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Police Brutality 1

Police Brutality


Jordan West

Campbell County Schools Senior Research Project

submitted to Brookville High School

Police Brutality 2

Introduction/Problem Statement

“I don’t have a gun, stop shooting” is the last thing 18 year old Michael Brown said. This

topic is personal to me because I am black male living in America. Police police brutality is a

thing that happens every day mostly targeting black and hispanic men and women. As a black

male living in America it’s sad that I have to be cautious or scared to drive at night or even walk

in my predominantly white neighborhood. I researched three questions: What are the main

causes of police brutality? What are types of police brutality? Finally, what are some cases of

police brutality? I picked these questions because I believe everyone should have some

information about these questions. It was not only helpful to me by researching these questions I

think it could be helpful to anybody that wanted to learn more about the topic.

Literature Review

What are the main causes of Police Brutality?

One of the causes is lack of accountability. I believe it’s vital for officers who are guilty of

wrongdoing to be held accountable for what they have done. Officers are entitled to and do get

all of respect under the law when they use force. Another reason is that police do not receive

adequate training. I believe that all law enforcement should have constant updates to

training methods to make sure officers are focused on safe detaniment and using force when it is

only necessary, without proper training and ongoing changes many police officers will keep the

same thought process that causes countless brutality cases today. Another cause is that minorities
Police Brutality 3

are unfairly targeted. University of Florida law professor Katheryn K. Russell said “the face of

police brutality is a young man who is Black or Latino” One of the cities in Florida “stop and

frisk” policy has been aimed at all black men. Since 2008, this has led to 99,000 stops which did

not produce an arrest in a city with just a population of 110,000. One man alone was stopped 258

times at his job in four years, and arrested on many occasions for trespassing.

What are types of police brutality?

There are many forms of police brutality but the main one is use of excessive force. Many times

police need to use excessive force to get an armed suspect or criminals with a history of violence.

with a history of violence. However, police sometimes cross the line, using more force than

necessary when arresting a person. Which can include baton beatings, chokeholds, use of

firearms. Which can lead to serious injury or death. Racial discrimiantion, no one should be on

the side of unlawful treatment from any law enforcement officer. Police are supposed to protect

anybody living in America regardless of race or legal status. Research shows that Black and

Hispanic people are more likely to get stopped compared to white and asians. Denial of medical

care, in certain cases a person in police custody may need medical attention. In some cases in

America people have been denied medical care by police.

What are cases of police brutality?

Breonna Taylor was a 26 year old woman from Louisville, Kentucky. She was killed in

her home in 2020. Breonna and Her boyfriend Kenneth Walker were sleeping when three palin
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clothes officers arrived at their apartment to execute a search warrant for a drug case. They

believed it was a break in because the officers did not announce themselves. Walker called the

police and fired his licensed firearm. Taylor, who was unarmed, was shot 8 times. No drugs were

found in the apartment. Officers involved were reassigned. Former officer Brett Hankison was

charged and fired with three counts of endangerment for firing into the homes of Taylor’s

neighbors. No charges were brought for the shooting and Death of Breonna. Louisville agreed to

pay her family 12 million dollars to settle the wrongful death lawsuit. Daunte Wright is a 20 year

old from Minnesota. Daunte was just driving with his girlfriend. He was stopped for a traffic

violation. Police tried to detain him for outstanding warrant. Officer Kim Potter shot him as he

was trying to get back into his car. The police chief says it was an accident and that she mistook

her gun for a taser. Police Chief Gannon and officer Potter both resigned. Potter has been

charged with second degree murder.

Learning Explanation

By researching this topic I’ve learned a lot more about police brutality and how it affects

people and families. This is something I worry about as a black male when I shouldn’t as a

person living in America. Some of these killings could have been avoided by officers and the

victims but personally there is nothing I can do by myself but as a community I feel like we

could make a change.

Police Brutality 5

"The Economic History Of The Radio Industry." Sjsu.Edu, 2020, Accessed 8 Dec 2020.

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