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Emerging /
SPEAKING Exemplary 5 Proficient 4 Average 3 Developing 2
Beginning 1
Fluid movements Almost no
Regular use of
and direct eye movement /eye No movement /eye
Body language movement and Some/Little
contact that attract contact. contact.
eye contact & eye contact. movement / eye
audience. Mild tension and High tension and
problem Little or no tension contact.
Student is relaxed has problems can´t cope with his
solving. and recovers Certain tension.
and feels recovering from nervousness.
comfortable. mistakes.
Some/A few
Most grammatical
Grammar and Grammar and Few grammar grammar errors A lot of/Serious
structures /
vocabulary vocabulary are used /vocabulary and limited / grammar /
vocabulary items
correctness correctly. mistakes. wrong use of vocabulary errors.
are mistaken.
Fluid speech with A high degree of More frequent
Voice: Fluency, no errors in fluency. Speaks errors in Monotone voice No attempt to try
Pronunciation pronunciation, the language with pronunciation, and lots of/more English oral
and intonation fluency and few occasional fluency and /or serious errors. patterns.
intonation. errors. intonation.
Student Student does not
Student responds to Student responds Student does not
succeeds in (try to)
Listening to all questions with to most questions understand/ignore
answering understand/ignores/
questions appropriate with appropriate s/fails to answer
(some) questions fails questions
answers. answers. most questions.
although briefly. altogether.
Mostly correct use Information is
Insufficient or no
of discourse sufficiently Little or incorrect
use of connectors.
Creative, interesting elements. organized and use of
No correspondence
and correct use of Images are follows the connectors/linking
between discourse
discourse. appropriate. correct pattern. words.
and slides. No
Organization Images are Layout is (a bit) Sufficient use of Information/presen
images in
/Presentation appropriate. Layout cluttered. Smooth linking words. tation is
presentation. No
design is pleasing to the transitions on most Most images are unorganized. Very
transitions used.
eye. Transitions are slides. Overall appropriate. . few transitions.
Presentation does
interesting. Creative presentation is Correct no. of Presentation lacks
not flow. No tools
slide(s) interesting -tools, slides. order. Insufficient
used. Too few
no. of slides...- Presentation no. of slides.
overall. flows well.
More information Enough
A lot of details. High than required. information(struct Limited use of No
variety of structures More variety of ures and vocabulary and correspondence/co
Content and vocabulary. structures and vocabulary) to structures. nnection with task.
vocabulary. fulfill the task.
competely' able unable -doesn't
very' able to a little' able to unable but tries
to try

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