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Paycheck Calculator

For Wages Paid in 2021 using the NEW W-4 Form © 2020-2021 Vertex42 LLC
Paycheck Calculator
Gross Pay BETA - Check Results Carefully
Gross Pay: $ 3,500.00
Pay Period: Monthly

NET Take-Home
Est. Gross Annual Pay: $ 42,000.00 3,

Information on W-4
Filing Status: Married Joint

Is Box 2(c) checked?: No
Dependents from Step 3:
Other Income from Step 4a: 2,
Deductions from Step 4b:
Extra Withholding from Step 4c:
Filing Status and Withholdings
Pre-Tax Adjustments (not included in Step 4b)
Tax Deferral Plan, 401(k): 0.00% 1,
Health Insurance Premiums: $ -
Other Pre-Tax Deductions: $ -
Federal Taxable Gross: $ 3,500.00

Security (6.2%)

Pre-Tax Deductions
State & Local
Tax Deferral Plan
Adjusted Annual Wage: $ 42,000.00

Health Insurance

FICA Social
FICA Medicare
Federal Tax
Post-Tax Adjustments



State & Local Taxes: 5.30%

Other Post-Tax Deductions: $ - (1.45%)
Post-Tax Reimbursements: $ - 0

Estimated Pay Check

NET Take-Home Pay 2,905.92
FICA Social Security (6.2%) 217.00
FICA Medicare (1.45%) 50.75
Federal Tax Withheld 140.83
Tax Deferral Plan 0.00
Health Insurance Premiums 0.00
Pre-Tax Deductions 0.00
State & Local Taxes 185.50
Post-Tax Deductions 0.00
Post-Tax Reimbursements 0.00

This calculator is for educational and illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as financial or tax advice.
The results are only estimates and may not apply to your specific situation.
Please consult a qualified professional regarding financial decisions.

New (2021) W-4 Employee's Withholding Certificate,
IRS Income Tax Withholding Assistant for Employers
Paycheck Calculator
For Wages Paid in 2021 using the OLD W-4 Form © 2010-2021 Vertex42 LLC
Paycheck Calculator
Gross Pay
Gross Pay: $ 3,500.00
Pay Period: Monthly

NET Take-Home
Est. Gross Annual Pay: $ 42,000.00

Filing Status and Withholdings 2,

Filing Status: Head-of-Household
Number of Allowances: 2
Additional Amount to Withhold: $ 600.00 2,
One Allowance: $ 358.33
Pre-Tax Adjustments
Tax Deferral Plan, 401(k): 0.00%
Health Insurance Premiums: $ -
Other Pre-Tax Deductions: $ -

Federal Tax
Federal Taxable Gross: $ 2,783.33
Post-Tax Adjustments

Security (6.2% )
State & Local Taxes: 5.30%

FICA Social

State & Local

Health Insurance

Other Post-Tax Deductions: $ -

FICA Medicare
Post-Tax Reimbursements: $ -

Tax Deferral




(1.45% )

Estimated Pay Check

NET Take-Home Pay 2,276.40 0
FICA Social Security (6.2%) 217.00
FICA Medicare (1.45%) 50.75
Federal Tax 808.33
Tax Deferral Plan 0.00
Health Insurance Premiums 0.00
Pre-Tax Deductions 0.00
State & Local Taxes 147.52
Post-Tax Deductions 0.00
Post-Tax Reimbursements 0.00

This calculator is for educational and illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as financial or tax advice.
The results are only estimates and may not apply to your specific situation.
Please consult a qualified professional regarding financial decisions.

New (2021) W-4 Employee's Withholding Certificate,
IRS Income Tax Withholding Assistant for Employers
Federal Tax Tables (for 2021, using NEW W-4)
These tables are used to estimate the federal tax withholding and need to be updated each year.
Source: IRS Publication 15-T, pg6

STANDARD Withholding Rate Schedules (New W-4s) New Form W-4, Step 2, Checkbox, W
Used when Box 2(c) is NOT Checked (adjusted by 12900 and 8600) Used when Box 2(c) IS
MARRIED Filing Jointly MARRIED Filing Jointly
Wage Threshold Base Withholding Rate Over Threshold Wage Threshold
0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00
25,100.00 0.00 10.0% 12,550.00
45,000.00 1,990.00 12.0% 22,500.00
106,150.00 9,328.00 22.0% 53,075.00
197,850.00 29,502.00 24.0% 98,925.00
354,950.00 67,206.00 32.0% 177,475.00
443,950.00 95,686.00 35.0% 221,975.00
653,400.00 168,993.50 37.0% 326,700.00
SINGLE or Married Filing Separately SINGLE or Married Filing Separately
Wage Threshold Base Withholding Rate Over Threshold Wage Threshold
0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00
12,550.00 0.00 10.0% 6,275.00
22,500.00 995.00 12.0% 11,250.00
53,075.00 4,664.00 22.0% 26,538.00
98,925.00 14,751.00 24.0% 49,463.00
177,475.00 33,603.00 32.0% 88,738.00
221,975.00 47,843.00 35.0% 110,988.00
536,150.00 157,804.25 37.0% 268,075.00
Wage Threshold Base Withholding Rate Over Threshold Wage Threshold
0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00
18,800.00 0.00 10.0% 9,400.00
33,000.00 1,420.00 12.0% 16,500.00
73,000.00 6,220.00 22.0% 36,500.00
105,150.00 13,293.00 24.0% 52,575.00
183,700.00 32,145.00 32.0% 91,850.00
228,200.00 46,385.00 35.0% 114,100.00
542,400.00 156,355.00 37.0% 271,200.00

Note: The STANDARD table has been adjusted based on step 1g of Worksheet 1. Employer's Withholding Worksheet for Percentage Method Tables for Autom

Standard Deductions from Step 4(b) on W-4

Source: Form W-4 2021 pg3
Married Joint 25,100.00
Single 12,550.00
Head of Household 18,800.00

Period Per Year

Pay Period Periods per Year
Weekly 52
Biweekly 26
Semimonthly 24
Monthly 12
Daily 260
rm W-4, Step 2, Checkbox, Withholding Rates
en Box 2(c) IS Checked
D Filing Jointly
Base Withholding Rate Over Threshold
0.00 0.0%
0.00 10.0%
995.00 12.0%
4,664.00 22.0%
14,751.00 24.0%
33,603.00 32.0%
47,843.00 35.0%
84,496.75 37.0%
or Married Filing Separately
Base Withholding Rate Over Threshold
0.00 0.0%
0.00 10.0%
497.50 12.0%
2,332.00 22.0%
7,375.50 24.0%
16,801.50 32.0%
23,921.50 35.0%
78,902.13 37.0%
Base Withholding Rate Over Threshold
0.00 0.0%
0.00 10.0%
710.00 12.0%
3,110.00 22.0%
6,646.50 24.0%
16,072.50 32.0%
23,192.50 35.0%
78,177.50 37.0%

sheet for Percentage Method Tables for Automated Payroll Systems.

Federal Tax Tables (for 2021, using OLD W-4)
These tables are used to estimate the federal tax withholding and need to be updated each year.
Source: IRS Publication 15-T, pg6

Standard Withholding Rate Schedules

Use these if the Form W-4 is from 2019 or earlier
MARRIED Filing Jointly
Wage Threshold Base Withholding Percent
0.00 0.00 0.0%
12,200.00 0.00 10.0%
32,100.00 1,990.00 12.0%
93,250.00 9,328.00 22.0%
184,950.00 29,502.00 24.0%
342,050.00 67,206.00 32.0%
431,050.00 95,686.00 35.0%
640,500.00 168,993.50 37.0%
SINGLE or Married Filing Separately
Wage Threshold Base Withholding Percent
0.00 0.00 0.0%
3,950.00 0.00 10.0%
13,900.00 995.00 12.0%
44,475.00 4,664.00 22.0%
90,325.00 14,751.00 24.0%
168,875.00 33,603.00 32.0%
213,375.00 47,843.00 35.0%
527,550.00 157,804.25 37.0%
Wage Threshold Base Withholding Percent
0.00 0.00 0.0%
10,200.00 0.00 10.0%
24,400.00 1,420.00 12.0%
64,400.00 6,220.00 22.0%
96,550.00 13,293.00 24.0%
175,100.00 32,145.00 32.0%
219,600.00 46,385.00 35.0%
533,800.00 156,355.00 37.0%

Percentage Method - Amount for One Withholding Allowance

Allowance: 4,300.00
Calculations based on Allowance divided by the Periods per Year
Pay Period Periods per Year Allowance
Weekly 52 82.69
Biweekly 26 165.38
Semimonthly 24 179.17
Monthly 12 358.33
Daily 260 16.54
Paycheck Calculator


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