World War-Ii: Causes of The War

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General Studies Paper-1 World History

After the World War-I, it was said about the Versailles Treaty that it was not a peace treaty. Instead it was
an armistice for twenty tears. This declaration came to be true. On September 1, 1939, along with polish
attacked on Germany, the Second World War began.
Causes of the War
Insulting Treaty of Versailles
At the time of Versailles treaty in 1919, the victorious countries depressed Germany with the feeling of
retaliation. Instead of adopting farsightedness, the German representatives and people became
dissatisfied with the insulting conditions of treaty. Germany was forced to sign the treaty by showing the
threat of war again. Hitler, in Germany, started violation of this condition. First of all, Hitler filled
Rhineland with armament and then dominated Austria in 1938.
Development of Dictatorship
After WW-I, democratic governments could not succeed in the defeated countries. The feelings of
dictatorship and imperialism were extremely strengthened in the trio of Germany, Italy and Japan.
Violating the condition of Versailles treaty, all these three countries founded the axis of Rome, Berlin
and Tokyo. The clique of Allies and then dominated Austria in 1938.
Weakness of League of Nations
League of Nations was founded to solve the mutual issues and to maintain peace across the world. But
the Allies used the League of Nations for their selfish motives, keeping in view, their own benefits. The
League of Nations could not take any action against the dictators.
Britain’s Appeasement Policy
Britain adopted a sympathetic policy towards Germany to prevent communist influence and enhance
trade. When Germany took Austria under its dominance, it undertook division of Czechoslovakia and
Rhineland was filled with military armament; still, Britain did not take any step against Germany.
Influence of Aggressive Nationalism
Like WW-I, aggressive nationalism played a vital role in WW-II also. This feeling excessively remained
in Italy, Germany and Japan. Even League of Nations could not succeed in controlling it. So, there was
doubt of war again.
Lack of Coordination among Allies
The Allies were mutually co-operative but there was a lack of similarity in policies. They could not take
any step against Germany, Japan and Italy, unanimously. The courage of Germany gradually developed
and a bell of danger began to be heard.
Economic Depression
The economic Depression of 1929-30 influenced the economy of all the countries of Europe. Due to this
danger, democracy came to an end and dictatorship came into existence. This encouraged the war.
Failure of Disarmament Policy
The allies wanted to implement a dis-armament policy upon the defeated countries. They did not
implement this policy upon themselves. The other countries had understood this very well. So, there was
a competition over armament between Germany and other countries, which, later on, became a danger
for world peace.
Other Reasons
Italy and Germany interfered in the civil war of Spain, and thus, they got the support of General Franco,
the ruler of Spain. Italy also aroused danger for World peace by taking Abyssinia into its dominance.
Hitler had non-aggression pact with Russia in 1939, so that if Germany attacked over Poland, Russia
might be indifferent.
General Studies Paper-1 World History
Immediate Causes
Germany took Czechoslovakia under its dominance. Later, on September 1, 1939, Germany attacked
over Poland. Britain and France declared war against Germany and along with declaration, the World
War-II started.
Nature of the War
Allies-Britain, France, USA, china, USSR, Poland and their colonies.
Axis Powers (or Central Powers)-Germany, Italy, Japan, Finland, Romania, Hungary.
In the beginning, the central powers were extremely successful. In December 1941, Japan attacked upon
Pearl Harbor, an American naval Centre. America was extremely aggressive and it also declared to take part
in war.
Germany had to face defeat once again. Hitler, Goebbels and Himmler committed suicide (April 30, 1945)
and their successors surrendered unconditionally on May 7, 1945. After the fall of Germany, USA and UK
concentrated focus against Japan.
On August 6, 1945 an atom bomb “Little Boy” was dropped on the city of Hiroshima. Japan was
asked to surrender and when Japan refused another atom bomb “Fat man” was dropped on August 9, 1945
on the city of Nagasaki.
On August 14, 1945, Japan conveyed its acceptance of the allied demand to surrender but the actual
surrender took place on September 2, 1945. With the Japanese surrender, the Second World War came to an
Consequences of World War-II
Like World War-I, there was unlimited loss of life and money in World War II. Approximately, five
crore people were killed or wounded in the war. Various countries spent more than one lakh Crore
dollars in this war.
The use of atomic bomb was introduced in this war, which proved to be extremely destructive. Scientific
improvements had made it more dangerous. Various countries of the World were forced to come
together and search the way for peace.
After the World War-II, the entire world was divided into two fractional ideologies. One ideology was
capitalistic, countered under the leadership of America, while the other one was communist, under the
leadership of Russia. These had been a cold war between them for a long time and various pacts were
inked for security.
After World War-II on October 24, 1945. United Nations Organization came into existence to save the
world from war.
In the Post-War era, to investigate the criminals of war, War Crime Commission was founded.
In the Post-War era, two super world powers came into existence in the form of Soviet Russia and the
After this war, Europe becomes weak in the world history. Now, the political leadership shifted to
United States of America and Soviet Russia.
After World War-II, Imperialism suffered a great shock. Britain, France, Holland, Belgium etc., which
were imperialistic countries, were weakened.
After World War-II, many such countries got freedom, which were earlier the colonies of big countries.
After the War, idealistic Organizations, Army Cliques were established in the World/. Under the
leadership of America, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the organization devoted to
democracy-South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) and organization of communist countries
called “Warsaw Pact” were formed.
Important leaders of World War-II
Axis leaders Allied leaders
Adolf Hitler- Nazi dictator of Germany Winston Churchill – Prime Minister of Britain
Benito Mussolini- Prime minister of Italy Joseph Stalin- Premier of USSR
Hirohito- Emperor of Japan & his Prime Paul Reynaud & Charles De Gaulle- Prime
Ministers Hidehi Tajo and Fujimori konoe Ministers of France
General Studies Paper-1 World History
Chi any Kai-shek- Head of the Nationalist
Government of China
Franklin D. Roosevelt (Up to April 12, 1945) &
Harry Truman (After April 12, 1945)- President
of USA
India’s Role in World War II
India played an integral role in World War II. Indians were also in the unique position of having fought for
both sides, the Allied powers and the Axis powers, during World War II. While officially the Indian Army
fought on the side of the Allied forces, many POWs (prisoners of war) fought beside the Axis powers.
However, India’s contribution has gone mostly unacknowledged in the international arena, and India too
largely ignores the sacrifices made by its people. While almost all the countries that fought on the side of the
victors, i.e. the Allied powers, either gained positions of special importance in international institutions
(from which they benefit to this day) or won special concessions, India failed to extract any material benefits
from its contribution made towards the victory of the Allied powers.
Indian Army’s Contributions
The Indian Army was actively involved in World War II from 1939 to 1945. At its prime, approximately 2.5
million Indian men were involved in the Second World War. This included men who were part of the tank,
artillery and the airborne forces. Over 80,000 Indians lost their lives in the line of fire. The Indian Army’s
most notable contributions were made in North Africa, Italy and the then Burma.
The only commendations that the soldiers ever received were the 30 gallantry medals awarded by
Great Britain to Indian soldiers.
Prisoners of War
The Indian National Army raised under Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose fought valiantly on the side of the
Japanese. This Army consisted of thousands of Indian men who were being held as PoWs in Malaya and
Singapore. In Germany, the Nazis raised a Tiger Legion Unit that was mainly used for purposes of
propaganda. These soldiers wore German Army uniforms along with a badge representing the Indian flag.
It must be noted here that though many Indian PoWs fought on the side of the Axis powers, not
many believed in their ideologies such as Nazism, Fascism etc. For the PoWs, it was more about the
opportunity to consolidate and fight against Britain rather than fight for the Axis powers.
United Nations Organizations
After the world war-II, the supreme powers of the world started conducting debates, conferences and mutual
dialogues to establish a new international organization. Among these efforts, the most important were
Atlantic charter, Casablanca conference, Moscow conference and san-Francisco conference.
To give the final shape to the charter of United Nation Organization, a conference was held in san
Francisco city of America on April 25, 1945. 850 delegates of 51 countries participated in the conference. 50
countries signed on the charter on June 26. Poland signed later on. Thus, 51 countries were its founding
All the nations completed the process of acceptance from their parliaments by October 24, 1945.
This is the reason why October 24, is celebrated as United Nations Day.
International peace and security.
Peaceful resolution of international issues.
Encouragement and strengthening of international co-operation in social, economic, cultural and human
walks of life.
Encouragement to fraternity and friendship amongst the nations on the principles of equality and
Encouragement to establish peace across the world.
Any nation, who is peace loving and believes in the charter of United Nations Organization, can apply for
the membership of the U.N.O. after recommendations of the Security Council, getting two-third majority of
the General Assembly is mandatory. The headquarters of the UNO is located in New York in America.
General Studies Paper-1 World History
Secretary General is the chief administrative officer of the UNO, who is appointed by the General Assembly
on the recommendations of the Security Council.
Constituent bodies of the UNO
According to the Para 7 of the charter of the UNO, it has 6 constituent bodies. They are-
1. General Assembly
2. Security Council
3. Economic and Social Council
4. Trusteeship Council
5. International Court of Justice
6. The Secretariat
General Assembly
It is the main legislature of the UNO, in which representatives of all the countries assemble together. One
President and Seven Vice-President are elected. There are Six committees for the smooth functioning of it.
The Session of the General Assembly is held once in a year, which is conducted in the second week of
September every year. Passing of the Budget, entry of new members, debate on expulsion or suspension of
the member countries, co-operation in human welfare, etc., are its main functions.
Function and Powers of General Assembly
To expand Co-operation for international peace and Security.
To pass the budget of the United Nations Organization.
The General assembly obtains report from other Organs of the United Nations and evaluates them.
It discusses the entry, exit and suspension of the member nations.
It extends cooperation for human welfare.
Security Council
This is the executive of the United Nations Organization. It consists of 15 members- 5 permanent and 10
non-permanent members. Permanent members are- USA, Britain, Russia, France and China. Non-permanent
members are elected by the two-third majority in the General Assembly. It is a continuous functional organ
of the UNO. Its meeting is held once in 14 days. Security Council elects the judges for the International
Court of Justice along with the members of General Assembly. It recommends the entry, expulsion of the
member nations and the appointment of the Secretary General. Its function for international peace and
security and resolves related issues. The permanent members of the Security Council have the Veto power.
In a decision, if any of the permanent members disagree, the decision is not passed. To use the Veto power,
the presence of Permanent members is mandatory.
Function and Powers of Security Council
It elects the judges of the International Court of Justice along with the General assembly.
It recommends the General Assembly regarding the entry of new members and suspension of old
It makes efforts to maintain international peace and security.
It makes effort to find reasons of such disputes which may pose danger to international peace.
It forms plans of regulation of armament.
Economic and Social Council
The tenure of the members of Economic and Social Council is three years. The total number of members is
54. Every year, 1/3rd members are elected for the vacant seats. The function of this council is to work for the
help of the poor, diseased, illiterate and helpless people. Its main functions are is to recommend for the
implementation and honour of the human rights and fundamental liberty and to create favorable
circumstances for economic and social development.
Trusteeship Council
In the Charter of the United Nations Organization, it was decided that those states which are undeveloped
and backward and are not completely autonomous to protect the benefits of their residents, should be handed
over to developed countries ion the arrangement of Trusteeship Council of the United Nations Organization
as heritage. The main motive behind it was that these states should be developed and people there should be
made aware for self-rule and freedom.
General Studies Paper-1 World History
International Court of Justice
It was set-up in 1946 in the Hague city of Holland. There are total 15 judges in this court and their tenure is
9 years. After every three years, 5 judges take retirement. The judges are appointed by the General
Assembly and Security Council of the UNO. The main objective of this court is to interpret and debate upon
the international laws. Its jurisdiction is applicable everywhere in those nations who have accepted its
The Secretariat
Secretariat is that administrative organ of the United Nations Organization, which performs all the function
of the UNO. The head administrative officer of the Secretariat is Secretary General, who discharges his
duties with the help of Secretary. One who holds this post remains present and takes part in functions of
other organs of the United Nations organization. He appoints the officers for various posts on the guidelines
prepared by the General Assembly. He presents the Annual Report of the General Assembly. The post of the
secretary General is an extremely important post.
Prominent bodies of the United Nations Organizations
To co-operate in the exclusive and various functions to the UNO, there are specific bodies in different fields
which perform their duties in social, economic, cultural and human welfare fields. They have their own
methodology. The main organs are as follows: -
1. United nations educational, scientific and cultural organization (UNESO)
2. International lab our organization (ILO)
3. Food and agriculture organization (FAO)
4. World Health organization (WHO)
5. International monetary fund (IMF)
6. International bank for reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
7. United national children’s emergency fund (UNICEF)
8. International financial corporation (IFC)
9. International civil Aviation organization (CAO)
10. International fund for agricultural development (IFAD)
11. Universal postal union (UPO)
12. International Tele – Communication union (ITU)
13. United nations environment program (UNCP)
14. International trade Centre (ITC)
15. World food program (WFP)
16. World trade organization (WTO)
In comparison to the League of Nations, United Nations organization becomes more successful in many
fields across the world. Many times, there were situations of war, which were prevented by the UNO.
Among these circumstances, the main issues are those of Indonesia, Congo, Cuba, Syria and Lebanon. But
some issues like disarmament, Kashmir issue, Korea disputes etc., still remain unsolved. UNO could not get
success in prevention of terrorism and some other wars.
Achievements of the UNO
Major objective of the establishment of the United Nations Organization is to maintain international peace
and security. It was done for children, physically handicapped and blind in the world is known to all. Due to
the establishment of the UNO, the humankind has been able not to witness the destruction of the third world
war. Many times, it has prevented such conditions which would have transformed into war.
Following are the Achievements of the UNO
Through the mediation of the UNO in Israel- Palestine, the state of Israel was formed.
With continuous effect of the UNO, colonialism ended from Asia and Africa.
It solved the Cuba crisis on 1962
The peace army of UNO was successful in establishing law and order on Cyprus in 1964.
In turned out to be a born for the displaced and the refugees.
It played significant role in context to imposition of ban or chemical weapons.
It played significant role in the independence of eastern Timor.
General Studies Paper-1 World History
Short Notes
Q.1 To what extent can Germany be held responsible for causing the Two-World War? Discuss
Germany had a crucial role to play in causing the two world wars. While not solely responsible,
it wasn’t completely innocent either.
In the later part of the 19th century, Germany also involved/ emerged as an Industrially
competent nation. Its automobile and steel sectors were growing tremendously. So, it also
needed market for the export of these items. But the market was already occupied by other
western European countries like Britain, France and Russia etc.
The friction started with the quest for colonies and markets. Now all these countries got
involved in the deals, exchanges and compromises, over colonies/ markets in Africa, Europe and
Asia, but the situation started worsening when the spare to expand started shrinking and the fuel
to this was added by Balkan wars, which became the main cause of the First world war.
During the World War I, Germany backed Austria to declare war on Serbia. The Schlieffen plan
of Germany took the war outside the Balkans. They attacked France First. Germany was
involved in a naval race with Britain. Germany was also involved in a colonial rivalry in Africa
Germany was part of the triple alliance. It was also responsible for the Moroccan crisis.
During the world war II, Hitler adopted an aggressive foreign policy. Germany violated the
treaty of Versailles and began re-armament, occupied Rhineland and attacked Poland and France
first. Despite these reasons, Germany cannot be held solely responsible for causing world wars,
because the treaty of Versailles had put a very unfair burden on Germany. They caused
bitterness and a desire for revenge.
Britain and France indulged in appeasement and hoped to use Germany against USSR.
Therefore, even though Germany was the first to attack Western Europe in both world wars, it
was not entirely to be blamed. The policies of European nations towards each other had made
such a war inevitable.
Q.2 What is the Policy of Appeasement?
It is a diplomatic policy of making concession to enemy country in order to avoid war. It was a
Policy followed by Britain and France during 1935-39 and is the important reason for German
success in violating the treaty of Versailles.
Q.3 What are the reasons behind the Policy of Appeasement?
To avoid War
Having seen the bombing of Spanish cities in 1936, Britain and France were reluctant to
confront war with aggressive Powers, who were economic and militarily strong.
Economic Crisis of 1929
European powers could not afford rearming and the expenses of Huge war.
Fear for communist Russia
Britain wanted strong Germany to serve as a barrier against expansion of communist Russia.
Failure of League of Nations
The league failed to achieve the objectives and the British PM Chamberlain emphasized
personal contact among leaders to resolve conflicts.
To Prolong the Time before War
Britain and France were unprepared for war and were in need for rearmament.
The policy of appeasement only worsened the situation leading to large-scale World War-II
as it prevented British and French to act against growing strength of Germany as they
needed time for Raiment. Thus, policy of appeasement was only a failure that leads to
disastrous Second World War.


General Studies Paper-1 World History
Causes of World War II Clemenceau
Unfair Treaty of Versailles France Prime Minister between year 1917-20
Idleness of united nation and failure of Great leader of Paris conference.
disarmament. He took advantage of Wilson’s Pacifism.
Rise of Hitler Gotland War
Struggle between democracy and autocracy Marine battle fought in 1916 between German
ideology and England.
Economic Crisis and rise of extreme nationalism After this, German never dared to fight marine
Spanish Civil War battle from England.
Imperialism Triple Alliance
Appeasement Policy A Treaty signed among German, Austria and
Immediate Causes. Italy in 1882.
Political Consequence Importance of Revision was that if France would attack any
World War II two of them, they would come along.
Decline of Europe Morocco Crisis
Changes in European Political map France wanted to take Morocco under its control
Rise of two great Powers inspired by British-France Treaty in 1904.
Start of Cold War When German opposed it. In 1906. In Algiers
Decline of colonialism and evolution of World conference France, Great Britain, Russia,
War III America, come closer to each other and
Evolution of non-aligned movement Germany’s reputation shocked.
Establishment of United Nations Organization Balkan Crisis
Development of territorial organization In 1912, Balkan Countries Serbia, Bulgaria,
Saint-Germain Treaty Unna and Montenegro together waged war
This treaty signed by Allied powers with against the Turks, in which Turkey lost Turkey
Austria, through which Austrian empire was gave up its colonials.
divided. Balkan Union
Hungry Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia In 1912, Serbia, Bulgarian, Unna and
become independent nations. Montenegro together established it. Its objective
Neville Treaty had to attack on Turkey and to defeat and they
This treaty signed with Bulgaria. divide the winning territories.
Bulgaria had to returned conquest territories and Balkan War, how is reason of World War I
limited to army. Balkan states had a great feeling of extremist
Bosnia nationality, consequently Serbia and Austria had
bitter relations.
A city of Bosnia where Archduke Franz
The Balkan union countries started to fight for
Ferdinand was murdered in 1914. This was an
Macedonia. Consequently, international tension
immediate cause to World War I.
Gestapo All countries started to increase arms weapon,
A department established by Hitler to suppress which had adverse effects on Europe’s peace.
his opponents. Siegfried Line
Docs Scheme Germany created a series of forts for its safety
German government adopted this economic from France was called Siegfried Line.
policy to overcome an add economic Double Treaty
circumstances. In 1879, a military treaty between Germany and
In this scheme new model of compensation, Austria.
reorganization of German Currency and to If Russia struggles with Austria, them Germany
arrange international credit for Germany were will help to the Austria and Austria will non-
included. aligned in France Germany Struggle.


General Studies Paper-1 World History
Dole Lloyd George
The unemployment allowance that was given in Former British prime Minister between 1916-
England due to financial crisis, called Dole. 22.
New Deal Made power balance with France and
To overcome the America from financial Crisis imperialism policy in Peace conference.
He was not supporter to weakened German.
President Roosevelt passed various Acts from
congress on March-June 1933, called Battle of Atlantic
collectively ‘New Deal’ Programmes. Longest campaign in World War II.
Third Reich In which Germany’s marine was blockaded.
The rise of the German state under Hitler’s
Tehran Conference
leadership is called the ‘Third Reich’. Conference was organized in 1943 in Tehran.
Lateran Pact Churchill, Roosevelt and stain did an agreement
to conquered on Axis powers.
In 1929, Mussolini made an agreement with pop
Locarno Agreement
with which pop’s authority over the Rome was
over and pop is accepted as ruler of Vatican. Approved in year 1925 in Locarno
Wall street Crisis German, France, Belgium, Poland, Great
In October 1929, shares prizes suddenly fall Britain. Etc. were included in this agreement.
down in New-York share Market, situated in Objective – promoting International Peace.
Wall Street. So, the event is called as Wall Steel Pact
Street Crisis. From here Global recession
A political army pact between German and Italy
started. in May 1939.
Maginot Line Objective- To give responds to France and
France created a series of underground forts on Italy’s enmity.
its northern-eastern border, which was known as Atlantic Charter
Maginot Line. Jointly announced by an American Statesman
Woodrow Wilson Roosevelt and British Prime Minister.
An American President between 1913-21 That objective had to excited public of Allied
Amounted 14 points in Paris peace conference. nations and military.
Supporter of peace and justice This announcement was made by two Presidents
Spanish Civil War on ‘Prince of Wales’ battleship in Atlantic
Ended in year 1936 in which Germany and Italy Ocean.
intervened. Yalta Conference
Munich Agreement Decision made on the voting method in U.N.O.
Security Council, called Yalta formula.
Agreement between Great Britain, France and
By this conference 5 permanent members would
German in 1928.
be appointed for Security Council.
Under this treaty Czech Republican was decided
to given Hitler.
Prelims Bullet
Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. After two days France and Britain announced the war
against Germany, and with this World War II begun. It lasted for 6 years. It ended on September 2, 1945.
61 countries participated in it.
Immediate cause of World War II was invasion of Poland by Germany.
During World War II German General Roommate renamed as Dessert fox.
Munich Agreement had on September 1939.
Spanish civil war begun in 1936. Collectively Spain was the first target of Italy and Germany.
The plan made by Germany to invasion on USSR was called operation Barbarossa.
Germany-Russia invasion agreement was signed on August 23, 1939. Germany accused Russia of an
agreement and invaded on June 1941
General Studies Paper-1 World History
Italy participated in World War II on June 10, 1941 form Germany’s side.
America joined World War II December 8, 1941.
During World War II England’s Prime Minister was Winston Churchill and America’s President was
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Versailles treaty known as imposed treaty in World War II Germany’s defeat Credit gave to Russia.
During world War II America dropped an Atom bomb on Japan on August 6, 1945. In this War Japan
was the last defeating country. By allied nations. America dropped ‘Little boy, to Hiroshima on August
6, 1945 and ‘Fat man’ to Nagasaki on August 9, 1945.
The great contribution of World War II in international arena was establishment UNO.
The First World War began with the invasion of Serbia by Austria on July 1914, 28. It lasted 4 years. 37
countries participated in it.
Austria’s prince Ferdinand was murdered in Bosnia’s capital Sarajevo was the immediate cause of First
World War.
Whole world was divided into two groups in world war I- Allied Nations and axis nations.
Germany led the Axis nations. Austria Hungary Japan and Italy were included in it.
England, Japan, USA, Russia and France were included in Allied nations.
Bismarck was the father of Secret Treaties System.
Triple Alliance was created in 1882 among Austria.
Secret revolutionary organization was Black Hand.
Russia- Japan war (1904-05) ended with mediation of American’s President Roosevelt.
During World War I Germany invaded Russia on August 1, 1914.
England participated in World War I on August 8, 1914.
Italy participated in World War I from Allied nation’s side on April 26, 1915.
During World War I Woodrow Wilson was American’s president.
America participated in World War I April 6, 1917.
World War I ended on November 11, 1918.
Paris peace conference begun on Jan 18, 1919. In which 27 countries were participating, but only three
countries- Britain. France and America were deciding the conditions of peace treaties and the following
President of the nation were made important role- American’s President Woodrow Wilson, Britain’s
president Lloyd George, France President George Clamminess.
Versailles treaty was signed with Germany on June 28, 1919.
As a war waiver 6.5 billion pound was demanded from Germany.
In the international arena, the largest contribution of world war I the establishment of the League of
World War II initiated in the Treaty of Versailles during World War I.
Probable Question
1. Answer the Following questions in one or two lines each: (Mark-3)
When was Second World War started and end?
Which of the American Naval Centres war attacked by Japan during World War II?
Mention the names of the Allies during the World War II?
When United Nations Day is celebrated?
United Nation Organization
When was the United Nations organization formed?
Discuss the Causes of World War II?
Swastika was the symbol of which party?
What is the Policy of Appeasement?
Saint-Germain Treaty
Gotland War
Morocco Crisis
Balkan Crisis
General Studies Paper-1 World History
Siegfried Line
Wall street Crisis
Maginot Line
Woodrow Wilson
Spanish Civil War
Munich Agreement
Lloyd George
Battle of Atlantic
Tehran Conference
Atlantic Charter
Yalta Conference
2. Answer the Following questions in about 100 words each: (Mark-6)
Describe the causes of World War II?
What the consequences of World War II?
Mention the names of Import Leaders of World War II?
What is the aim of United Nations organization?
What are the achievements of UNO?
Write down the functions of the secretary General of the United Nations organizations?
How was a Power Politics a cause for the Second World War?
One of the most important consequences of the Second World War was “Division of Europe”, Eastern
and Western. Comment?
Discuss the contribution of Indian Army in World War II?
3. Answer the Following questions in about 300 words each: (Mark-15)
To what extent is it correct to ascribe the outbreak of the Second World War to the defects of the treaty
of 1919? (MPPSC-2018)
Write down war to the Second World War and its consequence.
Describe about the chief organs of the UNO and also about functions of its chief agencies?
To what extent can Germany be held responsible for causing the two-World War? Discuss critically.
Discuss the role of India in World War II?


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