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Thank God we pray to Allah Almighty who has bestowed His grace, taufik, and His guidance
so that we can arrange this Indonesian Duty well and on time.
As we already know "Character Education" is very important for the children of the nation
from early on. All will be discussed in this paper why Character Education is needed and deserve to
be a subject matter.
This task we make to provide an explanation of the existence of Character Education for the
progress of the nation. Hopefully the paper that we created this can help to increase our insight
become more widespread.
We realize that there are still many short comings in compiling this paper. Therefore, the
constructive criticism and suggestions are very much expected for the perfection of this paper. We
would like to thank the English Language Coach Pak Yusal, and to those who have helped to
participate in the settlement of this paper.
Thank you for your attention and time.


1 Background
Indonesia needs human resources in sufficient quantity and quality as a key supporter in
development. To fulfill these human resources, education has a very important role.
This is in accordance with Law No. 20 of 2003 on the National Education System in Article 3,
which states that national education functions to develop the ability and form the character and
civilization of a dignified nation in order to educate the nation. National education aims to develop
the potential of learners to become human beings who believe and cautious to God Almighty, have a
noble character, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens of a
democratic and responsible.
Based on the function and purpose of national education, it is clear that education at every
level, including in schools must be organized systematically in order to achieve these objectives.
It is related to the character formation of learners so as to be able to compete, ethical, moral, good
manners and interact with the community. Based on research at Harvard University United States
(Ali Ibrahim Akbar, 2000), it turns out that a person's success is not determined solely by knowledge
and technical skills (hard skills), but rather by the ability to manage themselves and others (soft skill).
This study revealed, success is only determined about 20 percent by hard skills and the remaining 80
percent by soft skills. Even the most successful people in the world can succeed because more
supported the ability of soft skills rather than hard skills. This implies that the quality of character
education of learners is very important to be improved. Seeing the people of Indonesia itself is also
very weak in the mastery of soft skills. For that the author wrote this paper, so readers know how

2 Problem Formulation
The author has compiled some of the issues that will be discussed in this paper as a
limitation in the discussion of the content chapter. The issues that will be discussed in this paper
What is the meaning of character education?
What is the meaning of different character and personality?
What is the example of a character education program?
What is the role of character education for the progress of the nation?
What is the relationship of character education to the nation's civility?
What is the picture of successful character education?

3. Destination Issues
Based on the formulation of the problems composed by the authors above, the objectives in
writing this paper are as follows:
To know what character education is.
To know what is different character and personality.
To know examples of character education programs.
To know the relationship of character education with the nation's civility.
To know the efforts in meningktakan quality of character education.
To know how the picture of character education that has been successful.

1. Understanding Character Education.

Character is the absolute answer to create a better life in society. Character is the values of
human behavior associated with God Almighty, self, fellow human, environment, and nationality
embodied in thoughts, attitudes, feelings, words, and deeds based on religious norms, law,
etiquette, culture , andadadistiadat.

Character education is a system of inculcating the values of character to the citizens of the
school which includes the components of knowledge, awareness or willingness, and actions to
implement those values, both against God Almighty (YME), self, fellow, environment, and nationality
so become human beings kamil. In character education in schools, all stakeholders should be
involved, including the components of the education itself, ie curriculum content, learning process
and assessment, relationship quality, handling or management of subjects, school management,
implementation of activities or co-curricular activities , empowerment, infrastructure, and, financing,
and, the ethos of the entire economy and school environment.t the character education for all
people, especially the Indonesian nation itself.

"Whole and comprehensive character education not only shapes young people into a smart
and good person, but also shapes them into good agents for change in their own lives, which in turn
will contribute to change in the social order to be more just, and humane. "(Doni Koesoema A.Ed)

2. Understanding Differences Character and Personality.

Personality is a gift from God the Creator when humans are born and everyone who has a
personality must have weaknesses and advantages in aspects of social life and each person.

As every human being learns to overcome and correct his weakness, and create new positive
habits, this is called Character. For example, a person with a Sanguin personality who is very joking
and does not seem serious, then conscious and learning so as to bring himself to take seriously in
situations that require peace and focus attention, that's Character. Character Education is the giving
of views on different types of values of life, such as honesty, intelligence, caring and so on. And that
is the choice of each individual that needs to be developed and needs to be built, from an early age

Characters can not be inherited, characters can not be bought and characters can not be
exchanged. Character must be built and developed consciously day by day through a process that is
not instantaneous. Character is not something innate that can not be changed again like fingerprints.
Many of us notice that people with bad characters tend to blame their circumstances. They often
state that their way of being raised is wrong, financial difficulties, the treatment of others or other
conditions that make them what they are today. It is true that in life, we have to face many things
beyond our control, but your character is not so. Your character is always the result of your choice.
Know that you have the potential to be a character person, try it. Character, more than anything and
will make you a personal value-added. Character will protect everything that you value in this life.
Everyone is responsible for his character. You have complete control over your character, meaning
you can not blame others for your bad character because you are fully responsible. Developing
character is your personal responsibility.

3. Character Education Program Examples.

A. School Environment:

Training Master

Associated with character education programs in schools, how to run and implement
character education in schools, as well as how to program and implement it, from idea to action.

This program provides teachers with insight into child psychology, how to educate children
by understanding children's mind mechanisms and 3 key factors to create successful children, as well
as practical tips on understanding and coping with "problem" children with their behavior.

Rebound Guidance Program

The program is divided into two program sessions:

Session Workshop Therapy, specially designed for students aged 12 -18 years. This workshop
aims to change and guide the mentality of adolescent children. This workshop works as a "instant
change machine" meaning after following this program students will change instantly become a
more positive child.

Special Seminar Sessions Student Parents, help parents recognize their children and treat
children better, so that children are more successful in life. In this seminar parents will learn a very
good basic knowledge to study various psychological theories of children and families. Understand
the concept of handling children at home and at school, and more easily understand and understand
the minds of children, spouses and others.

B. Family Environment:

Develop Character Of Children Since Early Age.

Character will be formed as a result of the understanding of 3 relationships that must be

experienced by every human being (triangle relationship), that is relation with self (intrapersonal),
with environment (social relation and nature), and relationship with God YME (spiritual). Each result
of that relationship will provide meaning / understanding that eventually becomes the child's values
and beliefs. The way the child understands the nature of the relationship will determine how the
child treats his world. Negative understanding will impact negative treatment and a positive
understanding will treat the world positively. For that, Grow a positive understanding of the child
from an early age, one of them by giving confidence in children to make decisions for themselves,
help children direct their potentials so they are more able to explore with itself, do not press it either
directly or subtly, and so on.

Familiarize children socialize and interact with the environment. Remember the choice of
environment is crucial to the character formation of children. As the saying goes with the seller of
perfumes will come fragrant, hanging out with the fish seller will go fishy. As such, a good and
healthy environment will foster a healthy and good character, and vice versa. And that can not be
ignored is to build a spiritual relationship with God Almighty. Spiritual relationship with God YME
awakened through the implementation and appreciation of ritual worship that is implemented in
social life.

4. Character Education To Build Civility Nation.

The world of education is expected as a driving force to facilitate the development of
character, so that members of the public have awareness of the life of the nation and the state is
harmonious and democratic by still paying attention to the joints of the Unitary State of the Republic
of Indonesia and social norms in society that have become mutual consent. "Where your origin is
unimportant, your body size is also unimportant, your brain size is important, the size of your heart
is very important" because the brain (mind) and the heart of the heart is most powerful to move the
person "speak and act." Listen, and reflect on whether a sufficient "vehicle" of learning provides an
opportunity for multi-intelligence learners who are able to develop attitudes: honesty, integrity,
commitment, discipline, visionary, and independence. History provides a valuable lesson, how
different, contradictory, and the exchange of thoughts that actually lead us to the gate of
freedom.the debate we learn so much, how tolerance and openness of the Republic's Founders in
accepting opinions, and the various criticisms of the moment.the exchange of thoughts that we also
can observe, how strong the desire The Leader of the Nation is to unite in a national identity , so the
differences do not matter to them.

Therefore, character education must be extracted from the ideological basis of Pancasila,
and the constitutional basis of the 1945 Constitution. The history of Indonesia shows that in 1928,
the pledge of "Youth Pledge" affirmed the determination to build the national of Indonesia. They
swear to the nation, the land of water, and the one language is Indonesia. When independence was
chosen the form of a unitary state. These two historical events show a socio-political need to reflect
on the nature of pluralism. The historical and socio-cultural reality is further strengthened through
the meaning of the symbol "Bhineka Tunggal Ika" in the symbol of the Indonesian state.

From which to begin the learning of the nation's character values, from informal education,
and in parallel proceeding to formal and non-formal education. The current and future challenges of
how we are able to put character education as something of a nation's strength. Therefore the policy
and implementation of character-based education becomes very important and strategic in order to
build this nation. This, of course, also demands conducive support from the political, social, and
cultural institutions of the nation
"Character Education To Build Civility Nation" is the wisdom of the diversity of values and culture of
social life. That wisdom soon arises, if one opens up to live a life together by looking at the plural
reality that takes place. Therefore education should be put in the right position, especially when
faced with conflicts based on race, ethnicity and religion. Character education is not just a discourse
but the reality of its implementation, not just words but actions and not symbols or slogans, but
intelligent parties to build Indonesian civilization. Habituation of polite and peaceful behavior is a
refraction of our once free will, remain independent. (MuktionoWaspodo)

5. Character Education Successful.

The success of the character education program can be known through the achievement of
indicators by learners as stated in the Competency Standards of Junior High School graduates, which
among others include the following:

Practice the teachings of religion adopted according to the stage of adolescent development.

Understanding the shortcomings and advantages in itself.

Comply with the prevailing social rules in the wider environment.

Appreciate the diversity of religions, cultures, tribes, races, and socio-economic groups within the
national scope.

Show a confident attitude.

Find and apply information from the surrounding environment and other sources logically, critically,
and creatively.

Demonstrate the ability to think logically, critically, creatively, and innovatively.

Demonstrate the ability to learn independently in accordance with its potential.

Demonstrate the ability to analyze and solve problems in everyday life.

Describe natural and social phenomena.

Utilize the environment responsibly.

Applying the values of togetherness in the life of society, nation and state for the realization of unity
within the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Appreciate karyaseni and budayanasional.

Appreciate the job task and have the ability to work.

Apply a clean, healthy, fit, safe life, and make the most of your free time.

Communicate and interact effectively and courtesy.

Understanding the rights and duties of self and others in the association in society; Appreciate the
difference of opinion.

Shows a passion for reading and writing simple short scripts.

Shows the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Bahasa Indonesia and Simple English

Mastering the knowledge required to attend secondary education.

Have an arsenal of entrepreneurship.

Demonstrate confidence.

At the school level, the criterion for attaining character education is the formation of school culture,
that is, the behavior, the traditions, the daily habits, and the symbols practiced by all the citizens of
the school, and the people around the school must be based on those values.
From the above discussion the author can conclude several categories namely:

The Indonesian nation has sought to improve the suitability and quality of character education
through schools, especially Junior High Schools, since junior high school children are well suited to
be educated about character education.

The teacher is the parents of the students. Therefore, the Prophet forbade the parents (teachers) to
pray for evil for their students. Praying ugliness to children is a dangerous thing. May lead to the
destruction of the child and his future.

Character education aims to improve the quality of education implementation and results in schools
that lead to the attainment of character formation and noble character of learners intact, integrated,
and balanced.

When character education has achieved success, no doubt that the future of this Indonesian nation
will experience a change to glory. And if the education of this character fails it is certain that the
impact will be very great for this nation, our country will be left behind from other countries.

2. Suggestions
The government must always monitor or supervise the world of education, because from the world
of education the State can go forward and because the education world can also be destroyed, if
education has been misused.

In addition to teaching, a teacher or parent should also mendo'akan child or pupil to be better, not
pray bad for the students.

Teachers must provide a sense of security and safety to each learner in the course of his learning,
because if not all the learning in the students will be in vain.

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