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. FSO-2919 eer 2 yet at der oe tom) 3215921 ‘Number of Pages in Booklet : 32 ‘Question Paper Booklet No. fran a at ah or 50 * No. of Questions in Booklet : 150 [osF-o1 | Fars - ASN.4 Paper Code : 00 00 Toe Time : 3.00 Hours fires aie : 150 Maximum Marks : 150 secur ofan sae wae th tue aiaifeels aera Glee we ware ag Gera ger ahs fica wer ier at Uae et Ge wt Freeh eer TS Brea ae et 1 tara wet we factard areal at ett ‘Sheet must be same after of ara fe sab were The candidate should ensure that Question Paper Booklet No. of the Question Paper Booklet and Answer ‘the Paper Seal / Polythene bag. In case they are different, a candidate must obtain another Question Paper. Candidate himself shall be responsible for ensuring this. wanted & fore Pre veal wet one tiie wil weit ais eae ete ne a de et ae A 8 oie a Be ear wes ane wh eT TET seater meg 8 we ef ge Fe BF wR 1, 2,3, 4 afin Prete 1 ane tat ae fe ot a 2 at wee het aren ame wh ae oe oH ate vane te 3 ea en F 6. OMR ee wae ea wb fees fy oar ean & | or STOR séer gievat tert eh ar 1g, at ae oF Frere sae err ih tn feo rer wt 7. se re fe 1/3 Wr ee | Tet Bre Soro ora ae ar fa er we a ar asc 8 F | fad a wer & se ie or ert ee TT seat gee ah ar | 8. sare ive eager ota wi a wr pte afi & 1 aie Feet area ar ara Oat whe fe Sot Fret @ at sei feo oebr era Pramrgare wreioat t amt 1 9. aera ore er eae ah ane, ae ae Er 1 ber at apt het eae se 8 shar ge eT awtwa ts 10, fe fe ore Pech sre ah abt on ee rare a wt fe Hoh ver ford oe sits oe Fa olin eT ae eu are: arr i srece ese wt weg oT Et Te TE a a aracger t oh ct aa tee Fr fe are ot ert ae Fae Fraser cea arderet at fore 1 ef Fe areae eh af A are eer at Laren tert & feet ee err #1 TRSTRUCTIONSFOR CANDIDATES) “Answer all questions All questions carry equal marks ‘Only one answer isto be given for each question. 1 more than one answers are marked, it Would be treated as ‘wrongs. ‘Each question has four alternative responses marked serially 18 I, 2,3, 4. You have to darken only one cizcle or bubble indicatingthe eoret answer onthe Answer Sheet using BLUE. BALLPOINTPEN. ‘The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When You are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the ‘Answer Sheet and fil inthe particulars carefully with blue ball point pen only 1/3 part of the mark(s) of each question will be ‘deducted for each wrong answer. A wrong answer means ‘an ingortect answer or more than one answers for any ‘question. Leaving all the relevant cirles or bubbles of any ‘question blank wil not be considered as wrong answer, Mobile Phone or any other electronic gadget in the ‘examination hall is stielly prohibited. A candidete found with any of such objectionable material with hiner will be strcly dealt a per rules. Please correcly fill your Roll Number in O.M.R, Sheet. ‘5 Marks can be deducted for filling wrong or incomplete Roll, Number 10, 1 tere is any sort of ambiguity/misake either of printing or factual nature then out of Hindi and English Version ofthe ‘weston, the English Version wil be rated as standar, ‘Warning : If a candidate is found copying orf any unauthorized material is found in histher possession, FILR. would be lodged ‘against hinvher in the Police Station and helshe would isle vo be prosecuted. Department may also debar hinvher permanently from all future examinations. | Sy TIANA OO a 1 Sea eT y ay gst 9 2), SET @ ® @ Proafttra gett a ata arate 8 7 cy Rate — Bae TK aS (2) Rett oH 3) mRstefian — TerETsi a gar (4) wien feel — THe TA fact of eat A gf Are “are aff aor eiepe or Sie — () Ay 075 (2) A, 0.88 (3) A,,0.60 @) A, 0.918 sift % area aes er A Sef — () Gertie arf grt 2) Brearren safe gr @) Fatem ofe a @ Saatea waft at fra #8 ate 8 aediten oem cif we ? (1) Breaitten ereeht 2) Fate siterdesa @) aaa aia 4) aia tie arggiar & arene & fire Patera & (1) Spar eer Sahara FRY (2) Sersier wen Rare aH (3) Sar cen eaeter Fay 4) afore fae 3. Meta tte Example of Gel is (1) Smoke (2) Fog @) Milk () Butter Which of the mismatched ? () Fimbriae - following pairs is Attachment to surfaces (2) Pili = Reproduction (3) Glycocalyx - Protection from phagocytes (@) Plasma — Single layered membrane ‘What is the limiting value of water activity for the growth of any micro- organism ? () A, 0.75 @) A, 0.88 @) A, 0.60 (4) A, greater than 0.91 Aflatoxin is produced by (1) Aspergillus species (2) Salmonella species (3) Fusarium species () Streptococcal species Which of the following bacteria produce alpha toxin ? (1) Salmonella typhi (2) Listeria monocytogenes 3) Clostridium perfringens (4) Toxicoplasma gondii Methods for estimation of nitrogen are (1) Dumas and Carius method (2) Kjeldahl’s and Carius method (3) Dumas and Kjeldahl’s method (4) Carius method 00 10. 1. ami we aiisare few Gan Pear ara 8 7 (1) eae (2) Fee @) Berit 4) Tarif genta an oft ae ‘Prater & Ferg serereht & we gra faster sara eae & | (1) Stare Reich, erter (2) Sthrédia Rath, Wifes sre @) secthrere aaa, wri @ Bader Seu, Shes ore frofetan #8 Raae Reftad “ash” are’ 7 aa @ asa (3) Stara (4) Feet wes & w ay % pi aa aiedtrer @ frat GTP carta 3g ‘wiekz) wea Bae 7 q@ a Q) 36 @) 30 (4) 16 Wier ergeitea b— @ waewd | Q taser sr’ | 3) items sary | @ ware west + | | | | | | | 8. 11. Sauerkraut is generally prepared from (1) Tomato (2) Pumpkin (3) Cauliflower (4) Cabbage The micro-organism is responsible for the formation of beer and wine and its fermented end product is . (1) Saccharomyces cerevisiae, ethanol (2) Saccharomyces cerevisiae, acetic acid (3) Lactobacillus plantarum, ethanol (4) Lactobacillus plantarum, lactic acid Which of the following is fermented by Koji? (1) Barley (2) Millet (3) Soyabean (4) Zea mays Number of GTP (Guanosine tri phosphate) formed after complete aerobic oxidation of one molecule of Glucose : () 02 2) 36 @) 30 ) 16 Agaricus bisporus is (1) a food stuff (2) useful in beer making (3) a pathogenic bacteria 4 a human parasite 12. 14, 15. 16. ada sire aifaettepa ea & (1) WH (o) We ater By aHtaefteHeT BAT (2) ea (A) static grt 3) farm (0) siete art (4) TT (y) saieeeRROT ET Srereict Ge: (1) Sere art Q) BRA @) wa @ eae frafefaa Rata 3 a se a ‘wfercaerearel & 2 () Peary 2) Petra @) Rag @) Rate ares Hy aera freee aes 2 () ae fran Sot at am at art mame! Q) 3s ara ssh et aga art we! @) Fetes, stam a ar eee | (4) Fetes. Saget ard HoT | ara atk # freneat a eres wentet aor ferment Bear 8 — (1) ater Q) aeRa @) aera 4) FeRtem a 13. 16. Fatty acids are oxidised by (1) alpha (a) and beta (B) oxidation (2) delta (A) oxidation (3) Sigma (6) oxidation (4) Gamma (7) oxidation (Captafol is a/an (1) Algaecide (2) Fungicide (3) Protein (4) Food colour Which of the following vitamin is antihaemorthagic ? (2) Vitamin A 2) Vitamin C @) Vitamin E @) Vitamin K What is the general mechanism of an enzyme? (1) It acts by decreasing the activation energy. It acts by increasing the activation, energy. (3) Itacts by decreasing the pH. (4) Itacts by increasing the pH. @ Methyl and ethyl alcohol are detoxified in the human body by (1) oxidation (2) reduction @ @ conjugation sulphurisation 17, FS awd } ade feed oan a &) Prat d Rha ah ae 8 2 (1) Wifers a (2) anige (3) Frnfer 4) Tete afar & ofa va ara gait Hae ‘aftafera ae 8 2 (1) Frag, arrtigge ae arg Q) sate aa @) Stary (4) preeprerefirets 18. 19. Wa cats) w fram at cr) a Hie we at a GAA : wt wr (A) dferan ) waar () tise Gi) aa. ARK ger ein fede FISE | (© ama (ii) oifren (D) até (iv) arts eH aT ‘frin | () Adv, Ba, Coil, Deiii Q) Adiii, Biv, Ci, D-i @) Ai, Bi, Cli, D-iv @) Adi, Beli, Ci, D-iv Consumption of raw egg white causes . deficiency of (1) Folic Acid 2) Biotin 3) Niacin (4) Pyridoxine Which is not included in the five kingdom system of classification ? (1). Viruses, Viriods and Lichens (2) Slime moulds (3) Bacteria (4) Phycomycetes Match List-I (Minerals) with List-II (Functions) and choose correct answer. List-I List-II (A) Calcium (i) Blood coagulation (B) Sodium (i) Maintenance of electrical equilibrium between intracellular fluid (©) Iron Gil) Anaemia (D) Iodine (iv) Formation of Thyroid hormone Bi, Q) Adv, D-iv wrath & ait Hae aes ATS 7 (1) eam Paeett cer fsa agTTeTT | (2) argerefegar =i safeafa | (3). 70s treet safer | 4) BTA THe TTA | a. fra a a de fee or Sere ae aT a? () Reet See 2) aah afer (3) ‘freer fiten (Seen seg 22, fea a ate a ae ge re “Sr ‘Saat’ Hee 8 7 8.4 (2) Mae XI (3) Rae vol 4) tae 23, ag Geist sas) a Pre ee ere) BSE BH BE Te GPA : al ah (A) orta dich aa) Bret, wg (B) wea Rafa dash Gi) Fer IS (©) pia dah are (D) ffretea shaaa (iv) we wash was (1) A-ii, B-ii, C-i, D-iv (2) A-iv, B-ii, C-iii, D-i @) Adv, Bi, i, D-iii (4) A-ii, B-iv, C-i, D-iii 20. What is not true about prokaryotes ? (1) No nuclear membrane or nucleoli (2) Presence of mitochondria (3) 70s ribosomes present (4) Usually single chromosome Which one of the following is the scientific name of cat fish ? (1) Catla catla (2) Labeo rohita (3) Cirrihina mrigala (4) Wallago att Which one of the following blood clotting factors is known as “Hageman Factor” ? (1) FactorX (2) Factor XII ee (3) Factor VIL () Factor I 23, Match List-I (Connective tissue) with | List-II (Examples) and choose correct answer : List-I List-II (A) Loose connective (i) Tendons, tissue Ligaments (B) Dense regular (ii) Mesenchyme connective tissue (© Embryonic connective tissue (iii) Bone, cartilage, blood (D) Specialized (iv) Adipose tissue mature connective tissue (1) Adiii, Bai, Ci, Q) A-iv, Bui, C (3) A-iv, B-i, C-ii, Div 25. 26. 2. af sar yaar wae @, a eae ITS an Q) & Q) wie 3) wa afte @) orate (1) Ta ZREHIRH (T;) & orfatta orntgs sift onfsa see 8 — () erage fee eee ( arefgrier @) Sefer @ ers ae are dala H Sera 8 () Ware at yo arate | (2) & agertion arateregz | @) Were a qa aaa | @) We ania afeaa a fend aren Sifter aap fa saw daha H opti van saat 2 Adi-afes S aha ae aa’ ? (1) Weare shay 4 wfestafen ter | Q) Pita srastafis deel & a # anda pH & a afea wa akafta era’ | @) aa stats vies Set & ogra H wae at 38 deliga et Ba 8 1 Pree sre TUR Fs TTT | @) Fa-shafas tee ates safan ead sary A tig wea 1 ara a steer Gr & () 2) fa @) tate @) TIERS | | 27. If lipid is the respiratory substrate respiratory quotient will be (1) one (2) less than one (3) more than one (4) zero Tn addition to thyroxin (T,) and triiodothyronine (T;) thyroid gland secretes (1). Thyroid stimulating hormone (2) Nor-adrenalin @) Calcitonin (4) Gonadotropic hormone In tissue culture, Callus is (1) a tissue that forms embryo (2) an insoluble carbohydrate (3) a tissue that grows to form embryoid an unorganized activity dividing mass of cell maintained in tissue culture 4) What is true about Bt-toxin ? (1) The concerned bacteria has. antitoxin, (2) The inactive protoxin gets converted into active form in the pest gut due to its alkaline pH. (3) The activated toxin enters the ovaries of pest to sterilize it and thus prevents its multiplication, (4) Bttoxin protein exists as active toxin in bacteria, The proteolytic enzyme of the stomach is (1) Pepsin (2) Bile (3) Lactose (4) Amylase 29, sft dere wt free, at at at ‘aourafirs da & sic ar Gt safle Ba , ua svartta Slane aie A aa wea B — (1) a agent (2) SaaPsttarcer @) daar (4) Sarre 30. walawla vemeni & Petter # qensttat sr sae Heer 8 - (1) aetrarer (2) rarer @) Sarre 4) Saree 31. rafter aiet er area, mere ee ager Te 7 ania = anf 30-40 18 40-50 ~ 50-60 45 60-70 21 70-80 15 80-90 08 &) () ® (1) 55.53, 53.08, 54.44 (2) 54.44, 53.08, 55.53 @) 5308, 54.44, 55.53 (4) 55.53, 54.44, 53.08 32, faraferfirs arte mafia a 8 fe anfiisas seared & fare cacti oe apr seit fepen a 2 Q) Wr Q @) Fett @) i 29. An increase in concentration of the toxicants which are_—_neither metabolized nor excreted and get deposited at successive trophic levels is called (1) Biomonitoring (2) Biomineralization (3) Biomagnification (4) Bioremediation 30. The use of micro-organisms to degrade environmental pollutants is called (1) Microremediation (2) Nanoremediation (3) Bioremediation (4) Biocoenose 31, What is the mean, median and mode of the following data ? Class interval Frequency 30-40 18 40-50 37 50-60 45 60-70 27 70-80 15 80-90 08 ® (™) @ (1) 55.53, 53.08, 54.44 (2) 54.44, 53.08, 55.53 3) 53.08, 54.44, 55.53 (4) 5553, 54.44, 53.08 32, Lactoferrin gene has been used for commercial production of which of the following transgenic animals ? (1) Cow (2) Mice @) Fish (4) Chicken 33. 36. 37. ain atc aga & ate eee 8 () Saree eeeET 2) aE age @) wager 4) Bi eegarare ae Trem & way, sanz, de Gi dar fiat, faa pft-sereary aus & arrfa ame? () UB- oft afta ar aorta Aart aa 2) V ~eftror—aelt ang Bard da @) WA-3ri-gsp i tert a (4) IB -ag-sa01 yet Aart Ba apt arfrét ate fare sft ea aafeht wat afte & (1) Bft-arga vale (@) aa-areneg waht (3) Samar raft (4) @pft-ae—arerrre waht Praia three At gram weer oA Peet aaah’ 2 (1) AH-334 2) ansf-382 (3) aTSA.-425 4) Pream-2 are feraers a aa 2 - Wy 0-222 5 @ o=\ @) o="\ LK-X) X (4) o= PS } | 34. ba Relation between demand and price is “ (1) positive correlation (2) negative correlation (3). perfect correlation (4) No correlation The districts Jaipur, Ajmer, Tonk and Dausa comes under which Agro- climatic zone of Rajasthan ? (1) 1B —Transitional plain of Luni” Basin (2) V_ -Humid south-eastern plain (3) ILA -Semi-arid easter plain (4) IIB -Flood prone eastern plain Agro-forestry system —_ involving agricultural and forest crops (1) Agri-silviculture system (2) Silvi-pastoral system (3) Horti-pastoral system (4) Agri-silvi-pastoral system Which of the following is a bunch type variety of groundnut ? (1) AH-334 (2) RG-382 (3) RG-425 (4) Girnar-2 Formula for standard deviation is (X ~ X) « o-2 XX Za-xP Q) o= N EX @ o=\N 3 40. 41. 42. amt ait amo eats Pres 8? @ sat Q) wae | Q) sTerErat @) Ista Gre | fofafed #8 ons A ar Hh fre cathg tn & eh ar sears HS 7 (1) tera Q ¥r-gt @) Sarat (4) oral aoa ‘ore wae’ Us wae frase — | () tae 2) frit (3) emery 4) Pedi ‘afreard waar wifereh, waster 2th a rearer foam, HRA ER GER | wa a af 2017-18 3 qa sere | faferer za oT | (1) 140-150 | (2) 130-139 @) 160-165 (4) 170-180 | “aa—ufiay Recht fare 2 2 (y str (2) aie @ @) ate ! wat dag woe arama 8 ? () Be | (2) sitet @) FEA | (4) aitea 10 # 39. 40. 41. 42, 43. Which variety of Mango is susceptible to spongy tissue ? (1) Chausa (2) Fazli @) Alphonso (4) Gulab Khas Which of the following variety of onion produces white coloured bulbs ? (1) Bhima Raj 2) Bhima Shubhra (3) Pusa Madhavi (@) Arka Kalyan ‘Arka Rakshak’ is an important variety of (1) Brinjat 2) Chilli (3) Tomato (4) Okra ‘As per basic Animal Husbandry Statistics, DAHD & F, GOL milk production in India in the year 2017-18 was million tonnes. (1) 140-150 2) 130-139 3) 160-165 (4) 170-180 “Pant Ragin’ is variety of Q) Cumin (2) Fennel (3) Fenugreek (4) Coriander Parasitic weed associated with mustard is (1) Striga 2) Orobanche @) Cuscuta Loranthus 45, 46. 47. 49. Tae sft cata ge sree Hae a FAME | (2017-18). () 3eeT @ ww @) tea @) ater ort H qa oar walt sein % fore fara are 2 1 Q) tara Q) Sara G) Tasers 4) Teer t marta fer ere 1) 300-320 (2) 280-285 @) 150-200 4) 250-260 wa Fes a cia fem A a —_tii# (2) wratits aR ar 10 wera (2) arittes aR ar 20 weer @) atte area 30 wheat (4) wrote an ar 40 ofa AERO: TAG tte fea wma (1) URS aK (PVP) wae 4 ar & agen at: de ar gaa 8 (1) 25:75 QB) 75:25 2) 50:50 @) 40:60 | 44. | | 45. te 46. 47. 50. Rajasthan ranks in per capita milk availability in India (2017-18), a) (2) 2" @ x @ 4 In India, maximum amount of milk is utilized in. (1) Ghee making (2) Khoa making (3) Liquid milk (4) Powder making Gestation period of cow is days. (1) 300-320 (2) 280-285 (3) 150-200 (4) 250-260 Rate of feeding colostrum to a new born calf is (1) 10% of the body weight (2) 20% of the body weight (3) 30% of the body weight (4) 40% of the body weight Normally is used for packaging of butter. (1) Parchment paper (PVP) (2) Polyethylene (3) Aluminium foil (4) Polypropylene Causative agent septicaemia is (1) Pasteurella multocida (2) Clostridium chauvoei @) Brucella abortus (4) Mycobacterium bovis The husk : seed ratio of ‘Isabgol’ by weight is (1) 25:75 3) 75:25 of haemorrhagic (2) 50:50 4) 40:60 51. 52. 53. 55. 56. ara gan ik ae fears aA BT (FSSAD sift dag ¥ ard ee aT wT ary ea at at (1) 19548 1979 (2) 1995 wt 2015 @) 2006 4 2011 @) 1984 2002 rere atts a zarg 3 @ aA ara are fagiferst_ ae ait we Hoare Ff fier HS freer sede “quractia Aisi’ ea Hater | () Were vez (2) sien acites @) aifsan actos (4) Fate ort ser rer seer i wa fufam, | gs, 2006 # farertt ere 7 () 83 @ 97 @) 101 @) 113 aearrera Ata H aan ht TAT aaa (1) 10-20 sferert | 2) 15-20 sferere (3) 30-40 sferera 4) 40-50 sfeera | 54. Microbes that have beneficial effect on health of the consumers are called () -Prebioties (2) Probiotics 3) Synbiotics (4) Antibiotics Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAD) Act in. parliament was established in the year and implemented in the year (2) 1954 and 1979 (2) 1995 and 2015 (3) 2006 and 2011 (4) 1984 and 2002 Pneumonia in animals occurs due to faulty administration of drugs is _. (1) Interstitial pneumonia (2) Gangrenous pneumonia (3) Parasitic pneumonia (4 Drenching pneumonia Which of the following is used as “Ethylene scrubber’ in storage of fruits? (1) Potassium permanganate @) Calcium chloride (3) Sodium chloride ) Citric acid Indian Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006 contains, number of sections. () 83 Q) 97 (3) 101 (4) 113 Fat content of whipping cream ranges from (1) 10-20% (2) 15-20% 3) 30-40% (4) 40-50% 57. 58. 61, 62. aie 2 oie aq a a ware ‘aalftre fee ara 2 () tian ase (2) Sifsansiengs @) Werem winaz 4) Aifsan Githe ea TT Bs TET eT TT A aa A __ weit ar e/g eT TR | (1) 0-05% 2) 15-20% @) 53-10% (4) 20-30% waite: otenfies wae (2016-17) & oR fire Tea H waa siftes tiga oafafa wa wee geal free () sera wer (2) etaren 3) sinwee 4) wales ‘aie arefia weit ot fread & fae srgae feet sor ya 8 - @ aes @) Aer @ wer 4 Te we @ ae 4 ad gf an a SRaftrs yr at ar ar 8 — (1) fetes ar aitaettercor (2) Ferd Firat @ saa @ ae ad 2017-18 & sigan ana & fra Tt Farad saa af afexat amg ort € 2 (1) afm ere Oe @) Ren @ Wer 57. 58. 59, B 61. 2B The most commonly used chemical preservative in food is (1) Sodium Benzoate (2) Sodium Bromide (3) Potassium Permanganate (4) Sodium Phosphate According to standards, a fruit squash should contain at least fruit juice / pulp. (1) 0-05% (2) 15-20% @) 5-10% (4) 20-30% As per Annual Survey of Industries (2016-17), the highest number of tegistered and unincorporated food processing units are in which state ? (1) Arunachal Pradesh (@) Haryana (3) Andhra Pradesh (4) Karnataka ‘The type of Can which is used for canning of acidic red fruits (1) Reenamel (2) C-enamel @) S-enamel (4) A-enamel ‘The enzymatic browning in cut surface of fruits and vegetables is due to (1) Oxidation of phenols (2) Maillard reactions @) Carametization (4) Putrefaction Which state is the largest producer of fresh vegetables in India in year 2017-18? (1) West Bengal (2) Madhya Pradesh (3) Bihar @) Rajasthan 63. 67. 68, fra a ae we aaeifaegs Fe 8 St 16-26 °C ae figt Ft pH 6-7 tare 87 ay eet 3) are 2) sR @) Fa, gfiene grate Pee area ata rere a aes BU 7 () Hers Q) wee @) TER @) freps rsa gt ae Sa gone sree fara aiephin En a ara Eee 7 (1) arRE EET art ape 2 weer afin sepht 3) arama afin epee (4) Ferro ae sepa fra mee 3 igi 8 arg gf ar Pat aaa? () aderet @ aie @ gwsta 4) Tart gama
. Nallasingh iv. Bisaldeo Raso Codes : A BC D @ iv ii i i Q i iv i iti G) ii i ii iv @ i ii ii iv Which period of art represents the Kameshwar temple of Auwa ? (1) Gupta period (2) Gurjar-Pratihara period (3) Chauhan period @) Parmar period 95. 96. 97. frrafeifiac 4 a sia ar wate frat’ 7 (tar aret (2) FAUT ATT @) aren vers @) IRs wer ae a Sh a aT ‘waiters at area Hee ? () sagt Q) er 3) aft @ ward veteat fe a a wen = ah a Ff FRAY Nee Balferes IST MICA HAAS 7 () I-A@aI-B Q) M-Awam-B @) U-AwnI-B @ IW-BaMV sqem-Re ais wie fete-2017" (arerefga) % agar 2015 B 2017 % dm fa a 2 fea fre & are Ff ‘altis mores aitada gam 2 @) earns (2) seraTg @) wet 4) Wht meres & dark A ait diet tar HF ame ach Be om fra Bee wa Be ites eared & apa aor Hacitenr BE 7 () Sue wer, aed sen, 4a srraett Q) were ter, are ah, as @) fren am, are aftr, thre wR (4) ashi ven, are aft, Her sree ae Which among the following is the highest peak ? (2) Roza Bhakar (2) Ishrana Bhakar (3) Sharola Pahar (4) Taragarh Which part of Aravalli in Rajasthan receives highest amount of rainfall ? (1) North-Eastern (2) Central (3) Southern (4) Shekhawati Hills Which among the following Agro- climatic region of Rajasthan receives maximum rainfall ? (1) I-AandI-B (2) I-A and m-B (3) 1-Aand II-B (4) IV-BandV As per “India ~ State of Forest Report = 2017" (updated), which among the following district witnessed maximum negative change in forest cover from 2015 to 2017? (1) Hanumangarh (2) Pratapgarh @) Barmer 4) Pati While travelling from Jhalawar to Bikaner in a straight line, which of the following sequence of _ physical features you will observe ? (1) Bhorat plateau, Hadoti plateau, ‘Central Aravalli (2) Central Mahi plain, Banas basin, Bangar (3) Vindhyan escrapland, Banas basin, Bhorat plateau (4) Hadoti plateau, Banas basin, Central Aravalli 00, 100. 2011 WM Serr & agen fi Fa Sh a faci & ang 9 aad am after ‘arena sien @ 2 Q) Fa, dey, RR Q) Stet, denn, sare 3) sTeth, ta, Fae (4) aTgaR, are, are 101, Tse A AU sez (watershed) ae 4 fier 48 fra aes wh ales after (Hee) Sore 2 2 () &a, Brat tae Ht ferme at Q) &, fred gata ofa, saci wen Tie tar & AS ot sade 15% 8 TRE B | (3) Set ears oictorn & qian & sai Fes TEAST TER | @) fae Qat tmag areia ae a1 102. wre GF a far Tse A era a8 a A pie fae (artificial hatching) @q fra # @ faa dean & aeeiin ae Peo & (1) agvecies eedeqe ats ef, ae (2) set gre Rees sane, wag 3) aS aad, ag fect (4) aedae is ican, Rereardvs 103. Bf fram, awe & yet afin oagan ator ger awh are 8 - (1) Te Q) Sere @) aR @) aie 100. Which among the following group of districts of Rajasthan recorded lowest female literacy as per 2011 Census ? (1) Kota, Dhaulpur, Jaipur (2) Jalore, Bikaner, Pratapgarh a (3) Jalore, Sirohi, Jaisalmer (4) Barmer, Baran, Jalore 101. Which of the following criteria has the maximum weightage while selecting new watershed in Rajasthan ? (1) Area having acute shortage of drinking water. (2) Area having more than 75% of BPL, SC, ST population, Community's willingness to participate in post maintenance of project. (4) Areas having very low wages. @ 102. For artificial hatching of Great Indian Bustard, Forest Department of Rajasthan has recently collaborated with (1) Wildlife Dehradun (2) Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai (3) Bird Conservation Society, New Delhi (4) Worldwide Fund for Switzerland Institute of India, Nature, 103, As per the soil classification of Agriculture Department, Rajasthan ‘Raverina’ soil is found in (1) Ganganagar (2) Bikaner (3) Udaipur (4) Talore 104, THR Use Ht ada a fel Te Hong (19884 @) 20104 (2) 20184 (4) 20084 105. sare Ae ST SETA BATS (1) Sern adhe erat Ay versa Q) ART TETS, 3) saat At rental, mea ve @ Fag } wade ark A varsat aah @ gar a gaa Ae eT ae fe 1 ed 8 ad aR HT Sifire : 106. eat-1Gh) = @t-u@nasy A. davies 1. uftrer deren B. ore 2. Sra stegr ART HATS Cc. tris 3. cheer D. deme «4. SIT ee: A BC D a2o4 3° 1 @2 4 1 3 @4 2 3 1 @4 1 3 2 407. aeh-I @ aah & wafers we wer AT Ruma a asa aa at: wt-iatt) eu ee) A sagem 1. ate B. weMeiter 2. way Cc. freter 3. ttege D. memamé 4. Actas ee: A BC D a4o3 2 1 @4 1 2 3 @2 1 3 4 @ 2 1 4 3 0 2 104, Latest Rajasthan State Forest Policy came into effect in (1) 1988 (3) 2010 (2) 2018 (4) 2008 5. River Banas originates from (1) Gogunda hills near Udaipur (2) Nag Pahad, Ajmer (3) Janapao hills, MP. (4) Khamnor hills near Kumbhalgarh 106, Match List-I with List-II and select the answer from the codes given below : List-I List-I (Minerals) (Mining areas) A. Rock 1. Dhariawad & phosphate Khamera B, Tungsten 2. Dafan Kotra & Fatehgarh C. Manganese 3. Leelwani D. Dolomite 4. Degana Codes : A BC D a2 4 3 1 @ 2 4 1 3 @4 2 3 1 @4 1 3 2 107. Match List-I with List-II and select your answer from the codes given below = List-I List-I (Lakes) Districts) A. Ummed Sagar 1. Sirohi B. NakkiLake 2. Udaipur C. Pichhola 3. Dholpur D. Talabshahi 4. Bhilwara Codes : A BC D m4 3 2 1 Q4 1 2 3 @2 13 4 @2 1 4 3 108, frafeftad 4 ea ar ae & ata atin & ae ai 8 2 (1) fern sireaa, Te (2) tars tener, sferarst @) Figen arian, Parters @ wead fire, ere 109. Fars UT fie Hafeas es @) weary Q) Airey G) TaRe 4) Sarees & 110, Gehl St AS- 4 gfe wt en AT fea Te Ee 8 STA TN aT BT HL @-lem e-ucin A. BIR 1 wetter B. Wat 2. at Cc. wr, 3.0 Fe D. Serr 4. ama Re: A BC D @3 1 4 2 @3 1 2 4 @4 1 2 3 @4 3 2 1 11. fra 4 2 at sh afta wee & daifire wee? () URRA BR (2) wregraren aftifer 3) tere athe 4) aR. antares afte 112, er wa eet Sal dare & grt sapien aeMs HGH ter ate TAR uftaiorn arate = () tert 2) tang @) ete (4) wreTg 00 | 108. 23 109, Which of the following is not related with cotton textile industry of Rajasthan ? (1) Reliance Comtex, Udaipur (2) Mewar Textile, Bhilwara (3) Birla Corporation, Chittorgarh (4) Edward Mills, Beawar Mewar Sugar Mill is situated at (1) Bhupal Sagar * (2) Sri Ganganagar (3) Udaipur (4) Keshoraipatan . Match List-I with List-II and select the answer from the codes given below : List-I List-I (Places) (industry) A. Beawar 1, Mustard oil B. Bharatpur 2, Sugar C. Ganganagar 3, Textile D. Keshwanagujar 4. Paper Codes : A BC D a3 1 4 2 @3 1 2 4 G4 1 2 3 @4 3°21 . Which of the following committee is not related with poverty ? (1). Rangrajan Committee (2) Lakdawala Commitee (3) Tendulkar Committee (4 R. Swaminathan Committee . One of the mega solar power projects of Rajasthan approved by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, is situated at (1) Beethri (3) Balotra (2) Deogarh (4) Fatehgarh a 113. 114, 115. 116. 117. 118. ‘ANA AHR Bh Sle EH TMT ATT 35 wedtr Safed Bm ys oe a oe ard canta Ae () Sarg, sR 2) sears, THR H 3) dea 4) aH merle Te Akt —-aate r F aig (Fret A Q) wa @) tesa h (4) trish wen wl fda wy sal dar reenter & () see (2) tere @) wens = (4) ore cae & gfe aftrrd fire afr en 4 wife aa car & fem gaa UE Wem ar aera fara Te () saadera (2) Feats @) ardiaaa 4) Teena TweIM oat ferme fers foes & ae ‘Hae ar rea aa a? () 78 Sat wa-feora saree & fore Sarat a | (2) 8 wera We, 2013 & seria aarbfera fear mre | (3) Wires Pots & wear ae 2015 F fea 26178 1 4) 7 fact frei, were fry ce serred fare at eae pet B 1 S frashraé 2 () wast @) taeda Q) qoatta sat 4) wea-fraa 118. . With the support of Ministry of Food Processing Industry, Government of India, Greentech Mega Food Park established its unit at (1) Rupangarh, Ajmer (2) Thotwara, Jaipur (3) Tonk (4) Ganganagar |. Nathra-ki-pal and Morija-Banol belt have mines of (1) Coal (3) Iron Ore (2) Copper (4) Manganese Second Nuclear Power Plant of Rajasthan is proposed at (1) Jodhpur (2) Bikaner (3) Banswara (4) Alwar |. The Rajasthan Police Officer who was honoured by the United Nations Medal for peace keeping in South Sudan is (1) Kamal Shekhawat (2) Komal Rathore (3) Amandeep Rawat ) Ravindra Kaur Viz 7. Which of the following statement is not true about “Rajasthan Urja Vikas Nigam Limited” ? (1) It was established for power trading business. (2) It was incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013. It was formed in 2015 after a Cabinet decision. It is a holding company of Distribution Corporations, Transmission Corporation and Production Corporation. @) 4) Bayatu, Kansal and Kapurdi areas are famous for the production of (1) Wind energy (2) Geo-thermal energy (3) Oil & Gas (4) Hydro - power 119, TSIM te Tihs wi atthe H fet | 119. Payal Jangid of Rajasthan received the 120. 121. 122, we Sftigt tga wRter A ae a a Re gH’ Pret | ae set A Tea Teh - (1) 3a, fren eft 2) Gea, fren sege (3) Geen, fren eee (4) are, fren sree Us UR We amg” HIG A are Bren FY ‘Frame deen 3 | Hagar 2019 # fava wre faa RR HUE EE ome ag ad cea Hi, frafefed Fa Br oh om sail after ae ett 2 (1) Gre geen fia aise a ger Q) SR Ges wfiha % sept Bt ea % feu end Se re A | (3) ahead & fem erie Hi a sfteentia =a &y great ers aor Sen wre Fea TAT @ weet Grea eet sein safe wer & fia we sated apepht & aver aration fee Ta | Freitas gai a a sa gm ar ee ifs fares aot weed 3 sh fet soci & ara alana oor tact year oa fare 8 (1) Wikre aan sik afta ast 2) Tear tn sik afta set (3) Tere St Bn aise aT (4) aIdeet aR ok SH aT Teer & fatter afta er afer vet Set? | HRI A Fife aa FS fre sg aes Attra aor ater wate: aS aa TTS 7 (1) arise (serge) (2) Fe-Har (seri) (3) Feraet—Fi-a1e (Sea) (4) wien (sia) 25 | iz | 120. | | j 121. Ss “Change Maker Award” from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in America. She belongs to : (1) Desuri, District Pali (2) Khichan, District Jodhpur (3) Hinsala, District Alwar (4) Sanod, District Ajmer FSSAI is the Regulating Body for Food Safety in India. In the October 2019, on the occasion of World Food Day, FSSAI started many initiatives, which of the following was not among them? (1) Food Safety Mitra Scheme was launched. A smart jacket was introduced for field staff to keep their devices. A reusable cloth bag was introduced to replace plastic bag for shopping. To increase shelf life of processed food, an agreement was executed with an American firm, 2 3) 4 From the following pairs, choose the pair of which both the persons also received Nobel Prize in Economics with Esther Duflo. (1) Michael Kremer and Arijit Banerjee (2) Paul Romer and Abhijit Chatterjee (3) Michael Kremer and Abhijit Banerjee (4) Michael Kremer and Dean Karlen In Rajasthan various grades of copper’ is available. Out of the following places of Rajasthan, which place has the highest copper deposits of all grades ? (1) Anjani (Udaipur) (@) Madan-Kudan (Jhunjhunu) (3) Bedawal-ki-Pal (Udaipur) (4) Hanotiya (Ajmer) 23, sada aa ET: Fafa @ (1) daRea (2) aaa Q) sister a (4) Pgh serra 14, TRE eats & Gh ger sete ST at aa @ 4 gin até & arariit rapa gee (2) Arey chs (2) staf oT. He @) Mae | 4) Peta start 125. Bafa Fife : s 1¢eha) wt 11 aera Fare) aR q) ii @) iv Bi @ i ater, Sra a osu Ht aT (1) Were? | (2) Sha arate 3) saaaa arate 2 | (4) aah wri | ae were set ait Ht Prafefac wel og war ad oe ET TT iii ii iv ii 126. 127, (A) 3 sPeiftar 3 ues 8, seh eH win ate serie are | (B) 3% 2019 % Ata wife Gea a ‘wert fire aT & | (1) Fa (A) Bar wee (2) FAB) Rea | (3) aa (A) stare (B) RATT’ | @® Aen! 26 a 123. Mt. Abu area is mainly formed by (2) Granite 2) Basalt 3) Obsidian (4) Bituminous rocks Former Chief Justice of Rajasthan High Court recently appointed as ‘Supreme Court Judge is : (1) Mohd. Rafiq (2) Sripati R. Bhat @) Govind Mathur (4) Vineet Kothari 124, 128, Match the following : List-I List-II (Minerals) (Porducing District) A. Wolframite i, Barmer B. Beryllium Banswara C, Manganese iti, Udaipur D. Bentonite iv. Nagaur Choose the correct code : A BC D i ii iv i @ iv ii ii i Q) i ii iv @ i ii ii iy . At Yokohama, Japan FAO has its : (1) Headquarters (2) Regional Office (3) Sub-regional Office (4) Liaison Office 127. Read the following statements about Abiy Ahmad Ali and choose the correct answer code : (A) He is the President of Ethiopia, who earlier served as an army officer. (B) He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2019. (1) Only (A) statement is correct. (2) Only (B) statement is correct. (3) Neither (A) nor (B) statement is correct. (4) Both (A) and (B) are correct. 128, 129, 131. 132. 133. crete ser sit state & ceahi famer 2019 4 frafatad i a fre er | fie - | (1) are G3) wR 21 SER, 2019 fra asa at i ORT St faerrersr & aera feiss et | () ae ter 2) Fae earn 3) Teng sit iar 4) efann sit rEg Untgardl 4 freer sere itt rari a aa safe fae ug eR orien warn & | ge erhen ar afer | ame - (1) sfter Q) Wer @) Fer @ ones serriat 17 oft 18 are 2019 #1 fies a1 aon & eh a eat tetas Hye eT? q@) Fare Q) ¥R 3) tera @) Fae | 25 firma 2019 Hy venftret # aretta ag aa arm Ram deren fh | ae fa at - (2) Firts-2000 (2) gate Su-30 (4) fr-29 i Q) wR @) sain @) fim-21 Fae Tee, set TT aE WR Ane er aaa ast fare FRAT, comererg Sait ga eenfa feear TeT : (1) stage Oa @) amie 4) wa 27 133. . The place where the Indian Prime Minister and the American President met in September 2019 is (1) India (2) France (3) Germany (4) America ). 21% October, 2019 was the legislative assembly election date for the state or states (1). Sikkim only (2) Haryana only (3) Maharashtra and Punjab (4) Haryana and Maharashtra ). NCERT has started a national level Programme for the holistic advancement of school heads and teachers. The abbreviated name of this programme is (1) PRATISHTHA (2) PARIKSHA @) NISHTHA (4) ISHTHA |. During the visit of Indian Prime Minister on 17 and 18 August, 2019 to which country the Rupay Card was launched in that country ? () Malaysia (2) Bhutan (3) SriLanka (4) Nepal An aircraft of Indian Air Force crashed in Gwalior on 25" September 2019. ‘The aircraft was the (1) Mirage -2000 (2) Sukhoi Su-30 @) MiG-21 (4) MiG-29 Identify the city, where the largest Business Incubator of __ India, “Bhamashah Techno Hub” has been established by the Goverment of Rajasthan, (1) Jodhpur @) Ajmer (2) Jhalawar (4) Jaipur 134, 135, 137. 138. 139. Prafefian ail d 2 fret gerg 2019 | sgifetert gest” as fear aT ? () Wa RAT ae | (2) Satta fed gfere ear (3) Sea sitetres Ee set @) Ser Ren at ere & Preiftsa frente FS, a | rember eit wal & 7 () wear aetg (2) sate Sera 3) aa fe (@ Fanaa eft sit weer ere sere fraia fara affirm Bee GAT fara 1985 Hurt OF arg TEA HL BT, FE | fae: | (1) 13 wae 1986 2) 13 sre 1986 (3) 1rd 1986 (4) 1 otter 1986 faa crear @t eda are & wT fara fore seer Hare Sree (1) siete sere, @ Br sne (3) fatten sere, 4) Sof sth war eT | ada Sei wera (UA) & () RIaTea 2) sR Re @) sagem (4) Tas. eet Sa-2 1 ia cites fsa Te - (1) 22 ang 2019, adi aa state ama (2) 7 ¥erg 2019, Tee, see a (3) 22 2 wet 2019, yar eraahat aifin ee a 4 Sey rr ercARita 28 a 134. 136. 137, 138. . Who Which of the following forces Taunched “Operation Sudershan” in July 2019? (1). Railway Protection Force (2) Central Reserve Police Force 3) Central Industrial Security Force (4) Border Security Force among the _ following sportsperson of Rajasthan is not related to shooting ? (1) Darshana Rathore (2) Kartiki Shekhawat (3) Yasha Singh (4) Nisha Sharma Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Act which was passed by Parliament in December 1985, came into effect from : () 13" February, 1986 (2) 13 January, 1986 (3) 1 March, 1986 (4) 1" April, 1986 BIS Hallmark is used as an Indian Standard for : (1) Industrial products (2) Agricultural products @) Medical products (4) Gold and Silver products Present Director General of Prisons (Rajasthan) is : (2) Mahesh Chandra Bairwa Q) Dr. Bhupendra Singh @) Omendra Bhardwaj (@) NRK. Reddy ). Chandrayan-2 was launched on : (2) 22" July, -2019 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (2) x jy 2019 from Balasore, @) oe uly, 2019 from Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (4) 7 July, 2019 from Shri Harikota Launching Range 140. 141. 142. 143, 144, qa pHe 74 @ 68 @) 64 @ 50 Whites set ar pKa ae (1) 4.76 2) 5.65 @) 3.76 (4) 3.67 28K Ky sae () 1x 10-4 M2 @) Ix10-4*M @Q) 1x107M (4) 1x 10-9 M? fatter Se aafiifavan & fore. a fri eee e (2) Sang (2) Ate ser! Saws! (3) Aer! afte dams! (4) Ste afer Gast CIF, =r srroeres Sehete & () ta sgeersrr 3) T-3mpr @ we 140, 141. | 142. 143, 144, pH of milk is () 74 @ 68 @) 64 (4) 5.0 pKa value of Acetic Acid is () 4.76 2) 5.65 @) 3.76 (4) 3.67 Value of Ky at 298 K is () 1x10" M2 @) 1x10-4M Q) 1x107M (4) 1x 10° M2 Unit of rate constant for second order reaction is @ st 2) mol L*! s*! @) morL st (4) molL S* The molecular geometry of CIF; is (@) Linear 2) Tetrahedral (3) T-shape (4) Bend 145. 146. 147. oO pot een yes, ers e (1) R—CH,—OH @ R—CH—O# R R | @) R—C—OH (@) R—-O—R oH + CHCl, + 3KOH —> OH ‘CHO +3KCI+3H,0 arta afitiran & () Te-am safer (2) Brea area @) Prae-are afi (4) Paferares Beer Aiea ar Tarai ae @) CCl, Q CsCl 3) CgH,Cly @) CHCl, 145. I Pror Pd R-C—H +2H——> Main product Main product is (1) R-CH,-OH @) R-CH-OH | R @) R-C-OH pO (@) R-O-R OH + CHCI, + 3KOH —> OH CHO +3KCI+3H,0 Above reaction is, (1) Reimer-Tiemann reaction Q) Kolbe’s reaction (3) Friedel-Craft’s reaction (4) Williamson synthesis '. Chemical formula of Gammaxane is (1) CCl Q) CgASCl, @) CHCl, (4) CoH Cl, 9 i i i 148. R-C-O-H+H-O-C-R | 48 R-C-O-H+H-0-C-R P,05/ P,0;/ eT — > Main Product WK H,SO, | Cone. H,SO, yas | Main Product is () WeRgTES i (2) Anhydride Q) me (2) Ketone (3) sprees ar (3) Carboxylic Acid 4) wWeeers (4) Aldehyde 149, Beda cathe thar 149. Tilden reagent is () agit eS (1) Nitrosyl chloride (2) Witte aitags (2) Acetyl chloride (3) freee (3) Pyridine (4) aT (4) Per acid 150. Teteict At wares dean & | 150. Chemical structure of Pinacol is cH, cH } CH, CH, @ Hee E = .~CH, ay HE-G-¢- CH CH, OH CH, OH CH, CH, Hs Cs @ Hye-C- CCH, @ HyC-E- C-CH, OH OH OH OH CH, CH, is Hs 8) He-CH-¢- CH, | @) H,C-CH-C-~CH, OH OH it it (4) Hs C~ 57 (4) CH,-C- 6-H OH OH OH OH 00 ara dsfrq eat / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 32

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