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[Management and Operations]

Assignment Title:
[ LOUD Games Creating
Company ]

Submitted To:
[ Daw Khin Kant Kaw and U Ah Zer Zar
Sar ]

Submitted By:
[ Aung Khant Kyaw ]

[Student ID - 2017A5642]

Level – 4 HNC in Business

What is the definition of a manager?

A manager is an executive person who has responsibility for managing or

controlling the programs, activities and strategies for the organization or a team

A manager has to be able to have six skills that every success managers should
have. They are _
- Multi-tasking
- Decision-making
- Leadership
- Motivation
- Business Development Skills
- Effective Communication.

What is the definition of a leader?

A leader is a person who gives direction and helps to the success and leads the
organization or a team to reach the goal.

A leader must influence his followers willingly not by force. He has to coach the
followers on good will and should fix the breakdowns together. That should be the
relationship between leader and the followers.

What are the roles of a manager?

Roles of manager are divided into three roles

They are

- Interpersonal role
- Informational role
- Decisional role

In case, interpersonal role of mangers are divided into three.

Figurehead is required to perform a number of routine duties of a legal or
social nature.
For examples; ceremonies, status requests, solicitations.
It is responsible for the motivation and direction of subordinates
For example; virtually all managerial activities involving subordinates.
Maintain a network of outside contacts that provide favors and information.
For examples; acknowledgement of mail, external or board work.

There are three informational roles of a manger also.

Receives wide variety of information: serves as nerve center of internal and
external information of the organization.
For examples; handing all mail and contacts, categorized as concerned- primarily
with receiving information.
Transmits information received from outsiders or other subordinates to
members of the organization.
For examples; forwarding mail into organization for information purpose: verbal
contacts involving information flow to subordinates, such as, review sessions.
Transmits information to outsiders on organization’s plans, policies,
actions, and results; serves as expert on organization’s industry
For examples; board meeting; handling contacts involving transmission of
information of outsiders.

There are four decisional roles of a manager.

Searches organization and its environment for opportunities and initiates
projects to bring about change.
For example; strategy and review sessions involving initiation or design of
improvement projects.
Disturbance handler
Responsible for corrective action when organization faces important,
unexpected disturbances.
For example; strategy and review sessions involving disturbances and crises.
Resource allocator
Making or approving significant or organizational decisions
For examples; scheduling, requests for authorization, budgeting, the
programming of subordinates work.
Responsible for representing the organization at major negotiations.
For example; contract negotiation

What are the roles of leaders?

There are four necessary roles to be a leader.

The analyzer: Leaders have to know full information and must be confident enough to
make creative idea .The leader must know all of the data and have the critical eyes
toward the future.
The structuralizer: Leaders must be able to be straightforward and makes plans
smoothly. He must changes the ideas to become the framework of an organization or a
team. He can create the steps along the way so that the followers can follow along his
steps with trusty.

The Socializer: Leaders have to make connections and engage with their organizations.
They have to relate deeply with people. In this role, leaders have to create the
atmosphere of social as big as they can.

The Conceptualizer: This role is the most traditional role of leadership. This may be
most difficult. It is a bit similar to the role of the structuralizer . This is bringing the ideas
out. In this role, leaders must create open view of ideas so that the followers can think
freely for their vision.

Differences between a leader and a manager

As described above, there are many differences between a leader and a

manager _

- The manger administers but the leader innovates.

- The manager maintain and the leader develops
- The manager focuses on system and structure, the leader focuses on people.
- The manager relies on control but the leader inspires trust.
- The manager has a short range view; the leader has a long range perspective.
- The manager has his eyes always on the bottom line but the leader’s eyes are on
the horizon.
- The manager imitates but the leader originates.
- The manager accepts the status quo but the leader challenges it.
- The manager is the classic good soldier and the leader is his own person.
- The manager does things right, the leader does the right things.

Role of a leader and the functions of a manager apply in different situational

contexts. As the case described in the question paper, the medium size local company,
LOUD which is founded by Min Thu and a few of his friends, needs a good manager to
manage their company. They want to make the company bigger. Management and
leadership is important for their company.

Importance of management

- Management meets the challenge of change.

- Accomplish of group goals
- Effective utilization of business
- Effective functioning of business
- Resource development
- Sound organization structure
- Management directs the organization
- Integrates various interests
- Stability
- Innovation
- Co-ordination and team spirit
- Tackling problems
- A tool for personality and development

All those points described above, are needed to develop the spaces of the LOUD
Company. Of course they need a good manager. But how can be known that it is a
good manager?

Qualities of a good manager

It is needed three skills _ Technical Skills, Human Skills and Conceptual Skills.

He has to be a professional with a good will, willing to share his knowledge. He has
to be good coordinator, gain people’s support, charming, friendly and nice.

He must have ability to think logically fast, fast mover and chance or risk taker.
A good manager has _
- superior communication skills
- leading with transparency and honesty
- supporting the employees with clear direction and removing the roadblocks for
- embracing technology
- motivating with positive feedback and recognition
- being expert in the field
- mediating with productivity and calmness
- promoting cross-level and cross-functional collaboration
- creating a productive and lively work environment
- trusting the employees

According to the case, Min Thu and his friends also concerned that their roles will
get diminished. Not to be diminished, they need a freely creative manager. As it
is a game producing company, it is more suitable to be hired an imaginative
manager. And it is described that some of the team members start quitting and it
is making them to harder to recruit talented programmers. To prevent quitting
staffs, the manager needs to give trust to the employees. So the employees
would be happy and stay remains in their places working hardly.

Situational leadership

Situational leadership refers to when an organizational manager has to customize

his style to match the level of development of his followers.

System leadership

System leadership enables the leaders of an organization to make the conditions in

which people of all skills can work productively towards their potential.


Contingency is a provision for a possible event or circumstances.




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