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Hard X-ray Generation from ZnO Nanowire Targets in
a Non-Relativistic Regime of Laser-Solid Interactions
Zhanna Samsonova 1,2,3, * , Sebastian Höfer 2 , Richard Hollinger 1,2,3 , Tino Kämpfer 1 ,
Ingo Uschmann 1,2 , Robert Röder 4 , Lukas Trefflich 4 , Olga Rosmej 5,6 , Eckhart Förster 1,2 ,
Carsten Ronning 3,4 , Daniil Kartashov 1,3 and Christian Spielmann 1,2,3
1 Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Max Wien Platz 1,
07743 Jena, Germany; (R.H.); (T.K.); (I.U.); (E.F.); (D.K.); (C.S.)
2 Helmholtz Institute Jena, Fröbelstieg 3, 07743 Jena, Germany;
3 Abbe Center of Photonics, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Albert Einstein Straße 6, 07745 Jena, Germany;
4 Institute of Solid State Physics, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Helmholtzweg 3, 07743 Jena, Germany; (R.R.); (L.T.)
5 GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, Planckstraße 1, 64220 Darmstadt, Germany;
6 Goethe University, Institute of Applied Physics, Max von Laue Straße 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +49-3641-9-47214

Received: 29 August 2018; Accepted: 21 September 2018; Published: 25 September 2018 

Abstract: We present a detailed investigation of X-ray emission from both flat and nanowire zinc
oxide targets irradiated by 60 fs 5 × 1016 W/cm2 intensity laser pulses at a 0.8 µm wavelength. It
is shown that the fluence of the emitted hard X-ray radiation in the spectral range 150–800 keV is
enhanced by at least one order of magnitude for nanowire targets compared to the emission from a flat
surface, whereas the characteristic Kα line emission (8.64 keV) is insensitive to the target morphology.
Furthermore, we provide evidence for a dramatic increase of the fast electron flux from the front
side of the nanostructured targets. We suggest that targets with nanowire morphology may advance
development of compact ultrafast X-ray sources with an enhanced flux of hard X-ray emission that
could find wide applications in highenergy density (HED) physics.

Keywords: X-ray generation; laser-matter interaction; ultrashort laser pulses; X-ray spectroscopy;
laser plasma emission; nanostructured arrays

1. Introduction
Plasma-based ultrafast X-ray sources are of great importance for many intriguing applications [1].
They provide well-defined line and continuous emission that can be used for time-resolved X-ray
spectroscopy of high-density matter. Such ultrashort duration (femtosecond to picosecond time scale)
sources of X-ray emission can be designed using an interaction of intense ultrashort laser pulses with
solids. At relativistic intensities (>1.3 × 1018 W·µm2 /cm2 ), the laser pulse can strongly ionize solid or
liquid targets and accelerate electrons beyond 1 MeV [2]. The resulting plasmas act as bright sources
of particles (electrons, protons, and neutrons) and X-rays. Corresponding experiments have been
carried out at large, joule-energy class, multi-terawatt peak power laser systems with sub-picosecond
and, nowadays, femtosecond pulse duration in a single-shot regime [3–7]. However, from a practical
point of view of applications in X-ray spectroscopy, high-repetition rate sources of X-rays are of
great importance. Therefore, small scale, mJ-level energy, and kHz repetition rate laser systems are

Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1728; doi:10.3390/app8101728

Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1728 2 of 11

successfully used as drivers for X-ray sources [8–10]. Such portable sources with high brilliance have
already been proven to be a powerful tool, e.g., for time-resolved X-ray diffraction [11,12].
Bremsstrahlung emission is often considered as a parasitic background radiation that has to be
suppressed. Therefore, insignificant attention has been paid to the investigation into the possibility of
effectively generating X-ray photons with energies above 20 keV at a high repetition rate. However,
hard X-ray continuous emission has also been used in high-energy density (HED) experiments, such
as inertial confinement fusion, in which bremsstrahlung sources are widely used as a “back-lighter”
in inverse-bremsstrahlung absorption for time-resolved measurements of electron density [13,14].
Meanwhile, softer bremsstrahlung emission is suitable for X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy
(XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy (EXAFS) [15,16].
The bremsstrahlung yield can be enhanced by designing the target’s geometry. Nanoparticle
coating and specially synthesized nanostructures can greatly increase the X-ray flux [17–19]. It has been
shown theoretically that nanoscale structures with optimum parameters, depending on laser pulse
duration and intensity, can significantly increase the absorption of laser energy [20,21]. In particular,
the nanowire morphology of the target enables deep (much deeper than skin depth) penetration and
highly efficient absorption of the laser energy, leading to so-called volumetric heating of the plasma [21].
Consequently, this leads to more efficient generation of hot electrons and, thus, X-ray photons.
In this paper, we report on the experimental investigation of characteristic line and hard X-ray
emission generated in ZnO semiconductor nanowire targets of different morphologies, irradiated
by ultrashort laser pulses at intensities below 1017 W/cm2 . Such intensities at 800 nm wavelength
correspond to a non-relativistic interaction, implying that the electron dynamics are not relativistic (the
quiver velocity of the electrons in the laser field is smaller than the speed of light). Significant
enhancement of the photon flux with energies above several hundred keV (gamma range) and
extension of photon energies up to 0.8 MeV is demonstrated. This enhancement is related to the
observed dramatic increase in the number and energies of hot electrons generated from nanostructured
solid targets.

2. Materials and Methods

The experiments were carried out with a Ti:Sapphire laser system (Quantronix) delivering 60 fs
pulses with an energy up to 3.5 mJ (85% of which reaches the target) at the central wavelength of 804 nm
and with a 1 kHz repetition rate [22]. The experimental setup is shown schematically in Figure 1a.
The laser beam was focused onto the target by a 60◦ off-axis parabolic mirror (F/1.5) to a 6.8 µm spot
(FWHM), providing a peak intensity of 5 × 1016 W/cm2 . The measured nanosecond and picosecond
laser pulse contrast was about 10−5 –10−4 , as determined by the third-order cross-correlation technique.
The corresponding fluence of <0.3 J/cm2 is weak enough to ensure that no pre-plasma can be generated.
Therefore, a sharp plasma density gradient was guaranteed. The corresponding Rayleigh length of
≈65 µm is significantly longer than the length of nanowires (NWs). The focal spot was characterized
with a standard microscope objective (×20) and a change-coupled device (CCD). The polarization
of the laser beam at the target was controlled by a half-wave plate. The incident angle of the laser
pulse on the target was fixed at about 40◦ . The resulting laser pulse intensity on the target surface
corresponds to a normalized vector potential a0 = eE/m0 ωc ∼ = 0.15  1, implying non-relativistic
interaction. The targets were mounted on an XYZ-translation stage, allowing a new beam position on
the target for each laser pulse and change of the target’s position along the focus.
The experiment was performed with both nanostructured and bulk zinc oxide (ZnO) targets. This
dielectric material is transparent for incident laser radiation at 800 nm, which can promote a volume
ionization and extensive exposure to the high-intensity laser field. Wurtzite, single crystalline ZnO
nanowire (NW) batches were synthesized using a thermal transport technique within horizontal tube
furnaces. We used two different types of nanostructured targets. The first type was an ordered array of
NWs consisting of parallel, up-standing NWs perpendicular to the substrate (Figure 1b). The second
set of samples contained disordered arrays revealing a batch of NWs chaotically arranged along the
REVIEW 33ofof1111

horizontaltube tubefurnaces.
furnaces.WeWeused usedtwotwodifferent
type was
was an
an ordered
ordered array
array ofofNWs
NWs consisting
consisting ofofparallel,
parallel, up-standing
up-standing NWs
NWs perpendicular
perpendicular totothe
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1728 3 ofthe
substrate (Figure 1b). The second set of samples contained disordered arrays revealing a batchofof
(Figure 1b). The second set of samples contained disordered arrays revealing a batch
morphologiesofofthe the
structures surface
were (Figure
achieved 1c). The
by different
carefully morphologies
adjusting the of the
growth structures were
structures were achieved by carefully adjusting the growth conditions [23,24]. Briefly, the achieved
[23,24]. by carefully
Briefly, the
adjusting the
disordered growth samples
nanowire conditions
sampleswere [23,24].
were Briefly, the
synthesized viadisordered
viathe nanowire samples
vapor-liquid-solid (VLS)were
(VLS) synthesized
mechanism [25]
[25]on via
SiSi vapor-liquid-solid
chips covered
coveredbeforehand (VLS) with
beforehand mechanism
withaa1010nmnm[25] onlayer
gold Si chips
layer covered
actas beforehand
liquid catalystwith
catalyst a 10 during
droplets nm goldgrowth.
during layer to
act ordered
The as liquidNW
ordered catalyst
NWsamples droplets
samples were
were during
grown growth. The ordered
self-catalytically using NW
using thesamples
the were(VS)
vapor-solid grown self-catalytically
approach ononaa500 500
µmthick the vapor-solid
thickSiSisubstrate (VS)
substratecovered approach
coveredwith on
withaa500 a
500nm 500
nmAl-doped thick
µm Si substrate
layer[26]. with
TheNWsa 500
NWswere nm Al-doped
µm seed
µmandand15 layer
15 µm[26].
µm longThe
long for NWs
disordered5 µm
disordered NW
NWand 15 µm long
samples, for ordered
respectively, and
diameter NW ofof
about respectively,
about 100–200 nm. nm. and had a diameter of about 100–200 nm.

schemeofofthe theexperimental
system)are areshown.
microscope (SEM) images of the investigated targets:
microscope (SEM) images of the investigated targets: (b) (b)
(b) the ordered nanowire (NW) target;(c)
the ordered nanowire (NW) target; (c)the
disorderedNW NWtarget.

Since themeasurements
the measurementswere
measurements weredone
were donefor
done fordifferent
for differentpolarizations
different polarizations
the laserbeam,
laser beam,itit
beam, itisis important
toto explain the direction of polarization with respect to the target morphology
explain the direction of polarization with respect to the target morphology (Figure 2).S-S-
the direction of polarization with respect to the target morphology (Figure
(Figure 2).
2). S-and
p-polarizationare are used
areused to refer
usedtotorefer to the
refertotothe laser
thelaser pulses
laserpulses with
withanan electric
anelectric field
electricfield perpendicular
perpendicularor or parallel
orparallel to
the kn-plane
the -plane (the
-plane(the plane
(theplane of
planeof incidence),
ofincidence), respectively.
incidence),respectively. Along
Alongwithwith their
withtheir orientation
theirorientation and
orientationand finite angle
finiteangle of
haveaafield component E p n normal
fieldcomponent normalto
normal tothe
to thetarget
the targetsurface.
target surface.

Schematic illustrationof
illustration ofofthe
the laser
thelaser field
laserfield polarization
polarization with
with respect
respect totothe
target geometry
geometry in in
the case of the ordered NW (a) and disordered NW (b) →
samples. → and represent the electric
the case of the ordered NW (a) and disordered NW (b) samples. and represent
case of the ordered NW (a) and disordered NW (b) samples. E p and Es represent the electric fields of the electric
→ represents
normaltotothe →
the p- and s- polarized light, respectively. n represents the vector normal to the target, and k the wave
the wave vector of the incident
the wave vector of the incident beam. beam.
vector of the incident beam.

Reference measurementswere
measurements werecarried
were carriedout
carried outwith
out withflat,
with flat,0.5
flat, 0.5µm
0.5 µmthick
µm thickpolished
thick polishedZnO
polished ZnObulk
ZnO bulksubstrates
bulk substrates
(CrysTec GmbH),
GmbH), which
which were
were oriented
oriented along
along the
the [0001]
(CrysTec GmbH), which were oriented along the [0001] direction. direction.
The experimentswere
experiments were conducted
conductedin inin
single-shot regime.
regime. The
TheThe area
areaarea ofofthe
of the thetarget
targettarget surface
was was
surface was
large enough
enough to
support over
over 200
200 laser
laser pulses
pulses for
for statistical
characterization of
of the
enough to support over 200 laser pulses for statistical characterization of the results (Figure 3a,b). results
It canItbe
3a,b). Itcan
can be
clearly clearlyseenanwith
seen with withananoptical
optical opticalmicroscope
microscope that the that
microscope thatthe
damage damage
thespots are spots
damage spotsare
nicely arenicely
separated separated
(Figure 3c).
The position of the target with respect to the focus was initially optimized to the highest radiation
dose measured with a dosimeter and then tuned to the maximum of the X-ray signal on spectrometers.
radiation dose measured with a dosimeter and then tuned to the maximum of the X-ray signal on
spectrometers. The interaction of the laser pulse with the nanostructured and flat targets took place
inside a vacuum chamber pumped down to 10−4 mbar.
The diagnostic setup was placed outside the chamber in ambient air. The expected line emission
and, especially,
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1728the hard X-rays were not strongly absorbed on their propagation in air to the
4 of 11
detectors at a distance below 1 m. For the line spectrum measurements, two bent crystals were set
up. The first one, based on a toroidal quartz (40-4) crystal (2d = 1.672 nm), measured spectra in a
The interaction
narrow spectralofwindow.
the laserThe
pulse with the
spectral nanostructured
resolution and flat
was limited by targets
the CCDtook placeresolution
spatial inside a vacuum
λ/δλ <
chamber pumped down to 10 −4 mbar.
1500. This spectrometer enabled a high-resolution investigation of the Kα doublet from zinc.

Figure 3. Images of the ordered NW target (a) before and (b) after interaction with the intense laser
pulses. (c) optical microscope 50
magnification image
image of
of single-shot
single-shot damage
damage spots
spots on
on the
the disordered
NW target.

The diagnostic
The setup was placed
second spectrometer, with aoutside the chamber
cylindrical LiF (220)incrystal
ambient (2dair. The expected
= 2.848 nm), works lineinemission
a wide
and, especially, the hard X-rays were not strongly absorbed on their propagation
range of energies (from Kα to Kβ emission lines of Zn), with a resolution of λ/δλ < 2000. The detection in air to the detectors
at athe
of distance
spectrabelow 1 m.byFor
reflected thethe linecrystals
bent spectrum wasmeasurements, two bent
realized by cooled, crystals were set
back-illuminated up.CCD
X-ray The
first one, based on a toroidal quartz (40-4) crystal (2d = 1.672 nm), measured
cameras (Roper Scientific and Andor, CCD2 and CCD3 in Figure 1a, respectively) with their own spectra in a narrow
spectral window. Thecontainers.
vacuum-supporting spectral resolution was limited by the CCD spatial resolution λ/δλ < 1500. This
spectrometer enabled
For detecting the abremsstrahlung
anotherof the Kα doublet
Andor X-ray CCD fromcamera
zinc. (CCD1 in Figure
The second spectrometer, with a cylindrical LiF (220)
1a), sensitive to photons with energies up to 20 keV, and a Timepix detector crystal (2d = 2.848 nm),
were works in a wide
installed. The
Timepix detector is basedαon a 1β mm thick CdTe chip and can register photons with energiesdetection
range of energies (from K to K emission lines of Zn), with a resolution of λ/δλ < 2000. The from 30
of the
keV to spectra
800 keVreflected
[27]. The by the bent
distance crystals
of 45cm from was
target wasby roughly
cooled, back-illuminated
the same for both X-ray CCD
cameras (Roper Scientific and Andor, CCD2 and CCD3 in Figure 1a, respectively)
Reliable measurements of bremsstrahlung spectra over a broad range taken with the same CCD with their own
camera require correction containers.
due to the abruptly decreasing quantum efficiency for higher energies.
Additionally, the Compton scatteringemission,
For detecting the bremsstrahlung becomesanother Andor X-ray
more important forCCD camera
higher (CCD1
energies, in Figure 1a),
enhancing the
sensitive to photons with energies up to 20 keV, and a Timepix detector were
count rate. Therefore, for higher energy X-rays, these two counter-acting processes must be carefully installed. The Timepix
detector is based
considered. on a 1 mm
The obtained thick must
spectra CdTe not chiponly
and be
register photons with energies
for absorption in air andfrom 30Kapton
the keV to
800 keV [27]. The distance of 45cm from the target was roughly the same
window but also require additional Monte Carlo simulations considering the two above-mentioned for both detectors.
efficiencies measurements
scaling of bremsstrahlung
with the photon energy (e.g.,spectra
broad range
setup, taken withshowed
simulations the same CCD
that for
camera require correction due to the abruptly decreasing quantum
the given experimental parameters and detected spectra, the introduced correction for the efficiency for higher energies.
absorption would the Compton scattering
be sufficient becomes
to obtain moredata.
reliable important
As weforusedhigherno energies,
wavelength enhancing the
count rate.forTherefore,
elements measuring forthe
higher energy X-ray
continuous X-rays,spectra,
these two we counter-acting
had to ensure that processes must be operated
our detectors carefully
considered. The obtained spectra must not only be corrected for absorption
in the “single-photon counting regime” [30,31], implying, in any case, that the ratio of the number in air and the Kaptonof
window but also require additional Monte
photons divided by the number of pixels must be ≤0.15. Carlo simulations considering the two above-mentioned
efficiencies scaling with the photon energy (e.g., [28,29]). For our setup, simulations showed that
3. the given
and experimental
Discussion parameters and detected spectra, the introduced correction for the
absorption would be sufficient to obtain reliable data. As we used no wavelength dispersive elements
The X-ray emission spectra in the energy region below 20 keV, detected by the X-ray CCD
for measuring the continuous X-ray spectra, we had to ensure that our detectors operated in the
camera (CCD1), look rather similar for the different target morphologies (Figure 4). The spectra
“single-photon counting regime” [30,31], implying, in any case, that the ratio of the number of photons
contain the K-shell emission lines of Zn (Kα and Kβ) and low-energy bremsstrahlung. The emitted
divided by the number of pixels must be ≤0.15.
flux from the nanostructured samples, especially from the disordered sample, was barely sensitive
to the laser
3. Results andfield polarization. In contrast, the signal from the flat sample strongly varied as a
The X-ray emission spectra in the energy region below 20 keV, detected by the X-ray CCD camera
(CCD1), look rather similar for the different target morphologies (Figure 4). The spectra contain the
K-shell emission lines of Zn (Kα and Kβ ) and low-energy bremsstrahlung. The emitted flux from the
nanostructured samples, especially from the disordered sample, was barely sensitive to the laser field
polarization. In contrast, the signal from the flat sample strongly varied as a function of the polarization
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function of the polarization and reached its maximum for p-polarization. The integrated photon flux
and reached its maximum for 6p-polarization. The integrated photon flux at Zn Kα was about 1–4 ×10
at Zn Kα was about 1–4 × 10 photons/pulse/sr, which at a 1 kHz repetition rate yielded about 10
106 photons/pulse/sr, which at a 1 kHz repetition rate yielded about 1010 photons/s. Comparable
photons/s. Comparable X-ray fluxes obtained in similar experimental conditions have been reported
X-ray fluxes obtained in similar experimental conditions have been reported [9,22]. Independent of the
[9,22]. Independent of the polarization, the nanostructured targets emitted only slightly more K-shell
polarization, the nanostructured targets emitted only slightly more K-shell photons (a factor of 1.3) than
photons (a factor of 1.3) than the maximum flux value from a polished, flat ZnO target. Following
the maximum flux value from a polished, flat ZnO target. Following the approach suggested in [32],
the approach suggested in [32], we applied an exponential fit (Maxwell distribution) to the
we applied an exponential fit (Maxwell distribution) to the low-energy bremsstrahlung spectrum in
low-energy bremsstrahlung spectrum in Figure 4 and retrieved an electron temperature of 350–435
Figure 4 and retrieved an electron temperature of 350–435 eV.

Figure X-rayspectra
(orderedNW NW(dashed
line) and disordered
disordered NW (dash-dotted
NW (dash-dotted blue
blue line)) ZnO line)) ZnO
targets targets for p-polarization
for p-polarization (a) and
(a) and s-polarization
(b) measured by(b) measured
CCD1 by photon
in single CCD1 in single photon
counting regime.counting regime.
The spectra wereThe spectra
fitted with were fitted with
an exponential
an exponential
function function
(solid grey line), (solid grey an
providing line), providing
estimation of an
theestimation of the
electron bulk electron bulk
temperature Te . temperature Te.

high-energyregion regionaboveabove50 50keV
measuredby bythe
detector,the theflux
fromthe theordered
orderedand anddisordered
disorderedNW NWsamples
sampleswas wassignificantly
strongerthan thanthat thatfromfromthe theflatflat
sample (see Figure 5). For instance, in the range from 150–350
sample (see Figure 5). For instance, in the range from 150–350 keV, as marked in Figure 5, we keV, as marked in Figure 5, we
measuredaa1515and and2222timestimeshigherhigherintegrated
integratedflux fluxfor
p-polarizedand ands-polarized
s-polarizedlaser laserpulses,
respectively.Also, Also,for forthese
energies,the thespectra
couldbe befitted
usinga atwo-temperature
distribution with corresponding
with corresponding temperatures
temperatures of 12–15
of 12–15 keVkeV andand 40–5040–50keVkeV (Figure
Such several-temperature
5). Such several-temperature energy distributions
energy distributions of “hot”
of “hot”electrons
electronsin in
generatedplasmas plasmashave have
been reported in the past [33–36]. Under conditions of high temporal pulse contrast, as inour
reported in the past [33–36]. Under conditions of high temporal pulse contrast, as in our
experiment,the theformation
formationofofthe thepre-plasma
suppressed,which whichleads
leadstotoa asharp
situation,for foroblique
incidenceofofthe thelaser
heatingisisthe thedominant
mechanism of laser energy absorption [37–40]. The polarization dependence of the hard X-rayflux
of laser energy absorption [37–40]. The polarization dependence of the hard X-ray fluxinin
high-energyregion region(Figure
(Figure5)5)was wassimilar
similartotothe thedependence
observedfor forthethelow-energy
low-energyregion region
shownininFigureFigure 4. 4.
The Theefficiency
efficiency of bremsstrahlung
of bremsstrahlung X-ray generation
X-ray generationin theinenergy
the energy rangerange50–800 keV
insensitive to the laser
is insensitive polarization
to the in the disordered
laser polarization NW array, weakly
in the disordered NW array, sensitive
weakly in the orderedinNW
sensitive the
orderedandNW strongly
array, sensitive in the flat
and strongly target.inThis
sensitive the difference
flat target.can
understood can bybe considering
understoodthe by
geometry of interaction schematically shown in Figure 2. When the
considering the geometry of interaction schematically shown in Figure 2. When the electric field of electric field of the pump laser
pump a tangential
laser has only component (s-polarization),
a tangential component the vacuum heating
(s-polarization), the is suppressed,
vacuum heating which explains
is suppressed,
the experimental
which explains the results for the flatresults
experimental surface. forMeanwhile,
the flat surface. for NW morphologies,
Meanwhile, for NW formorphologies,
any laser beam for
polarization there is always a component of the field perpendicular to
any laser beam polarization there is always a component of the field perpendicular to the surface of the surface of a NW. Thus, it is
a NW. thatThus, forits-polarized
is obvious light, the s-polarized
that for vertically standing
light, the andvertically
ordered NWsstandingwereandmore efficientNWs
ordered emitters
X-ray photons
emittersthan the flat
of hard X-raybulk sample
photons than(6-fold enhancement
the flat bulk sample for 150–350
(6-fold keV). Despite
enhancement the
for 150–
350 keV).electron
Despiteheating with s-polarized
the observed electron heatinglight, withfor the ordered morphology
s-polarized light, for thethe p-polarized
ordered light
could still transfer
the p-polarized energy
light couldtostill
the transfer
more efficiently,
to the electronsresulting
a higher flux. In contrast,
resulting for
in a higher
disordered targets it seems that the polarization played no role, while at
flux. In contrast, for disordered targets it seems that the polarization played no role, while at any any orientation of polarization
orientation of polarization there was always a component of the field normal to the local plasma
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there was always a component of the field normal to the local plasma gradient and responsible for
the efficient
gradient andgeneration offor
responsible electrons causing
the efficient bremsstrahlung.
generation A rough
of electrons estimation
causing of the hard
bremsstrahlung. X-ray
A rough
flux in the range 6
estimation of the150–350 keV flux
hard X-ray gaveinupthe
to range
10 photons/pulse
150–350 keV in 4π.up
gave Ourtoobservations are in agreement
106 photons/pulse in 4π. Our
with recent studies using copper nanorods with similar length to our NWs (10 µm).
observations are in agreement with recent studies using copper nanorods with similar length Despite the
to our
higher average density of the Cu target material [41], the reported X-ray flux was similar
NWs (10 µm). Despite the higher average density of the Cu target material [41], the reported X-ray to that in
was similar to that in our experiments.

Figure 5.
Figure 5. Hard X-ray
X-ray spectra from the flat (black line), ordered (red line), and disordered (blue line)
nanostructured ZnO targets for p-polarization (a) and s-polarization (b) measured by the Timepix
detector. Relation of the hard X-ray
X-ray flux
flux is
is given
given for
for the
the marked
marked (yellow)
(yellow) energy
energy range.
range. The
The spectra
were fitted
were fittedwith
exponential function
function (solid
(solid grey
grey line)line) providing
providing an estimation
an estimation of theofelectron
the electron
“hot” temperatures
temperatures Te . Te.

The K-shell
K-shell emission
emission spectra, measured with two crystal crystal spectrometers
spectrometers for all all investigated
samples, are shownshown in in Figure
Figure 6.6. The observed
observed lineslines correspond
correspond to to the
the K-LK-L (K(Kαα)) and
and K-M
K-M (K (Kββ)
transitions in cold material.
material. NoteNotethat
thatKK andKβKemission 20+
ααand β emission from
from ionion states
states up up to Zn(Ne-like
to Zn 20+ (Ne-like
Zn) strongly
strongly overlap
overlap and cannot
and cannot be resolved
be resolved with ourwith our spectrometers.
spectrometers. Therefore, Therefore,
line spectraline in
could be 6 could be a superposition
a superposition of line emissions
of line emissions from transient
from transient chargeup
charge states states upand
to 20+ to 20+ and suggest
suggest that no
that no Zn
Zn ions withions with state
a charge a charge
higher state
thanhigher thangenerated
20+ were 20+ wereunder generated under theofconditions
the conditions of our
our experiments.
The polarization The polarization
dependence dependence of the line
of the line spectra is spectra
similar istosimilar to the dependence
the dependence observed observed
for the
for the bremsstrahlung
bremsstrahlung radiation:radiation: The disordered
The disordered NW targetNW target
showed theshowed the samefor
same efficiency efficiency for all
all polarization
directions, the directions,
ordered NW the ordered NW target demonstrated
target demonstrated a weakdependence,
a weak polarization polarization and dependence, and
the flat target
wasflat target sensitive
strongly was strongly sensitive
to the to the laser Comparing
laser polarization. polarization.the Comparing
dependence theofdependence of the line
the line emission and
high-energy andbremsstrahlung
high-energy bremsstrahlung
radiation on the radiation on the target(Figures
target morphology morphology 5 and(Figures 5 and 6),that,
6), we conclude we
in contrastthat, in contrast to
to high-energy high-energy
photons, photons, enhancement
no significant no significantin enhancement in theemission
the characteristic characteristic
known as(also known
“cold” as “cold”
emission) for NWemission)
arraysfor wasNW arrays was
observed. observed.
This result can This result can be
be explained as explained
follows. Theas
follows. Thecontinuum
yield of the yield of theof continuum of bremsstrahlung
bremsstrahlung emission in emission
the rangeinofthe rangeenergy
quanta of quanta
below energy below
100 keV is
100 keV is essentially
essentially the same, the same,
or very or veryfor
similar, similar,
polishedfor polished and nanostructured
and nanostructured targets (seetargets (see Figures
Figures 4 and 5). 4
and 5). Therefore, the density of electrons with similar kinetic energies should
Therefore, the density of electrons with similar kinetic energies should be comparable for all types ofbe comparable for all
types of However,
targets. targets. However,
these arethese are the electrons
the electrons contributing
contributing the mostthe most
in the in the generation
generation of the Kαof the Kα
in Zn [42].in Zn [42].
Therefore, despite the assumed deeper penetration of the laser pulse into the NW targets
and volumetric heating, the yield of the Kα emission was not enhanced because of reabsorption.
Additionally, the hot electrons could go far into the target volume (12 µm for 50 keV electrons) creating
the K-shell holes. However, in the case of the NW targets, the substrate was made of Si„ and thus
this volume did not make any contribution to the Zn Kα . Concluding the results on Kα emission, it is
noteworthy that the ratios of the integrated Kα fluxes from the investigated ZnO targets, calculated
from the data measured with two crystal spectrometers and directly with the CCD camera (CCD1),
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1728 7 of 11

were in close agreement with each other. The mean values for the relative K yield are given in Table 1.
It is worth mentioning that the observed polarization dependence for the Kα emission had the same
origin as the bremsstrahlung emission discussed above, since both types of radiation are related to the
generation of8,hot
Appl. Sci. 2018, electrons.

Figure 6.6. The

Figure The K-shell
K-shell emission
emission and targets (flat
and KKαα doublet (insets) from ZnO targets (flat (black
(black line),
line), ordered
NW (red
NW (redline),
line), and
and disordered
detected with
with LiF
LiF (220)
(220) and
and quartz
quartz (40-4)
(40-4) bent
bent crystal
spectrometer, respectively. The spectra were obtained from interaction with a p-polarized
spectrometer, respectively. The spectra were obtained from interaction with a p-polarized (a) and (a) and
s-polarized (b)laser

Table 1. The mean values of the integrated Zn Kα emission for the investigated targets obtained with
Therefore, despite the assumed deeper penetration of the laser pulse into the NW targets and
p- and s-polarized laser pulse. The values are normalized on the integrated Zn Kα flux from the
volumetric heating, the yield of the Kα emission was not enhanced because of reabsorption.
flat sample.
Additionally, the hot electrons could go far into the target volume (12 µm for 50 keV electrons)
creating the K-shell holes. However, in the case of
Flat the NW
Ordered NW targets, theDisordered
substrate NWwas made of Si,, and
thus this volume p-polarization
did not make any contribution
1 to the Zn
1.19 ± 0.04K α . Concluding the results
1.31 ± 0.05 on Kα emission,
it is noteworthy s-polarization
that the ratios of the 1 integrated 2.79 K fluxes from the
±α 0.11 3.18investigated
± 0.08 ZnO targets,
calculated from the data measured with two crystal spectrometers and directly with the CCD
camera (CCD1),
Finally, the were
used with
for each other.emission
the line The mean values for
detection in the
the relative
quartz K yield
are given in Table 1. It is worth mentioning that the observed polarization dependence
spectrometer (CCD1 in Figure 1a) also detected quite intense background bremsstrahlung radiation for the Kα
emission had the same origin as the bremsstrahlung emission discussed above, since
homogeneously covering the chip. To investigate the origin of this strong background radiation, we both types of
radiation are
performed related
several to the
tests. (1)generation
We blocked of the
hot quartz
crystal, so that no emission could be generated
or reflected from it. No change in the measured signal was observed in this case. (2) We placed a
2 mmTable 1. The mean values of the integrated Zn Kα emission for the investigated targets obtained with
Al foil at the output Kapton window of the experimental vacuum chamber. The background
p- and s-polarized laser pulse. The values are normalized on the integrated Zn Kα flux from the flat
radiation disappeared completely. Since the foil is highly transparent (the transmission efficiency is
>70%) for X-ray quanta with energies above 30 keV, we concluded that the observed emission was
generated by fast electrons emitted through Flat the Kapton
Ordered NWwindow. The possibility
Disordered NW for direct hits on
the CCD chip by electrons was excluded, 1because
p-polarization forward
1.19 ± 0.04 accelerated
1.31 ±electrons
0.05 were shielded by the
2.5 cm thick Al wall of s-polarization
the vacuum chamber 1 (see Figure
2.79 ± 0.111a). Thus, we
3.18 suggest that the background
± 0.08
emission with the spectrum shown in Figure 7 was a bremsstrahlung emission generated by energetic
electrons that the
Finally, radiatively
X-ray CCD lost their
usedwhen for theinteracting with air.
line emission Using data
detection in theforquartz
the radiative
stopping power
spectrometer of electrons
(CCD3 in Figure in1a)
air also
we estimated that thebackground
quite intense spectra in Figure 7 could beradiation
bremsstrahlung emitted
by electrons withcovering
homogeneously kinetic energies
the chip.above 100 keV. the
To investigate Therefore,
origin ofFigure 7a suggests
this strong that, in
background the case we
radiation, of
performed several which was(1)
tests. theWe
most favorable
blocked for thecrystal,
the quartz flat target, ordered
so that nanowirecould
no emission arraysbeenable nearly
generated or
two orders of magnitude and disordered arrays nearly one order of magnitude
reflected from it. No change in the measured signal was observed in this case. (2) We placed a 2 mm enhancement in the
Al foil ofat high-energy
the output electrons. This enhancement
Kapton window can be explained
of the experimental vacuum by chamber.
the much Thehigher efficiency
of the laserdisappeared
radiation energy absorption and much
completely. Since larger
the foilvolume
is highly of the plasma (volumetric
transparent heating
(the transmission effect) for
efficiency is
nanowire morphology in comparison to a flat surface. Again, the polarization
>70%) for X-ray quanta with energies above 30 keV, we concluded that the observed emission was dependence of the
generatedin Figure
by fast7 electrons
shows that the efficiency
emitted throughofthe fastKapton
electron generation
window. Thewas essentially
possibility for insensitive
direct hits onin
the CCD chip by electrons was excluded, because forward accelerated electrons were shielded by the
2.5 cm thick Al wall of the vacuum chamber (see Figure 1a). Thus, we suggest that the background
emission with the spectrum shown in Figure 7 was a bremsstrahlung emission generated by
energetic electrons that radiatively lost their energy when interacting with air. Using data for the
radiative stopping power of electrons in air [43], we estimated that the spectra in Figure 7 could be
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 11

enable nearly two orders of magnitude and disordered arrays nearly one order of magnitude
enhancement in the amount of high-energy electrons. This enhancement can be explained by the
Appl. Sci. higher efficiency of the laser energy absorption and much larger volume of the plasma
2018, 8, 1728 8 of 11
(volumetric heating effect) for nanowire morphology in comparison to a flat surface. Again, the
polarization dependence of the spectra in Figure 7 shows that the efficiency of fast electron
the disordered
generation wasNW arrays, was
essentially weaklyinsensitive
insensitive in ordered
the disordered NWarrays,
waswas strongly
weakly sensitive
sensitive to the
in ordered
laser polarization for the flat surface.
arrays, and was strongly sensitive to the laser polarization for the flat surface.

Figure Thebackground
backgroundsignal from
signal thethe
from flatflat
(black line)line)
(black and and
nanostructured (ordered
nanostructured NW (red
(ordered NWline),
disordered NW (blue
line), disordered NW line)) ZnO targets
(blue line)) for p-polarization
ZnO targets (a) and
for p-polarization (a)s-polarization (b) detected
and s-polarization by the
(b) detected by
CCD camera (CCD1).
the CCD camera (CCD1).

4. Conclusions
4. Conclusions
We have experimentally investigated the influence of ZnO target morphology on X-ray emission
We have experimentally investigated the influence of ZnO target morphology on
under illumination with several-mJ femtosecond laser pulses focused to intensities < 1017 W/cm2 .
X-ray emission under illumination with several-mJ femtosecond laser pulses focused to
Replacing flatsurface targets with NW arrays enables enhancement of the hard X-ray flux by
intensities < 1017 W/cm2. Replacing flatsurface targets with NW arrays enables enhancement of the
15–22 times in the energy range of 150–300 keV. This enhancement can be explained by a much
hard X-ray flux by 15–22 times in the energy range of 150–300 keV. This enhancement can be
higher efficiency of laser energy absorption in NW arrays, resulting in a significant increase of the
explained by a much higher efficiency of laser energy absorption in NW arrays, resulting in a
number and energies of hot electrons. In contrast, no significant increase was detected in the “cold”
significant increase of the number and energies of hot electrons. In contrast, no significant increase
Zn K-shell emission, which can be attributed to the lower material density, the different material of the
was detected in the “cold” Zn K-shell emission, which can be attributed to the lower material
substrate, and reabsorption effects in a larger volume of generation. The polarization dependence of
density, the different material of the substrate, and reabsorption effects in a larger volume of
the photon flux supports the assumption that vacuum heating is the main mechanism responsible for
generation. The polarization dependence of the photon flux supports the assumption that vacuum
X-ray generation. It was shown that the efficiency of X-ray generation in NW arrays is weakly sensitive
heating is the main mechanism responsible for X-ray generation. It was shown that the efficiency of
to laser polarization, in contrast to the flat surface. These experimental results allow the conclusion
X-ray generation in NW arrays is weakly sensitive to laser polarization, in contrast to the flat surface.
that there are no strict requirements for incidence geometry, nor for laser beam polarization when
These experimental results allow the conclusion that there are no strict requirements for incidence
disordered NW targets are utilized. Examination of these targets in interactions with non-relativistic
geometry, nor for laser beam polarization when disordered NW targets are utilized. Examination of
laser pulses was an essential step towards gaining a better understanding of the phenomena to be
these targets in interactions with non-relativistic laser pulses was an essential step towards gaining a
expected at higher intensities. We believe that our results may contribute to the development of
better understanding of the phenomena to be expected at higher intensities. We believe that our
efficient hard X-ray sources at kHz repetition rate driven by moderate-intensity lasers and are of great
results may contribute to the development of efficient hard X-ray sources at kHz repetition rate
importance for many applications in X-ray spectroscopy.
driven by moderate-intensity lasers and are of great importance for many applications in X-ray
Author Contributions: Z.S. and S.H. carried out experiments, data processing, and numerical simulations; T.K.,
I.U., and E.F. contributed to experimental measurements and X-ray spectroscopy; R.R., L.T., and C.R. provided
the nanowires
Author and contributed
Contributions: Z.S. andtoS.H.
the carried
discussion of the results;data
out experiments, I.U.,processing,
O.R., E.K., C.R., D.K., andsimulations;
and numerical C.S. contributed
to theand
I.U., discussion and interpretation
E.F. contributed of the results;
to experimental Z.S., D.K.,
measurements andand C.S.
X-ray wrote the paper
spectroscopy; R.R.,with
L.T.,contributions from
and C.R. provided
other authors. R.H. contributed to experimental measurements and X-ray spectroscopy
the nanowires and contributed to the discussion of the results; I.U., O.R., E.K., C.R., D.K., and C.S. contributed
Funding: This work
to the discussion andwas supportedofbythe
interpretation the Bundesminiterium
results; Z.S., D.K., andfur
C.S.Bildung undpaper
wrote the Forschung (BMBF) projects
with contributions from
FKz. 05P15SJFA1 and 05P15RGFAA, and under the frame of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
other authors.
Forschergruppe FOR1616.
Acknowledgments: Z.S. would like to thank Björn Borm for fruitful discussions and valuable suggestions.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1728 9 of 11

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