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Name: Khushboo Sajid Reg#2171037

A Remarkable Turnaround
(Case Study)


1. How would you describe Carol’s leadership traits?

After the death of Carol’s husband, she decided to take over her husband’s business. The
business however was not making much profit but she didn’t sell it out rather she worked
hard for it to grow again. She divided the long term and short term goals for making it easier
to be understandable. She also tried to get to know the office environment and got familiar
with the employees. This shows that Carol was a determined person and was also very self-

She also had a Master’s degree in business which helped her in making the right decisions.
Her decisions reflect her intelligence. Also, she was very honest and trustworthy. She gained
trust of the remaining employees. She also sponsored football and basketball matches in her

2. How big a part did Carol’s traits play in the expansion of the

She had a Master’s degree in business but she hasn’t applied it yet. However she with her
leadership qualities secured the business which was going down. She showed perseverance
and initiation. Despite of the fact that she was diagnosed with breast cancer, she never quit.
She had a tough time in making the company grow from the scratch but she tried hard and
succeeded. I believe, Carol’s traits played an important role in expansion of the company.

3. Would Carol be a leader in other business contexts?

A leader is someone who is persistent, not afraid of taking risk, motivated, self-confident and
honest. I believe Carol is a leader in such a way that she possesses these characteristics. And
in other businesses, Carol can also make her name but it depends on the situation too.
However, she is very sincere to her work and also cares for her employees and these some are
the prominent traits that make a leader.

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