Breathing Techniques During Labor (Lamaze Method) : Procedure Rationale Rating Remarks

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Definition: Lamaze method is a method that prepares the mother for a natural childbirth psychologically
and physically without the use of pain-relieving drugs. It is aimed at building confidence and teaching
coping mechanisms for labor.

Purpose: To build confidence in a mother to her ability of giving birth in a way of presentation of classes
that aids the pregnant women to understand on how to cope with pain through a manner that facilitates
labor and promotes comfort including relaxation techniques, movement, and massages.

Materials: Bed

Direction: Score the following steps according to the rating scale:

3 – Excellent
2 – Satisfactory
1 – Needs Practice
0 – Not Performed


1. Explain procedure to the client. Explaining the procedure facilitates
cooperation and helps to educate the
patient about the procedure. It also reduces
2. Perform hand hygiene. To deter the spread of microorganisms.
3. Provide privacy. To maintain client’s dignity and reduce
First Stage of Labor
4. Place patient to side lying or Side lying position provides an easy way
sitting position. to palpate the abdomen of the mother in
order to trace contractions, conduction of
vaginal examination, checking of position
of the baby, and listening to the heart of
the baby.
Cleansing Breathing
5. Inform the patient that she should This will be an aid to sharpen the focus. It
take a cleansing breath at the also provides more oxygen to the infant
beginning and end of each and mother’s muscle and uterus.
6. Demonstrate and allow the patient Following the said directions will help the
to follow by: client to properly perform the procedure
 Taking in a long breath and reduces such risk of errors. Deep
through her nose and breath helps the mother enable to relax
exhale through her mouth. various areas of the body.
 Making the inhalation as
long as exhalation.
Slow-paced Breathing
7. Inform the patient that she should Slow-paced breathing aids to release
perform this during early labor when physical tensions. Slow respiration also
contractions are mild. However, the helps the nervous system move to a more
patient should use this method for as restful condition as a result of lower heart
long as possible, even during the rate and lower blood pressure.
active and transition phases of labor,
or until it’s no longer effective.
8. Demonstrate and allow the patient Following the said directions will help the
to follow by: client to properly perform the procedure
 Taking a cleansing breath and reduce such risk of errors. Deep
when the contraction breathes also aids to initiate the
begins. parasympathetic nervous system or “the
 Continuing to breathe very rest and relax” state/ condition.
slowly and deeply during
the contraction, directing
breaths into the uterus by
guided imagery, with a
pace that’s one-half as fast
as a normal breathing
 Taking another cleansing
breath when the contraction
 Visualizing something
relaxing during this
Modified-paced breathing
9. Inform the patient that she should Poor breathing results n hypoxia if the
perform this when slow-aced baby is not rapidly resuscitated.
breathing is no longer effective and
the patient can’t stay “on top of” of
10. Demonstrate and allow the Following the said direction will help the
patient of follow by: client to properly perform the procedure
 Taking a cleansing breath and reduces such risk of errors, Transition
 Breathing with the breathing may be an aid to control the
contraction’s intensity by feeling of despair and exhaustion. The
starting out using slow- focus on expansion of lungs provides more
paced breathing; as the oxygen and as well as alleviates pain.
intensity peaks, transition
into modified-paced
breathing that is twice as
fast as the patient’s normal
breathing, similar to the
breathing pattern used
when a running a race.
 Focusing breathing on
expanding the lungs.
 Taking another cleansing
breath when the contraction
Pattern-paced breathing
11. Inform the patient that she To the point of painful contractions,
should perform this to prevent clients appear to hyperventilate resulting
hyperventilation and to decrease the the need of support from a loved one
sick of the patient inadvertently during labor. Premises with a trusting and
pushing before her cervix is ready. caring environment provides an easier way
for a child to be born.
12. Demonstrate and allow the Following the said direction will help the
patient of follow by: client to properly perform the procedure
 Taking a cleansing breath and reduces such risk of errors. Through
at the start of the slowing down the breathing rates and
contraction. relieving shortness of breath, pursed lip
 Breathing according to this strategy will help to hold airway open for
pattern; inhale, exhale, a long span of time in order to expel the
inhale, blow forcefully trapped air in the lungs.
from pursed lips.
 Repeating the sequence
until the contraction ends.
 Taking a cleansing breath
and relax until the next
contraction begins.
 Repeating the blowing
using short puffs of air if
the patient feels the urge to
push at the height of the
contraction, which
essentially causes her to
pant, and then restart the
original pattern of inhaling,
exhaling, inhaling, and
blowing forcefully when
the pushing urge has
Second Stage of Labor
Breathing techniques for pushing
and delivery of the fetus
13. Inform the patient that she During this stage, the uterus pursues to
should perform while the patient is contract in every five minutes where each
pushing. If the patient is sleeping, contraction lasts for about 44-90 seconds.
you’ll need to awaken her at the Contractions are commonly strong and
start of the contraction and forceful, this may or may not be
encourage and assist her into the accompanies by an urge to push.
pushing position. You may need to
be firm or insistent to ensure that the
patient is in a position for pushing
before the contraction becomes too
14. Demonstrate and allow patient Following the said direction will help the
to follow by taking the following client to properly perform the procedure
steps: and reduces such risk of errors. Exhaling
 Assisting the patient into a meanwhile pushing helps to release all
position for pushing. such physical tensions from the head to
 Instructing the patient to toe and may as well as facilitate easier
take a cleansing breath. labor. A cool cloth on client’s forehead or
 When the patient neck helps decrease the rising temperature.
experiences the urge to Relaxation technique aids the client to
push, encourage her to bear proper control during labor, consciously
down for as long as she relaxing between contractions can make
can, using open-glottis the breaks restful.
pushing (exhaling as she
 Discourage the patient
from holding her breath for
more than 8 seconds and
for more that four pushes
per contraction. Encourage
the patient to determine
what feels natural for her.
 Inform the patient of the
contraction’s increment,
acme, and decrement.
 When the contraction ends,
instruct the patient to take a
cleansing breath.
 Offer to place a cool cloth
on the patient’s forehead or
neck between contractions.
Then, put the cloth into a
basin of ice water to cool
for the next rest period
between contractions.
 Encourage the patient to
relax and rest between
contractions (which may be
only a 1-minute interval).
 When the next contraction
begins, repeat the previous
steps, continuing until
delivery (usually occurring
within 60 minutes).
15. Provide encouragement during This will help reassure the client and
labor, and refrain the patient on the facilitates cooperation.
use of breathing techniques during
labor as needed.
16. Perform hand hygiene. To deter the spread of microorganisms
17. Document the procedure. Documentation of observations may be
used for future references

Pilliteri, A. (2014). Maternal & Child Health Nursing: Care of the Childbearing &Childrearing
Family (7th Ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

INSTRUCTOR: __________________________ AVERAGE: _______________________

DATE : __________________________

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