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07/04/2021 Gymglish - Leçon - Chapter 2: A Tragic Turn


Number one on today's agenda: vocabulary!  FR

Let's look at this previous mistake:  FR

"Eventually, Bruno transformed Xavier's humble perfume shop..."

In this sentence, eventually means:
Over time
"Eventually" means "at the end of a period of time" or "after a relatively long
period of time" . For example: Eventually, I will earn enough money to buy a
house. In this text, "eventually" indicates that it took time for Bruno to
transform Xavier's perfume shop into a large corporation, or that it didn't
happen immediately.
"Possibly" indicates possibility or chance. Often it is synonymous with
"maybe", for example: That is possibly the biggest elephant in the world.

Excerpt: Eventually, Bruno transformed Xavier's humble perfume shop in

Montmartre into a world-renowned, multi-national cosmetics company.

Read this, it might help:  FR

eventually: finalement, tôt ou tard

Attention, eventually est un faux-ami : il ne veut pas dire "éventuellement."
Eventually, we will have to repaint the walls. Nous aurons besoin de
repeindre les murs tôt ou tard.
I'll get to your proposal eventually. Je vais finalement revoir votre

Pronunciation examples
UK: I eventually decided to buy the pink shoes, not the
blue ones.
US: I'm sure the children will eventually get along. 1/1

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