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Name: Saad Muhammad Malik

Enrollment No.: 01-111211-101

Subject: Principles of Marketing
Submitted To: Dr Syed Ali Abbas
Date: 17th May 2021.

Question 1:

Question 2: 1. Competitors 2. Prices in Market 3. Customer Demand 4. Location 5. Target

Macroenvironment factors KFC should consider while entering a new market are as follows:
 Competitors:
The demand for fast foods all over the world continues to increase. It can be seen from the
manner that many fast-food joints are opening their operation day by day in most of the urban
centers all over the world. KFC is among the renowned fast-food restaurants that have been in
the industry for quite a significant duration. Even then KFC must work hard to beat its
competitors like McDonalds, Burger King, Subway, Pizza Hut etc.
 Prices in Market
KFC must look at its competitors’ price in market. They cannot sell their products at a higher
price than their competitors. If they do so this will result in their products not being bought and
the customers will go to other markets.
 Customer Demand
KFC must keep an eye on the customer’s demand. They cannot start selling products which are
not in demand. For example, customer is not interested in buying KFC’s burger but still KFC
keeps on selling burgers which will result in customers going away from KFC.
 Location
This is one of the most important aspect for any company. KFC won’t be successful in a remote
or village area. People of city side are much more interested in eating fast food so any company,
including KFC, must choose its location very wisely.
 Age Group (Target Market)
A company must decide which age group it is targeting. Mostly KFC is eaten by people from
ages 6-7 to around 60. KFC targets families and young consumers which means positioning the
products from middle and upper middle-income segments. Against competitors KFC positions
itself with high quality, hygienic and affordable fast-food products in an assortment of complete

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