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Evaluate Relationship Formation Theories
Describe Social Exchange Theory
Relationship Formation…

◦1. Matching Hypothesis

◦2. Filter Model

◦3. The Reward/Need Satisfaction Model

Reward/Need Satisfaction Model
◦ Byrne & Clore (1970)

◦ We form relationships b/c we find them rewarding

◦ Partners reward us both by directly meeting our needs (via

Operant Conditioning) and indirectly (via Classical)
Ethical Guidelines?
Nature vs. Nurture
Animal Studies
Determinsm vs. Free Will
Reward/Needs Satisfaction Model
◦  Relationships are often ‘equitable’ and not solely
focused on receiving rewards

◦ Successful and committed relationships tend to focus on

the totality of giving and receiving

◦ Could be seen as an unrealistic approach with focus on

the individual’s needs being met.
Ethical Guidelines?
Nature vs. Nurture
Animal Studies
Determinsm vs. Free Will
Reward/Need Satisfaction Model
◦  Cultural Differences

◦ Hill (1972) found that Black African-American families did not

value rewards as reinforcement as highly as White couples.
◦ African American couples were more resilient and less dependent
on reinforcement.
◦ Suggests the model may be more suited to Western Culture.
Ethical Guidelines?
Nature vs. Nurture
Animal Studies
Determinsm vs. Free Will
Reward/Needs Satisfaction Model

◦ Rewards given different for different genders

◦In many cultures, the females are socialised to be more

attentive towards the needs of others (i.e. husbands/kids)
◦Women may not be orientated towards the gratification of
their own needs being met
Essay Question… Due:
Fri 11th

◦Describe and Evaluate two or more theories of

the formation of romantic relationships.

◦(8 & 16 marks)

Describe Social Exchange Theory
Relationship Maintenance

◦Formation models tell us why we initially choose a


◦Maintenance models explain why we stay in those

relationships, or why we don’t.
Maintenance of Relationships

◦1. Social Exchange Theory (SET)

◦2. Investment Model

◦3. Equity Theory

Social Exchange Theory (SET)
◦ Developed by Thibaut & Kelley (1959)

◦ Relationships based on Economics

◦ Relationships involve Rewards but they

also involve Costs…
Social Exchange Theory (SET)

◦Relationships we choose to create and

maintain are ones that maximise our
rewards and minimise our costs.
Social Exchange Theory (SET)

◦Assumes we are all selfish and strive for relationships that give
us the most benefit for the least effort
◦These relationships will be the ones we value the most and
are likely to last

◦All relationships are an ‘Exchange’ of rewards and costs

 Marelich et al (2008)
◦ Surveyed 267 students in the US about their attitude to sex

◦ Men more likely to use lies to have sex

◦ Women more likely to use sex to gain partner approval

◦ These findings demonstrate the importance of sex as part of an

exchange process.
◦ Reward = Positive Relationship Outcome
◦ Cost = Deception/Guilt and potentially unwanted sex
Social Exchange Theory (SET)
◦Maintenance of a relationship is determined by
3 factors…

◦1. Cost-Benefit Analysis

◦2. Comparison Level
◦3. Comparison Level of Alternatives
1. Cost-Benefit Analysis

◦ Process to calculate value of relationship in terms of potential

benefits and costs.

◦ Costs could include:

◦ Time
◦ Finance
◦ Shared Resources
◦ Shared Living Arrangement
◦ Compromise
◦ Risk
1. Cost-Benefit Analysis
◦ Used at the beginning of a relationship and throughout to
decide if we want to continue in the relationship.

◦ SET predicts that we are likely to leave a relationship if the

ratio of costs and rewards stops being positive

◦ The relationship now runs at a state of Loss as the costs

outweigh the rewards.
2. Comparison Level (CL)

◦We measure how rewarding our current relationships

are by comparing them to previous relationships,
(comparison level)
2. Comparison Level
◦If we have experienced more rewarding relationships
in the past, we are more likely to end the current

◦If the current relationship compares favourably, we

are motivated to stay
2. Comparison Level
◦In the absence of personal experience,
individuals use relationships of others around
them as a yard stick to measure the value of
their current relationship
3. Comparison Level for Alternatives (CL-

◦We compare our current relationship, with the

benefits of other potential relationships we could be

◦i.e. the more positive outcomes offered by an

alternative partner.
3. Comparison Level for Alternatives (CL-

◦ If we feel we could do better with someone else, we may

be motivated to finish the current relationship.

◦ If potential alternatives are weak (i.e. no other potential

partners available) we may be inclined to stick the current
relationship out
3. Comparison Level for Alternatives (CL-

◦Alternatives could be what might be available to them

from their social network, (not just other romantic

◦ “I will get to spend more time with my friends”

 Simpson et al (1990)

◦Asked heterosexual female women to rate the

attractiveness of men from photographs

◦The women in a relationship were more likely to rate

the man as being ‘less attractive’ than single women
Abusive Relationships?
◦How can Social Exchange Theory (SET) explain why
women/men who are violently abused (therefore
incurring many costs) and don’t receive many
benefits, stay in their relationship?
 Application to Abusive Relationships

◦Martz (1995)

◦Recurring themes of abusive relationships are when

investments are high and alternatives are low
◦The relationship can still be considered profitable causing
the victim to remain in the relationship
Social Exchange Theory
◦ We are constantly making these calculations about all of our

◦ All social behaviour is a series of exchanges attempting to

maximise rewards and minimise costs

◦ We are rational beings who seek the most profitable deal

◦ We are all inherently selfish in our relationships

Evaluation of SET
◦  Unrealistic
◦ Regards humans as very selfish in their relationships
◦ Assumes we constantly monitor and weigh up costs and benefits
of relationships

◦ Duck (1994) suggests that we only begin to monitor relationships

after we have become dissatisfied with them.
◦ We only begin to consider alternatives towards the end stages of
a relationship breakdown
Ethical Guidelines?
Nature vs. Nurture
Animal Studies
Determinsm vs. Free Will
 Gender Differences
◦In many cultures, women are socialised to expect to
incur costs when in a relationship
◦(maternity leave/changing married name etc.)

◦Women may use a separate calculation of cost-

benefit analysis to men as a result of this imbalance
 Gender Differences
◦ Steil & Weltman (1991)

◦ Questioned married couples about who they believed to have the job
that was ‘most important’
◦ When the man’s salary exceeded the woman’s, both partners were
likely to agree that his was the most important
◦ When the woman’s salary exceeded the man’s, partners were more
likely to agree that neither job was more important.
◦ Suggests that men and women may judge equity of a relationship
Ethical Guidelines?
Nature vs. Nurture
Animal Studies
Determinsm vs. Free Will
 Cultural Bias
◦ The ‘selfish’ nature of this theory may only apply to Western
◦ Moghaddam (1998) argues that…
◦ Economic Theories only apply to Short-Term, Western
◦ Applying this to Uni students, who are high in mobility and have
little time to develop long-term commitment…
◦ It makes sense to be more concerned about cost-benefit
Ethical Guidelines?
Nature vs. Nurture
Animal Studies
Determinsm vs. Free Will

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