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Effect of an Intensive Exercise Intervention Strategy on Modifiable

Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Critical Appraisal Worksheet

Elements of Appraisal Discussion

Study Design

The study was quantitative. This is due to the use of quantitative data collection and
Was the study a qualitative or quantitative analysis methods. The data collected was empirical data, which was then analyzed

design? Explain. statistically. Moreover, the relationship between different variables was checked with the
value P. The analyses of how various study variables interact with each other were looked
into. The mentioned are some of the characteristics of quantitative design inherent in the

study (Balducci et al., 2010)
Practice Problem

The problem issue that the study focuses on is how to reduce the modifiable risk factors
State the practice problem/issue that is the focus of cardiovascular disease (CVD) that are inherent in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)

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of the study. patients (Balducci et al., 2010). The CVD risk factors associated with T2DM patients pose a

co rc risk to the patients because the development of the two chronic conditions poses many
difficulties in treatment and maintenance (Balducci et al., 2010).
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Study Purpose
The purpose was assessing the efficacy of an intensive, extensive intervention approach in
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State the purpose of the study. the promotion of physical activity and enhancing hemoglobin A 1c (HbA1c) level and other
risk factors of cardiovascular disease that can be modified in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Discuss whether this study was feasible to (T2DM) patients (Balducci et al., 2010).
conduct in terms of money commitment, the The study was feasible due to the availability of numerous studies that have been
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researchers' expertise, subjects' availability, and conducted on the topic, hence the availability of numerous data to support the study.
ethical considerations. Moreover, the researcher's expertise depicts that the study was feasible. However, the
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amount of money required to collect the data and time was numerous despite the
resources' availability to conduct the study. However, since most of the data (Balducci et

al., 2010) was collected through self-reported and unsupervised assessments, this has

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created many data biases. However, the study followed ethics by ensuring that the people
conducting the research were professionals in dealing with the patients, and proper safety
and ethical guidelines were followed (Balducci et al., 2010).
Research Question(s) and Hpothesis(es)
The research question is "what is the efficacy of intensive, extensive intervention

What is the research question? Is it stated? approach in the promotion of physical activity and enhancing hemoglobin A 1c (HbA1c) level

and other risk factors of cardiovascular disease that can be modified in type 2 diabetes
mellitus (T2DM) patients?" (Balducci et al., 2010) However, the question is not clearly
What is the research hypothesis? Is it stated? stated

On the other hand, the research hypothesis based on previous studies is that "intensive,

extensive intervention approach is effective in the promotion of physical activity and

enhancing hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) level and other risk factors of cardiovascular disease
that can be modified in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients?" (Balducci et al., 2010)

Study Design
The study design involved a qualitative study that incorporated 606 diabetic patients who
What design was used in the study? Was it the were selected randomly. Any patients with conditions limiting physical activities were

most appropriate design to answer the study eliminated. However, the design and methods used in the research were stated in a
question? Explain. different document (Balducci et al., 2010). Many variables that are associated with T2DMK

were recorded after the participants were involved in extensive physical activities. The
Was the design logically linked to the sampling approach was appropriate because it enabled the collection of unbiased and collected

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method and statistical analyses? data. Additionally, the approach enhanced the collection of the data easily, which reduced

Did the design provide a means to examine all co rc the time and money resources that would have been spent (Balducci et al., 2010)
The design was logically properly linked to the sampling method and data analyses
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objectives, questions, or hypotheses? because the collected data were in an empirical form. The comparisons and relationships
between the variables and other statistical calculations were therefore possible. The data
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If there was an intervention (treatment) in the recorded by the patients was validated with the test-retest reliability, which eliminated
study: biases (Balducci et al., 2010).
- what was the intervention? Was it clearly A means of examining all the objectives were provided by measuring many variables, thus
described? allowing the relationship between various aspects and conditions related to the reduction
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of hemoglobin and other components that pose a risk to CVD for T2MD patients (Balducci
- Was the treatment appropriate for et al., 2010).
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examining the study purpose and A standard care treatment regimen was used as an intervention measure. The
hypotheses? intervention aimed at enhancing optimal glycemic, lipid, blood pressure, and body weight

values. This is in the requirements of current guidelines. This included components that

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- Did the study framework explain the links would lower glucose, lipid, and blood pressure as required. Drugs were adjusted
between the treatment (independent throughout the study to attain the target levels and account for reduced needs (Balducci
variable) and the proposed outcomes et al., 2010). Caloric intake was reduced because all the patients were obese to attain a
(dependent variables)? negative balance against the energy expended. The treatment was appropriate for the
investigation because it was a requirement and followed the present guidelines for

- Were subjects randomly assigned to the conducting such a study (Balducci et al., 2010).

treatment group, or were the treatment and The subjects were randomly assigned to the comparison groups using a permuted-
comparison groups dependent? randomization software program. However, the assignment of the patients to the groups
was also dependent on the type of diabetes (diet ± oral agents vs. insulin) and age

- Were the treatment and comparison group (Balducci et al., 2010). The assignment groups were appropriate in conducting the study

assignments appropriate for the study? because of the differences in patients' conditions like age and type of diabetes treatment,

which would affect the study. The protocol was developed to enhance consistency in the
- Was a protocol developed to promote treatment implementation and ensure intervention fidelity because the different

consistent implementation of the treatment treatments may affect the study and results differently (Balducci et al., 2010). The
to ensure intervention fidelity? treatment's implementation was monitored to ensure that the study and results were not
affected, thus enhancing consistency and fidelity. This minimized the biases in the

- Did the researcher monitor implementation findings.
of the treatment to ensure consistency?

How might this impact findings?

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Study Sample

How large is the sample? co rc The sample size was large, composing of 606 patients with an allowed dropout rate of
25%. The sample size calculation considered the Hb1c level reduction of a minimum of
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0.5% in the EXE and CON groups. The standard deviation of the baseline Hb 1c was 1.6 and
How was the sample size determined? statistical power of 90% (alpha = 0.5) (Balducci et al., 2010)
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Data Analysis
They compared the patient's characteristics at the baseline involved x 2 test for categorical
variables and unpaired 2-tailed t-test for continuous variables. Logistic regression was also
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What were statistical tests used to analyze data? applied for the analysis of the categorical variables. Additionally, multiple regression and
sensitivity analyses were conducted to account for the changes in medication. McNemar
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tests were used to compare the within-group end-of-study vs. the baseline values
(Balducci et al., 2010).

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Adapted from: Gray, J.R., Grove, S. K., & Sutherland, S. (2017). Burns and Grove's The practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.). St.
Louis: Elsevier.

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