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Significant insights/learnings/discoveries

The significant insights discussed in this lesson are as follows:

The Core Values and Related Values in the DepEd Framework of Values Education

1. Health

refers to a holistic concept of physical, mental and social well- being, with reverence and respect for
life as a fundamental concern, including care for the environment.

Core & Related Values  Health and harmony with nature  Holistic health  Cleanliness  Physical
fitness  Reverence for life  Environmental care
2. Truth

requires critical thinking as well as creativity and a future and scientific orientation. Tolerance calls
for the eradication of prejudices, an open mind and respect for diversity.

Core & Related Values  Love of truth  Critical thinking  Creativity  Openness and respect for
others  Future orientation  Scientific orientation
3. Love

includes the need of self-worth and reaching out of others. The ability to love begins with an
appreciation of one’s own power and goodness. Honesty, integrity, personal discipline, courage,
compassion and trust enable one to care for others.

Core & Related Values  Love and goodness  Self-worth/self-esteem  Goodness 

Honesty/integrity  Personal discipline  Courage  Trust  Compassion (caring and sharing)

4. Global Spirituality

enables one to develop an inner relationship with God, the sacred source of life. It allows one to
grow in relationships with the human community and the whole earth, stressing the unity of life. It
includes inner peace and religious tolerance.

Core & Related Values  Faith in god  Inner peace  Religious tolerance  Unity of all
5. Peace and Justice

are founded on respect for human rights and love, concern for the common good, cooperation,
fairness and social responsibility, accountability, and active non-violence.

Core & Related Values  Respect and love for one’s family  Family solidarity  Responsible
parenthood  Respect for human rights  Concern for the common good  Cooperation  Social
responsibility and accountability  Creative goodwill

B. Personal reactions/points of view

School must create a “values-based” culture if they are to be successful at nurturing a

happy community of students (and staff) who will make the most of their teaching &
learning opportunities.. Emphasis on different core values is very crucial as this will be the
guiding light that will hone the students.
The whole community plays a critical role in bringing school values alive.  By embedding
the school values into teaching and learning opportunities, bringing different sections of
the school to work together and ensuring the values are made explicit through displays,
a values-based culture can be created.  This can take a lot of time and energy to
implement, but the benefits will be felt throughout the wider community for a long time
to come.

It’s important that values are visible for the school community.  Again, this can be a great
project for the school council to take on – creating displays of the school’s values for
everyone in the community to see.
C. Real life experience/life illustration

This is the life experience of my friend who is a teacher. I asked her how can core
values be implemented, taught to children. She said that there are different strategies
where core values can be taught to students. She helped to organized a program for
students. Drawing on a pool of willing school students to help facilitate the program, this
effectively gave all students involved a real world project in which to learn values
literacy. She believe that real world projects are a great way to teach values.  By giving
students an idea about how their actions can impact others in a real world context , they
can begin to see the application of values such as integrity, truth, love and honesty in
their daily lives.

D. Values /Lessons/Realization learned 

The lesson I learned in this chapter are the core values and related values

Core values are what support the vision, shape the culture and reflect what the school
values.  They are the essence of the school’s identity by reflecting the community’s
beliefs about what it considers to be the most important desirable qualities to guide
everybody’s behavior.  As with any organization, schools with a culture of strong core
values are likely to do better than those without a strong core value system.  By “strong”
I mean to say that the values should be alive within the school culture – exemplified
through the activities, attitudes and behaviors of all key members of the school
community, including school leadership, teachers and students.  

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