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It was on 29th March when In the second week exams

we had our first exam as began to be a small stone in
briefing that day uneb had the shoe 👟 students started
scheduled in the morning to sweat because of the
but a school like modern changes phones with smart
held it in the afternoon working now became their
which made students angry First best friend in
at 2pm the briefing started everything they did or that
on starting the headmaster connection with exams
brought up a which caused including students of the
kiosk in the hall (shut up) neighbourhood and also
the head master lost his teachers some but not all
temper and hit the child because of the grooms to
heavily the whole of it students panicking became
turned miserly all students a worse condition in the
left hall to go and treat their school
fellow students
But by God’s grace with all
On Monday the wanted to the difficult conditions and
chase students that had cut good ones we managed to
their and short the students get to the final of it as they
suddenly and entered the say that everything has an
examination leaving the end so we also managed to
head teacher and his staff do our and finalised now
out of bounds peeping we are in the vacation
through the window sack waiting for the results that
with a lot of anger on his will take us to the next level
eyes. Though the made as an advanced level to
everyone happy because it complete higher education
was very nice to everyone now going to university.
rejoicing how they have MAY YOU PLEASE HELP US
passed ordinary level the AND INTERPRET AND
day of the same week ANSWER OUR PRAYERS
exams were also simple and ALMIGHTY LORD SUCCESS
Charmingly perfect
It was on 29th March ALMIGHTY LORD
when we had our first SUCCESS
exam as briefing that day In the second week
uneb had scheduled in exams began to be a
the morning but a school small stone in the shoe 👟
like modern held it in the students started to sweat
afternoon which made because of the changes
students angry at 2pm phones with smart
the briefing started on working now became
starting the headmaster their First best friend in
brought up a which everything they did or
caused kiosk in the hall that connection with
(shut up) the head master exams including students
lost his temper and hit of the neighbourhood
the child heavily the and also teachers some
whole of it turned but not all because of the
miserly all students left grooms to students
hall to go and treat their panicking became a
fellow students worse condition in the

On Monday the wanted

to chase students that But by God’s grace with
had cut their and short all the difficult
the students suddenly conditions and good ones
and entered the we managed to get to the
examination leaving the final of it as they say that
head teacher and his staff everything has an end so
out of bounds peeping we also managed to do
through the window sack our and finalised now we
with a lot of anger on his are in the vacation
eyes. Though the made waiting for the results
everyone happy because that will take us to the
it was very nice to next level as an advanced
everyone rejoicing how level to complete higher
they have passed education now going to
ordinary level the day of university. MAY YOU
the same week exams PLEASE HELP US AND
were also simple and INTERPRET AND
Charmingly perfect ANSWER OUR PRAYERS

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