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Name: Abdul Sami Bin Halim

Roll No. : 34 (Section A)

Department: IBMS (IT)
Semester: 2nd
Subject: Object Oriented Programming
Submitted To: Mr. Faheem Niaz


Question No. 1: What is Function

Overloading? How we can implement
more than one function in the program
with the same function name?
Answer: Function Overloading: The
declaration of more than one function of
with different set of arguments and
return data types is called function
 Int sum(int, int);
 Float sum(float, float, float);

We can implement more than one

function in the program with the same
function name by overloaded function.
An overloaded function has the same
name as some other function. It must
have a parameter list that's different from
all other functions with the same name so
the compiler has some way to tell the
functions apart. When you have
overloaded functions, the compiler
infers which of the functions to call from
the parameters you provide it.

Question No.2: What is the Recursion

function how we can stop the recursion?
Explain it with the help of an example.
Answer: Recursion Function: Recursion
function is that function that is called
itself in its body. A recursive function
repeats itself several times in order to
compute or return final output.
Recursive functions are quite common in
computer programming as they allow
programmers to write efficient programs
with minimal code.
We can stop the recursion function by
using conditions. We can modify the
function to return a bool that indicates
whether we have found 0 or not and
modify our logic to return from the
function without changing path if 0 has
been found. Here's the illustration of the
bool Graph::findPath( Room * curRoom )
if( curRoom -> myNumber == 0 )
cout << "Outside.\n";
//Escape the recursion!
return true;
// ...
if (findPath( curRoom -> North ))
return true;
// ...
return false;
Question No.3: What is the difference
between void type pointer and simple

Void Pointer Simple Pointer

It is a specific pointer type. Simple pointer is specially
reserved value of a

Void itself a data type of Simple pointer suits well

size 1. for all datatypes.

This data type is alone Int, char, float, long,

supported. double are all datatypes
are supported.

Void pointer is used for Simple pointer is used for

storing address of other assigning 0 to a pointer
variable irrespective of its variable of any type.
Question No. 4: Write a program that
takes the name, age, city as an input
and then displays the data from the
member of the structure.

Question No. 5: What is object-

oriented programming? Also discuss
the features of OOPS.
Answer: Object-Oriented
Programming (OOP): It is a
computer programming model that
organizes software design around
data, or objects, rather than functions
and logic. An object can be defined as
a data field that has unique attributes
and behavior.
Features of Object Oriented
Programming: Some of the main
features of the object oriented
programming are:
 Objects
 Classes
 Inheritance
 Polymorphism
 Abstraction
 Encapsulation
 Exception Handling
Objects: Objects are the basic unit of
OOP. They are instance of class, which
have data members and use various
member functions to perform tasks.
Class: A class is a user-defined data type
that we can use in our program, and it
works as an object constructor, or a
"blueprint" for creating objects. It
declares & defines what data variables
the object will have and what operations
can be performed on the class's object.
Inheritance: Inheritance is defined as
the way to reuse once written code
again and again. The class which is
inherited is called the Base class & the
class which inherits is called the Derived
class. They are also called parent and
child classes. So when, a derived class
inherits a base class, the derived class
can use all the functions which are
defined in base class, hence making code
Polymorphism: Polymorphism allows us
to create functions with same name but
different arguments, which will perform
different actions. That means, functions
with same name, but functioning in
different ways.
Abstraction: Showing of essential
features of the application and hiding
the details is known as abstraction. In C+
+, classes can provide methods to the
outside world to access & use the data
variables, keeping the variables hidden
from direct access, or classes can even
declare everything accessible to
everyone, or may be just to the classes
inheriting it. This can be done using
access specifiers.
Encapsulation: Encapsulation is defined
as the binding of the data variables and
functions together in class. It is also
known as data binding.
Exception Handling: Exception handling
refers to the handling of unresolved
exceptions or errors produced at

Question No.6: Define class and objects.

Write a program and discuss each
statement of the program in your own
Answer: Class: A class is a user-defined
data type that we can use in our
program, and it works as an object
constructor, or a "blueprint" for creating
objects. It declares & defines what data
variables the object will have and what
operations can be performed on the
class's object.
Objects: Objects are the basic unit of
OOP. They are instance of class, which
have data members and use various
member functions to perform tasks.

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