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Philosophy of Education

Education is the backbone of building societies. Educational institutions strive to provide

the best quality of education. In that means, teachers diversify their techniques to deliver

the content of knowledge. In the process of education different factors are taken into

consideration to secure knowledge transfer. First thing is the content to be learned,

second the curriculum of education, and third is the methodology of education. Different

philosophies discussed the best way to acquire knowledge. Studying education and being

in direct contact with students, my philosophy of education is based on the fact that the

methodology is the major factor in the process of knowledge transfer.

The methodology is the key element in transferring knowledge. The content to be taught

can be various and challenging. The way it is taught either facilitates or prohibits the

process of knowledge transfer. This totally depends on the teacher. The teacher should be

able to come up with teaching methodologies that grasp the makes complicated concepts

easier. Teachers can lecture, engage students in projects, engage work in problem-

solution cases, practice conclusive process, and develop group work and other

techniques. The content of education is fixed, the way of delivery is different. Students

can either be recipients, and thus their only role is receiving information. Students can be

participants, this will make them engage in the process of creating this content. And this

makes the information learned, retained in their minds. So it is not the content or

curriculum what matters, my own philosophy in education calls for designing the proper

methodology for the right content.

Accordingly different theories support the philosophy of methodology. The Theory of

Universal Design of Learning indicates that the process of education requires the creation

of environmental cultures and environments for education to be successful. The theory

guides the development of creating a suitable learning environment. This highlights that

process of education depends on the material to be used in this process of education. This

resembles the fact that education depends on the methodology implemented. In addition

to that, collaborative learning is another theory supports the fact that education depends

on the methodology used. This theory indicates that learning happens when students

bring up information together and build conclusions accordingly. In a collaborative way

students will then be able to understand the concepts being learnt on their own. The

process of creating this puzzle, and designing activities for the students to learn from is

the methodology of teaching. Thus this theory also indicates the way of teaching

influence successful knowledge transfer.

In conclusion, teachers aim to transfer their knowledge to their students. A successful

teacher is the one who is able to deliver this knowledge is an effective and efficient way.

That been said, teachers should strive in finding different methodologies to make their

students learn better and faster. These methodologies can include visual learning, movie

learning, engagement learning or even only lectures. Teachers are the one to decide how

to teach rather than what to teach and this is what makes education successful.

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