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Learning Area Grade Level 11

Practical Research 1
Quarter 1 Date

I. LESSON TITLE Identifying the Inquiry and Writing Research Title

II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING Designs a research project related to daily life; writes a research title; and
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) provides the justifications/reasons for conducting the research.
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Designing research project and writing research title
IV. LEARNING PHASES Time Learning Activities
A. Introduction 45 minutes You have learned from the previous lessons about qualitative research,
Panimula how does it differ from quantitative research, its characteristics, strengths,
weaknesses and kinds and also the importance of qualitative research across
fields. In this lesson, you will learn about designing research projects related to
daily life, writing research titles and providing justifications for conducting
Research is not just a valuable tool in building a crucial knowledge, but
it is also the most reliable way to understand the complexities of various issues
in our everyday living. Designing a research project is just like making a
blueprint of our dream houses. It always starts with the essential questions that
will be resulted to a better plan.
Choosing and Developing a Research Topic
The ability to develop a good research topic is an important skill. An
instructor may assign you a specific topic, but most often instructors require
you to select your own topic of interest. When deciding on a topic, there are
a few things that you will need to do:
• brainstorm for ideas;
• choose a topic that will enable you to read and understand the
• ensure that the topic is manageable and the material is available;
• make a list of key words;
• be flexible;
• define your topic as a focused research question;
• research and read more about your topic; and
• formulate a research statement.
Be aware that selecting a good topic may not be easy. It must be
narrow and focused enough to be interesting, yet broad enough to find
adequate information. Before selecting your topic, make sure you know what
your final project should look like. Each class or instructor will likely require a
different format or style of research project.
To read further about the importance of research, you may copy this link
to your browser:
Effective Research Title
Writing a research title may seem a simple task, but it requires some
serious thought. It might come as a surprise to most people that an author,
having successfully written a detailed account of his/her research study,
experiences a block while attempting to title the research paper. However,
most authors, by virtue of possessing comprehensive details of the research
paper, are perplexed with regard how to make their research paper title
concise without sacrificing any relevant elements.
Abueg (2020) stated that research title is similar to road sign in research.
He expressed that the title is a tool which guides the researcher in focusing
their inquiry. In addition, it provides opportunity to convey the central idea
behind one’s own research.

IV. LEARNING PHASES Time Learning Activities
Tips on Drafting a Research Title
Drafting a research title is a key task in research as this will capture the
essence of what you wish to do in your inquiry. There are various ways that
can help you develop one.
1. Consider the ideas behind your research topic. Identify these main ideas
and how they are related to one another. Try to inform a possible title
using these main ideas. (Example: If your topic is about the STEM students
and their motivation in choosing such strand in Senior High School, then
the main ideas would be the STEM students and their motivations.)
2. Completing the following sentence: “My study is about…” can also aid
you in drafting a research title as it captures the essence of your
research topic in one sentence. (Example: My study is about how the
STEM students choose their strand in Senior High School.)
3. You may also consider citing several attributes of your research such as
its purpose, conceptualization, approach, design and methods used
(Abueg, 2020).
4. In addition, Trinidad (2018) considered to make the research title as
concise as possible and to deflect “unnecessary words.” Note: Avoid
using these phrases: “An Approach to…” or “A Study of…”
5. You may consider also developing a single title or a two-part title.
(Example: Science ATM Card: A Motivational Tool in Teaching and
Learning Science 11) Remember: The first part is a snappy phrase
intended to catch audience attention while the second part is more
descriptive the actual study. Having a two-part title can provide the (1)
additional context; (2) the temporal cope of the research; (3) the main
theory; (4) approach; and (5) methodology used (University of Southern
California, 2016).
Parts of Research Title
A Catchy Hook - this is the least important part of an academic title,
introduces the paper in a creative way.
Topic Keyword - the "what" of the paper. This identifies concepts to be
explored. They are present in the title both for humans’ scanning lots of articles
and for search engine indexing.
Focus Keyword - the "where/when" of the paper. Along with “topic
keyword", these more specific keywords are vital so that researchers can drill
down to specific articles that pertain to their research.

B. Development 45 minutes Learning Task 1: A Story to tell…

Directions: Look at the given picture below. If you are going to make a story
out of the picture, what will be its title?

My Title:


IV. LEARNING PHASES Time Learning Activities
Learning Task 2: Give me a Yes or No!

Directions: On the space provided, write YES if the statement is correct and
NO otherwise.

__________ 1. In deciding a topic, your interest as a researcher is very

__________ 2. Being flexible is unnecessary in deciding for a research topic.
__________ 3. Reading only one article or research paper will help you in
deciding for your own research topic.
__________ 4. The research title must have the main idea of your topic to study.
__________ 5. Research title serves as an aid to the researcher in focusing the
investigation and processes of the study.

Learning Task 3: Give me your Whys…

Directions: The students will provide reason/s in conducting of each of the

given titles/topics below. Write your answers on the space provided.

Reason(s) in Conducting
the Research
Reading Comprehension of Grade 12 Students
The Case of Senior High Working Students
The Lived Experiences of Senior High School
Students in Work Immersion
Impact of Peer-Teaching in the
Performance of Students in Science
Number of Students per Senior High School

C. Engagement 60 minutes Learning Task 4: Think and List!

Directions: List down 3 problems or issues in your field of interest and expertise.
Explain your reason for choosing the said topic. Decision making is very
important in choosing a topic for research. You must consider the following

✓ What problem I want to solve?

✓ Who will benefit from the study?
✓ Why do I need to conduct this study?
✓ What are the possible research questions for the said study?

Problem/Issue Reasons for choosing the topic

D. Assimilation 60 minutes Learning Task 5: TOT-PAD (Think of a Title by Planning a Design)
Directions: From your answers in Learning Task 4, choose one topic/issue you
want to study. Identify the following concepts being asked on the graphic
organizer below to come-up with a Research Title.

Current Issue/Event in your field of

interest or field of expertise.

Main Idea: Main Idea:

Purpose: Approaches/Methods:

Working Research Title:

V. ASSESSMENT 15 minutes Learning Task 6: Time to assess!

(Learning Activity Sheets for
Enrichment, Remediation or Directions: Read and analyze each item. Encircle the letter of the correct
Assessment to be given on Weeks
3 and 6)

1. What part of research title identifies concepts to be explored?

A. Research title B. Focus keyword
C. Topic keyword D. Catchy hook
2. Cincy Merly wants to craft a research. Which of the following is not needed
to consider in deciding for the topic?
A. Availability B. Flexibility
C. Complexity D. Manageability
3. Which part of research title introduces the paper in a creative way?
A. Catchy hook B. Focus keyword
C. Topic keyword D. Research title
4. Peejay wants to use a two-part title for his research. Which among the
following is not applicable for his title?
A. Additional context B. Approach
C. Locale D. Methodology
5. Which of the following parts of research title serves as the "where/when" of
the paper?
B. Catchy hook B. Focus keyword
C. Topic keyword D. Research title

VI. REFLECTION 15 minutes In your journal, write your personal insights about the lesson using the
prompts below.

I understand that ___________________.

I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.



Abueg, L. C. Practical Research 1. University of the Philippines

Buensuceso, Dacanay, Manalo & San Gabriel (2016). Practical Research 1 Teacher’s Guide: First Edition.
Department of Education

Creswell, J. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Los
Angeles: Sage.

Gecolea, Cincy Merly B. and Gecolea, Peejay G. (2020). Self-Learning Module in Practical Research 1.
Department of Education, Division of Calamba City


Learning Task 1: A Story to tell…

The answers of the learners vary.

Learning Task 2: Give me a Yes or No!

1. YES

2. NO

3. NO

4. YES

5. YES

Learning Task 3: Give me your Whys…

The answers of the learners vary.

Learning Task 4: Think and List!

The answers of the learners vary.

Learning Task 5: TOT-PAD (Think of a Title by Planning a Design)

The answers of the learners vary.

Learning Task 6: Time to assess!

1. D

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. B

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