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SBA 15 (PD)

Title: Resistance

Problem Statement: Mel and Sam decided to build a circuit for a motor but only had a 50V battery, 2A
filament bulbs, a lab rheostat resistor, wires and ammeter. Mel suggested they use the rheostat to manipulate the
resistance in the circuit since this this would help to increase the speed of the motor. Sam disagreed. Develop a
hypothesis to prove/ disapprove Mel’s stand.

Hypothesis (conditional tense): As the rate of resistance increase the speed of the motor will decrease

Aim: To determine how resistance affect the speed of a motor and brightness of a bulb

Apparatus/Materials: Wire, battery, resistor, motor, bulb, ammeter, switch, voltmeter

Method (present tense):

1. Gather all materials

2. Set up the circuit as shown in the diagram below
3. Ensure the circuit is working properly
4. Turn on the switch and record the observation in a suitable below
5. Repeat set 3 and 4 with a different resistance three more times
6. Vary the resistance, turn on the switch and record observation


Variables: A variable is any factor or item in an experiment that you can control or change.

(i) Manipulated variable (independent variable) – rheostat resistor

(ii) Responding variable (dependent variable)- various voltage and current in the circuit
(iii) Controlled variable – number of bulb, wire
Expected Results (conditional tense):

Resistance Ammeter 1 Voltmeter 1 Voltmeter 2 Voltmeter 3 Ammeter 2


The higher the resistance, the lower the current and it will lead to an decrease in voltage because current is
electrons, so if the current starts to decrease it will also lead a decrease in voltage

Limitations (conditional tense): A limitation in this experiment is the breeze which blew down the apparatus

Precautions (conditional tense): When handling the circuit gloves had to be worn to avoid getting shock from
any expose wire

Possible source of errors (conditional tense): A possible source of error is that a used resistor was used
during this experiment which would lead to wrong result since it wouldn’t be fully effective

Assumptions (conditional tense):

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