Power of OM Mantra

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Power Of OM Mantra

Knowledge of the entire universe is hidden in the

pronunciation of OM. This miraculous word has so much
power that only God can be found by its chanting.
Universe is the combined form of Brahma, Palanhar
Vishnu and the destroyer Mahesh, the creators of the
world. According to astrologers, the whole world is
engraved in this word.
The sound of the voice resonates throughout the universe
without any coincidence or collision. Therefore, positive
energy is circulated around its pronunciation.
This sound is far above the hearing ability of a human
being. But those who know to get into the depths of
meditation, they can hear this miraculous sound.
Glory of OM
It is made up of three letters A, O and M. In this sense, it is
called the combined form of the three forms of God -
Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh.
That is, creation, husbandry and destruction are
included in the world.
Only then, OM has been considered the form of God
himself. With the correct use, pronunciation and
chanting of OM, God can also be found along with
removing every problem of life.
How to pronounce correctly
The sound of OM is so sacred that our sages and sages
added it before every mantra. It is said that the power
of the mantra as soon as it joins with the increases by
leaps and bounds as it joins with OM. But the
pronunciation of this divine word also has some rules
and precautions.
If you want to get the full benefit of chanting of OM,
then know how to pronounce it correctly -

- Chant OM in Brahma Muhurta or in the evening.

While pronouncing OM, keep your spine straight.
- Do not touch water for 10 minutes after completing
the pronunciation of OM.
By regularly chanting 'OM', you will experience
How to use high and precise
It is a complete mantra in itself. But it has not only
religious significance but
science is also bowed down to the wonders of this
divine sound. Know where and how much chanting can
help you.
For best health
- Take a large leaf of Tulsi in your right hand and chant
the 108 times.
Then put the leaf in the drinking water and drink the
same water.
Avoid vindictive diet
during this time.

To improve education
- Write a higher than red colour on a yellow paper.
- Make a circle of red colour around the OM mantra.
- Place this paper in front of the reading place.
To erase Vastu Dosh
- Make a swastika with vermilion on both sides of the
main door of the house.
- Write OM at the main entrance.
- Use of OM on Tuesday afternoon.
To receive money

- Write the OM with turmeric on a piece of white

-Put this paper in place of worship and show incense
- Then fold the paper and keep it in your purse.
Om is a 'special sound' word in Hinduism. The ascetic
and meditators heard in the deep state of meditation
that there is a sound that is heard continuously, both
inside and outside the body. Everywhere, the same
sound continues continuously and by listening to it the
mind and soul feel peace, then they named that sound
Om. Let's know its secret and miracle.
1. Anhad Naad: This sound is called Anahata.
Anahata means one who is not born of any hurt or
clash but is self-proclaimed. It is called Naad. The
sound of Om is an eternal sound from which the
universe is born. ॐ is a sound that no one has
made. This is the sound that is happening
throughout the particle, all over the space, and
this sound continues even within humans. This
sound is coming out from every house of the
universe including the Sun.
2. Originator of the universe: The Shiva Purana
believes that union of nad and bindu created the
universe. Nad means sound and point means pure
light. This sound continues to this day. Brahma
Prakash is self-illuminated. Light of God. This is
called pure light. The entire universe is nothing
but the presence of vibration, sound and light.
Where there is more energy, there will be life for
that long. This sun which is visible to us, its energy
is going to be exhausted one day. Gradually
everything is going to dissolve. Only the sound
and the point will remain.
3. Meaning of the word Om: ॐ The word is made up
of three sounds- A, U, M…. The meaning of these
three sounds also comes in the Upanishads. A
means akaar, aka akakaar, and aka akaar. 'A' is
the signifier of Brahma, which is pronounced in
the heart by its utterance. 'U' is the sign of Vishnu
whose renunciation is in the throat and 'M' is the
sign of Rudra and whose renunciation is in the
4. Om's spiritual meaning: O, U and M - The above
three-letter word is glorified and incomparable. It
awakens the navel, heart and command cycle. It is
also a symbol of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh and
it is a symbol of bho-loka, bhuva-loka and heaven
people. More than 100 meanings of Omkar sound
have been given.
5. Means of Moksha: Om is the only Pranava Mantra
that can lead you to Anhad or Moksha. According
to the scriptures, the basic mantra or chanting is
only Om. Words written before or behind Om are
gonas. Pranav is a great mantra and is able to
chant. It is also called Pranava Sadhana. It is a
symbol of eternal and infinite and nirvana,
Kaivalya Jnana or the state of salvation.

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