Bibliografie: Engineering (The Essential User Friendly Books), KPC Group, London & Ashford

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D. Nistoran, F. Moatar, M. Manoliu şi C. Ionescu


1. Al Naib, S. K., 1998, Experimental Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Modeling (The
Essential User Friendly Book Meeting the Needs of Students and Engineers), KPC
Group, London & Ashford, ISBN 1-874536-090
2. Al Naib, S. K., 1977, Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics and Environmental
Engineering (The Essential User Friendly Books), KPC Group, London & Ashford,
ISBN 1-874536-066
3. Aydin, Ismail. Ger A. Metin, Hincal Onur, 2002, Measurement of Small Discharges
in Open Channel by Slit Weir, J. of Hydr. Engineering, Vol 128, No. 2, pag. 234 -
237, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2002)128:2(234)
4. Certousov, M.D., 1966, Hidraulica – Curs special, Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti
5. Chadwick Andrew & Morfett John, 1994, Hydraulics in Civil and Environmental
Engineering, II edition, E & FN SPON, ISBN 0 419 18160 1
6. Chanson, Hubert, 1999, Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow, An Introduction,
Butterworth Heinemann, ISBN 0340740671
7. Chanson, Hubert, 2004, The Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow, An Introduction,
2nd edition, Butterworth Heinemann, ISBN 07506 5978 5
8. Chow, Ven Te, 1959, Open Channel Flow, McGraw-Hill, USA, LCCN 58-13860
9. Cioc, Dumitru et. Al., 1973, Hidraulica – Culegere de probleme, Ed. Didactică şi
Pedagogica, Bucuresti
10. Crăciun Corneliu, 1992, Mecanica fluidelor, partea I, Editura IPB, Lito
11. Diacon, Alexandru & Manoliu Mihai, 1983, Hidraulică tehnică, Noţiuni
Fundamentale şi aplicaţii, Editura Institutului Politehnic Bucuresti, Lito
12. Diaconu Constantin, 1999, Hidrometrie, Editura *H*G*A, Bucuresti, ISBN 973-
13. Evett Jack B. & Liu Cheng, 1989, 2500 Solved Problems in Fluid Mechanics and
Hydraulics, Shaum’s, Mc Graw- Hill –ISBN 0-07-019784-9
14. Featherstone, R.E., Nalluri, C., 1995, Civil Engineering Hydraulics (Essential
Theory with Worked Examples), IIIrd edition, Blackwell Science Ltd., ISBN 0-632-
15. Giles Ranald V., Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems, Fluid Mechanics and
Hydraulics, 2nd ed., 1962, Mc.Graw Hill, ISBN 07-023234-2
16. Graf, W.H., 1993, Hydraulique Fluviale – Tome 1, Ecoulement permanent uniforme
et non uniforme, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne,
17. Graf, W.H., 1993, Hydraulique Fluviale – Tome 2, Ecoulement nonpermanent et
phénomènes de transport, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes,


18. Grishin M.M., 1982, Hydraulic Structures, Vol. 2, Mir Publishers, Moscow
19. Henderson, F.M., 1966, Open Channel Hydraulics, The Macmillan Company, New
York, Library of Congresss catalog card no: 66-10695
20. Ionescu D. Gh., 1977, Introducere în Hidraulică, Ed. Tehnică, Bucureşti
21. Ionescu D. Gh., 2005, Introducere în Mecanica Fluidelor, Ed. Tehnică, Bucureşti,
ISBN 973-31-2256-4
22. Isbăşoiu E. C-tin, Georgescu S.C. 1995, Mecanica Fluidelor, Ed. Tehnică,
Bucureşti, ISBN 973-31-0841-3
23. Kiselev, P.G., 1988, Indreptar pentru Calcule Hidraulice, Ed. Tehnica, Bucuresti
24. Lencastre Armando, 1999, Hydraulique Générale, Eyrolles, Safege, ISBN 2-212-
25. Manoliu I. A., 1974, Regularizări de râuri şi căi de comunicaţii pe apă, Ed.
Didactică şi Pedagogică
26. Manoliu M., Nistoran D., 1994, Hidraulică tehnică, Lucrari de laborator, Editura
Universitatii « Politehnica » Bucuresti
27. de Marchi, Giulio, 1961, Idraulica, Basi scientifiche e applicazioni tecniche, vol. I,
parte seconda¸ Ed. Ulrico Hoepli, Milano
28. Marin Gabriela, 2002, Culegere de probleme de Hidraulică, Editura Universităţii de
Ştiinţe agronomice şi Medicină-veterninară, Fac. de Îmbunătăţiri funciare şi ingineria
mediului, Lito
29. Massey , B.S., 1989, Mechanics of Fluids, Chapman & Hall, VI edition,
30. Mateescu, C., 1963, Hidraulica, Ed. Didactică şi Pedagogică, Ediţia a II-a, Buc.
31. Popa R., 1997, Elemente de Hidrodinamica Râurilor, Ed. Didactica si Pedagogica,
R.A. – Bucuresti,
32. Posea Aurora, 1999, Oceanografie, Ed. Fundatiei “Romania de maine”, ISBN 973-
33. Prişcu, R. 1973, Construcţii Hidrotehnice, Vol 1 si II, Ed. Didactica si Pedagogica,
34. Roberson, J.A., Cassidy, J.J., & Chaudry, M.H., Hydraulic Engineering IInd edition,
John Wiley and Sons, ISBN 0-471-12466-4,
35. Rose Hunter, 1950, Engineering Hydraulics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York,
Chapman & Hall, ltd., London
36. Taşcă, Dan & Băcanu Ioan, 1962, Culegere de probleme de hidraulica tehnica, Ed.
Tehnica, Bucuresti
37. Troskonalnski, Adam.T., 1960, Hydrometry (Theory and Practice of Hydraulic
Measurements), Pergamon Press, Warszawa, LCCN 60-15198
38. *** HEC-RAS, 2003, User Manual, Reference Manual & Application Guide (Part
of the RAS Package,) US Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic Engineering Center,
US Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, CA

D. Nistoran, F. Moatar, M. Manoliu şi C. Ionescu

39. *** US Army Corps of Engineers, 1993, River Hydraulics, US Army Corps of
Engineers,Hydrologic engineering Center, Davis, CA, Engineering Manual 1110-2-
40. Webber N.B., Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineers, Chapman and Hall, 1995, S.I.
edition, ISBN 0 412 10600 0
41. *** Standard ISO 4360, 1984, Mesure de debit des liquides dans les canaux
decouverts au moyen de deversoirs et de canaux jaugeurs / deversoirs a profil
triangulaire, 1984-12-15
42. *** Standard BS 3680, părţile 4A (1965), 4B (1969), 4C (1971), Measurement of
Liquid Flow in Open Channels


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