Chapter 1 Answers

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Jasper Cate

Introduction to Business
Chapter 1 ~ Managers and Managing

Review Business Management Terms – Answers

1. l
2. b
3. d
4. i
5. e
6. p
7. r
8. k
9. a
10. o

Review Business Management Concepts – Answers

11. a
12. b
13. d
14. c
15. b
16. d
17. d

Apply What You Know – Answers

18. Explain the Following quote: “Managers are responsible for making things happen in business.”

This quote means that managers are the ones doing a lot of the decision making in business.
Executives, which are the top level managers at a company, spend the majority of their time making decisions
that affect the whole company.

19. Which of the five management functions most directly affects the daily work of employees? Justify your

The management function that most directly affects the daily work of employees is organizing.
Organizing involves determines how plans can be accomplished and arranging resources to complete work. I
chose organizing because it directly affects where resources are allocated and also affects how the employees
will be required to work.

20. What is the main difference between the classical theory of management and the administrative theory?

The main difference is that classical management focuses on worker productivity, while administrative
management focuses on the organization rather than the individual workers.
21. How will changing diversity in the U.S. workforce affect the characteristics of managers in the future?

Managers becoming more diverse means that they will be able to be more understanding of their
workers because they may come from similar backgrounds. Managers will have different ideas, strength, and
weaknesses than they do currently because of their different background.

22. What are some ways to prepare for management careers of the future?

Some ways include: Understanding how to work with and motivate people, become more familiar with
technology, look at trends of where jobs are headed, and prepare for a more diverse workforce.

Case in Point ~ Thinking Critically ~ Answers

1. Analyze Amber’s and Travis’s views toward management. With what do you agree or disagree?
I disagree a manager’s job is easy if the company hires good employees, because even the best
employees need a good manager to keep them motivated. I agree that a manager’s job is more complicated
than just working with employees, and that management training is effective because it teaches necessary
skills in order to be an effective manager.

2. Do you believe that that managers spend most of their time working with employees? Justify your answer.
It depends on the type of manager. I believe supervisors probably spend most of their time working
with employees because it’s their job to monitor their employees work to make sure it is satisfactory.
However, executives spend most of their time making decisions and plans for the company, so they probably
don’t spend much time with their employees.

3. What characteristics are common to all manager’s jobs? What are the types of things that would be quite
different from one manager’s job to another?
Characteristics that all manager jobs share include leading. All managers have to lead in some way,
whether it’s a supervisor trying to lead their employees to produce good work, or executives leading meetings,
all managers have to lead. A part of the job that not all managers have is how closely you work with the
people below them. Supervisors have to work closely with their employees that they manage to monitor their
work, while executives work more with other executives.

4. If you were responsible for developing a training program for managers, what would you include?
The main skills I would include in a manager training program would be leadership and communication.
All managers will need to have good leadership skills because they’re always leading somebody, and they need
communication skills for working closely with their employees and also for communicating with the higher-ups
in management.

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