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Royalties Collection

Hi! I am a Digital Marketing student at the University of West London.

I am working on developing a new technology for a music PR company focused on the protection of
copyright and payment of royalties for independent artists.
the survey will take less than 5 minutes and all data will be anonymous and used for academic and
market research purposes only.
No email addresses or sensible and personal data will be required.
1. Which age group describes you?
This question was asked to highlight possible patterns in the different knowledge about royalty
payment and promotion methods among independent artists.

2. How would you define the music genre of your work?

This question can give potential insights about what independent artists might be interested in this
technology. (Open question)
Grouping answers referring to the same genre:


Film/Video Game Music Pop

Rap Rock

3. What channels do you use to promote your music?

This question gives an idea about how the channels used by independent artists coincide with the
ones manages by Liberty Music PR. (checkboxes)
Social media 84.6%
Streaming platforms (e.g. Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music…) 53.8%
Free music distribution platforms (e.g. YouTube, SoundCloud) 69.2%
Live events (pre COVID-19) 61.5%
Radio 7.7%

4. What is the driving force of your passion for music?

This question can reveal the different reasons that drive artists in their work. (checkboxes)

To become respected and recognised in my scene 7.7%

To build up a loyal fanbase of any size 23.1%
To build online and streaming success on my terms /
I am just happy to make music and have people enjoy it 53.8%
To be signed to a label /
Earn a living doing what I love 7.7%

The answers to this question reveal that artists are more focused and passionate about music making
and connecting to their audience rather than the technical aspects of music management.
5. Among the following options, which one do you consider to be the most pressing
challenge for the music industry?
This question reveals the problems independent artists consider to be the hardest to face in the
contemporary music industry. (checkboxes)

Impossibility to hold live events 38.5%

Difficulty to gain enough money from music making to make it a career 61.5%
Competition in entering the market 61.5%
Promoting music on multiple platforms /
Connecting with audiences and building relationships with fanbases 23.1%
Protecting intellectual property and copyright, fighting piracy and illegal 46.2%

Section 2 – Royalties
6. Do you know what systems are in place for royalty collection for independent artists?
This question had the goal to assess the awareness and knowledge of artists about music
The significant majority of the sample is aware of the existing mechanisms to gain revenue from
streaming platforms.
7. Do you know how much revenue do artists gain from streaming platforms?
Again, the question aimed at assessing artists’ awareness of the issue addressed in the survey.

8. If “no”, how much do you think the revenue per stream is?
Again, the question aimed at assessing artists’ awareness of the issue addressed in the survey.

For the participants who were unaware about the percentage of royalties gained from
streaming, the revenue is higher than what streaming platforms actually pay.
9. How would you rate the transparency of streaming platforms in royalty payment?
This question wanted to investigate the perception independent artists have about the big players in
the streaming market.

The majority of the surveyed artists does not perceive streaming platforms as transparent.
10. Do you think artists should get more recognition and revenue for their licensed work?
The question aimed at assessing interest in a beneficial technology for artists.

There is unanimous consent about the need for more recognition for artists.
11. Do you license music for copyright?
Here, the survey intended to check how many artists from the sample actually license their music and
deal the copyright.

12. If “yes”, do you manage and monitor the payment of royalties?

Here, the survey intended to check how many artists from the sample actually license their music and
deal the copyright.

Section 3- Blockchain
13. Do you know what blockchain is?
The question was asked to assess the awareness about the existence and functions of the blockchain
14. Blockchain is an evolving technology that would allow a direct and quick payment of
royalties directly to artists, without the need for intermediaries. The payments will be
directly to artists every time a song is streamed. Do you think such a technology can
benefit independent artists?
Here, a brief and simplified explanation of blockchain is given to encourage reflection about its use
in the music industry.

The sample showed interest in the proposed technology.

15. Would you consider working with a specialised PR company providing and managing
blockchain technology to promote your music and maximise your revenue?
This question was devised to assess the interest of the sample in the unique vale proposition of Liberty
Music PR.

A good percentage of the sample would consider working with a company providing this unique value
16. With a guaranteed revenue of £1000 per month, how much would you consider investing
in promoting and protecting your music every month?
The last question aimed at assessing the willingness to pay of the artists in the sample.

In this case, the answers were different.

Thank you for taking part in the survey.

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