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The Importance of
By Matthew T. Jacquel
Ladders are an omnipresent part of our existence. We use ladders in our personal lives, careers, homes, offices,
jobsites and outdoors. They are a tool that we all need at some point. You find them at construction sites, in
retail stores, in your garage and almost anytime you look into a custodial closet or maintenance room.

While it may be a bit dramatic to say If answering honestly, most have likely relative to the level below, since head inju-
we cannot live without ladders, most been guilty of these missteps. ries are among the more severe potential
would agree that we all need them at These risky behaviors result in a signif- injuries. The average heights for men and
some point to complete a variety of tasks. icant number of falls from ladders. The women in the U.S. are provided in Table 1.
Yet these wonderfully useful tools are author’s company, a construction workers’ From there, we can establish the height
also a significant cause of injury each compensation, general liability and com- of a person’s head when working at the
year. It is not the ladder’s fault that peo- mercial auto insurer, conducted an evalu- height of 4 ft, that is, how far a person’s
ple get hurt; it is typically the human’s ation of falls that resulted from slips, trips head would travel in the event of a fall
fault. So, what can we do to help decrease and falls from elevations. The evaluation from a ladder from that height. The per-
the number of ladder injuries each year? examined losses reported over a 10-year pe- son’s head is traveling more than the 6 ft
This article discusses the lagging data riod (2010 to 2020) and revealed that falls in (or even the 4 ft) standard most of us use
that shows just how dangerous improper this category resulted in 1,341 losses totaling for compliance. At this height, serious in-
ladder use is, how much it costs and how nearly $132 million. (Note: The cost of these juries can and do occur. This also does not
you can decrease the likelihood of injury losses is a moving number, as some losses take into account the weight of the person
from ladder use. may increase or decrease with time. This is or the potential injury to a person’s back
especially true for more recently reported or neck. For perspective, imagine being
The Issues With Ladders injuries.) Falls from ladders occurred in 51% dropped on your head from a height just
Ladders come in many sizes and styles. of these reported losses and accounted for below the height of a basketball hoop.
Ladders are now being used that did not 29% of the cost, which equates to around 68 Establishing the person’s head height
exist or were hardly seen 10 years ago. reported falls from ladders each year, cost- as a cue for concern may change one’s
Extension ladders and stepladders are ing more than $3.8 million annually. perception of how risky working from a
still the most commonly used types, but These statistics illustrate how vital ladder ladder is. At the very least, it should help
also gaining use are three-legged ladders, safety is. Nevertheless, most safety pro- promote additional inspections of ladders
podium deck ladders, articulating lad- fessionals focus on big falls, such as falls to ensure that they are used correctly.
ders and others. from great heights and those that require
Ladders are made of common materi- fall-arresting equipment. As such, it is easy Hierarchy of Controls
als such as aluminum, wood, fiberglass to overlook so-called small falls and the im- Ensuring that ladders are correctly used
and steel. Each can serve a different pur- portance of ladder safety when evaluating (i.e., following manufacturer’s recommen-
pose, such as helping to prevent electric risks. Indeed, it is natural to focus on the 10 dations and applicable regulations, and
shock through conduction, or is made to people working on the edge of a building maintaining three points of contact) is
be lightweight and portable for quick and 80 ft in the air but miss the person work- an obvious method of reducing the like-
easy movement. The type of ladder great- ing on a stepladder 4 ft above ground level lihood of ladder incidents. But these are
ly depends on the consumer’s needs. (measured at foot level). Yet the data show administrative controls, and anyone who
Despite these differences and options, that it practically comes down to a matter has worked where ladders are commonly
all ladders have one thing in common: of a coin toss as to who will fall: the person used can attest to how often people are
their primary purpose is to elevate the working on a leading edge 80-ft high, or the observed misusing ladders. Administra-
user above ground level. In doing so, the person working from the ladder. tive policies rank fourth on the hierarchy
user is immediately exposed to the risk of Another reason we may not notice the of controls (i.e., elimination, substitution,
falling from heights. This alone does not person on the ladder is the perception that engineering controls, administrative con-
make the ladder dangerous, as using the the person is not working above 6 ft, a trols, PPE). Yet this is the most common
proper ladder with the appropriate setup number most safety professionals cling to. method of ladder safety on which we rely.
can be safe or at least safer. Unfortunately, Legally, this is true. A person standing 4-ft Why do we rely so heavily on the fourth
due to their ubiquitous nature and most high on a ladder is below the construction most effective safety method? Generally,
people’s comfort using them, ladders are standard (but not general industry stan- it is because it is easy, and the bottom line
often misused or used for the wrong pur- dard) required for fall protection. We also is that we need ladders. It is easy to look at
pose. Have you: know that fall protection is not required someone using a ladder and think, “That
•stood on the top step of a stepladder? when using a ladder correctly, although it looks good. I can move on to other more

•stood on the top cap of a ladder? may be a good idea in some situations. important tasks.” But based on the loss
•used a stepladder as a means to access analysis noted, falls from ladders are crit-
an elevated level? What Can Be Done? ically important to address. By consulting
•climbed a stepladder to access that To change this view, we should start the hierarchy of controls, we can increase
pesky attic entrance? looking at how high the person’s head is our chances of preventing ladder incidents.



Head height when

Elimination & Average height of U.S. standing 4-ft high Another example is substi-
Substitution population (age 20+) on a ladder tuting the standard A-frame
When it comes to ladders, Men 69 in. (5 ft 9 in.) 117 in. (9 ft 9 in.) ladder with a podium deck
elimination and substitution ladder. The podium deck pro-
Women 63.6 in. (5 ft 3.6 in.) 111 in. (9 ft 3 in.)
are closely related. Elimi- vides a stable work platform
nating the ladder altogether that is easier on the user’s
Note. Adapted from “Body Measurements,” by National Center for
creates a need for substitution. Health Statistics (NCHS), 2021, CDC ( feet. It also allows the user
As safety professionals, we fastats/body-measurements.htm). some additional maneuver-
will not be valued if we only ability. While some fall expo-
present problems and keep sure still exists, the larger and
people from doing their jobs. more stable platform should
So, what to do? to articulate the overall return on invest- decrease the risk of a fall.
One option is to try to find a safer ment to upper management. Of course, other options are also avail-
method of accessing the elevated area. If lifts are not an option, consider the able. Finding the perfect substitution for
Scissor lifts can be ideal substitutes and many other ladder types available. Find- each situation may be a challenge, but
come in many sizes. Boom lifts, although ing the right ladder for the task will help any changes that result in a lower risk
typically larger, can be used safely as well. reduce the chances of a person leaning will be positive. A safety professional can
Contacting a local rental company will beyond the rails, climbing too high or gain valuable insight by discussing sub-
result in some great recommendations for engaging in other risky behaviors. For stitution options with employees who use
ladder substitutes, even for small spaces. example, three-legged ladders are great ladders regularly.
If rental is not an option due to the fre- for working up against unfinished walls.
quency of ladder use, perhaps purchasing They allow the user to place the ladder in a Engineering Controls
a lift may be a wise capital investment. way that keeps the person facing forward. Engineering controls are difficult to
A cost analysis taking into account a Conversely, a standard A-frame ladder implement for safe, portable ladder use.
decreased risk of falls and the potential will typically result in a person having to These controls work well with fall protec-
of an increase in productivity is a sound work to their side, which is not ideal and tion along an elevated work zone: Simply
method that safety professionals can use not ergonomically correct. install guardrails. Unfortunately, it is less

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simple with portable ladders. These con- coupled with the elimination of time spent are an excellent example. Many people
trols may be best evaluated from the per- enforcing safe ladder use. That time could who work in retail environments may
spective of management, by asking, “How be spent on other projects that help improve wear fashionable shoes, which may not
can we design out ladder use?” While an organization’s safety. be meant to provide significant traction;
easier said than done, this is not impossi- To increase the probability of suc- when a person climbs a ladder to reach
ble. It may mean having a mezzanine and cess with these controls, implement a an elevated shelf or a lofty display, these
stairs constructed to replace tall shelves. well-managed accountability program and shoes may not provide the grip needed to
While this may pose other risks, such as recognize employees who follow the ladder work well with the tread on the ladder.
potential leading-edge exposures when safety program. Speak honestly with em- This can quickly increase the risk of a
moving materials off the mezzanine, it ployees who are observed incorrectly using fall. Ensuring that proper shoes are worn
can help reduce the use of ladders. a ladder. Do not simply tell them to get off with ladder use can help reduce the risk
If a company is working on an update the top step; find a way to have a meaning- of a slip and fall, but this takes us back to
or a new project, there may be an oppor- ful conversation about ladder safety with working with administrative controls.
tunity to install systems that would reduce them. Accountability does not need to be
the need for ladders. Light fixtures are an punitive; it can be a sincere conversation Conclusion
excellent example of something that pres- about working safely and demonstrating Options are available to organizations
ents numerous ladder exposures. There that the organization cares. and safety professionals to reduce the
is a real risk of a fall from a ladder while Also, take time to recognize employees risk of portable ladder injuries. It re-
replacing light fixtures, and in some cases, who are following the rules. Most people quires changing how we view portable
the lights can be quite high. A company like to be recognized, but recognition ladders and the ways we manage their
could switch to long-lasting LED lights as does not need to be a grand gesture. A safe use. Key points to remember:
a means of reducing exposure. This may phrase not used often enough is “thank •Think about how far a person’s head will
not eliminate the risk, but it will decrease you.” Taking time to thank someone for fall, not just how high up their feet are.
the frequency of ladder use. working safely can promote positive be- •Look for ways to eliminate the need
Purchasing lights that can be replaced havior and inspire others to behave simi- for ladders through engineering and sub-
by using a tool is another excellent exam- larly so they can gain recognition as well. stitution. These three controls go hand-
ple of an engineering control. Tools are in-hand and can help reduce exposure.
available that allow a person to use a pole PPE •When you must rely on administra-
with the proper attachment to grab a The last resort in the hierarchy is al- tive practices, have a strong program and
light bulb and replace it. This eliminates ways PPE. Not many forms of PPE are impactful conversations about ladder
the need to climb a ladder at all. meant specifically to protect workers safety with employees.
Finally, before deciding to update a from the dangers of ladders. Generally, •Recognize employees for doing the right
facility or build a new one, it is wise to the most a person will have on is a hard thing and discuss unwanted behaviors with
discuss ladder use with employees who hat, shoes and perhaps safety glasses. In employees in a meaningful and lasting way.
perform maintenance. These workers can some situations, a fall-arrest system an- •Use PPE as best you can. A hard hat
provide valuable insight as to how the chored to the ceiling may be used. can go a long way in preventing severe
company can eliminate ladder exposures A hard hat is not a bad idea when us- head trauma, and proper footwear may
and also increase productivity. Even if only ing a ladder. Hard hat use need not be prevent a fall from a ladder due to a slip.
some of the ideas can be adopted, these are limited to construction sites. Wearing a Safety professionals should be able to
still improvements that will reduce risk. properly fitted hard hat in any situation, help reduce the number of ladder inci-
even retail, could protect people from dents by changing their mindset about
Administrative Controls further head injury if they fall. While ladder use and following these recom-
Administrative controls rely heavily on relying on a hard hat is certainly not ide- mendations. By going back to the basics
the employee or the person trained to follow al nor a cure-all, at the very least, it may and utilizing the hierarchy of controls,
the rules. Unfortunately, as safety practi- limit the harm done. organizations will see far fewer losses
tioners and management can attest, people Proper shoes or boots should also be that result in lost dollars and, more im-
tend to struggle with following rules. Gen- worn. This is also true for homeowners portantly, lost workers. PSJ
erally, the lack of compliance stems from working on a weekend project. Any
ladder can become slippery or may not References
employees wanting to “get a job done” rath- National Center for Health Statistics
er than because they were poorly trained. work well with some types of footwear.
(NCHS). (2021, Jan. 14). Body measurements.
The reality of administrative controls is This generally seems to be less problem-
that they often depend on rewards and con- atic at construction sites, where proper ments.htm
sequences, both of which require significant work boots are typically worn. In other OSHA. (1994). Duty to have fall protection
management. Unfortunately, many orga- settings, the lack of adequate footwear (29 CFR 1926.501).
nizations believe that ladder training and can pose an increased risk. Retail stores regulations/standardnumber/1926/1926.501
ladder decals are enough to keep employees
safe. Administrative controls for ladders Matthew T. Jacquel, M.S., CSP, CIH, ARM, CRIS, is senior vice president of safety and loss
prevention at Old Republic Contractors Insurance Group. During his 22-year career, Jacquel has worked
will always be needed. Even safer ladders
as an environmental and safety consultant, a construction safety manager and in various roles in the
require training and administration. How- insurance industry. He holds an M.S. in Occupational Safety and Health from Columbia Southern Uni-
ever, safety professionals and organizational versity and a B.S. in Marine Safety and Environmental Protection from Massachusetts Maritime Acad-
leaders must seek other controls first. Think emy. Jacquel is a professional member of ASSP’s Florida Suncoast Chapter and former president of the
of the exposures that could be eliminated, Society’s San Diego Chapter.


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