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International Islamic University Islamabad

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Al-Quran Kareem
Submitted By:
M.Arslan Hashmi
Registration No:
Submitted to:
Sharafat Ali
05, March 4, 2021

Definition of Quran
The word Qur'an comes from the Arabic word "Qaraa" which means to read,So the Qur'an is a
noun from the verb qaraa . The Quran is a Holy Book that is revealed to the prophet
Mohammed peace be upon him through which he was asked by Allah (God) to spread His word
of peace and guidance that is known by Islam.
The first verse to be revealed to the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him in the Qur'an was
''Iqraa'' which means read , this was sent down by Allah as a command to His prophet
Mohammed peace be upon him.
Quran is the word of Allah (kalamu Allah) as revealed to his prophet Mohammad (PBUH),
transferred to us through narration chains known as “Tawator” on seven ahruf, written
between the covers of Holly Book, protected by Allah between the lines, recited as a form of
worship, miraculous in its words and meanings, and challenging with its shortest Sura.
The entire Quran with its verses, suras and words is the actual words of the Almighty Allah, and
not the speech of any one of mankind, jinn or angels. The Angel of revelation - Gabriel or Jibril
(PBUH), only heard it from Allah and descended with the Qur'an to the Messenger of Allah
Muhammad (PBUH).
Allah the Almighty Says: “Say the Holy Spirit has brought the revelation from thy Lord in truth,
in order to strengthen those who believe and as a Guide and Glad Tidings to Muslims”, [Sura Al-
Nahl, verse 102].
The Islamic Ummah is particularly privileged by memorizing Quran by heart, unlike other
revelations. Allah the Almighty Says: “Verily this is a Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds:
(192) With it came down the Spirit of Faith and Truth - (193) to thy heart and mind, that thou
mayest admonish (194) In the perspicuous Arabic tongue”, [Sura Al- Shuara, verses 192-194].
Allah (SWT) challenged mankind and jinn-kind to produce the like of this Quran, or part of it,
but they failed to imitate the miracle although the antagonists of the Quran were well-known
for oral poetry and excelled in eloquence and literary powers.
Quran is distinct from the poetry or rhymes of Arabs, though composed of the very letters and
words of their language. Neither their eloquence, nor their wisdom could come up with any
creation similar to the shortest Surah. Mastery of poetry and literary styles were helpless with
the superiority of the Quran – the word of Allah - yet one of his attributes. As there is nothing,
whatsoever, like Him; nothing like His attributes such as the Hearer and the All-seer, and
nothing is like His word.


1. Al-Kitāb The Book 

2. Mubīn Luminous

3. Al-Qur’ān  The Qur’ān

4. Karīm  Honorable, Noble 

5. KalāmAllāh The Word of Allāh

6. Nūr Sacred Light

7. Hudā Right Guidance

8. Rahma Mercy

9. Al-Furqān The Criterion of Judgement

10. Shifā’ A Healing, A Cure 

11. Maw’iza  Admonition

12. Dhikr Remembrance, Reminder

13. Mubārak Blessed


 Hazrat Umer Farooq (R.A)

 Hazrat Tufail Doosi (R.A)
 Hazrat Asad bin Zarar (R.A)
 Hazrat Abu Zarghafari (R.A)
Umar bin khattab came to the door (of the house of his sister) , he heard some voices of
recitation coming from inside home .There he called out to her angrily as he approached.
Khabbab ibn al-Aratt who often came to recite the Quran to Said and Fatimah was with them
then, and they were reciting surah taha. Hearing the furious voice of her brother, she hide the
holy Quran in home, mean while Umer bin khattab entered house.
Entering the house he asked “ what was that voice coming from house when I approached ?”
They tried to assure him that it was only normal conversation that he had heard but he insisted:
“Hear it I did,” he said, “and it is possible that you have both become renegades.” Hazrat Umar
bin khattab exploded in wrath at what he believed to be a prevarication, and struck his sister in
her face. The blow caused her mouth to bleed.
He was going to strike again but the sight of blood made him pause. He suddenly appeared to
relent, and then in a changed tone asked her to show him what she was reading. She sensed a
change in him but said: “You are an unclean idolater, and I cannot allow you to touch the Word
of God.” He washed his body and then read the quran. That was the beginning of Surah Ta Ha
(Chapter 20 of the Holy Quran). When he came to the verse:
“Lo! I even I, am Allah, there is no god save Me. So serve Me and establish Salat for My
remembrance”. (20:14)
Umar bin khattab exclaimed, “Surely this is the Word of Allah. Take me to Muhammad
(Sallallahu ’alaihi wa Sallam)”.
Embracing Islam:
Umar bin khattab then made his way to the house of al-Arqam. A watchman informed our Holy
Prophet (PBUH) that Hazrat Umarbin khattab had come with a sword on his waist. An air of
worry and nervousness beset upon everyone. At last, there was a knock heard on door .
Prophet peace be upon him allowed to open the door , and the view of front after opening the
door was very encouraging for muslims.
Umar bin khattab, who was waiting in front of that door, entered with his imposing appearance
and weapon. On seeing him, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) asked him, “Umar!
what brings you here”? He said, “I am here to accept Islam”. Hearing this the Muslims shouted
with joy. In unison, they all recited the Takbir loudly: Allahu Akbar… Allahu Akbar! (Allah is
Great, Allah is Great!) These sounds of Takbir that were heard on the streets of Mecca rang in
the horizon and from there, rose to the skies as waves filled with light.
This incident holds a great importance in Islamic history, as muslims were now empowered with
great strength after conversion of Hazrat umer to islam. It was after hazrat umer embraced
islam , that muslims started praying freely, and Islam started spreading readily.

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