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Consrtion a Building Matra 180 (2018) 65-680 Contonts lists available at ScionooDiroct Construction and Building Materials journal homepage: = Enhancement of seismic performance of beam-column joint connections ® using high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites ax Mohammad hossein Saghafi, Hashem Shariatmadar* Departmen of Cl Enginceing, Fedo Unversity of Mashd, #0, Box 9175-1111, Mashhad, tan + Sx hall-scale exterior beam-column connections are cested under cyeic loads ‘The effective parameters ofthe test ae a) stirrup details in joint b) patern and type of concrete materials {The absence of stiup at column in joint zane caused shear failure of NC connection. ¢ Substitution of NC with HPFRCC in the joint zone enkanced shear and flexural capacity. + Flexural failure was observed at failure stage of HPFRCC beam-column joint ARTICLE INFO AuSTRACT ‘re Naony feceved 20 gos 2007 Received in ese form 26 Apel 2018 ‘Accepted 26 May 2018 ‘vable ontne 20 June 2018, In this paper, six hall-scale exterior beam-columan joint connections are casted and tested under cyclic Toads to investigate and evaluate the possibilty of using high performance fiber reinforced cementitious ‘composites (HPFRCC) o remove the necessity of confining (transverse) reinforcements an solve the con ‘struction problems in beam-column joints under seismic loads. ber reinforced cementitious materials, used in this study comprises 2% volume faction of hybrid fiber, hooked end steel fiber and hybrid macro synthetic fibers. The basic mechanical properties of HPFRCC are determined by uniaxial tension and com Se pression tests. The hysteretic Deavir, dutty, shes, nergy dsspation, damping characterises Saeed cenit fn raking patterns of HPERCebeam-£)) 17). The cumulative energy dissipation by the specimens versus diferent drift and the compat- isons are shown in Fig. 20. According to Fig. 20, the cumulative dissipated energy for nor- ‘mal conerete and HPFRCC connections are approximately the same in initial stages until achieving the drift of 2.0%, due to nearly sim- ilar modulus of elasticity of normal concrete and HPFRCC spe mens. At the drifts higher than 2.0%, the tensile strength, shear strength, ductility and energy dissipation capacity are enhanced and the pinching of hysteretic loops in beam-column joint connec- tions are minimized, due to bridging of cracks and preventing the propagation and opening of the cracks. The HPFRCC specimens showed better energy dissipation performance compared to nor- ‘mal concrete connection specimens. The dissipated energy from initiation of the test until the drift of 46.0% for J1-NC, 2-NC, J1- CCI-HPFRCC and J1-C2-HPFRCC are 50.75, 19.71, 68.81 and 78.38 kN-m, respectively and for J2-C2-HPFRCC and J2°C1-HPFRCC spec- imens is obtained as 62.60 kN-m. By increasing the drift, 1-C2- LHPFRCC connection specimen is capable of providing more energy dissipation compared to that of other specimens after yielding. According. to Fig. 21, the cumulative dissipated energy ratio of specimens at the drift of 60% is compared with J1-NC and J2-NC specimens. While the average cumulative dissipated energy ratio Hystress oop Dis. \EEnctay disipation per Fe eles ae) Fig. 19, Cumulative dissipated energy and scat stihess for ey response (2) aE She 3m | LSB brine) Fle. 20, Cumulative hysteretic energy dissipation of specimens. ‘of the HPFRCC specimens at the drift of 6.0% is 1.33 and 3.45 com- pared to J1-NC and J2-NC specimens, respectively. 3.26. Suffness degradation Alternate stifiness of beam-column joint connection is approx- ‘mately equal to the line slope of maximum point to maximum point in each cycle. The alternate stiffness in alternate cycles is cal- culated by Eq. (1) (See Fig. 19}. Only the first load cycle is consid- ered in this calculation, VFL + IF (ail lar] ‘The stifiness degradation due to increase in drift of each test specimen is shown in Fig. 22. This degradation is developed by inelastic performances due to shear and flexural cracking, warping, a ig. 21. comparison of cumulative that of NC and 2 NC species ed energy of specimens in comparison to om Mhosin Sahai Shriatmadar/Constucton and Buding Mater 180 (2018) 665-680 of joint, nonlinear deformations of concrete, deterioration of con- {rete cover and slip of reinforcing bars in connection specimens. ‘The lower stiffness degradation fate represents the more ductile behavior and the higher degradation rate indicates the more brittle response ofthe structural elements. According to Fig. 22, tifness degradation rate of the specimens ate observed up to the drift of 3.5% due to initial damages and no identical local damages was ‘observed. However, at the drifts higher than 40%, due to uncon- fined concrete of joint and development of shear cracks in J2-NC specimen, the local damages in joint caused severe degradation ‘compared to HPFRCC and normal concrete specimens with seismic details. Moreover, the removal of transverse reinforcements in HPFRCC joint specimens has lower effects on stiffness degradation. In J2-C2-HPFRCC specimen, mote reduction in stiffness is observed ‘due to the failure of top beam reinforcing bars atthe drift of 6.0% 3.27. Equivalent hysteretic damping ratio ‘The most common damping in structures is due to hysteretic load-tisplacement response [32]. The equivalent damping coefficient based on parameters from hysteretic behavior of bbeam-column joint connection specimens are obtained by Eq. (2) Equivalent hysteretic damping ratio represents the ratio between the value of hysteretic energy dissipation in each cycle to energy dissipation of a normal elastic equivalent cycle and is one of the best criteria to minimize the pinching effect (32). According to Fig. 19, & is the energy dissipation in each cycle and is equal to total area under load-lisplacement hysteretic loop and Ae repre- sents the potential elastic strain energy in equivalent linear elastic system under static condition, 1 areaof loop n= ag (srenor tang) 2 E& E ZPD AAA, ° In Eq, (3), Py and Dy represent the average maximum load and, displacement for cycle | and the effective stiffness is calculated by Bq. (4). Pos Du Equivalent hysteretic damping versus drift curve for each spec~ imen is shown in Fig. 23 For the drifts lower than 1.5%, the equivalent hysteretic damp- ing ratio is about 5 due to similarity of cracks and limitation of ‘damages in all specimens. The damping ratio is increased by increasing the displacement, concentrated growth of cracks and Ker @ i a q Ee i i i «wo Fig. 22. Comparison ofstiiness in each yee up fo the di of 60% and ste of pa Fons tere esas ae ig. 25, equlalent hysteretic damping ati vorsus dit cue. yielding of reinforcing bars. In J2-NC specimen, after the drift of 3.5%, the equivalent hysteretic damping ratio is not increased ‘due to pinching effect and strength reduction due to shea failure ‘of joint. in normal concrete specimen with seismic details and HPFRCC, the damping ratio is increased due to plastic hinge mech- anism, no pinching effect and inereasing of hysteretic loops. The ‘equivalent damping ratio in normal concrete connection with seis mic details atthe drift of 6.0% is limited to 18% and this value in HPFRCC connection specimens is increased to 20% to 30%. In Fig. 24, the compatison between equivalent hysteretic damping ratio of specimens compared to that of J2-NC and JI-NC specimens at the drift of 6.0% is shown. While the average equivalent hys- teretic damping ratio of HPFRCC specimens compared to that of JI-NC and J2-NC specimens at the drift of 6.0% is obtained to bel.35 and 3.38, respectively. 3.28, Damage index ‘The damage index model by Park and Ang [33] has been widely used because of its simplicity and the fact that it has been cali- brated using various experimental tests [34], According. to Fig. 25, Park and Ang damage index is used for the comparison of relative performance of beam-column joint connection specimens. ‘The damage index is expressed as follows: ow, B a Feb 6) where, y isthe maximum displacement demand under cyclic load- ing: 4. is the ultimate displacement capacity under one-directional load. The integral partis the amount of energy dissipation under ‘eyclic loading and F, is the yield strength ofthe structure and fis the strength degradation parameter, and its value for well rein- forced concrete structure is 0.1 [35] Spesiment Fig. 28. Comparison of equivalent hysteretic daring ratio f specimens compared toh f JUNC and 2-NC specimens athe dito GU Missin Saha H,Shratmadar Construction and Buldig Matra 180 (2018) 665-80 on “Drit (76) Fig 25, Dame index versus dit in al specimens. The damage index (D1) values vary from 0 to 1. Where, "0" rep- resents no damage and "1" represents complete damage. In this research, itis assumed that the DI in the range of 0< DI <0. indi «ates elastic behavior or no damage, 0.2 < Dl«< 0.4 represents slight damage, 0.4

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