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Professor: José Julián Cano Gómez Group: 002

Course: Separation Processes and Lab Period:.

Student outcome: (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
b.4. Using the theoretical concepts of chemical engineering for the interpretation of experimental results and their correlation with the
study terms.
Student outcome: (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
i.1. Identify areas of knowledge to complement their training.
Student outcome: (d) an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
d.3. Assume different roles in their participation in a team.
Student outcome: (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
e.1. Analyze a case of chemical engineering to detect underlying problems.

Measuring Report ABET’s PI Very well Good Minimum Not

instrument code 100-90 89-70 69-50 Satisfactory
Obtains a correct Obtains a correct Obtains a partial Obtains an
Design of Final b.4. conclusion by analyze, conclusion by conclusion by incorrect
Chemical Report compare, and interpret compare and compare and conclusion by
Process experimental data of interpret interpret compare and
drying, specifying experimental data of experimental data interpret
possible correlations drying, specifying of drying, experimental
among the variables possible correlations specifying possible data of drying.
and generates among the variables correlations among
recommendations to and without the variables and
the studied system. generating without generating
recommendations to recommendations
the studied system. to the studied

Design of Final i.1. The student fulfills the The student fulfills The student fulfills The student
Chemical Report job assigned by the the job assigned by the job assigned by doesn’t fulfills
Process facilitator of the facilitator of the facilitator of the job assigned
knowledge in the knowledge in the knowledge by the facilitator.
design of columns of design of columns of (teacher).
distillation and distillation and
absorption. absorption.
Doesn’t deepen the
Deepen the jobs jobs assigned and
Deepen the jobs assigned by for that reason
assigned by enriching enriching these with doesn’t give
these with alternative alternative alternative
propositions. Takes as propositions. Takes propositions. Takes
start point knowledge as start point as start point
and abilities gained in knowledge and knowledge and
the course such as abilities gained in the abilities gained in
thermodynamic of the course such as the course such as
processes and of the thermodynamic of thermodynamic of
equilibrium. the processes and of the processes and of
the equilibrium. the equilibrium.
Is capable of defend his
propositions in a clear However, is not Is not capable of
and congruent way. capable of defend his defend his
propositions in a propositions in a
clear and congruent clear and congruent
way. way.

Design of Final d.3. Each member of the Each member of the The member of the The member of
Chemical Report team fulfills with every team fulfills with team fulfills with a the team doesn’t
Process role assigned in the every role assigned minimum of roles fulfills with a
exposition of the in the exposition of assigned in the minimum of
project of distillation the project of exposition of the roles assigned in
and absorption and all distillation and project of the exposition of
the responsibilities of absorption and most distillation and the project of
each role. of the responsibilities absorption and with distillation and
of each role. some of the absorption nor is
responsibilities of responsible for
each role. the functions of
each role

Design of Final e.1. Recognizes correctly Recognizes areas of Recognizes areas of Doesn’t make
Chemical Report areas of improvement improvement in the improvement in the the necessary
Process in the design in the set design in the set with design in the set studies for the
with distiller and distiller and absorber with distiller and design in
absorber to develop to develop absorber to develop conjunction with
sustainable processes sustainable processes sustainable distiller and
with criteria; with criteria; processes with absorber.
environmental, environmental, criteria;
economic and economic and environmental, Doesn’t
energetic. energetic. economic and recognize areas
energetic. of improvement.
Recognizes areas of Recognizes areas of
improvement according improvement Recognizes some
to the studies made. according to the areas of
Recognizes some areas studies made. improvement
of improvement Recognizes some according to the
according to the studies areas of studies made.
made. improvement
according to the
studies made.

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