Final Brief Tech

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Date issued: Monday 21st March
Final Deadline: Friday 28th May

Lead internal Verifier: Sarah Wilson

External Verifier: UAL Senior External Moderator for subject

My Competition
I have chosen to enter the UK Film Festival – London. This film festival accepts films,
documentaries, music videos and animations. This festival will screen films from all over the world in
To make sure my film can be entered I need to follow the following rules:
 Must be under 40 minutes
 Deadline is 21st June 2021
 If I use a language other than English, I must put subtitles
 Exploitation or grossly indecent genres are not aloud
 Must pay an admissions fee

My Idea
My final idea is to create a documentary on how phones and technology have affected this generation.
These days, teenagers are glued to their phones and can’t go too long at all without them. They
constantly need technology by their side and to go over 2 hours without any phone or social media
seems bizarre to them. A few generations ago this was all so different. Our parents and grandparents
never experience this and grew up into who they are today in a completely different way. I want to
learn and show people more about this so that my audience can see this difference and understand
more about how people they know from older generations may have grown up.
I am going to get the things I learn across in different ways. To introduce the documentary, I have the
idea of a collage with different social media and them being used and things people do on their
phones to make my topic clear. I also like this idea because it will show all my audience that they are
included in this and that they use technology and social media a lot more than they may realise.
I want to include interviews with teenagers and also their parents so that there is a range of ages. I will
ask them the same questions, this way we can see the difference in answers even through people in the
same family. I want to make these interviews long but have them cut up, so it doesn’t get boring for
my audience.
In my interviews I am going to have some with just one person but then others with groups as I feel
like the people I am interviewing will be more comfortable and open with other people that have
similar opinions and answers around.
Another one of my main ideas for this documentary is to do an experiment. I am going to go 5 days
without my social media apps and document each day in the evening of how I found it. My teacher,
Sarah is also going to do this so we can compare experiences. Maybe after watching me and Sarah do
this, my audience may want to try themselves or at least realise that they wouldn’t be able to.

Target Audience
My target audience is people aged 16-50. I have chosen these ages as they are who I have found to
spend the most time on social media. Not only this but they are also who I am focusing on in my
documentary as I want to interview both of these ages.

Ethical Issues
All of my work will be my own and if I use any source of help it will be referenced and put into my
own words. Other things I need to consider are on areas like if I am going out and filming in public
areas, I will blur out faces. I need to make sure my work isn’t too controversial; I will do this by
showing a balanced argument.
When I interview and have other people involved in. my production whether that’s through
interviews, my experiments and also all members of public that may be involved, I will make sure to
treat them with respect.

Rules and Regulations

The rules for my competition are the following:
 Should be under 40 minutes in length
 Deadline is June 1st 2021
 All films in a language other than English must be subtitled in English
 Exploitation or grossly indecent genres are not eligible
 The admission fees are non-refundable
 The student concession fee is only applicable to filmmakers that were full time students at the
time of making the film


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