocal deformation of the cranial vault, typically resulting
extent of the preserved lateral border of the injury (c, coronal suture; b,
in multiple radial and tangential fractures around the center of
bregma; *, location of the coronal cross section through the injury (see Fig. 2b);
ⴛ, location of the parasagittal cross section through the coronal suture (see
impact (9, 16).
Fig. 3c); the dotted line indicates the reconstructed position of the midsagittal Comparison with an archeological specimen exhibiting a
plane of the cranial vault). Note oblique, off-midline position of the scar. healed slash on the frontal bone permits further inferences
(Scale bar ⫽ 5 cm.) regarding the severity of the injury and the subsequent healing
process (Fig. 2). Given the moderate depth of the St. Césaire
scar, it appears that the lesion was relatively mild. Cross-sectional
behavioral context could be studied at increasing levels of detail CT images (Figs. 2 and 3) show that the injured region was
(Table 1). For the comparative analysis of the external and extensively remodeled during lifetime; the severed external
internal structure of the bone, we used a sample of adult lamina was smoothed out by bone resorption and deposition, and
specimens comprising (i) an archeological specimen exhibiting a the dislocated parts of the internal lamina were fixated, probably
healed slash resulting from sharp trauma to the cranial vault through formation of connective tissue in the diploic region. The
(13), (ii) three specimens with healed trepanations [one neolithic external and cross-sectional morphology of the injured region
(14) and two modern skulls], and (iii) four specimens exhibiting does not show any signs of post-traumatic infection (e.g., peri-
metopic sutures and兾or persisting fontanelles. ostitis or osteomyelitis), and the degree of healing is relatively
advanced. Considering that bone healing is visible only 2–3
Paleopathology weeks after a traumatic event (9), it can be concluded that the
The medial border of the cranial vault fragment of the St. Césaire individual survived the injury for at least some months, such that
Neanderthal deviates in its external and internal structure from a direct causal connection between the trauma and the individ-
both postmortem fractures and interosseous sutures. The exter- ual’s death is unlikely.
nal lamina of the bone is rounded off toward the medial margin,
and the diploic region is covered with cortical bone (Fig. 2). This Behavioral Context
morphology is characteristic of in vivo apposition of bone matrix By using forensic criteria originally developed for trauma anal-
and excludes postmortem abrasion and erosion as potential ysis in extant and archeological populations (9), it is possible to
mechanisms. Bone apposition at structural boundaries may conceive of various scenarios under which the St. Césaire injury
occur under two different circumstances: normal periosteal could have occurred, assess their relative likelihood, and discuss
growth in sutural tissue and bone regeneration following an their behavioral and motivational implications. The anteropos-
injury. The off-axis position and oblique orientation of the terior orientation of the slash as well as its apical position are

Zollikofer et al. PNAS 兩 April 30, 2002 兩 vol. 99 兩 no. 9 兩 6445

Table 1. Differential diagnostic scheme for trauma analysis in fossil hominids
Criterion* Range of possible alternatives

Paleopathology, proximate causes

Incident In vivo • Postmortem
Etiology Trauma • Pathology
Epigenetic variant
Type of trauma Direct • Indirect
Type of lesion Penetrating, sharp • Blunt
Severity of trauma Mild • Fatal
Post-traumatic Complete healing • Chronic impairment
Object causing lesion Implement • Natural object
Implement type Stone ? Wood
Forensics, ultimate causes
Behavioral context Intentional • Accidental
Motivation Aggression • Ritual
Action Casual (short-term) • Premeditated (long-term)
Actor Opponent • Self-infliction
Social context Intragroup • Intergroup (intra-兾interspecific)
Recovery Autonomous • Supported (nursing)

The position of the • represents the inferred status of St. Césaire between alternatives.
*Compiled after refs. 8, 9, 16, 18, and 19.

indicative of a blow or a thrust exerted against the individual forensic evidence suggests that accidental trauma typically af-
from the front or from behind, assuming that the individual was fects the sides of the cranial vault, as opposed to the apical
in an upright position. These spatial relationships indicate an location of intentional injuries (16).
intentional action, effected with an implement rather than a Inferences regarding the nature of the implement, the agents
natural object. Accidental injury, such as falling onto a sharp causing the lesion, and the behavioral context must remain
edge, a rockfall, or an unintentional blow, such as resulting from tentative. From a mechanical point of view, the severity of sharp
a hunting incident, are less likely explanations; comparative trauma depends on the mass, impact velocity, and incisiveness of
the weapon. The wide range of possible combinations of these

Fig. 2. Anatomy of a blow. (a) Mediolateral view of the right border of the
St. Césaire 1 cranial vault injury (same symbols as in Fig. 1: a and p, anterior and
posterior delimitations of the scar, c, position of the coronal suture, and *,
location of the cross section in b. The drawing indicates areas of bone Fig. 3. Comparative cross-sectional morphology of bone injuries and su-
remodeling (gray) and areas affected by postmortem fracturing (hatched). (b tures. (a and b) Healed scars of St. Césaire 1 and a medieval specimen (same
and c) Comparative morphology of the injured vault bones in St. Césaire 1 (b) coronal sections as in Fig. 2 b and c). (c) St. Césaire 1 coronal suture (parasag-
and a specimen from a medieval graveyard (13) exhibiting a healed scar ittal section through ⴛ in Fig. 1). (d) Metopic suture in a recent specimen
resulting from sharp trauma on the left frontal bone (c) (both specimens in (coronal section). (e) Large occipital trepanation during early phases of heal-
anteroposterior view, coronal cross sections); the CT sections show bone ing [Ensisheim skull (14), coronal section]. ( f ) Healed occipital trepanation in
remodeling at the margin of the injured external lamina (*) and a space (‚) a recent specimen (coronal section). Note apposition of dense cortical bone at
between the dislocated internal lamina and the diploë, probably filled by the injured borders, resulting in a smooth contour, as opposed to the less
connective tissue. (Scale bar ⫽ 5 cm.) dense and corrugated aspect of the sutural borders. (Scale bar ⫽ 5 cm.)

6446 兩 www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.082111899 Zollikofer et al.

parameters encompasses a correspondingly wide spectrum of lesions (21, 24), it is worth noting that immature specimens of
implements that might have been used to inflict the wound. For Neanderthals [Devil’s Tower and Le Moustier (25, 26) and EMH
example, the Châtelperronian stone tools recovered from the (Qafzeh 11)] also bear evidence for craniofacial trauma. The
site of St. Césaire are relatively small and exhibit retouched, elevated frequency of trauma might therefore reflect not only a
blunt edges. To attain the kinetic energy necessary to penetrate high risk of injury during close-quarter hunting of medium to
bone, considerable acceleration, probably through hafting (17), large-sized game (21), but a physically demanding and stressful
would have been essential. Implications regarding the nature of life from early ontogenetic stages (27, 28).
the weaponry are complicated by the fact that the function of Against this comparative background, the dearth of direct
Châtelperronian implements is poorly understood and the pre- evidence for tool involvement in fossil hominid trauma may be
served stone industry probably represents a small fraction of the interpreted in two different ways. On one hand, it may reflect a
actual in vivo spectrum of available tools. low in vivo frequency of intentional or accidental tool-inflicted
Comparative evidence from historical populations suggests injuries relative to other types of trauma. It also may reflect the
that interpersonal conflict behavior resulting in cranial vault limits of paleopathological diagnosis; in a fossil, a lesion induced
fractures is relatively frequent (18, 19). Given the characteristic by an implement can be recognized only if evidence of healing
apical location of the injury in St. Césaire, direct interaction with is still present postmortem and the morphology of the scar
another individual is the most parsimonious scenario. Theoret- permits inferences regarding the responsible weapon. The prob-
ically, the injury may have resulted from intragroup, intergroup, ability of detecting such injuries is further reduced through the
or even interspecific conflict behavior. The first scenario is the effects of diagenesis, which tends to degrade the paleopatho-
most likely one because in socially organized species the vast logical evidence (9). Following this line of argument, a relevant
majority of interpersonal interactions occur at the within-group proportion of the nondiagnostic injuries may represent tool-
level (20). Population densities were low during the Late Pleis- induced trauma and兾or may be seen in the context of interper-
tocene, such that mutual avoidance during the rare encounters sonal violence rather than accident.
between different groups (both intra- and interspecific) might Data from nonhuman primates indicate that interpersonal
have represented the optimum strategy for the resolution of violence within social networks represents a major cause of

potential conflict (21). Nevertheless, it must be considered that trauma. For example, in the Gombe chimpanzees more than
patchy resource distribution might have induced temporary one-half of the observed skeletal lesions are fractures and bite
between-group competition. wounds resulting from intragroup violence (24), and several
Another aspect that requires consideration is the motivational cases of fatal outcome of intragroup clashes have been reported
background of the conflict in which the St. Césaire Neanderthal in both wild and captive chimpanzee groups (29). A question
was involved. Motivations may range from a premeditated arises whether there is evidence of tool use in interpersonal
assault to a brief argument emerging from a temporary conflict conflict situations in nonhuman primates. The cultural variabil-
between individuals, such as over social status, access to poten- ity and contextual diversity of tool production and use have been
tial mates, or intragroup resources. Overall, a likely scenario for studied extensively in various primate communities (30–32),
the interpersonal violence in St. Césaire is intragroup tempers revealing a general behavioral basis to aim objects, but not tools,
with available ‘‘weaponry.’’ The immediate effects of the trauma toward conspecifics in the context of conflict behavior. However,
were probably serious, implying heavy bleeding, cerebral com- although object-throwing to intimidate group members is fairly
motion, and temporary impairment. Although it is possible that common (30, 33), the purposeful and directed use of tools
the individual sustained these adverse effects autonomously, it designed for a distinct function during acts of interpersonal
can be assumed that it had benefited at least to some extent from violence has not been reported. On the basis of the currently
initial intragroup assistance. available evidence, it appears therefore that hominids differ
from nonhuman primates in their ability to produce and use tools
Discussion in an expanded, multifunctional context, including conflict be-
The St. Césaire cranial injury adds to the extremely small sample havior. Accordingly, the St. Césaire 1 and Shanidar 3 wounds
of specimens bearing direct evidence that Neanderthals used indicate that Neanderthals transformed a ‘‘tool’’ into a ‘‘weap-
implements during acts of interpersonal violence. The only other on’’; in other words, they used an implement in a functional
clearly documented example, probably older than 50,000 years, context which differed from that for which it was originally
comes from the Shanidar 3 Neanderthal. This specimen exhibits designed.
a slash in the superior margin of the ninth left rib, resulting from The cognitive ability to use tools multifunctionally was most
a penetrating implement, which remained stuck between neigh- probably acquired earlier during hominid evolution. Direct
boring ribs until the individual’s death, but which was lost evidence for this hypothesis is scant, but it appears that the
postmortem (22, 23). These rare cases of tool-mediated wounds cognitive capacities and technical skills of early hominids are
must be interpreted in an evolutionary, behavioral, and cultural typically underestimated because relatively little is known about
context, using comparative data on trauma in Neanderthals and the in vivo level of complexity of tool production and utilization.
fossil EMH, as well as modern evidence on the relationship Nevertheless, evidence for hafting of Mousterian stone imple-
among trauma, interpersonal violence, and tool use in human ments with heat-processed bitumen (17, 34) and for the use of
and nonhuman primates. aerodynamically designed wooden hunting spears (35) suggest
Neanderthals were shown to differ from fossil and extant that the variety, effectiveness, and material sophistication of
EMH populations in both the frequency and pattern of skeletal Middle and Late Pleistocene implements, and therefore of their
injury: The overall incidence of trauma was comparatively high utilization, was considerable. The intentional use of implements
and concentrated to the head and neck (21). Differences in in the context of intragroup conflict must have had a major
pattern of trauma between Neanderthals and the EMH from the impact during hominid evolution because the availability of
Upper Paleolithic have not yet been investigated systematically, highly effective hunting and兾or food-processing tools in inter-
but it appears that the overall frequency of trauma was lower in personal conflict created a new and considerable potential for
the EMH populations, whereas the proportion of head and neck intragroup damage, a potential that required specific behavioral
injuries was probably as elevated as in the Neanderthals (E. adjustments with which to cope. Intragroup aggression in pri-
Trinkaus, personal communication). Taking into account that mate societies must be understood as one specific behavioral
injuries tend to accumulate over an individual’s lifetime, such option in a complex network of social interactions, which is
that older individuals typically exhibit a greater number of typically balanced by active reconciliatory behavior (20) and兾or

Zollikofer et al. PNAS 兩 April 30, 2002 兩 vol. 99 兩 no. 9 兩 6447

the minimization of social interactions under crowding notably the evidence of burial and a hypothetical case of cranial
conditions (36). vault deformation (41).
If we adhere to the hypothesis that the St. Césaire individual
was injured in an act of intragroup violence and was later assisted Conclusions
to some extent during healing, this fossil lesion sheds light on To reconstruct the causes and consequences of the traumatic
both the disruptive兾deleterious and integrative兾supportive as- event that affected the St. Césaire individual, we followed a
pects of Neanderthal behavior. This fits well into the picture that maximum-likelihood approach based on comparative fossil and
Neanderthals were capable of sustaining severely impaired actualistic data. We come to the conclusion that the cranial
individuals over extended periods of time (21), and that this injury was inflicted with a tool during an act of intragroup
behavioral competence was already present in the Middle Pleis- interpersonal violence. In a wider context, we suggest that the
tocene (37). We must therefore conceive that Neanderthals, basic behavioral and cognitive abilities to use implements during
depending on the context, inflicted wounds to conspecifics and interpersonal conflict were probably already present early during
nursed the injured, using aggressive and integrative behavioral hominid evolution and may represent a significant aspect of the
elements as tools in a network of social interactions. Within this evolution of social tool use. Accordingly, it can be assumed that
basic hominid pattern of behavior, implements probably played in this specific respect, no major ‘‘transition’’ from Neanderthal-
a crucial role because of their high effectiveness in interpersonal specific to EMH-specific behavioral patterns during the early
violence and because they represented an additional level of Upper Paleolithic took place. This process most likely went
complexity of social interactions. across species and was eminently patterned, both spatially and
The difficulty to infer an indisputable behavioral context from temporally. Although genetic, developmental, and morpholog-
the observed skeletal traumatic alterations is therefore not only
ical data suggest that Neanderthals and EMH are separated at
because of the limitations of paleodiagnosis but also may be
the species level (42–44), their ways to balance between aggres-
indicative of the behavioral polyvalence of tool use in Neander-
sive and cooperative tool-mediated behavioral patterns were
thals. Accordingly, the links among form, purpose, and effective
largely similar.
function of a tool might have been relatively loose. The most
prominent behavioral context of Neanderthal tool use directed
This study has greatly benefited from discussions with E. Trinkaus, T.
toward conspecifics is cannibalism, for which evidence has been
Böhni, R. Majcen, C. van Schaik, J. Zilhão, H. Thieme, and M. Schultz,
advanced since the early days of Neanderthal research (38). as well as from the comments and suggestions of three anonymous
However, even the clearest evidence for butchering of conspe- reviewers. The constant support of P. Stucki is gratefully acknowledged.
cifics from the site of Moula-Guercy (39, 40) ultimately remains We thank K. Alt, U. Bochsler, and Ch. Lanz for kindly providing the
unresolved in terms of its behavioral and motivational context. archeological specimens. We also thank Gea Bijl for technical assistance
Implications that Neanderthal tool use was far more sophisti- during CT scanning of the comparative sample. This work was supported
cated than generally assumed also comes from other sources, by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

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