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Engineering Structures 24 (2002) 1105–1117

A new design equation for predicting the joint shear strength of

monotonically loaded exterior beam-column joints
P.G. Bakir ab,∗, H.M. Boduroğlu a
Istanbul Technical University, Civil Engineering Department, Maslak 80626, Istanbul, Turkey
Postal address: Yazmaci Tahir sok, Derya apt. no 11/4, Catalcesme, Suadiye, Istanbul, Turkey

Received 11 June 2001; received in revised form 8 March 2002; accepted 8 March 2002


In this study a new design equation for predicting the shear strength of monotonically loaded exterior beam column joints is
proposed. For this purpose, the influence of several key variables on the behaviour of beam-column joints are inspected using
results of parametric studies on an experimental database compiled from a large number of exterior joint tests. The design equation
suggested has three differences from the previously proposed equations. First, the equation proposed considers the influence of
beam longitudinal reinforcement ratio, which was not taken into account in previously suggested design equations. Second, as the
influence of this parameter is taken into account, a more realistic estimate of the influence of joint aspect ratio is obtained. Third,
the influence of stirrups is considered differently for joints with low, medium and high amount of stirrup ratios, in a way, which
was not considered in previously suggested equations. The results showed that the proposed design equation predicts the joint shear
strength of exterior beam column connections accurately with minimal standard deviation and is more reliable than the previously
suggested equations.  2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Reinforced concrete; Shear strength; Monotonically loaded exterior beam-column connections

1. Introduction reinforcement detailing, the ratio of beam longitudinal

reinforcement etc influence the joint shear strength dif-
It is now generally believed that beam-column joints ferently for interior or exterior and monotonically loaded
can be critical regions in reinforced concrete frames or cyclically loaded joints. This investigation was
under severe seismic effects. Beam-column joint failures planned with the objective of adding useful data to the
have been observed in the 1980 El Asnam [1], 1985 understanding of the influences of the above-mentioned
Mexico [2], 1986 San Salvador [3], 1989 Lome Prieta parameters on the joint shear strength of monotonically
[4] and 1999 Kocaeli earthquakes [5]. During the past loaded exterior beam-column joints. Surprisingly, none
forty years, significant amount of research has been car- of the previously suggested design equations for mono-
ried out on seismic behaviour of beam-column joints all tonically loaded exterior joints consider the factors that
over the world. However, compared to cyclically loaded influence joint shear strength such as beam longitudinal
joints, little information exists in literature for predicting reinforcement ratio, joint aspect ratio and concrete cylin-
the shear strength of monotonically loaded exterior der strength together.
Remarkable differences exist in the design of joints
for seismic loading or monotonic loading. Parameters
such as column axial load, concrete cylinder strength, 2. Previously suggested design equations for
stirrup ratio, stirrup index, joint aspect ratio, beam exterior beam column joints

In this section, the existing empirical design equations

Corresponding author. Fax: +90-216-386-9742. for predicting the shear strength of the monotonically
E-mail address: (P.G. Bakir). loaded exterior beam-column joints are reviewed.

0141-0296/02/$ - see front matter  2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 4 1 - 0 2 9 6 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 3 8 - X
1106 P.G. Bakir, H.M. Boduroğlu / Engineering Structures 24 (2002) 1105–1117

2.1. The design equation of Sarsam and Phillips where Asje is the cross-sectional area of the joint stirrups
within the top five eighths of the beam depth below the
Sarsam and Phillips [6] have proposed the following main beam reinforcement (mm2); a is a coefficient that
equation for the design of monotonically loaded exterior depends on factors including column load, concrete
beam column connections. strength, stirrup index, and joint aspect ratio, which is

冪冉1 ⫹ 0.29A 冊
conservatively taken as 0.2 in Vollum’s equation. Vc is
dc Nu the joint shear strength without stirrups (N); Vj is the
Vcol ⫽ 5.08fcurc0.33 1.33bcdc (1)
db g total joint shear strength (N); hb is the section depth of
the beam (mm); hc is the section depth of the column
where Vcol is the column shear force at the column-joint (mm); fc is the concrete cylinder strength (MPa); beff is
interface (N); fcu is the concrete cube strength (MPa); rc the average of the beam and column widths (mm); fy is
is the column longitudinal reinforcement ratio the yield strength of stirrups (MPa).
rc ⫽ Aso / bcdc (2)
2.3. Present design guidelines
where Aso is the area of the layer of steel furthest from
the maximum compression face in a column (mm2); Ag The ACI-ASCE Committee 352 [8], and EC8 [9] rec-
is the gross cross-sectional area of the column at the joint ommend the following design equations for the shear
(mm2); Nu is the axial column load (N);dc is the effective strength of monotonically loaded joints.
depth of the layer of steel furthest away from the
maximum compression face in a column (mm); db is the Vjd ⫽ 1.058冑fcbeffhc (ACI (9)
effective depth of beam tension reinforcement (mm); bc
is the width of column section at the joint (mm). ⫺ ASCE Committee 352)
The shear force resisted by the links is taken as: Vjd ⫽ 0.525f 2/3
c beffhc (EC8 ductility class DCL) (10)
Vsd ⫽ 0.87Ajsfyv (3) In order to investigate the reliability of the above
Vud ⫽ Vcd ⫹ Vsd (4) design equations, the authors carried out several para-
metric studies on monotonically loaded exterior beam-
where Ajs is the total area of horizontal link reinforce- column joints. The parametric studies are explained in
ment crossing the diagonal plane from corner to comer the next section followed by a comparison of the above
of the joint between the beam compression and tension design equations with the parametric studies of authors.
reinforcement (mm2); fyv is the tensile strength of the
link reinforcement (MPa); Vsd is the design link shear
force resistance (N); Vcd is the design shear force resist- 3. Parametric studies on joint shear strength
ance of concrete in a joint (N); Vud is the design ultimate
shear capacity of joint (N)
The authors carried out a parametric investigation of
All the joint stirrups are considered to be effective in
exterior beam-column joint behaviour based on 58 tests
increasing the joint shear capacity.
conducted in Europe. The loading in all the tests was
monotonic. The authors realised that there might be
2.2. The design equation of Vollum important interactions between variables that at first
were supposed to act independently and this necessitated
Vollum [7] proposed the following equation on the viewing the entire population of results as a single para-
design of exterior beam column connections: meter. For this purpose, monotonically loaded exterior

冉 hb
hc 冊
Vc ⫽ 0.642b 1 ⫹ 0.555(2⫺ ) beffhc冑fc (5)
beam column joints are investigated through test results
assembled and reconsidered as a unified whole. Examin-
ing a large number of individual series of tests as a single
Vj ⫽ Vc ⫹ (Asjefy⫺abeffhc冑fc) (6) database has the advantage of observing which variables
have a significant influence on joint shear strength in all
a is taken as 0.2 for low, medium and high amount of tests and which variables interact with each other. A new
stirrups. b is 0.9 for U detail beam reinforcement and design equation is proposed based on the parametric
1 for L bent down. The joint shear strength should be studies carried out on the experimental database. Table
limited to: 1 shows the experimental database used in this study.

冉 冊
The database comprises of the tests of Ortiz [10], Kord-
Vj具0.97beffhc冑fc 1 ⫹ 0.555(2⫺ )
hb ina [11], Scott [12], Scott & Hamill [13], Taylor [14],
hc and Parker & Bullman [15]. The specimen forms
included in the database are shown in Fig. 1(a). Fig. 1(b)
具1.33beffhc冑fc (8) shows the notations used in this study.
Table 1
Experimental database

Investigator Specimen Detail H (mm) L (mm) hb/hc bc/bb Beam Column rein. fc(MPa) Column axial SI (MPa)–0.5 Vjpredicted/Vjactual Failure
rein.ratio ratio load modes

Ortiz BCJ 1 L bar 2000 1050 1.33 1.00 1.1 2.19 34 0 0 0.68 is
BCJ 2 L bar 2000 1100 1.33 1.00 1.1 2.19 38 0 0.16 0.77 is
BCJ 3 L bar 2000 1100 1.33 1.00 1.1 2.92 33 0 0 0.64 is
BCJ 4 L bar 2000 1100 1.33 1.00 1.1 3.65 34 0 0.33 0.78 is
BCJ 5 L bar 2000 1100 1.33 1.00 1.1 3.65 38 300 0 0.72 Is
BCJ 6 L bar 2000 1100 1.33 1.00 1.1 3.65 35 300 0 0.68 is
BCJ 7 L bar 2000 1100 1.33 1.00 1.1 3.65 35 300 0.76 0.68 b
Kordina RE 2 L bar 3000 1000 2.00 1.00 0.9 2.41 25 240 0 0.66 is
RE 3 L bar 3000 1000 1.50 1.00 1.8 2.41 40 400 0.26 0.96 is
RE 4 L bar 3000 1000 1.50 1.00 1.2 2.41 32 51 0.19 0.83 is
RE 6 L bar 3000 1000 1.50 1.00 1.2 2.41 32 213 0.38 0.91 is
RE 7 L bar 3000 975 1.40 1.00 1.3 1.61 26 650 0.43 0.87 is
RE 8 U bar 3000 975 1.40 1.00 1.3 1.61 28 525 0.42 0.90 is
RE 9 U bar 3000 975 1.40 1.00 1.3 1.61 28 770 0.41 0.86 is
RE 10 U bar 3000 975 1.56 1.00 1.2 1.61 24 551 0.45 0.94 is
Taylor P1/41/24 L bar 1290 470 1.43 1.40 2.4 4.10 33 240 0.3 0.97 is
P2/41/24 L bar 1290 470 1.43 1.40 2.4 4.10 29 240 0.3 0.94 is
P2/41/24A L bar 1290 470 1.43 1.40 2.4 4.10 47 240 0.26 0.92 is
A3/41/24A L bar 1290 470 1.43 1.40 2.4 4.10 27 240 0.3 0.88 is
D3/41/24 L bar 1290 470 1.43 1.40 2.4 4.10 53 60 0.24 0.89 is
B3/41/24 L bar 1290 470 1.43 1.40 2.4 4.10 22 240 0.75 0.92 is
C3/41/24BY U bar 1290 470 1.43 1.40 2.4 4.10 32 240 0.31 1.04 is
C3/41/13Y U bar 1290 470 1.43 1.40 1.4 4.10 28 240 0.33 0.95 is
Scott C1AL L bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 1.1 4.29 33 50 0.188 0.87 is
C4 L bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 2.1 4.29 41 275 0.203 0.89 is
C4A L bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 2.1 4.29 44 275 0.196 0.86 is
C4AL L bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 2.1 4.29 36 50 0.218 0.86 is
C7 L bar 1700 750 2.00 1.36 1.4 4.29 35 275 0.22 0.90 is
C3L U bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 2.1 4.29 35 50 0.22 1.03 is
C6 U bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 2.1 4.29 40 275 0.21 1.05 is
C6L U bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 2.1 4.29 46 50 0.19 0.94 is
P.G. Bakir, H.M. Boduroğlu / Engineering Structures 24 (2002) 1105–1117

C9 U bar 1700 750 2.00 1.36 1.4 4.29 36 275 0.22 0.93 is
(continued on next page)
Table 1 (continued) 1108

Investigator Specimen Detail H (mm) L (mm) hb/hc bc/bb Beam Column rein. fc(MPa) Column axial SI (MPa)–0.5 Vjpredicted/Vjactual Failure
rein.ratio ratio load modes

Scott & C4ALN0 L bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 2.1 4.29 42 50 0 0.88 p
C4ALN1 L bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 2.1 4.29 46 50 0.229 0.85 js
C4ALN3 L bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 2.1 4.29 42 50 0.478 0.78 js
C4ALN5 L bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 2.1 4.29 50 50 0.718 0.85 js
C4ALH0 L bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 2.1 4.29 104 100 0 0.86 p
C6LN0 U bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 2.1 4.29 51 50 0 0.92 js
C6LN1 U bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 2.1 4.29 51 100 0.19 0.96 js
C4ALH1 L bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 2.1 4.29 95.2 100 0.159 0.93 b
C4ALH3 L bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 2.1 4.29 105.6 100 0.302 0.97 b
C4ALH5 L bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 2.1 4.29 98.4 100 0.469 1.00 b
C6LN3 U bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 2.1 4.29 49 50 0.44 0.92 js
C6LN5 U bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 2.1 4.29 37 50 0.765 0.74 js
C6LH0 U bar 1700 750 1.40 1.3 2.1 4.29 101 100 0 0.72 js
C6LH1 U bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 2.1 4.29 102 100 0.153 0.98 js
C6LH3 U bar 1700 750 1.40 1.36 2.1 4.29 97 100 0.472 0.93 js
Parker 4a L bar 2000 850 1.67 1.20 0.9 1.09 39 0 0 - c
4b L bar 2000 850 1.67 1.20 0.9 1.09 39 300 0 1.05 js
4c L bar 2000 850 1.67 1.20 0.9 1.09 37 600 0 0.83 js
4d L bar 2000 850 1.67 1.20 0.9 4.38 39 0 0 0.97 js
4e L bar 2000 850 1.67 1.20 0.9 4.38 40 300 0 0.92 js
4f L bar 2000 850 1.67 1.20 0.9 4.38 38 600 0 0.78 js
5a L bar 2000 850 1.67 1.20 0.9 2.67 42 0 0.404 - c
5b L bar 2000 850 1.67 1.20 0.9 2.67 43 300 0.4 1.08 js
5d L bar 2000 850 1.67 1.20 1.4 2.67 43 0 0.6 - c
5e L bar 2000 850 1.67 1.20 1.4 2.67 45 300 0.589 - c
5f L bar 2000 850 1.67 1.20 1.4 2.67 43 600 0.6 0.86 js
Average 0.88
Standard devi- 0.10
P.G. Bakir, H.M. Boduroğlu / Engineering Structures 24 (2002) 1105–1117

Note: C is column failure; b is beam failure; js is jointshear failure; p is connection zone reinforcement pullout failure.
P.G. Bakir, H.M. Boduroğlu / Engineering Structures 24 (2002) 1105–1117 1109

Fig. 2. The influence of concrete cylinder strength on joint shear


cylinder strength is related to the joint shear strength by

the following equation.
nj⬇0.9155冑fc (11)
where fc is the uniaxial concrete cylinder strength with-
out any factors of safety and vj is in MPa.
C4ALHO and C4ALNO of Scott have been investi-
gated in order to find the possible influences of the inter-
action of other parameters with the concrete cylinder
strength. These specimens were deliberately chosen so
as to eliminate other factors such as stirrups, column
axial load and joint aspect ratio. Because they had no
stirrups, they had similar joint aspect ratios and they
belonged to the same group of tests.
The analysis confirmed the above relationship
between the concrete cylinder strength and the joint
shear strength. Hamill has also suggested that the joint
shear strength is proportional to the square root of the
concrete cylinder strength.

Fig. 1. (a) Typical specimen shape in the experimental database. (b)

Typlical elevation and notations used for exterior beam colum joints. 5. Determining the joint shear strength
(c) The strut and truss mechanisms.
The joint shear is calculated using the following pro-
It is commonly accepted that beam column joints
Mb ⫽ P(L ⫹ d1) (12)
resist shear by the strut and truss mechanisms as sug-
gested first by Paulay [16] as shown in Fig. 1(c). The where P is the failure load (N); L is the distance from
strut mechanism accounts for the contribution of the con- the point of application of the load to the face of the
crete, whereas the truss mechanism represents the contri- column (mm); d1 is the cover (mm).
bution of stirrups to joint shear strength. In this study, A value is assumed for the strain in the beam tensile
the resistance of the concrete to the joint shear will be reinforcement. The force in the beam tensile reinforce-
determined first and then the influence of the stirrups ment and the moment produced by it are calculated and
will be added. if this is equal to the moment calculated in Eq. (2), the
procedure is stopped. If not, the strain assumed is
increased in small increments up until, the moment is
4. Influence of concrete cylinder strength equal to the moment given in Eq. (2). The reinforcement
was assumed to have an elastic modulus of 200 GPa.
The relation between maximum joint shear stress at The joint shear strength is calculated as below:
the instant of joint failure and the uni-axial compressive
Vj ⫽ Tb⫺Vcol (13)
stress of concrete fc is shown in Fig. 2. The authors car-
ried out a regression analysis and found that concrete where Vj is the joint shear force (N); Tb is the tensile
1110 P.G. Bakir, H.M. Boduroğlu / Engineering Structures 24 (2002) 1105–1117

force in the beam longitudinal reinforcement (N); Vcol is and consequently have lower joint shear strengths with
the shear force in the upper column (N). respect to joints that fail by joint shear failure.
The normalised joint shear strength is determined as:
nj ⫽ 7. Influence of beam longitudinal reinforcement
where beff is the average of the beam and the column
The authors having investigated the specimens of
width; fc is the concrete cylinder strength; hc is the height Parker and Bullman decided that the possible low
of the column. strength of Parker and Bullman specimens apart from
The unit of v j is (MPa)0.5. detailing and high joint aspect ratio as well as low radius
of bend could be the very low beam longitudinal
reinforcement ratio. The relation between the beam
6. Influence of column reinforcement ratio longitudinal reinforcement ratio and the normalised joint
shear strength is demonstrated in Fig. 4. Fig. 4 shows
The authors made a parametric study on the specimens that the ratio of the beam longitudinal reinforcement is
in the experimental database which failed by joint shear, related to the normalised joint shear strength by the fol-
which had low amount of stirrups and which were lowing equation:
detailed by L bars bent down detail. Parker and
Bullmann specimens were deliberately excluded from
this parametric study because they have high joint aspect
ratios and low beam reinforcement ratio. Furthermore
nj⬇ 冉 冊
b bd

due to low column longitudinal reinforcement ratio and where Asb is the total area of beam reinforcement; bb is
low column axial stress, some of them have failed due the breadth of the beam; d is the depth of the beam.
to column failure. The Kordina specimens were also In order to understand the possible influence of the
excluded as they are provided by inclined reinforcement ratio of beam longitudinal reinforcement on the joint
in their joints which significantly increased their joint shear strength, the authors investigated the specimens
shear strength. The parametric study in Fig. 3 clearly C4AL and C1AL of Scott, which were nearly identical
shows that joint shear strength is independent of the col- except the beam reinforcement ratios they had. The joint
umn longitudinal reinforcement ratio in joints that fail shear strength of C1AL that had a beam longitudinal
by joint shear failure. reinforcement ratio of 1.1 was nearly 30% lower than
The authors also analysed the joints of Parker and C4AL that had a beam reinforcement ratio of 2.1. The
Bullman. The analysis of specimens 4a and 4d of Parker analysis of these two specimens showed that the beam
and Bullman showed that these two specimens were longitudinal reinforcement is related to the normalised
identical except for their column longitudinal reinforce- joint shear strength by the above equation.
ment ratios. The provision of 75% less column reinforce-
ment than specimen 4d, did not only decrease the joint
shear strength of specimen 4a, but also caused the speci- 8. Influence of beam reinforcement detailing
men 4a to fail by column failure instead of joint shear
failure. It can be concluded that, the joints that have low The beam reinforcement detailing affects both the nor-
column longitudinal reinforcement ratios and column malised joint shear strength and the failure modes of
axial stresses are more likely to fail by column hinging joints. The authors’ analysis of two identical specimens
of Kordina with different beam reinforcement detailing

Fig. 3. The influence of the column longitudinal reinforcement ratio Fig. 4. The influence of the beam longitudinal reinforcement ratio on
on the normalised joint shear strength. the normalised joint shear strength.
P.G. Bakir, H.M. Boduroğlu / Engineering Structures 24 (2002) 1105–1117 1111

showed that the joint shear strengths of monotonically 10. Influence of joint aspect ratio
loaded exterior beam column connections decrease by
15% if detailed by U bars rather than L bars. This is The authors have carried out a parametric study to
shown in Fig. 5. Inspection of Scott and Hamill speci- investigate the influence of the joint aspect ratio on the
mens C4ALH3 (L bars bent down detail) and C6ALH3 normalized joint shear strength. The specimens which
(U bars detail) which were identical except for their fail by failure modes other than joint shear failure, the
beam reinforcement detailing shows that providing L U bar specimens, the specimens with inclined bars, all
bars bent down detail reinforcement can change the fail- of Parker and Bullmann specimens, all specimens with
ure modes of monotonically loaded exterior beam col- medium and high amount of stirrups are excluded from
umn connections from joint shear to beam failure. this study. In order to minimise the possible interaction
Further inspection of Kordina specimens with that of of parameters such as the concrete cylinder strength and
Ortiz or Scott shows that the normalised joint shear the beam longitudinal reinforcement ratio, the joint shear
strengths of Kordina specimens are significantly higher strength is normalised by the square root of the concrete
than that of other researchers’ specimens. The authors cylinder strength and the 0.4289 power of the beam
are of the opinion that there are two important reasons longitudinal reinforcement ratio. Fig. 6 shows the
for this. First, the specimens of Kordina except for RE4 relation between the joint aspect ratio and the normalised
are detailed by inclined reinforcement, which signifi- joint shear strength. It is evident that the joint aspect
cantly increases the normalised joint shear strength. ratio is related to the normalised shear strength as shown
Second, the concrete cylinder strengths of Kordina’s in Eq. (16).
specimens have been underestimated because they are
based on the minimum rather than the average cube
strengths. The consequence of this is that the normalised
⬇ 冉冊

joint shear strengths may have been overestimated. where hb is the cross-sectional height of the beam; hc is
the cross-sectional height of the column.
In order to investigate the possible interactions of dif-
ferent parameters, the authors also inspected C7 and
9. Influence of the vertical anchorage length and C4AL of Scott, which were the only test data available
the radius of bend that investigates the joint aspect ratio. The notable differ-
ence between C7 and C4AL was that they had got differ-
ent beam reinforcement ratios as well as different joint
The analysis of BCJ3 of Ortiz showed that the joint
aspect ratios. Analysis of the test data confirmed the
shear strength of BCJ3 was considerably increased com-
reliability of Eq. (16).
pared to other specimens of Ortiz with low amount of
stirrups. The authors are of the opinion that this increase
is due to higher vertical anchorage length and higher 11. Influence of Joint Stirrups
radius of bend of beam reinforcement of Ortiz specimen
BCJ3. Thus, it can be concluded that there is evidence Without the influence of transverse reinforcement, the
from Ortiz tests that the shear strength of joints can be authors’ design equation takes the following form:
increased if the vertical anchorage length is higher than
26db (db is the diameter of beam reinforcement) and the 0.71bg 冉 冊 冉
b bd

bc ⫹ bb
radius of bend is higher than 8db. Vc ⫽ (17)
hb 0.61 2

Fig. 6. The influence of the joint aspect ratio on the joint shear
Fig. 5. The normalised joint shear strength of identical specimens strength normalised by the concrete sylinder strength and the beam
with different beam reinforcement detailing. reinforcement ratio.
1112 P.G. Bakir, H.M. Boduroğlu / Engineering Structures 24 (2002) 1105–1117

where b ⫽ 0.85 for joints detailed by U bars and b ⫽ Vj aAsjefy

⫽ vc ⫹ (19)
1 for joints detailed by L bars. and g ⫽ 1.37 for inclined beffhc冑fc behc冑fc
bars in the joint and g ⫽ 1 for others.
The constant 0.71 is a capacity reduction factor Therefore the final equation can be formulated as:

冉 冊 冉 冊
determined empirically. The authors have plotted the
Asb 0.4289 bc ⫹ bb
joint shear strengths of the specimens in the experi- 0.71bg 100∗ hc冑fc
mental database and their stirrup ratios in Fig. 7. It is bbdb 2

Vj ⫽ (20)
very apparent from the figure that the relation between hb 0.61
the stirrup ratio and the normalised joint shear strength hc
is tri-linear. Up to stirrup ratios of 0.003, the joints are
named as joints with low amount of stirrups. Joints with ⫹ aAsjefy
joint stirrup ratios between 0.003 and 0.0055 are named where a ⫽ 0.664 for joints with low amount of stirrups;
as joints with medium amount of stirrups. All the stirrups a ⫽ 0.6 for joints with medium amount of stirrups;
yield within this region. When the stirrup ratio is higher a ⫽ 0.37 for joints with high amount of stirrups
than 0.0055, not all the stirrups yield as evident from The stirrups not only affect the normalised joint shear
the analysis of specimen BCJ7 of Ortiz and C4ALN3 of strength but also the failure modes of joints. The authors’
Scott and Hamill and the contribution of stirrups to joint inspection of joints C4ALNO (no stirrup in joint) and
shear strength substantially reduces under the yield C4ALN1 (single stirrup in joint) of Scott and Hamill has
capacity of stirrups. shown that provision of a single stirrup in joints which
The stirrups that are considered effective in this study have hc/db ratios less than 10 changes the failure mode
are those that are situated above beam compressive from connection zone reinforcement pull out to joint
chord and below the top beam reinforcement. This is shear failure. Furthermore, it is apparent from the datab-
because, the reported stirrup strains of Ortiz specimen ase that anchorage failures are not anticipated in joints
BCJ7 and BCJ4 both showed that the stirrup strains sub- which have medium or high amount of stirrups.
stantially reduce if positioned between the beam tensile
reinforcement and the beam compressive chord. Fig. 1
shows this. 12. Influence of column axial stress
It is commonly assumed in the literature [16] that joint
shear strength is given by the addition of concrete resist- The authors have depicted the relation between the
ance to shear, symbolising the resistance of the concrete normalised joint shear strength and the column axial
strut mechanism and stirrup yield capacity, symbolising stress in Fig. 8. There is considerable scatter in the
the resistance of the truss mechanism: experimental data. The results show that the column
Vj ⫽ Vc ⫹ Asjefy (18) axial load certainly does not influence the joint shear
strength of monotonically loaded exterior beam column
where Vc is the joint shear strength of the concrete connections. Vollum reaches a similar conclusion.
(without stirrups); Asje is the area of the stirrups; fy is Nevertheless, the authors’ investigation of the speci-
the stirrup yield strength. mens of Parker and Bullman showed that column axial
As mentioned above, the analysis of tests showed that load influences the behaviour of joints by changing their
when the joints have a stirrup ratio higher than 0.0055, failure modes. The authors’ comparison of Parker and
not all the stirrups yield within the joint. The authors are Bullmann specimen 4a with specimens 4b, 4c showed
of the opinion that Eq. (18) should be corrected as: that the former failed by column failure while the latter
two specimens all failed by joint shear failure. The

Fig. 8. The influence of the column axial stress on the normalised

Fig. 7. The influence of stirrup ratio on the joint shear strength. joint shear strength.
P.G. Bakir, H.M. Boduroğlu / Engineering Structures 24 (2002) 1105–1117 1113

experimental data indicates that high column axial

stresses and high column longitudinal reinforcement
ratios are necessary in order to avoid column failures.

13. Critique of previously suggested design

equations for exterior beam column joints

In this section, the previously suggested empirical

equations are discussed and compared with the design
equation of authors. Because the influence of beam
Fig. 9. The influence of the beam reinforcement ratio on the predicted
longitudinal reinforcement ratio is not taken into normalised joint shear strength of the Vollum equation.
account, previous researchers’ estimates of the influence
of the joint aspect ratio on the joint shear strength are
flawed. None of the previously suggested design equa-
tions take account of the influence of the stirrups realisti- ratio on the joint shear strength. Because the effect of
cally. Using the authors’ new proposal, a more realistic beam longitudinal reinforcement ratio is disregarded, the
estimate of joint shear strength was obtained. equation incorrectly predicts a linear relationship
between the joint aspect ratio and the joint shear
13.1. Remark on Sarsam and Phillips equation strength. If the above parameters are taken into account,
joint shear strength is predicted as proportional with the
The authors’ as well as Vollum’s analysis showed that 0.61 power of the joint aspect ratio as given by the sug-
the column axial load does not influence the joint shear gested equation in this paper.
strength. Contrary to the experimental evidence, Sarsam Vollum has not given the basis of the upper limits
and Phillips equation suggests that column axial load chosen. It is not clear what the basis of the constant 0.97
influences the joint shear strength. is. Moreover, the author suggests that the other limit
Furthermore, all stirrups are considered as effective in 1.33√fcbeffhc is chosen because it is the highest shear
Sarsam and Phillips equation while the tests of Ortiz strength of the database used by the author. So the accu-
showed that the effective stirrups are those that are situ- racy of the above constraint is limited by the experi-
ated above the beam compressive chord and below the mental database used. The authors are of the opinion that
beam reinforcement. Sarsam and Phillips equation pre- more experiments are needed to propose upper limits for
dicts that all the transverse reinforcement yield. How- joint shear strength.
ever, inspection of BCJ7 of Ortiz demonstrates clearly The authors plotted Vjpredicted/Vjactual values for both
that not all the stirrups yield in some joints. Vollum and the authors’ equation against beam
Sarsam and Phillips equation predicts that column reinforcement ratio, joint aspect ratio, stirrup ratio and
longitudinal reinforcement ratio affects the joint shear the stirrup index in Fig. 9–16. The figures clearly show
strength. However, the parametric study of authors’ in that the authors’ model is an improvement on the design
Fig. 6 showed that there is no apparent relationship equation of Vollum. The suggested design equation is
between the column longitudinal reinforcement ratio and more conservative than Vollum equation under varying
the normalised shear strength of joints that fail by joint beam reinforcement ratio, joint aspect ratio, stirrup ratio
shear failure. and the stirrup index.
The equation predicts that there is a linear relationship
between the concrete cube strength and the normalised
joint shear strength. The authors’ parametric study in
Fig. 3 showed that the normalised joint shear strength is
proportional to the square root of the concrete cylinder
strength. The equation of Sarsam and Phillips overesti-
mates the influence of the concrete cylinder strength on
the normalised joint shear strength.

13.2. Remark on the design equation of Vollum

As mentioned in the above paragraphs, beam

reinforcement ratio significantly influences the joint
shear strength of exterior joints. Vollum’s equation neg- Fig. 10. The influence of the beam reinforcement ratio on the pre-
lects the influence of beam longitudinal reinforcement dicted joint shear strength of author’s equation.
1114 P.G. Bakir, H.M. Boduroğlu / Engineering Structures 24 (2002) 1105–1117

Fig. 11. The influence of the joint aspect ratio on the normalised joint Fig. 15. The influence of the stirrup index on the predicted joint shear
shear strength predicted by Vollum. strength of Vollum’s equation.

Fig. 12. The influence of the joint aspect ratio on the predicted shear Fig. 16. The influence of the stirrup index on the predicted joint shear
strength of the author’s equation. strength of the author’s equation/

14. Present design guidelines

Both the ACI-ASCE Committee 352 [8], and EC8 [9]

methods calculate the joint shear strength on the assump-
tion that the tensile reinforcement yield and for both
equations factors of safety are included. The above
methods are considered to be inadequate by the authors
because they neglect the influence of the stirrups, beam
longitudinal reinforcement ratio, and joint aspect ratio
on the joint shear strength.
Fig. 13. The influence of the stirrup ratio on the predicted joint shear
strength of the Vollum equation.
14.1. Comparison of the parametric studies with the
established principles of joint mechanics

In order to investigate the reliability of the parametric

studies in Fig. 2–9, the authors investigated the estab-
lished equations on the basic mechanics of reinforced
concrete beam-column joints. This has been also pre-
viously discussed by Paulay [17] and by Bonacci & Pan-
tazopoulou for interior joints [18] who have also taken
into account the joint deformations. Both of the authors
use the average stresses for equilibrium as shown in Fig.
18. The typical loading system considered in analysis of
exterior beam-column joints is shown in Fig. 17. Fig. 18
depicts the equilibrium of vertical and horizontal forces.
Fig. 14. The influence of the stirrup ratio on the predicted joint shear Fig. 18 shows that equilibrium of forces in the horizontal
strength of the author’s equation. direction require the average transverse compressive
stress in the joint sx defined as:
P.G. Bakir, H.M. Boduroğlu / Engineering Structures 24 (2002) 1105–1117 1115

I2 ⫽ sxsy ⫹ sysz ⫹ sxsz⫺t2av (24b)

I3 ⫽ sxsysz⫺s t 2
z av (24c)
The tensile stress in the concrete is negligible and
therefore s1 ⫽ 0, which consequently gives:
sy ⫽ (25)
From the Mohr’s circle,
Fig. 18. Stress equilibrium.
tan2q ⫽ (26)
If Eq. (25) is substituted into Eq. (26), the following
quadratic equation ensues:

t2av ⫹ 冉 1
tanq 冊
⫺tanq sxtav⫺s2x ⫽ 0 (27)

which gives:
tav ⫽ ⫺ (28)
Using Eq. (25), we have:
sy ⫽ ⫺ (29)
Fig. 17. Joint geometry.
Collins and Mitchell [19] suggest the following equation
for the maximum stress in concrete panels:
Asb Asje
sx ⫽ ⫺ fs⫺ f (21) fc
beffhb beffhb w f2max ⫽ 具f (30)
0.8 ⫹ 170e1 c
where fs is the average stress in the beam reinforcement;
The principal compressive stress is given by:
fw is the average stress in the transverse reinforcement.
Consequently, the average normal concrete stress in
the y direction sy can be expressed as : s2 ⫽ 2 冉冉 e2
⫺ 冊冉e2
⫺0.002 冊冊
f2max (31)
Ascol N
sy ⫽ ⫺ f ⫺ (22) s2 is also given from Mohr’s circle as:
beffhc scol beffhc
where fscol is the average stress in the column reinforce-
ment; N is the column axial load
s2 ⫽ sx ⫹ sy ⫽ ⫺tav tanq ⫹ 冉 1
tanq 冊 (32)

Defining the average joint shear stress in the joint as Thus the average joint shear stress can be expresses as:
tav, the maximum principal stress associated with the
stress tensor is given as; s2

冉 冊
tav ⫽ ⫺ (33)

冤 冥
tanq ⫹
sx tav 0 tanq
s ⫽ tav sy 0 (23) Eq. (30)–(33) show very clearly that as the principal
0 0 sz tensile strain increases, the average joint shear stress
decreases. Thus it is necessary to express the principal
tensile strain in terms of the strains in the x and y direc-
where sz is the confining stress provided by stirrups in tions in order to investigate the factors that influence the
the z direction. joint shear strength. From Mohr’s circle, it is known
s3 ⫽ I1s2 ⫹ I2s⫺I3 ⫽ 0 (24a) that:
In order to determine the principal stresses, Eq. (24a) g
tan2q ⫽ (34)
has to be solved; where I1 ⫽ sx ⫹ sy ⫹ sz ex⫺ey
1116 P.G. Bakir, H.M. Boduroğlu / Engineering Structures 24 (2002) 1105–1117

From Mohr’s circle, the principal tensile strain will be:

冪冉 冊 冉冊
(ex ⫹ ey) (ex⫺ey) 2
g 2 1 hb 1

冉 冉 冊冊
e1 ⫽ ⫹ ⫹ (35) e1 ⫽ tav (43)
2 2 2 hb 2 hc Asbm Asje
Es 1⫺ ⫹
hc beffhb beffhb
If Eq. (34) is substituted into Eq. (35) and appropriate

trigonometric transformations are carried out, Eq. (36)

冣 冣
given by Bonacci and Pantazopoulou is obtained. hb 2

冉 冊
1 hc
ex⫺eytan2q ⫺ ⫹
e1 ⫽ (36) Ascol Ascol
1⫺tan2q beffhc
The next step will be to express the strains in the x
and y directions in terms of the stresses. The above equation shows that the principal tensile

strain is increased by the joint aspect ratio and column
Asbfs Asjefw Asb longitudinal reinforcement ratio and the axial load on
sx ⫽ ⫺tavtanq ⫽ ⫺ ⫺ ⫽ m (37)
beffhb beffhb beffhb the column whereas it is decreased by increasing beam

longitudinal reinforcement ratio and the stirrup ratio. The
Asje shear stress in the joint is dependent on the principal
⫹ f
beffhb w tensile strain as evident from Equations 30 and 33. It is
therefore evident from Eq. (28)(29) and (43) that the
joint shear strength increases as the beam longitudinal
m ⫽ fs / fw (38) reinforcement ratio and the transverse reinforcement
ratio increases. Eq. (29) shows that the joint shear
The strain in the x direction can therefore be strength increases as the column load and the column
expressed as: longitudinal reinforcement increases but Eq. (43) shows
fw tavtanq that as the longitudinal column reinforcement and the

冉 冊
ex ⫽ ⫽ (39) column load increases, the principal tensile stresses
Es Asbm Asje
Es ⫹ increase which consequently decreases the normalised
beffhb beffhb joint shear strength. Therefore the increase in the joint
The strain in the y direction can similarly be shear strength due to Eq. (29) is offset by the increase
expressed as: in the principal tensile strain. The above conclusions are
totally in accordance with the predictions of the

ey ⫽


N beffhc

tanq beffhc AscolEs
authors’ equation.

If Eq. (39) and (40) are substituted into Eq. (36): 15. Conclusions

冢 冢
The purpose of this investigation was to study the
1 1 effect of the parameters influencing the behaviour of
e1 ⫽ t tanq (41) beam to column connections and to determine if the
Es(1⫺tan2q) av Asb Asje
m⫹ present design guidelines are unconservative. From the
beffhb beffhb
analysis of the tests and results of the parametric studies,
the following design recommendations can be made.


冣 冣

1. All the experimental evidence points to the fact that
the U bar details should not be used in monotonically
loaded exterior beam column joints. As mentioned in
the upper paragraphs, providing L bars bent down
detail beam reinforcement can change the failure
It is evident from the inspection of experiments that modes of monotonically loaded exterior beam-column
cracks extend throughout the diagonal of the joint. So joints from joint shear to beam failure. Furthermore,
the angle of principal stresses can be expressed as: the joint shear strength of joints is increased by 15%
hb if detailed by L bars bent down detail beam reinforce-
tanq ⫽ (42) ment.
2. Experimental evidence shows that anchorage failures
If Eq. (42) is substituted into Eq. (41), are not anticipated in joints with stirrups in monoton-
P.G. Bakir, H.M. Boduroğlu / Engineering Structures 24 (2002) 1105–1117 1117

ically loaded exterior beam column joints. In joints ation applied on all the experiments in the experi-
without stirrups on the other hand, hc/db values should mental database is 0.88 and the standard deviation is
be larger than 10 in order to avoid anchorage failures. 0.1. The results show that the equation suggested
3. Column axial load has no influence on ultimate shear gives realistic and conservative estimates of the joint
capacity of the joint but high column axial load and shear strength.
high column longitudinal reinforcement ratios are 9. The extremely good results of the proposed design
necessary in the joint to avoid column failures. equation on the experimental database confirmed and
4. Transverse reinforcement in the joint improves the supported the value of the parametric studies.
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