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Sandiway Primary School Newsletter

Newsletter 23 Wednesday 12th May 2021 Summer Term 2021
The Hidden Curriculum set up. Since starting to think about this, Becky and I have
In my assembly message for the children this week, I developed our ideas a little: we would like a slightly larger
explained about what some schools call their ‘hidden (fox-proof) coup as in the image and to create a fenced off
curriculum’ – in our school, I think about it as the ‘ethos of area in our grounds. We think that a lot of our families would
the school’ – they are the attributes that make our children really like to get involved by looking after the chickens at the
ready for their future and what give the school the feeling it weekends and during the school holidays. At my last school, I
has. Each year group has a set of objectives that we aim to had a waiting list of families wanting to call into school,
cover each year with overlaps between personal, social and change the water, top up the food…and most exciting – look
health education (PSHE), online/computing safety, for eggs. As payment, any eggs that have been laid can be
equality/diversity and aspects of the RE curriculum. taken home and eaten. Any eggs collected during the school
As we have come out of a lockdown and are all back in day, would be available for sale.
school, we can finally reconnect with each other and realise We have
what it is like to be ‘social creatures’ again. We are talking to some funds
the children about the importance of friendship, the way we available, but
can make each other feel good (and bad), how we can help I am hoping
each other out, how we can resolve any that parents/
differences, etc. The children are, or businesses
course, very keen to tell us what they may like to
should be doing – but staff are also contribute
there to help the children when the financially
theory doesn’t quite work out and (sponsor a chicken!) and also offer their help with creating a
fallouts happen – all needed to gain the chicken area, looking after the chickens or offering any
skills of life. further expertise. Please get in touch with me if you can
As a staff, we are working through relationship education help.
training materials to support the children to ensure our
school continues to be the friendly place it is…and to equip Half Term Holiday Club
each child with skills for their future. We remind the children If you are interested in holiday club in the coming half term,
to be polite, courteous and have respect for others. We have please contact Smallworld – they are collecting interest at
reassured the children about knowing that they can go to a this stage and will confirm their intentions as soon as
‘trusted adult;’ if they need help. I would be grateful if these possible. They can be contacted by email at
messages continue to be reinforced at home too.
All of the above will help to contribute to the well-being and
positive mental health of all members of the school; Parent LAB member
something which is very much on our mind and can be seen Thank you to Clare Mackin who has put her name forward to
in the media. I also share a common belief that positive continue her role on the Local Academy Board. She now
mental health is also connected to routine, having clear continues this role with no other nominations being
boundaries and a firm/fair approach in school – something received.
we instil every day in school.
COVID measures
Chickens It feels exciting to have some of the freedoms we previous
When I was Headteacher in my last school, I introduced the took for granted being returned to us, with Monday being
wonderful world of chickens to the children. I have always the next stage. This week, it was announced that face
wanted to have chickens at Sandiway Primary School, but I coverings on secondary schools won’t be expected to be
have always needed help to look after them. Imagine my worn, but I understand that some Headteachers will still be
delight when Becky Penney spoke to me the other week making their own decisions based on their own school. As a
asking if we can have chickens in school…and she would help primary school, we are maintaining our measures in school; I
look after them! am awaiting further guidance about any relaxation of these
Whilst a slightly random newsletter article, please bear measures, including adults wearing face coverings at drop
with me: I am looking to have a small group of chickens in off/collection and in school where distancing is more
their own coup in our school grounds. I would like the difficult. Please continue with the measures we have in place
children (and their families) to take ownership of looking until you hear differently – they are helping to ensure that
after them on a daily basis and use the experience as a great our school stays safe for all, minimising any disruptions for
introduction to caring for animals. Interestingly, they also the children.
really add value to well-being. The PTA are also keen on the
idea and would like to contribute some money towards the Chris Priddey

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