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DCC 40172

TITLE Turbidity Test






LABORATORY PRACTICAL (60%) Total Practical Work /60 /60 /60

LABORATORY SAFETY (10%) Total Exercises Initiative and

Contributes to team
according OSH standard /10 /10 /10

INDIVIDUAL LABORATORY REPORT (30%) 1.Analyse data /10 /10 /10

2.Disscussion /10 /10 /10

3. Question and Answer, /10 /10 /10


Total /100 /100 /100

LECTURER’S NAME Encik Che Din Bin Ismail


S1 Ahmad Najmi Isqandar Bin Mohd Sabri 04DKA19F1072

S2 Nurul Atinie Binti Azahar 04DKA19F1076

S3 Nur Alya Shahira Binti Mohd Azmi 04DKA19F1080

S4 Fatin Alifah Sazlin Binti Zakariah 04DKA19F1084


1.1 Objective

2.1 Theory

3.1 Equipment

4.1 Procedure

5.1 Data

6.1 Discussion

7.1 Question

8.1 Conclusion
1.1 Objective

To measure of water’s cloudiness using turbidity probe.This test measure turbidity by comparing a
water sample at different location with the blank sample

2.1 Theory

Turbidity is a measurement of how much light passes through water. Turbidity is caused by suspended solid
particles. These particles could be plankton, sediment, eroded soil, or colloid. Health effects from turbid water
depend upon the type of material in the water that. According to National Standard of Drinking Water Quality
(NSDW) the maximum contaminant level is 1 nephelometric turbidity unit (NTU).Turbidity prevents sunlight
and slows photosynthesis. Impairment of dissolved oxygen and increment in the acidity will make the aquatic
plants die. Those effects harm aquatic animals.When the water is turbid, the temperature will raise because the
suspended particles absorb the sun's heat. Warm water holds less oxygen, thus increasing, the effects of
reduced photosynthesis. In addition, some aquatic animals may not adjust well to the warmer water,
particularly during the egg and larval stages.The organic materials that may cause turbidity can also serve as
breeding grounds for viruses, parasites and some pathogenic bacteria. These organisms can cause symptoms
such as nausea, cramps, diarrhea and headaches.

A Note On Color

Turbidity can cause color in water, but color itself is not turbidity. Color may be caused by dissolved
substances or reflections from rocks and vegetation.
3.1 Equipment

i. 1 Turbidity Meter (Hach 2100Q)

Figure 1

ii. 250ml Beaker

Figure 2
iii. Distilled Water

Figure 3

iv. Water Sampling Equipment

Figure 4
v. Bottle Sample

Figure 5

vi. Gloves

Figure 6
4.1 Procedure

i. Check the condition Turbidity Meter. If needed to calibrated, calibrate using manual provided by


ii. Before using turbidity meter, clean the cuvette bottle, with deionized water.

Figure 2
iii. Insert water sample in cuvette bottle.

Figure 3

iv. Put a drop of silicone oil on cuvette bottle before inserting to the probe.

Figure 4
v. Put a drop of silicone oil on cuvette bottle before inserting to the probe.

Figure 5

vi. Push “Read” button to obtain the turbidity of water sample.

Figure 6

vii. Take 3 reading for each samples.

5.1 DATA

Sample Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 Average

1 1.62 1.75 1.84 2.61

2 26.9 27.4 28.00 27.43

3 4.60 5.73 6.37 5.57


From the discussion we did is related to the cause of the increase in the turbidity of the sample water
i.e.Turbidity is a measure of how cloudy the water is in a lake or river. Anything that makes the water cloudy
will increase the turbidity. High turbidity can be caused by silt, mud, algae, crop flakes, melting glaciers,
sawdust, wood ash or chemicals in the water.Coagulation-floccation process removes turbidity, organics,
inorganics, colour, bacteria, payhogen and testes of water in the process.The coagulation step is usually
proceeded by flocculation and floc setting processes for the coagulation.Turbidity is linked to the look of
water and therefore the public’s perception of water quality.


1. From your observation, discuss the sources and effect of the turbidity. Are they natural or human-made?
Beneficial or harmful? Could people do anything, to decrease the turbidity?

Turbidity may occur as a result of illegal logging from human-made.Turbidity will have a dangerous
effects for human.Those are responsible should curb illegal logging by imposing legal action to decrease
this happen.

2. What are the methods that can be used to treat turbidity? Explain one method.
The jar test is a method of measuring the effect of coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation on
tubidity.Although the procedure is not outlined in standard methods; it is used in most water treatment
plants to find the best coagulated dosages under varying conditions.
8.1 Conclusion

Turbidity is proportional to the concentration of solution.Colloidial particles causes turbidity because their
specific gravity is lower than specific gravity of the solution and because their negative charge.Releasing
turbidity can by be coagulation and fluctuation process.Colloidial particles cause sun light regression
which affect marine life.Turbidity can be indicate from the amount of light absorbency and
transmitted.Temperature variation affects the coagulation-flocculation process.At higher temperature,
some coagulation were found to be more effective in the removal of water turbidity.

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