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By: Sunni!!

HEEEY! What’s up?

Your response would be: Nothing but the ceiling,


And I would say lame and you would say your

lame and then we would get into a fight.

Anyways…this is another Bella and Jasper story.

I’ve been really hooked on him. And if you don’t
like it then don’t read it. That’s why I’m putting
this extra thing to warn you. You should be
thanking me.

Anyways…this is after New Moon.

I don’t give a crap if you like this or not, but I

wanted Bella to be played by Selena Gomez in
this story. I think she fits this perfectly, so when
you think of Bella think of Selena’s pretty face.

Riley gripped my arms tightly, probably creating bruises, even

though I knew that wasn’t his full strength. He pushed me forward,
ignoring my struggles. I gripped my round stomach.

My baby. Our baby.

Being pregnant took a lot of strength out of me and made my

shield weaken. We were in trouble now. My stomach moved,
troubled with my stressed. I rubbed the bump.

We’re okay. It’s okay.

When we got to the end of the dusty and stone hallway, we stopped
in front of a door. It was steel and smelled of blood. I let my
breathing stop as he pushed me inside.

There he was.
Jasper kept his head down, his blonde curls dirty and falling
around his face like a halo. His strong body, just as dirty as his
hair, was moving up and down with shallow breaths. His chest
showed in the dim light above him, brightening his scars to me.

Riley snickered in my ear; it was rich and velvety like Edward’s.

“Look at your beloved. He’s like us now. Ready to kill the next
meal. And that apparently is you.”

After his cruel sentence, he threw me into the room and I fell onto
the cold, concrete ground. He slammed the door behind him and I
scrambled to sit up.

My eyes found Jasper again and I hurried over to him, throwing

my arms around his stone body. Even though it was cold and so
was his body, it brought me warmth.

“Jasper!” I cried in rejoice. I hadn’t seen him in about three weeks.

He had apparently gone missing and the family was trying to find

Luckily, the weak knows-nothing, human found him. I inwardly

rolled my eyes at Edward’s pettiness.

Jasper let out a loud, uncut growl. Shock soared through my chest.
Jasper hadn’t ever growled at me. This was a first. I backed away
from him so I could see his beautiful face.

His eyes were closed, but when he opened them they were pitch
black. Blacker than Edward’s when he first met me, blacker than
when he first tasted my blood, blacker than when Alice’s showed
His hands were tied behind his back, a hold he could easily break
with his amazing strength. I reached for him again, but his fast
reflexes caught my wrist. And it hurt.

My eyebrows knitted together as tears sprung to my eyes. I didn’t

cry out though. And that must’ve upset him. He growled louder
and tightened his grip. That’s when I did shriek and backed away
from him, rubbing my stomach as the baby fluttered, scared.

He was too quick. He broke out of the iron he was taped in and
lunged at me. I felt my back slam against the wall before I could
comprehend what was happening. I felt a slash of pain and fire.


Jasper pulled blood from my neck, in a hurry to get as much as he

could. I was loosing consciousness and fast. I pushed against his
chest, trying to fight against him, but my efforts were in vain. I
wanted this at one time, to die, or to at least become one of their
kind, to live forever with Edward, but it ended up being Jasper I
wanted the most.

That’s all I ever wanted.

He purred against my neck, the purr I had loved over the months.
His drinking slowed down, now that he knew I was almost done. I
wouldn’t blame him for this. I would blame Maria, his evil maker.
I wanted Jasper to kill me; I would rather die from his hands than
any other.

I began to accept death.

My thoughts waved to Charlie and Renee, they would be so upset.

I was their only child. Then, they went to the Cullen’s. I knew they
loved me with all their hearts. Peter and Charlotte passed through
my mind and my heart ripped for them. Jacob would be the worst.
I had hurt him many times, but he always stayed by my side. The
baby stayed locked in my brain, Jazz would never meet him, be a

Finally, Jasper and I sprang. All the good times we had, all the
sweetness, hot kisses, all the make-ups, all the fights, all the
smiles, all the touches…they were gone.

As I thought about this, I threaded my hands up his hard chest and

into his soft curls. I had loved to pull on them to get his attention or
pull him closer.

“Jasp…er…I l-love y-y-you. S-So sorry I didn’t t-t-tell you…

Pregnant…” I whispered into his ear. My vision was failing me
from the blood loss. My hand fell to my side; I could not hold it

I thought I felt him pull back, but I wasn’t sure since I had closed
my eyes.

“Love you…” I whispered one last time before giving up my fight

and surrendering to the darkness.




Waking up

Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick
of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It
passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it
does. Even for me.


Charlie’s fist came down on the table.

“That’s it, Bella! I’m sending you home.”

I looked up from my cereal, which I had been pondering rather

than eating, and stared at Charlie in shock.

I hadn’t been following the conversation—actually I hadn’t been

aware that we were having a conversation—and I wasn’t sure was
he meant.

“I am home,” I mumbled, confused.

“I’m sending you home to Renée, to Jacksonville,” He clarified.

Charlie watched with exasperation as I slowly grasped the meaning
of his words.

Suddenly, I was angry.

How dare he! He can’t just ship me off like a package.

I felt my face burn with the blush I hadn’t felt in months.

“You don’t run my life, Charlie. You can’t just keep making my
decisions!” I yelled as I stood up from my seat, anger seeping from
my pores.

I threw my bowl in the sink, ignoring the crack of glass and

Charlie’s shocked eyes.

“I’m going to school.” I spat at him, grabbing my bag.

I ran outside and hopped into my car. I twisted the keys in the
ignition and was greeted with a deafening roar.

First, I headed to school, but I felt a strong pull as I passed the

Cullen’s place. I had to go. Maybe if I saw it empty it would help
me forget.

I swerved my truck and trailed it up the steep hill. The truck

groaned as I stopped it and got out.

I glared up at the gigantic house. This wasn’t any better. The pull
in my chest was gone, but the pain was back.

I almost fell to my knees at the emptiness and gripped my chest

with my arms to hold me together.

I needed to get out of this place.

“Bella, I don’t want you to come with me.” He spoke the words
slowly and precisely, his cold eyes on my face, watching as I
absorbed what he was really saying.

I sucked in a quick breath at the memory.

I couldn’t take this.

As I was about to head back to my truck, I saw a movement from

the window and I glanced at the house.

“What the hell?” I whispered to myself.

I knew it would be stupid for me to go in there, but what else did I

have to loose?

I stepped up the stairs slowly. I twisted the lock and was surprised
to see it was unlocked. I stepped inside the bright house and looked
around. It was still the same, just empty, like me. The pain was
getting worst with every step I took. I was thinking of just leaving
when I met a pair of golden eyes.

First, I felt pain, hurt, sadness, realization, and confusion.

I tilted my head to the side.

This was not Edward.

He had golden hair that reached his square chin. Of course he was
beautiful with his golden eyes and great body, but he wasn’t what I

“Jasper…?” I whispered into the silence.

He didn’t answer.

I walked slowly towards him and stopped in front of his still frame.

When he did speak, I lost it.

“Bella, I am so sorry—” he started in his smooth voice.

“You! You did this! You’re the reason I lost everything!” I

shrieked at him.

I started to slam my fists onto his hard chest.

He was shocked to say the least.


“I hate you!” I screamed, slamming my fists harder, it was starting

to ache.

His mouth fell open.

“I hate you!” I screamed again as I fell to the ground.

Jasper wrapped his stone arms around me and we fell together, on

our knees.

“I hate you…” I muttered weakly into his chest.

“I am so sorry.” He whispered into my hair.

The pain was too much. Seeing Jasper was too much. I actually
cried out from the shot of pain that passed through my chest and
leaned into his.
My vision was getting hazy and the pain was unbearable. The
venom could not compare. I looked up into golden eyes, and then
blacked out.


Bella’s warm body went limp in my arms.

I couldn’t feel her painful emotions anymore. I sighed and let her
lean on my body.

That’s not what I meant to happen on her birthday. Bloodlust from

all the Cullen’s family were seeping into me, so I couldn’t contain
it. I immediately tamed the beast when I got outside, but the family
was disappointed.

I decided to take a break from them, Alice actually encouraged it.

She wanted us to take a break for awhile. She hasn’t called since

I picked up Bella and placed her on the couch.

I watched her intently.

She had not changed much, maybe lost a little weight. Her chest
rose with every breath. Her hair was still reddish brown, and
longer from when I last saw her. Her creamy skin was paler than
last time, but still had that peachy undertone.

She really was a beautiful girl…

I didn’t know how long I sat there, watching her, but soon her
heart rate and breathing picked up as her eyes began to flutter.
Her full eyelashes retracted to show her warm, big chocolate
brown eyes.

She suddenly sat up so fast I didn’t even catch the movement. My

eyes widened as she took in her surroundings then rubbed her
head, groaning.

Her emotions were dripping with confusion, pain, fear, and

sadness. She looked around with her big eyes and clutched her
abdomen. I winced at the pain and her attention caught onto me.

“Jasper?” she whispered and a smile spread across her face.

I was shocked.

She was radiating happiness and a twinge of pain with confusion.

“Bella…?” I took a step towards her cautiously.

Her smile faltered and I felt realization float from her. She covered
a hand over her mouth in horror.

“Oh! I am so sorry, Jasper. I didn’t mean anything I said.” She


“It’s fine. You have every right to hate me.” I replied.

She frowned and stood up, wobbling at first before I grabbed her
arm lightly to help her.

As soon as I touched her, she flinched at my cool skin, but then I

felt a spark surge through my dead veins. My eyes widened and I
let out a strained sigh at her hot skin.
She looked up at me with her big chocolate eyes. She quickly
pulled away from me, but got closer.

“We need to talk,” she whispered.

“The perfect line, but aren’t you supposed to be in school?” I

asked, trying to lighten the mood.

She blushed automatically and I stopped breathing as she blinked

her full lashes.

“I, um…” she trailed off, scratching her head.

“Skipped,” I inquired, raising my brows.

“I did not!” she exclaimed defensively.

I had to laugh.

“You’re here and not at school. That’s called skipping,” I inquired.

She rolled her eyes and blushed again; I didn’t stop breathing this
time. Her sweet invaded my nose and I could practically taste it on
my tongue.

We sat down on the tan couches and her eyes searched mine.
Finally, she sighed and we both said something.

“I’m sorry,” We both blurted out at the same time. My eyes went
wide as did hers.

“What do you have to be sorry for?” We both blurted out again.

“Wait.” Again we both said.

We were obviously were thinking the same things being as we
couldn’t stop saying the same thing. So I put up my hand to stop

“Bella,” I paused to make sure she was listening to me, “I am

sorry. You have nothing to apologize about. I attacked you and
took everyone away from you. I am sorry. Please, forgive me.”

Bella smiled brightly.

“There’s nothing to forgive.” She whispered.

I stared at her in shock.

“What?” I sputtered.

“I mean the whole party was a wreck. They were vampires.” She
tried to joke, but I could feel her pain.

“So, you forgive me?” I asked cautiously.

“Yes.” She nodded. It was silent for awhile.

“Why are you here?” I asked finally.

“I can’t explain,” She whispered as wrapped her arms around chest

as if to hold herself together. “I just felt a pull, Jasper, like I had to
be here.”

I nodded. I had felt that a few minutes before she got here. I felt a
strange pull to go towards her and I didn’t understand it.

She raised her eyes back to mine and smiled softly.

“I really have missed you.” She whispered, leaning towards me.
“Even if you tried to kill me.” she joked half-heartedly.

I chuckled.

“Me, too, Bella. You have no idea.” I cautiously took her hand,
satisfied that she didn’t pull away or jump. She stared down at our
joined fingers then raised her eyes back to mine.

I twisted and turned our joined hands, enjoying the warmth. It was
quiet again, but she broke it, of course.

“Where’ve you been?” she asked quietly.

“Hmmm?” I questioned.

“It’s been six months. Where’ve you been?” she asked again, an
edge merging into her voice. Anger was starting to leak from her.

“Um,” my eyebrows knitted together in confusion, “I was here, but

I wasn’t ready to see anyone. I didn’t want to upset you.”

Her warm hand was wrenched from mine. I frowned as she shot up
and glared down at me.

“Do you know what the hell I have been through while you were
taking your little vacation!?” she yelled at me. My grimace
deepened and I stood with her, trying to calm her shaking form.

“Bella—” I was cut off. She obviously wasn’t done.

“I’ve been through so much, Jasper! I scream in my SLEEP! And

where’s the guy that can control emotions? At home, hoping for a
miracle!” she screamed. I narrowed my eyes down at her.
“I’ve lost the entire family, Bella! I’ve lost Alice, my own
brothers, and my parents! I don’t need your shit!” I yelled back.

Anger was filling my vision then paused when I smelled her salty

“Oh, oh! Shit! Bella, I’m so sorry—”

She made a small whimper then turned away, out of the house. The
door slammed behind her and I huffed. I plopped down on the
couch and ran hands through my hair.

What had I done?


I made my car speed down the roads as fast as I could. Jasper’s

words hit me like a truck. He said he didn’t feel like my shit,
maybe that’s why Edward had left me. Pain ripped through me as I
stopped the car at La Push. Jacob’s small home was just next to the

I wiped my eyes and sighed. I stepped out of my small cab as a tall

shape zoomed out the door.

“Bella!” Jacob’s excited grin stretched wide across his face, the
bright teeth standing in vivid contrast to his deep russet color of his
skin. His black satin hair flew behind his broad face.

Jacob had grown into some potential in the last eight months. He’d
passed that point where the soft muscles of childhood hardened
into, lanky build of a teenager; the tendons and veins had become
prominent under the red-brown of his skin of his arms and hands.
“Where have you been?” he crowed as he picked me up and
twirled me around.

I laughed, a sound that I hadn’t heard in months. It felt great. He

laughed with me, setting me down on my feet.

He towered over me, his stature built and buff. I grinned up at him.
It stretched the muscles I didn’t use.

“You grew again!” I accused in amazement.

“Six five.” He announced with self-satisfaction. His voice was

deeper than I had remembered, but it had the husky tone I had

He led me inside as we joked around. My face was starting to hurt

from all the laughs. When we did reach inside, Billy greeted me
with a smile, which caused me to smile back.

“Hey, dad,” Jacob called, “Guess who stopped by.”

“Well, what do you know! It’s good to see you, Bella!” we shook
hands; mine was lost in his wide grip. We all talked for awhile,
until Billy disappeared down the hall.

“So, Bella, what do you want to do?” Jacob asked, a grin

lightening up his face. I smiled back.

“I don’t really know. I came here out of instinct.” I shrugged.

“That’s great! Come here as much as you want!” his dark eyes
brightened in anticipation.

I smiled widely.

All day we talked, strolled on the beach, and drunk warm sodas.
When I got ready to leave, he pulled me into his arms then
wrinkled his nose in disgust. I frowned and peered up at him.

“Are you wearing perfume, Bella?” he questioned as he stepped


“No,” I shook my head, “I don’t wear perfume, Jake.”

We both shrugged. He helped me into my cab. He waved good-bye

as I left. I hurried home as fast as I could and made a meal for

“Hey, Bells.” He called as he entered the house.

“Hey, dad.” I smiled at him. He did a double take as he saw the

expression. His dark eyebrows knitted together.


“It’s okay, dad. I saw Jake today. And…it made me happy.” I

smiled again, setting the table with steak and mashed potatoes.

He nodded, taking in the information.


We ate in silence, which was normal in some kind of way, but I

was alert for the whole time. The pain in my chest subsided for the
day and I realized that when I was with Jake, it wasn’t that bad.

I said goodnight and headed upstairs and took a shower. I put on a

tank top and small shorts. I never dressed this way for Edward,
maybe that was why I was left. I huffed at my reflection. My hair
was wet so I combed it out.

I walked to my room and put my toiletries on the ground. I didn’t

know someone was watching me until I turned around.

Jasper’s golden eyes met mine. Anger didn’t rise in me like it did
back at his house. Before I knew it, I flew at him, wrapping my
arms around his stone form. His hands cautiously encased me in
his cold, hard chest.

“I’m sorry.” I muttered into his chest.

“Me, too, Darlin’.” He whispered as he brushed his lips against my



That night, I stayed with Bella. It wouldn’t have been that bad if
my throat didn’t feel like hell and Bella didn’t wear that appealing
outfit. Her shorts showed her nice, pale legs and her shirt was thin,
adding effect to my imagination.

But, I tried not to think that way. I mean this was Bella I was
talking about. The beautiful girl Edward fell in love with then left
for her own safety. I wonder if she knew that…?

She pulled me onto the bed and crossed her legs as she watched
me. I did the same.

“So, I take it your over my shit.” she said bluntly, her face straight,
but I could hear a edge to her voice again.
My eyes widened. I had never heard Bella curse and I was sure
Edward wouldn’t approve if he was here. But, he wasn’t. And it
was kinda hot.

“Bella, I’m sorry, okay? Your not the only one in pain.” I huffed.
She didn’t say anything. We were quiet for awhile. “He didn’t
mean it.” I said suddenly.

Her chocolate eyes narrowed so I knew she knew who I was

talking about. She got up off the bed, preparing to cry, I could
smell the tears. I grabbed her hand swiftly and the heat flashed up
my arm.

My eyes met her’s and I pulled her to me. She fell into my chest,
tears falling from her orbs. She grasped onto my shirt with her
small, hot hands. We stayed like this for an hour. I smoothed her
damp hair back as she clutched me closer.

When she was done, she leaned back and wiped her eyes. Anger
was leaking from her again.

“He…l-left, Jasper. He left m-me in the fucking woods!” she

cursed again. Then, her words comprehended in my fast brain.

“He, what?” I hissed.

“He dumped in the fucking woods,” she got up and started pacing.
Then, she turned to me and laughed, it was bitter, “Fucked up,
right? But, also cliché. I actually thought he would take me to the
meadow and do it, but stupid me settled for a forest.”

“He left you in the woods?! What the fuck!” I yelled, shooting up
from the bed and growling to myself. I was so upset that I didn’t
hear Charlie’s loud footsteps.
And our positions weren’t good. Bella had stepped closer to me in
a way to calm me down, our chests grazing each other’s. She was
barely dressed.


Charlie busted into the room and froze when he saw me. I stiffened
too as Bella turned away from me. I took that chance to roll under
her bed and disappear from their eyes.


“Dad!” I crowed mockingly, trying to sound happy to see him. I

ran a hand through my almost dry hair and stared at him worriedly.
I had hoped he didn’t see Jasper, the Adonis in my room.

“Bella…? Your crazy must be rubbing off on me, because I think I

just saw that Cullen boy.” he spoke gently, frowning.

I forced a frown, too, and turned to look around, shrugging my

shoulders when I didn’t see anyone.

“I don’t see any Jasper.” I confirmed. He narrowed his brown eyes.

“I didn’t say Jasper.” He crossed his arms. I gulped and started to


“Why are you in my room again?” I questioned, changing the


“Oh, um, I was going to say lights out, but then, I got a weird call
from the school saying you didn’t go to school today.” He raised
one scruffy brow.
“Oh! Uh, I was sick, so I stayed at Jacob’s. We sat on the beach all
day.” I nodded vigorously.

His frown deepened, but he accepted it and left quickly, obviously

uncomfortable being in my room.

I didn’t know where Jasper went so I decided on the window. I

opened it quickly and peered out in the darkness.

“Jasper!” I hissed into the night.

“Yes?” Came the reply from behind me. I jumped and turned to
see Jasper standing in front of me, his hard body almost pressed to

“AGH!” I tried to screamed, but his hand came across my mouth.

He pressed one finger to his pouty lips and shushed me quietly
before staring at the door for awhile.

Charlie must’ve still been out there. I rolled my eyes.

I breathed in deeply and caught a whiff of Jasper’s scent. He

smelled like home, autumn, cologne, and guy, all mixed in one. It
made my heart accelerate.

Jasper raised one brow and turned to me, obviously feeling my not-
so-friendly feelings. I blushed from my toes to my hairline as he
released me.

“You smell…good.” I whispered, smiling timidly.

He chuckled. “So do you.” He replied.

It wasn’t that I wasn’t attracted to Jasper, it was just I wasn’t
emotionally. I stilled craved Edward, his touch, his velvety voice,
his unruly hair. It kept me up at night and haunted my dreams.

Jasper must’ve felt my hollowness because his expression turned

upset. I stumbled away from him as his power started to effect me.

“W-What did you mean when you said ‘He didn’t mean it’?” I
questioned. His eyes locked with mine.

“Exactly what I said. He didn’t. He only left for your protection.”

He explained.

The hole retuned.

It scratched against my soul, but luckily my spirit ignored it and

carried on with wallowing. I was used to it.

“Why?” I asked, my voice breaking, “I can take care of myself. I

don’t need him to leave for my protection. We could’ve talked this

Jasper snorted.

“Edward is a 109 elder stuck in a seventeen year old body. He still

has issues, Bella.” He said.

We were quiet again as I looked down and Jasper watched me with

a piercing gaze. I didn’t want to think about Edward right now.

I raised my eyes back to his.

“Are you staying?” I asked carefully.

“For as long as you need me.” he whispered back in reply.

“I hope you have time, then.” I smiled softly.

“Bella, that’s all I got.” He grinned fully, dazzling with his smile.


I woke up to find Jasper gone, but it was sunny outside so I

decided to get up. I glanced at the clock to find it was around nine
am. I was late.

I dressed in white button up that was tight against my minimal

curves and some black skinny jeans that Alice had given me
before. I didn’t know where I thought I was going with this new
style, but it made me feel a little better.

I went into my bathroom to comb and curl my hair. I ran some of

my lotion through it so it would smell like strawberries and it fell
down my back in soft curls. I grabbed my toothbrush and scrubbed
my mouth clean. After that, I searched for eyeliner. I didn’t really
have experience with makeup, but it wouldn’t hurt to try.

Gratefully, I didn’t stick my eyes and it made my giant orbs pop. I

put on cherry lip balm and grabbed my old converses. I strapped
them on my feet and headed downstairs.

Charlie was still there, which was odd. He glanced at me then did a
double take as I opened the fridge to get something to drink. I took
out the orange juice and widened my eyes innocently when I saw
his wide stare.

“Bella…?” he frowned.
“Again, I’m fine, dad. I just…needed some change.” I drank down
the liquid and grabbed a granola bar. “I’m going over Jake’s later
so don’t wait up!” I yelled behind me as I sped out of the door.

I got into my rusty truck and started it. The deafening roar hurt my
ears. I didn’t know anyone was in the car until I heard the musical

“Damn, this thing gives me the creeps.” I jumped and turned to see
Jasper in the passenger side, leaning back in the seat. He flashed
me a lazy grin, “Good morning, sunshine. You look good.”

Luckily, my tinted windows didn’t show his sparkling skin, but I

was still shocked.

“W-What are you doing here?” I asked, ignoring his comment as I

drove out of the driveway.

“I wanted to give you this.”

He took something out of his pocket and grabbed my hand. I

jumped at the familiar surge of electricity and coldness, but opened
my palm so he could place the object into it.

“A phone?” I questioned. It was a touch screen; I was sure because

it didn’t flip close like others. It was obviously expensive, but also
looked simple. “How much did this thing cost?”

“About two hundred.” He shrugged.

“What the hell, Jasper? I can’t take this.” I cried, throwing it back
at him and glancing at the road so I wouldn’t drive off of it.

I could practically see him rolling his golden eyes before throwing
it back into my lap.
“It’s for emergencies. So, if you ever need me, just call.” He

I glanced down at the machine then huffed. He was just as

stubborn as me and neither of us would give up without a fight.

“Fine.” I grumbled under my breath as I parked in the school

parking lot, right under the shade so Jasper could get out. I stepped
out of my cab carefully, trying not to fall with my clumsy feet.

Jasper flashed me another lazy grin and handed me my bag with

my new phone. I turned to him and took the things.

“Call if you need anything.” He whispered to me before pressing a

cool kiss to my forehead.

I shivered and nodded, sucking my bottom lip into my mouth. I

knew I shouldn’t be feeling these feelings I felt for my brother, but
I couldn’t help it. I mean LOOK at him!

God, why couldn’t vampires just be ugly and stupid? It would be

so much easier in the world.

I waved at Jasper as he disappeared. I didn’t know if he saw me or


“Hey.” I turned to see Angela. She smiled timidly at me, but I

could see her dark eyes were excited.

I nodded.

“You look good, Bella. What happened to you?” she smiled nicely.

“Um, I just needed a change.” I shrugged.

“Good. Change is good.” She nodded. “I saw Jasper. Are they back
or what?”

I sighed.

“No, just Jasper. Alice and him haven’t really been getting along.”
I shrugged nonchalantly, trying to keep my lie short.

“Oh, that’s too bad.” She commented.

We started into school, but it mostly dragged on and on. My chest

ached from having to stare at the empty Cullen table, or parking
lot, or Biology table. And it didn’t help when Lauren became my
partner, since she hated me.

Jessica wasn’t very much of a friend either. She ignored me most

of the time, but not today. I ran up behind her and tapped her
shoulder. She stopped digging through her locker and turned to me.

“Bella?” she questioned, genuinely confused.

“Uh, yeah. I was wondering if you could help me with Algebra

tonight.” I explained quickly, even though I had a rocket brain at
home, Jasper.

“I can’t. I have to help Lauren tonight.” She responded, closing her

locker door. She started away, but I grabbed her arm.

“Just tell me what’s going on, Jess. We used to be close.” I begged.

I ached for human companionship.

“Maybe I would tell you if you weren’t such a zombie.” She

sneered, yanking her arm away and storming down the hall.
I gasped at her hateful comment, but she was right. No one really
had the guts to say it to me, but Jess did. It bugged me that I was
ranked under that category. Even if I changed my looks I would
still be the lonesome Bella who was dumped by a God.

The final bell rang and I hurried outside. I quickly got into my car,
ignoring the ache in my chest. I drove to Jake’s house, eager to fill
the hole in my abdomen. He was outside, his long hair in a

“Bella!” he grinned enthusiastically. My face stretched.

“Jake!” I shrieked. He picked me and smashed me into a strong

hug. “Can’t…breathe!”

“Oh! Sorry.” He grinned sheepishly. “So, what do you want to do

today?” he asked. “Walk, swim, cliff diving…”

“What?” I frowned.

“Swimming?” he questioned.

“No, after that.”

“Cliff diving?”

“Yeah, that. What’s cliff diving?”

“Well, you get on a cliff and dive. It’s pretty much obvious.” He
explained sarcastically.

“Into water?” I checked.

“Then, let’s go!” I grinned.


“Bella, just jump!” Jacob crowed. I rolled my eyes as I threw my

shoes behind me.

We weren’t on a very high hill, the water just looked deep. It

wasn’t that I couldn’t swim, because I could, I just didn’t want to
freaking drown.

“I’m gonna go! Cool your horses!” I yelled at him.

He smiled widely. He had gotten taller from the last time I saw him
and that was yesterday. He looked bigger, too, his muscles wider.

Suddenly, I felt a warm hand shove my back, causing me to fall,

gravity taking me down.

“JAAAAAAKKE!” I screamed as I plunged into the cold water. It

took me awhile to regain myself, and then I swam to the top. I
pushed my hair out of my face and I could hear Jake chortling.

“Jake, you jerk! I could’ve drowned!” I screamed up at him.

“That would’ve been unfortunate.” He replied.

Before I knew it, it was a giant splash and Jacob was next to me,
grinning like a fool. I rolled my eyes and dunked him.

We had fun on the beach all day.

When I got home, I was soaking wet and my hair smelled like the
ocean. I forgot to head to work today, but didn’t have the energy. I
growled under breath, recalling Jake’s foolish actions.

Charlie wasn’t here yet so I quickly made dinner, lasagna, and

cleaned up the house a bit. I didn’t have time to take a shower
when the doorbell rang.

I opened it to see Jasper sniffing around the door. I raised a brow,

questioning his actions when his eyes narrowed and he stepped
towards me. I frowned as he sniffed my hair.

“You smell like wet dog.” He stated bluntly.

Both of my brows rose at his words.

“Thank…you…?” I frowned again.

He pulled away and eyed me, his nose wrinkling in disgust.

“Where have you been?”

“Down at La Push, with Jake. We went cliff diving.” I shrugged.

He groaned as he followed me into the kitchen and jumped up onto

the counter.

“Bella, dogs are not good company to keep.” He warned. I frowned

a third time. He was confusing me.


Before he could explain, the front door opened and Charlie

barreled in. I felt Jasper kiss my forehead swiftly and the back door
close softly behind him.
“Hey, Bells.” Charlie greeted, eyeing the food on the table.

“Hey, dad. Listen, I got lots of homework to do so can you just put
my food in the fridge and I’ll eat it later?” I asked hurriedly. I was
anxious to get my answer from Jasper.

“Okay…” I didn’t hear what he said after that because I was

already upstairs. Jasper was leaning against the wall, one knee bent
as he stared out the window.

“It seems easier for you now.” I said.

“What is?” he crooked a light brow.

“Your thirst.” I shrugged, kicking off my shoes.

“Yes…” he trailed off and I could see a thoughtful expression

cross his face.

“What did you mean by dogs?” I asked.

He glanced at me then the corner of his lips upturned into a tiny


“You don’t know?” he questioned.

I shook my head, confusion radiating off of me.

“I’ll let Jacob tell you himself, then. I should go. It’s getting late
and I want to have a quick hunt.” He got ready to leap out of my

“No!” I cried. He frowned and turned to me. I blushed. “Don’t

leave…at least, not yet. Please.” I sounded pathetic, but I needed
him right now and he did promise for as I long as I needed him, he
would be there.

He rolled his eyes, but another beautiful grin flashed along his full

“Fine, but go take a shower first. You reek.” He complained.

“Oh, thank you, gentleman Jasper. You sure know how to talk to a
lady.” I sneered sarcastically, but hurried to bathe.

When I came back, Jasper was in my bag and finishing up my


“NO! I wanted to do that myself!” I admonished.

He didn’t look up from the papers as he spoke. “No, you didn’t.

Tell me about school.”

I sat down on the bed with him as he looked through my books,

before pausing on Social Studies. He glanced through it, only
scoffing at some pages, and then he slammed it down and huffed

I tilted my head to the side.

“Can vampires get PMS?” I questioned.

“Ha-ha, very funny.” he muttered sarcastically.

“What’s got your panties in a bunch, then?”

“This book is all wrong.” He opened the textbook again and

pointed to the Civil War chapter. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.
“Your wrong, Mister. I think the person who wrote this knows
what he is talking about.”

“He does not!”

“Does, too!”

“Does not!”

“Does, too!”

“Does, too!” he countered.

“Does not!” I denied stupidly. “Ugh, you tricked me.”

“Don’t deny it, Bella. I was around during the war. I think I would
know.” He said confidently.

“You’re old.” I stated.

He shrugged.

“That’s funny.”

“Your face is funny.”

“Rude!” I scoffed.

For the rest of the evening we talked like this, joking around and
sneaking glances at each other. I had never had this much fun with
Edward, Jasper filled the hole, too.

For the next few weeks, Jasper and Jacob kept me company and I
became close with both of them.

The next month, Charlie told me that Jacob was sick. I was going
to go over to check on him, but he was in the hospital. I called
every day, but no one answered. The hole was getting larger
without Jake’s bright smiles, even with Jasper was there.

He seemed to notice my depression and even offered for us to go

out to Portland. I politely declined and stayed near the phone all
day. Jasper was getting worried.

The next Sunday, I got off work early and hurried over to Jake’s
house. I parked the car; it was raining heavily, and stopped short
when I saw a tall figure moving away from the house.

I quickly got out of the car, ignoring the hard rain and called to my
best friend.

“Jake!” he didn’t turn, “Jacob!” I grabbed his buff arm.

When he turned, I stared blankly at him.

Jacob had changed radically in the last few days. The first thing I
noticed was his hair, his beautiful hair was all gone, cropped quite
short, and sticking to his face in an inky satin. The planes of his
face seemed to harden, tightened, aged. His neck and shoulders
were thicker. His expression made him unrecognizable. The open,
free, bright smile that lit up my cloudy day was gone and replaced
with darkness. The sun was gone. I backed away a little at his eyes,
which used to hold warmth, now showed brooding.

My sun had imploded.

“Jake?” I whispered.
I realized we weren’t alone. There were others behind him. Four
men. They looked like brothers. Cropped hair, russet skin, and

“What do you want?” Jacob demanded, causing me to snap my

eyes back to his angry ones.

“I want to talk to you.” I pleaded in a weak voice. I was desperate

to see his smile.

He didn’t say anything, but nodded his head. The rain was starting
to drench through my hair, causing water to fall in my face. He
turned back to the four men and nodded. They shrugged back and
turned into the trees.

“I thought we were friends.” I whispered, hurt.

“We were.” He hissed. I flinched at the past tense.

“But, you don’t need friends anymore, you have Sam.” I said
sourly. “Isn’t that nice? Since you looked up to him so much.”

“I didn’t understand him before.”

“And now you see the light. Hallelujah.” I spat sarcastically. I

could taste salt mixed with the rain now, I knew it was tears.

“Stop blaming Sam!” He suddenly snapped.

“Then, who to blame?” I retorted.

“If you want someone to blame then why don’t you blame those
bloodsuckers you love so much?” he growled, “The Cullen’s.”
My mouth fell open in silent shock. Tears of anger leaked from my
eyes and merged with the water.

“I don’t know what you mean.” I whispered after a moment, trying

to hide the secret the best I could.

Was I that obvious?

He raised a black brow in disbelief.

“Oh, you don’t?”

“Don’t tell me your into Billy’s superstitions now?” I questioned

half-heartedly after regaining myself.

“I gave him less credit than he deserved.” He spat.

“Be serious, Jacob.”

He glared at me, his eyes critical. “I have to go, there’s nothing

more to say.” He growled, turning away. I grabbed his arm again.

“What are you talking about? You haven’t said anything!” I


“Go home, Bella. We can’t hang out anymore.” He whispered,

anger leaking into the warning.

“I need you!” I cried before he could turn.

His eyes turned sad, agonized. He glanced at the trees then back at
me. His eyes guilty now.

“I’m bad for you, Bella.”

“It’s not you, it’s me, right? That’s a new one.” I hissed.

“It really is me! I’m not good.”

“Your good, Jake. Did Sam tell you that!?” I screamed.

“No! Just…leave, Bella. And don’t come back.” He growled, back

to anger, and then turned, leaving me in the hard cold rain.

The hole was bigger now. Gnawing at my heart and soul. I fought
against it, trying to regain posture when I saw Jake disappear into
the woods with the other boys.

I got into my car and drove home numbly, letting the pain eat me
away. When I got there, Charlie was sitting on the couch, watching

“Bella?” His face contorted to shock when he saw my familiar

expression, “What….what…?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” I whispered, heading up the stairs

and shrugging out of my shoes and jacket.

Jasper was lying in my bed, flipping through my old scrap book.

“You were really cute when you were young.” His voice was just
what I needed. He glanced up at me, then did a double take when
he saw my soaked body and expression.

“Bella…?” he frowned. I shook my head and walked slowly over

to him, lay on the bed, and curled into his side. His arm tentatively
wrapped around me and I felt calm enter my being.

“Thank you.” I whispered.


Bella fell asleep quickly into my chest, but her pain was
undeniable. She was hurting for some reason and it didn’t take a
genius to know that that dog did it. Anger boiled inside me, but
when Bella tightened her slim arm around my waist, I stopped.

Bella first, then, the mutt.

When morning finally came, Bella’s eyes fluttered open. I could

tell she was still in intense pain, but it lessened when I was here.

She sat up then and pain lashed through her again. I huffed and she
turned her attention on me.

“Hey.” She greeted hoarsely.

“Hey.” I whispered back. She sighed and propped on one elbow to

stare at me.

“You stayed.” She said quietly.

“What happened?” I questioned bluntly.

She adverted her eyes. I gripped her chin and made her look at me.

“What happened?” I repeated.

“Jake can’t be my friend anymore. He won’t tell me, Jazz. He hurt

me.” she told me. I wrapped my arms around her as she started to
cry again. I could feel my eyes become darker from this

“Bella, I should hunt.” I growled between clenched teeth. She

gazed up at me, then, nodded, pushing me away.
“Go, I have to clean the house anyway.” She sniffled. It hurt me to
leave her, but I did.


The phone ran many times that day, but I ignored it. I cleaned
while Charlie went out to fish with Harry. It was nice to see myself
actually doing something. I had been so selfish.


I finished scrubbing the kitchen and dining room. After vacuuming

the living room, I washed the clothes. My stomach growled loudly
after an hour so started to make dinner for Charlie and me.

I was just chopping the lettuce for salad to go with the burgers I
had made when I sliced through the skin of my index finger.

“Ow!” I hissed.

I brought my finger to my eyes so I could see the blood ooze from

the fresh cut. I became woozy, the sides of my vision swirling. I
jumped a foot in the air when I heard the doorbell.

“Bella?” Jasper’s voice called. My heartbeat accelerated.

“Don’t come in!” I cried. I heard the front door open anyway and
Jasper was on front of me with black eyes. I gasped loudly. I was
scared, not for me, but for Jasper. If he killed me, he would be

He moved closer so our chests were grazing. I quickly popped the

finger into my mouth and sucked the blood away. I didn’t like the
salty, zingy taste that went down my throat.
“Bella,” Jasper’s voice was huskier than usual, “Let me see your

I shook my head vigorously.

“I’ll go to the hospital. It might need stitches.” I whispered around

it, but I didn’t move an inch as Jasper inched his face closer to
mine, locking eyes.

He gripped my hand gently and brought my finger out of my

mouth. The blood flooded from the wound and down to my wrist. I

Jasper trailed his cool tongue up my wrist and to my finger,

gathering all the blood. I gasped at the sensation as he pulled my
one finger into his cool mouth. He sucked on it for awhile before
running his tongue over it and letting my hand free.

I brought my finger to my eyes to inspect it, only to find the cut

was sealed shut, no blood at all. I fell back against the counter, out
of breath. Jasper shut his eyes then slowly opened them to show an
orange-ish color. Like a sunset, from drinking my blood.

“How…did you…?” I trailed off, staring at him.

“Venom seals wounds. I made sure I didn’t put any in it.” He said
gently, locking eyes with me again. At that moment, I wanted to
attack him, shoving my lips against his, and wrapping my legs
around his waist.

He growled, low and seductive, obviously feeling my emotions,

but paused when we both heard a car pull up in the driveway. It
wasn’t Charlie’s.
The front door busted open, revealing Jake, taller and stronger,
glaring at Jasper.

“You damn, bloodsucker! What the hell are you doing here?” Jake
growled as he got into Jasper’s face. I was frozen, shocked at what
Jacob had called him.

Jasper growled back at him.

“I should be asking you the same thing, mutt.” His response was

“Who the hell do you think you are, Cullen?” Jacob snarled.

“I’m not a fucking Cullen, pup. I would advise you stepped back!”

“Why you arrogant—”

“Hey!” I yelled at them. “What the hell is going on?”

“Oh, Jacob didn’t tell you? He’s a fucking dog!” Jasper spat,
turning to me.

I frowned in confusion. Then, it clicked.

Did you know our tribe is supposedly descended from wolves?

Wolves? Real wolves?

Yep. That’s the legend of our tribe.

Our conversation from the beach last year recalled into my mind. I
glanced at Jake in horror. Why the hell didn’t he tell me?
“Jake, is this true? Is that what you were scared to tell me?!” I

I didn’t hear his answer since a sharp whistle went through all our
ears. We snapped our heads to my backyard and saw four, tall,
russet men. I growled under my breath, anger fueling me.

Why did they do this to Jake? Why would they try to take him away
from me?!

I stomped forward, pushing past Jake and Jazz. I made it outside,

seeing red and the boys. I shoved against Sam’s chest and he
stumbled back a few steps.

“Hey!” one of the boys, Paul, I’m guessing, growled.

“Easy!” Sam cautioned him.

“What did you do!?” I yelled. “He didn’t want this!”

“What did we do? What did he do? What did he tell you?” Paul
hissed in my face.

“Both of you calm down!” Sam advised strongly.

“He doesn’t say anything because he’s scared! He turned me away,

you sick bastards!”

Paul had the nerve to laugh. Lividness passed through me and I

smacked him across the face. My hand stung, his face was hard as
a rock.

When I glanced up I saw that Paul was now growling. I backed

away, my actions registering in my head. He was convulsing with
growls and roars, baring his white teeth. The other boy was
backing away, except Sam who was trying to calm the shaking

Suddenly, Paul fell on his hands and knees, still shaking, and
roared long and hard. His skin moved then combusted into silver
fur. I gazed in shock. The lion-like werewolf roared at me and
stepped forward. I turned around and ran. I could see Jasper and

Jasper’s eyes were dark and angry. Jacob was running towards me,
shaking as well.

“Jake! RUN!” I screamed as the werewolf, which used to be Paul,

pounced over me, causing me to stumble and fall to the ground
under him.

He roared again, in my face, and I could see his gleaming teeth,

which were as sharp as razors. Suddenly, the monster was gone
and Jasper’s strong arms surrounded me.

I buried my face in his chest and breathed in his great scent.

Another giant, russet werewolf jumped over us and tackled the
other. I screamed when I realized it was Jacob.

They bit and scratched at each other, roaring indistinct growls.

They rolled, tackling and snapping, before falling off the small
ditch that led to the woods in my backyard. I watched with wide
eyes as their noises faded.

“Wow! I guess the wolf’s outta the bag!” Embry crowed, grinning.
Sam rolled his dark eyes and stepped towards us.

I whimpered and grasped onto Jasper who growled at the tall man.

“Are you alright, Bella?” Sam’s deep voice called.

I didn’t answer, just nodded and breathed in deeply.

“He didn’t hurt you, did he?” Embry called to us.

“She said she’s fine!” Jasper hissed harshly.

“We didn’t ask you bloodsucker.” Sam spat.

“STOP! Just STOP arguing!” I shrieked.

I was still in awe and fear from what I had just witnessed, I wasn’t
ready for reality. Was it possible that everything in fairytales were
real? Everything?

I shivered at the possibilities and Jasper loosened his hold in

response, thinking it was him. I tightened my fingers into his

“Are they okay?” I whispered to Sam, my voice shaking.

“I’m sure they’re fine. Jacob might’ve bruised him, though,” Sam
sighed, then, turned to the other werewolf, Embry. “Go check on
them.” He ordered. The other boy nodded and lopped off,
following the destroyed trees.

I was still shaking a little.

Jasper leaned down into my ear, “Are you okay, Sweetheart?” he

asked quietly, his voice huskier than usual. I nodded as another
round of shudders went through me, but it wasn’t from fear.

“I should talk to Jake.” I whispered back to him, locking eyes with

his. They were now dark brown, so dark I could barely see the
Then, I felt the emotions he was radiating. Jealously and anger.

“Jazz, I’m only going to be away for a couple hours. You can stay
at my house?” I offered hopefully.

“Be careful.”

Embry had returned as Sam went into the woods next. Embry led
me to my red truck and started driving down the road.

“Don’t worry, Bella. I’m sure they’re fine. Don’t think about it too
much.” He smiled warmly at me. I gave a timid smile back, “Hey,
don’t act like that! I’m no different from when I was normal.” He
objected playfully.

I nodded, but kept my dark eyes straight ahead as we parked in La

Push beach.

I saw Jake smiling widely at Paul, smacking his bare buff arm.
Embry got out of the car as it turned off and slammed the door
behind him.

He turned back to me. “C’mon, Bella. We won’t bite.” He grinned


Another guy came out, the same height and look.

He eyed me for awhile before smirking softly. “Speak for

yourself.” I blushed as Embry playfully pushed him and laughed.

They went into the house together. I froze as Paul passed by me

and smiled softly at me in apology. “Sorry,” was all he said.
Jake came up next to me and took my hand hesitantly, but cheered
up when I squeezed his fingers. We walked down the beach
together as the sun started setting.

We didn’t talk and I was tired of it, so I plopped my butt down and
jerked Jake’s giant arm. He sighed heavily, but joined me in the
warm sand.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I questioned, turning to him. His eyes
narrowed at me, but he scoffed.

“Why do you think, Bella? I’m damn werewolf.” He spat, venom

leaking into his voice.

I shot up, tired of his stupidness. “I don’t care, ass! Jasper’s a

vampire! But he’s still my Jazz.”

“And I’m a monster.” He retorted. I fell back down on my knees

and placed a hand softly on his buff arm.

“But you’re still my Jake.” I whispered.

He turned to smirk at me softly. I grinned back. He wrapped a big

arm around me as I squealed and put both hands on the buff limb
around my neck.

We gazed at the sunset together.


When I got home, I was happier than I had been in awhile. I

hurried to shower, since Charlie had already ordered pizza, and
went to my room.
Jasper was on the bed, finishing my homework. I groaned as I
piled my hair on my head and it fell down in messy curls around
my head, reaching my ears.

“You know, if you keep doing that, then, I’ll never know what I’m
doing in class.” I huffed. He didn’t reply, but flickered his eyes up
to mine.

My heartbeat accelerated.

“Will you go somewhere with me? For your Spring Break?” he

questioned. I frowned, it was next week, but I hadn’t really been
paying attention to it.

“Sure, what do you have in mind?” I asked. He glanced up at me

with smoldering golden eyes.

“Well, I have a brother and sister-in-law up in New York right

now. And they really want to meet you.” He explained.

“They’re vampires?” I checked, raising a brow as he stared at me.

“Of course, but…”

“They eat humans,” I stated bluntly.

He cracked a smile, but nodded, “You never cease to amaze me,

Bella Swan.”

“Good. I would love to meet them, but...” I trailed off.

“Charlie.” He finished.

“And Jake.” I sighed.

“No problem. I’ll talk to Jacob and you tag Charlie.” He shrugged.

Easier said than done.


As I stepped towards the border, I could smell the rotten stench of

dog. My nose wrinkled in its own record.

“You don’t smell too good, either, bloodsucker.” I heard Jacob

sneer from the trees.

I growled lowly as he stepped from the woods. He only had on cut

off jeans, his russet chest puffing out proudly. He wasn’t very
happy to see me. I didn’t have to be an empath to see that.

He stopped a few feet away from me, over the border. “What do
you want?” he questioned.

“Have you been picking up a nomad’s scent lately?” I asked. I

knew it was Victoria and Laurent, but I hadn’t seen them yet and I
wasn’t sure. I was tired of keeping Bella in the house or with her
coming back smelling like a dog.

Jacob’s dark eyes widened. “You’ve noticed?”

I snorted. “Yes, I have. We’re going on a trip and I wanted to make

sure you had this under control.”

“Of course. The pack can take care of this.” He assured, then,
paused. “You said ‘we’.”

“Uh, yeah. Bella and I are going on a trip for her Spring Break.” I
shrugged even though I could feel his heavy anger.
“She agreed to this?” he growled.

I nodded mutely. “I wouldn’t take her without her agreement…or

Charlie’s.” his anger slowly subsided as he accepted this.

“So, you’re going next week. Three days?” he asked.

“Yep. We’ll only be gone for a short while.” I reassured him.

He nodded. I took in our conversation, in a different universe; I

could actually see myself being friends with Jacob.


“Uh, dad?” I called as he finished his plate of spaghetti. He turned

to raise his brows at me. I sighed heavily as I scrubbed the plate I
was washing. “Can I talk to you about something?”

His eyebrows clouded over, “Um, sure. What’cha want to talk

about, kiddo?”

“Um, nothing really. Just…I was wondering…” I trailed off again.

“Spit it out, Bells.” He ordered, eyeing me with confusion and


“Can I go out of town for Spring Break?” I questioned. He didn’t

answer for awhile so I turned to see what was wrong.

“What for?” he asked.

“You know…just to have fun.” I shrugged.

“With who?”
I cursed under my breath and turned back to the dishes, refusing to
look him in the eye.

“With Jasper Hale.” I replied.

I heard him suck in a quick breath. I turned back around to see

Charlie was slowly turning purple. I gasped loudly and started
towards him, but paused when my phone vibrated. I took it out
cautiously, watching my dad, then, glanced down at my new text.

He’s fine. Give him a minute - Jazz

I growled lowly and stared at my father as he took a deep breath. I

sighed in relief.

“The Cullen boy?” he finally gasped. I nodded, quiet, “So he was

in your room!” he shot up, jabbing a finger at me. My natural
teenage instincts flared my anger.

“Yes! He was!” I yelled back.

“Your not going anywhere with him!” he shouted.

“I’m eighteen, dad! I can do whatever I want!”

“No, you can’t! You’re grounded!”

“For what!?”

“Because I said so!”

“Fine.” I said calmly, crossing my arms. His expression clouded

over in confusion again.

“Fine?” he repeated.
“Yeah, fine. I’ll pack my stuff tonight.”

He turned bright red at my words and I immediately felt bad for

pulling the move-out card on him. I hated to hurt him.

He didn’t say anything.

“Can I go, dad? Please! I really like Jasper.” I pleaded.

We stared at each other, daring the other to object to the rules. This
was going to be a long night.


Bella reached over to change the radio station, but I quickly

grabbed her wrist, feeling the heat seep through my deadened
veins. She jumped reflexively, but relaxed when she registered my
gentle touch.

“What?” she smiled at me.

“Stop changing the stations. You keep doing it every five

seconds.” I explained.

“It’s been eight minutes and I don’t like this song.” She rolled her
chocolate eyes. I huffed, but released her so she could change it for
the fifteenth time.

We were heading to New York to see Peter and Charlotte. Peter

was excited to meet Bella, jumping around like a fool, while
Charlotte went to collect food. We were about a few hours away,
since we left the night before. It was dark again and I could feel
Bella’s drowsiness.
“You should sleep.” I advised, turning my eyes on her.

I could sense her slight panic, “And you should keep your eyes on
the road!”

“I don’t need to. I’m a vampire,” I chuckled. She ignored me and

started singing a song I didn’t know.

“You're like an Indian summer in the middle of winter. Like a hard

candy with a surprise center. How do I get better once I've had the
best? He said there's tons of fish in the water, so the waters I will
test…” she trailed off; her musical voice weaving through the car,
there was an edge of sadness in it.

I turned to frown at her. She blushed when she noticed my stare.

“Sorry,” She apologized.

“Don’t. That was good. I didn’t know you could sing.” I retorted.

“Yeah, I was in chorus in Phoenix, I just never had the guts to sing
in front of a crowd,” She shrugged, grinning sheepishly.

“You wrote that?”

“Um, yeah. I’ve had a lot of free time so I use it. I finished one, but
it’s a surprise.” She said.

“A surprise? I thought you hated surprises?” I chuckled, raising a

brow at her.

“I do. Doesn’t mean I don’t like giving them.” She corrected. I

smiled as we entered New York.

I helped Bella out the big yellow jeep and she landed on the
ground softly. I went to the trunk so I could get the rest of the bags,
but Bella wanted to help. I handed her a light red suitcase, well, it
was light to me, and she struggled to hold it.

Suddenly, I saw a big grin and brown hair. Peter grabbed the bag
from Bella as she gasped in surprise from the third party. I smirked
as he bent down to her level, locking red eyes with her’s.

“Let me help ya there, Little Bird.” He grinned. She smiled kindly.

“I’m Bella. You must be Peter.” She introduced. He shot me

another big grin before taking her hand. She didn’t jump at the

“Nice to meet ya, Little Bird. Jazzy here has been callin’ me
nonstop about ya.” He teased. I growled lowly at him, warning him
to shut the hell up.

He rolled his ruby eyes and wrapped his arm around Bella’s waist.
She jumped a little, but melted into his embrace so he could lead
her into the giant house.

I could hear Bella’s voice as she greeted Charlotte. Peter came

back out so he could help me with the bags.

“It’s good to see ya, Jazzy. Where’ve ya been?” he crooned,

closing the trunk door. I whirled around and slammed him against
the jeep by the neck.

“First of all, fucker, don’t touch Bella like that. Second, don’t mess
with me. You’ve obviously forgotten what I’m capable of. Third,
don’t call me Jazzy. You know I hate that shit.” I growled.
“Yes, Major.” He gasped out. I lowered his body, allowing him to
breathe the breath he didn’t need.

“Good. How’s Char?” I questioned. He grinned widely, obviously

not fazed by the threatening.

“Why don’t you ask her yourself?!” Charlotte screamed, running to

greet me. Her blonde hair fell down her back and her red eyes
showed excitement.

“Char!” I rejoiced, grabbing her in a hug. She wrapped her hard

arms around me.

“I missed ya, Jasper!” she shrieked in my ear.

“Yeah, yeah, shorty.” I teased, pushing her away and patting her
head. She pouted with her full lips, but leaked with happiness.

“Bella’s so pretty. Ya didn’t tell me she was such a looker.” She

cooed, smirking. Peter gave a wolf whistle.

I rolled my golden eyes, but I knew they were right. Bella was

But, not just beautiful. She was fucking sexy.

She would suck her plump bottom lip into her mouth, causing her
to look innocent, her big doe eyes staring up at me. She seemed
oblivious to her luscious curves and covered them up most times.

Not this week.

Charlotte went to go keep Bella company as I went to the guest

rooms with Peter. I put my clothes up quickly and went to go see
what Peter was doing in Bella’s room.
I crept in and stood in shock when I saw him throwing her tampons
and pads behind his back.

“Junk, junk, junk,” He said after every throw, “Hey! This is hot.”
He held up some white, lacy boy shorts from her red bag.

“Peter!” I hissed, snatching the underwear from him. He grinned

widely and picked up the matching bra.

“Nice, huh?” he wiggled his dark brows. I growled at him.

“JAZZ!” I heard Bella scream. I jumped and turned to see her and
Char standing in the door. Bella had angry eyes while Char was

I glanced down at her underwear and searched for Peter, who had
jumped out the window and came back around so he was behind
Char, amusement rolling off of him, but his face held innocent

I growled lowly at him as he stepped into the room.

“What’s going on?” he asked, eyebrows clouded over.

“Fucker.” Char and I said together. Bella was leaking with anger
and embarrassment.

“Jazz! Put it down!” she screamed at me. I quickly dropped the

underwear back into her suitcase. Peter let out a long laugh and I
tackled him to the ground.

This was going to be a long week.

“Charley!” I giggled as she paused in the middle of the story to
smile at me.

The guys had gone out to get me something to eat while Charley,
her new nickname from me, sat down in my bed and she told me
stories about her and Peter.

She had put on a pink, satin nightgown while I settled for one of
Jazz’s shirts and small PJ shorts. She brushed my hair up into a
straight ponytail as I laughed.

“I can’t believe he did that.” I chuckled again, placing my hands on

my stomach as I put my head in her cold lap.

“So, what’s goin’ on with ya and Jasper?” she asked as my giggles

descended. I froze and stared up at her with knitted eyebrows.

“Nothing,” I replied simply, though something was brewing under

my bluntness. Charley was thoroughly unconvinced, “Okay, I
might have just a tiny crush on Jazz.”

Charley giggled as she patted my head. “I know. And I also know

that he likes ya, too.”

I whirled up and turned to her with wide eyes, pointing a finger at

her, “You better not be lying, Charley…or I’ll…hit you.” I
threatened pathetically.

She rolled her red eyes, “Go ahead. You’ll just hurt yourself.”

I huffed at her, but I felt butterflies stir in my stomach at this new

information. If Jasper liked me and I liked him, then, why didn’t he
make a move? Maybe he was waiting for me. My thoughts whirled
to my humanness. I needed a makeover.
I turned back to Charley as she braided her long, blonde hair,
“What is it, sugar?” she questioned.

“Charley…can we go shopping tomorrow?” I questioned, “I want

to try something new.”

She grinned widely. “Sure, sugar. I could use a meni/pedi.”

“So could I.” Peter suddenly appeared in front of me with his

already famous grin. He plopped down beside me and handed me
my Checkers burger.

I took a bite out of the good burger as Charley wrinkled her nose in
disgust. I rolled my eyes, then, froze when I felt a cool hand on my
bottom. I whirled around and smacked Peter with a pillow.

I heard Jazz growl from the door and suddenly the two vampires
fled. The door slammed behind them. I smiled as I bit into my
sandwich, but a blush was surfacing from Peter’s groping.

“I need to talk to you.” Jasper said, sitting on my comfy bed with

me. I frowned in confusion as I swallowed the food, sitting back in
the pillows.

“Sure, go ahead.”

He didn’t reply. He lifted his long sleeved blue shirt and I stared
down at it. He traced one finger over a faint, crescent scar. I gasped
in realization and showed mine, too.

“We have the same scar,” I stated. He smiled softly, but pain was
showing in his eyes, “What’s wrong? So, what? You have a scar.
That’s how you were changed, Jazz.”
He shook his head and averted his eyes to the wall. I frowned in
confusion, then, glanced back down at his lifted sleeve. I timidly
grabbed his arm and pulled up his sleeve to see multiple crescent
scars going up his limb.

I gasped again in horror. I raised my eyes back up to his as he

flinched away from me, “Jazz, what happened? Who did this?”

He was quiet for awhile, before he flickered his eyes back to mine,
blacker than coal.

“Many vampires, but they haven’t lived to tell it.” He assured

darkly. That’s when he set off into the story of his beginning. He
told me how he was changed by Maria, how he fought against
countless vampires, how Charley and Peter ran away together then
came back years later to take him with them, how he was in a diner
one day and found Alice, his mate.

He paused there, when he felt pain flow through me. Of course.

How could I’ve been so stupid? Alice was his and he was hers.

“That’s a nice story,” I whispered after taking a deep breath. I

avoided his eyes. When I did raise them, he was staring at me with
confused orbs, “I meant the ending. When you found…Alice.”

“You should get some sleep. Do you want me to stay?” he

questioned. He took my hand in his cool one and squeezed. I
nodded my head and leaned into his chest.

“Bella?” he called after a few moments of silence.


“Why do you have on my shirt?” he smirked down at me. I


“Charley, I don’t know…” I trailed off as she pushed me into the

chair and the salon woman came up behind me with scissors. I had
never gotten my hair cut, but Charley said it would be better

“Trust me, sugar. You’ll look great after this. Gail’s been cuttin’
my hair for months.” She waved a hand as she placed the bags full
of clothes down.

I never thought I would love shopping as much as I did now.

Charley convinced me otherwise. After buying bunches of tight
fitting shirts, dresses, shoes, capris, accessories, jeans, makeup,
and shorts, we finally stopped at this salon for my major makeover.

I panicked slightly when I felt and saw hair falling from my head,
but Charley held my hand. When the worst part was over, Gail
washed and blow-dried my tresses. Finally, she curled it and ran
some kind of hair gel through it to keep the curls bouncy.

Once that was done, Charley did my makeup. When we were

finished, I changed into small black shorts and a purple camisole. I
put on a gray jacket over it and zipped it up to cover my cleavage.

“Are ya ready, sugar?” Charley questioned. I nodded eagerly.

“Okay, open ya eyes.”

I slowly fluttered my full eyelashes open and stared into familiar

brown eyes. I blinked in amazement. My hair was the first thing I
noticed. It was short, reaching my shoulders and thick. It was in
loose ringlets and brushing against my cheeks, which were pink
with natural blush. My eyes were covered in light black eyeliner
and purple eye shadow. My lips were glossy. My pale skin looked
creamy and fresh. I looked better than I felt.

“I look…”

“Hot!” a random guy passed the store and knocked on the glass of
the salon window.

I wrinkled my nose in disgust as Charley flipped him off. Other

boys laughed and followed the man. I rolled my eyes.

“Now, what?” I questioned.

Charley smiled widely, “Now we show ya out in the town.”

“You don’t mean…” I widened my eyes.

“That’s right, sugar. We’re gonna to party.”


Peter and I lazed on the couch, waiting for the girls to come back.
They had been gone for six hours and I was bored. I wanted to see
Bella. My phone suddenly flashed Emmett, which was weird since
he hadn’t called in forever, but I answered.

“Yello?” I greeted, my accent slipping into my word.

“Hey, man.” Emmett’s deep voice called.

“What’s up?”

“Dude, when are you coming home? The family is messed up.
Esme’s upset, Rosie’s trying to help her, so no sexy times for the
Emster, Carlisle’s always busy at the hospital, Edward’s stays
locked in his fucking room, and Alice’s a wreck.”

“I don’t care about Edward. He can burn in hell all I care.” I

growled, thinking of what he did to Bella.

“What about Alice?” he questioned. Peter snatched the phone away

from me.

“Yeah, so, how is that Baby Bitch?” he asked. Him and Alice had
never gotten along.

“Hey, Petey.”

“Ya didn’t answer my question.”

“She’s upset. She says she misses Jasper, but doesn’t do anything
about it.” Em huffed.

I grabbed the phone back, “What do you expect me to do, Em?”

“I don’t know, man. Come home,” He advised.

The front door opened and Char walked into the room with dozens
of bags. Peter sat up. “Jeez, woman! Ya tryin’ to bankrupt me?!”

She rolled her eyes, “We have plenty of money, babe.”

“I know. I just wanted to use that line.”

“Where’s Bella?” I asked.

“Bella?” Emmett’s voice was confused. Oh, yeah. He didn’t know

I was hanging out with Bella, or possibly in love with the girl.
“I don’t know. Why don’t ya ask her ya self?” Char gestured her
hand to the door as Bella walked in. Peter and I mouths fell open.

Bella placed down the bags, then, raised her brown orbs to mine.
We locked. Her small shorts showed off her creamy legs. Her
jacket didn’t show much, but a pinch of breasts that were pushed
up against the material. Her hair stopped at her shoulders in loose
curls. Her makeup made her look even sexier.

She sucked her bottom lip in her mouth as blush arose in her
cheeks and heartbeat picked up, “Do I look okay?”

“Shit. Char we need to file a divorce.” Peter cracked, grinning like

a fool. Charlotte rolled her red eyes.

“Jasper? Jasper? Bro!” Emmett was calling in my ear.

“Yeah, Em…Saturday. Maybe…sounds like a…plan.” I mumbled

incoherently, still staring at the goddess.

“What—” he didn’t finish since I hung up on him. I tossed my

phone at Peter so I could pick the bags up.

“Thanks.” Bella tucked a hair behind her ear.

“No, problem, Darlin’.”


The thumping music was starting to hurt my head and I had only
been in the club for two minutes. Charley grabbed my hand and led
me to the middle of the dance floor as the guys followed behind.

“I don’t dance, Charley.” I frowned as she started to twirl around

gracefully. She grinned widely as Peter snatched her away.
I gasped as I felt familiar cool arms wrap around my waist and hips
press against my bottom. I was about to turn around, but Jazz’s
arms held me in place.

“I do.” He whispered, husky in my ear. I shivered. He retracted his

hands and gently pressed them on my hips. I started to grind
myself lightly into him, dancing to the music.

I wrapped my arm tentatively around his neck and he pressed his

form into me. I whimpered by mistake when I felt his cool breath
on my ear.

He gripped my hips more forcibly and I could feel his becoming

erection in my ass. I groaned and moved my hips with his.
Suddenly, there was a drink in front of me and a grin on Peter’s
face as he broke us up.

Jasper glared at him as he fixated his pants.

“Down this.” Charley ordered. I quickly obliged, but choked on it.

“What the fuck is this?” I gasped. She grinned wickedly.

“Whisky. Now, this.” She handed me another glass, and for some
reason, I drank it. It wasn’t that bad.

Soon, we were all sitting down in a booth and I was drunk. I had
learned I was a light weight and giggly when I was intoxicated.
The only thing I remembered after that was getting picked up by an

Charley changed me in a white camisole and small sweat shorts. I
left my makeup on, but my hair was frizzy. I was lying on the floor
when I heard movement on the couch in my room. I turned over to
see Jasper.

I grinned wickedly, his previous actions flowing back into my

mind. I wanted him. I crawled over to him. With every move I
made, Jasper’s eyes got darker. When I finally ended up between
his legs, I crawled up them and straddled his waist.

His eyes locked with mine until I leaned forward and whispered
into his ear. “I want you so bad, Jasper.”

I started to grind my heat into his becoming erection. He growled

seductively. I leaned forward more and licked around his cool ear,
he tasted as good as he smelled.

I swiveled my hips on top of his, eager for more. The sensation of

his touch was making me hot. I was kind of shocked that I could
act like this when I was drunk, all confidence.

I pressed kisses to his face, his forehead, his cheeks, his chin, and
eyelids, before I stopped one the corner of his mouth. He opened
his black eyes and I stared deeply into them. I leaned forward,
brushing my lips against his, our eyes still locked.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed with realization and I was pushed onto
my ass.

“What the fuck?” I cried, standing up. Jasper was up from the sofa
and staring at me with wide gold eyes.

“You should get some sleep.” His voice was huskier than usual.
My head was floating with liquor and confusion.
“No, what the hell was that!? We were doing great.” I stepped
forward, but stumbled and fell into his chest.

“Bella, you drunk. I don’t want to do this with you if your

intoxicated.” He spoke gently, like I was a child. “You need

“No! I need you.” I wrapped my arms around him, intending to

bring him closer, but he pushed my body away roughly. His eyes
were closed again as he took a deep breath.

Pain flowed through me, along with rejection. “You don’t want
me?” I repeated the words I had used with Edward so long ago.


“NO! It’s always something with you damn vampires! Just get the
FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM!” I jabbed a finger to the door.

“Bella—” he tried again.

“Get out!” I screamed. He left and I think I fell asleep.



Char and Peter were the only people able to keep me downstairs,
away from Bella. She wanted me out, so I left, but it was like my
body clung to her warmth, I needed her.

It has been a day! How long does she need?

It was silent in the living room. Char was in the kitchen as Peter
read a book with great interest. He suddenly shot up straight in the

“Ah, no, ya don’t.”

As I was about to sprint upstairs, Peter grabbed my shoulders and

shoved me back down so I could fall into Char’s arms. I growled.

“Easy there, Major.” Charlotte warned.

Peter was cryptic. He could tell when something was going to

happen. He always knew the bad and good, and wasn’t an idiot of
enough to do anything about it. It crept me the hell out.

“I need to see her.” I hissed, pushing them both away.

“Can’t ya hear, stupid? She’s in the shower. Give her,” he trailed

off, squinting and trying to feel what she was going to do, “ten
minutes. She’s packing for some reason. Probably pissed at you.
Plus, the door is locked.”

My anxiety grew when I advised the only entrance to the girl I

loved was locked. I would break the shit down. I stared at the clock
as Peter and Char went to their previous actions.

When the clock finally hit the tenth minute, I bolted up, eager to
bust open that locked door. Peter was frozen for a millisecond
before he took off after me and tried to grab my arm in an attempt
to bring me back.

“Major! No!” he shouted, but I had already shoved my hand

through the lock and the door opened easily. Bella was in the
bathroom, probably doing her hair. I didn’t want to startle her so I
pushed her dresser in front of the door quietly as Peter tried to
force his way in and lay down in her bed.

I let one leg fall straight and the other bent as I put my hands
behind my head. When I heard Bella’s light footsteps, I turned my
head casually and met her eyes.

Her hair was the same from yesterday, except without the frizz.
She had on light makeup and skinny jeans with the shirt she stole
from me a few days ago.

“You know, I swear I locked that door,” She stated, crossing her

“I got impatient,” I shrugged.

“You’re lucky; he would’ve beaten the door down if it wasn’t for

me.” Peter’s voice rang through the hallway.

“Stay out of it.” I growled, too low and fast for Bella to hear.

“What do you want?” she questioned. I sighed and stood, reaching

for her hot skin. She flinched away from me, but I gripped her arm.

“I need to talk to you.”

“Then, talk.” She spat. I glanced at her luggage that was almost

“Where are you going?” I asked. Anger was fueling her. Pain was
keeping it down a notch.

“Home. You can stay here. With Charlotte and Peter and be kept
the hell away from me.”
I flinched at her hostility. She didn’t want me anywhere near her
and it hurt. She walked around me, snatched her arm away, and
zipped up her bag.

“Bella, just tell me what I did wrong.” I begged, grabbing her

hand. She didn’t reply for awhile and I thought she was just
ignoring me, but, then, I smelled her salty tears.

She whirled around to face me, her face red with anguish. “You
rejected me! You didn’t want me! You pushed me on the FLOOR!
I told you how much I wanted you and you didn’t want me back!”

I was shocked. Tears were rolling from her eyes and her face was
in agony. She clutched a hand to her chest as pain lashed through

I stepped closer, “You think I don’t want you? Love you?”

She shook her head, “No, you don’t. I’m not perfect, Jasper. I’m
not like Alice.” She cried. I was stunned again. I didn’t know she
felt insecure.

I rested my hands on her red cheeks and wiped the tears away with
my thumbs. She tried to shake away from me, but I held her

“I love you, Bella. I love you so much that it hurts.” I whispered to

her. Her swollen eyes widened as she comprehended my words.


I smiled softly, “Really.” I confirmed.

We stared into each other’s eyes for awhile before mine flickered
down to full, soft lips. She did the same and leaned forward a bit,
tilting her head to the side. I leaned forward, too, and felt her
smooth lips brush against mine. I couldn’t take it anymore; I
captured her lips in a passionate kiss.

Her movements were instant. She threaded her small hands up into
my hair as I purred into her mouth. My hands went to her hips,
then, her small, tight ass. She moaned as I snaked my tongue into
her mouth, licking across her bottom lip. She opened her mouth in
compliance and wrapped her legs around mine. I lifted her up by
her bottom.

Our lips moved in sync, lust, desire, longing, and love filled the
room. Things were getting out of control and fast. I left one hand
on her ass and the other traveled up her shirt and over her ribs. She
moaned and threw her head back. I took this time to lick down her

I placed open-mouthed kisses down her jugular as my hand

brushed against the bottom of her bra. I felt her heat press against
my manhood as she tried to slam herself down onto me. I pulled
her down and purred when I heard her loud groan in my ear.

“Slow down there, Major.” Peter’s cryptic voice whispered

through the door. I slowed down in my movements, heeding his
words, and I felt Bella’s confusion.

“Jazz, don’t stop.” She moaned, whining for me to continue with

her breasts.

“Bella, we have to stop. We’re going too fast.” I whispered. She

paused as I let her down. She sighed heavily and kept her arms
wrapped around my neck.
“I want you so bad, Jazz.” She whispered in my ear. My lips were
still tingling from the exotic fruity taste of her mouth and tongue.
My body felt on fire from just standing near her. “I love you.”

I wrapped my arms around her waist.

“Ditto.” I whispered in her ear and leaned down for a soft kiss.


“I didn’t know you could play the piano, Peter.” I frowned as he

pulled me into wide room. The floor was white, matching the
piano and the walls were brown.

He sat down on the bench as I hopped up on it. “I did it when I was

I boy. Ya ready?”

I nodded. I pulled out the song and place it in front of him as he

started slowly. I drew in a deep breath and started.


Char and I walked into the study. Peter was sitting at the piano as
Bella took a deep breath and he started the song.

“Head under water

And you tell me to breathe easy for a while
The breathing gets harder, even I know that…”

Her voice flowed through my ears, strong and feminine. I could

detect some pain and loneliness coming from her.

“You made room for me, but it's too soon to see
If I'm happy in your hands
I'm unusually hard to hold on to.”
“Blank stares at blank pages
No easy way to say this
You mean well, but you make this hard on me.”

“I'm not gonna write you a love song

'Cause you asked for it
'Cause you need one, you see
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'Cause you tell me its make or breaking this
If you're on your way
I'm not gonna write you to stay
If all you have is leaving
Imma need a better reason to write you a love song today

She was getting angrier by the second. I was sure this was my
surprise, but was definitely about Edward.

“She’s really good.” Char whispered in my ear.

“I learned the hard way

That they all say things you want to hear
My heavy heart sinks deep down under you
And you and your twisted words, your help just hurts
You are not what I thought you were
Hello to high and dry.”

Peter picked up tempo as she stood up and walked slowly over to

sit beside him and started to play the notes fluently with him. I
stared in shock.

“Convinced me to please you

Made me think that I need this too
I'm trying to let you hear me as I am.”
“I'm not gonna write you a love song
'Cause you asked for it
'Cause you need one, you see
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'Cause you tell me its make or breaking this
If you're on your way,
I'm not gonna write you to stay
If all you have is leaving
Imma need a better reason to write you a love song today.”

She slowed down and hollowness went through her voice as her
pain intensified.

“Promise me you'll leave the light on

To help me see with daylight, my guide, gone
'Cause I believe there's a way you can love me because I say.”

Peter riled her back up and picked up tempo again and started to
play harder. She sang quicker, louder and stronger.

“I won't write you a love song

'Cause you asked for it
'Cause you need one, you see
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'Cause you tell me its make or breaking this
Is that why you wanted a love song
'Cause you asked for it?
'Cause you need one, you see
I'm not gonna write you a love song
'Cause you tell me its make or breaking this
If you're on your way
I'm not gonna write you to stay
If your heart is nowhere in it
I don't want it for a minute.”
Babe, I'll walk the seven seas when I believe that there's a reason

“Write you a love song today


Her clear voice waved through the house as the song ended.

“I didn’t know you knew how to play piano.” I spoke finally. She
turned to stare at me and a bright smile grew on her face.

“I know. Renee taught me a lot.” She walked over to greet me and

pressed a kiss to my lips.

Peter and Charlotte watched us fondly. “What?” Bella asked


Peter’s grin widened further. “It’s finally nice to see after hours of
watching you both touch each other and argue you’re both finally
where you belong. I must say, it’s about time, Major. If I wasn’t
with Charlotte, with how long it took the both of you, I would
have… what’s that term they use now?” he grinned knowingly.
“Oh yeah. Tapped that while you were waiting to make your

I laughed as Charlotte threw a book at her mate and Bella replied,

“What makes you think I have wanted to… tap that?” Motioning to
Peter’s body.

Peter winked at her. “Oh, trust me; everyone wants this body,
Little Bird.”

I rolled my eyes. “Charlotte, keep your man in line.”

Charlotte looked at me. “Jasper, you know damn well that this is
Peter ‘in line’.”

“Whatever, how about we celebrate?” Peter hooted.


Tears fell from my eyes as Charley gave me a tight hug. She was
sobbing uncontrollably. Peter finally tore her from me and gave me
a tight hug as well.

“I’ll miss you guys.” I whispered in the crook of his neck. Over the
short week, I had grown to love them as family. Peter was a flirt,
but a great friend and Charley was my sister I had always wanted.

“Bella, you ready?” Jazz’s voice called. I nodded, breaking away

from Peter. He smiled softly and sadly at me.

Jasper and I packed into the car. I rolled my window down as

Jasper started the car.

“Ya come back to me, ya hear?” Peter called, grinning widely.

“Yes, sir.” I smiled back as we sped down the road.


Bella walked into the house, laughing. Jake bid her a farewell as
she sauntered into the kitchen to greet me. Her hair was straight
today, thick and falling to her shoulders, her bang swinging into
her left eye.

“Hey, Jazz.” She pressed a kiss to my lips, smirking against them

when I leaned forward for more. She wrapped her arms around my
neck as I lifted her up on the counter with me, into my lap.
“Hey, hey! Break that up.” Charlie stepped into the kitchen,
pointing at us.

Bella grinned sheepishly as blush rose in her cheeks. Charlie had

accepted our relationship when I met him and advised me to be
careful with his daughter.

After we left NY, Bella and I had remained together. It had been
two months after our first kiss and Bella was looking forward and
forward to spending forever with me, there was just one problem.


It wasn’t that Bella and I didn’t feel guilty for the betrayal we put
upon Alice, but I felt love for her, much stronger than Alice’s and
mine. Bella was mine and I was her’s.

Charlie went to go order pizza while Bella sat down next to me and
intertwined our hands together. “Hey.”

I pressed my lips to her mouth and leaned my forehead against

her’s. “Hey.”

“Did you talk to her today?” she asked hopefully, but sadness and
disappointment for herself was flowing into her emotions. I
squeezed her fingers.

“Stop that. We’re in this together.” I whispered to her. She nodded.

“No, I didn’t call her.”

“It would be better if you agreed to go to Alaska and see her,

Jazz.” She almost begged.
For a month, she pleaded with me to go see the family and break it
off with Alice. She didn’t like it being over the phone. She
questioned for why I didn’t do it, saying that I wasn’t loyal
enough. She thought if I went to Alaska, I would immediately fall
back in love with Alice, but she was wrong, I just didn’t want to
hurt anyone or leave Bella alone with Victoria lurking every

“I’m not leaving, Bella.” I growled.

“Then, how do I know your love is real?” she spat. I flinched

away, she didn’t trust easily and it upsetted me that Edward had
did this to her.

“Bella, you’ve seen in my eyes, my voice, and my touch. I love

you and only you. But, traveling to Alaska isn’t going to fix
anything.” I hissed back, Charlie was still able to hear us.

“You know what? I don’t want to talk about this today. I have tons
of homework and I need to get started.” I could tell it was a lie, but
I could also tell she was upset by this. I huffed and nodded as I
jumped down.

I leaned forward for a kiss, but she turned her head so I could land
on her cheek. I sighed heavily and grabbed her face.

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.” She smiled sadly.


I huffed heavily as I tripped through the forest. I pushed back my

hair and shoved my way through the trees. I was heading to the
meadow. Edward’s place. I was saying good-bye for the last time.
I had come here only twice since Edward left. Once, to show Jazz,
and the second time to just see it. I imagined Edward there, lying
down with me in the soft grass, sparkling softly in the sun.

It was unfair that I still harbored feelings for Edward, my first love,
but I couldn’t help it, I would always love him in a way. Jasper

I breathed a sigh of relief as I emerged from the bushes and paused

in the meadow. I knew I should’ve been there, since Jasper had
told me not come here without Jake or him.

I gazed around the brightly lit meadow, happy to hear the bird
chirping and the stream slightly leaking with fresh water. I paused
when I saw a stone figure in the corner. I huffed in annoyance,
thinking it was Jasper about to give me a lecture.

I started towards him, then, froze when I heard my name falling

from his lips, “Bella,”

A disarray of emotion coursed through my being. The first was

surprise; I was far from any trail here and I didn’t expect company.
Then, as my eyes focused on the motionless figure, seeing the utter
stillness, the pallid skin, a rush of piercing hope, which was silly
since I was with Jasper, but imagined Edward’s face. I suppressed
it viciously, fighting against the sharp lash of agony as my eyes
continued to the face beneath the black hair, the face wasn’t the
one I wanted or needed. Next, was fear, I was close enough to see
that he was no stray hiker.

“Laurent,” I gasped in shock.

What was he doing here?

“Bella?” he asked again, more astonished than I felt.

“You remember,” I smiled softly, trying to keep my composure.

This was bad, really bad.

He grinned. “I didn’t expect to see you here,” He strolled towards

me, bemused.

“Isn’t that the other way around? I do live here. Shouldn’t you be
in Alaska?” Laurent stopped, cocking his head to the side in

“You’re right,” he agreed, “I did go to Alaska. Still…I wanted to

visit the Cullen’s. But, they weren’t there, which is confusing. I
was wondering why they left you behind. Weren’t you some kind
of pet of theirs?”

I fought back a harsh comment and the anger that was swelling
inside. “Something…like that.” I growled. He grinned again. That
was when I noticed his eyes, blood red.

I shivered, taking a step away. His red eyes flashed down at my

movement and he smiled softly.

“Do they visit often?” he questioned, following me.

“Well, yes. Jasper is with me.” I said softly, gasping for the breath
that I was running out of. After seeing his eyes, I knew I was in

“Jasper…the blonde man?” he questioned. I nodded. He took

another step, almost five steps away from me.
“Did Victoria ever find you?” I almost shouted, breathless. I was
desperate to distract him until someone found me.

“Yes,” he hesitated on another step he was going to take. “I

actually came here as a favor to her.”

I gulped. “Favor?” He took another step, almost five steps away

from me.

“Yes, she is very….put out with you.” He said.

“She is?” I squeaked.

“She won’t be very happy with me either.” He shook his head like
he was disgusted. I stumbled another step and he shot his eyes up
to me.

“About, what?” I asked, inviting him to continue. I need to keep

him busy.

“About me killing you.” He purred softly. I didn’t say anything.

“She thought that killing you herself would be better. Edward
killed James, you know, a mate for a mate. But, I can’t help
myself. You smell so…mouthwatering.” He hissed, staring at my
neck, “But, her plan isn’t going to work since you obviously mean
nothing to him.”

Pure agony went through me as tears filled my eyes, “Fuck you.”

He chuckled. “I mean, how much could you mean to him? If he

left you here? Unprotected?” He taunted.

One tear spilled. Another blow, another tear through my chest. I

stumbled another step back.
“She’ll be angry that I did this.” He stepped forward.

“Then, why not wait for her?” I choked out.

A mischievous grin stretched his beautiful face. “Well, you’ve

caught me at a bad time. I was hunting. And I’m quite thirsty.” He

I shivered at the thought. “Please!” I cried, thinking of Jasper.

“This is nothing personal, Bella. Just thirst.” He reassured me.

“No! I mean, you practically helped us—” he cut me off, his pale
hands in my face, his red eyes wide, like he was trying to calm me.

“I promise to make this quick.” He leaned into my ear, flicking his

tongue against my ear. I shivered with disgust. “You won’t feel

Sadness and anger fueled me. His cool hands pressed against my
hips as I settled my hands on his chest. I felt his cool breath on my
neck and I closed my eyes, thinking of Jasper, my anger, and

I pressed, my mind trying to push something out. Everything

happened in slow motion, then. I didn’t feel anything, but a
tingling coming from my mind. I was confused and pushed it out.
Suddenly, I felt Laurent’s cold hands leave my waist and he landed
far across the meadow.

My eyes were wide with shock and awe as I looked around. Some
kind of white, glowing barrier was around me.

A shield.
Laurent growled, livid, thirsty, and confused. Suddenly, there were
growls everywhere. The wolves broke through the woods as I
closed my eyes.

I was exhausted from that pushing in my mind, the shield drained

my energy, and my breathing went shallower as I fell to the
ground. The only thing I saw after that was Jazz’s black, worried


After disposing of Laurent and setting his sparkly ass on fire, Jacob
and I retreated to my house so I could put Bella on the couch. I
stroked her cheeks softly.

“Bella?” I whispered. Her eyes fluttered as her heartbeat picked up.

I smiled softly as her orbs locked with mine.

“Jasper.” She smiled. “I knew you would come…or Jake.”

I feigned hurt. “I could’ve gotten there without the dog.” I jabbed a

thumb in Jacob’s direction. He grinned widely.

“Hey, Bella, can I get a hug? You know, one of those thanks-for-
saving-my-life-Jake-I-owe-you-big-time types of hugs?” he teased.

She giggled and sat up, encasing her arms around his. He laughed
with her and squeezed. After Jake left, I pressed my lips
passionately to her’s, my tongue entering her mouth as my hands
went to her cheeks.

“That’s twice, Isabella Marie Swan. Twice you have put your life
in danger. Do you know what I would do if you died?!” she
brushed her mouth against mine to stop my yelling.
“I would never leave you, Jazz.” She whispered, wrapping a leg
around my waist.

Her lips were already on mine before I could comprehend what she
was doing. She brought me down on top of her. Her small hands
pulled roughly at my hair in an attempt to bring me closer. Her legs
wrapped around me, grinding her core into mine.

My hands traveled from her hips to under her shirt. My hands

slipped under her bra and pressed against her erect nipple. She
released my lips and let out a moan.

We were so caught up in each other that I almost didn’t hear the

small crack outside. I was up and ready for anything. Bella was left
on the couch, red and breathing heavily. She frowned up at me.

“Come back!” she whined.

“Shh…didn’t you hear that?” I questioned, which I knew full

fucking well she didn’t. I reached a hand out toward her, “Come

She clasped her hand with mine and I lifted her up. We walked
outside together. She was breathing heavily behind me, staying
close. I could smell two different scents. And I couldn’t fucking
believe it.

They both stepped forward, out of the tree with confusion and pain
etched on their faces. My non-needed breathing stopped as I
glanced at the small, elfin face of my wife.

Bella and I stared at the two and said their names at the same time.



Their two faces were filled with pain when they both glanced
down at Jasper’s and I joined hands. I flinched visibly when I
heard Edward say my name.

“Bella.” He whispered, his voice velvety and rich. I had missed it

very much, but it wasn’t Jasper’s beautiful twang.

“E-Edward.” I whispered back. His golden eyes burned into mine

and if Jasper wasn’t holding my hand, I would’ve ran forward and
wrapped my arms around his still form.

Jasper felt my longing and winced away from me, releasing my

hand. I wasn’t sure who I wanted, I did love Jasper, but seeing
Edward resurfaced new feelings. I flinched, but grabbed his hand
again, not able to let go.

“Don’t.” I whispered. He didn’t reply, but sent weak love to me. I

nodded as tears started in my eyes.

I turned them back to Edward to see he was staring at me with an

agonized expression. “You cut your hair.”

I bit back a snort, but a small smile cracked onto my face, bitter yet
sweet. “Is that all you have to say?” I whispered. He stepped

“No, Bella, I—” Jasper growled at Edward’s movements, cutting

off his velvety voice.
“I haven’t been around you for months and I’m not enjoying you
moving any closer to me or Bella. So stay where the fuck you are,
Cullen!” he spat.

Edward froze, shocked that his brother would say something like
that to him.

“What are you doing together? I didn’t see this!” Alice cried,
finally saying something for the first time. My eyebrows merged as
Jasper held me tighter. “But, I saw you were going to break it off
with me, Jazzy. But, you take me back. You always take me back.”

Jazz flinched at the sweetness and desperation in her high voice. I

knew it. I knew he would. “Jazz?” my voice cracked.

He flickered his eyes to mine, then, they widened when they saw
my tears. “No, Bella, I would never—”

“She’s seen it, Jasper!” I screamed, cutting him off.

“Bella, love. Don’t get worked up.” Edward called to me

worriedly, reaching a hand out. I hesitated, contemplating if I
should take it.

“Bella, no. Remember, it’s you and me. Forever.” Jasper

whispered, grasping my hands desperately.

“No,” my voice cracked again, “No, you have Alice.”

“No, I want you. I love you, remember?” he pleaded. I couldn’t do

this under Edward’s and Alice’s watchful, golden eyes.

“Can…can y-you give us a minute?” I whispered.

Edward and Alice nodded, but Edward had to pull her away. I
sighed with relief at not seeing their faces. I glanced back up at
Jasper, who was staring at me desperately.

“What are you saying, Darlin’?” he whispered.

“I…I don’t know.” I really didn’t know what I was doing. I had
missed Edward, but Jazz was my love right now. I needed him, but
I also needed Edward in my life, my…love.

“Jasper,” my voice broke for the third time, “What are we going to

He didn’t say anything for awhile. “Who do you want, Bella? Me

or him?”

I choked on air. “Who do you want? Alice or me? You might as

well not answer since she’s already seen the outcome.”

“Bella, just listen to me.” he pleaded.

“Maybe…maybe it would be better to just give us some time.” I

whispered, shifting on my feet nervously. I averted my eyes to the

Edward and Alice walked from the woods, obviously hearing us. I
turned, but Jasper grabbed my wrist and I flickered back to him.

“Remember, Darlin’. You and me, forever.” He whispered. As I

was about to lean and kiss him, I felt a familiar cool arm wrap
around my waist and Jazz growled.

“I’ll take her home.” Edward assured.

Alice slipped between us, smiling sweetly. “Yes, I’ll take it from
here,” she turned to Jasper as jealously soared through me when
she wrapped her arms around his neck, “C’mon, Jazzy, we need to
get the house ready for the family.”

My eyes widened. “You’re all coming back?”

“Yes.” Edward whispered in my ear. I flinched at his closeness.

I stared at Jasper with Alice. He stared at her with loving eyes,

then, raised his eyes back to mine, but I couldn’t look into them.

“Edward, can you take me home, please?” I begged.

“Bella—” Jasper pleaded.

“Sure.” Edward smiled crookedly. Oh, how I missed that smile.

Jasper growled lowly, glaring at Edward. He led me to the car and

started to my house. It was silent and tense in the small cab as
Edward stopped the car. It was stupid how I forgave him so easily,
but this was Edward. I wasn’t ready to give him up a few months
ago and I wasn’t now.

“You only have three months of school left, correct?” he

questioned. I nodded silently. “Good.” It was silent for awhile
before he broke it again, about to open his full mouth.

“Just…don’t, Edward. I’ll talk to you when I’m ready.” I refused

to look at him. He was quiet.

“Can I walk you to the door?” I nodded. He walked by my side, his

cool skin brushing against my thin jacket. I started to the door, but
his hand caught mine. I jerked away as he brushed my hair away
from my eyes.
“I’ve missed you.” He whispered. I sighed, relaxing. His hands
found mine and it felt right…for the moment.

“Yeah, me, too.” I nodded again. He pressed a kiss to the corner of

my mouth, I didn’t feel the electricity, but I did feel the love I felt
for him. I leaned forward and grasped the back of his neck to bring
him closer. He groaned, his lips meeting mine in a sweet kiss.

Betrayal was flowing through my mind, but my body was buzzing

from being close to Edward this long. I gripped onto his copper,
messy hair to bring him closer. I pressed my tongue to his mouth,
wanting the entrance that was never given. He pushed me away
and I fell into my front door.

“What the hell, Edward!? If you want to kiss me, then, kiss me
thoroughly!” I spat, glaring at him, my hair in my face.

“You know I can’t, Bella! I don’t have a lot of control.” He


“Well, Jasper, your apparently non-controlled brother, can kiss me

a hell of a lot better than you!” I shouted at him. Edward’s eyes
widened and his mouth parted in shock. Suddenly, the front door
was thrown open and there stood Jake and Charlie.

“What the hell is going on?!” Charlie’s eyes widened at Edward’s

appearance. “What the fuck is he doing here?”

“I don’t know.” I growled, still glaring at Edward

Jacob was brooding, snarling under his breath. He suddenly

grabbed me and threw me into the house, slamming the door in
Edward’s face.
There was tension in the house for some odd reason, even though
the two people I didn’t want here ruined everything. Charlie and
Jake sat down on the couch in front of me as I shifted

“What’s…going on?” I asked nervously.

“Harry Clearwater is dead, Bella. Some kind of animal attack.”

Charlie shook his head as if he was disgusted. I turned to Jake,
who expression was livid. He flickered his dark eyes to mine.

“Was it Victoria?” I mouthed at him. He nodded slowly.

For the rest of the night, I comforted the distraught Charlie. He

would cry at some times, but wiped them away with a rough hand.
After five hours, he fell asleep on the couch.

I went to my room and sat on the bed. I contemplated this. Victoria

was after me and killing ones I loved until I surrendered over to
her. It was a shame really, why did she have to kill others? I mean,
Jazz and Jake weren’t here; she could kill me right now! But, I was
thankful for a second, Charlie needed me.

My thoughts moved to Jasper. What would become of our

relationship? Would we split or would love conquer all like out of
the books? I rolled my eyes at the absurd thought. Jasper and I
were a lot alike. We loved the same music, we loved the same
places, and we had the same style, not caring what other people
thought. We were like twins, merged together in some weird

I thought fondly of what Jasper and I had done together. He had

once become startled when my stomach growled and freaked out.

I was sitting on my bed on a Saturday morning. I had just gotten
up and it was early. It was still dark outside. Suddenly, I felt a rush
of wind and Jasper settled next to my body, scaring the crap out of

“Why are you up so early?” he flashed me a lazy grin. I smiled


“I don’t know. Maybe I like the dark.” I shrugged. I was reading

my worn out copy of Wuthering Heights.

He chuckled, leaning on my thick bed frame. He had never come

this close to me and my nerves were heating.

A low growl from my stomach interrupted my musings, and Jasper

looked around in surprise before jumping up and looking around,
growling. He had pushed me off the bed, indicating to save me
from any sort of threat and I landed with a thump on the floor. I
gave a startled little shriek as I hit the ground and sat up to glare
at him. He seemed confused.

The noise from my stomach sounded again, louder this time. He

whirled, frowning. I was rather irritated with him.

“What…are you doing?” I demanded.

“Shhh. Did you hear that?” he said quietly, intensely.

My stomach grumbled softly through the room again and Jasper

turned to me with knitted eyebrows.

“That?” I asked, suddenly sounding quite amused.

“Yes,” he answered, staring at me confusedly.

“That’s my stomach, genius.” I giggled. He could only stare at me
as I got to my feet. “Yeah, that's my stomach. I haven’t eaten since
yesterday morning and I’m starving.”

He suddenly was in front of me and grabbed my hips to bring me

closer. I gasped, freezing up. He bent down and leaned close,
resting his ear against my abdomen and waited. My heartbeat

“You don't believe me?” I queried, skeptical bemusement lacing

my voice.

“Shh,” he commanded. I complied, standing still for his


Sure enough, several seconds later, a gurgly growl erupted from

my mid-section. He drew back, a look of feigned horror on his

“What the hell do you keep in there?”

I patted the flat expanse of my stomach with a knowing smile. “I’m

afraid that is a secret.”

He released me, shaking his head. “Let’s get you something to eat,
then. I’m getting scared of that thing.”

Flashback over…

I rolled my eyes at his silliness that I had grown to love. I loved

him and I loved Edward.

Which one?
Suddenly, there was a loud THUMP and I whirled around to see
Emmett. He grinned widely at me. He hadn’t changed over the
period of time he was gone. Still the same size, still the same hair,
and still the same dimples. I squealed and ran over to greet his
giant size.

His arms wrapped around me in a bone crushing hug and I gasped

for air. “Em, can’t…breathe!”

“Oh, sorry!” he admonished as he sat me down. I took a deep

breath and smiled sweetly at him.

“It’s great to see you!” I whispered excitedly. I didn’t want to

wake Charlie.

“I know, right? Isn’t it always great?” he teased, wiggling his


I rolled my eyes as I sat back down on my bed. It was great to see

him, hear him, and feel him. His comical personality would
definitely heal some of the wounds I had.

He dug through my drawers, opening, closing, and throwing stuff

behind his back, before he paused.

“Oh, yeah!” He held up the digital camera I had gotten for my

birthday. I sighed, but smiled softly. He flashed a picture of

“There. Now you could enlarge that and plaster it on your wall so
all your friends can be jealous.” He crooned, grinning widely.

“Em!” I hissed.
“Oh, alright, alright.” He was suddenly next to me and flashed the
camera in our faces. I squeezed my eyes shut to get rid of the dots,
“If you wanted a picture with me, you should’ve just said so.”

I swiped the camera away from him and scowled. He laughed,

“Oh, c’mon, Bells. Lighten up, what’s up your ass today?”

“Nothing,” I said quickly. He wasn’t convinced.

“You sure?” he quirked a brow.

“Yeah, listen, Emmett. I have school tomorrow and I need to get

some sleep, so if you’ll excuse me…” I trailed off.

He left. And I fell asleep.


The next day, I was thoroughly pissed at everyone.

Alice was a bitch, Edward was a dick, Charlie was whiny, Harry
was dead, Jake was upset, Vicky was playing a harsh game,
Rosalie was mean, Emmett was funny, Carlisle was too smart,
Esme wasn’t with me, Renee never called, and Jasper was not
mine anymore.

And it thoroughly pissed me off.

I put on dark eyeliner, making it thick around my brown eyes. I put

on small denim shorts after that and many accessories. I let my hair
fall down in curls as I dressed in a black camisole with my white
bra straps poking out. I put on black cowgirl boots and grabbed my
gray jacket. I took my books and stomped my way downstairs.
Edward was there, sitting at the kitchen table with a bright smile,
which immediately turned to a frown when he saw me. I frowned
back and threw my book bag lightly into his lap.

“You look,” he took in my clothes and makeup, “Colorful.”

I snorted lightly and grabbed my keys off the table. “I’m going to

Edward shot up. “I’ll drive you!” he offered.

“No, thanks!” I yelled back.

I went to school.



I stepped out of the shower the third time and wrapped a white
towel around my waist. I stepped into our room and Alice stopped
me from the bed, holding out a hand.

“Stop. You still smell like her. Go shower again.” She ordered.
Jealously was flowing from her, but also pain. She was upset that I
had done this.

“Alice.” I pleaded. She shook her head. “What do you want me to

say?” Anger flashed through her and she whirled around to face

“I want you to say you’re sorry for mating with my friend! I want
you to say you’re sorry for breaking my heart! I want you to say
you’re sorry for giving me all this pain!” she shouted.
“No! You left me, Alice. You said you wanted a break!” I hollered

“That doesn’t mean you go fucking around with Bella!” she

shrieked. I flinched away from her. “You love her more than me!”

I couldn’t say anything, because it was true. I did love Bella more
than her. She knew it. I knew it. I hated it, but loved it at the same
time. Bella was my life.

“I know,” I answered softly, bluntly. She flickered her livid eyes to


“Fuck you, Jasper!” she spat as she stood and started down the
hall. I dressed in a shirt and jeans in less than a second. I followed
her, pleading for her to stop, and she did. I ran straight into her.

I almost fell back, but Bella’s sad eyes kept me upright. I felt Alice
grab my hand to straighten me and Bella’s gaze glanced down at
our joined fingers, aguish sustaining her. Edward was behind her,
frowning slightly when he saw me.

“Alice, Jasper,” he spat my name, “I thought you guys were


“Yes, well, Jazzy needed a quick shower.” Alice smiled happily,

but anger flashed in her eyes when she saw Bella staring at me

She was dressed angrily today. Her makeup was dark and angry.
Her hair was curly and perfect. Her skin was pale, but still had that
beautiful flush. Her clothes were black and showing off her
luscious curves, her pale legs sticking out of her small light shorts
and flowing into her black boots.
Edward growled at my thoughts and covered Bella’s body.

“Alice,” Bella nodded at her, ignoring me.

She went around my body, she was so close and I could feel her
heat. It pulled me in and before I knew what was happening, I had
trapped Bella with both of my arms on either side of her head.

She shivered as I leaned closer. I could feel Edward and Alice’s

anger, but I focused on Bella’s lust and love. She wanted me.

I knew it.

She knew it.

Alice knew it.

Edward knew it.

Edward was suddenly in front of my view, growling at me and

shielding Bella away. Alice grabbed my arm, trying to pull me
away. Rose passed us on the steps and frowned.

“What the hell is going on here?” she questioned. The rest of the
family had yet to know of our love lives. They thought we all went
back into the same routine, but they were sadly wrong.

“Jazzy, c’mon,” Alice called, pulling me toward her. I felt Bella’s

jealously and almost smiled. Almost. I paused when I saw Edward
wrap an arm around my mate’s waist. I growled quietly as Rose
watched us with large interest.

“Is everything alright?” she questioned.

“Everything’s fine, Rose,” Alice assured her, glaring at me.

I took one more glance at Bella before I allowed Alice to drag me
to our room.


“Everything’s wrong, Charley.” I whispered into the phone, tears

leaking down my face. I heard her sigh.

“Jasper will come around, Sugar. Trust me. Ya just have to get rid
of dumb and dumber.” She sneered. I chuckled.

“You think?”

“I know, Sugar.” I glanced at the clock. I had been crying into the
phone with her for two hours. I heaved a deep sigh.

“I have to go, Charley. I’ll talk to you later.” I informed her. I

could practically see her nodding.

“’Kay, Bella. Be careful, I love ya.” She hung up after her short,
but sweet words.

Tears were starting in my eyes again. I quickly threw down the cell
phone Jasper had given me. It seemed like so long ago. I covered
my face in shame, the tears showing my anguish.

I turned to cut off the lights when dark golden eyes stared into
mine. I gasped loudly and my hand flew to my throat.

“Jazz…” I breathed.

“Are you okay?” he whispered as he sat down on the bed with me,
removing my hand. I quickly wiped my tears away and nodded.
“What’re you doing here?” I hissed, suddenly remembering
Edward. Jasper’s eyes stared deeply into mine, stealing my breath

His hand covered my smaller one and squeezed. I glanced down at

our joined fingers, “Alice can probably see us.”


His lips descended on mine, his tongue conquering my mouth and

covering my lips. I moaned, wrapping one hand on his neck and
trailing them up to his curls. His hands found my hips and pulled
me closer. I placed my legs on each side of his waist so I could
grind into him. Soon, I was breathless and Jasper released me so I
could breathe. We stared into each other’s eyes, my forehead
resting against his.

“I love you.” He whispered, leaning forward for another kiss. I

stiffened at the three magic words and retracted from him. His eyes
showed hurt.

“I know.” I whispered back. It was quiet for awhile. “Jazz, what

are we doing?”

“I don’t know.” He sighed, running a hand through his curls. He


“Is this the end of us?” I asked, choking on my own breath.

“No!” he said a little too loudly, then, calmed instantly, “Can’t…

can’t I just have one more day with you?” he pleaded.

I stopped breathing. So this was the end, he was just in denial. Our
love was forbidden, it sucked, it was hell. I reached for his hand
timidly and took it in my own.
“One day?” I asked quietly.

He nodded mutely. “I would love that.” I whispered.

He squeezed for my fingers. “I know.” He grinned lazily.

I smiled softly back. He got up, after giving me one more kiss, and
headed to the window.

“Jazz,” I called, he turned to me, “I love you, too.”

He left and I dreamed of his kisses.


“A day?” Edward questioned, his eyebrows clouding over his

golden orbs. I nodded, “Why? You’re with me.”

I narrowed my eyes into slits. I wasn’t a possession.

“Jazzy! Where are you going?” Alice cried as she followed him
out. His golden orbs found mine and I smiled brightly.

“Alice—” he started. Her face turned blank for awhile and Edward
stiffened, before she broke out of her vision.

She stared at me for awhile before pressing her tiny lips to

Jasper’s. He complied, wrapping his fingers into her short hair.
When they parted, I was breathing heavily. Alice smirked up at
him, then, me.

“I’ll miss you,” She whispered, but she was loud enough so I could
Edward pressed a kiss sweetly to my mouth and I pulled him closer
by wrapping my fingers into his hair. He parted from me, leaving
me thoroughly dissatisfied, but I covered it with a smile.

“Be safe.” He whispered, pressing on more kiss to my hair.


I turned my gaze to Bella. She was currently lying on her back in

content. Amazement was flowing through her when a branch blew
in the wind and uncovered my hand from the cool shade. It
sparkled dimly. I smiled at her.

“This was the perfect day.” She whispered, grasping my shining

hand with her’s.

I had taken her to many places, mostly we just drove, trying to

escape the world and the mistakes we had made. But, we couldn’t
and it hurt like a bitch. I wanted to stay with Bella, shit, needed to
stay with her. She accepted me for who I was, didn’t care about my
past, and didn’t want me to change.

We finally found a giant oak tree, we were somewhere outside of

California, in the country and laid under it. The sun was just
starting to set. I leaned forward, pressing my lips to her’s. She let
out a breathy moan, obviously she was waiting for me to make a

My hands found her ass and I lifted her into my lap. Her tongue
met mine, egging me on. My fingers slowly lifted up her shirt. She
complied, raising her arms above her head and I quickly threw the
shirt off her hot body, throwing it onto the grass. Her lips met mine
again, exotic fruit entering my mouth.
My hands traveled over her breasts, marveling over the fullness of
them. She moaned loudly and arched into me, trying to find
friction for her alive heat. I pushed the bra straps off her slim
shoulders and pressed kisses down her collarbone before my
mouth found her erect tips. She moaned, louder this time and
started to unbutton my shirt.

I allowed her to push me down and land on op of me. She leaned

down so our naked chests were grazing and whispered in my ear.

“I love you. I need you. I want you.” She growled seductively. Our
lips meant again, slow and sensual. She started to wrestle with my
belt buckle and soon slid down my pants. I removed her sundress
entirely and dipped my hands down her navel.

She allowed me to pull off her underwear so she was completely

exposed to me. It made my mouth water. She tugged me
downward, back to her lips. My hand slowly grazed her entrance
and she thrusted towards my fingers.

“You ready?” I whispered. She nodded, biting that sweet lip. I took
her mouth with mine and thrusted the two fingers inside her. She
moaned, but I could also feel the pain mixed with the pleasure. She
bucked her hips and I could smell her arousal fall between her

When she got used to the feeling, she started to rock her hips with
my fingers, moaning my name. I became dominant, wanting to
mark her as my own, even though it was a straight lie.

“That’s right, baby. Say my name.” I curled my fingers inside her,

causing her hips to move again.

“Oh, God.” She moaned.

“Wrong,” I growled, “My name!” I went even deeper and she
arched her back, trying to remain focused on my demands.

“Jasper! Jasper Fucking Whitlock!” she shrieked. I smirked as my

mouth found her nipple and sucked it into my mouth. She groaned,
throwing her head back and pulling on my hair.

She climaxed, hard, and I swear she was seeing stars for a good
moment. I took that opportunity to position myself at her entrance.
She focused her giant orbs on mine, which were filled with lust
and longing. I entered her slowly, moaning at her heat and

I felt and smelled her blood as I broke through her thin barrier. Her
pain was small since I flooded pleasure and love into her emotions.
She adjusted to my size and I forced myself all the way into her
small entrance until our hips met. She groaned, arching her back
higher so I could wrap my arms around her and lifted her slick
body up. Her chest met mine and I started to move with her.

“Fuck, Bella. The things you do to me.” I groaned, holding her

closer. This wasn’t simple heavy sex. This was making love with
the woman that I adored, my mate. When she reached her climax, I
did, too, engrossing myself with her warmth.

I fell back, and she fell with me, lightly landing in my chest. She
breathed heavily and tried to catch her breath. I slowly slid out of
her and she whimpered at the lost.

“I love you, Jazz,” She whispered, wrapping her arms around my

neck. I tightened mine at her waist.


When we drove back to the house the next day, Bella started
crying. Tears fell down her beautiful face and onto the pavement. I
sighed and quickly wiped them away as I pressed a kiss to her soft
lips. She sighed into my mouth, quickly giving me entrance.

She was crying even more when we parted and a sob broke up her
throat, “I love you, Isabella Swan,”

She smiled a little, “I love you, too, Jasper Whitlock,” And with
that, she walked into her house and out of my life.


I wiped my face for the third time as I walked into the kitchen. I
gasped in surprise when I saw Edward on the counter, perched
onto the surface like he had been there all day.

“E-Edward?” I called. He turned to the sound of my voice. He

slightly inhaled then shrunk in disgust.

“You reek of him. Take two showers and go to sleep early tonight.
I’ll pick you up tomorrow. And wear something appropriate.” He
demanded in a clipped tone.

I flinched at his orders and voice as he hopped down and headed

out. I whirled around to stop him, “Aren’t you going to stay

“No, see you tomorrow.” He called, slamming the front door. I

flinched again, but I followed his demands. I took two showers and
went to bed early and dressed in my old attire. I didn’t put on any
makeup and I did my homework myself.

For the whole week, I did what he told me to do. He never took me
to his house, but he was still nice, considerate, and loved me. He
told me every day and caught me when I fell.

He was the perfect boyfriend, just not for me.

On the next week, we got into two arguments. The first about how
I was going to get my hair cut again, but he said he liked it long. I
soon escaped his clutches and cut it back to my shoulders. The
next was about Jake. I was going to go see him, but of course
Edward stopped me every time. It was annoying really.

The more I thought about Edward, the more I thought about Jazz. I
was getting angrier.


“Hey,” I sighed as I entered the Volvo. He nodded at me, keeping

his eyes locked with mine. I swam in his golden orbs, before he
turned away and started the car.

What? No hello kiss? Well, fuck you, then.

I was so happy he couldn’t read my mind at the time. I sighed,

sitting back in the seat and readjusting the temperatures. Edward
turned on Claire De Lune and I was really starting to get tired of
that moapy bitch. I quickly turned it to Raise Your Glass by Pink.

Edward’s eyes widened as I sang the lyrics loud and clear and
whipped my hair around my face wildly.

“Slam, slam oh hot damn. What part of party don’t you

understand? Wish you’d just freak out. Can’t stop, coming in hot. I
should be locked up right on the spot. It’s so on right now. Party
crasher, panty snatcha’. Call me up if you a gangsta’. Don’t be
fancy. Just get dancey,” I looked Edward in his topaz eyes as I
asked him, “Why so serious?”

I giggled as he quickly exited the car; I realized that we were at

school. I grinned widely as I got out of the car. Edward was
watching me with narrowed eyes.

“Oh, love, don’t get your knickers in a twist,” I teased in a mocking

British accent. His face scrunched up to a grimace as he handed me
my backpack.

“I’ll see you later,” He turned the other way and headed to the

Obviously, he wasn’t staying in school today. I rolled my eyes and

slung my straps over my shoulders. I stopped short when I saw
Alice standing at the school doors with a bright smile. She quickly
danced over to me and took my hand in her icy one.

There was something off. Something off with her. An uneasy

feeling started in my stomach. When she squeezed my hand, I
didn’t feel the familiar serge of friendship in my heart, it was…

She escorted me to my class, probably Edward’s orders and stared

at me for awhile before turning away. I was confused as hell and
even more confused when Rosalie picked me up in her shiny red
car after school.

I hesitantly stepped inside while she ignored me and quickly put on

her makeup. For a few moments, she was quiet and then started the
car. We sped through the streets.
“Rosalie, what’s going on? Where are we going?” I asked

Oh, my God! What if she’s taking me somewhere far away to bury


As I was about to tuck and roll out of the expensive car, she
chuckled, “Call me Rose, Bella, and we’re just going to my house.
Everyone misses you, but something is up with Alice and Edward.
And, I was hoping you could help me with that. Even Jasper’s
acting weird.”

“Jazz?” I couldn’t help but ask. Anything concerning Jasper is a

concern of mine.

She raised a perfect brow, “Since when do you call Jasper Jazz?”
she questioned as we pulled up to the giant house.

I didn’t answer her question. Instead, I grabbed my bag as Em

came barreling out. He grabbed me in a tight hug, which caused
my breathing to cut off.

“Emmett…can’t…breath!” I gasped. He quickly apologized and

lowered me.

I smiled kindly at me, then, froze when I felt a cool hand touch
mine. Edward smirked at me and helped me up the stairs and into
his room as the family greeted me.

As Edward and I quickly settled, he took out my homework and

actually started to do it like Jazz. I grumbled under my breath as I
quickly turned to his music. He mostly had classic, but I slipped
across a Paramore disc. I quickly put it in and Decode filled the
room as I started to go through more of his music.
“Did you start on your algebra?” Edward asked as he dug through
my bag.

“No,” I replied bluntly.

“But, we have school tomorrow,” He stated.

“Really?” I questioned sarcastically, turning to him with agitation.

His eyebrows were knitted together as he stared at me. I hadn’t
snapped at him in awhile and I knew he wasn’t prepared for this
behavior, but I didn’t care.

“Bella, why are you upset?” he questioned as he stood up and

walked over to me. I backed away from him and felt my back hit
his music collection.

“Because I am sick and tired of being treated like a child around

here! I am eighteen years old and I can provide for my damn self! I
don’t need you telling me to do my homework!” I screeched. He
was shocked, but he could tell that something was brewing under
my excuse.

He took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose, closing
his eyes, before opening them softly and letting the breath out.

“What’s really wrong?” It was quiet for awhile, before he grabbed

my chin and lifted it up to see my face.

Tears formed in my eyes as I spoke, “You left me.”

His eyes turned agonized and he gripped my chin with his fingers.
“I’m back, and I’ll never make that mistake again.”

“But, making it once destroyed me!” I shook my head, wiping my

tears away. “Who’s to say you won’t make it again when you think
things get too dangerous? I survived once; I don’t think I can
survive a second time.”

“Bella, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere,” he told me, stepping
forward and trying to embrace me.

I wrapped my arms protectively around myself. He looked

confused and frustrated, not the least bit sorry.

“You don’t understand,” I said, my voice rising slightly. “You.

Left. Me. Do you even know what it did to me? I couldn’t eat, I
couldn’t sleep. I was...a zombie. An empty shell, Edward,
absolutely nothing but a waste of flesh. I didn’t invite death, but I
didn’t shun it. I lived like that for four months. Four months. And
do you know what finally helped me?”

Edward didn’t answer; he stared at me, waiting for me to continue

with hard, dark eyes.

“Jasper,” I breathed, his name rolling off my tongue with love and
longing. “I was finally happy again. I was living, I was me. And
then you and Alice just come back and expect everything to be
peachy, but it’s not!” My voice was dangerously high and I was
certain the rest of the family could hear our argument.

I didn’t care.

“Maybe…I don’t want things work.” I said, my voice breaking

again as tears fell down my cheeks.

Edward stepped forward again, trying to embrace me once more,

but I backed away with a sob. I quickly turned and ran from the
room, ignoring my name being called by his velvety voice.
Edward was what I thought I had wanted, but I was dead wrong. I
wanted Jasper’s deep, husky drawl. I wanted hot kisses and dimly
shimmered scars. I wanted long curls I could pull on for attention. I
wanted deep-set golden orbs staring into mine. I wanted so much
more than Edward. I wanted Jasper. My Jazz.

But, I couldn’t have him.

I stumbled down the stairs, blind with tears, as Edward chased me.
I froze when I saw Jasper. He had his arms open for me, his eyes
begging me to come to him. I was absorbed by his golden orbs,
love showing in them.

Then, I saw the family, their shocked and confused expressions.

Alice’s broken cry filled the room as she sunk to floor and her
black eyes stayed on Jasper and me.

I shook my head and walked around Jazz, but he tried to reach for
me. I spun around, screaming at him to stop.

“No! Can’t you see what this is doing to the family!? I’ve ruined
everything!” I shrieked. Tears were still falling and onto their
expensive rug.

“Don’t say that! We’re in this together!” he yelled back, trying to

calm me with his power. The whole family watched us, still as

“I just can’t do this anymore!” I shouted back. Jazz froze and I

speeded out before any of them could hurt me anymore.

Everyone was radiating confusion, sadness, agony, anger, fear, and
pain. I almost fell to my knees with all the emotions. It was silent,
everyone in shock of what just happened.

“What the fuck is going on?” Rose questioned, breaking the


“That’s what I would like to know,” Carlisle demanded in a hard


“Family meeting,” Esme ordered softly. Alice was still on the

floor, quietly crying. Emmett went over to her.

“Hey, Ali. Wanna give Emmy Bear a hug?” he asked. When she
didn’t reply, he quickly picked her up and carried her into the
dinning room with Rose and Carlisle.

Edward was still at the steps, but Esme quickly grabbed him and
helped him into the other room. Rose walked over to me, raising a
blonde brow.

“I’m not carrying you,” She stated bluntly. I sighed and turned
away. Even if Bella wanted me far away, I still had to call
someone to make sure she got home okay.

I quickly dialed Jacob.

“Hello?” his gruff voice answered.

“Jacob,” I greeted.

“This better be good, leech. I’ve been chasing that redhead vamp
for seven hours. I need my beauty sleep.” He grouched. I rolled my
eyes, despite the situation.
“I need you to send patrol after Bella. She went off on her own,” I

“Shit, for real? Well, I’m on it,” I could hear him moving.

“Thanks, Jacob.”

“Yeah, yeah,” And with that, he hung up.

I strolled calmly towards the dining room and stopped at the door
when I saw Emmett and Carlisle trying to restrain Edward from
killing me.

As if he could ever do that.

Edward growled, a loud warning sign telling me to shut the hell up.
I couldn’t care less. All I cared about was Bella and her safety.

Alice was wailing as Esme tried to comfort her. Honestly, I gave a

crap about that, but nothing else. I didn’t want to hurt Alice, but I
loved Bella. Edward growled again, glaring at me.

I sat down by Carlisle as everyone finally settled down. Rosalie

was ignoring it all and reading a magazine with nonchalance.
Everything was silent.

“So, when were you going to tell us you were fucking Bella?”
Rose asked bluntly and carelessly, not even glancing up at me.

I almost laughed, but Alice’s wail of anguish sustained me. Rose

rolled her golden eyes as Emmett sputtered. Esme and Carlisle
were trying to calm Edward.

“Okay, I had sex with Bella a few weeks ago. That was the only
time and the last time.” I explained, but it was probably a lie.
“That’s a load of shit and you know it!” Alice cursed at me,
jabbing at finger.

Emmett was in shock, “When did you and Bella start…ya know?”
he asked.

“When Edward left her, she was really upset and we talked and
became friends. Over the short months, we started to develop
feelings for each other and I realized she was my mate.” I
explained again.

“But, Alice is your mate,” Esme objected.

“No, she’s not. When I first met her, I knew we wouldn’t be

together forever.”

Alice suddenly shot up, “I helped you in your time of need! I

brought you a better life and I loved you for who you are! How do
you repay me!? You sleep with my whore of a friend!”

I stood up, too, growling at her. She could say all those things
about me, but not about Bella. “Don’t you talk about her like that!
You left me here, Alice! You said you needed a break!”

“That doesn’t mean fuck around!” she shrieked before fleeing the
room. Esme went after her, calling her name. I sighed and sat back
down. Edward was glaring at me, trying to keep his anger under

“You have anything to say, Edward?” Carlisle questioned.

“You took her from me,” he growled, still glaring at me.

“You left her to be taken,” I replied calmly.

“Bullshit! She used to believe and listen to anything I said and now
you’ve ruined everything!” he hissed with venom in his voice.

“Maybe she needed her own voice. I mean, she’s fucking

eighteen!” I argued. I heard Rose scold me, but I continued. “Fuck
you, Edward.”

“Jasper—” Carlisle started with a disproving tone.

“No, Carlisle. Fuck. Him. You hurt her so much and you don’t
even feel sorry. You should be fucking ashamed. Now, if you’ll
excuse me, I’m going to go see my mate.”

Suddenly, my phone rang, stopping me from getting to the door. I

sighed as I brought the metal to my ear. “What, Peter?”

“Give her time, Major. She’s undecided and messed up.” He

explained in a cryptic voice before hanging up. I growled with
frustration, but heeded his words.

I would wait as long as my mate needed.


I hurried down the streets, turning every turn I could. I was trying
to run away, far away from all this. I needed a break, maybe

I screeched to a stop when Jake stood in front of my car with a

sneer. Maybe he was what I needed. Warmth, love, and life. I
stepped out of the car, ran towards him, ignored his confused
expression, and pressed my lips to his.
Jacob reacted slowly. His hands hesitantly found my hips and
threaded up my shirt that had ridden up a little. I grasped onto his
hair, pulling as hard as I could. I was angry, hurt, and confused. I
just needed someone to love me. As I opened my mouth for more
of Jake’s hot kisses, he broke away and breathed heavily.

“Why did you do that?” he asked, trying to catch his breath. Tears
started again.

“I’m sorry,” I choked out. “I’m just so confused.”

“So, you kiss me!?” he yelled, then, started to pace. “Shit! Jasper’s
gonna kill me.”

I froze up. Just hearing his name made my body go up in pain. Jake
stopped pacing and stared at me. “Are you okay?” I fell to my
knees, sobbing. Jacob flew over to me, rubbing my back. “Bella?”

“I-I can’t be with Jasper anymore, Jake. I hate this! I hate him!” I
screamed, slamming my fists onto the pavement.

“You don’t hate Jasper. You hate how he makes you feel. You’re
scared that he might hurt you like Edward. Stop being a coward.”
Jake spoke gently and wiped the tears with his big thumbs.

I glared at him through my tears. I hated Jacob because he was

right. I shot up and hurried to my car, ignoring Jacob’s calls. I
quickly drove home, leaving him and Jasper behind.


The whole week, I stayed locked in my room and made sure my

window was closed. I heard taps at the glass at night, but refused to
open it for anyone. I didn’t know what to do, so I did what I did
best. I sung out my feelings.

I drove and drove until I ended up in an old studio. I usually went

there to play the piano. I sat on the bench and started the song.

Katy Perry Thinking Of You

“Comparisons are easily done

Once you've had a taste of perfection
Like an apple hanging from a tree
I picked the ripest one; I still got the seed.”

“He said move on, where do I go?

I guess second best is all I will know.”

That was I thought Jasper was in the beginning, second best, not
Edward. Now he was all I wanted.

“Cause when I'm with him I am thinking of you

Thinking of you, what do I do?
If he were the one who was spending the night
I wish that I was looking into your eyes…”

I imagined Jazz’s honey eyes staring deeply in mine as I sung


“You’re like an Indian summer in the middle of winter

Like a hard candy with a surprise center
How do I get better once I've had the best?
He said there's tons of fish in the water, so the waters I will test…”

“He kissed my lips; I taste your mouth,

He pulled me in, I was disgusted with myself.”
“Cause when I'm with him I am thinking of you
Thinking of you, what do I do
If he were the one who was spending the night
I wish that I was looking into…”

My voice turned sad as I sang my heart out. I had lost Jasper, my

two best friends, and the reason to live. I was hurting.

“You're the best, and yes, I do regret

How I could let myself let you go
Now, now the lessons learned
I touched it, I was burned
I think you should know…”

“Cause when I'm with him I am thinking of you

Thinking of you, what do I do?
If you were the one who was spending the night
I wish that I was looking into your, your eyes
Looking into your eyes, looking into your eyes.”

“Won’t you walk through?

And bust in the door and take me away?
No more mistakes
'Cause in your eyes I'd like to stay, stay…”

My voice broke at the end as tears fell from my eyes. I beat the
piano keys with my fists. This song didn’t do anything but made
me sadder.

“I didn’t know you knew how to play piano…or sing.” Edward’s

smooth voice mused from the door. I didn’t jump as I usually did, I
had gotten used to vampire’s graceful and quiet movements.

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me,” I whispered. Suddenly,

he was next to me and smirked softly.
“True,” He agreed, his hands glided over the keys, playing my
sweet, sweet lullaby. I caught his cold wrist.

“Stop,” I whispered again, “I-I just can’t.” I stood and started

away, but he grabbed my elbow and sighed.

“We need to talk.” He said.

“We are talking.”

He rolled his golden eyes, “No, seriously,” He gestured to my seat

and I took it, “You’re not the same girl from last year.” He stated.

I nodded, “I know,”

“You’ve changed. You curse, you stand up for yourself, and

you’re…happier,” He continued and I stayed quiet, “And I didn’t
understand at first. I didn’t understand your relationship with
Jasper. I thought you would be angry him when I left. Even if he
came back, I thought you wouldn’t accept an apology. I was…
happy. But, not when I left you. I was happy that you could have a
normal life. I wanted to return, trust me, but I knew you were
somehow glad I was gone. So, I stayed away and tried to track
Victoria, I’m not very good at that,” He chuckled, glancing at me
and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear before he continuing,
“Then, of course, you bring werewolves into your life, when I
specifically said have a normal life. But, you are a danger magnet.
When your future disappeared from Alice’s visions, I quickly
hurried to Forks, worried about you, hoping Jasper didn’t do
anything stupid, but instead, I find you and him literally humping
on the couch,” I blushed at that and he smiled sadly, “I was
heartbroken, but then after your little speech in the bedroom, I
realized you weren’t mine anymore. Jasper is your true mate. I
thought for awhile, trying to convince myself you were MY mate,
but I reached into Jasper’s head and saw how happy you were with
him, much more than with me. It upset me to know end, until I
realized that you aren’t my mate. There’s someone out there that is
mine and I intend to find her.” He took a deep breath after his
speech, “So, I’m letting you go.”

My mouth was hanging open the whole time. He was serious.

Dead serious. I was kind of offended that he didn’t want me like
that, but I knew he was doing this for me, and it made me…happy.

I smiled softly and pressed a kiss to his mouth. For the first time,
he opened his mouth in compliance. His tongue met mine and I
basked in his taste. Ambrosia. I tugged on his hair, before he
released me. I smiled at him as he did the same.

“Well, that sucks.” I huffed.

“What?” he frowned.

“The first time you get frisky and you break up with me.” I
giggled. He laughed, too, grabbing a hold of my hand as I leaned
my head on his shoulder.

“There’s only two more problems.” I sighed.


“Alice and Jasper.”


“I signed the papers. How long are you going to be gone?” I

questioned Alice as she packed her things.
She was still very upset about Bella and me, but soon accepted that
I wasn’t the guy for her. I truly loved Alice, I really did, but, she
wasn’t the one for me either. I knew who she was. She had
chestnut hair, loved to joke around, loved Italian, and loved her
friends. I knew she loved me, but she wasn’t ready. She thought I
was probably mad at her, but I wasn’t really, maybe a little hurt,
but I still loved her.

I put down the divorce papers as I mused over my mate.

“Just a few weeks,” Alice’s answer broke me out of my thoughts.

She was zipping up her last bag before turning to me, “I’ll miss
you.” She pressed a kiss to my cheek. I nodded and smiled warmly
at her.

She was actually radiating happiness and wonder. She was ready to
go off as a free vampire. I grinned fully at her emotions. I stood up
to hug my ex-wife and wrapped my arms around her small body.
She breathed in my scent as I pressed a kiss to her forehead.

We released each other and she grabbed her bags. Emmett and
Rosalie came up to help her and carried them to her limo that was
outside. She pressed one more kiss to my cheek then hurriedly left
for Alaska.


For the next few hours, I moped around the room, staring at
Alice’s empty possessions. I sighed to myself. I shouldn’t be lazing
around; I should be going to Bella.

“I wouldn’t do that just right now,” Edward spoke from my door. I

bolted upright, glaring at him when I got the whiff of Bella on his
body. He held up his hands in surrender, “I didn’t do anything.”
I sighed heavily as he came over to sit on the bed next to me,
“Alice is gone?”

“Yes.” I replied.

“A shame. I didn’t say goodbye.” He sighed.

“What do you want, Edward?” I asked, fully irritated with him. His
calm expression angered me further. He smirked smugly at me, as
if to boost me to punch him in the face.

“I broke up with Bella today,” He stated bluntly. I froze up.

“You did what?” I hissed.

“She isn’t mine anymore, Jasper. I love her, but she isn’t my mate.
She’s yours.” He clapped a hand over my shoulder. I smiled,
grateful for his kindness.

“Thanks, Eddie. Maybe Tanya will take you back.” I joked. He


“Don’t you have a girl to fetch?” he asked, pointing at the door.

“I want to give her time.” I sighed. He wrapped his arm full around
my shoulders in a friendly notion.

“That’s all we have, brother.”


“Jake!” I grinned in rejoice when he came barreling out the door.

He smirked at me as the rest of the werewolves came running out,
eating food, of course.
“Finally, Bella’s here!” Jared grinned widely.

“I know, you should hear Jake when your NOT here!” Paul teased.

“I should call Bella.” Embry impersonated.

“I should be mad at Bella.” Seth mocked.

“I should call Bella then hang up!” Quil crooned. All of them
laughed as Jake blushed and dragged me away.


We ended on the beach, hot cans of soda in our hands. He tried to

bring Jasper up many times, but I quickly changed the subject. It
wasn’t until we heard a scream, that we both snapped out of our

“Jake!” Emily screamed. “The redhead vamp is attacking!” My

eyes widened as I saw the blood on her hands. “She got SAM!

Jacob phased quickly as I tried to comfort Emily. She pushed me

away, screaming her lover’s name. I followed Jake, hurrying to the
house. I froze when two vampires huddled over Sam’s black, limp

“Hey! Leave him alone!” I shouted at them.

They whirled around to face me and their eyes darkened. I gulped

felt one hit me in the chest, causing me to fly back. I landed on my
ass, glaring up at him. The blow should’ve broken my ribs and
possibly punctured my heart.
“BELLA!” I heard Seth call from far behind me. Well, he sounded
far away. The same white shield rose from my mind and slammed
the newborn into the house and into the other vampire.

They tried to attack, but I slammed my shield into the two again,
causing one to fly into the stove and through the wall, while the
other flew over the house, then, made a run for it, behind red hair.

“Bella,” Seth grabbed my arm. I growled, shaking him off, “What

are you…doing?”

“Victoria!” I hissed; hate flowing into my voice as I quickly

dashed after her. She was fast, but my shield made me faster.
“VICTORIA!” I roared as I closed in behind her. She gave me a
glance and then jumped across the cliff.

She landed on the other side, and turned to glare at me, daring me
to follow her. There was no way I could jump that, my shield was
already weakening.

I sighed heavily, falling to my knees. I glared at Victoria one more

time before I fell forward, unable to stop myself and into the water.
It was cold, burning my skin with the frostiness. Blackness and
bubbles filled my vision.


“C’mon,” a deep voice coaxed. I felt a strong hand bang on my

chest, “Breathe!”

Black spots bloomed across my vision, getting wider and wider,

blocking out the light. “Bella? Bella, honey, can you hear me?”

I was freezing. A thousand sharp, icy beads were striking my face

and arms, making the cold worst.
“She’s breathing. She’ll come around!” Another voice assured
Jacob, I realized it Sam. I was thankful, so he was okay.

“Jake?” I croaked. I had to wait a minute before my eyes opened,

staring at the purple clouds.

Jake’s face blocked the sky, frantic and handsome. “Bella!” he

hugged me tightly to him, relief in his voice. I couldn’t feel my
arms so I couldn’t hug him back. “Are you okay?”

“J-Just m-my throat,” I stuttered, my lips quivering from the cold.

“Let’s get you outta here, then.” He picked me up, lifting me like I
weighed nothing.

“You got her?” I heard Sam ask.

“Yeah, she’s fine. I’m taking her home. Thanks, Sam. You should
head to Emily.” Jake advised. I heard Sam phase and disappear
into the woods.

I tried to clear my throat, but quickly stopped. It felt like a knife

stabbing down there. I sighed heavily, my lips still shaking.

“I-Is everyone okay?” I whispered, my voice shaky and hoarse. I

felt the warm heat of my car as he put me into the seat. He quickly
went to the other side and started to drive away.

“Yeah.” He nodded as he drove down the road, keeping his eyes on

the streets.

“Did you get her?” I choked out. I was so upset I didn’t get to
catch her.
I was so close.

“No, she ran pretty far. Speaking of far, do you mind explaining
how you caught up to a fucking vampire?” he almost shouted,
causing me to flinch at the throb of pain through my head.

“I don’t know. My shield…” I trailed off.

“Your shield?” he raised a brow.

“Yeah, it shows up when I’m in danger. It’s really useful.” I

mused, my voice still hoarse.

He nodded as we stopped at my house. “Do you want me to help

you inside?”

The door suddenly wrenched open as Jacob froze up and Rosalie’s

perfect face filled my vision. “I’ve got that covered.”

Jake growled, “Yeah, right, Blondie. Bella doesn’t even like you.”

“Fuck you, Dog. She’s almost my sister and I can take care of her
if I want, since you do such a terrible job.” She hissed back and
unbuckled me from my seat so she could carry me inside.

“Bye, Jake.” I whispered as she carried me into the house.


“Thanks,” I whispered as Rose handed me a cup of hot chocolate. I

took a long drink before placing it on the end table. She sat down
next to me, smiling, making her face even prettier.
“No problem,” She sighed, looking around my house, “You know,
I’ve never been in your house,” She mused, “It’s not as bad as I
imagined it to be.”

I smiled slightly, “There are no dungeons or moats, but we do have

a dragon.”

She chuckled, “I didn’t think you would have a dragon or moats.

But, definitely a dungeons, that’s probably where you lock away
Jasper and Edward. Speaking of Edward, I heard you two broke up
today. Why aren’t you with Jasper yet?”

I shook my head, fiddling my fingers, “I’m not ready. I’ll come to

him when I’m ready.” I sighed, closing my eyes.

“Oh, don’t cry. I heard it’s really gross.” Rosalie commented. I

glared at her.

“I’m not gonna cry,” I growled. She rolled her golden eyes. “You
know, I’m kind of surprised, Rose. You haven’t killed me yet and
we’re having a civilized conversation.”

She laughed this time, her voice musical, “Well, I figured since
Alice is gone, I need a new friend.” She shrugged.

“Wait, Alice is gone?” I frowned. Edward said nothing about this.

“Yes, she left this morning. Jasper and her split.” She explained.

“Oh,” Was my brilliant response.

She glanced at her shiny watch, “You should get some sleep.
We’re all meeting tomorrow. The dogs, too.” She huffed, disgust
clear in her tone.
I snickered, but listened to her. After taking a quick bath, I fell


Today was training. From the wolves’ words, we were clearly

dealing with threatening newborns. And from Seth’s words, my
mate fucking kicked ass. She had some kind of weapon in her
mind; it would be perfect, throwing newborns this way and that.


Esme and Carlisle were talking to Sam and Paul as they figured I
would lead the group. I was the most experienced with the
battlefield. Emmett stayed next to Rose, who was complaining
about the putrid smell.

I rolled my eyes, but stopped them when Edward’s shiny Volvo

pulled up. Edward smirked at me before dashing around the other
side to let Bella out.

Her hair was straight and thick, her makeup perfect. She had on
small, black shorts and a white camisole, a gray jacket covering it
with black sandals. It was warm out today. She looked beautiful,
yet tired.

She avoided looking at me, but I could feel her longing as the
wolves greeted her. She sat next to Rose, who was painting her
nails with a bored expression.

“Edward will translate as Jasper teaches. Please, listen,” Esme

instructed as she slightly pushed me to the front.

All the boys were phased by now and watching me with piercing
gazes. I could feel my mate’s eyes burning a hole into my back.
“Newborns are very predictable: They are strong, stronger than us,
easy targets, angry, thirsty, and fast. They are hard to control most
of the times, but if they have any sanity they will soon give up, but
you may just end up killing them. Now, never go for the easiest
target, they will guess it. And never, ever let them get their arms
around you. If they do, well, I guess you’ll find out.” I explained
professionally. “Emmett will come first since he is the closest
thing to a newborn’s mind.” I said and Emmett’s eyes narrowed.

Rosalie snorted, “I’ll try not to break anything,” Emmett growled

as he stepped forward.

I rolled my eyes, “What I meant is that Emmett relies on his


Emmett kept grumbling under his breath. The wolves grumbled to

themselves as Edward translated. The day went on and Alice called
regularly to tell us how close Victoria was coming with more
newborns. She was still undecided, skipping through every state
before sticking in Texas. It bugged me that she was there.
Something was up.


I was sitting with Edward, laughing at his stupid jokes when Bella
walked up, nervous. I stood, waiting for an explanation. She
fiddled with her fingers before meeting my gaze. I could feel the
family’s eyes on us.

“I wanted to say I was sorry. I’m sorry I hurt you, I’m sorry I
walked out on you, and I’m sorry I made this huge mess in the
family.” She whispered, tears filling her eyes as she continued. The
orbs darted back up to mine, “And I was hoping…you could think
about taking me back?”
Anxiety was forming in her chest. It was ridiculous. It was a stupid
question. A really stupid question. I almost smiled and decided to
tease her a little further.

“Okay, I’ll think about it.” I promised seriously. She nodded,

turning away.


I quickly grabbed her arm as I heard her quick intake of breath and
spun her around so I could press my lips to her’s. She quickly
responded, threading her hands through my hair as my mouth
molded to her’s. One of my hands cupped her cheek as the other
held tightly to her hip.

I heard Jacob pass us and mutter, “Finally,” under his breath.

I smiled as I parted from my girl and she blushed at everyone’s

stares, but was smiling like a teenage girl, because she was. I held
her tightly to me, relishing in the feel of her warmth.

Jacob was right.



“…I mean, can you believe it, Bella? It was like yesterday that I
first meant you and we were best friends! I mean, we like totally
hit it off! Its fine that you went through that whole depression thing
and everything’s cool now. Isn’t it awesome how we both ended
up with awesome guys?! I got Mike and you got Jasper. I still can’t
see what those Gods saw in you, but everything’s fine now. We’re
graduating! Aren’t you excited?!” Jessica squealed.
“Yeah,” I muttered, glaring at the stage as if it were her head,

I couldn’t stand this bitch, but it was graduation and I was ready to
start my new life with my new family. I glanced behind me, then,
immediately grimaced when I saw Charlie, Phil, Renee, Billy,
Jake, and the rest of the wolves.

The tribe accepted my decision, but the rest knew nothing about it.
Charlie was still upset that I was leaving for Alaska tomorrow,
when I was really going to go stay in New York with Peter and

Alice had never come back, but Rosalie, my growing friend,

quickly explained she was fine and just searching. Edward was
fine, too, and even said he was inviting Tanya down to visit.


We were all standing on the stage, when I suddenly felt hands on

my waist. I gasped, no one noticed, gratefully, but the hands
quickly pulled me behind the stage and curtain. I smiled as I stared
into Jasper’s honey eyes. He grinned back, holding me tight to

“Hey.” I whispered. I could hear the ceremony beginning, but I

knew that I would be out there just in time.

“Mmmm,” he hummed in acknowledgement as he pressed his lips

to mine, “I want you right now.”

I giggled as his lips moved down my neck, sucking and

dominating, “Jazz, not right now.”
“You know you want it.” He replied, grabbing my ass.

“No, Jasper, We…can’t…” I trailed off as his finger slipped over

my slit.

I gasped then moaned quietly as he slipped off my ugly golden

gown. My hat fell off my head as his hands threaded through my
hair. I pressed my mouth back to his as he lifted me up off the
ground. I whimpered, thrusting my hips down on top of his as his
hands lifted the blue dress that reached my knees, which Rose had
put me in. He slowly reached around the back and unzipped the
material so my matching blue bra was exposed.

Our lips were frantic, tongues tasting the others. His pants were
somehow lowered and my bra was off. His mouth was on my erect
tips before I could comprehend it. I bit my lip to stop the loud
moan that was going to escape my lips. I didn’t want to interrupt
the principle’s speech.

“Jazz,” I gasped out, “What if someone catches us?”

“No one will if you don’t make a noise like this,” He suddenly
wrenched my panties aside and thrusted two fingers in me. I bit my
lips harder, but a tiny whimper escaped my mouth. Jasper
increased the suction on my nipple and curled his fingers inside

I groaned, throwing my head back and realizing he had moved our

intimate position to an old table. “Be good.” He whispered around
my nipple, before swirling his tongue around the erect tip.

“Jazz, stop teasing me!” I groaned. I was suddenly turned over, on

my stomach with my hot core dripping with desire and fresh from
the cold air. His boxers fell with his pants and he entered me
He thrusted in and out from behind as I gripped onto the table for
dear life and sanity. I felt my orgasm fill and I quickly came on
him, screaming out his name. Jasper froze and quickly let me go so
he could dash away.

“Bella?” Jessica raised the curtain to expose my naked body and I

quickly covered myself with my golden gown, throwing it back on.
I turned bright red when my eyes landed on the principle. The rest
of the family had similar reaction.

Rose looked bored, the tribe had WTF expressions, Emmett was
laughing, Esme was covering Edward’s eyes, Carlisle was shaking
his head, Renee was still filming with wide eyes, Phil was laughing
with Emmett, and Charlie was turning purple. He whipped his head
to Jasper, who was sitting in his seat like he had been there the
whole time, which he had a small smile on his face.

My cell suddenly rang and I opened it. “Hello?”

“Run, Little Bird.” Peter advised bluntly.

“Wow, thanks, Pete.” I quickly stood and scrambled away, but not
before running out onto the stage and snatching my diploma away
from the flabbergasted principle.

Worst day EVER!


“Peter!” Bella squealed and busted out of the car to jump into his
arms, her legs wrapping around his waist as he lifted her up off the
I could smell her salty tears; she had obviously missed Peter the
most. No matter how much time she spent with Charlotte, she felt
this strange connection with him.

“I’m glad to see ya, Little Bird.” He whispered in her hair. He

carried her inside with a few bags as Char tackled me. When she
realized her actions, she was shocked.

“Sorry, Jazzy. Ya okay?” she asked worriedly.

“Fine.” I replied.

“Good.” I, then, felt a sharp slap against my left cheek. I stared at

Char incredulously as I comprehended what she did, “That’s for
not callin’ me, fucker.” She spat.

“Holy fucking Jesus hell, woman! That hurt!” I shouted.

“Good!” she repeated, venom flying out of her mouth before she
started to calm down, “Are ya okay?”

“Yeah.” I huffed.

I threw some lethargy her way and she fell to the ground. I hurried
all the boxes into the house, but stopped when I saw a strange blue
current around Bella. I frowned and stepped forward, reaching my
hand towards it.

“No! Major!” Peter cried, but my hand already pressed against it.
A shock jolted through my body and I was thrown across the room
and through a wall. Shocks went through my body, pure anguish as
I let out a roar of agony.

“Jazz!” I heard my mate’s voice call in panic as she quickly ran

over to me. The pain stopped and I breathed a sigh of relief, my
form calming. Bella smiled softly at me, “Sorry, Jazz. I was trying
really hard for Peter.”

I sat up and glared hatefully at my so called brother. He grinned

sheepishly. “What the hell was that?”

“My shield, Jazz. I can connect with emotions and I was waiting
for you to come in so I could test with you.” She explained.


The next few hours, we practiced on her shield. When Bella got
tired, I took her to our new room and tucked her in. Char, Peter, I
had a meeting.

“So, what are we dealin’ with?” Peter leaned back in the couch,
sighing. I rolled my eyes at his casualness.

“This is serious, Peter. Someone could take Bella from us,” Char
reminded him. His red eyes darkened at that, then, flickered to
mine seriously.

“Edward killed Victoria’s mate because he was trying to hunt

Bella,” I answered.

“And she wants revenge?” Char finished, raising a blonde brow.

I nodded and Peter spoke up, “This is stupid. We can go kill her

I shook my head, “We’ve tried, but now she’s been creating

newborns in Texas,”

It quiet for awhile. Then, it clicked.

“No! Ya don’t think…?” Char gasped.

Peter grimaced, shaking his head slowly in denial, “It couldn’t


“Maria,” I hissed. How had I not seen it before?

Peter shot up, “We have to go tell Little Bird.”

I stood, too, “No way. It’ll just stress her more.”

“What will?” Bella was at the bottom of the staircase, staring at all
of us with her innocent-looking eyes. Char smiled gently, trying to
avert her eyes from Bella’s curious gaze.

“What are you doin’ up?” Peter asked with a hard voice. I hissed at
his tone.

“It’s ten,” Bella stated simply. I glanced at the window and saw
indeed the sun had risen again. We were probably so surprised and
stressed out that we didn’t hear or notice neither sun nor Bella

She walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bowel out of the cabinet,
before turning back to us, “Is there a reason you all are staring at
me like I have a second head?”

“Well, with that pimple I would think so,” Peter replied bluntly.

“What!? I do not have a pimple!” Bella denied, but ran towards the
bathroom to check.

Peter turned to us, “We need to talk to another coven. Maybe

Ben.” He suggested.
“Call up, then, Petey,” Char urged just as Bella came back with her
arms crossed.

“Okay, I don’t have a pimple and you vampires are hiding

something?” she asked, tapping her bare foot against the wood in
the kitchen.

Peter and Char stood, smiling sheepishly. “Yeah, we gotta go

hunt,” they quickly left, leaving me with an upset and confused
Bella. I quickly blurred over to her and put my hands on her full

“You look sexy,” I whispered in her ear, tracing my tongue around

her delicate shell.

She shivered and I smelled her arousal, but she shook her head and
shoved against my chest. I allowed her to push my back a few
steps, “Nope, Mr. Whitlock. You can’t have any of me unless you
tell me what’s going on.”

Oh, fuck that.

“Okay, fine. Victoria is creating newborns and bringing them to us

for a fight. We need to train and protect you, so we’re bringing in
reinforcements. The other vampires and the wolves. We also think
Maria might have something to do with this.” I explained. She
nodded, taking in the information.

I placed my hands back on her hips and lifted her up into my arms.
She complied, wrapping her legs and arms around my body. I
traced my nose up her neck, basking in her scent, “Can I have
some now?”

She moaned in response and I took that as a yes. I hurried to our

room, throwing her onto the bed. My mouth found hers, fire and
ice mixed together. Before I knew it, she was naked up under me
and I was sucking on her core, eager for the sweetness and woman
that dripped from her center.

Her moans were getting louder, her pulls on my hair harder, and
her thrashes wilder. “Cum for me, Bella,” I whispered, blowing my
cool breath over her hot entrance.

When she did, I swallowed her down, her sweet taste overriding
my senses. She screamed my name as I finished and took one of
her nipples in my mouth. She lifted her bottom so she could take
me in her. I bucked forward so that I was entering her warmth.

That was when my cell rang.

Bella and I both groaned. She lifted herself up and wrapped her
arms around me, latching her fingers into my hair, “Let it go to

I was about to object, but she bucked forward, taking my tip in. I
moaned, but the cell rang again. It had to be important.

“They would only call if it was important, Darlin’.” I explained.

She huffed, but let me go, leaning back so she was straddling me.

I grabbed the phone and pressed it against my ear, “This better be

good, fucker.”

“Get dressed, we’ll be home with Ben in fifteen,” Peter ordered. I

growled under my breath.

“How did you get him here so fast?”

I stood, pacing, even though I was fully naked. Bella was suddenly
in front of me and I stopped short as she hopped on the dresser and
pulled me closer by wrapping her legs around my waist.

I entered into her warmth again as Peter explained, which I ignored

and lifted Bella up. She moaned, “Fuck! Major! STOP! Tell the
vixen we got things to do!”

“Uh huh. I gotta go.” I replied, completely ignoring him as I hung

up and grabbed Bella’s ass so I could deeper. Her moans got
louder; I could feel her walls clench around me, creating her long
orgasm, mine, too.


After a while, we were dressed, well, I was, while Bella only had
on underwear and one of my shirts with her hair in a messy bun
and her bang falling in her face.

She was reading silently, but I could feel her gaze. “That book
must be really boring since you keep staring at me.”

I flickered my eyes to her rolling ones as she slapped my arm

playfully, but she was rolling with lust and love.

“Those are some pretty strong feelings you’re emitting there,

Darlin’.” I said. She smiled.

“You have strong feelings for me, too, Mr. Whitlock.” She
whispered back as she turned onto her belly and locked eyes with

She grinned at me, her bang falling into her eye. I lifted a hand and
tucked the thick hair behind her ear.
“Shall we stir up those feelings?” My voice was husky.

She leaned up and her lips met mine as she giggled. I landed on top
of her, trailing my hands up her thighs, moving the top up so my
fingers found her white underwear.

The door suddenly busted open and there stood Benjamin. His
black hair fell into his red eyes as his pale skin stood out. I growled
at him, jumping up and slamming his form against the wall,
creating a crack.

“What the fuck, man?” I growled. He should know I was highly

protective of my mate. He didn’t even look hurt or upset. He
shrugged, smirking smugly.

“I haven’t seen human and vampire sex in awhile and thought fuck
it.” He grinned, his British accent slipping into his voice.

I growled, lifting him off the ground, but Bella stopped me, “Jazz!
Let him go!”

Ben grinned, “Yeah, Jazz. Let me go.”

I growled again, shoving harder, “Jasper Whitlock!”

I glared at him, but lowered, letting go of his shirt so I could stand

by Bella, who had her arms crossed over her chest.

“Say your sorry!” she admonished.

“Why?” I exclaimed, frowning.

“Because you just slammed him into the wall for no reason!” she
replied, pointing at the grinning vampire.
“Sorry,” I muttered. Ben laughed and blurred over to Bella,
shaking her hand, but secretly checking out her naked legs. I hissed
at him, warning the dick.

“Hello, Treacle, it’s nice to meet you,” he greeted, “Peter sure

wasn’t talking shit. You smell delicious.”

“That’s enough.” I growled, pushing him away from my girl. He


Suddenly, the door opened again and Emmett waddled in with his
eyes covered. “Is everyone decent?”

“Yeah, Em, you can uncover your eyes.” Bella assured him as she
pulled on some small shorts. He peeked his eyes open and smiled
at me.

“Sup, dude. Where’s the Denali’s?”

“They’re flying here,” I assured him. “Tanya, Irina, and Kate.”

“Irina?” Bella’s voice shook. Irina had been with Laurent, who had
tried to attack Bella, getting him killed. Irina absolutely loathed my
mate. I turned to her.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let her touch you.” I reassured her. Ben and
Em nodded.

Rose walked in, sitting her bags in the hall. “This house is
beautiful. I call the room by the Denali’s.”

“’Kay, babe.” Em called to her as she raced down the hall with

“Where are the others?” I asked.

“Their outside. Edward is hunting. Char and Peter…” Em trailed
off as they stepped into the room, “Right here.”

I rolled my eyes as Peter glared at me, “You hung up on me,”

“So?” I crooked a brow.

“That hurts, man,” Peter whined. I rolled my eyes as I pushed him

out of the way so I could hug Char. She allowed me, too, but was
still a little grouchy at me.

“Where’s Bella?” Emmett frowned.

“She left like two minutes ago.” Peter shrugged.

Em crossed his arms, “Oh, I see how it is, no love for the Emster.”

I rolled my eyes again as I passed them. Esme and Carlisle were

setting up their room downstairs. I quickly greeted them, then
searched for Bella. Apparently, Edward and she were outside

When I was about to step outside, Peter stopped me, “Give them a
minute, Major.”

I watched as Edward said something smart and Bella threw him

across the yard without a move or glance. She stood calmly and
walked over to us. She smiled when she saw me, batting her long
lashes and showing off her innocent eyes.

“You know, Alice called and said there was is a thunderstorm

tomorrow and I found this really good field in the woods,” Emmett
smirked. Bella squealed with delight.
Rose rolled her eyes, “You can’t play anyway.”

“It doesn’t matter. I want to see Jasper play.” Bella shrugged.

“You saw Jasper play the other time,” Emmett objected. She
blushed, grinning.

“But I wasn’t focused on him.” She said quietly.

“Yeah,” Peter called from the staircase, “she was focused on his

Bella gasped and turned a brighter red as I grinned, “I was NOT!”

“Was so!”

“Was NOT! You weren’t even there!”


“UGH! You’re so annoying!” Bella shrieked and ran up the stairs.

Peter turned to the staircase and pointed his finger after her, “And
ya better not sneak out tonight or ya grounded!”

“Fuck you! You’re not my dad!”

“That’s it! Ya grounded!”

“For what?!” Bella screamed.

“Because I said so! Now, go to bed!”

“Ugh! I hate you!” Bella shrieked back, slamming the door to our
room. Peter huffed angrily and sat down on the couch. Char went
to comfort him.

“Ya think I was too hard on her?” he asked her.

“Nah, ya did what was right.”

Everyone stared at them with confused expressions as I ran up to

go check on Bella.

(AN: As you can see, Bella and Peter have a weird




I stood on the side, next to Esme. My uniform fitted me snugly and

I was irritated to see a few side glances from Edward, Peter, Ben,
and Jazz. They needed to focus on the game.

The thunder boomed and Esme glanced up, smiling, “It’s time,”

I grinned widely as Edward stepped to bat. Emmett teased him

from far out in the field while Rose took first base.

“Hey, betta, betta swing!” Peter called to Edward, grinning like a

fool as Charley rolled her eyes.

Tanya was pitching, staring at Edward adoringly as he smirked at

her. He held up the bat to position it as she nodded at Ben, the
catcher. They made hand signals, before they decided on one,
Tanya nodding at her sisters to flank with Rose.
She threw the ball, so fast that it didn’t register to my eyes. I heard
the ear-splitting hit and the ball whistled through the air.

Straight toward Jazz.

“Jasper!” I shouted to him.

He was glaring at Peter, but snapped his head towards me when he

heard his name. His golden eyes focused on the ball and he
zoomed forward. It whistled past his hand, but he quickly blurred
after it.

It was silent for a second, before the small ball flew past Peter and
Rose caught it in one hand. I was so focused on the ball that I
hadn’t seen Edward running towards fourth base and heading
towards home. I grumbled under my breath as I stood at home,
focusing as the ball headed towards me and I caught with my
shield and hit Edward against the head with it, smirking.

“You’re out,” I grinned fully as Emmett let out a boisterous laugh.

Edward grimaced, rolling his eyes at me as Peter stepped to bat.
Tanya threw the ball and it smacked against the steel and shot
across the field.

I watched as Emmett and Jasper both looked up and jumped for the
ball. I grinned, slapping a hand on my face as I giggled. I heard
their stone flesh collide.

“What the fuck, dude!? I totally had that!” Em growled as Peter

swirled past me, grinning.

I stuck my tongue out at him and he did the same. Charley grabbed
his outstretched tongue, “Ow! Ow! You’re hurting it!”
I rolled my eyes as Jasper playfully pushed Emmett away from
him and stood, “Next!” I called out. Carlisle stepped up, smirking
at Tanya.

She rolled her topaz eyes and threw a fast curve ball. Carlisle
missed it the first time and I stood ready for his signature move. He
missed the second time, letting Tanya think she had won, but hit it
the third time, surprising everyone.

I grinned widely as the ball was thrown above me by Rosalie and I

jumped up, grabbing it my hand and throwing at Kate. She caught
it swiftly, but Carlisle already passed me, which I had missed
because of my slow reflexes. Well, compared to them it was slow.

Carlisle kissed my cheek as he passed me and I rolled my eyes at

him. I could practically feel his cockiness. Rose giggled from
second base.


We were now tied, Tanya’s and Jazz’s teams. Jasper took a quick
break with me as I drank some water. Ben was flirting with Kate,
causing her to sit out as he waggled his eyebrows. Edward was still
pouting, saying my shield was cheating. I grinned at him as Jazz
pressed a kiss to my forehead.

“C’mon, Bells! I’m ready to whoop some ass!” Em complained. I

rolled my eyes, but stood. I could feel Irina’s glare, but ignored it
as Jasper growled at her. She froze and turned away, grumbling
under her breath.

As we took our positions, a loud boom of thunder soared through

all our ears. I jumped, but the vampires continued, like it was
nothing. The ball was thrown and Ben hit it across the field.
Edward jumped in the air, catching it.
No one was focused on me, maybe Jasper and Peter, but no one
else. So no one really sensed or saw a flash of red hair snatch me
up. I screamed, causing all the vampires to snap their heads to me,
Jasper’s the fastest. My eyes met his, which were turning black.
Peter was the closest to me and dashed after Victoria.

The wind whipped around my face, causing my hair to thrash

around wildly like my limbs as I tried to reach out to Peter. He
outstretched a hand, too. We were so close that our fingertips
softly brushed against each other’s until he was tackled by a
blonde newborn male.

“Peter!” I shrieked in worry. I was so traumatized that I couldn’t

even focus to put up my shield. Victoria was holding me so tight
that I couldn’t breathe.

I struggled to labor air as we skidded to a halt, over a cliff. I could

hear the water crashing over the waves; we were deep into the
forest, probably not in New York anymore. The cliff was much
higher than the ones at La Push. My heart thundered in my chest as
I gasped for air.

“Victoria, let me go!” I shrieked. Suddenly, blonde curls were

standing about ten feet away. I smiled brightly when I registered it
was Jasper.

“Jazz!” I choked out. He glared at Victoria with angry, hard eyes.

My shield was slowly starting to rise as the cold wind hit my face.
Emmett, Ben, and Peter emerged from the woods, growling.

Suddenly, I was whipped out of her arms and held over the high
cliff. I screamed highly, shaking my limbs wildly as I registered
the deep, harsh waters and sharp rocks at the bottom. Victoria was
holding me by my jacket hood, hissing at the boys. My hat fell off
my head, dropping slowly into the water.

I screamed again; panic setting into my brain. I didn’t want to die

like this, but Victoria would probably jump in after me and take
me away. After what Laurent described, I was in for weeks of

Ben hesitated, but Peter and Jasper growled as Emmett watched

my form with scared and cautious eyes.

Victoria hissed at Jazz, “Don’t come any closer, Jasper, or I’ll snap
her neck and throw her off the cliff. You know she could be dead
in less than a second.”

“True, but you also know that I would have you dead the next
second,” Jasper stated calmly, sliding out of his crouch. Victoria
growled again, knowing it was the truth.

Suddenly, the same blonde man broke through the woods and
threw Emmett off the cliff and into the trees. They started to fight
as Ben went to go help.

“Good job, Riley. At least your good for something,” Victoria

muttered under her breath. Peter glanced briefly at the wrestling
vampires and she took that chance to let go of my hood.

I screamed, reaching a hand out towards the edge, but my efforts

were in vain as the wind whipped around me wildly. Tears began
in my eyes as the long fall started and the cold wind whirled
around me, prickling my skin.

I called out the only name I could think of, “Jasper!”

Everything happened in slow motion, then. Riley attacked,
grabbing Emmett and throwing him into a tree, causing it to fall
from the blow. Ben went to go help, growling under his breath as
he sprang for Riley. Peter turned to check on them, hearing the
tearing stone flesh. I kept my eyes locked on Victoria as she
smirked and slowly unclenched her fingers from Bella’s jacket.

“Jasper!” My mate screamed.

I growled in horror, launching forward and pushing Victoria out of

the way. I threw myself off the cliff. Bella’s face was a look of
terror as she reached a hand out desperately, but her eyes shined
when she registered me coming for her. I dove deeper, wrapping
my arms around her waist and slamming us into the sea together.

Water flooded both of us, causing Bella to scream in shock, but

bubbles filled her wail. I quickly covered her mouth, blocking off
her breathing like mine. When I got control of her thrashing arms,
she finally fainted from exhaustion and terror.

I rose up from the water so I could inspect her. Her face was
covered in droplets, her hair was smoothed back by the water and
her pink lips were trembling. But, she was fine. I stared up to see
that Victoria and the newborn had gotten away.

“Ya okay?” Peter called, waving a hand above his head. I held up
my thumb, nodding. “Icky Vicky got away, but bring Little Bird
back up. Carlisle wants to check her,”

I nodded. I held on tight to Bella as I carried her to shore.

I brushed Bella’s damp hair back. She had been out for a few
hours, in her own world. Carlisle came into our room to check her
temperature and heart.

“Can you feel anything from her, Jasper?” He asked quietly as her
eyelids fluttered. I concentrated, but felt nothing but blankness.
She was blocking me with her shield.

Her breathing and heart suddenly cut off and I jumped up, staring
in shock as everything was quiet, then, her chest rose and started
again. Her eyelids fluttered and opened.

I leaned down, my eyes resting on her’s. They were dazed, her

pupil dilated as she focused. Finally, they rested on me as she
gasped for air, “Jasper,” she choked out,

“Bella, are you alright?” I asked as she rubbed her head.

“Just my head,” she replied, “What happened?”

“Victoria got away, after she threw you into the water,” I growled
at the memory.

She smiled softly, “Oh, yeah. You saved me.”

I nodded, smiling back as I moved the hair from her face. Carlisle
checked her quickly and I was glad to see she didn’t have any
broken bones. A few bruises dotted her waist and stomach, but she
was fine, other than that. When she started to cough, I vaguely
wondered if she had a cold, but she perked up when Char gave her
some tea.

For the next few days, after Bella went to sleep, all of us had a
meeting. Rose suggested we go to Texas and Emmett backed her
“Don’t you think the Volturi would’ve done something by now?”
Edward asked me quietly. I nodded, sighing.

Peter squinted his eyes as he tried to find some kind of clue, “I can
feel Victoria, but nothin’ else. It’s…creepy.”

“We should just go down to Texas and teach that bitch some
manners!” Rose sneered, shooting up. As much as I wanted to
agree with that theory, I didn’t want to leave Bella alone.

“Rosalie!” Esme admonished, glaring at the blonde from the

kitchen, “We have to make good decisions,”

“Fuck that. I’m ready to beat some ass after what I saw what
happened to Bella,” Emmett objected. Edward nodded with our

“I actually detected one newborn yesterday when I was hunting.

They had an article of Bella’s clothing,” he said.

“And ya didn’t tell anyone?” Char growled. He glared at her.


“Wait, what color was it?” Rosalie asked suddenly, worry etched
on her features.

“Purple top,” Edward shrugged.

“Dammit! That was an original!” Rose snapped, stomping her high

heeled foot. I rolled my eyes, “Why would he want it? I doubt it
was his size.”

Emmett chuckled.
“So, where does this leave us?” Carlisle asked.

“We could head to Texas and keep a close watch.” Tanya offered,
gesturing to her sisters, who nodded.

“That would be good. The wolves can go with you. Make sure the
Volturi isn’t getting involved with anything and if they’re there.
Come. Back.” I warned, staring Tanya dead in the eyes. She
nodded mutely and they packed their stuff quickly, leaving the


The next morning, I came upstairs to see Bella sick. She was
throwing up into the toilet, emptying her stomach contents. I patted
her back, and then stopped when she feebly pushed me away,
stood, and brushed her teeth. I didn’t understand her sickness.

Was she okay?

She quickly reassured me by giving me a smile around her

toothbrush. I smiled back, settling on the bed as she rushed to
shower and dressed. I headed back downstairs so I could fix her
breakfast, but Esme beat me to it.

I plopped down on bar stool as Peter did the same. I turned to him,
“Where is everyone?”

“Char and Rose went shoppin’ and dragged Ben with them. The
wolves are in Texas with the Denali’s. Edward, Emmett, and
Carlisle are huntin’.” Peter explained. I sighed as he squinted.
“Somethin’ is up with Bella,” He stated, “I can’t see her properly,”
I frowned in worry and confusion. He clapped a hand on my
shoulder, “It’s okay, Major. She’ll be fine.”
I nodded as he stood and walked outside. Esme smiled kindly at
me as she handed me Bella’s food to me. I walked upstairs and saw
her on the bed in a hoodie and skinny jeans.

I kissed her head repeatedly, causing her to giggle and turn to me.
She looked tired, even though she had a full nights sleep. It was
very warm in this room, and I wondered why she had on a jacket.

She blushed, noticing my stare, “It’s a little chilly,” she shrugged.

I frowned, grabbing her hand, it was cold, colder than what it

should be, “Are you feeling okay?”

She smiled wider, “Besides the chills, I’m great.” I nodded slowly
and handed her the food. She said thanks and called Carlisle

“Jasper?” He greeted.

“Carlisle, can you give Bella another checkup. She throwing up

and really cold, but she says she’s fine.”

“Hmmm…sure, Jasper. This is unusual, but I’m sure it’s just a

minor cold from the cold water,” He explained.

“Of course.” I sighed with relief. I was worrying for nothing. I

hang up on him and went to sit next to Bella. She was asleep now,
which was weird since she just got up, but looked tired.

Suddenly, my phone rang and I frown when I saw it was Irina. I

pressed it to my ear, “Irina?”

“Jasper!” she screamed into my ear. I cringed, “We need your

I sat up, “What’s going on?” I hissed.

“The wolves were ambushed by the airport and my sisters are

traders. They left with Victoria and now, I’m lost. I’m alone. I
need help,” her voice broke. I frowned, Tanya was loyal and so
was Kate. Something was wrong.

“I’m on my way.”


“How long will you be gone?” Bella asked me quietly.

She had gotten paler in the last two days, and more tired. It scared
me. Carlisle said she had a high fever now and probably had the
flu. Char and Rose promised to take care of her while Ben, Em,
and Edward did patrol.

I pressed a kiss to her soft lips and leaned my forehead against

her’s. She smiled softly as I grasped her hands in mine. “In three
days the most.”

“Promise?” she whispered hopefully. I nodded. She sighed and

backed away, zipping up my suitcase, “Be careful.”

I smirked, taking my bag as I pressed one more kiss to her lips,

“Love you,”

“I love you, too.” She murmured. I quickly turned for the door,
after glancing one more look at my mate and turned away.

“Are you hungry, Bella?” Edward asked from behind me. I turned
to face him. This was the second day Jasper had been gone and I
was starting to worry.

“No, actually. I feel…nauseous.” I quickly hurried to the

bathroom, emptying everything out of my stomach. I heard Peter
croon words at me as he held my hair.

When I was done, I scurried to the wall, leaning against it, “Where
is he, Peter?”

“He’s still in Texas. Don’t worry, Little Bird. I can still feel him,”
he assured. I nodded. I went to go check our bathroom cabinets for
some Tylenol for my headache.

I had to stand on my tiptoes to reach the top shelf as Peter chuckled

at my efforts. I rolled my eyes, but paused when my hand grazed
against a pad. I quickly brought it down and stared at it, confused.

“Peter, what’s today?” I asked quietly, my eyebrows merging.

“The fourteenth,” he answered automatically, “What’s wrong?”

I didn’t answer, just started mouthing words, counting the

numbers. It was so late. Why? The only cause would be…

Peter was suddenly next to me and stared at my PMS use, “Ya

passin’ this off as ya period?” he wrinkled his nose in confusion.

“No, I’m late! So late!” I hissed, jerking away from him and
running into my room. My hands immediately flew to my stomach
as butterflies flew through it.

Or was it something else…

Peter blurred in front of me, “LB, ya really need to invest in Nike
because all ya do is run. Slow down white rabbit, we’ll find
Wonderland. Ya ain’t that late for ya date.” He joked, but worry
showed in his eyes.

“Peter, I am serious! I think I’m…I-I think…” Tears formed in my

eyes as my stomach fluttered again. “I’m p-p-pregnant.”

His ruby eyes widened, then, slowly drifted to the hand that was
still rested on my stomach, “No way.”


I sat on the couch as everyone yelled around me.

“What do you mean?”

“Ever heard of a condom?”

“This is impossible!”

“She’s human!”

“Crazy shit!”

“No way!”

“Will you all calm down!?”

I blocked them all out; their sweet voices were starting to hurt my
head, “Stop! Everyone shut up!”

Rose was the only one who stayed calm and held my hand while
Emmett, Peter, Edward, and Carlisle paced. Esme was worrying,
hoping I was okay.
“This is impossible. But, it all points to it. The morning sickness,
the fever, the missing cycle. It’s amazing…” Carlisle continued to
muse until he turned to me, “How are you feeling, Bella?”

“Fine, right now. Rosalie’s cold so it helps,” I felt Rose press

tighter to me, “Am I going to be okay?”

“I’ll make sure of it,” Carlisle replied, “You should have

something to eat. Esme, please.” Esme nodded, smiling sadly at me
before turning to go get me something to eat.

“We should call Jasper,” Edward suggested, reaching for his

phone. I stood carefully, now more careful with my movements.

“Bella, be careful!” Rose exclaimed, helping me up. I allowed her

to as Char came out of the kitchen with a sandwich. I reached a
hand out to Edward as he dialed.

“Don’t, I want to tell him!” I hissed, but he already pressed it to his

ear. His dark eyebrows knitted together as he took it from his ear
and hung up.

“What?” I questioned.

“He isn’t answering.” Edward said simply, raising his brows.

Emmett tried him, so did Ben, and Esme, and Rose, and Peter, and
Emmett, and Carlisle, and Charley, and finally me.

I stood in shock, Jasper had always answered me. My mouth

parted in shock, my pink lips dry. “He isn’t answering.”

I landed swiftly on my feet, Irina’s scent filling my nose. I ran
through the woods, before I skidded to a halt, Irina sitting in the
middle of the forest, her back turned to me.

She whirled around to face me, her eyes bright red. I gasped in
surprise, then, stepped into a crouch, “What the hell, Irina?”

“Hello, Jasper,” She greeted, smiling brightly as she stood, “You

didn’t bring the human with you. Poo.” She pretended to pout, her
red eyes following my every movement.

“Where is everyone?” I growled.

She waved a hand dismissively, “I lost them at the airport, but

stupid Kate followed me and I had to kill my dearest sister. It’s a
shame really, I liked her.”

“You sick bitch.” I cursed.

She tsked me, “Oh, Jasper, you shouldn’t have said that.”
Suddenly, there were newborns everywhere, circling us, but
leaving an openings on the end so two familiar vampires could step

Victoria smiled evilly at me and took Irina’s hand, “You two are
fucked up. Give it up, Vic.”

There was a loud laugh from the other entrance, “Oh, Major, ya
haven’t changed at all.” The familiar country accent slipped into
my ears and I turned to see my worst enemy.

“Maria,” I hissed. She smirked at me.

“Major, so nice to see ya again. I have missed ya,” I growled,
glaring at her every move, “Now, ya can come quietly or we could
drag ya. Ya might be strong, but fifteen newborns are stronger.”

I stiffened as all the vampires laughed. I didn’t say anything. My

phone suddenly rang shrilly and she brought it to her face. I had
just turned it back on. She pursed her lips as she stared at the

“Bella? A girlfriend?” she sneered. She suddenly crushed the

phone in her hands and growled at the newborns.

“Take him away!” she hissed. I felt them grab my arms and drag
me away as Bella’s voice came to my mind.

I pressed a kiss to her soft lips and leaned my forehead against

her’s. She smiled softly as I grasped her hands in mine. “In three
days the most.”

“Promise?” she whispered hopefully. I nodded.


The next week was torturous. They locked into a cold room. I
could easily break down the door, but at least thirty newborns were
out there. I couldn’t take them all. It still surprised me that Irina
betrayed us, and I knew it was due to her mate Laurent. I felt sorry
for her.

Maria would come in every day and throw a random human in.
Usually young women. I would resist, but the monster in me called
to the blood. The human would either scream for help or pass out.
After three days, Maria would hiss in fury and take the human out
to give to the newborns. I would hear the women’s cries of pain,
which soon dulled. I would not and could not hurt another human

I promised.

On the second week, Maria grasped my face and looked into my

coal black eyes. She smiled.

“Ya hungry, Major. Why do ya resist? Just come back to me.” she
begged as Riley dragged in another girl. She had black hair and
pale skin, dark makeup was flowing down her face.

“Please!” she cried, fighting against the grip on her hair. Riley
smirked and threw her into the wall, “AGH!”

Maria and Riley both smiled, “Enjoy.” The door slammed after
them. My tied hands tightened into fists as the human’s sweet
blood entered my nose.

Finish her NOW! The monster in me roared.

No! She could have a family! I yelled back.

That doesn’t love her and probably threw her out! Give her peace!
Give yourself peace! Sweet blood…I licked my lips, but my
thoughts waved to my promise.

No! I promised Bella.


“Shh…” I crooned at the sobbing teenager. Her wide blue eyes met
mine, “Tell me your name, honey.”
“M-Melinda,” she whispered, “Melinda Harris,” She quickly
wiped her nose on her dark clothes, “Are you going to hurt me?”

“No,” I wasn’t going to. I never said anything about the others.

“Thank you.” She whispered. She clung to the injury on her head.
For the next few days, she often talked and urinated on herself, but
kept her head held high.

Despite her nasty urinal problems, Melinda Harris was my new

hero. She held hope in her blue eyes, telling me about her mom
and how she wished she was with her. She cried often and I had to
calm her with my powers to make her sleep.

Finally, on day three, Maria roared and gripped the girl by her long
hair. Melinda cried out, reaching a hand in my direction as her eyes
widened with fear. Maria bit into her soft flesh, causing it to tear
and blood to flow into her mouth. She moaned at the sweetness as
the girl’s blue orbs stayed locked on mine. I didn’t even flinch as
she screamed out my name, begging for me to help her.

I’ve seen worst.

The girl finally stopped her struggles and Maria threw her lifeless
body down before hurrying over to me and pressing her lips to
mine. The monster groaned at the taste as her tongue hurried to
meet mine; Melinda’s blood was so sweet. Maria took my moan of
pleasure as her own and started to remove her blouse. I growled,
kicking her off of me. She grinned wickedly as she landed on the
other side of the room.

“You bitch,” I hissed at her, Melinda’s blood tainted my lips, “You

killed her.”
“Yes, I did. And she was divine.” She grinned again, grabbing the
dead body and leaving. The monster almost won, but I fought
back. I was not loosing this.

I made a promise.


I sipped on the blood as everyone watched me. I frowned, but

found it to be pretty good. It didn’t taste different from orange
juice, which was weird. My head hurt constantly, my body was
getting skinnier, and my fevers running off the charts. I haven’t
been getting sick lately, but it didn’t stop the nausea.

Rose constantly hovered over me the first week and helped me pee
often. Char made sure I was fed with Esme. Edward and Ben kept
watch when the others needed to hunt.

My heart was in pain, and I didn’t think I could take care of this
baby by myself. What if the baby didn’t have a father, yet Peter
said he still saw Jasper. I couldn’t live without him. Edward tried
to comfort me often, but it didn’t work.

The second week, I was getting sicker and sicker. My stomach

stood out of my body like a small balloon. My ankles were swollen
most of the time and it was hard to stand.

I couldn’t stare myself in the mirror when I saw my sunken face.

Peter tried to help me, but it worked to no avail. Jasper, the father
of this vampire baby was still gone.

The baby became stronger, kicking against my ribs when I fell

asleep one night. It snapped in half. I got patched up at least every
two days.
When Alice came home, she was wary. She had said that I
wouldn’t make it through birth, but would be changed. I was
scared. She wasn’t able to see Jasper that clearly, but she knew he
was alive. When she advised us he was still in Texas, I stood up
and ordered for me to go with the group.

“Bella! This ridiculous!” Edward shouted as I started to pack some

things, “Carlisle, tell her she is crazy.”

Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Charley, Peter, and Ben already left to

meet with the Denali’s, who said Kate was dead and Irina was a
trader. I wasn’t surprised. Rose and Edward stayed with me,
making sure I was fine, but didn’t know I would fight to go to

Carlisle sighed into the phone, “She’s fine, Edward. She has nine
vampires on her side and a shield. She can come.” Rose nodded in
agreement as she carried my things out of the car.

“This is crazy! Your pregnant, Bella! The baby could come at any
moment.” He yelled, gesturing to my large stomach.

“I’ll be fine, Edward! He’s my mate! I have to go!” I shouted back.

We glared at each other until Rose came to pick me up and load
me into the car.


“UGH! You are so aggravating!” I screamed, glaring at Edward.

He had been hovering ever since the other vampires, besides Peter,
left to go searching the town. He constantly argued with me, telling
that I was crazy to come down here.
Peter sighed in annoyance often, but kept his face in a magazine.
We stayed in the hotel all day, I wanted to go sure for my Jazz, but
I was told to stay here for my bulging belly.

I had already became healthier and could now stand by myself, it

made me look better, my hair shinier, my teeth whiter, and my skin
clearer. Edward constantly brought my mood down.

“Where are you going?” Edward called after me as I went to the

front door.

“Away from you!” I growled, slamming the door.

I quickly got into the elevator and closed it before Peter and
Edward could get on. I heard them call my name, but I kept going.
I walked out of the hotel and into the cold, night air. I breathed in
the air and sighed, trying to cool my nerves.

Suddenly, the hair on the end of my neck stood up and I quickly

turned to see bright red eyes. The woman was obviously a vampire
and very beautiful with her short black hair and angular face. She
smiled brightly at me.

“Hi,” she greeted in a smooth voice. I nodded, “Are you looking

for…Jasper?” she raised a perfect brow. I froze at his name and
wondered how she knew him, but wordlessly nodded again.

“Great! I know where he is!” she squealed, she sounded like Alice.
I hesitated, as much as I wanted to see Jasper, I shouldn’t trust
random vampires, especially with red eyes.

“Y-You do?” I asked quietly. She nodded enthusiastically.

“I’ve been keeping him safe from Maria. Irina attacked him and I
saved him. He should be very lucky.” She explained.
“What’s your name?” I asked.

“Brenda, but you can call me Bree.” She grinned again. She took
my hand in her cold one, causing me to flinch at the icy touch.
Before I knew it, I was in her arms and flying through the woods.

Soon we were in front of some kind of factory. It was boarded up

and sort of resembled a green house. It was so deep in the woods…
Bree led me inside, flashing me another grin as opened a steel
door. I walked in with her.

“Are you sure you know where he—” Suddenly, I felt millions of
hands holding me. I shrieked as they pulled me back. The light was
turned on and a black haired woman stood in front of me.


“Hello, ya must be Bella,” She stroked my cheek before turning to

Brenda, “Good job, Brenda. Go fetch Riley.”

Brenda nodded, heading away. The other three newborns held me

tightly. Maria’s eyes drifted down to my bulging stomach and she
smirked, “It’s not possible…is that Major’s?” I didn’t answer, but
she already knew, “Looks like someone wants to see Major.” She
cooed at my fluttering stomach before she raised her eyes back to

Suddenly, the hands let me go and Riley was standing behind me,
causing me to jump. He smirked at me as Maria nodded down the

Riley gripped my arms tightly, probably creating bruises, even

though I knew that wasn’t his full strength. He pushed me forward,
ignoring my struggles. I gripped my round stomach.
My baby. Our baby.

Being pregnant took a lot of strength out of me and made my

shield weaken. We were in trouble now. My stomach moved,
troubled with my stressed. I rubbed the bump.

We’re okay. It’s okay.

When we got to the end of the dusty and stone hallway, we stopped
in front of a door. It was steel and smelled of blood. I let my
breathing stop as he pushed me inside.

There he was.

Jasper kept his head down, his blonde curls dirty and falling
around his face like a halo. His strong body, just as dirty as his
hair, was moving up and down with shallow breaths. His chest
showed in the dim light above him, brightening his scars to me.

Riley snickered in my ear; it was rich and velvety like Edward’s.

“Look at your beloved. He’s like us now. Ready to kill the next
meal. And that apparently is you.”

After his cruel sentence, he threw me into the room and I fell onto
the cold, concrete ground. He slammed the door behind him and I
scrambled to sit up.

My eyes found Jasper again and I hurried over to him, throwing

my arms around his stone body. Even though it was cold and so
was his body, it brought me warmth.
“Jasper!” I cried in rejoice. I hadn’t seen him in about three weeks.
He had apparently gone missing and the family was trying to find

Luckily, the weak knows-nothing, human found him. I inwardly

rolled my eyes at Edward’s pettiness.

Jasper let out a loud, uncut growl. Shock soared through my chest.
Jasper hadn’t ever growled at me. This was a first. I backed away
from him so I could see his beautiful face.

His eyes were closed, but when he opened them they were pitch
black. Blacker than Edward’s when he first met me, blacker than
when he first tasted my blood, blacker than when Alice’s showed

His hands were tied behind his back, a hold he could easily break
with his amazing strength. I reached for him again, but his fast
reflexes caught my wrist. And it hurt.

My eyebrows knitted together as tears sprung to my eyes. I didn’t

cry out though. And that must’ve upset him. He growled louder
and tightened his grip. That’s when I did shriek and backed away
from him, rubbing my stomach as the baby fluttered, scared.

He was too quick. He broke out of the iron he was taped in and
lunged at me. I felt my back slam against the wall before I could
comprehend what was happening. I felt a slash of pain and fire.


Jasper pulled blood from my neck, in a hurry to get as much as he

could. I was loosing consciousness and fast. I pushed against his
chest, trying to fight against him, but my efforts were in vain. I
wanted this at one time, to die, or to at least become one of their
kind, to live forever with Edward, but it ended up being Jasper I
wanted the most.

That’s all I ever wanted.

He purred against my neck, the purr I had loved over the months.
His drinking slowed down, now that he knew I was almost done. I
wouldn’t blame him for this. I would blame Maria, his evil maker.
I wanted Jasper to kill me; I would rather die from his hands than
any other.

I began to accept death.

My thoughts waved to Charlie and Renee, they would be so upset.

I was their only child. Then, they went to the Cullen’s. I knew they
loved me with all their hearts. Peter and Charlotte passed through
my mind and my heart ripped for them. Jacob would be the worst.
I had hurt him many times, but he always stayed by my side. The
baby stayed locked in my brain, Jazz would never meet him, be a

Finally, Jasper and I sprang. All the good times we had, all the
sweetness, hot kisses, all the make-ups, all the fights, all the
smiles, all the touches…they were gone.

As I thought about this, I threaded my hands up his hard chest and

into his soft curls. I had loved to pull on them to get his attention or
pull him closer.

“Jasp…er…I l-love y-y-you. S-So sorry I didn’t t-t-tell you…

Pregnant…” I whispered into his ear. My vision was failing me
from the blood loss. My hand fell to my side; I could not hold it
I thought I felt him pull back, but I wasn’t sure since I had closed
my eyes.

“Love you…” I whispered one last time before giving up my fight

and surrendering to the darkness.


The thirst was unbearable, causing the monster to roar for blood. I
gave in after the third week. When Maria brought in the next
human, I would drink to my heart’s content.

Screw the promise, the monster purred.


I heard soft steps and stumbling ones. My mouth watered with

venom, ready to take my prey. My black eyes flashed to the door
as it creaked open and my senses exploded.

The blood was so sweet, so succulent, so…familiar. My eyes rose

to a familiar girl with wide brown eyes, short, thick hair that
reached her shoulders, and a pregnant belly. I had never killed a
pregnant woman, but I was up to new things.

Riley threw her in, causing her to stumble and fall. She stayed
there for awhile before she launched herself at me. Her scent
invaded my nose, making breathing impossible as I wrestled with
the monster.

What are you waiting for! Kill her now!

I growled, shaking with anger and thirst. The girl backed away, but
I gripped her wrist. She jumped, starting away as fear rose from
her. I squeezed tighter and she cried out in pain.
I could detect the baby’s emotions, fear for his or her mother, but
ignored it. She was my prey. I broke the chains on my wrists and
lunged at her, pinning her small body to the wall. She cried out in
pain as I bit into the soft skin of her neck.

I could hear the screams of newborns and the scents of familiar

vampires…my family? Things were starting register as I drank
more of the delicious blood. The girl stopped struggling and ran
her hands up my chest and into my hair.

“Jasp…er…I l-love y-y-you. S-So sorry I didn’t t-t-tell you…

Pregnant…” she choked out. I pulled back, staring at the familiar
girl in confusion. She stared back at me, her eyes dazed and
unfocused…but familiar. Everything about her was familiar.

Suddenly, memories shot through my brain. Her tears, her

beautiful body, her voice, her thick hair, her bright, happy brown
eyes, her soft skin, her laughs, and her love for me.


Bella’s eyes became dead as he body went limp, “Love you…” she
whispered, letting go of my hair and closing her eyes. My mouth
opened in complete shock and horror, her sweet blood staining my
clothes and lips.

“Bella!” I screamed. She slipped away from me, falling to the

ground with a thud. Her stomach was large.

Suddenly, she let out a long and ear-splitting scream. I flinched

away from her as her large stomach started to move. The small
shirt lifted, showing her purple bruises. Small movements moved
her stomach, causing Bella to scream again and something to snap
inside her. When she went still, so did her breathing and heart.
The door suddenly busted open and I was thrown into the wall by
Peter. He covered my mouth and nose as Rose grabbed Bella off
the floor.

“The placenta’s been detached! They’re both dying!” she

screamed. Everyone was talking at once, trying to help Bella as
Peter and Emmett threw me out. The whole place was on fire, all
the newborns dead, but they lead me through and pushed me out
into the fresh air.

“What’s going on?” I choked out, turning to them. They didn’t

answer, just stared at me in disgust and shock.

“You killed her, man.” Emmett growled and stepped forward, but
Peter held him back.

“Little Bird’s okay, she’ll be in a lot of pain, but she’ll be okay,”

He assured, staring at me. I hung my head in shame. I had given up
to the monster and almost killed Bella, my love.

The rest of the family hurried out with Bella and Rose threw her
into the car with Esme, Carlisle, Char, and Tanya. I was suddenly
tackled to the ground by Edward and he threw me into a tree,
which fell from the blow.

Peter and Emmett stayed to the side as he crouched once again and
tackled me. I had no reason to fight back, I did something wrong.

After Edward stopped beating my ass, they made me hunt. I was

not allowed to go back to New York for 24 hours. I missed Bella. I
was advised that I had gotten Bella pregnant and she went into

Trust me, that’s a lot to take in.


When we finally made it to New York, I hauled a taxi and

immediately set off to see my child and mate. I had ditched the
others. It was not soon enough when I finally made it to Peter’s
giant house. Ben stopped me from going inside.

“Are you sure your okay enough to go see Treacle?” he asked

quietly, concern etched on his face.

“I’m fine, Ben. Now, let me through so I can see my mate.”

He moved aside quickly and I dashed up the stairs, following

Bella’s blood. When I got to the top, Alice and Esme were sitting
next to my mate.

I had been gone through longer than I thought. Bella was already
going through the change, but was quiet. They both turned to see
me and smiled softly. Esme was the first to get up and hug me.

“Jasper, your okay.” She rejoiced quietly. Alice was the next to
hug me softly and smiled.

“I gave her my venom. She’s going to be perfect. She was great

during birth; the baby’s name is Renesmee, beautiful girl.” She
reassured. I noticed that Bella’s stomach was flat, not containing
our child.

“Where’s Renesmee?” I asked.

“Downstairs with Rose.” When they said that, I dashed out and
hurried downstairs, only to see Rosalie cooing at my child. I
growled lowly at her. She had never had a baby as her own and
now she could have what Bella probably couldn’t.
“Rosalie, give me Renesmee.” I ordered. Her eyes shot up and she
glared at me, clutching my child tighter. I hissed at her, “She’s my

“I have waited for decades to have a baby! I am NOT giving her

up.” She growled back. My eyes widened in shock, “I love her,
Jasper. She needs a mommy.”

Alice strolled down the stairs calmly, “She already has one. Bella’s
fine. She’s going to make it.” Rose’s eyes widened at this as she

“But…but…” Emmett walked in and grabbed Renesmee away,

advising Rose to get some air. After she left, Em carefully placed
my child in my arms.

Who would’ve thought? The Major of Vampires mated with a

human and had a child.

I stared down at my small miracle. Her wide brown eyes, much

like Bella’s, were open. Her milky skin was hot, hotter than
Bella’s, but hard like a vampire’s. Her lips were like my mate’s
and her hair was small blonde curls. I held her up, staring at her
small body. Suddenly, her small hot hand pressed against my
cheek and hunger floated through me. So she had my power and
she was hungry.

“Um,” I hesitated, searching for a bottle. Esme, noticing my

distress, handed me a steel bottle. I smiled at her and rubbed the
bottle over my daughter’s smooth, pink lips. She opened in
acceptance, sucking down the animal blood, “There we go, Doll.”

I immediately fell in love with my baby girl. Renesmee Carlie

Whitlock was my new baby girl. She sucked on the bottle
enthusiastically until it was done. When she was finished, I raised
my eyes from her and saw everyone was staring at me.

Peter and Char had small smiles on their faces, Edward was
watching me intently, Esme and Carlisle were grinning, Rosalie
was looking jealous while Emmett comforted her, Ben had a grin
on his face, and Alice was smiling brightly, practically dancing.

I threw Renesmee over my shoulder and started to pat her back

softly. She let out a loud burp, causing Emmett to laugh. When I
started to carry her up the stairs, everyone stopped me. I turned to
them, growling.

“Bella is MY mate and Renesmee is MY daughter! Bella will not

attack. If she does, I will stop her. Peter, you can come.” Peter
grinned and followed me up the stairs.

“Only a few hours left!” Alice called after us.


The burning softly slowed in my now dead veins. All the memories
that I had held so dear to my heart were lodged into my new brain.
I kept my screams to myself, not wanting to hurt Renesmee. Her
birth was still stuck in my brain.


My eyes rolled to the back of my head, making everything red. I

heard velvety voices screaming about how my baby was dying. I
couldn’t speak since blood was coming out of my throat. I gripped
onto someone’s collar and pulled them close, trying to beg them
with my gurgling.
“Get him OUT! He’s dying!” I shrieked.

“The morphine!” Someone objected.

“NO! NOW!!!” I roared. I didn’t care if I died, as long as my baby

got a long, happy life with his or her father.

I gripped onto someone’s cold fingers as pain soared through my

stomach. I felt something prick over my stomach and I felt blood
seep down my chest as someone grabbed the baby out of my flesh.

I heard a high pitch cry and I knew it was my child. “It’s a girl!”
Rosalie rejoiced. I reached for it, my eyes rolling back down so I
could see the beautiful face of my daughter.

“Renesmee, so beautiful…” I whispered, holding her tight to my

chest. She smiled, pearly white teeth flashing. Suddenly, the baby
was gone and I jerked as I heard a crack in my ribs. I screamed
out in pain as I felt a slash of teeth into my wrists.

That’s when everything turned to hell…

Flashback over…

I felt a hand brush against my cheek, “You are so beautiful, Bella.

So is our baby.” I heard Jasper’s sweet as honey voice whisper to

I was rejoiced. Jasper was finally here!

Suddenly, the fire got more intense and I couldn’t hold my lips
SUCKER!!” I shrieked.

Probably not good language for the baby…

Everything was silent until I heard Peter’s obnoxious laugh, “Hey,
everyone, Little Bird says hi.”

I almost rolled my eyes, but stopped short when my heart made

one more beat then stopped. I shot up, my eyes adjusting to the
light as they opened. My mouth parted in shock, I could see, smell,
and hear everything. It was amazing.

I heard someone say my name from beside me and I jumped up, a

hiss flying through my teeth. I was in shock as I quickly jumped
off the hospital bed and into a crouch in the corner of the room.

My eyes searched for the danger, but I found nothing but the
concerned faces of my family. I straightened out of my crouch and
rested my eyes on my baby that was being past around. She was
quickly given to Esme who hurried downstairs. My heart was
wounded, but I was a newborn.

“Bella?” Jasper’s voice called again. My red eyes shot to his and I
gasped. He was even more beautiful than the last time I saw him.

“Jazz?” I breathed. He stepped forward hesitantly, a small smirk

tugging at his full lips. He stopped in front of me and brushed his
fingertips against my cheeks. I leaned in instinctively, staring into
his golden eyes, “I missed you.”

I pressed my lips to his and his eyes widened, but closed when they
registered my movement. I cupped his cheeks, then, ran them up to
his curls, pulling on them roughly. He groaned into my mouth and
my tongue met his, tasting his flavor on my new taste buds. His
hands gripped my hips, holding them tightly, lifting me slightly off
the ground as I moaned. His lips became more frantic as one hand
lifted up to my right breast to rub a thumb over my nipple, causing
it to harden and my back to arch. I gripped harder onto his curls,
scraping my nails lightly on his scalp.

A throat cleared behind us and my eyes shot open. I hurried away

from Jasper as he chuckled and wrapped an arm around my waist
before turning to the family. I would’ve blushed, but there was no
more blood in my veins. I ran a hand through my thicker and
longer hair, grinning sheepishly.


Carlisle was the first to step forward in awe of her beauty and
calmness, shit, I was, too. No newborn should be this calm. Bella
stared at him, radiating shock from the beauty she could see on all
their faces. She could see everyone clearly now.

“How do you feel, Bella?” he questioned professionally. He was

radiating curiosity from her change. Bella pursed her lips and made
her face innocent. It was the perfect poker face.

“It was weird. Painful, yet, not as bad as I thought it would be. It
was…amazing.” She enthused.

“What do you remember?” Carlisle pressed, taking another step


“I remember the pain, blackness, the placenta detached…” she

trailed off, her eyes widening in worry, but she quickly dissipated
it when she registered Renesmee’s heartbeat downstairs.

I flinched when I realized that she purposely went over how she
got changed, but she didn’t seem to notice. I tightened my arm
around her waist.
“Anything else?” Carlisle asked again. He was eager for more,
hoping the morphine worked.

Bella became uncomfortable, shifting on her pale feet, trying to

avoid Carlisle’s eyes, “Um…”

“Of course! Of course! You would like to hunt! Jasper, why don’t
you take Bella hunting?” He assured quickly.

I froze up. I had completely forgotten about Bella’s thirst. I

couldn’t feel it from her so I didn’t know. I aggravated me that I
couldn’t get a complete hold on her emotions.

Suddenly, there was a flash of pale skin and Peter stood in front of
Bella, squeezing her breasts, “Sweet, they got bigger.”

Everyone’s mouth fell open in shock while I growled loudly at

him. I didn’t have to attack since Bella threw her shield out and he
collapsed on the floor in a spasm of pain. I grinned at his anguish
as Bella let out a long, uncut growled before taking my hand and
heading towards the window.

“Your going to jump?” I asked as she swung open the glass. She
was surprisingly gentle with her new strength. She grinned at me,
but offered for me to go first. I jumped out, landing gracefully onto
my toes.

I looked up and waited for her to go. When she did, her body
sprang out like she was diving into water and landed over the lake,
swinging into the trees. I quickly followed her, but paused when I
couldn’t detect her scent or presence.

“Bella?” I called, then, suddenly there was a light figure on my

back. I growled, falling down the hill with the vampire, and as I hit
the bottom, Bella rolled on top of me and grinned before pressing
her lips to mine, straddling my waist.

“Bella, you need to hunt.” I gasped out as she grinded her hips
with mine.

“Not yet.” She whispered back, tracing my mouth with her sweet

“Jesus,” I breathed before capturing her lips with mine.

Her tongue found mine, battling for dominance, which she

surprisingly won. She moaned with pleasure as my hands found
her denim covered ass and slipped my hands into her lace panties.
Two fingers found her entrance and I slipped into her heat. She
threw her head back and moaned again, giving me access to her
long, graceful neck.

I sucked her harder skin into my mouth, before my primal instincts

took over and I bit into her neck. She shrieked out at the small
sting, but I kept her against me by holding her tight around the ass
and thrusting my fingers into her harder. She rocked her hips,
ignoring the sting of my bite as I lowered her pants. She kicked
them off quickly, eager for more.

She threw off my boxers and pants, then, suddenly took my

member into her sweet mouth. She took it all the way to the back
of her throat as I groaned in surprise and pleasure. She swirled her
tongue around my head, before taking it into her mouth again and
raking her teeth against the granite skin. Her hand came down to
pull down my balls. I had to wrap my fingers into her silky hair to
gain control. She let me guide for awhile, before she tugged on my
balls again. I was undone. I spurted into her mouth, gasping for air
as she came up and smiled cockily at me.
I flipped us and hovered over her, taking one of her erected tips in
my mouth, “Where did you learn that little maneuver, Ms. Swan?”

She choked out in ecstasy and closed her red eyes, “Can’t tell.”

I growled in annoyance, then, grabbed one of her hands that were

digging into the earth. I ran my tongue over a few fingers before
placing it on her clit. Her eyes shot back open and she stared at me
with now dark orbs. She started to slowly circle her entrance and
groaned with pleasure as I entered her.

Our eyes stayed locked and I slammed our pelvises together so I

could slam her hand into her clit hard. She moaned and wrapped
one arm around my neck and kept the other on her core.

She thrashed more, latching onto my curls as I slammed into her.

Her orgasms came quickly and so did mine and I was glad I didn’t
have to be gentle. I took her for another round. I flipped her over
and forced her on her hands and knees so I could fuck her from
behind. Her orgasms came again and I hurried to suck it away.

When we were done, she threw back on her clothes and ran for
something to eat.

God, I love her.


“Jasper, are you sure?” Bella asked for the fourth time as I dragged
her into the nursery for Renesmee.

Bella didn’t want to hurt her daughter. Esme was in the room,
lightly cradling the newborn who had grown exceptionally the last
few hours. Her curls were longer, her face a little bit angular, her
toes and fingers filling out, and her legs looked less chubby and
graceful. She had changed clothes, but still was the same
exceptional beauty.

Bella seemed to notice. Her full mouth parted in shock and awe,
“That’s my baby?”

“Yes, Darlin’. And she’s very anxious to see you.” I whispered in

her ear, grinning at my baby girl.

Esme smiled shakily, still nervous about the plan, as she stood and
I walked over to take the baby away from her. Renesmee smiled
brilliantly, reaching out her tiny hands to grab onto one of my
locks. I smiled at her and detangled her tiny fingers from my hair
and turned her to face her mother. Bella held her breath, staring at
Renesmee in wonder and fright. She was longing to hold our child,
but knew to be careful. I stepped forward and Bella widened her
eyes before taking the baby quickly into her arms.

I felt fear shoot through everyone in the house from the unexpected
movement, but I was just fine as love radiated from the both of
them. Bella smiled at her daughter as Renesmee reached out a hand
to place it on my mate’s cheek. Bella gasped at the heat of her skin,
but melted when she felt the adoration from our child.

I was happy that they got along as everyone walked in to watch,

“Holy shit! Bella’s a MILF!” Emmett grinned. Peter laughed,
falling to the floor as their wives glared at them.

Bella made that face like she was going to blush, but it didn’t
come. She snuggled with her child, kissing her curls. I walked over
to them and Bella smiled up at me, “I love you.”

“Daddy…” Renesmee smiled. I was surprised to hear her talk, but

it wasn’t a big deal. Happiness was floating around me. I was
happy to have my mate, happy to have my child, and happy that
everyone was safe.

“Perfect.” Bella whispered.

“It sure is.” I grinned.




I sat on the bed, awaiting Jasper’s return. He was in Carlisle’s

study, talking with him. I sighed softly in annoyance. They had
been in there for a few hours. I turned on my stomach, but looked
up as Jasper walked in.

His expression confused me, “Jasper?” Translation: What’s


His honey eyes flickered to mine, “You know I love you, right?”
Translation: Not now.

I shrugged it off. I would bug him later, rolling over so he could

step in between my legs, spreading them apart and running his
hands up my thighs. I smirked.

He couldn’t keep his hands off me.

“Nessie won’t be here for another two hours.” I whispered as I sat

up so his lips could brush against mine. He grinned.

I vaguely remember kisses and tearing of clothes. I didn’t care

about the fucking clothes. Jasper landed on top of me and I ran my
hands down his scarred back, his spine arching into my touch,
before I rested my hands on the swell of his ass and…


He pulled back to grin at me, “You have a serious problem.”

“I don’t know what you what you’re talking about. You know you
like it.” I smirked back. He rolled his eyes and pressed a kiss to my
neck, sucking on the skin.

My eyes rolled into the back of my head as he entered me slowly

and sensually. I groaned, throwing my head back as he bit into my
shoulder. He had only done that two times before and I loved when
he marked me.


“Mom! Dad! I’m home!” I heard Nessie called. I groaned, pushing

Jasper off me quickly so he could get the fuck off me. Jasper

“Mom? Where are mom and dad?” I heard Nessie ask Em and

“Where do ya think?” Peter laughed.

“Ew! Uncle Pete! That’s gross.” She squealed.

I hurried downstairs and smiled at her as she jumped in my arms.

She sniffed at my shoulder and coiled in disgust when she smelled
Jazz all over me. She grinned up at me.

“I guess Uncle Pete was right.” I felt arms wrap around my waist.
“He sure was.” Jasper chuckled. Alice and Tanya laughed as Rose
rolled her eyes from the couch.

I sat down next to Esme as she looked through a magazine. Peter

and Emmett were playing videogames.

“HA! Take that you bitch!” Em crowed at Peter. Peter replied

calmly and shot his character on the screen.

“Ah! What the hell, man!?”

Yep, definitely a perfect family, I though sourly as Edward laughed.

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