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Let’s take a look at the Code- Mandated Avenues

for Participation. This is from the Local
Government Code.

Are you familiar with the Local Government Code?

Let’s focus on Democratization.

Democracy as a system of government allows

people to participate in the administration of
states, either directly or indirectly.

The passage of the Local Government Code has

substantially provided the legal and institutional
framework…. (read the slides).

Under Article 181 of the IRR of the LGC 1991…

(read the slide)

However the MC 2019-72 is specifically intended

for the following LSBs:
1. Local Development Council
2. Local School Board
3. Local Health Board
4. Local Peace and Order Council

These are the councils that has roles and

responsibilities relative to Local Development

Let’s look at the composition and functions of each

Local Government Code of 1991 (RA 7160)
provides participation of CSOs in Local Special
Bodies, however, without CSOs active
participation, it will not serve its purpose.

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