Horticulture PRE-TEST

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Bachelor of Agricultural Technology

Second Semester, A.Y. 2020-2021

Horticulture 1 – Horticultural Crop Production and Management

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MULTIPLE CHOICE: Select the best answer from the choices offered to complete the
statement or answer the question. Write your answer on side of each number.

1. It refers to the geographical position or the place where the horticultural enterprise is
a. Site b. Location c. Area d. Farm
2. It refers to the immediate place where any given horticultural crop is produced
a. Site b. Location c. Area d. Farm
3. Which is not a reliable or accurate indicator of soil fertility?
a. High in organic matter content
b. Usually back in colour
c. Presence of soil microorganisms (earthworms)
d. Low in soil PH
4. What is the ideal characteristic of a suitable location for horticultural crop production?
Have an ample source of water
All of the above
5. The following are important soil characteristic for crop production except
e. Depth b. Fertility c. Soil type d. Water supply 6. Why topography is considered in
site selection?
a. Because it affects the convenience of transporting farm inputs and farm products
b. Because plants grown in high elevation usually produce a higher yield
c. Because it affects the cultivation and planting practices for the crop
d. Both A and C
7. If climatic requirements of the plant are unknown, how will you determine its climatic
a. Observe the existing vegetation in the area
b. Get information from meteorological stations
c. Both A and B
d. B only
8. What factor should be considered in generating a horticultural business?
a. Capital b. Location socio-economic condition d. Facilities and amenities
9. What is the common method of producing vegetable seedlings?
a. Direct seeding b. Transplanting c. Asexual propagation
d. Sexual propagation
10. Which plant is best planted through direct seeding?
a. Corn b. Tomato c. Eggplant d. Carrot
11. The decision to transplant or to direct-seed vegetable crop must depend to
a. The characteristics of the particular vegetable crop
b. The location of the field
c. The types of soil to be planted with
d. The weather condition during planting
12. The seeds to be used in planting should be
a. Coming from a healthy mother plant
b. High in germination percentage
c. A certified seeds
d. Coming from a physiologically matured fruit
13. To ensure that more seeds will germinate, the seed must
a. High germination percentage
b. Uniform in size
c. Disease resistant
d. Coming from a reliable source
14. Germination percentage can be best determine by the following seed testing method
a. Petri dish method b. Rag doll method c. Seed box method d. Seed bed method
15. So that the seeds will not be consumed by insects or attacked by soil borne pathogens,
seeds must be
a. Soak in water 6 hours before the emergence of the radicle before planting
b. Air- dried 48 hours before planting
c. Treated with a fungicide
d. Stored in a container with desiccants
16. What will be the germination percentage of the seeds if out of 85 seeds sown, only 60
seeds germinated?
a. 75 b. 71 c. 72 d. 73
17. Blocking is more efficient if seedlings are raised in
a. Seedbeds b. Seed boxes c. In pots d. Directly in the field
18. Which method of seedling production is ideal in producing large number of seedling?
a. Seedbed method b. Seed box method c. Seedling trays d. Individual pots
19. What will be the advantage of sowing seeds in rows in the seed boxes?
a. It facilitates pricking and potting operation
b. It facilitates blocking operation easier
c. It prevents the development of diseases (damping-off)
d. All of these
20. What is the most convenient method of sterilizing seedbeds?
a. Heating the soil over fire
b. Pouring the soil mixture with hot water
c. Exposing the soil to intense sunlight
d. Burning combustible materials on the top of the seedbed
21. In sterilizing soil through heating, the soil must be
a. Dry because soil pathogens will thrive on wet soils
b. Wet because wet soil heat faster than dry soil
c. Wet and sadden so that the organic matter in the soil will not be burn
d. Dry because dry soil when heated becomes dry
22. Sterilizing soil can be done through ____________ except
a. Heating b. Fumigants c. Boiling water d. Insecticide
23. Which of the following best control the development of damping-off?
a. Sowing seeds in rows
b. Sowing seeds according to what is the recommended seeding rate
c. Watering the seedlings thoroughly
d. Treat the soil medium and seedling with fungicide
24. It is a chemical in gaseous form used in sterilizing soil.
a. Fumigants b. Insecticide c. Fungicide d. Pesticide
25. What is the most appropriate way in watering young seedlings?
a. Water the seedlings with a fine-stream of water
b. Water the seedlings with coarse-stream of water
c. Water the seedlings using sprayer with coarse nozzle
d. Pour water directly on the seedling so that it will easily moistened
26. In applying fertilizer to the young seedling, the fertilizer should be applied
a. Top dressed b. Broadcasted c. Side dressed d. Foliar
27. It is a solution of fertilizer that dissolved in water used in fertilizing young seedlings
a. Concoction b. Liquid fertilizer c. Foliar fertilizer d. Starter solution 28. In
what structural part of the plant does damping –off usually attacked?
a. Root b. Stem c. Leaves d. Both A and C
29. When is the right time to water newly germinated or young seedlings?
a. Early in the morning
b. Mid afternoon
c. Late afternoon or in the evening
d. Both A and B
30. It causes considerable yield losses in vegetable crops because it competes the
essential elements needed by plants
a. Grasses b. Broadleaf c. Sedges d. Weeds
31. Which does not belong to the climatic requirement s of the plants?
a. Temperature b. Relative humidity c. Rainfall d. Soil ph
32. In what stage of the growth development of plants is the considerable critical period of
weed competition?
a. Seedling stage b. Vegetative stage c .
Reproductive stage d. Reproductive stage
33. What field activity should be imposed during the critical period of crop-weed
a. Fertilizer application b. Irrigation c. Weeding d. Land cultivation 34. Which is not
belonging to physical method of weed control?
a. Hand pulling b. Hoeing c. Spraying herbicide d. Tillage
35. The surface of the soil was covered so that the weed seeds will not be exposed to
sunlight and will not germinate
a. Trellising b. Weeding c. Mulching d. Shading
36. It is a chemical that is used to control weeds
a. Weedicide b. Herbicide c. 2-4-D d. Fungicide
37. Aside from weed control, what are the other benefits we can get from mulching?
a. It conserves moisture in the soil
b. It acts as repellent to insect pests
c. It prevents the plant from toppling down
d. It neutralize the acidity in the soil
38. It is a herbicide that kills all kinds of weeds that are found in the area
a. Selective herbicide
b. b. Non-selective selective herbicide
c. c. Round-up herbicide
d. d. All purpose herbicide
39. When is the right time to apply pre-emergence herbicide?
a. before planting
b. after the emergence of the weed seeds
c. before the application of fertilizer
d. before the scheduled time of irrigation
40. it is a substance that contains nutrients and added to the soil to supply the necessary
nutrients needed by plants
a. concoctions d. Foliar fertilizer c. Vermicast 41. d. Fertilizer
How many essential elements are found in the soil?
a. 3 b. 12 c. 16 d. 28
42. Which is not belonging to the macro-elements in the soil?
a. Nitrogen b. Phosphorus c. Potassium d. Iron
43. How many percent of nitrogen are present in a 50 kg Urea (46-00-00)?
a. 25 kg b. 23 kg c. 22 kg d. 21 kg
44. Soil nutrients will extracted from the soil through
a. Crop removal
b. Run-off and erosion
c. Leaching and volatilization
d. All of these
45. Which is not belongs to natural organic elements?
a. Farm manure b. Crop residues c. Green manures d. Lime

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