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Images of the Medieval Peasant


The medieval clergy, aristocracy, and commercial classes tended to regard peasants
as objects of contempt and derision. In religious writings, satires, sermons, chroni­
cles, and artistic representations peasants often appeared as dirty, foolish, dishonest,
even as subhuman or bestial. Their lowliness was commonly regarded as a natural
corollary of the drudgery of their agricultural toil.
Yet, at the same time, the peasantry was not viewed as "other" in the manner of
other condemned groups, such as Jews, lepers, Muslims, or the imagined "mon­
strous races" of the East. Several crucial characteristics of the peasantry rendered it
less clearly alien from the elite perspective: peasants were not a minority, their
work in the fields nourished all other s�.Kial orders, and, most important, they were
Christians. In other respects, peasants could be regarded as meritorious by virtue
of their simple life, productive work, and unjust suffering at the hands of their ex­
ploitive social superiors. Their unrewarded sacrifice and piety were also sometimes
thought to place them closer to God and more likely to win salvation.
This book examines these conflicting images of peasants from the post-.
Carolingian period to the German Peasants' War. It relates the representation of
peasants to debates about how society should be organized (specifically, to how hu­
man equality at Creation led to subordination), how slavery and serfdom could be
assailed or defended, and how peasants themselves structured and justified their
Though it was argued that peasants were legitimately subjugated by reason of
nature or some primordial curse (such as that of Noah against his son Ham), there
was also considerable unease about how the exploitation of those who were not
completely alien-who were, after all, Christians-could be explained. Laments
over peasant suffering as expressed in the literature might have a stylized quality,
but this book shows how they were appropriated and shaped by peasants them­
selves, especially in the large-scale rebellions that characterized the late Middle

PAUL FREEDMAN is Professor of History at Yale University

· Jacket illustration: A tree representing the social estates. Woodcut engraving by the Petrarch
Master. From Petr-arch, Von der Artzney bayder Gluck (Augsburg, 1532), fol. 17r. Reprinted by
permission of the New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations, Spencer
Collection, New York City. Photo credit: Robert D. Rubie, New York City.
of the Medieval

Paul Freedman

Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1999

Stanford University Press
Stanford, California
'Er Bonnie, as always

© 1999 by the Board of Trustees of the

Leland Junior University
Printed in the United States of America
CIP data appear at the end of the book

In preparing a study of how peasants were represented in the Middle Ages, I

have solicited and exploited the advice and knowledge of many scholars. My
experience with Iberian rural history was the stimulus to ask questions about
how peasants might be simultaneously despised and yet thought of as partic­
ularly close to God. In expanding the scope of my inquiry to the rest of Eu­
rope, and in attempting to use literary, religious, and artistic sources, I have
trespassed, probably rather awkwardly, on new fields. I have been saved from
· many errors; but, insofar as mistakes persist, they are my fault rather than the
fault of those who so generously shared their expertise with me. This formu­
lation of gratitude, although conventional, is particularly meaningful to me
in attempting a larger subject than those I had previously undertaken.
I would first like to thank Gabrielle Spiegel, David Nirenberg, John Fried­
man, Yuri Bessmertny, Peter Haidu, and Te6filo Ruiz, who read through the
manuscript at various stages and offered suggestions to change not only par­
ticular passages but the order in which the argument of this work is con­
structed. My Vanderbilt colleagues Larry Crist and Joel Harrington also read
substantial portions in manuscript. Professor Crist pointed me toward more
up-to-date use of French literary evidence, and Professor Harrington offered
me extremely valuable advice in the areas of German history and the history
of spirituality. Helmut Smith and Michael Bess, also of Vanderbilt's History
Department, provided comparative information and insights.
An especially large debt is owed to Yuri Bessmertny, whose work on the
peasants as viewed by the chivalric class was an early inspiration to me. Giles
Constable introduced me to many key works on the subject, including espe­
cially those of Bessmertny and Jonin. This project was first conceived during
the academic year 1986-87, which I spent at the Institute for Advanced Study,
and I retain not only happy memories of that period but a strong sense of
Preface x Preface xi

gratitude for Professor Constable's advice and encouragement then and over years, but I am especially grateful for her generous help with the myths of ori­
the intervening years. gin of peoples and nations. Tom Scott and Peter and Renate Blickle led me
I thank David R. L. Heald of the University of Kent for his permission to understand something of the ideas behind the German Peasants' War of
to use and to cite his University of London dissertation The Peasant in Me­ 1525. John Baldwin encouraged me and read several parts of this project.
dieval German Literature: Realism and Literary Traditionalism, c. n50-I400, I owe a great debt for the advice, expertise, and enthusiasm of Nancy
which was invaluable to me for its discussion of favorable and unfavorable Young, my copy editor, and to Victoria Velsor, who drew up the index for this
representations of peasants. Elizabeth Traverse generously allowed me to see book.
her doctoral dissertation on the Neidhart poems in advance of its publication, Research on the images of peasants was made possible by grants from the
as well as a conference paper on peasant violence in these poems. In my pre­ Vanderbilt University Research Council and the American Philosophical So­
sentation of the complex questions of attribution and interpretation she cor­ ciety in the academic year 1990-91 and from the John Simon Guggenheim
rected numerous mistakes that arose from the popularity of Neidhart and the Memorial Foundation in 1994-95. I am also grateful to the Ecole des Hautes
consequent proliferation of his imitators. Etudes en Sciences Sociales for supporting a one-month visit to France in
For their help with material from Hungary I owe a large debt to Janos 1995 that allowed me to consult manuscripts in Paris and Troyes, and to the
Bak and Gabor Klaniczay. Their work on the Hungarian rebellion of 1514 and Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a research fellowship in 1994.
its background has been of vital importance to me. They shared their knowl­ Aspects of this project were presented at a number of conferences, and
edge and pointed me in the direction of understanding a literature with which the comments of many people who attended shaped my research and cor­
I was previously entirely unfamiliar. The late Father Gedeon Gal, 0.F.M., rected dubious interpretations and outright errors. I thank those who heard
Paul Spaeth, and Rega Wood also helped me with the sermons of Oswald of papers given at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, in 1992; at the
Lasko, the head of the Hungarian Franciscans in the period leading up to the medieval congresses at Kalamazoo, in 1993 and 1995, and at Leeds, in 1994; at
Hungarian peasant war. For material regarding medieval Bohemia, I thank the French Historical Studies meeting of 1994; and at the Institute for His­
Lisa Wolverton. torical Research, London, in 1995. I also presented papers on the medieval
In the fields of art and English literature, and for all manner of medieval peasantry at Yale's Program in Agrarian Studies (1993), at the University of
lore involving peasants, I am greatly indebted to Michael Camille and John California at Santa Barbara (1994), and at Harvard (1995). I am very grateful
Friedman. They offered me aid at several points in this long project. It will to Jim Scott, Sharon Farmer, Thomas Bisson, Jan Ziolkowski, and their col­
become quickly obvious to the reader how much I owe to their books and ar­ leagues for these invitations.
ticles on representations of peasant labor and character and on connections Finally, I wish to express my deep gratitude to Vanderbilt University,
among the various ways of describing outcast peoples and their origins. I am where I taught from 1978 until 1997. My work was always generously sup­
also very grateful to John Plummer, Steven Justice, Thea Summerfield, and ported by the Vanderbilt administration, and I benefited immensely from the
Douglas Moffatt for their insights and advice with regard to English literary learning and company of my colleagues.
and historical texts and to Liana Vardi, whose work on peasant labor in early P.F.
modern art has been inspirational. Ellen Kanowitz and Robert Baldwin made
several important suggestions and referred me to other studies of sixteenth­
and seventeenth-century art and the styles of portraying rural life.
For assistance with Hebrew texts, especially those concerned with Noah's
curse against Ham, I thank Alexandra Cuffe!, Steve Benin, and Benjamin
Braude. The latter was also kind enough to share with me his research on me­
dieval travelers and geographers. Philippe Bue aided me with regard to Bibli­
cal commentaries and their political and social implications. Phyllis Roberts
helped me greatly with sermons and the work of Stephen Langton. Susan
Reynolds has offered useful advice and careful reading of my work over many

List ofIllustrations xv
A Note on Translations xvii
Abbreviations xix

Introduction: Marginality and Centrality of Peasants 1


Chapter I. Peasant Labor and the Limits of Mutuality 15 .

Chapter 2. The Breakdown of Mutuality: Laments

over the Mistreatment of Peasants 40


Chapter 3. Equality and Freedom at Creation 59

Chapter 4. The Curse of Noah 86

Chapter 5. National Myths and the Origins of Serfdom 105


Chapter 6. Representations of Contempt and Subjugation 133

Chapter 7. Peasant Bodies, Male and Female 157

Contents xiv


Chapter 8. Peasant Warriors and Peasant Liberties 177

Chapter 9. Pious and Exemplary Peasants 204


Chapter IO. The Problem of Servitude: Arbitrary

Mistreatment, Symbolic Degradation 239

Chapter II. Peasant Rebellions of the Late Middle Ages 257

Conclusion: Harmony and Dissonance 289

1. A representation of the Three Orders of Society. 21
2. Adam being taught by an angel to work. Thirteenth-century
Notes 307 painting on the ceiling of the Monastery of Sigena, Aragon. 29
Bibliography 403 3. Work after the Fall: Adam digging, Eve spinning. Another
thirteenth-century painting from the Monastery of Sigena. 65
Index 451
4, Mistreatment of serfs. Woodcut engraving by the so-called
Petrarch Master. 68
5. A tree representing the social estates. Woodcut engraving by
the Petrarch Master. 70
6. Captured fugitive serfs with horns. Early-fourteenth-century
illustration to Codex 6.1, "De fugitivis servis." 90
7. Cain shown with horns and kinky hair. From an English Psalter,
ca. 1270-80. 92
8. The labors of the months, August, wheat harvest. From the
Queen Mary Psalter, early fourteenth century. 145
9. A scene from Neidhart's scatological misadventure, the "Violet
Prank" (Veilchenschwank). Mural painted between 1360 and 1380, from
the "Zurn Grundstein" house, Winterthur, Switzerland. 152
rn. Peasant tournament, drawing by Hans Burgkmaier, early
sixteenth century. 180
n. Christ with a spade. English alabaster sculpture, fifteenth
century, now in the Victoria and Albert Museum. 225
12. The world turned upside down: a peasant at the altar and
a priest plowing. Woodcut engraving from Joseph Gruenbeck,
Spiegel der naturlichen, himelischen und prophetischen sehungen
(Leipzig, 1522). 233
Illustrations xvi

13. The execution of Gyorgy D6zsa. Woodcut illustration from

Stephanus Taurinus, Stauromachia (Vienna, 1519)... 270
14- The execution of Gyorgy D6zsa. Woodcut illustration from the
pamphlet Die auffeur so geschehen ist im Ungelandt mit den Creutzern
(Nuremberg, 1514). 271
A Note on Translations

English translations of passages cited from original-language editions are my

own. Other translations are from the cited published English editions. Full
information on original and English editions is provided in the bibliography.

The following abbreviations are used in the notes and bibliography.

BLVS Bibliothek des litterarischen Vereins in Stuttgart
cc Corpus Christianorum
CSEL Corpus Scriptorum Ecdesiasticorum Latinorum
GAG Coppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik
LCL Loeb Classical Library
MGH Monumenta Germaniae Historica
PG Patrologia cursus completus. Series Graeca, ed. J. P. Migne,
161 vols. (Paris, 1857-66).
PL Patrologia cursus completus. Series Graeca, ed. J. P. Migne,
221 vols. (Paris, 1844-55).
Images of the Medieval Peasant
Marginality and Centrality ofPeasants

Medieval Europeans of the upper classes, like their modern descendants, re­
garded rural life as appealingly simple and admirably productive, but above
all as strange, a tableau populated with alien beings of a lower order. Jean de
La Bruyere described a countryside whose inhabitants appeared at first glance
to be ferocious animals, dark, burnt by the sun, attached to the soil that they
worked with stubborn persistence. Yet they could speak, and indeed, when
they raised themselves up, they had a human countenance. In fact, they were
human. 1 A more poignant oscillation between the human and not-human is
voiced by the peasants themselves in Carlo Levi's memoir of exile in an im­
poverished part of southern Italy:
"We're not Christians," they say. "Christ stopped short of here, at Eboli."
"Christian," in their way of speaking means "human being," and this almost
proverbial phrase that I have so often heard them repeat may be no more than
the expression of a hopeless feeling of inferiority. "We're not Christians, we're
not human beings; we're not thought of as men but simply as beasts, beasts of
burden, or even less than beasts, mere creatures of the wild."2
To be Christian meant to be fully human, in the European Middle Ages
as well as in twentieth-century Lucania. Thus being treated as less than hu­
man clashed with the dignity and equality, however minimal, conferred by
being a Christian. The bitter proverb of the peasants cuts two ways: it both
recognizes how they,were regarded by their superiors and protests their hu­
manity against this dominant image.

This book considers the different images of the peasant in the Middle Ages.
These images formed an extensive vocabulary of contempt, but at the same
Introduction 2 Introduction 3

time they portrayed the peasant as closer to God than those who oppressed tile and laudatory representations, their interaction;?recondliation, and oppo­
him. On the one hand, the peasant was lowly, even subhuman: ugly, dull­ sition, form the subject of the following chapters. Rather than simply collect­
witted, coarse, materialistic, and cowardly. Such depictions did not simply ing and contrasting "favorable" and "unfavorable" images, I will show how
present the supposed physical characteristics of rustics but explained their they could be combined or held simultaneously in a certain tension to deal
subordination, their separation from the rest of humanity. While nothing so with a vast segment of society regarded as "other" but also as immediately
elaborate as modern pseudobiological theories of inferiority existed, represen­ necessary.
tations of the peasant as naturally lowly excused his relative lack of freedom The seemingly inconsistent images of peasants have been often remarked,
and justified his exploitation. particularly by students of the various national literatures. Historical treat­
The language of subordination was applied as well to many groups alien ments of literature in relation to society have drawn up catalogues, analyses,
to Christian Europe in the Middle Ages. Some of the opprobrious language and typologies of the presentation of peasants. Thus Wilhelm Blankenburg
used for peasants spilled over into hostile characterizations of Jews, Muslims, in 1902 described how peasants appeared in the French fabliaux, and Oskar
heretics, lepers, and strange foreign peoples, including the fantastic "mon­ Reich in 1909 used literary sources to discuss the life and culture of the peas­
strous" or "Plinian'' races thought to inhabit the East. All these could be re­ antry in France.4 A dissertation written by Stanley Leman Galpin in 1905
garded as unclean, dishonest, savage, or cursed, and their religious, physical, listed the base characteristics of peasants in contrast to the favorable ones of
or geographic differences viewed as fearsome. the knights. 5 In 1934 another dissertation, this one concerning German me­
Peasants differed from these marginal or outcast peoples in three impor­ dieval literature, discussed both harsh antipeasant satires and writings in
tant respects, which made their representation as alien more problematic: praise of peasants.6 G. G. Coulton, dedicated to exploding the romantic im­
they constituted the overwhelming majority of the European population; as age of medieval harmony, offered in 1925 a thoroughly researched catalogue
their superiors acknowledged, they were necessary to feed the rest of society; of attacks on peasants and peasant resentment.7 Hilde Hiigli (1929) and, more
and they were Christians. An array of unfavorable images indeed character­ exhaustively, Fritz Martini (1944) described the variations in the peasant's ap­
ized peasants as debased, even subhuman, but these stereotypes were tem­ pearance in the several genres of medieval German literature.8 Martini's book
pered by the fact that peasants were not "marginal" in the same way as out­ is especially important because of both its detail and the author's desire to
cast peoples, foreigners, or the destitute poor.3 present as much of the favorable imagery as could be discovered. More re­
As the largest segment of the Christian population, the peasantry was a cently David Heald, Helga Schuppert, and Herwig Ebner have demonstrated
pervasive and familiar presence in the medieval European landscape and thus the shifts and ambivalence of portrayals of peasants in literary and historical
could hardly be viewed as alien in the same way as the teeming infidels of the works-!/
immense non-European world "out there," beyond the borders. Furthermore, It is not my intention to show that peasants were more favorably depicted
to the extent that the peasants supported those placed above them, they ap­ than has been conventionally assumed. 10 As will become apparent, I have
peared dutiful and necessary. They fulfilled, perhaps reluctantly, the duties profited greatly from the works mentioned above, but I am more interested
laid upon them by the dominant model of society that saw it divided into in the connections among images than in whether one sort outweighed the
functional orders: those who fight, those who pray, and those who work. Fi­ , other. I contend that language concerning the peasant was not simply a col­
nally, the nature of Christianity itself gave pause to the dominant elements of lection of positive and negative representations. The vocabulary describing
society: might the degradation of the peasantry bode a future reversal? would peasants formed itself into a variegated discourse, a grammar, by which peas­
God reward their meekness and implicit closeness to Him in the world to ants could be regarded both as degraded and as exemplary, as justly subordi­
come? nated yet as close to God. Such ideas were not synthesized into a consistently
Although the largest number of images in literature and art depicted articulated doctrine, but literate observers at least occasionally worried about
peasants as unpleasant and boorish, a series of favorable images also gained why peasants were subordinated, and especially why many of them were un­
currency, especially in didactic and sermon literature, ranging from praises of free (serfs) and at the mercy of their lords, a condition that could be recon­
their labors, to laments of their unjust exploitation, to sentimental exemplifi­ ciled with Christian doctrine and social assumptions, but not complacently
cations of their fortitude, simplicity, and piety. The vocabularies of both hos- or automatically.
Introduction 4 Introduction 5

In addition, I examine common themes of peasant labor, productivity, The forms that discourse about the peasants took unequivocally reflect
and exploitation that fit into both positive and negative imagery. However the material conditions of medieval society. To understand the dynamic of
debased the peasants were in the eyes of the dominant orders of society, their that society, however, requires knowledge of what Michel Vovelle calls the
labor was recognized as providing sustenance for all. Labor might be regarded "complex mediators" between real life and representation.13 Such mediators
as expiation rather than a positive activity in itself, but even if peasants were in this context include notions of labor, human dignity, and mutuality, to be
uniquely afflicted by the Fall or by some biblical event such as Noah's curse discussed in the following chapters. I will not treat the images and their pe­
upon his son Ham, their labor was necessary. culiar evolution and interaction either as free-floating inventions apart from
Such labor, it could be argued, repaid some service, such as protection society, or as narrow rationalizations of the way of the world. The history of
and prayer in accord with the functional division of society into the Three mentalities explores the relationship between objective conditions of human
Orders. If, however, agricultural labor was coerced (either by servitude or by life and the way people narrate and live it. Shaped as they are by these paired
a general pattern of seigneurial domination) and was not in fact matched forces, mental constructs do not necessarily point in only one direction (such
by any real benefit, then society's conformity to divine will was called into as bolstering the hegemonic view of the powerful), nor can they be related
question. The doubt nagged especially in that the peasants were not paradig­ mechanically to the structures of social organization. They have a certain
matically alien or infidel. Enslaving Saracens captured in battle created amount of play or autonomy, and in addition, as thought patterns with a cer­
few moral problems according to the prevailing view. But degrading Chris­ tain power, they influence the material basis of society. For example, as I have
tian rustics exercised quite another prerogative, one requiring more elaborate pointed out elsewhere, jurists and historians in a particular region of medieval
justifications. Europe, in their efforts to categorize and explain servitude, effectively pro­
These justifications lie behind the proliferation of images of the peas­ moted defining formerly free peasants as serfs, yet undermined serfdom by
antry, both negative and positive, and are expressed in the images themselves. their doubts: articulating these doubts, peasants of the region mounted a suc­
In such representations we find the rustic's position explained in terms of an cessful rebellion against servile status.14
innate character that fits him for toil and ill-treatment, or in terms of some Images of medieval peasants were varied, even contradictory, but not ir­
negation of original equality transmitted hereditarily (such as Noah's curse), reconcilable. They could be fit into an intelligible pattern, even forming an
or in terms of an admitted secular injustice that is part of a larger scheme, to ideology of exploitation, but it was a pattern with enough internal points of
be overcome in a heavenly reversal of fortune. contestation to require constant reinforcement in rebuffing challenges both
A collection of images organized according to a pattern conforms to the from within elite circles and from outside, from the peasants themselves.
definition of ideology as "the imaginary relationship of individuals to their Even though contemptuous images of rustics seem a constant in Europe
real conditions of existence."11 The images cannot be divorced from their so­ across the centuries, regarding the peasant as an object of contempt was not
cial context. Moreover, they form a program more active and self-interested inevitable. In the Byzantine Empire, for example, it was artisans, not peas- ·
than a mere pattern of thought (mentality or collective imagination) that is ants, who figured as the opponents of saints, as boorish scoffers. Peasants
unpremeditated and unexamined. Paul Zumthor regards ideology as "an en­ were viewed as virtuous when they were not simply unnoticed.15
semble of intellectual and discursive schemes" whose function is to legitimate . To the extent that images in the medieval West were oriented around cer­
the ruling order as natural and unquestionable.12 Ideology is both a "fossiliza­ tain ideas-that peasants are like animals, that rustics are equal in the sight
tion' ' in its historical terms and active as a coercive device. Yet, as I will argue of God, that they are the· progeny of Ham-they were inscribed in social re­
in concluding this investigation, images of peasants did not form an uncon­ ality but have to be described according to a certain internal logic and coher­
tested or "hegemonic" discourse that serenely justified how peasants were ence not limited to specifics of time or place. My attempt to articulate this
treated. Historians reading literary sources are often tempted to reduce them logic and coherence is what, I hope, justifies the organizing principles of what
to ideological statements at the expense of their specificity as essentially imag­ follows. Rather than moving chronologically from the Carolingian era to the
inative works. I hope to show that, doctrinaire though such texts may be, German Peasants' War of 1525, I examine the conceptions of peasants in soci­
they possess an individuality, seriousness, and inner tension that resists ideo­ ety synchronically, thematically.
logical simplification. The two chapters in the first part of the book concern what might be
Introduction 6 Introduction 7
considered the idealized model of the peasants' social position and the admit­ torpid sexual instinct. Peasant women, until the end of the Middle Ages,
ted flaws in that vision. The need for peasants who nourish society was joined were less grotesque than the men in literary renditions, but more libidinous.
to a justification of their subordination by an appeal not only to hierarchy but The fourth part of the book discusses the forms of retaliation against or
also to mutuality, particularly through the image of the three functional or­ reb uttal to negative imagery of peasants. Chapter 8 studies the ability of at
ders of society: those who fight, those who pray, and those who work (Chap­ least some peasants·to constitute themselves as autonomous and to defend
ter 1). Yet from its beginnings, the Three Orders model was recognized not to themselves by military force. Chapter 9 examines countervailing representa­
benefit the rustics in fact. This flawed mutuality provoked a series of com­ tions of rustics as sanctified by their suffering and their labor. Here the failure
plaints and challenged the justification of a system that in reality depended of mutuality in the Three Orders system is regarded as secular and temporary,
on unrecompensed, exploited labor (Chapter 2). something that could and should be overcome (Chapter 9).
The subsequent group of three chapters examines the attempts to address The chapters in the fifth part consider how the disparate views of the
the unequal relations among the Three Orders. Chapter 3 describes how the peasantry outlined above affected the social problems that lay at the heart of
original equality of humanity at the time of Creation was seen as opposing the peasant rebellions that erupted between the Black Death of 1348-49 and
the manifest inequality of condition in the world. Writers disagreed about the German Peasants' War of 1525. Theoretical efforts to reconcile servitude
how far original equality and freedom still held as moral imperatives for con­ with the necessary social role of the peasantry and their status as Christians
temporary society and about the legitimacy of subverting them, especially are dealt with in Chapter 10. That these were not merely abstract discussions
among Christians. While authorities agreed on humanity's common descent but were appropriated by peasants in their grievances and programs is con­
from our first parents, they also posited some event, not merely fortune, that sidered in Chapter n.
differentiated not only rich from poor but free from unfree. One popular
candidate for such an event, as noted above, was the curse of Noah upon his
son Ham (Genesis 9:25), whose descendants, through his own son Canaan, A thematic (as opposed to chronological) treatment of the highly complex is­
would have to serve their brethren. Although this biblical passage would sue of medieval conceptions of peasants runs the risk of disengaging observa­
later be put to various uses, notably in defending the enslavement of Africans tions from their contexts, both their immediate historical situation and their
in the New World, its medieval exegesis focused on European serfs, in an ef­ role in certain genres. My approach has the advantage, however, of highlight­
fort to explain their bondage and subordination to arbitrary lordship (Chap­ ing the frequency and longevity of certain themes and images. Moreover, the
ter 4). Secular historical legends served a similar purpose. Myths of national social meaning of such texts must be understood not only in relation to their
origin, especially in Catalonia and Hungary, identified a moment when the historical moment but also in relation to a symbolic tradition that influenced
ancestors of peasants preferred a timid safety to the choice of bellicose fr�e­ thought about peasants. Images, symbols, and representations do not have a
dom. The moment of foundation differentiated nobles-the free and the completely arbitrary or independent life, but they must be studied over a long
brave-from those licitly held in subjugation for their ancestors' cowardice period of chronological development even when they might seem to have
(Chapter 5). become merely repetitious and empty. A central thesis of the last chapter
The two chapters in the third part of this book consider the well-known (Chapter n) is that late-medieval dissent and rebellion, even well into the six­
panoply of negative images of the peasant. While in many genres the ostensi­ teenth century, was shaped by earlier discourse about the peasant. Not only
ble force of such images was merely comedic, the base, coarse, bestial rustic were such ideas as the value of labor, the failure to compensate it, and the
they presented sometimes served as a naturalistic argument tending to con­ original equality of all humanity appropriated by peasants as late as 1381 and
done, if not actually justify, the bad treatment of peasants. Rather than at­ 1525, but such ideas also created doubts and dissension within the elite circles
tempting to account for some past cause of inequality, farcical imagery sug­ that discussed the peasant as an object or problem in these centuries.
gested that the rustic was simply inferior by nature and so fitted to toil and Looking at images across a variety of genres threatens to violate distinc­
exploitation (Chapter 6). The seventh chapter looks particularly at the differ­ tions among rules and forms that differed from one national literature to an­
ence between caricatures of male and those of female peasants. Peasant men other, from written to pictorial depiction, and from poetry and romance to
represented a peculiarly gross, dull materialism, but one that involved only a didactic works such as histories or sermons. What is significant, as I hope to
Introduction 8 Introduction 9

show, is that within the conventions of various genres certain representations tially qualified as "poor" from the Franciscan point of view. Franciscan atten­
were shared: the military incapacity of rustics, for example, figured not only tion was devoted to the marginal and the destitute, especially in the cities,
in the romance but in historical and legal accounts of nations; the depen­ rather than to the poor holding land. In the accounts of Francis himself, the
dence of society on rustic labor appears in descriptions of the Three Orders, boorish interlocutors whom the saint treats with astonishing meekness and
in thirteenth-century sermons, and in the plaints of peasants at the end of the whose abuse he embraces often conform to stereotypes of rustics. Serfdom was
Middle Ages. often evoked by Francis and his followers as a model of humility and devo­
Much of the imagery concerning peasants occurs in literature. In Ger­ tion, but this did not in itself imply any particular attention to worldly serfs.20
many, where a whole genre of satire against the peasant (Bauernschwank) de­
veloped, peasants often figured as ludicrous protagonists. Elsewhere, as in
French romances, they played comic or grotesque minor roles. I have tried The subject of this book and the object of so' much medieval discussion, the
not to approach literature as if it were a realistic mirror of society. Literary peasant needs to be defined before looking at the various modes of description.
conventions, exaggerations, and stylizations mak;e such an approach a very The definition of peasants in modern agrarian studies focuses on several
dubious enterprise. Yet literature, an imperfect mirror, nevertheless reveals, as points: peasants are family farmers who produce a large part of what they
Jacques Le Goff noted, something about the makers of the mirror.16 Literary consume but are tied to a wider economy (producing or laboring for a mar­
obsessions, distortions, and stereotypes entertained their audiences but also ket). They have access to the use of land and usually to a specific, hereditarily
represented and categorized peasants according to certain norms. Even in the transmissible unit of property, but they are not its owners. They pay rent in
most hostile genres, however, these categories were unstable and could, by the form of produce, money, labor, or a combination of these, and their de­
their very exaggeration, undermine and call into question the subordination pendence on the landlo�d (private or state) is more than merely economic
of the peasantry. 17 or contractual.21 Peasants are thus neither independent, self-sufficient small
Although seldom a protagonist, the peasant is ubiquitous in medieval farmers nor sharecroppers in the fashion of the American South in the nine­
texts, but of course not in the sociologically descriptive fashion that might be teenth and early twentieth centuries (sharecroppers did not grow their own
most helpful to us. It is also obvious that such documents as peasant mem­ food and moved frequently). Nor are peasants like slaves, who were also likely
oirs and diaries are in short supply.18 Nevertheless, as Jean-Claude Schmitt re­ to be moved around, did not have particular pieces of property that they
marked, "it is not so much the documents that are lacking as the conceptual could transmit to their heirs,-and could not legally form permanent family
instruments necessary to understand them." 19 I do not claim any particular units.22 But peasants do have a tie to the land and its masters that binds them
methodological advance, but I have attempted to look at a large and varied by means of a certain loss of freedom, or debt, or taxation.
array of texts regarding peasants to discern repeated themes in the discourse Use of the word "peasant" to describe medieval agriculturalists has been
about them. In doing so I am most concerned with persistence over time but called "a confession of weakness" that fails to grapple with a more complex
will discuss to some extent what seems to have changed over the first five cen­ reality.23 The modern definition of a peasant does, in my opinion, possess
turies after the millennium. sufficient precision in itself and is applied accurately to the system of land
Certain kinds of texts proved less fruitful than I had hoped. Cistercian tenure that existed in the Middle Ages. The medieval peasant was a tenant
and Franciscan literature might be expected to offer many reflections on rustic farmer who, at least in theory, could sustain himself and his family while pay­
labor, but this turned out not to be so. The Cistercians had uneducated lay ing a substantial rent (labor service, produce, and/or money) that supported
brethren (conversi) who worked in agriculture rather than prayer, but despite his lord. The extra-economic power exerted on him was usually that of a pri- _
the status of these toilers as members of the community, and despite the obe­ vate landlord (most obviously the members of the military elite, that is, the
dience and piety that their agricultural role presumably required, their labor knights) or the Church. In this overwhelmingly agrarian society, the vast ma­
was only occasionally regarded as sanctifying. Furthermore, their spiritual role jority of the population were.. peasants, and the ultimate source of its wealth
as brethren was downgraded even further by the end of the twelfth century. and economic expansion was peasant labor.
For their part, the Franciscans were concerned more with poverty than with Some peasants were free, while others were serfs, defined by custom or
work-and as will be seen, the medieval peasant, even if starving, only par- law as constrained either by being deprived of redress through public law, by
Introduction IO Introduction II

rights over their persons and property exerted at the discretion of their lords, Medieval discourse about the peasant is entangled with changes in the
or by an inability to remove themselves the land. Although serfdom was concept of "the poor." This fluctuating entanglement was of more than socio­
widespread and varied in the Middle Ages, at no time was a majority of the logical interest, reflecting as it does medieval concern about biblical solicitude
rural population legally defined as unfree. Nevertheless, a su�stantial propor­ for the poor, as expressed by Old Testament prophets and in particular by the.1
tion of that population consisted of serfs; moreover, medieval law, terminol­ New Testament. The word "poor" continues today to have a certain ambigu­
ogy, and the very image of the peasant encouraged a tendency to regard all ity in the United States, for example, where a distinction is often made be­
rustics as at least potentially or essentially servile. Indeed, with few excep­ tween "the working poor" and "the underclass," the former being seen as wor­
tions, peasants of all conditions were constrained by a system of economic ex­ thy but unfortunate by reason of low wages; the latter as marginal, criminal,
ploitation and social subordination.24 unstable in their manner of life. In general during the Middle Ages, the peas­
In the medieval period a number of terms were used to denote peasants. ant, however impoverished, held a parcel of land and could in some measure
The most common Latin word until the eleventh century was co/onus, origi­ sustain himsel£ He was not considered among the poor because he was not
nally a late-Roman term for a person of semifree condition (that is, not a utterly destitute or without means of support. By the thirteenth century, es­
slave) who was attached to a particular property.25 It lost its particular legal pecially with the rapid growth of cities, the poor, unlike the peasants, seemed
meaning upon the collapse of the Western imperial authority and seems to to pose an urgent problem of social control, much as would be the case in the
have been applied thereafter to rural cultivators but with a connotation of modern era.30 At the same time, by their visibility, rootlessness, and lack of
servitude, dose to the Roman term for slave, servus. Rusticus and agricola were property, the urban poor were more obvious objects of charity than the peas­
also popular and carried pejorative connotations of stupidity and barbarism ants, who ·were regarded as avaricious even if their "property" was miserable
(especially rusticus). and their labor exploited.
In the high and late Middle Ages, the most common term in Latin was At various times and in several contexts, however, peasants and pauperes
rusticus, which meant any country-dwelling laborer, landless or landed, free were regarded as similar or identical. This was especially true in the early
or serf. Servus and other Roman terms (adscripticius or co/onus in a more re­ Middle Ages, when pauper meant something dose to the modern word
strictive meaning) were applied to serfs but in theoretical works rather than "poor," covering both the destitute and the lower-level agricultural worker.31
in everyday documents. The use of servus thus gave to serfdom an even more In the late Merovingian and Carolingian era, a pauper was conceived as any­
degraded set of implications, in that jurists tended to apply the Roman law one who, although free, lacked power and substantial property. The pauperes
of slavery to medieval serfdom.26 (who included independent free men) were contrasted with the powerful (po­
ffn the vernacular, terms such as Bauer, vilain, and "villein" carried differ­ tentes), who owned extensive lands and servile laborers. Pauperes were those
ent shadings of meaning. In Germany, Bauer denoted a person of fairly ex­ who needed to be protected by the kings, although their freedom and auton­
tensive property but carried, as did rusticus, at least a certain implication of omy would come under pressure from the powerful as state authority waned
unfree, servile status.27 The image of the Bauer was set off against that of the in the ninth and tenth centuries.32
knight, so that the former was associated most of all with agricultural pro­ With the growth of the European economy after 1000 and with the im­
ductivity and military incapability.28 press of new religious movements, "the poor" became much more sharply dis­
In France and England, such words as vilain and "villein" had more im­ tinguished from the peasantry. The poor were differentiated from those with
plications concerning legal standing than did the German word Bauer, but property, not from the tiny elite of the potentes. The reasons for this were
their meanings changed. The English villeins were distinct from the slaves twofold. On the one hand, the example of the apostolic life stirred the pow­
(theows and a host of other terms) in the Anglo-Saxon and Norman periods, erful to convert themselves into pauperes Christi.33 The spectacle of wealth ef­
but became assimilated to a less differentiated class of servile though not en­ faced power as the emblem of worldliness, and especially with Saint Francis,
slaved rural tenants in the high and late Middle Ages.29 A similar change took a literal poverty was exalted as a graphic form of humility. Francis understood
place in the definition of vilain in northern France, although in common par­ poverty in terms of begging, the most obvious act connoting destitution and
lance, the word continued to mean rustic (with connotations of base behav­ lack of property. 34 On the other hand, beginning with the thirteenth century
ior) rather than specifically ser£ and accelerating after 1348, the, poor were regarded as a problem, and at-
Introduction 12

tempts were made to police them and to distinguish between worthy and un­
worthy poor. 35
Thus in the later Middle Ages, the peasants and the poor alike figured as
Part' J
both exemplary and base, even dangerous. Yet at the same time, the peasants
were distinguished quite clearly from the poor in that, as emphasized above,
the peasants were seen not as economically marginal but rather as productive.
Peasant Labor and a
In reality, however, the peasants were fundamentally divided between those
who actually were self-sustaining and those who did not possess a tenancy
Hierarchical Society
sufficient for their support. The latter had to labor for others to supplement a
meager living and lived closer to the margins of society. 36
As well as being internally differentiated between those holding full
tenures and those in a more precarious position, the peasantry was also di­
vided between those who were legally of free condition and those who were
serfs. At different times and places these divisions appeared of greater or lesser
importance and affected the image of peasants accordingly. In German litera­
ture, for example, the peasants appear extremely coarse in their manners but
not impoverished. In fact, their boorishness is exemplified by, among other
things, an inappropriate and foolish display of weapons, fine clothes, glut­
tony, and other marks of an ill-managed prosperity. In the French fabliaux the
peasant (vilain) is often too well-off for his own good, while in the romances,
poetry, and didactic literature of France he is a more wretched character.
Whether servile or free, prosperous or indigent, the medieval peasants
were above all defined as unprivileged and lowly, yet as productive. Elite re­
gard of the peasantry displayed a fundamental ambivalence, conceiving of
rustics on the one hand as inhabiting a completely different and lower
world-if not literally "other," at least constructed as alien-and on the other
hand as ur-human, exemplarily Christian, conforming most closely to what
God had intended for humanity, people whose worthy labor supports all of
humanity. This ambivalence shapes the following chapters.
Chapter' J
Peasant Labor and the
Limits of Mutuality

Medieval observers could not consistently maintain that peasants were mar­
ginal. Peasants were not a minority of the population, as Jews and lepers were,
nor could they easily be presented as "Other," like the Saracens or the Plinian
races. Peasants formed a majority, a Christian majority moreover. They were
thus central, not peripheral; they cultivated the land to which they were born
and sustained the whole society from generation to generation.
Above all, in the eyes of their superiors, peasants were necessary. Without
them, asks a late-fifteenth-century German poem entitled "The First Noble­
Who would produce for us the wheat,
And also the good wine
By which we are often gladdened? 1

More pointedly, Ordericus Vitalis in the twelfth century questioned how the
clergy (oratores) could survive without the labor of plowmen (aratores). 2
Thomas of Wimbledon remarked in a sermon in 1388 that if there were no
laborers, priests and knights would have to work the land and herd animals,
or perish. 3
That the whole population depended ultimately on agricultural labor was
acknowledged by those of a practical turn of mind as well. In enacting a new
tax in 1298, the councilors of Siena claimed they would limit its impact on
the rural poor, who nourished the entire urban population. We may doubt
that the councilors' generosity flowed from sincere concern for the poor, but
if we are right, the fact that the councilors worried about the rural poor even
absent altruism shows all the more emphatically the force of the image of the
ultimate basis for wealth. 4
That the higher orders of society depended on the toil of the peasantry was
Peasant Labor, Hierarchical Society 16 The Limits ofMutuality 17
a commonplace that did not require a sophisticated appreciation of economics.
Yet it was a commonplace with a number of more complex implications. A so­ The Dependence ofthe Elite: Peasants as
ciety's dependence on agriculture did not necessarily imply that those engaged the Support ofSociety
in it could, by virtue of their economic impo}"tance, lay claims upon those who
were not. In societies built on slave labor, for example, it was perfectly possible Explicit statements that agricultu·ral labor supports the rest of society first ap­
to recognize the dependence without thereby conferring any dignity upon or peared near the year 1000. In his Liber apologeticus (ca. 994), addressed to
conceding any obligation to the slaves. The medieval peasant, however, was Hugh Capet and his son and coruler Robert, Abbo of Fleury divided lay so­
usually regarded as at least partially free, and he was after all a Christian. ciety into agriculturalists (agricolae) and warriors (agonistae). The former sus­
The hard lot of semi-free, Christian peasants and their role as subordinate tained the Christian populace by their sweat and rustic skills, while the latter
producers of wealth for others were explained and excused in two ways. For fought the enemies of the Church.5 In this, apparently the sole mention of
one, the peasant's condition could be regarded as merited punishment for rustics in Abbo's works, there is no reciprocal obligation among the Three Or­
some primordial sin (either biblical or pseudo-historical); we will examine ders of society; rather, both groups of laymen uphold the Church.6 For Ael­
this idea in chapters 4 and 5. For another, if the peasant's essential nature fit �r�c, abbot of Eynsham (died 1020), the different functions are explicitly
him for little more than brutish, docile labor, if he were naturally lowly, dull, JOmed to a theory of the Three Orders in mutual relation (Aelfric was the first
coarse, and stupid, then his labor and subordination could be viewed as sim­ to term the functional categories "orders").7
ply appropriate, and no explanations based on sin or history would be In his Colloquy, a Latin schoolbook, Aelfric answers the question "which
needed. This supposed debased character is an important implication of the among the secular arts is the most important?" Without directly referring to
myriad derisive and hostile representations of peasants to be discussed below the scheme of the Three Orders, Aelfric cites the activity of the plowman
in chapters 6 and 7. (arator) who feeds everyone else.8 Archbishop Wulfstan of York, to whom
To the extent that the peasant was, despite his "fallen" condition or his Aelfric had addressed a letter on the Three Orders, paraphrased Aelfric, ob­
"lowly" nature, nevertheless partially free and a Christian, he could not sim­ serving that the entire population is supported by those who labor (the woerc­
ply be dismissed as subhuman, and the question of the purpose of his labor men). 9 In the Colloquy the plowman describes his difficult travail in cold
remained complicated by the degree to which it appeared unremunerated. It weather for an exigent master, lamenting, "the work is hard, because I am not
is this question of recompense that troubled medieval authors to whom, on free."10 Elsewhere Aelfric reiterates the role of the laboratores, who nourish
first glance at least, peasants seemed to be exploited. In this chapter, I will everyone but who are aided by the bellatores, fighters of earthly foes, and the
discuss two medieval responses to this concern. The prevailing model of soci­ oratores, battlers of spiritual enemies. Here the reciprocity that is clouded in
ety-its division into the Three Orders of clerics, knights, and (agricultural) the Colloquy by the plowman's servitude is more confidently asserted.11
laborers-addressed the problem of recompense by positing the relationships Bishop Gerard of Cambrai, in his Gesta episcoporum Cameracensium (writ­
among the orders as mutually beneficial rather than as exploitative. Peasants ten probably in 1036), asserts that those who pray and those who fight ( ora­
worked for the other two orders and in exchange received the prayers of the tores and bellatores) are nourished by those who labor.12 This dependence was
one and protection from the other. The second response was to ascribe a de­ also emphasized by Adalbero, bishop of Laon, whose Carmen ad Rotbertum
gree of spiritual worth to peasant labor in itself, regardless of whether it was regem (ca. 1025), it is now thought, dates from shortly before Gerard's work
adequately compensated in a material way. Such a valuation of labor as more rather than after (as Claude Carozzi, the work's editor, and Georges Duby, in
than just penitentially ben�ficial might counsel quietism (the reward would his discussion of the orders, believed).13 Although Adalbero exalts the notion
be conferred in the next world), but could also carry subversive import: it of mutuality among the social orders, he expresses a frankly pessimistic view
could imply that human beings should toil, and that those who do so might of the dependence of the wealthy on agricultural labor and exploitation. The
be entitled to make present demands on the basis of its merit. Mutuality (the way in which lords live and rule requires that those who labor receive only the
Three Orders) and the intrinsic virtue of labor will be treated in this chapter barest rewards.14
following a discussion of the basic observation underlying them: the indis­ Two aspects of the commonplace that the peasant supports all as it ap­
pensability of the peasant's work. pears in Adalbero's Carmen would persist in later centuries. On the one hand
Peasant Labor, Hierarchical Society 18 The Limits ofMutuality 19

it is a simple statement of fact, intended as a reminder to the powerful, or logue has a peasant point out to a knight that without the plow the knight
simply as a recognition of the paradox that those who are great are ultimately could not survive.21 A poem by Heinrich "der Teichner" (ca. 1350) praises the
at the mercy of those they dominate. Adalbero points out that no free man peasant whose plow teeds the world.22 The mutual benefit conferred by the
can live without servile dependents (servi) and that even the powerful depend three-fold division of society is invoked by an entry in the fifteenth-century
on their servants. 15 Behind this is Augustine's wry observation that those who Colmar Song Collection likening the "pious peasant to the priest. His plow
seem to command are in fact ruled by those who serve them. 16 On the other relieves us of physical hunger as the priest ministers to our spiritual needs.23
hand, the statement that all are supported by agricultural labor could contain Similar sentiments can be found in English texts. The late-medieval song­
a reproach that the peasant does not receive a reward for his labor, neither the poem whose modern title is "God Speed the Plow'' begins by acknowledging
actual wealth produced nor any reciprocation from society. Adalbero calls the that "the merthe of alle this londe maketh the gode husbonde [i.e., husband­
servi an "afflicted race" who have nothing except sorrow and toil.17 man) with erynge of his plowe."24 Several stanzas end "God speed the plow
In these two aspects of the commonplace we thus find what might be all day' (or "all way'). Having described the various labors of the seasons, the
called a "complacent" version of the dependence of the clergy and knights on poem concludes by wishing long good life to those who pray for the plow­
rustic labor and a more uneasy, even apologetic concern with society's evident man and who benefit from his work.
failure to realize the ideal of mutuality. The complacent tendency is exempli­ Such praises of peasants as the sustainers of all avoid dose examination of
fied in Helmbrecht, a satirical didactic poem written before 1290 by Wernher reciprocity by emphasizing the virtue of agricultural labor. Virtue inheres not
de Gartenaere. Its moral is the folly of the peasant who tries to rise above his in the work itself but in its benefit to others, although agricultural work is re­
place. The young peasant Helmbrecht, disdaining the warnings of his father, garded as more "real" and productive than any other form of labor. The vi­
leaves the family farm to become a marauding knight. Although Helmbrecht sion of the "noble" peasant is an aspect of the paradox of medieval concepts
is quite a competent fighter, his reckless and savage career is eventually ended of physical labor: while lowly and despised, such labor was acknowledged as
by maiming and death. necessary and even meritorious.
In attempting to dissuade his son from becoming a knight, Helmbrecht\. Alongside these relatively serene assertions of the benefits of peasant ef­
father extols the useful labor of the plowman, who supports all other orders forts we find laments over the breakdown of mutuality and the difficulty of
of society. Helmbrecht should take pride in agricultural work, not scorn it. peasants' lives. The next chapter looks at reactions to this failure of the Three
Many a king owes his crown to the plowman's toil, a sentiment that the au­ Orders model, but here we should note where the theme of the peasant feed­
thor endorses but that the wicked Helmbrecht rejects.18 Similarly in the Buch ing all others is joined to an acknowledgment that peasant labor is exploited
der Rugen, rustics are advised to be cheerful, for by their "pure" labor they rather than compensated.
feed all Christendom. 19 In contrast to Adalbero, who acknowledges the coer­ The German Franciscan preacher known as Brother Ludovicus, a fol­
cion of peasants, these thirteenth-century writers claim rustic labor is re­ lower of Berthold von Regensburg active in the late thirteenth century, sur­
warded. The _recompense is primarily spiritual, to be sure, and requires a cer­ veyed different callings and observed that the labor of rustics nourishes the
tain docility. The author of the Buch der Rugen counsels diligence and accep­ entire populace, but not by a benign process. Their lords simply take from
tance on the part of the peasants, for the "purity'' of their productive labor the peasants what they produce and devour it.25 More than a hundred years
confers a degree of sanctity upon them. earlier, Stephen of Fougeres (bishop of Rennes, n68-78) had complained
Late medieval German literature bitterly satirized rustic stupidity and that those who produce the best-quality bread for their lords (and for "us" as
faithlessness but simultaneously praised peasants as the uncomplaining bul­ well) are forced to sustain themselves on a meager and wretched diet.26 Mon­
wark of the social order. Hans Rosenpliit, a Nuremberg artisan best known strelet's Chronicle for the year 1422 describes a rhymed petition supposedly
for his Carnival plays that featured ludicrously crude rustics, was also author delivered by the desperate peasants of France to the king, which begins by re­
of a poem in praise of the "noble, pious peasant" who feeds the entire world minding the privileged orders that they live off the toil of the laborers.27
with his plow. In this poem, written in about 1450, Rosenpliit acknowledges Even those who regarded the peasant as unworthy, bestial, or cowardly
that he has no better friend than the "noble plowman'' who has fed both him were willing, at least on occasion, to recognize their dependence on rustic la­
and his parents.20 A late-fifteenth-century German song in the form of a dia- bor, although one finds in such acknowledgments no concession to mutual-
Peasant Labor, Hierarchical Society 20 The Limits ofMutuality 21

ity nor any semblance of concern for the well-being of the peasantry. In the
course of a hysterical denunciation of the English Rising of 1381, John Gower
likened the rebels to all manner of verminous and destructive animals, but
feared that without their productive activity, famine wouid stalk the land. The
suppression of the revolt relieved his fears: "When the peasantry had been
bound in chains and lay patiently under our feet, the ox returned to its yoke
and the seed flourished beneath the plowed fields, and the villain ceased his
warning." 28 The Tyrolean poet Oswald von Wolkenstein (died 1445) frankly
conceded that he lived off the peasants' labor and that their taxes supported
him. Their role was to produce their own food and that of their masters. Os­
wald contemned them as deformed, black, and ugly, but they were, he admit­
ted, productive.29
Legendary accounts of the origins of Catalonia attributed the existence of
serfs to the failure of their ancestors to aid Charlemagne's conquest of Islam
in the Spanish March. According to one popular version of the tale, Charle­
magne triumphed against the Saracens even without the help of the timid
Christian populace, whom his nobles then advised him to kill as punishment
for their cowardice and virtual apostasy. Charlemagne, however, spared the
captive peasants, because after all, his knights could not cultivate the land.30
Once again the peasants were rendered as both contemptible and necessary.
A similar portrayal appeared in the aftermath of the Hungarian Peasant
Rebellion of 1514. While issuing a general pardon to all but the rebel leaders,
King Vladislav acknowledged that as a matter of justice all peasants who re­
volt should be executed as traitors. Nevertheless, to avoid exterminating the
entire peasant population, "without which the nobility would not fare very
well," he spared them-a grudging but for that very reason telling admission
of the basic facts of the premodern economy.31
1. A representation of the Three Orders of Society. From Image du Monde,
That the world depended on the peasant was an unimpeachable fact. But
the fact could carry moral implications concerning the value of agricultural British Library MS Sloane 2435, fol. 85r. Reprinted by permission of the British
Library, London.
labor, and opinions differed as to what the peasant deserved in return and
whether he was receiving anything.
function of the majority of the population-thus the function preeminently
of peasants-was to labor in return for the prayers of the clergy and the pro­
Mutuality: The Three Orders tection of the knights (Fig. 1). A text attributed to Peter the Chanter, for ex­
ample, divides society into clergy and laity but further distinguished the ora­
Since Georges Duby, Otto Gerhard Oexle, and most recently Giles Consta­
tores, who pray for all Christians; the bellatores, who fight the opponents of
ble have written important studies on the origins and permutations of the
the Church; and the agricolae, pauperes, and operarii, "by whose labor every­
Three Orders theory, it is hardly necessary to dwell on its content and elabo­
one eats and Lives. " 33
ratiori.32 This durable and much-reworked theory presented a hierarchical
The words "mutuality" and "reciprocity" in the context of the Three Or­
model of society incorporating a recognition of the importance of agricultural
ders model refer to the idea of a functional interdependence among social or-
labor into an overall notion of mutual service. According to this model, the
Peasant Labor, Hierarchical Society 22 The Limits ofMutuality 23

ders. Medieval scholars divided society �ccording to a number of different crisis. To the extent that the theory existed before the eleventh-century up­
schemes. Their systems were often organized around the various manners of heaval, it is less tied to an exclusively aristocratic view of society.
Christian life (virgins, continent persons, and married persons) or ecclesias­ Duby considered the Three Orders an imagined ideological construct
tical roles (monks, secular clergy, laity). 34 The three-fold'division by social elaborating a compelling but insincere rhetoric of mutuality that cloaked pre­
function into those who fight, those who pray, and those who labor was, dation with piety. 39 He draws a dichotomy between a "real" social world and
therefore, merely one among many ways of imagining society, but it would an "imaginary" idealized and ideological one, typifying the Three Orders as a
outlast its medieval clerical origins. thought system mobilized to serve those in whose interes·ts the theory was
It has been claimed that the Three Orders model is predicated on certain cynically elaborated. As a legitimation of power, the Three Orders system
fundamental Inda-European mental structures, but this perhaps exaggerates could not be used effectively to complain about the dereliction of knights or
and mystifies continuity. 35 Although the idea of hierarchical and functional the oppression of the lower orders. Anything that looks like such a complaint
division was found in antiquity, the specific roles and supposed reciprocity was dismissed by Duby as insincere or irrelevant.
envisioned in the Three Orders model were medieval creations. The ideal of Aaron Gurevich and Otto Gerhard Oexle have disputed the supposed
this interrelation among the orders would characterize medieval thought not contrast of "real" versus "ideological," warning against imposing modern con­
only in France but throughout Europe, and would endure into the twentieth cepts on medieval thought patterns that did more than rationalize an arbi­
century.36 trary ordering of society exclusively for the benefit of those in power. Gure­
In connection with the Three Orders, more attention has been given to vich emphasizes that many of the elements of trifunctionality were found in
the emergence of knighthood than to the position of peasants. Duby in his popular culture, that the Three Orders was not an elite fantasy imposed on
pioneering work was concerned to show the ideology of knighthood and no­ an inarticulate mass. 40 Oexle criticizes the assumption that ideas exist com­
bility whose legitimation was a key step in the social upheavals of the forma­ plete outside society or that medieval mental representations constituted ide­
tive eleventh century. It was at this time that mere ternarity (three separate ologies in the sense of invented legitimation. 41 This is not to argue that the
ways of life) yielded to a more powerful idea of mutuality that transcended Three Orders schema was a sociologically accurate portrait of medieval soci­
earlier notions of common subordination to the ruler. Society was ddined by ety but that it represented a believable ideal outside the clerical world, that it
diversified aristocratic and clerical orders rather than by a unifying royal or might be referred to and manipulated by warriors, even peasants. 42 It was
imperial rulership. Even with the revived power of kings in the twelfth cen­ marshaled to deal with real problems, such as the role of the clergy in the
tury, royalty made an accommodation with aristocratic power, whose legiti­ Peace of God movement, or the defense of Anglo-Saxon England against the
mation and sacralization were perpetuated and elaborated. Scandinavians, or the need for justifications of the crusades.43
The Three Orders in Duby's work are presented as an adaptable fantasy The Three Orders theory was thus more than a form of mystification. It
of permanence and reciprocity that shored up and prettified a society whose was a vehicle for justifying but also for criticizing exploitation, for one could
real bases were noble violence and· seigneurial exploitation. Recent work has protest the failure of social reality to live up to the model. The accusation that
called into question Duby's belief that the theory emerged in the early elev­ the "nobles exploit without protecting carries force only if there is an idea
enth century, precisely coinciding with the breakdown of the French monar­ of reciprocity (rather than mere domination) to appeal to. We should not
chy and the rise of the knights. The theory of three interdependent orders ex­ imagine late-medieval peasant rebellions as proceeding according to the pat­
isted as early as the School of Auxerre in the ninth century. 37 It was also more terns laid out by clerical writers, but clerical complaints over the dereliction
important for Anglo-Saxon thinkers such as Aelfric and Wulfstan than Duby of lords and the virtue of peasant labor would figure in justifications of peas­
and other French observers allowed. 38 ant protests.
The existence of earlier full-fledged concepts ofmutuality tends to di­ The dereliction of lords-their failure to live up to the credo of mutual­
vorce the beginning of the Three Orders theory from a putative feudal crisis ity-appears in the writings of those who elaborated the Three Orders and
of the eleventh century. This is important because it allows us to regard the those who pointed to its shortcomings. Adalbero of Laon was the first since
theory's origins as something more than an artificial, self-serving thought sys­ John Chrysostom to discuss not only the productive labor of those who till
tem devised to justify the knightly class that emerged as dominant from that the fields but also their miserable and exploited condition. Who, he asks, can
Peasant Labor, Hierarchical Society 24 The Limits ofMutuality 25

count their innumerable labors that furnish riches to their masters?44 Others, of the benighted laboratores to meet the demands of their oppressors. The ne­
such as Benedict of Sainte-Maure, Stephen of Fougeres, and Stephen Lang­ cessity of labor was universally recognized in the High Middle Ages, but la­
ton, would also lament the oppression of those whose toil supports society. bor never lost its lowly representation as "servile."
But Duby regarded these as complacent acknowledgments of worldly injus­ Such continuity of negative associations notwithstanding, the trifunc­
tice that did not detract from confidence in the trifunctional model.45 De­ tional scheme did amount to a change in the value and visibility accorded to
spite his belief in their fundamental insincerity, a view I do not share, Duby work. Indeed the most important novelty of the Three Orders is the presence
assembled a useful dossier of laments over the failure to live up to the ideal of and function of the laboratores. 48
mutuality.46 The shift toward a more positive opinion of work coincided with in­
The Three Orders system was perceived nearly from its inception as creased agricultural production beginning before the tenth century. The
flawed in practice, but this did not, of course, render it weaker as a theory or growth of the medieval economy raised society above the level of subsistence,
ideal. The disparity between ideal and practice, the failure of mutuality, eventually providing immense and unsettling wealth. Economic expansion
opened up the question of the nature and value of peasant labor. That peas­ was disturbing because of its subversive effect on what had previously ap­
ants supported society was, as we have seen, a truism. That they did not re­ peared to be a stable hierarchy, but also because of its deleterious moral effect
ceive an adequate recompense was also widely recognized. The need to ex­ on those who benefited most from it.
plain this provoked discussion of the value of work and the origins of human At the same time, once labor resulted in something more substantial than
inequality (particularly of servitude). If genuine reciprocity had obtained (or mere survival, its accomplishments came to be estimated differently. It is well
were thought to exist), there would have been no need to explain exploitation. known that Cistercian criticism of Cluny in the twelfth century contrasted
the parasitic splendor of the Benedictine foundations with the austere indus­
The Value of Work try of the White Monks. The Cistercians presented themselves as uniquely
faithful to Saint Benedict's insistence on manual labor rather than as the au­
The emergence of the Three Orders model coincides with a more positive thors of a new movement. In the Dialogue Between a Cluniac and a Cister­
evaluation of work. Although late antiquity regarded work as demeaning and cian, by the monk Idungus, the Cistercian claims that his order devotes itself
early Christian writers viewed it as penitential at best, thinkers of the Car­ to rustic labor as ordained and established by God Himsel£ Work and con­
olingian era began to emphasize the profit and necessity of labor.47 Implicit templation were thus joined as a path to ascent, not opposed.49 Having re­
within the idea of mutuality is the notion that labor has a merit at least com­ jected receiving properties with ties to the donors and having accepted
parable to that of spiritual and physical protection. Beyond the mere fact of poverty, the White Monks had to work. According to Isaac of Stella, the Cis­
society's dependence on peasant labor, the trifunctional theory gives work a tercians labored in accord with God's command to Adam (Genesis 3=19). Like
particular (if not quite contractual) value. This is different from saying that other men, they fittingly worked and sweated at their labors.50
the lower orders toil because that is what they are fit for, or because they are Yet "labor" in Cistercian writings is not simply physical toil. After all, lib­
thereby justly punished for some transgression, or because they are simply ertines and thieves strain themselves, for example by staying up all night, but
unfortunate, victims of the way of the world. are hardly engaged in activity pleasing to God. Bernard exalted work result­
The development of the notion that work has a certain positive value did ing from voluntary poverty as opposed to labor resulting from necessity.
not necessarily signal a revolution in attitudes of the sort identified by Max Bernard also included under the rubric of labor such monastic practices as
Weber or, more recently and with regard to the Middle Ages itself, by Jacques fasting, keeping vigils, and prayer.51 The same contrast between voluntary
Le Gof£ We are not trying to examine the origins of capitalism, the mone­ and involuntary poverty is drawn by Aelred of Rievaulx, who regarded the
tary economy, or the commodification of time. Acknowledging the utility of latter as "the curse of the peasants," imposing upon them the urgent physical
labor is not the same thing as lauding it. Adalbero of Laon, in his Carmen ad necessity to work.52
Rotbertum regem, expressed an early appreciation for the necessity of rustic la­ The Cistercians were sufficiently devoted to agricultural labor to establish
bor, but he cannot be said to have viewed labor as especially virtuous or cre­ a form of monastic life for lay brethren who were illiterate and so might ac­
ative, and, as has been seen, he evinced a pitying contempt for the struggles complish their vows through work in the fields with only occasional atten-
Peasant Labor, Hierarchical Socie-ty 26 The Limits ofMutuali-ty 27

dance at religious ceremonies.53 The labor of these conversi, along with the of­ have in uenced substantially the estimation of value or dignity placed on the
ten inept efforts of the choir monks, allowed the Cistercians to free them­ daily t sks performed by the peasant masses.
selves partially from dependence on tenancy and seigrn;urial exploitation.54 T e Franciscarts, and Dominicans, with their emphasis on begging and
During the early years of the order, stories were recounted in praise of lay (for the Franciscans) exaltation of poverty, raised questions about wealth and
brethren sanctified by their struggles with the land. According to Conrad of property but also implicitly about work. The secular master Guillaume de
Eberbach, for example (writing ca. n90), a conversus dreamed that Christ Saint Amour, for example, initiated a controversy at the University of Paris
walked beside him as he plowed, goading the ox for him.55 when he questioned the utility of the mendicant orders who lived off the rest
More often, however, the conversi were praised for their humility and obe­ of society. Their defense was that preaching constituted an arduous form of
dience, qualities that figure in most of the eighteen stories included in Con­ work, a response that did not dispute the positive image of labor. Even when
rad's Exordium magnum and in other Cistercian miracle collections.56 Arnulf economic motives were denounced (as in ecclesiastical censure of usury), the
of Villers, a lay brother recognized as a saint, is described in his vita com­ condemnation took place against a background distinguishing profitable use­
posed by Goswin of Villers as exemplary by virtue of self-mortification more ful ventures from sterile or passive enterprise.60 By this time, the late thir­
than by work. True, he is praised for his obedient labor for the monastery in teenth and fourteenth centuries, the activities of the urban classes were suffi­
Villers, but Goswin notes with approval that Arnulf obtained permission to ciently visible to undermine earlier assumptions that labor meant exclusively
abstain from manual tasks in order to devote his time to prayer and contem­ or essentially the tasks of rustics.
plation.57 Those lay brethren granted access to direct spiritual experience Clearly the idea that until the Reformation work was treated with dis­
could dispense with the relatively paltry blessings of work. dain-which owes most of its force to Max Weber's Protestant Ethic-is no
The conversi themselves may have held a more positive concept of sancti­ longer tenable. Few aspects of the understanding of medieval society have
fication conferred by work, but this is impossible to reconstruct. There is an been as thoroughly changed by twentieth-century historiography. Yet the me­
interesting miracle story about a conversus of Clairvaux (described as a "rus­ dieval image of productive work did not grow uniformly and smoothly out
tic") whom Saint Bernard visited on his deathbed. The conversus displayed an of urban prosperity. Le Goff notes the complexity of the medieval attitudes
inappropriate confidence that he would shortly be in paradise. Bernard re­ that moved away from unmitigated deprecation but continued to hold man­
buked him, reminding him that he had entered the community with little in ual labor in low regard.61 It is worth examining this ambivalence a bit more,
the world to give up and thus motivated more by necessity than by the fear of because it affected the variety of opinions about the utility and moral posi­
God. The dying conversus accepted the rebuke but explained that heaven is tion of the peasantry expressed by the other elements of society and by the
gained by obedience rather than by wealth or a noble body, and that his own peasants themselves.
obedience might serve as an example to others. At this Bernard praised him We should first distinguish among different meanings of "labor." During
as blessed, for the truth he spoke was inspired by God Himsel£ 58 A degree of the High Middle Ages labor certainly became a more visible topic. Although
assertiveness is also demonstrated by a revolt of conversi at Schonau in n68, agriculty.ral work is seldom mentioned in sources from the fifth to eighth
occasioned by an unequal distribution of shoes.59 There is thus evidence for centuries, 62 beginning in the tenth century agricultural production as the
independent thought, but nothing directly concerning estimates of the value source of worldly wealth was recognized and discussed. This is not to say that
of labor. estate management or economic rationalism of a modern sort resulted, but to
Ultimately the Cistercians cannot be credited with exemplifying a dra­ say that even in a discourse concerning exploitation, such as Adalbero's Car­
matic change of attitude toward work. Labor remained firmly anchored to men, work was credited with a fruitful energy beyond that of a pitiful subsis­
penitential rather than positive good in their writings and was not joined to tence. Adalbero's use of the word servi notwithstanding, an exploitable peas­
the functional idea that agricultural work feeds the other orders. To the extent ant was different, and more difficult to assess, than a none-too-productive
that labor provided spiritual benefit, the latter derived from the voluntary slave.
self-deprivation involved, according to Cistercian opinion, not from any Of course it i� one thing to acknowledge the benefit accruing from labor
value inhering in the work itself. In any event the Cistercians rather early on and another to endow labor with actual merit. Moreover, such merit as it has
lost their fondness for manual labor. The order therefore does not seem to might be construed negatively-as a penance-or positively-as a good in
Peasant Labor, Hierarchical Society 28

itself-or as a combination of the two. for Adalbero, the harsh toil of the
servi is necessary but neither especially meritorious nor beneficial to the la­
borers themselves. For Humbert of Romans and Jacques de Vitry two cen­
turies later, peasant labor is pleasing to God and supports the res publica as
well as the destitute poor dependent on alms, but is nevertheless a penance
enjoined on Adam and his progeny. 63 Within the monastic orders as far back
as Saint Benedict labor was valued as an expression of discipline and piety, re­
taining a penitential significance rather than assuming an unequivocal virtue.
The peasants themselves argued at various times that work is a moral good
and a moral necessity, and that all should labor in obedience to the com­
mands of God to Adam, commands that affected all rather than merely part
of humanity.
In addition to this diversity of attitude among different classes, varying
intellectual legacies from the past also created certain inconsistencies with re­
gard to the value and dignity of labor. Jacques Le Goff describes three lines of
transmission: Judeo-Christian (primarily biblical), classical, and "barbar­
ian. "64 The Bible offered conflicting suggestions in this as in many other mat­
ters. God labored over His creation and rested from His toil on the seventh
day. Adam and Eve were supposed to work to maintain the Garden of Eden
(Genesis 2:15-16); thus, contrary to what is often thought, paradise was not
intended to be experienced in complete leisure, nor was work in itself a con­
sequence of the Fall. Before his disobedience, Adam learned from an angel
how to labor, as depicted in illustrations to Aelfric's Pentateuch and in thir­
teenth-century wall paintings formerly at the female monastery of Sigena, in
Aragon (Fig. 2). Michael Camille, who assembled these and other examples,
also notes that the Book of Jubilees (from the Pseudepigrapha) has the angel
instructing Adam how to work the land before the expulsion from paradise. 65
The sin of Adam was punished by the difficulty of toil, not by the neces­
sity to labor as such. Adam and his descendants would face a difficult struggle
with a resisting, unbountiful nature, a situation worsened by Cain's fratricide,
after which the earth would no longer "yield unto thee her strength" (Genesis
4:12). Instead of an easy custodianship, the relation of humanity to the land
was transformed into harsh (although still productive) labor, just as pain
would now accompany childbirth (the dual meaning of "labor" is found in . _2. Adam being taught by an angel to work. Thirteenth-century painting on the
several languages). ce1lmg of the Monastery of Sigena, Aragon. From a photograph taken before the
Human toil after the Fall involved not only sweat and pain but the brutal Spa�ish Ci�il War, when the monastery was burned. A restoration is now at Museu
domination of nature, as God promised to Noah and his offspring at the Nac1onal d Art de Catalunya, Barcelona. Reprinted by permission of Ar:xiu Mas,
opening of Genesis 9. 66 Nature would not "naturally' ' produce of its free, ef­ Barcelona.
fortless beneficence but would have to be tamed. The biblical image of dom­
ination is twofold, for the statement regarding human power over other
Peasant Labor, Hierarchical Society 30 The Limits ofMutuality 31
earthly things is immediately f�llowed by that regarding mastery of one man The sociologist Norbert Elias, relying on the drawings collected in the so­
over another, the story of the origins of slavery in Noah's curse against his son called Mittelalterliches Hausbuch (composed 1475-80), posited a certain ease
Ham. Human power over nature originates in divine command, while the and comfort experienced by the nobility as they observed their dependents'
subjugation of other human beings results from the first postdiluvian trans­ toil. According to Elias the peasants are part of the background scene,
gression, but they are located at the same point in biblical history. scarcely human and certainly not individually important. They exhibit less
In the New Testament labor appears virtuous, as in Luke 10:7, where personality and distinction among themselves than the master's hounds.68
Christ remarks, "the labourer. is worthy of his hire." Paul's Second Epistle to Elias argues that it was impossible for the privileged classes to imagine that
the Thessalonians contains the famous distillation of the thinking of homo the peasants might have grievances or be fully human; but even if we assume
economicus: "if any man will not work, neither let him eat" (3=10). More often that rustics were most often regarded with contempt, the serene enjoyment
cited in the Middle Ages, however, was the disdain for material preoccupa­ of the results of other people's toil did not necessarily imply the invisibility of
tions expressed by Christ's praise of the lilies of the field that flourish without those people.
effort (Matthew 6:28). It is true that in the romances, beginning with Chretien de Troyes, a series
The classical heritage also praised cultivated leisure and deprecated man­ of splendid castles seem to exist with no labor to support them. Their luxuri­
ual labor, associated as it was with slavery. The value of otium (leisure) could ous if sometimes dangerous accommodations are maintained without much
be grafted onto Christianity, as in the case of Mary's superiority over Martha, in the way of visible servitors, whose absence makes the setting all the more
the former signifying the Christian contemplative life, the latter the active magical. Such rustics as occasionally appear are deformed, solitary, strange,
life.67 The Roman era also produced texts in praise of rustic simplicity (such and not engaged in activity of immediate benefit to the chivalric world.
as Virgil's Georgi-cs and Horace's Odes) that were well known in the Middle A somewhat different attitude is reflected by the Tres Riches Heures, the
Ages, but these works observe the obvious distinction between the careful Book of Hours created for Jean, Duke of Berry, by the Limbourg brothers
husbandry of the landowner and the forced labor of his slaves. (left incomplete in 1416 and finished by Jean Colombe in 1489). Here the
What Le Goff refers to as the "barbarian legacy," that of the Germanic aristocracy is complacent (as Elias imagined) but not unaware of where its
and Celtic worlds, placed a high value on craftsmen such as swordsmiths, even wealth originates. The juxtaposition of castles and scenes of aristocratic
crediting particularly skilled artisans with magical powers. But the exaltation leisure with toiling peasants shows that the work of one class makes the os­
of war in these cultures, and their identification of wealth with plunder rather tentation of another possible.69
than productivity, assured the celebration of the warrior over the mere toiler. Of all the intellectual legacies of the past, the Christian attitude toward
In the Middle Ages, therefore, it was possible to hold conflicting opinions work was the most complex and dealt most directly with the peasantry. It is
of labor and to praise or belittle it for different reasons. From the aristocratic possible to exaggerate the supposed antipathy of the Church Fathers to secu­
view, the value of labor was that it produced what was necessary for consump­ lar labor.70 Nevertheless, the Christian tradition exhibited a consistent mis­
tion and display. For the knight to engage in manual or commercial labor was trust of ,the world that combined with the classical praise of philosophical
sufficiently demeaning to amount to abandoning any claim to noble status, an leisure. Isidore of Seville transmitted to the High Middle Ages a disparage­
attitude that would endure as long as the European aristocracy itsel£ ment of those who labored and the results of their efforts. Isidore's Etymolo­
While disdain for work may have been encouraged by the barbarian pref­ gies contains no word for work other than the mindless toil associated with
erence for war over agriculture, the aristocracy also inherited an ideal of slavery.71 Saint Benedict asserted the value of labor, but as a form of expiation
leisure from the Greco-Roman world (although medieval ideals of freedom and service to God.
from work were of a more bellicose sort than the calm philosophical atmos­ Agricultural labor was accorded spiritual value because of its penitential
phere of the Stoics). The elaboration of chivalric ceremony reinforced the al­ quality but also, un9er certain circumstances, because of its benefit to the or­
ready powerful antithesis between labor and war, turning it toward an oppo­ der and prosperity of society. The fact that his labor supports all gives the
sition between boorish productivity and refined courtesy. Even when the mil­ peasant a certain advantage in the next world, according to the theological
itary function of the nobility diminished, noble status would endure and compendium by Honorius Augustodunensis, the Elucidarium, written about
continue to depend on immunity from remunerative work. IIoo. Discussing the various estates, the master in this dialogue states that
Peasant Labor, Hierarchical Sociery 32 The Limits ofMutualiry 33
most rustics will be saved because they live simply and feed the people of unfol� in succession. Their interrelationship outlines the fundamental di­
God by their sweat. Honorius paraphrases Psalm 127:2: "For thou shalt eat m�nsions �; the peasant's image in the Middle Ages. Taking as his text Zach­
the labours of thy hands : blessed a rt thou, and it sha ll be well with thee. " 2 anah 13:5, I am a husbandman" (homo agricola ego sum), Jacque s remarks :
Yet in Honorius's work some penitential attributes of work remain, nota bly
Lit�rally, t_he Holy Scriptures truly praise agriculture and manual labor, withou
in his acceptance of the common opinion t ha t servi are descended from t
which society would not be able to survive.After the sin of Adam , Go d en
Noah's cursed son Ham. 73 L abor does confer spiritual benefit but is presented
as the activity of a morally tainted population. Its undoubted merits are set
�· ome
· d penance on him and his sons.... Therefore, those who labor with
. this
mtennon that they fulfill their penance ordered by God will be praised more
alongside an accumulated spi ritual de ficit. and no� less than th?se in the entire church who sing God's praises or keep
As will be seen in later cha pters , the suffering of peasants was regarded as vigil
from mgh_t to mornmg.For we see many poor tillers of the soil who by the
meritorious more commonly than their productivity. To the extent that God �or o� the1� hands sustain a wife and children: and they work more than monks
might be said to favor the peasants , it was beca use of their poverty a nd un­ m their cloister or �l�rics in their churches. If the intention of peasants is to
just treatment rather than the utility of their efforts. Nevertheless , at le ast an fill the penanc_e enJo�ned on them by God's injunction, then they act in love;
occasional attemp t was made to p raise peasants and to exalt their spiritual they will acqmre their temporal sustenance and attain eternal lifce. If however
condition because of the results of their work. Sermons written by (or under they are r1k. e the brute ani�als and their intention is not penance but' merely
the influence of) the German Fra nciscans Berthold von Regensburg and eat and dnnk, then they will lose grace in this life and their labor will be
Brother L udovicus praise the peasants on whom all society depends a nd
whose labor earns them merit in God's eyes. If all peasants became knights ,
who would then produce wheat and wine for "us" (a statement echoed by the The Symbolic Plow
fifteenth-century poem cited at the beginning of this chapter)?74 According to
Ecclesias:ical writers , as I have attempted to demonstrate, offered a qual
Brother L udovicus , rustic labor, on which all depend, pleases God. Ill-usage i fied
appro�atton of peasant labor. Peasants engaged in productive toil tha
at t he hands of their lords make s the peasants all the more God's chosen chil­ t fed all
of s ciety. They _ fulfilled God's commands to work a nd s uffered not
dren, a favorable condition not fully realized since they persist in laziness and � only
physica� exhaustion but unjust exploitation. Yet such effort was penite
i niquity. We re it not fo r their t hievery, dishonesty, and perj u ry, peasants ntial
the paymg off of a spiritual debt , rather than an unalloyed good, and
would be saints. 75 The Buch der Rugen, mentioned earlier in connection with th;
the idea that t he "pure" labor of rus tics su pports Christendom, sta tes that reasants t��mselves , by their grasping and debased character, risked forfeit­
mg the spmtual benefi ts of their situation.
their work will bring them to God's kingdom. 76
A German poetical narration and gloss of the Book of Daniel written by a �he activities o� clerics were endowed with more uniformly positive con­
notatt ns , but dunng the High Middle Ages , thei r prayers , serv
member of the Teutonic Order in the mid-fourteenth century lists va rious � ice , a nd
preachmg were presented as a form of spiritual labor that borrow
plants that might have grown on the Plain of Dura where Nebuchadnezzar ed meta­
phors frcrm t e agricultural world. The plow in particular served
set up the golden idol (Da niel p), a nd likens the peasa nts to grass. As in the _ � as the em­
blem of reh�1ous effor�, as symbol of preaching for example , as
Buch der Rugen, here peasants are the foundation of all society; kings , popes , � early as the
works of Samt Euc�enus , b1s�op of Lyons , in the mid-fifth cent
knights , and townsmen depend on their labor. The peasant's toil affords him ury. 79
The plow as a sign of frmtful and virtuous labor is found in the
spi ritual benefit a nd a n eternal crown if he remains a faithful laborer. 77 Book of
P:overbs , where its literal meaning is clearly secular. Those who
Thus a nexus of ideas depicts labor as worthy but penitential, an expia­ work (plow)
will have food, while the idle will languish. 80 In the New Testa
tion of Adam's sin. It confers spi ritual rewa rds , but they depend on patience ment , agricul­
tural labor (and plowing in particular) was used to represent the
and meek devotion. Peasants a re u nfortunate beca use they must work, yet diffusion of
the word ?f God. Christ is the sower of "the good seed," w
blessed because of its supernatural effects; but then again they a re in peril of ith the entire
w�rld �s h is �eld (Matthew 13:37-38). Saint Paul , writing a
l osing this benefit beca use of thei r ma terialism and spiritual torpor. bout his apostle­
ship, likens his task to that of an agricultu ral laborer, eve
Jacques de Vitry, in one of his Sermones vulgares, touches on each of these n an ox. Paul de­
pends on the flock that he nourishes , partaking of their faith,
points succinctly. The statements do not cont radict one another but rather for "he that
Peasant Labor, Hierarchical Society 34 The Limits ofMutuality 35
plougheth should plough in hope" (1 Corinthians 9:10). Preaching was the utility, necessity, and even virtue of agricultural labor while expressing a
likened to the work of plowing and threshing. frank contempt for those engaged in it. The peasants laboring for the Duke
Gregory the Great used the ox and plow to mark the arduous but pro­ of Berry in the Tres Riches Heures are productive but coarse and risible. En­
ductive duties of the preacher. The image of the "plowshare of the tongue" gaged in tedious labor, they are poorly dressed, graceless, and shameless,
would influence the way in which preaching was viewed throughout the Mid­ showing their sexual parts. 88 Nevertheless, they are hardly marginal, for they
dle Ages, connoting the vigorous activity that cuts the hardness ofminds that support the extravagant wealth of the duke. This picture contrasts with the
fail to respond to intellectual methods (reading) and require the furrows of early-modern depiction ofgrand estates as innately bountiful, as in the world
voluntary affliction to receive the seeds ofexhortation.81 of Jonson's Penhurst or Carew's Saxharn, "rear'd with no man's ruine, no mans
Stephen Barney identifies Gregory as the most important source for the grone," from which dull labor is missing (along with its practitioners).89
image of the righteous plowman in William Langland's masterpiece. Piers is a Plowing, therefore, could be ascribed with a positive, productive value
literal plowman engaged in meritorious labor, but also a figure for the spread­ without necessarily being said to confer spiritual benefit. It could symbolize
ing of God's word. The early-medieval coupling of preaching and plowing religious activity without endowing the laborers themselves with virtue; its
eventually affected the image of the plowman, who formerly had been re­ spiritual benefits could even be essentially negative. Adam was sometimes
garded as below fisherman or shepherds (apostolic figures) within the class of shown behind a plow, or engaged in an even more difficult agricultural labor,
laborers. 82 Elizabeth Kirk regarded Langland as more of an innovator, argu­ digging with a spade. 90 Plowing might be presented as appropriate to the hu­
ing that his virtuous plowman contrasted with a longer tradition of negative man condition while still partaking of a penitential aspect from which the
images. 83 Plowmen had their origins with Cain, the first to till the land, higher orders were exempt.
whereas the spiritual ancestor of the shepherds was Abel. It had been shep­ The late Middle Ages exhibited a wide register of possible valuations of
herds, not plowmen, who received word ofthe birth ofChrist. 84 plowing, from the unproductive and wicked efforts ofCain to the useful sub­
Although Langland was not the first to regard the activity of plowing ordination ofpeasants in the Tres Riches Heures ofthe Duke ofBerry, to Lang­
with favor or to use it as a metaphor for spiritual labor, his era saw the prolif­ land's virtuous protagonist. At least in some cases, not only the metaphorical
eration of more literal images of virtuous plowing. The plow represented activity but the actual plowman as well was endowed with sanctity. Chaucer's
piety and worthwhile labor in the late Middle Ages, but these remained con­ plowman (the upright brother of the parson in the Canterbury Tales), or the
ceptually distinct despite their many points ofcontact. One might praise the earnest peasant who argues with death in Johannes von Tepl's Ackermann aus
diligence of the laborer without thereby crediting him with spiritual dignity. Bohmen are examples. By this time, the late fourteenth century, it was possi­
It was quite possible to maintain an image of the plowman as a worthy and ble to imagine the plowman as holy in himself. I will defer discussion of the
patient worker while considering physical toil itself the punishment for symbolism of the pious plowman and the representation ofChrist as a plow­
Adam's sin. The artistic representation oflabor depicted the virtue ofwork as man until representations of peasant sanctity are considered (Chapter 10).
opposed to the sin oflaziness without thereby necessarily ascribing to the la­ Here I '}'Ould like to focus on a less transcendent use of plowing as a
borer a dignified spiritual or social status. 85 Diligent agricultural toil could metaphor for virtuous productivity.
symbolize the wickedness of Cain. In artistic representations the efforts of As argued earlier, productivity was not necessarily regarded as implying
this supposed progenitor ofpeasants were a negative and literally fruitless ac­ the rectitude ofthose engaged in labor. Nevertheless, ifmedieval understand­
tivity. He is depicted in the Holkharn Bible (1315-21) behind a mixed team of ing of the dependence of society on the toil of the lowly was ambivalent, it
animals (an anticipatory violation of Deuteronomic laws), furiously but fu­ did at least include the possibility ofendowing symbols such as plowing with
tilely plowing. 86 favorable moral connotations. The virtuous plowman would symbolize peace,
What at one time were regarded as quaint or nostalgic evocations ofrural diligence, and obedience well beyond the Middle Ages. Bruegel's Fall of
simplicity in art and literature are now viewed in conjunction with the de­ Icarus is perhaps the most famous ofmany images that exalt the orderliness of
graded status applied to those who work, a status perfectly in keeping with the industrious peasant. A plowman is tilling the fields in the foreground
their productivity. 87 The modern tendency to equate productivity with moral while the reckless Icarus, who sought to change how things in the world are
character makes it difficult to see how medieval observers might acknowledge arranged, plunges unnoticed to his doom.91
Peasant Labor, Hierarchical Society 36 The Limits ofMutuality 37

In what we can reconstruct of the discourse of peasants themselves, labor lower functions of a hierarchical society; rather, those who work (and they
was unequivocally the measure of piety and social worth. Richard Landes, ex­ alone) form the true body of Christ. The apostles worked with their hands,
amining the heresies that arose in eleventh-century France, pointed to the and accordingly Chelcicky cited 2 Thessalonians 3=10-n, to argue that no one
positive religious valuation placed on work as one of the unifying features of should be idle in the manner of courtiers; all should labor.
these otherwise diverse movements.92 The heretical movements of the eleventh Such radical ideas were also expressed in 1476 on the occasion of the
century at Arras, Monteforte, and elsewhere taught that everyone should gain abortive pilgrimage led by Hans Behem, a Franconian shepherd (and proba­
his bread by the sweat of his own brow.93 Whether or not one accepts Landes's bly a serf ) who was later derisively known as the "Piper of Niklashausen."98
crediting of Jewish thought with influencing a Christian sacralization of work, Behem was one of many uneducated German rustics of the pre-Reformation
a case can be made for linking teachings of heretical movements against hier­ era credited with gifts of prophecy and inspirational preaching. He claimed
archy and the sacraments to a disdain for the clergy, who claimed exemption to have spoken with the Virgin Mary, who told him that she would perform
from work on the basis of proximity to God and the saints. miracles and reveal herself to those who followed him to Niklashausen. The
One cannot prove a continuity of such beliefs among the common peo­ three basic teachings of the movement, according to a contemporary observer
ple from the eleventh century to the fifteenth, when they became more evi­ (Lorenz Fries of Wi.irzhurg) were the end of all lordship, universal brother­
dent, but there are some hints at the endurance of such ideas. Emmanuel Le hood, and a requirement that all should earn their sustenance with their own
Roy Ladurie offers a fascinating collection of what amount to proverbial hands.99 Repeated recommendations that all clerics be killed accompanied
statements among the followers of the Cathars at Montaillou in the early the fervid devotion to Mary.100 In a sermon delivered on July 2, 1476, Hans
fourteenth century. Pierre Authie told Sybille Pierre that he worked not to Behem advised that priests be killed, but also noted that if spiritual and
avoid poverty but to save his soul. Jean Maury boasted of eating only what worldly princes shared what they had, there would he enough for all. More
he had earned with his labor because Christ himself said that man must live than this redistribution of property, Behem preached that work is a universal
by the sweat of his brow. Two parfaits were overheard agreeing that priests obligation, to be undertaken even by princes and lords.101
ought to live by their own labor in accord with God's commandment rather On the eve of the German Peasants' War, the image of the peasant as the
than living off the toil of others.94 exemplar of piety was still a powerful element of the movement for Church
In the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries the notion that all should reform. Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt (who at this time actually wore
work surfaced and proliferated. During the later years of the extended revolt peasant garb) wrote in a letter to Luther that he wished he were a real plow­
in Forez (which ended in 1431), the peasants apparently reworked the theme man, peasant, or craftsman. To farm was an honest mortification of the flesh,
of the Fall as the origin of manual labor by arguing that all were included in a labor pleasing to God.102 In a pamphlet written in 1525, near or at the time
this expiation of Adam's sin (a version of the argument that all humans are de­ of the revolt, a peasant in a dialogue with a friar condemns the parasitism of
scended from Adam and hence are equal). Since the consequences of Adam's the clergy, who live off the labor of others. The peasant quotes the common
misdeed were transmitted to all equally, nobles should work just as peasants saying "man was born to work like the bird to fly"; all should earn their bread
do in order to feed themselves.95 Similar ideas were expressed among certain by the sweat of their brows, like Adam, and, moreover, like Christ.103 Another
Bohemian reformers of the fifteenth century. Peter Chelcicky, a follower of Flugschrift recalled the happy former times when nobles went out to the fields
the Hussite movement but a pacifist and so isolated from its most radical cur­ with their serfs.104
rents, wrote treatises in the 1420s against the idea that the Three Orders had That all should work was a theme of the early reform pamphlets. All, in­
been instituted by divine decree. God could not have intended for the two cluding clerics and nobles, were included in the requirement that bread be
higher orders to live in idle luxury off the labors of the lowly. The theory earned with the sweat of one's brow; thus what some inaccurately interpreted
never functioned for the benefit of all, Chelcicky claimed, and amounted to as a curse falling on one part of the population was rather a divine command
nothing more than an excuse for violent exploitation.96 Chelcicky here dis­ applicable to all. The peasant was regarded as the exemplar of obedience to
sents from John Wyclif, whom he and others in Bohemia followed in so many God, for, as many popular tracts argued, he feeds all, unlike Jews and shop­
other respects, by rejecting any division of society into orders.97 He argues keepers, who live off the impoverishment of others. Craftsmen, pastors, and
that Christ's body is not (as commonly proposed) a metaphor for higher and the rest must at least aid the plowman, whose labor is the most important.105
Peasant Labor, Hierarchical Society 38 The Limits ofMutuality ·39

At the same time, the late Middle Ages witnessed the most virulent at­ the idea of reciprocal obligations embodied in the theory of the Three Or­
tacks on peasants, in which they were no longer regarded as even useful, let ders, but it was obvious almost from the inception of this model that practice
alone necessary, but instead viewed as unredeemably wicked. A common neg­ did not conform to prescriptive mutuality. Such a contradiction might sim­
ative image of peasants portrayed them as having to be beaten or otherwise ply be lamented or entered in the ledger of sinful humanity's common short­
coerced into working. At a further extreme, rustics came to be regarded as al­ comings. Nevertheless, as will be discussed in the next chapter, the failure of
most without purpose. The canon of Zurich, Felix Hemmerli, writing in the mutuality was disturbing to many and carried with it implications that might
mid-fifteenth century, recommended that peasant farms be destroyed every call for explanations less complacent than the Three Orders, or even serve as
50 years to tame rustic arrogance. 106 Hemmerli, in his own voice, interrupts the basis for justifying revolt.
his imagined dialogue between a knight and a rustic to recall an occasion
when he passed through the Duchy of Baden during the "Hussite'' uprisings.
At an inn he was forced to listen to an insolent group of rustics denouncing
clerical immorality. He answered by saying that outside of Oppenheim he
had seen 24 wheels upon which criminals had been executed. Not one of the
dead was a cleric or noble: they had all been rustics. Had even just one of
higher rank been among them, however, there would be no end of denuncia­
tion of the upper classes for their infamy. After this observation, Hemmerli
recalls, he told his clerical companion that it would be best to leave the inn
immediately. 107
A fifteenth-century poem, the "Edelmannslehre," recommends that no­
bles pillage peasants, rob them of their money, and strangle them. 108 Clearly
they are not useful for anything other than to be plundered. In the literary
tradition of the satiric poet Neidhart, who placed his hapless eponymous
knight in a peasant village, the peasants were impudent, pretentious, and vio­
lent and never engaged in any sort of productive activity. This would be elab­
orated in the late Middle Ages, when Neidhart became a more aggressive
trickster, the "Enemy of the Peasants'' (Bauernfeind) who enjoyed victimiz­
ing the boorish villagers. 109
In fifteenth-century German-speaking regions, therefore, the peasant was
imagined simultaneously as useless and as the provider of wealth; as bestial
and as human exemplar; as an object of derisive or fearful contempt and as
sanctified. For most of the Middle Ages, however, the opinions of articulate
members of the higher orders occupied a narrower range. They agreed, in
large measure, that rustic labor fed and supported the leisure of the rest of so­
ciety. Peasants' subordination might be explained by positing an intrinsic char­
acter that rendered them apt for work. More often, some moral credit attached
to this labor, although this was not to be paid off in any worldly context.
The utility and spiritual worth of agricultural labor made it difficult con­
sistently to represent the peasants as subhuman or their exploitation as nat­
ural. Religious and didactic writers differed as to what recompense, if any, the
peasantry received for their toil. The most widely diffused explanation was
The Breakdown ofMutua!iry 41

Chapter' 2 mutuality suggested that during some earlier era humanity had been harmo­
niously united in mutual service. As early as the Life ofSaint Dagobert (dating
probably to the ninth century), an idealization of the Three Orders was cred­
ited to the past, when everyone performed his duty and remained in his or­
The Breakdown of Mutuality der. Under King Dagobert the priests supplicated God, the warriors served
the king, and the rustics obediently cultivated the land.2 Unfavorable estima­
Laments over the Mistreatment ofPeasants tions of the present contrasted with a better past-what the Hungarian his­
torian Jeno Szucs characterized as the "sed-modo reaction"-underlay attacks
on those who exploited the service of other ranks of society without recom­
pensing them. Such attacks were of course directed primarily against the
knights. 3 At one time, it was claimed, the military class protected the popu­
lace, but now they exploit them. Felix Hemmerli's virulent antipeasant De no­
bilitate et rusticitate dialogus (Dialogue on nobility and rusticity), written in
The previous chapter described certain inherent difficulties with the theory 1443, has the rustic argue that the nobles have abandoned their role as war­
of the Three Orders, in particular the small recompense received by the peas­ riors in order to live for pleasure. Even Hemmerli is induced to denounce
ants in return for their labors. It was also argued that the theory, whatever its "modern" nobles for their exactions and banditry, a charge that the knight in
visible limitations, was more than a fantasy. It enunciated an ideal that could the dialogue reluctantly accepts.4 Such a contrast could also be drawn for
be defended and whose failure was cause for reproach. Here we are concerned other orders, as part of a perceived general decline. Late-medieval observers
with the nature of this reproach and the reaction of medieval observers to the such as John Gower contrasted the impudent and disobedient peasants of
perceived waning of mutuality, especially their laments over the mistreatment their day with an unspecified past when service was performed without com­
of peasants. I hope to show that these complaints, although delivered from a plaint, the tithe was paid, and order reigned.5
certain fatalistic distance, were not only sincere but significant in influencing But complaints about deviation from mutual service among the Three
how peasant grievances were articulated. Orders were more than a nostalgic evocation of a happier past. It was recog­
Almost from its medieval origins, the image of the Three Orders was con­ nized that the scheme had a built-in flaw: the likelihood of inordinate ex­
sidered more an ideal than a reality, but this hardly means that it was an inef­ ploitation of the laborers by the knights (and often by the clergy as well).
fective or hypocritical theory of society. In neither the Middle Ages nor the Adalbero of Laon, while outlining the Three Orders, acknowledged quite
contemporary world have political and social ideologies been discarded sim­ frankly the drudgery and torment borne by the servi of the countryside. As
ply because they were impossible to put into practice. The inevitability of noted in Chapter 1, Adalbero saw that the laborers were absolutely necessary
falling short of the ideal did not excuse those who subverted it. Lords were to the survival of the other orders but that they clearly received little or noth­
warned that if they treated their tenants with excessive cruelty, they would ing for their toil.6
lose the labor that supported them. This is the point of much of the didactic For Georges Duby, Adalbero's planctus expresses only the most superficial
literature cited in the previous chapter as well as such literary works as the sympathy. Its intent was to obtain submission of the oppressed to their lot,
"Combat des Trente" (which argues that if the poor are mistreated, the no­ and the lament thus forms part of Adalbero's overall "reactionary" ideology
bles themselves will have to work the fields and suffer poverty) and the "Dit designed to serve the dominant classes.7 Adalbero assuredly did regard the
des Avocats" (which condemns the rich who mock the workers on whom status of the servi with more equanimity than remorse, but Duby's reading
their way oflife depends). 1 seems contradictory, arguing on the one hand that Adalbero emphasized their
The Three Orders constituted both a description of society and an ideal­ humiliation and on the other that he attempted to convince them that mutu­
ized vision. On the first level, the scheme demarcated and justified social re­ ality did indeed reign.8
ality, and on the second, it established a standard by which to measure one's Some resolution was possible by emphasizing the penitential value of suf­
own time. Many critiques of society's insufficient adherence to the model of fering, and we shall see that later authors would urge peasants to bear their
Peasant Labor, Hierarchical Society 42 The Breakdown ofMutuality 43
admittedly unjust lot in the expectation of a future heavenly reward. But this harmony from dissonance. That a consistent opinion might not emerge from
is not, in fact, what Adalbero argues. He unabashedly states that no fair ex­ a series of ideas does not mean the author was hypocritical. It was possible,
change of benefits obtains for the laborers in the world as it is constituted. for example, to denounce the order of society while calling for passivity on
His tears may indeed be sanctimonious, and clearly Adalbero is preoccupied the part of those affiicted. As Philippe Bue has elegantly pointed out, the me­
more with the disruption of the orders (including the terrifying vision of a dieval biblical commentators in particular searched for an equilibrium more
"deformed" and "vile" peasant wearing a crown while clerics follow the plow) than a synthesis between conflicting images or opinions. This was not an equi­
than with the injustice of exploitation.9 Nevertheless, the passage describing librium of compromise but a range of responses to social and political condi­
the lot of the servi reads neither as a counsel to patience nor as a vindication tions of temporal reality. As the divine and human nature of Christ formed a
of mutuality. As Otto Gerhard Oexle has quite effectively argued, embedded model of government, so coercion and mercy were both inevitably present in
in Adalbero's Carmen ad Rotbertum regem (especially in the above-cited pas­ its exercise. The equality of all humanity was not contradicted by a need for
sage) is an assertion of the value of labor, whose lack of reward is therefore not hierarchy or the presence of sin that made hierarchy necessary. Equality
simply part of the order of fallen humanity but rather more immediately un­ formed one pole of a discourse accommodating notions of resistance to au­
just.10 If labor were simply an expiation of Adam's sin, or if servitude were the thority and its simultaneous legitimation.
merited punishment for those who lack discipline (the Isidorian formula­ If we examine some of the authors whose lamentations are cited by Duby,
tion), then the oppression of the toiling servi would be acceptable and unre­ we find certain common images and ways of explanation. Benedict of Sainte­
markable. The whole point in positing mutuality, however much it had the Maure translated (with some notable additions) Dudo of Saint-Quentin's On
effect (and purpose) of exalting the prerogatives of the dominant classes, was the Character and Acts ofthe First Dukes ofNormandy. In recounting a visit of
that labor amounted to a real service, not a purely expiatory act. The absence Duke William to the monastery ofJumieges and his conversation with its ab­
of recompense was therefore at least mildly disturbing. bot, Martin, Benedict digresses from Dudo to acknowledge, in a speech put
Adalbero was by no means the last clerical observer to recognize seigneu­ in William's mouth, the oppression of the rustics who sustain the other orders
rial exploitation, and the same mixture of lamentation and defense of the es­ but suffer severely themselves:
tablished social hierarchy can be observed in successive generations of cleri­
cal comments. Duby is reluctant to credit clerical complaints as sincere (or They endure the great scourges
really significant), and regards it as anachronistic to see in them any sort of Snow, rain, and wind
Working the earth with their hands.
attack on the seigneurial regime.11
Terribly uncomfortable and hungry,
Despite his belief in their insincerity, Duby assembled a useful group of Their lives are most bitter,
complaints over the lot of laborers, complaints that can be approached Poor, destitute, and beggarly. 13
somewhat differently. The question to ask is not so much whether one finds
them "sincere" or "insincere" as how one understands medieval social and Benedict alters Dudo of Saint-Quentin in reporting a question asked by
political thought. Those who criticized kings and lords in the twelfth and Duke William of the abbot: who will be most likely to enter heaven­
thirteenth centuries were attempting to describe and judge the exercise of knights, clerks, or peasants? (Dudo had listed monks, canons, laymen.) The
power, which they considered neither totally legitimate nor absolutely inex­ abbot responds that those who have served God will receive their reward, but
cusable. That they proposed no consistent program of political action does he does not contradict William's fears that the knights, having committed so
not make their ruminations irrelevant, and in fact such inconsistency shows many offenses against Him, will be punished.14
that their writings did not amount to a complacent defense of how the Later in his chronicle, Benedict, here relying on Wace as his source, de­
world was ruled. Not only did writers differ in their opinions from other nounces the Norman peasant rebels of 997, who, inspired by the devil, un­
writers, but a single author might express a series of attitudes within his own dertook the great "folly" of trying to be equal to their masters and to throw
opus. off their subordination.15 Benedict and Wace devote considerable attention to
As has been often observed, this variability follows from the dialectical enumerating peasants' grievances over oppressive levies and prohibitions on
style of medieval reasoning, which attempted to bring order from disorder, · the use of forests and other common lands. Benedict cites their conviction
Peasant Labor, Hierarchical Society 44 The Breakdown ofMutuality 45
that it is better to die or flee than live in misery. He also recalls Wace's state­ spiritual benefit could be used as something more activist than a recommen­
ment of their belief in their equality with their masters. 16 dation for quiescence.
Benedict and Wace can hardly be called social reformers, nor (writing The last of the lamenting clerics dealt with by Duby is Stephen Langton,
more than 150 years after the event) are they accurate sources for whatever the the indefatigable commentator on the Bible whose denunciations of the op­
Norman rebels actually claimed. Their reported laments, however stylized, pression of the abjecti are worth considering in some detail. Given his elo­
display what peasant grievances were thought to express in the twelfth cen­ quent and repeated statements,Langton is more difficult for Duby to dismiss
tury. The chronicles implicitly acknowledge that the laborers do not enjoy as sanctimonious or hypocritical. Langton is rather more brutally honest than
material benefits from the functioning of the orders in practice. his contemporaries, Duby acknowledges, but his reaction to the plight of the
In the Livre des manieres, written in the late twelfth century, Stephen of rustics is one of horror rather than sympathy, the product of pessimism more
Fougeres bewailed the oppression of the peasantry but more explicitly than than outrage. 21
Adalbero or Benedict attributed it to the immoderate demands of their lords.
It is not by reason of the order of creation but rather through a deliberate se­
ries of acts that the peasants suffer. While clergy and knights live off of what Stephen Langton
peasants produce, the toilers receive no reward. Here the poor diet of the Langton, a Parisian master, archbishop of Canterbury, and the author of an
peasants (a common theme in antipeasant satire) is an involuntary depriva­ extraordinary mass of biblical commentaries, was reputed to have glossed the
tion, not an attribute of low-born nature: entire Bible perhaps two or even three times in separate treatises. Friedrich
They don't eat the fine bread; Stegmilller's Repertorium contains over 200 entries for Stephen, encompass­
We have the best grain, ing overlapping disquisitions. 22 Very little of this oeuvre has been edited, and
The most pleasant and sound; the study of the manuscripts (numbering over 120) and their interrelation is
The dross is left for the vilain. exacting. There are, for example, several versions ofLangton's commentary on
Isaiah alone. In some of them, those that deal exclusively with the moral form
If his lord knows he has wine from his vines, of interpretation, he eloquently and repeatedly condemns the conduct of
He tricks and traps the vilain those, especially the clergy, who oppress the poor (pauperes). Others, such as
By flattery or menace; those encompassing the complete fourfold scheme, do not directly invoke
At any rate, he carries it off unjustly. 17
contemporary society.
Duby says that Stephen merely "pretends" to sympathize with these ex­ In an article published in 1930, Beryl Smalley and Gilbert Lacombe ex­
ploited creatures. 18 Stephen is hypocritical, according to Duby, for promising plained the variety and overlapping of the extant commentaries by arguing
the peasant a conveniently otherworldly reward on condition of meek forti­ that most employed a single interpretive method (such as the moral) that
tude and then denouncing the peasants' unwillingness to accept this advice. formed segments of a larger complete gloss encompassing the range of inter­
If the rustic bore his lot patiently, he would merit salvation before his wicked pretive possibilities. 23 What are most often preserved are literal or moral in­
social superiors in this life ("the more his life is impoverished, so much the terpretations of Scripture, portions of a master commenta ry encompassing
greater is his merit"). But, Stephen complains, this is precisely what the vi­ the fourfold ways of approaching the Sacred Page (literal, moral, allegorical,
lain refuses to do. Mired in impiety, he resists paying tithes, renders no and anagogical).
thanks to God, and is no more grateful than a dog. 19 Stephen's real intention, Smalley and Lacombe disclaimed any sweeping assertion of priority, leav­
according to Duby, is to "consolidate the class barrier. "2° Certainly to mod­ ing it open whether the complete gloss was an amalgam of earlier separate
ern eyes the invocation of the life to come and prescription of obedience treatises or the reverse: that the much more common single interpretations
seem transparently self-serving. Nevertheless, Stephen's description of the were sectioned off from an original compendium. More important is the rela­
condition of the rustics is neither insincere nor complacent, but rather reflects tionship among the separate aspects of the composition of Langton's work
a recurrent problem of justification. The claim that physical labor provides that might explain the state of the manuscripts we now possess. Small and
Lacombe drew three conclusions. First, Langton probably wrote at least two
Peasant Labor, Hierarchical Society 46 The Breakdown ofMutuality 47

separate, complete biblical commentaries. Second, what survive include com­ crib, but Israel hath not known me . . . " (Isaiah 1:3). It is rather the powerful
plete as well as literal or moral commentaries. Third, the manuscripts reflect (optimates) who are being castigated. God will judge the depredations of
their origin as lectures given at Paris between n8o, when Langton began his those who have appropriated the goods of the poor (Isaiah 3:14).29 Citing
teaching career, and 1206, when he was named archbishop ofCanterbury. Ezekiel 22:27, Langton argues that God accuses the princes, who are like
This brings some order to the apparent chaos of the manuscripts, but wolves, shedding the blood of the poor and destroying their souls. Princes
M.-B. de Vaux de Saint-Cyr showed that at least for Isaiah (which particu­ and prelates are the intended targets oflsaiah 3=15: "Why do you consume my
larly concerns us since it occasioned commentary on the iniquity ofthe pow­ people and grind the faces of the poor." This reminds Langton ofJeremiah
erful), the hypothesis of related complete and partial glosses is not particu­ 2:34: "in thy skirts is found the blood ofthe souls ofthe poor and innocent."
larly helpful. 24 There are 28 manuscripts of Langton's commentaries on Isa­ Clerics and nobles should defend and support their subjects but prefer to
iah, ofwhich some offer only the moral analysis. None contain solely a literal bleed the population, not even bothering to hide their misdeeds, beating and
interpretation, nor has any "complete" gloss survived (assuming it ever ex­ grinding up the poor.30 The metaphor is elaborated by a distinction between
isted). Moreover, there is an entirely different group ofParis manuscripts that the prelates who give the orders and their savage underlings who fulfill them,
seem to be glosses of glosses on Isaiah, of which in turn there are long and the former resembling the teeth oflions, while the petty officials are the mo­
short versions. Paris, Bibliotheque Mazarine, manuscript 177, for example, lars oflion cubs {taken from Joel 1:6).31
contains a short version of the "gloss to the gloss" (fols. n3-26) and a moral Similar language appears in the English manuscripts of the moral inter­
commentary (fols. 128-56). Paris, Bibliotheque National, 8874 and 14417 are pretation of Isaiah. In a different comment on the same passage in Isaiah
long versions ofthe second-order gloss. (3:15), Langton castigates the prelates (the lions). What they do not manage
The gloss to the gloss has nothing concerning the oppression ofthe poor. to seize, their officials (the lion cubs) extort.32 In Lambeth Palace manuscript
The theme is characteristic only of the moral commentaries on Isaiah, but 71, the passages ofIsaiah 3 (especially verse 12) evoke denunciations of those
these too are by no means simple, for they fall into what are certainly differ­ "prelati moderni" who violently despoil the goods of their subjects. The im­
ent recensions, probably different versions altogether.25 Langton's commen­ age oftearing and eating again appears, but now from the prophet Micah, as
taries on the minor prophets, especially Hosea, Amos, and Malachi, also are Langton bitterly condemns those who mislead the populace, biting them
laced with condemnations ofthe oppression ofthe poor and the arrogance of with their teeth while preaching peace.33
the nobility and dergy.26 The Peterhouse and Corpus Christi manuscripts speak even more graph­
Despite the extremely complicated textual state of Langton's commen­ ically of those who drink blood, grind the faces of the poor (pauperes), and
taries, certain themes can be discerned that bear on the present study. In his adorn their horses via the sweat of the poor.34 The image of drinking blood
moralized Isaiah commentaries and in comments on other prophets, Langton also appears in the Lambeth Palace commentary on Amos 1:3, where Damas­
was concerned in the first instance to direct the attention of the clergy to cus refers to blood while Gilead signifies the poor. Damascus signifies the rich
their pastoral obligations and to warn against greed and covetousness. Pastors and powerful who drink the blood ofthe poor, despoiling them and oppress­
who out of selfishness fail to guard their sheep anger God, he asserts in dis­ ing them.35 The previously discussed commonplace that the laborers feed all
cussing Hosea.27 Such ministers, who glory in the things of this world, are the other orders is here graphically illustrated. Not only do the poor feed the
not shepherds but beasts who devour their sheep (commenting on Isaiah rich indirectly by their labor, they are consumed by their oppressors; it is their
13:20).28 , blood that nourishes the strong.36
The Troyes and Vienna moralized commentaries on Isaiah are somewhat The dietary laws of Leviticus served Langton as another occasion for
more elaborate in their criticism of prelates. Although Langton customarily likening the conduct ofthe oppressors ofthe poor to the thirst for blood. The
refers to the common people in general terms as pauperes (thus following the tyrants who drink the blood ofthe poor symbolically violate Leviticus 7:26,
Vulgate text oflsaiah), he dearly means not the marginal but those whose ex­ "Moreover, you shall not eat the blood of any creature whatsoever." One
ploited labors support the great princes and prelates. Langton tells us that it is meaning of blood here, according to Langton, is the labor and sweat of the
not the ignorant or stupid poor whose ingratitude toward God Isaiah de­ poor, which the powerful ofthis world drink. This is followed by a reference
nounces with the words "The ox knoweth his owner and the ass his master's to the grisly passage of Micah 3=3, "Who have eaten the flesh of my people,
Peasant Labor, Hierarchical Societyc 48 The Breakdown ofMutualityc 49

and have fiayed their skin from off them: and have broken and chopped their world to come. The poor (pauperes) are the equals of the powerful. In the

bones as for the kettle and as fiesh in the midst of the pot." 37 Discussing course of his discussion of Amos 1:9 (the transgressions of Tyre, which "re­
Leviticus 3:17 ("neither blood nor fat shall you eat at all"), Langton states that membered not the brotherly covenant"), Langton cites Malachi 2:m: <'Have
the reference to eating blood means homicide or the desire to pillage (an in­ we not all one Father? hath not one God created us?"47 But not only are the
terpretation he supports with a citation from Lucan). Even those who do not poor endowed with ordinary human dignity; they are also blessed, the peo­
actively rejoice in plunder and destruction are in some measure guilty of the ple of God. Commenting on Hosea 1:5, Langton observes that while the rich
same blood-lust, specifically the powerful who afflict the poor (again citing and powerful have shut the poor out of any share in the wealth of this world,
Jeremiah 2:34) and are stained with their blood.38 they should take care lest the poor eject them from their realm, that of
Langton is perhaps unusually insistent and dramatic in his lamentations, heaven. "We" must befriend the poor in order that they might receive us in
but he is by no means unique. Philippe Bue has recently shown the signifi­ heaven.48 Oppressive conduct will come back to haunt the wealthy in the
cance of eating as a metaphor for both good and bad forms of governance. world to come, where they will become the victims of the poor, crying out for
The king nourishes the populace or consumes it.39 Beneficent rule is that ex­ God to hear them (Hosea p).49
ercised by the Church, according to a tradition based on Genesis 9:2-3. Metaphors of cannibalism and of drinking blood would persist beyond
When God gave dominion over the earth to Noah and his heirs, he permitted Langton into the late Middle Ages and beyond. The verses Micah 3:2-3
them to exploit its animal and vegetable life. In Gregory's Moralia on Job, this served in the Dominican biblical commentaries organized by Hugh of Saint­
form of subjugation is contrasted to domination of other human beings in vi­ Cher between 1236 and 1239 to describe the brutal exploitation of the poor in
olation of our original equality, a theme we shall return to in the following a lurid series of images of boiling, cooking, serving, and eating.50 Jacques de
chapter.40 Good government, according to medieval glosses on Genesis 9, is Vitry, in his Historia occidentalis, imagined the servants of the powerful
limited to control over the animal nature of human beings.41 Clerics receive shouting to each other to pull apart their victims, crucify, burn, and eat
their subsistence from the laity, but this form of eating is also an allegory of them! 51 The Franciscan James of Lausanne, commenting on Leviticus in the
the Church's transformation of worldly goods and even sin into a spiritual early fourteenth century, likened clergy who live luxuriously off the poor to
form of nutrition. The work of preachers, according to a Dominican tradi­ those who eat bloody meat. Rulers and clergy are like eagles with the blood
tion based on earlier commentaries, is a form of "spiritual manducation" or a of the poor under their wings (Jeremiah 2:34 and Isaiah 40:3).52 A villager of
"sacrament of manducation."42 Montaillou, Belibaste, observed that the pope "swallows the sweat and blood
A more physical and obviously brutal manducation is that of secular of the poor." Another, Pierre Maury, scoffed at the Franciscans and their
domination, in particular the exploitation of the poor by the powerful. Walter claims to humilitJ;. They are wolves who would like nothing better than to
Map likened the forest keepers of King Henry II (who was responsible for en­ devour "us" dead or alive.53 The rich eat the poor, according to a sermon by
forcing the punitive regulations concerning hunting and poaching) to those Thomas of Wimbledon written in 1388.54 The Czech Hussite pacifist Peter
who "eat the flesh of men in the presence of Leviathan, and drink their Chelcicky near the middle of the fifteenth century likened the clerical and
blood." 43 Langton bases his denunciations on Peter the Chanter, for whom noble orders to gluttons drinking the blood of those who labor while treating
the eating of blood in Leviticus 7:26 meant in the first place those raptores them as'little better than dogs.55
who plunder the helpless. "Blood" is the labor and sweat of the pauperes that Langton was perhaps the most eloquent high-medieval critic of the ex­
is drunk by the rich and the tyrants of this world.44 In his De miseria condi­ 'ploitation of the poor, but complaints over their condition were quite com­
cionis humane, Lotario dei Segni {later Pope Innocent III) laments the de­ mon, usually divorced from an explicit lament over the failure to observe the
graded and exploited condition of the unfree (servi ), quoting Ecclesiasticus Three Orders' mutuality of service, but always implicitly contrasting oppres­
13:23, "the wild ass is the lion's prey in the desem so also the poor are de­ sion with what were supposed to be the obligations of prelates and nobles. An
voured by the rich."45 important category of denunciations concerned servitude. That certain peas­
Langton, unlike Stephen of Fougeres, issues no accompanying instruc­ ants were held by their lords as serfs was a particularly graphic emblem of
tion to the poor to bear their lot patiently, except by implication insofar as subordination in violation of mutuality and, arguably, of Christian equality. I
Langton claims their misery will be transferred to their oppressors in the shall postpone discussing servitude and condemnations of servile institutions
Peasant Labor, Hierarchical Sociery 50 The Breakdown ofMutualiry 51

unt_il Chapter IO, where I will bring together the topics of equali ty and expla­ punishment on their oppressors. The anger of the peasants destroys and
nations (and refutations) of subordination that remain to be explored. Serf­ bu rns the lord's castles, according to the thirteenth-century German poet
�om would be attacked in the late Middle Ages and would provoke or at least known as Der Stricker.62 An explicit warning of the consequences of the no­
mfl�ence many_ of the insurrections of the two centuries before 1525. Beyond bles' failure to fulfill their role as protectors of the poor is given in an anony­
specific complamts over status, medieval laments concerning the oppression mous fifteenth-century German poem. Not only will God punish the wicked,
of the peasants repeat and develop certain themes: warnings of the conse­ but the peasant will kill the evil nobles.63 Johannes de Rupescissa, writing in
quences of mistreatment (in terms of God's eternal judgment but also in this 1356 after the capture of King John II at Poitiers, warned of the impending
life); comparisons with the wicked behavior of infidels; and comparisons with wrath of the people against the "tyrannical noble traitors," a catastrophe alle­
the treatment meted out to animals, with a corresponding reassertion of the gorized as the triumph of the lowly worms against great beasts such as lions
peasants' humanity. and wolves. Rupescissa, an apocalyptic Franciscan visionary imprisoned by
the papacy in Avignon, foresaw something resembling the Jacquerie, which
would occur two years later. Although the insurrections in his prophetic ac­
Consequences ofMistreatment count are among a host of horrific visitations of divine chastisement, he
Two royal dreams concern the sense of guilt over tyrannical conduct, includ­ specifically calls the future slaying of the lords by the "afflicted populace" an
ing that t�ward t�e peasantry. Benedict of Sainte-Maure describes a night­ act of "popular justice." 64 Rupescissa's prophecies would find resonance in
_ Bohemia, where an even more bitter denunciation of the oppression of the
mare of King Wilham II of England on the eve of his mysterious death while
hunting in _the �ew Forest. William dreamt that he was hunting alone, peasantry was interpolated into a revised text of the Vade mecum drawn up in
nearly starvmg with hunger. Desperately looking for food, he entered a 1422 in the apocalyptic atmosphere of Hussite Bohemia.65
ch��el in which a freshly dressed deer seemed to be lying upon the altar. More frequently, laments over mistreatment of rustics were joined to a fu­
Wilham started to devour the carcass, raw as it was, and did not cease even ture, otherworldly reordering in which the meek would be admitted to par­
when_ it was transformed into a man. The dream as interpreted by the bishop adise and the wicked punished in the manner of the forest keepers in Walter
of Wmchester symbolized the king's misdeeds against the people and the Map's anecdote. Invoking divine redress in the life to come constituted a
Church.5� �he story also appears in Gerald of Wales and Walter Map, with warning to the powerful but also to the victims, lest in their impatience they
some vananons, notably that it was immediately obvious that the body on should be tempted to exact a more immediate vengeance. We have seen that
the altar was human.57 in Langton the powerful need the assistance (prayers) of the weak in order to
Joh� of 'Yorcester tells of a dream King Henry I experienced (probably be saved. The Cai;inthian author of the poem "Yorn Rechte" (written be­
. tween n30 and n50) states flatly that the lord who is unjust will appear be­
1� n31) m which the king found himself threatened by successive representa­
tives of the estates of society, including a group of peasants who denounced fore God as a serf while the serf will be free if he fulfills the divine ordi­
his oppressive rule, menacing him with their agricultural implements.58 nances.66 English preachers of the fourteenth century condemned the rich,
God heeds the groans of the oppressed and punishes their oppressors. As who would burn in hell while those they ground under them would be
early as 900, in a collection of the miracles of Saint Bertin, the sighs and blessed: In Literature and the Pulpit, G. R. Owst cited the Augustinian John
prayers of the helpless, unwarlike common people are heard by God, leading Waldeby, the Franciscan Nicholas Bozon, and especially the Dominican
to the �ownfal ! of the powerful. 59 In Lambert of Ardres's History ofthe Counts preacher John Bromyard, whose Summa Predicantium (early fourteenth cen­
of Gumes (wntten near the end of the twelfth century), the evil Count tury) vividly imagines the rich confronted in heaven by those whom they
Rudolph encounters a group of wretched shepherds who do not know who he starved, beat, and extorted. The sufferers will air their complaints at length
is. He asks them about the count, and they bewail their lot, cursing their ruler. before God, demanding vengeance for the absence of recompense for their
Rudolph shor�ly �er dies in a tournament.60 At the end of the Middle Ages, labors, the failure of mutuality: "O just God, mighty judge, the game was not
_ fairly divided between them and us. Their satiety was our famine; their mer­
Werner Rolevmck, m his De laude veteris Saxoniae (1478), said that the clamor
of the downtrodden rises to heaven asking revenge against cruel lords.61 riment was our wretchedness." 67 The demands of the poor for justice are the
It was also possible to imagine that the peasants might themselves inflict inverse of their earthly prayers for those who give them charity. In both cases
Peasant Labor, Hierarchical Society 52 The Breakdown ofMutuality 53
the poor are heard by God because of their wretchedness. In the world to
Turks. The peasants, he lamented, suffered not from Turks or Scythians but
come, those "who here on earth are called nobles" shall blush in shame at from those of their own nation.75 A similar accusation in a Swiss war-song of
their transgressions and fearfully await their punishment.
1495 directed against the Swabian League attacks the nobles for seeking to
On this issue, as on many topics, the German didactic poet Hugo von conquer Christians when they should be upholding their responsibility to
Tnmberg most exhaustively reproduces the range of common attitudes. In fight the Turks.76 The idea of mutuality could be used to justify not simply
Der Renner (ca. 1300), a long compendium of moral and scientific learning
the castigation but even the destruction of a noble class that had not upheld
(with particular reference to the vices), Hugo complains about the tyrannical its duties to protect the other orders. Chroniclers of the French ]acquerie (no­
lords who force the poor to work for them, an act worse than diabolical, for tably Jean Froissart and Jean de Venette) have the peasants justifying their re­
even the devil himself stops short of demanding service against one's will.68 volt by condemning the nobility for betraying the country and the military
Hugo returns to the theme of the violence and pillaging committed by obligations of their rank.77
knights against the poor. How does it happen that the Jews, according to Thus, although it was a hegemonic ideology that could serve to justify
Leviticus, incurred such severe punishment from God for relatively minor social domination, the theory of the Three Orders could be turned against
transgressions while wicked Christians seem to be able to despoil peasants those in whose favor it was elaborated in situations where their dereliction was
with impunity? To the extent that their crimes are allowed to wax on earth, dear. One way to appropriate mutuality in favor of the peasants was to join it
their ultimate punishment will be greater.69 The robber-knights will burn in to invidious distinctions between pagans and Christians (the argument of the
hell for their conduct.70 Hugo also remarks that they are worse than pagans, Reformatio Sigismundi). Not only would pagans not behave as wickedly as pu­
who indeed would not treat a dog thus. So gravely have these nominally tatively Christian nobles, but peasants were treated by their fellow Christians
Christian oppressors jeopardized their souls that they need preaching more as if they were pagan. Stephen of Fougeres had observed in the twelfth cen­
than the infidel overseas.71 tury that those whom the knights pillage rather than defend are Christians,
The invidious contrast between pagan and Christian conduct would also not pagans or "Syrians."78 In the Crown of Aragon, where arbitrary lordship
figure in the Reformatio Sigismundi (1439). Here servitude rather than plun­ was symbolized by the treatment doled out to local rural and urban Muslim
der or direct exploitation is the object of the writer's anger. The man who populations, some Christian tenants lodged a complaint in 1323 against their
calls another his serf is not a Christian but resembles an infidel in his defiance lord, accusing him of treating them "worse than Muslims."79
of God's law.72 In fact, he is worse than a "pagan," as the author demonstrates But the image of the treatment meted out to animals would become the
by a story about a Turkish "duke" who supposedly visited the Council of most common (and vivid) statement of the injustice of the lords' exploitation.
Basel. Exhorted to convert by those he met at the gathering, the wise Turk ac­ Antipeasant satire .ind diatribe commonly likened peasants to wild or domes­
knowledged the appeal, even the truth of Christianity as set forth in Scrip­ ticated animals as a way of demonstrating their stupidity, their subordination,
ture, but reproached Christians' propensity to wicked actions such as perjury and, most of all, the appropriateness of their mistreatment. The greater the
and the oppression of other Christians as serfs. The Crusade (meifart) is un­ distance between them and what might be considered full humanity or equal­
favorably compared to the more useful task of redeeming those already sup­ ity with their social superiors, the less disturbing their subordination.80 The
posed to be Christians.73 association of subhuman and, in particular, bestial characteristics with the
The Hungarian peasant insurrection of 1514 actually began as a crusade peasantry could, however, be taken in the reverse direction: that they were hu­
against the Turks, but self-serving opportunism on the part of the nobles, mans but treated as badly as animals (or worse). Thomasin von Zerclaere, a
compounding the longstanding misery of the peasants' living conditions, in­ Friulian who wrote a didactic poem in German (ca. 1215), lamented that free
duced the peasant crusaders to turn upon their masters. Why should they men were enserfed and dealt with as livestock. 81 More matter-of-factly,
fight the Turks when their own nobles treacherously refused to sacrifice for Robert of Cour�on distinguished three sorts of servi, the lowest being those
the common effort, continuing their extortionate (and unchristian ) con­ (such as were supposedly found in Apulia and Sicily) who were bought and
duct?74 In a chronicle of the Hungarian rebellion written in 1576, the Italian sold like sheep and cattle (sicut oves et boves). 82 A text attributed to the Fran­
religious exile Gian Michele Bruto rebuked the Hungarian nobles for falling ciscan preacher Berthold von Regensburg remarked that lords made sure their
on their own populace with arms that should have been directed against animals were better nourished than their peasants.83
Peasant Labor, Hierarchical Society 54 The Breakdown ofMutuality 55

The peasants of the era of the German peasant wars complained that they should punish those, like Lucifer and his rebel angels, who defied God, but
were treated like animals. The eighth article of the Salzburg peasants' de­ the rustics were men, formed like their lords. Why should they then be kept
mands (1525) condemns serfdom, likening the oppre ssion of the serf to that under like beasts?89 The chronicler Wace, writing in the twelfth century about
of an animal led around by the nose. Serfs were treated as cattle only more the Norman peasants' revolt of 997, has them claim that they are men just as
tyrannically.84 A declaration of the peasants of the abbey of Ochsenhausen (in their masters are, with the same members, hearts, and sensitivity to pain. 90
Upper Swabia), also from 1525, said they should no longer be sold like cattle
or sheds, "for we all have one lord, that is God in heaven."85 The peasants of
the abbey of Kempten, who had long struggled over their rights and status Laments over mistreatment were directed against the perceived failure of mu­
with their monastic lords, claimed their condition was worse than that of serfs tuality. The peasants fed the other orders, and even the least realistic of chival­
or dogs.86 ric writers grasped this basic dynamic of the medieval economy. 91 If the peas­
The animal-like subjugation of rustics represented the logical outcome of ants were indeed oppre ssed, it could be argued, this was owing to some mer­
the breakdown of the Three Orders. If they were deprived of what was owed ited punishment-for Ham's sin against Noah, for example -or their inferior
them by the rule of mutuality, the peasants ceased to have any standing or or even subhuman nature. In some sense, howeve r, the humanity of the peas­
dignity and were ultimately deprived of their humanity. Tomas Miere s, a ants, their status as Christians, and especially the moral and rhetorical force of
Catalan jurist of the early fourteenth century, in a marginal note to one of statements of human equality made it difficult consistently to place them
the basic Roman law treatments of servitude, wrote that serfs must be treated outside society as objects of a thoroughly de served exploitation.
humanely. They are men and so should not be killed, dismembered, or oth­
erwise mistreated. This was not a vague theoretical statement but an impor­
tant declaration in a territory that recognized a legal right of seigneurial mis­
treatment.87 Towards the end of the Middle Ages, Peter Chelcicky argued
(against Wyclif ) that the three fold division of society had never worke d for
mutual be nefit. The lords and prie sts "ride the working pe ople as they will."
If the three orde rs really did represent the body of Christ, the lowe r order
would have the greatest honor, but this is visibly not the case; peasants, shep­
herds, and beggars are scorned and insulted by the powe rful, who refer to
them as "bl"1sters," "screech-ow1s, '' "horne ts," "Iouts," or s1mp
· Iy (as sufficient
insult) "peasant."
The complaints of peasants varied from place to place. In some areas
servitude was a major issue, in others, taxe s or free access to forests or a host
of local economic issue s. At time s, what now appe ar to be rather spe cific
grievance s were couched in a grandiose rhetoric of human dignity and Chris­
tian truth, but that rhetoric is of interest in itsel£ However we may regard the
import or background of peasant demands, they tended to center around a
reiteration of humanity and of piety (in which Christianity is a proof or man­
ifestation of humanity).
Even those, like Froissart, who regarded the peasants with contempt and
hostility could imagine their complaints of bondage on the basis that they
were men, like their lords, not beasts. Froissart portrays the English rebels of
1381 as arguing that servitude had not existed at the beginning of the world
(the original equality of humanity proven by its common origin). Servitude
Part' 2
The Origins of Inequality
Chapter' 3
Equality and Freedom at Creation

Complaints over mistreatment and exploitation found warrant in an ostensi­

ble common humanity that such conduct violated. No one claimed that all
people should enjoy the same rank, but many commentators believed that
degrading peasants to the condition of beasts or objects negated an underly­
ing equality of the most basic sort. What follows examines the forms and im­
plications of this notion of fundamental equality.

Adam and Eve

A poem by Walter von der yogelweide asks who could tell a serf from a lord if
he found their skeletons? Even had he known them both while they lived,
their worm-devoured remains would demonstrate their underlying equality. 1
Death is the ultimate proof of our essential resemblance regardless of status.
The Dance of Death, an evocation of pessimism and materialism that was
very popular in the late Middle Ages, presented the overwhelming impress of
mortality but was also a reminder of the imminent obliteration of worldly
distinction. 2
Acknowledging the common fate of humanity hardly constitutes a revo­
lutionary egalitarian assertion. Johan Huizinga observed that late-medieval
�galitarian statements were devoid of social import since they did not propose
to mobilize cosmic equality in an effort to level worldly hierarchy. Huizinga
quotes from a ballad by Eustache Deschamps that joins human equality in
the face of death to an even more ubiquitous topos of equality, the common
ancestry of all people. Deschamps has Adam asking his distant offspring how
noble and villein differ, for they are all "covered by the same skin"; they are
all his descendants. Death holds the reins for princes and the poor alike. 3 In
the thirteenth century the jurist Philippe de Beaumanoir began his discussion
The Origins ofInequality 60 Equality and Freedom at Creation 61

of servitude by noting that in the beginning all were free, for we are all the rency in the late Middle Ages (the rhyme works in several languages), but not
offspring of a single father and mother. This does not materially affect the in­ always in the context of the same argument.
stitution of servitude, which arose through a variety of historical factors ac­ The proverb could be linked to the idea that all should labor, that work
cording to Beaumanoir, but nonetheless it is generally a bad thing to hold was the common obligation of humanity on the model of Adam and Eve. As
Christians in bondage and a good thing to free serfs.4 a rallying cry it demanded the end of servitude, which violated the basic hu­
Stylized and politically empty as such statements might be, they formed a man equality implicit at Creation. After invoking the Adam and Eve couplet,
conventional repertoire concerning equality that could be shaped in a num­ John Ball's Blackheath sermon continued with the statement that all were
ber of practical directions. If universal helplessness before death manifested equal by nature and that serfdom was a form of oppression introduced
the fundamental equality of all, the single origin of humanity did so even against the will of God, who, if He had wished to create serfs, would have
more polemically because it implied a wicked deviation from a better, earlier separated them from lords at the moment of creation. 8
practice. "Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us?" Com­ Other orders of society, however, did not draw such radical conclusions
menting on this passage from the prophet Malachi (2:10), Stephen Langton from the proverb. Creation merely established an original favorable situation,
denounced the avaricious who refuse charity and despise the poor.5 Ultimate after which the elaboration of privilege and its opposite, servitude, took place.
equality in death may mock current pretensions to superiority, but original Fortune, character, or human law might be said to modify fundamental
equality at creation renders such pretensions potentially unjust usurpations. equality (the ius gentium as opposed to ius naturalis); or some specific occur­
The best-known medieval statement concerning human equality and rence in the past (the Fall, Noah's curse upon Ham, or a historical event)
common descent is a couplet associated with the English Peasant War of 1381: might be claimed to have destroyed the egalitarian happiness of paradise. An
"When Adam dalf and Eve span, Who was thanne a gentelman?" (When ur-human equality did not necessarily remain valid throughout history, nor
Adam delved and Eve spun, who was then a gentleman?) According to did it inevitably accord with divine will as played out in secular time.
Thomas Walsingham, writing in 1390, the verba proverbii of the couplet fur­ The propositions that God created human beings to be equal and that all
nished the text for a sermon given by John Ball to the rebels assembled at are descended from Adam and Eve were not in themselves complex or even
Blackheath. 6 A similar poetic proverb was commonly recited in England dur­ really debatable. The real challenge was to explain what had happened to un­
ing the decade before the Peasants' War: dermine equality. Was the falling away from equality natural and licit, or the
result of sin and force? Should or could actions in the present restore the pris­
When Adam delf and Eve span, tine balance? Answers varied according to how durable (or renewable) the
Spire [i.e., 'ask"], if thou wil spede,
first form of society was supposed to be: whether human equality perished ir­
Whare was than the pride of man,
That now merres his mede? retrievably with Adam's Fall (or Ham's mockery of Noah), or whether Christ
Of erth and slame, als was Adam, had restored it in something more than a spiritual sense.
Maked to noyes and nede, The couplet about Adam and Eve is found inLatin and several vernacu­
Ar we, als he, maked to be lars.9 Although it became a proverbial statement in written sources only in
Whil we this lyf sal lede.7 the late Middle Ages, some evidence suggests that Adam and Eve were in­
voked in earlier assertions of equality, as in the movement known as the Ca­
Adam as universal father, an undeniable tenet of Christian belief, could puciati, or "White Capes," in central France of the u8os. 10 Even earlier, in
be used to buttress three related assertions: fundamental equality, the illicit
Adalbero ofLaon's Carmen ad Rotbertem regem (ca. 1025), the disorderly soci­
nature of servitude, and the hollowness of pretensions to innate nobility. ety, the world-upside-down, is symbolized not only by peasants wearing
These statements are not quite interchangeable, since it would, for example, crowns but by undressed bishops and monks following the plow "singing the
be perfectly possible to attack the perquisites of noble status without thereby songs of the first parents," possibly an allusion to an ancestor of the couplet.11
advocating the abolition of serfdom. It is also one thing to assert the primor­
Whatever its precedents, the couplet really became widely current only in
dial equality of humanity and quite another to demand its restoration. The the late Middle Ages, but it then appeared everywhere. Sylvia Resnikow
shaded meaning of the couplet as well as its pointedness gave it a certain cur- ,
demonstrated in 1937 how widespread was the use of this "democratic prov-
The Origi,ns ofInequality 62 Equality and Freedom at Creation 63
erb. "12 It emerges in a German poem of the fifteenth century known as "Das that uses the image of Adam digging and Eve spinning not as proof of equal­
Gedicht vom ersten Edelmann," which praises the peasant and skeptically ity but to depict labor as the consequence of sin:
questions the basis for nobility, since both wicked and pious are descended
from Adam and Eve.13 A fifteenth-century manuscript written in Nuremberg When Adam tainted himself by eating [the apple]
Then God commanded him to win his bread
(presumably for an urban audience) phrases the couplet somewhat differ­
By tilling the soil and Eve by spinning
ently: "Wo was ein graff, ritter und edelman,/ do Adam hackt und Eva In sweat, their faces turned towards the earth. 23
span?" 14 A Swedish adaptation of the chess-game allegory of Jacobo de Ces­
solis, written between 1476 and 1492, states: "ho war tha een adela man/ tha Resnikow considers's lines a "misinterpretation," but in fact it does
adam groff ok eua span?"15 There were also Dutch, Czech, and Polish versions not inevitably follow from common parentage that our present condition
of the couplet, according to Resnikow. 16 must be equal.
A more recent discussion by Albert B. Friedman takes issue with Resni­ Yet this statement of original equality was both sufficiently well known
kow's rather literal interpretation of the couplet as a program for social and sufficiently subversive in its implication to be consistently put into the
change.17 Although invented relatively late in the Middle Ages, the couplet mouths of lower-class characters by learned observers. Andreas Capellanus
expresses an opinion common long before the spate of major peasant rebel­ has his "plebian" would-be lover argue with a noble lady that since all come
lions: that all are descended from one set of ancestors. Boethius, in The Con­ from Adam, no one can claim unique aptitude for love on the basis of rank.24
solation ofPhilosophy, asserted that all humans are born in the same way and Chroniclers and didactic writers depict peasant rebels as trotting out Adam
through the same Creator who fashioned them from noble seed. 18 Indeed, and Eve to justify their grievances. Original equality was the one peasant ar­
positing a universal ancestor or a common creation is an ancient common­ gument with which noble, urban, and clerical observers were familiar. We
place directed against excessive pride in noble origins. The corollaries, that find the couplet about Adam and Eve in Walsingham's description of John
true nobility does not depend on blood and that noble birth does not guar­ Ball's sermon, and Froissart reports that arguments from equality at Creation
antee noble conduct, are found in Boethius and earlier, in the Greek philoso­ were promulgated during the English rebellion.25 In imagined peasant dis­
phers (e.g., the Sophists and Aristotle) and playwrights (Euripides and Me­ courses, the didactic poet Hugo von Trimberg, the political controversialist
nander).19 The notion that deeds or virtuous conduct rather than blood are Felix Hemmerli, and the satiric poet Heinrich Wittenwiler have their peasant
the true markers of nobility does not mean equality of legal standing, still less spokesmen argue their equality with the nobles on the basis of common de­
literal economic egalitarianism. Melanchthon reported the riposte to the cou­ scent from Adam and Eve only to be refuted. The refutations do not deny
plet made by the emperor Maximilian in the form of another rhyme, which original similarity but posit subsequent distinctions deriving from Noah's
acknowledged that the emperor was a man, like other men, different only in curse or some other hereditary basis for social differentiation: whatever the
that God had given him high rank.20 The subversive implications of the origin, from that point on there have been nobles and subordinates, an in­
Adam and Eve argument could be answered by reference to diversity in hu­ evitable result of history after the Fall.26
man fortunes, all of which must accord with the will of the all-powerful deity. The fifteenth-century Book ofSt. Albans, a miscellaneous collection of lore
The couplet did not necessarily, then, imply a program of absolute social best known for its catalogue of collective nouns for animals, imagines "bonde
equality. It might simply encapsulate the complaint against excessive pride in men" as arguing that all come from Adam, a view that is contemptuously
ancestry. One finds the lines ''Als Adam grab und Eva spann, Wo war denn dealt with.27 Machiavelli, in his account of the Ciompi uprising in Florence
da der Edelmann?" in the Augsburg weavers' guildhall, where it was clearly (1381), has the rebels argue that boasts of noble blood are vain since all men
aimed by townsmen against the nobility, without implying a demand for the come from equally ancient lineage, having as they do a common beginning.
emancipation of rural serfs. 21 The poet John Gower, whose denunciation of If rich and poor exchanged garments, they would reverse the appearance of
the English Rising of 1381 is among the most vitriolic antipeasant documents nobility and baseness; poverty and wealth differentiate men, not nature.28
of the entire Middle Ages, nevertheless (both before and after 1381) belittled Thus the couplet was used to justify equality in both radical and com­
claims to nobility or "gentilesce" by invoking the common descent of all from monplace observation, hut it was regarded by the articulate classes as the quin­
Adam and Eve.22 Resnikow cites a poem by Hans of Nuremberg tessential lower-class argument against privilege and for equality here and now.
The Origins ofInequality 64

Original Equality
That originally all were equal and that common descent from Adam confers a
single human character are sentiments and assertions that can be found in
medieval writers long before the invention of the Adam and Eve couplet. One
could cite Adam's ancestral role to underscore the folly of human pride with­
out thereby proposing any revision of the social order. Thus in two chansons
de geste of the mid-fourteenth century the nature of true nobility is said to
amount to something other than lineage. The father of the hero of Hugues
Capet is a knight, but his grandfather is a wealthy Parisian butcher.29
This version of the Capetians' ancestry is first found explicitly in Dante's
Purgatorio (20.49-52), completed in 1315. Here it has a distinctly unfavorable
connotation, and the legend of the Parisian butcher, which probably goes
back to the mid-thirteenth century, was regarded as an anti-Capetian slur.
This legend of the lowly origins of the Capetians, including a variant that has
Philip the Fair rescued (by reason of his handsome appearance) from a
butcher's shop, was brought to England and popularized at the time of the
Hundred Years' War.30 In France itself, the Chanson de Hugues Capet (mid­
fourteenth century) alludes to the butcher shop as an example of the moral
superiority of character over birth. High lineage is all very well, but in fact we
all are descended from Adam, the author remarks, so that true nobility can­
not be by blood alone.31 In Baudouin de Sebourc, written at the same time
and in the same milieu as Hugues Capet but by a different author, "gentle" na­
ture is from good character, not birth, since we all come from Eve and our
common father is Adam.32
W hat was Adam's social rank? While he could hardly have been a tenant
farmer, he was logically an agricultural laborer, for the Book of Genesis de­
scribes him after the Fall as destined (or cursed) to toil, to gain his bread by
the sweat of his brow. This applied to human beings generally; thus in com­
menting on Zachariah 13:5, Peter the Chanter describes Adam as the exem­
plar of the human species, for all of us, like the agricola, eat our bread by the
sweat of our brow.33
While many regarded Cain as the first peasant (because of the nature of
his rejected offerings to God), his father could also be depicted as an agricul­
tural worker. In a fifteenth-century Nuremberg Carnival play entitled simply
Ein Spil von der Vasnacht, the mockery of peasants, a usual feature of su�h
ork after the Fall: Adam digging, Eve spinning. Another thirteenth-century
plays, is condemned, for no one ought to mock his parent, and Adam was a • 3-_ W:
P�1 �tmg m the Monastery of Sigena. From a photograph taken before the Spanish
peasant who called all of us "my children." 34 In the stained glass of the
Civil War, when the monastery was burned. A restoration is at Museu Nacional
clerestory at Canterbury and the nave at Chartres, Adam is shown digging d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona. Reprinted by permission of Arxiu Mas, Barcelona.
The Origins ofInequality 66 Equality and Freedom at Creation 67
with a spade, muscular, miserably half-clothed, but at the sa�e time re�em­
tune, a series of parallel dialogues consoling those who lament their misfor­
bling Christ with his long hair and facial type. H� uses somethmg �ore like a
tunes and correcting those whom fortune for the moment has favored. The
pick or mattock in the mural formerly at the Sigena monastery m Aragon
German version, ¼m der Artzney bayder Gluck, was printed in 1532, but its
(Fig. 3) and in mosaics at Monreale and the Palermo Palatine Chapel.35 Late­ woodcut illustrations by the so-called "Petrarch Master" were created about
medieval German songs asserted that the first man God created was a peas­ 1517, before the German Peasants' War of 1525 and so during the years when
ant.36 In late-medieval Scandinavia, rather exceptionally, Adam was shown peasants were commonly imagined and portrayed as long-suffering and
plowing.37 Just as Christ was the new Adam, restoring humanity to spiritual holy.43
life, He also might be represented with a plow or a spade, and the peasant The illustrations often elaborate on, significantly sharpen, or even change
could assume a symbolic significance for spiritual labor.38 the points of the text. Petrarch was not especially favorably disposed toward
As discussed earlier, the plow and the activity of plowing could serve as rustics. He has Reason dispute those who rejoice in fertile land by observing
either favorable or unfavorable symbols. The plowman represented piety, pro­ that although formerly virtuous, rustics are now wicked and of classes of soci­
ductive labor, even preaching. At the same time plowing denoted de�ased sta­ ety the least likely to recover the good customs of the past.44 The Petrarch
tus and earthly toil.39 Adams labor could be regarded as a productive model Master, however, was outraged at the oppression of the peasantry, and his
for virtuous conduct in the world or, as in Rosenpliit's poem cited above, a woodcut engravings show the cruelty of judges, stewards, and lords. Petrarch
punishment that most immediately affected those �ho perform manual (es­ had stated in rather general terms that there was no such thing as a "good
pecially agricultural) work. One could also regard this form of toil as not only lord" because lordship limited one's freedom and property, and because the
_ _
valuable but of higher moral worth than any other lay callmg, argumg fro� only true lord was God Himself, but the Petrarch Master exemplifies the no­
common descent and from Adams duties that all people, regardless of condi- tion more vividly, showing bedraggled rustics brought with their wrists tied
tion, should work with their hands.40 before a group of richly clad magnates.45 Petrarch's consolation to a serf in the
In didactic literature treating the estates of society, however, the common Book of Misfortunes repeats the Stoic and patristic distinctions between the
descent of humanity did not invalidate the hierarchical ordering of society. inner and outer man, but under this heading the Petrarch Master depicts
Equality in Adam was used to argue that one should be content i� the rank (Fig. 4) a peasant being flogged.46 In another example, what for Petrarch was
one was allotted.41 Far from violating original equality, mutual service among a comic instance of bad fortune-being importuned by impudent ser­
the Three Orders might be regarded as its legacy in a sublapsarian world of vants-becomes in the German version the cruel punishment of underlings.
diverse conditions. To the extent that mutuality was perceived not to work in The complaint of "Sorrow" about his unruly servitors is accompanied in the
practice, however, the question of common descent became more critical. If German translation by a scene in which two men are being whipped while a
the nobility did not fulfill its duty of defense, then should not society revert third is about to have his tongue cut out.47 In a woodcut for a translation of
to its earlier egalitarian form?42 Cicero's De officiis, the Petrarch Master imagines a cosmic judgment in which
The unitary origin of humanity did not necessarily mean that all should a balance scale holds a bound and gagged peasant on one side and an armed
subsequently remain equal It might mean that all should work, or again �hat knight kneeling in prayer on the other. Despite (or because of) their pos­
all should be free, that slavery and servitude are illicit. Shared ancestry might tures, the peasant in the balance outweighs the knight. His suffering in this
also mean that humanity shared a perhaps minimal but inviolable dignity. life confers spiritual benefit, whereas the knight's conduct condemns him, no
Such interpretations fostered a potentially radical turn to one of the most matter what his professed piety.48
venerable of learned cliches, the vanity of pride in noble birth. Behind the al­ To return to the German version of Petrarch's De remediis, one of the dia­
most banal statements of common origin or the superiority of virtuous con­ logues concerning good fortune discusses noble birth ("De origine genrosa",
duct to noble status could be discerned, at various times, the program of John translated as "Von adelichem Ursprung").49 "Joy" (Freud) is chided by "Rea­
Ball. Crucially, the presence or absence of peasants determined the force of son" (Vernunft). Joy delights in his noble origins while Reason ridicules his
the statement. pride. Petrarch's text pointedly, elegantly, and quite conventionally begins by
We might take as an example of the argument of fundamental equal- deriding the supposition that noble blood is in itself virtuous.50 The question
ity the German translation of Petrarch's On the Remedy ofBoth Kinds ofFor- of whether birth, feats of arms, or virtue conferred true nobility was charac-
Equality and Freedom at Creation 69

ceristic of chivalric and humanist discussions throughout the late Middle

Petrarch notes that all blood is the same color and that a renowned father
is seldom followed by an equally worthy son. Nobility depends on the way
one's life and death unfold; it is not a matter of birth. Petrarch then states
chat all mankind has a common origin. Over time the same blood ha$ pro­
duced individuals of high and low rank, so that, quoting Plato's Theaetetus,
"there is no king who did not come of slaves, and no slave who did not come
of kings."
The woodcut (Fig. 5) is directed to this part of the text, but provides a
more puzzling image. It represents the estates of society as a tree, but with a
paradoxical configuration. The different orders are hierarchically arranged in
reference to the roots and branches of an immense larch tree. Two rustic la­
borers suffer at its base, enmeshed in the root system, groaning as they clutch
their implements of toil. They support above them first merchants and arti­
sans, then bishops and kings, and then the pope and the emperor. At the top,
however, are two rustics identical to the crushed pair at the base, one perhaps
a shepherd playing his bagpipes and the other sleeping, his pitchfork held at
rest. The humble men at the top seem to be enjoying an ostentatious, even
contemptuous ease: the foot of the bagpipe player rests casually on the pope's
There are several possible interpretations of this woodcut, none of them
completely satisfactory. Like the Adam and Eve couplet, it conveys a truism
but with a certain potentially subversive edge. Indeed, a later edition of Von
der Artzney (1539), with a different translator, reproduced the estates-tree il­
lustration accompanied by the German version of the couplet.52 According to
Walter Scheidig and Herbert Zschelletzschky, who wrote in East Germany,
the Petrarch Master sounds a call to revolution, exalting the struggle of the
oppressed for justice.53 This view is opposed by the Renate and Gustav Rad­
bruch, who demonstrate that the estates-tree was a popular theme illustrative
of social reciprocity. The decoration of the town hall at Oberlingen (from
1494), for example, features a tree very much like the later design of the Pe­
trarch Master. Trees were used as metaphors for the varieties of love and mil­
itary service (e.g., Honore Boner's influential L'Arbre des batailles) as well as
the estates of society.54 The Petrarch Master's illustration, according to the
Radbruchs, follows Plato's suggestion that kings are descended from rustics
(if not literally slaves), and rustics from kings.55 The tree thus has a genealog­
4. Mistreatment of serfs. Woodcut engraving (1517) by the so-called Petrarch ical purport, resembling the Tree of Jesse or other depictions of lineage, such
Master. From Petrarch, Von der Artzney bayder Gluck (Augsburg, 1532), fol. 8v. as the arbor consanguinitatis, showing the degrees of consanguinity barring
Reprinted by permission of the New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox, and Tilden marriage.
Foundations, Spencer Collection, New York City. Photo credit: Robert D. Rubie,
New York City
Equality and Freedom at Creation 71
The Radbruchs see the Petrarch estates-tree in relation to the early­
six enth-century tendency to identify simple virtue, even sanctity, with rus­
tics.56 In this sense, its message might resemble that of the Cicero judgment:
piety makes the peasants closer to God than the proud and worldly.
Hans-Joachim Raupp agrees with the Radbruchs in relating picture to
tex although he sees the paradoxical position of the peasants at the top of
the tree as indicating the caprice of fortune, or perhaps the moral superiority
of the peasants. The idealizing of the peasants in religious controversial liter­
ature of the early sixteenth century may be reflected here, and this popular
imagery might even have indirectly inspired peasant rebels in 1525.57 In this
sense the tree represents not lineage but a moral statement.
The estates-tree illustration may have chronological as well as genealogical
import. The peasants and shepherds are oppressed in this life, and their drudg­
ery supports the luxury of the other estates (all of whom are richly dressed
and accompanied by symbols of wealth), but in the world to come, the weak
and the subjugated will lord it over the other estates.58 This interpretation en­
counters the same difficulty as the Radbruchs' theory of peasant piety: the
posture and activities of the rustics do not convey an image of holiness, for
neither napping nor bagpipes can be termed positive iconographic symbols.59
Nevertheless, the woodcut makes some statement about labor and ease,
whether as a point of divine history or as a warning to the privileged. Without
deviating completely from the text, the artist goes beyond Petrarch's caution
against excessive pride in noble birth to depict a reversal of fortune more last­
ing than the temporal ups and downs of family histories. A conventional
statement directed against noble pride in Petrarch is turned in a more unset­
tling, even subversive direction by the Petrarch Master when he figures peas­
ants both as the basis of society (another commonplace) and as obtaining an
eventual compensation for their ill-treatment and inequality.

Classical and Medieval Theories ofEssential Equaliry

The Adam and Eve couplet, Petrarch's discussion of true nobility, and the il­
lustration of the estates-tree accompanying the German translation of Pe­
trarch are elaborations on an essential equality underlying distinctions in the
secular order. These assertions were understood by a wide spectrum of the
population and would come to possess a proverbial character. Behind such
compact formulations, however, are generations of philosophical and theo­
5. A tree representing the social estates. Woodcut engraving (1517) by the logical debate about nature, natural law, and society. The moralizing didactic
Petrarch Master. From Petrarch, Von der Artzney bayder Gluck (Augsburg, 1532), and sermon literature that served as the proximate source for what might be
fol. 17r. Reprinted by permission of the New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox, considered "popular" ideas of equality and difference had as their foundation
and Tilden foundations, Spencer Collection, New York City. Photo credit: Robert
D. Rubie, New York City.
The Origins ofInequality 72 Equality and Freedom at Creation 73

a tradition of commentary on inequality within both the classical and Chris­ Greek and Roman Stoicism, however, regarded slavery as contrary to na­
tian worlds. ture, the result of human convention and a certain coarsening of human
Human society was thought to be appropriately divided into different character and institutions following an earlier golden age. For the Stoics, liv­
levels of wealth, privilege, and labor. According to Plato and Cicero, as well as ing in a larger, more cosmopolitan world that included other civilized, even
Saint Paul and Saint Augustine, the cooperation among unequal social orders Greek-speaking peoples, the barbarian/Greek distinction was no longer dom­
was required for the survival of society. This meant not only that inequality inant, nor was the enslavement of foreigners regarded as an axiom of natural
was useful, but that to blur the hierarchical division of society in any way was law. In Cicero and Seneca, human beings are by nature equal, and freedom is
to undermine its moral as well as practical basis.60 Inequality was necessary defined as a condition more of mind than of body. Only the wise are truly
rather than merely excusable. free, according to Cicero.65 Seneca stated that slavery does not affect the en­
Slavery presented something of a problem since it could not immediately tire being but only the lower part (the body), while the superior faculty (the
be fit into a pattern of mutual cooperation. Slavery was prominent in Greco­ mind), remains free.66 This contrasts with Aristotle, for whom a feeble or po­
Roman discussions of social order, natural law, and inequality not only be­ tentially corrupt spirit (along with a strong body) characterizes slaves.
cause it undergirded the classical economy but because slavery represented an The Stoic conception of an eternal law joining human institutions to uni­
absolute inequality, less easily explicable than simple differences in wealth or versal harmony meant that slavery violated nature and the cosmic order. Slav­
fortune. I would reiterate the distinction between equality in a literal, eco­ ery was a salient aspect of the corruption of human life, which had declined
nomic sense (in which, for example, property would be equally divided, or from a primordial period of happiness when human beings lived in peace
not exist at all), which was seldom advocated, and minimal equality of �ondi­ with the gods and coercion was unknown. Nevertheless, slavery was ulti­
tion in which what requires justification is not that some people are rich and mately not terribly important to the Stoics since it was essentially a matter of
others poor, or even that a few are rich and many are poor, but that some are body rather than spirit.67
relegated to a subhuman condition. Although equality is obviously not the In Roman law the contrast between nature and convention was described
same thing as freedom, the two are entwined because slavery is the most ob­ in terms of natural law versus the law of nations. The jurists were less inter­
vious and least immediately explicable form of subordination, a form en­ ested than the Stoics (and certainly less than Christian authors) in how slav­
forced moreover by law and coercion, and not to be explained away as the re­ ery had come about, although the theory of captivity in battle held a certain
sult of haphazard circumstance.61 prominence.68 Slavery was the classic example of an institution contradictory
One way to approach the problem of slavery was simply to repudiate to natural law but nevertheless widespread among the nations of the earth.
equality and to suppose that some are naturally fit for slavery while others are The jurist Ulpian was the author of two canonical formulations of human
naturally capable of profiting from freedom. The denial of fundamental hu­ equality and freedom according to the law of nature: that "with respect to
man equality and the idea of natural slavery were enduringly presented in Ar­ natural law, all men are equal," and that "by natural law all are born free."
istotle's Politics. 62 Certain people are slaves by reason of their lack of intelli­ These appear in Justinian's Digest among general statements about slavery
gence or physical strength. It is better for them to be subordinated to those and manumission.69 It should be emphasized again that equality and freedom
who are their superiors, who are "upright." Aristotle does not deny that en­ are not the same thing, but they are related, for the most obvious example of
slavement might result from conventional circumstances rather than nature, inequality is enslavement, the deprivation of freedom, of one set of people by
from the practice of enslaving captives taken in war, for example (which as far another. The conceptions of the Roman jurists would be taken over in the
back as Heraclitus was an explanation for the origin of slavery).63 Middle Ages, but with some changes.70
For Aristotle the superiority of Greeks to barbarians was demonstrable ev­ The distinction between natural law and the law of nations in connection
idence for the limits of human equality.64 The sense that slavery was natural is with slavery would find its way into Gratian's Decretum and Aquinas's discus­
similar to the sense that the state, the family, and the superiority of men to sion of law, but for the early Christian period these types of law mattered less
women and animals are natural. These are all postulates of what Aristotle re­ than divine law in understanding how to think about a practice seemingly in
garded as civilized (Greek) social order and are found closely joined in the violation of Christian doctrine. The Stoic idea of a golden age could be an­
opening sections of the Politics. nexed to the doctrine of the Fall, with the result that the existence of equality
The Origins ofInequality 74 Equality and Freedom at Creation 75

at creation did not mean that equality extended in time beyond the catastro­ For Ambrose, equality was not limited to the happy past but in some sense
phe of Adam's disobedience. The next chapter will look at some of the expla..: continued in the present. 76
nations offered by the Church Fathers for the origins of slavery, especially Augustine discussed original human equality in describing the limited
Noah's curse on his son Ham (Genesis 9:25). What is certainly dear is that pu oses of the state in book 19 of The City of God. No longer was the Ro­
patristic writers were willing to acknowledge slavery as licit, if unfortunate, man Empire to be understood in classical terms as established to further hu­
within the order of things following from the sinful condition of humanity man virtue; rather, it existed for the negative but necessary task of controlling
after the Fall, whether or not this was reinforced by a specific imposition of by force the consequences of sin. Government was natural neither in the
social distinction in biblical time. From its beginning, Christian thought ex­ Aristotelian sense of promoting the good nor in the Stoic and Ciceronian
hibited a tendency to posit what the Scholastics would call a "relative natural sense of harmonizing with natural law. The state, like human inequality, was
law" that modified or diminished the rules that had obtained in paradise.71 the result of sin.
Although at the Creation human beings were equal, through sin humanity In an extremely influential passage, Augustine said that God created ra­
had become divided. The Fall, Cains murder of Abel, Ham's mockery of his tional man not to rule over other rational men but to rule the earth's irra­
father, or some combination of events made coercion and subordination un­ tional creatures (as God instructed Noah and his sons in Genesis 9:2-3).77
fortunate necessities. Force in the form of state power and the maintenance Slavery quite obviously violated the original plan of creation, but its biblical
of social inequality was licit although not in every respect harmonious with origin (Genesis 9:21-27, Noah's curse upon Ham and Canaan) appears just
natural and divine law.72 after God's statement of human dominion over animals. We have seen the
It is not entirely surprising, therefore, that Christianity did not signifi­ first passage from Genesis cited in medieval biblical commentaries to contrast
cantly undermine the practices of ancient slavery. The venerable idea that a legitimate with tyrannical dominion, and will come across it again in connec­
more humane legislation resulted from the conversion of Constantine is con­ tion with the injustice of serfdom.78
tradicted by the bland savagery of later Roman and Romanized Germanic In the evolution of Augustine's thought, of course, confidence in the pre­
law.73 Nevertheless, Christian writers carefully described the discrepancy be­ sent power of a harmonious natural law working for earthly good gave way
tween slavery and God's present intention, not just the contradiction of slav­ to a more pessimistic conception of the enduring consequences of sin. This
ery by some earlier state of grace. God granted an immortal soul to all, slave affected Augustine's teachings concerning grace, the nature of state authority,
as well as free. Acceptance of the secular order, most obvious in Romans 13, and slavery, which now became an inevitable accompaniment to the social or­
does not quite confer moral legitimacy on slavery. The writer known as Am­ der of fallen humanity. Domination of men by their fellows, the enduring
brosiaster (fl. 366-84) states that God created all men free. While Ham, consequence of sin, was manifested by public and private coercion: by the
Noah's accursed son, appears as the progenitor of slavery, he functions in Am­ state and by slavery. Augustine regarded both as unfortunate necessities.79
brosiaster as a symbol of sinfulness and stupidity who incurs subordination In another passage that would be frequently repeated, Augustine more
upon his posterity. But this condition affects the body only, not the soul, so specifically ascribed slavery to two forces: iniquity and adversity.80 Iniquity
control over the body by the master must be just and temperate.74 here means the moral guilt of those who become enslaved. Its archetype is
In Ambrosiaster, as in Lactantius,75 slavery has no validity in God's eyes, Ham, who laughed at his father's nakedness and whose son Canaan would be
but aside from this personalization of divinity, their view is thoroughly com­ the first postdiluvian slave. We will look subsequently at the uses made of
patible with the Stoics' mild laments about the falling away from the stan­ Noah's curse in justifying slavery, but here it should be remembered that
dards of a vanished egalitarian era. Genesis 9 was read as establishing not only human domination over the earth
How vividly original equality might be said to persist in the physical but also a more unfortunate order resulting from sinfulness-a differentia­
world is a matter about which the Fathers differed in important ways. Ac­ tion within humanity, the origin of slavery with Ham.
cording to Ambrose, for example, it is sin that truly enslaves, so that the slave By adversity, Augustine meant a general condition of fallen humanity in
can surpass the free man in virtue. In such a case it is the supposedly free man which misfortune rather than a specific cause leads to enslavement. 81 This re­
who is truly enslaved. This resembles Seneca's thinking on the matter, except sembles Aristotelian resignation in instances of simple bad luck (such as cap­
that what underlies the common nature is Christ, in whom we are all one. ture in battle) that lead those not naturally fit for slavery into servile status.
The Origins ofInequality 76 Equality and Freedom at Creation 77

This did not mean that Augustine unswervingly acquiesced to unjust en­ equal by nature. This was not contradicted by his subsequent Augustinian for­
slavement. In one of his later letters he condemned the buying and selling of mulation that all are born equal by nature, omnes homines natura aequales ge­
free men and children as slaves in North Africa. Additionally, in a letter to a nuit. For Gregory, a mysterious dispensation of God, along with individual
jurist, he attempted to find grounds to oppose the degradation into slavery of human sins, had brought about the "diversity'' of conditions and character be­
someone born of a free mother and unfree father.82 Slavery was a social reality cause of which some must rule and others be ruled. For Augustine, it was a
but was not for that reason to be accepted in all circumstances as merely a universalized sin resulting from Adam that brought about subordination.
chance misfortune. For Augustine, original equality was obscured by the un­ In the Regula pastoralis Gregory recalled his statement in the Moralia but
predictability of this world, but more pointedly by sinfulness in two aspects: a acknowledged that social inequality bore a relation to vice and virtue and that
general disorder that makes harsh measures necessary, and weak character humanity was not intended to live in equality. Here the domination of ani­
and misconduct that is fittingly chastised by subordination. If a portion of mals is linked to licit human rule by the necessity of controlling the bestial
humanity was not created with an inferior character (contrary to what Aris­ part of human nature, but the rule so necessitated is that of prelates, not of
totle said), nevertheless some people are appropriately restrained by slavery secular power. 86 This text would be used to buttress medieval assertions that
even if their subjugation came about by accident of fortune. differences in rank and privilege are sanctioned by God and that absolute hu­
The author who most clearly presents original equality as a present reality man equality is now impossible.87 However, as Robert Markus points out, for
is Gregory the Great. In his Moralia on Job, Gregory relied on Augustine for Gregory, nature (by which all are equal) has not been as thoroughly deformed
the assertion that all men are equal and the unfortunate contrast between by sin as it has for Augustine. An original human equality still underlies the
God's command to rule the earth's animals and the fact of human subjuga­ present order.88
tion.83 It is important to see how Gregory differs from Augustine, however, Another locus classicus for human equality and its limitations comes in a
with regard to the present implications of an original equality. Augustine was letter of Gregory's to the bishop of Syracuse, defending the authority of the
concerned with the origins of state authority, while for Gregory this was of papacy while acknowledging that insofar as sin (culpa) does not obtain, all are
less intrinsic interest. If Augustine did not share Ambrose's confidence in the equal according to the rule of humility. 89 Gratian would cite this in his De­
mission of the Roman Empire, he still had before him a classical idea of gov­ cretum, and Peter the Chanter would slightly rework it into a frequently re­
ernmental power, whereas for Gregory, deferential though he might be to the peated formula: Ubi non delinquimus pares sumus. This statement contrasts
imperial authorities in Constantinople, political ideas were outweighed by with what might be called the Isidorian interpretation that justified servitude
personal, pastoral, and contemplative matters. The cultural autonomy of the by reason of the necessity to repress sin. Ubi non delinquimus, quoted repeat­
secular world was considerably reduced in the period between Augustine and edly throughout the Middle Ages, was an egalitarian statement of a still valid
Gregory. Less attention needed to be devoted to problems of civil law and underlying equality, obscured but not effaced by human failings. 90
custom and more to pastoral concerns. 84 On the other hand, Gregory did not The two themes from Gregory could be combined: that human beings
share Augustine's opinion that the existence of state power was directly re­ were given dominion over animals, not over one another, and that setting sin
lated to sin as a divinely sanctioned punishment for disobedience, a view that aside, we are equal. Genesis 1:26 begins with God's statement «Let us make
would be prominent in Isidore of Seville. The prince should rule justly and man to our image and likeness," after which God confers dominion over all
mercifully, in accord with a fundamental, subsisting human equality, not sim­ creatures of earth, sea, and sky. In a commentary on these lines, Nicholas of
ply dominate. 85 Tournai cites Gregory's Moralia regarding dominion over animals and joins
Augustine had ascribed slavery to an overarching sinfulness that affected to it the formula of Gregory's Syracusan letter by way of Peter the Chanter:
humanity in general as a result of the Fall. Although equality persisted in a cer­ ubi non delinquimus, pares sumus. 91
tain providential sense, and would be fully restored when the Two Cities were Gregory also had a higher estimation of the effects of the Incarnation on
definitively separated, it was shadowed by an inevitable result of sin in histor­ subsequent liberty than did Augustine. In a letter of manumission addressed
ical time. Gregory diverged from Augustine in having a much firmer sense of to two famuli ecclesiae Romanae, he writes that Christ assumed human flesh
the immediate continuing equality of humanity. In the passage from Moralia in order to release us from the servitude in which we were held captive. He
21, Gregory stated, Omnes namque homines natura aequales sumus: we are all restored to us our original liberty and canceled the effects of the ius gentium
The Origins ofInequality 78 Equality and Freedom at Creation 79
that had disrupted our original freedom. Nature made the two manumitted go beyond it somewhat by underlining differences among the Fathers that
men free, while ius gentium enslaved them. Gregory cancels the effects of the would become increasingly important as their formulations concerning slav­
law of nations just as Christ broke a chain (of sin) to restore humanity to· its ery became canonical. It is often said that all three explain slavery by refer­
pristine liberty.92 ence to human sinfulness. This is true as far as it goes, but what is of conse­
Restoration of freedom is joined to underlying human equality. To be quence is that they differ with regard to the precise relationship between sin
sure, this does not mean in and of itself the end of slavery as a human insti­ and subordination. All might agree that the Fall had ended absolute human
tution. Once more, the contrast between inner and outer liberty could be de­ freedom and equality and ushered in the domination of sinfulness, but they
ployed to excuse (render irrelevant) actual social status. Gregory did not ad­ differed on how to apportion responsibility within a generally sinful world or­
vocate, nor was he interested in, the abolition of slavery. Yet the passage from der. For Isidore it was most clearly the actual or potential conduct of those
his letters quite clearly referred to human subjugation and not some enslaved that represented human sinfulness. Slavery existed to punish or pre­
metaphorical servitude. Christ liberated us from sin and has thus restored our vent the wickedness or weakness of those who are subjugated. Sin in Augus­
original nature, a thesis that the Augustine of the City ofGod would not quite tine was more general. While some were rightfully punished for their iniquity
so literally have agreed with. (Ham), others were unfairly enslaved. Sin thus brings about an unequal dis­
In later centuries, the image of Christ as the destroyer of bondage would tribution of fortune's favors, and there is usually no appropriate gradation of
serve to answer arguments that posited a biblical or historical basis for servi­ temporal suffering to fit varying degrees of sinfulness. In Gregory, although
tude. Even if Adam or Ham was the unwitting author of subjugation, Christ slavery accorded with God's hidden purposes, sin did not destroy human lib­
had canceled that debt, restoring our original liberty. The delivery of the chil­ erty or equality. Diversity and inequality came into the world through sin,
dren of Israel from "Pharaoh's thralldom" betokens Christ's passion that re­ and it was necessary for some to rule others, but Gregory was less confident
deems us from the devil, according to Aelfric. In this we are alike before God, than Augustine and Isidore that coercion was necessary or that slaves had a
the slave as well as the king.93 The passage from Gregory's letter to the Roman greater propensity to sin.
church would appear explicitly in Gratian (C.12 q.2 c.68) but also in a pro­
logue to peasant demands in fifteenth-century Catalonia. It would inspire re­ Slavery and Serfdom
marks by Adam of Eynsham in England and by the author of the Reformatio
Sigismundi, and it stands behind legal texts and sermon literature in Ger­ Patristic texts would be influential in an age in which the distinction between
many, Bohemia, and Hungary.94 free and unfree was no longer as dear as it had been in the late Roman Em­
Gregory is thus to be distinguished from Augustine, but also from his pire. Beginning with the Carolingian period it becomes difficult to say
near contemporary Isidore of Seville, with whom he is often closely associated whether the dependent tenants on the great estates were slaves or serfs, al­
in descriptions of Christian theories of inequality.95 Isidore was more confi­ though probably their condition was further from that of Roman slaves than
dent than Gregory that servitude was necessary to restrain the will of those the reigning school of historians of medieval slavery believes.99 Whether or
likely to behave sinfully. Isidore acknowledged that baptism cleansed the orig­ not the actual institutions of society resembled the social structures of late an­
inal sin of Adam but nevertheless believed that the domination of potential tiquity, the writers of the ninth and tenth centuries used the term servus to
malefactors by their masters accorded with the will of God.96 This interpre­ mean slave.
tation would be frequently reproduced in legal and didactic works of the These authors invoked the Augustinian/Gregorian distinction between
ninth through twelfth centuries.97 Isidore thus explained slavery more by in­ human dominion over the earth, which accorded with God's direct instruc­
iquity (in Augustine's terms) than unfortunate circumstance. This fits in with tions, and subordination of one class of men by another, which might not
Isidore's emphasis on the necessity for the coercive power of the state and its be in harmony with God's intentions. For Alcuin, God created man in His
institutions, which follows immediately his justification of servitude.98 image, and gave him dominion over irrational animals. Citing Augustine's
There is a tendency to introduce medieval discussions of social division commentary on Genesis 9, he noted that some fell into slavery because of in­
with a quick run through the thought of the Church Fathers, especially Au­ iquity, others through misfortune. Finally, Alcuin added the Roman-law de­
gustine, Gregory, and Isidore. I have followed that practice but would like to rivation of servus from servare, a term referring to war captives who were "pre-
The Origins ofInequality 80 Equality and Freedom at Creation 81
served" rather than being killed. 100 Hrabanus Maurus repeated Alcuin's text rather than kings, thinking it would be hateful if men were said to be ruled,
but stated at the outset that servitude was just. Hrabanus approaches an Aris­ like cattle, by anyone."105 On the other hand, when addressing servi, Rather
totelian theory of slavery when he says that some excel in reason while others not only counsels patience but also quotes Isidore of Seville on the restraint of
are deficient. Hrabanus was willing to admit that this did not always prove. wicked license by servitude. Subjugation is providential, an aspect of the nec­
true in practice, but counseled patience and the expectation of a heavenly re­ essary fear of authority without which sin would have unrestrained power.106
ward, so that, for him as for Augustine, slavery is explicable by a combination For Smaragdus, human equality was not ended by events after the Cre­
of moral failing and misfortune.101 In the context of an argument against Jews ation, and domination is not readily excusable. Smaragdus urges Christians
holding Christian mancipia, Agobard of Lyons offered a slightly sharper dis­ to free those enslaved to them.107 Servitude is the result of sin, but the sin ap­
tinction between God's creation of human beings and the reality of slavery. pears to be more the fact of domination than some general human condition.
He repeated Gregory's description of an original equality that was still valid This view is sharper in Atto ofVercelli's commentary on Paul's epistle to
despite sin and God's "most just and most hidden judgment" by which some the Ephesians. Servi are admonished to be humble, but lords must not forget
were degraded to servitude. Agobard distinguished exterior liberty from an in­ that servi are their equals under divine law and within the Church. The name
terior liberty by which people who were essentially (internally) equal might servus is abhorrent, because servitude is the result not of nature but of iniq­
licitly hold one another in bondage-Christian might hold Christian-but uity. Moreover, this is not the Augustinian/Isidorian iniquity of those who
which did not legitimate the holding of Christians by spiritual inferiors, were enslaved but rather the injustice and lust for power of those doing the
namely Jews. As with Gregory, so for Agobard, slavery was sanctioned by subjugating.108
God, despite our original condition of freedom and equality, because of what Complaints over the sale of slaves and other unfree men cited the distinc­
human nature now is.102 Haimo of Auxerre states flatly that slavery is due not tion between humans and animals in defense of a basic Christian equality. At
to natural law but to sin and guilt. As in Isidore, however, the sin is firmly the Synod of Coblenz (922), the sale of Christians as slaves was deemed a
that of the slave (or his ancestors). Slaves are not naturally subordinate but crime similar to homicide. A letter written by Emperor Conrad II in the pe­
rather, as with Canaan, son of Ham, placed in servitude because of sin.103 riod 1027-29 denounced the sale of mancipia as if they were beasts, which vi­
While no Carolingian writer can be said to have denounced slavery con­ olates canon law. Similar language appears in legislation of the Synod of West­
sistently, there were those who upheld some original condition of equality minster in no2 and in the Chronicae Bohemorum, by Cosmas of Prague.109
that had not been destroyed by sin or misfortune. Jonas of Orleans speaks of Stephen Langton referred to the distinction in Gregory's Moralia between hu­
the relationship of the powerful to those he refers to as pauperes as well as man dominion over animals, bestowed in Genesis 9:2, and the subjugation of
servi. 104 In the most general sense, he argues, the wealthy should not think men that was not conferred by God on other men and that violates human
that those placed below them are by nature inferior. They are equal in the equality.110
sight of God and by nature even if (by the usual "hidden dispensation'') there The same sort of language appears occasionally in ordinances purporting
are various gradations of liberty and fortune. Jonas ends rather than begins to limit the buying and selling of slaves in the high and late Middle Ages.
this discussion with the Augustinian contrast between rule over the irrational There can no longer be any doubt that slavery existed on a massive scale in
animal world and subordination of humans. Instead of considering this dis­ the medieval Mediterranean.111 Serfdom did not so much replace slavery as
tinction to be more or less abrogated, Jonas holds it to be still valid even if in supplement it. In Catalonia, Saracens, Tartars, Circassians, and Sardinians
the present world divers conditions of men exist. were either bought or captured.112 There was a reasonably clear distinction be­
Rather of Verona followed the order of Hrabanus's discussion when ad­ tween slaves and unfree or semifree peasants, to the extent that the former
dressing those who are lords (patroni) but differed in his conclusion, rejecting were foreign peoples bought and sold as servants or laborers, not members of
the notion that normally those who rule are more fit to do so by nature. Hu­ the native population hereditarily settled as tenants. The servitude of the
man beings were given dominion over fish, birds, and beasts but not over Catalan peasantry might present a difficult moral problem (discussed below,
men, who are equal in nature. Often those who are unworthy dominate those Chapter n), but slavery did not. Elsewhere one does find occasional implicit
who are better than they: "Hence our ancestors preferred to call those who criticism of slavery. Much has been made of two laws passed by the Great
had dominion over the others fathers of their country, dictators, and consuls Council of Ragusa (Dubrovnik) in 1416 and 1466 that invoke God's creation
The Origi.ns ofInequality 82 Equality and Freedom at Creation 83

of man in His image and protest against treating human beings as if they were the strength of their bodies.118 In his commentary on the Nicomachean Ethics,
animals. These laws regulated rather than abolished traffic in slaves, however, Aquinas accepted Aristotle's definition of the slave as a "living tool" (instru­
and were at any rate ineffective.113 Although slaves could be defined and rec­ mentum animatum). 119 Agricultural labor was lower than any other work, and
ognized as different from serfs, nevertheless some blurring of these boundaries its practitioners should be ruled by their intellectual superiors. There was
occurred. Discussions of natural law among the theologians and canonists still therefore a certain resemblance to classical slavery in Aquinas's thoughts con­
used Roman terminology of slavery but applied it to various classes of the un­ cerning the peasants of his time, but he never discussed their situation with
free and semifree. Burchard of Worms, Ivo of Chartres, and Gratian taught any great interest or detail.
the legitimacy of marriages between free and slave on the basis of the funda­ The work of Thomas's followers, such as Giles of Rome and Ptolemy of
mental equality of human beings before God.114 The decretal "Dignum est» Lucca, shows more clearly how Aristotelian natural inferiority might cover
of Adrian IV recognized as legitimate the marriages of servi undertaken with­ more than actual slavery. They explicitly embraced Aristotelianism to the ex­
out seigneurial permission.115 The canonists in the twelfth century, beginning tent that they agreed with the Philosopher that some men lack reason by na­
with Huguccio, defined servile condition as a perpetual obligation that could ture and cannot rule themselves and so are appropriately given servile tasks.
exist apart from personal status. Thus servi, like those of intermediate or am­ Nicholas of Oresme argued in this manner commenting on Aristotle's Poli­
biguous status in Roman law (adscripticii, originarii, liberti), could be consid­ tics.120 All the neo-Aristotelians refer to "servile" work, but Nicholas includes
ered free as persons but burdened by an irrevocable and perpetual servitude under this rubric agricultural, artisanal, and commercial employment.
related to land more than status. The use of the term servi in canon and me­ When one turns from the highest levels of university culture to sermons
dieval Roman law therefore applied to tenants of rather different condition and other didactic literature, it becomes dear that serfdom rather than slavery
from that of ancient Roman slaves and so was less artificial than might at first provoked the question of the violation of natural equality. Classical and pa­
appear. The border between freedom and unfreedom was important to canon tristic teachings concerning the origin and nature of slavery could be applied
law for such problems as defining who was ineligible to enter holy orders or to the more familiar forms of medieval dependence. Thus, for example, di­
defining the status of children of mixed marriages. Romanists and canonists dactic writers such as Hugo von Trimberg and Konrad von Ammenhausen,
assumed that the majority of those affected by the laws on unfree persons satirists such as Heinrich Wittenwiler, and even Chaucer explained eigenshaft
were rustics, but were less interested than theologians or even customary or "thralldom" by reference to Noah's curse.121 The Roman-law explanation
lawyers in explaining the origins of serfdom or the rural economy.116 for slavery as punishment for treason was adopted for theories of the origins
With less concern than the jurists for technical definitions of status and of serfdom in Hungary, while deriving slavery from captivity in battle was
more attention to problems posed by the ethics of slavery properly speaking, used in Catalonia.122
Aquinas considered slavery in trying to reconcile Aristotelian teachings re­ Serfdom was, of course, less clear-cut than slavery as a violation of a fun­
garding differences in human nature and the naturalness of government with damental natural order. Without invoking Aristotle on natural difference
Augustinian/Gregorian assertions of the fundamental injustice of domination among humans, it could be argued that serfdom was no more a unique form
and slavery's violation of human equality. He distinguished two sorts of do­ of bondage than anything else in a society built around mutual obligations,
minion, one that deviated from original human equality (slavery), and an­ a society, moreover, in which everyone shared in the privation of absolute
other that was completely natural (the rule of free men by other free men­ freedom resulting from sin.123 Indeed serfdom as a status was sufficiently im­
the state). Slavery itself (like private property) did not coincide absolutely -precise that much of the discourse of lamentation as well as counsels to pa­
with natural law, but might be an addition to it inasmuch as the ius gentium tience were addressed to the peasantry in general, irrespective of their specific
arises from human natural reason. Slavery, like property, answers certain ne­ condition.
cessities and bestows certain conveniences on human life.117 What was seen as violating natural equality was not, therefore, a dramatic
Commenting on the Politics of Aristotle, Aquinas acknowledged that the difference in social condition but arbitrary and unjust lordship. This aspect
peasants of his era were not slaves and so not completely subsumed under the of serfdom was vividly resented by those it afflicted and lay behind demands
Aristotelian doctrine of natural slavery. Nevertheless, Aquinas agreed with Ar­ for the abolition of serfdom, such as those made by the peasants assembled at
istotle that some were fit for servile labor by their lack of natural reason and Blackheath to hear John Ball. Even in lands such as the Tyrol, where the agri-
The Origins ofInequality 84 Equality and Freedom at Creation 8 5
cultural population was technically free, revolt centered around "servitude" Original equality meant original freedom. To the near unanimity con­
because what were perceived as oppressive and arbitrary conditions of lord- cerning equality we can add the general agreement that in the beginning all
ship placed tenants in a de facto servile condition.124 were free. The names of serfs freed by the city of Bologna in 1256 were entered
The nature of serfdom was encapsulated in Bracton's saying that the serf into a book called the Paradisus. Two preambles to this record declared that
does not know today what his lord might order him to do tomorrow. In fact, God created men to be perfectly free but the Fall had brought about servitude.
as R.W. Southern observes, this is unlikely to have been true and, if anything, Bologna, which had always struggled for liberty (semper pro libertate pugnavit),
describes the unstable life of the knight more than the rather predictable rou­ would now lift the yoke of servile condition imposed by the ius gentium and
tine of the agriculturalist.125 Nevertheless, it was the potential for a lord to or­ restore that original freedom in honor of Christ, who had broken the bonds
der what he wished, including degrading or violent treatment, that defined a 128
of servitude by His sacrifice. Marc Bloch observed that a model manumis­
subjugation that included serfs but could also affect those not legally deprived sion document issued by the chancery of Alphonse of Poitiers also claims to
of free status. restore the natural liberty that the ius gentium had taken away. Bloch lists
The arbitrary nature of lordship over medieval peasants was a major citations of this opposition of natural liberty and the law of nations from the
grievance motivating rebellions, a grievance that conceptually joined two ar­ canonists Paucapalea and Stephen of Tournai, the Roman lawyers Bulgarus
guments: one concerning natural equality, the other natural liberty. The an­ and the author of Brachylogus, the customary lawyer Beaumanoir, the encyclo­
tithesis of equality was the lack of freedom or subjugation to the arbitrary will 130
pedist Vincent of Beauvais, and the theolo�i�n Thoma� �quinas.
of another, whence much of the polemical force of denunciations of lords These scholars explained why the ongmal condmon of freedom had
treating their serfs or other dependents as "animals" and the significance of been vitiated, but there remained a problem of the degree to which original
symbolic demonstrations of subjugation by yoke or mutilation. liberty could legitimately be weakened. On a theoretical level the difference
The argument of equality was formulated as the assertion of a fundamen­ revolved around absolute versus relative natural law. To the extent that nat­
tal liberty that sin and subsequent events had not obliterated. This could rely ural and divine law can be modified, it was possible to excuse servitude, but
on the simple physical fact of human resemblance. In Wace's often-cited ac­ if such ordinances were fixed and not capable of being weakened, then servi­
count of the rebellion of Norman peasants at the end of the tenth century, tude (of Christians at least) became difficult to justify. As Peter Bierbrauer
the peasants protest that they are as much men as their oppressors, formed in points out, this distinction lies at the heart of Wydif's teachings conce�ni�g
the same fashion and equally capable of experiencing pain.126 It could appear the "Lex Christi" as opposed to the administration of the Church. By limit­
as an argument that all people, nobles as well as peasants, were obligated to ing the ability of the Church to rule by reason of sin or to interfere with a
labor (thus if manual work was in some sense the result of sin, it affected now-immutable natural law, Wyclif questioned how the original liberty of
everyone). Finally, the argument of basic liberty could deny that human sin human beings could be licitly obscured.131 Radical thinkers such as Wyclif,
explained or justified subjugation. According to the History of the Bishops of however, were not the only ones who asserted the unchanging nature of nat­
Auxerre, the peasant rebels known as the "White Capes" (Capuciati), active ural and divine law, and this question would be a source of anxious contro­
in the diocese of Auxerre and elsewhere in the middle of France between n82 132
versy among jurists throughout the Middle Ages.
and n84, demanded that they be restored to that primordial liberty enjoyed The following two chapters will examine explanations for the origin of
by our original parents, Adam and Eve. Specifically, the Capuciati demanded servitude that identified a particular moment in the biblical or historical past
freedom from seigneurial taxes and recognition of their status as free men. when the free were separated from the unfree. The necessity for such expla­
The author of this section of the History, after describing the formation of nations reflects the limited utility of the simplest reason for servitude, Aris­
sworn associations, denounces their diabolical inspiration. He adds that in totelian "natural slavery," a limitation due to that concept's incompatibility
justifying libertas by reason of common descent from our primordial parents, with certain fundamental Christian doctrines. 133 It also demonstrates the
they seemed unaware that servitude was the price of sin.127 Later denuncia­ problem posed by Gregory the Great's statement that Christ had freed all
tions of servitude and peasant revolts against serfdom would turn ideologi­ from servitude. Biblical and national myths of servitude answered the ques­
cally on the permanence of a measure of human dignity and liberty, obscured tion posed by the Adam and Eve couplet by acknowledging common ances­
by sin but restored by Christ's Incarnation. try but identifying a licit division subsequent to Creation.
The Curse ofNoah 87

Chapter- 4 walking backwards toward him with a doth. Upon awakening, Noah
"learned what his younger son had done to him" and uttered the curse: that
Ham's son Canaan should henceforth be a servant of his brethren.
The Bible is replete with interpretive conundrums, and this episode pro­
The Curse of Noah vided several difficulties that prompted ingenious efforts to address them.
What exactly had Ham done to deserve such a punishment, and why was the
penalty levied on Canaan rather than on his father, the author of the crime,
whatever it was?
The Talmud and Midrash provide a number of speculations concerning
the nature of the transgression and its punishment. The relevant passages in
these texts are difficult and subtle as regards their original meaning and long­
term significance.2 It has been something of a misleading commonplace to
suppose that the Jewish commentaries began an unbrok�n tradition of deni­
The starting point for medieval speculation concerning the origin of the
grating black Africans by attributing slavery and black skin color to the cu:se
world's different peoples was the biblical Flood and its aftermath. Genesis 9
of Noah. The supposed talmudic origins of this version of the curse and its
describes the first settlement, made by Noah and his sons after the flood­
consequences is asserted in such standard works as the latest edition of The
waters had receded, while Genesis IO provides the genealogy of Noah's sons,
Oxford Companion to the Hebrew Bible. In a more sinister fashion this claim of
rather confusingly linked to various territories.
talmudic origin has also become part of a campaign to "prove" that Jews bear a
The biblical account of the repopulation of the earth would be used to
particular burden of guilt for the enslavement of Africans.3 What David Aaron
explain human difference-not only the origins of different nations but the
calls the "myth about the myth" (i.e., the putative Jewish origins of black sub­
reasons for inequality, particularly why some human beings were held in
ordination) makes it more urgent to see how a complex edifice has been built
bondage. The curse uttered by Noah upon the line of Canaan resolved the
on the shaky foundations of a few poorly translated passages collected by un­
problem of the origin of despised or feared peoples, those whose outcast sta­
trained scholars from a voluminous and variegated textual tradition.4
tus seemed to require explanation. Noah's curse appears in several medieval
Here I am not concerned directly with Ham in relation to Africans but
contexts. 1 Among the many uses found for Ham's fateful laughter at his fa­
rather with the history of thought about him before he was cast as the prog­
ther's nakedness was to situate a biblical origin for unfree rustics. The institu­
enitor of European serfs. Although medieval Christian writers assumed the
tion of serfdom was thought to have arisen from Ham's sin and Noah's curse.
justice of Noah's curse and were not especially concerned about the H�m/
No treatment of medieval theories of servitude can entirely divorce itself _
Canaan conundrum, early rabbinic commentators labored over this quest10n.
from the other uses made of the puzzling story of Noah's drunkenness. Not
According to a passage in the Babylonian Talmud, Ham was punished be­
only were medieval serfs said to be descended from Ham, but at various
cause he sodomized his father while he was inebriated, or because he castrated
times slaves, Africans, Saracens, and Mongols were fit into the same ge­
him (or both).5 Elsewhere in the same tractate it is said that three creatures
nealogical paradigm.
were punished for violating God's penitential order to abstain from sexual in­
The ninth chapter of Genesis opens with God's blessing on Noah and his
··tercourse during the voyage: Ham, the dog, and the raven.6 Why was the
children along with the covenant not to send any future flood. Instructing
punishment meted out to Canaan and not Ham? Either because Canaan was
them to be fruitful, God promised Noah's progeny that they would dominate
the earth and its animal inhabitants (reiterating the blessing conveyed to the himself the guilty party, or because this was an appropriate means of punish­
ing his father. Perhaps Canaan rather than Ham had actually been the first to
earth's first human inhabitants, Genesis 1:28). After the ark reached land,
see Noah's drunkenness and had told Ham, so that they both merited pun­
Noah planted a vineyard and at some unspecified time thereafter became
ishment; or perhaps Ham castrated Noah, rendering Noah unable to "per­
drunk His son Ham saw his stupefied father naked and told his brothers
form in the dark" (i.e., perform sexual intercourse) and sire a fourth son, so
Shem and Japheth, who hastened to cover Noah without looking at him by
Noah cursed Ham's fourth son with dark skin.7
The Origins ofInequali"ty 88 The Curse ofNoah 89

But it was the nature of the punishment that was to be of most conse­ exegesis of the curse.15 It was in the Islamic world that slavery and blackness
quence. According to Talmud, Sanhedrin 108b, Ham was punished by being were first closely joined, for unlike the Jews or Christians of the period before
''smitten in his skin" (which may or may not have meant that he turned the High Middle Ages, the Muslim populations of North Africa and the Near
black). The Jerusalem Talmud, at one point, says that Ham came out of the East actually did own and traffic in black slaves.16 Although nothing is said
ark "charcoal colored."8 Nowhere in the Talmud, however, is there anything in the Koran about Ham at all (let alone about any connections between him
typifying blackness as a hereditary taint, nor was there yet any connection and Africa, slavery, or blackness), beginning with Ibn Qutayba in the ninth
drawn between black skin and Canaan or servitude. century a current of Islamic opinion held that Africans were descendants of
Within the Jewish tradition, consideration of Ham as the originator of Ham, whom God had turned black.17 Shortly thereafter, Tabari, in his mas­
blacks amounted to little more than occasional speculation. The role of Ham sive Ta'rikh, made explicit the crucial connections among the three elements:
as the unwitting originator of slavery is more significant, because Genesis 9:25 Ham, blackness, and slavery. He attributed to Noah a prayer that Ham be
says that Canaan would be "a servant of servants unto his brethren." 9 Never­ turned black and that his progeny serve the offspring of Shem and Japheth.18
theless, before the eleventh century no Jewish commentaries ascribed any link A similar theory was offered by the eleventh-century traveler Ibrahim hen
between Ham as progenitor of slavery and black skin. There is a faint corre­ Wasif Sah.19 By the time of Ibn Khaldun (died 1406), it was widely thought
spondence in the works of Jewish travelers and geographers of the High Mid­ that blacks were Ham's descendants cursed as slaves by Noah.20 Despite the
dle Ages. In the twelfth century, Benjamin of Tudela wrote of one of the peo- dissents of lbn Khaldun and others, this commonplace would frequently be
ples of Cush who are naked, eat wild herbs in the fashion of animals, and are adduced into modern times to excuse trading in African slaves.21
easily taken captive by the inhabitants of Aswan and sold into slavery in For medieval writers, the curse of Noah showed why there were nations of
Egypt: "these are the black slaves, the sons of Ham." Although the slaves are people whose apparent strangeness might otherwise be inexplicable.22 The
black, so too, apparently, are those who capture them, for they form another curse was extremely useful taken in conjunction with the genealogies that fol­
part of the people of Cush.10 lowed. Isidore of Seville combined the lore of classical ethnography with bib­
How influential Jewish commentaries might have been on Christian un­ lical suggestions to produce a taxonomy of the world's peoples. Although he
derstanding of Noah's curse is difficult to determine, partly because of prob­ discussed neither the curse of Noah nor slavery in this context, Isidore attrib­
lems in dating rabbinic and Christian commentaries. Certain aspects of tal­ uted 31 peoples of the world to the line of Ham, including Ethiopians and
mudic speculation certainly were absorbed by early Christianity. Justin Mar­ Africans, among whom were numbered cannibals (Anthropophagi) and other
tyr states in his Dialogue with Trypho that the curse of Noah foretold the fantastic savages.23 According to an Irish account, horse-headed people, two­
Hebrew conquest of the Canaanites and also the Roman conquest of Pales­ headed people, "maritime" leprechauns, and "the merry blue-beaked folk''
tine, while Origen said that Canaan had been the first to see Noah's dis­ were all of the line of Ham, as were Saracens according to Pseudo-Aethicus
grace.11 Considerably later, a thirteenth-century gloss to Peter of Riga's Au­ Ister, and Mongols according to the older versions of John de Mandeville's
rora borrowed from Jewish notions of Ham's sexual undiscipline, although Travels. 24
here Ham merely summoned a demon to enable him to lie with his wife in Genesis 9-10 was not the only text in the Bible that could be used to ex­
the ark without leaving footprints in the ashes Noah had strewn about to pre­ plain difference. Cain was commonly thought to be the progenitor of the
vent such an occurrence.12 On the whole, however, there is little evidence for monstrous races, the ancestor of Grendel in Beowulfi for example. Another
Christian knowledge of (let alone borrowing from) the Talmud before the elaborate tradition invoked Hagar, the servant of Sarah who bore Ishmael by
twelfth century, and even after this point, its influence on Christian specula­ Abraham (Genesis 16). According to Josephus, Hagar fled to the desert twice,
tion was small.13 the second time with Ishmael at Sarah's insistence after the birth of Isaac.
In medieval Christian exegesis, Ham's particular sin was laughter. Not Abraham gave the unprepossessing land of Arabia to Ishmael by way of com­
only did he behold his father's nakedness and not do anything about it, he pensation. That the Arabs sprang from Ishmael was a Jewish commonplace,
was thought to have mocked Noah, and it was for this that he deserved to be repeated by Jerome and given new currency by Bede writing in the wake of
cursed.14 the dramatic expansion of Islam.25
Like Judaism, early Christianity only very tentatively joined race to the A certain amount of crossover is evident in the typology of despised peo-
The Curse ofNoah 91

ples and their supposed origins. Thus, the eleventh-century Vienna Genesis
made Cain rather than Ham the progenitor of blacks.26 Ham was, in any
event, commonly thought to be descended from Cain, so that to some degree
he reinforced an earlier cause of subjugation.27
Cain served as the originator of a number of outcast peoples, from giants
to the Plinian races. 28 The mysterious ((mark of Cain" was interpreted as some
species of physical deformity (even horns); hence the mythical misshapen
peoples of the Indies or of Africa were thought to be his offspring.
The malformed Cain could also be regarded as the first peasant. We have
already seen Adam in this role, especially in the discourse concerning equal­
ity. Cain functioned as one of several possible points of separation, the begin­
ning of inequality. Cain was suggested in part because of the common repre­
sentation of peasants as physically deformed. A peculiar example of the appli­
cation of the mark of Cain to rustics occurs in an early fourteenth-century
Roman-law manuscript now in the Ttibingen University Library, which
shows captured runaway slaves (or serfs) being led by cords before a judge.
They have horns on their heads, in keeping with a conventional iconography
of the mark of Cain (Fig. 6).29 A manuscript at St. John's College, Cambridge
University, combines several negative iconographic themes in portraying
Cain with kinky hair, horns, and a peasant's scythe (Fig. 7).30
Cain was thought to be the ur-peasant because of other inferences drawn
from Genesis. Cain offered to God the ((fruit of the ground," which was re­
jected (Genesis 4:3), while Abel's offering from his flocks was accepted. Pru­
dentius (died ca. 405) began his poem on the origin of sin-Hamartigenia,
which is in fact a denunciation of the heretic Marcion-with an evocation of
Cain, a tiller of the soil (fossor) who slew his brother Abel, a virtuous shep­
herd. Death entered the world through Cain, a rusticus. 31 Cain was a plow­
man, a German medieval sermon states, and Abel a herdsman. 32 Cain is asso­
ciated with ((the devil's plow" in Hugo von Trimberg's Der Renner. 33
Cain was the first peasant, and his wicked character was sometimes said
to have been transmitted to his rustic progeny, for example, in Petrarch's De
remediis and a fifteenth-century satiric denunciation of rustics attributed to
· Cecco d'Ascoli.34 But it is Ham, not Cain, who is the direct cause of
bondage. Although he would at first be thought of as the ancestor of slaves
rather than agriculturalists as such, the nature of serfdom made Ham the fa­
ther of the lower orders of medieval rural society. In the numerous vernacular
adaptations of Jacobo de Cessolis's allegorical treatise on the game of chess,
6. Captured fugitive serfs with horns. Early-fourteenth-century illustration to
Cain is presented as a negative rustic model or image but not as progenitor
Codex 6.r, "De fugitivis servis." Ti.ibingen, Universitatsbibliothek MS Mc 295, fol.
153r. Reprinted by permission ofthe Universitatsbibliothek Ti.ibingen. of all peasants. In Konrad von Ammenhausen's Schachzabelbuch (completed
in 1337), Cain is the first peasant, but Konrad goes beyond Cessolis in mak-
The Curse ofNoah 93

ing Noah's curse the origin of rustic servitude. 35 In John Gower's dream-vi­
sion of the English rebellion of 1381, the rebels are described as the accursed
progeny of Ham, turned into beasts, as Circe transformed the servants of
Ulysses. 36
After the murder of Abel, God promised that the earth would not yield
its produce bountifully for Cain (Genesis 4:12), who could therefore be re­
garded as an emblem of fruitless agricultural labor.37
Western medieval writers thus showed a tendency to mix theories of ori­
gins, but not just at random. A rough correspondence was established be­
tween cursed biblical figures and the taxonomy of outcasts. Hagar and Ish­
mael were primarily considered the ancestors of Muslims. Cain functioned as
the originator of the monstrous races and also of peasants, whether free or
unfree. Ham had two medieval roles: as the father of a number of peoples,
including black Africans, and as the ancestor of European serfs. If Cain was
an archetype of the peasant regardless of status, Ham was the progenitor of
the unfree of whatever race. In the Islamic Middle Ages and in modern Eu­
rope and America, the symbolic linkages were fused. Ham was the ancestor
of black slaves, as commonly argued from the sixteenth to the nineteenth
For the Christian Middle Ages, however, Ham was not exclusively associ­
ated with Africa, Africans were not thought of as exclusively black, and blacks
were not thought of primarily as slaves. Although they could be symbols of
frightening savagery (as in The Song ofRoland), black people since antiquity
had been thought of more favorably as exotic, for example the Ethiopians in
the Isis cult and in Origen's commentaries. Later, black Africans were de­
picted as the purveyors of the golden treasure mined south of the Sahara. 38 In
1324 the spectacular pilgrimage to Mecca of Mansa Musa, king of Mali, daz­
zled not only the Islamic but the European Christian world with a magnifi­
cent display of gold and slaves. The Catalan Atlas of 1381, designed by
Cresques in Majorca, shows Mansa Musa holding a gold nugget. He is de­
scribed as the wealthiest and most noble lord in Africa because of the gold
that abounds in his territory. 39
The portrayal of a luxuriously bedecked black Caspar in paintings of the
Three Kings was especially popular in the late fifteenth century, but the iden­
tification of Caspar as king of India and Ethiopia is found earlier in Otto of
Freising and has been traced to sixth-century Armenia. 40 Blacks sometimes
appeared as grotesques in illustrations, and characteristics such as kinky hair
7. Cain shown with horns and kinky hair. From an English Psalter, ca. could appear as part of an iconography of contempt, but whether exotic or de­
1270-80. St. John's College, Cambridge, MS K.26, fol. 6v. Reprinted by permission spicable, blacks in European eyes before the advent of the African slave trade
of the Master and Fellows of St. John's College, Cambridge. were not usually considered the victims of biblically sanctioned servitude. 41
The Origins ofInequality 94 The Curse ofNoah 95

Ham was cited to explain a more familiar phenomenon, the subordina­ At about the same time, in England the fragments of an ambivalent tra­
tion of European peasants. Ham represented servitude and proved useful for dition were put together to form a biblical justification for the enslavement of
explaining inequality among the Christian population. Cain could n�t ge­ Africans, while in Germany Johann Ludwig Hannemann devoted an entire
nealogically be distinguished from Abel as an ancestor because of the inter­ book to the question of the origin of the Ethiopians' skin color, adducing
vention of the Flood; thus he served more as a negative type in sermons and Noah's curse but also naturalistic explanations such as climate and alchemical
other didactic literature than as originator of the peasantry. Because of the notions of human generation. 46
Flood and the genealogy presented in Genesis 10, Ham via Canaan could be Before the eighteenth century, therefore, Ham as the progenitor of
regarded as the literal father of the unfree. What is more, the curse of No� African slaves had become a commonplace. A peculiar example is Jacobus
could excuse the violation of divine and natural law that serfdom otherwise Capitein, a missionary preacher ordained in the Dutch Reformed Church in
appeared to commit. 1742 (the first black Protestant minister anywhere), who defended slavery as a
The invidious use of Noah's malediction in the modern era to explain vehicle for the salvation of Africans to make up for the sin of Ham, progenitor
slavery is well known. Among the many theories devised to explain the ori­ of slaves. 47 The Dutch settlers in southern Africa also made use of the curse
gins of the New World peoples were those connecting them to Ham and thus against Ham to justify harsh rule over the Khoikhoi during the early nine­
casting them as cursed or at least lowly races meriting servitude. Speculation teenth century, but did not elaborate this into pseudoscientific or evangelistic
about Ham as the progenitor of the American indigenous peoples was espe ­ arguments in the manner of intellectuals of the southern United States.48
cially popular in sixteenth-century Spain and France, countries that had pre­ Apologists for slavery in the English colonies of the New World made use
viously evinced little interest in Ham as the originator of serfdom. of the association of Ham with Africa and slavery. In New England, Samuel
The discovery of the New World also led to a vast increase in the slave Sewall in 1700 questioned whether the curse remained valid even if it were
trade, and because Africans rather than Indians were enslaved and brought to true that blacks were descended from Ham. Although this would seem to
the new colonies, the curse of Noah was applied most frequently to Africans show that the curse against Ham was already a common defense of the
and became a ubiquitous excuse for their captivity. In the mid-fifteenth cen­ African slave trade, most apologists in the eighteenth-century colonies pre­
tury, well before Columbus, Gomes Eannes de Azurara, under the patronage ferred to argue on the more practical basis of economic utility or the fright­
of Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal, described a group of West African ening specter of what would happen if slavery were ended, especially in the
captives sent to the prince, distinguishing the Muslim nobles among them Caribbean sugar colonies. 49
("cavaleiros") from the subordinate "black Moors" who were slaves because of In the course of the demands for the abolition of slavery in the southern
Noah's curse.43 In the later part of the sixteenth century, the English explorer United States, demands which became heated after 1830, the curse against
George Best invoked Ham's sexual undiscipline as the origin of the curse and Ham was sometimes invoked by the proslavery side. As it did in medieval ar­
its perpetuation through Cush to the Africans.44 In all of these works, how­ guments, the curse answered assertions of human equality by denying the
ever, the connections between the curse, slavery, and race remained tenuous, perpetuation of original likeness beyond the primal divide after the Flood.50
and the curse itself was presented gingerly and offhandedly as the allegation American apologists for slavery were largely unaware of (or uninterested
of unidentified persons other than the author. in) medieval or patristic speculation. Their attempts to reconcile slavery with
The seventeenth century saw more explicit assertions of the curse as Christianity purport to be original disquisitions on biblical texts, often com­
joined with race and enslavement. The Spanish Creole savants Buenaventura bining fanciful etymologies with pseudoscientific or neo-Aristotelian asser­
de Salinas y Cordova and Leon Pinelo, writing near 1650, justified both the tions of the natural inferiority of Africans (their fitness for labor, their frivo­
conquest and the slave trade by the curse of Noah, which, they argued, af­ lity, their need for guidance) or with peculiarly American ideas of evangelism
fected Indians and black Africans alike. Attempting to defend enforced sub­ and Manifest Destiny.
ordination and at the same time extol the favorable conditions of the New Ethnological studies purporting to demonstrate that blacks formed a sep­
World, these proponents of the colonies used the curse to explain why the in­ arate species were more popular than medieval or Renaissance speculation
digenous and involuntary African inhabitants were inferior while the land it­ and lent themselves to theories of the refoundation of humanity after the
self was not; to disassociate the territory from its subjugated population. Flood. 51 The curse against Ham was also tailored to the prevalent idea of
The Origins ofInequality 96 The Curse ofNoah 97
was more �s�ful in jus:ifying subjugation of Christian inhabitants of Europe
America's mission as the late st revelation in the unfo lding of God's intentions,
than explammg the existence of foreign peoples . The Vienna Gene sis, as we
so that not only was H am's role as servant most clearly fulfilled in the con-:­
have see?, made �ain the forefather of blacks, but Ham's guilt was cited by
temporary South, but Ham was depicted as a willing subordinate, recogniz­
that text s author (m what was by this time standard fashion) to explain Eu­
ing his place in a divine plan in which his labor served the mighty task of
ropean s erfdom, a more imme�iate problem.57 In those parts of Europe
clearing the American wilderness, an enterprise conceived and directed by the _
sons of Japheth that might eventually result in the lifting of the curse.
52 ':here serfdom persisted or grew m strength after the Middle Age s, Ham con­
tinue� to _deno�e the serf, and by extension the peasant, boor, lowly person, a
Scientific the ory and assertions of American destiny placed Noah's curse
meanmg 1t retams today in Lithuanian and a number of northern Slavic lan­
against H am in a conceptual setting for which me dieval or patristic prece­
guages: In� Chekhov story a wretched prisoner exiled in Siberia protests with
dents were irrelevant (even had they been familiar). What in nineteenth-cen­
pathetic pnde that he is a deacon's son, "not a mere peasant of Ham's condi-
tury Europe had become dubious antiquarianism would be fashioned in
53 t'10n." 58 In mod�rn Po1·1sh, "Cham" remams a common term of opprobrium,
America as religious, moral, and even scientific proof texts. .
denotmg a boonsh, loutish character.59
The one important instance of a justification for American slavery that at
Medieval �o�mentaries on the curse of Noah were based on patristic the­
least indire ctly referred to the Middle Ages was the so-called "Corner-Stone .
ones of the ongm of slavery, apart from anything to do with Africa or Asia.
Speech" given in Savannah by the Confederate vice pre sident Alexander
Such speculation �bounded since doctrine s of Christian liberty and equality
Stephens on March 21, 1861, the eve of the American Civil War. Past gove rn­
had to be re�onc�led with the �e alitie s of social subordination. Slavery re­
ments had been based on serfdom and other methods of oppressing members
sulted from sm, sm of that persistent kind that still infected the world after
of the same race. Subordination of Europeans by their brethren, Stephens ar­
Christ's Incarna tion and Sacrifice.
gued, violated both natural law and Providence. The enslavement of blacks,
on the other hand, was licit, for either by nature or by the curse upon Canaan �a�nt Ba�il and Saint Ambrose in the late fourth ce ntury were the first
Christian writers to fit Noah's curse to servitude, justifying slavery by refer­
they were suited for slavery.54 In the course of defending racial subordination,
ence to �he u�fort��ate �ecessity to �ubordinate the intellectually we ak and
the "cornerstone" of the Confederate foundation, Stephens rhetorically exem­ _
th� u nd1sc1plmed. While no one 1s by nature a sl ave (Basil), and while
plifies the perceived moral difference between subjugating those who ap­
Samt Paul does call us from servitude into liberty (Ambrose), nevertheless,
peared alien ("othe r") and subjugating those who were not manifestly mar­
the fath�rs agreed, c�ting Noah's curse upon Canaan as a pertinent exa mple,
ginal or different.
a chrome la ck of wisdom and of discipline made subjugation necessary.61
Understa ndably, historians of the United States have tended to share the
Ambrose regarded Ham's punishment for his laughter as proof of an unbal­
nineteenth-century Protestant lack of interest in the e arlier uses of Noah's
anced nature th at merit d ensl ave ment.62 Finally, in a tre a tise on fasting,
curse . But in the absence of such investigation it has been too e asily assumed �
Ambrose adduced the misdeeds of Noah himself, whose primordial drunk­
that there was simply an unbroken tradition joining together H am, Africans,
enness might be said to have led to servitude : "there would be no servitude
and slavery, traceable ultimately to a supposed Jewish rabbinic consensus.
toda y if the re had been no drunkenness," a l ocution that would be ab­
Not only did no such consensus exist, but the curse of Noah was malleable
sorbed into medieval canon and civil law.63 Ham thus appea rs at the outset
and for centurie s could apply to various problems of difference, including
of the C�ristian t�adition as an emblem of culpable lack of discipline more
those that had nothing to do with Africa or skin color. The Mongols and Tar­
than deliberate wickedne ss. In the exegesis of Colossians (4:1) by the so­
tars, who forced themselves on the attention of Europe in the thirteenth cen­
called Ambrosiaste r, servitude is the re sult of H am's foolish behavior his
tury, were thought to be membe rs of the enclosed nations of Gog and Magog
"�tupidity." 64 John Chrysostom was the first to emphasize the delibe;ate,
descended from "Cham." Such speculation was encouraged by the similarity
smful nature of H am's offense and to identify slavery as punishment for a
between the Mongol title "khan' and the biblical name "Cham," a putative
p�st trans gre ssion, applied in the pre sent to those with a propensity to sin.
connection emphasized e specially by John de Mandeville.55 Saracens and can­
Like �mbrose, Chrysostom stated that servitude entered the world through
nibals were also occasionally related to Noah's curse.56
Noahs drunkenness, but he added tha t it also entered through Ham's sin­
In the Middle Ages it was commonly assumed, and often explicitly as­
fulness in calling attention to his father's condition.65 Ham's willful deprav-
serte d, that rustics, and serfs in particular, were descended from Ham. H am
The Origins ofInequality 98 The Curse ofNoah 99

ity (rather than some natural defect) corrupted the nobility of his charac­ It is not easy to determine at what point the curse was applied to serfs
ter.66 Chrysostom explains the punishment meted out to Canaan and his rather than slaves, largely because of the problem already alluded to of situat­
descendants by their sinful character. Servitude is a consequence and reflec­ ing a particular moment in which slavery suddenly gave way to serfdom. This
tion of sin.67 Just as the subordination of women to men results from Eve's difficulty is exacerbated by the use of servus by medieval authors to cover
transgression, according to Chrysostom, so slavery results from Ham's both forms of servitude. Thus a group of proverbs and riddling dialogues
laughter. Both punishments stem from the necessity of controlling those in­ dating from the ninth to eleventh centuries answer the question of whence
capable of self-discipline.68 came servi by making Ham responsible, but who exactly is meant by servi de­
Saint Augustine perfected the Christian understanding of the conse­ pends on our interpretation of the status of unfree rural inhabitants of the
quences of the Fall and original sin, placing Noah's curse in the context of the post-Carolingian world.75
nature and origins of civil order and repression.69 In book r9 of The City of A certain ambiguity concerning the meaning of servi is present also in
God, Augustine described slavery as a particular aspect of the general rule of Honorius Augustodunensis. Describing the world's Second Age, Honorius
sublapsarian sin and the need for countervailing force. Elsewhere (as dis­ linked knights (milites) with Japheth, freemen (liberi) with Shem, and servi
cussed in the previous chapter) he argued that servitude could arise from two with Ham. While the pairing of liberi and servi indicates that the latter were
kinds of sin: active human iniquity (as in Ham's case) or a more circumstan­ unfree, Honorius in all his works was firmly cognizant of the circumstances
tial adversity (as with Joseph and his brothers).70 Once again, servitude was of his own society. Writing in about noo (probably in England), he was most
the outcome of sin, of this world's wickedness, but part of a necessary social likely thinking of the lower level of agricultural tenants rather than literal
order. Augustine's use of the curse against Ham would influence the formula­ slaves.76
tions of Alcuin and Hrabanus Maurus in the Carolingian era.71 Noah's curse against Ham became more the preserve of didactic than
A less specific location for the beginning of domination is given in Gre­ high theological discourse after the twelfth century, although Alexander of
gory's Moralia on Job, in which sin remains important in rationalizing slav­ Hales, justifying servitude by the need to teach humility, notes its introduc­
ery but no single event stands as its cause. Sin, brought into the world by the tion through Ham.77 Saint Antoninus (+r439), the Dominican archbishop of
Fall and affecting the generality of humankind, served to explain force and Florence, said that servitude was sanctioned by divine law, not merely by the
inequality. There is no quasi-historical moment in which slavery figured as law of nations, as evidenced by Noah's curse against Ham.78 The curse also
the punishment for a specific offense.72 Ham also does not appear in Isidore circulated among jurists as at least a stylized explanation for the origin of
of Seville's influential explanation for slavery, namely that it is necessary to servitude. Thus in the course of elucidating the English common-law action
restrain the desire to commit wrong on the part of those unsuited to free­ of naifty, the early-fourteenth-century Mirror ofJustices, acknowledging that
dom. The propensity to commit evil deeds is the result of the Fall, a more serfdom violates natural law, traced it either to Noah and Canaan or to the
fundamental event than Ham's misdeed, which split humanity genealogi­ subjugation of the Philistines by Israel.79 A manumission document of r3or
cally.73 The Isidorian formulation would be repeated by Rather of Verona, from Berne liberated a serf "from the curse of Noah." Similar language ap­
Burchard of Worms, and Ivo of Chartres and paraphrased in the History of pears in an n23 charter issued by Saint-Maur-des Fosses.80
the Bishops ofAuxerre in reference to peasant rebels (the Capuciati) of the late Generally, however, by the late Middle Ages Ham was a largely literary
twelfth century.74 rather than juridical figure, a symbol of foolishness, inappropriate mockery,
The curse of Noah, therefore, was useful as a justification for slavery, but and lack of sexual control.81 He was also identified as the progenitor of servile
a less pointed, more generalized theory such as that found in Isidore of rustics rather than of slaves narrowly defined. The early-fourteenth-century
Seville, referring to the Fall, could also serve the same purpose. Ham's offense English poem Cursor mundi adopted the model offered by Honorius Augus­
became most important in the Middle Ages when it was mobilized to excuse todunensis:
s�rfdom, a condition of partial subordination that affected those who were,
Knyht, and thral and fre man
unlike slaves, recognized in some sense as part of the Christian and local
of these thre britheren bigan;
communities. In such a setting, alternative genealogies might be preferable to Of Sem fre mon, of Iapheth kniht,
the universal law of sublapsarian domination. thral of Cam, waryed wihte. 82
The Origins ofInequality 100 The Curse ofNoah IOI

The early-fifteenth-centur y dialo gue Dives and Pauper made Ham's mo ckery feet _indefinite futu:e _ gen_erations. The noble denies this, demonstrating the
and disrespect for his father the ori gin o f bondage and thraldo m.83 Al ong p�rs:stence o� the d1st�nct1on and reasserting the permanent effect of Canaan's
with Gower 's invo cation of Ham in the Vox clamantis, the best-known En­ m1srortune without directly r efuting his interlo cutor.89
glish example is that i n the "Parson's Tale" where, in the course of pointing More e_xtensi�ely, Hugo von Trimberg's long poem Der Renner recounts a
out that co nquerors make thralls of tho se bo rn of royal blood, Chaucer says confro ntat1�n with a gr oup of i nebriated village lo uts, one of who m asks
that the institution of thralldom was unknown before Noah made his "so n" Hugo why you lords are so much better off than us poo r peasants," and fur­
Canaan subject to his brethren. In Chaucer this comes in connectio n with a ther whether some people are owned while others are free? The reply to the
discussion o f equality in God's eyes ("AB wel may the cherl be saved as the latter query, a simple "yes," angers the rustic, who counters with the familiar
lord"), and no genealogy of servitude is posited. Canaan is the first slave but argument that all are born of one original mother.90 It is against this alread
not the lineal ancestor of all who are unfree.84 In the Miller 's Tale the curse stand�rd assertion o� original equality that Hugo recounts the history ofNoab.
against Ham is given an anticlerical turn when the mocking and lascivious and his _sons, rendering the curse thus: "Accursed be Canaan and all his race.
clerk Nicho las makes John the Carpenter play the role of a ludicrous Noah. !hey will be th� serfs [eigen knehte] of my two sons."91 One of his befuddled
According to Lee Patterson, the Miller, as a member of the peasantry, answers mterlocutors misunderstands and exclaims "Only no w I understand that we
the co urtly myth of peasant degradation by manipulating the image of Ham must always be an apostate [vernoyert] people," thinking that the name Noah
as astrologer and seeker after forbidden knowledge to apply it to the arrogant (Noye) is etymologically related to vernoyert and that Noah was the one who
clerk. Here again Ham is more a type than the literal father of servility.85 was cursed.92 After correc�ing this error, Hugo assures the villagers that not
Ham's general responsibility for the invention of servitude amounted to only serfs b_ut also Jews, witches, and heathens are offspring of Ham. Never­
so mething of a cliche in the Middle Ages, but its use was selective. The curse theless, �nltke t�ese outcasts, the unfree peasants, while cursed on earth, will
o f Noah was espe cially brought forward in works by German authors, no ­ find thetr ent1! _mto h�aven easier than that of their oppressors, for the free­
tably didactic poems, such as Hugo von Trimberg's Der Renner (ca. 1300) and do m of the pnvtleged is no t of long duration.93
Konrad vo n Ammenhausen's reworking of Jacobus de Cessolis's chess alle­ is �nli�ely that such a co nversatio n took place in quite this fash­
gory, completed around 1337.86 The curse was also employed in the chronicle ion (espec1,ally m v�ew of the suspicious alacrity with which the peasants ac­
by Jansen Enikel in the late thirteenth century, in a satire by Pamphilius Gen­ �ept Hugo s reasonm�): Hugo vo� �rimberg's poem affords at least an imag­
genbach in the si xteenth, and in Feli x Hemmerli's antipeasant diatribe o f the m�� respo nse t� familiar denunc1at1ons of servitude based on the co mmon
mid-fifteenth century.87 ongm of humamty in Adam and Eve.

On the other hand, Noah, Ham, and Canaan do not figure in discussio ns . In hi� m?ck �pie D�r �ing (written ca. 1400), the Swiss po et Heinrich
o f serfdom in Spain, Italy, or (with one exception that I know of) France.
88 �Itten�der i�agmes a similar conversation but in an exclusively peasant set­
Within the German tradition o f didactic poetry and antipeasant satire, the tmg, a discussion amo ng the men of the benighted village of Lappenhausen,
curse of Noah was more than a merely co nventional symbol. It answered the who are as�embl�d for a war council.94 When someone po ints out that ac­
question o f how inequality, mo re especially servitude, could exist within a cor�mg to tmpenal law a militar y expedition must be led by a prince, an es­
community that included neither captives, strangers, nor manifest aliens. The pecially 11nruly p�asa�t asks whence princes derive their ri ght to rule, for are
curse is o ne answer to the conventional o bservation that all humans were we not all Adams children? A relatively wise village elder respo nds that al­
o ri gi nally (and therefore essentially) equal. By locating a moment in the past thou?h all come from Adam and Eve, some are more worthy and have been
such as the subo rdination o f Canaan to his brethren, medieval writers legiti­ a�p�i�ted by the people to rule, just as o ne of Noah's sons was punished for
mated serfdo m by means of the biblical origins of nations. h_is ndicule by beco ming a bondsman and the others were honored for their
To who m were such arguments addressed? In satires of peasants o r in de­ virtue �nd remained free men: "Therefore we are not equal. One is poor, the
scriptions o f estates the curse reassured to wnsmen and nobles that the rural other nch: one � peasant, the o ther nobl.e."95 Once again, the curse of Noah
inhabitants were degraded justly. They were immediate and genealo gical suc­ annuls pnmord1al equality. The villagers in Der Ring ultimately decide that
_ .
cesso rs of Ham and Canaan. In his o ne-sided dialogue between a rustic and a they constitute their own empire and so can make war, but the poe t offers this
knight, Feli x Hemmerli has the rustic argue that Noah's curse could not af- folly as further proof of their inferiority and hence of the validity of the curse.
The Origins ofInequality 102 The Curse ofNoah 103
By the time of Wittenwiler's poem the connection between contemporary slavery, namely Ham's migration to Africa, refuted serfdom in the thirteenth
human inequality and scriptural genealogy was venerable and well estab­ century, when the problematic of subordination involved Europeans alone
lished. The late-fifteenth-century Book ofSt. Albans invoked the Bible's an­ and when Africa appeared exotic and remote.101
swer to the assertion of equality at Creation in a discussion of both Cain and Wydif contemptuously rejected any effort to trace oppressive lordship to
Ham as the progenitors of rustics: a "bonde man or a churle" will say we all punishment for Cain's or Ham's sin. In his tract "De servitute civili et do­
come from Adam, but one might just as well assert that Lucifer and his fol­ minio seculari," written in 1378, he ridicules the notion that Cain was the
lowers all came from heaven (and were therefore somehow worthy).96 progenitor of servile orders, for all his descendants perished in the deluge (and
A current of resistance to theories attributing the origins of servitude to Abel is not reported as having any offspring). Some progeny of Shem and
Noah's curse did spring up fairly early on, however. Basing his critique on Au­ Japheth have been unfree, while conversely (as Atto ofVercelli had noted) the
gustine's City of God and Gregory's Moralia on Job, Jonas of Orleans in the line of Ham includes rulers (specifically, according to Wyclif, the
ninth century denounced the powerful who forget that their subordinates are Pharaohs).102 Less upset about the existence of serfdom than Eike von Rep­
their equals by nature and that they share the same God. Noah and his sons gow, however, Wydif went on to repeat the Pauline assurance that physical
received dominion over the earth's animal inhabitants, not over other men.97 servitude does not affect the liberty of the spirit.103
Here the opening of Genesis 9 implicitly counters the uses made of verse 25 Luther, in his commentary on Genesis, has Ham taking over Asia, the
("Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren''). In largest share of the world, and ruling from Babylon. Canaan, his accursed
the mid-tenth century, Atto of Vercelli, although counseling servi to be hum­ son, occupied the land later given to the people of Israel, the land in which
ble, specifically rejects attributing their status to Ham, who was, after all, the paradise was located. Luther asserted this in order to show that the righteous
ancestor of kings. Masters and servants are equal by nature, distinguished may be afflicted while the wicked are, for a time, allowed to prosper. The
only by mere names. Servitude comes from worldly iniquity rather than di­ curse has been "deferred but not removed, in order that the ungodly might
vine precept. The good servus is the friend of God, and the wicked master is fill their measure and feel more smug."104 Nothing is said here about serfdom,
the servant of die devil.98 and Ham is situated in Asia rather than Africa, but Luther makes use of the
A similar reassertion of equality and refutation of the genealogy of servi­ paradox of curse and rulership as found in Wydif. For Eike von Repgow,
tude appeared in a thirteenth-century legal collection, the Sachsenspiegel Here Wydif, and Luther, Ham and his offspring were independent of the favored
the fundamental texts by which an indelible human equality is affirmed are brothers, so the curse could not mean a literal enslavement nor justify later
taken from Gregory the Great. The author of the Sachsenspiegel Eike von literal enslavement.
Repgow, asserted that human beings were created equal after God's own im­
age, and were all saved equally by Christ's death.99 Human equality was there­
fore not erased by either Adam's Fall or Noah's curse. Speaking in the first per­ Against such arguments, it may seem surprising that the curse of Noah
son, the jurist states that he cannot accept that one man can licitly belong to proved so hardy, outliving the Middle Ages to find new vigor in the American
another. This is preceded by four refutations of attempts to legitimate servi­ South of the nineteenth century. In part, it endured because it served handily
tude by biblical authority, specifically by the cases of Cain and Abel; Ham, as a sweeping, biblical counter to the sweeping, biblical egalitarian argument
Shem and Japheth; Ishmael; and Jacob and Esau. All of Cain's descendants, of common descent from Adam. It does not have what might be considered
Eike von Repgow points out, perished in the Flood. And the Bible says noth­ an effective legal or constitutional force (as it is rather sweeping and not spe­
ing about any curse or serfdom pertaining to either Ishmael or Esau, even if cific to a particular polity). The curse is found casually and only infrequently
they were looked upon unfavorably by God. The curse of Noah is irrelevant, in the works of jurists. Its appeal was strongest among didactic writers for
according to Eike (here making some crucial alterations to his immediate whom it answered the best-known peasant argument against exploitative
source, Petrus Comestor), for the Bible does not say Ham was subordinated, lordship.
and at any rate since his descendants settled in Africa, while Shem remained The following chapter looks at another refutation of equality, more effec­
in Asia, and Japheth came to Europe, the offspring of one do not serve the tive than Noah's curse in the eyes of jurists and historians, but applicable only
descendants of the other. 100 Thus what would later appeal to apologists for to certain individual nations: the attribution of serfdom to a secular form of
The Origins ofInequality 104

the curse, an event in relatively recent (i.e., nonbiblical) history

liberty and power o n those who would subsequently form the
that c��ferred
nobility �nd
ent of teSti ng.
Chapter' 5
condemned to hereditary servitude those who failed the mom
to wh�t was
The event or test was always of a military nature and was linked
regarded as the formative period of the nation. It annexed the ?
i ea of a sin�e, National Myths and the
neat origi n for the deprivation of liberty
to the deeply held idea by wh_ic�
military capability or the defense of religio� gave rise to s� �
b equen� privi ­ Origins of Serfdom
timid and i nsuffi-
leges. Failure to defend oneself or the true fai th placed the
ciently pious in hereditary servitude.

Bravery, Freedom, and Inequality

The curse of Noah might have served to exculpate servitude from the charge
of violating divine law and proved useful for explaining the origins of outcast
peoples in a general way, but it was too sweeping to be easily applied to spe­
cific subordinate groups. O ne could assert that peasants descended from
Ham or Canaan, but this did not address the particular causes of debasement
within a given nation or explain why some members of a single polity were
unfree. 1
As medieval kingdoms developed powerful identities, myths of origin
proliferated, stories that glorified the epoch of fou ndation . Such accou nts
could also manipulate the past to explain why some members of a nation en­
joyed privileges while others were deprived of freedom. Myths of origin ex­
alted a national community while defining its social boundaries. Such quasi­
historical accounts of national formation were more specific than the u niver­
sal biblical origins of peoples.
Proclaiming the grandeur of a people, these stories raised and answered
questions about inclusion and exclusion : they explained why, within a popu­
lace sharing the same la nguage and other apparent marks of identity, there
were free and u nfree, aristocrats and serfs. I n certain medieval realms an in­
vented genealogy served better than biblical precedent to devise an origin for
serfdom, for the problem was not the abstract one of how subjugation came
into the world, but specifically the reasons for division within France, Catalo­
nia, or a nother nation. It was relatively easy to explai n o n the basis of Roman
law or biblical precedent why Saracens, Africans, or even captive subjugated
foreign Christians should be unfree, but unlike slavery, serfdom generally af­
fected those who at least appeared to be of similar origin to their masters.
The Origins ofInequality 106 National Myths, Origins ofSeifdom 107
Moreover, the very act of extolling a nation as favored by God prompted the
question of why some members of that glorious community were neverthe­ Myths ofLegitimation
The Middle Ages had a notorious predilection for historical fabrications. Un­
less subjugated. If Catalans, Hungarians, or Franks had descended from _he­
roes, why were they not equal, or at the very least all free? The work of bmld­
til recently historians were inclined to dismiss them as amusing examples of
ing a corporate identity had to address these questions, and did so most fre­ credulity, ahistoricity, or talent at forgery. The medieval fondness for fantasy
quently by creating myths of exclusion to justify division. 2
and invention used to be contrasted to the Renaissance's supposed penchant
One strategy in such mythologizing was to type the original conquere_d
for demythologizing and unmasking historical forgeries. The reality of tem­
population and their descendants as servile by emph¥izing right of conquest
poral distance and cultural difference replaced Gothic anachronistic manipu­
or by arbitrarily creating an ethnic difference. Such explanations were pro­
lation of the past: Lorenzo Valla at work demonstrating that the Donation of
mulgated in ninth- and tenth-century Saxony, gained at least slight currency
Constantine was forged.
in England, enjoyed considerable sway in medieval (and for that matter mod­ It is now evident that the sixteenth century, its philological advances
ern) Ireland, and accompanied the Catalan conquest of parts of Greece m the
notwithstanding, yielded to no other period in its fondness for ingenious, cir­
fourteenth century. 3
cular, and spectacularly erroneous historical theorizing. 7 Historians of our
Theories of this sort worked where a clear linguistic difference existed or
own day are interested in the creation of useful pasts, viewed as products not
where a conquest had taken place relatively recently. They were less effecti:7e
of naivete but of the appeal and malleability of the so-called "imagined com­
in countries without radical internal language differences, or where such dif­
munity," an artifice of national sentiment. 8 Another somewhat over-used
ferences did not mirror distinctions of status.4 The most interesting approach
term, "the invention of tradition," takes its name from an influential collec­
to exclusionary myth-building, from our point of view, sought a moment in
tion of articles demonstrating that modern and contemporary states devised
the legendary past to serve as the point of original differentiati?n amo�g �he
plausible rituals and iconographies to legitimate monarchy, nationalism, or
particular nation's social strata, much as the moment of Noahs maled1ct1�n
colonial rule. 9 If putative Trojan origins of superior persons or populations
functioned for universal history. The chosen moment, however, would be sit­
were no longer likely to be swallowed, then credible "ancient traditions" such
uated in relatively recent historical rather than biblical time. Moreover, it
as Scottish clan tartans or the English coronation rite could be created nearly
would be founded on a believable event particular to that nation.
ex nihilo, demonstrating that recent centuries too permitted and even en-
With the exception of England, one tends to find either mythical origins
couraged historical fantasies.
of servitude or biblical origins but not both in any given nation. In Germany,
Artificial traditions and invented histories usually amount to somethmg
as has been seen, Noah's curse enjoyed considerable popularity. In Catalonia
more than erudite musings. Above all, they are fantasies of legitimation, at­
and Hungary, where national mythologies of servitude were strongest, the
tempting to read back into the authoritative past an assertion of privilege and
curse was unremarked if not literally unknown. France created the form that _
domination or (as with such minority nationalities within modern nation­
national legends of the origin of serfdom would take, although Catalonia and
states as the Welsh) of cultural uniqueness. They arise to prove specific im­
Hungary gave them more elaborate life, for in these countries serfdom flour­
ages of collective identity: who constitutes a people or kingdom, where they
ished during the late Middle Ages rather than waning as it did in France. All
came from, and what their imputed character may be.
three countries, however, preferred Charlemagne to Noah as the author of
The decline of historiographic positivism has turned attention to the pro­
privilege and subjugation.
cess of historical invention and given it the status of a narrative not to be eas­
In England one finds the curse associated with the peasantry in litera­
ily separated from "reliable" history. As the boundaries between literature �d
ture,5 but in the actual discussion of serfdom in the fourteenth century, or in
history have become permeable, it is easier to view the latter as a rhe�oncal
justifications of later revolutionary or reform movements (in the seventeenth
strategy, a discourse of contingency and manipulation, rather than a science.
and nineteenth centuries, for example), the Norman Conquest was held far
A respect for what is at stake in contested versions of history has pro­
more responsible than biblical events for oppression (the "Norman Yoke" the­
duced important studies of how historical legends were formed and used. Su­
ory) or for the subsequent wicked concealment of liberty (by appeals to
san Reynolds has shown the significance of medieval myths of the origins of
Domesday Book and the royal demesne). 6
The Origins ofInequaliry 108 National Myths, Origins ofSerfdom 109

peoples.10 Miquel Coll i Alentorn and Thomas Bisson have described legends ure of Ogier le Danois was transformed into "Otger Catalo," who, with his
concerning the foundation of Catalonia and their uses.11 Peter Linehan has nine noble companions, fought the Moors south of the Pyrenees before the ar­
not only collected medieval Spanish historiographic forgeries and pieties but rival of Charlemagne. Otger Catalo gave his name to the newly liberated
shown how they were perpetuated into contemporary times.12 The uses of land, and the progeny of his comrades became the high nobility of Catalo­
dynastic saints and the identification of kingdom with conversion in east cen­ nia; hence Catalonia was presented as essentially a nobles' creation. This chal­
tral Europe has been studied by Gabor Klaniczay.13 The legends underlying lenged a comital myth ascribing the foundation of Catalonia to the histori­
the identity of the French nation have been elaborated by Colette Beaune, cally genuine Guifre "the Hairy." 17 In France, the nobility rejoined royal his­
while Gabrielle Spiegel has depicted the struggles between royal and noble toriography with "truer" accounts of French history not only by proving their
history writing and the role of genre and language in political controversy.14 ancestors' independence of the monarch but by subsidizing vernacular prose
The authors of these impressive works differ as to how annoying or how chronicles.18
useful they find the accretion of unreliable tradition, rather as different view­ Aristocracy, genealogy, and fanciful history have certain natural affinities
ers react differently to exuberant architectural styles such as the flamboyant and are found in many medieval historical narratives. More unusual is the
Gothic or Sicilian Baroque. For Linehan, there is-fakery and there is truth. corollary explanation for the privation of liberty, why some members of the
The former is to be stripped away to reveal the austere bare wood of reliable collectivity did not share what was won at the crucial moment of origin. At a
fact. According to this view historical fictions may be amusing, and what particular historical moment a genealogy of privilege and servitude was es­
prompted them is worth exploration, but they interfere with an accurate vi­ tablished by a test of bravery and martial skill. Military success and courage
sion of medieval reality. For Spiegel, on the other hand, historical manipula­ were crucial to winning hereditarily transmissible high status, while timidity
tion is the fact. There are no innocent or objective readings of the past to be or desertion justified the imposition of a heritable loss of freedom. A trial of
restored. courage and valor had to be situated at the real or mythical establishment of
From a vast body of historical invention, as well as the varied recent stud­ the nation whose political birth included its hierarchical differentiation.
ies of it, I wish to extract a small group of ideas relating to the subjugation of Legitimation was built into any narrative that exalted a people. Celebrat­
peasants. Their subordination cannot be completely separated from what me­ ing the accomplishments of a population required explaining who really was
dieval writers were most concerned with: praising the nobility and dem­ included in this supposedly superior nation. For an abstract theory of social
onstrating the supposed moral and historical basis for their privileges. Texts order, mutual service and the tripartite division might illustrate why lordship
describing the establishment of a nation, kingdom, or people justified the and servitude were providential. Within a nation whose virtue and vigor
polity by means of antiquity, genealogy, or some set of foundational acts. (strenuitas) were surpassing, however, servitude could not so easily be justi­
Classical antecedents (Aeneas's grandson Brutus in England, Hercules in fied. Aristocracy needed to stem from a violent assertion of right, not develop
Spain) provided illustrious origins by reason of high birth, learning (taking as a functional category within an organic metaphor. This violent assertion
the polity back beyond the barbarians), and connection with the sources of was legitimate and virtuous but expressed aggression rather than reasonable­
literary and philosophical heroism. Biblical searches for ancestors were en­ ness.19 The aristocracy proved through their character that they possessed in­
couraged by the genealogies of nations in the Book of Genesis. Biblical and delible moral strength, so that this class alone represented the virtue of the
classical figures could be blended, as in Spain, where both Noah's grandson nation.
Tubal (Genesis 10:2) and Hercules supposedly figured in the settlement Bravery and freedom were conjoined in something more violent than the
of Iberia.15 The English chronicler Robert Mannyng "proved" that Brutus, uplifting generalities common to modern national pieties such as the Amer­
founder of England, was directly descended from Noah.16 ican national anthem, which describes the United States as the "land of the
The prevailing myths therefore justified occupation of the land and ex­ free and the home of the brave," or "Rule Britannia," in which naval su­
tolled its current inhabitants. They also tended to legitimate the privileges of premacy is joined to liberty and national character. In a society with a multi­
the nobles. For this task events with some recognizable historical specificity plicity of special, chartered liberties, privileges, and exemptions, hierarchical
were more useful than biblical or classical antecedents. In Catalonia, where difference was not submerged in equality of citizenship or patriotic solidar­
the foundational era was identified with Charlemagne, the French literary fig- ity (except within local communities such as a particular valley). Liberty re-
The Origins ofInequality no National Myths, Origins ofSerfdom III

sulted from an act of bravery, not just constitutionally (through a declaration lations into French were made by scholars working for various Flemish aristo­
or war of independence) but as a moral reward for valor hereditarily trans­ crats in the early thirteenth century. The most popular of these translations,
missible into posterity. The political existence of Catalonia did not have to accomplished before 1206, was that of a certain "Master Johannes." The Jo­
be traced to a formal act of the fictional Otger Catal6 and his noble compan­ hannes version subsequently was added to as well as abbreviated. Pierre de
ions. Their successful wars against the Saracens began decades before Charle­ Beauvais joined to the already eclectic Turpin narrative a translation and
magne could be thought to have validated titles to nobility. The moral and reworking of an earlier text, the Descriptio qualiter Karo/us Magnus clavum
political order of Catalonia were symbolized by a made-up etymology, not by et coronam Domini a Constantinopoli Aquisgrani detulerit, an account of
a particular document or moment of institutional foundation.20 The legiti­ Charlemagne's supposed expedition to liberate Jerusalem and receive the im­
mating significance of bravery was not exclusively the prerogative of the no­ perial crown from Constantinople.24 Pierre de Beauvais's adaptation of the Jo­
bility. Not only did medieval cities boast of their (usually fictitious) origins, hannes version was itself abbreviated in a form referred to as the "Descriptio­
but (as we shall see), such peasant communities as managed to achieve inde­ Turpin."25
pendence from seigneurial domination elaborated their own stories of heroic The Pseudo-Turpin material mentions both a foundational liberation
resistance (such as the legend of William Tell) or of military victories that se­ of those previously serfs and the enserfment of those previously free. In the
cured freedom.21 In Hungary, a nobles' myth of servitude as the result of fail­ "Descriptio-Turpin," Charlemagne offers freedom to serfs (as well as prison­
ure to perform military service was answered by the reproaches of peasant ers and other lowly people) who will aid his expedition to fight King Agolant
crusaders in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, who insisted that they of Pamplona.26 The obverse of this act of enfranchisement is taken from a re­
fought against the Turks (and even occasionally won) while the nobles failed lated Descriptio of Charlemagne's journey to the East found only in the Pierre
to fight the common enemy and continued their extortionate lordship over de Beauvais and modified Johannes accounts (which were, however, widely
fellow Christians. diffused). In Pierre de Beauvais, Charlemagne orders that those who are ca­
pable of bearing arms but do not accompany him to Constantinople will owe
France and the 'Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle' the four deniers that denote the servile payment of chevage. Not only will they
have to make this payment during their lifetimes but it will be an obligation
If nobles' ancestors demonstrated courage at the foundation of the polity, incumbent on their descendants as well.27 In the "Descriptio-Turpin'' debase­
serfs were the unfortunate descendants of those found wanting in the mili­ ment to servitude is more explicit: those who did not respond to the sum­
tary emergency. Their crime was timidity rather than treason, refusal to fight mons were to be serfs, they and their heirs in perpetuity.28
rather than some wicked but violent deed such as Ganelons. In keeping with Also in the early thirteenth century, shortly after 12n, the Chanson de Gui
the image of the peasant as militarily incapable and essentially harmless (de­ de Bourgogne traced the origins of serfdom to a form of early retirement from
spite his frightening and distorted appearance), an original act of cowardice Charlemagne's army.29 After 27 years of fighting the Moors, his troops com­
condemned peasants to servitude. The timidity of vilains was a well-estab­ plained of fatigue. Charlemagne grudgingly allowed anyone who wished to
lished literary theme especially in France.22 The emasculation of rustics was do so to return to his lands, but only on condition that he and his posterity
therefore not a natural condition in an Aristotelian sense, nor the result of a henceforth be considered serfs:
separate ethnogenesis, but the outcome of a historical moment of testing.
But I want them to know one thing in truth
Failure resulted in a licit and appropriate punishment: the perpetuation of By the faith that I owe to holy Christianity
servitude as a concomitant of military incapability. It is that all their lineage will be unfree serfs
The first explanation of serfdom based on a supposed historical lack of All the days of their life they will be known as serfs. 30
nerve appears in the story of Charlemagne's Spanish campaigns in the Histo­
ria Karoli Magni et Rotholandi, more commonly known as the Pseudo-Turpin The offer was accepted by 4,700 soldiers, all of them Gascons and Angevins
Chronicle, first composed in Latin probably in the early twelfth century. It (an evident display of regional prejudices). The author goes on to observe
purports to be an account composed by the bellicose Archbishop Turpin, who that these were the first recorded serfs.31
figures memorably in The Song ofRoland. 23 No fewer than six separate trans- A century later the Roman de Renart le Contrefoit returned to the sugges-
T he Origins ofInequality n2 National Myths, Origins ofSerfdom n3

tion of Pseudo-Turpin by making the original crime cowardice rather than contemporary serfs meriting privation of liberty but observes that such priva­
desertion. 32 In the first redaction of the Roman, the primal serfs were those tion contradicts natural law and the very name of Frank ("free"). 37
who refused to follow Charlemagne's armed pilgrimage to Santiago to battle As Marc Bloch has pointed out, the eloquence of this document does not
the Saracens. The author claimed (this time motivated presumably by anti­ disguise the fact that enfranchisements were a means of raising money rather
bourgeois sentiment) that in Paris there were now a thousand of their than acts of gracious beneficence. Nevertheless, the grouping of ideas in the
descendants. 33 preamble demonstrates the transformation of a literary into a legal assump­
The second redaction offers a more extensive and peculiar account. At tion, and the peculiar interplay of juridical, literary, and religious sources.
confession, Renart bewails the pride and rapacity of knights and acknowl­ In Roman as well as Carolingian laws, one finds precedents for the notion
edges that he has himself extorted servile payments ( mainmorte, formariage, that treason, desertion, or other military dereliction should be punished by
taille). Posing the question of the origin of serfdom, Renart locates it, as was servitude (in these instances slavery). Servitude is what traitors deserve, ac­
by now customary, with Charlemagne. Followers were summoned to accom­ cording to several chapters of the Digest. 38 In late Frankish law, the failure to
pany him to Santiago. The muster was held at a then-deserted valley known answer a military summons (heribannum) could lead to enslavement if the of­
as Apremont, site of the future town of Provins. Many among the host were fender could not pay the normal fine; ignoring a general levy in the event of
reluctant to fulfill their obligations and wished to stay and settle Apremont. an invasion (a crime called lantweri ) was punishable by death or enslave­
These "cowards of Apremont," some 16,000 souls, preferred to pay tallage ment. 39 For desertion (herisliz), the normal punishment was death, although
rather than to risk their lives. Charlemagne allowed this (and added to their this could also be commuted to perpetual slavery.40 But these legal sanctions
number the ribauds and dice-players expelled from his army), but they were do not completely explain the appeal of associating cowardice with serfdom,
"condemned" to pay the tallage, another indication of servitude. 34 Tacked on an association suggested by the theological idea of a sin committed in the
to this was the account of the city built by these serfs, Provins, and the ety­ past that continues to affect morally the descendants of the sinner. Thus the
mology of its name. When Charlemagne returned, he remarked with amaze­ cowardice of peasant ancestors is a secular, "national" version of the Curse of
ment how well set up the town appeared: Noah, if not of the Fall itself. The association also results from consideration
of freedom and privilege. It is not surprising that the Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle
The king remarked, "They have worked well,
And by God they've shown themselves [prouve] well.'' is both the first place in which military failure explains serfdom and the first
And because of this, the place is called Provins. source to identity the etymology of "France" as "terre franche," land of the
Here the object of aristocratic disdain was not Paris but one of the Cham­ The alliance of bravery with freedom and of cowardice with servitude
pagne Fair towns. 35 plays itself out in both legal and pseudohistorical literary texts. The paradigm
What had begun as a literary-historical formulation found its way into le­ has certain limitations; thus Louis X and Phillip V seem to indicate in the
gal theories of the beginning of serfdom. In Beaumanoir's late-thirteenth-cen­ preambles to their enfranchisements that even if servitude was merited for
tury Customs ofBeauvaisis, which would have authority as a legal compilation the original misdeed, its eternal perpetuation was not. In Catalonia, where
well outside the region, several origins are advanced for the deprivation of lib­ the Pseudo-Turpin material would be adapted to a more dangerous and dis­
erty characteristic of serfdom: serfs are descended from those captured in bat­ puted situation, the king of Aragon in 1388, desiring the freedom of the
tle (an account based on Roman law), or from those forced into servitude by servile population, seemed prepared to argue that the sentence of degradation
wicked lords, or from those who placed themselves in voluntary servitude (for had a limit, that "the time of servitude has already passed," and ordered his
reasons of poverty or piety), or from those who had failed to heed a royal call archivist to find the documents to prove it (presumably in the form of origi­
to arms (or had fled from a battle). 36 nal records enacting the sentence). 42 If the medieval period for the most part
By the time of the last Capetians, the association of servitude with a his­ did not share the tendencies of modern racism to posit literal biological dis­
torical crime was sufficiently well established for it to be referred to offhand­ tinction, it placed the moment of division far enough back in the historical
edly. The preamble to the royal letters of commission for administering the past to account for the marked, physical difference of the servile population.
enfranchisements of 1315 and 1318 speaks of the "misdeed" of the ancestors of The historical moment, however, was not so removed as to erase all trace of
The Origins ofInequality n4 National Myths, Origins ofSerfdom n5

original equality. The peasant and the lord were still in some fundamental less in fighting Islam, according to the first and most widely diffused legend:
sense equal, especially where there was no obvious or relatively recent con­ the independence from the Franks won by Count Guifre "the Hairy." At
quest to encourage a theory of "ethnic" differentiation. some point between n6o and n84, the Gesta comitum Barcinonensium made
Guifre the Hairy-a real ninth-century count of Barcelona-the founder of
Catalan independence. The Gesta claimed that Guifre's father had been mur­
In Catalonia and Hungary, the French myth of an original act of cowardice dered by Franks who were supposed to escort him to the royal court to stand
was appropriated in the context of an extension and hardening of servile trial for killing a noble who had insulted him. When he grew up, Guifre was
tenurial arrangements. Whereas thirteenth and fourteenth-century France able to return to his home and overthrow the Frankish count. Still obedient,
saw widespread emancipation of serfs in return for payments to the royal however, Guifre effected a reconciliation with the king of France. When the
treasury, Catalonia and Hungary gradually inflicted servitude on previously Saracens invaded the county of Barcelona, Guifre received from the king,
free populations, restricted freedom of movement, and defined a subordinate who was unable to help him, a promise that if he could drive the Saracens out
legal status out of what had been miscellaneous seigneurial exactions.43 His­ unassisted, he might have the county free of any tie to France.47
torical myths were elaborated to defend the extension of servile institutions Charlemagne therefore did not figure in the earliest Catalonian narratives
and so are found in chronicles and legal writings rather than in religious, di­ of foundation. This was in part because the Gesta reflected the memory of the
dactic, or literary works, the habitat of Noah's curse. events in 985 and the years immediately following, when Barcelona was
Medieval jurists eagerly consumed opportunistic reworkings of national sacked and burned by forces of the rulers of Muslim Cordoba and the feeble
history.44 In France, as previously noted, Beaumanoir was content to cite an­ last Carolingian and first Capetian monarchs failed to come to the aid of the
cestral cowardice as one of several possible explanations for a social condition beleaguered count of Barcelona.48 The Gesta thus conflated an embroidered
that was becoming less widespread. For Hungarian and Catalan jurists, how­ version of the career of the ninth-century Guifre I with the last recognition
ever, a fairly urgent problem presented itself: how to explain and justify a of Frankish lordship in 985-87, when Count Borrell asked for military aid to
seemingly anomalous condition contradicting the supposed liberties of the no avail. The retreat oflslam and subsequent victories against it were annexed
gens, a condition that, far from dying out, continued to define lordship and to an earlier achievement of de facto independence. The heroic legendary
its economic perquisites. In both territories, legends of heroic fot.:1ndations al­ foundation of Catalonia partakes of the common pairing of courage and lib­
ready existed, so not only did serfdom have to be fit retrospectively into a glo­ erty by means of a test in which endurance and victory in military adversity
rious epic of foundation, but the jury-rigging had to be accomplished with­ establishes a permanent right to privileged independence.
out shaming or tainting all the heirs of the imagined past. To paraphrase the Beginning in the thirteenth century, the foundational moment was ex­
Hungarian jurists' formulation: how could nobles and serfs emerge within tended further back to Charlemagne, while two complementary legends were
one nation, from one historical moment? created to offer a basis for both nobles' privileges and peasants' subjugation.
In the Cronica de Espanya, written in 1268 by Pere Ribera of Perpignan, it was
Catalonia Charlemagne who began the task of liberating Spain from the Saracens.
Charlemagne's work was followed up by Guifre, who was unaided by the em­
I have elsewhere tried to describe the Catalan explanations for servitude and peror's weaker successors (from this point the Cronica follows the course laid
how they were shaped by jurists to suit older foundation myths.45 The inspi­ out by the Gesta).49 Although Charlemagne in fact never set foot in the future
ration for linking serfdom to an original act of cowardice seems to have come Catalonia, the Christian conquest of the Marca Hispanica did take place dur­
from the Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle. The Latin version of Pseudo-Turpin was ing his reign. His exalted reputation made it difficult to ignore his role in the
known in Catalonia as early as u73, when a copy was made at the monastery establishment of Catalonia and also placed Catalans in the grand narrative of
of Ripoll.46 The Carolingian era was always an ambiguous foundational pe­ European chivalric history.50 While from.the point of view of the counts of
riod for Catalonia. On the one hand, the Franks had freed the core territory Barcelona it was important to distance Catalonia from its Frankish ante­
from Islam. On the other hand, the Franks ruled as oppressors and were use- cedents (France would continue to make claims on Catalonia intermittently
The Origins ofInequality n6 National Myths, Origins ofSerfdom n7

to the time of Napoleon), Charlemagne and his immediate successors sanc­ the Consuetudines Cathaloniae, was Bertran de Ceva, a jurist active in the
tioned Catalan institutions far more effectively than could recherche, local early fourteenth century.57 Here Charlemagne appears specifically as the lib­
tenth-century events and personages. erator of the territories up to the Llobregat River (corresponding to medieval
Two legal comments on the origins of servitude demonstrate how the Old Catalonia). Responding to the proposal simply to kill the captives,
Frankish era could be used in defense of the enserfment of one group of Charlemagne points out that nobles cannot be expected to cultivate the land
Catalans by another. They are contained in a fifteenth-century Escorial man­ (a backhanded acknowledgment that peasants labor for the benefit of the en­
uscript of the enactments of the Catalan parliament (Corts). The first is a tire society, which could not survive without them).58
gloss to the constitution "Item quod in terris sive locis" of the Barcelona par­ The legendary account of the origins of serfdom would be transmitted
liament of 1283, which restricted movement of servile seigneurial and ecclesi­ from legal to historical works in the fifteenth century, and survive as a believ­
astical tenants to royal land. The anonymous jurist explains why these tenants able explanation into the nineteenth century.59 This should not obscure the
are subject to "redemption," a manumission payment necessary for them to more immediate usefulness it enjoyed as a bulwark against attacks on
leave the lord's jurisdiction, which served as a key index of servile status. He seigneurial rights in the late Middle Ages. From the time of King Joan's ef­
does so by means of a historical excursus.51 When the Saracens occupied forts to obtain the end of serfdom on church lands in 1388 to the end of the
Spain, they held the Christian population captive ( quasi captiuos), forcing successful peasant rebellion in 1486, which led to the abolition of peasant
them to make redemption payments and other services. "Christian princes" servitude, Catalonia was bitterly divided over serfdom. Members of the royal
(not at this point further specified) came to restore this territory to the Faith, court in the early fifteenth century denounced it as bringing infamy to Cat­
but the timid captive population ignored the call to help the liberating alonia, and peasant agitation combated serfdom even before the outbreak of
armies.52 The Christian princes conquered anyway, and although they had open war in 1462. The cowardly-peasants legend would be popularized by the
the right simply to kill the peasants who were now their captives, they merci­ historian Pere Tomich in his writings of 1438, where he made Louis the Pious
fully chose instead to perpetuate the servile conditions first imposed by Mus­ (who, unlike Charlemagne, had actually campaigned in the future Catalonia)
lims.53 The gloss evidently dates from the very late thirteenth or early four­ the author of the punishment and dated it to 814.60 The influential jurist Joan
teenth century, for it appears to be prior to another gloss by Bertran de Ceva, de Socarrats, commenting in 1476 (during the Catalan peasant uprising) on
datable to the early fourteenth century (see below). the primary collection of Catalan law governing lords and vassals, restated
Clearly this theory derives from Roman law, according to which being Bertran de Ceva's formulation of the origins of serfdom.61
taken captive in battle was one of the few ways in which free men could be The heightened atmosphere of the fifteenth-century Catalan conflicts
degraded into slavery.54 The gloss also refers to the Roman legal common­ over serfdom (and between the crown and the nobles) encouraged the forma­
place that servus is derived from servare-that the captives were "preserved" tion of a parallel legend of the origins of noble privilege. The legend of Otger
rather than being killed.55 In common with most medieval lawyers, the Catal6 and his nine barons appears to have been developed from older mate­
anonymous author of this gloss willingly and indiscriminately applied the law rial in the early fifteenth century to portray the nobility rather than the
of slavery to the situation of serfs, even though Catalonia harbored a substan­ counts of Barcelona as the real founders of Catalonia.62 After Charles Martel's
tial slave population (comprising North Africans, Tartars, Sardinians, Greeks, victory at Poitiers, a group of nobles maintained a guerrilla war against the
and Caucasians), so that the difference between the two forms of dependence Saracens. After Charlemagne's invasion, the emperor rewarded the warriors by
was in practice obvious.56 The author, however, was not content simply to re­ dividing the now conquered territory among them. This land was named
fer in general to captivity in battle as the origin of serfdom, but rather situ­ "Catalonia'' in honor of their fallen leader, Otger Catal6 (an etymology fre­
ated it at a precise (if vaguely defined) moment of testing in which failure to quently questioned but largely accepted until the nineteenth century). Not
heed the summons to battle amounted to treason or apostasy, punishable by surprisingly, the names of Otger's captains corresponded to those of the great
means reminiscent of the Fall or Noah's curse. houses of the High Middle Ages.
The same Escorial manuscript contains a short commentary on certain The Otger legend did not say anything about the peasants, but by credit­
customary laws of Catalonia, which offers another version of the legend that ing the achievement of the first victories against the Moors to the nobles, it
is more precise as to the foundational event. The author of this brief work, legitimated aristocratic privilege. Courage in the era of Charlemagne was re-
The Origi,ns ofInequality n8 National Myths, Origins ofSerfdom n9

warded while fear was punished. In 1438 the historian Tomich combined Ot­ servitude. Those who were of lower condition (later specifically serfs) de­
ger and the cowardly-peasants legend to make explicit the simultaneous ori­ scended from those Hungarians who had failed in this test of valor.
gins of privilege and subjugation. He gave much more attention to the heroic The introduction of the legendary origins of serfs can be pinpointed
story, but the two legends together explained the internal divisions among more precisely in Hungary than in Catalonia. Simon of Keza, court chaplain
Catalans.63 Gabriel Turell's chronicle, Recort, written in 1476, derived a suc­ to King Ladislas "the Cuman," composed a Hungarian history that elabo­
cinct constitutional statement from the two histories: that Charlemagne had rated a heroic pre-Christian past.65 The Gesta Hungarorum was written be­
established the liberties of Catalonia for the brave and highly born, not for tween 1282 and 1285, at approximately the same time that the parliament
the rustics or "the common mob." 64 meeting in Barcelona enacted the fundamental legislation for Catalan serf­
The question of how members of the same gens could be of such different dom. Simon obtained some of his material from earlier Latin chronicles writ­
social conditions was thus answered. Rather than inventing a racial or histor­ ten in Hungary, but, as studies of the labyrinthine textual history of these
ical theory that would posit different ethnic origins for serfs and nobles, the early chronicles have shown, they do not represent any genuine folk tradition
Catalan account imitated biblical teachings by identifying the founding of so­ of the migration or conversion periods but are rather congeries of antiquar­
cial orders within the creation of the nation, orders distinguished by valor ver­ ian learning.66 Simon was original in attempting to explain the aristocratic
sus cowardice. A primordial act established a constitutional basis for differen­ privileges of his era by reference to a specific foundational practice.67 He was
tiation of status and removed the subjugated from the definition of Catalan at most interested in explaining the prerogatives of the nobles; since serfdom
least as regarded the liberties of Catalonia, thus excusing serfdom while sav­ was scarcely developed, his concern with the lower orders was minimal. Nev­
ing Catalonia's military reputation. ertheless, his distinction between nobles and everyone else would be useful in
That this was not ultimately morally acceptable is shown by the peasants' elaborating justifications for a sharper contrast between noble and unfree
civil-war victory in alliance with the monarch, a victory eventually followed nearer to the end of the medieval period.
by the abolition sentence of 1486. Nevertheless, despite the bitterness of that Simon was also the first Hungarian chronicler to celebrate the fictitious
conflict and the ideological strength of the nobles' resistance, there was a wide link between Mag yars and Huns, a notion current in the West from shortly
area of agreement about what constituted a basis for freedom and acceptance. after the Hungarian invasions began at the end of the ninth century. By the
All agreed that human beings were by nature equal. That the ius gentium ex­ time of the Nibelungenlied, written in Austria or Bavaria shortly after 1200,
cused subjugation of captives encouraged seigneurial apologists to call the an­ the inhabitants of Hungary were referred to as "Huns" and were confused
cestors of the serfs "captives," but more than this, they asserted the contin­ with the real Huns, who had warred against the Burgundians in late antiquity.
gent nature of freedom as the result of courage and bondage as a consequence The Nibelungenlied depicted the Huns in positive terms. Their king, Etzel,
of timidity. was pagan, but they were chivalrous, wealthy, and hospitable. Their war with
the Burgundians was caused by Kriemhild's revenge upon her Burgundian
Hungary brothers for their murder of her husband, Siegfried, not by their aggression.68
Despite the changed image of the Huns, early Hungarian historians were
A similar legend was elaborated in Hungary, where a series of peasant revolts reluctant to accept what still seemed an unflattering association. "Magister P,"
and near-revolts would also take place, preceding a general insurrection in an anonymous source for much of Simon's work, acknowledged the possibil­
1514. Suppression of the 1514 uprising would result in the enserfment of the ity of some institutional relationship with the Huns but was unwilling to
Hungarian peasantry according to laws drafted in light of the same French make them the literal ancestors of the Magyars.69 Simon, on the other hand,
historical justifications that were taken up less successfully in Catalonia. embraced the notion of barbarian ancestors. He took advantage of the estab­
As in Catalonia, in Hungary military failure set in a foundational past lished pivotal significance of the conversion of the Hungarians (convention­
was used by historians and lawyers to account for social difference. It was ally dated from King Stephen's reception of a crown from Pope Sylvester II
supposed that the ancestors of the Magyars held an annual military muster in 1000), an event contrasting with (but also in some sense preserving) the
and that failure to attend was punished by death, banishment, or hereditary customs of warlike barbarian forebears. King Stephen became a saintlier ver-
The Origjns ofInequality 120 National Myths, Origins ofSerfdom 121

sion of Clovis, the leader of a successful barbarian people newly and fervently ing cut in two with a plowshare, degraded by banishment, or degraded to
converted. servile status.72
Much in the manner of the Catalans, the Hungarians made use of such Although Simon's reference to the year 700 confers some precision on his
possibilities as already existed in established literature (such as the Nibelun­ account, only by implication does his text date the supposed beginnings of
genlied ) to connect themselves to the prestigious figures in the dominant cul­ degradation as a military penalty to this period. More importantly, to explain
tural realms of medieval Europe. Of course Charlemagne really did have the origin of a servile population, he posited not an original act of cowardice
something to do with Catalonia, and the Catalan legends of social founda­ corresponding to the failure of the Catalan "captives" to heed Charlemagne's
tion were presented in a more or less recognizable historical setting. The call, but only a more general unwillingness to engage in military activity.
Catalans also could produce a legend that made use of the Christian struggle Bearing arms and fighting the enemies of the nation merited the privi­
against Islam. Although in both realms Christianity was joined to the estab­ leges of liberty, while refusal to do so led to hereditary servitude, hence sepa­
lishment of the nation, the Hungarians had at one time been pagan, while ration from the original egalitarian community. While the alleged laws of the
the proto-Catalans were Christians who had liberated territory from Islam. Huns might not have been maintained intact in the period after the conver­
Even if the Hungarian state, in common with others of east-central Europe, sion, they nonetheless permanently identified the medieval kingdom and its
was thought of as coming into existence with the conversion of its kings, it society and served as constitutional myths. Simon concludes with a formula­
was possible to imagine and invent a preconversion Hungarian past of per­ tion of the problem answered by his history: it was one's own wicked actions
manent constitutional significance (as indeed was the case for the various that differentiated one Hungarian from another, "for how else, since one fa­
Germanic tribes). The Catalans, in contrast, did not have a mythologized ex­ ther and mother procreated all Hungarians, could one of them be called no­
istence prior to Charlemagne (they rarely displayed any interest in their Visi­ ble, another ignoble, unless he were held to be guilty of such a crime?"73 Here
gothic antecedents). Simon is interested in the contrast between the nobility and everyone else,
Hence Hungarian serfdom would be located in a Hunnish past well be­ rather than the specific origin of serfdom. Like all the other foundational
fore the arrival of Christianity. According to Simon of Keza, following earlier myths we have noted, the Hungarian version aimed chiefly to laud noble ori­
authors, the Huns descended from Noah's son Japheth through Magog and gins and justify privilege rather than to theorize about the peasantry, but as
more proximately from the brothers "Magor" (whence Magyar) and "Hunor" we shall see, Simon's account would later be used as a historical explan ation
(Hun).70 Simon, however, distinguished between "pure" and "mixed" Hun­ for the existence of the unfree.
garians. The pure were descended from 108 original clans (108 being the num­ Simon of Keza's sources for the differentiation of estates were French and
ber of noble families established in a tabulation of 1280).71 The others were at Italian, certainly not Hungarian. No single text had the specific influence that
least partially descended from foreign nobles and war captives. Although he the Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle exerted in Catalonia. Jeno Szucs has demon­
seems here to establish a quasi-ethnic division into superior and inferior levels, strated Simon's familiari ty with both literary and legal learning of France and
Simon does not use the opportunity to propose a different ancestry for nobles Italy.74 Simon visited Germany and France and served as an emissary to
and non-nobles. He specifically tells us that both are found among pure and Charles of Anjou upon his arrival in Calabria from Tunis after the failed cru­
mixed Hungarians, that both form part of the Hungarian natio. sade and death of Louis IX (1270). Simon was the first Hungarian historian
In addition to the "pure" and "mixed" division, Simon of Keza made use to use a French toponym (Cha.Ions) and was eager to show how up-to-date
of the French theme of serfdom resulting from cowardice, transposing the he was. So he neither wrote in isolation nor shaped an already extant popular
moment of testing, however, into Hunnish customary times. In the year 700, tradition. He placed Hungary in the mainstream of historical explanations for
we are informed, the Huns elected captains and began their movement west­ the differentiation of estates and privileges. The threefold punishments of his
ward from Scythia, selecting a leader, Kadar, who disciplined and shaped the tale reflect the influence of Roman law (the Lex Julia maiestatis) more than
army. At this time the Huns established the custom of sending emissaries to any "Lex Scitica." Next to the barbaric method of execution by colter is the
call the population to a military "muster" (literally, to attend, armed, a gen­ technical formulation of banishment and an imitation of Roman degradation
eral council). Those who failed to obey the summons without good reason by enslavement in the mines.75 The Roman de Renart as well as the older Gui
were subject to one of three punishments according to the "Lex Scitica'': be- de Bourgogne and Pseudo-Turpin were all in circulation at this time and must
The Origins ofInequality 122 National Myths, Origins ofSerfdom 123
have suggested to Simon (much as to the anonymous Catalan jurist who shared the exercise of royal power with the monarch. The doctrine formu­
commented on the 1283 parliamentary legislation) the possibility of ascribing lated in the fourteenth century considered the nobility and higher prelates as
to a formative historical era the contemporary social division.76 equal parts of a corpus of an organic royal power along with the monarch.82
The enduring contribution of Simon of Keza's history was to enshrine the At his election, Vladislav recognized his obligations to the noble and clerical
supposed Hunnish origins of the Magyars. The separation of noble from estates, and acknowledged that the crown itself was in the custody of noble
non-noble on the basis of the military summons would also become canoni­ conservatores at the castle ofVisegrad.83 Equality within the noble estate was
cal, but gradually and through reformulation over centuries. The 1358 Chron­ underscored by the common military service obligations ascribed to the Hun­
ica de Gestis Hungarorum (known as The Hungarian Illuminated Chronicle) nish foundational era; thus by 1500 the nobility solidified against the foreign
repeats almost verbatim the story and conclusion of Simon of Keza.77 There king and began to press their claims to subjugate the peasantry, and com­
are a few differences, however. The penalty of execution is absent (only ban­ bined myths of privilege and constitutional domination coalesced.
ishment and servitude appear), and the chronology has changed to place the The sudden and violent uprising in the spring and summer of 1514 terri­
invention of Hungarian institutions at the historically attested time of the fied the Hungarian nobility and was put down only after considerable effort
Huns.Whereas Simon of Keza had located the westward migrations and elec­ and extraordinary savagery.84 The insurrection began when a crusade against
tion of Kadar in the eighth century, the Illuminated Chronicle placed them in the Turks authorized by the newly elected Pope Leo X and led by the arch­
the reign of Valens, 373 A.D. bishop of Gran-Esztergom became the occasion for peasants to air their griev­
A more significant alteration occurred in the late fifteenth century, when ances against nobles. According to the peasants, the nobles refused to coop­
the condition of the servile population and the privileges of the nobles with erate with the crusade, preferring to oppress their tenants as usual at home
regard to the king were more contested than when Simon of Keza wrote. In rather than fight in defense of religion and the homeland. The peasants trans­
the Chronica Hungarorum, by Janos Thuroczy, the response to the military formed the crusade into a holy war against the nobility, whom they de­
muster was the origin not merely of noble and non-noble but of noble and nounced as infidels, worse than the Turks. The nobles were the rebels, accord­
serf.78 Most of the relevant chapter in Thuroczy repeats the history told by Si­ ing to the crusaders, rebels against God and against the responsibilities in­
mon of Keza. It is now a specific edict from the era of Kadar as well as custom cumbent on members of the military caste. Later we will consider the
that mandated the three punishments for failure to obey the summons. program enunciated by the leaders of the peasant armies, but here it is worth
Thuroczy records a picturesque detail: a bloody sword was brandished by the indicating elements of propeasant agitation that responded to the legend of
messenger who announced the armed assembly, a gathering that in Thuroczy the Hunnish origins of nobles and serfs.
is both a deliberative body and the muster for a military expedition.79 In ac­ In condemning the nobles, the peasant crusaders in the first place con­
cord with earlier accounts, Thuroczy says that the custom of the three pun­ trasted their own willingness to fight with the indifference of the chivalric es­
ishments persisted until the time of Geza (grandson of the dynastic founder tates. In France and Catalonia, territories well removed from the frontiers
Arpad, father of the Stephen who converted to Christianity). He added the with Islam in the late Middle Ages, the assumption that rusticity meant mil­
observation that by means of this custom, many had been reduced to perpet­ itary incapacity was plausible. In Germany, the imperial laws governing who
ual "rusticity."80 The final rhetorical question is also changed: "For since they could carry weapons enshrined the symbolic privileges and responsibilities of
were of one and the same birth and came equally from Hunor and Magor, nobles by restricting the ownership and display of swords and other chivalric
how else could it be that one could be made a lord, another a serf or peas­ weapons to members of the knightly classes.85 In Hungary, however, peasants
ant?"81 Reflecting the seigneurial pressures of the late fifteenth century, the were often enlisted in armed campaigns against the Turks and were far from
Chronica assumes that serf and rustic are equivalent and makes explicit the incompetent in the use of weapons.
descent of contemporary serfs (rather than all non-nobles) from the customs After the rebellion was quashed in the late summer of 1514, punitive laws
and laws of the Huns. were enacted that further reflect the legendary origins of differentiation
During the reign of the ineffectual Jagiellonian king Vladislav II (ruled among Hungarians. As we have seen, the French legend could be read as
1490-1517), the Hungarian nobles obtained official recognition of the "Doc­ punishing cowardice or treason. With the harrowing recent experience of
trine of the Holy Crown" of Saint Stephen, according to which the nobility peasant violence (real and imagined), the authors of legislation degrading vir-
The Origins ofInequality 124 National Myths, Origins ofSerfdom 125
tually the entire rural population to servitude could not contemptuously as­ Discussing the contrast between noble liberty and rustic bondage, Wer­
sume that only nobles had martial skill or an affinity for violence. The pro­ boczy's Tripartitum repeats Thur6czy's conclusion, which is itself, of course,
logue to the laws of November 1514 condemned the plebs rustica for the based on Simon of Keza's rhetorical question. The distinction between lords
slaughter and destruction wreaked on the higher orders at a time when the and serfs, however, is slightly altered: the Huns' custom explains why descen­
kingdom was already beset by infidel armies.86 Article 14, however, spares the dants of Hunor and Magor include both lords and serfs, nobles and non-no­
majority of rustics from the penalty of death deserved by "traitors" who rebel bles or peasants.92
against their lords.87 The peasants are thus "unfaithfur'-rebels rather than At this point the major concern for Werboczy was not simply to explain
cowards-yet, as Richard Hoffmann has pointed out, Article 14, restricting and justify social distinction within the Hungarian nation but to determine
the movement of servile tenants, repeats the formulation of Thur6czy, sub­ true Hungarian identity-who could be considered Hungarian with the
jecting the rustic population to "perpetual servitude."88 The article took par­ rights and privileges thereto appertaining? The answer was not an "ethnic"
ticular vengeance on the leaders of the revolt, whose descendants were to be definition but a historical-juridical finding.
banned from ever holding any office or privilege of even the most local sort, The peculiar political idea that the Hungarian monarchy ultimately
so that they should endure perpetual servitude and bewail forever their an­ resided with the noble estate was perfected by Werboczy and joined to the ex­
cestors' crimes. This evokes not only Thur6czy but the hereditary taint of planation of peasant subjugation in what has accurately been described as a
Ham and of those who failed Charlemagne. The posterity of the instigators, "Magna Carta'' of aristocratic national identity.93 Werboczy grouped together
particularly of those who encouraged the rape of noble women and girls, were the nobility, previously split between greater and lesser magnates, as a body
to be treated as a "cursed generation." 89 representing the Hungarian crown and nation. Building on the doctrines al­
An even more graphic example of legislation borrowing from quasi-his­ ready present in parliamentary legislation of 1505 (by which the Hungarian
torical narrative is offered by the Tripartitum, a semiofficial collection of cus­ nobles required that in future a Hungarian rather than foreign monarch be
tomary law compiled in the fateful year 1514 (and published in 1517) by Istvan selected), Werboczy defined the Hungarian state in terms of the nobles,
Werboczy at the instance of the Hungarian parliament.90 The Tripartitum repositories of its national identity.94 The Tripartitum neatly asserts that the
uses Simon of Keza and Janos Thur6czy to justify more explicitly the privi­ populus, in whom resides the power of the Hungarian crown, consists of the
leges of nobles with regard to the peasantry on the one hand and the king on secular and ecclesiastical nobility only, not the non-nobles.95
the other. The relevant passage appears in order to show the origins of nobles' Like Gabriel Turell's Recort, which stated that Catalan liberties were for
"liberty." Like the Illuminated Chronicle, the passage designates two rather nobles, not rustics, Werboczy's addition to the Doctrine of the Holy Crown
than three punishments for ignoring the military summons, but they are now removes the lower orders from consideration as members of the national com­
execution and servitude, bringing the penalties closer to both the "cowards of munity without actually inventing what could be called a "racial" or "ethnic"
Apremont" model and the Catalan legend of Charlemagne, but more imme­ distinction. The Tripartitum defines the nation as an aristocratic polity against
diately referring to the "merciful" intent of the 1514 laws that present servi­ both king and commoner. The success of this formulation was due not only
tude as the commutation of a merited death sentence. to the weakness of the Jagiellonian monarchs but to the crushing of the 1514
Werboczy produces, as it were, a short-term and a long-term justification uprising. The contrast with Catalonia is quite obvious. The kings of Aragon­
for serfdom. In a section of the Tripartitum that concerns the dependent Catalonia emerged victorious from the Civil War of 1462-86 and servitude
peasantry (the jobagiones), their degraded legal status results simply from the was abolished. Gabriel Turell, on the losing side, is no more than a minor cu­
recent insurrection against the nobility.91 The specific consequence of their riosity recalling nobles' claims and ambitions, while Werboczy's codification
subjugation is an inability to move off their lords' land at will. Earlier in the and supporting arguments would be authoritative for over three centuries.
Tripartitum, however, the privileges of nobles were explained by reference to The 1514 legislation and the Tripartitum did not enserf the countryside
the historical legend of the Hunnic military summons. The general lack of suddenly, for the extension of servitude antedates 1514.96 In addition, the dis­
freedom and the subordination of the peasantry are thus of long standing, astrous Battle of Mohacs (1526) resulted in the conquest of most of the king­
but the specific penalty of the 1514 insurrection is deprivation of the freedom dom by the Turks and the secession of Transylvania, so that the local customs
of movement. and tenurial relations of much of the former kingdom of Hungary were over-
The Origins ofInequality 126 National Myths, Origins ofSerfdom 127

turned. Nevertheless, serfdom remained in the remnant of western Hungary, to bear on discussions of the status of actual villeins. In fact, the matter of the
and the disaster did not directly affect Hungarian constitutional develop­ origin of villeins was not much explored. Military victory and defeat corre­
ment. Consequently, whereas serfdom was abolished in Catalonia in the fif­ spond imperfectly to a free/ servile distinction. Not that there was less agita­
teenth century, serfdom in Hungary continued into the modern era. tion in England (which experienced its share of peasant rebellions directed
against servile institutions), but the Norman Conquest was a more recent
event than the supposed foundations of Hungary or Catalonia, and also it
How can we classify the historical mythology developed in Catalonia and was amenable to quite contradictory interpretations.
Hungary, two such different societies both heavily influenced by France and Within the English setting it was conceptually possible to link servitude
its official culture and historiography? Richard Hoffmann discusses Ireland, with a specific transgression. According to Roger of Wendover, King John or­
Spain, Hungary, and Poland as examples of medieval "racist ideologies/' but dered knights and foot soldiers to Dover to forestall a French invasion in 1213,
this term does not accurately apply to societies that did not posit a literal dis­ threatening to degrade to servitude anyone failing to heed the summons.97
tinction of blood or language. While the English could regard the conquered But this was simply the same sort of thing as the Frankish lantweri, the failure
Irish as a separate and inferior people (by extension, an inferior "race"), the to answer a general mobilization against invasion. Not only was King John's
Catalans and Hungarians pointed to a moral and juridical moment in past threat without substance, but only in the vaguest sense could it apply retro­
history when a hereditarily transmissible curse was created. True, this curse spectively to those already villeins.
was carried in the blood, but this does not constitute a racial theory, because The obvious moment of social formation for medieval England was the
it does not reflect either a real or an invented ethnogenesis. The difference be­ Norman Conquest. William's victory was sometimes attributed to the sins of
tween the curse of Noah and secular legends is a difference not merely of the English. The Worcester version of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, in the en­
chronology but of geopolitical scope: the biblical curse affected entire peoples try for 1066, sought to explain the catastrophe by blaming, rather generally,
descended from Canaan, while Charlemagne, Kadar, and other quasi-histor­ the sinful conduct of the entire populace.98 Henry of Huntingdon considered
ical figures established ordinances that drew a line within a linguistic and na­ the Norman invasion the last of five plagues sent to punish the Saxons for
tional community. their behavior.99
The affinity between historical myth and legislation is thus of crucial im- Ascribing the dramatic overthrow of a society to divine retribution for the
portance in Catalonia and Hungary. Not only did law receive historical and sins of the defeated was, of course, nothing new. Gildas and Bede had attrib­
ethical justifications from literature in both realms, but discriminatory prac­ uted the Saxon invasion to the misdeeds of the British.100 No element of soci­
tice (i.e., serfdom) affected a population that was not self-evidently con­ ety was singled out for blame; therefore the historical event of conquest
quered, captive, or "outsider." In the absence of a historically attested subju­ amounted to a natural misfortune, a phenomenon like the comet that fore­
gation (such as the Germans could claim in the East or Frederick II in Sicily), told the invasion-part of the inconstancy of fortune and regimen of change,
servitude would appear to be artificial. There was no obvious reason why a not resulting from a single key transgression followed by a particular chastise­
segment of the population should be unfree; thus an essentially arbitrary law ment. The punishment, of group sin by group disaster was predictable and
would have to be buttressed by historical precedent placed at the moment of reasonable according to the tradition reflected by historians of both the Saxon
national origin. and Norman invasions.
There was at least an opportunity to connect conquest with servitude.
England Thorlac Turville-Petre, Douglas Moffat, and Thea Summerfield have called
attention to three fourteenth-century chronicles that identify the conquered
One reason why the historical mythology of servitude never amounted to English as thralls or serfs to the Normans, seeming to imply a genealogy or
much in medieval England was that the rupture caused by the Norman mili­ ethnic origin for contemporary villeins. 101 According to Robert of Gloucester
tary conquest disabled potential arguments defending servitude on the basis (writing in the late thirteenth century), the nobles ("heye men'') of his era
of continuity with an ancient arrangement. An image of servitude did color were of Norman origin while the lowly were the descendants of the van­
some accounts of the conquest and its consequences but was never brought quished Saxons.102 The defeat and its consequences were God's will, a punish-
The Origins ofInequality 128 National Myths, Origins ofSerfdom 129

ment for infidelity as well as for the deadly sins of gluttony, lechery, and sloth. writing at St. Albans in the mid-thirteenth century, describes the conquest
If any part of the population bears a greater share of blame, however, it is the and the Conqueror's oppressive customs as bringing about the "servitude" of
nobles and the clergy, the former for robbery, the latter for "hordom."103 the English, which he compares to the biblical tyranny of the Egyptians.110
Thomas Castleford (ca. 1337) offered an even grimmer view of the conse­ The complaints of the later historians are connected to more immediate
quences of 1066: the English were permanently placed in "thraldum," "bond­ issues of their times, such as the barons' wars against Edward II, denunciation
age," and "servage" by the victorious Normans.104 Castleford, however, was of "foreigners," and especially taxes. They have little to do with serfdom or its
less concerned than Robert of Gloucester to apportion guilt, content to de­ justification. In one of the above-cited passages, Mannyng talks of William
pict King Harold as untruthful but not as the instigator of an exemplary "setting us in servitude," and of the fall of freedom, going on to complain
moral chastisement. For Castleford, the dire results of the conquest were due about taxation ("borgh taliage"), which is clearly what in this context consti­
to the ius gentium, not to divine vengeance. Peter Langtoft's chronicle (writ­ tutes the true misery of "servage."lll At its most bombastic, the Norman
ten in French), states simply that the English have lived under foreign rule, Conquest myth of origins is about language, privilege, and identity (Moffat
"in servitude and pain," since the conquest.105 refers to "race," which I think exaggerates even the perceived difference).
Robert Mannyng's Chronicle (written before 1338 and based on Wace and Arguments over villeinage did take place, but it was in the demands of
Langtoft) emphasizes both sin and punishment. The sin was not that of the peasants, not the apologetics of lords, that the Norman Conquest was in­
English as a nation but rather that of Harold's individual perjury. Yet, as in voked, and there only indirectly, by way of Domesday Book. The Norman
Thomas Castleford, the conquest led not to social differentiation but to the q=onquest, regarded as an unalloyed triumph of the aristocracy by seven­
degradation of the entire English population: "Since he [i.e., William] and his teenth-century revolutionaries and nineteenth-century reformers, could serve
have held the land in heritage, that the English have been forced to live in as at least a notional basis for common liberty in the Middle Ages. On the eve
servitude, He placed the English in thralldom, who were formerly so free."106 of the English Rising of 1381, villeins in many parts of England claimed that
Mannyng elaborates on Langtoft and goes beyond him in emphasizing their lands lay in the "ancient demesne" of the crown, so that they should be
Harold and Godwin's breaking of their oaths.107 They are forsworn, he reiter­ free tenants of the king rather than unfree tenants of ecclesiastical or aristo­
ates, making the defeat of the Saxons closer to the model of Noah's curse (or cratic lords. Peasants looked back to the beneficent lordship of the Norman
Charlemagne's): permanent subordination stemming from par�icular but for­ and early Angevin monarchs and beyond them to an original Anglo-Saxon
mative incidents in the past. Mannyng would therefore seem to have the ele­ freedom.112 Appeals were made to Domesday Book, which peasants consid­
ments necessary for a myth of the origins of servitude on the order of what ered authoritative regarding what tenants on what lands were free and unfree.
would be developed for Catalonia and Hungary: a crime with serfdom as its Rather than overturning earlier liberty, the Norman Conquest (and Domes­
hereditary retribution. But Mannyng was not interested in villeinage. day Book in particular) was regarded as enshrining it within the sphere of
Like the other fourteenth-century chroniclers, he means by thralldom a royal protection. A petition presented to Parliament in 1377 speaks of villeins
political condition, not personal legal servitude. It is the entire nation of the who, abetted by unnamed agitators, have purchased exemplifications (official
English who have been held in bondage, and Mannyng employs the first­ excerpts) of Domesday Book and withheld their required services in order to
person plural to include himself among those subjugated. It was King prove and demand exemption from seigneurial jurisdiction.113 The "inaccu­
William who "sette us in seruage." On the fateful day of the decisive battle racy'' of the peasants' perceptions ("ancient demesne," for example, was a rel­
"ourfredom . . . for euer toke the leue."108 As Moffat has pointed out, it could atively recent legal definition) is less important than the belief in written doc­
not be literally true that any of these authors were of unfree status; Robert uments and Norman precedent as charters of peasant liberties. The idea was
Mannyng, for example, was a Gilbertine monk. by no means far-fetched, in that it was accepted that land once in royal hands
Turville-Petre's argument that the historians' laments were intended to might continue to enjoy privileged status. In 1364, Edward III wrote to the
denounce villeinage (for the self-interested purpose of alleviating the Gil­ convent of Saint Swithun remonstrating with them over the treatment of ten­
bertines' labor shortage once villeins became free agents) is not convincing.109 ants in Crondall (Hampshire) who had complained that they were being
The fourteenth-century historians did have an image of conquest and captivity made to perform services beyond the obligations rendered at the time the
in relation to King William I, but it was not unique to them. Matthew Paris, manor had belonged to Edward's forebears.11 4
The Origins ofInequality 130

English peasants demonstrated a peculiarly persistent faith in the possi­

bility of achieving exemption from servitude by means of formal legal proce­
dures. Although English peasants, like peasants elsewhere, burned documents
Part' 3
during rebellions, the English villeins believed that somewhere there were an­
cient charters dating from an authoritative source that would prove their lib­ Unfavorable Images of Peasants
erty. In the early fourteenth century villeins resident in the towns of St. Al­
bans demanded rights to representation, borough status, and permission to
grind grain at home on the basis of Domesday Book but also on the basis of a
supposed charter of King Offa of Mercia that they believed the abbot was
holding in secret. By 1381, faith in the existence of a venerable charter of lib­
erties was so strong that the rebels demanded that the abbot produce it, and
when he could not, they forced him to write out a new one.115 That peasants
considered Offa and Domesday Book to be compatible shows the degree to
which the Norman Conquest could he shaped by positing an earlier tradition
of liberty. The conquest had brought aristocratic lordship to England but had
not destroyed a supposed earlier free status guaranteed by the crown.

History was therefore not exclusively the weapon of seigneurial apologists. As

we shall see in connection with the late-medieval insurrections, an answering
mythology of origins was presented from the peasant side. That we know
more about legends justifying serfdom is due to the way in which records sur­
vive, reflecting the literacy of the upper orders and their greater opportunity
to construct rationales for their domination. For them, history explained ex­
ceptions to natural law or deviations from social solidarity. If all humanity
possessed equal dignity, the Bible at least afforded certain moments of conse­
quential disgrace and certain primordial sinners such as Cain and Ham af­
fecting disproportionately one sector of the future populations. If a more lo­
calized privilege seemed unfairly distributed, an event in the national past
could he used to explain, again by means of a hereditary transgression, the
privation of rights otherwise to he enjoyed. History, both sacred and secular,
provided answers to the question of why divine, natural, or customary liberty
had been infringed upon or destroyed. These answers might seem at first
glance consistent to the point of becoming universally accepted truisms. The
curse of Noah explained servitude, after all, from Saint Ambrose to the ante­
bellum South. The suggestion of treachery or cowardice survived transplanta­
tion from France to such different realms as Hungary and Catalonia and per­
sisted for centuries in both.
Chapter' 6
Representations of Contempt
and Subjugation

Previous chapters discussed the ways in which peasants were useful and nec­
essary to society and explanations for why they did not receive the benefits
promised by the model of mutually dependent orders. Peasants produced not
only food but wealth for the nobility and clergy, but received little recom­
pense for their toil, as was frequently acknowledged and lamented. By virtue
of their status as members of the Christian community, it was difficult simply
to categorize them as alien in order to excuse their oppression. We have ex­
amined biblical and pseudohistorical theories that posited some ancestral
crime or deficiency to explain the subsequent lack of freedom and justify ex­
ploitation. This chapter will consider another form of justification for the ill­
treatment of peasants, namely, the proliferation of images of peasants as base,
filthy, and stupid. While intended as amusing condemnations of the lowly,
the satiric literary representations of peasants may be read as an elaboration
of Aristotelian natural slavery. The peasant by nature is fit for toil and, more­
over, toil that does not deserve a reward but rather is assured by coercion. To
the extent that he is naturally base, the peasant is appropriately exploited, and
there is no need to invep.t a temporal origin for inequality.

Parody and Satire

That the medieval peasant was usually regarded with contempt is hardly a
novel observation. The rustic or vilain was a literary type for the base, the
ridiculous. He served as a model of how not to act, epitomizing qualities op-,
posed to the virtuoµs chivalry of the knight. 1 In the fourteenth century Jean
de Conde wrote a brief poem entitled "Des Vilains et des Courtois," in which
the two social types and their qualities are given as absolutely contrasting, the
Unfavorable Images ofPeasants 134 Contempt and Subjugation 135

one motivated to do evil, the other good.The etymological origin of the word with shifting borders affording opportunities for transgression. For Gravdal
vilain, according to Jean, is vilenie.2 these medieval texts are self-reflexive parodies in which it is genre (such as the
Medieval literary genres such as the French fobliaux or German Schwank­ romance) that is mocked, not the peasant.7 Gravdal argues that antirustic dis­
literatur were devoted (in whole or in part) to the antics of rustics, their fool­ course amounts to an occasion for transgressing styles and forms, a parody of
ishness, murderous violence, or proclivities for the lower body functions. literary topoi rather than satire directed at the peasantry as a social class, a.
Mock "grammars " or taxonomies of rustics offer a precis of these themes.A game (parody) instead of a lesson (satire).8
Northern French text of the late thirteenth century divides vilains into no This divergence of literal and literary approaches affects the way in which
fewer than twenty-three varieties.Some are like animals (vilains porcins, vi­ literature is used as evidence for attitudes toward society.Pierre Bonnassie, in
lains chenins, vilains asnins), others merely ferocious (vilains ramages). Others discussing the degraded condition of rustics· at the mercy of the seigneurial
are odd in their appearance, while still others are associated with filth and ex­ regime, cites section (branche) IO of the Roman de Renart-a series of versi­
crement.3 A fifteenth-century "Peasant Catechism'' begins by defining rusticus fied animal fables of the twelfth century-as an example of seigneurial con­
as a "Hebrew noun'' because a peasant is as inept and wicked as a Jew.It is of tempt.Here Renart refers to the vilain Lietard and his like as "disloyal vil­
the third declension, for "before the cock had crowed twice, the rustic shat lein ...stinking serf ...son of a whore, mangy villein ...stinking villeins,
three times." Additionally, rustics are of the "asinine race."4 A Goliardic text filthy and thieving."9 Gravdal, on the other hand, in discussing Renart, rejects
of the twelfth or thirteenth century offered a "complete " declension of rusti­ a transparent reading of social attitudes against rustics. Not only are there
cus: "this villein, of this rustic, to this devil, this thief, 0 robber!, by this heroic rustics in the other Renart stories, but the purpose of the work is to
plunderer." In the plural: "these accursed ones, of these gloomy ones, to these show the world as comically immoral.The fro�tiers between courtly and rus­
liars, these wicked people, 0 evil ones! by these infidels."5 tic (as between animal and human) are ambiguous and easily dismantled or
There is a temptation to approach this vocabulary of negative characteris­ redrawn.Thus the passage in branche 7b in which the peasants ineptly arm
tics either too literally or too symbolically, as if harsh depictions of peasants themselves against an attack of hungry animals is a parody of epic battle
amounted to realistic social criticism on the one hand, or were merely liter­ scenes, not a statement about the nature of peasants.10
ary forms of reference to an abstract lowliness on the other.The old historicist Are the two interpretive tendencies focusing on literal contempt versus
approach, which saw the representations of peasants in literature as unmedi­ literary parody really so divergent? Could one even have a parody without a
ated commentaries on society, was certainly over-literal.At the beginning of comical referent? After all, what makes the parody funny is that the vilain is
the twentieth century Stanley Galpin distinguished the two worlds of peas­ already recognized as a ridiculous figure. Medieval compositions do indeed
ant and knight according to a clear division of unfavorable and favorable. refer to prior traditions and conventions, often for the purpose of amusing
Galpin organized his thesis according to the negative qualities embodied by distortion, but this does not vitiate their pointed significance as discourses
the peasants and the positive qualities of the chivalric order.The knight has about the peasantry.
fine manners, the rustic is rude; the knight is generous, the rustic miserly; and The poems of Neidhart (who died between 1237 and 1245) and his fol­
so forth.Comic denunciation of rustics amounts unproblematically to a hier­ lowers made fun of the solemn conventions of the German Minnesang by
archical social statement. transposing the setting from the court to a benighted village.11 The high­
It is easy to demonstrate that medieval writers by and large held peasants flown sentiments of longing were directed not to delicate and distant noble­
in contempt, but their purpose was often tangential to social criticism.The women but, with comic inappropriateness, to assertive and lustful peasant_
contrast between vilain and courtois was not necessarily structured with the lasses.Neidhart's hero and namesake is a knight who consorts with the peas­
peasant in mind as a direct target of satirical attack.Per Nykrog observed that ants of a remote and impoverished village called Reuental ("Valley of Grief ").
the fobliaux use courtly verse forms and are intended as parodies, not as in He is admired by the village girls (especially in the so-called Summer Songs),
any sense "realistic " depictions of rustics.6 Using almost the same title as but frustrated by his male peasant rivals in his attempts at seduction (in the
Galpin for a recent study of high and low in French literature, Kathryn Grav­ Winter Songs).
dal regards the contrast of vilain and courtois as a literary trope, a dichotomy Although his initial intent may have been to parody the refined ceremony
Unfavorable Images ofPeasants 136 Contempt and Subjugation 137
of court poetry, Neidhart W<?uld come to be known for his mockery of peas­ It is useful to explore these different forms of contempt since they reveal
ants. Later poetry purporting to be by Neidhart emphasized their violence issues of social fear, degree of control, and the limits of the human. We
and boorishness.12 A group of Schwanklieder ("Prank-Songs"), another group should keep in mind, however, that we are not really looking at a set of uni­
of short plays about Neidhart, and a fifteenth-century cycle of poems with a dimensional images about "outcasts," however hysterical the statements may
comic protagonist named Neidhart Fuchs ("Neidhart the Fox") describe a at times be. Language describing peasants might be derived from or related
veritable war between the knight and the rustics.13 Neidhart thus moves from to that applied to other despised peoples, as in the case of the "Hebrew ety­
genre parody to antipeasant satire. He begins in the thirteenth century as a mology'' of the word "rustic," or Chretien de Troyes's description in Yvain of
hapless and rather fainthearted lover but becomes by the mid-fourteenth the grotesque herdsman who "resembled a Moor."17 In an important recent
century a cunning and sadistic Eulenspiegel-like figure whose sole aim is to compendium of artistic conventions for denoting outcast status, Ruth Mellin­
torture and humiliate peasants. It is in this latter guise, not as a parody of koff has shown how traits such as kinky or red hair might cross over among
courtliness, that Neidhart would remain popular until well into the sixteenth various groups, including peasants.18 Nevertheless, there was a significant dif­
century. The peasants in Neidhart really are supposed to be contemptible ference between peasants and Saracens, Jews, or lepers in that peasants could
rather than mere representations of generic lowliness. The poems were read not consistently be regarded as "other" or as marginal either to the social
by medieval audiences more as antipeasant satires than as parodies of Min­ economy or to the Christian faith. Or rather, representations of peasants as
nesang, so that by the fourteenth century any original intertextual purpose other-as not human, as meriting no consideration as fellow Christians by
had been pushed aside by a less subtle antipeasant sentiment of unmistak­ the dominant elements of society-had to be exaggerated and grotesque. But
able, direct social import.14 this effort could never be completely successful as long as peasants were con­
Peasants were contemptible and so could function both as symbols of re­ sidered necessary for the survival of their superiors.
versal or inversion and as direct objects of disdain. Not only did they symbol­
ize the dishonest, unchivalric, and lowly, they were dishonest, unchivalric, Rustics as Ign orant ofReligion
and lowly {it was supposed). It was their "real" baseness that made parodies
explicable. One might expect medieval peasants to have been characterized as insuffi­
The general category of "unfavorable" depiction of peasants included a ciently Christian or as practitioners of superstitious (hence anti-Christian)
number of subdivisions. It is not just that peasants might be filthy in one rites. The Latin word paganus, meaning "rustic," began to be applied as a term
work and appear as dishonest in another, but that there was a lexicon of neg­ of contempt by Christians to believers in the old religions in about 300 A.D.,
ative images. Several major axes of pejorative discourse occur: the peasant as especially with the end of the urban Roman religion and the conversion of
object of ridicule versus the peasant as dangerous; the lowly but useful peas­ the empire.19 Martin of Bragas "De correctione rusticorum," written in the
ant versus the completely base and useless; peasants as representative of hu­ mid-sixth century, has influenced our idea of the survival of pagan rituals in
man nature versus peasants as grotesque, semihuman, or bestial figures. Be­ the countryside and the image of the rustic as eternal pagan.20 In late antiq­
hind these oppositions lies a fundamental distinction between what might be uity "rustic" and "rusticity" referred to lower qualities of character, not just
regarded as "social" descriptions (peasants as avaricious) and fanciful hyper­ rural folk. The term rusticitas was often employed to mean a lack of appropri­
bole (peasants as savage animals). Bernard of Cluny's denunciation of rustics ate understanding of or reverence for sacred persons, places, and events rather
for evading the payment of tithes15 is quite different from the comical accu­ than literal lack of Christian belief, or "rural paganism."21 In the twelfth and
sation (found in the same Italian manuscript with the declension of rusticus) thirteenth centuries, chroniclers would describe heretics (such as the Walden­
that rustics crucified Christ, or that they resemble asses, wolves, and dogs sians or Cathars) as rustici, but here the word denotes ignorance without im­
(from another, somewhat earlier Italian source).16 Both social and typological plications concerning the social status of the movements' followers.22
condemnations, however, return to the same set of attributed characteristics, Frequently, however, rusticus actually did mean what it seemed to: a peas­
and of course, as modern racism has demonstrated, the establishment of ant, quite likely an ignorant or insuf-ficiently reverent one, but in any case a
grotesquely comical types and norms of behavior for subordinated groups is member of a social category and not simply a type. For Saint Augustine rus­
deadly serious business. ticus, as opposed to urbanus, had the connotation of ignorant versus civilized,
Unfavorable Images ofPeasants 138 Contempt and Subjugation 139
but for Martin of Braga "rustics" clearly meant the literal country dwellers telling a story of a miraculous cure of a mule; hence the outraged tone.
who also engage in pagan practices.23 Throughout the late antique period and While individual rustics, objects of seigneurial robberies and violence, re­
beyond, rusticus rather more consistently denoted someone engaged in agri­ ceive the help of the child Saint Foy, rusticity always remains in potential
culture, with a connotation of ignorance and susceptibility to paganism.24 proximity to irreverence and lack of proper religious understanding, but not
In the tenth book of his Decretum, Burchard of Worms (early eleventh paganism.
century), like M artin of Braga, provides a catalogue of superstitious "beliefs,
and ceremonies tied to agricultural life.25 Our impression of an incompletely
The Appearance ofthe Rustic
Christianized countryside persisting throughout the Middle Ages has been
influenced by the studies of Jean-Claude Schmitt and Carlo Ginzburg con­ More than religious ignorance or superstition, the clearest indication that rus­
cerning the appropriation of Christian rituals to serve local ends and the exis­ tics constituted a lower order of humanity was their physical form. Peasants
tence of practices traceable to pre-Christian ceremonies and outlook. 26 But if were at best crudely made, coarse featured, ill-dressed, and graceless. In
we look at even the harshest attacks against the peasants, the charge of pa­ French literature especially, the peasant was endowed with comical or threat­
ganism is much less common than typification of peasants as merely igno­ ening qualities of subhuman grotesqueness. While the rustics in German lit­
rant, materialistic, or negligent in their religious observance. erature before 1400 tended to act in a boorish, even frenzied way, they were
There are certainly examples of rustics who supposedly did not know a u�ually of normal shape and appearance. Elsewhere, especially in France, they
thing about the most basic tenets of Christianity. The English Dominican were often depicted as dark-skinned or "black," either by reason of their la­
preacher John Bromyard cited the example of a shepherd who responded to bor in the sun and their proximity to the earth, or as a sign of overall
the question of whether he knew of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost hideousness. Froissart describes the peasants of the ]acquerie as small, dark,
by saying "The father and son I know well, for I tend their sheep; but I know and ill-armed.31 In a dispute over servile condition that took place in Mantua
not that third fellow; there is none of that name in our village." 27 The in about 1200, a witness testified that the father of the man in question, a cer­
preacher wrings his hands over this ignorance, but does not lament an alter­ tain Bazelarius, had been well-formed, nearly white, and taller than the scribe
native religious practice. Rustics are much more commonly accused of stu­ writing the document. Another witness said he had been small and fat, but
pidity or of preoccupation with their everyday concerns than of unbelief or agreed that he had been white and reasonably good-looking.32 In this instance
heresy. stature and color were considerations in evaluating servile status.
In his list of contrasting French examples of chivalric and lowly literary Peasants were frequently presented as misshapen: deformed and unnatu.­
types, Stanley Galpin assembles a number of instances of rustic irreligion, rally large or, occasionally, dwarfish. They were commonly said to resemble
but here too it is really their grossness or foolishness that is mocked. Le Don­ animals, an analogy that carried moral as well as physical implications. The
nei des Amants states that vilains have nothing to do with God and the an­ spectrum of characterizations runs from mere ugliness to comical and unnat­
gels, not because of some deficiency in their observance but because they are ural extremes of grotesqueness. Some images depict the peasant as a familiar
base.28 According to the fabliau "Le vilain qui conquist Paradis par Plait," subordinate, lowly in a normal way (ill-dressed, bent over, dark), while others
rustics are not admitted to heaven, as a result of unpleasant character rather render him as a disturbing inhabitant of a world apart, subhuman. The first
than any defiance of Christian belief and practice. 29 The eleventh-century type of image reflects a complacent idea of rustic labor, of toil performed in a
Book of Sainte Foy, which reports numerous miracles involving peasants, productive landscape by beings who perhaps need to be treated firmly (like
nevertheless characterizes a certain scoffer from the vicinity of Conques it­ d�mesticated animals), but whose distance from the courtly is (in our terms)
self as an ignorant rustic. It is not surprising, according to the author, that cultural rather than biological. They occupy a position below, but not totally
such errors should arise from "a peasant, a stranger to all wisdom, completely apart from those above them whom they sustain. The second, more exagger­
unfamiliar with every divine virtue, and �hat is worse, a liar with a depraved ated type of image emphasizes the strangeness of the rustic and his distance
and perverse mind." 30 This ignorant man had mocked the author, Bernard from humanity.
of Angers (who wrote the first two books of the miracle collection), for These images are not polar opposites. In both cases peasants can be rep-
Unfavorable Images ofPeasants 140 Contempt and Subjugation 141

resented as animals, although usually the grotesque peasant is rendered as a All of these denizens of the woods are misshapen, large, hirsute, bestial,
wild animal while the toiling peasant in the fields is likened to a draught an­ and frightening. As Jacques Le Goff has noted, the forest is the site of the
imal. The images can also appear side by side. The Luttrell Psalter, for exam­ strange, the savage. The knight who enters it, whether for adventure or by ac­
ple, contains bas-de-page illustrations of rustics working away with various cident, places himself in a world opposite that of the court.40 The forest,
implements but also peculiar, semihuman grotesque forms known as babe­ home of the wild man and other sinister humans and semihumans, is also re­
wyns (i.e., "baboons") that in this instance may also be intended as represen­ moved fr�m what might be considered the normal habitation of rustics, the
tations of peasants.33 fields closer to civilization in which labor of a less solitary, more obviously
Rustics could be depicted as impossibly malformed and bestial. The two productive sort is performed.
guards to the chamber of Laris in the Romance of Claris and Laris, for exam­ Sylvan loneliness and danger accentuate the strangeness of the rustic, but
ple, are vilains of an ugliness "never before seen." They are covered with black it would be wrong simply to let this go as another example of an undifferen­
hair, their nails are as long as snakes, their eyes fiery. Their teeth resemble tiated "medieval Other." The encounters mentioned above begin with the
those of a wild boar, their noses those of cats, their snouts (hure) those of monstrous but evoke the possibility of the peasant's humanity. In response to
wolves.34 Calogrenant's jocular but uneasy question, "Come, tell me if you are a good
Yet even the most bestial semblance could be transformed into a recog­ or evil thing," the herdsman responds that he is a man. Calogrenant then
nizable and human figure. A series of both literary and quasi-historical texts asks, "What sort of man are you," to which the herdsman responds with sim­
describes forest encounters between nobles and solitary rustics whose horrify­ ple dignity, "Just as you see me and no different."41 Count Geoffrey is praised
ing appearance transcends the "realistic" but who are, nevertheless, revealed for recognizing his interlocutor as a man rather than regarding him with the
to be human, capable of speech and even courtesy. The knight Calogrenant contempt usually felt by the rich for the poor. They converse earnestly about
in Chretien's Yvain describes a herdsman whom he came upon while lost in a the common misery of fallen humanity, condemned by the sin of Adam to
forest. This rustic not only "resembled a Moor" but is like no fe�er than six earn its bread by the sweat of its collective brow.42 Felix Hemmerli's noble
animals: horse, elephant, cat, owl, wolf, and boar.35 In Aucassin andNicolette, warrior, on his way to fight the heathen, is accosted insultingly by the rustic.
Aucassin encounters a cowherd with bestial physical traits: he is huge and The knight asks if the rustic is a devil or a man, and the rustic responds that
hideous, with an immense black muzzle (again hure), red lips, and yellow he is a man, the same as the noble only better.43 Their dialogue is certainly
teeth.Variations on the word " large" (grand) are repeated obsessively.36 weighted in favor of the knight, but the rustic is reasonably adept in argu­
According to John of Marmoutier's Historia Gaufredi (ca. n8o), Count ment, and eventually, convinced of the wickedness of his tribe, he shows the
Geoffrey of Anjou was lost while hunting (again in a syl van setting). He met knight the way out of the woods, and they part as friends.44
a charcoal burner, blackened, of hideous and intimidating appearance, who None of the rustics in these stories is the equal of the knights, but they
nonetheless helped him find his way and described to the count (who did not come into focus as human from their original beastly semblance. They oscil­
reveal his identity) the abuses committed by his officials on the hapless in­ late between the bestial and the human (or praiseworthy) in a way that is
habitants of the countryside.37 In a similar incident, the young Philip Augus­ characteristic of medieval discourse about strange peoples. In .The Song of
tus, on the eve of his scheduled coronation, lost his way in the forest of Com­ Boland, for example, some of the Saracens (notably those from far away) are
piegne during a hunt. In what appears to be an example of a historical narra­ described as alien in appearance, especially blacks such as Abisme or the
tive imitating a literary convention, the chronicler, Rigord, reported that a 50,000 troops faced by the dying Roland. The Saracens in general are vile,
solitary rustic with a misshapen head and black face so frightene� the young dishonest, accursed.45 Nevertheless, not only do they share similar tastes in
prince in the forest that the coronation had to be postponed.38 horses, armor, and ceremony with their Christian counterparts, but they can
Yet another knight lost in the forest is the protagonist in a dialogue be­ be wise and brave, as is Blancandrin, for example.46 The poet describes the
tween a knight and a rustic written in 1443 by Felix Hemmerli, a ferocious ruler of Balazuez as well-formed, clear-eyed, and courageous, lamenting that
hater of peasants. The rustic is black, hirsute, bestial. His head is overlarge, such a fine knight is not a Christian. It is now only faith and not nature that
his face twisted, and his expression "asinine." Somewhat surprisingly, under separates them.47 In the famous entrance to the nave at the basilica ofVezelay,
the circumstances, the rustic speaks not only correct but florid Latin.39 the apostles are sent out at Pentecost to the farthest reaches of the earth,
Unfavorable Images ofPeasants 142 Contempt and Subjugation 143
where pygmies, dog-headed people, and those with ears reaching to their is book 1 of John Gower's ¼Jx clamantis, in which the rabble takes on the as­
waists dwell. These monstrous races are nevertheless deemed sufficiently hu-, pect either of domestic beasts that have escaped control (asses, oxen, swine,
man to receive the Word of God.48 dogs) or of wild or verminous creatures (foxes, flies, frogs).56 At the end of
This is to argue not that the Middle Ages was actually "tolerant" but book 1, with the suppression of the revolt, the peasants have become draught
rather that images of humanity or animality were not fixed. There was a dis­ animals, oxen, who have returned to the yoke after a terrifying episode in
course of unease characterized by doubts over whether or not to consider a which they left the fields, forgot their nature, and turned into lions, panthers,
subordinate people fully human. One sees a reiterated recognition of differ­ and bears.57
ence alternating with its disavowal similar to that found in colonial discourse.
An obsessive but inconsistent focus on the separation between cult�vated and The Domesticated Peasantry
barbaric was accompanied by a nagging refrain of the notion of similarity.
The view of "the Other" is more complex and internally contradictory than Contrasting with the solitary, savage rustic and the wild rebellious mobs is the
the simplified picture often given of absolute determination (by race or other useful laborer whose raggedl dirty, hirsute appearance is a token of his natural
criteria) of inferiority and superiority.49 The peasants presented a problem be­ subservience, a lowliness befitting the productive toil described above in the
cause their subhumanity was even more difficult to maintain consistently first chapter. Eupolemius, a Latin poem of the late twelfth century probably
than that of Muslims or other dearly outcast peoples, for the peasants were written in Germany, records a battle between the forces of God and the forces
numerous, productive, and (most importantly) Christian. of Satan. The wicked scorn their opponents as peasant rabble, more fit for the
Nonetheless, that it was logically difficult to argue the essential bestial plow than the �ord as is proven by their hair, cropped like that of slaves; by
character of the peasantry did not forestall attempts to make such a charac­ their "necks designed for receiving blows"; and by their short tunics, which
terization. In the late Middle Ages, an era in which peasant revolts were a se­ leave their limbs uncovered "so that you might think satyrs were frolicking."
rious preoccupation of the higher estates, rustics were commonly likened to In keeping with an essential paradox of Christianity, it is the good who ap­
wild animals. In earlier times, rustics had been represented comically as ani­ pear Jo be the lowly and subordinate and who are ultimately victorious.58
mals without necessarily being regarded as rebellious. Thus a fabliau of the Cropped hair was a sign of subordination, but its inverse, extreme hairi­
thirteenth century describes rustics as "unfortunate in every respect, hideous ness, was an even stronger indication of a more savage lowliness, a resem­
as wolf or leopard. They don't know how to live among people."50 The hu­ blance to the beasts. The wild man of the forests, a semihuman savage figure
manist Maffeo Vegio wrote a savage antipeasant satire in 1431, the Rusticalia, with a long history in literature, ceremony, and even heraldry, was covered
in which the peasants are told to cease complaining about wolves or dogs with hair that grew from all parts of his body.59 Rustics in Garin le Loherain,
stealing their animals, for it is they who are the real thieves and despoilers.51 Yvain, Aucassin et Nicolette, and Hemmerli's Dialogue either have overgrown
In more serious (if overblown) rhetoric denouncing their insurrections, hair or are covered with hairy dothing.60
the savagery and unreason of the peasants were likened to uncontrolled bes­ Rustics are also filthy. Even Rigaut, rhe doughty rustic fighter in Garin,
tial wildness. There was now little notion of utility; the peasants are threats is large and shaggy, and his face is blackened by dirt in that he has neglected
to order, verminous even, to be thinned out if not altogether destroyed. Pope to bathe for six months.61 Their natural element is dirt and manure. So per­
Gregory IX, in a Crusade letter of 1233 directed against the Stedinger rebels vasive is the associa�ion of peasants with excrement that it merits a separate
in northern Germany, said they are like beasts, only even more cruel.52 The discussion.
abbot of Vale Royal, in a dispute with the men of the villages of Darnell and Dirt indicates not only a lack of civilization but the nature of peasant toil,
Over in 1336, described the peasants who had attacked his entourage as "bes­ productive, useful, but unpleasant and so degrading as to remove the unfor­
tial men of Rutland."53 The Swiss, exemplars of rebellious peasants, were re­ tunate victim from full consideration as human. The Franciscan bishop of
ferred to by their Austrian would-be overlords as "mountain beasts."54 Felix Silves, Alvaro Pelayo (died 1352), accused rustics of dishonesty, refusal to pay
Hemmerli denounced the Swiss as monsters, not human beings. 55 The most church tithes, and a host of other vices. But lazy and uncooperative though
sustained hysterical attack on rebellious peasants, likening them to animals, they may be, they are so devoted to tilling the soil that they have become

Unfavorable Images ofPeasants 144 Contempt and Subjugation 14 5

identified with it: "For even as they plough and dig the earth all day long, so
they become altogether earthy; they lick the earth, they eat the earth, they
speak of the earth; in the earth they have reposed all their hopes, nor do they
care a jot for the heavenly substance that shall remain." 62 The archbishop of
Zamora, Rodrigo Sanchez de Arevalo, expressed similar sentiments in a sur­
vey of estates and occupations written about 1465. He begins by praising agri­
culture but says that men exhaust themselves in tilling the soil, an activity
that demeans the intellect. Again the laborers are greedy and disobedient, un­
like the peasants of earlier times, but they are so devoted t9 the soil, "so ut­
terly earthly, that we may truly say of them: They shall lick the earth and eat
it."63 The author of the poem "Despit au vilain" remarked, "Instead of eating
meat, the vilains should graze the fields naked on all fours together with the
cattle."64 Here the peasants may be bestial, but the resemblance is to farm
rather than forest animals.
8. The labors of the months, August, wheat harvest. From the Queen Mary
Yet it was widely acknowledged that this labor, however degrading, was
Psalter, early fourteenth century. British Library, MS Royal 2 B VII, f. 78v.
important, even vital. In the Tres Riches Heures of the Duke of Berry, scenes Reprinted by permission of the British Library, London.
of peasant labor are juxtaposed with those depicting the recreations of the no­
bles. Calendars showing the labors appropriate to each month have a long
history antedating the fifteenth century, but the Berry Hours portray a par­ only are the peasants bent over awkwardly to cut the wheat with their sickles,
ticularly sharp contrast between aristocratic leisure and rustic work, exhibit­ they are being supervised by a reeve or steward pointing with a stick (Fig. 8).68
ing the nobles' profit from the docile, slightly comical toil of the laborers. Not The rustics inhabit a different space in terms of comfort, character, pos­
only are leisure and labor "transformed into an antithetical characterization of ture, and physique, but they are working in close proximity to the dwellings
divergent milieus," as Erwin Panofsky has noted,65 but clearly the rustics' sub­ of their masters. They are not strange beings of the remote forest. Their labor
ordination is regarded as appropriate.66 The January miniature shows the is suited to their God-given nature, one completely different from that of the
duke feasting by a roaring fire, while the February image depicts peasants try­ aristocracy, to be sure. If they are lower humans, they are, nonetheless, neces­
ing to warm themselves outdoors in the snow. In the background a peasant sary. The splendid castles in the near background could not exist without
cuts wood; another drives a donkey toward a village. The figures are not in their labor. The duke of Berry may have regarded his tenants with compla­
themselves particularly distorted, but their attitudes and postures are unself­ cency and ease (as opposed to th� discomfort felt by the wealthy before social
consciously coarse. Tlie distant man and woman show their sexual parts, inferiors typical of the modern era), but the lords did not delude themselves
while a woman in the foreground lifts her skirts before the fire. March shows concerning the source of their wealth, a calculation requiring no particular
the duke's castle of Lusignan in the background with rustics plowing and economic sophistication.
pruning vines. The peasants are bent over, and one shows his posterior. In The peasants of the Duke of Berry or in the Luttrell Psalter are docile, as
September the vines are harvested in front of the towers of another castle of opposed to the ravening animals evoked by accounts of peasant rebellions or
the duke, Saumur. At the center, adjoining draft animals, a peasant is again the hopelessly disobedient rustics of the Spanish bishops cited above. There
bent over displaying his rear end. The attitude here is not one of patronizing was, however, an intermediate category of vilain who was not naturally coop­
or nostalgic evocation of rustic simplicity but a harder-edged contempt.67 erative but could be forced to fulfill his lowly role as provider of extensive
The Queen Mary Psalter, made in early-fourteenth-century East Anglia, labors for his betters. The labors of the peasant were specified with derision
also presents the labors of the month in a way that is in some respects charm­ in a poem written in 1247 and found within a fragment of a cartulary drawn
ing and idealized. Nevertheless, in the scene of an August wheat harvest, not up by Mont-Saint-Michel.69 The verses are in the vernacular; the census ac-
Unfavorable Images ofPeasants 146 Contempt and Subjugation 147

companying it is in Latin. The poem is mocking while the census is serious mistreatment of peasants, for after all, they are already regarded as disobedi­
(as such documents tend to be). They are in the same hand and dearly re­ ent dependents who should be coerced to work. Their duties, whether owed
lated. Both concern revenues extracted from the peasants of Verson, a village to the monastery legitimately or claimed by the viscount illegitimately, are
near Caen in Normandy. Thus the verses ridiculing the tenants stand along­ seen as amusing precisely because they are onerous. It is characteristic of the
side a routine and technical inventory of their payments and other obli­ poem that it derides the peasants' labors while condemning their slackness
gations. The poem, written by a monastic official named Estout de Goz, be­ and "dishonesty." The multiplicity of services and the poem's gay contempt
gins by denouncing the peasants who have challenged the onerous services show the lowliness of the tenants, their suitability for toil despite their reluc­
demanded by the monastery. The author accuses Viscount Osbert, lord of tance. Their labor is coerced, whether by Mont-Saint-Michel or Viscount Os­
Fontenay-le-Pesnel, of inciting the peasants' complaint brought before the bert. No claim is made that this service is rendered in return for anything
Norman Court of the Exchequer. such as protection or prayer. They labor because that is what being a vilain
The tone is humorous and scornful. Near the beginning the vilains are entails.75
described as "more rascally than mastiffs," and the author concludes by as­ The inhabitants of Verson were not, in fact, unfree tenants,76 nor were
serting that there are no more rascally folk than the vilains ofVerson.70 The they subject to quite the arbitrary mistreatment implied by the term cullage,
235-line poem enumerates the peasants' duties in connection with harvesting, but the poem seems to distinguish itself from the careful enumeration of the
cartage, the keeping of pigs, pasturage, and various labor services. Among census, which recognizes a hierarchy or at least multiplicity of tenant cate­
other things, it includes the first authentic mention of something that looks gories owing different dues. In the poem they are indistinguishable, all vi­
like a seigneurial right to symbolic sexual humiliation, here termed cullage lains, all rascals.
(w. 159-74). Another example of what appears to our sensibilities as a cruel and inap­
The text seems to resist analysis, as Alain Boureau points out.71 It has propriately merry account of seigneurial exploitation is an Italian poem of the
long been considered a vernacular verse equivalent of what is enumerated in late fourteenth century by an otherwise unknown Lombard writer named
the census as owed to the monastery. Indeed there are many points that coin­ Matazone de Calignano. This composition, translated by Paul Mayer into
cide: the extent of the hay-mowing obligation, the tax levied on pigs paid on modern French under the name "Dit sur les vilains," begins by mocking the
the day of the Virgin's Nativity (September 8), and the digging and mainte­ dishonesty and impudence of vilani. 77 They complain loudly to their lord of
nance of ditches.72 On the other hand, not only are most of the obligations their mistreatment, but it is right for the lord to imprison and constrain
less onerous in the census than in the poem, but according to Boureau, the them. They forget their origin. The first villein was born of the flatulence of
poem is intended to show the degrading obligations that the viscount will an ass.78 From this it has been established that he should be nourished with
impose if he accomplishes his attempts to take over the village. Bo�reau ar­ bread made of maslin and raw rye, with beans, garlic, and other humble
gues that it is hard to believe that the monastery would describe with such foods. He will have to wear dark and strange-looking clothes. He talks to his
light-hearted cynicism the unfair and burdensome nature of its own de­ animal as they work, for they are in fact related, sharing the same parent.
mands.73 The right of the lord to receive fines for young women marrying off Thus far we have the conventions of the foul nature of rustics and their coarse
the seigneurie (what would be referred to in other contexts as formariage) is diet.
here given a particularly degrading coloration that may indeed be an accusa­ The lord, on the other hand, was born in a garden, of a rose and a lily, ac­
tion against Viscount Osbert, or a warning to the vilains about what he is companied by seven allegorical maidens (of whom only six are mentioned:
likely to demand. The author says that a certain "Rogier Ade" has told him Joy, Happiness, Prowess, Largesse, Beauty, and Bravery). They salute the
"what shame the vilain might have escaped," namely the three sous cullage knight and describe for him the nature of his dominance over the vilan who
fine. The vilain would never have married off his daughter had he known is to be given to serve him. At this point the various tasks of the rustic are
how much would be demanded.74 It is possible that the vilain "escapes" this enumerated month by month along with various things the lord ought sim­
obligation by remaining within the jurisdiction of the monastery. ply to take from him. In February, at Carnival, seize a capon from him every
'Whether or not the poem concerns the monastery's rights (and at least a day. In March, make him work in the vineyards and prohibit his wearing
considerable part of it does), it is hard to see it as a complaint about secular shoes. In June demand a day of labor service each week. In sum, by making
Unfavorable Images ofPeasants 148 Contempt and Subjugation 149

him work in this fashion, one punishes the wicked rustic.79 The tone is light­ derived from Exodus 21:20-21), but the rationale given by the lawbook is sig­
hearted, and the author, who describes himself as lowborn but wanting to as­ nificant: "masters must keep them in fear or they'll never work.'' 86
sociate with the knights rather than the rustics, intends the enumeration of Exploitative discipline to be sure: a popular riddle asks "what do peasants
arbitrary and humiliating obligations to be amusing but (with only slight ex­ most earnestly pray for?" The answer is: for the lords to have plenty of fine
aggeration) fitting. Here is Marc Bloch's "essence profonde" of serfdom, a hu­ horses, for otherwise the lords will ride the peasants instead.87 Beside such
miliating productivity. confidence in the peasants' haplessness must be set other images of rural in-
Contemptuous images of subjugation were thus perfectly compatible , surrections in which the peasants were depicted as wild and dangerous beasts.
with a certain understanding of where the wealth of the nobility came from. Perhaps they had once been properly domesticated, but now they have run
The peasant is "rascally," wicked, and uncooperative but responsive to coer­ wild.
cion. A mixture of irritation and amused indulgence is conveyed in Leon Bat­ In the fifteenth century the Swiss epitomized impudent and rebellious rustics,
tista Alberti's brief discussion of how to deal with peasants in the course of and it was frequently argued that their success could have been prevented had
his Della Famiglia. Rustic tenants are wicked, and their main purpose in life they been supervised more harshly. A poem from the time of Appenzell's re­
is to cheat their masters, pretending to be poor, constantly complaining and volt against the jurisdiction of Saint Gall (1400-1404) says that one must
never rendering what they are obligated to. Yet even if one could provision an "bleed" the peasants occasionally to get more work out of them.88 The hu­
estate by simply buying goods in the market, it is better to rely on one's own morist Heinrich Behel, in a poem written under the pseudonym Heintz von
agricultural laborers. With close supervision one can get something out of the Bechwinden in 1499, recommended that the rebellious Swiss peasants be
rustics, and after all, their villainous tricks are amusing and good training for punished, just as a willow tree is trimmed with"a knife to be made to produce
dealing with similarly inconsiderate urban citizens.80 more.89 Peasants are impudent because they get to keep too much money.
For most late-medieval observers, the element of force had to be some­ Hemmerli, writing during the Toggenburg War between Zurich and the rural
what greater than that envisioned by Alberti. The peasants could be con­ cantons, proposed that to tame the arrogance of the rustics it would be best
ceived as both necessary and bestial. This was linked to the imputed nature of to destroy their farms every fifty years or so.90
their service: reluctant but productive, given a certain level of coercion. They
could be held to resemble useful rather than threatening animals. A proverb
held that a rustic was like an ox, the only difference being that he lacked The productive as opposed to bestial vilain is not so drastically physically dis­
horns.81 But as with such domesticated beasts as oxen, he could not be relied torted as the solitary rustic of the French romance, but posture, dress, and
on to labor of his own volition, but rather required discipline. Another diet mark out and emphasize his subordination. A song written at the time of
proverb likened the rustic, the ass, and the nut, all of which must be struck in the Flemish peasant uprising of 1323-28 mocks the "Karls" for their long
order to produce anything.82 A Latin rhyming proverb states that rustics are beards, torn clothes, tattered shoes, and peculiar hats. According to the cho­
best when weeping, worst when laughing.83 Similarly, a French proverb holds rus, curdled milk, bread, and cheese are their diet; anything more would dull
that if you "anoint" a vilain (i.e., treat him with kindness) he will sting (or their wits. All the peasant really needs is a thick slice of rye bread to hold as
prick) you; sting him and he will behave well.84 he heads for the plough. His raggedly dressed wife, her mouth full of fibers,
In these examples, the rustic is like an animal that only responds to goad­ works her distaff until it's time to prepare the supper porridge. The poem
ing: ornery but ultimately tractable and useful. A more hostile view sees them ends, "We shall know how to punish the Karls . . . shall drag them to exe­
as only barely tamed. According to the Catalan Franciscan Francese Eixime­ cution, we shall hang them, they must again submit to the yoke." 91 Once
nis, servile peasants are naturally inclined to evil and, like cruel and savage they have been subdued, they will return to their wretched but useful labor.
beasts, must be beaten and starved into submission.85 Ruprecht von Freising's John Gower, in the Mirour de l'omme, contrasts the obedient rustics of
Preisinger Rechtsbuch (compiled in 1328) allowed lords to flog their peasants as past times, who were content with a diet of coarse bread, milk, and cheese,
long as the peasant did not die within a day of administration of this punish­ with the greedy and disloyal rabble of his own time.92 A common story was
ment (thus anything short of deliberate flogging to death was licit). This de­ told of a woman married to a wealthy peasant who found that her husband
gree �f power and its limitation was not especially unusual (it is ultimat Iy complained when she served him delicacies. Her mother advised her to give
Unfavorable Images ofPeasants 150 Contempt and Subjugation 151

him beans and peas with soaked bread, which she did, whereupon her hus­ ture back to the peasants, who indeed obtain thereby two beasts for one. Their
band cheered up and ceased his carping.93 In one of the German poems at­ simplicity is rewarded, but the animal is, in effect, smarter than its masters.98
tributed to Neidhart, the peasant Berewolf, once the cynosure of the village In the later Neidhart material, the knight becomes a trickster who vic­
lasses, marries the hectoring Trute and has to look forward not only to a life timizes the extraordinarily credulous villagers.99 He fools them into covering
of harsh labor but to a diet of horseradish and cabbage.94 Peasants in Ger­ themselves with a malodorous salve, or drops them into a pit of manure. Dis­
many and the Low Countries were commonly referred to as "turnip-eaters," guised as a peddler, Neidhart leaves a basket of carved images of the villagers,
while those of France were sometimes typified as "pea-eaters. "95 and then, before the duke of Austria, denies having anything to do with what
Peasants were supposed to be capable of (and even to require) large has the look of spell-casting. The villagers are fined by the duke for their
amounts of the unpleasant food appropriate to their station. While the knight "false" complaint. ,In the Brautschwank Neidhart poses as a bride for one of
managed to do battle on a light, elegant diet of game, fish, and exotic birds the boorish peasants, who is so entranced by love that even on the wedding
(swans, peacocks), rustic feasts were depicted as occasions for drunkenness night he fails to realize the deceit. Neidhart steals the customary gift to the
and the consumption of immense quantities of crude provender.96 bride (the Morgengabe) and departs.
All these traits-ugliness, hairiness, bizarre or ragged clothing, coarse Francese Eiximenis tells a story about peasant stupidity in connection
food-are essential characteristics of the peasant but in some sense acquired with Saint Bonaventura, who was reputed to have come from extremely
rather than the product of an entirely different species. The peasant's customs humble origins (his father was, in fact, a doctor). According to Eiximenis,
and instincts are certainly intrinsically base, but these characteristics are the Bonaventura returned to his native village in the north of Italy after he had
result of neglect or habit, of debasement rather than "biological" difference. achieved fame for his sanctity, learning, and high office. At first he was
greeted cordially by the villagers, but their attitude changed as the rumor
Stupidity and Excrement spread that Bonaventura owed his intelligence to diabolical practices that had
sucked out all the intellect of his fellow villagers and gathered it for his use
The peasant as stupid and his association with excrement (both animal and and profit. This explained not only Bonaventura's extraordinary success but
human) are two recurrent traits that indeed seem to mark off the peasant as also the villagers' witlessness. 100
possessed of a gross, inferior nature. Peasants were supposed to be stupid, an Keeping animals and attempting to fertilize his fields, the peasant could
enduring image of the countryman common across boundaries and time. be easily associated with manure and various other forms of animal waste,
True, habit and habitat were thought to encourage and bring out this doltish­ which served as an emblem of his distance from civilization. Neidhart's ha­
ness (Marx's "lunacy of rural life"). The peasant might not be biologically in­ tred of the peasants begins with a rustic prank in which symbols of chivalric
ferior in mind at the moment of birth, but his essential nature was credulous, delicacy collide with peasant baseness. In a Schwanklied that goes under Neid­
slow, and dull-witted. hart's name, and in the earliest surviving secular drama of the Middle Ages,
The fabliaux often depict rustics who are tricked and cuckolded. They arb the knight proposes a contest to the court of the duchess of Bavaria to find
not the only victims, of course, but with townsmen or nobles it is greed, old , the first violet of spring. He himself finds the flower, and after marking the
age, or amorous fatuity that interferes with an otherwise natural sagacity (as spot with his cap, runs off happily to alert his companions. But the discovery
with the elderly knight Januarie in Chaucer's "Merchant's Tale"), while the has been observed by a "filthy peasant" who lifts the hat, defecates onto the
peasant is simply dumb in the first place. Peasants are portrayed as easy vic­ violet, and then carefully replaces the cap. Neidhart returns with the duchess,
tims for all manner of swindlers.97 Even when innocence is rewarded, it is a the court, and musicians to celebrate his victory, only to be disgraced when
foolish innocence. In Jean Bodel's "Brunain, la vache au prestre," a peasant the cap is ceremoniously lifted to the sound of a trumpet fanfare. Tlie vil­
couple, taking literally the words of the Gospel from a sermon that God will lagers then take the turd-encrusted violet, hoist it on a pole, and dance
repay twofold what is given in His name, donate their cow named "Blerain'' around it. But Neidhart has his revenge, cutting off the left legs of no fewer
to the priest. Pleased with this acquisition, the priest puts Blerain with his own than 32 of the dancers. 101
animal, "Brunain," but Blerain leads her new companion from the priest's pas- The Violet Prank (Veilchenschwank) would be the most popular Neidhart
Unfavorable Images ofPeasants 152 Contempt and Subjugation 153

for flatulence. Rutebeuf 's fabliaux, "Le pet au vilain," purports to explain
why rustics are admitted neither to heaven nor to hell. There is no place in
heaven for vilains, for they hate priests and are devoid of charity. Formerly,
demons routinely awaited the separation of rustic souls from their bodies. In
accord with this office, a demon attended a certain dying peasant's bedside
with a sack. The soul exited not from the mouth (as with those of higher es­
tate) but from the rear. Shortly before dying, the peasant had eaten a meal of
beef seasoned with garlic. As he expired and his soul was put in the sack, the
rustic broke a final, powerful wind. So powerful, in fact, that when the soul
was released in hell, the unpleasant smell was enough to compel its expulsion.
Henceforth no rustics would be allowed in hell, and so Rut�beuf. advises
them to sing with the frogs after death or seek the realm of excrement, the
territory of Audigier (on which see below). 106
The peasant is surrounded by excrement and dirt, symbols of unpleasant
natural productivity and of the uncontrollable body. In common with other
examples of the polymorphous body, the obsessive scatology may indicate
not just the hostile regard of the superior orders but some element of the car­
9. A scene from Neidhart's scatological misadventure, the "Violet Prank" nivalesque culture of the lower classes themselves. Excretion may also be akin
(Veilchenschwank). Mural painted between 1360 and 1380, from the "Zurn Grund­ to the making of fiction, a comical self-reference in the fabliau genre to the
stein" house, Winterthur, Switzerland. Reprinted by permission of the Stadtbiblio­ peculiar art of transforming the world into verse. 107 But the scatological im­
thek Winterthur. age of the rustic shows him, as it were, in his native element and represents a
statement about his nature, condition, and relation to the rest of the world.
theme of the late Middle Ages and beyond. 102 Sometime before 1330, the mo­ In the fabliau "Le vilain asnier," a rustic leading two asses loaded with ma­
ment of Neidhart's humiliation was painted on the wall of a patrician drink­ nure through the crowded streets of Montpellier faints dead away, overcome
ing hall in the town of Diessenhofen, on the Rhine in what is now the Swiss by the unaccustomed sweet aromas of the spice market. He seems to be dead
canton of Thurgau. The mural, now destroyed (a paper copy is in Zurich), (and is blocking traffic), but is revived when a clever passer-by holds a pellet
showed Neidhart with the musicians while the duchess points to something of dung under the peasant's nose. Brought back to life by the familiar odor,
now effaced. An onlooker delicately holds his nose. The early date of the the peasant goes on his way completely restored. 108
mural shows the popularity of the Veilchenschwank even before the first Neid­ The rustic's natural setting consists not only of animal manure but of his
hart play appeared in 1350. 103 own excrement. In a fabliau with the down-to-earth title "La crote" (The
Another depiction of the "Violet Prank" dating from between 1360 and turd), a peasant and his wife play a semierotic game that involves tricking
1380, adorned the house "Zurn Grundstein" in Winterthur (Fig. 9). At the each other into eating feces. 109 Another story combines the theme of stupid­
castle of Trautson in the Tyrol, a series of Neidhart pranks, including the ity with defecation. In "Jouglet," the jongleur (poet or minstrel) is entrusted
Veilchen episode, was painted in the mid-fifteenth century. 104 In 1979, an­ with educating a peasant named Robin in preparation for his marriage. His
other cycle of Neidhart murals dating from about 1400 (including the Veil­ advice is to eat lots of green apples and to avoid defecating on his wedding
chenschwank, mirror theft, and peasant brawl) was discovered at a house in day. The result is a frenzied production of excrement all over the house and
Vienna. 105 its contents, even in the case holding the minstrel's viol. 110 The uncontrollable
I have already mentioned the Italian poem that attributed the origins of body is here indicated not by malformation but by a foolishly self-inflicted
the vilain to the colossal fart of a barnyard animal. In accord with these cir­ gastrointestinal crisis.
cumstances, the vilain himself was credited with an extraordinary proclivity The mock epic Audigier tells the story of the prince of a "soft kingdom"
Unfavorable Images ofPeasants 154 Contempt and Subjugation 155

of the intestine who courts a rustic girl. In its outline the piece follows a con­ subhumanity, deformity, resemblance to animals, or other attributes setting
ventional story of war, marriage, and revenge, but its gastroenterological lo­ him apart from civilization. In other cases, his separation from the fully hu­
cation is unforgettable. The dower consists of dog turds, the wedding meal is man is the result of character, or baseness that does not necessarily render
a stew with chicken droppings, the minstrels are paid with goat turds.111 him completely unhuman. We have distinguished between the savage, soli­
tary rustic and the more docile, productive peasant, but in both cases a de­
based character, a malformed (if powerful) body, and a subhuman nature
What has been described above is a vocabulary of terms of subordination, a demonstrate that subjugation is appropriate.
set of conventional representations of use to medieval comic and didactic The vilain in literature thus amounted to more than a conventional sign
writers about the peasantry. In most texts, various images are combined. Thus for base behavior. He was an exemplum a contrario but not simply for the pur­
in 14 of the surviving 124 fifteenth-century Nuremberg Carnival plays (Fdst­ pose of instruction by reverse example or to parody high-flown genres. Rus­
nachtspiele), peasants are described in by-now familiar terms as obscene, scat­ ticity was not simply a vehicle to teac;h manners or displace and transgress the
ological, gluttonous, and rowdy.112 They are ludicrously unsuccessful in their heroic. The convenience of stereotypical images is that they conform to per­
wooing and susceptible to every sort of (usually self-inflicted) mishap. In a ceptions and reinforce them. The assumption of a background of peasant
further 25 such plays, there are characters described simply as "fools," but filthiness or stupidity made it possible to build didactic and comical tropes
they are dearly rustic fools or have comical rural names, such as "Heinz on these themes.
Molkenfass" (cheese-eater).113 These plays, designed for the inverted social At the same time it won't do to describe the rustic as simply the target of
world of Carnival, entertained townspeople for the peasant was an emblem a hegemonic discourse of domination by which he is represented as "Other."
of the comically base. The costume of peasants was second only to devil's out­ Along with embodying certain negative qualities, the peasant was productive,
fits in popularity during Carnival celebrations.114 important, necessary. He inhabited a world apart but could not· be serenely
A number of the themes concerning the wtckedness and lowliness of rus­ or consistently regarded as a subhuman Other, because his lowliness was use­
tics are also summarized conveniently in a fifteenth-century poem of mixed ful, more so than the supposed alien character of Jews, Saracens, or "mon­
Italian and Latin contained within a medical treatise.115 The "Life of the Infi­ strous races." There was a tension between regarding the peasant as excluded
del, Wicked, and Rustic Villeins" begins by rejoicing at the vexations afflict­ from human society and as necessary for its survival.
ing the peasants. They are penniless, go about in bare feet, eat grass mixed A resolution of this tension was to see the negative qualities as signs of a
with turds, and keep sickly livestock.116 Th�y subsist on garlic, onions, roots, natural but domesticated lowliness. In a sense the entire discourse about the
and vegetables.117 They labor and suffer while others receive the benefits of filthy, wicked, or bestial peasantry is an extended commentary on the theory
what they produce. They are stupid and bestial, infidels, "worse than Jews."118 of natural slavery, that some are fit by their nature for labor. They may fulfill
Their appearance provokes laughter. They are liars and robbers, rightly made this function docilely, or they may require coercion. The peasant's physical
to suffer in purgation for their wickedness.119 The poem ends with a play on strength and intellectual debility may signal his aptitude for toil, as Aristotle
several Latin liturgical tags: "Servi servorum, Ass of Asses, God curse you for says,122 but such an explanation encounters certain problems with Christian
ever and ever, Amen. From the intrigues of the devil, the lordship of the notions of equality, humanity, and the relation of this world to the next. To
villein, and the furor of the rustics release us O Lord."120 the extent that the debasement of peasants was seen as violating their hu­
The rustic is thus wicked, bestial, and tamed only by coercion. But he is manity, by arguing their infidelity or essentially subordinate nature one could
generally (although not always) regarded as being useful, even if coercion is begin to justify their status.
required. In hostile texts such as the "Life of the Infidel, Wicked, and Rustic As we have seen, there were several other ways to deal with this problem:
Villeins/' they still labor while others profit. The late-medieval (or perhaps to attribute the rustic's condition not to biological or acquired subordination
sixteenth-century) Italian ''Alphabet Against the Villani" opens with the state­ but to a hereditary taint, originating in an event such as Noah's curse against
ment that the perfidious, wicked, and ungrateful rustic is destined to labor.121 his son Ham, or in an act of betrayal in more recent national history, such as
There follows another catalogue of evil characteristics, especially dishonesty. deserting Charlemagne. The advantage of these approaches was that they did
The degraded condition of the rustic was demonstrated by an essential not require setting the peasants apart from humanity, but rather made them
Unfavorable Images ofPeasants 156

heirs of a crime on the order of Adam's Fall and its consequences. In all such
constructions, however, the peasant might be regarded in some sense as "nat­
urally" debased, but insofar as he was productive, Christian, and not dwelling
Chapter' 7
in some far-off fantastic realm but in proximity to those he supported, his
condition remained a moral problem. Peasant Bodies, Male and Female

As has been shown, peasants were often depicted as filthy, subhuman, and
comical, the reverse of the civilized and courtly. In medieval literature, the vi­
lain was everything that the knight was not: lowly, servile, grossly materi�is­
tic, cowardly, malformed, and unfit for the service of love. Above all, the rus­
tic, more specifically the male rustic, represented gross materiality. Peasants
appeared in art and iconography as coarse and ill-favored. 1 Likened to do­
mestic animals or even (by means of images of filth and excrement) to the
land he tilled, the peasant was rendered as large, grotesque, and rather slug­
gish. He craved food, yawned, scratched himself, was partial to drink, and
enjoyed sleeping.
Given these contemptuous depictions, oriented as they are around a dis­
turbing physicality, one might expect the peasant to be portrayed as danger­
ous or as sexually threatening. Comical and frightening images readily coex­
ist, as demonstrated by durable stereotypes of African-Americans. Both dur­
ing and after the era of slavery, American blacks were simultaneously regarded
as amusing and childlike on the one hand and as dangerous, savage, and sex­
ually powerful on the other.2
In general, medieval peasants were not considered dangerous except in in­
surrections, when they formed a wild and murderous throng. The individual
rustic was undisciplined, to be sure. The carnivalesque embodiment identi­
fied by Mikhail Bakhtin exalted a grotesque, hyperbolic physicality and a
subversive disorder. 3 Lack of discretion also emblematized the lower orders.
As noted previously, Noah's cursed son Ham, progenitor of the unfree, earned
punishment for an undisciplined character that henceforth typified slaves. 4
None of this, however, presented a threat to the knightly class. Rustic
males appear in the French romances as grotesque but harmless. The herds­
man in Chretien's Yvain and the charcoal burner in Aucassin et Nicolette are
Unfavorable Images ofPeasants 158 Peasant Bodies, Male and Female 159
frightening in appearance but hardly intimidating in character. They resem­ war but wallowed in an innate, gross embodiment and materiality.
The de­
ble the "wild man," a folkloric and literary figure who dwelled in the forest, a sire for safety, a reluctance to risk life for honor, made the peasant a
debased, semihuman being.5 Like the wild man, they are timid and ungainly figure in any military context. He was suited for the plow, not the sword,
rather than fi erce, with only crude weapons (such as clubs). The herdsman driven more by appetite than honor. In the fabliau "Berengier au lone
encounte red by Calogrena nt is powe r ful enough to g rab his bulls by the the lowborn "knight" prefers tarts and baked custards to such unsatisfacto
horns, causing them to tremble, but presents no threat to the knight, who is intangibles as fame or chivalry.8
in fact more worried about the bulls.6 The rustic is also unlikely to experience more than a torpid sexual de sir
In German literature the peasant men are le ss often rendered as mis­ He is certainly not about to engage in any sacrifice or quest for its sak
e. In
shapen, and they are also more aggressive, prone to internecine violence. In several Old French pastourelles a rustic girl laments that she is saddled with
the poems of Neidhart and his later imitators, the male villagers kill and dis­ husband who is dull or who thinks only of money.9 A stor in Bocc
y a ccio's
member e ach other in the course of celebrations that degenerate into comic Decameron about the gardener of a convent who disports himself with its in­
brawls. The peasants exemplify the unchivalric, here by reason of stupidity mate s begins by citing the common belief that "spade and mattock
rather than timidity. They quarrel over r idiculous p retexts, j ust as they dre ss coarse victuals and hard living do altogether purge away carnal appetite s
foppishly in ludicrous imitation of courtly gar b. They use swords, weapons the tillers of the earth." This opinion attribute s to r ural laborers both dull
that are too dangerous for their reckle ss lack of control, and so commit may­ wit and feeble sexual appetite, notions that the career of the crafty and se
hem. In all this, however, they pose no danger to Neidhart, the knight-narra­ ally athletic gardener superficially disprove s but actually reinforce s precis
tor, whose only fear is that he will be accidentally caught in the midst of their because he is exceptional.10
murderous rage.7 Lumbering, misshapen, and dull, peasants were, as a rule, supposed to
Only in exceptional contexts, therefore, was the peasant thought to be ca­ incapable of the passionate spiritual energy that drives chivalric male d
e sire.
pable of violence toward his betters. S eigneurial accounts of late-medieval In this chapter I want to explore this curious asexual materiality of the
peasant revolts did reiterate stories of torture, murder, and rape of nobles by peasant and to de scribe the rather different image of the female peasant, who
enraged rustics, but under normal circumstances peasants posed no physical, could be physically alluring, even witty.
military, or sexual threat. It was both a learned and a popular convention in the Middle Age s tha
How dangerous could the peasant be, defined as he was in contrast to the, women repre sented a principle of matter, generation, and embodiment'.
knight as unwarlike ? Chivalric prestige depended on militar y courage and ical, the ological, and literary orthodoxy made women the vehicles of a
skill with an overlay of courtesy and amorous sensibility. The peasants, on the ural, biological force complementing or opposing
a spiritual, intellectual male
other hand, were inept at war. Although sufficiently brutish to practice ';io­ p rinciple.11 The emblem of embodiment in medieval condemnations
lence on members of their own class, peasants were laughable as any sort of women was their sexuality. Women were regarded as sexually insatiable
military force (again apart from the exceptional occasion of mass rebellion). as temptations to male sinfulne ss.12 In accord with Gale�, the medical school
Nor were peasant men regarded as posse ssing any particular sexual energy or of Salerno taught that women were more lustful than men, an opinion th
aggre ssivene ss. It was a lite rar y commonplace that rustic men are unfit for was_ sometime s challenged but remained dominant thro ughout the Middl
love, not merely because they lacked the nece ssar y refinement but because Ages.13
they were too materialistic. Their concerns were land, work, money, all ren­ Stereotype s of peasant men in some sense resembled those attributed to
dering them unable to exper ience the yearning that afflicts the brave and women generally, in that the male peasant, too, represented embodime
well-born. But the image of the male differed in portraying his body as oriented arou
Valor and skill at love were joined in the image of knighthood. Both love the dige stive system and as devoid of the sexual and procreative energy
and chivalry required an elaborate set of rule s b ut also a spiritual desire that tributed to women. Peasant women, although sharing the supposedly com­
raised the knight above an intere st in mere physical comfort. Converse ly, the mon traits of all peasants, did not share the image of gross materiality associ­
peasant not only lacked the ability to master the complex rituals of love and ated with their male counterparts.
Unfavorable Images ofPeasants 160 Peasant Bodies, Male and Female 161

husband returns unexpectedly. With a pretense of alarm, she exclaims that

Ineptitude at Love her husband looks as if he is dying. When the priest arrives on the scene, she
convinces her �usband that he is in fact dead. The amorous _couple disport
Peasant men might be affected by a crude form of desire but were thought to
themselves, havmg assured the hapless vilain that since he is now dead there
be devoid of amorous and certainly of chivalric yearning. In a Spanish
is nothing he can do to stop them. Lying on a straw pallet, the foolish hus­
eclogue written at the end of the Middle Ages by Juan del Encina, the alle­
band resignedly accepts this and closes his eyes.20
gorical figure of Love punishes the shepherd Pelayo by making him become
In a fobliau by Garin, another priest looks through the keyhole of a rustic
painfully enraptured with the ugly peasant girl Marinella.14 A passing squire,
house and sees a vilain having dinner with his pretty wife. The priest rushes
informed of Pelayo's malady, expresses incredulity at the idea of a rustic suf­
in, denouncing them for fornication. The bewildered husband protests that
fering amorous pangs. Juan del Encina wrote at the beginning of the revival
they were simply having a meal. The priest asserts that the keyhole must be
of the ancient pastorale. During the Spanish "Golden Age," lovesick shep­
enchanted as it looks as if those innocently dining at the table are engaged in
herds and other amorous villanos-would litter the landscape, but the medieval
sexual play. The priest invites the peasant to see for himsel£ The rustic con­
opinion was that only the well-born can feel the sweet pain of love.
firms thi� phenomenon as he views the priest and his wife enjoying each
That peasants love in the manner of beasts was a medieval commonplace. _
other while they assure him that they are merely sitting at the table.21
A well-known passage from the handbook of love by Andreas Capellanus
There are several factors that contribute to the vilain's lack of skill at love.
states that peasants are not servants of love but are merely urged to it by na­
His constitution and plodding stupidity fit him for toil, while his nature
ture in the manner of horses or mules.15 A thirteenth-century treatise states
makes him _prefer safety and dull material concerns to the risk and thrill of
that peasants love as beasts do, with neither courtesy nor goodness. The au­
love and war. Such ignorance and lack of interest in love fit the hierarchical
thor likens rustic lovemaking to "wildness" (rage), an animal instinct more
medica� and ethic� theories of desire. Knights were thought to be peculiarly
pathetic than threatening.16
susceptible to the sickness of love, a spiritual rather than purely bodily disor­
Peasants' sexual desire was either inept or unorthodox. An engraving by
der. The Viaticum, a Latin translation of an Arab book of medical advice for
Cornelis Massys, Market Peasants in a Brothel (ca. 1540), comically depicts
travelers, included a diagnosis and treatment for lovesickness.22 Twelfth-cen­
prostitutes fleecing peasants who had become temporarily affluent through
tury Latin treatises based on this popular work identified lovesickness as a pe­
the sale of their produce.17 Within the print is a picture on the wall showing a
culiarly aristocratic affliction.23 In a gloss to the Viaticum by Gerard de Berry,
peasant sitting on a pile of eggs; under the picture is the legend "It is a sorry
love was joined to nobility by an etymological contortion. In keeping with es­
house where the hen crows and not the rooster." The lecherous peasants at
tablished medical learning (including the Viaticum), Gerard referred to "the
the brothel resemble the generality of male rustics who allow themselves to
love that is called heros" (derived from eros) as a type of mental disorder.
be dominated by their wives. Here the peasant is not immune to lust, but. he
Cobbling together eros, heros (hero) and hems (noble), Gerard remarked that
cuts a figure more ludicrous than rakish.
nobles are most likely to succumb to the disease, a susceptibility encouraged
In the course of his diatribe against the Swiss, Felix Hemmerli theorized
by their leisure and wealth.24
that because Swiss men tended and milked animals, performing what is prop­
Even if the peasant is not biologically incapable of love, his manner of life
erly women's work, they were perhaps inclined to copulate with their cattle.18
makes him ill-equipped for love's demands. Leisure is the prerequisite for love.
Their masculinity is put in doubt and their supposed proclivity to unnatural
Idleness (f!is�use) is the (female) allegorical gatekeeper of the enclosed garden
vice is mocked.
at th� begmmng o� Le Roman de la Rose. 25 Hard work, which defines the peas­
Rustic couples might occasionally be portrayed in the French fobliaux as
ant, 1s not conducive to the cultivation and refinement of amorous sentiment.
enjoying what John Baldwin calls "robust, cheerful, marital sexuality,"19 but
After likening peasants' desire to that of beasts, Andreas Capellanus concludes
more often the rustic man, among whose most prominent characteristics was
that toil with the plow and hoe is the sole "consolation'' of these unfortunates.
stupidity, was rendered as the ridiculous victim of his wife's adultery. In afob­
It would be an error to instruct them in love's mysteries since they would then
liau by Jean Bodel, the wife of an ugly, disagreeable, and foolish vilain plans
abandon the fields, to the detripient of all society (invoking the theme of the
to entertain her lover, the parish priest, but shortly before the rendezvous her
plodding, usefully productive peasant).26 Rustics were supposed to work, and
Unfavorable Images ofPeasauts 162 Peasant Bodies, Male and Female 163
knights were supposed to fight and to love. The practice of love r�qu!red valor The comic art of the Neidhart poems is such that the knight himself is
and a degree of self-sacrifice, a combination of pleasure and depnvanon, char­ sometimes pathetically unsuccessful at love. He is misplaced in this remote
acteristic noble attributes neither of which applied to male rustics. Knights village, and:his refined longings, appropriate to the habits of renunciatory
should disdain comfort and be driven by the defense of honor and amorous longing in the Minnesang, are wasted even when he is admired. Although he
passion. Peasants were immune to the disease of love, for they lacked both is the object of the village maidens' ambitions in the Summer Songs, Neid­
honor and the susceptibility to higher forms of spiritual suffering. hart displays a pathetic lassitude or impotent rage in the Winter Songs. The
The clergy form something of a case apart. They were regarded as pecu­ mirror theft is avenged only by the destructive brawling of the peasants them­
liarly given over to lust, their inordinate sexual desire amounting to a more selves. Neidhart, while lamenting the theft in exaggerated terms ( ultimately
urgent and less praiseworthy passion than that of the nobility. Among 50 fob­ blaming it for the general decline of chivalry)32 is helpless to do anything
liaux examined by Baldwin, 23 involve lustful clerics whose objects of desire, about it except to rejoice from a safe distance as the rustics proceed to kill and
as seen in the examples mentioned above, are often peasant wives.27 maim each other in the fight that ensues.33
The clerical members of the pilgrim company in Chaucer's Ca_nterbury The eriginal Neidhart cuts a poor figure, but this is the result of his own
Tales exhibit less controllable, more sinister desires than does the young misfortune and lack of decisiveness, not the work of his boorish rivals. In the
squire. A passage in the Death Dance, probably by Hans Hesse, published in late-medieval Neidhartschwanke, the knight has been transformed into an ac­
1490, parodies the scheme of the Three Orders by having the devil address complished and sadistic trickster. His archrival is still Engelmar, but the rea­
the folly of each estate: he says to the priest, "tu fornicator"; to the knight, "tu son for their enmity is the Violet Prank, and the female villagers have
praedor" (robber); and to the rustic, "tuque lecator," meaning "glutton" in dropped out of the story. By this time, the peasants are ignorant, credulous,
this context.28 and helpless before the pranks of the clever knight. They conform more
Even in literary genres that depict the peasant as more violent than hap- closely to the general European image of the hapless rustic, but love is no
less, notably the Neidhart and Neidhart-related poems, the peasa�t �en are longer at issue.
not suited for even an unrefined form of love. The men of the village of
Reuental ("Valley of Grief ") are violent and boorish rather than timid and
physically grotesque as in the French tradition.29 Within their own world they
Rustic Women
are certainly more assertive than the pathetic lowborn husbands of the fob­ Having stated that peasants experience desire in the fashion of beasts and are
liau. In the entire Neidhart corpus (and indeed in almost all the voluminous fit for labor rather than love, Andreas Capellanus, in his discourse on love,
German antipeasant satirical texts), the peasants do not appear engaged in grudgingly admits that knights might possibly find peasant girls alluring.
productive labor.-30 Unlike their French counterparts, therefore, they do have In such an event, seduction ought to be undertaken by force, preceded by a
the idleness necessary for the pursuit of love. In fact they seem to have the bit of flattery perhaps, but certainly without any elaborate courtesy.34 Even
economic wherewithal to sport foppish and absurd clothes and inappropriatf more dismissively, Juan Ruiz, archpriest of Hita, the Castilian author of the
weapons. These are not placid, dutiful rustics but rather violent, lazy, pre­ fourteenth-century Libro de buen amor, has the wise counselor Don Amor re­
sumptuous, and, above all, boorish ones. It is their uncouth character that mark that peasant women are too stupid to know anything about love.35
makes them ridiculous and absurd as lovers rather than poverty, work, or un­ Yet there was a distinction between peasant men and peasant women.
prepossessing physique. The former were at best awkward and slow, and more often misshapen and
The unsuitability of the men of Reuental for love is manifested by their grotesque. The females (especially when young) were comely enough to be
rough treatment of the village women. In the so-called Winter Songs, the vil­ the objects of rather predatory seduction. A mock catechism directed against
lage fete features dancing followed by an inevitable fight. During the dance the rustics (preserved in several late-medieval manuscripts in company with
the girls are manhandled by their partners, who step on their clothes, fondle the previously mentioned comic "declension of rusticus') includes the prayer:
them, and steal their adornments.31 In 12 of the 36 Winter Songs, a mirror be­ "God, thou who hast sown perpetual discord between lechers and rustics,
longing to Vriderun, the peasant lass for whom Neidhart longs, is stolen by give to us the use of their wives and daughters and allow us to rejoice in their
the loutish Engelmar, Neidhart's rustic rival. [the male rustics'] death."36 Chaucer's Miller depicts the attractive Alison as a
Unfavorable Images ofPeasants 164 Peasant Bodies, Male and Female 165

peasant, notwithstanding her patina of urban sophistication. Although she to take peasant girls by force, but that is what the victims themselves enjoy. In
tends dairy cattle, she is fair: fit for a lord to bring to his bed, or for a yeoman twelve of t�e Old French pastourelles, the shepherdess's initial reluctance
to wed.37 turns to sighs of pleasure after she has been raped.43 While only eighteen per­
In the Neidhart poems, the village maidens are engaging, if not very dig­ cent of the pastourelles, according to Kathryn Gravdal's calculation, involve
nified. Sharp and eager, they are altogether inappropriate if the standard is the an actual sexual assault, the acceptability of rape influences the entire genre.
remote aristocratic female, but they are desirable. Neidhart is foolish not be­ Taunting, or a pretense of resistance followed by eager consent, establishes
cause the girls lack charm but because he makes the mistake against which the unreliable coyness of the shepherdess, legitimating rape by turning it into
Andreas had cautioned, that is, ludicrously applying a language of longing to a game.44 The "game of rape" -the lighthearted presentation of an assault on
a situation that calls for more forthright lechery. Even in the ribald poem a resilient and compliant victim-asserted that women are avid, that their
"Der Wengling" (The prick), a species of pastourelle by an imitator ofNeid­ protestations to the contrary are insincere, and thus that the rituals ofchival­
hart, the girl, although stupid ("dy tume"), is nevertheless a perfectly credible ric courtship are at least faintly ridiculous.
object of lust.38 The pastourelles are at once lyrical and humorous; they are about rape
The French and Provern;al pastourelle, narrated by a knight or cleric who andjouissance, the two not really distinct in the eyes of the authors. Such po­
encounters a rustic peasant girl or shepherdess, may be considered a poetic ems of amorous social transgression are celebrations of pliable women who
gloss on Andreas Capellanus's advice on how to deal with peasant women.39 are appealing, pert, and resilient. A certain allure is evoked by the spring
The pastourelle is a fantasy based on desire sharpened by social subordina­ landscape, the beauty of the girl, and the pleasure of an opportunity ex­
tion, "the eroticism of inequality." 40 The wellborn narrator, riding through ploited. The poems are intended to show amusing erotic dalliances, but also
the countryside in springtime, comes across a young rustic girl who is alone. parody refined sensibility by mixing up as well as fortifying social boundaries
They banter, and he attempts to win her by gifts and flattery. She rejects his and compressing what might take thousands of lines in a serious love poem
advances, and several possible scenarios ensue: she continues to repulse him, into a few brief verses.
he is driven off by her peasant companions, he convinces her, or he rapes her. The action of the pastourelle speeds along by comparison to the glacial
Regardless of the "plot," the tone is lyrical and lighthearted. Although de­ progress of nobles' love. Meeting, compliments, offers of gifts, and sexual as­
scended from the classical pastorale and eclogue, the medieval pastourelle pre­ sault take place within an imagined time frame to be reckoned in minutes. In
sents a sharp social contrast between interlocutors and a more combative at­ "A l' entrant del tanz salvage," by the thirteenth-century French poet Hue de
mosphere than that of the Theocritan or Virgilian idyll. Saint-Quentin, the clerical narrator encounters a girl with a flock of goats,
The pastourelle is something of a vacation from the fatiguing courtship asks her name, and then tells her to kiss him and become his sweetheart, of­
rituals undertaken by knights in the romances. That the suitor is noble while fering an alms-purse or ho�d. He then proceeds to assault her, reporting the
the object of his desires is a rustic might render the dalliance either insignifi­ girl's reaction laconically: "I never heard such a fuss." After he "plays the game
cant in the chivalric scheme of things (as Gaston Paris, inventor of the term for her" three times, she assures him, "this is a pleasing tune," and quite con­
"courtly love," believed), or a satire of social class (perhaps by clerics against tentedly returns to her goats.45
knights, as W. T. H. Jackson asserts).41 The Neidhart poems also make use of In an anonymous pastourelle of the early thirteenth century, a cleric of­
the socially inappropriate juxtaposition of knight and peasant girl, but the fers a tunic, smock, clasp, and belt to a shepherdess who has lost her cloak.
knight lives in the village, and so his encounters are not the casual, un­ She first threatens to hit him, but when he asks for marriage, she agrees. After
planned opportunities of the pastourelle. Neidhart's melancholy contrasts their embrace, she cries out:
with what William Paden has called the jouissance of the pastourelle.42 Both May any woman who refuses
the German and the French poems make fun of the ennobling renunciatory Such sport and such joy
tone of courtly conventions by portraying sexual desire as undignified, Be put to shame by God.
whether quickly fulfilled or comically thwarted.
Mocking the customary deference of the knight to his lady, the pas­ The narrator then boasts that he has fooled her, for he has no intention of
tourelle proposes rapidity and coercion. Not only is it appropriate for knights marrying her. But she is unperturbed. After all, she has been deflowered by
Unfavorable Images ofPeasants 166 Peasant Bodies, Male and Female 167

the handsomest man in the empire, and as a sporting gesture, she gives him a or that the narrator always conquers. The parody of noble courtship is tuned
parting counter-gift of a collar dasp.46 to a new key by the ability of the girl to answer the knight's false courtesy
In some examples of the pastourelle, the young woman is more thor­ with witty derision and to turn the game around. An early pastourelle by the
oughly humiliated, an addition to the narrator's jouissance. In "Quant voi Occitan poet Marcabru shows a series of attempts at flattery, all of them con­
nee," another anonymous French poem of the thirteenth century, the shep­ temptuously rebuffed by the shepherdess. To the knight's affected solicitude
herdess tries vainly to summon the male shepherds who should have pro­ to protect her from the wind, she avers that she is cheerful and healthy; she
tected her. After flattering her, the knight seizes the girl, enjoying her shame, also declines his offer to keep her company while she guards her flocks. His
and has his way with her. As he mounts his palfrey, he offers to take her with compliments on her manners and beauty are likewise rejected, for the
him. Clinging to a semblance of honor, she refuses unless he will marry her. promise of his devotion is hardly sufficient recompense to tempt the shep­
He commends her to God and leaves her disheveled before the young men herdess to surrender her virginity. The poem ends without a definitive resolu­
who have belatedly shown up (among them the rustic boyfriend Robin).47 tion, but the shepherdess has the last word. 50
There is a triangular relationship among the shepherdess, the knight, and Often the girl is simply too smart to be taken in by flattery or attempted
the inept shepherd Robin in which the woman may be thought of as an object intimidation. A poem by Simon d'Authie (fl. 1222-1232) ends with the shep­
of exchange and competition between the two males. Viewed from the knight's herdess mocking the knight's unsuccessful efforts:
vantage point, the eroticism of inequality here encompasses not only an attrac­ You have tried your best with me
tive dalliance (the vacation from the ceremonies of the court) but an agreeable But little have you won.
contest humiliating to the comical rustic males.48 Not a very difficult contest, Many another have you wooed;
to be sure, but then again hunting and similar recreations did not require fair You didn't learn how here.
odds or great difficulty of execution on every occasion to be enjoyable. Your heart is not so constrained
It takes only a slight variation for the male rather than female rustic to be As it seems by your words.
the principal object of humiliation. In the Jeu de Robin et Marion, a play with Some men kiss women and embrace them
a pastourelle plot written circa 1300 by Adam de la Halle, the knight attempts Who don't love them at all. 51
to win Marion first with words, then with force, but she manages to free her­ The witty and articulate response of the rustic girl is such that some authori­
self from his dutches. In this instance Robin arrives in time but is too fright­ ties have argued that she is not really a rustic at all but rather a "sanitized"
ened to intervene. Along with his companions, Robin timidly observes the fantasy object suitable for chivalric desire,52 or an aristocrat dressed up in
struggle from behind some trees.49 The cowardice of the male rustic, a vener­ peasant garb. 53 The young woman is, however, attractive because of her social
able theme, is accentuated by the resourcefulness of the shepherdess. The subordination combined with innate physical beauty, a theme not altogether
male rustic is cowardly while the female is plucky; the male misshapen and unfamiliar to modern literature. She is firmly set in a rustic world with rustic
the female winsome. The intention of the pastourelle is comic, but the peas­ companions. The encounter is a social as well as a sexual trespass. Only with
ant lass is not in herself an absurd figure. Within the lexicon of male desire the Renaissance pastorale does one find something more like a masque of Ar­
she is a physically credible entry. What would be ridiculous would be for the cadia, in which the shepherds are nobles in costumes. 54
knight to regard her with the same hesitant submissiveness that surrounds the In certain examples of the pastourelle, the knight not only is thwarted
higher forms of love. The poems of Neidhart play with precisely this absur­ but displays an unbecoming cowardice as he is chased away by the friends or
dity. Even here, although the knight's longings are foolish, in purely physical lover of his intended conquest, those who in other poems were so timid. The
terms the village girls are reasonable objects of yearning. knight is ludicrously frightened in Jocelin's "Quant j' o chantier l' aluete,"
Inverting the Pastourelle
I would have no use for a doctor
The insincerity of female claims to honor and the knight or cleric's high­ If he had caught me that day,
handedness do not mean, therefore, that the young woman is always helpless The peasant with his great strength
Unfavorable Images ofPeasants 168 Peasant Bodies, Male and Female 169
Bent his crossbow and shot is exploited, so that he can be rendered as a more or less tractable domestic
With a bolt he nearly killed me­ animal. The female peasant is· an object of sexual exploitation, so she is pre­
And I mounted and fled. sented with a different sort of body than that of generic peasants.
But I can assure you
That I never had so great fear.55
Grotesque Female Rustics
The comic effect is heightened when the girl calls to him to return to her.
Not for all the gold in the empire, he recalls, would he have done so! In two In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the difference between representa­
poems by Thibaut IV, count of Champagne (died 1253), the knight flees the tions of male and those of female rustics diminished. For the first time, peas­
scene. One concludes with a sarcastic postscript by the shepherdess: "indeed, ant women were portrayed in shapes as unflattering and grotesque as were
knights are too brave." 56 their male counterparts. This is in part due to the development of a further
Comic inversion is augmented when the woman becomes the aggressor. inversion or parodic level within the logic of the pastourelle. The usual brav­
Not only is the knight not brave, but he is the somewhat dazed victim of the ery of the knight having been overturned, it was in some sense logical to ex­
girl's forcefulness. In 'Tautre jour en un jardin," the knight initiates the dia­ periment with an amusingly unattractive rustic girl. In an Occitan mock pas­
logue with a pretty shepherdess in the usual fashion, but the poem concludes tourelle of 1320, "Mentre per una ribiera," the narrator sees a girl herding pigs
with the knight futilely trying to escape: "In truth, she had her way with me, (rather than the canonical sheep). She is not only sexually voracious but wild,
stripped me naked/ Trampled and abused me, more than I can say." 57 ugly, fat, and "black as pitch."60
The rustic girl of the pastourelle is sometimes shy, sometimes bold; often Not all ugliness, however, was rustic. The Loathly Lady of Chretien's
she is forced (but ultimately willingly) to submit, while on other occasions Perceval the grotesque lady Guote in Ulrich von Turheim's Rennewart, or Vil­
she escapes. Whatever her poetic attitude, she is always (until the fourteenth lon's decrepit prostitute "la belle Heaulmiere" are burlesques of the conven­
century) attractive, even dazzling in appearance-blond, slender, and with a tions of female beauty.61 Moreover, "Mentre per una ribiera" would remain
fresh complexion (although sometimes deviating from the courtly ideal of exceptional within the corpus of the pastourelle. Even in the Neidhart poems
paleness by reason of her outdoor life). She is often very young: fifteen and a the village girls are reasonably pretty, even if they are more scheming and ma­
half in one example, thirteen in another, and parvula non nubilis in a third.58 terialistic than their counterparts in the pastourelle.
The peasant girl or shepherdess is thus not merely human but (within the Juan Ruiz's Libro de buen amor, a miscellany of anecdotes and observa­
conventions of the era) desirable. Unlike the male rustic, she is not rendered tions written between 1330 and 1343, is the first work involving a series of
as grotesque, nor is she unskilled in the ways of love. If she is ignorant about grotesque and comically ugly rustic women. Contained within it are a series
love, it is a charming innocence fully in accord with an essentially eager and of serranillas (songs of the serranas, the girls of the mountains). These lyric
easily exploited sexuality. She is more clever than her awkward, boorish male sections alternate with narrative in a verse style known as cuaderna via. The
companions. Young male peasants may be more aggressive than those of ma­ setting, rules, and logic of the serranilla invert the conventions of the pas­
ture age (and in the German Neidhart poems, they are very aggressive in­ tourelle.62 We are in the barren and rugged landscape of the border of Castile
deed), but they are fumbling and inept, whereas the young female rustics are and La Mancha rather than the lush meadows of France. It is winter, not
delightful in form and affect. spring. The narrator is timid, while the girl is repulsive and aggressive.
One should not mistake the articulate and witty responses of the shep­ The narrator first encounters a shepherdess called La Chata (Snubnose),
herdess for genuine contestation, nor is the fact that she is pretty the mark of who collects tolls from unfortunate travelers in the remote Sierra de
a fully realized humanity. The pastourelle cannot be said to provide a voice Guadarrama and boasts she can tie up men who are unable or unwilling to
for its female victim merely because she is not always victimized. It is possible pay. The hapless poet is hardly on the prowl for sexual gratification. By the
to present females as talking back within the rules of a discourse written and time he meets La Chata he is frozen, interested only in shelter and warmth.
conceived by male authors, but of course the pastourelle is hardly subver­ Hoisting him on her shoulder, she carries him back to her lair. She is "hor­
sive.59 Her pleasing form differentiates the female from the male peasant, but rendous, wicked, and ugly," but hospitable (she plies the poet with rabbit,
as a different sort of seigneurial object. It is the labor of the male peasant that partridges, veal, smoked cheese, and trout), and amorous. She orders him to
Unfavorable Images ofPeasants 170 Peasant Bodies, Male and Female 171

take off his clothes and suggests that they "wrestle together awhile" (luche­ Carvajales (written in the mid-fifteenth century) is the amorous knight
mos un rato). 63 whose affections are roused by a socially dubious but physically appealing
Next the narrator encounters Gadea de Riofrio, a "strong mountain girl" woman, but two of his poems include frightful female rustics.68 The lyrical
who is at least sufficiently prepossessing for the narrator to greet and casually serranillas of the Marques de Santillana, also dating from the mid-fifteenth
threaten to have his way with if she does not give him directions. In reply, she century, involve assertive but attractive mountain girls.69 The poet's assess­
whacks him on the ear with her staff, but she then takes the shaken poet to ment that each serrana is uniquely beautiful or gentil amounts to comic hy­
her hut, boisterously instructing him not to mind her little joke. Once again perbole and says more about the lovesick narrator than the rustic women, but
he seems more interested in food than loveplay. Having dined, he abruptly the latter at least possess a certain coy dignity.
departs.64 If the Spanish tradition draws back from the grotesque female rustic,
Mengua Lloriente, the third mountain girl, is stupid and acquisitive. She German literature of the late Middle Ages thoroughly breaks down the earlier
is strong (like the rustic in Yvain, she can tame bulls) but more civilized than distinction between alluring female peasants and their brutish male compan­
the others, for she can dance as well as wrestle. Alda, on the other hand, the ions. In the Neidhart poems (as well as the German equivalents of the pas­
serrana of the fourth cuaderna via, is impossibly malformed, with immense tourelle, such as in the Carmina Burana) the village girls are pretty if more
breasts, ribs protruding out of her black chest, her wet hands covered with willful and scheming than the protagonists of the French pastourelles. By the
hair, her little finger bigger than the narrator's thumb.65 fifteenth century, however, the rustic women either have disappeared (as in
The strange savagery of the serranas, especially the grotesque Alda, differ­ the prank stories about Neidhart's persecution of the villagers) or are rendered
entiates the poems of the Libro de buen amor from other parodies of the pas­ as misshapen and grotesque. The peasant's image overall changes in late me­
tourelle on the order of "Mentre per una ribiera." The serranas are not only dieval Germany from exemplar of folly to malevolent and debased, with no
unattractive but powerful figures, with perhaps some antecedents in folkloric distinction in this regard between men and women.
representations of nature, such as the swaggering rustic women who guard In later poems written in the manner of Neidhart, the male peasants are
mountain passes in the popular villancicos serranos. 66 But the serranas, like even more violent than in the thirteenth-century versions. Elizabeth Traverse
their counterparts in the German Schwank and French fabliau, are not quite has compared a song from two Neidhart manuscripts (MS R and MS c), one
wild or completely unhuman. They have names (unlike the usually anony­ regarded as containing the earliest forms and the other including additional
mous girls in pastourelles). They herd animals and produce food. Although stanzas and poems.70 The original is a series of gloomy meditations on the
certainly forbidding, they are neither inarticulate nor mad. They possess the mirror theft and the stupidity of the peasants.71 Neidhart complains that the
putative rural characteristics of coarseness, aptitude for unpleasant labor, and peasants have taken his love from him. He threatens violence, but nothing
association with animals. These traits, formerly limited to male peasants, now actually happens other than a scuffle among the peasants over a wreath of red
cut across gender. flowers. Neidhart wishes that "someone" would skewer his rival (here Enze­
The serranillas of the Libro de buen amor invert the pastourelle, amount­ men, not Engelmar), or that at the very least the peasants might beat each
ing to parodies of parodies.67 To the extent that the pastourelle makes fun of other up.
high-minded courtship, it contains within its own logic the possibility for The c manuscript contains fourteen additional stanzas, including four
further levels of reversal: the girl is no longer innocent but the sexual aggres­ that describe in gory detail a violent peasant brawl occasioned by the wreath.
sor, nor longer pliant but fierce, no longer winsome but abhorrent. The A group of peasants gloats over plans to disembowel their enemies, and in
knight now displays the characteristics of the shepherd girl of the pastourelle. stanza 13 a lethal sword fight breaks out, which the poet regards with horror
It is he who is seized and raped; he who is bribed by gifts. He comes also to mingled with satisfaction because five rustics are slain.72
resemble the conventional image of the male peasant, his interest turned In the fourteen Schwanklieder dating from the late fourteenth and early
more toward food and warmth than sexual gratification. fifteenth centuries (and assuredly not by Neidhart), the peasants are no
Later Castilian serranillas would go back and forth between lyrical praise longer violent. The cause of Neidhart's enmity is the excrement-covered vio­
of a beautiful rustic lass (in the manner of the pastourelle) and a reassertion of let, not the stolen mirror. Instead of making futile promises of revenge as in
the barbarous mountain-girl image. The prevailing theme of the poems of the earlier poems, Neidhart cuts off the left legs of 32 dancing villagers.73 As a
Unfavorable Images ofPeasants 172 Peasant Bodies, Male and Female 173

prankster, Neidhart consistently and successfully torments his enemies. The bianism" (from the German grob, Grobian meaning coarse, gross, a boor)
peasants have become more credulous and hapless than violent. Neidhart's would be popular in Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands from the sixteenth
enmity has nothing to do with frustrated love but with an innate hatred of to eighteenth centuries. Grobian art and literature catalogued the gluttony,
these savages who are likened to all manner of animals: bears, cranes, swine, violence, and boorishness of ill-favored rustics of both sexes, elaborating on
dogs, and so on. 74 the examples set by the festive representations of the sixteenth century whose
In Der Ring, by Heinrich Wittenwiler, written in about 1400, the gro­ roots, as we have seen, go back to Neidhart in the thirteenth century. 80
tesque female protagonist appears for the first time in German literature. The While the proliferation of rustic scenes in visual art of the sixteenth to
poem is some 9,700 lines long, the most extended German antipeasant satire, eighteenth centuries might indicate a feeling for realism and even a positive
and is largely taken up with the comically unpleasant wedding of Bertschi description of the life of the common people, there is usually an ideological
Triefnas (Dripnose) and Matzli Rilerenzumph (Touch-the-Cock). 75 Many of and moral edge. 81 The peasant is a laughable, reverse moral typification of
the Neidhart themes are echoed, including a cameo appearance by Neidhart bad manners and gross customs. As they were in the Middle Ages, now rus­
himself. The reader is treated to a Neidhart prank, dancing ending in a brawl, tics may be as much counterexample as specific target of ridicule, but this
and presumptuous peasants with ridiculous names foppishly dressed and does not mean rustic life is in itself somehow appreciated more favorably than
sporting murderous weapons. The results, however, are cataclysmic: a war it was in the frankly averse Grobian genre. Even in works such as those by
erupts between two peasant villages as a result of the brawl, and most of the Bruegel, which are not primarily intended to show peasants as wicked, the
villagers of Lappenhausen (Village of Fools) are killed. rural folk eat, dance, indulge bodily whims, and succumb to instinct and ma­
The tone of the work is even more unremittingly harsh than the late Nei­ terialism. The new element in Bruegel and the seventeenth century is the re­
dhart material or its other model, the short peasant-wedding poem of the discovery of the productive labor of the peasant. After centuries of festive and
fourteenth century, "Metzen Hochzit. " 76 The peasant men are rendered as useless peasants, the rustic as symbol of dutiful labor (as in The Fall ofIcarus)
subhuman more by their actions than by their physical form. Here it is the returns. 82
bride Matzli whom Wittenwiler depicts as impossibly ugly and malformed.
While Bertschi is merely healthy and (foolishly) proud, Matzli has a goiter
that hangs past her belly, teeth and hands like coal, cheeks "rosy as ashes,"
and breasts "as small as sacks of lard. " 77
Only one manuscript copy of Wittenwiler's Der Ring exists, so the work's
literary influence, at least at the outset, must have been fairly limited. The
grotesque female rustic was not quite so elaborately described in later an­
tipeasant satires, but from the fifteenth to eighteenth centuries, female and
male peasants in equal measure were commonly rendered as crude, ugly, and
disorderly, if not as deformed. In sixteenth-century woodcut engravings and
paintings, the riotous peasant wedding or other festive occasion emblematized
the low nature of rustics much in the manner of the Neidhart tradition but
with less lethal violence and with more gluttony and vomiting ( borrowed
from the Carnival plays). 78 In one of Frans Verbeeck's peasant-wedding paint­
ings, an inscription describes the bride as "an ugly, dirty, licentious beast,"
while the groom is merely sturdy and handsome (the pair is thus like the wed­
ding couple in Der Ring). 79 In general, however, it is the behavior of rustics
that is condemned, and their stocky, clumsy bodies exemplify a life given over
to immediate gratification. Men and women alike represent a disgraceful (al­
though amusing) material embodiment and lower nature. The genre of "Gro-
Part' 4
Peasant Agency, Peasant Humanity
Chapter' 8
Peasant Warriors and Peasant Liberties

Peasant men represented embodiment of a coarse and lowly sort. Appetite,

cowardice, and an exclusive concern with the material and immediate ren­
dered them inept and morally unfit for war, hence to be denied the
perquisites of love or of freedom. Foundational legends explaining the origins
of nobles and serfs focused, as we have seen, on a genealogy of courage and
cowardice. The subordination of peasants shorn of the rhetoric of mutuality
was traced to an authoritative historical moment. Common benefit yielded
to a sharper distinction between those willing to fight, who deserved liberty,
and those incapable of the moral force of character necessary for risking life
in the field, condemned to unfree manual labor. Rather than recognizing a
functional division of responsibility, in which the military order protects and
the laborers feed, the legends enshrine the debased status of the latter.
This chapter looks at a notable response to the assertion of peasant timid­
ity, based on the syllogism equating freedom (hence dignity) with courage
and victory at arms. There were certain peasant communities that managed
to preserve their autonomy, often by force, and these could accept and exalt
the chivalric cult of bravery and its association with freedom, but now against
the nobles who attempted to subjugate them.

Peasants Who Seek to Become Knights

Peasants constituted the inerme vulgus of the Carolingian world. From the
ninth to eleventh centuries, as the nobility came to be identified with warfare,
the free-unfree distinction among the lower orders became less significant
than the division based on military competence. The nobility came to be re­
garded as the only truly free group, while all those incapable of making war
were regarded as in some sense constrained, regardless of their legal status.
Peasant Agemy, Peasant Humanity 178 Peasant �rriors, Peasant Liberties 179
In the eleventh century, Andrew of Fleury, describing some of the mira­ his army when they should be in the fields, performing useful ignoble activi­
cles of Saint Benedict in connection with his monastery, referred to peasants ties.9 For Ottokar, as for Andrew of Fleury, the assumption remains that peas­
(agrestes) as a multitude of the common unarmed folk. Andrew was scandal­ ants make poor soldiers.
ized by clergy and common people who confronted knights in military com­ Sancho Panza, exemplar of the rustic amusingly and unsuitably thrust
bat to uphold the Limoges peace ordinances of I03I. The peace armies, ac­ into adventure, has an extensive ancestry. Yet in Spain, during the medieval
cording to Andrew, owed any success they had to their turbulent pride and centuries, there had been knights of non-noble social status, the caballeros
greed, which offset whatever moral superiority they might claim over the villanos, whose rights and duties as guardians of the frontier settlements gave
knights. I For Andrew, the military gap between knight and peasant remained to medieval Castile much of its particular ethos and social character.Io
immense, bridgeable only by exceptional mob violence. The helplessness of In early-medieval Italy the military caste was not exclusively noble.11
peasants before the onslaught of knights is graphically depicted in Garin le Rather of Verona, in the tenth century, offered a hypothetical typical lineage
Loherain and celebrated in the violent fancies of Bertran de Born, who rhap­ for the son of a count: his grandfather might have been a judge, but his great­
sodized about rustics and their herds fleeing in terror as knights attacked great-grandfather a mere soldier. That soldier's father, in turn, could have
them on the run.2 The peasant is advised, in a French poem, to stay home been anything: a fortune-teller, wrestler, fishmonger, muleteer-a knight or
and leave his rusty sword hanging at the foot of his bed.3 a peasant. 12 Apart from the ministeriales, the late-medieval empire had low­
Insofar as peasants could acquire the military skills of knights, the pros­ born mercenaries and other formidable infantry forces such as the Swiss and
pect was disturbing. There were German ministeriales, knights who retained Hussite armies. The Swiss emerged as the finest soldiers in Europe by the end
servile status while performing military and sometimes important adminis­ of the fifteenth century, defeating mounted companies, as Charles the Bold's
trative functions. Although they were personally and not contractually oblig­ defeats at the end of his career demonstrate.
ated to their lords, the ministeriales were full-fledged knights with no connec­ That the image of peasant helplessness and martial incompetence did not
tion to agricultural labor, nor did they bear the same burdens (such as head conform consistently to social reality provoked a number of reactions from
taxes or exclusion from court) as unfree rustics.4 The ministeriales may have contemporary observers and variations on the dominant conventions of his­
had peasant ancestors, but if so, they were as distant and unknown as the an­ tory and literature. The seemingly unnatural intrusion of rustics from the
cestors of lesser free knights. Their lack of liberty was not conceptually joined realm of Demeter into that of Mars stirred derision or fear, but in some in­
to any agrarian background.5 The Alsatian Chronicon Eberheimense (written stances the possibility of a measure of admiration.
in n63) traced the establishment of ministeriales to Julius Caesar's campaigns Peasants' attempts to imitate chivalric violence were often presented as
in Gaul. Having defeated the Gauls with the help of the Germans, Caesar comical. An early-sixteenth-century German drawing of a peasant tourna­
commended the German minores milites to their princes (now Roman sena­ ment (Fig. rn) depicts a rustic "knight" charging at an unseen enemy. The
tors), saying they should be treated no longer as servi but rather as their min­ would-be knight is armed with a rake rather than a lance. A straw basket
isteria, whom they should protect.6 functions as his shield, and a beehive topped with a heraldic shoe serves as his
German military practice also offered opportunities for what Hugo von helmet.
Trimberg referred to as "Halbritter" (half-knights), those who could fight in There were several ways of denouncing peasant pretensions to military
the manner of knights but who were dearly of rustic origin.7 In attacking this status besides simple ridicule. Perhaps the best-known account of the fatal
class, Hugo repeated a long-standing complaint of other authors seeking to consequences of a peasant seeking to become a knight is the German poem
correct the disorderly estates and functions of the Holy Roman Empire. In Helmbrecht, which has been mentioned in connection with the image of the
the cycle of thirteenth-century didactic poems known as Seifried Helbling, a productive peasant. In this late-thirteenth-century story, a young peasant of
hapless peasant serving unwillingly in his lord's army begs to be allowed to more strength than sense determines to leave the farm and become a knight.
return to his farm and plow, where he belongs.8 Ottokar of Styria, author of a His father attempts to prevent this rebellion against his ordained station, re­
rhymed history of his region (written in the first years of the fourteenth cen­ monstrating with his obstinate son that his place is at the plow. 13 Ignoring his
tury), ridiculed the folly of the abbot of Admont in summoning peasants to father, Helmbrecht becomes a robber-knight and terrorizes the countryside,
Peasant Agenry, Peasant Humanity 180 Peasant "Warriors, Peasant Liberties 181

even physical deficiency makes rustics incapable of war, but their nature.
Perceval becomes an exemplary knight, but the whole point is that he is not
really a rustic.
Germany had peasant knights, and they were on occasion acknowledged
as important by their superiors. Otto of Freising, in his account of the deeds
of Frederick Barbarossa, describes how a rustic soldier (strator) whom the em­
peror wished to elevate to knighthood for his valor during the siege of Tor­
tona declined the honor, saying he was of humble status ( cum plebium se
diceret) and preferred to remain in that order.15 More often, peasant ambi­
tions for knighthood were denounced in the manner of Helmbrecht or the
Neidhart poems. Peasants were perceived as dangerously close to breaching
the frontier between them and the lower ranks of knights.The peace ordi­
nance issued by Frederick Barbarossa in n52 prohibited peasants from carry­
ing lances or swords.16 A Bavarian ordinance of 1244 allowed peasants to keep
weapons to protect their houses but regulated what arms they could carry as
well as the color and quality of their clothing.17 Here the problems are the
same as those addressed by Helmbrecht: the arrogant peasants who use swords
and affect knightly dress and hauteur.
The concern with peasant weapons and ambitions is characteristic of the
IO. Peasant tournament. Drawing by Hans Burgkmaier, early sixteenth century.
Hohenstaufen and Interregnum empires.The author of the (literally) censo­
Photograph by Stadelsches Kunstinstitut und Stadtische Galerie, Frankfurt am
rious Buch der Rugen, written in Bavaria slightly before Helmbrecht, praises
Main. Reprinted by permission of Stadelsches Kunstinstitut und Stadtische Galerie,
Frankfurt am Main.
peasants' piety but condemns their senseless lust for spear and shield, which
they prefer to keeping their hand on the plow as is proper.18 The Franciscan
all the while ridiculously imitating the external attributes of chivalry. He preacher Berthold von Regensburg matched the sentiments of Helmbrecht by
comes to a bad end, maimed and then killed while his father looks on in grim instructing his peasant audiences that they must not seek to change their di­
satisfaction. vinely appointed status, since all men have been given their vocation by
It is important to emphasize, however, that Helmbrecht is not portrayed God.19 Elsewhere Berthold is more anxious and forceful: "Even though you
as militarily inept.All the so-called knights in the poem are lowborn brig­ wish to become a knight, you must be a peasant and cultivate for us wheat
ands, and Helmbrecht is as competent as any in performing violent deeds. and wine....Who would then guide the plow if all of you were lords?" 2° For
While ludicrously unsuccessful at imitating chivalric manners and dress, he peasants to seek to become knights violates not only functional hierarchies
is able, for a time, to make a career of fighting.His is a moral rather than a but also Providential dispensation.The fourteenth-century allegorical inter­
military failure, and his father's warning is not literally true: it is possible at pretation of the Book of Daniel composed in the Prussia of the Teutonic Or­
least temporarily to change one's status. Thus the poem does not imply a der urges peasants to return to their plows cheerfully, for which they will re­
complacent encomium of the noble class but a more disturbing(picture of a ceive their proper place (and a crown) in heaven. 21
world given over to stupid violence. \
Some examples of rustic warriors crop up in medieval romances, but they Peasant Armies
remain burdened with other characteristic peasant markers and so function
as chivalric parodies.The eponymous hero of the scatological mock epic Au­ Literate observers agreed fairly widely that insofar as peasants could actually
digier is manifestly comical, but even the honorable and militarily able vilain acquire the equipment and privileges of knights, this was a lamentable thing.
Rigaut in Garin le Loherain is filthy and hideous.14 Neither circum�tance nor What if peasants who remained in their order should come to possess weap-
Peasant Agency, Peasant Humanity 182 Peasant Wa"iors, Peasant Liberties 183

ons and military force? Andrew of Fleury's criticism of the Limoges Peace of in the Peace and the Truce of God against seigneurial violence in the late
1031 is typical of the anxieties evoked by the sight of armed peasants even if tenth and early eleventh centuries.26 The Peace and the Truce eventually were
they were simply attempting to defend themselves from the depredations of taken over by secular authorities, and so an interlude of peasant agency was
knights. Indeed, as Georges Duby has shown, the ideological model of the ended by the second half of the eleventh century.27
three orders of society was shaped by the desire to discourage clergy and com­ In addition to such temporarily sanctioned means of disputing seigneur­
moners from taking up arms. The identification of functional orders and the ial violence, there was a tradition of direct but somewhat clandestine peasant
idea of mutuality arose from a process of exclusion of those who pray and violence. In a surprising number of cases, peasants killed their lords without
those who labor from the world of military violence. The formulations of incurring the punishment one would expect (even in cases where it was pun­
Adalbero of Laon and Gerard of Cambrai responded to disruption of appro- . ished, the crime did not give rise to sanguinary counterviolence). A study by
priate and divinely ordained social boundaries perpetrated by the Peace of Robert Jacob focusing on incidents in which lords were killed by collective
God. and premeditated action is quite revealing.28 He has found twelve such assas­
If an armed rural populace represented disturbing proof of social disinte­ sinations for northern France from 1040 to n50, of which seven took place in
gration in the eyes of Adalbero of Laon or Andrew of Fleury, it also raised the Flanders and Artois. Included in this figure are deaths caused by rebellious
question of the knights' discharge of their responsibilities. This problem be­ vassals (such as the murder of Charles the Good, count of Flanders), but
came dearer once knighthood was sacralized and noble status defined by mil­ there are also at least three murders by peasants of unjust lords or of higher
itary function. In Hungary in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, the seigneurial functionaries, the best known of which was the death of Arnoul
fact that peasants and clergy were conspicuous in armies mobilized against III of Ardres, who was strangled in n40. Certain private grudges had a reso­
the Turks occasioned condemnation, but it was directed against the perceived nance beyond the immediate motive and perpetrator. At the end of the
dereliction of the nobles more than against the scandal of inappropriate ac­ eleventh century, an ecclesiastical advocatus named Dudo was killed by a cer­
tivities by the other two orders.22 tain Gunter, but this essentially private act of vengeance was cheered by the
It was also possible within the normal terms of elite discourse to accord local peasantry and commemorated as late as sixty years after the event.29
some sympathy and perhaps apprehensive respect to peasants not engaged in Seigneurial murder was not regarded as extraordinary, nor was it neces­
crusades (such as those against the Turks in Hungary) but simply defending sarily thought of as a terrible crime. The killing of lords was presented as ei­
themselves against nobles, even their own lords. The Schwabenspiege4 a Ger­ ther the martyrdom of a just ruler (Charles the Good) or, more commonly,
man law collection of the thirteenth century, states that lords are charged the judgment of God against a local tyrant. Jacob finds that all of these inci­
with defending the land and its people, and that if they fail in this duty, they dents are in the nature of a revolt, and that far from indicating spontaneous
are not owed obedience.23 This is not addressed to peasants as such, but it lawlessness, they were structured according to certain patterns and rituals.
does go beyond the normal vassalic right to withdraw from the service of an The lord of the Andalusian village of Fuenteovejuna, Fernan Gomez de
unjust lord in that it treats the obligation to defend the territory and its in­ Guzman, commander of the Order of Calatrava, was murdered in 1476 to
habitants, not simply one's dependents. put an end to his abusive lordship. As immortalized by the poet and drama­
In 1240 Bartholomaeus Anglicus admiringly described the Frisian peas­ tist Lope de Vega in the seventeenth century, the villagers were united in
ants who formed free communities and preferred to sacrifice their lives than claiming collective responsibility for the deed ("Fuenteovejuna, todos a una'').
to live under the yoke of servitude.24 In 1256, these peasant warriors would in They escaped serious punishment, albeit not entirely because of their own
fact defeat the army of William, count of Holland. They enticed tpe heavily courage but in part thanks to the support of the authorities of Cordoba. 30
armored and mounted count into frozen marshlands and easily dispatched For Spanish Galicia, Carlos Barros has unearthed eight murders· of lords
him after he fell through the ice.25 Such exceptional populations were accept­ resulting from social revolts between 1369 and 1527. Within an extremely vio­
able as curiosities, but of course this did not mean that Bartholomaeus, or lent environment in which both official and private rituals of vengeance were
anyone else of the higher orders, recommended them as a general model. common, the violent disposal of an unjust lord even by peasants was neither
That the peasants might take revenge on the lords for mistreatment was unexpected nor regarded as a violation of divine law.31 The seigneurial regime
not as impossible to accept as we might think. Armed peasants participated and aristocratic mentality could tolerate certain direct forms of peasant ac-
Peasant Agemy, Peasant Humanity 184 Peasant \%rriors, Peasant Liberties 185

tion. What was feared and violently denounced was mass movement on the nobles are disgraced and neglect their duty. God will not suffer this, he will
order of the rebellions of the late Middle Ages. torment the wicked. Some day they will be slain by the common peasant."36
The relatively discreet disposal of an oppressive lord is not the same as an
armed peasant movement. Centuries before Courtrai or Agincourt, an un­ Free Peasant Communities
dercurrent of opinion hinted that knights could be effectively combated by
modestly equipped soldiers. The admittedly obscure narrative poem Eu­
polemius, a Latin work from twelfth-century Germany, offers several exam­ The dearest evidence for peasants rejoicing in their feats of arms comes from
ples of poorly equipped soldiers mocked by better-armed opponents who those places in Europe where free rural communities successfully defended
nevertheless succumb to the well-placed dart or spear.32 "Sometimes the their claims to freedom, often by resort to arms. In privileged valleys such as
spears of peasants can harm a knight," the author remarks.33 Andorra, rural inhabitants were able to preserve a substantial measure of self­
Other voices warned of the limits of oppressive conduct. The thirteenth­ government and free status amidst seigneurial power. These communities
century poet known as Der Stricker wrote a short animal-metaphor story were vividly aware of their unusual good fortune. Explanations of such anom­
about a place (the "Gau," meaning simply "district") inhabited by chickens alous self-government referred to a combination of geographical determinism
(die Gauhuhnern), where knights tried repeatedly but unsuccessfully to build (isolation or mountain liberties), and the ability to fight off seigneurial incur­
castles. They were constantly defeated by the forces of nature, but also by the sions. In elaborating foundational myths or celebrating victories against the
legitimate authority of the ruler (the Landesherr). In warning of the conse­ nobles, free rural communities exalted their exceptional fortune while accept­
quences of erecting fortifications to exploit the countryside, the author refers ing the conventional linkage of bravery with liberty.
to the power of peasants who know how to destroy castles no matter how In Andorra there was no heroic struggle with a seigneurial outsider that
strongly protected they may be. The inhabitants of "Kirchelinge" (Kirling, in defined the moment of liberty and its meaning-no William Tell. The liber­
Austria near Klosterneuburg) have already demonstrated this. Rustic anger ties of Andorra emerged gradually.37 The principality was formed from six
(zorn) is not that of a rebellious or disorderly mass but of a formidable and parishes in and adjoining the valley of the Valira River.38 Referred to both as
reasonable populace.34 the "Valley of Andorra'' and the "Valleys of Andorra," the territory was able
In Catalonia peasant militias were formed by King James I in 1258 to to prolong the relatively free structure of land tenure that characterized Cat­
combat disorder. This legislation grew out of the royal Peace ordinances and alonia in the tenth century.39 Although elsewhere seigneurial regimes were
the privilege given to Barcelona to enforce it. Throughout the fourteenth cen­ able to impose heavier and more arbitrary obligations on rural tenants after
tury these police forces, which were especially active in the rural territory sur­ 1050, the Andorrans were able to preserve a measure of autonomy and repre­
rounding Barcelona, earned the condemnation of nobles. They saw the peas­ sentation that were eroded in most parts of Catalonia.4° From 1278 to the pre­
ants, with some justice, as mobilized against their interests, for the militias sent Andorra has been a coprincipality shared by the bishops of Urgell and
were empowered to arrest, and to enter and even destroy fortified places. At a the counts of Foix (the latter succeeded by the king of France near the end of
parliament that met at Perpignan in the mid-fourteenth century, a noble the sixteenth century, and the king succeeded in turn by the subsequent
spokesman referred to the legislation permitting such militias as a "wicked heads of the French state). Andorra was able to play its co-lords off against
and terrible practice or law . . . contrary to God, the lord king, and good cus­ each other, but its curious survival through an era in which small privileged
toms." He described the militias as "a riot of peasants who have neither rea­ communities were absorbed by nation states was due also to the difficulty of
son, sense, nor understanding of what they do."35 breaking up a shared jurisdiction. Above all, the Andorrans were able to con­
The failure of lords to uphold the obligations incumbent on th¢ir order vert what were originally arrangements to exploit them into effective charters
led to retribution from the peasants. A popular poem of the fifteenth century of privileged liberty.
reflects currents of peasant as well as elite opinion, condemning the nobles This does not mean that Andorra was free from exactions or the profits
for failure to protect the poor and threatening them with death at the hands from lordship. Particularly in the late Middle Ages, the counts of Foix and
of the peasants: "The nobility should protect the poor, as is its duty. But the bishops of Urgell obtained considerable revenue from justice, tithes, rents on
Peasant Agency, Peasant Humanity 186 Peasant W'arriors, Peasant Liberties 187

land, and various aids and customary tributes in money and kind. 41 Andorra's count with regard to Andorra to something more than a military subordinate.
privileged status consisted of recognition as a political entity, a measure oflo­ Before 1278 the bishops had been clearly the lords ofAndorra, while their sec­
cal government through a representative council of prominent men, specific ular partners were obedient or rebellious vassals. The pariatges gave equal sta­
rights regarding the pasturing of livestock, and exemption from the most de­ tus to the representatives of each lord in the levying of tributes and the ad­
grading seigneurial dues.42 ministration of justice, so that, in effect, the two powers were co-princes, a ti­
Originally subject to the counts of Urgell, Andorra became much more tle they would adopt officially later.
closely tied to secular lordship of the bishops ofUrgell from the late tenth to The first pariatge recognized that Andorrans were exempt from seigneur­
the early twelfth centuries as the ambitions of the count turned toward the ial taxes on marriage and inheritance (cugucia, intestia, and exorquia), which
south. The bishop consolidated his power over the valleys by means of dona- had become indices ofservile status in Catalonia. But the pariatges did not at
tions and the exercise of military and judicial authority. The noble family of the moment of their enactment establish an extraordinary degree of liberty or
Caboet reinforced the sway of the bishops of Urgell in the early eleventh to the peculiar status that Andorra would enjoy in later centuries. The pariatges
late twelfth centuries by providing military support in return for a share of were intended as a means ofsharing the profitable exploitation of the valleys,
Andorra's revenues. The Caboet performed homage to the bishops for their not as charters of exemption. By the late Middle Ages Andorra clearly en­
jurisdictional and fiscal privileges. The extinction of the male line of Caboet joyed privileged communal identity that was unusual if not yet unique, but
and the marriage of Arnaldeta de Caboet to Arnau de Castellbo in n85 it was never a peasant republic completely free ofexternal lordship in the way
brought the more powerful and less deferential viscounts of Castellbo into ri­ that Dithmarschen or certain Swiss communities could claim.
valry with the bishops for control over various territories in the diocese of Its reputation in modern times as a haven of happy, archaic liberty was
Urgell, including Andorra. The Castellbo were in turn merged into the comi­ due to the ability of the Andorrans to turn the two pariatges into effective
tal family of Foix in 1226. The counts of Foix waged several wars with the constitutional documents. This was possible because the two lords could be
bishops ofUrgell over Andorra during the thirteenth century and refused to played off against each other, but also because by the fourteenth century An­
perform any meaningful homage for tributes they levied in the valleys. dorra was recognized as exceptional within the Pyrenees, which at one time
The Andorrans profited from their ability to maneuver among rival lords. had many free communities. In the eleventh and twelfth centuries, and even
Already by the late twelfth century they had obtained recognition as a com­ at the ·time of the pariatges, Andorra was not so unusual. Other Pyrenean sub­
munity capable of negotiating with the bishops of Urgell. They acknowl­ regions, such as the Vall d'Aran and the Vall de Querol, enjoyed exemptions
edged episcopal rights to tithes, military service, and justice, but they asserted from various comital or seigneurial levies. 46 Mountain villages, such as
their agency and their legal standing in one agreement (of II76) that was Bescaran in the diocese ofUrgell, held charters from the counts of Barcelona
signed by every male head of household in Andorra, some 383 in all. 43 The and for a time could repel seigneurial demands such as the military service
struggle between the counts of Foix and bishops ofUrgell was finally resolved claimed by the bishop ofUrgell in 1085. Ten years later, the men of Bescaran
in 1278 and 1288 by arbitration in two agreements known as pariatges. 44 The had to place themselves under the bishop's "protection" but reasserted their
treaties provided for the sharing of lordship. This was not a partition but a status as homines liberi, although a document of 1097 shows them paying the
joint exercise of seigneurial jurisdiction (communiter et simul or communiter servile dues in cases of death without direct heirs (exorquia) and cases of fe­
et indivisio), something not unknown in Foix and other lands on the northern male adultery (cugucia). 47
side of the Pyrenees, where similar agreements were made between nobles The exceptional nature of Andorra's status began to become clear in the
and various ecclesiastical entities from the eleventh to fourteenth centuries. 45 century after the pariatges, when it was declared not to belong to any of the
The bishop and count agreed to alternate year by year in collecting the gen­ territorial or seigneurial powers of the region but to be ruled indivisibly by
eral tribute oflordship (the questa). They both retained rights to summon the representatives of the co-princes. 48 The Andorrans managed to deflect at­
men ofAndorra to military service, but not against each other. The count ob­ tempts of the kings of Aragon and the Catalan estates in the late fourteenth
tained a larger share of profits from the exercise of justice, while the bishop and fifteenth centuries to tax or annex them. 49 In the fourteenth century the
obtained the tithes and other ecclesiastical dues. The count acknowledged men of Andorra obtained recognition of their rights to defend themselves
holding his rights from the bishop, but the pariatges elevated the status ofthe with weapons, appeared as litigants in matters involving pasture rights, and
Peasant Agency, Peasant Humanity 188 Peasant i\larriors, Peasant Liberties 189
remonstrated with the co-princes concerning the administration of their he legitimated servitude. No claim was made that the Andorrans served
land.50 The pariatges were successfully used to resist annexation by territorial Charlemagne with extraordinary distinction.Their privileges were those of
states and changes in the system of local levies and administration of justice. early settlers, able certainly to defend their land, but not soldiers in the van­
These limited but significant rights would come to be regarded as a puzzling guard of reconquest. According to a popular etymology, the name Andorra
anomaly, a curious survival, or a minor miracle during the ancien regime and was bestowed by Charlemagne in reference to the biblical Valley of Endor,
in modern times.By the eighteenth century, when Andorra's official custom­ where the Medianites were defeated; no heroic battle is specifically recalled or
ary and administrative law treatise was drawn up, its author, Antoni Fiter, invented.57
could attribute to a special providential dispensation the preservation of "a Another relatively modern notion used to explain the peculiar liberty of
holy and honest liberty which is the envy and admiration of all nations that Andorra was its alleged geographical isolation and the resulting fortunate ig­
know of it."51 norance of outsiders. In Catalonia it is still common to indicate that some­
The privileged status of Andorra was underscored by the successful claim one has traveled widely by saying "he has been to the Mint [Venice], Mecca,
to neutrality.The first pariatge forbade the men of Andorra to take sides in and the Valley of Andorra."85 Nevertheless Andorra is in fact not all that iso­
the event of a quarrel between their co-princes.In 1515 the Andorrans argued lated and in certain respects was less so in the Middle Ages (when all roads
before the Catalan parliament that this meant they were permanently neutral were difficult) than it is today. The Pyrenees have tended to be a passage
with regard to all conflicts, although in fact, as we have noted, the pariatge al­ rather than a barrier.59
lowed either prince to summon the Andorrans to military service as long as it The idea of mountain liberties is closely related to the difficulty-of-ter­
was not against the other prince.52 Andorra's neutrality would be of crucial rain argument: it would seem self-evidently easier to preserve freedom when
significance to the Manual digest and its supplement, the Politar Andorra. Al­ the land is difficult to invade.Switzerland immediately comes to mind in this
though Switzerland's neutrality was recognized by international law in 1815, connection, but difficulty is not the same thing as isolation (it was the impor­
Andorra has the unofficial (although admittedly impressive) authority con­ tance of the mountain passes rather than remoteness that allowed the Swiss
ferred by centuries without invasion.53 forest cantons to negotiate with princes and emperors). Moreover, isolation
In addition to the pariatges, Andorra claimed Charlemagne as a source of can work both ways. Mountain regions can display what Chris Wickham
its legitimacy.A false privilege of the emperor (probably from the twelfth cen­ refers to as "the Count Dracula model" of oppressive lordship in which lim­
tury) attributes the peopling of the valleys forming Andorra to an effort to ited accessibility allows a local despot unusual opportunities.60 Near Andorra
settle inhabitants in lands wrested from the Moors.Although rights of high lay the valley of Castellbo, which was harshly ruled by violent brigand-like
justice are granted to the count of Barcelona, the inhabitants are allowed to viscounts and which had become terribly impoverished by the sixteenth cen­
elect whatever lord they wish, whose responsibility will be to defend them tury.61 On the other side of the mountains were villages such as Montaillou,
(senior defensor). 54 which was also poor but where serfdom (or really any sort of effective lord­
This document indicates the prestige of Carolingian origins during the ship) was unknown.62 Also in the Pyrenees, one finds peasants in the county
twelfth century, although for Andorra (unlike most of the rest of Europe), of Bigorre firmly subjugated to servile status in close proximity to communi­
Charlemagne would be invoked in modern times more than during the me­ ties such as Salies-de-Bearn, which lacked all formal ties of dependence.63
dieval era.Later authorities pointed to the Charlemagne charter as the basis Andorra was clearly privileged and for reasons traceable neither to
for the equality of all the inhabitants of the valley.55 Charlemagne is invoked Charlemagne nor to geography. In Switzerland one finds a similar combina­
in the Andorran National Hymn, with words by Joan Belloch Vivo, bishop tion of imagery: virtuous poverty, isolation, and mountain liberties.There,
of Urgell (hence co-prince of Andorra) from 1906 to 1918.The anthem be­ however, freedom was conceived in terms of a martial tradition: liberties de­
gins: "Great Charlemagne, my father, freed me from the Arabs....I remain fended by force, a conception that Switzerland is only now abandoning.An­
alone the unique daughter of Charlemagne's empire, believing and free for dorra thought of itself in modern times as privileged by reason of detachment
eleven centuries, believing and free I want to remain."56 from the centers of power and oppression, protected by its co-princes, by its
For Andorra, Charlemagne was the founder of liberty, while for Catalonia pariatges, and by neutral isolation, the "Brigadoon" or "Shangri-la" model,
Peasant Agency, Peasant Humanity 190 Peasant W'arriors, Peasant Liberties 191

quietly opting out of rather than battling oppressive lordship or political an­ the most extensive recent treatment of Tell's career and image began, its au­
nexation. Although in the mid-eighteenth century Fiter could describe An­ thor says, as a joke.71
dorra as the envy of all nations familiar with it, he was not eager to have its Another cliche of Swiss liberty is the argument from geographical deter­
fame spread too widely. minism that equates rugged terrain with freedom. For Switzerland, as for An­
He appended to his legal treatise a list of moral and practical maxims for dorra, the assumption that mountains are difficult to conquer and so encour­
good political conduct. Maxim 26 recommended that peasants be favored by aged liberty does not weather examination. Not only were the actual conflicts
the government, citing the example of the Roman Republic.64 Fiter tellingly over Swiss liberties determined in the woodland and lakeshore of the Mittel­
reinforced the image of a poor but virtuous rusticity by instructing Andor­ land, not in the Alps, but on those occasions when armies (such as Napo­
rans never to boast of wealth or power but always to "preach the poverty and leon's) did invade, the mountains proved, in Christopher Hughes's words,
weakness of the valleys" (which is, he went on to observe, after all true).65 "singularly penetrable."72
Perhaps most revealingly, in his prologue Fiter stipulated that the Manual di­ Switzerland also shares with Andorra (although the former case is much
gest never be printed. It should be available only in manuscript copies kept better known) a reputation for privileged happiness. In the eighteenth cen­
within Andorra to avoid encouraging foreigners to learn how the valleys were tury the Alps suddenly seemed beautiful, but the people were still regarded as
governed.66 wretched. Beginning in the romantic era, the good fortune of the Swiss was
Only very recently, in 1993, did Andorra alter its status by adopting a related to landscape. Switzerland's exemption from war in recent centuries af­
constitution allowing it to claim sovereignty in accord with international forded it additional and unusual luck. In the twentieth century wealth was
law.67 The co-princes remain the official heads of state, but Andorra is fully added to this agreeable picture.
independent, is represented in the United Nations and so has shed at least Nevertheless, even for the earlier period, when Switzerland was poor,
some of its Ruritanian aura. The peculiar continuity of Andorra, its reputa­ when the mountains were regarded as horrifying, when in addition the Swiss
tion as a vestige of a feudal agreement, has now ended. were famous soldiers, they were deemed privileged, not because of wealth,
beauty of landscape, or peace, but because of their unusual liberty. This too is
not quite all that it seems, since to speak of Switzerland as if it were at all a
The most famous territory of liberty protected by military skill is Switzerland. consistent, unified polity before 1815 is inaccurate. The Swiss Confederation
In an embittered look at what he took to be the Swiss habit of complacent included what may be considered free communities of shepherds and other
neutrality, Max Frisch chose the name Andorra for a play about Switzerland's herdsmen (the original Forest Cantons or Appenzell), but also oligarchical
indifference toward refugees from the Nazis.68 Despite certain similarities to cities and seigneurial regions. What is now Switzerland would produce a folk
Andorra, Switzerland during the medieval and early modern period was more literature celebrating triumphs over princes, but also some of the bitterest at­
violent and heroic than the quietly neutral principality. Switzerland's contem­ tacks on the peasantry, such as those written by Felix Hemmerli, of Zurich,
porary reputation for peaceful standoffishness, reinforced by its fortunate eva­ or Heinrich Wittenwiler, who came from Toggenburg.
sion of the world wars, is not in fact sanctified by extremely long usage-its By the late Middle Ages, the valleys and forests that had obtained de
neutrality was recognized three centuries after Andorra's (albeit by a more of­ facto rights by reason of their strategic position controlling access to moun­
ficial international body). Moreover, until very recently, Switzerland guarded tain passes had defended those rights in battle and were regarded (by friends,
its neutrality not through passive obscurity but by universal conscription. and enemies, and themselves) as free, which might mean without lords, or (to
a sophisticated military defense.69 their enemies) without law.73 They appeared to be exemplars of equality, and,
Switzerland generated cycles of myths of mountain liberties that were so not completely accurately, of peasant equality. According to an anti-Swiss
well disseminated, through such works as Schiller's Wilhelm Tel4 as to have poem written by Heinrich Behel during the Swabian War (1499), the Swiss
become national, even commercial cliches. A logo for products made in wanted to live free of all lordship. They refused to serve as anyone's serf
Switzerland is the crossbow of William Tell. The statue of Tell and his son, (knecht), and wanted to be their own masters.74
which was erected at Uri in 1895, has been copied in everything from decora­ In the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries the Swiss (at least those in
tive handkerchiefs to advertisements.70 So hackneyed is the Tell legend that the rural cantons) saw themselves as representatives of peasant virtue against
Peasant Agency, Peasant Humanity 192 Peasant \rarriors, Peasant Liberties 193

the nobles.75 Songs, plays, and other political propaganda-constituting what Say no more, Tell, you must do it,
Guy Marchal has dubbed the "Peasants' Answer"-praised the heroism of the For you shall have no mercy from me!
Swiss resistance to the lords who sought to conquer them. These works I desire my revenge from you peasants,
should not he taken literally or ingenuously as the voices of the peasantry, and Even if it breaks your hearts.81
their context is often as much the defense of urban as of rural privileges.76 After Tell successfully shot the apple off his son's head, Gessler asked him
Nevertheless, however artful and removed from genuine "folk" discourse, the why he had held two arrows in his hand. Tell boldly answered that had his
dramatic, musical, and poetic celebrations of Swiss victories invoke the image first shot missed the apple or hit his son, he would have aimed his second
of the pious peasant and put in the mouths of their adversaries great con­ shot at Gessler. This arrogation of chivalric rights of revenge enraged Gessler,
tempt for these insolent opponents of lordship and seigneurial domination. and he ordered that Tell be shut up in a dungeon. Tell escaped from the boat
The Swiss self-image combined piety and local or prow-national patrio­ carrying1 him on Lake Lucerne to captivity. He later assassinated Gessler with
tism with celebration of the common man. The portrayal of William Tell, the a crossbdw while the steward traveled toward his castle at Kiissnacht.
hero of resistance to seigneurial oppression, is the most famous and enduring The Tell legend is not directly related to the establishment of the Con­
legend of the defense of liberty against seigneurial pretension.77 The question federation. The story ends abruptly, and at any rate takes place in 1307, after
of whether Tell existed and who he really was if he did exist is convoluted and the date 1291, which has been elevated by another quasi-historical tradition to
the object of enough controversy to form an industry, albeit in many respects the status of foundational year. The Tell legend is, nevertheless, a response to
a discredited one. The authenticity of the story cannot be "proved" with con­ a symbolic vocabulary of subordination involving cruelty, capriciousness, and
temporary documents. It first appears in the White Book ofSarnen, compiled the arbitrary exercise of power.
in the decade of the 1470s and rediscovered in the nineteenth century.78 Long Another cycle of legendary explanations for the revolt appears along with
before the White Book was unearthed, however, Schiller had made Tell an in­ the accounts of Tell. This is the story of the "Three Swiss," well-off peasants
ternational hero. The earlier popularity of the legend was due to several texts grossly insulted by boorish representatives of the nobility.82 The several atroc­
dating from the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, especially a ballad (Das ities serve to explain and bring together the origins of the mutual oaths sup­
Lied von der Entstehung der Eidgesnossenschaft), whose earliest parts were writ­ posed to have been sworn in 1291 at the field of Riitli. One narrative begins
ten in 1477, and an early-sixteenth-century play, Das Urner Tellspiel. 79 These almost in the manner of an antipastourelle. A lower-ranking Habsburg func­
were the most important sources for what would prove to be the classic ac­ tionary riding through the countryside sees a pretty rustic woman alone, her
count by the antiquary Aegidius Tschudi in the mid-sixteenth century.80 husband off working in a nearby forest. The lecherous official orders her to
The Tell story is a constitutional myth in which the grievances of the prepare him a bath and then to share the bath with him. She rushes outside
people of the original cantons were mobilized by an act of insolence, cruelty, just as her husband is returning, and he avenges the insult by killing the sur­
and symbolic subjugation imposed by the Hapsburgs. Gessler, the Hapsburg prised functionary. They flee to safety inUri but strangely disappear from the
administrator for Uri and Schwyz, set up a hat in a prominent spot in the rest of the history. 83
marketplace at Altdorf and required all who passed it to bow. Tell did not so In another instance, two peasants ofUnterwalden have their oxen seized,
much refuse the obeisance as simply not perform it, and when interrogated and the father has his eyes gouged out because the son has the effrontery to
by Gessler, he politely (but implausibly) attributed the lapse to forgetfulness. resist the seizure. The son takes refuge in Uri. Another conspirator is a well­
By way of punishment, Tell, a noted marksman, was compelled to undergo off peasant of Schwyz who owns a stone house, which the steward Gessler,
the mock-chivalric ordeal of shooting an apple off his son's head with a cross­ regarding such property as inappropriate for a rustic, takes from him (or
bow. If he missed altogether, he would be put to death, but of course if he threatens to take in some versions). This peasant, too, departs.for Uri, where
aimed carefully, he nevertheless risked killing his son. Gessler's punishment he meets the young man whose oxen were taken and a native of Uri who is
combined danger with the same element of comic humiliation implied by the the third founder (thus one native of each of the founding cantons is in­
setting up of the cap in the first place. Both were meant as graphic reminders cluded). They swear an oath at the field of Riitli and start the insurrection
of who was the ruler and who the object of arbitrary control, or more perti­ that will lead to the recognition of the liberties of the cantons while retaining
nently, who the peasant. In the Urner Tellspiel Gessler exclaims: their ties to the Holy Roman Empire. No date is supplied by the White Book.
Peasant Agency, Peasant Humanity 194 Peasant "Warriors, Peasant Liberties 195

Tschudi placed the oath in 1307, but it would be moved back to the conse­ Switzerland in German-speaking lands was esteemed as the model of liberty
crated date of 1291 when the document that established the Confederation for the common man and the defense of freedom by force. The Swiss became
was found. the object of scornful but apprehensive hatred on the part of urban and aris­
The legend of the Three Swiss shares certain attributes with other foun­ tocratic observers. For Felix Hemmerli in the mid-fifteenth century, the Swiss
dational stories involving avenging of humiliation. The late-twelfth-century embodied all the vices his exceptionally/'1ituperative imagination could apply
Gesta comitum Barcinonensium traced the independence of Catalonia from to peasants generally. They are not exactly peasants, since they herd animals
the Franks to the murder of the father of the dynastic founder, Guifre "the rather than cultivate land, but insofar as "rustic" connotes gross and uncouth
Hairy." 84 character, they are indeed rustics (rusticus a ruditate). HemmerIi was forced
The Swiss founders, however, are non-noble (Tell) or well-off peasants. to admit, however, that they were savagely effective soldiers. They were impi­
(the Three Swiss). The indignities that they avenge are what might be consid­ ous, treacherous, evil, and not so much men as monsters.88 According to
ered classic seigneurial abuses: sexual intimidation, arbitrary confiscation, Hemmerli the Swiss are descendants of the Saxons defeated by Charlemagne,
physical violence. The Swiss heroes are punished for their independence or who settled the wildest men of that nation to guard the Alpine passes. For a
for possessing something regarded as fair game by their oppressors. The peas­ time they were faithful warriors, willing to sacrifice sweat and blood to defend
ant with the stone house is most dearly violating the limits of his status. the honor of the emperor, hence "Swiss" (Schwitzer) from "sweat" (schwitzen)
For our purposes it is not necessary to argue that these legends contain a and the red background to their flag.89 This is a variation on the themes of
core of historically authentic material, nor that the medieval Swiss Confeder­ liberty, bravery, and the origins of nations we have discussed above. Now,
ation was in some constitutional sense a "peasant state." What we are con­ however, the Swiss peasants have become rebels against Church and empire,
cerned with is an image of the liberty of rural common people, their resis­ thoroughly bestial, their savagery exemplified by their sexual prodivities.90
tance to symbolic oppression by seigneurial authority, and some degree of jus­ For most hostile observers the Swiss were symbols of a more dangerous
tification and self-celebration. sort: they epitomized lordlessness. The Swiss are disobedient peasants, ac­
The legends were extremely flexible. Tell appeared on the one hand as the cording to the above-mentioned poem from the Swabian War (1499).91 Their
upstanding protofounder of the state and on the other as a revolutionary pro­ desire to live free defies God and His governance of the earth; like the Turks
tector of the common man. By the late fifteenth century his name was in­ they are enemies of Christendom.92 In his edict of April 1499 (which effec­
voked by peasant rebels in Germany, as at Niklashausen in 1476 and during tively launched the Swabian War), Emperor Maximilian I vilified the Swiss as
the several Bundshuh uprisings (1442-1517). The famous treatise on witch­ crude, lowborn, un-Christian peasants whose rebellious impiety threatened
craft, the Malleus maleficarum, depicts Tell as a male witch, the diabolical in­ the survival of the German nation.93 Fear of lordless subversion and infidelity
spirator of rebellious peasants.85 were stimulated by the apparent military competence of the Swiss peasantry.
The Swiss celebrated their courage and the defeat of their aristocratic op­ At the turn of the sixteenth century South Germany was seized with a
ponents in a variety of genres. Popular songs (Kampftieder) that proliferated fever of expectation that the Swiss example would lead to the end of nobles'
in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries extolled the victories of the rural domination. The Swiss came to represent not merely anomalous freedom but
cantons. While they are not battle songs in the sense of being spontaneous a contagious inspiration, fomenting the potential ability of peasants or towns­
compositions on the occasions of such triumphs as Morgarten (1315) or Nancy men to arm themselves against the nobles.94 Their desire to defend their lib­
(1477), they reflect, even in their artifice, the attributes of piety, courage, and erty had become a perilous ambition to free all peasants from lordship. A
skill claimed by the Swiss. The noble and pious peasant soldiers appear as chronicler of the Carinthian peasant uprising of 1478 attributed the rebellion
fearless, valiant, stalwart, and determined to defend themselves to the death to the desire of the peasants to imitate "faithless Swiss customs."95 The Swa­
against all who would seek to subdue them.86 & Marchal has pointed out, bian War song cited above puts in the mouth of the Swiss the ambition to es­
the songs respond to learned as well as vernacular denunciations of the Swiss. tablish a worldwide insurrection (buntschuh) so that everyone might be free.96
The attacks of Hemmerli and Jakob Wimpfeling, although written in Latin, Peasants of neighboring regions, in the words of a song of 1525, "tried to learn
were well known and infuriating to peasants.87 evil tricks from the Swiss and become their own lords." 97
In the century leading up to the great rebellion of 1525, the image of The Swiss themselves turned their reputation for lordlessness to their own
Peasant Agen� Peasant Humanity 196 Peasant 'Warriors, Peasant Liberties 197

honor. In Das Spiel von den a/ten und Jungen Eidgenossen, written in 1514, the Repeatedly the Swiss apostrophize themselves in war songs as "You pious
baseness of the nobles and the heroism of the Swiss have inverted the social Eidgenossen," (rather than as "You Swiss"), invincible if they continue to obey
order: "the nobles have become peasants and the peasants nobles." This is not God.106 The conviction that they are God's people emerges in celebratory
a disordered social upheaval but a reflection of intrinsic moral character: "the songs such as one for the victory at Murten in 1476 in which the Swiss are
Swiss are the true nobles: it is their virtue, above all, which gives them nobil­ likened to the children of Israel crossing the Red Sea, having bested their no­
ity."98 The oppressed peasants of southern Germany admire the Swiss and ble and seemingly more powerful enemies.107 The proof of God's particular
long to emulate them: love for the Swiss is their victory in battle; thus piety and bravery are joined,
exalting peasants and herdsmen in a manner perfectly compatible with the
It would be better to be killed outright aristocratic equation of Christian rectitude proven and defended by force.
than to wear such a heavy yoke,
A long composition commemorating the victory of the Forest Cantons
Therefore you [Swiss] are the happiest of peoples
and Lucerne against the Hapsburgs at Sempach in 1386 touches a series of
that live in these days.
And if you don't want any lords, heroic themes associating valor, piety, and the defense of peasant liberties.
watch out now, and never stop. 99 The song probably dates from the early sixteenth century and emphasizes
not only the courage of the Confederation but also the Austrians' misplaced
It was in this era that Swiss mercenary companies were celebrated for confidence that they could easily quell these peasants. Duke Leopold, who
their victories against Burgundy and for bravery in the Italian wars. The cor­ lost his life at Sempach, is mocked for his rashness in trying to subdue the
relation of liberty with military prowess is explicit in a revolutionary pam­ peasants:
phlet of 1525, An die Versammlung gemayner Bauerschaft, which praises the
Swiss who fight and usually win because they struggle to protect their land, Duke Leopold of Austria was quite a bold man,
he didn't follow good advice,
families, and freedom.100 The author adopts a popular rhyming motto: "Wer
he wanted to fight with the peasants,
meret Schwytz? Der herren geytz!" (What makes the Swiss grow? The lords'
he ventured forth in princely fashion
greed!)101 "Swiss" meant the throwing off of noble exploitation and the for­ but when he came upon the peasants,
mation of a unified political community that would withstand, with arms, he met his death. 108
seigneurial attempts to take back control.102
Anti-Swiss songs elaborated the theme of the heretical or un-Christian The enemy underestimates the Swiss, thinking to compel them to accept
nature of this rebellious people. An Austrian song of 1443 (at the time of the lordship.109 Overconfidence resoundingly chastised is a common theme of
Zurich War between an alliance of towns and the Hapsburgs against the these songs, which depict mockery against the "rascally peasants" turning to
Confederation) calls upon God, His angels, and the saints for aid against lamentation as nobles and their mercenaries suffer defeat at the hands of the
"such infamous people," whose success is an insult to Christianity.103 The pious Eidgenossen. 110 In a Kampftied from the mid-fifteenth century, the no­
Swiss responded to specific antipeasant compositions by their enemies; thus a bles promise to subjugate the unruly Swiss as their serfs, but after the Swiss
Kampftiedin praise of the Swiss allies (Eidgenossen), also from 1443, answered show their skill and courage, the nobles turn fearful, lamenting:
an Austrian song that had denounced them as pagans and Turks.104 In this The Common Man can't be beaten,
song, as elsewhere, the Swiss describe themselves as fromen Eidgenossen, pious For the Swiss take no prisoners.
members of the common union. Although their enemies called them Therefore, let's get out of here,
"Schwiz," after the name of one of the original cantons of the Confederation, For they are wild with anger
the Swiss considered themselves part of a brotherhood united by a common And will murder and despoil
oath of mutual defense. Eidgenossenschaft carried the meaning of being with­ The nobles on the spot.111
out a lord (which by the late fifteenth century also was implied by
The Swiss oppose the "princes, knights, and nobles" with strong hearts
"Swiss").105 This was the reproach of their enemies but also a source of pride
and virile skill, but this they receive through God's approval and their piety.
and identity.
Peasant Agen� Peasant Humanity 198 Peasant Warriors, Peasant Liberties 199

The Swiss pray before the battle, invoking Christ's sacrificial blood, which extinguished by the aftermath of the German Peasants' War of 1525 and the
saved sinners so that it might protect the land and its people.112 The fact that eclipse of the Swiss armies during the Hapsburg-Valois wars. The Confedera­
the Swiss had been consistently able to fight off seemingly superior enemies tion and its allies were not harmed, but their prospects for exporting commu­
was proof of God's favor, as was constantly repeated in political addresses and nal ideas to Swabia, Alsace, and Baden were unrealized, and subsequently
popular literature. 113 they were content to minimize their symbolic role as advocates of peasant
Festival plays were another form by which the virtues of the Swiss were freedom.116
announced. They constituted a riposte to the German fashion for low come­ DITHMARSCHEN
dies about peasant stupidity, ugliness, and vulgarity (especially Carnival
plays). In the Spiel von den alten und jungen Eidgenossen of 1514, not only are The marshes of Friesland (in the Netherlands), as well as the northeastern
nobles denounced for their rapacity, but the true nobility of the Swiss peas­ corner of Germany and southern Denmark, formed another region of peasant
ants is said to be proven by their feats of arms, as at the Battle of Novara the liberty against seigneurial power. As already noted, in 1240 Bartholomaeus
previous year. God has willed that the peasants should become nobles and the Anglicus remarked on the exceptional freedom of the inhabitants of Frisia,
nobles peasants, for the Swiss are God's chosen people, as proven by their who appeared to live without lords.117 Just east of Frisia and slightly north
success in battle. It is the Swiss who form the true nobility, by reason of their along the North Sea coast, at Stedingen, peasants revolted against the arch­
piety and valor.114 Here the peasants defend their right to liberty and attack bishop of Bremen and the count of Oldenburg beginning in 1200.118 They re­
the failure of the nobles to live up to their calling. The nobility has perverted fused to pay oppressive dues (tributa) and, according to the Rasted Chronicle,
the social order by plundering rather than defending the common good. In sought to defend their "liberty'' against all claims of lordship. They were
response to accusations by Hemmerli and others that the peasants have over­ eventually subjugated but only with great difficulty. It required the proclama­
turned the mutual service of the traditional hierarchy, the Swiss invoke a tion of a crusade against these "heretics" by Gregory IX to bring an end to
theme we shall see recurring at the dose of the Middle Ages:· the justification their decades of successful resistance. The Stedingen peasants were decisively
of revolt or of peasant liberty by reference to a combination of piety and defeated at the Battle of Altenesch in 1234.
bravery against a military aristocracy accused of abandoning its function. An­ Among the indirect beneficiaries of this war was a federation of indepen­
other Kampflied from 1495, the time of the Swabian Wars, nicely sums up the dent peasant communities in another small marshy territory, Dithmarschen
dichotomy of noble dereliction and Swiss righteousness. Addressing the no­ in Holstein. Lying slightly north of Stedingen, Dithmarschen was protected
bles, the author, a certain "Brother Hans," castigates them for their effort to by the Danes against the ambitions of the counts of Holstein and others who
subjugate the "pious noble peasants" of Switzerland. It is disgraceful that the had expanded in the wake of the Wendish Crusade of n47. The Dith­
princes have abandoned their responsibility to protect Christendom against marschen peasants abandoned the alliance with the Danes and so profited
the Turks while they are shedding Christian blood in Swiss lands.115 from the military setback suffered by Denmark's King Waldemar in 1227 at
Thus in praising themselves in the face of the fear and contempt of the hands of the city of Lubeck, the counts of Holstein and Schwerin, and
seigneurial Germany, the Swiss emphasized their skill at arms; their unex­ the archbishop of Bremen. Their autonomy under the lordship of the arch­
pected success must show God's favor. Piety and valor were conventionally al­ bishop of Bremen was acknowledged in the aftermath of the Danish War.
lied, but applied to the common man rather than the knights. The peasant Dithmarschen supported the crusade against the Stedinger and found its
spokesmen reflect a different sort of valor (a communal defense of land and nominal subordination to the archbishops convenient during the thirteenth
liberty rather than individual pride), but partake of assumptions similar to century. The power of family clans grew at the expense of the lesser nobility,
those of the nobles concerning piety: that it is a virtue proven in battle, not and the Dithmarschen peasants formed capable military forces that could de­
the product of meekness or acceptance. Such an understanding of piety re­ feat mounted knights on the swampy terrain of their homeland.119
sponds not only to the seigneurial contempt for the unmilitary peasant but The extended families of Dithmarschen established a confederation that
to the sermons and didactic literature that counsel passivity and obedience. would be defended against the claims of the counts of Schleswig and Hol­
The combination of heroism and defense of peasant liberties would be largely stein beginning in the early fourteenth century and the kings of Denmark in
Peasant Agency, Peasant Humanity 200 Peasant "Warriors, Peasant Liberties 201

the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries.In 1559 the Danes at last suc­ Another poem boasts that many a proud nobleman lost his life in the
cessfully invaded Dithmarschen, defeating the peasants and massacring the battle.126
inhabitants of the capital,Meldorp,whereupon Dithmarschen was annexed Other poems join bravery to piety, God's favor,and the overconfidence
to Denmark. of their noble enemies,in a fashion again reminiscent of the Swiss examples.
Dithmarschen was, therefore, a free peasant community from the late The Danish army boasted before the battle that they would kill all the peas­
thirteenth century until 1559,aware of itself as an anomaly and with a strong ants, while the Dithmarschers prayed to the Virgin, promising to build a
political cohesion born of military necessity. Dithmarschen litigated,signed church in her honor if they should gain victory.The Danish forces recoiled
treaties, and concluded agreements with Denmark, Holstein, and other from the crucifix carried by the Dithmarschen army, and in a brief hour,
neighboring powers.120 It also successfully defended itself in battle. seven thousand of the Garde (Danish troops) fell in battle: 'This is what God
A number of songs have survived that commemorate the Dithmarschers' did by means of the Dithmarschen peasants!"127 The crucifix cheered the men
surprising victories over the noble forces that came against them.,Two battles of Dithmarschen on to slay as many Danes,Holsteiners,and Frisians (from
were especially important as proof of the heroism of the peasant soldiers of the opposing army) as possible.Claims of miraculous intervention show how
Dithmarschen.In 1404,after repeated efforts,the men of Dithmarschen cap­ exceptional peasant freedom and military victory was.The first of the poems
tured the Marienburg,a castle belonging to the counts of Schleswig at Del­ in Neocorus's collection calls the defeat of lords trying to destroy the com­
brilgge, near Meldorp. A war song probably intended to inspire the Dith­ mon man (Iderman) a "wonder." The peasants' victory is made possible
marschers to attack after an initial defeat commemorates a certain Rolf through piety and fearlessness.128
Boikensohn,"the best in our land," who had fallen in the siege. Addressing In another poem,the Virgin Mary is again invoked as the protector of the
his people, Rolf exhorts them ("you proud Dithmarschers ") to destroy the common people (armen Volkes). If the cause of the Dithmarschen peasants is
castle: "what hands have built,hands can destroy." The men of Dithmarschen unjust,they should die,but if they have right on their side,they will triumph
answer that they are willing to die before submitting to the count of Hol­ through her patronage.129 Their Danish enemies boast that they will slay the
stein.121 The castle fell on Saint Oswald's Day (August 4), which was to be peasants like dogs,but the princes forget Christ's sacrifice.Rather than mock­
observed as a holiday according to the Landrecht of Dithmarschen enacted in ing the saints and seeking to subjugate the men of Dithmarschen, they
should fight the infidels; "so says now the common man."13° Fear of God and
With the death of the last Schauenberg counts of Holstein, Denmark fearlessness before the enemy are thus joined.
would become the chief opponent of Dithmarschen's peculiar liberty. An­ Neocorus also reports a speech supposedly given on the eve of the Battle
other victory fraught with both tactical and symbolic significance was won of Hemmingstedt in which bravery,specifically willingness to face death,was
against the Danish King John at Hemmingstedt on Saint Valentine's Day, extolled as the price of freedom (here quite clearly opposed to the servitude
1500.123 Hemmingstedt would be celebrated in nineteenth- and twentieth­ that the Danes sought to impose): "If we had to die a thousand deaths,even
century German literature: a ballad by Theodor Fontane,for example,and a without winning eternal fame, we should do it for the sake of our father­
novel by the anti-Semitic nationalist journalist and literary historian Adolf land....Even those who are born serfs long to be free.Are we,who are born
Bartels.124 Several contemporary poems about the war against Denmark and free,to subject ourselves to servitude without resisting?"131 In Dithmarschen
the Battle of Hemmingstedt were collected by the antiquary Johann Adolfi as in Switzerland, the freedom of a community of peasants was associated
(known as "Neocorus "), who died in about 1630. The last lines of one of with military ability and piety.The success of the free peasants against those
these poems warn against underestimating the strength of the peasants of who would subjugate them was recognized as exceptional,and attributed to
Dithmarschen,in a tone similar to that used by the Swiss with reference to courage and divine favor.
Leopold's defeat at Sempach:
Whoever comes against Dithmarschen
Had better come well-armed. Peasants were capable of waging war,even before the advent of the Swiss and
Shouldn't Dithmarschen belong to the peasants? other formidable late-medieval infantry companies.The conventions of social
Surely they should be considered lords. 125 description might portray peasants as militarily helpless,but they came to be
Peasant Agency, Peasant Humanity 202 Peasant �rriors, Peasant Liberties 203

regarded as dangerous beginning in the fourteenth century. It was also at this in a corrupt world (corrupted especially in its clerical and noble estates).
time, as we have seen, that the self.)mage of free rural communities focused Their closeness to God was indicated not by acceptance of suffering but by
on martial and religious virtue in the defense of autonomy. victory in battle. But the opposing image, that of the piously enduring peas­
Images of peasant bravery inverted and answered chivalric themes. The ant, reflected quite a different belief, namely, that God favored the peasant
very fact that peasants defeated knights reversed what was supposed to be a only if the peasant accepted his lot. The following chapter looks at the image
military commonplace, namely the superiority of mounted warriors. Victo­ of the humbly suffering peasant, the patient emblem of Christian meekness,
ries against Hapsburgs or Danes proved divine favor not only because God Jerome's sancta rusticitas, as glossed by the Middle Ages. In the concluding
grants victory to whom he chooses in general, but because the peasants' tri­ chapter I will discuss how these two essentially opposed images might com­
umphs were "wonders." The heroic portrayal of peasant armies served also as bine in specific peasant uprisings of the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries.
a response to seigneurial stereotypes of peasants as militarily incompetent and
the symbolic construction of the peasant as gross embodiment, incapable of
passion, sacrifice, or privation. Finally, the songs and plays served to answer
accusations of infidelity with evidence of peasant piety and divine favor.
In one key respect the heroic images of peasants followed the seigneurial
model rather than contesting it. The Swiss and Dithmarschen peasants ac­
cepted a relationship between bravery and liberty similar to that found in
seigneurial myths of foundation. Peasants in free communities such as Dith­
marschen or the Swiss cantons appropriated this association of liberty with
military heroism. They justified their freedom not by reference to abstract or
even religious arguments, but in the first instance by what must be seen as the
common medieval political assumption that liberty is not inherent or "nat­
ural" but exceptional, the result of force.
Praising war and courage, the peasants of the best-known privileged com­
munities did not offer a completely countervailing theory of liberty or human
equality against the predominant chivalric values. They accepted a linkage
not only between war and freedom but also between physical militancy and
the crusade idea of piety. The victories of the Swiss forces and of the men of
Dithmarschen evidenced God's favor, all the more so in that these victories
were unusual within the context of normal peasant-lord encounters.
One must bear in mind, however, that there were really two basic and op­
posing images of peasant piety: that of the armed peasant who struggles for
an idea of Christian liberty and that of the oppressed rustic laborer who will
be rewarded by God for his quiescent suffering on earth. The former image,
as we have seen in this chapter, reflected an understanding of fundamental
human equality, a commitment to a more local communal struggle to protect
privileged status (freedom from seigneurial domination), and an acceptance
of a link between piety and testing in battle. This image took root particu­
larly in certain peasant communities, especially toward the end of the Middle
Ages, where the natural condition of the peasantry was seen as sanctifying:
they toiled, their labor fed others, they were the redoubt of true Christianity
Pious and Exemplary Peasants 205

Chapter' 9 torical taint hereditarily transmitted. But by their very ingenuity, such argu­
ments recognized that the reason for the degradation of peasants was not self­
evident. After all, not only were peasants the majority population, whose la­
bor, moreover, supported all of society, but they professed Christianity and
Pious and Exemplary Peasants thus had to be acknowledged as in some sense fully human.
I do not mean to suggest that Christianity conferred what would now be
understood as "rights," although something like this idea would lie behind the
Spanish debates of the sixteenth century over the slaughter of the Indians.
Could they be regarded as infidels and so be enslaved or killed if they had
never had a chance to accept or reject Christianity?3 But here rights are rather
basic: reduced to the right to remain alive. What Christianity was thought to
confer, according to at least a segment of medieval opinion, was a certain min­
imal human dignity and, related to that, a certain minimal human freedom.
As the previous chapter has shown, it was possible, in certain instances, to re­ Before examining the implications of Christianity for the humanity of the
gard the peasant as a heroic figure, capable of military pro:"ess_ in defe?se of peasant, I want first to look at some other responses to the dominant images
liberty. Peasants themselves were able to manipulate the ch1valnc _eq�ation of of peasants as stupid, envious, and disorderly.
courage and liberty to rally local communities to de£r thos� �la1m1�g to be
their lords. If one of the key elements of the conventional nd1cule aimed at Clever Peasants
the peasantry was its alleged cowardice and physical and moral unfitness for
war, certain communities of peasants displayed a military competence that The peasant could be credited with a degree of cleverness, not that of literate
defied this typification while accepting the relation among prowess, honor, erudition but a certain practical shrewdness. While the dominant image of
and freedom. the peasant was that he was stupid, it was also possible to regard him as cun­
This chapter examines a number of other means by which the �easant:Y ning, a trait shading more than challenging his supposed ignorance. At times
was exalted, especially the assertion that peasants possessed a special role m the fool and trickster are the same person, and a subordinated person at­
the divine plan, not despite their lowly condition but because of it. We have tempting to deploy his cleverness must appear stupid, to convince his com­
already discussed the background of this tendency: the necessity of peasant placent betters that he is simple and innocent. To be sure, stories of trickery
labor combined with the lack of mutuality rendered the peasant the benefi­ in which the weak turn the tables on more powerful (but thereby less agile)
ciary of the Christian language of reversal. If he was oppressed �n earth, opponents are among the most versatile and prolific forms celebrating indi­
surely God would reward him in heaven, just as God would _p_ums� those rect resistance.4 The Brer Rabbit folktales of the American slaves are well­
who exert terrestrial power (considered at times almost by definmon wicked). known examples of ingenuity triumphing over strength, stories in which the
It is worth recalling Stephen Langton's observation, commenting on Hosea, wily rabbit outwits the fox and the wolf The tales could serve as oblique de­
that the poor will rule in heaven, hence we must befriend them in this life if nunciations of oppression, a "hidden transcript," in James Scott's formula­
we are to be admitted to bliss in the next. The poor, according to Langton,
tion. Yet this defiance did not always have to be completely hidden. The
are elected by grace. wealthy are not quite so unobservant as to be utterly unaware of the opinions
• •
Of particular importance is the status of the peasant as Christian. _As of their servants. There have always been acceptable forms of at least slightly
noted previously, it was one thing to "marginalize" groups that were outside subversive texts not only permitted but enjoyed by the dominant groups. The
the Church, such as Jews, Muslims, or distant mythical races, but quite an­ sanitized but not completely innocuous version of the Brer Rabbit cycle, the
other, more difficult task to construct peasants as subhuman. True, it could Uncle Remus stories, is not wholly divorced from its original inspiration.5
be argued that peasants were essentially lowly or bestial, or t�a� whate�er Those regarded as inferior are often simultaneously credited with a certain
equality might have existed originally had been obscured by a biblical or his- practical cunning. The trickster may lose his dissident status and move from
Peasant Agency, Peasant Humani"ty 206 Pious and Exemplary Peasants 207
inspiration for the oppressed group to amusing rogue whose very need to be reversing relations of power by cunning. A high-stakes contest of weak
so clever serves to reassure a complacent observer. against strong is the subject of "Le vilain qui conquist Paradis par Plait." 16 A
It is difficult to recover authentic peasant tales from the Middle Ages, as nameless peasant dies and his soul sneaks into heaven behind Saint Michael,
opposed to discourse about peasants, and the study of medieval �exts is re­ who is guiding an authorized soul. Saint Peter discovers the trespasser and is
plete with examples of those erroneously regard:d as pure e�press1�ns of the about to expel him, for vilains are not allowed in paradise (a comical rework­
common folk. But our interest is actually more m the cunnmg attributed to ing of the commonplace of heavenly egalitarianism, that there will be no serfs
peasants by those above them in society than in the peasants' own estimation in heaven).17 The stubborn soul argues not only with Peter but wi th Saint
of their acuity. As early as the eleventh-century Latin poem Unibos (com­ Paul and Saint Thomas as well. What has he done to be barred from heaven?
posed probably in the Low Countries before the Gregorian Reform), the Has he denied Christ as Peter did? Has he doubted the resurrection as did
peasant appears as resourceful and shrewd. The comically named Unus Bos Saint Thomas, or persecuted Christians in the manner of Paul before his con­
(i.e., "one ox"), a poor peasant, becomes rich despite the hatred of the three version? They may be saints, but what gives them the right to deny him ad­
village tyrants- the priest, the steward, and the village mayor-whom he mittance? God Himself appears, and the lowly soul presents Him, in effect,
outsmarts.6 with a contractual obligation: in life the rustic had been charitable, and he
More often than as major actor in a story, the vilain figured as a general- died having confessed and received the sacraments; now God should live up
ized repository of folk-wisdom. Chretien's Eric et Enide, for example, opens to His word. The rustic soul is finally let into paradise.
by citing a saying "among the vilainl' that many things are �eld in �ont:mpt The sharp peasant is not always so virtuous. In "Le vilain mire," a wife
t hat are better than commonly thought.7 Lancelot, bemoanmg his imprison­
victimized by her brutal husband plots vengeance by informing the king's
ment by the treacherous Maleagant, cites the supposed rustic commonplace messengers, who are desperately searching for a learned doctor, that her hus­
"it's hard to find a friend."8 In the Romance of Thebes, the peasants are the pu­ band is the wisest of all healers but requires being beaten to admit it.18 He is
ta tive au thors of t he saying that he who makes a sword will find it turned
beaten and then dragged before the king to cure the princess, who has a fish­
against him, a slight modification of Matthew 26:52.9 bone caught in her throat. The quick-witted peasant thinks to dislodge the
• •
Most observat ions attributed to the wisdom of the lowly describe an im­ bone by making the princess laugh, which he manages to do by taking his
perfect world, regarded not with indulgence but �ith a g�im sense o� t�e clothes off and pretending to grill himself in the hearth. His next challenge is
power of misfortune. 10 Marie de France, in Eliduc, cites a say1 ng of the �tlazns to cure several dozen people suffering from a variety of ailments. Figuring
that it is foolish to count on the affection or constancy of ones lord.11 Slightly t ha t the one t hing all surely suffer from is the fear of deat h (for not even
more positive, but still in the nature of advice on surviving in a hostile world, those most gravely ill truly long for deat h), he offers a sinister cure that can
is a rustic teaching found in Wace's Brut: it is sometimes necessary to accept be fabricated if the sickest of the patients agrees to give up his life and be
a modicum of evil in order to prevent greater harm. 12 The virtues of compro­ burned. The ashes are the medicine's vital ingredient, but of course the sick­
mise and flexibility are exemplified as well, in the Anglo-Norman allegorical est patient refuses to sacrifice himself. The rustic has offered a credible solu­
treatise on the reckoning of time, Philip de Thaon's Comput (written m3 or tion t hat cannot be put to the test, hence his skill remains unquestioned.
n19).13 Here we are invited to admire the ingenuity of the peasant without placing
Such attributions of common sense and worldly wisdom to the rustics him on especially high moral ground. Peasants are able to outwit their supe­
are, of course, hardly incompatible with an attitude of quite ordinary con­ riors; in an amoral and exploitative world, they can win at least small victories
tempt. Thus in Wace's Brut and t he Roman de Thebes, the vilain is both by cunning.
source of folk sagacity and emblem of unsuitability for war.14 The thirteenth­ The German peasant character Markolf: popular from the thirteenth cen­
century German author Der Stricker wrote shor t moral tales such as "Der tury but particularly toward the end of the Middle Ages, embodies and com­
Kluge Knecht," in which the peasant is an adroit trickster, and other works bines various strands of attributed cleverness. Markolf is presented as the au­
in which peasants are typically stupid and violent.15 thor of proverbial sayings, as a player of pranks in the Eulenspiegel mode,
Among the fabliaux, which tend to depict rustics as gross, hapless, and and as interlocutor of King Solomon. Markolf is the antithesis of the lordly
foolish, one finds certain stories in which the vilains outsmart their superiors, Solomon, who embodies measure and courtesy. Markolf seems at first to rep-
Peasant Agen� Peasant Humanity 208 Pious and Exemplary Peasants 209

resent a crude foolishness but ultimately typifies practical folk knowledge of occurs in connection with King Alfred and the cakes, a legend first found in
the real world as against the grave, somewhat distant wisdom of the king. 19 the late-tenth-century Vita Sancti Neoti. 23 During the battles against the Dan­
The peasant's wisdom is not the cheerful, life-affirming earthiness of ish invaders, Alfred was said to have spent a few days incognito with a herds­
what might be called the Zorba-the-Greek model. If we look at the collection man and his wife. On one occasion he was berated by the wife for failing to
of poems entitled Li proverbe au vilain, containing observations on the world notice that the bread baking in the oven was burning, an insulting reproach
and its ways, we find a grim, occasionally sardonic opinion of a world set up he bore meekly rather than revealing his true rank. In this brief encounter the
to reward those who are already powerful. 20 Each of the 280 poems, written rustics are not especially virtuous but serve rather as an occasion to demon­
between n74 and n91, consists of six lines followed by a moral. They all con­ strate the king's exemplary kindness and wisdom.
clude with the words "so says the vilain." They contain cynically resigned ad­ More prolonged and emotionally charged contact between worlds takes
vice on how to survive. A few describe the cruelty of oppressive lords, the rare place in Hartmann's Der arme Heinrich, written about n95. The Swabian no­
joy of having a good lord, the foolishness of hoping for something from the ble Heinrich contracts leprosy and learns from the physicians of Salerno that
wealthy. A basic instruction is that to be poor is unfortunate while to be rich the only cure for the disease is the heart's blood ofa maiden willing to die for
is to be happy: him (an example of medication by self-sacrifice more serious than that in "Le
Vilain Mire"). 24 Abandoning hope, Heinrich goes to live in a forest clearing,
A poor man labors all the time,
taking refuge with a free peasant tenant (whom Heinrich, in his happier days,
He thinks, works, and weeps,
had the goodness and foresight to treat well). The peasant, a model of indus­
He never laughs heartily;
The rich man laughs and sings, try and humble contentment, has an eight-year-old daughter. She is of noble
He boasts of many things, bearing and extremely fond of Heinrich, and he of her. In three years, as his
He is not troubled by anything, sufferings grow, Heinrich yields to the family's questions about his condition
Everyone is made glad if they already have something, and tells them of the impossible cure. Overcoming the resistance of both her
So says the vilain.21 parents and the unhappy Heinrich, the girl demands to be brought to
Salerno. Heinrich complies, but as the doctor sharpens his knife, Heinrich is
Whatever their momentary success, the weak merely survive while the pow­ so overcome by the cruelty of the sacrifice and by the girl's beauty that he for­
erful enjoy their existence. This is not an ethnographic transcription of what bids the doctor to continue. By God's mercy he is miraculously cured and
peasants said in the privacy of their own gatherings but rather an artful com­ marries the heroic maiden. Here the girl is so exceptional as hardly to be con­
position that presents what purports to be a distillation of popular wisdom. sidered a peasant, but her parents act within the plausible order of peasant
virtues: they are hard-working and extremely deferential to their lord (acqui­
Virtuous Peasants escing, out of loyalty to him, to their daughter's determined self-sacrifice).
A Pomeranian legend of the late fifteenth century tells another tale of no­
Fiction and legend present certain instances in which the peasant and bles taking refuge with peasants. 25 The family of Duke Erik was sent to a re­
princely worlds intersect. In some peculiar distress, the members of the ruling mote area during a time of danger. His son, the future Duke Bogeslav, lived
dynasty are forced to seek the aid of their erstwhile subjects. It is a sign of
as a commoner and received little favor from his mother, so that he was es­
desperation or of outcast status that nobles, such as Tristan and Yseult or sentially abandoned. A peasant named Hans Lange adopted him, and his
Yvain, take refuge in the wild and live like rustics. The Gregorius, by Hart­ mother was happy to consent to the arrangement. The peasant was suffi­
mann von Aue (written ca. n87-89), depicts an extreme case of giving up ciently well-off to clothe the prince and give him a horse and sword. When
power and wealth: the hero, upon discovering his incestuous marriage to his
Duke Erik died, the stout-hearted Hans Lange convinced the nobles to rec­
mother, chains himself to a desolate rock for seventeen years. 22 But in these
ognize Bogeslav, even against his wicked mother's wishes. Bogeslav rewarded
renunciations there is no connection with any human community: solitude is
his faithful guardian by giving him a free lease and exemption from taxes and
itself an aspect of the radical distancing from civilization. services.
The best-known example of a royal personage taking refuge with peas.:tnts
A more dramatic transformation of fortune appears in the legendary ori-
Peasant Agemy, Peasant Humanity 210 Pious and Exempla,ry Peasants 2n

gin of the Pfemyslid rulers of Bohemia.26 The founder, Pfemysl, was said to of Compostela). His lance became part of the Pfemyslids' regalia. He was the
have been a plowman who became the first duke of the Bohemians in a fash­ protector and embodiment of the Bohemians, who were "servants of Saint
ion slightly reminiscent of the story of Cincinnatus.27 According to the Wenceslas" according to an ecclesiastical source. His likeness appeared on
Chronicae Bohemorum, written by Cosmas of Prague (who died in 1125), the ducal/royal seals and two-sided pennies from the early eleventh to early thir­
eponymous founder Boemus settled an empty land with a group of follow­ teenth centuries.31
ers.28 In these happy early years, peace reigned and the Bohemians seem to The kings who followed the extinction of the Pfemyslid Dynasty in 1306
have paid deference to wise persons who resolved disputes rather than having continued and even amplified royal devotion to Wenceslas. The Luxembourg
formal rulers. A certain Krak (Latinized in the Chronicle as Croccus) "arose ruler Charles IV conferred on his newly founded university of Prague a seal
among them" sometime after Boemus. He left three daughters, all of them with the likeness of Saint Wenceslas and also named his son after the royal
with supernatural powers. The youngest, Libuse (Lubossa) is described as seer saint, signifying the continuity of dynastic sanctity.32 But neither was the
or prophetess (phitonissa) and, like her father, was recognized as a wise con­ memory of Premysl by any means obliterated. The shoes of Premyslid kept
ciliator. A dispute between two notables over a field boundary, however, at Vysehrad were ceremonially paraded before Charles IV and King Wences­
erupted into denunciations of female rule when the loser refused to accept las IV on the mornings before their coronations.33
Libuse's judgment. Bowing to the imputation of female weakness, Libuse The legend of Premysl may have influenced the elaboration of stories
consented to marry and told messengers that her consort would be a man concerning Wenceslas (although it is hard to date the confection of the leg­
whom they would find at a certain village and know by the markings of his ends). Like Pfemysl, Wenceslas was reputed to have been a farmer (cui tan­
oxen. They followed her horse, which led them to Stadice (Ztadici), where tum agricultore officium erat). According to the vita, he was accustomed to
they found a peasant, Pfemysl, who (along with his oxen) answered Libuse's work at night, secretly preparing from scratch, as it were, the elements of the
description. Called thus to rule, Premysl abandoned the plow, released the communion. While others slept, Wenceslas reaped, threshed, and milled
oxen, and stuck into the ground the hazelnut stick used to guide the animals, wheat, and also tended vineyards.34
which later turned into two fruitful trees. Cosmas does not describe Pfemysl Wenceslas was sufficiently identified with rustic occupations to serve as a
as taking office in accordance with any ceremony, but dwells on the divesti­ convenient vehicle for anti-Czech sentiment. A German guildsman of Prague
ture of his peasant clothes and the putting on of raiment appropriate to a was punished in 1338 for refusing to mark the feast day "of that rustic," as he
prince. Subsequent dukes of Bohemia were enthroned rather than crowned. called the holy prince.35 When the Premyslid line came to an end in 1306,
In Cosmas's time this ceremony took place at Vysehrad (across the river from and with the death of Rudolf of Hapsburg imminent, the leader of the Haps­
Prague Castle), where, according to Cosmas, Pfemysl's pouch and peasant burg party, Tobias of Bechyne, derisively suggested that those who feared
shoes made of bark were kept.29 The peasant garb and the transformation of a electing a foreigner to rule Bohemia go back to Stadice and find themselves
peasant into a ruler thus symbolized the distinct, semi-magical origin of the another peasant to elect, a remark that, according to Benes of Weitmiihl, got
dynasty. him killed.36 Such flippant observations were taken seriously, evidence of the
A briefer version of these events that may antedate Cosmas's rendition sensitivity of the fourteenth-century Bohemians to the aura of rusticity sur­
was written by the monk Christian, author of a vita of the holy king of Bo­ rounding their royal cults.37
hemia, Saint Wenceslas.30 According to Christian the ancient Bohemians There are other legends (in Poland, for example) of the sudden elevation
were decimated by a plague and sought the advice of a wise woman. She had of a rustic to rulership, or of coronation rituals (in Poland and Carinthia) in­
them establish the city of Prague and elect Pfemysl, "who was very skilled at corporating gestures identifying the ruler with the peasantry.38 Another ex­
agriculture." The wise woman married the talented farmer, a union with ample of the association of a peasant with a polity lies in the symbolism of
overtones of fertility and prophecy. the city of Cologne. The Latin name of the city, Colonia, was thought to de­
During the high and late Middle Ages Premysl was rivaled and ultimately rive from "rustic" ( colonus) and was given an allegorical meaning in the Mid­
eclipsed by Saint Wenceslas, duke of Bohemia, who had been murdered in dle Ages. Cologne was one of four cities of the Reich identified with peasants
929 or 935 by his brother Boleslav. Wenceslas became a royal saint on the in Peter von Andlau's Quaternion der deutschen Reichverfassung (1422), the
model of Stephen of Hungary, and the protector of a people (like Saint James others being Constance, Regensburg, and Salzburg.39 Here the peasant sym-
Peasant Agency, Peasant Humanity 212 Pious and Exemplary Peasants 213

bolized steadfastness and (interestingly enough) cleverness and resourceful­

ness. A heraldic symbol of late-medieval Cologne was a peasant with a scythe Noble Peasants: Productive, Simple, Pious
and flail. This appears in the frontispiece of a chronicle of the city printed in
Beginning in the late fourteenth century, particularly in Germany, praise for
1499, in which the peasant is superimposed on an imperial eagle.40 The
the peasant poured out. Poems, plays, and exhortations lauded their diligence
Chronik van der hilligen stat van Coellen interprets the peasant as an emblem
and selfless toil. Much of this Bauernlob amounted to a rediscovery of the de­
of the city's holiness and God's solicitude. Far from being a strange or lowly
pendence of all of society on peasant labor, a theme we have examined in the
symbol, the heraldic peasant figures Cologne as the "holy peasant of the Re­
context of the Three Orders and mutuality. Labor could, it is true, be re­
ich." Indeed the spiritual work of God that nourishes the soul is likened to
garded with contempt or considered a penitential duty incumbent on a
the labor of the noble plowman who feeds all, laity and clergy.41
cursed segment of the population. From quite early on, however, the idea
Such images of the holy labor of the peasant were characteristic of the late
that such necessary work was in some (not merely negative) sense spiritually
fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, as we shall see, but the peasant symbol
beneficial received at least grudging assent.
of Cologne was well known in an earlier era. In the late thirteenth century it
Texts that most bitterly satirized or denounced the late-medieval peasant
was sufficiently embarrassing to cause Godefrit Hagen, author of a rhymed
denied that he performed any useful labor. The Neidhart tradition depended
urban chronicle, to devote some lines to denying the connection. The name
on an image of lazy, pretentious, and, above all, useless villagers for its more
of the town has nothing to do with peasants, who are gross, ambitious, and
dehumanizing forms of satire. In contrast, literature in praise of peasants,
unworthy, he insists.42
Bauernlob, extolled the "noble peasant" whose work nourishes the world.
The most famous historical example of the virtuous peasant, and indeed
What this literature expresses is thus not merely a neutral awareness of the
the single most renowned medieval peasant, was Joan of Arc, the rustic vi­
peasant's social role but a stylized form of gratitude. His labor and its fruits
sionary of Lorraine who instilled confidence in the dauphin and his armies
confer on the peasant a certain nobility that is accentuated in the Bauernlob
and rescued the city of Orleans from the English siege.43 That a female and a
peasant should receive heavenly communications from Saint Michael :he
In about 1350 the poet Heinrich "Der Teichner" wrote:
Archangel touching the salvation of France is a dramatic example of the m­
version of power, the unlooked-for triumph of the meek. It was also a tri­ Thus I praise the peasant,
umph not of rebellion but of the literal legitimation of the monarch. Yet it is Who can feed all the world.
Joan as woman, or really as young woman, a virgin, that forms the essential He labors with his plow,
paradox, not her social rank. True, it is of key importance that she was well Who can compare with him?
below the social status of plausible political actors.44 In later years attempts
Thus the poor peasant is better than you rich people.47
were made to deny that she was of rustic origin, and even to claim she was of
royal birth (an illegitimate child of Isabella of Bavaria and Louis of Orleans, Contemporary with Der Teichner is the well-known image of the pious
for example).45 But it is as "La Pucelle," "the Maid of Orleans," that she was "friend of God" in the work of the mystic Johannes Tauler (died 1361). Here
celebrated and remembered. Status was behind sex and age in her paradoxical what the peasant wins by his labors is his own bread rather than food for the
image. What impressed her contemporaries was that she was a girl of more or entire world, but the work itself is of sufficient merit to obviate the need to go
less humble birth and not that she a was peasant. Her divine inspiration con­ to church.48
ferred a paradoxical heroism of military vocation and extraordinary fortitude. Hans Rosenplilt of Nuremberg, composer of satiric Carnival plays that
These also could be considered to contradict peasant character: that a peas­ mocked the stupidity and boorishness of peasants, also wrote of the "noble
ant should prove brave or adept at warfare was in the nature of things un­ plowman" in a song-poem, "Der Bauern Lob" (ca. 1450). In all God's cre­
likely and, if it occurred, deeply disturbing. Nevertheless, in her own self­ ation, none is so truly noble as the plowman. The author has no better friend,
fashioning it was as "The Maid" that she warned the duke of Bedford that for the peasant has fed him and his parents. He praises "the noble, pious peas­
God had shown her that Charles was the true king of France and as "The ant" (den edlen /rumen Paur) because "it is often hard labor for him when he
Blessed Maid" that she won the praise of Christine de Pisan.46 goes with his plow, with which he feeds all the world, lords, townsmen, and
Peasant Agenry, Peasant Humani-ty 214 Pious and Exemplary Peasants 215

artisans. If there were no peasant, things would be in a sad condition." 49 The whom, far from the dash of arms, most righteous Earth, unbidden pours forth
peasant is praiseworthy because his difficult labor feeds all and makes him from her soil an easy sustenance. What though no stately mansion with proud
dose to God. portals disgorges at dawn from all its halls a tide of visitors, though they never
The true nobility of the peasant is even more strongly emphasized in the gaze at doors inlaid with lovely tortoise-shell or at raiment tricked with gold or
late-fifteenth-century anonymous Franconian "Poem on the First Noble­ at bronzes of Ephyra, though their white wool be not stained with Assyrian dye,
or their dear oil's service spoiled by cassia? Yet theirs is repose without care, and
man." There is no prince so worthy of praise as the peasant who is truly no­
a life that knows no fraud, but is rich in treasures manifold. Yea, the ease of
ble, for all the world lives off his labor.50 The poem concludes by warning broad domains, caverns, and living lakes, and cool vales, the lowing of the kine,
peasants against trying to better their circumstances, for their way of life and soft slumbers beneath the trees-all are theirs. They have woodland glades
shields them from temptations of excess and idleness by which God is forgot­ and the haunts of game; a youth hardened to toil and inured to scanty fare;
ten. The spiritual benefit accrues not only through labor but through sim­ worship of gods and reverence for age; among them, as she quitted the earth,
plicity: "Peasants seldom go to church, but this does not disturb God. He re­ Justice planted her latest steps. 52
wards them for their work with a healthy body and an eternal crown." 51
In this instance the virtue or nobility of the peasant consists of work, im­ Those whom Virgil addresses are not at leisure and are not carefree. The
puted piety (through work), and austerity. It is often hard to separate exalta­ earth, while yielding her riches willingly, still requires toil. The virtues of the
tion of the peasant for his piety from the antique theme of exaltation of the simple life are in large measure negative: freedom from the trauma of great
simple life. Godliness is more than mere sobriety or the mere absence of affairs, especially war, and removal from the debilitating allure of luxury. Yet
temptation, far from the corrupt world of city, court, and civilization. Texts rural simplicity does have certain tangible rewards: health, repose, and an
such as the "Poem on the First Nobleman" differ from the Arcadian dream of austere harmony.
the pastorale, for the former evoke an image of healthful and productive toil Horace's Epode 2 is another eloquent, though not completely serious, evo­
rather than happy idleness, the labor-intensive world of the Georgics rather cation of rural simplicity.53 The poem begins: "Happy the man who, far away
than the world of the carefree Eclogues or their Theocritan predecessors. from business cares, like the pristine race of mortals, works his ancestral acres
From the examples above, all of which share a recognition of the impor­ with his steers." Again the farm's virtue is partially its distance from the tribu­
tance of the peasant's productivity, two conceptions of the nobility of the lations of war and the intrigue of the Forum. This particular epode includes
peasant's labor emerge, conceptions that may at times overlap. On the one the same images of productive labor that Virgil employs throughout the
hand, work ennobles the peasant both because it is of such great service to so­ Georgics: lowing cattle, pruning and grafting, straining honey, and other use­
ciety and because it is intrinsically improving for the laborer himself, both ful and innocent tasks. The modest wife milks or prepares "unbought repasts"
physically and morally (if only negatively on the moral side, in that it keeps from the farm's own produce. In place of exotic delicacies (Lucrine oysters or
him from the wickedness of wealth). On the other hand, work ennobles the Ionian pheasant), there is sorrel gathered from the meadow, or the odd sacri­
peasant through the suffering it causes him; its merit lies in its pain more ficial lamb. The recital of simple joys is put in the mouth of the moneylender
than its productivity. His work is unremunerated; it entails arbitrary mis­ Alfius as he is on the point of renouncing the city, but the debts he calls in
treatment; it earns God's mercy and the inversion of worldly power and com­ upon the Ides of this month, he lends out again by the Kalends of the next,
fort only in the next life. Productivity was praiseworthy within a secular set changing his mind and reinvesting his shady gains.
of values, but it was through suffering that the peasant approached a condi­ In other instances, of course, Horace quite sincerely praises the simple life
tion of sanctity. of his farm in the Sabine countryside, but in Horace as well as Virgil, the
farmer is a landowner or a tenant of substantial means and independence.
SIMPLICITY Horace's "Beatus ille" imagines the labor of faithful slaves as one of the pleas­
The basic text in praise of the simple but industrious life of rural labor is ant aspects for the farm owner to contemplate, along with the dutiful oxen.
book 2 of Virgil's Georgics, beginning with line 458: Influential and always well known, images of rural rectitude nevertheless
had only a limited resonance in the Middle Ages, in part because of the rela­
0 happy husbandmen! too happy should they come to know their blessings! for tive absence of small independent proprietors, or at least the absence of such
Peasant Agen� Peasant Humanity 216 Pious and Exemplary Peasants 217

a class in the literary imagination. Simplicity carried great advantages. Am­ obtain lodging. After an unpleasant night outdoors, he blessed his indigent
brose remarked, in a passage later cited by the Cistercian Odo of Cheriton, condition upon learning that the inn where he would have stayed had he had
"the poor man in his hut, wealthy in conscience, sleeps safer upon the earth the money had burned to the ground in the night.61 The negative virtues of
than the rich man in his gold and purple."54 Petrarch quotes Virgil, acknowl­ simplicity stem not from a deliberate decision to leave the city and its vices,
edging that Justice did indeed leave her last traces among the rustics, but that in the Roman manner, but from unwilling but beneficial deprivation; poverty
was long ago. Now they are thoroughly wicked and less likely than anyone to rather than renunciation. As such, the advantages of simplicity resemble a
return to the good example of the past.55 Chaucer, in his version of the story gentler version of the Isidorian formulation that servitude was instituted as a
of the patient Griselda, describes the idyllic situation of her small village, result of the Fall to restrain those of weak character from the vices they would
whose poor folk live off their own labor, by which the earth yields its abun­ sink into without some external coercion.62
dance.56 As Henrik Specht has pointed out, however, the image of quiet, hon­ Astuteness was invidiously contrasted with pious simplicity in the New
orable contentment is Chaucer's addition to sources (Petrarch and the Livre Testament, most pertinently in 2 Corinthians n:3: "But I fear lest, as the ser­
Grise/dis) that mere ly state that Griselda lived in a sparsely inhabited village.57 pent beguiled Eve by his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted, and fall
The fifteenth-century humanist Maffeo Vegio, author of bitter antipeasant from the simplicity that is in Christ" (astutia as opposed to simplicitas). Lack
satires, expressed amazement that Virgil (who was in all other respects his of education was the dearest evidence of a simple nature. In a famous passage
model) should admire rural life.58 of his Confessions, Augustine recalls his chagrin at learning about the ascetic
In the Christian tradition, the austere benefits of the hardships of rustic heroism of the uneducated monks who "storm the gates of heaven'' while he
life greatly outweighed any notion of the simple joys of farming. In part this and his friends seemed incapable of action.63 Saint Jerome was the paramount
emphasis stemmed from the Christian teachings of the moral superiority of source for a notion of holy simplicity conceived in terms of "rusticity." In a
the poor and helpless. To some extent it repeated the classical commonplace passage from Letter 52, which would become a locus classicus, Jerome states
that the absence of inducements to vice was in itself beneficial. Lactantius that "holy rusticity'' is preferable to sinful eloquence. The context is a com­
praised the poor whose faith is stronger on the metaphorical march toward parison of those brothers who confuse sanctity with ignorance and better ed­
heaven because they are not weighed down with the baggage of worldly am­ ucated brothers who confuse holine ss with adroit use of words. By rusticitas
bitions and temptations.59 The issue was not rural versus urban but poor ver­ Jerome means rough inarticulateness, a characteristic not limited to rural
sus rich, and the poor meant those below the modest landowner. folk. But the passage would later be understood to expre ss a preference for
An additional reason for the early-medieval lack of interest in the health­ simple piety, e specially that of literal rustics.64 Rusticitas in later centurie s
giving and pleasant ways of the country was that labor was more closely could simply mean boorishness, especially lack of proper religious reverence,
joined to pain in the Christian tradition. God's curse upon Adam was that he as in Caesarius of Arles; this deficiency was not necessarily limited to rural la­
should feed himself only with great effort, no longer with the ease and nat­ borers but was more closely identified with them than with others.65 Martin
ural bounty of Eden. The Middle Ages could certainly praise simple rustic of Braga (fl. 556-72), in his "De corre ctione rusticorum," contributed signif­
joys, but more intensely imagined a painful productivity and a hard simplic­ icantly to the identification of countrymen as essentially pagan.66 By rustici
ity. Psalm 127, it is true, speaks of the happiness of those who eat the labor of Martin clearly meant rural folk whose crude ways exemplify credulity and de­
their own hands (more unbought meals), and was cited often in medieval di­ liberate paganism, not simple Christian piety.
dactic and exegetical works. Honorius Augustodunensis invoked this psalm in During the Middle Ages, holy simplicity was not the tranquil pleasure of
praising the simplicity of the rustics' existence, but the spiritual benefit of la­ the small proprietor but a result of labor, poverty, and suffering. This is espe­
bor is also derived from the sweat required of the rustics to support the peo­ cially, although not exclusively, a Franciscan teaching. The German Minorite
ple of God.60 The Franconian poem concerning "the first nobleman'' (cited known as Brother Ludovicus stated that peasants (agricolae) were beloved of
above) does claim that among the rewards of the peasant's life is a healthy God by reason of their endless labor and unjust treatment at the hands of
body by virtue of avoiding the vices of the wealthy, but this is unusual. their secular masters.67 Misery on earth gives the peasants a claim to spiritual
The advantages of simplicity are more typically conveyed by a popular merit, and this misery consists of both toil and oppression. Heinrich von
story of a poor man who arrived in Chartres without so much as a penny to Burgus, a Tyrolese poet writing in the early fourteenth century under the in-
Peasant Agenry Peasant Humanity 218 Pious and Exemplary Peasants 219

fluence of the Franciscans, described poverty as the hell of the peasants, but misery and what we have called the failure of mutuality (unrewarded labor)
added that through this pain they become worthy in God's sight. They suffer could be derived from both hereditarily transmitted misdeeds and expiatory
and their labor is hard, but their pain is a sign of God's particular care. 68 toil. Their labor is a penance containing both a positive or forward-looking
Hugo von Trimberg relates misery on earth to wealth in God's Kingdom, and component (the hope of heaven) and a negative origin in sin (Noah's curse).
deems misery not as something "natural" but as the result of human injus­ In fact this is generally true of humankind: all are lost with Adam but re­
tice. 69 deemed with Christ, cursed but saved. 74
Spiritual benefit rather than secular simplicity was what interested those Another way of encompassing both positions was to acknowledge the
who extolled the rustic in the Middle Ages. Such benefit derived from three peasants' theoretical moral advantage while bemoaning their greed, envy, or
things chiefly, none of which produced any special reward here on earth: la­ other manifestations of essential baseness that prevent them from utilizing
bor that feeds the world, poverty (rather than comfortable simplicity), and that advantage. We saw this dialectic in Stephen of Fougeres's Livre de ma­
oppression. Suffering is what gives the peasantry a spiritual advantage, and nieres, written in the n7os. 75 After complaining that the peasant receives little
with this suffering is included the labor of Adam's children, the indigence of though he maintains the other estates, Stephen observes that the greater his
peasant life, and exploitation by those above them. impoverishment, the greater is his merit if he bears his misfortunes with for­
titude. But in real life the peasants complain constantly and show ingratitude
SPIRITUAL BENEFIT toward God, so that they fail to profit from what would otherwise be to their
What was the nature of this spiritual advantage? Not the intrinsic satisfaction
The spiritual privileges of poverty and the failure to realize them con­
of an austere life of virtue but the promise of heaven. The Epistle of James
cerned several thirteenth-century observers of the social order in relation to
(2:5) asks rhetorically, "Hath not God chosen the poor in this world, rich in
God's purpose. A sermon directed at peasants, supposedly by Berthold von
faith, and heirs of the kingdom which God hath promised to them that love
Regensburg but probably by a later Franciscan author, states that they are
him?" From this it appears that simplicity (poverty) has more than the nega­
given lowly status here on earth but would be exalted in heaven.76 Another
tive benefit of shielding one from temptation but is in itself a blessed condi­
sermon attributed to Berthold speaks of Christ plowing the "field" of Chris­
tion. The words of the epistle would be repeated in medieval sermons and di­
tianity Himself, not wanting anyone else to carry out this labor. The wood
dactic literature, by the English Dominican John of Bromyard and by
70 and iron of the plow recall the wood and nails of the cross. 77 Other sermons
Michael of Northgate's Ayenbite ofInwyt, for example.
A passage from Honorius's Elucidarium (ca. noo), noted earlier, encapsu­ note, however, that although the rustics receive spiritual benefit from their
hard lives, there have been few peasants who were saints. Moreover, they are
lates quite succinctly the spiritual advantages not just of the poor but of rus­
given to cursing, jealousy, and dishonesty. 78 Brother Ludovicus pointed to the
tic laborers specifically. In the dialogue the disciple asks the master about
special merit of the peasants in God's eyes but regretted their propensity to
what the prospects in the next life are for peasants. Most of them will be
theft, mendacity, drunkenness, and blasphemy. 79 The poor are beloved by
saved, he is informed, because of the simplicity of their lives and because of
God, and woe to those who oppress them, for they are the apple of His eye
their toil (literally "sweat", which recalls the destiny of Adam), which feeds
(Zechariah 2:8). But alas, so many of them are ungrateful and dishonest, for­
all.71 Addressing the rustics in his Speculum Ecclesie, Honorius offers a vision
getting God. They are the targets of Jeremiah 5:4: "Perhaps these are poor and
of what they will earn by their honest labors and obedience to their priests: a
heaven of flowers, with splendid odors and thousands of joyful inhabitants.
72 foolish, that know not the way of the Lord, the judgment of their God. "80
Yet in the Imago mundi, in connection with human history and genealogy, A survey of estates by Guillaume Le Clerc entitled Besant de Dieu de­
nounces the poor for their envy, arrogance, and rebelliousness, which waste
Honorius repeats the commonplace of Noah's curse and the descent of the
unfree (servi) from Ham. 73 It was quite possible to maintain both opinions: the advantages they have over the rich in entering the kingdom of heaven. 81
that peasants are cursed through their ancestor Ham, and yet objects of God's The same sentiments appear in the Spanish prince Don Juan Manuel's Libro
solicitude. de los estados except that here the characteristic sins of the labradores are lazi­
The contradiction between the peasants as cursed and peasants as blessed ness and stupidity. 82
is more apparent than real, for there were several avenues of resolution. Their All these instances imply or assert that the peasants' invincibly wicked
Peasant Agenry Peasant Humanity 220 Pious and Exemplary Peasants 221

character causes them to depreciate their substantial spiritual capital. Some Saint Paul says that not many are called, and that God has chosen the foolish
observers, however, represented the spiritual advantage of the peasants as a re­ and weak of the world for His Kingdom.88
alizable potential rather than an irrecoverably squandered resource: if they did Some authors, such as Francese Eiximenis, would exclude the peasants
not seek to alter their status, complain, or act wickedly, they would receive from the category of the blessed poor by reason of their greed and impiety,
the benefit of their closeness to God. According to a Spanish "Dance of while others considered them part of the general social category of the poor.
Death" poem of the mid- or late fourteenth century, for example, the peas­ In the early-medieval period the image of reversal would dominate. Recount­
ants will win eternal glory if they perform their work honestly, not seeking to ing the life of Saint Portianus, Gregory of Tours remarks that God has ar­
encroach on their neighbor's land (by plowing an extra furrow across the ranged for the poverty of this world to serve as the way toward heaven, "so
boundary, for example).83 Or again, in the Buch der Rugen, peasants are that the poor rustic [rusticus] can go there when he that is dressed in the pur­
blessed by reason of their labors but must remain obedient, not rising above ple cannot."89 The "just pauper" will reach heaven, whereas the unjust power­
themselves.84 In the passages mentioned earlier, however, the peasants have ful in this life will be lost, according to Hrabanus Maurus.90 Another Car­
demonstrated that they are inclined not to fulfill the conditions for salvation. olingian poet contrasted this world, where the rich rejoice in acquiring wealth
In such cases the consequences of their low nature, or of Noah's curse, are not while beggars suffer from hunger, with the world to come, where the wealthy
really affected by divine care for the humble. who "consumed the tears of orphans" will lie in Tartarus while the paupers
Other writers, however, were less grudging, less preoccupied with the will find bliss.91
shortcomings of the subjugated, and more impressed with the contrasting Another influential biblical image appears in Matthew 19:24, likening the
fortunes of the rich and an undifferentiated "poor" that included peasants. difficulty of the rich entering heaven to that of a camel passing through the
According to Peter of Blois (died 1204), it is "the weakest of men, who will in­ eye of a needle. In a sermon on human misery, Gautier de Coincy (writing in
herit the kingdom of God and the Holy Land: the two Jerusalems, terrestrial the thirteenth century) likens the time of the rich on earth to a pleasant sum­
and celestial. "85 This evokes the accounts of the discovery of the Holy Lance mer, to be followed by a long winter in hell, while the poor dwell in heaven.
during the siege of Antioch on the First Crusade. Raymond of Aguilers, chap­ The rich are like the camel, too plump to enter the realm of felicity, but the
lain of Count Raymond of Toulouse, described how Saint Andrew appeared thin, ill-nourished poor will have no difficulty.92 A French treatise written in
before the "rustic pauper" Peter Bartholomew, revealing where the lance was about 1500 concerning the vices of the different estates was inspired, the
hidden. Peter asked if someone else might be chosen since his poverty made anonymous author says, by his meditation on the "very hard and weighty
him ashamed to present the lance before the army. Saint Andrew replied that words" of Matthew 19:24.93 The peasants (laboureurs) receive the promise of
he was elected by God not in spite of his lowly condition but because of it. eternal life and enjoy God's favor over the rich.94
The poor surpass in merit and grace those who precede them on earth, just Subordination, earthly misery, and dishonor are shared by peasant and
as gold comes before silver.86 More graphically, away from the context of the destitute alike and confer a certain merit by themselves. How then can one
crusade, Jacques de Vitry, in an exemplum, describes the sufferings of a peas­ explain why very few peasants are numbered among the many saints the
ant shivering in the cold, who comforts himself with the thought that in Church recognizes?95 Andre Vauchez writes of a medieval "hagiocracy," an
heaven he will be able to warm his feet whenever he wishes by extending aristocratically dominated order of saints. Of those canonized between n98
them a little over the pit of hell, where the rich will be burning.87 and 1431, 60 percent were nobles while only 8 percent came from the lower
In these instances it is not labor or even seigneurial oppression but classes.96 A sociological study of 1,280 Catholic saints of identifiable social ori­
poverty that confers spiritual superiority. What is most impressive is the re­ gin for the entire history of the Church showed similar results: 7 percent (a
versal of fortunes that occurs in moving from one world to the next. Rustics total of 92 individuals) were peasants while about 70 percent were nobles.97
are here joined to the condition of the destitute poor rather than constituting The proportion of peasant saints who lived in the fifteenth century is notice­
a separate class of productive if subjugated laborers. Mark 10:31, "But many ably greater, according to the ambitious study undertaken by Donald Wein­
that are first, shall be last: and the last, first" is a biblical maxim that warns stein and Rudolph Bell: 13.3 percent, as opposed to 4.7 percent for the four­
the rich and powerful and exalts the impoverished. In 1 Corinthians 1:26-29, teenth century and 6.9 percent for the sixteenth.98 This corresponds to what
Peasant Agency, Peasant Humanity 222 Pious and Exemplary Peasants 223

appears to be the apogee of both the hatred of peasants and their reputation canonization, the cult spread to the rest of Europe and survives with some
for intrinsic piety. vigor in Mexico, Paraguay, and Peru. In seventeenth- and eighteenth-century
Throughout the Middle Ages, however, noble saints dominated, espe­ Poland, Isidore served as the model of peasant obedience and acceptance. Re­
cially north of the Mediterranean, while royal saints, although found all over viving medieval instructions to the peasantry, Andrzej Goldonowski's Short
Europe, were especially visible in the East. 99 The figures changed somewhat Lessons on the Duties of Christian Farmers (1629) exhorted serfs to obey their
after n50, when movements advocating poverty, asceticism, and the apostolic masters in order to win a heavenly reward. Their suffering cleanses them of
life gained strength, but the almost magical quality of high birth, and the bet­ sin and preserves them from the excesses that afflict the gentry. 104
ter renunciatory narrative that such rank created, meant that the peasantry
made no significant dent in the noble domination of the beatified. If the Christ and the Pious Plowman
peasant's way of life removed him from temptation, it also allowed him little
opportunity for heroic abstinence. In previous chapters I touched on the fairly complex image of the plowman,
Here one must distinguish between striking individual examples of re­ an emblem of productivity but also of the wickedness of Cain, the first man
nunciation and the basic spiritual condition of an entire class. The peasantry to till the earth. That all of society was fed by the peasant's labor was, of
was widely considered to hold certain privileges with respect to salvation, but course, a commonplace, but the symbolism of the plow in this connection
not with respect to individual spiritual distinction meriting sainthood. 100 The was particularly popular in German and English literature. The father in
individual heroic piety requisite to sainthood was manifest and dramatic Helmbrecht summarizes his paean to agricultural labor by the statement that
when there was more to renounce. The aristocratic saint could on the one many a king owes his crown to the toil of the plowman. The peasant's plow
hand counter the prevailing violence and pride of his class and on the other relieves humanity of hunger, according to Hans Rosenplilt, Der Teichner,
hand gain saintly stature from attributed aristocratic virtues (noble bearing, and an anonymous sung dialogue between a knight and peasant. io5
restraint, or sternness), especially the high medieval saint, who was seldom The plow was a token of secular productivity but also of spiritual nour­
the holy fool, hermit, or simpleton so prominent in desert monasticism and ishment. A song in the Colmar Collection of the fifteenth century joins the
the Orthodox world. peasant and the priest, both of whom nourish, the former with the plow. 106
But some peasants did achieve sainthood, albeit proportionally few, as The metaphor of preaching as plowing can be traced back to Eucherius of
noted above. A Saint Wulfstan of the tenth or eleventh century (not either of Lyon in the fifth century, and it was popularized in Gregory the Great's
the two sainted bishops of that name) died while cutting hay and so served Moralia. 107 But such similarities do not necessarily imply anything about the
as the patron of haymakers. Saint Guy of Anderlecht and Saint Engelmar of people who actually engage in nonmetaphorical plowing. Indeed, the plow­
Bavaria were patrons of the peasants. 101 Saint Gaudry, a peasant who dwelt man was often invidiously represented in terms of degraded sublapsarian la­
near Toulouse sometime before 900, was invoked in Languedoc, Rousillon, bor. The fratricide Cain was associated with the plow in Der Renner, and
and the Pyrenees against destructive rain. 102 The most widely diffused cult of shown furiously and foolishly plowing with a mixed team in the Holkham
a peasant saint was that of Saint Isidore, supposedly a Spanish tenant farmer Bible (put together between 1315 and 1321). 108 Yet the Bible itself mentions the
who died in n30. 103 Isidore's qualities, according to a life written in the thir­ plow and plowing in the context of virtuous labor contrasted with idleness
teenth century, were diligence, modesty, and piety rather than any heroic or (Proverbs 12:u and 20:4), peaceful productivity (Isaiah 28:24-29), and spiri­
miraculous virtues. Isidore served the same master faithfully over the course tual over literal interpretation of Scripture (1 Corinthians 9:10).
of his life. He and his wife abstained from sexual relations after the death of The plowman thus functioned as a symbol of both virtue and wicked­
their son. Isidore the Farmer is the patron saint of Madrid, and his feast day ness. 109 Adam, although more often shown as delving than as plowing, com­
remains a grand civic and folkloric occasion. Festive plays about him were bined both these worthy and unworthy qualities: punished by this hard labor
composed by Calderon and Lope de Vega. Isidore enjoyed a certain reputa­ for his disobedience (a curse transmitted to his posterity), he was also a sym­
tion in Iberia and perhaps Germany during the Middle Ages, but his real bol of earthly labor in anticipation of the spiritual labor of Christ.
popularity came after he was formally canonized in 1622 (in the company of The plowman could be conceived in even more exalted terms, as an em­
Ignatius Loyola, Phillip Neri, Theresa of Avila, and Francis Xavier). After his blem not only of the preacher's labor but of Christ Himself John 15=1, "I am
Peasant Agency, Peasant Humaniry 224

the true vine; and my Father is the husbandman" (agricola in the Vulgate),
suggested images of humility, labor, and preaching that were applied to the
second person of the Trinity. Carrying the cross was likened to laboring at the
plow.110 The wooden cross with its iron nails was linked to the plow in the re­
marks (noted above) attributed to Berthold von Regensburg but also as early
as Bede.111 A Byzantine hymn translated into Latin in the ninth century de­
scribed Mary as the "nourisher of the loving plowman," the first instance of
the metaphor of Christ as plowman.112 This becomes a popular theme in
German texts. In Der arme Heinrich, when the young maiden argues with her
parents over her decision to sacrifice herself, she contrasts marriage to a rich
peasant (their desire but something she would hate and lament) to embracing
God, the "free peasant" (vrier buman) who seeks her hand. His "plow moves
steadily," and He will be her protector.113 Christ "the faithful peasant" re­
stored the blighted fields according to a fourteenth-century Swiss life of
Mary.114 Christ is both plow and plowman according to the Franconian poet
Muskatblut (fl. 1415-38). The plowshare is the cross that Christ dragged to
His death for our redemption, but Christ Himself is the true plowman who
has restored us after the fall of Adam, the first plowman.115 In praising the
noble peasant, Peter Frey, also in the fifteenth century, cites images of Christ
as the good shepherd (John rn:34) as well as God the "husbandman" (John
15=1}, ·which Frey gives as ackermann (plowman), adding that Christians
should not doubt that God compared Himself to a peasant.116
Christ was also likened to a gardener, following John 20:15, in which
Mary Magdalen mistook the resurrected Christ for the gardener who tended
the graveyard. Christ planted the seeds of virtue in her breast according to
Gregory the Great, an image well known throughout the Middle Ages.117
Christ is shown with a spade in an alabaster sculpture now in the Victoria
and Albert Museum (Fig. n).118
None of this necessarily exalts earthly plowmen. The ambiguous attitude
toward work could accommodate metaphorical use of images of plowing and
agricultural labor applied to a spiritually superior form of work such as
preaching. The selfless daughter in Der arme Heinrich might liken Christ to a
plowman, but the whole point of her speech is that she rejects marriage to an
earthly plowman. The most famous example of the plowman who not only
is likened to Christ but is an emblem of piety in himself is the protagonist of
Langland's Piers Plowman. This complex masterpiece can be approached as a
social satire, as an allegorical vision, and as a proposal for religious and moral
reform. The figure of Piers sanctifies agricultural work, although the book 11. Christ with a spade. English alabaster

also extols a rather different Franciscan ethic of renunciation by which char­ sculpture, fifteenth century, now in the Victoria
ity, wandering, and "kindness" are preferred to labor in the world.119 and Albert Museum. Reproduced by permission
of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
Peasant Agency, Peasant Humanity 226 Pious and Exemplary Peasants 227

Piers is a free peasant, but if his land really amounts to only a half acre recommending to lords that they treat their serfs ( bondemen) decently
(VI.106), he must depend almost entirely on hiring himself out for wages. 120 (VI.45). In fact, as David Aers has noted, the villeins were not really central
The plowmen, who appear first in the Dreamer's vision of estates of society, to the poem. 125
labor strenuously to obtain what the rich "wastours with glotonye 1estruyeth" Landless but free laborers occupied considerably more of Langland's con­
(Prol. vv. 20-22). By means of their natural intelligence ("Kynde Wit"), the cern, for they embodied his distress over idleness and greed. Once they were
Commons established plowmen to till and to labor honestly for the benefit diligent, but now they formed an undisciplined class given to loitering in tav­
of all (Prol. vv. nS-20). 121 Earthly necessity confers, or at least corresponds erns. In fact they do work, but they profit from their labor in a way that vio­
to, a high spiritual status. Plowmen are the first to receive pardon from Truth, lates the Statute and undermines the fabric of society.
who instructs Piers to stay at home and plow (VII.r-8). Piers himself is On the one hand, Langland has a "hard" attitude toward work whereby
equated with Peter and Christ when the Dreamer asks where and how those who do not labor and produce will starve. According to Hunger, he who
he might find Charity. Neither by words nor by work, responds the Soul feeds himself with his faithful labors is blessed in body and soul, an assertion
(Anima), but through will alone, "and that knoweth no clerk ne creature on followed by the first words of Psalm r27:2 (VI.250-52). The worthy (espe­
erthe / But Piers the Plowman-Petrus id est christus' (XV.2rr-r2). 122 Toward cially crippled) poor are to be distinguished from the healthy idle class, who
the end of the work, Christ is seen dressed in Piers's armor and riding on an ask for consideration merely for their insolent convenience (VI.n5- 98). 126
ass (as on Palm Sunday), preparing to joust with the Devil (the Crucifixion) On the other hand, beginning with Passus VII, Piers rejects the stern exalta­
(XVIII.10-36). The Dreamer falls asleep in church and has a vision of Piers tion of work in favor of voluntary poverty, a Franciscan ideal of charity and
stained with blood, carrying a cross and bearing the likeness of Jesus: rootlessness. Rather than preoccupying oneself with labor in the world, one
should hold it in contempt. "Si quis amat Christum mundum non diligit is­
I fel eftsoones aslepe-and sodeynly me mette
tum" (If a man cares for Christ he will not cleave to this world) (XIV.59). In
That Piers the Plowman was peynted al blody,
And com in with a cros bifore the comune peple,
the same Passus, Patience states that Christians should hold all in common,
And right lik in alle lymes to Oure Lord Jesu. none desiring his own gain (XIV.20r). It follows that the beggar is to be em­
(XIX.5-8) braced not because he is "genuinely needy" but out of fraternal love and
in Christ's name. Poverty is in itself beneficial to the soul and advances its
Langland's poem would make the image of the pious and virtuous plow­ admission to heaven. 127 Langland was in certain respects quite reactionary,
man familiar from Wales to Bohemia. John Ball's sermon at Blackheath in rejecting the dominion of "Mede" that reduces everything to a monetary
r38r and the letters circulated by the organizers of the English Rising appro­ transaction, as exemplified both in the demands of the laborers over wages
priate from Piers Plowman the language of complaint against the clergy, the and in the cold calculations and applied ethics of the newly rich and their
fundamental equality of humanity, and the figure (and name) of the virtuous apologists. 128
plowman. The modifications embodied in the C Version seem to reflect It does not in any way detract from the power and originality of Lang­
Langland's response to the unpleasantness of r38r and the unwanted use of land's poem to locate it among medieval images of the plowman, piety, and
his vision. 123 Christ. Piers is much more active and individual than his predecessors, so
Langland was not mounting a direct challenge to the existing order of so­ that the key step mentioned above is certainly more vividly exemplified with
ciety. He affirmed the Three Orders model while lamenting its overthrow by him than previously, namely the change from a general religious symbolism
a money-driven economy and by an ethic in which everything was for sale, of the plow to attributing virtue to actual plowmen in the world. But it is not
labor included, and loyalty and mutuality yielded before self-interest and quite true, Elizabeth Kirk's statement to the contrary notwithstanding, that
greed. 124 Langland offered a quite traditional counsel of obedience, especially previously the plowman had been exclusively identified with wickedness
to the hated Statute and Ordinance of Laborers of r349 and r35r, which froze (Cain), nor is it true that Langland was the first to offer the revolutionary im­
wages to combat what otherwise would have been the economic negotiating age of the virtuous plowman. 129 Edward Wheatley has pointed to the fable
advantage of a smaller labor pool after the demographic collapse caused by "De Duello militis et aratoris'' in the widely diffused compilation of Latin
the Black Death. Langland was not especially opposed to serfdom, though school texts put together (probably in England) during the twelfth century,
Peasant Agency, Peasant Humanity 228 Pious and Exemplary Peasants 229

the Liber Catonianus. 130 The story was not part of the Aesopian collections The plowman described in the prologue to the Canterbury Tales is more
that go back to Phaedrus but appears to have been added by the probable clearly a worthy rustic whose piety exemplifies Christian rectitude: 135
compiler of the Liber Catonianus, Walter, chaplain to Henry II. A wicked sol­
With hym [i.e., the Parson] ther was a plowman, was his brother
dier accuses a wealthy citizen of robbing the public treasury and proposes to That hadde ylad of dong ful many a fother.
fight a duel to back up his assertion. Not only is the elderly man not capable A trewe swynkere and a good was he,
of fighting, but only his loyal tenant, a plowman, is willing to fight on his be­ Lyvynge in pees and parfit charitee.
half. The plowman defeats the soldier by striking him on the elbow as the God loved he best with al his hoole herte
solider prepares to dispatch him. Explanations of the moral and allegorical At alle tymes, thogh him gamed or smerte,
significance of the tale appeared in the Esopus moralizatus and the Auctores And thanne his neighebor right as hymselve.
octo commentaries. They explained the citizen as essentially the well-inten­ He wolde threshe, and therto dyke and delve,
tioned ordinary Christian, the soldier as the devil, and the plowman as simple For Christes sake, for every poure wight,
liberating faith. A fifteenth-century interpretation says that the plowman is Withouten hire, if it lay in his myght.
Christ, the enemy of the devil. Christ arrayed in Piers's armor (XVIII.10-26) His tithes payde he ful faire and wel,
Bothe of his propre swynk and his catel.
may represent a borrowing from the fable.
The use of the plowman as a figure for Christ or of the plow for the cross Chaucer's plowman is not directly credited with feeding all of society, but his
was common before Langland, as was the notion that peasant labor provided labor is beneficial to his neighbors (whom he aids for Christ's sake) and to the
not only material benefit for others but spiritual benefit for those who toiled. Church, whose tithes he pays obediently. He is not influenced by the desire
It cannot be denied, however, that Piers ennobles the image of the actual for remuneration; thus he is immune to Langland's allegorical destroyer,
plowmen. Allegorical and shifting in his symbolic meaning though he may "Mede." Rustic labor is hard and even unpleasant-the association with
be, Piers does incorporate the dignity of labor and its symbolic association dung, a canonical negative topos, is the first to be mentioned, but he lives in
with religious duties and with Christ. The late Middle Ages would produce a peace with the world. The Parson and his brother are two on the very short
number of other examples of the pious plowman. list of good pilgrims, a symbolic pair representing conservative ideals of cler­
A late-fourteenth-century Welsh poem, "The Plowman," by Iolo Goch, ical and peasant life.
praises the work of this "plodder of the fields," whose labor is comparable to
King Arthur's destruction of a fortified tower. The author cites the Elucidar­
ium of Honorius Augustodunensis to the effect that those who plow are sin­ So far we have seen three grounds for attributing to rustics a certain closeness
gled out for blessing by God.131 to God-what we may call three types of peasant virtue: first, their labor is
Johannes von Tepl's Der Ackermann aus Bohmen is a short prose dialogue valuable because all of society depends on it; second, their suffering confers a
between Death and the author, a "plaintiff" who excoriates Death for taking spiritual merit that will be rewarded; and third, their labor is virtuous in itself
his wife.132 As with Piers Plowman, there are problems in dating this work, and emblematic of divine labor and sacrifice. These are not mutually exclu­
the closest approximation being 1404-10. It has an extremely complicated sive, but have different implications and connections with other themes we
textual history, and its relation to the Czech Tkadlecek (in which a weaver have followed. The first is related to the theory of the Three Orders and in
complains of the unfaithfulness of his beloved, Adliczka) remains unclear. the hands of clerical writers was an aspect of hierarchy and mutuality. When
Both the Ackermann and Tkadlecek may be descended from an earlier "Ur­ joined to the third peasant virtue, the exaltation of work, however, it could
Ackermann."133 The plowman is a sympathetic figure of grief and anger closer have a sharper, antihierarchical edge. A late-medieval folksong in which a
to Everyman than an allegory of Christ.134 In fact he is only allegorically a peasant and a knight debate has the peasant point out that were it not for his
plowman, for his "plow" is made from a bird's feather: he is a writer, his plow plow, the knight would not long survive. The verse explicitly denies mutuality
is a pen. The dialogue is a moving lament and rather bitter consolation. The by mocking the knight's useless dancing and jousting ("was hilft dein stechen
plowman as a figure has a metaphorical significance, but a rather distant one. und dein tanz?").136 As discussed earlier, fifteenth- and early-sixteenth-cen-
Peasant Agenry, Peasant Humanity 230 Pious and Exemplary Peasants 231

tury peasant movements condemned idleness and praised work in religious ers on the peasantry at the end of the Middle Ages, the Carthusian Werner
terms.137 Rolevinck, exemplifies this complexity. In his De regimine rusticorum, written
The second peasant virtue ameliorates the failure of mutuality but also in 1472, Rolevinck states that God revealed the secrets of salvation to unedu­
extols the redeeming effects of suffering and the inversion of wealth and cated rustics rather than to princes or the learned.140 The peasant is the "part­
poverty in the life to come. Franciscan writers in particular employed this ar­ ner [cooperator] of God, the angels, and Nature," he asserts, citing Jerome's
gument to console the peasant and offer hope in return for acceptance and praise of holy rusticity to support the claim. So far, Werner is reworking old
obedience. Here too, however, the discourse can take a less complacent turn themes, but he differs significantly from Honorius Augustodunensis, for
in which suffering is not ennobling in God's eyes but a violation of divine law whom it is the labor of rustics and their negative advantages (simplicity, re­
that degrades people to the level of animals. Christ's sacrifice for fundamental moval from temptation) that pave the path for their entry into heaven. Here
human equality could ennoble suffering in a way that led to action in the the peasant is credited with a theological insight given directly by God.
world to combat it. In quite traditional fashion Rolevinck simultaneously draws back from
Recognition of the third ground for peasant sanctity, that peasant labor is the implications of this formulation, requiring that peasants obey their mas­
virtuous "in itself," is more characteristic of the late Middle Ages, with fewer ters (citing Romans 13=1) and resign themselves to servitude. They should ac­
ties to earlier forms of discourse than exist for the first two peasant virtues. cept even an unjust lord since he keeps them from opportunities to sin and
Even here, however, we find a reworking of older themes, such as Jerome's unwittingly draws them toward a heavenly crown. The peasants' suffering
sancta rusticitas, rather than the coining of a new lexicon. The key change re­ and lack of freedom is not a punishment for sin but evidence of God's love.141
flected in images of the third type of virtue was a move from purely symbolic Also in traditional fashion, Rolevinck berates peasants for their inclination to
evocations of peasant life (Christ as bread or as plowman) to ascriptions of disobey and blames their ignorance and weak moral control for their debased
spiritual virtue to ordinary peasants on the basis of their manner of life and condition.142
supposed piety. The notion that God reveals His secrets to rustics could also have more
W hat we are chiefly concerned to explain is the exaltation of the pious active consequences. This is what distinguishes the third category of peasant
peasant in the late Middle Ages and early Reformation. An older language virtue: peasants are divinely elected not by reason of suffering or productivity
could be given not so much a completely new meaning as a more pointed but by reason of their innate character and way of life. This could easily mean
implication. It is one thing, for example, to describe the Eucharist and the that rustics should preach, dispute, or in other respects forward the work of
Real Presence in terms of the image of milling: the "mill of the host," figuring God on earth. This is precisely what happened in the early sixteenth century
Christ as spiritual sustenance ground up like wheat for our salvation, a in Germany. It does not minimize the Reformation to point to the back­
metaphor based on John 6:35, "I am the bread of life." Such imagery ap­ ground of the image of the pious peasant that could be transformed by the
peared as early as the twelfth century.138 It may have certain implications con­ upheavals after 1517.
cerning rustic labor but hardly says anything directly about those who mill The peasant in the aforementioned Swiss image of the sacred mill not
real grain for everyday consumption. It is quite another thing to portray such only is pious but actively defends the Gospel with a symbol of his labor, one
ordinary laborers as God's army. A Swiss pamphlet of 1521 uses the traditional that could be used as a weapon. Previously comical images of "typ ical" peas­
"mill of the host" imagery in a depiction of Luther and Erasmus distributing ants showed them with two-pronged hoes or with flails, thus "Karsthans" or
the Bible, which is baked from the flour of a mill in which the Word is being "Flegelhans" (Hans-the-Flail). These images were appropriated in the years
ground. Erasmus is the miller and Luther is the baker. The pope and his min­ leading up to 1525, as in the Swiss pamphlet of 1521 or in Hans Kolb's undated
ions try to oppose this action, but they are held at bay by a peasant named denunciation of clerical corruption (composed between 1520 and 1525) in
Karsthans (Hans-the-Hoe), who in this instance wields another emblematic which Karsthans and Flegelhans menace priests who waste tithes and keep
peasant tool, a flail.139 concubines. Nine pamphlets denouncing the cruelty and greed of landlords,
It would be too simple, however, to oppose an earlier passive, symbolic dating to 1523-24 and written by James Locher, a former Franciscan, were ad­
vocabulary of rustic virtue to a later more literal one. The themes we have dressed to "Karsthans."143 A pamphlet entitled New Karsthans, attributed to
identified were in fact combined routinely. One of the most important writ- the distinguished reformer Martin Bucer, called for an alliance between peas-
Peasant Agency, Peasant Humanity 232

ants and lesser nobles to reform the Church. 144 Bucer presents righteous
fighters for the Gospel with the same iconographic accompaniments (rustic
tools) as those possessed by the boorish villagers of the Neidhart illustrators.
In the text of the Divine Mill pamphlet we are told that Karsthans still has
his flail but now also understands the Bible. He remains a simple man but for
that very reason stands ready to defend the Gospel should any rise against it
to restore deception.145
Those opposed to such tendencies saw disputatious or literate peasants as
an inversion of order. An illustration accompanying the prophetic text by
Joseph Gruenbeck shows a peasant officiating at the altar of an upside-down
church while outside a monk is plowing (Fig. 12).146 It is as if the nightmare
of Adalbero of Laon had come true. Illustrations to Thomas Murner's tract
On the Great Lutheran Fool ridicule the notion of the evangelical peasant. In
one picture the peasant is mounted on a snail and carries a rake, not so much
a threat as simply a representation of the peasant's lack of military skill and
equipment. Another woodcut, however, shows the peasant dressed as a mer­
cenary soldier carrying a banner labeled "Freedom." 147 That peasants should
be the equal of priests in interpreting the Bible must lead to violence and the
overturning of the social order as well, warned Catholic opponents of Luther,
and of course they were in some sense correct.148
For the early reformers, however, the peasant was credited with a degree
of ingrained skill at religious disputation, an ability to cut through the
sophistries of the learned with his simple piety. The concept of simple piety is
obviously not new, and even the idea of actually mobilizing it goes back at
least to Langland. It is put into effect rather dramatically, however, particu­
larly as a result of Luther's early teaching concerning the primacy of the Bible
and the priesthood of all believers. 149 The view that the Bible rather than a
learned theological tradition contained religious truth, together with Luther's
notion of the dignity of the common man, encouraged a more pointed ver­
sion of the traditional theme of pious simplicity, a version capable of defend­
ing faith against learned impiety. The peasant, embodying this faith, was
close to God not merely for negative reasons (lack of sophistication) but in
his everyday existence; through work rather than renunciation. Luther re­
mained firmly within the tradition that regarded rustic labor as most truly
"real" work. By deprecating ascetic practice and traditional penance, he gave
an even more positive valuation to rustic labor. In Flugschriften of the years
before the Peasants' War of 1525, work in the fields was exalted as a duty in­
cumbent on all estates, clergy and nobility included. 150 12. The world turned upside down: a peasant at the altar and a priest plowing.
Luther did not himself devote considerable attention to the peasants be­ Woodcut engraving from Joseph Gruenbeck, Spiegel der naturlichen, himelischen
fore the events of 1525, although he did make use of traditional images of la- und prophetischen sehungen (Leipzig, 1522), fol. [5r]. Reprinted by permission of the
British Library, London.
Peasant Agenry, Peasant Humanity 234 Pious and Exemplary Peasants 235

bor, piety, sweat, and the plow.151 His influence on the cult of the pious peas­ that work was regarded as degrading or penitential, the peasant was credited
ant was more indirect. Attacking those with claims to spiritual superiority, he with a spiritual benefit in God's eyes. The particular conception that becomes
encouraged the already strong tendency to see the common man as the ex­ stronger in the late Middle Ages is what we have identified as the third peas­
emplar of piety. ant virtue, the third tendency in the attribution of spiritual advantage: the
In the years following 1517, ending catadysmically in 1525, the "evangelical sanctification of the peasant by his pious character and by the simplicity of
peasant" appears as wise and as able to read and cite Scripture, dispute with his manner of life. In part this reflects a shift toward considering lay people in
schoolmen, and see through their hypocritical rationalizations for abuse.152 general as capable of exemplifying piety, not so much by heroic sainthood as
Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt, who was sufficiently enthusiastic about by observation of God's law in everyday life. In surveys of the estates of soci­
rustics to affect peasant dress, argued in 1520 that the poor pray with more ety, and in particular in discussions of their different sins, clerical writers of
fervor than regular clergy, that craftsmen are more knowledgeable about the twelfth to fourteenth centuries either limited their praise of peasant labor
Scripture than bishops, and that neither the pope nor a general council to its penitential quality (stemming from its difficulty and lack of fair remu­
should be ashamed to heed the words of a Christian plowman.153 The weap­ neration) or made spiritual benefit conditional on good behavior (docility).
ons of the peasant were at this point thought to be words rather than flails The growth of Bauernlob and the image of the pious plowman of the late
and pitchforks (which were more emblems or attributes). Peasants appear in Middle Ages do not so much break from clerical precedent as make the attri­
an immense number of Flugschriften, particularly in the guise of "the disputa­ bution of spiritual virtue less dependent on meekness and suffering. In Hugo
tious peasant" in dialogues with opponents of reform. von Trimberg's convenient formulation: "He who desires wealth in heaven
The peasants depicted themselves as exemplars of piety in Dithmarschen should live wretchedly on earth, and not take account of his mistreatment if
in 1500 and in the Bundshuh uprisings of the late fifteenth and early sixteenth he hopes to approach eternal joy." 157
centuries, in which flags, for example, show peasants kneeling in prayer be­ Piers or the "noble peasant" of the fifteenth-century poets is ennobled by
fore a crucifix. Another flag is simply a plowshare.154 In keeping with Luther's labor and self-sacrifice but not by uncomplaining acceptance of oppression.
teaching but also in accord with traditional arguments, labor was depicted as The conception of justice changes in relation to Christianity. Unjust suffering,
ennobling, as in a dialogue of 1525 in which the parasitic existence of the rather than indicating divine favor, comes to be regarded as irreconcilable with
clergy is contrasted to the life of Christ, who labored, and the pious toil of the teachings of Christianity. The particular emblem of unjust oppression in­
the peasant: "Man was born to work as the bird to fly."155 But the peasant was compatible with the status of the peasant as Christian is serfdom. In one set of
saved by his piety, his labor being its exemplification, not merely a potential teachings, servitude is to be borne because it shields weak minds from temp­
source of negative advantage. The curious case of the "Peasant of Wohrd" il­ tation and promises a reversal of fortunes in the world to come. According to
lustrates how far the attribution of rustic inspiration had progressed. A for­ another set of ideas that emphasize the peasants' status as Christians, servitude
mer Benedictine monk named Diepold Peringer preached a popular sermon is an intolerable contradiction of that liberty bought by Christ's blood and
(printed nine times in the period 1524-25) that attracted attention because he promised to all the faithful. On the one hand we have the spiritual benefit of
was supposedly an unlettered rustic miraculously blessed by God with the suffering: what is spiritually ennobling are poverty and oppression. On the
ability to preach. In this example of life imitating art, a literate cleric pre­ other hand we have the spiritual benefit of what might be considered the nor­
tended to be an ignorant peasant.156 mal difficulty of agricultural toil: what is spiritually ennobling is work, sim­
plicity, and simple piety. In one case servitude is merely an aspect of difficult
testing and purifying circumstances; in the other it becomes more disturbing,
The pious peasant was not an invention of the Reformation, although the im­ a direct contradiction of humanity defined in terms of one's status as Chris­
age of peasants as actively reading the Bible, disputing theological points, or
tian. In the following chapter, we will look at the question of serfdom in con­
engaging in struggle to protect the reform movement were new. We have seen nection with piety, Christian teaching, and human dignity.
that certain ideas of peasant piety grew out of the functional identification of
the peasant with work. To the extent that such work was regarded positively,
as nourishing society, the peasant was at least worthy of esteem. To the extent
Part"' 5
The Revolt Against Servitude
Chapter' IQ
The Problem of Servitude
Arbitrary Mistreatment, Symbolic Degradation

In discussing theories of human equality and inequality we saw that the

problem for those defending the order of things was not to explain differ­
ences of birth or wealth. That some were rich and others poor was no more
bothersome to the articulate classes than it is now. What did present difficul­
ties was the failure of mutuality demonstrated by the deprivation of freedom,
the legally enforced subordination of one person to another. The shared an­
cestry of humanity and more particularly adhesion to the Christian faith
seemed to confer upon all believers, regardless of their momentary fortunes
for good or ill, an irreducible dignity that precluded domination by fellow
Slavery had been explained in several ways. The Aristotelian tradition
taught that some people were simply fit to be slaves. Roman law contrasted
the law of nature, which forbids slavery, with the law of nations, which per­
mits it. Such a distinction could fit a Christian world in which slavery was ex­
cused by reference either to an underlying equality to be realized in heaven
(St. Paul), to overall human sinfulness and weak character (Augustine, Isi­
dore), or to an original moment dividing society (Noah's curse against Ham).
It was, nevertheless, tricky to explain why Christians should be held in
subjugation by other Christians. Non-Christians presented considerably less
of a problem since their infidelity made it appropriate to subjugate them.
Only those with the most tender consciences were troubled by the enslave­
ment of aliens and infidels, terms that could be defined generously so as to
include rebels, heretics, even mere foreigners. The medieval Mediterranean
enjoyed a brisk traffic in Saracen slaves but also in Christian peoples from the
Balkans and Caucasus.
Explaining serfdom among Western European Christians was a greater
challenge because the serfs were neither heretics nor foreigners. One could the-
The Revolt Against Servitude 240 The Problem ofServitude 241
orize that their ancestors had committed some hereditary crime (as in Catalo­ One finds similar practices elsewhere. In the Vaud, the customary law al­
nia or Hungary), or that they were not fit for anything better (the import of lowed a lord to chastise his serf moderately, with or without cause, although
satirical literature), but it required ingenuity to represent them as sufficiently he could not torment him.5 Beaumanoir posited the existence of such a
different from the free population to justify their subjugated status. That they seigneurial right in his collection of the customary laws of Beauvaisis: "Some
were Christian made it difficult to regard them as subhuman or alien unless serfs are so subjected to their lord that he can take all they have, when they
they could be typified as only nominal Christians who were in fact pag�s �r die or when they are still alive, and he can keep them in prison any time he
heretics. As we have found, however, the accusation that peasants were Irreli­ wants, rightly or wrongly, for he is answerable for them only to God."6 Here
gious was not among the most frequent reproaches made against them. The the right affects only the lowest category of serfs, although they are not other­
very qualities that ptovoked derision from a worldly point of view (poverty, wise very clearly defined. As in Catalonia, here the particular mistreatment
simplicity, lack of status) were at the same time spiritually beneficial. envisaged is imprisonment and seizure of goods, and it is not merely a right
Christianity did not confer what would now be understood as "rights." of judgment or jurisdiction but a prerogative to be exercised irrespective of
Rather, according to at least a segment of medieval opinion, it implied a any justification. The canons of Notre Dame in Paris claimed the right to im­
certain minimal human dignity and, related to that, a certain minimal hu­ prison or even kill their serfs during a quarrel with their tenants at Orly. The
man freedom or immunity from arbitrary domination by others. The twelfth­ serfs had appealed to the queen (who was acting as regent for the absent
century codification of Catalan customary law governing the relations be­ Louis IX), whereupon they were cast into the chapter's prison. They were ex­
tween the king and his nobles, the Usatges ofBarcelona, discusses compensa­ ercising a putative right of jurisdiction, but one that had an arbitrary charac­
tion for killing rustics and others "who have no other dignity than that of ter similar to that in the examples previously mentioned. According to the
being Christians." 1 They were neither members of the aristocracy nor privi­ Grandes chroniques, the canons asserted their right to distrain and imprison
leged townsmen nor a special group with a defined status (such as Jews), but their serfs "as they wished." 7
at the same time they were not serfs.2 Unprivileged, they were nevertheless In some customary law traditions, manifestly unjust conduct was not ex­
free, a status manifested or proven by the minimal but significant dignity pressly permitted, but lords could mete out punishment that approached an
conferred by membership in the Christian community. essentially arbitrary control over life and death. The symbolic importance
Freedom was not a "natural" or inherent human condition but a privi­ of shedding blood or of execution might be reserved to the prince, but this
lege. Freedom was understood not as a release from all bonds to others but as did not prevent extreme treatment. In Aragon, according to the thirteenth­
immunity from the arbitrary will of another. The infringement of freedom century jurist and bishop Vidal de Canellas, a lord could kill a man who mur­
was not lordship as such but bad lordship; being routinely and lawfully sub­ dered another of his dependents, but only by such means as avoided the shed­
jected to arbitrary treatment or, more pertinently, mistreatment without re­ ding of blood (death in prison from starvation, thirst, or cold was suggested).8
course to a higher authority.3 According to Exodus 21:20-21, a master who killed his slave was to be
To be able to exact payment or to impose punishment without answering punished unless the slave lingered a day or two before dying. This inspired a
either to effective local resistance or to any higher jurisdiction was the essence number of law codes such as that of King Alfred in 892-93 and Ruprecht von
of lordship over the unfree or those whom one wanted to present as unfree. Freising's Preisinger Rechtsbuch (compiled in 1328). According to the latter, a
In 1202 the Catalan nobility wrested from King Peter I recognition of exemp­ man who killed his serf by flogging was guilty of a crime unless the serf lived
tion from royal intervention if they "mistreated" (maletractaverint) their rus­ for more than a day after the punishment. In that case, the master was con­
tics. This right, later known as the ius maletractandi, would be among the key sidered not to have deliberately killed him and so was guiltless.9 In these in­
indications of servile status, denoting as it did removal from the legal protec­ stances the lords were presumed to be acting for some reason, not out of cruel
tions normally afforded by the public law of the principality. This was not caprice, but obviously they could exert a nearly uncontrolled level of coercion.
merely a theoretical right but one that was tested in litigation, shaped for lo­ Pierre Bonnassie has reminded us of the importance of the symbolism of
cal customary codifications such as the fourteenth-century Customs ofthe Di­ violence that demonstrated with graphic and exemplary clarity the degree to
ocese ofGirona, and brought up by lords in their negotiations with the monar­ which lords held their unfree subordinates in thrall. Marc Bloch has written
chy during the Catalan Civil War in about 1475.4 of the "essence profonde" of servitude, a condition broader than the specific
The Revolt Against Servitude 242 The Problem ofServitude 243
economic obligations of bondage to a lord.10 Bloch cites examples of mutila­ tion or payments to induce lords to accept an improvement in their tenants'
tion, torture, and burning.11 Lords who wanted to punish in a fashion that condition were expenses borne by villeins in many parts of thirteenth- and
would cow others tempted to poach or otherwise violate his monopolies early-fourteenth-century England.18 Studies of servitude in Catalonia, south­
might inflict cruel reminders of their power. Ordericus Vitalis recounts that eastern Germany, and the region around Sens similarly demonstrate that
Count Galceran of Meulan in n24 cut the feet off of peasants who illegally servile status was perceived as an extra-economic indignity that peasants at­
cut wood.12 Lords who wanted to undermine what had previously been free tempted to evade, buy out, or resist.19
communities would resort to beatings, threats of mutilation, and holding The next chapter, which deals with the peasant wars of the late Middle
peasants for ransom, as, for example, in twelfth-century Catalonia in the Ages, will examine more closely how important questions of freedom and le­
decades before the right of seigneurial mistreatment was finally officially gal status actually were to peasant rebels. Here I am concerned to show the
recognized.13 symbolic representation of servitude, which centered on capricious domina­
Lords could not, of course, consistently act in this fashion toward their tion. Even if in the everyday economic sense the servile regime was a carefully
tenants without finding their wealth threatened by demoralization and deser­ administered structure of obligation, it depended on certain dramatic images
tion-the "Giles de Rais model" of pathologically wicked lordship was not and proofs of subordination for its effectiveness.
viable economically. And in fact the serfs led their lives largely outside of the Acts of seigneurial domination were not necessarily as violent as the afore­
shadow of immediate seigneurial supervision, a circumstance that differenti­ mentioned burning, maiming, and killing. The lowliness of the peasant was
ated them from slaves. "Seigneurial piracy" (the expression is Bonnassie's) had portrayed by a comical helplessness that symbolically reinforced his inferior­
to be engaged in judiciously, to encourage obedience.14 I have mentioned Fe­ ity. In a judicial proceeding over proof of unfree status in 1387, a witness re­
lix Hemmerli's recommendation that peasant farms be burned every 50 years called the harsh treatment meted out by the lords of Rocourt (in the bish­
to teach respect. Arson was also envisaged as an official measure of coercion opric of Basel, now the canton of Jura). Ferry de Rocourt on one occasion
further east, in Carinthia. According to Johann von Viktring, writing in 1336, had answered complaints of the village mayor by observing that the mayor
the Carinthian dukes appointed a Landesbrandschatzamt ("territorial incendi­ knew very well he was a serf (homme de morte main) and that if Ferry wished,
ary') to set fires in order to create and maintain fear of the ruler. This official "he could take him by the foot and sell him in the market." 20 It was imagined
is attested in documents from 1302 until the seventeenth century, but his du­ that in earlier times, lords had exercised tyrannical rights over their rustic de­
ties were probably to regulate and suppress feuds (which often involved the pendents, compared to which mere taxation (by way of commutation of
punitive or threatened burning of houses and farms) rather than to terrorize these rights) was an amelioration. There was a mythical periodization of un­
the rural populace.15 freedom, an invented tradition memorializing a primitive but still influential
It remains difficult to determine to what degree peasants lived in vivid servitude. In mid-thirteenth-century Liege it was claimed that the saintly
fear of their lords, but it is unlikely that they were completely cowed, given bishop Adalbero had, over a century earlier, abolished the practice of rou­
their control of the immediate circumstances of cultivation.16 There is no tinely cutting off one of the hands of a peasant, a brutal token of controlling
doubt, however, that the selective demonstration of savagery was useful if not his inheritance, in favor of the relatively mild mainmorte (literally, "dead
vital to the maintenance of lordship. Extrajudicial violence was not so much hand").21
an everyday form of control as a symbolic statement of arbitrary power, and The phantom "droit de seigneur" or "droit de cuissage"-the supposed
consequently of subjugation to that power. right of a lord to deflower peasant brides-is a curious example of arbitrari­
It is important to underscore the significance of symbolic acts of oppres­ ness and its supposed commutation. In the eighteenth century it served as an
sion and violence that marked the borders between freedom and servitude. the emblem of aristocratic caprice and corruption, made famous especially by
Servile status did not inevitably mean economic or even social degradation. Beaumarchais's Marriage ofFigaro. This "custom" was in fact almost exclu­
In England, for example, extensive holdings of land and substantial local sta­ sively mythical. Over a century ago, Karl Schmidt laboriously and conclu­
tus might coexist with villeinage.17 Nevertheless, servile status was felt to be sively demonstrated that the historical basis for this right was either com­
onerous, unjust, and worth sacrifice to cast off or resist even in places where pletely fabricated or resulted from a confusion of seigneurial control over
there was little if any short-term gain in moving out of villeinage. The litiga- marriage off the estate (the right known in France as formariage).22 Such con-
The Revolt Against Servitude 244 The Problem ofServitude 245
fusion is to some degree understandable in that lords could enforce marriage spending the night with peasant brides or, as a symbol of lordship, claiming a
exactions in peculiar ways. Ferry de Rocourt claimed the right to decide right to "pass over" the newly married woman while she lay in bed. This was
where a newly married couple should spend the first night after their wed­ regarded by the peasants not only as evil but as a degrading symbol of unjust
ding. The brides were not originally from his jurisdiction, so the ceremony subjugation. At Vic the lords responded that they never heard of such a right
was designed to show that the new couple belonged to the lord of Rocourt. A and renounced it willingly if it existed.27 That lords did, in fact, occasionally
similar right is found in the fourteenth-century Coutumier bourgign,on. 23 demand such privileges receives support from an account by the Silesian trav­
Recently Alain Boureau, in a masterful treatment already cited in a num­ eler Nicholas von Popplau, who described its exercise in 1486, on the eve of
ber of contexts, showed how the mythical droit de cuissage made its varied ap­ its abolition.28
pearances, from its use by lords eager to inflate the estimated value of their The issue would be raised upon the conclusion of the civil war and peas­
fiefs in sixteenth-century Beam to the rhetoric of liberal and anticlerical op­ ant rebellion. The document that officially ended serfdom in 1486, the royal
position in the era of Napoleon III. Boureau agrees with Schmidt that there Sentence of Guadalupe, referred to this abusive custom, which it abolished.29
never was a legal claim to exact this "right," but the legend does have a me­ The Catalan peasants also complained of other degrading obligations,
dieval context, thus it amounts to more than an antifeudal invention of the such as the lords' practice of requisitioning wet nurses for their infants from
Enlightenment. The earliest instance in Boureau's dossier is the cullage men­ among their tenants, or the ius maletractandi itself.30 The Catalan example
tioned in a peculiar poem of 1247 concerning the vilains of Verson in Nor­ shows a spectrum of signs of harsh lordship: the economically important "bad
mandy.24 Boureau also describes a small number of "troubling [i.e., perhaps customs" (whose acknowledged "badness" and degrading overtones shade
valid] cases" that, although forming an infinitesimal proportion of the sei­ into such demeaning obligations as wet-nurse service), arbitrary levies, a right
gneurial records of the period, suggest the geographical and chronological of mistreatment, and at least the echo of the droit de seign,eur. In Galicia,
range of this myth. where an antiseigneurial rebellion erupted in 1467, complaints of arbitrary
Much of its imaginative power came from the graphic demonstration of treatment included references to various forms of real and symbolic sexual ex­
lordship and the symbolic sexual humiliation of dependents. The supposed ploitation.31 At Fuenteovejuna in 1476, the murdered commander of the Or­
droit de cuissage is thus a version of the same image of sexual helplessness seen der of Calatrava was accused of having robbed and violated female villagers,
in the fobliaux (peasant males as easily cuckolded) or the pastourelles (chivalric but the causes of the rebellion ( jurisdictional and fiscal) appear to have been
predation directed against peasant girls).25 more prosaic.32
The droit de seign,eur was, among other things, an extralegal "proof " of Arbitrary lordship symbolized and proved servile status in such realms as
servitude, a more vivid demonstration of control than such indices as majn­ Catalonia, where serfdom was a legally recognized and economically impor­
morte (death duties), taille (a head tax or taxation at will), or formariage' (a tant form of land tenure. In other regions, where servitude was either waning
fine for marriage off the estate). In Catalonia, where the equivalent of for­ or unknown, or where lords attempted to revive it, arbitrary lordship was in­
mariage was simply integrated into the system of manumission payments for terpreted by peasants themselves as the key to a degradation of their condition.
servile tenants, a peculiar indication of servile status was cugucia, a fine paid In Upper Swabia the abbey of Kempten was master of an extensive prin­
by a servile husband if his wife was adulterous. This was one among a group cipality of its own that included serfs (Leibeigenen or Eigenleute), but also
of so-called "bad customs" (mals usos) that coalesced by the late twelfth or nonservile tenants who paid a census or head tax in acknowledgment of lord­
early thirteenth centuries into the legal and symbolic characteristics of servi­ ship (Freizinser), and tenants completely free of seigneurial incidents other
tude.26 Late fifteenth-century Catalonia also furnishes the most striking ex­ than rent (Muntleute). During the fifteenth century, the prince-abbots of
ample of the droit de seign,eur, not quite as a genuine right but as a symbol Kempten tried to degrade free tenants to the level of Freizinser and the latter
and perhaps reality of seigneurial mistreatment that figures in the complaints to the level of servitude. In 1423 the peasants managed to take their case to
of the peasants themselves. In 1462, on the eve of the rebellion that would the imperial court at Ulm, where the abbot produced a forged charter of
eventually result in the abolition of serfdom in Catalonia, negotiators for Charlemagne that gave the same rights over Freizinser as those held over serfs.
both sides met at Vic to discuss the grievances of the remences (as Catalan The Freizinser of the town of Kempten itself were able to appeal to Pope Mar­
serfs were called). The peasants demanded an end to the practice of lords tin V, who upheld their argument. Another struggle took place in 1460, when
The Revolt Against Servitude 246 The Problem ofServitude 247

the abbot required death taxes, labor services, and other servile obligations they were either a subordinate form of humanity or at least partially bestial.
from Freizinser. He also implemented marriage regulations that had the effect While such depiction was often comical ("the peasant resembles an ox except
of degrading men who married below them. Beginning in 1481, the mon­ that he lacks horns''), the reiteration of the peasants' essentially nonhuman na­
astery began confiscating one half of a peasant's estate upon his death, requir­ ture excused inhuman treatment, although peculiar distinctions might be
ing in addition the payment of death duties from the remaining hal£ A re­ made among degrees of degradation. Judges on the London eyre of 1244 stated
bellion in 1491 (when taxes were raised during a famine) resulted in the de­ that servile tenants might be put in stocks but not in irons. Their owners
feat of the peasants by the Swabian League and the degradation of 1,200 might sell such serfs "like oxen and cows" but were not to kill or maim them
Freizinser to servitude.33 since their bodies belonged to the king.41 Serfs could thus be likened to do­
Shortly before the outbreak of the German Peasants' War, in January 1525, mesticated animals and subjected to arbitrary but not unlimited mistreatment.
the Kempten peasants renewed their complaints. The response of the abbot In peasant remonstrances, especially those written during the German
was that he had indeed made serfs out of Freizinser who married serfs, but Peasants' War of 1525 (these, of course, have been much better preserved than
that in no case had he acted differently from what was customary among remonstrances from any other revolt), unjust subjugation was described with
neighboring lords.34 On this occasion, a register of 335 complaints (represent­ the same animal metaphors, but now in order to emphasize a gross injustice,
ing 1,220 individuals) was drawn up by members of each category of tenants, not to characterize peasant nature. Tenants of the abbey of Ochsenhausen in
the so-called Kemptener Leibeigenschaftsrodel The complaints centered around Upper Swabia stated in a manifesto that they should not be "sold like cattle
degradation by reason of marriage, the prohibitions on leaving the abbeys ju­ and sheds, for we all have one lord, that is God in heaven." 42 In 1525, serfs of
risdiction, and arbitrary fines and imprisonment.35 In September 1525, during the prince-archbishop of Salzburg complained that servitude violated the
the general rebellion of the south German peasants, the Kempten tenants Gospels, amounting to a right to compel men to submit to seigneurial greed
summarized their grievances by stating that their forefathers had been free, in and brutality, to be led around by the nose. They were treated like cattle,
possession of "Libertet und Freiheit," but that they had been forced to relin­ "only even more tyrannically."43 At Kempten in 1525, after listing the oppres­
quish this liberty and to submit to oppressive obligations and arbitrary pun­ sive practices of the abbey, the protesting peasants complained that they were
ishment at the hands of the abbots.36 treated more harshly than serfs and dogs.44 Inhumane treatment violated not
Similar pressures on free and semifree peasants were exerted by the mon­ so much an abstract notion of human rights but a particular dispensation ac­
astery of Saint Gall during the fifteenth century. The monastery attempted to corded by Christ's sacrifice to those who believed in Him. To be Christian, in
level its tenants (Gotteshausleute) to a single level, that of serfs ( leibeigene this sense, was to be fully human, or at least possessed of a basic humanity
Gotteshausleute). 37 In south Germany, as in England, Catalonia, and else­ that was violated by servitude.
where, serfdom and complaints about servitude were not simply masks for I will examine the issue of servitude in the great peasant revolts up to 1525
economic or communal issues. Personal unfreedom had a substantial effect in the next chapter and try to see what connections there might have been
and was deeply resented. In addition to the examples of Kempten and Saint between how peasants framed their demands and earlier ideas of equality,
Gall, there were localized revolts over servitude against a number of German Christianity and natural law. Here I want to delineate what those ideas were
secular and clerical lords.38 I have tried to argue similarly that the Catalan (an effort to some extent anticipated in Chapter 6), paying particular atten­
peasant revolt of 1462-86 was essentially about serfdom.39 In general, as Yves­ tion to serfdom, which seemed not only to symbolize the violation of human
Marie Berce has observed for early modern France, the instigation to revolt dignity by arbitrary treatment but to go against the Christian idea of an ulti­
resulted from a sense of injustice, along with a certain calculation of opportu­ mate shared human nature.
nity, rather than an absolute level of economic misery.40
Servitude represented the most telling encapsulation of injustice, not nec­ Servitude, Force, and Christ's Sacrifice
essarily or exclusively because of its economic impact but because the serf was
rendered subhuman. Ill treatment, or the idea that coercion is justified and In discussing medieval ideas of equality, I argued that the crux was not a lev­
necessary to compel work, placed the serf in a conceptual setting resembling eling of social condition but a recognition of a basic status shared by all hu­
that of a domestic animal. We have seen a tendency to speak of peasants as if manity. God's creation of Adam and Eve and descent from a common ances-
The Revolt Against Servitude 248 The Problem ofServitude 249

tor conferred an ultimate likeness. Various arguments could be put forward stated that servitude came not from the natural order of things but from in­
to explain why this original equality no longer held, and why some people iquity, not from Ham but from human injustice.49 Iniquity here was not in
were justly or at least appropriately subordinated. keeping with God's purpose but purely human.
Another strategy was to deny that servitude, the most obvious violation Naturally, such attitudes by no means dominated within the medieval
of minimal equality, affected anything more than the material body, the life Church, which continued to regard servitude as not only licit but praisewor­
in the temporal world. St. Paul instructed servants (servi in the Vulgate) to thy in many instances. The monastery of Marmoutier kept records of its ser­
obey and honor their masters (Ephesians 6:5; 1 Timothy 6:1; Colossians 4:1), vile dependents and the acts, dramatically represented, by which they placed
and his counsel that God does not distinguish between free and unfree themselves in pious subjection to the monastery as serfs.50 Andrew ofFleury's
(1 Corinthians 7:21-23) was followed by Church fathers such as Ambrosiaster contribution to the Miracles ofSaint Benedict includes the story of Stabilis, a
and Lactantius, who stated that God did not recognize slavery. Precisely be­ serf who escaped and prospered in Burgundy. Brought finally to justice by the
cause of this, there was no reason to overthrow the secular practices that de­ monks, Stabilis attempted to prove his free status, but a coin in his sleeve
prived certain individuals of freedom. The same argument would appear (symbolic of his servile head tax) grew suddenly and miraculously weighty
again in Luther's The Freedom ofa Christian and his later refutation of peas­ and immense as he appeared before a tribunal. He was forced to acknowledge
ant claims to a literal, worldly liberty as a carnal understanding of spiritual his servitude toFleury.51
freedom.45 Luther's doctrine of acceptance of the social order actually con­ Nevertheless, a number of voices both clerical and nonclerical questioned
tains two arguments: the contention that Christians are not harmed in the the assumptions by which serfdom was presented as natural and routine. De­
sight of God by servile condition (a view unexceptionable and fully supported liberate injustice, rather than circumstance against a background of universal
by the New Testament), and the more tendentious position that the Bible ac­ sinfulness, would be emphasized in one of the best-known medieval denun­
tually sanctions servitude, so that rebellion against it is therefore seditious and ciations of servitude, Eike von Repgow's Sachsenspiegel a vernacular law code
heretical. 46 composed between 1221 and 1224. This passage was cited above in connection
In order to deny that servitude among Christians was licit, two assertions with the denial that Noah's curse could be used to justify serfdom. Eike ends
were necessary: first, that there was no basis for a differentiated penalty for his refutation of biblical justifications by stating that servitude comes from
general human sinfulness that imposed servitude on some but not on others, coercion unjustly imposed by men, not from any kind of divine purpose or
and second, that servitude violated not only original equality but a continu­ dispensation. Servitude is an evil custom imposed by power, which now seeks
ing intention of God to uphold it. That sin entered the world through Adam acceptance as if it were law. 52 The same formulation appears in the south­
did not necessarily excuse subordination. The result of sin might be that the German legal collection the Schwabenspiegel and it would figure in other
powerful illegitimately dominated the weak, not that the weak were appro­ German law books of the later Middle Ages.53
priately restrained by force. That servitude violated natural law was, of course, an idea as old as the
Augustine had treated servitude as a consequence of sin but distinguished Greek philosophers and the Roman lawyers. Christian theologians such as
between adverse circumstance and human iniquity as its direct cause.47 Later Augustine, Agobard, and Aquinas could countenance modification to natural
authors who condemned slavery and serfdom made use of this distinction, ar­ law because of sin and the need to restrain the wicked in a radically imper­
guing that subordination proceeded not as a natural result of the fallen con­ fect world. This relative natural law was opposed by Eike von Repgow but
dition of man, nor as part of a hidden divine purpose, but from specific also by John Ball, the author of the Reformatio Sigismundi, and a number of
wicked intent and action. The contrast in approaches to servitude was some­ peasant spokesmen in 1525. They insisted, in effect, on an absolute natural
times subtle. Smaragdus, Agobard of Lyons, Jonas of Orleans, and Atto of law that could not licitly be modified or set aside.54 It is here that we arrive at
Vercelli, for example, all asserted the ultimate equality of humanity.48 Agob­ the second argument identified above: that God's original creation of human­
ard and Jonas followed Gregory the Great, distinguishing original equality, ity in His image and with a fundamental equality of condition was still valid.
whereby all were created in His image, from a just if mysterious divine decree The Fall had not so debased humanity that servitude became either licit or
by which some were, at least externally, subordinated into servitude. Smarag­ necessary. The Incarnation broke the bonds of servitude that had placed man
dus, however, attributed domination to wicked acts, not to nature; Atto in the devil's power.
The Revolt Against Servitude 250 The Problem ofServitude 251

Concretely, it was argued that Christ's sacrifice had freed humanity from erty and release from the chain of servitude.60 For Gregory, it was a good deed
bondage to sin, rendering servitude thereafter a violation of Christian liberty. to free slaves, men born by nature free but subjugated by the law of nations.
Slavery (and later serfdom) were imposed by human wickedness-by On the other hand, this was hardly a call to abolition. Gregory's manumis­
force-not by a hidden dispensation of God to a fallen humanity. The falli­ sion appears in Gratian's Decretum in connection with the freeing of Church
bility of human intentions and institutions did not excuse the imposition of a dependents notwithstanding the prohibition against alienation of ecclesiasti­
servitude that violated a still-valid divine and natural law. cal property.61 A twelfth-century manumission from Chartres refers to the ex­
By nature we are all equal, Gregory the Great argued. Borrowing from ample of Christ, the liberator of humanity.62
Augustine, he contrasted God's command to Noah and his offspring to in­ Christ's sacrifice was extended beyond the narrow question of emancipat­
crease and multiply and to subdue the denizens of the earth with human ing dependents to the upholding of a doctrine of essential equality and dig­
domination of other humans. Man was commanded to inspire fear in ani­ nity. It conferred a similitude on all humanity, or at least on all Christians. In
mals, not in other men.55 Gregory acknowledged that some should rule and denouncing the Forest Laws of Henry II, Adam of Eynsham joins together
others be ruled, and that equality was not, under the circumstances, possi­ the two themes we have been tracing: the distinction between the treatment
ble.56 Nevertheless, the contrast between domination over animals and dom­ of animals and the treatment of humans, and the equality of humanity in
ination over humans would continue to be a fundamental way of both at­ Christ's sacrifice. The punitive laws against hunting in the forest meant a re­
tacking and justifying the oppression and particularly the servitude of rustics. versal of divine order-animals were protected while human beings, benefi­
On the one hand, Alcuin, Jonas of Orleans, Hrabanus Maurus, Rather of ciaries of Christ's sacrifice, were destroyed or mutilated: "In revenge for irra­
Verona, Honorius Augustodunensis, and Stephen Langton condemned the tional wild animals, which ought by natural law to be available to all in com­
oppression of men by their fellows because God had given man dominion mon, he had either punished by death or cruelly mutilated in their limbs
only over animals. Similar reasoning appears in the grievances of south-Ger­ human beings, who employ reason, were saved by the same blood of Christ
man peasants.57 Gregory's contrast between divinely ordained domination and share the same nature in equality."63
over animals and illicit control over humans figured in the sermons of the The Sachsenspiegel also reflects the influence of the passage from Gregory,
head of the Hungarian Franciscans, Oswald of Lasko. Denouncing lords who beginning the discussion of servitude with the statement: "God formed all
impose servitude and oppression on their servile tenants, Oswald, writing at human beings after His image and suffered agony for all. The poor are in His
the end of the fifteenth century, invoked Gregory as well as our common ori­ keeping as much as are the rich."64 In the Schwabenspiegel the wording is
gin in Adam.58 On the other hand, apologists for seigneurial mistreatment re­ changed slightly to emphasize the salvation brought by Christ, while human
garded peasants as animals and thus as meriting subhuman conditions. Peas­ equality is less explicitly emphasized: "God has created man after Himself, for
ant advocates of course condemned their treatment as animals in violation of which men should honor Him. He has also saved mankind from hell with
their created nature. In both instances an unstable border between human His suffering."65 It is probably through the influence of the German law
and nonhuman was evoked by serfdom. books that the sacrifice of Christ was placed in a number of later texts in op­
Arguments over servitude were not generally framed in terms of abstract position to servitude and servile incidents. In a denunciation of seigneurial
human right, at least not before the controversies of the sixteenth century exactions (especially inheritance taxes), the archbishop of Prague, Johann von
over the enslavement of the inhabitants of the New World. What held more Jenstejn (Jenzenstein) wrote in the late fourteenth century that Christian
rhetorical and moral sway was the image of Christ as the breaker of human princes must fulfill their duties toward the populace whom Christ's blood re­
bondage to Satan and to sin.59 Christ's sacrifice could be interpreted as con­ deemed. The archbishop considered the practice of confiscating peasant hold­
ferring a presumption of liberty on His people, a more than merely internal ings in the event of death without children as no better than a "pagan cus­
spiritual liberty, implying that servitude of Christians not otherwise con­ tom."66 Princes and priests must use their power in accord with Christ's
quered or legitimately held captive violated divine law. teachings of peace and liberty, and the death duties are in this sense a defi­
In a passage that would be frequently cited in later centuries, Gregory the ance of natural and divine law, neither of which can be derogated.67 Here, as
Great, upon freeing two dependents of the Church of Syracuse, described the in the Sachsenspiegel Christ's sufferings and the unalterable nature of natural
effect of Christ's assuming human flesh as the restoration of our earlier lib- law are marshaled against servitude. More radical Bohemian observers also in-
The Revolt Against Servitude 252 The Problem ofServitude 253
voked Christ's sacrifice against servitude. The Hussite Peter Chelcicky re­ In one case, the idea of Christ's sacrifice and human freedom was joined
jected the Three Orders model on the grounds that nobles' privileges were to the myths of heroic freedom examined in Chapter 9. The late-fifteenth­
based on illegitimate violence, not on function or divine ordinance. Servitude century laws of Schwyz claimed that the Swiss came originally from Sweden
was sinful, for had not Christ redeemed all with His blood, rendering traffic and that upon settling the new land they agreed to recognize no earthly lord
in human beings immoral?68 other than Christ Jesus, whose suffering, blood, and death had saved them.74
Better known is the Reformatio Sigismundi, in which a Turk argues before Outside of German-speaking lands, away from the influence of the Sach­
the emperor's court in Basel that Christians violate their own doctrine in the senspiegel, however, one finds a more extended joining of liberty, historical
treatment of serfs. Acknowledging the power of what the Bible and the manipulation, and Christ's sacrifice. In Catalonia, where servitude would
Church teach, the Turk contrasts the liberation of Christians for eternal life eventually be abolished after a long civil war in 1486, an earlier attempt by
purchased with Christ's sacrifice with the actual fact that Christians are held peasants to buy out seigneurial rights failed but not without producing local
by their fellows in bondage.69 syndicates organized both to agitate for the end of serfdom and to raise
At the end of the fifteenth century, Alexander Seitz of Wilrttemberg money to achieve it. The formation of these local groups is recorded in a doc­
stated that God had created us all as nobles and that Christ had paid the ument, preserved in the municipal archive of Girona, whose prologue at­
same price for all. 70 Here the idea of equality is joined to that of freedom, but tempted to justify the ending of a long-standing custom.75 The prologue be­
it is an equality of dignity that is the product not so much of natural law as of gins with the words of Gregory's letter to the bishop of Syracuse and then at­
Christian dispensation. Similarly, Erasmus argued in the Institutio principis tempts to prove by a historical argument that the Catalan peasants were
christiani that human beings had been created free, a condition violated by unjustly held in unchristian servitude. Answering the legend of the cowardly
servitude. Christ had freed all from servitude. How shameful, therefore, that peasants (i.e., that Charlemagne had punished with perpetual servitude those
servitude should be imposed on those whom Christ, by His blood, had made who failed to aid his liberating armies), the prologue claims that the inhabi­
free. This would be translated into German and, along with the law books, tants of Catalonia at the time the Christian armies arrived were in fact Mus­
exert a significant influence on the framing of peasant demands in 1525.71 lims ("pagans"). Harsh treatment was meted out to them not to punish any
Equality and liberty in Christ's blood would be marshaled by the Ger­ betrayal of their faith as Christians but to encourage them to become Chris­
man peasant movements in 1525. The Twelve Articles ofthe Peasants ofSwabia, tians. Servitude could not be considered compatible with Christian liberty. As
the most widely disseminated peasant manifesto of that fateful year, argued an inducement to convert, the Christian conquerers promised that those who
for the end of serfdom on the basis of Christ's blood, which was shed for all, became Christians would be freed of the "bad customs" and servile status that
"the shepherd just as the highest, no one excepted."72 The peasants denied properly should affect only infidels. Conversion had not led to liberty, how­
that they wanted freedom at the expense of authority, so that neither an ab­ ever. Christians were kept in servitude, even after the entire population had
solute freedom nor an absolute equality was demanded, but rather an irre­ converted, in violation of divine and natural law. When Christ took on hu­
ducible likeness and liberty in Christ as promised by Scripture. Article 3 con­ man flesh, His passion broke the bonds of servitude and (again evoking Gre­
cludes: "We have no doubt that as true and genuine Christians, you will gory) restored to us our pristine liberty. Thus this document combines sev­
gladly release us from serfdom, or else show us from the Gospel that we are eral themes: Christ's sacrifice and human liberty, a refutation of a historical
serfs.'' explanation for servitude applied to a particular nation, and denial that servi­
Peter Bierbrauer and Walter Muller have shown the connections between tude is an inevitable and licit consequence of sublapsarian conditions.
peasant demands in 1525 and the Sachsenspiegel and Schwabenspiegel (the latter The prologue to the document describing the formation of the Catalan
being the more influential lawbook in south Germany, where the rebellion syndicates should probably not be taken as an example of the peasants' voice
was centered). Specifically, assertions that servitude contradicts the Bible, that in quite the same manner as the German Flugschriften published 75 years
Christ saved all with His suffering, and that servitude is therefore a violation later. The document was written in Latin, and moreover, although tracing the
of Christian liberty are all found in grievances and demands o� peasants in peasants' ancestry to Saracens rather than timid Christians was an ingenious
1525 from communities such as Memmingen, Salzburg, Apfingen, Bitsch, and answer to seigneurial justifications for serfdom, it is unlikely that the peasants
Hanau as well as in the Twelve Articles. 73 themselves would have accepted the idea of Muslim ancestry with much en-
The Revolt Against Servitude 254 The Problem ofServitude 255
thusiasm.We are concerned, however, to show not so much the specific pro­ society to accept the justice of peasant claims, to acknowledge that they mer­
ducers and consumers of the image of Christ's sacrifice and human equality as ited a degree of liberty consequent on a certain basic human equality.80
its range.
Thus even earlier than the assembly of the peasants, the illicit nature of
servitude was raised within the circle of the royal court. Maria de Luna, I stated above that in order for servitude to be effectively denounced, the
queen of Aragon-Catalonia at the opening of the fifteenth century, attempted claim that it was a natural consequence of human sinfulness had to be re­
to have serfdom (which affected only certain parts of Catalonia) abolished on futed.One strategy was to show that there was no basis for servitude to affect
Church lands by appealing to her kinsman, Pope Benedict XIII, the pope of only part of society.This is the purport of the Sachsenspiegel and the prologue
the Avignonese party, who would ultimately be supported solely by the King­ to the assembly of Catalan peasants in 1448-49, both of which take issue with
dom of Aragon.Among her arguments was the example of Christ (ad exem­ attempts to justify such partial servitude by reference to Noah's curse and the
plum Crucifixi), who had liberated us from servitude and whom the pope historical myth of the cowardly peasants.But other arguments justifying serf­
should follow in releasing the servile population from bondage.76 This fol­ dom or relegating it to minor importance tended to posit a universal human
lowed unsuccessful attempts by King Joan I, first in 1388 and again shortly sinfulness that led to the subordination of some people for reasons uncon­
before his death in 1395, to procure the abolition of the "bad customs" affect­ nected to a specific transgression.This is the position taken by Ambrosiaster,
ing the Catalan serfs.77 On the first occasion, King Joan also asked for evi­ Augustine, Isidore, and Agobard: sin had introduced what Gregory the Great
dence to be produced from the royal archives confirming his understanding referred to as "diversity'' into the world, by which some dominated over oth­
that "the time of servitude ...according to the chronicles has already ers, either because they had a superior character (Isidore) or because they had
passed." 78 The king seems to be referring to a version of the legend that at­ a hidden dispensation from God (Gregory).
tributed serfdom to the curse of Charlemagne, whose validity he does not To refute this idea required asserting that the Fall had not obscured the
deny but which he believed was a punishment with a limited term (500 original equality of Creation, nor had it diminished the force of natural or di­
years?).Maria, daughter-in-law of King Joan I by her marriage to his son vine law. Christ's sacrifice had restored original liberty so that all who em­
King Martin I, argued from a less historical point of view. Describing the braced His teachings (Christians) should be free.That they were not was the
"bad customs" and the ius maletractandi with adjectives such as "depraved result of specific unjust coercion, not of a general sublapsarian order; a wicked
and detestable," "pestiferous and reprobate/ Maria asserted that they violate usurpation, not a circumstantial adaptation.The key step was to argue that
divine and natural law. Maria detailed the specific exactions and arbitrary this freedom could not be merely otherworldly or exist only in the eyes of
power of the lords that placed the wretched remences in a worse and more vile God as Paul had said; 81 it had to be realized in this world.
status than that afflicting any other people in the world oppressed by the yoke Human law had to coincide with divine law.This form of what Gerald
of servitude.Such a "singular, detestable, and execrable monstrosity" stained Strauss has called "legal primitivism" characterized much of the thought of
the honor and reputation of Catalonia as well as contravening natural justice the early Reformation and clearly stands behind the peasants' assertion of
and human liberty given by God at the beginning of time. Godly Law on the occasion of the Bundshuh uprisings and the great war of
The pope, besieged in Avignon (from which he would escape in March 1525.82 This law of the Gospels could not be modified by positive law or by
of 1403), in need of friends as one presumes he was, nevertheless declined to arguments of circumstance or custom. As Peter Bierbrauer has observed,
give in on this (or for that matter any other) issue, despite the queen's re­ some of the late-medieval thinkers dissented from the scholastic and canonis­
peated entreaties and various arguments and inducements.79 Throughout the tic consensus that posited a relative natural law permitting modification of
fifteenth century, despite various turns of policy and opportunism, the court the dictates of Christianity because of sin.To this the Sachsenspiege4 Wyclif,
of the kings of Aragon (and certain jurists) could at least imagine and portray the Taborites, and peasant leaders from 1381 to 1525 opposed an unmodified,
servitude as unjust.On several occasions the king agreed to accept peasant absolute Godly law that serfdom violated.83 Custom and positive law con­
demands to compel a buyout of seigneurial claims, but reneged.An explana­ trary to divine and natural law could not be allowed to persist, according to
tion for the peculiar success of the peasants in Catalonia at obtaining the abo­ this view, which had many less radical adherents.The Schwabenspiegel first ar­
lition of serfdom must incorporate the willingness of powerful elements of gued that lords who did not protect their dependents did not merit obedi-
The Revolt Against Servitude 256

ence, then repeated the Sachsenspiegel's formulation that servitude comes not
from law but from force dressed up as law. Such force, however long its his­
tory and however deep its acceptance as custom, remains contradictory to
Chapter' II
God's law, hence invalid.84
The ability of positive law to impose practices contrary to divine law was Peasant Rebellions of the
also disputed, as in a commentary on Catalan parliamentary legislation
drawn up in 1438 by Tomas Mieres. Arguing against the ius maletractandi, Late Middle Ages
Mieres stated that even though it had been enacted by the king and parlia­
ment, it could not invalidate divine law. 85
We should hardly imagine peasants rallying to a cry of "down with mod­
ified natural law." More vividly, they formulated their demands in terms of a
divine ordinance of equality through Christ, one that could not be abrogated
by custom, historical explanations, Old Testament reasons, or positive law.
The image of the peasant as naturally meant for servile work, or as cursed This chapter looks at a few of the more notable peasant insurrections that
by circumstance, or as forming a lower, semibestial level of humanity justi­ arose beginning in the fourteenth century. Most, although not all, were un­
fied servitude. Against this the assertion of liberty reiterated the humanity of �uccessful and present us with the problem of ascertaining an effaced set of
those, however lowly, who professed Christianity. To be Christian was to ideas. It would radically oversimplify to claim that these conflicts shared ide­
merit treatment as a human being, a right that the incidents and reality of ological presuppositions, spread as they were over centuries and across geo­
_ _
servitude violated. This outlook is hardly an assertion of universal equality. graphical boundaries. Renouncing, therefore, any notion of a single and au­
The emphasis on the sufferings of Christ fed into the growth of anti-Jewish thentic peasant "voice" consistent from 1320 to 152,5, we nevertheless can trace
sentiment, sentiment against those supposed to be responsible for Christ's ideas discussed in previous chapters mobilized in favor of the peasants.
torment.86 Equating human dignity with Christian status encouraged an atti­ Among these ideas are the fundamental equality of humanity as ongoing
tude toward the Jews that dehumanized and demonized them. Accusations of rather than as permanently abrogated by a biblical or historical event; the fail­
ritual murder and cannibalism were linked to the cult of Christ's wounds, ure of the nobility to live up to its duties of protection and the consequent
and anxiety over the eucharistic real presence. The peasants' assertion of their calling into question of their right to rule; the piety of the rustics, a popula­
humanity as defined by adherence to the Christian religion certainly excused tion not only ennobled by unjust suffering but close to God by reason of
in their minds, if it did not cause, the association of anti-Semitic violence their work and manner of life.
with antiseigneurial rebellions. 87 It is worth examining both the response of elite writers to the threat and
The peasants' agitation against serfdom in the late Middle Ages is there­ reality of peasant rebellion and peasants' justifications of their own conduct,
fore hardly to be represented as the origin or exemplar of human fraternity. It some of which can be apprehended through the distorting glass of hostile ac­
was, however, aided by a certain appropriation of common ideas equating lib­ c?unts of contemporaries. Both kinds of discourse, attacking and justifying re­
erty, humanity, and Christianity. The idea of Christian-as-human as opposed sistance to authority, employ images and ideas delineated in previous chapters.
to unchristian-as-unhuman reminds one of Carlo Levi's report on the peas­ Some examples of the "peasants' answer" to a seigneurial and urban dis­
ants of Lucania, who told him, "We're not Christian, we're not human be­ course of contempt were described earlier in connection with the Swiss and
ings; we're not thought of as men but simply as beasts." 88 This fundamental other free communities. Although what survives in the way of songs, plays,
complaint would also underlie the peasant rebellions of the late Middle Ages. and chronicles cannot be considered unmediated peasant opinion, in cele­
brating their victories and justifying their claims to liberty, peasants (or their
spokesmen) accepted and made use of aristocratic commonplaces concerning
bravery, freedom, and piety. For the Swiss and the men of Dithmarschen, lib­
erty was to be gained by military courage and a steadfast faith allowing them
The Revolt Against Servitude 258 Peasant Rebellions ofthe Late Middle Ages 259
to vanquish an overconfi dent and impious enemy. Texts produced during the the peasants or their spokesmen might indeed take as literal what had been
large-scale revolts of the later Middle Ages are less celebratory (after all, most conceived as theoretical argument or even stylized lament is the point of this
peasant revolts were defeated), more on the order of collections of grievances. chapter. In discussing Duby's approach to laments over exploitation in the
Their complaints employ images that should by now be familiar: assertions twelfth and thirteenth centuries, I argued that such complaints, mere vent­
of peasant humanity and protests against treatment as animals; denunciations ings or rationales though they might have been, carried the possibility of a
of arbitrary lordship as contravening divine law; refutations of claims of dom­ more pointed questioning of society. What had perhaps been harmless and
ination based on social function (the Three Orders) or historical precedent academic ruminations when they were written could be regarded, by the era
(myths of freedom and subjugation). 1 of the rebellions, as ideas whose currency invited appropriation.
Beyond protests against injustice, some texts offer more radical alterna­ Here we confront the problems put forward by recent critical approaches
tives. Well-known schemes, notably those of the Bohemian Taborites, Thomas to subordination, specifically the problem of how to interpret popular move­
Milntzer's plan for Franconia, and Michael Gaismair's for the Tyrol, presented ments when surviving materials are for the most part hostile accounts of
utopian blueprints for a remodeled society. These celebrated instances have those who put them down. I will defer until the conclusion my discussion of
prompted a tendency to think of all peasant movements of this period as pro­ the implications of hegemony and counterdiscourse. On the specific question
claiming an egalitarian and apocalyptic ideal, the avenging hand of the Lord of medieval peasant uprisings I agree with Paul Strohm and Steven Justice,
in Chelcicky's vision. 2 Even in a less fervid setting, some scholars expect peas­ who have recently thought about this problem in examining peasant de­
ant rebellions to depict a remade social order. In a recent account of the Flem­ mands in England in 1381. Rather than attempt to piece together an authentic
ish revolt of 1323-28, William TeBral<:e tides his chapters with such phrases as voice from hostile texts by means of a sort of ventriloquism, they argue, one
"For a World Without Corruption'' and "For a World Without Privilege," but can examine in a useful and not entirely naive way both chroniclers and what
offers no evidence that such ideologies were actually put f01ward. 3 seem to be peasant texts as reported by chroniclers.4 One looks not so much
It is necessary to separate radical means (insurrection) from ends. that for a hidden, separate peasant discourse as for a manner of contestation. De­
might be described as extreme only if the Middle Ages had a completely mands based on issues of justice, piety, and liberty were new with respect to
solid, hegemonic discourse of hierarchy and subordination. If the latter were who was putting them forward and with what degree of immediacy, but their
the case, any criticism or subversion of the social order would either have content was traditional, hence comprehensible, and they were frightening not
been unthinkable or have caused hysteria. But what we find in the texts of because they were alien or "other" but because they were familiar.
hostile contemporaries of peasant rebellion is consternation more often than
hysteria; and the former attitude did not necessarily prevent chroniclers or Medieval Peasant Rebellions
other elite observers from imagining what peasant grievances were, or lead
them to entirely ignore such grievances in their reports of events. Marc Bloch has remarked that peasant uprisings were as routine within the
This is especially true if elite discourse was not completely unified and medieval agrarian economy as strikes would be within the world of industrial
occasionally expressed dissent from the prevailing order. I have tried to show capitalism.5 This holds more for local, small-scale events than for the large re­
that such dissent existed, my aim being not to argue that elites favored peas­ gional insurrections that characterized the late Middle Ages, from the Flemish
ant rebellions (although in Catalonia this seems to be a close approximation), revolt of 1323-28 to the German Peasants' War of 1525. Sustained revolts did
but to demonstrate that the moral and religious dubiousness of the existing of course occur in earlier centuries, and they did express ideas that would be
order was not altogether lost on the upper echelons and that the theoretical familiar to later advocates of equality. The Capuciati in late twelfth-century
texts and topoi they produced against the status quo could be put to practical France invoked claims of original equality and shared human dignity.6 Peas­
use, turned against fatalistic assumptions that the righting of wrongs must ants also were involved in the world of politics before the fourteenth century.7
await the next world. Hence the literalism of the peasants, the "carnal" read­ Most of the conflicts before 1300, however, were local and centered around
ing of Luther and of Scripture according to his remonstrance (and later vio­ particular grievances. Insofar as they involved claims for liberty, such claims
lent condemnation) in 1525, and the assertion of human equality and the il­ were based more on privileges for certain well-defined communities than on
licit nature of servitude in John Ball's sermon during the 1381 uprising. That sweeping arguments regarding natural or divine law. 8
T he Revolt Against Servitude 260 Peasant Rebellions of the Late Middle Ages 261

After 1300 a large number of both local and larger regional peasant upris­ that of previous movements that had aimed at restoring a supposed earlier
ings occurred. For the German Empire alone Peter Bierbrauer has counted 59 just relation between lords and men without eliminating lordship altogether. 13
peasant insurrections between 1336 and 1525. 9 The distinction between "local" Recent scholarship has tended to emphasize not only the coherence of peas­
and large-scale movements is somewhat misleading, but the rebellions that ant aims but also their connections to older ideas of justice, especially with
left at least indirect evidence of motivations tend to be those that attracted regard to complaints of arbitrary lordship. Whether the rebels were or were
more than glancing attention from chroniclers. I have therefore limited the not inspired by Wyclif or Langland's Piers Plowman is now again debated af­
following discussion to the better-known conflicts of the fourteenth to six­ ter a long period when theories of such influence were dismissed as overly
teenth centuries, although setting them in the context of a climate of fre­ imaginative. 14 There do seem to be connections between the peasant move­
quent smaller revolts. ment and literate high culture. We can reconstruct some idea of peasant ide­
The best documented is of course the German uprising of 1525. From this ology even from the works of hostile chroniclers who were intent on portray­
conflict innumerable printed pamphlets listing grievances and demands ing the peasants as unreasoning savages.
(Flugschriften) have survived, providing a record of arguments intended for While the peasants in London demanded the abolition of lordship, local
the consumption of other peasants (witness the use made of the model movements made more moderate challenges to onerous and arbitrary inci­
Twelve Articles of the Peasants ofSwabia) and as a remonstrance. For the other dents and rights of lordship, calling for rights to use common woods and
conflicts-in England, Catalonia, and Hungary-one is forced to rely on a meadows, rights to hunt game, and an end to monopolies and death duties. 15
thin dossier, which nevertheless contains material evocative of themes we Even seemingly moderate demands, such as the right of tenants of St. Al­
have traced before. bans to use hand-mills, had radical symbolic significance and imagery. In an
earlier rebellion the abbot of St. Albans had confiscated hand-mills that had
The English Rising ofI38I allowed tenants to thwart his efforts to compel them to bring their grain to
his mill for a fee. The abbot used the stone hand-mills as paving for the floor
The immediate cause of the English rebellion was the imposition of a poll tax of his parlor. In 1381, they were dug up and split into fragments to be given
by the royal government. Resistance to the tax began in May 1381. Rebels out as proof that the rebels (townsmen and peasants) had accomplished their
from Kent and Essex marched on London in June, congregating at Black­ goal and as a symbol of their solidarity, a token of communion. 16
heath and Mile End. The most dramatic phase of the rebellion-the execu­ Although chroniclers such as Thomas Walsingham described the rebels as
tion of Archbishop Simon Sudbury, the burning of John of Gaunt's palace, rustics, or more pointedly as "most vile rustics," "barefoot ribald men," or
the invasion of the Tower of London, and the death of Wat Tyler at Smith­ "abject peasants," it has long been recognized that among the rebels were
field-took place on and around the Feast of Corpus Christi. The festive in­ members of village officialdom, artisans, and others from London and its en­
version of social power and propriety that took place during the rebels' brief virons. 17 The fact that many of those involved in the revolt were leaders of
hold on the capital has been linked, both by contemporaries and by recent rural communities, and that Kent in particular did not have villeinage but
observers, to the traditional celebrations of Corpus Christi. 10 The significance rather a custom khown as gave/kind by which tenants were legally free, has
of the date might also have affected the planning of the convergence on Lon­ led some observers to doubt that the event can accurately be described as a
don, which was more a planned, coordinated movement than a spontaneous peasant revolt or that the rebels' demands for the abolition of servitude
mob activity. 11 should be taken seriously.18 I would argue that a central part of this move­
What were the demands of those who revolted? On the one hand they ment was indeed a peasant revolt. Studies of the rebels who did not march on
seem to have involved a radical political restructuring that would, in effect, London show that their demands concerned seigneurial and manorial juris­
have abolished the nobility. Rodney Hilton describes the rebels' goal as that diction and administration, in particular serfdom and claims to levy exactions
of imposing a state ruled by a king with a very circumscribed church and al­ by reason of lordship over villeins. 19 As in other great rebellions of the period,
together without nobles, thus essentially the king and common people with in the English Rising opportunities afforded by the weakness of government
few intermediaries. 12 On the other hand, the agenda of the local rebels (those or alliances with other groups did not obscure the issues of status and rural
who did not flock to London to confront the king) was not so different from lordship that most concerned peasants. Those who came to London and held
The Revolt Against Servitude 262 Peasant Rebellions ofthe Late Middle Ages 263

the young King Richard II hostage went beyond the expression of grievances England and elsewhere, a seemingly conservative character, with the peasants
against taxation and the corruption of royal offic.ials to demand the abolition defending the "good old law" against attempts to consolidate holdings or to
of servitude and a radical alteration of lordship.10 The revolt resulted from a regularize obligations. Radical means (violent insurrection) were deployed for
combination of what might be called "political" circumstances, involving conservative ends, to restore what was perceived as an earlier just order. Peas­
both grievances against governmental administration and tensions in the re­ ants did not need a paradigm shift or a revolutionary religious sentiment to
lationship between landlords and tenants. desire the overthrow of at least certain aspects of the seigneurial regime. Peas­
The Black Death of 1348 and 1349 and the consequent radical diminution ant grievances made use of commonly agreed-upon definitions of liberty,
of population had altered rural economic and social relationships. Squeezed servitude, human equality, and Christ's sacrifice.
by rising wages and falling prices for agricultural products, landlords at­ Long before 1381, persistent lawsuits and local revolts had been sparked
tempted to control more closely those tenants who remained by limiting by changes in manorial custom imposed by landlords.24 In the thirteenth and
wage increases, restricting freedom of movement, and levying exactions that early fourteenth centuries, before the economic consequences of the disaster
could be claimed from servile tenants. Not only were peasants' expectations of 1348-49 had unfolded, lords attempted to rationalize their holdings and to
of improvement thus frustrated, but in many instances their social condition define their tenants as villeins. In the mid-thirteenth century, Robert de
was lowered as lords either imposed servitude on those previously considered Mares and then his widow, Sibyl, attempted to reduce the status. of the vil­
free or coerced those who had been allowed to escape supervision. Between lagers of Peatling Magna in Northamptonshire to villeinage, asserting the
1350 and 1381, marriage fines increased in frequency and amount, those who right to tallage at will and the collection of a marriage fine (merchet). 25 The
departed from tenancies illegally were more vigorously pursued, prohibitions inhabitants of Peatling Magna won their case in 1261. Not so fortunate were
on serfs' acquiring of free land were enforced, and court perquisites and other their neighbors in Stoughton, who lost their claims to freedom to Leicester
jurisdictional privileges were increased. Lords also attempted to restrain up­ Abbey in 1276.26 A poem written at the abbey on that occasion asked, "What
ward pressure on wages (the result of the diminished supply of labor) by en­ can a serf do unless serve, and his son?" It answered: "He shall be a pure serf
listing the aid of the state. The Ordinance of Laborers (1349) and the Statute deprived of freedom./ The law's judgment and the king's court prove this."
of Laborers (1351) required the able-bodied to accept work and prohibited Beginning around 1277, the men of the villages of Darnell and Over in
wages from surpassing their pre-plague levels. While this legislation was of­ Cheshire quarreled with their lord, the abbot of Vale Royal, over his claims
ten evaded, it was also vigorously enforced and widely resented.21 that they owed huge death duties, leyrwithe upon marriage of a daughter, and
The seigneurial reaction was motivated by economic considerations various annoying services (feeding the abbot's puppies, keeping his wild
rather than a desire for social control, but its effect was to sharpen the resent­ horses and bees).27 The villages had formerly belonged to the crown, and the
ment of tenants against servitude. Those who were legally of villein status conditions under their new master were perceived as dramatically inferior.
now saw a disparity between their opportunities and obligations and those of The Darnell villagers had complained to King Edward I shortly after the gift
their free neighbors, who were more able to take advantage of a favorable la­ was made. The Icing is supposed to have told a throng of men carrying plow­
bor and rental market. 22 Christopher Dyer, a careful observer of the entire shares, "As villeins you have come, and as villeins you shall return." There en­
sweep of medieval English social and economic history, writes of a "second sued a long series of suits and acts of violence. The villagers rose up against
serfdom" imposed by lords in the years leading up to the great rebellion.23 the abbey in 1336, complaining that they were free and that the abbot had im­
The primary motive for revolt was the conflict between peasants' expectations posed on them the obligations of villeins. They petitioned Sir Hugh de Fren
of improved negotiating positions and their masters' attempts to preserve or (justice of Chester), King Edward III, Parliament, and Queen Phillippa. The
reimpose servile dues and arbitrary lordship. queen ordered the abbot to restore what he had despoiled, but after the abbot
Questions of freedom and servitude were not exclusively focused on mat­ appeared before the rulers, they once again declared the villagers villeins.
ters of legal status, but neither were they mere rhetorical masks for other de­ They ambushed the abbot in Rutland on his way back from the court, man­
mands. What was at issue both before and after 1381 was the ability of lords to aging to kill his groom before being captured. They threw themselves upon
constrain their tenants by overturning or undermining traditions and prac­ the abbot's mercy and were compelled to perform repeated ceremonies
tices favorable to peasants. This background lends to many of the revolts, in demonstrating their unfree status. One is struck not only by the persistence
The Revolt Against Servitude 264 Peasant Rebellions ofthe Late Middle Ages 265
of these unfortunate tenants of Vale Royal but by their touching faith in the Had God wished to create serfs, He would have established right at the be­
judicial process of the realm, a faith similar to that exhibited by the tenants of ginning who was a serf and who was a lord.32
Kempten in southern Germany over a century later. Ball's sermon is known through Walsingham and Froissart. According to
Peasant movements seeking legal redress were organized before 1381. Op­ their reports, Ball did not explicitly invoke Christ's sacrifice and the freedom
position to arbitrary treatment in the fourteenth century is evident in the pe­ His blood purchased-for all humanity, a traditional theme in Corpus Christi
tition of the villagers of Albury in Hertsfordshire to Parliament in 1321-22 over sermons. One of the letters attributed to Ball in which the rebellion is pro­
seizures and imprisonment perpetrated by their lord. Numerous complaints moted, however, says that John the Miller has ground "smal smal smal" and
were registered in various localities by tenants attempting to prove their free that "the kynges sone of hevene shalle pay for alle." The theme of Christ as
status against lords' claims to hold them as serfs, as for example at Elmham in the wheat, ground in the divine mill for human salvation, is joined to that of
Suffolk (1360) and Great Leighs in Essex (1378).28 No fewer than 40 villages in Christ ransoming humanity from its servitude to the devil.33
the south of England in 1377 were swept by what a contemporary called the Steven Justice has shown how Ball's sermon and letter fit with five other
"Great Rumor": a movement employing Domesday Book to assert personal English letters preserved in Henry Knighton's chronicle rallying peasants to
liberty and oppose labor-service demands.29 By purchasing certified copies of the cause. They were probably not all written by John Ball, as used to be be­
extracts from Domesday (exemplifications) referring to their tenancies, the vil­ lieved, but by other rebel spokesmen. Justice argues that the very act of fo­
lagers attempted to prove that they formed part of the ancient demesne of for­ menting rebellion by means of circular letters and broadsides is a defiant ges­
mer crown lands whose tenants should be protected by the royal courts. The ture against those who regarded peasants as little better than animals, an act
peasants who submitted Domesday exemplifications considered them proof of announcing "the documentary competence of the insurgent population, a de­
freedom from villein status altogether. Parliament and the Royal Council re­ termination not to be excluded from documentary rule." 34 One may not
jected attempts to use Domesday in this fashion, but the effort shows the completely accept this assessment of literacy as the crux of rebellion. Never­
peasants' knowledge of law, belief in its efficacy, and a continuity between ac­ theless, Justice allows us to appreciate not only that the chroniclers' view of
tions at law and local organized opposition, as among the tenants of Vale the peasants as unreasoning savages was false, but also that much of what they
Royal and St. Albans, which brought pressure by extralegal means. report in the way of the burning of documents was not the act of frenzied
Many of the locales involved in the 1381 revolt had experienced earlier mobs intent on destroying education along with lordship.35 Not only were the
suits or acts of insubordination, and a sample of individuals identified as rebels rather selective in what they destroyed (Walsingham and the author of
rebels in 1381 shows that many of them already had confronted their lords the Westminster Chronicle acknowledged that the burning of the Savoy Palace
over fines or servile status.30 At issue in 1381 and before were questions of rent, was carefully policed and that looting was strictly forbidden), they also did
service, and other obligations of tenants that lords had attempted either to not assume that all written records were tools of their subjugation.36
impose, reimpose, or preserve in an environment of what can fairly be termed An exaggerated reverence for charters and ancient documents that had in­
rising expectations. Questions of status were inextricably linked with these spired earlier movements is apparent again in 1381. Townsmen at St. Albans
quarrels over revenues because if lords could show that those who com­ burned charters and rolls listing obligations but demanded possession of an
plained were villeins, they could prevent them from appealing to the public older parchment issued by King Offa with azure and gold capital letters,
courts.31 The petitions for freedom from servitude in 1381 were not a cover for which they believed had established their freedom from villeinage. At a safe
more practical, economic conflicts but the point at issue. distance one can smile at the belief that the Mercian ruler wrote such a char­
Such demands were couched according to a traditional vocabulary, al­ ter, and at the abbot's bewildered promise to search even though he had never
though the conclusions and programs that followed might be more radical. seen or heard of it. In fact, however, the rebels were echoing (or rather turn­
According to Thomas Walsingham's report on John Ball's famous sermon to ing to their advantage) the official monastic account of a foundation in 793. A
the peasants assembled at Blackheath on the day of Corpus Christi itself, Ball supposed charter of King Offa's was repeatedly confirmed by English rulers
argued on the basis of the proverb about Adam and Eve that all were created from the thirteenth to sixteenth centuries.37 Similarly we can be confident
equal by nature. Servitude had been introduced contrary to God's will, by the that Bury St. Edmunds did not, in fact, possess a charter of liberties issued by
wickedness of men (thus not by some primordial, divinely punished trespass). the monastery's founder King Cnut, as the rebels there claimed. 38 The rebels
The Revolt Against Servitude 266 Peasant Rebellions ofthe Late Middle Ages 267
manifested the same reverence before writing when they insisted that the Naturally it would be hard to argue that Walsingham, Knighton, or
king, whom they had in their power, write a charter freeing them from ser­ Froissart displayed any sympathy for the rebels, but they did put into their
vice to their lords and pardoning them. Dissatisfied with the document they mouths arguments that were neither novel nor incomprehensible. Froissart
obtained, they supposedly then ordered that men of law and others familiar says that the people of Kent, Essex, Sussex, and Bedford stirred because they
with legal documents be executed. 39 were kept in servitude and declared that no one should be a bondsman un­
The peasants displayed an understanding of law and legal procedure both less he betrayed his lord, as Lucifer betrayed God. They were not of treacher­
during and before the rebellion of 1381. They also appear to have been capable ous nature, for they were men, formed in the same fashion as their masters,
of using to their own purposes arguments constructed by Wyclif and Lang­ and so should not be kept like beasts.45 That bondage violates divine law, that
land for a different purpose and for a different audience. This appropriation it was instituted by force, that it amounts to treating humans as animals­
consisted in a deliberate shaping, not an ill-digested misunderstanding. Thus these were by no means new ideas, and they were comprehensible to peasant
Wyclif himself carefully joined his denunciations of excessive Church prop­ and lord alike.
erty-holding with provisions for the orderly transfer of such property to secu­ It was possible for the chroniclers to imagine the terms in which peasant
lar rulers, while the peasants enunciated his program in terms of a more lit­ insurrection would be justified and expressed. To say so does not minimize
eral understanding of the canon-law phrase (which Wyclif frequently in­ their scorn, their occasional hysteria, or their portrayal of the rustics as vermin
voked) that the goods of the Church belong to the poor (bona ecclesiae sunt or as domestic animals who have gone wild. Of course the chroniclers were
bona pauperum). Wyclif may have meant his words to inspire the king and aghast at the danger to order and hierarchy, but they did not live in a world
the great men of his realm to action, but his address to the laity was, as completely deaf to the plaintive voice of those under them. Their reports de­
Steven Justice put it, "overheard" by the peasants. 40 Similarly, peasants took pict this voice in stylized terms, yet authentic details are revealed through
the figure of Piers Plowman from Langland to serve as a vivid emblem of the chinks in what might otherwise seem an effective hegemonic discourse.
virtuous countryman and adapted Langland's allegory of "Truth" to the more It has been argued that the English chroniclers were more objective in
activist idea of imposing a new and just social order. 41 their opinions than the historians of the French ]acquerie of 1358, who de­
Protection of traditional local rights and an end to servile status were the scribed this peasant uprising as an act of unmitigated savagery. 46 Yet even
substance of the revolt. Despite the radical means by which the rebels' de­ chroniclers of the ]acquerie varied in their attributions of rational motives to
mands were put forward, one observes the same faith in written documents the rebelling peasants and of blame to the nobility for causing the uprising in
and legal concepts that informed earlier movements such as the "Great Ru­ the first place.47 Walsingham, Knighton, Froissart, and the Anonimalle
mor" of 1377. Thomas Walsingham claims that the rebels wanted to kill Chronicle did not have to acknowledge the legitimacy of peasant demands to
lawyers and justices and to burn all records they could find "so that the mem­ reproduce them in a way that is legible not only to the modern critic or his­
ory of ancient things would vanish," but he also says they hoped thereby to torian inclined to be sympathetic to the rebels' cause but to contemporary
procure their "original liberty'' (ingenua libertas). 42 members of the literate elite who were not.
In discerning (if not actually reconstituting) a peasant "voice" from the
hostile texts that have survived, scholars often want to see an authentic alter­ The Catalan Civil Wttr, I462-I486
native ideology, what Justice calls the "idiom of rural politics" and Strohm
refers to as "rebel ideology." 43 Such ideas were sufficiently antithetical to the I have written elsewhere about the ideological background to this protracted
dominant ways of thought for contemporary observers to regard them with conflict, the only successful large-scale peasant revolt in late-medieval Europe,
fear and ridicule. For Strohm, the chroniclers deliberately manipulated their and so will not linger over it here. Instead I will simply attempt to point out a
accounts to show the peasants in the worst possible light. For Justice, they process of appropriation, contestation, and comprehensibility in peasant de­
had no need to do so because they did not see the peasants as having any le­ mands, which in this case quite clearly centered on the abolition of servitude.
gitimacy that would require distortion in the first place. The one interpreta­ The servile peasants of northern Catalonia ("Old Catalonia'' as distin­
tion finds a deliberate distortion, the other an inability to see that the peas­ guished from the territories to the south and west wrested from Islam in the
ants might have some idea of what they were doing. 44 twelfth century) were known in the late Middle Ages as remences, a Cata-
The Revolt Against Servitude 268 Peasant Rebellions ofthe Late Middle Ages 269

lanized version of the Latin redimencia (redemption). These tenants made up of constructing a moral argument against servitude in the absence of a reli­
about one half of the rural population of Old Catalonia and had been subor­ gious reform movement. Unlike Germany in 1525 or England in 1381 (if one
dinated in several stages, beginning perhaps as early as the eleventh century accepts the connection between the Rising and Wyclif ), fifteenth-century
but culminating in the decades around 1200, when restrictions on their free­ Catalonia witnessed no religious revolutionary sentiment. The Church, to be
dom were first effectively defined and enforced. 48 They were subject to a sure, owned a large number of unfree peasants, but the revolt neither targeted
group of customary levies that included a "redemption," or manumission churches nor expressed any particular anticlericalism. The Catalan peasant
payment, which gave the name to their condition. The exactions were collec­ movement shows the possibilities for achieving a radical agenda within a tra­
tively known as the "bad customs" (mals usos), even in official documents (a ditional vocabulary.
circumstance revealing something of the limits of euphemism in the Middle Catalonia also demonstrates more clearly than other nations the fissures
Ages). The bad customs included the right to require heavy death payments that undermined the unity of the powerful classes. The crown did not con­
in cases where there was no adult male heir (exorquia) or in the event of in­ sistently side with the peasants, but its grudging support and dependence on
testate death (intestia). In addition, lords could confiscate as much as one peasant armies led to the abolition of servitude in 1486 after the resolution of
third of the property of a peasant whose wife committed adultery and left the civil war. Even aside from the opportunistic alliance, however, members
him (a right with the humiliating name of cugucia, i.e., cuckoldry). The Cat­ of the royal court and jurists harbored serious doubts about whether servitude
alan lords also held a legal right to "mistreat" their servile tenants, who could could be justified, and suspicion that it violated religious, natural, and na­
not appeal to the public courts for relief tional law was widespread.51
The actual success of the sustained peasant revolt is due to the compli­
cated circumstances of the Catalan Civil War that pitted an alliance of urban, The Hungarian Revolt ofI5I4
noble, and parliamentary groups against an unpopular ruler whose political
and military survival depended in significant measure on the support of peas­ The Hungarian peasantry launched a short-lived but powerful revolt from
ant armies.49 The political context of the struggle does not obscure the con­ April to July of 1514.52 What had begun as a crusade against the Turks rapidly
sistent purpose of the peasant demands to put an end to servitude. Indeed, evolved into a holy war against the nobility, who stood accused by the peas­
the king owed much of his unpopularity to a policy instituted by his prede­ ants of betraying the crusade by exploiting their tenants rather than defend­
cessors that favored the peasants and that opportunistically, inconsistently, ing the realm. Hungarian royal and ecclesiastical authorities attempted to
but nevertheless dangerously (from the nobles' point of view) raised the pos­ cancel the crusade, but the result was a full-scale uprising. The now-rebellious
sibility of their liberation. crusaders were led by a frontier captain referred to in the sources as George
What we lack from this war (as from every peasant movement before Zeckel, or Gyorgy Szekely (with other variations), known later as Gyorgy
1525) is substantial evidence of how peasants might have framed their objec­ D6zsa. He was victorious against a baronial army in Eastern Hungary at
tions to their subjugation. We do have the curious document from shortly be­ Nagylak on May 24 and continued to operate with some success in the east
fore 1450 regarding the organizing of peasant syndicates, as discussed in the until the failed siege of Temesvar (now Rumanian Timisoara) in July.
previous chapter. It begins by invoking the letter of Gregory the Great, ac­ Janos Zapolya, voivod of Transylvania, led the army that put down the re­
cording to whom Christ assumed human flesh in order to restore to us that bellion, defeating D6zsa outside of Temesvar and executing him in a bar­
original liberty taken from us by the bond of servitude.50 The document then barous manner that astounded contemporaries. While musicians played and
denies that serfdom is the legacy of cowardly Christian peasants who failed (according to one report) sung a Te Deum, D6zsa was placed on an iron
to aid Charlemagne, refuting this notion by the counterclaim that the ances­ throne which was then heated while he was "crowned" with an iron circlet.
tors of the remences had not been Christians at all but in fact Muslims. Partially roasted in this manner but still alive, D6zsa was offered to his fol­
As an argument against serfdom, the prologue follows the pattern of lowers, who had been starved and were now forced to eat his flesh. Those
much of the rest of Europe in pointing to Christ's sacrifice (especially as in­ who refused were immediately dispatched to encourage the others.53
terpreted through the letter of Pope Gregory) as the basis for a Christian lib­ Even in an era accustomed to horrifying public executions, this made an
erty that servitude violated. Catalonia as a whole demonstrates the possibility impression. D6zsa's terrifying punishment would serve as the quintessence of
The Revolt Against Servitude 270

'2'ieautf rut·fo gercbcbto iftim -sn�

gerlanbt1mit beti ltrcuraern/,:,tmt> aud; t>ar8ey wie man
ber <Crelleer l,4ulltm411 vat gefangen �tmb get9bt
scd,el Jo:g.

13. The execution of Gyorgy D6zsa. Woodcut illustration from Stephanus Tau­
rinus, Stauromachia (Vienna, 1519).

cowardice and cruelty for Montaigne seventy years later.54 The most famous
contemporary illustration of D6zsa's death, a woodcut dating to 1519, evokes 14. The execution of Gyorgy D6zsa. Woodcut illustration
from the pamphlet Die auffrur so geschehen ist im Ungelandt mit
the crucifixion of Christ, with a mocking crown being placed upon D6zsa's
den Creutzern (Nuremberg, 1514). Wolfenbiittel, Herzog August
head as tormentors surround him (Fig. 13). A very early report of the rebel­
Bibliothek: 198.13 Hist. (2). Reprinted by permission of the
lion, printed in Nuremberg in 1514, appeared in a revised edition that in­ Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbiittel, Germany.
cluded a report of D6zsa's end and an engraving that shows a more peaceful
martyrdom, the rebel leader crowned by thorns (Fig. 14). As Marianna Birn­ tacularly repressive. It confirmed and strengthened the servile status of the
baum notes, without the two musicians and the man biting the calm figure, Hungarian peasantry, restricting movement from one lord to another and de­
the scene would be readily identifiable as a depiction of Christ, the Man of claring perpetual servitude as the consequence of the insurrection. 56
Sorrows. 55 The wars against the Turks had given the Hungarian peasants more mil­
Legislation enacted as the result of the war was also harshly if less spec- itary skill and experience than peasants had elsewhere in fifteenth- and
The Revolt Against Servitude 272 Peasant Rebellions ofthe Late Middle Ages 273
sixteenth-century Europe. The appeal of a crusade was unusually strong and In Hungary, as in Catalonia, social myths that might at first seem mere
easily turned into a denunciation of the failure of the nobility to live up to its learned fantasies were popularized by lords eager to convert an occasional, by
putative role as the protector of society. Rather than defending the land, it no means universal form of unfree tenure to the basic rule of tenancy. In
was argued, the aristocracy preferred to oppress their peasants in an even Hungary this ambition was fulfilled in the aftermath of 1514: the Hungarian
more barbarous fashion than the Turks. 57 The perceived breakdown of the peasantry was legally degraded to serfdom. Istvan Werboczy, author of the au­
functional mutuality of orders was hardly unique to Hungary, but was felt thoritative legal collection the Tripartitum (published in 1517), justified this
there with more immediate anger. Nobles' dereliction was all the more obvi­ treatment as punishment for the rebellion but also derived arguments for a
ous and reprehensible in the face of a nearby infidel enemy. retrospective servitude-for a primordial separation of free and unfree Hun­
Like Poland and Bohemia, Hungary experienced a serious erosion of garians-from thirteenth-century Hungarian adaptations of French legends
peasant liberty at the end of the Middle Ages. The overwhelming majority of of Charlemagne. 60 Serfdom, which gradually weakened in France and was
the Hungarian population were dependent tenants referred to in documents thrown off in Catalonia, would be imposed and nearly universalized in early­
as jobagiones (Latinized from the Hungarian jobbdgy). The more prosperous modern Hungary.
elements had acquired certain economic liberties in the fifteenth century, Social images and ideas concerning the moral basis for serfdom became
producing for the market, even settling in new towns (oppida) without practical justifications in Hungary. What had been derivative and antiquarian
thereby loosening the legal ties to their lords. The establishment of seigneur­ came to structure legal beliefs, not merely as a hortatory rationale but as an
ial market-towns for a time benefited both landlord and tenant, but toward effective discourse of repression. Similar transformation of ideas and mental­
the end of the fifteenth century, attempts were made to reinforce the depen­ ities can be traced in the peasants' program. Jeno Szucs has shown how tradi­
dent status of all peasants. As agrarian prices rose, landlords imposed heavier tional themes of Franciscan preaching were used by the peasant leaders of
labor-service obligations to replace fixed monetary rents. They enforced this 1514 to explain their attack on the nobility. 61 Although the antinoble revolt
shift and maintained their supply of peasant labor by limiting the ability of has often been related to the nearly simultaneous Protestant Reformation, or
remaining manorial tenants to leave the land. They also dramatically in­ to the earlier impress of the Hussite movement, Szucs demonstrated that the
creased customary exactions in money and kind. The status of the peasant ideological roots of the 1514 revolutionaries were Catholic and conservative,
tended to be universally degraded to that of serf, a process codified by the not proto-Protestant, apocalyptic, or even particularly anticlerical.
laws of 1514 and 1521 but already under way in the fifteenth century. 58 A similar interplay of action and ideas appears in the peasants' accusa­
Although in Catalonia a revolt against serfdom accomplished its aims and tions of deceit, treachery, and cowardice on the part of the nobility for aban­
in England rebellious incidents and erosion of servile status persisted despite doning the crusade. Here the peasants leveled against the nobility the very
repression of the peasants, in Hungary, as in much of east-central Europe, charge of cowardice in the face of military threat that had been associated
serfdom would effectively be maintained until at least the end of the eigh­ with serfdom for centuries. Finally, the very idea of the crusade itself and the
teenth century, legally until 1848. 59 identification with the cross, sacrifice, suffering, and human equality mingle
The Hungarian war touches on a number of points already raised in dis­ what might easily be dismissed as elements of archaic thinking (a crusade in
cussing the transmission of ideas of justice and subordination. As described the sixteenth century ) with a revolutionary program (abolition of the nobility,
previously, Hungary, like Catalonia, borrowed from France the theory of a abolition of servitude, and reduction of the number of bishops to one).
dual descent of the populace from a courageous and a cowardly population. The end of serfdom and the throwing off of noble control were obvious
The Hungarian peasants were thought to be descended from those who in goals of the peasant crusade and were reported by chroniclers and partici­
(mythical) Hunnic times had failed to answer the call to arms. During the pe­ pants. In most accounts D6zsa appears as the evil instigator of the rebellion.
riod in which France and Catalonia were transforming this literary theme King Vladislav wrote with evident satisfaction to the imperial legate, describ­
into the basis for a legal justification for servitude, first Simon of Keza and ing the execution with equanimity, even joy. 62 Among other things this grisly
then Janos Thur6czy explained the differences in status among Hungarians text reflects a tendency to blame the entire niatter on D6zsa. A widely circu­
by reference to crucial acts of bravery and cowardice at the founding of the lated poetic account of the rebellion first published in 1519, the Stauromachia,
nation and its institutions. by Taurinus, presents D6zsa as militarily skillful and courageous, facing his
The Revolt Against Servitude 274 Peasant Rebellions ofthe Late Middle Ages 275

death unrepentant. In language derived from Sallust's accounts of Marius and pend on them-a peculiarly grudging example of the commonplace that rus­
Cataline, Taurinus has D6zsa inveigh against the "tyrants" who rule Hungary. tic labor supports the privileged.
Although D6zsa anticipates a heavenly apotheosis as the "prince of peasants" That the bulk of the peasantry acted out of ignorance might be a conve­
(regulus agricolum), he is in fact received in a thoroughly classical underworld nient fiction when levying fines from the hapless survivors, but during the re­
according to Taurinus's vivid and labored imagery.63 Another contemporary bellion itself this was not the preferred way of thinking about what motivated
chronicler, Ludovicus Tubero, blamed the rebellion at least partly on the op­ the rebels. The rebellion was most often described as a deliberate insurrec­
pressive conduct of the nobility toward their tenants, but still depicted D6zsa tion, the crusade being a mere pretext. In a letter written during the uprising
as the evil manipulator of this resentment.64 to the nobles of the county of Valko, the king lamented the "temerity and in­
D6zsa and other prominent rebels could be accused of leading otherwise solence displayed by the peasants and commoners under the name of a cru­
passive peasants into violent insurrection. D6zsa is portrayed with more sade."72 Violent disobedience under the guise of a holy war would become a
imagination than accuracy by sixteenth-century historians as haranguing his formulaic description of the rebellion in retrospective accounts.73
followers and stirring them to bloodthirsty action.65 But according to more The crusade was viewed either as a cover for the wicked machinations of
immediate observers, it was not only D6zsa's supposed eloquence but the rus­ leaders or simply as a vehicle for the natural turbulence and subversion of the
tics' innate weakness, timidity, and ignorance that led them into treason. In a peasants. The relatively indulgent assumption that the peasants could easily
letter remitting the taxes of the loyal city of Kassa in Upper Hungary (mod­ be swayed from their natural loyalty was accompanied by fear that they were
ern Kosice, Slovakia), King Vladislav remarked that in many parts of Hun­ always dangerous, barely tamed beasts held in check only by severe coercion.
gary, "people led either by fear or by treachery wandered from the proper ob­ Their "natural" condition was not loyalty but evildoing; the insurrection was
servance of loyalty."66 In a charter pardoning the chamberlain John Szokoly not the work of a few conspirators playing off rustic credulity but the result
for surrendering a castle to the rebels, the king singled out D6zsa for "seduc­ of underlying rustic wickedness.
ing the rustics and servile populace with guile and with wicked persua­ The comites of N6grad, Hont, Pest, and Heves, writing at the height of
sions."67 In the same document, however, Vladislav II also referred generally the disturbances to their colleague in charge of the province of Abauj,74 open
to "evil and heretical men" who had incited rebellion by taking advantage of their frantic communication with a denunciation of the murder, rape, and de­
the religious fervor of the populace and their natural desire to aid (as they struction perpetrated by the peasants calling themselves crusaders. They label
wrongly thought) the defense of the kingdom.68 the rebels crucifixores (crucifiers) who call themselves crucifaros (crusaders,
The peasants could thus be depicted as credulous and easily misled. Af­ those bearing the cross), persecutors rather than defenders of Christ and the
ter all, they thought they were embarked on a crusade (and the sources con­ Cross.75 Their aim is to exterminate the nobility, and the letter calls on the
tinued to refer to the rebels as "crusaders," as did even the voivod Zapolya in count of Abauj to help repress their "rage" and "furor" lest not only the no-·
pardoning the town of Des).69 A certain rhetoric of leniency appears even in bles but their wives and children suffer the peasants' barbarity. D6zsa is men­
the text of the punitive laws reducing the peasants to permanent servitude.70 tioned as the leader of the insurrection, but it is the rustics' innate savagery
Here the king and parliament explained that although those who rebel that is said to have "boiled over" (ejferbuit).
against their "natural lords" deserve capital punishment as traitors, the peas­ The sources frequently refer to the "tumult" of the peasantry as if it were
ants were to be spared the death sentence unless guilty of murder or rape. Re­ a form of natural disaster, the instinct of an undisciplined mass that, given an
calling by implication the juridical association of treason with reduction to opportunity, is always ready to follow its evil nature and explode. The Italian
slavery, the ordinances of November 1514 present subjugation to "perpetual chronicler Giovanni Vitale, writing in November 1514, acknowledged that
rusticity" as a merciful alternative to a merited execution. The law explained some of the peasants might have assembled initially at Pest out of religious
the practical impossibility of shedding so much blood, even if deserved, lest devotion, but those who were sincere dispersed quickly when so ordered.
"the entire peasantry, without which the nobility would not fare very well, be Those who persisted in rebellion Vitale excoriates as "impudent cattle" eager
wiped out."71 The peasant leaders were to be executed, but the rest, having to foment what might be considered "classic" atrocities such as impaling no­
paid reparations, were to be spared and degraded to servitude. It might be bles before the eyes of their wives and children, or raping the wives while
tempting to do away with the peasantry, but the other orders of society de- their husbands were forced to watch. The rebellion is presented as an occa-
The Revolt Against Servitude 276 Peasant Rebellions ofthe Late Middle Ages 277

sion for realizing an always potential lawlessness, lust, and rage. 76 The em­ reported by Tubero has no basis in fact, although it may represent fairly
blem of the terrifying wildness of the peasants is rape. As in other peasant re­ enough D6zsa's program and is another instance of chroniclers having some
bellions, here chroniclers returned with obsessive horror to stories of rape as idea of how peasant claims might be justified. Careful reconstruction of the
graphic demonstrations of rustic savagery. 77 chronology and geography of the rebellion shows that D6zsa was not at
Occasionally the desire of the peasants to end servitude figured in con­ Cegled when the proclamation was issued (it was sent by D6zsa to his brother
temporary descriptions of the rebellion. Writing to Pope Leo X in early July Gregory in Cegled). He and his army were already in the field, far from
1514, King Vladislav describes (in what might be said to be conventional where the peasants were gathering in May and June. While the Cegled Proc­
terms) the murders and sexual violations perpetrated by these rustics, worse lamation reflects D6zsa's justifications, he should not be thought of as ha­
than Turks or Tartars, whose savagery is of unheard-of intensity, surpassing ranguing peasants from the proverbial balcony. In any event, they appear to
that reported in histories and even tragedies. 78 Interestingly enough, Zeckel/ have been capable of forming their own justifications for rebellion. 84
D6zsa is not mentioned. The peasants, "always eager for new things," have The Cegled Proclamation itself reflects earlier formulations of the cru­
struggled to throw off servitude. 79 This explains their insurrection against the saders' goals. A document purporting to be a summary of the original cru­
nobility and serves as prologue to the lurid accounts of their barbarity. What sading bull of Pope Leo X was composed in mid-May by Tamas Kecskes and
we would consider rational or plausible explanations for rebellion are seam­ Lorine Meszaros, who, like D6zsa, described themselves as principes crucifer­
lessly joined to conceptions of an underlying savagery. orum and who were recruiting in the county of Abauj (at some distance from
Any attempt to understand what the motivations of the peasants of 1514 D6zsa's army). Their version of the crusade bull confers authority on the
might really have been runs up against the usual problems of the poverty of principes cruciferorum, whereas the original reserved ultimate authority to the
sources and the prejudices of such accounts as do survive. There was neither pope, king, and archbishop. The poor are given more prominence, but most
Flugschrift literature nor lists of grievances as there would be in Germany importantly, the sanctions against those impeding the crusade (a previously
shortly thereafter. routine condemnation) are now specifically directed against lords who con­
The closest thing to a program of the rebellion is a brief manifesto issued tinue to exact unjust tribute from their tenants. They are to be excommuni­
by D6zsa supposedly from the town of Cegled in June 1514, at the point at cated tanquam membrum dyaboli (a locution found earlier in Hungarian Huss­
which the crusade had turned from the Turks to attack the nobles as the en­ ite documents), and the community (tota conventus) is exhorted to rise up
emy.80 Here D6zsa calls himself the prince of the "blessed people who bear against those attempting to extort from them.85 The Turkish threat not only
the cross," a fixation on the symbolism of the cross reflecting Franciscan preserved the appeal of the crusade longer in Hungary than elsewhere but
apocalyptic tendencies. 81 Against this army of the elect the "infidel" nobles gave a particular edge of outrage to complaints against the greed of the no­
have risen up to "violate" the crusade. It is the nobles therefore who are the bles. It had long been a common rhetorical strategy throughout Europe to
rebels, having thwarted the campaign against the Turks, for which they merit lament the mistreatment of peasants as worse than that meted out by Mus­
excommunication and eternal damnation. 82 lims and "pagans." 86 The atmosphere of the Hungarian frontier (as well as
This document has received considerable attention because it fits with the that of eastern and southern Austria) made comparison between noble and
notion that D6zsa was responsible for formulating an ideological program out Turkish greed and savagery more than a rhetorical device.
of an otherwise inchoate body of peasant resentments. D6zsa is pictured by Peasant rebels accepted the aristocratic syllogism whereby military skill
sixteenth-century historians as giving a speech at Cegled to his followers. The and force conferred the rightful enjoyment of liberty. As if in answer to the
most plausible version is that given by Tubero, in which D6zsa rehearses a widely diffused myth of peasant cowardice, D6zsa mustered his followers by
number of familiar arguments denouncing the nobles' oppression of the peas­ sending around to sympathetic villages a bloody sword and impaling pole,
antry: that servitude stems from human violence and greed, not nature; that symbols of the grim realities of war and the penalties for cowardice. The
those who labor in the fields and support all others are robbed and enslaved; bloody sword, at least, accompanied the summons to the frontier soldiers, the
and that God, "the author of your liberty," will protect the army of His right­ Szekely, according to the Transylvanian military regulations of 1463. 87 The
eous servants. 83 grim symbols also recall the alleged customs of the Huns in mustering the
Unfortunately, even this relatively restrained and well-reasoned address populace, a test of bravery that explained the separation between nobles and
The Revolt Against Servitude 278 Peasant Rebellions ofthe Late Middle Ages 279
serfs.88 Against this mytho-historical background the sixteenth-century peas­ (those that are datable are almost all from between 1509 and 1517) that deal
ants could all the more pointedly present themselves as courageous warriors with "apostate" friars guilty of preaching rebellion to the peasants. The docu­
while disparaging the nobles' failure to obey the military summons to the ments from after the war, which take the form of disciplinary inquiries to
crusade. The constitutional fiction of Simon of Keza was reversed: peasants purge apostates, reveal divisions extant before 1514 within the Observant
obeyed the call to battle that nobles shirked. Franciscan order over preaching and social doctrines.
The Hungarian rebellion can be understood as a crusade in which a sense The influence of the Observant Friars was visible in terms of apocalyptic
of election galvanized long-standing resentments against the nobles. The reformism (as might be expected), but also in more conventional teachings of
rapid spread of the rebellion argues for the preexistence of a nexus of ideas human equality and denunciations of the oppression of the poor. Within a
encouraging and justifying revolt.89 Behind the crusade and the practical con­ traditional discourse concerning fundamental human equality, it was possible
cerns over land tenure can be discerned a sense of the breakdown of mutual­ to construct a compelling set of potentially revolutionary ideas. This is most
ity of orders that extends to those not immediately involved in the circles of evident in the sermons of Oswald of Lasko (ca. 1450-1511), provincial vicar of
rebellion. the Franciscans in Hungary, a figure of what might be considered the Fran­
The most elaborate and pointed criticisms of the nobility at the end of ciscan establishment. Oswald embraced the conservative ideal of a mutuality
the fifteenth and beginning of the sixteenth century were offered by friars of of orders, but his awareness that reality diverged severely from the organic
the Observant wing of the Franciscan order. In 1509 there were some 70 Fran­ model led him to vivid and apparently influential denunciations of the pow­
ciscan houses in the kingdom; there had been only 25 in 1448. This efflores­ erful.94 He elaborated on Augustine's statement from The City of God that
cence responded to the need for anti-Turkish preachers but also reflected a re­ rulership without justice amounts to little more than robbery, and he de­
discovery of apostolic poverty experienced in the fifteenth-century vicariate nounced princes who inflict unjust exactions and "devour" their serfs with
of Bosnia-Hungary.90 Without doubt, much of the tone of the 1514 rebel­ taxes and oppressive customs.95 They do not merit obedience, and it is licit to
lion-the sense of election visible in the Cegled Proclamation, for example­ defend oneself against an abusive superior.96 Oswald also defends those who
is traceable to Franciscan preaching. act out of righteous anger to chastise those who defy God. Although this pro­
The mendicant orders had been given the task of preaching the Crusade nouncement is not specifically joined to the denunciations of servitude, the
to the populace by Gregory IX.91 History offered precedents for the deviation condemnation of injustice and defense of the right to oppose it with force
of both spontaneous crusade movements and popular crusades from the orig­ could be read as more than laments over seigneurial violence, indeed as some­
inal intentions of those who instigated them. The Shepherds' Crusade (Pas­ thing approaching a right of insurrection. 97
toureaux) of 1250, the Childrens' Crusade of 1212, and even the host sum­ Oswald's desire to restore a lost order led him to combine "Old-Law" with
moned by the preaching of Peter the Hermit at the time of the First Cru­ divine-law arguments. Moreover, he rejected the fatalistic assumption that
sade-all these movements combined belief in direct revelation with a wicked conduct results from a world fallen into universal sin and decay. What
conviction that the knights were unable or unwilling to do what was neces­ provides a conceptual link between complaints about oppression and the the­
sary to win God's favor for the success of the armed pilgrimage. ory of righteous anger is Oswald's conviction that although the coming of An­
The Hungarian Crusade, however, amounted to something more than a tichrist will bring suffering, an elect of those who follow the Cross will
movement that escaped its (Franciscan) organizers. Certain Franciscans were emerge. This army will not comprise magnates and knights but the ignoble,
themselves instrumental in changing or expanding the target of popular the weak, and the unlearned, who will impose the rule of God.98 The fierce
wrath. Through their preaching, members of the order inspired and even di­ identification of the 1514 crusaders with the Cross and their conviction of elec­
rected the turn from anti-Turkish to antinoble movement. The centers of tion in an antinoble crusade can be traced to Oswald of Lasko, whose sermons
peasant agitation in the late spring of 1514 correspond to the location of Ob­ were specifically directed, he informs the reader, to the poor and to unlearned
servant houses, and three or four of the captains of the army were Francis­ rustics.99 Beginning in 1510 the Franciscan authorities denounced those who
cans.92 The degree to which the order was split by the events of 1514 can be expounded dangerously on texts affording occasion for disobedience and sin.
deduced from a manuscript discovered by Szucs in the Szechenyi National The undisciplined wanderings of renegade friars and their subversive preach­
Library of Budapest.93 This manuscript is a collection of 188 documents ing were also the objects of censure before and after the 1514 revolt.100
The Revolt Against Servitude 280 Peasant Rebellions ofthe Late Middle Ages 281

It should be emphasized that Oswald of Lasko's sermons display little gin of unrest to the cities, with the concomitant assumption that the coun­
originality, scarcely deviating from common discursive themes. Oswald went tryside was acted on rather than enacting its own program. 102
further than others in justifying action and anger, but he worked with a pop­ The peasants might also be regarded as unwitting participants in the un­
ular theological vocabulary culled from the Church Fathers, Franciscan tradi­ successful struggle for German unity, their defeat marking the definitive tri­
tion, and earlier sermons rather than a radical or visionary reformism. The in­ umph of German particularism. 103 But the event that inevitably colors any
fluence of Franciscans in Hungary can be demonstrated not only in the ge­ interpretation is of course the Reformation. The teachings of Luther, Bucer,
ography and leadership of the crusade, but in the way in which peasant Karlstadt, and Zwingli emphasized the dignity of the laity, the ability of ordi­
demands turned on denunciations of the nobles for destroying the mutual nary people to interpret Scripture, the right to question authority and tradi­
service that justified their privileges. The threat of the Turks underscored the tion, and a more favorable view of the common man. The Reformation is
unwillingness of the nobility to abandon their exactions and defend their thought to have inflamed peasant resentment, a sentiment already inspired
subjects, giving force to ideas that crystallized around the breakdown of mu­ by the long habit of anticlericalism. 104
tuality, the violation of human equality, and the question of how a just order The charged climate of religious ferment that prevailed just before and
might be restored. Oswald himself seems to have given up such social criti­ during 1517 is supposed to have produced a crucial change in the nature of
cism after 1507, and it is clear that he did not see himself as excusing a large­ peasant demands. No longer defending what they perceived as traditional re­
scale armed revolt, but in Hungary conventional attacks on oppression were lations with their lords, relations that protected communal rights, the peas­
applied to particular circumstances not only to justify retrospectively but to ants now took up arms for a universal idea of social-religious justice. Instead
institute a popular movement. of fighting for local privileges or custom, they now demanded a reordering of
society in accord with divine justice. Giinther Franz gave this distinction its
classic formulation as that between a conservative "Old Law," a circumscribed
The German Peasants'"War ofI525 defense of custom, and a radical "Godly Law," a more sweeping application
Even more than the English and Catalan revolts, the German Peasants' War of religious doctrine to social conditions. 105 Beginning in the mid-fifteenth
has been viewed as something greater than a mere peasant insurrection. Sev­ century with the so-called Bundshuh movements, but gaining substantial
eral factors underlie this perspective, among them an assumption that peas­ momentum with the reception of Luther's teachings, peasants of the frag­
ants were unlikely to have acted on their own initiative and a concentration mented German seigneurial jurisdictions could unite in a cause that tran­
on the two dramatic and lasting aspects of sixteenth-century German history: scended mere quarrels over local grazing rights. According to Franz, a struggle
the Reformation and the inability of the emperor (or anyone else) to achieve a on the scale of the 1525 war required belief in a widely applicable divine law
unified rule over German-speaking lands. Regarded as a crucial event in the that questioned all forms of seigneurial oppression, and this belief really be­
overall history of the German nation, the 1525 uprising was until recently an­ gan with the Reformation.
nexed to the perennial question of the origins of German disunity and early­ The German historiographic distinction between conservative (Old Law)
modern backwardness. and radical (Godly Law) movements resembles that invoked by comparative
Scholars' rediscovery of peasant agency has tended to restore to our un­ historians of peasant movements to account for the difference between purely
derstanding of this war the actual demands of those who revolted. Neverthe­ localized insurrections in the name of a supposedly better past and uprisings
less, it is still often maintained that the revolt of 1525 was not really about of wider appeal focused on building a new form of society. 106 Long before the
agrarian grievances, or that it was touched off by the more progressive and ar­ sixteenth century, however, justifications for revolt combined particular griev­
ticulate forces of society. The historiography of the former East Germany, fol­ ances against exactions, servitude, and arbitrary lordship with a general asser­
lowing the formulations of Friedrich Engels, considered 1525 an "early bour­ tion of human liberty and divine law. Servitude was among the most impor­
geois revolution," the assumption being that the real vanguard and significant tant issues in 1525, and the complaints about it were neither new nor com­
element in the movement came from the towns. 101 The importance of the pletely dependent on the radical energies and vocabulary generated by the
cities in the Reformation has also led non-Marxist historians to trace the ori- Reformation.
T he Revolt Against Servitude 282 Peasant Rebellions of the Late Middle Ages 283
Servitude and seigneurial rights attendant on serfdom were major issues The peasants of Sttihlingen (in the Black Forest), where the first revolts
in German revolts that antedated 1525. What might seem to have been purely began, described their opposition to servitude in these terms:
economic struggles over taxes or levies were erimeshed in questions of status.
Thus, for example, lords attempted to increase revenues by reimposing large We are by right born free, and it is no fault of ours or of our forefathers that we
ha�e been subj�cted to serfdom, yet our lords wish to have and to keep us as
succession fines, but doing so required depriving peasants of the right to in­
then- own property, and consider that we should perform everything that they
herit freely, which in turn meant placing them in servitude. The extension of
as k, as though we ;"ere born serfs; and it may come in time to pass that they
territorial lordship, the demands of lords in the face of declining revenues, _
will also sell us. It rs our plea that you adjudge that we should be released from
and questions of servile status were intermingled. serfdom, and no one else be forced into it, in which case we will perform for
The previous chapter touched on the struggle between the abbot of our lords what we are obliged to perform of old, excepting this burden. 114
Kempten and his tenants over their status. A large number of similar revolts
boiled up in small south-German territories where feudal dues were the prin­ !"1ere servitude as p�nishment for some past or present transgression is re­
cipal source of revenues for petty secular and ecclesiastical landlords: Wein­ Jected. The other articles of the grievance list deal with specific exactions, but
garten (1432), Schlussenl'ied (1438), Weissenau (1448), Staufen (1466), Salem they follow from the ability of the lords to treat servile tenants with ever­
(1468), St. Peter (1500), Habsburg lands of Triberg (1500), Ochsenhausen greater harshness and arbitrariness.
(1501-2), Berchtesgaden (1506), Rufach (1514), and Solothurn (1513-15).107 Re­ The peasants of Sttihlingen were not attacking servitude as such but
gional conflicts between 1442 and 1517 (the Bundshuh uprisings) also con­ rather denying their particular liability. They had not been born in servile
cerned servitude.108 Restriction of movement, inheritance taxes, and the condition; therefore their lord could not impose it. Elsewhere, broader com­
seigneurial right to impose new levies figured in the revolt of Appenzell plai�ts were voiced against the very nature of servitude. At Embrach (near
against the monastery of Saint Gall at the opening of the fifteenth century. Zunch) and in rural lands subject to the imperial city of Rothenburg, for ex­
This revolt exemplifies a successful radical result stemming from what was ample, it was argued that to hold another in subjugation violates Scripture
perceived as a defense of Old Law, for the peasants rose up to prevent the and the unity of all in Christ. 115
monastery from making its exactions more onerous and arbitrary. 109 Sei­ Peasants asserted claims of human freedom against servitude without
gneurial economic pressure on tenants increased during the fifteenth century, specifically invoking Christian doctrine at Altbirlingen (part of the Baltrin­
especially in Swabia and the Upper Rhine, a development aggravated by the gen allia�ce), Wieder?eltingen, Rheinfelden, and Mtihlhausen (in Hegau).116
reimposition of servile status, which the peasants resisted in many cases, al­ Other gnevanc�s agamst serfdom were expressed in more religious language:
beit with limited effect.110 only God can hCitly own a person; He alone is really Lord. Peasants of the
In 1525 these same quarrels reappeared. Many sorts of grievances came to­ Gemeinde (l�cal community) of Attenweiler (Baltringen) protested to the
gether in that fateful year, from objections to war levies to protests against vi­ abbey of Weingarten that they were "burdened with servitude, for they wish
olation of fixed rents, but the issue of serfdom covered the widest territory. In to have no other lord but Almighty God alone who has created us. For we be­
an analysis of 54 grievance lists from Upper Swabia (consisting of 550 individ­ lieve Holy Scripture, which is not to be obscured, that no lord should possess
ual grievances), Peter Blickle found that 90 percent of the complaints de­ others [kam Aigenmensch haben soil], for God is the true Lord."117 In the re­
nounced servitude and that serfdom was the single most important griev­ gion of Schaffhausen, villagers complained that Scripture prohibited anyone
ance.111 Moreover, this was not merely a negotiating strategy but a crucial de­ other than God Himself from possessing Aigenleute (serfs).118
mand. Of 20 such texts concerning ecclesiastical jurisdictions in Upper
Swabia, 15 (comprising 18 articles) call for the abolition of serfdom. Only one
envisions its mere diminution.112 While the greatest number of complaints To what extent did religious discontent and the Reformation stimulate the re­
about servitude come from southwestern Germany, serfdom was also at issue volt of 1525? Grievances were everywhere informed by an idea of scriptural
in revolts in the diocese of Augsburg, Alsace, and the archiepiscopal princi­ authority and the right of resistance based on a higher law. The Twelve Arti­
pality of Salzburg.113 cles of the Peasants ofSwabia (March 1525) describes not only serfdom but re­
strictions on fishing and hunting as contrary to the word of God and sup-
T he Revolt Against Servitude 284 Peasant Rebellions ofthe Late Middle Ages 285
ports its very specific and material claims with references to Scripture.119 Such sive printing and the proliferation of pamphlets (Flugschriften) as to the Re­
manifestos grew out of Lutheran resistance theory, according to Martin formation, although the stimulus to reading and disputation can hardly be
Brecht, and the demands reflect a religious-social program based on Lutheran separated from the impetus given by the religious upheaval itsel£ 128 The lan­
biblicism: the right of a community to elect a pastor, rejection of serfdom as guage of revolt and the context of its demands remained oriented toward the
contrary to Christian equality of salvation, the love of one's neighbor, and the Gemeinde even as insurrection became generalized throughout territories be­
protection of the weak (the latter was the basis for opposition to death duties, yond individual lordships.129
for example, which fell on widows and orphans).120 Above all, there is a theological, moral, and legal background to the peas­
Glinther Franz argued that the Reformation did not create an entirely ants' demands in 1525 that antedates the Reformation. Peter Bierbrauer has
new justification but that Lutheranism made possible a rebellion on a much argued that the Reformation did not by itself inspire a Godly Law peasant ar­
greater scale than had been reached previously.121 Luther brought a new gument in contrast to earlier Old Law local challenges.130 The real distinction
awareness of equality and a vivid language and symbolism, providing, in was between two types of Christian natural law: the relative variety, modifi­
Oberman's words, "a means to read the timetable of God." 122 able and hence capable of legitimating servitude, and the absolute variety, un­
Luther himself hardly mentioned peasants or oppressive lordship before changeable and thus permanently prohibitive of arbitrary lordship and the
1525. His warnings, fury, and later unapologetic defense of his "harsh" views holding of Christians as serfs. Controversies over how much divine and nat­
all reflect an immediate response to what he saw as a gross misunderstanding ural law might be modified by circumstance, the Fall, human necessity, and
of his views on Christian freedom, a carnal, worldly literalism at odds with sin antedated the Reformation, appearing, as mentioned previously, in the
the spiritual freedom he advocated.123 The opinion that the peasants were in­ German law books of the thirteenth century (notably, Sachsenspiegel and
spired by an opportunistic misreading of Luther has had some modern de­ Schwabenspiegel ), Wyclif, the Reformatio Sigismundi, Taborite doctrines, the
fenders,124 but scholars have shown more interest in learning what aspects of pamphlet by the so-called Upper Rhine Revolutionary, and Erasmus.
Luther's teaching or of the political situation resulting from the Reformation The third of the Twelve Articles of the Swabian Peasants denounces serf-
provided openings for constructing a large-scale movement. dom in similar terms:
Luther's pamphlet T he Freedom of a Christian, published in 1520, clearly
Third, it has until now been the custom for the lords to own us as their prop­
dealt with spiritual freedom and spiritual equality, but such ideas could be
erty. This is deplorable, for Christ redeemed us and bought us all with his pre­
used to apply to earthly liberty as well. The widely circulated pamphlet Dia­
cious blood, the lowliest shepherd as well as the greatest lord, with no excep­
logue Between a Priest and a Bailiff (ca. 1521, attributed to Martin Bucer) cites tions. Thus the Bible proves that we are free and want to be free. 131
Luther in advocating human freedom against servitude.125 The Memmingen
Bundesordnung of March 7, 1525, containing peasant demands, ends with a The text is accompanied by marginal citations to the Bible (Isaiah 53:1; 1
list of learned authorities who have demonstrated and defended Godly Law, Peter 1; 1 Corinthians 7; Romans 13; Wisdom 6; 1 Peter 2). But as Walter
including Luther, Melanchthon, Osiander, and Zwingli.126 Thus even if Mliller has suggested, the language invoking Christ's sufferings that pur­
Luther and other reformers were "misunderstood," their ideas certainly lent chased human freedom is more closely derived from the German law books,
themselves to appropriation. The Reformation for a time destabilized imper­ along with the Reformatio Sigismundi and Erasmus.132 Bierbrauer points to
ial and princely control, showed how authority could be successfully chal­ the Schwabenspiegel as especially influential, not only because it was more
lenged, and furthered (if it did not create) a language of scriptural authority, widely circulated and accessible in south Germany than the Sachsenspiegel,
Christian liberty, and action in the world. Arguments over servitude and op­ Reformatio Sigismundi or Erasmus, but because of its specific formulations.
pressive lordship became increasingly general-focusing on whether such Comparing the south-German lawbook to the articles of the peasants of
practices were in harmony with God's purpose-rather than oriented around Apfingen (part of the Baltringen group, dating from February of 1525) and
custom and precedent.127 the Twelve Articles, Bierbrauer notes two key reworked Schwabenspiegel pas­
On the other hand, the justifications for revolt and the self-awareness of sages: first, nowhere in Scripture does it say that one man can own another;
the peasants were not completely dependent on the Reformation. The scale second, God created man after His image and saved him with His sufferings.
of the Peasants' War of 1525 may be due as much to the advances in inexpen- In addition, the Apfingen demands repeat the context for the passages in the
T he Revolt Against Servitude 286 Peasant Rebellions ofthe Late Middle Ages 287

Schwabenspiegel (and its source, the Sachsenspiegel): render to Caesar the ments-perceived oppression, opportunity, and the conceptual means of
things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's (Mark 12:17). 133 resistance.
In the Twelve Articles and the complaints of the .Apfingen Gemeinde we Perceived oppression in the late Middle Ages had much to do with the
see the reappearance of venerable themes in discourse about equality in servi­ demographic collapse and consequent labor shortage following the Black
tude, but now in a more urgent key. Without in any way minimizing specific Death of the mid�fourteenth century. While one cannot ultimately cite the
socioeconomic pressures or the ideological impact of the Reformation, it can Black Death as a cause for everything that took place as late as 1525, the crisis
be argued that medieval concepts of justice played a role in the German Peas­ of the landlords and their efforts to recoup by tightening the conditions of
ants' War, as in those large-scale insurrections that preceded it. Such notions tenure, including the reimposition of servitude, form the background to a
as the ultimate equality of humanity, Christ's sacrifice to release humanity perception of injustice. Even without an ideology of supply and demand,
from bondage, the obligation placed upon all humanity to labor, and the mu­ peasants could expect better bargains for their labor but instead saw the
tuality of social orders could be brought from the realm of speculation and power of the aristocracy and the state mobilized to extract more from them
made to serve revolutionary aims that did not depend entirely on a radically to make up for the decline of prices, the devaluation of land, and the shortage
new way of looking at the world. In this sense Luther was correct, not that of labor.
the peasants ignorantly mistook his teachings concerning Christian liberty, The fourteenth to early sixteenth centuries afforded a number of oppor­
but that they applied them in a more immediate way, along with the disquisi­ tunities for rebellion. In all the cases examined above, internal crises within
tions of others who commented on the breakdown of mutuality and the dif­ the governing order opened practical as well as ideological doors to peasants.
ficulty of explaining the servitude of Christians. The unpopularity of the poll tax and parliamentary investigations of the cor­
rupt administration of John of Gaunt affected the development of events in
England in 1381, just as dynastic and factional disputes would alter the course
Conclusion of events in Catalonia a century later. The Reformation not only divided Ger­
In his study of injustice, Barrington Moore devotes a chapter to "the rejection man authorities internally but provided powerful images of peasant right­
of suffering and oppression," asking at what point ideas of mutuality and dig­ eousness and exaltation of divine law that encouraged a powerful peasant
nified suffering brealc down and become transformed into direct challenges movement.
to authority. 134 Rebellion springs not only from specific economic pressures The conceptual means of resistance developed not only from the under­
but from a cultural change: a change in which a social environment is no mining of authority but also from what Moore refers to as "the creation of
longer talcen for granted but rather perceived as intolerable. This change is re­ standards of condemnation for explaining and judging current sufferings,"
lated to delegitimation, the point at which authority is no longer perceived as and "a new diagnosis and remedy for existing forms of suffering." 135 That the
sanctioned by some higher or impersonal law. We have found this to be im­ diagnosis did not need to be completely new is essentially what I have been
plicit in the Sachsenspiegel's dismissal of rationales for serfdom on the basis of arguing. In classic models of peasant insurrection, including Moore's, there is
biblical authority in favor of a stark, demystified statement that serfdom little that stands between meek acceptance of a dominant ideology and revo­
comes about from willful human wickedness. This argument, denouncing as lutionary activity born of a sudden collapse of that ideology's inevitability
human invention what had previously been regarded as divinely ordained in­ and legitimacy. Uprisings need not be viewed as the spasmodic frenzy of an
justice, appears repeatedly in peasant justifications for revolt. essentially subjugated population, or as an outburst of apocalyptic irrational­
I do not of course mean to suggest that mutuality among the orders was ity. They can be seen instead as more planned, opportunistic, and even opti­
suddenly discovered no longer to work in the fourteenth century. One can as­ mistic (if in most instances wrongly so) events. Peasant revolts were accom­
sume that peasants themselves realized this rather early on, and certainly the panied by a traditional discourse of indignation and resentment; they did not
failure of the Three Orders model elicited theological lament almost from the require the external stimulus of a new ideology, be it Godly Law, a secular
moment of the model's post-Carolingian invention. The change in the four­ new order, or chiliastic expectation.
teenth century did not, therefore, consist in the sudden collapse of a univer­ The origins of rebellion therefore do not lie in a sudden shift from accep­
sally accepted justification but in the confluence of long-term develop- tance of hierarchical legitimacy to revolutionary sentiment. Rather, the roots
The Revolt Against Servitude 288

of revolt may be found in a more continuous change from everyday evasion

to public challenge. The standards of condemnation are key aspects of the
construction of a revolt, but those standards develop not from religious up­
heaval, nor from the export of subversive ideologies from the towns, nor even
from an internal collapse of the state, but from a process of ideological ap­ Conclusion
propriation and reorientation toward immediate practical application.
Not every peasant war involved the same set of justifications for rebellion. Harmony and Dissonance
In England the premise of original equality provided a way to attack the
servile condition of peasants and what was regarded as the unjust lordship
that it made possible. In Catalonia propeasant figures argued that servitude
violated divine and natural law, in at least one case using the words of Greg­
ory the Great's well-known passage on Christ's universally liberating sacrifice.
In Hungary the justification for revolt was linked to the nobles' betrayal of
Favorable and unfavorable depictions of the peasant coexisted and interlaced
mutuality and functional orders. In Germany both equality at Creation and
in the period between the eleventh century and the German Peasants' War of
the meaning of Christ's sacrifice were deployed.
1525. Although contempt was the dominant position of elite observers with
In all these wars, as well as in smaller conflicts, servile status was either
regard t? rural labor, the dependence of knights and clerics on the peasantry
among the direct causes in the eyes of chroniclers and the peasants them­
f?r survi;al �as usuall� at least grudgingly acknowledged. Beyond such prac­
selves, or provided the point of argumentation against more concrete condi­
tical realization, the elite expressed an uneasy awareness that by the very fact
tions of lordship perceived as unjust: restrictions on common lands, the im­
of their despised lowliness, peasants were advantageously placed in the sight
position of taxes, and attempts to reimpose obligations that had fallen into
of God.
disuse, such as residence requirements or death duties. Servitude was the fo­
cus of material and symbolic conflict over human dignity. �ome_ �f the apparent con_trast among images comes from the differing
pre�ispo�ltl?ns of genres (satlre versus sermon, for example), but imagery
In attacking servitude, peasants made use of a vocabulary comprehensi­
vanes within g�nres as well. Thus while fabliaux conventionally depicted
ble to their masters. W hat they said was not unthinkable across the divide of
peasants as stupid, filthy, and gullible, within the fabliau's structure and in ac­
class or order and did not derive entirely from an idiosyncratic, peasant way
cord with its purpose as entertainment, it was possible to conceive of a clever
of reasoning about the world.
and resourceful peasant, one who still fit into an overall image of lowliness
that made such nimble inventiveness necessary.
Sermons also simultaneously lauded and blamed rustics. Sermons in­
tended for rural audiences preached acceptance of oppression and praised
t?ose who e�dured their lot patiently while condemning those who ques­
tl?ned t�e will of G�d. Here positive and negative images were compatible,
differentiated accordmg to whether or not peasants recognized their situation
as a spiritual test with deferred benefits. Thus within a particular genre, multi­
ple notions of peasant humanity, savagery, abjectness, and sanctity intersected.
The corpus of peasant representations cannot be reduced to a general
statement about "the medieval peasant in the eyes of elite observers." Texts
about rustics harbor an indeterminacy. 1 Rather than aiming for a synthesis
that obscures the polyphony of this discourse, we should regard these me­
dieval voices as intelligible but not united. Literary texts and others not pur-
Conclusion 290 Conclusion 291

porting to be sociologically descriptive have to be related to a social co ntext ten stubborn a nd resistant. Were it not that their lords tr eat them firmly,
without being squeezed into a banal center. Texts that in themselves frustrate many would gl adly serve th e devil.7
interpretation or o ffer apparent cont radictions become more coheren t when He rides through the benighted village, where peasants are lying about
examined a long with other works, even those fr om different genres. Th at idly on their s tomachs, doing nothing much, "as is their custom." The
such an approach is appropriate and feasible can be seen in a post-medieval women are picking lice out of the hair of their men, "searching like animals." 8
case of compar ably various figuration: images of the nineteenth-century Hugo engages in a discussion with the drunken and ignorant villagers in re­
Russian peasant included the simple pious representative of the nation's soul, sponse to their challenge, "How does it come about th at you lords are so
the debased ignorant rustic, and the grasping kulak. These were different but much better off than us poor peasan ts? Are some people bondsmen while
not incompatible responses to emancipation and a rediscovery of rural life.2 others are free?" The story of Ham's transgression c onvinces the rustics th at

Even within the same author or work, a range of opinions can be seen to their lack of freedom h as a r eason, th at they are d eservedly cursed. Hugo then

fit together, not harmoniously or even dialec tically but crudely, inadver ten tly, h as himself assuring his audience that freedom is not so very advantageous
a llowing space s for dissent, appr opriation, co ntes tation. The did actic poet and th at they are neares t to Go d's car e. E ar thly freed om doe s not las t very

Hugo von Trimberg is an example of a medieval writer who incorporated a long, and "you poor people" will en ter heaven more easily th an th ose wh o
number of different ideas about the nature o f peasa nts without either bla­ oversee their labor.9
tantly con t ra dicting himself or resolving them oversimply. His Der Renner Not only are the peasan ts unfree by divin e decree, but their essential na­
stands as a pro lix summation of conventional ideas of human sinfulness in re­ ture h as been debased nearly to the level of brute animals. Never theless, they

lation to the estates o f society around 1300, shortly before the conflicts of the are beloved of G od, if only they accept their pl ace. Hugo now m akes it clear

four teenth century moved favor able and unfavorable representations of peas- that he is chiefly anxious ov er the possibility of a blurring of boundaries be­

an ts fur ther apart.

tween peasants and knights. In a series of Aesopian animal stories, Hugo
ose demonstrates the folly of peasants seeking to rise above their station.10
Throughout the poem Hugo laments the mistreatment of rustics, wh
Their tyr nnical m as­ The poem thus touches many of the topics we h ave discussed: the lazi­
meager resources are extor ted from them by violence. a

ar e acclaimed as m en f h n or. ness and comical ignorance of peasants, their childish or animal nature, their
ters boas t o pe nly of v arious evil d eeds yet
o o
all, d oes merited subordination, but also their unjust oppression, their closeness to
Lords who coerce the poor are worse than the devil, for Satan, after
y d . In p ss g c nnecti ng God. These positions come together in a historical understanding of human
not enlist the unwilling in his service as the o
o 3 a a a e
rks th t even sinfulness th at explains both the wickedness of lords, which is the leg acy of
Christian/pagan and human/animal distinctions, Hug o rem a a a
icip ­ Adam's fall, and the debased lot of the peasa nts, resulting from Ham's mis­
"wild heathen'' would pity a dog so mist reated as are the peasants. An
t at
wicked deeds. Sin, nevertheless, h as a limited dominion and is absorbed into the
ing the Reformatio Sigismundi, he recommends that preachers t arget
The Jews were ch s ised in economy of salvation. Suffering is not in vain, nor will the oppressors escape
nobles r ather than non-Christians for conversion. a t
f Chris tians punishment. With regard to the peasan ts, the variety of their por trayal is ex­
Leviticus for mere minor transgr essions, yet the greater iniquity o
4 th at plicable by the movemen t of sacred history. They were to be understood as
goes unpunished, at least here on earth. Hugo is co nfident, however,
n in he next life, where the n bles accursed in the past, oppressed in the present, and blessed in the future.
wicked ness will receive its just retributio t o

enter he ven, bu they Hugo's was neither an unusually comprehensive nor an original view. He
will assuredly burn. The poor will find it easier t o a t
endure h arks back to Ho norius Augustodunensis, who also made Ham responsible
must b e patient in this life. He who wishes for heavenly rich es must
for the debased condition of peasants but neverthel ess considered th em more
earthly misery.5
t pas- likely t o be rewarded in the next life.11 We can paraphrase the argumen t in
Hugo's protests of nobles' depredations are offset by a more succmc
nd piety. As dis­ terms of themes traced in the preceding chapters: peasan ts are of a lower or­
sage in which he moves between images of debasemen t a
o describes a (prob bly) der of humanity, base and uncouth in their ch aracter and behavior. All hu­
cussed above in connec tio n with N oah's curse, Hug

idl rustics .6 He intr o duces the s tory o f manity derives from Adam and Eve, but peasants are subordinated to their
imaginary encounter with boorish, e
are of- bet ters by reason of Noah's curse. Only stric t control by their l ords preven ts
his conversation with the villagers with a flat declaration that peasants
Conclusion 292 Conclusion 293

their base nature from leading them into further mischief. Yet even if their ommends that knights pillage and rob peasants, and when they have no
oppression is part of God's will, it is not in itself just. The nobles live off their money left, slit their throats. 12 Peasants are either no longer useful at all, or
the rustics' labor and rob them, treating them disgracefully. The peasants are useful only if toil can be extracted from them through harsh supervision.
ennobled through their suffering, which, if accepted meekly, will earn them a They must be "bled" or "trimmed like a willow tree" in order to produce any­
heavenly crown, for simple and unlearned as they are, they merit God's par­ thing.13
ticular care. Felix Hemmerli's De nobilitate et rusticitate dialogus, written in the
As Hugo and other didactic writers would emphasize and bewail, the fact mid-fifteenth century, presents a conversation with peasants that contrasts
that peasants have built-in spiritual advantages does not mean that they real­ usefully with that imagined by Hugo von Trimberg. Hemmerli may also have
ize this potentiality. Unfortunately, peasants tend to be ungrateful and disobe­ invented this considerably more hostile dialogue, but it has a certain
dient, defying the order of the world rather than obeying God and fulfilling verisimilitude. Interrupting the tirade of a knight against the rustics, Hem­
His ordinances. Their singular favor in God's eyes tends to remain theoretical. merli suddenly addresses the reader with "here is a true story."14 While travel­
Certain arguments are missing from Hugo. He evinces little concern for ing in Baden, Hemmerli dined at an inn where he was forced to listen to a
mutuality among the orders of society, for example. But a harmonious (if group of peasants "behaving in their usual demented fashion" and roundly
multifaceted) image of peasant subordination is still assumed in this poem. denouncing clerical immorality. Prudently waiting until he finished his meal,
The villagers accept with pathetic credulity what Hugo tells them. Later in Hemmerli addressed the hostile audience. The previous day during his travels
the fourteenth century and throughout the fifteenth, the image of the pious up the Rhine, he stated, he had seen 24 corpses of thieves who had been bro­
rustic would be completely separate from that of the savage or ludicrous sub­ ken on the wheel. Not one was a noble or cleric. They were all rustics (and,
human, but here in Hugo von Trimberg they are still compatible. moreover, from the same village), but if even one had been a member of an­
other estate, his listeners would never cease to attack the wickedness of the
Changes After I348 upper classes. The few lecherous clerics that the rustics had been castigating
were merely following natural human instincts, but the thievery of peasants is
The Black Death of 1348 and 1349 was an event of such obvious magnitude both routine and a flagrant violation of nature. At this point, with the peas­
that historians tend to ascribe everything that happened for over a century af­ ants increasingly furious, Hemmerli advised his curate that perhaps it was
terward to its influence. One should not simply assume that because trau­ time to depart.15
matic events occurred after the Black Death, they were necessarily caused by At the same time, denunciations of seigneurial oppression become both
it (post hoc ergo propter hoc). This is especially the case with the peasant rebel­ more strident and less likely to be offset by counsels to rustic passivity. In this
lions examined in the last chapter. Whatever degree of significance we ascribe period peasant grievances themselves became at least dimly visible, and not
to the epidemic or its repeated visitations, the years between 1350 and 1525 surprisingly, they were less focused on the afterlife than on more immediate
witnessed not only a spate of uprisings but also a new sharpness and urgency justice. Elite denunciations of servitude, such as those found in the Reforma­
in discourse about the peasantry. The Black Death may not have "caused" the tio Sigismundi or Erasmus's Institutio principis Christiani, pointed to an unal­
insurrections directly, but it did usher in an age of heightened social conflict. terable natural law that servitude violated, a transgression not to be excused
Holding the range of attitudes described above became less feasible. After by appeals to either mutuality or a heavenly reward. 16 Also in the late fif­
1350 the peasants tended to be depicted either as sanctified oras bestial; as un­ teenth and early sixteenth centuries the image of the peasant as pious exem­
justly oppressed or as amenable only to coercion (or even as useless). It is as if plar gained particular prominence in Germany. 1 7 At the same time that the
the links among a variety of conventional views of the peasantry had been Carnival plays, Neidhart poems, and denunciations of peasant wickedness
broken and the pieces reconstituted separately. We have seen the evolution of reached the height of their popularity, images such as those of the pious
Neidhart from comical victim to the vengeful enemy of increasingly boorish Karsthans or of the Christ-like plowman also took hold. There were certain
peasants, culminating in the Neidhart Fuchs cycle of the fifteenth century. curious crossovers: Karsthans began as an antipeasant caricature but became
Attitudes of total hostility toward rustics were common in fifteenth-century an evangelical emblem.18 Certain authors, such as Hans Rosenpliit, wrote
Germany, such as are expressed in the poem "Edelmannslehre," which rec- both in praise and in mockery of peasants.19
Conclusion 294 Conclusion 295

What seems to have fallen into abeyance or at least obscurity in the fif­ forming to God's purpose and assured of he avenly recompense; but it would
teenth century were the forms that mediated apparently contradictory themes also retain a st�gm a ?f punishment, continuing to symbolize the Fall by rea­
referring to the pe asantry. These include the ide a of mutuality, the distinction _
son of _ its physical difficulty and l ack of digni ty. In the l ate Middle Ages the
between injustice in this life and a better afterlife, the contrast between peas­ �ent of wor!< took on an added luster and urgency. The pe asants in England
ants' supposed base behavior and God's special care for them, and in general a
111 1381 �n� 111 Ge�many 111 1525 used the rhetoric of mutu ality not only to
less optimistic notion of G od's immedi ate governance o f the temporal world. protest its 111effect1veness but to assert the spiritual value of l abor. The moral
Ide as of mutuality did not drop completely from view. The Three Orders superi ority of the pe asants to thei r masters was to be recognized, not in a
would enjoy a long career and a notable revival in the seventeenth century.20 he avenly fu ture but immedi ately. This was not a chili astic expectation of
What seems to have diminished in the late Middle Ages is confidence in hi­ God's justice appe aring as an end to histoiy, but a reordering of lordship and
erarchical stability and the sense of orderly historical change according to di­ tenancy to end the arbitr ary extraction of we alth from the rur al laborers and
vine plan. As long as one could maintain that peasants received something in to restore so me rel ationship between labor and reward. Spiritu al rewards were
return for their labor, or that their subordination was in their own interest, �ot rejected; this was not a dispute over the consolations of religion. Rather,
even bondage could be excused. Insofar as the theory of mutuality was un­ 111 a pattern �f appropri �:ion typical for the period, the widely acknowledged
dermined almo st from its inception by a manifestly exploi tative reality, a spm _ _ tual ment of the tod111g pe asantry was turned to justify rebellion.
p romise of eternal and underlying justice rendered its shor tcomings transi­ As argued previously, the late-medieval pe asant movements did not so
tory, hence explicable. Mutuality and the justice of the afterlife were thus re­ much invent a new political or moral vocabulary as use already existing, com­
lated sequentially as explanations of contrasting worldly fortunes. Mutuality monplace ideas, such as the dignity of labor or the closeness of rustics to God,
served as an initial response to inequality, offering a system that was cer tainly in a more immedi ate fashion. Ide as of difference, justice, and recompense
hierarchical but that benefited the lowly whose labor services were recom­ were medieval representations of a dynamic soci al world, not merely after­
pensed by prayer and protection. To the degree that this exchange did not the-fact rationales or hegemonic constructs. They were, in Roger Chartier's
work fairly (and I have argued that its flaws were always apparent- that the words, "constituents of soci al re ality"; not ex ternal ideologies but part of the
Three Orders was never a hypnotically compelling fantasy), the recompense elaboration of soci al re ality itself.21
(and punishment) would take place in eternity. Mutuality was a contract be­
tween the pe asants and God more than between the orders themselves. Ful­ Hegemony or Appropriation
filling their duty of work, even though their masters failed to live up to their
obligations, the peasants would receive eternal rewards for their labor. The belief th at different representations of peasants constitute soci al me an­
Such explanations for lowliness and oppression served to justify the soci al ing justifies the forgoing el aboration of images separately as parts of a large
order while admitting its defects. They were less confidently asserted after vocabulary. I a� no ':he_ re ne�r arguing that texts are in themselves the only
1350 not only because of the long-recognized shortcomings of the theory of form of socially intelligible action. They do influence historical events and the
mutuality but because of a change in the timing of the putative recompense. mentalit�es of h!storical actors, howe:er. More than that, as opposed merely
_ _
Pe asant grievances demand conformity with divine and natural law in the to affect111g soci al st atus, op1111ons, images, and rhetoric al formul ations in
present, temporal world. In the Reformatio Sigismundi, as in the doubts ex­ some sense produce it through law, justifications, confidence in the way things
pressed by Queen M aria de Luna of Aragon, the moral danger of unjust are org anized, or resist ance to unfavor able change.
servitude was not ameliorated by positing a he avenly future when it was to be The histori an Helmut Smith has pointed to a strong and a we ak manner
made right. of maintaining what he calls "the productive quality of discourse." I would
The emphasis in both elite and popular discourse on work and the spiri­ adhere to the we ak side of this par ticular estim ate of the signific ance of lan­
tual capital it produces is worth noting in connection with the structuring of guage; that !s, I believe th at texts do have some influence on soci al re ality
peasant demands. It is not so much that work became prized in the Weberian beyond the 111fluence that they exert simply as evidence or documentation.
sense, where before it had been despised. Labor had long been credited, if A strong version would see the text as the only re ality, as completely self­
grudgingly, with a certain merit, as expiation and as sacrifice for others, con- referenti al, wi th no world "out there" to which it pertains.23
Conclusion 296 Conclusion 297

One could maintain the strong opinion were one convinced that reality Attention to agency also includes a more favorable estimation of the peas­
revealed itself only through hopelessly distorted texts, or that any apparent in­ ants' ability to understand their situation and to create a specifically peasant
telligibility was imposed on it by the interests of the powerful for whom most discourse and action.27 This ability can take the form of resistance, direct or
of these texts were elaborated.However contingent our understanding of the indirect, but is more a somewhat hidden form of knowledge than a strategy.
past, its material remains (documentary and archaeological) are valid within In his study of Tanganyika/Tanzania in the last decades of British rule,
limits. Modesty and tentativeness are preferable to wholesale rejection of the Steven Feierman points out that the myth of the intellectually underdevel­
factual basis of historical records, of their reliability for reconstructing a van­ oped peasant survives because of the failure of most peasant movements, but
ished world external to its textual remains. these failures are due more to circumstance than to some innate weakness of
I have tried, in Michel de Certeau's words, to "circulate around acquired conception or structure.28
rationalizations"-to examine medieval explanations for subordination and Such views conflict with the opinion that the subordinate classes in gen­
difference across the grain of likeness (especially religious likeness) and ulti­ eral have been slow to act by reason of the power of the dominant discourse,
mate equality.24 I have done so with a belief that these images can be under­ a conceptual and intellectual construct in certain respects backed up by phys­
stood but also that they fit together to form an idea system, one whose very ical force, but so successful as to have created a form of false consciousness
complexity and even awkwardness gave it malleability. whereby notions of hierarchy, deference, and legitimacy of exploitation are
To what degree could medieval peasants contest the terms that described accepted by their victims even without visible coercion. Antonio Gramsci's
who they were and that justified their subordination? This question comes up concept of hegemony has been adopted and modified by observers of modern
against two tendencies of contemporary thought about peasants and other state and class power. Here too, however, "strong" and "weak" versions have
subaltern groups, one emphasizing their agency, the other insisting on the been enunciated (James Scott refers to them respectively as "thick" and
power of hegemonic discourses. "thin"). In the strong conception of hegemony and false consciousness, the
At one time the peasant was regarded as helpless, passive, and outside the elite has a grip of such strength (through institutions such as educational and
movement of modernity (whether that modernity was represented in Marxist religious systems) that the subordinate fully, even enthusiastically accept the
or capitalist terms).25 This pessimistic assessment has been superseded by a way things are. In the weak conception, subordinate people take a fatalistic
positive evaluation of peasant culture and peasant agency. Rather than being or "realistic" view of the situation as somehow natural. In this sense, accord­
seen as affected by but not creative of history, peasants now tend to be re­ ing to Bourdieu, "every established order tends to produce ... the naturaliza­
garded by both historians and anthropologists as possessing a coherent, well­ tion of its own arbitrariness."29
articulated worldview, as having rational goals and even a certain confidence James Scott has shown, to my mind convincingly, the flaws of both the
in their abilities to influence their circumstances. This perspective has been strong and weak versions of hegemony and false consciousness by emphasiz­
especially noteworthy in consideration of the ability of peasants to resist land­ ing the need of dominant elites to devise a rationale for the social order, their
lords and state powers that, from the official records, seem to dominate them. vulnerability to having these rationales used against them, and the sheer
Everyday forms of peasant resistance provide a less visible but, it is thought, quantity and frequency of resistance.With regard to this last point, Scott re­
more effective means of assertion and contestation than insurrections. Eva­ marks that it is the exaggeration of their own power by subordinate groups
sion, foot-dragging, and subversion of plans dictated from above resourcefully that needs explaining-their tendency to overestimate their opportunities­
deflect the plans of those supposedly in charge, postponing or going around not their passivity or a perceived irresistibility of power.30
the forces of enterprise, "rationalization," or technological change that would Our perception of hegemony, in Scott's opinion, stems in large measure
displace or further subordinate them.26 For the Middle Ages, the fact that from the nature of our sources, which obviously foreground what he calls "the
peasants were effectively in charge of specific pieces of land-that the lords' official transcript" rather than what the mass of people really thought.It also
supervision could not be consistent or close, given the fragmented nature of comes from the desire to find "real revolutionaries" with an ideology that
lordship and communication-has led some observers to consider peasants breaks completely from that of the dominant classes rather than the cautious,
sufficiently powerful to render the seigneurial system of their exploitation even reactionary formulations of those who remonstrate in the name of es­
marginal or irrelevant. tablished values ("traditionalist" or "primitive" rebels). Scott takes issue with
Conclusion 298 Conclusion 299

scholars, such as Barrington Moore, who consider grievances over failure to forms of local gossip.39 Similarly, there is no fixed boundary between tradi­
abide by a social contract inferior to those relatively rare contestations of the tionalist and radical peasant movements. Irwin Scheiner identified some 2,809
right of an elite class to exist.31 The version of false consciousness expressed peasant rebellions that occurred during the Tokugawa period of Japanese his­
in this view is also disputed by Scott on the grounds that protests based on tory (along with about 1,000 "riots"), ranging from petitions, to small-scale
agreed-upon principles of rule are more plausible and compelling than in­ symbolic violence, to "world renewal rebellions." Although the differences of
venting entirely new concepts of society. The public presentation of claims scale, anger, and ambition among these rebellious activities are obvious,
may not conform to the deepest preferences of the rebels, but one should not Scheiner found no line between traditional versus "truly radical" uprisings.40
mistake prudence for ethical submission. Seemingly naive beliefs, such as the If medieval peasants (and peasants generally) were less passive and accept­
Russian peasants' expressed faith in a tsar who would deliver them from op­ ing than once thought, neither was the elite so tenacious or confident at all
pression, have been shown to be effective, adaptable ways of legitimating re­ times in defense of a supposedly hegemonic vision. This is not to argue that
sistance to authority as it was actually constituted by referring to a seemingly they were somehow "tolerant" or progressive, but to assert that their discourse
conservative ideal.32 In the Middle Ages, attacks on Jews or lepers and the of­ about peasants contains fissures, doubts, and points that could be appropri­
ten related phenomenon of popular crusades, such as the Pastoureaux ofi320, ated by their subordinates. Elite and popular worlds were not closed off from
functioned as disguised attacks on the crown. Far from being spontaneous each other. Ideas could be regarded differentially-for example, opinions dif­
outbreaks manifesting a growing irrationality, the Shepherds' Crusade and fered on whether the original equality of humanity remained valid in the pre­
similar movements deployed an exaggerated and violent piety to further spe­ sent-but the dialogue about such issues was mutually comprehensible. No
cific political and fiscal rebellion.33 clear frontier between learned and popular culture existed, if only because
Claims by rulers that the idea system justifying their position serves the there were intermediate levels of discourse (vernacular sermons, for example).
interests of all can ultimately legitimate resistance when the elites fail to live Moreover, positing such a frontier accepts too readily the statements (such as
up to those claims. 34 In the context of medieval and early-modern insurrec­ those of the clergy) of the debased condition of rural piety and practice.
tions, an "Old Law" argument could serve to inspire thoroughly radical forms Roger Chartier has effectively criticized the overall notion of a completely
of protest. As Scott remarks, "Whether he believes the rules or not, only a separate popular culture, emphasizing the ability of popular movements to
fool would fail to appreciate the possible benefits of deploying such readily shape according to different goals and strategies the ideas and justifications of
available ideological resources."35 Peasants need not have bought into the the elite.41 For the Middle Ages, such interchange has been accepted by Le
dominant rationales in order to make use of them. As argued in the previous Goff and rather more enthusiastically defended by Gurevich.42 In a study of
chapter, medieval peasant rebellions did make use of the "ideological re­ late-medieval Soria in Old Castile, John Edwards concludes that opinions
sources" at hand. The available discourse in this case afforded opportunities and ideas flowed between learned and uneducated, and did so in both direc­
for both internal justifications by peasants themselves and plausible external tions.43 In Metz, by the year 1200, pious lay men and women had French
structuring of grievances. translations of numerous books, including Gregory's Moralia in job. 44 It was
Of course not all opposition leads to defiance. Such low-key expressions possible for information about ideas and texts to be widespread without indi­
of dissatisfaction as gossip, grumbling, and satire can perfectly well accord vidual knowledge or practice or reading. 45
with deference and even bolster the terms of the dominant discourse.36 More Peasants were therefore neither cowed nor entirely unaware of their situa­
explicitly supportive of that discourse are what Christine Pelzer White refers tion. It remains questionable, however, to what extent their agenda can be re­
to as "everyday forms of peasant collaboration."37 One should not depict all covered, especially for the distant past. My primary interest in this study has
forms of uncooperative or antisocial behavior as "resistance," or romanticize been to look at how peasants were regarded by the articulate classes above
resistance, or minimize the internal dissensions within communities.38 Peas­ them. Nevertheless, I have also tried to show connections between the images
ants did not form a unified force nor define themselves in terms of a binary applied to them and their own conceptions and movements, thus bringing
opposition between themselves and their lords. up the question of how the opinions and voice of such people can be recov­
Neither, on the other hand, is there an obvious line between complicitous ered without gross distortion, sentimentality, or false claim to speak for the
and subversive behavior: one can easily lead to the other as, for example, in silenced.46
Conclusion 300 Conclusion 301

A goal of this book has been to show that there was a certain structure of Occasionally, an open, pluralist "good" Middle Ages (with the twelfth century
elite thought about the peasant. This amounted to a discourse across genre, a as its high point) is contrasted with a rigid, authoritarian, intolerant scholastic
"register" in Zumthor's terms, a "polyhedron of intelligibility" in Foucault's and late-medieval era, 50
locution, something with many facets but with an internal consistency. 47 At The concept of the Other has been used in the context of sudden discov­
the same time, such consistency was achieved at the cost of recognizing cer­ eries of new and troubling worlds. 51 It has had an even more extensive run as
tain tensions: between the peasant as subhuman and the peasant as God's a process ("Othering") by which more or less familiar strangers, the exotic, or
special concern; between original equality and present difference; between those standing in the way of progress are represented as inferior, primitive,
mutuality as an ideal and its failure in practice. These tensions amounted to degenerate, or even alluring. Their otherness is "invented" by being struc­
something more than occasional or involuntary admissions that an otherwise tured as radically different from an unexamined but anxiously defended "nor­
hegemonic representation might be flawed. Medieval observers saw that there malcy. "52 The concept has also been applied to representations of sexuality,
were problems with regarding the peasants as removed from common hu­ race, and gender within cultures and nations. 53 Alterity itself and how it is
manity, and with reconciling the New Testament to the reality of social hier­ presented and shaped are the subjects of a theoretical literature and are espe­
archy. They traced out paradoxes of equality and subordination, of punish­ cially prominent in critiques of anthropological objectivity. 54
ment and divine favor. Internal tensions increased in the late Middle Ages, Several problems stem from too sweeping (or inclusive) an application of
eventually provoking a division between the peasant regarded as licitly subju­ the concept of "the Other" to medieval society. In the first place it becomes a
gated and the peasant as spiritually elevated by suffering. But at no time were reified concept in itself, the "fetishization of alterity" that imposes a conve­
elites completely unified, confident, or single-minded in asserting the natu­ nient name on a more complex reality.55 It also tends to reinforce the domi­
ralness or unquestionable moral validity of those aspects of the social struc­ nant culture's self-image by referring everything to it by way of comparison.
ture, especially servitude, that seemed to contradict minimal notions of This monolithic system of reference obscures the relation between different
Christian equality. marginal groups, such as Jews and Muslims under Christian rule in Iberia, re­
I have also suggested, without minimizing the autonomous thought pat­ ducing them to mere categories within the exercise of state power. 56
terns of medieval peasants, that they and their spokesmen could appropriate A totalizing notion of the Other also fails to discriminate among groups
to their own ends commonplace statements and shared assumptions about regarded or constructed as different. This is especially the case in the context
God in relation to society, statements and assumptions that in the dominant of the Middle Ages, with its panoply of othering discourses. One must dis­
discourse were used to justify domination based on a supposed mutuality. tinguish those "others" completely outside the orbit of everyday medieval Eu­
ropean life: the monstrous races or the dimly perceived inhabitants of India,
The Peasant as "Other" Ethiopia, or sub-Saharan Africa. The "monsters" were most obviously an in­
vented other in the purest sense, resulting from acts of the imagination. Peo­
Ultimately the existence of a complex system of representation may be said to ples more proximate but religiously alien-Jews and Muslims-were re­
degrade the peasants, if for no other reason than that they did not occupy the garded along different axes depending on whether they lived across a frontier,
subject position in such discourse: peasants were perceived as objects of their appeared powerful and threatening, or were considered subordinated tribu­
masters' discourses, as "other" in relation to the powerful, not as autonomous taries. Lepers were both more radically different and yet, by virtue of their
actors. But I would question the reach and utility of the term "Other" in this origin, similar to those who segregated them.
context. The Middle Ages is hardly known for its tolerance, and indeed a con­ All of these people could be represented as troubling, subhuman, danger­
siderable amount of recent research has rediscovered just how many groups­ ous, if at some level part of a divine plan. Imagined races were related to the
Jews, lepers, homosexuals, Muslims, "monstrous races"-were demonized. 48 apocalyptic prophecies of the Book of Revelation, or their possible salvation
In keeping with a change in how the modern era is viewed (with less confi­ was taken as evidence of the reach of the Gospel (as in the famous depiction
dence in its supposed inclusiveness and in the march of progress), the me­ of the Pentecost on the sculpted tympanum of Vezelay, which shows the
dieval is now often seen as the �rigin of a "bad modern," including European apostles preaching to pygmies, big-eared people, and dog-headed people).
expansionism, repression of difference, and a colonial or enslaving mentality. 49 Lepers, too, were objects of both fear and redemptive ambitions. The Jews
Conclusion 302
Conclusion 303
figured in the divine plan retrospectively but also prospectively, for their con­
the collapse of a peasant society....An ancient peasant France, a France of
version would herald the arrival of the millennium.
bourgs, villages, hamlets, and scattered houses survived more or less un­
W hen considering European peasants and'women, however, we are deal­
changed until at least 1914 and some would say 1945."60 The very identity of
ing with groups so obviously numerous that they could not be literall� mar­
France and its regions is at issue, a nation of 120 cheeses, in De Gaulle's fa­
ginal. Language used to describe other despised peoples could be applied to
mous words. The disappearance of the peasantry is set off against the threat
them (as in the crossover use of Noah's curse, for example), but clearly they
of Americanization or globalization. It has been lamented in the popular
constitute an "Other" very different from distant or religiously different peo­
press, in songs, and throughout the earnest debate that characterizes French
ples.Women and peasants counted at most as "proximate others," not only
public culture.61
because of their physical closeness to those who dominated society but be­
In a world that by and large celebrates technological progress and what
cause of their secular necessity.57 While they were, like Jews and lepers, vaguely
are perceived as improved living standards, the disappearance of the class that
part of some divine unfolding, peasants and women also underpinned society
undergirded European society for its medieval and modern centuries should
in the temporal world in a unique and indispensable way.
provoke ambivalence.The peasant, even in eclipse, represents the human, the
Discourse about peasants and women therefore oscillated violently
natural, the organic nation.
among three poles: unfavorable alterity, similarity, and favorable dissimilarity.
The terms of this constant shifting differed for the two groups: for women,
beauty and defilement, misogyny and adoration, sexuality and virginity; for
peasants (peasant women being subject to all vocabularies), bestiality and
childlike simplicity, stupidity and cleverness, intractability and pliant pa­
tience.The dominant discourse figured both women and peasants, however,
in terms of embodiment and earthiness, as divinely favored, as requiring co­
ercive control, and as paradoxically equal yet subordinate.
The dominant culture of any society, including the medieval, does not
simply classify with confidence or consistency those whom it regards �s dif­
ferent.There are some "differences" that it must deal with.It can do this by a
compulsive proliferation of negative stereotypes.58 In that very proliferation,
however, the internal consistency of vision and purpose is strained, and its
complexity contains within it its own contestation.

Although the peasant has not disappeared from the rural world in the way
that both Marxist and capitalist theories predicted, in Western Europe the
peasantry has become vestigial or nonexistent.This is a relatively recent phe­
nomenon in France, Spain, and Italy.The impact of mechanization, con­
sumer culture, consolidation of holdings, and the decline of protective tariffs
has decimated the rural agricultural population in recent decades. This
process has been felt with a sense of loss, especially in France, where the emp­
tying of the productive countryside, though well under way by the end of the
nineteenth century, accelerated in the 195os.59 Fernand Braudel, at the end of
his final great work, The Identity ofFrance, observed: "To my mind the spec­
tacle that overshadows all others, in the France of the past and even today, is
Reference Matter

I. La Bruyere, Les caracteres, no. 128 (4) (p. 339): "Certains animaux farouches,
des males et des femelles, repandues par la campagne, noirs, livides et tout brules du
soleil, attaches a la terre qu'ils fouillent et qu'ils remuent avec une opiniatre invinci­
ble; ils ont comme une voix articulee, et quand ils se !event sur leurs pieds, ils mon­
trent une face humaine, et en effet ils sont des hommes."
2. Levi, Christ Stopped at Eboli, p. 3.
3. General treatments of the social and economic position of the medieval peas­
antry include Duby, Rural Economy; Rosener, Peasants in the Middle Ages; Genicot,
Rural Communities; and Fossier, Peasant Life.
4. Blankenburg, Der Vilain; Reich, Beitrage zur Kenntnis.
5. Galpin, Cortois and Vilain.
6. Gudde, Social Conflicts.
7. Coulton, Medieval Village.
8. Hiigli, Der deutsche Bauer im Mittelalter, Martini, Das Bauerntum.
9. Heald, "Peasant in Medieval German Literature"; Schuppert, "Der Bauer in
der deutschen Literatur des Spatmittelalters"; Ebner, "Der Bauer." These writers were
primarily concerned with the degree to which literary or historical works give an ac­
curate or "realistic" account of peasant life and material culture.
10. For this, see Jonin, "La revision d'un topos."
II. Louis Althusser's definition, as cited in Vovelle, Ideologies and Mentalities,
p. 2.
12. Zumthor, Le masque et la lumiere, p. 51.
13. Vovelle, Ideologies and Mentalities, p. II.
14. Freedman, Origins ofPeasant Servitude.
15. I owe this observation to Professor Ihor Sevcenko, of Harvard University,
whose help I gratefully acknowledge.
16. Le Goff, "Les paysans et le monde rural," translated as "Peasants and the
Notes to Introduction 308 Notes to Chapter I 309

Rural World," inLeGoff, Time, "\¥0rk, and Culture, quotation from p. 88 of the En­ Wer uns derPauer nit geborn,
glish version. wer pawet uns den weitz und das korn,
17. Greenblatt, "Murdering Peasants," especially pp. II, 21. Und auch dartzu den guten wein,
18. A curious and rather extensive journal by a Tuscan peasant of the fifteenth darbey wir offt gar frolich sein?
century has survived, but it deals for the most part with financial accounts: La zappa
e la retorica. For this information I am grateful to Paolo Squattriti, of the University 2. Ordericus Vitalis, Ecclesiastical History 2: 52, cited in Constable, Three Studies,
of Michigan, who is preparing an English translation of this work. p. 316.
19. Schmitt, Holy Greyhound, p. 171. 3. T homas ofW imbledon, cited in Aers, Community, Gender, and Individual
20. LeGoff, "Le vocabulaire des categories sociales"; Lavilla Martin, La imagen Identity, p. 33.
de! siervo en el pensamiento de San Francisco. 4. Caggese, "La Repubblica di Siena," p. 84: "Ad hoc ut status civium per comita­
21. Definitions of the contemporary peasantry may be found in Eric Wolf, Peas­
tum et comitatinos utilius conserventur, quorum comitatus comitationorum conserva­
ants, pp. 1-7; and Peasants and Peasant Societies, pp. 14-17 (Shanin's introduction). A tio est augumentatio civitatis cum exinde et victualia proveniat et fertilitas oportuna."
multifaceted meditation on the subject is Shanin, Defining Peasants. 5. Abbo of Fleury, Liber apologeticus, in PL 139: 464: "Primo de virorum ordine,
22. On slavery in relation to unfree peasantries, see the collection Serfdom and
id est de laicis, dicendum est, quod alii sunt agricolae, alii agonistae, et agricolae qui­
Slavery. dem insudant agricultorae et diversis artibus in opere rustico, uncle sustentatur totius
23. Maddicott, English Peasantry, p. 68. Ecclesiae multitudo; agonistae vero, contenti stipendis militiae . . . omni sagacite ex­
24. M. Bloch, Feudal Society, pp. 255-74; Fourquin, Lordship and Feudalism, pugnant adversarios sanctaeDei Ecclesiae."
pp. 173-83; Freedman, Origins ofPeasant Servitude, pp. 4-18; and Hilton, Decline of 6. Mostert, Political Theology ofAbbo ofFleury, pp. 93, rn3; Duby, Three Orders,
Serfdom. p. 90.
25. On the Latin terms used in the early Middle Ages, see Kobler,'"Bauer' (agri- 7. Duby, Three Orders, p. rn8.
cola, co/onus, rusticus)." 8. Aelfric, Colloquy, p. 39: ''Agricultura, quia arator nos omnes pascit." A discus­
26. Conte, Servi medievali. sion of Aelfric's scheme of society is provided in Ruffing, "Labor Structure of Aelfric's
27. Stackmann, "Bezeichnungen fur'Bauer,"' especially p. 160. Colloquy," but Ruffing deals more with the monastic understanding of useful occu­
28. Wenskus, "'Bauer'-Begriff und historischeWirklichkeit." pations than with relations among social orders.
29. Hilton, Decline ofSerfdom, pp. 15-19. On Anglo-Saxon slavery, see Pelteret, 9. Wulfstan, Die '1nstitutes ofPolity, Civil and Ecclesiastical" pp. 55-56.
IO. Aelfric, Colloquy, p. 21. On this passage seePelteret, Slavery in Early Mediae­
Slavery in Early Mediaeval England.
30. Batany, "Les pauvres et la pauvrete." val England, pp. 64-66.
II. Aelfric, Letter to Sigeward and Passio Machabeorum, as described in E. Ander­
31. LeGoff, Time, "\¥0rk, and Culture, p. 94.
32. Bosl, "Potens undPauper." son, " Social Idealism in Aelfric's Colloquy," p. 157.
33. Ibid., p. 123. 12. On the date of the Gesta, see Oexle, "Die'Wirklichkeit' und das 'Wissen,"'
34. LeGoff, "Le vocabulaire des categories sociales," p. rn4. pp. 74-76.
35. Mollat, Poor in the Middle Ages, pp. 193-293; Geremek, Margins of Society. 13. Adalbero ofLaon, Poeme au roi Robert. T he Carmen may date from as early as
36. On the distinction between laboratores, those with no land or less than a full mm and probably dates from no later than rn31. See Constable, Three Studies, p. 283
holding, and masoverii, who could support themselves from their tenements, see n. 130; and Oexle,''Adalbero vonLaon," p. 635.
Bois, Crisis ofFeudalism, pp. 179-87; Hilton, "Reasons for Inequality"; andRosener, 14. As noted by Oexle, "Le travail au Xle siecle," pp. 53-55. In fact, according to
Peasants in the Middle Ages, pp. 191-207. JacquesLeGoff, the term laboratores at the time of Adalbero meant not just agricul­
tural workers but those at the higher levels of the peasantry who farm a property that
produces a surplus and who are thus productive from the vantage of those who re­
Chapter I ceive revenues from their profitable labor: Le Goff, Time, Work and Culture, p. 57;
idem, "Le travail dans les systemes de valeur," pp. 16-17.
I. "Der Bauernlob" ("Das Gedicht vom ersten Edelmann"), published in two
15. Adalbero ofLaon, Poeme au roi Robert, vv. 290-93 (p. 22):
versions, one in Tettau, "Ober einige bis jetzt unbekannte Erfurter Drucke," pp.
319-25; and one in Weller, "Gedicht vom ersten Edelmann," pp. 231-38. T he passage Nam valet ingenuus sine semis uiuere nullus.
below is from Tettau's edition, p. 322: Cum labor occurit sumptus et habere peroptant,
Notes to Chapter I 310 Notes to Chapter I 3n
Rex et pontifices seruus seruire uidentur. Qui vivez sur nous laboureurs,
Pascitur a seruo dominus quern pascere sperat. Confortez nous d' aucun hon ayde:
Vivre nous fault, c' est le remede.
16. Augustine, De civitate Dei 19.14, cited in Oexle, "Le travail au XIe siecle,"
p. 54. 28. Gower, Vox clamantis, bk. 1, vv. 2093-96 (p. 79):
17. Adalbero ofLaon, Poeme au roi Robert, vv. 286-88 (p. 22).
18. Wernher de Gartenaere, Helmbrecht, vv. 543-60 (pp. 36-38). Sic cum rusticitas fuerat religata cathenis
19. Buch der Rugen, vv. 145r62 (p. 86): Et paciens nostro subiacet illa pede,
Ad iuga hos rediit, que sub aruis semen aratis
Liebiu kint, sit staete vro: Creuit, et a hello rusticus ipse silet.
mit iuwerr reinen arbeit
spist ir alle kristenheit. The translation is Stockton's, in Gower, Major Latin \.Vorks, p. 94.
dar an belibet staet: 29. Oswald von Wolkenstein, Die Lieder, no. n2, vv. 172-74 (p. 276); no. 39, v.
swer iu iht ander raet, 34 (p. 130); no. 44, vv. 45-48 (p. 145), cited in Classen, "Peasant Life and Peasant Re­
der wil iuch verkeren, ality," pp. 86-87.
30. This account is by the fourteenth-century jurist Bertran de Ceva, as repeated
(Dear children, you are by Joan de Socarrats in 1476, edited in Freedman, "Catalan Lawyers," apps. 3 and 4
offortunate rank. With (pp. 313-14); also in Freedman, Church, Law and Society, no. 14. See below, Chapter 5,
your pure work you feed pp. n6-17.
all ofChristendom; thus 31. Monumenta rusticorum in Hungaria rebellium, no. 202, p. 260: "Item quam­
yours is a beloved estate. quam omnes rustici, qui adversus dominos eorum naturales insurrexerunt, tanquam
Whoever tells you other­ proditores capitali pena sint plectendi, ne tamen tot sanguinis efusio adhuc sequatur
wise wishes to deceive et omnis rusticitas, sine qua nobilitas parum valet, deleatur."
you.) 32. Duby, Three Orders; Oexle, "Die funktionale Dreiteilung"; idem, "Deutungs­
20. Hans Rosenplilt, "Der Baum Lob," in Der Bauer im deutschen Liede, pp. schemata"; and Constable, "Orders ofSociety," in his Three Studies, pp. 251-350. Also
109-12; also in Quellen zur Geschichte des deutschen Bauernstandes, no. 217, pp. 549- significant is Niccoli, I sacerdoti, i guerrieri, i contadini.
52. Although primarily concerned with Rosenpliit's epigrammatic poetry, Reichel's 33. Peter the Chanter, De oratione et speciebus illius,, pp. 224-26, cited in Consta­
Der Spruchdichter Hans Rosenplut is the only recently published general work on this ble, Three Studies, p. 319.
writer. 34. These lifestyles and roles are described and related to the three functional so­
21. Quellen zur Geschichte des deutschen Bauernstandes, no. 219, p. 555. cial orders in Constable, "Orders ofSociety," in his Three Studies, pp. 251-350.
22. Ibid., no. 177, p. 465. 35. Dumezil, Mythe et epopee; idem, Les Dieux souverains des Indo-Europeens-,
23. Meisterlieder der Kolmarer Handschrifi, song no. 71, vv. 8-10 (BLVS 68, p. Dubuisson, "Le roi indo-europeen' '; Le Goff, "Les trois fonctions indo-europeennes";
378): "den frumen human ich dem priester allezit geliche, / Wan er uns neret vor des and Rouche, "De l'Orient a !'Occident."
hungers freisen / mit sinem pfluog sin arbeit uz der erde guot." 36. In Germany, for example, it is found in the German didactic poets Freidank
24. Historical Poems ofthe XIVth and XVth Centuries, no. 35, pp. 9r98. and Hugo von Trimberg and the sermons attributed to Berthold von Regensburg; see
25. Drei deutsche Minoritenprediger, pp. 88, 9p. Hiigli, Der deutsche Bauer im Mittelalter, pp. 64-65. For the use of the Three Orders
26. Etienne de Fougeres, Le livre des manieres, vv. 693-704 (pp. 84-85). by the laity, especially in the early-modern era, see Niccoli, I sacerdoti, i guerrieri, i
27. Enguerrard de Monstrelet, Chronique, chap. 273 (p. 387): contadini, pp. 35-124.
37. Iogna-Prat, "Le 'bapteme' du schema"; Ortigues, "Haymon d'Auxerre." Duby,
Helas! helas! helas! helas! Three Orders, p. 109, did mention Haimo ofAuxerre, but only as a figure anticipating
Prelats, princes, et hons seigneurs, the "revelation" of the fully developed theory in Adalbero of Laon and Gerard of
Bourgeois, marchans et advocats, Cambrai.
Gens de mestiers grans et mineurs, 38. Oexle, "Deutungsschemata," pp. 94-95.
Gens d' armes, et les trois estats, 39. Duby, Three Orders, p. 177. A similarly reductionist view is found in the
Notes to Chapter I 312 Notes to Chapter I 313

works of Carozzi, Rouche, and others writing on this subject at the time Duby's 59. Conrad of Eberbach, Exordium magnum 5-10 (PL 185, pt. 2, n40-44), cited
Three Orders appeared (see Oexle, "Deutungsschemata," pp. 76-77). in Newman, "Crucified by the Virtues."
40. Gurevich, "Medieval Culture and Mentalite," pp. 37-40. Also see Oexle, 60. Le Goff, "Le travail clans les systemes de valeur," pp. 15"·:..20.
"Die 'Wirklichkeit' und das 'Wissen,"' pp. 81-84. 61. Ibid., p. 21.
41. Oexle, "Deutungsschemata," pp. 76-83; idem, "Le travail au Xle siecle," pp. 62. Ibid., pp. r8; Le Goff, Time, Work, and Culture, pp. 77-79, 87-97.
5r58; idem, "Die 'Wirklichkeit' und das 'Wissen,"' pp. 80-84. 63. Van den Hoven, Work inAncientandMedievalThought, pp. 233-37.
42. Oexle, "Le travail au Xle siecle," p. 58: ''Autrement dit, on ne peut pas ex­ 64. Le Goff, "Le travail clans les systemes de valeur," pp. 4-13; idem, Time, Work,
clure que les bellatores et meme les laboratores aient partage une telle interpretation and Culture, pp. 73-79.
des structures sociales et de leur role a l'interieur de la societe." 65. Camille, "When Adam Delved," pp. 270-72.
43. Oexle, "Deutungsschemata," pp. 90-105. 66. Ovitt, "Cultural Context of Western Technology," pp. 79-80.
44. Adalbero of Laon, Poeme au roi Robert, vv. 286-88, 294 (p. 22). See below, 67. Constable, "Interpretation of Martha and Mary," in his Three Studies,
Chapter 2, note 6. pp. 1-141.
45. Duby, Three Orders, pp. 274-85, 319-21. 68. Elias, Civilizing Process, pp. 206-12.
46. These laments are discussed below in Chapter 2. 69. J. Alexander, "Labeur and Paresse." For the combination of lowliness and
47. The ancient world did not have a completely negative opinion ofagriculture. productivity in the Berry Book of Hours see below, Chapter 6, p. 144.
The Stoics, for example, conceived of agricultural labor in positive terms, but their 70. As correctives to this tendency, see Holzapfel, Die sittliche 'Wertung; and
intention was more to praise the simple life than to extol productive labor in itself Ovitt, "Cultural Context ofWestern Technology," pp. 71-94.
See van den Hoven, Work inAncient and MedievalThought, pp. 38-49. For the "Car­ 71. Le Goff, "Le travail dans les systemes de valeur," pp. 7-8.
olingian Renaissance oflabor," see Le Goff, Time, Work, and Culture, pp. 83-86. 72. Honorius Augustodunensis, Elucidarium 2.61 (p. 429). On this passage see be­
48. Le Goff, "Pour une etude de travail," p. 22. low, Chapter 9, note 71. On Honorius and his extensive output, see editor Lefevre's in­
49. Holdsworth, "Blessings ofWork," p. 63, also see p. 72 in connection with troductory remarks, especially pp. 191-230 and 259-329. See also the articles by Flint
Guerric oflgny's statement "labor in actione, fructus seu merces in contemplatione." now collected in her Ideas in the Medieval "West and her recent HonoriusAugustodunen­
50. I ssac ofStella, "Sermo L in Nativitate Petri et Pauli," in his Sermones (PL 194: sis ofRegensburg. See also Gottschall, Das "Elucidarium" des Honorius Augustodunensis.
1858), cited in Holdsworth, "Blessings ofWork," p. 62. 73. Honorius Augustodunensis, Imago mundi 3.1 (p. 125).
51. Bernard of Clairvaux, "Sermo in Feria IV Hebdomadae Sanctae." 74. Berthold von Regensburg, Vollstandige Ausgabe seiner Predigten 2: 14: "So
52. Aelred of Rievaulx, Speculum caritatis 2.15 (CC Continuatio medievalis 1, p. woltest du gerne ein ritter sin, so muost du ein gebure sin unde muost uns bu.wen
83), cited in Holdsworth, "Blessings ofWork," p. 63. korn und win. Wer solte uns den acker bu.wen, ob ir alle herren waeret?" That the
53. On the lay brethren, see Lekai, Cistercians, pp. 334-46; and Newman, Bound­ vernacular sermons attributed to Berthold were probably written by later writers
aries ofCharity, pp. 101-6. seems to be widely acknowledged. See the long note and bibliography in Fossel, Die
54. Although not to the degree often assumed. See Alfonso, "Cistercians and Ortlieber, pp. 24-25. I am grateful to Professor Robert Lerner, of Northwestern Uni­
Feudalism." The difficulties experienced by educated monks engaging in field work is versity, for this information.
illustrated by William of St. Thierry's account of Saint Bernard weeping because he 75. Drei deutsche Minoritenprediger, p. 88: "Quintum genus per quintum £ilium fig­
didn't know how to cut wheat; cited in Holdsworth, "Blessings ofWork," p. 63. uratur, ut sunt agricole, qui tam dilecti filii Dei sunt tam propter laborem continuum,
55. Conrad of Eberbach, Exordium magnum, dist. 4, chap. 18 (PL 185, pt. 2, qui Deo placer, tam propter oppresionem, qua a dominus opprimuntur iniuste. . . . Sed
no6-10). Also in Herbert, De miraculis, bk. 1, chap. 15 (PL 185, pt. 2, 1291-92). lamentabile nimis est, quod multi inter eos damnantur." p. 90: "Rustici, qui frumenta
56. As is pointed out by Martha G. Newman in "Crucified by theVirtues." I am laborant, estu uruntur, gelu frigent, de quorum laboribus uiuit omnis populus; [si]
very grateful to Professor Newman for her advice concerning the Cistercian miracle cauerent isti sibi de furto, mendacio, periurio et his similibus, sancti fierent."
stories. On the lay brothers, see Hallinger, "Woher kommen die Laienbrlider?"; and 76. Buch der Rugen, vv. 1479-82 (p. 87):
Lescher, "Lay Brothers." so hat iu unser herre bereit
57. Goswin ofVillers, VitaArnulfi, bk. 1, chap. 4 (especially pp. 563-64). nach iuwer grozer arbeit
58. Herbert, De miraculis, bk. 1, chap. 29 (PL 185, pt. 2, 1301-3), cited in Lekai, in sinem himelrkhe ruo:
Cistercians, p. 338; Newman, "Crucified by theVirtues." da bring uns got alle zuo.
Notes to Chapter I 314 Notes to Chapter 2 315

(So has our Lord a place 99. Niklashausen I476, pp. 283-86; also excerpted in Quellen zur Geschichte des
prepared for you after your Bauernkrieges, ed. Franz, no. I¥, p. 63.
great work, in His heav­ 100. Niklashausen I476, pp. 191-96, 215, 262, 281.
enly peace, when God 101. Ibid., pp. 195-96; also in Quellen zur Geschichte des Bauernkrieges, ed. Franz,
brings us all to Him.) no. 14b, pp. 66-67.
102. Sider, Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt, pp. 177-78.
77. Die poetische Bearbeitung des Buches Daniel vv. 1777-1830 (pp. 28-29). See 103. Cited in Packull, "Image of the 'Common Man,"' pp. 262-63. The saying
also Martini, Das Bauerntum, p. 225. could also serve as a lament for the lot of fallen humanity, as in, for example, Lotario
78. Jacques de Vitry, "Sermo ad agricolas et vinitores et alios operarios," Ser­ dei Segni, De miseria condicionis humane I.IO (p. 109).
mones vulgares, in Welter, L'exemplum, p. 458. The translation is from Wunderli, Peas­ 104. Uhrig, "Der Bauer in der Publizistik," pp. 176-77.
ant Fires, p. 35. 105. Examples of these sentiments are provided in Uhrig, "Der Bauer in der
79. Barney, "Plowshare of the Tongue,"p. 269. On the plow and the pious peas­ Publizistik," pp. 177-79.
ant, see also Burdach, Der Dichter des Ackermann aus Bohmen 1: 61-68, 109-14. 106. Hemmerli, De nobilitate et rusticitate, cap. 32, fol. 124r.
80. Proverbs 20:4: "Because of the cold the sluggard would not plough: he shall 107. Ibid., cap. 33, fol. I27V.
beg therefore in the summer, and it shall not be given him." Proverbs 12:II: "He that 108. Quellen zur Geschichte des deutschen Bauermtandes, no. 218, vv. 19-25 (p. 553):
tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread, but he that pursueth idleness is very
foolish." Derwiisch in bi dem Kragen,
81. Barney, "Plowshare of the Tongue," pp. 268-69. erfreuw das Herze din,
82. Ibid. nim im, was er habe,
83. Kirk, "Langland's Plowman," especially pp. 3, II. span uss di Pferdelin sin!
84. Reiss, "Symbolic Plow and Plowman," pp. 3-14. bis frisch und darzu unverzagt,
85. J. Alexander, "Labeurand Paresse," p. 444. wann er nummen Pfennig hat
86. Reiss, "Symbolic Plow and Plowman," pp. II. so riss im dGurgel ab!
87. J. Alexander, "Labeur and Paresse," p. 440. Here Alexander takes issue with
Panofsky's interpretation of the Tres Riches Heures of the Due de Berri. 109. See below, Chapter 6.
88. On the depiction of rustics in the Tres Riches Heures see below, Chapter 6,
p. 144. Chapter 2
89. R. Williams, The Country and the City, pp. 27-34. On images of rural pro­
ductivity and labor in early-modern Europe, see Vardi, "Imagining the Harvest." I. Further examples of such literature are available in Falk, Etude sociale, p. II3.
90. Camille, "When Adam Delved," pp. 24r76. 2. Cited in Niccoli, I sacerdoti, i guerrieri, i contadini, p. 24.
91. R. Baldwin, "Peasant Imagery," p. 101; Kavaler, "Peter Bruegel and the Com­ 3. Szucs, "Die oppositionelle Stromung," pp. 502-3.
mon Man," pp. II4-35. On different literary and artistic images of plowmen, see also 4. Hemmerli, De nobilitate et rusticitate, cap. 3, fols. IIv-12v; cap. 31, fols.
0. Hill, The Manor, the Plowman, and the Shepherd. II7r-121r.
92. Landes, "La vie apostolique en Aquitaine," 582-85. 5. Gower, ¼x clamantis, bk. 5, chap. 9 (pp. 216-18); idem, Mirour de l'omme, vv.
93. Duby, Three Orders, pp. 132-33. 26425-484 (p. 293).
94. Le Roy Ladurie, Montaillou, pp. 571-73, 6. Adalbero of Laon, Poeme au roi Robert, vv. 286-94 (p. 22), corrected by Oexle,
95. Leguai, "Les revoltes rurales," pp. 65-66. "Die funktionale Dreiteilung," p. 30:
96. Chelcicky, "O torjfm lidu (On the Three Peoples)," pp. 137-67, especially p.
Hoc genus afflictum nil possidet absque labore.
165. See also Iwanczak, "Between Pacifism and Anarchy."
Quis abaco poterit numerando retexere uerbis
97. On Wyclif and the Three Orders see Gilchrist, "Social Doctrine of John
Seruorum studium, cursus, tantosque labores?
Wyclif," pp. 15r69.
Tesaurus, uestis, cunctis sunt pascua serui;
98. Regarding the nickname bestowed by Sebastian Brant in 1494 as an indica­
Nam ualet ingenuus sine seruis uiuere nullus.
tion of both Hans's station and his foolishness, see Niklashausen I476, p. 85. A sub­
Cum labor occurrit, sumptus et habere perobtant,
jective and informal survey of this affair is given by Wunderli, Peasant Fires.
Notes to Chapter 2 316 Notes to Chapter 2 317

Rex et pontifices seruis seruire uidentur. An important Isaiah commentary that Vaux Saint Cyr did not see-London, Lam­
Pascitur a seruo dorninus quern pascere sperat. beth Palace Library, MS 71, fols. 123r-15ov-was placed in a class by itself by Fried­
Seruorurn lacrirnae gernitus non terminus ullus. rich Stegrniiller (Repertorium Biblicum medii acvi, vol. 5, no. 7824). It also begins with
Isaiah's words ''Audite celi" but contains yet another type ofmoral gloss on Isaiah and
7. Duby, Three Orders, pp. 160-61.
ends abruptly at 34:15. Still another recension ofthe moralized commentary on Isaiah
8. Ibid., p. 160: "His point was to emphasize this humiliation." p. 161: "An at­
begins ''Audite celi auribus. . . . Ecce in ultionern inirnicorurn elernenta invocantur."
tempt was made to convince them [the servi ] that there was in fact a mutual ex­
In this category I have looked at Troyes, Bibliotheque Municipale, MS 893, and the
change ofservices."
manuscript cited in Duby's Three Orders (pp. 319, 374), Vienna, Osterreichische Na­
9. Adalbero ofLaon, Poeme au roi Robert, vv. 3r41 (p. 4).
tionalbibliothek, MS 1395, rendered erroneously in the English translation as being
10. Oexle, "Deutungsschernata," pp. 103-4.
in "Vienne." The Vienna manuscript was not available to Vaux Saint Cyr but is clas­
n. Duby, Le moyen age, p. 98, a view effectively challenged by Bisson, "Feudal
sified on the basis ofits incipit in accord with his categories.
Revolution," pp. 30-31.
26. I have relied on the following manuscripts of Langton's Minor Prophets
12. Bue, L'ambigui"te du livre, pp. 40-49.
13. Benedict de Sainte-Maure, Chronique, vv. 13269-74 (1: 384); the translation
is Goldharnrner's, in Duby, Three Orders, pp. 274-75. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 31
14. Benedict de Sainte-Maure, Chronique, vv. 13279-317 (1: 384-85).
Cambridge, University Library, Peterhouse, MS n9
15. Ibid., vv. 28853-76 (2: 197-98). On the rebellion of 997, see Kohn, "Freiheit
als Forderung." London, Lambeth Palace Library, MS 441
16. Benedict de Sainte-Maure, Chronique, vv. 28877-958 (2: 198-200). For Wace, Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, MS lat. 505
see below, note 90 for this chapter.
Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica, MS Borghese 374
17. Etienne de Fougeres, Le livre des manieres, vv. 689-92, 697-700 (pp. 84-85).
18. Duby, Three Orders, p. 284. The commentaries in these manuscripts resemble each other, but not closely. The
19. Etienne de Fougeres, Le livre des manieres, vv. 705-20 (p. 85). Hosea commentary in Corpus Christi MS 31, for example, is considerably longer
20. Duby, Three Orders, p. 285. (fols. 25r-78r) than the Lambeth Palace version (fols. 37v-49v).
21. Ibid., p. 320. 27. Paris, Bibliotheque National, MS lat. 505, fols. 23r-23v, to Hosea 8:5, Proiec­
22. Friedrich Stegrniiller, Repertorium Biblicum medii acvi, vol. 5 (Madrid, 1955), tus est vitulus tuus, Samaria. Samaria signifies custodia, the duty of prelates to care for
nos. 7704-7939. others. Clerics who rejoice in luxury neglect their sheep and anger God (Hosea 8:5
23. Lacombe and Smalley, Studies on the Commentaries of Cardinal Stephen Lang- continues, iratus estfaror meus in eos), and will suffer in the world to come more than
ton, especially pp. 64-85, 145-51. even the sinner among those placed under them (fol. 23v): "et notatur que sicut longe
24. Vaux Saint Cyr, "Les deux cornrnentaires d'Etienne Langton sur Isai'e." rnaius est ululare quarn clarnare, sic rnaior erit pena prelatorurn quarn subditorurn."
25. Ibid., pp. 233-34; Friedrich Stegrniiller, Repertorium Biblicum medii acvi, vol. 5 28. Isaiah 13:20-21: Nee pastores requiescent ibi, sed requiescent ibi bestiae. Lang­
(Madrid, 1955), nos. 7817, 7824. The versions of Langton's moral commentaries on; ton remarks: "Prelatus enim qui in amore rnundi delectatur non debet dici pastor sed
Isaiah in turn differ from one another substantially. Some fourteen manuscripts have bestia, quia oves suas devorat" (Paris, Bibliotheque Mazarine, MS 177, fol. 134v).
the incipit ''Audite celi et auribus. . . . Ideo invocat celurn et terram." From this group Other versions: London, Lambeth Palace Library, MS 441, fol. 120v, "non est pastor
I have examined the following: sed bestia'; Paris, Bibliotheque de l'Arsenal, MS 87, fol. 165r, "et non est dicendus
pastor sed bestia"; Cambridge, Corpus ChristiCollege, MS 55, fol. 250v, "non est pas­
London, Lambeth Palace Library, MS 441
tor sed bestia qui oves suas devorat"; Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, MS lat. 492, fol.
Cambridge, University Library, MS Peterhouse n9 24v, "non debet dici [i.e., prelatus] sed bestia."
Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 55 29. Vienna, Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, MS 1395, fols. 3v and 8v; Troyes,
Bibliotheque municipale, MS 893, fols. 59r-59v and 79v.
Paris, Bibliotheque de l'Arsenal, MSS 87 and 87A
30. Vienna, Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, MS 1395, fol. 8v; Troyes, Biblio­
Paris, Bibliotheque Mazarine, MS 177 theque municipale, MS 893, fol. 8or: ''Ale principurn et prelatorurn debent esse po­
Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, MSS lat. 393 and 492. tentia ad defendendurn subditos et abundantia ad subueniendurn, sed contra hiis alis
Notes to Chapter 2 318 Notes to Chapter 2 319

opprimunt eos . . . quod in alis ipsorum inuenitur sanguis animarum pauperum nee likens the prelates who despoil and extort from those subject to them to leeches who
inueniuntur in fossis et non occulte sed manifeste opprimuntur." suck the blood of the poor; see Longere, "Un sermon de Jacques de Vitry," p. 55, "De
31. Troyes, Bibliotheque municipale, MS 893, fol. Sor: "Dentes eius precisores sanguisegis prelatorum et spoliatoribus subditorum."
sunt maiores prelati qui sententiam fecerunt, sed mo/ares totum commouentes iusti­ 37. Cited and excerpted in Bue, L'ambigui'te du livre, pp. 219-20. Langton uses
ciarii sunt sub eis constituti qui totum depascunt" (Vienna, Osterreichische Nation­ this same horrific image from Micah in commenting on Amos 1:9 (Cambridge, Cor­
albibliothek, MS 1395, fol. 8v: "Dentes eius precissim [sic] sunt maiores prelati qui pus Christi College, MS 31, fol. 79v) and on Isaiah 7:8 (Cambridge, Corpus Christi
sententiam fecerunt, sed mo/ares totum commouentes sunt minores iusticiarii sub eis College, MS 55, fol. 247r; Cambridge, University Library, MS Peterhouse n9, pt. 4,
constituti qui totum depascunt"). The influence of this interpretation is visible in a fol. 3r). Langton's comments on Micah 3:3 itself are on fol. rn8v of Corpus Christi 31.
sermon by Jacques de Vitry that describes the dentes as the greater prelates and the 38. Bue, L'ambigufte du livre, p. 220.
mo/ares as lesser prelates; see Longere, "Un sermon de Jacques de Vitry," p. 55. 39. Ibid., pp. 206-31. See also Aurell, "Le roi mangeur."
Compare Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 31, fol. 92v, commenting on 40. Gregory I, Moralia in Job 21.15,22-23 (CC 143A, p. rn82).
Amos 7:1, where the dentes signify both prelates and nobles of the greater sort while 41. Bue, L'ambiguite du livre, pp. 82-83, 97-rno.
mo/ares are the lesser figures. Here all are guilty of a more general pride and greed. 42. Ibid., pp. 206-17.
In directly commenting on Joel 1:6, Langton has the teeth and molars refer to the 43. Map, De nugis curialium, dist. 1, chap. 9 (p. rn). The metaphor appears in the
evils of secular princes only, major and minor (Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, context of an anecdote with a pun on "keepers" and "kept out" (forestarii, Joris stare).
MS 31, fol. 70v). Seeing a group of foresters shouting abuse in front of the royal chamber of Henry II,
32. London, Lambeth Palace Library, MS 441, fol. n2v: "Quare populum meum from which they had been excluded, the prior asked them who they were. They
atteritis et cetera. Officiales prelati pauperes commoliunt. Quod prelati non rapiunt replied they were the forest keepers, whereupon Hugh remarked, "Keepers, keep out"
hoc officiales obiecta calumpnis extorquent. Isti sunt quasi catuli parua rapientes, (forestarii foris stent). Henry II laughed at this witticism, but the words applied to the
prelati leones." king as well, Hugh told him, for he too would be kept out when the poor, tormented
33. London, Lambeth Palace Library, MS 71, fol. 125v: "Ve vobis qui depasti estis in this life by the royal keepers, were admitted to heaven (pauperibus quos hii
uineam meam et rapina pauperum in domibus [£ 126r] vestris. Populum meum et torquent paradisum ingressis, cum forestariis Joris stabitis).
cetera. Istud prelatos modernos qui bona subditorum rapiunt tangit. . . . Isti spoliunt 44. Bue, L'ambigui'te du livre, pp. 219-20. Commenting on Psalms 3:7 (Dentes
populum et cetera. Hoc dicit dominus ad prophetas. Qui seducunt populum dentibus peccatorum contrivisti, Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, MS Lat. 120n, fol. 7r), Peter
mordent et pacem predicant (Micah 3=5)." C£ Peter the Chanter, discussing Psalms 13:4 distinguishes dentes from mo/ares. the former are the raptures, while the latter are
(Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, MS Lat. 120n, fol. 98r): "Qui devorant plebam meam, those who consume what the raptors have appropriated, thereby consenting to or
vel sua ei auferenda sicut faciunt tyranni, uel cotidiano ministerio marsupia paupe­ profiting from the acts of the actual pillagers. At the same time, however, dentes de­
rum hauriendo sicut faciunt sacerdotes, isti bibunt iniquitatem sicut aquam, et ita notes the expositors of Scripture.
hoc potest dici ad populum et ad clerum." 45. Lotario dei Segni, De miseria condicionis humann.15 (p. n7).
34. Commenting on Isaiah 7:8, sed caput Syrie Damasus, et caput Damascus Rasin, 46. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 31, fol. 78v (to Amos, 1:3): "Quia
the Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 55, fol. 247r, states: "Caput igitur Syrie miseria pauperum in diuites transferetur. Pauperes enim oppressi et repulsam pa­
est superbia qui per Damascum significantur sunt qui sanguinem bibunt, qui facies cientes testimonium ferunt quod miseria sit ab eis transferenda in eorum oppresores.
pauperum conmoliuntur [Isaiah 3=15], qui de sudore pauperum ornant equos Phaleris." Et mittam ignem pene eterne in domum Aza.el id est diuitum." London, Lambeth
Cambridge, University Library, MS Peterhouse n9, pt. 4, fol. 3r, states: "Caput Syrie Palace Library, MS 441, fol. 38v: "Quia miseria pauperum transferetur in diuites.
est superbia, sunt hii qui significantur per Damascenam sunt qui sanguinem bibunt, Pauperes enim oppressi et repulsam pacientes testimonium ferunt quod miseria ab
qui facies pauperum conmoliuntur, qui de sudore pauperum ornant equos Phaleris." eis sit transferenda in eorum oppressores. Et mittam ignem, pene eterne, in domum
The words "ornant equos Phaleris" mean "they adorn their horses with noble trinkets Aza.hel scilicet in domum diuitum."
made from the sweat of the poor." 47. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 31, fol. 79v, and London, Lambeth
35. London, Lambeth Palace Library, MS 441, fol. 38v: "Damascus interpretatur Palace Library, MS 441, fol. 39v. Langton directly glosses Malachi 2:10 in Lambeth
potus sanguinis. Galaad translatio testimonium et significat pauperes. Per Damascum Palace 441, fol. rn8r, and in Corpus Christi 31, fols. I07V-rn8r.
intelliguntur hie diuites et potentes qui sanguinem pauperum bibunt spoliando eos 48. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 31, fol. 28r; "Diuites et potentes de
et opprimendo." regno suo temporali pauperes eiciunt et igitur non mirentur si pauperes eos eiciant
36. In similar language, and with citations of Amos and Micah, Jacques de Vitry de regno suo. Beati enim pauperes quam ipsorum est regnum celorum. Faciamus ig-
Notes to Chapter 2 320 Notes to Chapter 2 321

itur eos nobis amicos ut recipiant nos in eterna tabernacula." London, Lambeth 68. Hugo von Trimberg, Der Renner, vv.6930-47 (BLVS 247,1: 289-90).
Palace Library,MS 441, fol. 3v, is the same except that it gives "ne igitur mirentur " 69. Ibid.,vv.3405-36 (pp.140-41).
rather than "et igitur non mirentur." 70. Ibid.,vv.2221-24 (p.92):
49. London,Lambeth Palace Library,MS 441,fol.16r.
Daz in wehset uf der erden.
50. Bue, L'ambigui'te du livre, pp.222-23.
Swer uber reht arme liute twinget
51. Jacques de Vitry,Historia occidentalis, p.81,cited in Bue,L'ambigui'te du livre,
Und si ze grozem schaden bringet
p.224: "Exinanite, exinanite usque ad fundamentum, crucifige, crucifige, macta et
Mit bete,mit ungelte und mit stiure,
Des sele gahet ze dem hellischen fiure.
52. Bue,L'ambigui'te du livre, p.221.
53. Le Roy Ladurie,Montaillou, p.559. (Those that rule the earth certainly
54. Cited in Owst, Literature and Pulpit, p.305: ''And covetise maketh,also,that weigh on the poor people and bring
rich men eat the poore, as beastes done their lesous [pasture], holding them lowe." great harm to them with exactions,
55. Cited in Iwanczak,"Between Pacifism and Anarchy," p.280. monopolies, and taxes.Their souls go
56. Benedict de Sainte-Maure, Chronique, vv. 42792-977 (2: 593-98), cited in to the fires of hell.)
Bue,L'ambigui'te du livre, pp.226-27.
71. Ibid.,vv.7300-7314 (pp.304-5):
57. Gerald ofWales,De principis instructione fiber, dist.3,chap.30 (pp.322-24);
Map,De nugis curialium, dist.5,chap.6 (pp.464-68). Und werz ein hunt,
58. John of Worcester, Chronicle, p. 32. See also Constable, Three Studies, Ez mohte einen wilden heiden erbarmen,
pp.315-16. So man die unschuldigen armen
59. Miraculi S. Bertini Sithiensia, MGH Scriptores 15,pt.1,p.513: "Quoque im­ Vindet so jemerlich gevangen,
belle vulgus gemitum mugitus ad caelum mittebat, brachiis indefatigabiliter tensis
palmisque pansis finem certaminis Dei miserationi commendantes! ...dicamus, Uf dem solte man daz kriuze vil mer
karissimi ...quod in huius certaminis anxietate oratores et imbelles pulsatibus et in­ Predigen denne dort iiber mer
probitatibus orationum aures Dei ad clementiam indinabant." An tatan,valwen und an heiden,
60. Lambert of Ardres, Historia comitum Ghisnensium, chap. 18 (MGH Scrip­ Der geloube von uns ist gescheiden!
tores 24,pp.570-71). Wollen dise kristen bi uns sin
61. "Et clamor oppressorum ascendit in caelum,vindictam petens contra crude­ Und wollen als unmenschliche pin
les dominos," cited in Martini,Das Bauerntum, p.236. Legen an unsem ebenkristen,
62. Der Stricker, "Beispiel von den Gauhiihnern," in his Mare von den Gauhuh­ Wer solte ir leben denne fristen?
nern, p.72.
(And were he a dog,a wild heathen
63. Alte hoch- und niederdeutsche Volkslieder, no. 143, st. 7 (1: 235). See below,
would pity him,so are the innocent
Chapter 8,note 36.
poor so miserably imprisoned....
64. Roquetaillade (Rupescissa),"Vade mecum in tribulatione," p.499: "Consur­
T he cross should be preached to
get enim infra illos V. annos justitia popularis,et tyrannos proditores nobiles in ore
those [the oppressors] much more
bis-acuti gladii devorabit,et cadent multi principum et nobilium et potentium a dig­
than to those overseas,to Tartars,
nitatibus suis et a gloria divitarum suarum; et fiat affiictio in nobilibus ultra quam
Waldensians [?],and pagans.If these
credi possit, et rapientur majores, qui cum proditionibus depraedari facerant popu­
Christians here with us wish to lay
lum tam affiictum." On Rupescissa in general,see Bignami-Odier,Etudes sur Jean de
inhuman burdens on our fellow
Roquetaillade; and the more recent work by Lerner,"Popular Justice," especially pp.
Christians,who will save their souls?)
41-43; and Lerner's introduction to Johannes de Rupescissa.
65. Lerner,"Popular Justice," pp.48-50. 72. Reformation Kaiser Siegmunds, MGH Staatsschriften des spateren Mittelal­
66. "Yorn Rechte," vv.21r66 (pp.121-22). ters 6, p. 278: "Darumb wyss yderman,wer der ist, der da getar sprechen: 'Du hist
67. Bromyard,cited in Owst,Literature and Pulpit, pp.299-303,especially p.301. mein eygen!' der ist nit cristen; stet einer nit ab un geit got dye ere,so sol man in ab-
Notes to Chapter 2 322 Notes to Chapter 2 323

nemen als ein heyden,wan er ist Christo widerig und seind dye gebot gotz ann im als ob er ein vihe were:
verloren."(Thus we know,whoever says to his neighbor "you are my property,"he is swerz tut,der is got unmere.
not a Christian.Whoever does not refrain from doing that and fails to give honor to
82. J.Baldwin,Masters, Princes and Merchants 1: 237-38 and 2: 172-73.
God should be considered a heathen,since he is repulsive to Christ and sirice God's
83. Ebner,"Der Bauer,"p.96.
commandments are lost on him.)
84. Quellen zur Geschichte des Bauernkrieges, ed.Franz,no.94,p.301: "Das allain
73. Ibid.,pp.86,88: "Der hertzog antwort und sprach,'Ich merck dich woll,es
Got mit Aigentumb zuegehort,und die Menschen fur aigen under sich wellen biegen
ist war,was sagestu nach der gschriefft laiiterung ...aber ich bekenne,das yr sein nit
und schmuckhen und bei der Nesen in ir Geltnetz wellen ziehen ...wo ain armer
begerent noch ym lebent; ir verswerent in; einer nympt dem anndernn sein ere und
Man zu ainer Khirchen oder Altar zinsper ist,so wellen si mit armen Leudten Gwalt
sein gut ab; einer spricht den andernn an fur eygen....Wann yr unns erschlagen
haben als ainer uber sein Vieh und noch vii tiransicher."
mogent, so meynet yr,das ewig leben dadurch zu haben; do betriegent yr euch sel­
85. As given in Buszello, Der deutsche Bauernkrieg, p. 17: "nit wie die kye und
ber; blibent yr doheym und fechtent mit den falschen cristen und weysset dye ziimm
kolber verkouft werden, dieweil wir alle nur ain herren, das ist got den herrn im
rechtenn,das wer ein gute merfart."' (The duke answered,"mark you well,it is true
what you say according to the textual passage [Scripture],but I know you do not de­
86. Quellen zur Geschichte des Bauernkrieges, ed.Franz,no.27,p.129: "damit sich
sire to follow it in life.You forswear each other; one takes another's honor and goods.
die Prelaten understanden haben und das auch geton ...davon genotigt, getrangt
One speaks to another as if he were his property.You would like to strike us down
und vergwaltigt, unsern Bestant herter und erger gemacht, dann die Knecht und
and think to gain from that eternal life,but you deceive yourselves.Stay at home and
Hund seien."
settle that account with false Christians.That would be a good crusade.)
87. Tomas Mieres, gloss to lnstitutiones 7.2 ("De hiis qui sui vel alieni iuris
74. See below,Chapter II, pp.272-78.
sum"),Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica,MS Borghese 374,fol. 5V: "Nota quod
75. Brutus Janos Mihaly,Magyar Historidja 1: 261-62.
dicit supra modum quia humanitas semis debetur. Homines enim sunt, castigari
76. See below,Chapter 8,note n5.
tamen possum pro modo culpe citra mortem et membra mutilationem.Nulli enim
77. Froissart, Chronique, Livre I 3: 139; Jean de Venette, Chronique, excerpted in
est licitum aliud maletractare uel iniuste opprimere aut inhumaniter seuire." The
Medeiros,Jacques et chroniqueurs, p. 192,discussed pp.75-78.
manuscript is briefly described in A.Maier,"Un manuscrito de Tomas Mieres."For
78. Etienne de Fougeres,Le livre des manieres, vv.581-84 (p.81 ):
the right of mistreatment, see my essay "Catalan ius maletractandi," in Freedman,
Choiles! ja sunt ii crest:ien, Church, Law and Society. Mieres specifically denied the validity of this law sanction­
ne sunt paien ne Sulien, ing seigneurial mistreatment in his Apparatus (completed in 1439, printed in 1621 ),
S'a grant sorfet nes prenien, 2: 513-14.

nes devrion mestre en lien. 88. Chelcicky,"O torjim lidu (On the Three Peoples ),"pp.158-59.
89. Froissart, Oeuvres 9: 387.See Patterson, Chaucer and the Subject ofHistory,
(Now then! As they are
Christians,neither pagans
90. Wace,Roman de Rou, vv.867-70 (1: 193 ):
nor Syrians,thus let us not
put excessive demands on Nus sumes humes cum ii sunt,
them; we must not put tels membres avum cum ii unt
them in bondage.) e autresi granz cors avum
et autretan suffrir poum.
79. Barcelona,Arxfo de la Corona d'Arag6,MS Salva de Infan�onia 69. I owe
this reference to Elena Lourie via David Nirenberg. (We are men as they are,with
80. On contemptuous typification of peasants as animals,see below,Chapter 6, the same members as they have
pp.139-50. and hearts as large,equally ca­
81. Thomasin von Zerclaere, Der Welsche Gast, vv. 8513-21 (GAG 425, vol. 1, pable of suffering pain.)
p.293 ):
91. I thus disagree with the opinion of Johan Huizinga in his \Waning ofthe Mid­
daz du dir einen vrien man dle Ages, p.60,that no one in the late Middle Ages understood that the wealth of the
woldest machen undertan, nobles came from the lower orders.
Notes to Chapter 3 324 Notes to Chapter 3 325

14. Cited in Resnikow, "Cultural History," p. 395.

Chapter3 15. Cited ibid., p. 396.
16. Ibid., pp. 397, 405.
I. Walther von der Vogelweide, Die Gedichte, no. 22, vv. 12-15 (p. 28): 17. A. Friedman, "When Adam Delved," pp. 213-20. Huizinga, Waning of the
wer kan den herren von dem knehte scheiden, Middle Ages, p. 64, remarks that at first "one is inclined to fancy that the nobles must
swa er ir gebeine blozez fiinde, have trembled on hearing it [the couplet]. But, in fact, it was the nobility themselves
het er ir joch lebender kiinde, who for a long time had been repeating this ancient theme."
so gewiirme dez Beisch verzert? 18. Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae 3.6 (lyric):

2. Radbruch and Radbruch, Der deutsche Bauernstand, pp. 30-37. Omne humanum genus in terris simili surgit ab ortu.
3· Huizinga, Waning ofthe Middle Ages, pp. 64-65. Unus enim rerum pater est, unus cuncta ministrat.
4. Beaumanoir, Coutumes de Beauvaisis, chap. 45, par. 1453 (2: 235-36). Ille dedit Phoebo radios dedit et cornua lunae,
5� London, Lambeth Palace Library, MS 441, fol. 108r: "Numquid non pater unus Ille homines etiam terris dedit ut sidera caelo,
ommum nostrum. Numquid non dominus unus creauit nos. Quare igitur despicit un­ Hie clausit membris animos celsa sede petitos.
_ Mortales igitur cunctos edit nobile germen.
usqmsque fratrem suum. Istud est contra auaros qui elemosinas facere nolunt,
fratrem emm despicit qui indigentem contempsit."
19. T hus Boethius in Consolatio 3.6 (prose) observes that the title of nobility is
6. W:alsingha�, Historia Anglicana 2: 32, and idem, Chronicon Angliae, p. 321.
foolish and worthless ("lam uero quam sit inane quam futile nobilitatis nomen, quis
See A. Friedman, When Adam Delved," pp. 213-14. On the implications and con­ non uideat?"). For a general discussion, see Curtius, European Literature, p. 179.
text of Ball's sermon, see Justice, Writing and Rebellion, pp. 14-23, 102-19, 233-37;
20. Resnikow, "Cultural History," p. 396: "Ich bin ein man wie ein ander man,/
and Burdach, Der Dichter des Ackermann aus Bohmen 1: 167-203. Allein das mir Gott die ehr vergahn."
7· Cited in Owst, Literature and Pulpit, p. 291.
21. Boockmann, ''.Zu den geistigen," p. 15.
8. Walsingham, Historia Anglicana 2: 33; and idem, Chronicon Angliae, p. 321: 22. In Gower's Mirour de l'omme and Confessio Amantis, cited in A. Friedman,
"Contmuansque sermonem inceptum, nitebatur, per verba proverbii quod pro the­
"When Adam Delved," p. 223.
mate sumpserat, introducere et probare, ab initio omnes pares creatos a natura, servi­ 23. T he original is cited in Resnikow, "Cultural History," p. 395:
tutem per injustam oppressionem nequam hominum introductam, contra volun­
ta:em De�; quia, si Deo placuisset servos creasse, utique in principio mundi consti­ Do adam sich mit frass vergifft
tmsset �ms servus, quisve dominus futurus fuisset." For a discussion of this passage, Da hiess jn got sein prot gewynnen
see Justice, Writing and Rebellion, pp. 108-9. Mit hacken rewten vnd eua mit spynnen
9. A. Friedman "When Adam Delved," pp. 214-19. In sweiss jres antlitzes auf der erden.
IO. See below, note 127 for this chapter.
II. Adalbero ofLaon, Poeme au roi Robert, vv. 41-42 (p. 4): "Nudi pontifices sine
24. Andreas Capellanus, On Love 1.6 (p. 44).
fine �eq�antur aratrum, / Carmina cum stimulo primi cantando parentis." T his pas­ 25. Froissart, Oeuvres 9: 387.
sage 1s discussed in Carozzi's introduction to the Poeme, p. lxxxi. 26. Hugo von Trimberg, Der Renner, vv. 1328-86 (BLVS 247, 1: 55-57) (the peas­
12. Resnikow, "History," pp. 391-405. ant argument here is that "we are all descended from the same mother"); Hemmerli,
13· Ibid., p. 394. T he poem is also cited in Tettau, "Uber einige bis jetzt un- De nobilitate et rusticitate, cap. 6, fols. 19r-19v; Wittenwiler, Der Ring, vv. 7235-44
bekannte Erfurter Drucke," p. 320: (pp. 308-10).
27. Boke ofSeynt Albans, pt. 3, sig. a 1 recto. See below, Chapter 4, p. 102.
Nu wolt ich wissen also geren: 28. Niccolo Machiavelli, Istorie fiorentine 1 terzo, 13, cited in Guglielmi, "Reflex-
wann die Edelleut herkumen weren; iones," p. 328.
Seintmal das die posen und die frumen, 29. Suard, "Hugues Capet," pp. 220-22; Ribemont and Salvat, "De Francion a
nit mer dan von Adam und Eva sin kumen. Hugues Capet."
Da Adam reutet und Eva span, 30. Rigg, "Legend ofHugh Capet."
wer was die zeit da ein Edelman? 31. Hugues Capet, ed. la Grange, p. 126, cited in Falk, Etude sociale, p. n5. I have
Notes to Chapter 3 326
Notes to Chapter 3 327

also used the edition of Larry S. Crist and Fran�ois Suard (vv. 3297-99), under 46. Petrarch, De remediis, bk. 2, no. 7 (1: 112-13), "De servitute"; idem, Von der
preparation for the Anciens Textes Franpis series: "il est biaulz et hons, et s'il nest Artzney, bk. 2, fol. 8v, "Von Dienstparkeyt."
de haut lin, / Au vrai considerer, et tout povre meschin, / Sont tout estrait d'Adam, et 47. Petrarch, De remediis, bk. 2, no. 29 (1: 134), "De servis malis"; idem, Von der
Vilart et Justin." Artzney, bk. 2, fol. 38r, "Von den bosen knechten."
32. Li Romans de Bauduin de Sebourc 1: 80, cited in Falk, Etude sociale, p. u6. An 48. Cicero, Ein Buch, so Marcus Tullis Cicero der Romer zu seynem Sune Marco ...
edition of this by Crist and Suard has also been completed and is forthcoming in the (Augsburg, 1531), illustration reprinted in Jackel, Kaiser, Gott und Bauer, p. 31.
Anciens Textes Fran�ais series, vv. 2653-54'(p. 107): "Car il n'est nulz gentis, s'il n'est 49. Petrarch, De remediis, bk. 1, no. 16 (1: 1r14), "De origine generosa"; idem,
a bien pensans, / Car trestout venons d'Eve, nos peres fu Adans." Von der Artzney, bk. 1, fols. 17r-18v, "Von adelichem Ursprung."
33. Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, MS lat. 16793, fol. 145r: "Quoniam Adam hu­ 50. There are several classical precedents for the observation that since all people
mani generis princeps exemplum meum est ut agricola comedam panem meum in come from the same origin, nobility is conferred by character, not birth. They in­
sudore vultus mei." I am indebted to Philippe Bue, of Stanford University, for this clude Sallust, Bellum lugurthinum 85,15; Juvenal, Satirae 8.20; and Seneca, De ben-
reference. eficiis 3-28.
34. Cited in DuBruck, Aspects ofFifteenth-Century Society, p. 18. 51. Vanderjagt, Qui sa vertu anoblist.
35. Caviness, Early Stained Glass, p. u3 and plate 6; Camille, "When Adam 52. Scheidig, Die Holzschnitte des Petrarca-Meisters, p. 60.
Delved," pp. 247-65, 272. Note that at Sigena, Adam is digging while Eve is spinning. 53. Ibid., pp. 60-61; Zschelletzschky, "Ihr Herz war auf der Seite der Bauern,"
36. Martini, Das Bauerntum, pp. 229-30. p.340.
37. Ostling, "The Ploughing Adam," pp. 13-19. I thank Michael Camille, of the 54. Mohl, Three Estates, pp. 268-69.
University of Chicago, for this reference. 55. Radbruch and Radbruch, Der deutsche Bauernstand, pp. 5r61.
38. On Christ as a plowman and the associated symbolism, see below, Chapter 9. 56. Ibid., pp. 61-71.
39. Camille, "Labouring for the Lord," pp. 430-32. 57. Raupp, Bauernsatiren, pp. 13-19.
40. On the value of labor see above, Chapter I. 58. Martini, Das Bauerntum, pp. 230-31.
59. On bagpipes, see Nordstrom, Virtues and Vices; and Jones, "Wittenweiler's
41. Several German examples are given in Heald, "Peasant in Mediaeval German
Literature," pp. 139-50. Becki." I thank John B. Friedman for pointing these articles out to me.
42. This view appears most clearly in the pamphlet literature of the early Refor­ 60. Oexle, "Deutungsschemata," pp. 76-80; idem, "Le travail au Xle siecle," p. 55.
mation through such themes as the'dereliction of the clergy and nobility, their for­ 61. On medieval ideas of freedom in relation to the common origin of humanity,
mer willingness to work in the fields, their refusal to undertake the labor of Adam see Graus, '"Freiheit' als soziale Forderung."
owed by all his progeny, and the righteousness of those who earn their bread by their 62. Aristotle, Politics 125¥-1255b, 1258b.
physical efforts, who alone can be said to fulfill His commandments. See the exam­ 63. Aristotle, Politics, 1255a-b.
ples cited in Uhrig, "Der Bauer in der Publizistik," pp. 176-78. 64. Carlyle and Carlyle, Mediaeval Political Theory 5: r8; Voltelini, "Der Ge-
43. Petrarch, Von der Artzney. On the date of the illustrations, see Raupp, Bauern­ danke der allgemeinen Freiheit," p. 192.
satiren, p. 9. For the portrayal of peasants in early sixteenth-century Germany, see 65. Cicero, Paradoxa Stoicorum, no. 5: only the wise man is free, and every fool-
Raupp, Bauernsatiren, pp. 12-18; Scribner, "Images of the Peasant"; and Packull, "Im;.; ish man is a slave.
age of the 'Common Man."' The identity of the artist h�not been definitively estab­ 66. Seneca, De beneficiis 3.20: "Errat, si quis existimat servitutem in totum
lished. In the early twentieth century the woodcuts were ascribed to Hans Weiditz; hominem descendere. Pars melior eius excepta est. Corpora obnoxia sunt et adscripta
see Rottinger, Hans Weiditz. This was accepted by the Radbruchs, Der deutsche Bau­ dominis; mens quidem sui iuris, quae adeo libera et vega est."
ernstand, pp. 60-61. Raupp, Bauernsatiren, p. 9, regards it as likely that Weiditz was 67. Cicero, De officiis 1.13; Seneca, De beneficiis 3.20; Carlyle and Carlyle, Medi­
the Petrarch Master, but Manfred Lemmer rejects this identification in his discussion aeval Political Theory 1: 23 and 5: 5; Voltelini, "Der Gedanke der allgemeinen Frei­
accompanying the reprinted edition of Von der Artzney, p. 198. heit," pp. 192-93.
44. Petrarch, De remediis, bk. 1, no. 57 (1: 53-54), "De fertilitate terrae." This is 68. Digest (CodexJustinianus) I. 5.4, giving Florentinus's derivation of servus from
repeated in the remedies for misfortune, bk. 2, no. 59, "De villico malo ac superbo" the term for those spared (servare) from being killed as war captives.
(1: 153). 69. Ibid. 1.17.32: "Quod attinet ad ius civile, servi pro nullis habentur: non tamen
45. Petrarch, De remediis, bk. 1, no. 85 (1: 72-73), "De bono domino"; Petrarch, et iure naturali, quia, quod ad ius naturale attinet, omnes homines aequales sunt."
Von der Artzney, bk. 1, fol. mu, "Von einem guten herrn." Digest 1.1.4: "Quae res a iure gentium originem sumpsit, utpote cum iure naturali
Notes to Chapter 3 328 Notes to Chapter 3 329

omnes liberi nascerentur nee esset nota manumissio, cum servitus esset incognita: sed 88. Cambridge History of Medieval Political Thought, Markus's statement on
postquam iure gentium servitus invasit, secutum est beneficium manumissionis." p. 121: "There is a strong streak of egalitarianism in Gregory's omnes natura aequales
70. Cortese, La norma giuridica 1: 74-86, n8-21. sumus: whereas Augustine pushed this equality back into primordial origins to ex­
71. Bierbrauer, "Das Gottliche Recht," pp. 217-22. plain its evident absence from our present world, Gregory made it a moral demand
72. An important recent work on the relation between sin and coercive power is here and now." See also Recchia, Gregorio Magno, especially pp. n8-20. Recchia sees
Sturner, Peccatum und potestas. Gregory as unusually sympathetic toward the lower orders but draws a sharper dis­
73. Bonnassie, "The Survival and Extinction of the Slave System in the Early tinction than Markus between Gregory's sense of original natural equality and the
Medieval West," in his From Slavery to Feudalism, pp. 16-32; de Ste. Croix, "Early present arrangement of society (ordo dispensationis). Sturner, Peccatum und Potestas,
Christian Attitudes." pp. 85-94, argues that while Gregory sees rulership and subordination as necessary
74. Discussed in Carlyle and Carlyle, Mediaeval Political Theory 1: n3-14; consequences of sin, he also believes that control must be exercised constructively,
Sturner, Peccatum und Potestas, pp. 57-60. mercifully, and in accord with God's will. Human sinfulness is not an excuse for un­
75. Lactantius, Divinae institutiones 5-15-16 (Sources Chretiennes 204, pp. trammeled domination.
204-12). 89. Gregory I, Registrum epistolarum 9.27 (CC 140A, p. 588).
76. Ambrose, Exhortatio virginitatis 1.3 (PL 16: 352): "Nullum ergo ad commen­ 90. Bue, L'ambigui'te du livre, pp. 98-104.
dationem hominis condicio affert impedimentum; nee dignitas prosapiae meritum, 91. The passage is edited in Dahan, 'Texegese de Genese l, 26," p. 152.
sed fides affert. Sive servus, sive liber, omnes in Christo unum sumus." See also selec­ 92. Gregory I, Registrum epistolarum 6.12 (CC 140, p. 380): "Cum redemptor
tions from Ambrose cited in Carlyle and Carlyle, Mediaeval Political Theory 1: n5, n8. noster totius conditor creaturae ad hoc propitiatus humanam uoluit carnem assumere
77. Augustine, De civitate Dei 19.15. Behind this passage in Genesis stands Gen­ ut diuinitatis suae gratia, disrupto quo tenebamur capti uinculo seruitutis, pristinae
esis 1:26, where God decided to create man in His own image and gave him domin­ nos restitueret libertati, salubriter agitur, si homines, quos ab initio natura liberos
ion over the earth's creatures. protulit et ius gentium iugo substituit seruitutis, in ea qua nati fuerant manumitten­
78. Above, Chapter 2; below, Chapter 10. tis beneficio libertate reddantur."
79. Cambridge History ofMedieval Political Thought, Robert Markus's discussion 93. Aelfric, Catholic Homilies, cited in Pelteret, Slavery in Early Mediaeval Eng­
on pp. 108-13. See also Sturner, Peccatum und Potestas, pp. 67-85. land, pp. 61-64. Even more explicit is Archbishop Wulfstan of York, who quoted Ael­
80. Augustine, Quaestionum in Heptateuchum 1.153 (PL 34: 589-90). fric, adding that Christ bought the emperor and the poor man with His blood for the
81. Misfortune would become a standard explanation for servitude (as in Pe­ same price (Wulfstan, Die '1nstitutes ofPolity, Civil and Ecclesiastical "p. 90).
trarch), one that combined lament with resignation. See, e.g., the contrast between 94. See below, Chapter IO, pp. 250-251.
natural equality and the ravages of fortune in Lotario dei Segni, De miseria condicio­ 95. E.g., Oexle, "Die funktionale Dreiteilung," pp. 27-28.
nis humane 1.15 (p. 117): "O extrema condicio servitutis! NaturaJiberos genuit, set for­ 96. Isidore of Seville, Sententiarum libri tres 3.47 (PL 83: 717): God has placed
tuna servos constituit." some men under the domination of others so that "licentia male agendi servorum
82. Augustine, Lettres I-29, letter 10.2 (pp. 168-70); letter 24 (pp. 382-86). potestate dominantium restringatur."
83. Gregory I, Moralia in job 21.15 (CC 143A, p. 1082). 97. Oexle, "Die funktionale Dreiteilung," p. 28, citing the Council of Aachen
84. Markus, End ofAncient Christianity, esp. pp. 1-17, 21r28. (816), Rather of Verona, Burchard of Worms, and lvo of Chartres. Carlyle and Car­
85. Sturner, Peccatum und Potestas, pp. 89-94, 100-102. lyle, in Mediaeval Political Theory 2: n9-20, note Isidore's influence on the Decretists
86. Gregory I, Regula pastoralis 2.6 (PL 77: 34-35): "Nam sicut in libris Moral­ Paucapalea and Rufinus.
ibus dixisse me memini, liquet quod omnes homines natura aequales genuit, sed 98. Sturner, Peccatum und Potestas, pp. 95-102.
variante meritorum ordine alio aliis culpa postponit." 99. On the question of changes in slavery from the late Roman Empire to 1000,
87. See, e.g., Gerard of Cambrai's discourse at the Council of Arras (1025), in his see Martino, Uomini e terre in occidente, pp. 65-206; Goetz, "Serfdom and the Be­
Acta synodi Attrebatensis in Manicheos, in PL 142: 1308: "Liquit, inquit beatus Grego­ ginnings of a 'Seigneurial System'"; and H. Hoffmann, "Kirche und Sklaverei."
rius, quod omnes homines natura aequales genuit; sed variante meritorum ordine 100. Alcuin, lnterrogationes et responsiones,no. 273 (PL 100: 557). For the Roman
alios aliis culpa postponit. Ipsa autem diversitas quae accessit ex vitio, divino judicio definition of servi, see below, Chapter 5, note 55. For the discussion of Carolingian
dispensatur, ut, quia omnis homo aeque stare non valet, alter rogatur ab altero." See writers I am indebted to Milani, La schiavitu, pp. 356-57, and Ignor, Ober das allge­
also Duby, Three Orders, p. 35. meine Rechtsdenken, pp. 234-37.
Notes to Chapter 3 330 Notes to Chapter 3 331

101. Hrabanus Maurus, Commentaria in Genesim 4-9 (PL 107: 646-47). n8. Aquinas, Commentarium in VIII, bk. 1, lects. 3 and 4 (pp. 377, 379); Summa
102. Agobard of Lyon, Contra praeceptum impium, CC, Continuatio medievalis theologica 2, 2, q. 57, art. 3 (p. 212). These passages are cited in Feo, "Dal pius agri­
52, p. 187. cola," p. II8.
103. Haimo of Au:xerre, Expositio in epistolas S. Pauli, chap. 3 (PL 117: 762-63): n9. Aquinas, In X libros Ethicorum ad Nicomachum, bk. 8, lect. II (p. 286). Cor­
"Servi non sunt per naturam, sed per culpam et propter peccatum, sicut Chanaan, respondingly, a tool is an inanimate slave.
filius Cham. Propter peccatum enim venit captivitas et per captivitatem servitus." 120. Carlyle and Carlyle, Mediaeval Political Theory 5: 23-24; Nicholas of
Expositio in epistolas S. Pauli is wrongly attributed to Haimo of Halberstadt. On Oresme, Le livre des politiques d'Aristote, p. 322.
Haimo's authorship see Iogna-Prat, "Coeuvre d'Haymon d'Auxerre," esp. 161-62. 121. Hugo von Trimberg, Der Renner; Wittenwiler, Der Ring, see above, note 26
104. Jonas of Orleans, De institutione laicali 2.22 (PL 106: 213). for this chapter. Chaucer, "The Parson's Tale," Canterbury Tales, vv. 762-68; Konrad
105. Rather of Verona, Praeloquia 1.22 (CC, Continuatio medievalis 46A, pp. von Ammenhausen, Schachzabelbuch, col. 4II, vv. 10764-71.
22-23); the translation is Reid's in Rather ofVerona, Complete \Vorks, p. 40. 122. Szucs, "Theoretical Elements," pp. 268-69; Freedman, "Catalan Lawyers,"
106. Ibid. 1.29 (pp. 30-31), translated in Reid, pp. 4r48. pp. 291-98, 314.
107. Smaragdus, 1/ia Regia 30 (PL 102: 967-69).Voltelini, "Der Gedanke der all­ 123. Southern, Making ofthe Middle Ages, pp. 103-7.
gemeinen Freiheit," p. 207, notes that the Carlyles exaggerate Smaragdus's position 124. Quellen zur Geschichte des Bauernkrieges, ed. Wopfner, pp. 46, 61, 134-35.
as calling for the abolition of slavery (Carlyle and Carlyle, Medieval Political Theory 125. Southern, Making ofthe Middle Ages, pp. 107-8.
1: 208-9). 126. Wace, Le Roman du Rou, vv. 867-70 (1: 193). See above, Chapter 2, pp.
108. Atto ofVercelli, Expositio in Epistolas Pauli, chap. 6 (PL 134: 583). 44, 55.
109. H. Hoffmann, "Kirche und Sklaverei," pp. 1-6; Pelteret, Slavery in Early 127. Historia episcopum Autissiodorensium, p. 729: "Diabolicum profecto et per­
Mediaeval England, p. 78; Councils and Synods with Other Documents 1: 678. niciosum inventum! Nam de hoc sequebatur, quod nullus timor, nulla reverentia su­
II0. Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, MS 355, fol. 5r, passage edited in Dahan, perioribus potestatibus haberetur; sed in earn libertatem sese omnes asserere cona­
'Texegese de Genese 1, 26," p. 151: "Et presit piscibus. Non est dictum quod presit ho­ bantur, quam ab initio conditae creaturae a primis parentibus se contraxisse dicebant,
minibus. Quare? Forte dices: quia nondum homines erant. Certe eodem modo dic­ ignorantes peccati fuisse meritum servitutem." Discussed in Duby, Three Orders, pp.
tum post diluvium: Terror noster erit super omnia animalia (Gen:9, 2). Non dicit 'su­ 331-32; Kohn, "Freiheit als Forderung," pp. 360-64; and Bouchard, Spirituality and
per homines,' et assignat Gregorius rationem in Moralibus, quia, etsi presit homo Administration, pp. 101-4.
aliis, potius debet attendere conditionem equalitatemque conditionis quam potes­ 128. Simeoni, "La liberazione dei servi," pp. 24-25.
tatem ordinis, et esse in illis quasi unus ex illis." 129. M. Bloch, Rois et serfi, p. 151 n. 2: "Natura omnes homines sunt liberi; set
m. Verlinden, L'esclavage dam /'Europe medievale; Bresc, 'Tesclave dans le monde jus gencium aliquos servos fecit; et quia res ad suam naturam de facili revertitur."
mediterraneen"; Stuard, ''Ancillary Evidence for the Decline of Medieval Slavery." 130. M. Bloch, Rois et serfi, p. 150.
II2. V incke, "Konigtum und Sklaverei"; Bensch, "From Prizes of War to Do­ 131. Bierbrauer, "Das Gottliche Recht," p. 224.
mestic Merchandise"; Meyerson, "Slavery and the Social Order." 132. Regarding Catalonia, for example, see Freedman, "Catalan Lawyers."
n3. Krekic, 'Tabolition de l'esclavage a Dubrovnik." 133. Aristotle's teachings on slavery would become of key importance again in the
n4. Burchard of Worms, Decretum, bk. 9, chap. 18 (PL 140: 818); repeated by Ivo sixteenth century with the conquest of the New World. In justifying enslavement of
of Chartres, Decretum, pt. 8, chap. 156 (PL 161: 618); Ivo of Chartres, Panormia 4, non-Christians, one could posit a debased nature that did not seem to violate Chris­
chap. 38 (PL 161: 1254); and Gratian, Decretum, C.29 q.2 c.I. tian equality immediately, but this strategy usually required additional support from
n5. Landau, "Hadrians IV. Dekretale 'Dignum est,"' especially pp. 517-21. an argument concerning punishment of sin rather than mere Aristotelian inferiority.
II6. On the Roman and canon law regarding serfdom, see Gilchrist, "Medieval Gines de Sepulveda, the best-known defender of the enslavement of the Indies, re­
Canon Law on Unfree Persons," pp. 278-81; idem, "Saint Raymond of Penyafort," ferred to Aristotle in his 1550 work, the Apology, where, against Melchior Cano, he ad­
pp. 302-7; Conte, Servi medievali; and Sahaydachny Bocarius, "The Marriage ofUn­ duced an argument concerning sin. Indians might not quite be natural slaves, but
free Persons." their conduct (especially cannibalism) merited enslavement. In his debate with Bar­
II?. Carlyle and Carlyle, Medieval Political Theory 5: II42, 21-23. On tensions tolome de las Casas in 1550-51, Sepulveda stated that the Indians were inferior and
and contradictions within Aquinas's consideration of slavery, see Killoran, "Aquinas needed supervision, but also that their "crimes" deprived them of any claim to self­
andVitoria,'' pp. 87-92. governance. This is discussed in Pagden, Fall ofNatural Man, p. n2.
Notes to Chapter 4 332 Notes to Chapter 4 333
tion the statement that Noah cursed both Canaan and Ham by turnmg · them black.
. . . . . .
Chapter4 The passage 1s m Materialten zur Krittk und Geschichte des Pentateuchs 2.. 86-87, and
. .
1s mennoned m . Race and Slavery, p. 124. The passage is known only firoman
. Lew1s,
I. T. Hill, "Rigsthula"; J. Friedman, Monstrous Races, pp. 99-105; idem, . . . .
Arabic text of centunes later, and 1t 1s doubtful that Ephraim wrote it. In his S iac
"Nicholas's '.Angelus ad Virginem."'
commentary on Genesis, the connections among blackness, servitude, and the curse
2. The best consideration of early Jewish commentary on Genesis 9 is Aaron,
are not made; Sanc�i Ephraem Syri, Corpus Scriptorum C hristianorum Orientalium
"Early Rabbinic Exegesis." I am grateful to Benjamin Braude, Steven Benin, and
152, pp. 63-64 (Lann trans., Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium
Alexandra Cuffel for their help with the talmudic and midrashic material.
51). � thank Father Columba Stewart for his help with these texts and Profess�::�f
3. Aaron, "Early Rabbinic Exegesis," pp. 722-29, citing the Oxford Companion
basnan Brock for his advice on the question of authenticity.
to the Hebrew Bible and a number of other texts, including the scurrilous assertions of
16. In general, see Lewis, Race and Color in Islam; idem, Race and Siavery; Dav1s,·
Tony Martin, The Jewish Onslaught: Dispatches from the Wellesley Battlefront (Dover,
Slavery and Human Progress, pp. 32-51; and Evans, "From the Land of Canaan."
Mass., 1993), PP· 32-33.
4. As correctives, in addition to Aaron's work, see Isaac, "Genesis, Judaism and �7- Lewis, Race and Color in Islam, pp. 124-25. Other e arly examples are given in
Dev1sse, Image ofthe Black in Western Art 2: 221 n. 179.
the 'Sons of Ham"'; and Davis, Slavery and Human Progress, p. 337 n. 144:
18. Al-Tabari, History [215] 2: 14.
5. Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 70a (pp. 477-78): Rab opting for sodomy,
19. J. Friedman, Monstrous Races, p. IOI.
R. Samuel for castration, 'Ubr the Galilean for both.
20. This was an opinion, it should be pointed out, that Ibn Khaldun sought to
6. Ibid., Sanhedrin 108b (p. 745). On this passage see Aaron, "Early Rabbinic
refute, in his Muqaddimah 1: 169-70. On the other hand, he was confident that
Exegesis," p. 740. Noah's curse on the raven also figures in Hugo von Trimberg, Der
black Africans were u�ique in t�at th�y accepted enslavement because they were of a
Renner, vv. 2515-20 (BLVS 247, 1: 104).
lower order of humanity, more like animals capable of dome stication·, see LeWIS, n�
· L\UCe
7. Midrash Rabbah, Bereshith Rabbah 36.7 (1: 293). See also Pirke de Rabbi
and Color in Islam, p. 38.
Eliezer, p. 170; Gero, "Legend of the Fourth Son of Noah," pp. 321-22.
21. Evans, "From the Land of Canaan," pp. 27-34.
8. On the context and implications of these statements, see Aaron, "Early Rab­
22. These people were associated as much with Asia as with Africa. For medieval
binic Exegesis," pp. 740-41.
scholars, Ham was not as exclusively connected with Africa as he would be in the
9. For the context and moral implications of the story of Ham and other seem­
modern er�. Moreover, Africa,_ understood in i:s ancient sense as largely Mediter­
ingly harsh biblical legislation, see Goodman, "Biblical Laws of Diet and Sex."
ran�an �rtca, was not n�ce�sanly_ thought of as mhabited by blacks. I am grateful to
IO. Benjamin of Tudela, Itinerary, p. 127. See Aaron, "Early Rabbinic Exegesis,"
BenJamm Braude for pomtmg this out to me. See also Fischer, Oriens-Occidens­
pp. 725-27. Earlier in his Itinerary, Benjamin calls the inhabitants of Khulam
Europa, pp. 10-19.
(Quilon) on the Malabar coast "sons of Cush," describing them as black, honest,
23. Isidore of Seville, Etymologiae, bk. 9, chap. 2, nos. 2, 10, 13, 25, 39, 59
prosperous traders with a passion for stargazing. Among them dwell Jews who are
( pp. 127-35).
also black (pp. 120-21).
24. J. Friedman, Monstrous J?a_c�s, pp. 99-103 . Benjamin Braude is working on
II. Philo, De Ebrietate, chap. 2 (LCL 227, pp. 319-23); idem, Quaestiones et solu­ _ .
. the manuscnpt tradmon of Mandeville, especially with regard to his
tiones in Genesim 2.65 (LCL 380, pp. 165-67); Justin Martyr, Dialogus cum Tryphone,
treatment of the medieval concepts of race, genealogy, and Noah's offspring.
cap. 139, p. 488; Origen, In Genesim, in PG 12: 108 (to Genesis §:25).
25. Southern, Western Views of Islam, pp. 16-17; Zacour, Jews and Saracens,
12. J. Friedman, "Nicholas's 'Angelus ad Virginem,"' pp. 176-77.
pp. 17-22.
13. Funkenstein, "Basic Types of Christian Anti-Jewish Polemics."
26. Dasfruhmittelhochdeutsche "Wiener Genesis, vv. 655-56 (p. 135): "Sumelich Burn
14. Justin Martyr, Dialogus cum Tryphone, cap. 139, p. 488; Ambrose, Epistolae
begarewe ir sconen varwe: / si wurten swarz unt egelkh den ist nehein liut gelkh."
7.37.6-7 (CSEL 82, pt. 1, pp. 45-46); idem, De Noe et Arca, chap. 30-32 (PL 14:
(They completely lost their beautiful appearance. They became black and terrible;
432-35); Ambrosiaster, Commentarius in epistolam ad Colossenses 4.1 (CSEL 81, pt. 3,
the�e are n? people like them.) On Cain's descendants see Ruth Mellinkoff, Mark of
p. 202); Claudius Marius Victorinus, Alethia 3.76 (CC 128, p. 169); Sulpicius Severus,
Cain; J. Friedman, Monstrous Races, pp. 93-106; Emerson, "Legends of Cain."
Chronica 1.4 (CSEL 1, p. 6). Ham's laughter also appears in a ninth-century riddling
27. Emerson, "Legends of Cain," pp. 925-26. That Cain (rather than Ham) was
dialogue and an eleventh-century Anglo-Saxon prose miscellany attributing slavery
to Ham's mockery of Noah: see T. Hill, " Rigsthula," pp. 82-83. the progenitor of b�ack Africans "":as still a common assumption in eighteenth-cen­
tury Portugal, as evidenced by a dialogue between a miner and a lawyer concernin
15. Such a connection does appear in a text attributed to Ephraim of Syria (died
373), which adds to the supposition that Canaan first saw Noah's inebriated condi- Brazilian slavery (published 1764), cited in Davis, Problem of Slavery, pp. 459_6o�
Notes to Chapter 4 334 Notes to Chapter 4 335

The Mormon church held that the offspring of Cain were black, that their descen­ 35. Konrad von Ammenhausen, Schachzabelbuch, cols. 379-380, w. 9744-70
dants were Egyptian, and that Canaan married an Egyptian with the result that (Cain); cols. 4II-12, w. 10758-77 (Ham). Also see cols. 42r28 for the editor's dis­
Africans were doubly cursed (as noted by Mellinkoff, Mark of Cain, pp. 78-80). A cussion of the relationship between Konrad von Ammenhausen and Jacobo de Ces­
special revelation allowed blacks full membership in the Mormon Church in 1978 solis with regard to Ham. In William Caxton's English version of the chess allegory
without explicitly renouncing the Cain-Ham theory of their origin. (the first book printed in England), Cain was the first to work the land, and those
28. In general, see J. Friedman, Monstrous Races; Mellinkoff, Mark of Cain; and who now do so expiate Adam's transgression; but nothing is said about Ham or servi­
Dahan, 'Texegese de l' histoire de Cain et Abel." tude: ''And we rede in the bible that the first labourer that euer was cayn the first sone
29. Ti.ibingen, Universitatsbibliothek MS Mc 295; a glossed manuscript of the of adam . . . it behoueth for necessyte that some shold laboure the erthe, after the
codex, fol. 153r, accompanies Codex 6, 1 "De fugitivis servis." I am grateful to Pro­ synne of adam'' (Caxton, Game ofthe Chesse, pp. 76-77).
fessor Michael Camille for pointing this illustration out to me. Compare it with the 36. Gower, Vox clamantis, bk. 1, chap. 10, w. 747-82 (pp. 42-43). The rubric to
Cambridge, St. John's College, MSK. 26, fol. 6v, showing Cain with horns and kinky the chapter reads: "Hie dicit se per sompnium vidisse progenies Chaym maledictas
hair, illustration 7. una cum multitudine seruorum nuper regis Vluxis, quos Circes in bestias mutauit,
30. This picture is also described in Mellinkoff, Outcasts 1: 134, and v<;>L 2, plate furiis supradictis associari." Verses 757-58 (p. 43) refer to the "Septem progenies, quas
6.50. ipse Chaym generauit, / Cum furiis socii connumerantur ibi."
31. Prudentius, Hamartigenia, w. 1-35 (LCL 387, pp. 200-202). 37. See above, Chapter 1, pp. 28, 34.
32. Heald, "Peasant in Mediaeval German Literature," pp. II9-20. 38. Snowden, Before Color Prejudice, especially pp. 99-108.
33. Hugo von Trimberg, Der Renner, v. 15636 (BLVS 248 2: 261). 39. Davis, Slavery and Human Progress, pp. 46-50.
34. Petrarch, De remediis, bk. 2, no. 59 (1: 154), "De villico malo ac superbo": 40. Bauder, Paradise on Earth, p. 17.
"Profecto autem et si Poeta rusticos ultimos a iustitia derelictos faciat, ut bis dixi, 41. Mark, Africam in European Eyes, pp. 19-53.
apud uos tamen hominem primum humano semine genitum, et agricolam fuisse 42. Gliozzi, Adamo e il nuovo mondo, pp. m-46.
constat et parricidam, ut fuisse semper pessimi videantur." A poem attributed to 43. Azurara, Cronica dos feitos notdveis 2: 103-4. I am grateful to Professor Ken­
Cecco d' Ascoli, edited in Merlini, Satira contro il villano, p. 185, slightly corrected by neth Wolf, of Pomona College, for this reference.
Feo, "Dal pius agricola," pp. 125-26: 44. Winthrop Jordan, White over Black, pp. 40-41.
45. I owe this information to Professor Jorge Canizares, of Illinois State Univer­
el to ricolto invola sity. His paper "New World, New Stars: Patriotic Astrology and the Invention of In­
et impe il suo granaro, dian and Creole Bodies in Colonial Spanish America, 1600-1650," delivered at the
e po cerca comperare, John Carter Brown Library of Brown University, explores how explanations of racial
e cos{ rico doventa, subordination fit with patriotic efforts to dispute theories that the climate and .istro­
perche l' e della somenta logical configurations of the New World were pernicious. The native inhabitants were
del traditor Cain. inferior not because of the physical condition of the colonies but because of their own
(He [the rustic] steals debased nature. I am grateful to Professor Canizares for permission to cite his work.
your harvest and fills 46. Braude, "Sons of Noah," pp. 134-38; Hanneman n, Curiosum scrutinium,
his granary and then cited in Perbal, "La race negre," pp. 158-59. Hannemann was less concerned with the
tries to buy [more?]. origins of slavery than were his Spanish and English colleagues. His main concern
And so he becomes was to construct an ethnography based on classical authorities that could be recon­
rich, for he is of the ciled with the curse of Noah.
seed of the traitor 47. Blakely, Blacks in the Dutch World, pp. 207-9, 218-19.
Cain.) 48. Fredrickson, White Supremacy, pp. 170-71.
49. C. Brown, "Foundations of British Abolitionism," pp. 228-36; Tise, Proslav­
A sixteenth-century Italian ''Alphabet Against the Villeins" states (under the letter
ery, pp. 41-96.
"D") that the rustic "nation" derived from Cain. It is printed in Merlini, Satira contro
50. A number of such arguments are described by Peterson, Ham and ]apheth.
il villano, app. 6, pp. 225-28, in two versions: "Da Cain derivo questa natione" (p.
For scriptural arguments justifying slavery, including Noah's curse upon Ham, see
225) and "Deriva da Cain questa natione" (p. 227).
Tise, Proslavery, pp. II6-25, especially the table on p. II7.
Notes to Chapter 4 336 Notes to Chapter 4 337
51. A notable example is the physician Samuel A. Cartwright, who supposed that 64. Arnbrosiaster, Commentarius in epistolam ad Colossenses 4.1 (CSEL 81, pt. 3,
the physiological deficiencies of blacks and their consequent indolence and misery p. 202): "Denique peccati causa Carn servus audivit. Cui sententiae veteres adsensere,
showed that the account of Noah's curse in Genesis was assuredly true, "as if the reve­ ita ut definirent ornnes prudentes esse liberos, stultos autern ornnes esse servos, quia
lations of anatomy, physiology and history, were a mere re-writing of what Moses prudens abstinet a peccatis, ut hie ingenuus sit, qui recta sequitur, servus autern qui
wrote" (cited in Peterson, Ham and]apheth, pp. 72-73). But Cartwright later gave up per stultitiae inprudentiarn subicit se peccato. Unde et Carn propter stultitiarn, quia
Noah's curse in favor of a theory of the separate origins of the races; see Fredrickson, risit nuditatern patris stulte, servus est appellatus."
Black Image, pp. 87-88. Cartwright had a pre-Adarnic black population intermarrying 65. John Chrysostom, Homiliae de Lazaro, concio 6, 7 (PG 48: 1037-38).
with Cain, thus moving the origins of a cursed race from Harn back to Adam's son. 66. John Chrysostom, Sermones in Genesim, no. 4, 2 (PG 54: 595.
52. An unsigned article entitled "The Black Race in North America: Why Was 67. Ibid., no. 5, 1 (PG 54: 599).
Their Introduction Permitted?" contains a fanciful dialogue (pp. 657-58) in which the 68. John Chrysostom, Homiliae in Genesim 29.6-7 (PG 53: 269-73).
sons of Harn accept their "long and fearful penance." T hey acknowledge, "we also, 69. Augustine, De civitate Dei 16.1-2, 19.15.
fallen as we are, have a duty to perform," the duty, namely, of providing the labor to 70. Augustine, Quaestionum in Heptateuchum 1.153 (PL 34: 589-90). T his for­
fulfill the mission of the sons of Japheth to tame the land. T he article was probably mulation is repeated in Alcuin, Interrogationes et responsiones, no. 273 (PL 100: 557);
written by George Tucker, a congressman and professor of moral philosophy at the Hairno of Auxerre, Expositio in epistolas S. Pauli (incorrectly attributed to Hairno of
University of Virginia, according to Peterson, Ham and]apheth, pp. 92-95, 106. Halberstadt), chap. 3 (PL n7: 762-63); and Hrabanus Maurus, Commentaria in Gen­
53. As in, for example, Stringfellow's ''A Brief Examination of Scripture Testi­ esim 4.9 (PL 107: 646-47).
mony." See also Ron Bartour, "Cursed Be Canaan' ' ; and Peterson, Ham and Japheth, 71. Sturner, Peccatum und Potestas, pp. 106, n2.
pp. 42-44. 72. Gregory I, Moralia in Job 21.14-15 (CC 143A, pp. 1081-82). See also Gregory's
54. Peterson, Ham and]apheth, pp. 45-46; Fredrickson, Black Image, pp. 63-64. Regula pastoralis 2.6 (PL 77: 34).
Proslavery arguments could be connected with various theories of government affect­ 73. Isidore of Seville, Sententiarum libri tres 3.47 (PL 83: 717).
ing the free: evocation of a seigneurial order (Genovese, World the Slaveholders Made); 74. Oexle, "Die funktionale Dreiteilung," p. 28. For the Capuciati, see above,
egalitarian racism condemning the exploitation of white labor in Britain and the in­ Chapter 3, p. 84.
dustrial North (Fredrickson, Black Image, pp. 58-70); and a defense of a generalized 75. J. Friedman, Monstrous Races, pp. 101-3; T. Hill, "Rigsthula," pp. 82-83.
inequality joined to order, enterprise, and moral reform-what has been called "con­ 76. Honorius Augustodunensis, Imago mundi 3.1 (p. 125). In the German Luci­
servative Republicanism" (Tise, Proslavery, pp. 34r62). darius, an amalgam of several works of Honorius and William of Conches, written
55. Burnett and Dalche, ''Attitudes Towards the Mongols," pp. 160-61. in the latter half of the twelfth century, this passage appears with servi rendered as
56. J. Friedman, Monstrous Races, pp. 102-3. eigenleute (bondsmen), indicating serfs rather than slaves: "In dez kunegez ziten
57. Das friihmittelhochdeutsche Wiener Genesis, vv. 766-67 (p. 145): "Vone wurde die lute indru geteilet: von Sern karnen die frigen, von Jafet cam.en die ritere,
Charnes sculde wurde allerlist scalche. / e waren si alle eben vd unde edele." (From von Karn carnen die eigin lute." Lucidarius aus der Berliner Handschrift, p. 8. On
Ham's guilt there were from then on serfs. Once all had been equally free and noble.) eigenleute in connection with other German terms for peasants in the period
58. Anton Chekhov, "V Ssylke" ("In Exile"), Sochineniya (Moscow) 8 (1977), p. 1060-n80, see Stackrnann, "Bezeichnungen fur 'Bauer,"' p. 172. On servi as serfs
43: "Ya, bratusha, ne rnuzhik prostoi, ne iz Kharnskovo zvaniya a d'yakovski sin." rather than slaves, see Barthelemy, "Qu'est-ce que le servage," especially pp. 271-72.
(English translations normally leave out the reference to Harn.) I am grateful to 77. Alexander of Hales, Summa theologica 5= 708, cited in Milani, La schiavitu,
Vladimir Mazhuga, of Saint Petersburg University, for this reference. p. 376.
59. Matuszewski, Geneza Polskiego Chama. I thank Professor Waclaw Uruszczak, 78. Antoninus, Summa theologica, bk. 2, tit. 3, chap. 6, cited in Milani, La schi­
of the Jagiellonian University, Cracow, for this reference. avitu, p. 377.
60. Milani, La schiavitu, pp. 288-339; Teja, "San Basilio y la esclavitud." 79. Mirror ofjustices, p. 76.
61. Basil, De Spiritu Sancto 20.51 (PG 32: 162); Ambrose, Epistolae 2.7 (CSEL 82, 80. W Muller, "Wurzeln und Bedeutung," p. 30; M. Bloch, Rois et serfi, p. 140
pt. l, pp. 44-47). n. 2.
62. Ambrose, De Noe et Arca, chaps. 30-32 (PL 14: 432-35). 81. J. Friedman, "Nicholas's 'Angelus ad Virginern,"' pp. 175-80.
63. Ambrose, De Helia et Ieiunio po (CSEL 32, pt. 2, p. 419); Gratian, Decre­ 82. Southern Version of "Cursor Mundi," vv. 2133-36 (1: 102-3). T he Northern
tum, D.35 C.8, 3. See Weigand, Die Naturrechtslehre, pp. 133-36, 144-48, 195-214, Version is excerpted in T. Hill, "Rigsthula," p. 84.
262-63. 83. Dives and Pauper, precept 4, chap. 1 (Early English Text Society 275, p. 305):
Notes to Chapter 4 338 Notes to Chapter 4 339
''And thus for scornynge & vnworchepe that the sone dede to his fadir began first Do sprach der gebur einer sa zehant:
bondage & thraldom & was confermyd of God." "Nu alerest mir bekant
. 84. Chaucer, "The Parson's Tale," Canterbury Tales, vv. 762-68. For Gower, see Daz wir immer miiezen wesen
above, note 36 for this chapter. Vernoyert vole, s:it ir gelesen
85. Patterson, Chaucer and the Subject ofHistory, pp. 262-70. On Ham as as­ Habt daz er Noyer hiez,
trologer, see also J. Friedman, "Nicholas's 'Angelus ad Virginem,"' pp. 177-78. Der uns disen segen liez
86. Hugo von Trimberg, Der Renner, vv. 15634-37 (BLVS 248, 2: 261) (Cain), Daz uns immer sol wesen we."
and vv. 1315-1406 (BLVS 247, 1: 55-58) (Ham); Konrad von Ammenhausen, Schachz­
abelbuch (see above, note 35 for this chapter). Konrad follows his discussion of Noah's (Then one of the peasants spoke
curse with a denunciation of drunkenness (cols. 4n-16, vv. rn766-958). He cites suddenly, saying "Only now I un­
Saint Ambrose on drunkenness and subordination but changes the consequence of derstand that we must always be an
the invention of wine from slavery to serfdom (dienstes von eigenschaft), col. 4n, vv. apostate people, because you have
10768-rn771. read that he was called Noah who
87. Enikel, Weltchronik, vv. 2917-44 (MGH Deutsche Chronikon 3, pt. 1, pp. left us this blessing, for which we all
56-58); Gengenbach, "Der Bundtschu," vv. 67-72, 93-96 (pp. 24-25); Hemmerli, must suffer.")
De nobilitate et rusticitate, cap. 6, fol. 19r; cap. 7, fol. 28r. 93. Ibid., vv. 1394-1459 (pp. 58-60).
88. The French example is the fifteenth-century Le mistere du Viel Testament, vv. 94. Wittenwiler, Der Ring, vv. 72or44 (pp. 308-rn).
6472-78 (1: 252). 95. Ibid., vv. 7242-44 (p. 3m): ''Also sein wir nicht geleich: / Einr ist arm, der an­
89. Hemmerli, De nobilitate et rusticitate, cap. 6, fol. 19r; cap. 7, fols. 28r-28v. der reich, / Einr ein gpaur, der ander edel." The translation is from Wittenwiler's
90. Hugo von Trimberg, Der Renner, vv. 1323-29 (BLVS 247, 1: 55): "Ring" and the Anonymous Scots Poem "Colkelbie Sow," p. 97.
96. Boke ofSeynt Albans, pt. 3, sig. a 1 recto: "A bonde man or a churle wyll say,
"Vil lieber herre, wie gefueget sich daz,
'All we be cummyn of Adam.' So L ucifer with his cumpany may say, 'All we be cum­
Daz iu herren is vii baz
myn of heuyn."'
Denne uns armen geburen st?
97. Jonas of Orleans, De institutione laicali 2.21 (PL rn6: 213), citing Gregory I,
Sim ein liute eigen, die andern fd?"
Moralia in Job 2I.IO and 2u5, which restates Augustine's statement in De civitate Dei
"Ja," sprach ich. Das war im zorn.
19.15 that God conferred dominion over animals, not over other men.
Und sprach: "Nu s:i wir doch geborn
98. Atto ofVercelli, Expositio in Epistolas Pauli, chap. 6 (PL 134: 582-83).
Von einer muoter alle!"
99. Sachsenspiegel Landrecht 3.42.3 (pp. 223-26). On this section of the Sachsen­
(Very dear lord, how does it come spiegel, see W Mi.iller, "Wurzeln und Bedeutung," pp. 25-29; Kisch, Sachsenspiegel
about that you lords are so much bet­ and Bible, pp. 133-40; and Voltelini, "Der Gedanke der allgemeinen Freiheit,"
ter off than us poor peasants? Are pp. 182-86.
some people bondsmen while others mo. Sachsenspiegel Landrecht 3.42.3 (pp. 224-25): "Ok seggen sumleke lude, it
are free? "Yes," I said. That made him queme egenscap van Cam, Noes sone; Noe segende twene sine sone, an deme drid­
angry, and he said "But we are all born den ne gewuch he nener egenscap; Cam besatte Affricam mit sime geslechte, Sem
of one mother.") blef in Asia, Japhet, unse vordere, besatte Europam; sus ne blef er nen des anderen.''
91. Ibid., vv. 1376-79 (p. 57): (There are some who say that servitude began with Ham, Noah's son. Noah blessed
two of his sons; nothing is said about servitude as regards the third. Ham settled
Und sprach: "Verfluocht s:i Chanaan Africa with his progeny. Shem remained in Asia. Japhet, our ancestor, settled Europe.
Und allez s:in geslehte Thus neither can be said to belong to the other.)
Sol diener und eigen knehte Cf. Petrus Comestor, Historia scholastica, Genesis, chap. 36 (PL 198, col. rn87):
Mtner zweier siine s:in!" "Maledixit autem non filio, sed filio filii, quia sciebat in spiritu filium non servitu­
rum fratribus, sed semen eius, nee omnes de semine sed eos, qui de Chanaan de­
scenderant. . . . Sem Asiam, Cham Africam, Japhet Europam sortitus est.'' Kisch,
Notes to Chapter 4 340 Notes to Chapter 5 341
Sachsenspiegel and Bible, p. 138, points out that by making Ham settle Africa with his to be problems of medieval European "race relations." On the dangers of the concept
progeny, so that all of Ham's offspring are independent of their cousins and hence of race applied to conquests within Europe, see Reynolds, Kingdoms and Communi­
free, Eike von Repgow changes the implication of Petrus Comestor, who believed ties, p. 255.
Canaan's descendants were subjugated. 5. Patterson, Chaucer and the Subject ofHistory, pp. 266-70.
101. The author of the Book ofSt. Albans claimed that Ham settled not in Africa 6. C. Hill, "Norman Yoke"; Faith, "'Great Rumour' of 1377."
but in the cold northern regions that would be called Europe, "that is to say the con­ 7. Grafton, "Higher Criticism Ancient and Modern"; Borchardt, GermanAntiq-
tre of churlys" (Boke ofSeyntAlbans, pt. 3, sig. a 2 recto). This eccentric theory had at uity in Renaissance Myth.
least the virtue of accounting for the ubiquity of European serfs or churls, but it had 8. B. Anderson, Imagined Communities.
few if any imitators. 9. Invention of Tradition, ed. Hobsbawm and Ranger (1983).
Eike von Repgow, however, was himself unusual in placing Ham exclusively in 10. Reynolds, "Medieval Origines Gentium," pp. 375-90.
Africa. Although this is consistent with the passage from Petrus Comestor cited in n. Coll i Alentorn, "La llegenda d'Otger Catal6"; idem, Guifte el Pilos; Bisson,
the previous note, in other works Petrus located Ham's progeny in both Africa and "Rise of Catalonia."
Asia (I thank Benjamin Braude for this information). 12. Linehan, History and the Historians.
A refutation somewhat similar to Eike's argument that the offspring of one bibli­ 13. Klaniczay, "Paradoxes of Royal Sainthood."
cal figure do not serve the descendants of the other was offered by the Islamic jurist 14. Beaune, Birth ofan Ideology; Spiegel, Romancing the Past.
Ahmad Baba (died 1627), an African writing in Timbuktu. Ahmad Baba agreed with 15. Tate, "Mythology in Spanish Historiography." The idea of Tubal as the
the common opinion that heathens could be licitly enslaved but he denied that Mus­ founder of Iberia was adopted from Josephus via Saint Ambrose and Isidore of Seville
lims could be, no matter what their color. He rejected the notion that Ham's descen­ and put into peninsular circulation by Ximenez de Rada in the thirteenth century.
dants were cursed with enslavement, since God in his mercy could not inflict such 16. Mannyng, Chronicle, pt. 1, vv. 261-428 (pp. 9r101).
a punishment on so many in retribution for one man's sin (Lewis, Race and Slavery, 17. Coll i Alentorn, "La llegenda d'Otger Catal6," pp. 39-40.
pp. 57-58). 18. Spiegel, Romancing the Past, pp. 55-151.
102. Wyclif, "De servitute civili et dominio seculari," p. 146. 19. On the importance of vigor and controlled savagery, see Bartlett, Making of
103. Ibid., p. 147. Europe, pp. 85-105.
104. Luther, Lectures on Genesis (to 9:26 and 10:7), pp. 174-78 and 193-95. 20. Of course, when exalting the ruler's authority, mythography could combine
heroism and constitutionalism, as in the account of the origins of the Catalan he­
Chapter 5 raldic symbol, consisting of four red bars on a yellow ground. This symbol suppos­
edly originated when the emperor Louis the Pious traced it in blood as a symbol of
I. "Nation" in this chapter is used to denote both political entities (for the most heroism and legitimacy, having dipped his fingers in a wound that Count Guifre had
part kingdoms) and peoples who identified themselves as forming a linguistic or cul­ suffered while in the emperor's service. See Udina i Martorell, "En torno a la leyenda
tural unity. Although the modern terms "nation-state" and "nationalism" make the de las 'Barras' catalanes"; Fluvia, Els quatre pals.
use of "nation" in connection with the Middle Ages tricky if not dangerous (as noted 21. See below, Chapter 8.
by Reynolds, Kingdoms and Communities, pp. 252-53), its use to describe political or 22. Combarieu, "Image et representation du vilain," p. 16. In Germany the exis­
linguistic collectivities is not anachronistic, for "nation" was a medieval concept and tence of peasant soldiers and servile knights gave rise to propaganda against rustics
word. See also Szucs, '"Nationalitat' und 'Nationalbewusstsein' im Mittelalter," in his becoming knights, not necessarily because they were physically incapable or cowardly
Nation und Geschichte, pp. 163-243. but because they lacked chivalric character.
2. In theory the state might simply deny internal differences of status and treat 23. The Pseudo-Turpin formed part of the Liber Sancti Jacobi, the best-known
the nation as an egalitarian community. In the sixteenth century all Basques were rec­ version of which is the Codex Calixtinus at Santiago de Compostela. The Codex also
ognized by the Spanish crown as having a legitimate claim to noble status. (Monreal, contains the pilgrims' guide to Santiago along with liturgical and miracle texts con­
"Annotations Regarding Basque Traditional Political Thought," pp. 33-34). But this nected with the relics of Saint James. As a separate work, the Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle
approach would hardly suffice for larger regions with servile populations. would enjoy great popularity in Latin and in vernacular languages, and consequently
3. Goldberg, "Popular Revolt," p. 471; Bartlett, Making ofEurope, pp. 214-17; it survives in several hundred manuscripts. In general, see Spiegel, Romancing the
Setton, Catalan Domination ofAthens, pp. 248-57. Past, pp. 55-98.
4. Bartlett, Making ofEurope, pp. 197-242. Bartlett describes what he considers 24. The Latin Descriptio, probably written at Saint-Denis between 1080 and
Notes to Chapter 5 342 Notes to Chapter 5 343
rn95, is discussed in Rauschen, Die Legende Karls des Grossen, pp. 97-102, and edited 36. Beaumanoir, Coutumes de Beauvaisis, chap. 45, par. 1438 (2: 226-27); par.
on pp. rn3-25. T he passage concerning the penalties for failure to accompany Charle­ 1453 (2: 235-36).
magne is on p. rn8. 37. Quoted in M. Bloch, Rois et serfi, p. 132: "Comme selonc le droit de nature
25. Old French Johannes; Walpole, "Charlemagne's Journey to the East." See chascun doie nestre franc et par aucuns usages ou coustumes qui de grant anciennete
Spiegel, Romancing the Past, p. 71. ont este encredites et gardees jusques ci en nostre reaume, et par aventure par le mes­
26. Old French Johannes, p. 143, especially lines 5-8: "II manda et commenda par fair de leurs predecesseurs moult de personnes de nostre commun peuple soient
tote France que tuit cil qui serf erent de lor chars par les mauveses costums des encheues en lyans de servitutes et de diverses condicions, qui moult nous desplet,
seignors, fussent franc permenablement, et il et lor ligniee, cele qui ert presente et a nous, considerans que nostre reaume est dit et nomme le royaume des Frans.''
venir." (Spiegel, Romancing the Past, p. 86, renders this as follows: "He directed and 38. Digest (Codex Justinianus) 4.2.22, 37.1.13, 48.1.2, 48.13.6. See the discussion of
commanded throughout all France that all those who were serfs in their persons on this in Szucs, "T heoretical Elements," pp. 268-69.
account of the evil customs of lords should be free in perpetuity, they and their line, 39. On heribannum, see the Capitulary ofBoulogne (8n), in MGH Legum, sec.
both in the present and to come.") A similar passage appears in other versions of 2, Regum Francorum, 1 p. 166. On lantweri, see Contamine, �r in the Middle Ages,
Pseudo-Turpin: Anglo-Norman Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle of William de Briane n.372-81; p. 24; and Ganshof, Frankish Institutions, pp. 60, 153.
Anonymous Old French Translation of the Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle 9.3-9 (p. 49); Le 40. Ganshof, Frankish Institutions, p. 68.
Turpin franfais, dit le Turpin I 11.4-n (pp. 1r14). 41. M. Bloch, Rois et serfi, p. 144.
27. Walpole, "Charlemagne's Journey," p. 446: "Cil qui porroient armes porter 42. For King Joan I's request that the pope abolish the "bad customs" character­
et avec lui n'iroient, devroient .iiii. deniers de lor chief a toz jors mais, et il et lor lig­ istic of servitude, see Barcelona, Ar:xiu de la Corona d'Arag6, Cancelleria, Registre
niee, celle qui ert presente et a venir." (Spiegel, Romancing the Past, p. 85, translates as 1968, fol. nr; the inquiry concerning the end of servitude ("haiam entes qual temps
follows: "those who were able to bear arms and would not go with him owed four de la servitut. . . . segons les Chroniques, es ja passat") is in Barcelona, Ar:xiu de la
pennies a head henceforth, they and their line, both in the present and to come.") Corona d'Arag6, Cancelleria, Registre 1955, fols. 105v-rn6r.
28. Old French Johannes, p. 132, lines n-12: "qui n'i iroit, il seroit sers, et il et si 43. On French emancipation, see M. Bloch, Rois et serfi, pp. 40-70, 94-172; and
oir, a toz jorz." (Spiegel, Romancing the Past, p. 86, translates as follows: "he who will William Jordan, From Servitude to Freedom.
not go shall be a serf, both he and his heirs forever.") 44. Kelley, "Clio and the Lawyers."
29. Discussed by Lemaitre, "Le refus de service d'ost," pp. 231-32. 45. Freedman, "Catalan Lawyers," especially pp. 304-14; idem, "Cowardice,
30. Gui de Bourgogne, vv. 177-80 (p. 6): Heroism." T hese articles are reprinted in Freedman, Church, Law and Society.
46. Barcelona, Ar:xiu de la Corona d'Arag6, MS Ripoll 99. See Hmel, "Arnal­
Mais une chose voil que sachem de verte dus de Monte und der Liber S. Jacobi," pp. 14r59.
Par la foi que doi sainte crestiente 47. Gesta comitum Barcinonensium, pp. 3-6. On parallels with Frankish legends
II et touz ses linages sera sers rachete see Aurell, Les noces du comte, pp. 507-13.
Touz les jors de sa vie sera il sers dame. 48. Zimmermann, "La prise de Barcelone."
31. Ibid., vv. 181-84 (pp. 6-7). 49. Paris, Bibliotheque National, MS Espagnol 13, fols. 76v-77r.
32. Lemaitre, "Le refus de service d' ost," pp. 232-35. 50. However, it was possible elsewhere to depreciate Charlemagne's efforts in
33. Le Roman de Renart le Contrefait, Redaction A, fol. 140 (1: 353): Spain. Rodrigo Ximenes de Rada, archbishop of Toledo, in his Historia de rebus His­
panie (written in the mid-thirteenth century), bk. 4, chap. IO (CC 72, pp. 126-28),
Et plusseur qui le contredirent, minimized the extent of Charlemagne's conquests. Radulphus Niger, in his Moralia
Que il n'i vostrent pas aler, Regum 19.14, accused Charlemagne of making an unfavorable treaty with the Moors;
Iceulz fist il cers apeller, for this see Bue, "Exegese et pensee politique," p. 150.
Eus et leur anfans ansugant. 51. El Escorial, Real Biblioteca de San Lorenw, MS d.Il.I8, fols. 94r-93v (the fo­
Encor I' ot l' en maintenant, liation is backwards), edited in Freedman, Origins ofPeasant Servitude, p. 226.
A Paris en a un millier. 52. El Escorial, Real Biblioteca de San Lorenzo, MS d.II.18, fol. 93v: "Ex post
venerunt Christiani et conquistabant istam terram et, cum continue preliabant con­
34. Le Roman de Renart le Contrefait, sixieme branche, vv. 37430-521 (2: 155-56).
tra Saracenos, petierunt secrete adiutorium ab istis Christianis captiuis, qui timore
35. Ibid., vv. 37545-47 (p. 156): "Dist le roy: 'Cilz ont bien ouvre, / Et par Dieu
Saracenorum nullum sufragium voluerunt dare Christianis."
bien s'i sont prouve.' / Et pour cest mot, Prouvins ot nom.''
Notes to Chapter 5 344 Notes to Chapter 5 345

53. Ibid., fol. 93v: "Et Christiani per gratiam Iesu Christi totam terram conquis­ servitutem." On the meaning of "exponi in causas desperatas," a Roman-law formu­
tarunt et aplicarunt fi.dey Christiane, et multi fuerunt in oppinione quod interfi.cerent lation, see Sz{ics, "Theoretical Elements," pp. 268-69.
Christianos istos sic captiuos ex eo quare tempore conquiste nullum sufragium 73. Simon of Keza, Gesta Hungarorum, chap. 7, p. 148: "Vitia itaque et excessus
voluerunt prestare Christianis. Alii tenuerunt quod illesi remanerent et sub Christia­ huius unum Hungarum ab alio separavit, alias cum unus pater et una mater omnes
nis sicuti erant tempore Saracenorum, et quod redimerent se et cultiuarent et alia Hungaros procreaverit, quorum unus nobilis, alter innobilis diceretur, nisi victus per
seruicia facerent Christianis sicuti facere solebant Saracenis et sic fuerunt a morte tales casus criminis haberetur." I reproduce the translation given by R. Hoffmann,
liberati." "Outsiders by Birth and Blood," p. 15.
54. Digest (Codex fus.tinianus) 41.5.7, attributed to Gaius. 74. Szucs, "Theoretical Elements," pp. 251-52.
55. Ibid.! 1.5.4 (Florentius): "Servi ex eo appellati sunt, quod imperatores cap­ 75. Ibid., pp. 268-69.
tivos vendere ac per hoc servare nee occidere solent." 76. Ibid., pp. 278-80.
56. Bresc, 'Tesclave clans le monde mediterraneen," pp. 89-91; Verlinden, 77. Hungarian Illuminated Chronicle, facsimile fol. 4v.
L'esclavage dans !'Europe medievale 1: 249-545. 78. Thur6czy, Chronica Hungarorum, vol. 1, chap. 12, pp. 33-34.
57. El Escorial, Real Biblioteca de San Lorenzo d.ILI8, fols. 121v-u4r (the folia­ 79. Ibid., p. 33: "£dictum etiam fuit, quod, cum res communitatem equa sorte
tion is backwards), especially fols. u8r-u7V. tangentes occurrerent, aut generalis expeditio exercitus incumberet, ut mucro sangui­
58. Ibid., fol. u8r (edited in Freedman, Origins ofPeasant Servitude): "Christiani nis aspergine tinctus media Hunorum per habitacula castraque deferetur."
captiui, dubitantes quis eorum obtineret triumphum, noluerunt prebere auxilium 80. Ibid., p. 34: "Hee consuetudo inter Hunos sive Hungaros usque ad tempora
regi Karolo nee Christianis. Deo duce Christiani deuincerunt Saracenos [fol. II7V] et Geyse duds filii duds Toxon filii Arpad inviolabiliter extitit observata, et multos gen­
hanc terram subdiderunt fidey Catholice. Et facta subieccione huius patrie, dixerunt eratione de hac perpetuam redegit in rusticitatem."
Christiani regi ut interficeret Christianos captiuos eo quia cum eo noluerunt debel­ 81. Ibid, p. 34: "Nam cum una et eadem fuerint generatio, et a quondam Hunor
lare pro fide. Rex deliberauit habito consilio, cum ipse tenuit gentes armigeras et non et Magor unanimiter processerint, aliter fieri nequivisset, ut alter dominus, alter
poterant cultiuare, ut sinerent illos captiuos Christianos uiuere et ut captiui, sicut an­ servus vel rusticus effici potuisset." The translation is from R. Hoffmann, "Outsiders
tea faciebant apud infideles, uiuerent et nunch et in perpetuum apud Christianos." by Birth and Blood," p. 17.
59. Freedman, "Cowardice, Heroism," pp. 10-u. 82. Bak, Konigtum und Stiinde, pp. 62-79. For the historiography of the Doc­
60. Tomich, Historias e conquestas, fol. 18v. trine and its polemical uses in the modern era, see Vardy, Modern Hungarian Histo­
61. Joan de Socarrats, loannis de Socarratis, p. 501. riography, pp. 179 -89.
62. Coll i Alentorn, "La llegenda d'Otger Catal6." 83. For the capitulation of Vladislav II (1490), see in Bak, Konigtum und Stiinde,
63. Tomich, Historias e conquestas, fols. ur-18v. pp. 152-54.
64. Cited in Coll i Alentorn, "La llegenda d'Otger Catal6," p. 27: "E aquest es lo 84. On the Hungarian uprising see below, Chapter II, pp. 269-80.
principi de les llibertats de Cathalunya, car no principia en homens rustichs ni aple­ 85. The u52 peace ordinance (Reichslandfrieden) of Frederick I included provi­
gadis:os, sin6 en alts e valerosos." sions against rustics' carrying lances, swords, or "weapons" (arma) generally; see
65. Simon ofKeza,Gesta Hungarorum, pp. 147-48. Quellen zur Geschichte des deutschen Bauernstandes, no. 83, p. 222. Also see below,
66. Macartney, Studies on the Earliest Hungarian Historical Sources. Chapter 8.
67. I have relied on Szucs, "Theoretical Elements," and R. Hoffmann, "Out­ 86. Monumenta rusticorum in Hungaria rebellium, no. 202, Prologue, p. 148:
siders by Birth and Blood." "considerassemusque pericula omnia, que hucusque huic Hungarie regno nostro ab
68. Das Nibelungenlied, from chap. 21 ("Wie Kriemhilt zuo den Hiunen fuor"), infidelibus hostibus illata sunt, ruinas quoque et desolaciones castrorum finitimorum
on pp. 208f£ atque eciam tumultum illum nefandissimum, quern plebs rustica . . . crudelitate
69. Szucs, "Die Nation in historischer Sicht und der nationale Aspekt der concitaverat."
Geschichte," in his Nation und Geschichte, pp. 85-86. 87. Ibid., Article 14, p. 260: "Item quamquam omnes rustici, qui adversus domi­
70. Simon of Keza, Gesta Hungarorum, chap. 4, p. 144. nos eorum naturales insurrexerunt, tanquam proditores capitali pena sint plectendi."
71. Sz{ics, "Theoretical Elements," pp. 258-59. 88. Ibid., p. 260: "per hanc infidelitatis ipsorum notam amissa libertate eorum,
72. Simon of Keza, Gesta Hungarorum, chap. 7, pp. 147-48: "Quicunque ergo qua de loco in locum recedendi habebant facultatem, dominis ipsorum terrestribus
edictum contempsisset praetendere non valens rationem, lex Scitica per medium cul­ mera et perpetua rusticitate sint subiecti"; cited in R. Hoffmann, "Outsiders by Birth
tro huius detruncabat, vel exponi in causas desperatas, aut detrudi in communium and Blood," p. 33 n. 64.
Notes to Chapters 346 Notes to Chapter 6 347

89. Ibid., Article 47, pp. 270-71: "ut nunquam de cetero de illorum progenie this vision is yit to drede, think & gif gode kepe.
iudex aut iuratus civis vel villicus in medio aliorum rusticorum aliquis eligatur I trowe it is ouergone thorgh William conqueroure.
nemoque in curia principis vel dominorum ac nobilium ex eis famulari unquam pos:., He com & slouh ilkone tho wikked men in stoure
sit et nullus eorum ad aliquem honorem promoveatur, sed tanquam maledicte gen­ & sette vs in seruage, of fredom felle the floure;
eracionis iugo perpetue servitutis et rusticitate subiecti reatus ipsorum penam lugeant The Inglis borgh taliage lyue yit in sorow fulle soure.
sine fine." (This vision is still to be dreaded, think on it well. I
90. Werblfczy lstvdn Hdrmaskonyve pt. 1, tit. 3, pp. 56, 58. say it happened through William the Conqueror.
91. Ibid., pt. 3, tit. 25, p. 406: "hujusmodi tamen ipsorum libertatem superiore He came and slew the wicked men in battle and re­
hac aestate, propter seditionem, et tumultuarium eorum adversus universam nobili­ duced us to servitude, the flower of freedom fell.
tatem, sub nomine cruciatae, ductu cujusdam sceleratissimi latronis Georgii Zekel The English still live in great sorrow because of tax­
appellati insurrectionem ex eoque notam perpetuae infidelitatis eorum incursionem, ation.)
penitus amiserunt. Dominisque ipsorum terrestribus, mera et perpetua jam rustici­
tate subjecti sunt." Ibid., vv. 1760-63 (p. 533):
92. Ibid., pt. 1, tit. 3, p. 58: "Haec sanctio plurimos Hungarorum (ut praefertur)
that bondage, that brouht was ouer the se;
plebae perhibetur effecisse conditionis. Nam cum una et eadem de generatione a
now ere thei in seruage, fulle fele that or was fre.
quondam scilicet Hunnor et Magor unanimiter processerint, aliter fieri nequivisset,
Our fredom that day for euer toke the leue;
ut hie dominus, ille servus, hie nobilis, ille ignobilis, et rusticus efficeretur."
for Harald it went away, his falshed did vs greue.
93. Szucs, Nation und Geschichte, p. 89.
94. Bak, Konigtum und Stiinde, pp. 74-79. ( . . . that bondage that was brought from over
95. Werblfczy lstvdn Hdrmaskonyve, pt. 1, tit. 4, p. 228: "Nomine autem, et appel­ the sea. Now they who formerly were free fell
latione populi, hoc in loco intellige: solummodo dominos praelatos, barones, et alios into servitude. Our freedom departed that day
magnates, atque quoslibet nobiles; sed non ignobiles." forever. Through Harold it went away; his false­
96. Szekely, "Le passage a l'economie." ness hurt us.)
97. Roger of Wendover, Flowers ofHistory, p. 66: "et quod nullus remaneat, qui
109. Turville-Petre, "Politics and Poetry." Moffat takes issue with this view in
arma portare possit, sub nomina culvertagii et perpetuae servitutis."
"Sin, Conquest, Servitude."
98. Two ofthe Saxon Chronicles Parallel p. 200.
no. Matthaei Parisiensis, Monachi SanctiAlbani, HistoriaAnglorum 1: 28-29.
99. Henry of Huntingdon, History ofthe English, p. 8.
III. See above, note 108 for this chapter. Tallage was levied on villeins, but Man­
100. Hanning, Vision ofHistory in Early Britain, pp. 44-62, 77-83.
nyng here is complaining about taxes paid by higher orders of society ("us"), liken­
IOI. Turville-Petre, "Politics and Poetry''; Moffat, "Sin, Conquest, Servitude";
ing them all to servile (oppressive) obligations.
Summerfield, "Bondage & Destres." I am grateful to Drs. Moffat and Summerfield for
n2. Dyer, "Memories of Freedom."
sharing their work with me and helping me with this section.
n3. Faith, '"Great Rumour' ofi377," pp. 43-48.
102. Metrical Chronicle ofRobert of Gloucester, vv. 7498-7501 (2: 541).
n4. Ibid., pp. 56-57.
103. Ibid., vv. 75or13 (pp. 541-42).
n5. Walsingham, GestaAbbatumMonasterii SanctiAlbani, pp. 157-63. See Faith,
104. Castleford, Chronicle, vol. 2, bk. IO pt. 3, vv. 31,931-38 (p. 863).
"Class Struggle in Fourteenth Century England."
105. Chronicle ofPierre de Langtoft1: 288-90.
106. Mannyng, Chronicle, pt. 2, vv. 139-41 (p. 490): "Sithen he & his haf had the
lond in heritage / that the Inglis haf so lad that thei lyue in seruage. / He sette the In­ Chapter6
glis to the thralle, that or was so fre." See also pt. 2, vv. 6317-18 (pp. 644-45), where
I. Among the many studies of the harsh treatment of peasants in medieval texts
Edward I is quoted as saying: "For alle this thraldam that now on Inglond es. /
Thorgh Normans it cam, bondage & destres." are Martini, Das Bauerntum, pp. 41-102, 135-213; Hi.igli, Der deutsche Bauer imMit­
107. As pointed out by Summerfield, "Bondage & Destres." telalter; Wunder, "Der dumme und der schlaue Bauer"; Merlini, Satira contro il vil­
108. Mannyng, Chronicle, pt. 2, vv. 617-21 (p. 529): lano; Feo, "Dal pius agricola," pp. 89-136, 206-23; Coulton, Medieval Village,
Notes to Chapter 6 34 8 Notes to Chapter 6 349

pp. 231-52; Galpin, Cortois and Vilain; Algazi, Herrengewalt; and Jonin, "La revision medii aevi, p. 27: "Christo fo da villan crucifico, I e stagom sempre in pioza, in vento
d'un topos." e in neve, / perche havom fato cosi gran pecco." (Three other Italian examples of this
2. Cited in Galpin, Cortois and Vilain pp. 8-9. See also Ribard, Un menestra/ du theme are given in Merlini, Satira contro il villano, p. 3 n. I.) "De natura rusticorum,"
.xJ¼, siecle, Jean de Conde, p. n7. a fourteenth-century Italian poem, also in Carmina medii aevi, vv. 86-90 (p. 37):
3. "Des vilains ou des XXII manieries de vilains," especially pp. 249-55.
4. This "Peasant Catechism" is in a Munich manuscript signed by Georg Pren­ Hi non curant de doctrina,
perger, a graduate of the University of Vienna, edited in Parodistische Texte, no. 7, tegunt se pelle asinina:
pp. 21-22. intus vero sunt lupina,
5. Cited in Le Goff, Medieval Civilization, p. 300; and 'Specht, Poetry and the verba latrant ut canina,
Iconogrphy ofthe Peasant, p. 49. There is also a late-medieval version from northern infelices rustici.
Italy (in Carmina medii aevi, p. 28), and another "declension" in the Prenperger satire 17. Chretien de Troyes, Le chevalier au lion (Yvain),v. 286 (p. 9): "Uns vileins, qui
that emphasizes the blackness and bestial nature of the rustic (in Parodistische Texte, resanbloit Mor."
p. 22). 18. Mellinkoff, Outcasts 1: 26, 149, 202, 231.
6. Nykrog, Les fabliaux, especially pp. 105-7. 19. Thesaurus lingue latinae, vol. IO, pt. l (Leipzig, 1982), pp. 81-84.
7. Galpin, Cortois and Vilain; Gravdal, Vilain and Courtois. Gravdal (pp. 13 and 20. Martin ofBraga, "De correctione rusticorum."
mo) singles out Galpin as an example of over-literal social interpretation, which is 21. P. Brown, Cult ofthe Saints, pp. II9-20; idem, "Relics and Social Status in the
not completely fair since Galpin acknowledges (pp. rn-n) that villanie is a quality Age of Gregory ofTours," pp. 230-33; Kobler, '"Bauer' (agricola, colonus, rusticus)."
opposed to courtesy more than an attribute of peasants, who tend to be peripheral in 22. Grundmann, Religious Movements in the Middle Ages, p. 14.
the literature he considers. 23. Le Goff, Time, Work, and Culture, pp. 92-93.
8. Gravdal, Vilain and Courtois, pp. 6-14. See also Zumthor, "Intertextualite et 24. Kobler, '"Bauer' (agricola, colonus, rusticus)," pp. 239-40.
mouvance." The game-versus-lesson simile is from Nabakov as cited by Gravdal, p. 6. 25. Burchard ofWorms, Decretum, bk. IO (PL 140: 831-54).
9. Bonnassie, "Marc Bloch, Historian of Servitude," in his From Slavery to Feu­ 26. Schmitt, Holy Greyhound; Ginzburg, Night Battles; idem, Ecstasies.
dalism, p. 330. 27. Cited in Coulton, Medieval Village, pp. 265-66.
IO. Gravdal, Vilain and Courtois, pp. 81-n2, especially 97-100. 28. Galpin, Cortois and Vilain, p. 84.
II. The best-known edition is Die Lieder Neidharts, edited by Edmund Weissner, 29. Nouveau Recueil complet desfabliaux, no. 39 (5: 34).
2nd ed., which embodies a restrictive definition of what poems are to be included 30. Liber miraculorum Sancte Fidis 1.7 (pp. 99-100): "Nee tamen mirum, si
within the genuine Neidhart corpus. This edition is supplemented by Die Berliner quidam rusticus, ab omni scientia alienus prorsusque totius divine virtutis inexper­
Neidhart -Handschrift c. I am indebted to Dr. Elizabeth I. Traverse for her advice and tus, quodque deterius est, sinistre mentis pravitate falsus, tam grave erroris periculum
help with the poems ofNeidhart. I have profited greatly from her book Peasants, Sea­ incurrit." The translation is Sheingorn's in Book ofSainte Foy, p. 64.
som and Werltsueze. Also offundamental importance are Simon, Neidhart von Reuen­ 31. Cited in Medeiros, Jacques et chroniqueurs, p. 51.
tal; and Schweikle, Neidhart. 32. L'Archivo Capito/are della Cattedral di Mantova, p. 63. I thank Duane Osheim
12. On the complicated questions about the manuscripts of Neidhart and about ofthe University of Virginia for this reference.
which of the poems attributed to him are genuine, see Traverse, Peasants, Seasons and 33. Camille, "Labouring for the Lord," and his forthcoming book, A Mirror in
Werltsueze, pp. 50-121; H. Becker, Die Neidharte; Bennewitz-Behr, Original und Parchment?
Rezeption; and Beyschlag, "Neidhart von Reuental in neuer Sicht." On the violence 34. Li romans de Claris et Laris, vv. 8371-84 (BLVS 169, pp. 226-27):
ofthe peasants, see Traverse, "Hie saget Neidhart."
13. Neidhartspiele and Die Historien des Neithart Fuchs. Li vilain sont de laide forme,
14. On Neidhart's reputation as the opponent ofthe peasantry, see Jost, Bauern­ Ainc si tres laide ne vit home;
feindlichkeit, pp. 46-55. See also Margetts, "Das Bauerntum in der Literatur"; Heald, Chaucuns a .xv. pies de granz,
"Peasant in Mediaeval German Literature," p. 195; and Simon, "Neidharte and Neid­ En auques resemblent jaianz,
hartianer," especially pp. 183-84. Mes trop sont de laide maniere;
15. Scornfor the World, bk. 2, vv. 25r59 (p. 90). Boc;u sont devant et derriere,
16. "Alphabeto disposto contra i villani" (dating from ca. 1500), cited in Carmina Les cheveus noirs comme arremenz,
Notes to Chapter 6 350 Notes to Chapter 6 351

Les ongles grandes con serpenz, ( . . . a lowborn creature, black as a

Les mentons demi pie de grant, Moor [literally "resembled a
Lors euls resemblent feu ardant, Moor"], huge and hideously ugly­
Denz de senglier et nes de chat, indeed, so incredibly awful that
Hure de lou, qui se combat, there are no words to describe
Trop resembloient bien deable, him-and holding a great club in
Tant sont fier et espoantable. his hand. And riding toward this
(The vilains are ugly in form, fellow I saw that his head was big­
more ugly than anyone has ever ger than a packhorse's, or any other
seen. Each one is fifteen feet tall beast's. His hair was tufted, and his
and in some ways they resemble forehead bald and wide as two out­
giants, but of a very ugly sort. spread hands, his ears all mossy and
A paunch in front, and hump­ immense, exactly like an elephant's,
backed, hair black like ink, with his eyebrows huge, his face as if
nails long as serpents, their chins flattened. He had eyes like an owl,
half a foot wide, their eyes resem­ a nose like a cat, and jaws split like
ble burning fire, teeth of wild a wolf's, with a boar's wild teeth, all
boar, nose like a cat's, snout like yellowed, and his beard was black,
a ravening wol£ They are very his moustache crooked. His chin
much like devils, ferocious and met his chest, his backbone long
frightening.) and twisted. [ Yvain, the Knight of
the Lion, pp. n-12])
35. Chretien de Troyes, Le chevalier au lion (Yvain), vv. 286-305 (pp. 9-10):
36. Aucassin et Nicolette, chap. 24, p. n4: "Grans estoit et mervellex et lais et
Uns vileins, qui resanbloit Mor, hidex. II avoit une grande hure plus noire qu'une carbouclee et avoit plus de planne
leiz et hideus a demesure, paume entre deus ex, et avoit unes grandes joes et un grandisme nes plat et unes
einsi tres leide criature grans narines lees et unes grosses levres plus rouges d'une carbounee et uns grans
qu' an ne porroit dire de boche, dens gaunes et lais." (He was tall and weird and alarmingly ugly. He had a great mop
assis s' estoit sor une c;:oche, of a head as black as smut with eyes set a palm's width apart, broad cheeks, an enor­
une grant mac;:ue en sa main. mous flat nose with cavernous nostrils, thick lips redder than underdone meat and
Je m' aprochai vers le vilain, great, ugly yellow teeth. [ ':Aucassin and Nicolette" and Other Tales, p. 45.])
si vi qu'il ot grosse la teste 37. Historia Gaufredi, p. 184. See Bisson, "Feudal Revolution," pp. 34-35.
plus que roncins ne autre beste, 38. Rigord, Gesta Phillippi 1.3 (1: 10-n). Owen, "The Prince and the Churl," pp.
chevox mechiez et front pele, 141-44, argues that this story is probably derived from Yvain.
s' ot pres de deus espanz de le, 39. Hemmerli, De nobilitate et rusticitate, cap. 1, fol. Ir: "Qui quidem homo vix
oroilles mossues et granz et indignanter eleuato dorso montoso. Recuruoque gipposo, vultuque swalido tortu­
autiex com a uns olifanz, oso necnon aspectu stolido, pariter et asinino, fronte rugosa sulcuta, barba hyspida,
les sorcix granz et le vis plat, capito pilos nodosis et cannis cirrosis comato, lippis oculis." The rustic notes (fol. 1v)
ialz de c;:uete, et nes de chat, that the apostles and prophets, too, were untaught; that Barlaam 's ass could talk; and
boche fandue come lous, that a bull warned the city of Rome (according to Valerius Maximus). On Hemmerli
danz de sengler aguz et rous, and this text, see Hieronymous, "Felix Hemmerli und Sebastian Brant."
barbe rosse, grenons tortiz, 40. Le Goff, "Le desert-foret dans !'Occident medieval"; and idem, "Levi-Strauss
et la manton aers au piz, en Broceliande." English versions of these essays appear in Le Goff, Medieval Imagi­
longe eschine torte et boc;:ue nation, pp. 47-59 and 10r31.
Notes to Chapter 6 352 Notes to Chapter 6 353

41. Chretien de Troyes, Le chevalier au lion (Yvain), vv. 326-30 (p. n): 53. As translated in Coulton, Medieval Village, p. 134.
54. Bonjour et al., Short History ofSwitzerland, p. 106.
je Ii dis: "Va, car me di 55. Hemmerli, De nobilitate et rusticitate, cap. 33, fol. 131v.
se tu es boene chose ou non." 56. Gower, Vox clamantis, bk. 1, pp. 20-81.
Et il me dist qu'il ert uns horn. 57. Ibid., bk. 1, vv. 2093-96 (p. 79).
"Quiez horn ies tu?-Tex con tu voiz; 58. Eupolemius, trans. Ziolkowski, p. 32.
si ne sui autres nul foiz. 59. For works concerning wild men, see below, Chapter 7, note 5.
On this exchange see the cogent remarks of Peter Haidu in his essay "Romance.". 60. Combarieu, "Image et representation du vilain," p. n; Hemmerli, De nobil­
itate et rusticitate, cap. 1, fol. Ir.
42. Historia Gaufredi, p. 184: "Quam videns liberalis Gaufredus, non ut pau­
perem dives contempsit, sed, ut homo hominem recognoscens, in unius miseria com­ 61. Li Romans de Garin le Loherain 2: 152-53, cited in Le Goff, Medieval Civi-
liza.tion, p. 300:
munem hominum calamitatem deplorat, elogium illud primi hominis remeniscens:
'In sudore,' inquit, 'vultus tui vesceris pane tuo."' Gros out les bras et les membres fornis,
43. Hemmerli, De nobilitate et rusticitate, cap. 1, fol. Ir. Entre deus iaus plaine paume accompli;
44. Ibid., cap. 34, fol. 141v. Larges epaules et si out gros le pis;
45. La chanson de Roland, vv. 1631-40 (1: 175); vv. 1913-34 (1: 188-89). Hirecies fu, s' ot charbonne le vis,
46. Ibid., vv. 24-61 (1: 94-95). Ne fu laves de six mois accomplis,
47. Ibid., vv. 894-99 (1: 138): Ne n' i ot aive se du ciel ne chai.
Uns amurafles i ad de Balaguez, 62. Alvarus Pelagius, De planctu ecclesiae, fol. 147r, as translated in Coulton, Me­
Cors ad mult gent et le vis fier e cler. dieval Village, p. 244.
Puis que il est sur sun cheval muntet, 63. Sanchez de Arevalo, Speculum vitae humanae 1.21, as translated in Coulton,
Mult se fait fiers de des armes porter; Medieval Village, app. 31, pp. 517-19.
De vasselage est il hen alosez: 64. "Le despit au vilain," vv. 39-42 (in Jongleurs et trouveres, p. 108), cited in
Fust chresfiens, asez oust barnet. Braet, ''A Thing Most Brutish," p. 196.
(An emir is there from Balaguer. 65. Panofsky, Early Netherlandish Paintingi: 66.
His body is very handsome and his face fierce and fair. 66. J. Alexander, "Labeur and Paresse," pp. 438-39.
When he is mounted on his horse, 67. Ibid., pp. 439-45.
He bears his arms with great ferocity. 68. Specht, Poetry and the Iconography ofthe Peasant, pp. 51-54. Specht considers
He is well known for his courage; the possibility that the artist sympathized with the plight of the peasantry, but thinks
Had he been a Christian, he would have been a worthy baron. the bent posture more likely to be the result of a limitation of the artist's technical
[Song ofRoland, p. 57]} skill. The illustration of Virgo shows two young women picking flowers, a scene in
which coercion is "unthinkable," but their posture is contrasted with the graceful at­
48. On Vezelay, see Male, L'art religieux, pp. 326-32. On the Plinian races and
titude of three differently clothed young women and a man who looks on. The issue
the problem of their humanity see J. Friedman, Monstrous Races.
is not just coercion but nature; the posture is awkward because the people are inured
49. See Bhabha, "Difference, Discrimination and the Discourse of Colonialism," to exhausting and lowly tasks.
pp. 202-4, and, for his critique of Edward Said's "Orientalist" idea of alterity, pp.
69. "Le conte des vilains de Verson," pp. 668-73. The poem has also been edited
by Lechaude d'Anisy, "Recherches historiques," pp. 105-12; and by Hunger, Histoire
50. "Du prestre et du chevalier," cited in Falk, Etude sociale, p. 83; and edited in
de verson, pp. 28-35. I am grateful to Cassandra Potts, of Middlebury College, and
Recueil general et complete des fabliaux 2: 34: "Maleureus de toute part/ Hideus
Larry Crist, of Vanderbilt University, for help with this document. It has recently
comme leu ou lupart/Qui ne savent entre gens estre."
been discussed briefly in Arnoux, "Classe agricole," pp. 35-37, and in a more detailed
51. Cited in Feo, "Dal pius agricola," pp. 105-6.
and nuanced way in Boureau, Le droit de cuissage, pp. 216-26.
52. Quellen zur Geschichte des deutschen Bauernstandes, no. u7, p. 312: "et ferino
70. "Le conte des vilains de Verson," v. IO (p. 668): "Eus sunt plus cuverz que
more, feris bestiis crudelius sevientes."
Notes to Chapter 6 354 Notes to Chapter 6 355

mastins"; vv. 230-32 (p. 673): "Sire, sachez quel firmament/Je ne sai pluskuverte there, in an inn, there was an
gent/ Que sunt les vileins de Verson." ass. From behind he made a
71. Boureau, Le droit de cuissage, p. 221. sound, as loud as thunder.
72. Ibid., pp. 218-19. From that evil wind, was
73. Ibid., p. 219, with regard to the arbitrary calculation of the proportions of born the stinking peasant.)
harvest due to the lord: "Peut-on imaginer un tel cynisme d'exposition, s'il s'agit 79. Ibid., vv. 145-285 (pp. 22-24).
d'une description de la realite de !'exploitation monastique?" 80. Alberti, Family in Renaissance Florence, pp. 189-90.
74. "Leconte des vilains de Verson," vv. 159-74 (pp. 671-72): 81. Proverbia sententiaeque, no. 27026 (4: 641): "Rusticus est quasi bos, nisi quod
Beim me conta Rogier Ade, sua cornua desunt." A German rhyming version is cited in Ebner, "Der Bauer," p. 95:
Que honte ait vilein eschape: "Der Bauer ist an Ochsen statt, nur dass er keine Horner hat." The proverb is also
Se vilain sa fille marie cited as a late-medieval folksong by Ranke, "Agrarische und bauerliche Denk-und
Pars de dehors la seignorie Verhaltensweisen im Mittelalter," p. 212.
Le seignor en a le culage: 82. Proverbia sententiaeque, no. 27016 (4: 640): "Rusticus ac asinus, nux, hec tria
iii sols en a del mariage; connumerata,/Non faciunt fructum, fuerint nisi combaculata."
iii sols en a reison por quei, 83. Ibid., no. 26997 (4: 637): "Rusticus gens est optima flens et pessima ridens."
Sire, je l'vos di par ma fei: Hemmerli, De nobilitate et rusticitate, cap. 32, fol. 124r, gives the proverb as "rustica
Jadis avint que le vilein gens, optima flens, pessima gaudens." On this and similar proverbs, see Algazi, Her­
Bailout sa fille par la mein rengewalt, pp. 199-2rn.
Et la livrout ason seignor, 84. "Oignez vilain, il vous poindra; poignez vilain il vous oindra," cited in Coul­
Jane fust de si grant valor ton, Medieval Village, p. 234. Hemmerli, De nobilitate et rusticitate, cap. 32, fol. 124r,
A faire idonc sa volonte, gives the same proverb in Latin. A version is also given by Rabelais in Gargantua,
Ancies qu'il eust el done chap. 22.
Rente, chatel OU heritage 85. Francese Eiximenis, Lo Crestia, bk. 12, excerpted in Francese Eiximenis, la so­
Por consentir le mariage. cietat catalana, p. 59: "e del homens servills qui james no es poden res inclinar, sin6
ab for<_;:a e ab mal. Per tal, diu que aquests no son apellats homens mas besties. E, per
75. Ibid., v. 200 (p. 672): "Itant au vilenage apent." ra6 d'a<_;:o, los deu horn tractar aixi com abesties feres e cruels, que doma horn ab ba­
76. Arnoux, "Classe agricole," pp. 35-60; Musser, "Reflexions autour du prob­ timents, e ab fam, e ab clausures forts e terribles."
leme de l'esclavage." 86. Ruprecht von Freising, Preisinger Rechtsbuch, chap. 46, p. 52: "und di maister
77. Meyer, "Dit sur les vilains," pp. 14-28 (the original is given on pp. 20-24). di ehalten in vorcht haben muezzen oder si worchten nimmer nicht." This edition by
78. Ibid., vv. 75-128 (pp. 21-22), esp. vv. 80-88: Claussen, based on MS A (Munich, Stadtarchiv, Codex urbis Monacensis 1), repre­
sents the original text better than the edition of Georg Ludwig von Maurer (Das
Como fo l'istoria Stadt- und das Landrechtsbuch Ruprechts von Freising). Maurer used five manuscripts
De soa natevita, in order to show the influence of the Schwabenspiegel on later versions of the law­
Voyo che mi intenda. book This is significant because the reworked Preisinger Rechtsbuch took from the
La zoxo, in uno hostero, Schwabenspiegel its condemnation of servitude (c. 197, pp. 213-14 in Maurer's edi­
Si era un somero: tion), and left out, among other things, the passage about the master's right to flog
De dre si fe un sono his ser£
Si grande como un tono. 87. Hiigli, Der deutsche Bauer im Mittelalter, p. 3.
De quel malvaxio vento 88. Reimchronik des Appenzellerkrieges, vv. 1496-98 (p. 47): "doch muoss mans
Nasce el vilan puzolento. ettwen stucken/ das mans dester bas mug bucken, I so muossentz dester fiiro
(Thus was the history of his buwen." (But one must silence him in order better to force him to farm.)
nativity, you who under­ 89. "Zwei Flugschriften aus der Zeit Maximilians I," vv. 373-77 (p. 178):
stand what I mean. Down
Notes to Chapter 6 3 57
Notes to Chapter 6 356

Also solt man dich all iar straffen rn6. Nouveau Recueil complet desfabliaux, no. 55, 5: 368-70. Very similar is a Latin
wie ain felber mit den waffen poem, "The Rustic and Pluto," cited in Merlini,· Satira contro ii villano, pp. 8o-8I.
All ia r wirt gestimlet, blut und gar rn7. R. H. Bloch, Scandal pp. 22-rno, especially p. 51.
zeiar wirt er nun <lester fruchtbar; rn8. Nouveau Recueil complet des fabliaux, no. 92, 8: 2IJ-I4, cited in Jonin, "La
revision d'un topos," p. I8o. The same story appears in an exemplum
by Jacques de
Sein wachsen wurd hinren das holtz.
Vitry, in his Exempla or Illustrative Stories, no. I9I, p. 80. More than ten versions are
(Thus you should be punished cited in F rederic C. Tubach, Index exemplorum: A Handbook ofMedieval Religious
every year, like a willow tree, Tales, no. 3645, p. 282.
trimmed with knives, bleeding, and rn9. Nouveau Recueil complet des fabliaux, no. 57, 6: 3I-32, cited in R. H. Bloch,
in a while it will be fruitful, the Scandal pp. 52-53.
wood will grow sufficiently.) no. Nouveau Recueil complet des fabliaux, no. IO, 2: 204-I4. Cited in R. H.
90. Hemmerli, De nobilitate et rusticitate, cap. 32, fol. I24r: "Ex quibus quidem Bloch, Scandal pp. 50-51.
experientia doctissimi congruenter arguunt immo arbitrati fuerunt reipublice fore m. "Audigier et la chanson de geste," pp. 5u-26. See also Gravdal, Vilain and
salutiferum salutare ac salutis humane et insuper rusticitatis et ruralitatis et ruris salu­ Courtois, pp. 5I-80.
berrimum ritissimum et congruissimum vitale remedium dum rusticorum habitacula u2. Fastnachtspiele aus dem r5. jahrhundert, B LVS 28-30. The enumeration of
lares et ordea magalia per gule predia caule domos et tuguria per singulos annos iu­ peasant plays is given in Lefebvre, Les fols et la Jolie, p. 51. On fools and peasants,
bileos deuastantur aut igne consumuntur, denudantur, spoliantur, et exuuntur." Ragotzky, "Der Bauer in der Narrenrolle."
91. Mollat and Wolff, Popular Revolutions, p. 89. u3. DuBruck, "Conspectus of the Peasant," p. 40.
92. Gower, Mirour de l'omme, vv. 26425-80 (p. 293). u4. Wunder, "Der dumme und der schlaue Bauer," p 35. In Vienna and Stras­
93. Fr�de�ic C. Tubach, Index exemplorum: A Handbook of Medieval Religious bourg in the late fifteenth century, "dressing up as a peasant" meant the general pr
tice of donning costumes for Carnival (Vandenbroeck, "Verbeeck's Peasant Wed-
Tales (Helsmki, I969), no. 3652, pp. 282-83 (six citations).
94. Traverse, Peasants, Seasons and Werltsueze, pp. 59-60. dings," p. 85).
95. Vandenbroeck, "Verbeeck's Peasant Weddings," p. 98; Braet, ''A Thing Most u5. Merlini, Satira contro ii villano, app. I, pp. I75-77.
Brutish," p. I92. u6. Ibid., vv. 6-I5 (p. I75):
96. Jones, "F��ction of Food"; Guer:au-Jalabert, "Aliments symboliques"; Adams, Demro del uostro bursello
. _
"Egregious Feasts. Although agreemg with the association of the vilain with ravenous Non habetis numeros,
and indiscriminate appetite, Susan E. Farrier calls attention to some cases in which Inter dumos
aristocratic characters in chansons de geste act in the fashion of vilains, fighting with Cum li piedi discalc;i,
non-noble weapons and eating voraciously. See her "Hungry Heroes in Medieval E cum li falzi
Literature." Inciditis herbas
97. Examples are given in Jonin, "La revision d'un topos," p. I79· Inter merdas
98. Nouveau Recueil complet des fabliaux, no. 40, 5: 46-48. De le uostre uache
99. Discussed by Simon, Neidhart von Reuental pp. I64-80; Jost, Bauernfeind­ Cum chali e rache
lichkeit. In corpore toto.
mo. Eiximenis, Lo Crestia, bk. 3, from his Contes i faules, pp. 38-40.
(In your purse you have no
IOI. Materialien zur Neidhart-Uberlieferung, pp. I53-59; Simon, "Origin of Neid­
money, you go among the
hart Plays"; Jost, Bauernfeindlichkeit, pp. II7-35.
thorns with bare feet, and with
rn2. Examples are collected in Erzahlungen des spi:iten Mittelalters 2: 353-9I,
the sickle you attack the g rass.
Among the turds of your cat­
rn3. Simon, "Rustic Muse."
tle, with callouses and sores [?]
rn4. Ibid., pp. 246-47, 249-51.
all over your body.)
rn5. Perger, Hohle, and Pauch, Neidhart Frescoes ca. r400.
Notes to Chapter 6 Notes to Chapter 7 359

II7. Ibid., vv. 18-19 (p. 175); vv. 45-47 (p. 176). 121. There are two versions, both in Merlini, Satira contro ii villano, app. 6, pp.
II8. Ibid., vv. 34-57 (p. 176). 225-28. One begins: ''A lavorar e sempre destinato / II perfido villan, malvagio, in­
II9. Ibid., vv. 84-87 (p. 177): "Homines rident / Quando vident / Li uostri grato." (He is destined always to labor, the perfidious, evil, ungrateful peasant.) The
dafii." (Men laugh when they see the harm you cause.) Vv. 104-19 (p. 177): other begins: ''A lavorare sempre e destinato / II villano maligno et ostinato." (He is
destined always to labor, the wicked and obstinate peasant.)
Perche in vuy regna 122. Aristotle, Politics 125¥-1255b.
Ogni mali<;ia
E ogni tristitia
Chapter 7
E siti ignoranti
Tuti quanti, I. Mellinkoff, Outcasts 1: 137-40.
Mendatori 2. Fredrickson, Black Image; Winthrop Jordan, White over Black, pp. 150-63.
Robatori, 3. Bahktin, Rabelais and His World, pp. 196-277, 303-67.
Li uostri errori 4. See above, Chapter 4.
Si purgano cusi
5. Bernheimer, Wild Men in the Middle Ages; Sprunger, "Wildfolk and Lunatics
Como vedeti
in Medieval Romance"; Bartra, Wildmen in the Looking Glass-, and idem, Artificial
Che siti tractati,
Savage. The wild man avoided civilization but, unlike the peasant, did present some­
Perche non vi leuati
thing of a sexual threat (specifically a propensity for abducting women).
Troppo in alte<;a 6. As noted by Zink, "La suffisance du paysan," p. 37.
La uostra aspre<;a
7. E.g., poem no. II7, sts. 10-13, in Die Berliner Neidhart-Handschrift c, pp.
Ve fa stentare
8. "Berengier au lone Cul," in Nouveau Recueil complet des fabliaux, no. 34, vv.
El dl e la nocte.
(For in you reigns 14-23 (4: 270).
every sort of malice 9. Medieval Pastourelle, no. 24 (1: 184); no. 78 (1: 218); no. II2 (1: 288); No. 146
and grie£ You are (2: 386-88) is similar, but involves a vilain who lives in Paris.
all thoroughly igno­ IO. Boccaccio, Decameron, third day, novella 1 (1: 198).
rant, liars, robbers. II. Bullough, "Medieval Medical and Scientific Views ofWomen"; Byn um, "Fe­
Thus are your er­ male Body and Religious Practice."
rors purged; you are 12. Margetts, "Die Darstellung der weiblichen Sexualitat"; R. H. Bloch, Me­
treated in such a dieval Misogyny, pp. 65-91.
way that you can­ 13. Cadden, Meanings ofSex Difference, pp. 134-65.
not rise too high. 14. Juan del Encina, "Representaci6n . . . ante el muy esclarecido muy ilustre
Your bitterness principe don Juan, nuestro soberano senor . . . " (written 1497), in his Obras comp/e-
makes you miser­ tas 4: II8-34, especially pp. 128-29. One finds similar surprise at the ability
of rustics
able day and night.) to feel the pangs of love in Boccaccio (see above, note IO for this chapter) and Maffeo
Vegio da Lodi (cited in Merlini, Satira contro il villano, pp. 48-49).
120. Ibid., vv. 122-28 (p. 177):
15. Andreas Capellanus, On Love I.II (p. 222).
Serui seruorum 16. From a treatise on love edited by Arthur Langfors, "Deux traites sur l'amour
Asini asinorum tires du manuscrit 2200 de la Bibliotheque Saint-Genevieve," p. 367: "Volentei
Maledicat uos deus, d'amer ki en vilain se met et ki estruer le fait ausi comme une beste salvage, ne (ne)
In secula seculorum poet son corage aploiier a nule cortoisie ne a nule bonte, ains aime folement et sans
Amen. Ab insidiis diaboli et coverture. Et che n' est mie amours, ains est ensi comme rage, quant vilains s'entremet
signoria de villano et a furore d'amer." (The desire of love that puts itself in the vilain causes him to go about it in
rusticorum libera nos domine. the fashion of a savage beast. He can't bend his art to any courtesy or goodness;
Notes to Chapter 7 360 Notes to Chapter 7 361

rather he loves foolishly, out in the open. It is not love but rather wildness when vi­ 33. Die Berliner Neidhart-Handschrift c, no. II, st. 8 (pp. 33-34); no. 33 (32), st. 5
fains set themselves to love.) (p. 91).
17. Kavaler, "Pieter Bruegel and the Common Man," pp. 13-14. 34. Andreas Capellanus, On Love I.II (p. 222).
18. Hemmerli, De nobilitate et rusticitate, cap. 33, fol. 129v. 35. Ruiz, Libro def Arcipreste, st. 431, lines 3-4 (p. 48): "si podieres non quieras
19. J. Baldwin, Language ofSex, pp. 66-68. amar muger villana, / que de amor non sabe, es como bausana." (If you can, avoid
20. "Le Vilain de Bailleul," pp. no-17, cited in Boureau, Le droit de cuissage, p. 178. loving a peasant girl, for she knows nothing and is a fool where love is concerned.)
21. "Le Prestre qui abvete," cited in Boureau, Le droit de cuissage, p. 178. 36. Parodistische Texte, no. 7, p. 22: "Deus, qui perpetuam discordiam inter lecca­
22. Wack, Lovesickness. On the context of the Viaticum and medieval lovesick­ tores et rusticos seminasti, da nobis de eorum uxoribus et filiabus uti et de eorum
ness, see Lowes, "Loveres Maladye of Hereos," especially pp. 23-27. I thank Eugene morte gaudere." C£ a British Library MS cited in Niccoli, I sacerdoti, i guerrieri, i
Lyman, of Rowan University, for this reference. contadini, p. 39.
23. Wack, "Liber de heros morbo of Johannes Afflacius." 37. Chaucer, "The Miller's Tale," in Canterbury Tales, vv. 82-84: "She was a
24. Wack, Lovesickness, pp. 17-20. prymerole, a piggesnye / For any lord to leggen in his bedde, / Or yet for any good
25. Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun, Le Roman de la Rose, vv. 522-628 yeman to wedde." I thank John B. Friedman for pointing this out to me.
(1: 17-20). 38. For two version of this poem and a discussion, see U. Muller, "Gaude mihi!"
26. Andreas Capellanus, On Love I.II (p. 222). 39. On the genre of the pastourelle, see Zink, La pastourelle.
27. J. Baldwin, Language ofSex, p. 60. See also Boureau, Le droit de cuissage, pp. 40. This is the term used by Gilbert and Gubar, Madwoman in the Attic, p. 506.
176-86; Leupin, Barbarolexis, pp. 106-18. 41. Paris, Melanges de litterature franfaise, p. 566; Jackson, "Medieval Pastourelle
28. Cited in Niccoli, I sacerdtiti, i guerrieri, i contadini, p. 57. The three are also as a Satirical Genre."
typified as descendants of Shem, Japheth, and Ham. This is also found, according to 42. Paden, "Rape in the Pastourelle," p. 344.
Niccoli, in a chronicle by Johann Nauderus ofTiibingen, printed in 1504. 43. Gravdal, Ravishing Maidens, p. III.
29. There are some German literary instances of malformed rustics, in Ruodlieb 44. Ibid., pp. 104-21. Paden, "Rape in the Pastourelle," pp. 331-49, denies that
and Parzifal for example, as noted in Heald, "Peasant in Mediaeval German Litera­ the poems are essentially about rape. Rather, in Paden's opinion, they exemplify a cul­
ture," pp. 33-38. tivated and lyrical sensuality, with the actual assault being something of an extrane­
30. Traverse, "Peasants, Seasons and Werltsiieze" (Ph.D. diss.), p. 57, refers to ous fantasy or Freudian dirty joke.
"prancing peasants with astounding amounts of free time to entertain themselves." 45. Medieval Pastourelle, no. 30 (1: 98-101).
31. Traverse, Peasants, Seasons and Werltsiieze, pp. 63-68, 141-42; idem, "Hie sager 46. Ibid., no. 35 (1: no-15).
Neidhart," pp. 9-12. 47. Ibid., no. 109, (1: 278-83).
32. Die Lieder Neidharts, Winter Song no. 34, st. 5, vv. 3-9 (p. 128): 48. Compare Gaunt's interpretation of certain troubadour poems as contests be-
tween men, in his "Poetry of Exclusion."
nu ist in allen landen niht wan truren uncle klagen, 49. Dozer-Rabedeau, "Rusticus."
sit der ungeviiege dorper Engelmar 50. 'Tautrier jost'una sebissa," in Medieval Pastourelle, no. 8 (1: 36-41).
vii der lieben Vriderune ir spiegel nam. 51. "Quant Ii dous estes define," ibid., no. 42 (1: 132-33).
do begrunde truren vreude uz al den landen jagen, 52. J. Baldwin, Language ofSex, p. 205.
daz si gar verswant 53. Ferrante, "Male Fantasy and Female Reality," p. 70.
mit der vreude wart versant 54. Zink, "La suffisance du paysan," pp. 42-46, elaborates a view opposite that of
zuht und ere; disiu driu sit leider neimen vant. Baldwin and Ferrante: that the shepherdess exists in a world completely closed off
(Now in all the world there is only lamentation from the chivalric and that the dialogue is one of mutual incomprehensibility. This
since the wicked boor Engelmar took the mirror seems to me to exaggerate the social distance and does not account for the sophisti­
from the beloved Vriderune. Thereafter true joy cation of the female character in the poems, her responsiveness to love, or her ban­
was withdrawn from the land so that it com­ tering knowledge of the knight's desires.
pletely disappeared along with breeding and 55. Medieval Pastourelle, no. 31 (1: 102-3).
honor. These three are unfortunately nowhere to 56. Ibid., no. 44 (1: 136-37).
be found.) 57. Trans. Gravdal, Ravishing Maidens, p. n6.
Notes to Chapter 7 362 Notes to Chapter 8 363

58. Medieval Pastourelle, no. 43 (1: 132-33); no. II5 (1: 296-97); no. 13 (1: 50-51). troversy over realistic or favorable interpretation of art involving peasants, see Alpers,
59. Burns, Bodytalk. "Bruegel's Festive Peasants"; Miedema, "Realism and Comic Mode"; and Alpers,
60. Medieval Pastourelle, no. 172 (2: 434-39). "Taking Pictures Seriously." Vandenbroeck, "Verbeeck's Peasant Weddings," pp.
61. See Ziolkowski, '½.vatars of Ugliness"; and Brewer, "Ideal of Feminine 79-81, faults both Alpers and Miedema for reductionist simplification but takes par­
Beauty." ticular issue with Alpers, demonstrating (especially by reference to inscriptions) just
62. Deyermond, "Some Aspects of Parody"; Marino, La serranilla espaiiola, pp. how negatively the artists intended to present the peasants' behavior. See also Raupp,
48-64; Tate, '½.dventures in the Sierra." Bauernsatiren; and Carroll, "Peasant Festivity and Political Identity," pp. 289-95.
63. Ruiz, Libro defArcipreste, sts. 950-71 (pp. 97-100). 82. R. Baldwin, "Peasant Imagery"; K.avaler, "Pieter Bruegel and the Common
64. Ibid., sts. 972-92 (pp. 100-103). Man," pp. n4-44.
65. Ibid., sts. 993-1021 (pp. 103-6).
66. Deyermond, "El hombre salvaje"; Mazur, Wild Man in the·Spanish Renais­ Chapters
sance, pp. 8-10.
67. Deyermond, "Some Aspects of Parody," p. 77. I. Duby, Three Orders, p. 187.
68. Medieval Pastourelle, nos. 202-5 (2: 514-23); Marino, La serranilla espafiola, 2. Falk, Etude sociale, pp. 77-78; Bessmertny, "Le paysan vu par le seigneur,"
pp.n6-19. especially pp. 601-2; Bertran de Born, "Be.m plai lo gais temps de pascor," in his
69. Santillana, Poesias completas, pp. 63-71, 77-80; Lapesa, La obra literaria def Poems, no. 30, p. 339.
Marques de Santillana, pp. 53-63; Marino, La serranilla espaiiola, pp. 65-107. 3. From the Oustillement au Vilain, cited in Braet, '½. T hing Most Brutish,"
70. Traverse, "Hie saget Neidhart," pp. 16-17. p. 194.
71. Die Lieder Neidharts, no. 14, pp. 79-81. 4. B. Arnold, German Knighthood, pp. 53-75; idem, "Instruments of Power."
72. Die Berliner Neidhart-Handschrift c, no. II7, pp. 289-95. 5. Kaiser, Textauslegung und gesellschafiliche Selbstdeutung, pp. 21-69.
73. Ibid., no. 17 (16), pp. 55-m Materialien zur Neidhart-Uberlieferung, pp. 6. Ibid., pp. 34-35, citing Chronicon Eberheimense, MGH Scriptores 23, p. 432:
153-59. "[Julius Caesar] .. . cum Romam redire disponeret, conventum in Germania cele­
74. Jost, Bauernfeindlichkeit, p. 105 n. 28. bravit omnibusque valedicens, minores milites principibus commendavit, ut non
75. Wittenwiler, Der Ring. For the little that is known about Wittenwiler, see quasi servis ac famulis uterentur, sed quasi domini ac defensores ministeria ipsorum
Sowinski's discussion on pp. 499-501. reciperent. Inde accidit, quod preter nationes ceteras Germani milites fiscales regni
76. Der Bauernhochzeitsschwank. See Wittenwiler, Der Ring, pp. 505-14, for et ministeriales principum nuncupantur."
Sowinski's discussion of the peasant wedding and Neidhart background to Witten­ 7. Hugo von Trimberg, Der Renner, vv. 1565-2280 (BLV S 247, 1: 65-95).
wiler's poem. 8. Excerpted in Quellen zur Geschichte des deutschen Bauernstandes, no. 146,
77. Wittenwiler, Der Ring, vv. 61-94 (pp. 4-6). pp. 374-79.
78. Vandenbroeck, "Verbeeck's Peasant Weddings"; Moxey, "Social Function of 9. Ottokar von Steiermark, Osterreichische Reimchronik, lines 26176-98 (MGH
Secular Woodcuts," especially pp. 63-68; idem, "Festive Peasants and Social Order." Deutsche Chronikon 5, pt. 1, p. 346).
79. Vandenbroeck, "Verbeeck's Peasant Weddings," p. 82. 10. Carmen Carle, Del concejo medieval Castellano Leones; Pescador del Hoyo,
80. Ibid., pp. 109-16. Grobian refers to the anonymous work Grobianus (1538) "La caballerfa popular en Leon y Castilla''; Powers, Society Organized for \:\Jar.
and especially the widely read Grobianus: Von groben Sitten und unhoflichen Geberden n. Wickham, Early Medievalltaly, pp. 144-45.
of Caspar Scheidt (1551). Grobian appears as a synonym for rusticus as early as 1482. 12. Rather of Verona, Praeloquia 1.23 (CC, Continuatio medievalis 46A, p. 24),.
81. Stewart, "Paper Festivals and Popular Entertainment," for example, rejects cited in Wickham, Early Medieval Italy, p. 145.
the view that these prints depicting peasant holidays are satires, regarding them in­ 13. Wernher de Gartenaere, Helmbrecht, vv. 289-91 (pp. 36-38).
stead as celebrations of revelry with certain moralizing overtones. Given the consid­ 14. For Audigier, see Gravdal, Vilain and Courtois, pp. 51-80; and Li Romans de
erable medieval background for what these woodcuts present, I do not find her argu­ Garin le Loherain 2: 152-53, cited in Le Goff, Medieval Civilization, p. 300.
ment very convincing. Because Nuremberg was a typically dirty and disorderly early­ 15. Ottonis et Raheweni gesta Friderici I imperatoris 2.23 (MGH Scriptores rerum
modern city with crude tastes and habits, Stewart (p. 304) reasons that the engravings Germanicarum, pp. 126-27). See Fleckenstein, "Zur Frage der Abgrenzung von
merely represent good times. T his seems to me to perpetuate unexamined diches Bauer und Ritter," p. 247.
about the past in the guise of combating anachronism. On the background of con- 16. Quellen zur Geschichte des deutschen Bauernstandes, no. 83, p. 222.
Notes to Chapter 8 364 Notes to Chapter 8 365
17. Ibid., no. 122, pp. 326-28. tion but rather to the official mobilization of forces assembled by the Landesherr,
18. Buch der Rugen, pp. 86-88. among which are peasants.
19. Cited in Sokol, "Das Grundproblem der Gesellschaft," p. 155. 35. Ferrer i Mallol, "El sagramental," especially pp. 66-70.
20. Berthold von Regensburg, Vollstandige Ausgabe seiner Predigten 1: 14. 36. An anonymous poem in Alte hoch- und niederdeutsche Volkslieder, no. 143, st.
21. Die poetische Bearbeitung des Buches Daniel vv. 2716-20 (p. 43): 7 (1: 375-76):
0 human, wider wiche Die armen solt der adel
vrolichen zu dem pluge, beschiitzen auss ir pflicht,
so wirt dir rechte vuge so hat er selbs ain tadel
gegeben und ein crone und ist zum tail entwicht;
von Gote dort zu lone! das wirt gott nit vertragen,
die bosen schwarlich plagen,
22. Szucs, "Die Ideologie des Bauernkrieges," in his Nation und Geschichte,
si werden noch erschlagen
pp. 333-34.
von dem gemain pauersman,
23. Schwabenspiegel Kurzform, Landrecht 308 (p. 387): "Wir sullen den hernn dar
es facht iez darzu an.
umb dienen day sy vns schirmen, vnd als sy die lant nit schirment so sind si nicht
diensts schuldig." (We should therefore serve the lords that protect us, and if they do The translation is from Gudde, Social Conflicts, pp. u6-17.
not protect the land, then they are not owed service.) 37. On the medieval history of Andorra, see Baudon de Mony, Relations poli­
24. Quellen zur Geschichte des deutschen Bauernstandes, no. 121, p. 326: "Gens qui­ tiques; Font i Rius, "Els origens del co-senyoriu andorra"; Viader, "Pouvoirs et com­
dem est libera extra gentem suam, alterius domino non subjecta. Morti se opponunt munautes en Andorre"; Andorra romanica, pp. 19-60; and Baraut, 'Tevolucio
gratia libertatis et potius mortem eligunt quam jugo opprimi servitutis." politica de la senyoria d'Andorra."
25. Bartlett, Making ofEurope, p. 77. 38. The original parishes are Andorra, Loria, La Mac;ana, Encamp, Canillo, and
26. Landes, "La vie apostolique en Aquitaine"; idem, "Between Aristocracy and Ordino. The parish of Escaldes-Engordany was formed later. The importance of the
Heresy." parishes remains evident in the nature of the National Archive of Andorra, whose
27. Bonnassie, "From One Servitude to Another," in his From Slavery to Feudal­ oldest component is the ''Archive of the Seven Keys," so-called because opening it re­
ism, pp. 288-313, especially pp. 305-13. quires the consent of each parish that guards one of the keys.
28. Jacob, "La meurtre du seigneur clans la societe feodale." 39. Ourliac, "De la feodalite meridionale."
29. Ibid., p. 252, citing a report from Galbert de Marchienne's Miracula Sanctae 40. The ability of the Andorrans to preserve their local rights against secular
Rictrudis. lords and the bishop of Urgell is described by Viader, "La irracional possessio." On
30. Cabrera and Moros, Fuenteovejuna, pp. 139-84. the erosion of rural rights and the imposition of exactions in this region, see Bon­
31. Barros, "Violencia y muerte del senor en Galicia." nassie and Guichard, "Les communautes rurales en Catalogne"; Freedman, Origins
32. Eupolemius, p. 11. of Peasant Servitude, pp. 79-88; and Bonnassie, La Catalogn.e, esp. 2: 575-610,
33. Eupolemius, bk. 2, vv. 123-24, trans. Ziolkowski (p. 33). 781-829.
34. Der Stricker, "Beispiel von den Gauhiihnern," in his Mare von den Gauhuh- 41. Vela i Palomares, ''Andorra a la baixa edat mitjana."
nern, p. 72: 42. These privileges are recorded in vol. 3 of Privilegis i ordinacions de les valls
pyrenenques. Particularly important are those from the fifteenth century (especially
Ir zorn machet biirge val:
nos. 26 and 27, from 1419), which are not recorded in the more recent collections
swie groze veste ein burc habe,
edited by Baraut and by Baiges and Fages, cited below and in the bibliography.
si brennents oder stozents abe,
43. Cartulari de la Vall d'Andorra, segles IX-XIII, no. 76 (1: 220-26).
alss Kirchelinge taten.
44. Ibid., nos. 129 and 135 (1: 307-15, 323-34).
See Hiigli, Der deutsche Bauer im Mittelalter, pp. 71-73; and Baier, Der Bauer in der 45. Font i Rius, "Els origens del co-senyoriu d'Andorra," p. 749. Ourliac, "De la
Dichtung des Strickers, pp. 93-103. Otfrid Ehrismann ("Tradition und Innovation," feodalite meridionale," pp. 64-66, describes the use of pariages by French kings in
pp. 185-87) believes that the above-quoted passage refers not to a peasant insurrec- extending their rule over new territories.
Notes to Chapter 8 366 Notes to Chapter 8 367

46. See, for example, the documents collected in Privilegis i ordinacions de les 61. Miret i Sans, lnvestigacion historica, pp. 203-18; Trag6, Spill manifest.
valls pyrenenques, the third volume of which concerns Andorra. 62. Le Roy Ladurie, Montaillou, pp. 34-50; Boureau, Le droit de cuissage, pp.
47. La Seu d'Urgell, Arxiu Capitular, Liber Dotaliorum I, fol. 265v (1085), in 124-35.
"Els documents, dels anys 1076-1092, de l'Arxiu Capitular de La Seu d'Urgell," no. 63. Boureau, Le droit de cuissage, p. 140.
1014, p. 134; Arxiu Capitular de La Seu d'Urgell, Liber Dotaliorum I, fols. 265r-265V 64. Fiter i Rossell, Manual digest, maxima 26, p. 504. Merchants were also to be
(1095) (not in Baraut's collection); Liber Dotaliorum I, fol. 265v (1097), in "Els doc­ favored.
uments, dels anys 1093-noo, de l'Arxiu Capitular de La Seu d'Urgell," no. n54, 65. Ibid., maxima 49: "No demostrar may riquesas, ni propalar poder, y forsas,
p. 84. sinos predicar miserias, y flaquessas delas Valls; pues es aixi."
48. Diplomatari de la Vall d'Andorra, segle XlY, no. 40 (1: 98-no) (from the year 66. Ibid., p. 7: "pues yo Escrich tansolament per los naturals delas Valls . . . a
1347). mes que esta Obra deu quedar manuscrita, en una dos o tres Copias en sos
49. Ibid., nos. 94-98, 102, 104 (pp. 216-23, 235-38); Vela i Palomares, ''.Andorra a archius . . . no es bo, que la Ciencia del govern, politica, Economia, y regimen deles
la baixa edat mitjana," pp. 264-66. Valls, se fasia Comuna, y Vulgar als forasters." (For I write solely for the natives of
50. Diplomatari de la Vall d'Andorra, segle XlY, nos. 21, 25, 57 (1: 51-52, 62-65, the Valleys . . . moreover this work must remain in manuscript, in one, two, or three
151-59). copies in its [Andorra's] archives . . . it would not be a good thing for the science of
51. Fiter i Rossell, Manual digest (written 1748), prologue to book 6, p. 487. government, political organization, economy, and the rulership of the Valleys to be
52. Belinguer, La condition juridique, pp. 170-73. common and public knowledge among foreigners.) T hese instructions were followed
53. Ibid., p. 170. T he French government has intervened, but as co-prince (the until 1987. T he publication of the Manuel digest in that year, its distribution to every
king of France and president of the Republic having succeeded the count of Foix). Andorran household, and its availability to foreigners marked a step toward chang­
54. Cartulari de la Vall d'Andorra, segles IX-XIII, no. 1 (1: 89-90). T hat Charle­ ing the constitution and international status of Andorra.
magne founded Andorra was still accepted in the nineteenth century; see, e.g., Rous­ 67. Constitucio del Principat d'Andorra (Andorra, 1993). Before this, Andorra was
sillon, De l'Andorre; Chevalier, La Republique d'Andorre, p. 5; Boucoiran, Ariege, An­ held to be incapable of diplomatic representation and could not of its own accord
dorre et Catalogne, p. 171. make legislation or conclude treaties (Belinguer, La conditionjuridique, pp. 221-28).
55. Fiter i Rossell, Manual digest, pp. 84-86. 68. Frisch, Andorra.
56. Riberaygna Argelich, Los Valles de Andorra, p. 30: 69. McPhee, La Place de la Concorde Suisse.
70. Dettwiler, William Tell, pp. 54-55.
El gran Carlemany mon Pare, 71. Bergier, Guillaume Tell, p. 9. On the Tell legend see also the recent article by
Deis Alarbs me deslliura Head, "William Tell and His Comrades," which concerns the absence of images of
fraternity (as opposed to images of comradeship) in the early Swiss self-conception.
Sols resto l' unica filla 72. Hughes, Switzerland, p. 20.
Del Imperi Carlemany 73. See P. Blickle, "Das Gesetz der Eidgenossen."
Creient i lliure onse segles 74. "Zwei Flugschriften aus der Zeit Maximilians I," v. 86 (p. 169): "Denn sy
Creient i lliure vull ser. wolten herschafft frey leben." Vv. 100-101 (p. 170): "Dann sy wolten sein gar nie­
57. Psalm 82:n, "Who perished at Endor: and became as dung for the earth." mands knecht, / Seiber herr wolten sy bleiben."
Fiter i Rossell, Manual digest, pp. 25-29, accepts this as a possibility, noting that Saint 75. Martini, Das Bauerntum, pp. 302-10.
Jerome said Endor was the site of a castle built in preparation for war, and that others 76. T his point is made by Weishaupt in his Bauern, Hirten und "frume edle
have said it was a redoubt for a refuge from infidel attacks. Charlemagne, Fiter notes, puren, "pp. 150-65.
was well acquainted with Scripture. 77. W hat follows is largely based on Bergier, Guillaume Tell, pp. 15-22, 57-79.
58. "Ha seguit la Seca, la Mecca, i la Vall d'Andorra." First found in the Spill by 78. Das �isse Buch von Sarnen, pp. 14-19.
Jaume Roig (written between 1455 and 1462), cited in Gran geografia comarcal de 79. Das Lied von der Entstehung, pp. 34-50; Das Urner Tel/spiel, pp. 70-99. Other
Catalunya 16: 288. sources before 1580 are listed in Head, "William Tell and His Comrades," p. 528 n. 2.
59. Sahlins, Boundaries, pp. 16-17. 80. Aegidius Tschudi, Chronicon Helveticum 1: 451-55 (for the year 1307).
60. Wickham, The Mountains and the City, pp. 360-65. 81. Das Urner Tel/spiel, p. 82:
Notes to Chapter 8 368 Notes to Chapter 8 369

Niit, nilt, T hell, du must dran die hie lebent in disem zytt
Dann kein gnad solt an mir han! so ir kein herren wend han
Ich wil mich an iich buren rechen lugend nun, vnnd land nit darvon.
V nd solt iich das herz im lyb zerbrechen. 100. An die Versammlung gemeiner Bauernschaft, p. n8.
Translated in Head, "William Tell and His Comrades," p. 542. IOI. Ibid., p. 87.

82. T his story appears in The White Book ofSarnen, the Urner Tellspiel and else­ 102. Brady, Turning Swiss, pp. 34-42.
where (see Head, "William Tell and His Comrades," pp. 534-36). 103. Die historischen Volkslieder, no. 81 (1: 393). See also no. 79 (1: 386), another
83. An insult to a woman by a lecherous officer was also the legendary cause of pro-Austrian song from the same era in which the Swiss are "heathen'' (haiden), and
the Sicilian Vespers of 1282 (Fentress and Wickham, Social Memory, pp. 176-79). no. 231 (2: 491), a song of 1503 against the Swiss campaigns in Bellinzona (Ticino)
84. See above, Chapter 5, pp. n4-15. (the Swiss as verleugneten Christen).
85. Rothkrug, "Icon and Ideology," pp. 43-45. 104. Die historischen Volkslieder, no. 80 (1: 389-91).
86. E.g., Die historischen Volkslieder, vol. 1, nos. 34, 80, 83; vol. 2, nos. 130, 197.
0 105. P. Blickle, "Das gesetz der Eidgenossen," p. 584.
87. Marchal, "Die Antwort der Bauern," pp. 759-60. 106. Examples in Marchal, "Die Antwort der Bauern," pp. 768-69 n. 37.
88. Hemmerli, De nobilitate et rusticitate, cap. 33, fol. 131v: "Est plebs que non 107. Die historischen Volkslieder, no. 144 (2: 102).
plebs, gens que non gens, qui/ Non homines dici sed fera monstra queunt." 108. Ibid., no. 34 (1: 134):
89. Ibid., cap. 33, fols. 13or-13ov.
Herzog Lupolt von Oesterrich
90. Ibid., fol. 129v-13or, where the men are like women and the women like
was gar ein freidig man
men: "quemadmodum in hermafrodita mysterium perturbent." T he men are possi­
keins guten rats belud er sich,
bly also given to intercourse with their animals.
91. "Zwei Flugschriften aus der Zeit Maximilians I," vv. 100-n2 (p. 170), vv. wolt mit den puren schlan,
he gar furstlich wolt ers wagen:
459-71 (pp. 180-81).
do er an die buren kam,
92. Ibid., vv. 175-76 (p. 172): "Die sweitzer hab ich dem tiircken gleicht,/ wyt
von seiner art der schweitzer weicht." hands in zetod erschlagen.
93· Marchal, "Die Antwort der Bauern," p. 757; Brady, Turning Swiss, p. 58. On 109. Ibid., no. 34 (1: 125): "die Schwitzer wend wir zwingen/ und inen ein herren
the Swabian War see Brady, pp. 57-72. geben." (We will master the Swiss and give them a lord.)
94. Brady, Turning Swiss, especially pp. 34-42. no. For example, Die historischen Volkslieder, no. 210 (2: 422), a song from 1499,
95. From Jacob Unrest, Osterreichische Chronik, in Quellen zur Geschichte des written during the Swabian War:
Bauernkrieges, ed. Franz, no. 3, p. 21. Discussed by Algazi, Herrengewalt, pp. 74-78.
96. "Zwei Flugschriften aus der Zeit Maximilians I," vv. 225-26 (p. 174): "Den Es lit ein tiefer grab bi Hard,
buntschuh auff alien erden,/ Das wir auch all frey mochten werden." dar in vil Schwaben getoufet ward,
97. Quoted in Brady, Turning Swiss, p. 35. des kamend si in truren!
98. Quoted and translated in Head, "William Tell and His Comrades," p. 540: der bar der touft si nach siner art,
menger Schwizer da ir goti ward,
edelliit sind buren worden si schrilwend: "was boser puren!"
vnnd die buren edelliit
III. Ibid., no. 93 (1: 284-88, 433), from 1450, a song about the Markgrafenkrieg:
Aber die Schwizer sind die rechten edelliit: und schrein: "heut mussens unser eigen sein!"
ir tugent inen den adel voruss gitt.
99. Ibid.: Tauss ess kan niemants abgeweisen,
so nemen die Sweizer niemant gefangen,
weger wers, frisch erschlagen darumb last uns von hinnen wenden,
weder allso ein grosses ioch tragen. der grimmig zorn hat sie durchgangen,
darumb sind ir die gliickhafftigisten lilt sie werden den adel hie morden und schenden.
Notes to Chapter 8 370 Notes to Chapter 8 371

English translation from Brady, Turning Swiss, p. 36. wi willen darumme wagen hals und gut
u2. Die historischen Volkslieder, no. 93 (1: 429). und willen dat gar ummekeren.
u3. Examples are cited in Marchal, "Die Antwort der Bauern," pp. 772-73. Wi willen darumme wagen goet und bloet
u4. Ibid., pp. 766-75. und willen dar alle umme sterven,
u5. Die historischen Volkslieder, no. 197 (2: 373): er dat der Holsten er avermoet
Schand schand si allen fi.irsten so scholde unse schone lant vorderven."
von got und der welt geseit, (T hen spoke Roleffs Bojeken's son,
class sie nit wil dirsten, the best in our land: come hither you
zu beschirmen die cristenheit, proud Dithmarschers! We shall cast
und nit weren die schande, off our grief, for what hands have
die der Turk alltag tut built, hands can destroy. T he Dith­
so vii in tutschem lande marschers respond loudly, "We will
und an dem cristen blut! suffer now and nevermore, for this we
(Shame, shame upon all princes will risk life and possessions and will
who go against [?] God and the not turn back. We would rather sacri­
world, that they refuse to bestir fice goods and blood and all die than
themselves to protect Christen­ that the Holsteiners' arrogance should
dom, doing nothing to oppose ruin our beautiful land.")
the many shameful acts com­ 122. Quellen zur Geschichte des deutschen Bauernstandes, no. 213, p. 542.
mitted every day by the Turks in 123. On this event, see Lammers, Die Schlacht bei Hemmingstedt.
German lands and against the 124. Fontane, "Der Tag von Hemmingsted," in his Gedichte 1: 179-85; Bartels,
blood of Christians.) Die Dithmarscher.
u6. Martini, Das Bauerntum, pp. 319-21. 125. Die historischen Volkslieder, no. 219 (2: 454) (also in Neocorus, Chronik des
u7. See above, note 24 for this chapter. On this region and its culture see Lam­ Landes Dithmarschen 1: 522):
mers, "Nordelbische Mentalitatsstudien." De sik jegen Ditmerschen setten will,
u8. On the Stedingen Revolt, see Kohn, "Freiheit als Forderung," pp. 325-34. de stelle sik wol tor were:
u9. Lammers, Die Schlacht bei Hemmingstedt, pp. 46-56; Urban, Dithmarschen, Ditmerschen dat scholen buren sin,
pp. 26-28; Franz, Geschichte des deutschen Bauernstandes, pp. 92-95. it mogen wol wesen heren!
120. T he documents are collected in Urkundenbuch zur Geschichte des Landes
Dithmarschen, especially nos. 26, 28-30, 32-33, 46-47 (pp. 31-85). 126. Die historischen Volkslieder, no. 215 (2: 446): "Dar hest so manich stolt edel­
121. Die historischen Volkslieder, no. 45 (1: 216); also in Quellen zur Geschichte des man I syn levent umb vorlaren."
deutschen Bauernstandes, no. 197 (p. 502): 127. Ibid., no. 216 (2: 447) (also in Neocorus, Chronik des Landes Dithmarschen
2: 561):
Do sprack sick Roleffs Bojeken sone,
de beste in unsem lande: se [the Danish army] repen: "wolan, gi ditmarschen buren
gi moten (noch alle) van avende sterven!"
"Tredet herto, gi stolten Ditmarschen!
unsen kummer wille wi wreken,
"nu help, Maria du maged rein,
wat hendeken gebuwet haen,
wi laven di mit gantser truwen:
dat konnen wol hendken tobreken."
beholden wi nu de averhand,
De Ditmarschen repen averlut: ein kloster willen wi di buwen!"
"Dat lide wi nu und nummermere,
Notes to Chapter 8 372 Notes to Chapter 9 373

Ein crucifix hadden se all mit gebracht, Vele Fursten hir nu enjegen doet
dar sik de garde so ser verschrak: Vorgeten ahne Nodt Christen-Bloet
an einer korten ure Se scholden up de Unchristen schlaen,
der garde blef soven dusent dod So sprikt nun de gemeine Man.
dat dede god dorch Ditmarsche buren! (T hey also had little fear of Almighty

(T he Danish army says: "Beware,you God,and thus held many saints up to

Dithmarscher peasants.You will all be mockery.T hey taunted,"O peasant,
dead by evening." ..."Now help,Maria, powerless little dwarf,don't entrust your­
pure maid,we adore you with all our self now to the saints.I will slay you like
faith.Give to us the victory and we will a dog....Many princes then hunted
build you a church." ...T hey had them down thus,needlessly forgetting
brought with them a crucifix before the blood of Christ.T hey ought to strike
which the Danish troops were so fright­ down the infidels,so says now the com­
ened; in a brief hour the Danes left seven mon man!)
thousand dead.T his is what God did
See also Lammers,Die Schlacht bei Hemmingstedt, pp.67-68.
through the Dithmarschen peasants!) 131. Neocorus, Chronik des Landes Dithmarschen 1: 465.Translation from Urban,
128. Neocorus, Chronik des Landes Dithmarschen 1: 503: Dithmarschen, p.n2.

In unsen Dagen dit Wunder is geboert,

Dat in velen Olderen nicht is gehort
Chapter 9
Dat Heren unde Knechte,in velen Striden vorfaren, 1. London,Lambeth Palace Library,MS 441,fol.3v (to Hosea 1:4).
So wunderliken hebben den Sege vorlaren.
2. Ibid.,fol.41v (to Amos 4:9).
Nu iss dit gescheen dorch Gadess Raedt, 3. T his question is explored in Pagden, Fall ofNatural Man. For the medieval
All were wi denne noch so quaet, background to this debate,see Muldoon,Popes, Lawyers and Infidels.
Ein Iderman schal sick sulven tuchten, 4. See James C.Scott,Domination, pp. 162-66. For the figure of the trickster in
So dorve wi des Dodes nicht fruchten. Africa and among African Americans, see Gates, Signifying Monkey, pp. 3-88; and
C£ the twelfth-century poem Eupolemius (cited above in note 32 for this chapter),in Levine,Black Culture, pp.m-16.
_ 5. Harris, Complete Tales of Uncle Remus. For James Scott's discussion of the " hid­
wh ich Seon mocks his peasant enemies as half-men who once were afraid of the
knights. Sother responds, "let our deeds astound you," and kills Seon with a dart den transcript," see his Domination and the Arts ofResistance.
through the throat. 6. "Versus de Uniboue." See also Martini,Das Bauerntum, pp.6-10.
In Serbia,the early-nineteenth-century uprising against the Turks was regarded 7. Chretien de Troyes,Eric et Enide, vv. 1-3 (p. 1): "Li vilains dit a son respit /
as a marvel made possible by peasants who shed blood for the Cross (Halpern Ser- que tel chose a l'an an despit / qui mult valt mialz l'an ne cuide."
' 8. Chretien de Troyes, Le chevalier de la charrete, vv.6502-3 (p. 198): "Li vilains
bian Village, pp.28-29).
129. Neocorus, Chronik des Landes Dithmarschen 1: 515. dit bien voir qu'a poinne / puet an mes un ami trover."
130. Ibid.,p.516: 9. Le Roman de Thebes, vv. 8579-80 (2: 79): "Li vilains dit: 'Qui glaive fet / sanz
dotance a glaive revet."' See also the editor's note to this passage (2: 156).
Sie fruch teden ock weinig den allmechtigen Gott, IO. Darnton,"Peasants Tell Tales."
So heelden ein Deel der Hilligen vor Spott, 11. Marie de France,Les lais, p.157.
Se reepen: "o Buer,amechtiger Wicht 12. Wace,Le Roman de Brut, vv. 4409-14 (p.236):
Vorlath di nu up de Hilligen nicht,
De Kele schall di aff in dusser Stundt, Mal faire pur pis remaneir,
Ick wil di morden alss einen Hundt " <;o tient li vilains a saveir;
E un mal deit I'on bien suffrir
Notes to Chapter 9 374 Notes to Chapter 9 375

Pur sun cors de peior guarir; of Stanford University, is a commentary on the Psalms in Vatican City, Biblioteca
E pur sun enemi plaissier Apostolica, MS Ottobbon. 228, fol. 16or, to Psalm 104:n: "Dicens, Tibi dabo terram
Se deit l' on alques damagier. Canaan. . . . Similiter in futuro Chanaan, mali et viles eicientur a regno celorum, se­
(To do evil to prevent cundum illud, Maledictus Chanaan, servus sit fratrum suorum. In celis non erit aliquis
something worse, thus the servus, secundum illud, in regno autem omnes erunt filii, nullus servus."
vilain teaches us; one
18. Nouveau Recueil comp/et des fabliaux, no. 13 (2: 3n-47). Described in Jonin,
must suffer pain in order "La revision d'un topos," pp. 182-83.
to cure the body of some­ 19. Hiigli, Der deutsche Bauer im Mittelalter, pp. n3-15; Martini, Das Bauerntum,
thing worse; to hurt an pp. 169-78.
enemy one must accept 20. Li proverbe au vilain. Die Sprichworter. On this and related collections see
some damage to oneself) Rattunde, Li proverbes au vilain: Untersuchungen.
21. Li proverbe au vilain. Die Sprichworter, no. 52, pp. 23-24:
13. Philippe de Thaon, Comput, vv. 131-38 (p. 6):
Povres touz tens laboure,
c;oe dit en repruver Pense et travaille et ploure,
Li vilain al buver: Onques de cuer ne rit;
La pirre reuelette Li riches rit et chante,
Criet de la charette; De grant chose se vante,
Mult est la pume dure De prou ii est petit
Qui unques ne malire; Touz se fait lie, qui auques a,
La verge est a preiser ce dit li vilains.
Qui se lest pleier.
22. Hartmann von Aue, Gregorius, der "gute Sunder."
(Thus says the vilain 23. On this story see the resume by Simon Keynes and Michael Lapidge in their
to the cowherd by way translation of primary materials about Alfred: Alfred the Great, pp. 197-206.
of reproach: the worst 24. Hartmann von Aue, Der arme Heinrich.
wheel of the cart is the 25. The story is given in Theodore Kantzow, Chronik von Pommern (written ca.
noisiest; it is the hard 1536), excerpted in Quellen zur Geschichte des deutschen Bauernstandes, no. 243, pp.
apple that never 602-4.
ripens; the stick that 26. For what follows concerning Bohemia I am very grateful for the help given
lets itself be bent is to to me by Lisa Wolverton, of Harvard University.
be praised.) 27. The story of Premysl is even more similar to Plutarch's account of the depo­
14. Wace, Le Roman de Brut, vv. 6101-2 (1: 325): "N'aveit fors la vilanaille, / Ki sition of Paphos, king of Cyprus, by Alexander the Great. The new ruler chosen by
n'aveit cure de bataille." (There were none save the mob of vilains, who were not in­ Alexander was a market-gardener, sole survivor of the legitimate dynasty. The parallel
terested in battle.) Shortly after this passage the vilains are said to be like mad dogs, is noted in Krappe, "La legende de Libuse," p. 87.
turbulent and pointlessly violent, in contrast to the virtuous rustics, the "povre gent" 28. Cosmas, Chronicae Bohemorum 1.3-7 (MGH Scriptores rerum germani­
and "paisanz," vv. 6131-38 (1: 326). carum, n.s. 2, pp. 5-17).
Le Roman de T�ebes, vv. 3045-46 (1: 95): "Malyages, mout ies vilains, / N'ies pas 29. On this legend see Graus, "Kirchliche und heidnische Komponenten"; and
de harde:Uent certems. I Malement veus toi foi menti." (Meleager, you're like a vi­ idem, Lebendige Vergangenheit, pp. 89-109.
_ 30. Legenda Christiani. See also Ludvikovskj, "La legende du prince-laboureur
lam; you re not very bold, that's for certain. You wickedly go back on your word.)
15. As noted by Margetts, "Das Bauerntum in der Literatur," pp. 155-57. Premysl." Material on Wenceslas has been translated from Slavonic and Latin sources
16. Nouveau Recueil complet desfabliaux, no. 39 (5: 8-38). Discussed in Jonin, "La in Kantor, Origins ofChristianity in Bohemia.
revision d'un topos," p. 183. 31. Graus, "Kirchliche und heidnische Komponenten," pp. 157-60.
17. An example of this commonplace, for which I am indebted to Philippe Bue, 32. Graus, Lebendige Vergangenheit, pp. 173-76.
Notes to Chapter 9 376 Notes to Chapter 9 377

33. Burdach, Der Dichter des Ackermann aus Bohmen 3: 109-n. 46. Ibid., pp. 127, 142.
34. Klaniczay, "Paradoxes of Royal Sainthood," p. 366. 47. Quellen zur Geschichte des deutschen Bauernstandes, no. 177, p. 465: "Da viir
35. Graus, "Kirchliche und heidnische Komponenten," p. 160. lob ich den Buman, der alle Werlt nern kan. Er lat sin Pfluoc umb strichen, wer mac
36. Ibid., p. 157. sich im gelkhen? . . . Also der Buren Armuot ist bezzer dan ir Richen."
37. Other recollections of the origin of the dynasty during the succession crisis 48. Quellen zur Geschichte des deutschen Bauernstandes, no. 178, pp. 465-66: "Ich
of 1306-10 are cited in Burdach, Der Dichter der Ackermann aus Bohmen 1: 38-46. weis einen den aller hochsten Frunt Gotz, der ist alle sine Tage ein Ackerman gewe­
38. On peasant ancestors see Krappe, "La legende de Libuse," pp. 86r89; and sen, me denne vierzig Jor und noch ist. Und er fragte einest unsern Herren, ob er
Banaszkiewicz, "Konigliche Karrieren." On coronation rituals, see Gieysztor, "Ges­ wolte, das er das begebe und in die Kilchen gienge sitzen. Do sprach er: nein, er en­
ture in the Coronation Ceremonies," p. 157; and Ranke, ''Agrarische und bauerliche solt es nut tiln; er solte sin Brot mit sinem Sweisse gewinnen sinem edelen turen
Denk- und Verhaltensweisen," pp. 210-n. None of this association with rusticity was Bliite ze eren." (I know a most honorable friend of God, who has been a plowman
at all incompatible with images of royal sanctity; see Klaniczay, "Paradoxes of Royal all his days, forty years and more, and still is such. And he once asked Our Lord if
Sainthood." He wished that he should betake himself to attend the church. He [Christ] replied
39. Werminghoff, "Die Quaternionen der deutschen Reichsverfassung," p. 293, that he should not do so. Rather should he earn his bread with his sweat and in this
cited in Martini, Das Bauerntum, p. 229. On German "holy cities" in general, see fashion honor His [Christ's] precious blood.)
Haverkamp, "'Heilige Stadte' im hohen Mittelalter." 49. Hans Rosenpliit, "Der Bauern Lob," in Der Bauer im deutschen Liede, pp.
40. Epperlein, Der Bauer im Bild des Mittelalters, p. 139; Radbruch and Rad­ 109-12; also in Quellen zur Geschichte des deutschen Bauernstandes, no. 217, pp.
bruch, Der deutsche Bauernstand, pp. 59-60 and plate 12. 549-52. ..
41. Cited in Martini, Das Bauerntum, p. 229: "Want gelijch als van dem Edelen 50. "Der Bauernlob" ("Das Gedicht vom ersten Edelman"), in Tettau, "Uber
ackerman alle staede geystlich ind ouch wertlich gevoit und gespijset werden, so doet einige bis jetzt unbekannte Erfurter Drucke," p. 321:
ouch got der vader, der allit dat levende is in hemel und in erde spijset." (For since all
estates, temporal and spiritual, are fed and nourished by the noble plowman, so also So ist denn och kein Fiirst so lobeleich,
der sich dem Paurn mag gleich
God the Father nourishes all the living in heaven and on earth.)
42. Hagen, Reimchronik der Stadt Coln, vv. 1291-94 (p. 44): Der Paur ist wol ein Edelman,
wer das rechtlich erkennen kann.
so wist dar weder, dat neyt so suyr Wann alles, das in der werlt lebt,
in is, as van arde ein gebuyr, alles nach des Paurn arbeit strebt.
wan e dat hie up stigende is,
hie is gijr ind valsch, des sijt gewijs. 51. Ibid., p. 325:

(You should know that there is Es wer gut das mancher ein Paur blib,
nothing so unpleasant ["sour"] as is vii grosser silnd er vermid,
the nature of a peasant, for when Die sunst all werden volpracht,
he attempts to rise to a higher sta­ bey tag und auch bey nacht,
tion he is greedy and false, be sure Mit miissig geen, trincken und mit essen;
of that.) darmit wirt got des Herren vergessen.
Die Paurn kumen gen kirchen selten,
I am grateful to Geert Claassens, of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, for his gen­ doch lest sichs got nit entgelten;
erous help in interpreting these lines. Filr ir arbeit gibt er yn lon,
43. On Joan and her image, see Warner, Joan ofArc; and Wood, Joan ofArc, gesunden leib und die ewige kron.
pp. 125-51.
44. Although commonly imagined as tending sheep in Domremy, Joan was 52. Virgil, Georgics, no. 2, vv. 458-74, trans. Fairclough (LCL 63, p. 149).
quite concerned to emphasize at her trial that she never herded animals of any sort 53. Horace, Odes and Epodes, no. 2, trans. Bennett (LCL 33, p. 365).
(Wood, Joan ofArc, p. 132). 54. Cited in Owst, Literature and Pulpit, p. 571.
45. Grandeau, Jeanne insultee. 55. Petrarch, De remediis, bk. 1, no. 57 (1: 53), "De fertilitate terrae." T he Virgilian
Notes to Chapter 9 378 Notes to Chapter 9 379

reference to justice and the rustics appears again in the remedies for misfortune and is Leident sy es gedultlichleiche
immediately followed by the statement that the first man born of human seed {Cain) Die armuet ist ir vech fewer,
was a farmer and a parricide (see above, Chapter 4, note 34). Es were in schade, wer sy in tewer.
56. Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, "The Clerk's Tale," vv. 199-203: Es ist ein zaichen das sy sint
Die aus erwelten Gotes chint
Ther stood a throp [hamlet], of site delitable, Dew Got im selwen haben wil;
In which that povre folk of that village Durch das muessen sy vii
Hadden hir bestes and hir herbergage, Hie churner leiden und arbait.
And of hir labour took hir sustenance Der Gotes sun auch <lurch sy leit
After that th' erthe yaf hem habundance. Angst und not ein miechel tail.
57. Specht, Poetry and the Iconography ofthe Peasant, p. 58. Armuet ist der selen hail.
58. Merlini, Satira contro ii villano, pp. 46-47. (They must suffer patiently,
59. Lactantius, Divinae institutiones 7.1.19, cited in Schreiner, "Zur biblischen poverty is their hell, but through
Legitimation des Adels," p. 322. this pain they become worthy. It
60. Honorius Augustodunensis, Elucidarium 2.61, (p. 429). is a sign that they are God's cho­
61. Owst, Literature and Pulpit, p. 574. sen children, whom God himself
62. See above, Chapter 3, p. 78. wants to have. Through this they
63. Augustine, Confessiones 8.8. must suffer many hurts and work.
64. Jerome, Epistola 52, chap. 9 (CSEL 54, p. 431): "Nee rusticus et tantum sim­ God's Son also suffered, because
plex frater ideo se sanctum putet, si nihil nouerit, nee peritus et eloquens in lingua of them, fear and need in great
aestimet sanctitatem. Multoque melius est e duobus inperfectis rusticitatem sanctam measure. Poverty is the salvation
habere quam eloquentiam peccatricem." Medieval examples of sancta rusticitas ap­ of the soul.)
plied literally to the peasantry include lines from the twelfth-century poem "De di­
69. Hugo von Trimberg, Der Renner, vv. 3807-10 {BLVS 247, 1: 157):
versis ordinibus hominum," formerly attributed to Walter Map: "Ruralis conditio
merito laudatur; / nam sancta rusticitas jure veneratur" {Map, Latin Poems Com­ Swer rich wil werden in himelriche,
monly Attributed to Walter Mapes, p. 235). Der lebe uf erden jemerlkhe
Felix Hemmerli denied that Jerome or Augustine meant anything favorable about Und ahte niht vii ob man in smehe,
the rustics of their time. Answering the peasant's citations, the knight exclaims: "O Wil er sich ewiger froude nehe.
sancta rusticitas per te fraudulenter allegata'' {Hemmerli, De nobilitate et rusticitate,
cap. 2, fol. 7V). {He who desires wealth in heaven
should live wretchedly on earth,
For the use of Jerome's formulation by the fifteenth-century Carthusian Werner
and not take account of his mis­
Rolevinck, see below, note 140 for this chapter.
65. P. Brown, "Relics and Social Status," pp. 230-33; idem, Cult ofthe Saints, pp. treatment if he hopes to approach
eternal joy.)
119-20; Kobler, '"Bauer' (agricola, colunus, rusticus) im Friihmittelalter," especially p.
240. But Gregory of Tours also referred to the individual rusticus with favor; see be­ 70. Owst, Literature and Pulpit, p. 574.
low, note 89 for this chapter. 71. Honorius Augustodunensis, Elucidarium 2.61 (p. 429): "D.-Quid de agrico­
66. Martin of Braga, "De correctione rusticorum." lis? M.-Ex magna parte salvantur, quia simpliciter vivunt et populum Dei suo sudore
67. Drei deutsche Minoritenprediger, p. 88: "Quintum genus per quintum filium pascant, ut dicitur: 'Labores manuum suarum qui manducant beati sunt' [Psalm 127,
figuratur, ut sunt agricole, qui tam dilecti filii dei sunt tum propter laborem contin­ 2]." Shortly before this passage, Honorius has the Master observe that the vast major­
uum, qui deo placet, tum propter oppressionem, qua a dominis opprimuntur in­ ity of knights, however, are damned since they live off of plundering and destruction.
iuste." See also Martini, Das Bauerntum, p. 113. The wrath of God will fall upon them (Psalm 72:30), he says at 2.54 {p. 427).
68. Heinrich von Burgus, Der Seele Rat, vv. 2791-828 {pp. 53-54), 1::sp. vv. 72. Honorius Augustodunensis, Speculum Ecclesie-Sermo Genera/is in PL 172:
2791-801: 866-67.
Notes to Chapter 9 380 Notes to Chapter 9 381

73. Honorius Augustodunensis, Imago mundi 3.1 (p. 125). 84. Buch der Rugen, vv. 1439-1603 (pp. 86-88).
74. A similar belief that peasants are more likely than other laymen to be re­ 85. Peter of Blois, De Hierosolymitana peregrinatione acceleranda, in PL 207: 1069,
deemed, but with the simultaneous evaluation of labor as suffering in expiation of cited in Mollat, Poor in the Middle Ages, pp. 73-74.
Adam's sin, is found in sermons of Humbert of Romans, discussed in van den 86. Raymond de Aguylhers, Historia Francorum, pp. 253-55.
Hoven, \:%rk in Ancient and Medieval Thought, pp. 235-37. 87. Jacques de Vi try, Exempla or Illustrative Stories, no. 108, p. 50.
75. Etienne de Fougeres, Le Livre des manieres, vv. 705-12 (p. 85). See above, 88. On the implications and use of this passage, see Schreiner, "Zur biblischen
Chapter 4- Legitimation des Adels."
76. Berthold von Regensburg, Vollstiindige Ausgabe seiner Predigten 1: 14: "Si:t er 89. Gregory of Tours, Vitae patrum 5 (MGH Scriptores rerum Merovingicarum
dir nu ein niderez hat gegeben, so soltt1 dich ouch nideren unde demileten durch got 1, p. 667): "Praefecit enim de hac mundane aegrestate in caelo, quo scandere non po­
mit dinem amte, so wil er dir oben uf dem himel ein vil hohez amt geben." (Since tuit terrenum imperium, ut accedit illuc rusticus, quo accedere non meruit purpura­
he has given you now a low place, you should also lower and humble yourself before tus." While Gregory often uses rusticitas to mean lack of reverence, here the rusticus is
God in your station, so will he give you a much higher place in heaven.) clearly a humble country-dweller if not a person of very precise status; c£ Martin of
77. Ibid., p. 358: "Da was im der acker alse liep, diu heilige kirstenheit, daz er in Braga, "De correctione rusticorum."
nieman wolte lazen buwen, und er hat den pfluoc selber gehabt aller engele herre. 90. Hrabanus Maurus, carmina II, vv. 37-40; carmina 14, vv. 13-14 (MGH Po­
Ein pfluoc muoz von isin und von holz sin; also was daz heilige kruize von holze, etae Latini aevi Carolini 2, pp. 174, 177), cited in Bosl, "Potens und Pauper," p. 121.
unde von isin die nagele, die im da giengen durch hende unde durch fileze, und also 91. MGH Poetae Latini aevi Carolini, vol. 4, fascicle 2, p. 536, cited in Bosl,
habte er den pfluoc, unze er den tot dar an nam." (So dear to Him was the field, 0 "Potens und Pauper," p. 127:
Holy Christianity, that he did not wish for anyone else to work it. He put His own
Gaudent potentes dum adquirunt munera,
hand to the plow, the Lord of all the angels. A plow must be made of iron and wood;
Mendici dolent prae famis inopia,
thus also was the holy cross made of wood while the nails, that went through His
Post finem vero divites in tartara,
hands and feet, were of iron. T hus He took up the plow until He assumed death.)
Qui consumserunt orfanorum lacrimas,
78. Schonbach, Studien zur Geschichte, Sitzungsberichte 155, pp. 53, 89; Sitzungs­
Pauperi autem pergant ad sublimia.
berichte 154, p. 122.
79. Drei deutsche Minoritenprediger, p. 90: "[rustici] qui frumenta laborant, estu 92. Gautier de Coincy, "De la misere d'homme et de femme," cited in Batany,
uruntur, gelu frigent, de quorum laboribus uiuit omnis populus; [si] cauerent isti de "Les pauvres et la pauvrete," pp. 479-80.
furto, mendacio, periurio et his similibus, sancti fierent." P. 92: "Quantum ue sit eis 93. Paris, Bibliotheque National, MS Frans;ais u48, fols. 1r-1v.
in laboribus! Utinam non peccarent in ebrietate, periurio, mendacio et turpitudine 94. Ibid., fols. 33v-34r: "Et pourtant mes biaux laboureurs et mes biaux amys, je
uerborum. Vere beati fierent." vous prye et vous conseille que continuellement labourez . . . car vous estes en la voye
80. Ibid., p. 89. pour saillir le plustost et le plus ligerement de ce miserable monde au royaulme des
81. Cited in Batany, "1:-,es pauvres et la pauvrete," pp. 478-79. cieulx." (However, my good laborers and friends, I pray and counsel you that you la­
82. Juan Manuel, Libro de los estados 1.98 (pp. 204-5). bor unceasingly . . . for you are on the way to leave earliest and most easily this mis­
83. Poesia critica y satirica def siglo XV, p. 59: erable world for the kingdom of heaven.)
95. Schonbach, Studien zur Geschichte, Sitzungsberichte 155, p. 53.
Si vuestro trabajo foe siempre sin arte, 96. Vauchez, La saintete en occident, pp. 324-26. See also Coulton, Medieval Vil-
non faziendo surco en la tierra ajena lage, pp. 239, 241, 253, 526-27; Gurevich, Medieval Popular Culture, pp. 39-77.
en la gloria eternal habredes gran parte, 97. Tazbir, "Cult of St. Isidore," p. 99, citing Sorokin's Altruistic Love.
e por el contrario sufriredes pena.
98. Weinstein and Bell, Saints and Society, table on p. 197.
(If your labor is always performed 99. Vauchez, La saintete en occident, pp. 209-10; Klaniczay, "Paradoxes of Royal
without deception, not plowing fur­ Sainthood."
rows in another's land, you will have a 100. A somewhat parallel situation of spiritual privilege without sainthood ex­
great share in the eternal glory, but if isted in Iberia, where no saints at all were canonized between n98 and 1431, a time
not [i.e., if you do not act well), you when the Reconquest was in progress and the Spanish kings enjoyed exceptional
will suffer pain.) prestige and power over their churches, which a grateful papacy did not choose to
Notes to Chapter 9 382 Notes to Chapter 9 383

contest. Vauchez attributes this lack of saints to the hostilities between Aragon-Cat­ Och vollen kasten moechte han
alonia and the papacy during the Albigensian Crusade, but this would hardly explain Nach sinem willen voelleklich.
the entire period, nor would it hold much significance for Castile. (Vauchez, La sain­ (Maria often reflected on why her
tete en occident, pp. 318-24.) It was possible for an entire nation to enjoy high spiritual Son came into this world, alone
status without producing saints. among us so poor, so that the
IOI. Tazbir, "Cult of St. Isidore," pp. 100-101. weight of His death would benefit
102. Cahier, Characteristiques des saints, p. 690; Acta Sanctorum, Oct., 7: no7, all of us. And the withered white
III7, lII9. corn, lost and thrown away, would
103. Tazbir, "Cult of Saint Isidore," pp. 99-103. grow and bear fruit, bestowing
104. Ibid., pp. 107-n. good on us all. And the faithful
105. See above, Chapter I, notes 20-22. peasant thus would provide rich
106. See above, Chapter 1, note 23. fields according to His perfect
107. Barney, "Plowshare of the Tongue," p. 268. John'Cassian (died 435), in his will.)
Collationes, likened the disciplined life of religious contemplation to the endurance
of the plowman in his veritable "frenzy of work," but this analogy appears along with n5. Muskarblur, Lieder, song no. 28, st. 3 (p. 79).
references to other callings that evoke effort and persistence, those of the soldier and n6. Peter Frey, "Vom Edlen Bawman," in Das Ambraser Liederbuch vom Jahre
the merchant. See Kirk, "Langland's Plowman," pp. 10-n. I582, song no. 133, vv. 39-45 (BLVS 12, p. 160):
108. See above, Chapter I, note 86. According to a humerous English monastic
Der keyser solt sich gen dem bawman neigen
text, it was Ham who invented the plow. See Dean, The World Grown Old, p. 133.
als ich im evangelio wil zeigen,
109. Camille, "Labouring for the Lord"; Reiss, "Symbolic Plow and Plowman."
wie denn Chrisms selbs gesprochen hat,
no. Reiss, "Symbolic Plow and Plowman," p. 16.
ich bin ein guter hirt secht an,
III. Berthold von Regensburg, Vollstandige Ausgabe seiner Predigten 1: 358; Bede,
mein vater ist ein ackerman,
In Lucae Evangelium expositio 3.9 (CC 120, p. 213), cited in Reiss, "Symbolic Plow
wir christen sollen kein zweiffel han,
and Plowman," p. 17.
Gott selber sich dem bawman gleichen there.
n2. Mann, Chaucer and Medieval Estates Satire, p. 239 n. 61. Reiss, "Symbolic
Plow and Plowman," p. 16, points out that as early as Clement of Alexandria in the (T he emperor should bow before the peasant;
third century (and frequently thereafter) "the plow" was one of the names or titles and I shall prove by the Gospels that Christ
given to Christ. himself has spoken: Behold, I am a good shep­
n3. Hartmann von Aue, Der arme Heinrich, vv. 775-93 (pp. 45-46), cited in herd, my father is a plowman; we Christians
Reiss, "Symbolic Plow and Plowman," pp. 16-17. should not doubt it, God likened himself to a
n4. Das Marienleben des Schweizers Wernher, vv. 1264r59 (p. 208): peasant. [Gudde, Social Conflicts, p. 108))

Maria die gedacht och vil dar an n7. Reiss, "Symbolic Plow and Plowman," p. 16.
War umb ir sun uf erde kam: n8. See Cheetham, English Medieval Alabasters, illus. 212, p. 285.
Allain umb uns vii armen. n9. T his contradiction or shift is explored by Aers, "Piers Plowman," in his Com­
Die wurdent si erbarmen, muniry, Gender, and Individual ldentiry, pp. 35-72.
So das seines rodes burde 120. References are to A. V. C. Schmidt's edition of the B Text: Langland, The
Uns alien micze wurde Vision of "Piers Plowman. "
Und das erstorben weisen korn, 121. Cited in A. Baldwin, "Historical Context," p. 68.
Sam hin geworfen und verlorn, 122. Kirk, "Langland's Plowman," pp. 1-3.
Mir aller frucht uf gienge, 123. Langland, "Piers Plowman':· The CText, pp. 108-9; Hudson, "Epilogue"; Jus­
Sin mengelich nucz enphienge, tice, Writing and Rebellion, pp. 102-39, 231-51. See below, Chapter n, p. 266.
Und der getruwe human 124. Aers, Chaucer, Langland and the Creative Imagination, pp. 1-37.
125. Aers, "Justice and Wage-Labor," pp. 171-73.
Notes to Chapter 9 384 Notes to Chapter IO 385
126. Aers, Community, Gender, and Individual Identity, pp. 36-48. 149. On Luther and the image of the pious peasant, see ibid., pp. 95-106,
127. Langland, Piers Plowman, B, VII.100-105; C, XIl.194-209; C, XIIl.79-92, 165-76.
all cited in A. Baldwin, "Historical Context," p. 72. 150. Ibid., pp. 176-77.
128. Aers, Community, Gender, and Individual Identity, pp. 54-68. 151. Ibid., p. 97.
129. Kirk, "Langland's Plowman," p. 11. 152. Ibid., pp. II7-25; Scribner, "Images of the Peasant," p. 30; Brackert,
130. Wheatley, "A Selfless Ploughman." Bauernkrieg und Literatur, pp. 30-35.
131. Translated in G. Williams, Burning Tree, pp. 106-II, cited in Kirk, "Lang­ 153. Sider, Andreas von Bodenstein von Karlstadt, p. 137.
land's Plowman," p. 12, and in Holdsworth, "Blessings ofWork," pp. 72-73. 154. Scribner, "Images of the Peasant," pp. 36-37; Radbruch and Radbruch, Der
132. Johannes von Saaz, Der Ackermann aus Bohmen; Johannes von Tepl, Der deutsche Bauernstand, pp. 67-71.
Ackermann; and most recently Johannes de Tepla, Epistola cum Libello Ackerman. T he 155. Packull, "Image of the 'Common Man,"' pp. 262-63.
author was from Tepl (modern Tepla) but served for many years as town clerk of 156. Ibid., pp. 264-67; Scribner, "Images of the Peasant," p. 31.
Saaz, hence the two names. A useful summary of the various points in question con­ 157. See above, note 69 for this chapter.
cerning this work is provided by Hahn, Der Ackermann.
133. T his is the thesis of Hruby, Der "Ackermann" und seine Vorlage. On the text
see Bertau, Die Handschrift Stuttgart, Walshe, "Der Ackermann aus Bohmen"; and Chapter IO
idem, "Some Notes on Der Ackermann aus Bohmen."
1. Usatges de Barcelona, cap. II (us. 3), p. 60: "Rusticus interfectus seu alius homo
134. Martini, Das Bauerntum, pp. 214-19.
qui nullam habet dignitatem, preter quod christianus est, emendetur per .VI. uncias."
135. Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, General Prologue, vv. 529-40. See Horrell,
2. Freedman, Origi,ns ofPeasant Servitude, pp. 86-88.
"Chaucer's Symbolic Plowman."
3. On this subject in general, see Bisson, "Medieval Lordship."
136. Quoted in Uhrig, "Der Bauer in der Publizistik," p. 90.
4. Legislation of the Corts (parliament) of Cervera, 1202, in Les constitucions de
137. See above, Chapter 1, pp. 36-37.
. . pau i treva de Catalunya, p. 127: "Ibidem, eciam inviolabiliter constituit quod si do­
138. See the examples of a capital at Vezelay and stained glass from St. Dems m
mini suos rusticos maletractaverint, vel sua eis abstulerint . . . nullo modo teneantur
Aston, "Corpus Christi and Corpus Regni," pp. 27-31.
domino regi in aliquo, nisi sint de feudo domini regis vel religiosorum locorum." On
139. Described and illustrated in Scribner, "Images of the Peasant," pp. 32-33.
this right of mistreatment and its exercise, see my essay "Catalan /us Maletractandi,"
140. Rolevinck, De regimine rusticorum, pp. 86-90, 144. T hat peasants have
in Freedman, Church, Law, and Society; Martinez, "Violencia sefi.orial.".
knowledge denied by God to the wise is also the theme of a sermon delivered in 1419
5. Li Livre de Justice et de Plet, cited in Anex, Le servage au Pays de Vaud, p. 105.
by Joh-? Zelivsky, a radical Hus�ite pr�acher and political le�der in Prague. _Accord­
6. Beaumanoir, Coutumes de Beauvaisis, chap. 45, par. 1452, trans. Akehurst,
ing to Zelivsky, the learned Pharisees did �ot know why C� nst conso�te� with p�b­ p. 518.
_ ,
licans and sinners (Mark 2:16), but the vilam understood: Ecce mag1str1 autem 1g­
7. M. Bloch, "Blanche de Castile."
noraverunt quare sedit in mensa cum peccatoribus, sed vilani non ignoraver�nt";
8. Vidal Mayor, p. 510.
cited in Kaminsky, History ofthe Hussite Revolution, pp. 275-76 n. 45. On Rolevmck,
9. Ruprecht von Freising, Preisinger Rechtsbuch, chap. 46, p. 52. On the laws of
see Henn, "Der Bauernspiegel desWerner Rolevinck"; and Martini, Das Bauerntum,
Alfred, see Pelteret, Slavery in Early Mediaeval England, p. 84.
pp. 233-37.
. . 10. See the discussion by Bonnassie, "Marc Bloch, Historian of Servitude," in
141. Rolevinck, De regimine rusticorum, pp. 144-45; Mamm, Das Bauerntum,
Bonnassie, From Slavery to Feudalism, pp. 330-34.
p. 234.
II. Ibid., p. 333.
142. Rolevinck, De regimine rusticorum, p. 107.
12. Ordericus Vitalis, Ecclesiastical History 6: 348.
143. Packull, "Image of the 'Common Man,"' pp. 258-60, 267-72.
13. Bisson, "Crisis of the Catalonian Franchises"; Gari, "Las querimoniae
144. Ibid., p. 259.
145. Ibid., p. 260.
14. Bonnassie, La Catalogn e 2: 590.
146. Gruenbeck, Spiegel fol. [5r]. T his does not appear in the Nuremberg 1508
15. Hemmerli, De nobilitate et rusticitate, cap. 32, fol. 124r; Brunner, Land and
Lordship, cited in Bue, L'ambiguite du livre, p. 200.
147. Scribner, "Images of the Peasant," illus. 2 and 3, pp. 31, 34-37.
16. Sivery, "Le Moyen Age a+il connu des communautes rurales silencieuses et
148. Uhrig, "Der Bauer in der Publizistik," pp. 184-88.
Notes to Chapter Io 386 Notes to Chapter IO 387

17. Dyer, Lords and Peasants, pp. 103-6; Hatcher, "English Serfdom and 35. Die Kemptener Leibeigenschaftsrodel.
Villeinage," pp. 22-26. 36. Quellen zur Geschichte des Bauernkrieges, ed. Franz, no. 27, pp. 128-29.
18. Examples in Dyer, "Memories of Freedom," pp. 280-83. 37. W. Muller, "Wurzeln und Bedeutung," pp. 3-4.
19. Freedman, Origins ofPeasant Servitude; P. Blickle, "Peasant Revolts"; William 38. P. Blickle, "Peasant Revolts," p. 232.
Jordan, From Servitude to Freedom. 39. Freedman, Origins ofPeasant Servitude, pp. 179-202.
20. Monuments de l'histoire de l'ancien eveche de Bale 5: 886: "et s'il me plaisait je 40. Berce, "Offene Fragen der franzosischen Bauernrevolten."
te pourroye prendre par le pied et te mener vendre au marche." 41. Cited in Carpenter, "English Peasants in Politics" p. 344.
21. Boureau, Le droit de cuissage, pp. 224-25. 42. Cited in Buszello, Der deutsche Bauernkrieg, p. 17: "nit wie die kye und kolber
22. Schmidt, Ius Primae Noctis. verkouft werden, dieweil wir alle nur ein herren, das ist got den herrn im hymel, habe."
23. Monuments de l'histoire de l'ancien eveche de Bale 5: 887-88; Boureau, Le droit 43. Quellen zur Geschichte des Bauernkrieges, ed. Franz, no. 94, p. 301: "Zu den 8.
de cuissage, p. 164. [i.e., the eighth article of their grievance list] haben sich Geistlich und Weltlich
24. Boureau, Le droit de cuissage, pp. 216-26. fravenlich wider Got aufgeworfen, und sich trotzt gesetzt wider das Ewangeliumb,
25. Ibid., pp. n8-35. Boureau points out, however, that the droit de cuissage never und haben sich des Aigentumb angezogen, das allain Got mit Aigentumb zuegehort,
appears in the fabliaux (pp. 179-80). und die Menschen fur aigen under sich wellen biegen und schmuckhen und bei der
26. Freedman, Origins ofPeasant Servitude, pp. 79-83, 103-10. Nesen in ir Geltnetz wellen ziehen . . . so wellen si mit armen Leudten Gwalt haben
27. El Escorial, Real Biblioteca de San Lorenzo d.II.15, fols. 27r-31v, edited in als ainer uber sein Vieh und noch vii tiranischer."
Hinojosa, El regimen senorial p. 318: " Item, pretenen alguns senyors, que com lo 44. Ibid., no. 27, p. 129.
pages pren muller lo senyor ha de dormir la primera nit ab ella, e en senyal de senyo­ 45. Luther, Freedom ofa Christian, pp. 27r316; idem, Admonition to Peace, pp.
ria, lo vespre que lo pages deu fer noces esser la mullel colgada, ve lo senyor e munte 17-43 (especially the response to the peasants' third article against serfdom, p. 39);
en lo lit pessant de sobre la dit adona, e com ac;o sia infructuos al senyor e gran subi­ and idem, Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes ofPeasants, pp. 49-55.
ugatio al pages mal eximpli e occasio de mal demanen suppliquen totalament esser 46. As pointed out by Kirchner, Luther and the Peasants' �r, p. 26.
lavat." (Item, certain lords claim that when the peasant takes a woman, the lord has 47. Augustine, Quaestiones in Heptateuchum 1.153 (PL 34: 589-90).
to sleep the first night with her, and [or?] as a symbol of lordship, the eve of the wed­ 48. Smaragdus, Via Regia 30 (PL 102: 967-68); Agobard of Lyons, Epistola ad
ding, when the woman is lying in bed, climb into the bed and pass over the said proceres palatii, in PL 104: 177; Jonas of Orleans, De institutione laicali 2.22 (PL 106:
woman. And as this is of no profit to the lord and a great subjugation of the peasant, 213); Atto of Vercelli, Expositio in Epistolas Pauli, chap. 6 (PL 134: 583).
a bad example and occasion for wickedness, they [the peasants] demand and suppli­ 49. Smaragdus, Via regia 30 (PL 102: 968): "Vere obedire debet homo Deo, et
cate its complete removal.) ejus praeceptis, in quantum ille possibilitatem dederit, obedire. Et inter alia praecepta
28. See Wettlaufer, "Jus primae noctis," pp. 246-50. salutaria, et opera recta, propter nimiam illius charitatem unusquisque liberos debet
29. The Sentence of Guadalupe, edited in Vives, Historia de los remensas, p. 342, dimittere servos, considerans quia non illi eos natura subegit, sed culpa; conditione
employs the same wording (this time in Castilian) as the 1462 negotiations: "Ni tam­ enim aequaliter creati sumus, sed aliis alii culpa subacti." Atto of Vercelli, Expositio
poco puedan [i.e., los seniores] la primera noche quel pages prende mujer dormir con in Epistolas Pauli, chap. 6 (PL 134: 583): "non natura, sed iniquitas fecit. Servi enim
ella o en de senyoria la noche de las bodas de que la muger sera echada en la non a Cham, cujus maledictio in Chananaeis impleta est, ex quo reges orti sunt, sed
cama pasar encima de aquella sobre la dicha muger." (Neither have they the right, ab injustitia, et mundi iniquitate facti sunt."
when a peasant takes a wife, to sleep the first night with her, nor, as a sign of lord­ 50. Le livre des serfi de Marmoutier. For a recent discussion of what sorts of per­
ship, to pass over her on her wedding night as she lies in bed.) sons actually gave themselves to the monastery and for what purposes, see Bar­
30. Hinojosa, El regimen senorial app. II, pp. 313-23, especially chap. 6 and chap. thelemy, "Les auto-deditions en servage."
7 (pp. 317-18). 51. Rollason, "Miracles of St. Benedict," pp. 78-79.
31. Barros, "Rito y violaci6n," considers these incidents and complaints evidence 52. Sachsenspiegel Landrecht 3.42.6 (p. 228): "Na rechter warheit so hevet egen­
of a ius primae noctis, but see Boureau's response, Le droit de cuissage, pp. 264-67. scap begin van dwange unde van venknisse under van unrechter gewalt, de men van
32. Cabrera and Moros, Fuenteovejuna. aldere in unrechte gewonheit getogen hevet unde nu vor recht hebben wel." (In ac­
33. Franz, Der deutsche Bauernkrieg, 7th ed., pp. u-13. tual truth serfdom has its origin in coercion and captivity and in unjust force, which
34. German Peasants' �r: A History in Documents, pp. 73-78. in former times were regarded as unjust custom, but now are taken as lawful.)
Notes to Chapter IO 388 Notes to Chapter IO 389
53. Schwabenspiegel Kureform, Landrecht 308 (p.387). diuersis crudeliter mutilasset." I thank Robert Bartlett,of the University of Saint An­
54. On this distinction between relative and absolute natural law,see Bierbrauer, drews,for this reference.
"Das Gottliche Recht," pp.222-26. 64. Sachsenspiegel Landrecht 3.42.1 (p. 223): "Got hevet den man na eme selven
55. Gregory I, Moralia in job 2 1.15.22 (CC 143A, p. 1082): "Omnes namque gebildet uncle hevet ene mit siner martere geledeget,den enen alse den anderen; eme
homines natura aequales sumus....Et cum Noe Dominus filiisque eius diceret: is de arme alse beswas alse de rike."
Crescite et multiplicamini et implete terram, subdidit: Et terror uester ac tremor sit super 65. Schwabenspiegel Kurzform, Landrecht 308 (pp. 383-84): "Got hat den men­
cuncta animalia terrae. Non enim ait: Sit super homines,qui futuri sunt; sed: Sit su­ schen nach im selber gepildet.des sol im der mensch genade hat auch den
per cuncta animalia terrae." C£ Augustine,De civitate Dei 19.15. menschen mit seiner marter von der helle erlost."
56. See above,Chapter 3,note 88. 66. Graus,'"Freiheit' als soziale Forderung," p.420.
57. Sturner,Peccatum und Potestas, pp. 106,II2, 15 1. 67. Cited in Burdach, Der Dichter des Ackermann aus Bohmen 3: 63 n. 1: "ad
58. Oswald of Lasko, Sermones de sanctis, unfoliated, sermon no. 50 (for Saint omnes principes saeculi christianos pertineat cunctum populum Christi sanguine
Ladislas): "O stulticia humana.0 fatuitas maxima appetere dominari quam naturalis praetioso redemptum suis temporibus videre pacatum et debitis libertatibus,quas jus
conditio nostra suadet fugiendam. Nam natura omnes homines equales fecit quam et natura concessit,facere consolatum ...eo quod pasturam tenemus ab eo qui lib­
non preposuit hominem homini nisi per rationis abusum peccando se faciat bru­ ertatis et pacis est princeps ...hujusmodi consuetudinem utpote ...superstitiosam,
tum ...uncle Moral.Non est data homini prelatio ut dominetur hominibus legibus et canonibus et rationi naturali et juri divino,cui per consuetudinem derogari
sed ut presit bestiis terre piscibus maris et volatibus celi." Sermon no.6 1 (On Saint James non potest,contrariam."
the Apostle), to Matthew 20:2 1-22, concerning the dangers of ambition: "natura 68. Brock, Political and Social Doctrines, pp. 63-64; Chelcicky, "O torjim lidu
omnes homines equalis conditionis fecit,non ei fecit unum Adam de auro,alium de (On the Three Peoples)," pp. 137-67,especially p. 157.
argento,tercium de luto,sed omnes de luto ne aliquis alteri preferret ...Hine Greg. 69. Reformation Kaiser Siegmunds, MGH Staatsschriften des spateren Mittelal­
in Moral. Non est data homine prelatio ut dominetur hominibus sed ut presit bestiis ters 6, p. 86: "so hat euch Cristus mit seinem tode gekaufft und gefreyet zu dem
terre." Sermon no. 32 (for Gregory the Great): "quod est contra illos qui rusticos ewigen leben."
etiam bonos reputant quasi bruta." 70. Michael Seidlmayer,"Weltbild und Kultur Deutschlands im Mittelalter," in
59. This association was manifested in many forms,such as the Middle English Handbuch der Deutschen Geschichte, vol. 1 (Constance, 1957),p.66.
"Charters of Christ," wherein Christ's sacrifice is allegorized as a charter granting sal­ 7 1. W Muller,"Wurzeln und Bedeutung," p.25.
vation and liberty to humanity.See Spalding,Middle English Charters ofChrist. Many 72. German Peasants' "War: A History in Documents, no. 125,pp.254-55.
of the manuscripts of the so-called "Short Charter " of Christ bear titles of colophons 73. W Muller, "Wurzeln und Bedeutung," pp. 16-29; Bierbrauer, "Das Gott­
such as Carta Redempcionis humanae or, in one instance (London, British Library, liche Recht," pp. 226-28. See also P. Blickle, "Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit," pp.
MS Sloane 3292,fol.2),Magn,a Carta de libertatibus Mundi. I thank Emily Steiner,of 98- 102.
Yale University,for this reference. 74. Cited in P. Blickle,"Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit," p. 100.
60. Gregory I, Registrum epistolarum 6.12 (CC 140, p. 380): "Cum redemptor 75. Girona, Arxiu Historic de l'Ajuntament, Secci6 25.2, Llibres manuscrits de
noster totius conditor creaturae ad hoc propitiatus humanam uoluit carnem as­ tema divers,lligall 1,MS 8,fols. 1r-2v,discussed and edited in Freedman, Origins of
sumere,ut diuinitatis suae gratia, disrupto quo tenebamur capti uinculo seruitutis, Peasant Servitude, pp. 190-92,224-26.
pristinae nos restiueret libertati,salubriter agitur,si homines,quos ab initio natura 76. Riera i Melis,"El bisbat de Girona," app.4,p.200: "Dignemi itaque,pater
liberos protulit et ius gentium iugo substituit seruitutis,in ea qua nati fuerant manu­ clemens,ad exemplum Crucifixi,qui quos tenebat servitus antiquata a servitutis nex­
mittentis beneficio libertate reddantur." ibus liberavit, vestro generali edicto seu bulla sufficienti, statuere et rite etiam or­
6 1. Gratian,Decretum, C.12 q.2 c.68. dinare ut quicumque ex dictis oppressis se redimere a nexibus dicte servitutis voluerit
62. M.Bloch,Rois et serfi, p. 140. et abinde penitus liberare,servando ac cum effectu complendo formam et modum
63. Adam of Eynsham, "Vision of the Monk of Eynsham," chap. 4 1, p. 348: redempcionis et liberacionis superius et inferius posite,possunt se redimere et total­
"Seuientes enim carnifices hec ei improperabant,insultantes preterea uehementis­ iter liberare."
sime quia in ulcionem ferarum irracionabilium, que de iure naturali communiter 77. Barcelona,Arxiu de la Corona d'Arag6,Cancelleria,Registre 1955,fol. 103v;
omnibus cedere deberant, homines racione utentes & eodem sanguine Christi re­ Registre 1968,fol. 12v,edited in Riera i Melis, "El bisbat de Girona," apps. 2 and 3,
demptos & nature indifferentis parilitate consortes aut multasset leto aut membris pp. 19r98.
Notes to Chapter IO 390 Notes to Chapter II 391

78. Barcelona, Arxiu de la Corona d'Arago, Cancelleria, Registre 1955, fols.

105v-106r, edited in Riera i Melis, "El bisbat de Girona," app. 2, p. 198: "E com ha­ Chapter II
jam entes que.l temps de la servitut en qual foren estrets e obligats tots los habitands
1. A useful and wide-ranging essay on late-medieval peasant movements and
e habitadors de Cathalunya la Veyla, c;o es, della. Lobregat . . . segons les croniques,
their ideological background is Graus, "'Freiheit' als soziale Forderung."
es ja passat e ac;o deja esser en lo nostro arxiu, manam-vos que de continent ho fac;ats
2. In general, see N. Cohn, Pursuit ofthe Millennium, pp. 191-280.
cerquar e certifficats-nos, per vostres letres, de c;o que.n trobarets." (And since we
3. TeBrake, Plague ofInsurrection, pp. 45-107. To judge from TeBrake's own de­
have understood that the time of servitude that binds and obligates the inhabitants of
scription, the rebellion seems to have been a protest against taxation and a reproach
Old Catalonia, i.e., this side of the Llobregat River, . . . has passed according to the
to the governing classes for their cowardice in paying a tribute to the French-more
chronicles, and this should be in our archive, we order you to search this out and cer­
an example of the failure of mutuality than a movement for a remade world.
tify to us by your letters what you have found.)
4. Strohm, Hochon's Arrow; Justice, Writing and Rebellion.
79. Correspondence edited in Fita, "Lo Papa Benet XIII."
5. M. Bloch, French Rural History, p. 170.
80. Freedman, Origins ofPeasant Servitude, pp. 179-202.
6. See above, Chapter 3, p. 84.
81. I Corinthians 7:22: "For he that is called in the Lord being a bondman, is the
7. For peasant political involvement apart from revolt, see Carpenter, "English
freeman of the Lord. Likewise he that is called, being free, is the bondman of Christ."
Peasants in Politics"; and Goheen, "Peasant Politics?"
82. Strauss, Law, Resistance and the State, pp. 38-55.
8. T his point is emphasized in the study of peasant revolts of the High Middle
83. Bierbrauer, "Das Gottliche Recht," pp. 210-34.
Ages by Kohn, "Freiheit als Forderung."
84. Schwabenspiegel Kurzform, Landrecht 308 (p. 387): "wir sullen den hem dar
9. Bierbrauer, "Bauerliche Revolten," pp. 26, 62-65.
umb dienen das sy vns schirmen. vnd als sy die lant mit schirment so sind si nicht
10. Strohm, Hochon's Arrow, pp. 45-56; Aston, "Corpus Christi and Corpus
diensts schuldig. nach rechter barhait so hat sich aigenschaft erhaben uon getwange
Regni"; Justice, Writing and Rebellion, pp. 156-76.
vnd uon fangknuss vnd uon manigen vnrechten gewalt den die hernn her uon alter
n. Brooks, "Organization and Achievements."
in vnrecht gewonhait habent gezogen vnd die hernn habent das nu fur recht." (We
12. Hilton, English Peasantry, p. 15.
should therefore serve lords who protect us, and if they do not protect the land, they
13. Especially important in this regard is Faith, "Great Rumour."
are not worthy of service. In truth servitude was established by coercion and captivity
14. Notably Hudson, "Piers Plowman and the Peasants' Revolt"; and Justice,
and by much unjust power that the lords have been accustomed to impose as unjust
Writing and Rebellion, pp. 67-139 (two chapters, "Wydif in the Rising" and "Piers
customs and that they now wish to be accepted as law.) Algazi, Herrengewalt, pp.
Plowman in the Rising"). See also Aston, "Corpus Christi and Corpus Regni," pp.
86-91, disputes the view that this indicates that lords must defend their tenants. Al­
33-47. Christina van Nokken acknowledges possible connections between Wyclif
gazi attaches the passage to what comes before, regarding the emperor's authority, and the Rising but not between Langland and Wyclif nor between Langland and the
rather than to what comes after, the power of lords over serfs. While I agree with Al­
Rising; see her " Piers Plowman," pp. 73-78.
gazi that there was no expectation in late-medieval Germany that lords would offer
15. Faith, "Great Rumour," pp. 62-70.
real benefits of defense to tenants, I regard the Schwabenspiegel as offering justifica­
16. Justice, Writing and Rebellion, pp. 168-76; Faith, "Great Rumour," p. 66
tion for defying oppressive lords, especially those who impose servitude.
(translating from Walsingham's GestaAbbatum Monasterii Sancti Albani): "T hey took
85. Mieres, Apparatus 2: 513: "Rex etiam cum tota curia non potuit, neque potest
the stones outside and handed them over to the commons, breaking them into little
facere legem iniquam contra legem Dei, quae si facta foret, non valeret; nee esset lex,
pieces and giving a piece to each person, just as the consecrated bread is customa�ily
quia oportet, quod lex sit iusta et rationabilis."
broken and distributed in the parish churches on Sundays, so that the people, seemg
86. Chazan, "Deteriorating Image of the Jews," pp. 226-28; Langmuir, "Tortures
these pieces, would know themselves to be avenged against the abbey in that cause."
of the Body of Christ."
17. Dyer, "Social and Economic Background"; Strohm, Hochon's Arrow, pp. 35-39.
87. Peasant revolts linked to anti-Semitism include the Franconian Armleder
18. E.g., Davies, "Die bauerliche Gemeinde," pp. 41-44.
movement of 1336-39 (see K. Arnold, "Die Armlederbewegung in Franken 1336"),
19. See, e.g., the case of Essex in Poos, Rural Society After the Black Death, pp.
the pogroms that took place in Catalonia in 1391 (Freedman, Origins ofPeasant Servi­
tude, p. 182), and those that occurred during the Hungarian revolt in 1514 (Monu­
20. On the English Rising and its causes, see Dyer, "Social and Economic Back­
menta rusticorum, no. 80, p. 122). On popular insurrection and violence against lepers
ground," pp. 9-42; Fryde and F ryde, "Peasant Rebellion"; Hilton, Bondmen Made
and Jews, see Nirenberg, Communities of Violence, pp. 43-124.
Free; and Hatcher, "England in the Aftermath of the Black Death."
88. Levi, Christ Stopped at Eboli, p. 3.
21. Massive documentation is contained in Putnam, Enforcement ofthe Statutes.
Notes to Chapter II 392 Notes to Chapter II 393

22. Tillotson, "Peasant Unrest," p. 14. de tema divers, lligall 1, MS 8, fols. u-2v, edited in Freedman, Origi.ns ofPeasant
23. Dyer, "Social and Economic Background," p. 25. Servitude, pp. 224-26.
24. Hilton, "Peasant Movements in England Before 1381," in his Class Conflict, 51. See above, Chapter IO, pp. 253-55.
pp. 122-38; Hanawalt, "Peasant Resistance," pp. 30-40. 52. The course of this war and its aftermath are laid out in the documents as­
25. Carpenter, "English Peasants in Politics," pp. 325-26. sembled in Monumenta rusticorum. There is very little on the war in languages other
26. Ibid., p. 342; Hilton, ''A Thirteenth-Century Poem on Disputed Villein Ser­ than Hungarian, but see Barta, "Der ungarische Bauernkrieg"; Gunst, "Der un­
vices," in his Class Conflict, pp. 108-13. garische Bauernaufstand von 1514"; and Housely, "Crusading as Social Revolt." On
27. On these disputes and the uprising of 1336, see Ledger-Book of Vale Royal the Hungarian peasants' war, I have been helped immeasurably by Janos Bak and Ga­
Abbey, pp. 37-42. This passage is reprinted in several sources: Coulton, Medieval Vil­ bor Klaniczay, of the Central European University in Budapest.
lage, pp. 132-35; Peasants' Revolt of IJ8I, pp. 80-83; Hallam, "Life of the People," 53. On the execution and its later iconography, see Birnbaum, "Mock Calvary in
pp. 846-49. 1514?"
28. Examples cited in Dyer, "Social and Economic Background," p. 31. 54- Bati, "Montaignes Aufzeichnung." Montaigne thought the incident had oc-
29. Faith, "Great Rumour"; Tillotson, "Peasant Unrest." curred in Poland.
30. Dyer, "Social and Economic Background," pp. 34-35; Nichols, "Early Four­ 55. Birnbaum, "Mock Calvary in 1514?"
teenth Century Petition." Tillotson, "Peasant Unrest," pp. 7-8, notes the importance 56. Monumenta rusticorum, no. 202, p. 260.
of Wiltshire in the 1377 disturbances, a region that was relatively quiet in 1381. 57. This argument had been made earlier, on the occasion of the Belgrade Cru­
31. Hilton, Class Conflict, pp. 127-38. On the centrality of the demand for the sade of 1456, in which a successful peasant army denounced the absence of the nobil­
end to serfdom, see also Hilton's essays "Social Concepts of the English Rising of ity. The events of this crusade were observed by Giovanni de Tagliacozzo, who re­
1381" and "Popular Movements in England at the End of the Fourteenth Century," ported the anger against the nobility in his "Victoriae mirabilis," 793.
both in his Class Conflict, pp. 216-26 and 152-64. 58. On rural conditions before 1514, see Szekely, "Le passage a I' economie basee";
32. Walsingham, Historia Anglicana 2: 33, and idem, Chronicon Angliae, p. 321. Barta, "Der ungarische Bauernkrieg," pp. 63-69; and Pach, "Die Stellung des un­
33. Aston, "Corpus Christi and Corpus Regni," pp. 19-21, 26-33. garischen Bauernkrieges."
34. Justice, Writing and Rebellion, p. 36. 59. Kiraly, "Neo-Serfdom in Hungary''; Bak, Konigtum und Stande, p. n9 n. 47.
35. A point argued strongly in Justice, Writing and Rebellion, pp. 43-51. 60. Werblfczy Istvan Hdrmaskonyve, pt. 1, tit. 3, pp. 56, 58; and pt. 3, tit. 25, p.
36. Strohm, Hochon's Arrow, p. 44. 406. The material from part 1 on the supposed Hunnic origins of servitude is ex­
37. Walsingham, Gesta abbatum monasterii Snacti Albani 1: 147-52, 3: 70-74. cerpted in Bak, Konigtum und Stande, p. 164, and in R. Hoffmann, "Outsiders by
38. Justice, Writing and Rebellion, p. 47. Birth and Blood," p. 27.
39. Ibid., pp. 49-50. 61. Szucs, Nation und Geschichte, pp. 331-38; idem, "Die oppositionelle Stro­
40. Ibid., pp. 82-90. mung."
41. Ibid., pp. n8-39. 62. Monumenta rusticorum, no. 142, pp. 175-76.
42. Walsingham, Chronicon Angliae, p. 287. 63. Taurinus Olomucensis, Stauromachia, bk. 5, vv. 123-49 (p. 41), 199-267 (pp.
43. Justice, Writing and Rebellion, pp. 140-92; Strohm, Hochon's Arrow, pp. 42-44).
51-56. 64. Tubero, Commentariorum de rebus, bk. 4, pp. 330-31.
44. The different approaches are summarized in Justice, Writing and Rebellion, 65. Taurinus Olomucensis, Stauromachia, bk. 1, vv. 381-423 (p. 13); Brutus Janos
pp. 258-61. Mihaly, Magyar historidja 1: 350-58.
45. Froissart, Chroniques 10.97-107, trans. John Bourchier, Lord Berners, repro- 66. Monumenta rusticorum, no. 222, p. 302: "tempore, quo plura huius regni loca
duced in Peasants' Revolt of I38I, pp. 369-72. sive timore sive perfidia ducti a recti fidelitatis tenore aberrarunt."
46. Bulst, "'Jacquerie' und 'Peasants' Revolt."' 67. Ibid., no. 126, p. 166: "Inter quos unus feritate et crudelitate in genere hu­
47. As shown in Medeiros, Jacques et chroniqueurs. mano nulli secundus Georgius Zekel rusticitati proximior quam nobilitati rusticos et
48. Freedman, Origins ofPeasant Servitude, pp. 56-n8. populum servilem arte et persuasionibus sinistris seducens."
49. On the war, see Vives, Historia de Los remensas; and Sobreques i Vidal and So­ 68. Ibid., p. 165: "nonnulli ex Christiano populo zelo sancte religionis atque
breques i Callic6, La guerra civil catalana. defensionis huius regni ducti cruces sibi applicari iuxta ritum huius modi iubilei fe­
50. Girona, Arxiu Historic de l'Ajumament, Secci6 XXV.2, Llibres manuscrits cissent quumque mali et perversi-ut plerumque fieri assolet-bonis immixti nacta
Notes to Chapter II 394 Notes to Chapter II 395

hac effundendi latens virus eorum occasione sedicionem et tumultum in hoc regno sancte congregacionis violenta manu insurrexerunt {ut} sic persequi, molestare et tur­
excitassent." bare volentes."
69. Ibid., no. 221, p. 300. 83. Tubero, Commentariorum de rebus, bk. 4, pp. 331-32.
70. Ibid., no. 202, p. 260. 84. Sziics, Nation und Geschichte, pp. 341-43.
71. Ibid.: "Item quarnquam omnes rustici, qui adversus dominos eorum natu­ 85. Monumenta rusticorum, no. 49, p. 95. See Szucs, Nation und Geschichte, pp.
rales insurrexerunt, tanquam proditores capitali pena sint plectendi, ne tamen tot 350-53.
sanguinis effusio adhuc sequatur et omnis rusticitas, sine qua nobilitas parum valet, 86. E.g., Etienne de Fougeres, writing between n74 and n78, in his Le livre des
deleatur, statutum est, quod universi capitanei et centuriones et decuriones concita­ manieres, vv. 705-12 (p. 85); Reformation Kaiser Siegmunds, MGH Staatsschriften des
toresque aliorum rusticorum ac manifesti homicide nobilium, preterea violatores vir­ spateren Mittelalters 6, pp. 86, 88.
ginum ac mulierum omni gracia remota occidantur et ubilibet extirpentur." 87. Malyusz, "Hungarian Nobles of MedievalTransylvania," p. 46 (the article is
72. Ibid., no. 41, p. 88: "ad quantam temeritatem et insolencias rustici et popu­ a translation of a part of Az erdelyi magyar tdrsadalom a kozepkorban, written 1947
lares . . . sub nomine cruciate progressi sum." Similar language appears in letters de­ and published in Budapest in 1988).
signed to rouse the nobility of other parts of Hungary, ibid., nos. 53, 56, 68 (pp. 97, 88. T he bloody sword is mentioned in a Transylvanian customary collection of
99, no). 1463, according to Malyusz and Krist6's commentary in T hur6czy, Chronica Hun­
73. Ibid., pp. 234, 238, 294, 302, 335, 370, 418, 443, 468, 473, 523, 537, 540, 542. garorum 2: 89. See above, Chapter 5, p. 122, for the bloody sword in connection with
74. T he Hungarian comites were royal provincial administrators, and the title the supposed mustering of the Huns. For the use of the symbols in 1514, seeTaurinus
was official rather than patrimonial. T he English word "count" in this context con­ Olomucensis, Stauromachia, bk. 1, vv. 480-83 (p. 15); Monumenta rusticorum, no.
veys a misleading sense of independent noble status apart from office. T he comes 108, p. 147; no. 178, p. 207; and Szucs, Nation und Geschichte, pp. 362-67.
more closely resembled the English sheriff. 89. Szucs, Nation und Geschichte, p. 339.
75. Monumenta rusticorum, no. 73, p. n6: "Quot homicidia, quot stupra et adul­ 90. Szucs, "Die oppositionelle Stromung," pp. 483-84.
teria quotque cedes et incendia per maledictos sceleratissimosque crucifixores illos, 91. See C. Maier, Preaching the Crusades.
qui se se cruciferos appellabant, sed cruds pocius Christi persecutores fuerant." 92. Szucs, Nation und Geschichte, pp. 345-46.
76. Ibid., no. 200, p. 244: "Evocati interdum quotquot nobilium vi apprehen­ 93. Szucs, "A Ferences Obszervancia." Six documents from the codex discussed
dere possum, eorum corpora acutissimis sudibus transfodiunt ante uxorum et libero­ by Szucs are edited in an appendix to this article, pp. 257-60.
rum oculos; neque hoc satis videtur vindictae, sed coram maritis miseras uxores 94. Szucs, "Die oppositionelle Stromung," pp. 503-4.
stupro violant omnisque exercitus. . . . 0 facinus et diis et hominibus invisum! 0 im­ 95. Oswald of Lasko, Sermones de sanctis (unfoliated), sermon no. 77 to 'Ecce con­
pudentes belluas! 0 immensarn ultionem!" stitui te super gentes . . . ' (Jeremiah 1:10): "Ve principi qui suos subditos grauat in­
77. E.g., Taurinus Olomucensis, Stauromachia, bk. 2, vv. 151-60 (p. 19). iustis exactionibus. Ve inquam principi qui contra consuetudinem illegitime vexat
78. Monumenta rusticorum, no. 104, pp. 142-44. suos propinatione sui vini et ceruisse. Ve illis omnibus qui iobagiones suas deuorant
79. Ibid., p. 142: "ut est plebs novarum rerum semper studiosa, ideo ea moliri, inordinate dica et angaria." It is noteworthy that here, as elsewhere in the sermons,
ut a servitute in libertatem se se vendicarent." Oswald uses the Latinized Hungarian term for serfs, iobagiones.
80. Ibid., no. 79, pp. 121-22. Here too, the stirring but unreliable version of the 96. Ibid., sermon no. 50: "quia talis fur est et latro et continue est in peccato . . .
"speech" reported byTubero ( Commentariorum de rebus, bk. 4, pp. 331-32) andTaur­ nee tali domino subditi tenentur obedire et solvere tributum." Sermon no. 49: "Et
inus Olomucensis (Stauromachia, bk. 1, vv. 381-423 [p. 13]) has influenced even re­ etiam adversus suum superiorem posset quis se defendere, dummodo superior iniu­
cent historians, such as Szekely, in his "Les revoltes paysannes." riose vult ipsum ledere." Discussed in Szucs, "Die oppositionelle Stromung," p. 508.
81. Sz<ics, "Die oppositionelle Stromung," pp. 499-500. Townsmen of Kosice 97. See especially Oswald of Lasko, Sermones dominicales, sermon no. 85.
(Kassa) referred to the peasant soldiers as the "faithful slaves of the Holy Cross," 98. Ibid., sermons nos. 2, 123, 124; idem, Sermones de sanctis, sermon no. 41. See
while an anonymous crusader promised that God and the Holy Cross worn by the Szucs, "Die Oppositionelle Stromung," pp. 5n-12.
soldiers would avenge the murder of prisoners held by their enemies (Monumenta 99. Sziics, "Die Oppositionelle Stromung," p. 506.
rusticorum, no. 45, p. 92; no. 50, p. 96). IOO. Ibid., pp. 493-99; Szucs, Nation und Geschichte, p. 348.

82. Monumenta rusticorum, no. 79, p. 122: "Noveritis, quod infideles nobiles ad­ IOI. E.g., Laube, Steinmetz, and Vogler, lllustrierte Geschichte, Die fruhburgerliche

versus et contra nos et omnem comitivarn cruciferorum ad presentem expedicionem Revolution in Deutsch/and; and Vogler, Nurnberg I524/25.
Notes to Chapter II 396 Notes to Conclusion 397

102. Moeller, Imperial Cities and the Reformation; Ozment, Reformation in the n8. Quellen zur Geschichte des Bauernkrieges, ed. Franz, no. 87, p. 263.
Cities; Dickens, German Nation and Martin Luther; Oberman, "Tumultus rustico­ n9. Text in P. Bliclde, Revolution ofI525, pp. 195-201.
rum." See also Hsia, "Myth of the Commune." 120. Brecht, "Der theologische Hintergrund."
103. In the words of Franz, Der deutsche Bauernkrieg, 12th ed., p. 288: "Der 121. See the summary and reworking of Franz's views by Wunder, "'Old Law'
Bauernkrieg ist ein Glied in dem Kampf der Deutschen um das Reich." T his theme and 'Divine Law."'
occurs even more strongly in the first (1933) edition. See also Waas, Die Bauern im 122. The phrase appears in the English version of Oberman's "Tumultus rustico­
Kampf um Gerechtigkeit, pp. 5-25. Critiques of this view are given by Buszello, Der rum" ("The Gospel of Social Unrest"), p. 43.
deutsche Bauernkrieg, pp. 12-15; and Stalnaker, "Towards a Social Interpretation." 123. Kirchner, Luther and the Peasants' "War.
104. H. Cohn, ''Anti-Clericalism"; Oberman, "Tumultus rusticorum''; Goertz, 124. Notably W. Becker, "Gottliches Wort." Against this view, see Oberman,
Pfajfenhass und gross Geschrei. "Tumultus Rusticorum," pp. 160-65.
105. Franz, Der deutsche Bauernkrieg, 12th ed., pp. 1-91. Bierbrauer, "Bauerliche 125. T his point is made by H. Cohn, ''Anti-Clericalism." See ''Ain schoener dia­
Revolten," pp. 38-39, points out that Old Law and Godly Law were ways of legiti­ logus und gesprech zwischen aim PEarrer and aim Schulthayss" (in Martin Bucers
mating revolt and not categories of the actual goals of the peasants, which tended to Deutsche Schriften, vol. 1) especially p. 486 (Pfarrer): "meer muoss ich ei.ich sagen:
be political, economic, or related to social or legal standing. wohaer kommend die aigen ich maint, wir soelttendt alle frey von got sein, wie
106. E.g., Burke, Popular Culture, pp. 173-78. clan Luther auch schriebt in der freyhait des menschen." ([The priest:] moreover
107. P. Blickle, "Peasant Revolts,"p. 232. I must tell you, whence come serfs? I believe we should all be free by God's ordinance,
108. Their demands are in Quellen zur Geschichte des Bauernkrieges, ed. Franz, no. as your Luther writes in "the freedom of men'' [i.e., The Freedom ofa Christian].)
12, pp. 59-61 (Schliengen, diocese of Constance); no. 13, pp. 61-62 (Hegau); no. 15, 126. Urkunden zur Geschichte des Bauernkrieges und der Wiedertaufer, p. 24.
pp. 67-70 (Schlettstadt/Selestat, Alsace); no. 16, pp. 70-76 (Untergrombach, diocese 127. P. Bliclde, "Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit."
of Speyer); no. 17, pp. 76-79 (Freiburg im Breisgau); no. 18, pp. 79-81 (Upper Rhine). 128. A recent study of the complicated problem of literacy and the Reformation
109. P. Bliclde, "Peasant Revolts," pp. 230-31; Schlapfer, "Die Appenzeller Frei­ is Scribner, " Heterodoxy, Literacy and Print."
heitskriege." 129. The importance of strong local communities in furthering the revolt has
no. Ulbrich, Leibherrschaft am Oberrhein; W. Millier, Entwicklung und Spatfor­ been emphasized by P. Bliclde, Communal Reformation.
men; P. Bliclde, ''Agrarkrise und Leibeigenschaft"; Rosener, "Zur Sozialokonomischen 130. Bierbrauer, "Das Gottliche Recht." Also important in noting the precedents
Lage"; R. Blickle, "Leibeigenschaft." to the Peasants' War antedating the Reformation are Brecht, "Der theologische Hin­
m. P. Bliclde, Revolution ofI525, pp. 26-27, 202-5. tergrund," pp. 174-208;W. Millier, "Wurzeln und Bedeutung"; Grundmann, "Frei­
112. Holenstein, "A.bte und Bauern," p. 264. heit als religioses," pp. 49-53; and Boockmann, "Zu den geistigen."
n3. Quellen zur Geschichte des Bauernkrieges, ed. Franz, no. 70, p. 239; no. 94, pp. 131. Quellen zur Geschichte des Bauernkrieges, ed. Franz, no. 43, p. 176: "
305-9; no. n2, p. 343; Quellen zur Geschichte des Bauernkrieges, ed. Wopfner, pp. 46, dritten ist der Brauch bisher gewesen, das man ir aigen gehalten haben,
61, 134-35; Hollaender, "Die vierundzwanzig Artikel," especially p. 83. wolchs zu erbarmen ist, angesehen das uns Christus all mit seinem kostparlichen
II4, Quellen zur Geschichte des Bauernkrieges, ed. Franz, no. 25, pp. 121-22; trans­ Plutvergi.issen erlosst und erkauft hat, den Hirten gleich als wol als den Hochsten,
lation from German Peasants' "War: A History in Documents, no. I, p. 72. kain ausgenommen. Darumb erfindt sich mit der Geschrift, das wir frei seien un
n5. Regarding Embrach, see W. Millier, "Wurzeln und Bedeutung," p. 12; re­ wollen sein." T he translation is from P. Bliclde, Revolution ofI525, p. 197.
garding Rothenburg, see Quellen zur Geschichte des Bauernkrieges, ed. Franz, no. 101, 132. See the table on p. 29 ofW. Millier, "Wurzeln und Bedeutung."
p. 329. 133. Bierbrauer, "Das Gottliche Recht," table on p. 226.
n6. Quellen zur Geschichte des Bauernkrieges, ed. Franz, no. 23, pp. 97-98; Franz, 134. B. Moore, Injustice, pp. 81-89.135. Ibid., p. 87.
Der deutsche Bauernkrieg, vol. 2 Al<tenband, no. 26c (p. 149), no. 30 (p. 164), no. 44
(p. 180).
117. Quellen zur Geschichte des Bauernkrieges, ed. Franz, no. 346, p. 153: "Die seint
beschwert mit der Li.ibaigenschaft, wann sie wellent kain andern Her haben, dann I. In thinking about text and context I am especially influenced by the approach
anlain Gott den Allmechtigen, wann der hat uns erschaffen. Wann mir vermeinden of LaCapra, History, Politics and the Novel.
auch, das die gotlich Geschrift, das nit auswisse, das kain Hern kain Aigenmensch 2. Frierson, Peasant Icons; Donskov, Changing Image ofthe Peasant.
haben soll, wann Gott ist der recht Her." 3. Hugo von Trimberg, Der Renner, BLVS 247, vv. 6930-47 (1: 289-90). On
Notes to Conclusion 398 Notes to Conclusion 399

Hugo's complaints concerning the oppression of rustic laborers, see above, Chapter 17. Scribner, "Images of the Peasant"; Packull, "Image of the 'Common Man"';
2, p. 52. Uhrig, "Der Bauer in der Publizistik," pp. 95-106, 165-76.
4. Ibid., vv. 3405-23 (pp. 140-41). 18. Packull, "Image of the 'Common Man,"' pp. 258-60.
5. Ibid., vv. 843-45 (p. 34); vv. 145r59 (p. 60); vv. 2220-28 (pp. 92-93); vv. 19. Hans Rosenplilt was primarily a writer of antipeasant Carnival plays, and his
38orro (p. 157). praise of peasants is. a separate apology showing his conformity to this tendency of
6. See above, Chapter 4. public opinion. See the contrasting excerpts from his work in Quellen zur Geschichte
7. Hugo von Trimberg, Der Renner, vv. 1309-14 (BLVS 247, 1: 54-55): des deutschen Bauernstandes, nos. 216-17, pp. 548-52.
20. Duby, Three Orders, pp. 1-4.
Noch sint einer leie liute, 21. Chartier, "Intellectual History or Sociocultural History?," p. 30.
Die man geburvolc heizet hiute, 22. On the thesis that language constitutes experience rather than simply reflect­
Der maniger vil trazmiletic were: ing it, see Joan W Scott, "Experience," p. 34.
Weren in die herren niht ze swere, 23. Smith, "Geschichte zwischen den Fronten," p. 600 (in this German version
S6 mohte man ir vil manigen vinde of an originally English composition, the terms are rendered somewhat neutrally as
Bi der h6chferte ingesinde. "eine mehr und eine weniger Radikale Einsicht").
8. Ibid., vv. 1315-20 (p. 55): 24. Certeau, Writing ofHistory, p. 79.
25. Kroeber, Anthropology, Race, p. 284; Robert Redfield, "Social Organization of
In ein dorf kam ich geriten, Tradition," in Peasant Society, ed. Potter; George F. Foster, introduction to Peasant
Da lagen gebur nach iren siten Society, pp. 10-14.
An irm gemache uf irn wammen. 26. James C. Scott, Weapons ofthe Weak; Everyday Forms ofPeasant Resistance, ed.
Zuo irn houbten sazen ir ammen, Colborn; Contesting Power.
Die mit flize tierlich suochten 27. E.g., Feierman, Peasant Intellectuals; Stern, "New Approaches to the Study of
Der si liitzel hin nach geruochten. Peasant Rebellion."
28. Feierman, Peasant Intellectuals, pp. 39-45.
9. Ibid., vv. 145r56 (p. 60): 29. Bourdieu, Outline of a Theory of Practice, p. 164, cited in James C. Scott,
Nieman ist schoene, edel und rich Domination, p. 75.
Denne der da kumt ze himelrkh: 30. James C. Scott, Domination, p. 79.
Dar kumt vil lihte ir armen e 31. Ibid., pp. 92-94, citing B. Moore, Injustice, p. 84.
Denne iuwer vogte, die in tuont we. 32. Field, Rebels in the Name ofthe Tsar.
33. Nirenberg, Communities of Violence, especially pp. 43-68.
IO, Ibid., vv. 1565-4000 (pp. 65-164). 34. James C. Scott, Domination, pp. 90-96.
n. See above, Chapter 9, notes 71-73. 35. Ibid., p. 95.
12. Quellen zur Geschichte des deutschen Bauernstandes, no. 218, p. 553. 36. Of particular relevance to the Middle Ages is Wickham, "Gossip and Resis-
13. AB in the Reimchronik des Appenzellerkrieges, vv. 1495-98 (p. 47); and "Heintz tance."
von Bechwinden" (actually Heinrich Behel ), in "Zwei Flugschriften aus der Zeit 37. White, "Everyday Resistance," p. 56.
Maximilians I," vv. 373-77 (p. 178). T hese passages are discussed above in Chapter 6, 38. See especially Ortner, "Resistance and the Problem of Ethnographic Refusal."
p. 149. Hemmerli repeats the supposed truism about peasants needing to be bled and 39. Wickham, "Gossip and Resistance," pp. 20-22.
trimmed, and additionally recommends burning rustic properties every 50 years, but 40. Scheiner, "Benevolent Lords and Honorable Peasants."
more to restrain them than to get anything out of them; see Hemmerli, De nobilitate 41. Chartier, "Culture as Appropriation"; idem, "Intellectual History and the
et rusticitate, cap. 32, fol. 124r. "Trimming" and other images of harsh late-medieval History of Mentalites."
lordship are discussed by Algazi, Herrengewalt, pp. 188-214. 42. Le Goff, "Learned and Popular Dimensions"; Gurevich, "Medieval Culture
14. Hemmerli, De nobilitate et rusticitate, cap. 33, fol. 127v. and Mentalite," p. 39; idem, "Oral and Written Culture"; idem, "Bachtin und der
15. Ibid.: "et dixi clerico meo, 'nunc vadamus' prout fecimus." Karneval," p. 425; and idem, "Popular Culture and Medieval Latin Literature," in his
16. Bierbrauer, "Das Gottliche Recht," pp. 222-28. Medieval Popular Culture, pp. 3r38.
Notes to Conclusion 400 Notes to Conclusion 401

43. Edwards, "Religious Faith and Doubt," especially p. 24. pecially pp. 204-5. See also Bhabha's articles "The Other Question," "Of Mimicry
44. Bolton, "Poverty as Protest," p. 5. and Man," and "Signs Taken for Wonders." The three last are reprinted in Bhabha,
45. Stock, Implications ofLiteracy. Location ofCulture.
46. On the question of how the voice of the oppressed is silenced, manifested, 59. Weber, Peasants into Frenchmen; Sokoloff, "Rural Change and Farming Poli­
or ventriloquized, see Spivak, "Can the Subaltern Speak?"; Prakash, "Subaltern Stud­ tics"; La fin de la France. Similar observations are made for contemporary Catalonia
ies as Postcolonial Criticism"; and idem, "Can the 'Subaltern' Ride?" For the Middle in Duran, Adeu, els pagesos.
Ages, see Biddick, "Decolonizing the English Past." 60. Braudel, Identity ofFrance, pp. 674-75.
47. As cited by R. H. Bloch, Medieval Misogyny, p. 7; and Bordo, Intolerable 61. Bess, "Ecology and Artifice."
Weight, p. 32.
48. The large bibliography on these subjects includes N. Cohn, Europe's Inner
Demons; Chazan, "Deteriorating Image of the Jews"; Langmuir, Toward a Definition
ofAntisemitism; Cohen, The Friars and the Jews, Daniel, Islam and the West; South­
ern, Western Views ofIslam; R. I. Moore, "Concept of Heresy as Disease"; Barber,
"Lepers, Jews and Moslems"; and Boswell, "Jews, Bicycle Riders, and Gay People."
49. Bartlett, Making ofEurope; Mellinkoff, Outcasts, Fernandez-Armesto, Before
Columbus; R. I. Moore, Formation of a Persecuting Society; Richards, Sex, Dissidence
and Damnation.
50. Heer, Medieval World, distinguishes between the "open' ' society of the twelfth
century and the "closed" society that succeeded it after the early thirteenth century.
Boswell, Christianity, Homosexuality and Social Tolerance, pp. 269-332, applies a sim­
ilar paradigm to the history of toleration, regarding natural law, Aristotelianism, and
scholastic doctrine as leading to a break with an earlier acceptance. Richards, Sex,
Dissidence and Damnation, pp. 1-13, regards the twelfth century as an open though
threatened society and the thirteenth as seeing the triumph of intolerance. In the
field of Spanish history, an earlier era of intercommunal coexistence (convivencia)
among Muslims, Christians, and Jews is contrasted with the inquisitorial climate of
the later medieval centuries; see especially Castro, Espana en su historia.
51. Todorov, Conquest ofAmerica; Boucher, Cannibal Encounters; Pagden, Euro­
pean Encounters with the New World; Implicit Understandings.
52. Of fundamental importance is Said, Orienta/ism. Specific applications in­
clude Bassin, "Inventing Siberia''; Batteau, Invention ofAppalachia; L. Wolf, Invent­
ing Eastern Europe; American Indian and the Problem ofHistory.
53. Irigaray, This Sex Which Is Not One; Gilman, Difference and Pathology; Out
There; Trinh, Woman, Native, Other; Race, Writing and Difference.
54, Certeau, Heterologies; Writing Culture; Said, "Representing the Colonized."
55. The term "fetishization of alterity'' appears in N. Thomas, Colonialism's Cul­
ture, p. 159.
56. A successful and intriguing attempt to get away from the limitations of the
paradigm of "the Other" and examine Jewish-Muslim relations is Nirenberg, Com­
munities of Violence, pp. 166-99.
57. "Proximate other" is used by Dollimore, Sexual Dissidence, p. 135, in reference
to Augustine's view of the Manicheans.
58. Bhabha, "Difference, Discrimination and the Discourse of Colonialism," es-

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In this index an "f" after a number indicates a separate reference on the next page,and an "ff"
indicates separate references on the next two pages. A continuous discussion over two or more
pages is indicated by a span of page numbers,e.g.,"57-59." Passim is used for a duster of ref­
erences in dose but not consecutive sequence.

Aaron,David,87 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 127

Abbo of Fleury,17 Anonimalle Chronicle, 267
Adalbero of Laon,17-18,23-28 passim, Anti-Semitism,256,39on87
41-42,61,182,309m3 Antoninus,Saint,99
Adam and Eve,59-66 Aquinas,Thomas, 73,82-83,85,249
Adam de la Halle,166 Aristotle,62, 72-73, 75f,82-85 passim, 155,
Adam of Eynsham,78,251 239,33m133
Adolphi,Johann, 200-201 Arme Heinrich, Der, 208-9,224
Adrian IY, Pope,82 Arnoul III of Ardres,183
Aelfric,abbot of Eynsham,17,22,78 Arnulf of Villers,26
Aelred of Rievaulx,25 Ascoli, Cecco d',91
Aers,David,227 Atto ofVercelli,81, 102f, 248-49
Agobard of Lyons,80,248f,255 Aucassin et Nicolette, 140,143,157
Africans,origin of, 89-96 Audigier, 180
Ahmad Baba,34omo1 Augustine,18,72,102,137,217,279; on sin
Alberti,Leon Battista,148 and slavery,75-79,98,239,248ff, 255
Alcuin,79,98,250 Aurora, 88
Alexander of Hales,99 Auxerre,84,98
Algazi, Gadi,39on84 Azurara,Gomes Eannes de,94
''Alphabet Against the Villani," 154
Alphonse o \Poitiers,85 Bagpipes,69ff
Alvaro Pelay ),bishop of Silves,143-44 Bakhtin,Mikhail,157
Ambrose,74-75,76,97,216 Baldwin,John,160,162
Ambrosiaster,74,97,248,255 Ball,John,6of, 226,249,258,264-65
Andorra,185-90,365n38 Barney,Stephen,34
Andreas Capellanus, 63,160-64 passim Barros,Carlos,183
Andrew of Fleury,178f, 182,249 Bartels,Adolf, 200
Index 452 Index 453

Bartholomaeus Anglicus,182,199 Boureau,Alain,146,244 Chronicon Eberheimense, 178 "Edelmannslehre," 38

Basil,Saint,97 Bozon, Nicholas, 51 Chronik van der hilligen stat van Coellen, 212 Edward III,King of England,129
Baudouin de Sebourc, 64,326n32 Brachylogus, 85 Cicero,67,72f Edwards,John,299
Bauer, use of,10 Bracton, 84 Ciompi,63 Eike von Repgow,see Sachsenspiegel
Bauernlob, 213-14,235 Braudel, Fernand, 302-3 Cistercians,8,25-27 Eiximenis,Francese,148,151,221
Beaumanoir,Philippe de,59-60,85,n2,n4, Brecht, Martin, 284 Coll i Alentorn,Miquel,108 Elias,Norbert,31
241 Bruegel, Pieter,35,173 Colmar Song Collection,19,223 Engelmar of Bavaria,Saint,222
Beaune,Colette,108 Bruto, Gian Michele,52 Cologne,symbolism of,2n-12 Engels,Friedrich,280
Behel,Heinrich,149,191 Bue, Philippe, 43,48 Colonus, use of term,IO England: views of servitude in,106,126-30;
Bechwinden,Heintz von,149 Bucer,Martin,231-32,281,284 "Combat des Trente," 40 and Rising of 1381,260-67
Bede,89,127,224 Buch der Riigen, 18,32,181,220 Conrad of Eberbach,26 Enikel,Jansen,100
Behem,Hans,37 Bulgarus,85 Conrad II,Emperor,81 Ephraim of Syria,333m5
Bell,Rudolph,221 Burchard ofWorms,82,98,138 Constable,Giles,20 Equality,59-79
Benedict of Sainte-Maure,24,43-44,50 Consuetudines Cathaloniae, n7 Erasmus,252,285,293
Benedict,St.,25,28,31 Caboet family,186 Conversi, 25-26,312n54 Estout de Goz,146-47
Benedict XIII,Pope,254 Caesarius of Arles, 217 "Corner-Stone Speech," 96 Eucherius of Lyon,Saint,33,223
Benes ofWeitmiihl,2n Cain,as first peasant,91-93 Cosmas of Prague,81,210 Eupolemius, 143,184,372n128
Benjamin of Tudela,88,332mo Camille,Michael,28 Coulton,G. G.,3 Euripides,62
Beowulf, 89 Canaan,see Noah's curse Cowardice,as origin of serfdom,no-20
Berce,Yves-Marie,246 Canizares,Jorge,335n45 Cresques,93 Farrier,Susan E.,356n96
Bernard of Angers,138-39 Capitein,Jacobus,95 Cronica de Espanya, n5 Feierman,Steven,297
Bernard of Clairvaux,25,26 Capuciati, 61,84,98,259 Crusade ideology,273,276-80,298 Ferry de Rocourt,243-44
Bernard of Cluny,136 Carmina Burana, 171 Cullage, 146. See also Droit de seign eur Fiter,Antoni,188,190,367n66
Berthold von Regensburg,19,32,53,181,219, Carozzi,Claude,17 Cursor mundi, 99 Foix,counts of,185-88
224,313n74 Cartwright,Samuel A.,336n51 Fontane,T heodor,200
Bertran de Born,178 Carvajales,171 Dante Alighieri,64 Foucault,Michel,300
Bertran de Ceva,n6-17,31m30 Castellbo,viscounts of, 186 Death Dance, 162 Francis,Saint,9,II
Best,George,94 Castleford,T homas,128 Deschamps,Eustache,56 Franciscans,8-9, 27,51,217-18,230,273-80
Bierbrauer,Peter,85,252,255,260,285 Catalonia: legendary origins of, 108-9, n4- "Descriptio-Turpin," III,341n24 passim
Birnbaum,Marianna,270 18,244-45,253-55; civil war in,267-69 Dialogue between a Cluniac and a Cistercian, Franz,Gunther,281,284
Bisson,T homas,108 Caxton,William,335n35 25 Frederick Barbarossa,Emperor,181
Black Death,effects of,262,287,292 Cegled Proclamation,276-77,278 "Die des Avocats," 40 Freedom: as result of courage,109-10,II5,
Blankenburg,Wilhelm,3 Certeau,Michel de,296 Dithmarschen,199-201 121,194-202 passim, 277-78; through
Blickle,Peter,282 Cessolis,Jacobo de,62,91,100 Dives and Pai �er, 100 Christ's sacrifice, 77-78,249-56
Bloch,Marc,85,n3,148,241-42,259 Charlemagne,legends of,20,106,108-12, "Doctrine oft·� Holy Crown," 122-23,125 Frey,Peter,224
Boccaccio,Giovanni,159 n5-18,120,188-89,195,254 Domesday Book,106,129-30, 264 Friedman,Albert B.,62
Bodel,Jean,150-51,160-61 Charles IV of Bohemia,2n Dominicans,27,48 passim, 99 Fries,Lorenz,37
Bodenstein von Ka.rlstadt,Andreas,37,234 Charles of Anjou,121 Donnei des Amants, 138 Frisch,Max,190
Boethius,62 Charles the Good,Count of Flanders,183 D6zsa,Gyorgy, 269-71, 273-77 Froissart,Jean,53ff, 63,139,265,267
Bohemia,legendary origins of, 210 Chartier,Roger,295,299 Droit de seigneur, 243-45
Bonaventura,Saint,151 Chaucer,Geoffrey,35,83,100,150,162ff, Duby,Georges,17,20,22-24,41-45,182, Gaismair,Michael,258
Bonet,Honore,69 216,229 259,31m37 Galceran of Meulan,Count,242
Bonnassie,Pierre,135,241f Chekhov,Anton,97 Dudo of Saint-Quentin,43 Galpin,Stanley Leman,3,134,138,348n7
Book ofSt. Albans, 63,102,34on101 Chelcicky,Peter,36-37,49,54,252 Dyer,Christopher,262 Garin le Loherain, 143,178,180
Book ofSainte Foy, 138-39 Chretien de Troyes, 31,137, 140-41,143,157f, Gaudry,Saint,222
Borrell,Count of Barcelona,n5 169,206 Eating,as metaphor,47-50 passim Gautier de Coincy,221
Bourdieu,Pierre,297 Christine de Pisan,212 Ebner,Herwig,3 Gengenbach,Pamphilius,100
Index 454 Index 455

Gerald of Wales,50 Henry II,King of England,48,319n43 Jean Colombe,31 Leisure, 30-31, 144,161
Gerard de Barry,161 Henry the Navigator,Prince,94 Jean de Conde,133-34 Leo X,Pope,123,276f
Gerard of Cambrai,17,182,328n87 Heraclitus,72 Jean,Duke of Berry,31,35,144-45 Le Roy Ladurie,Emmanuel,36
Gesta comitum Barcinonensium, n5,194 Hesse,Hans,162 Jerome,Saint,89,203,217 Levi,Carlo,1,256
Gildas,127 Hilton,Rodney,260 Joan de Socarrats,n7,31m30 Liber Catonianus, 228
Giles of Rome,83 Hoffmann,Richard,124,126 Joan I,King of Aragon,n7,254 Libro de Buen Amor, 163,169-70
Ginzburg,Carlo,138 Holkham Bible,34,223 Joan of Arc,212,376n44 Lied von der Entstehung der Eidgemossen­
Goldonowski,Andrzej,223 Holy Lance,discovery of the,220 Jocelin (poet),167 schaft, Das, 192
G6mez de Guzman,Fernan,183 Honorius Augustodunensis,31-32,99,216, Johannes de Rupescissa,51 "Life of the Infidel,Wicked,and Rustic
Goswin of Villers,26 218,228,231,250,291,337n76 Johannes,Master,III Villeins," 154
Gower,John,20,41,62,93,100,143,149 Horace,30,215 Johannes von Tepl,35,228,384m32 Limbourg brothers,31
Gramsci,Antonio,297 Horns,as "mark of Cain," 90,91,92 Johann von Jenstejn,251 Linehan,Peter,108
Gratian,73,77f,82,251 Hrabanus Maurus,80,98,221,250 Johann von Viktring,242 Locher,James,231
Gravdal,Kathryn, 134-35,165,348n7 Hue de Saint-Quentin,165 John Chrysostom,23,97-98 Lope de Vega,183,222
"Great Rumor " of 1377,266 Hugh of Saint-Cher,49 John,King of England,127 Louis IX,King of France,121
Gregory IX,Pope, 142,199,278 Hughes,Christopher,191 John of Bromyard,51-52,138,218 Lucan,48
Gregory of Tours,221 Hugli,Hilde,3 John of Marmoutier,140-41 Ludovicus,Brother (Franciscan preacher),
Gregory the Great: use of metaphors by,34, Hugo von Trimberg,52,63,83,91,100-101, John of Worcester,50 19,32,217,219
223f; on equality and slavery,48,76-79, 178,218,235,290-92,332n6 Jonas of Orleans,80,102,248,250 Luther,Martin,37,103,232-34,248,258,
81,85,98,102,248,250-51,253,255,268, Huguccio,82 Josephus,89 281,284,286
299,329n88 Hugues Capet, Chanson de, 64 Juan del Encina,160 Luttrell Psalter,140,145
"Grobianism," 173-73,362n80 Huizinga,Johan,59,323n91,325m7 Juan Manuel,Don,219
Gruenbeck,Joseph,232 Humbert of Romans,28,38on74 Justice,Steven,259,265,266 Machiavelli,Niccolo,63
Gui de Bourgogne, Chanson de, III, 121 Hungarian Illuminated Chronicle, 122,124 Justin Martyr,88 "Magister P," n9
Guifre "the Hairy," Count of Barcelona,109, Hungary: legendary origins of, n8-26; Re- Malleus maleficarum, 194
n5,194 volt of 1514,269-80 Kecskes,Tamas,277 Mandeville,John de,89,96
Guillaume de Saint Amour,27 Kempten,54,245-47,282 Mannyng,Robert,108,128f
Guillaume Le Clerc,219 Ibn Khaldun,89,333n20 Kinky hair,motif of, 91ff Mansa Musa,King of Mali,93
Gurevich,Aaron,23,299 Ibn Qutayba,89 Kirk,Elizabe '\t, 34,227 Map,Walter,48 passim, 319n43
Guy ofAnderlecht,Saint,222 Idungus (Cistercian monk), 25 Klaniczay,Ga 'pr,108 Marcabru,167
Inequality,72,77 Knighton,Henry,265,267 Marchal,Guy,192,194
Hagen,Godefrit,212 Innocent III,Pope,48 Konrad von Arnmenhausen,83,91ff, 100 Maria de Luna,Queen of Aragon,254
Haimo of Auxerre,80,31m37,33omo3 Iolo Goch,228 Marie de France,206
"Halbritter," 178 Isaac of Stella,25 Labor: value of, 16-20,24-33,36-37,213-14, Markus, Robert, 77,329n88
Ham, see Noah's curse Isidore of Seville,31, 76-81 passim, 89,98, 229,232,234,294-5; as penance,26-32 Martin V,Pope,245
Hannemann,Johann Ludwig,95,335n46 239,255 passim, 219; as servile,145-48 Martin I,King of Aragon,254
Hartmann von Aue,208-9,224 Isidore the Farmer,Saint,222 La Bruyere,Jean de,1 Martin of Braga,137-38,217
Heald,David,3 ius maletractandi, 240,254,256,323n87 Lacombe,Gilbert,45f Martin,Tony,332n3
Heinrich "der Teichner," 19,213,223 Ivo of Chartres,82,98 Lactantius,74,216,248 Martini,Fritz,3
Heinrich von Burgus,217-18 Ladislas "the Cuman," King of Hungary,n9 Marx,Karl,150
Helmbrecht, 18,179-81,223 Jackson,WT.H.,164 Lambert ofArdres,50 Massys,Cornelis,160
Hemmerli,Felix: on peasants,38,41,63, Jacob,Robert,183 Landes,Richard,36 Matazone de Calignano,147-48
100-101,14of,149,293,378n64,398m3; Jacquerie (1358),51,53,139,267 gland,William,34,224-29,232, 261,266 Matthew Paris,128-29
on the Swiss,142,160,191,194f Jacques de Vitry,28,23-33,49,220,318nn31, angtoft, Peter,128 Maximilian I,Emperor,195
Hemmingstedt,Battle of, 200-201 36 Langton,Stephen,24,45-49,51,60,81,204, Melanchthon,Philipp,62,284
Henry I,King of England,50 James I,King of Aragon,184 250,316-18nn.25-37,319-20nn.46-48 Mellinkoff, Ruth,137
Henry of Huntingdon,127 James of Lausanne,49 Le Goff, Jacques,8,24,27 passim, 141,299 Menander,62
Index Index 457

Meszaros,Lorine,277 Otto ofFreising,93,181 Peter von Andlau,2n Roger of Wendover,127

Meyer,Paul,147 Owst,G. R. 51 Petrarch,Francesco,66-71,91,216 Rolevinck,Werner,50,231
Michael of Northgate,218 "Petrarch Master," 67-71,326n43 Romance of Claris and Laris, 140
Mieres,Tomas,54,256,323n87 Paden,William,164 Petrus Comestor,102,339moo Roman de la Rose, Le, 161
Ministeriales, 178 Panofsky, Erwin, 144,314n87 Philip deThaon,206 Roman de Renart le Contrefait, m-12,121,135
Mirror ofjustices, 99 Pariatges of Andorra,186-88 Pierre de Beauvais,III Roman de T hebes, 206
Mittelalterliches Hausbuch, 31 Paris,Gaston,164 Piers Plowman, see Langland,William Rosenplut,Hans,18,62f, 66,213-14,223,
Moffat, Douglas,127ff Pastourelle,164-71 Pinelo, Leon,94 293,399m9
Mohacs, Battle of,125 Patterson,Lee,100 Plato,69,72 Ruiz,Juan,163,169-70
Monstrelet,19 Paul,Saint,33-34,72,239,248 Plow, symbolism of,33-35,66,223-29 Ruprecht vonFreising,148-49,241,355n86
Montaigne,Michel de,270 Peace and Truce of God,182-83 "Poem on theFirst Nobleman," 214,216 Rusticitas, 217
Montaillou,36,49,189 "Peasant Catechism," 134,348n4 Poor people,u-13 Rusticus, use of term,IO, 137-38
Mont-Saint-Michel,145-47 Peasants: as Christians,1,15-16,204-5; Popplau,Nicholas von,245 Rutebeuf,153
Moore,Barrington,286f,298 non-marginality of,2; as economically Premysl,of Bohemia,210
"Mountain liberties," 189,191 necessary,2,15,17-20, 144-45,213-14; Proverbe au vilain, Li,·208 Sachsenspiegel, 102-3,249,251f, 255-56,
Muller,Walter,252,285 discourse about,3-5,7,295-300; defini­ Prudentius,91 285-86
Miintzer,Thomas,258 tion of, 9-10; violence against,38,148- Pseudo-Aethicus Ister,89 Saint Gall,246,282
Murner,Thomas,232 49, 240-47; diet of, 44,147,149-50; Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle, no passim, 121, Salinas y Cordova,Buenaventura de,94
Muskatblut,224 mistreatment of,50-55; as animals, 34m23 Sallust,274
Mutuality among social orders,20-24, 294. 53-54,142-43; descended from Cain, Ptolemy of Luce.\ 83 Sanchez de Arevalo,Rodrigo,144
See alsoThree Orders of Society 91-93; as comical,133-37; as unreligious, Santillana,Marques de,171
137-39; bodily deformity of, 139-41; Queen Mary PsaltJr,144-45 Scheidig,Walter,69
Neidhart corpus,38,135-36,150-52,158, ugliness of,139-41; "otherness " of, 141f, Scheiner,Irwin,299
162-63, 164,166,171-72,213,292 300-302; as dirty,143-44; associated Radbruch,Renate and Gustav,69-71 Schiller,Friedrich von,190,192
"Neocorus," 200-201 with excrement,143,151-54; as stupid, Ragusa,Great Council of, 81-82 Schmidt,Karl,243-44
Nibelungenlied, n9-20 150-51; male,157-63, 171; ineptitude of Rasted Chronicle, 199 Schmitt,Jean-Claude,8,138
Nicholas ofTournai,77 at love,158,160-63; military incapacity Rather of Verona, 80-81, 98,179,250 Schuppert,Helga,3
Nicolas of Oresme,83 of,158,178-81; as violent,158,183-84, Raupp,Hans-Joachim,71 Schwabenspiegel, 182,249,251f, 255-56,
Noah's curse,86-104 275-76; female,159,163-72; in the pas­ Raymond of Aguilers,220 285-86,39on84
Nuremberg Carnival plays,154 tourelle,164-71; armies of,181- 85; free Rebellions,20,63,259-60; Normandy Scott,James,205,297-98
Nykrog,Per,134 communities of, 182,185-202; piety of, (997), 43-44; Hungary (1514),52-53, Seifried Helbling, 178
201-203,208-13,216-35; shrewdness of, 123-24, 269-80; England (1381),129-30, Seitz,Alexander,252
Oberman,Heiko A.,284 205-8; productivity of,213- 14; virtuous 260-67; Flanders (1323-28),258; Catalo­ Seneca,73f
Odo of Cheriton,216 simplicity of,214-18; spiritual advantage nia (1462-86),267-69; Germany (1525), Sentence of Guadalupe,245
Oexle,Otto Gerhard,20,23,42 of, 217-23; and sainthood,221-23; forms 280-86 Sepulveda,Gines de,331m33
Offa,King of Mercia,130,265 of resistance by,296-99; acceptance of Recchia,Vincenzo,329n88 Serfdom: definition of, 9-10; as distinct
Ogier le Danois,109 their situation among,297-300; aware­ Reformatio Sigismundi, 52f, 78,249,252,285, from slavery,82-83; as result of Noah's
Ordericus Vitalis,15,242 ness of their situation among,297-300. 290,293 curse,86,91-94,96-104; as result of
Ordinance and Statute of Laborers,226,262 See also Rebellions Reformation,impact of, 283-87 cowardice,rn5-26; incompatibility with
Origen,88,93 Pere Ribera of Perpignan,n5 Reich,Oskar,3 Christianity,235,247-56; as violation of
Osbert,Viscount ofFontenay-le-Pesnel, Peringer,Diepold,234 remences, 267-78 natural law,248-49; as issue in rebel­
146-47 Peter Bartholomew,220 Resnikow,Sylvia,61ff lions,288
Oswald of Lasko,250,279-80 Peter I,King of Aragon,240 Reynolds,Susan,107f Servus, use of term,IO, 79 passim, 99,n6,
Oswald von Wolkenstein,20 Peter of Blois,220 Richard II,King of England,262 327n68
"Otger Catal6," 109,n7 Peter of Riga,88 Rigord,140 Sevcenko,Ihor,307m5
"Other," concept of the,300-302 Peter the Chanter,21,48,64,77 Robert of Cours;on,53 Sewall,Samuel,95
Ottokar of Styria,178-79 Peter the Hermit,278 Robert of Gloucester,127-28 Sigena,28f, 65f,66
Index Index 459
Simon d'Authie,167 Tell,William,190-94 Virgil, 30,214-15 Wheatley,Edward,227
Simon ofKeza, n9-22, 124-25,272,278 T hibaut IV, Count of Champagne,168 Vitale,Giovanni,275-76 White Book ofSarnen, 192
Slavery: as result of nature,72; as contrary to T homas of Wimbledon,15,49 Vita Sancti Neoti, 209 White,Christine Pelzer,298
natural law,73; as result of sin,74-81, T homasin von Zerclaere,53 Vivo,Joan Belloch,188 Wickham,Chris,189
97-98; as result of misfortune,75-76, T hree Orders of Society: use of as model, Vladislav II,King of Hungary,20,122-23, William,Count of Holland,182
79-80,328n81; and serfdom,79,81-82; 16,20-24,40; failure in practice,24, 273-76 William,Duke of Normandy,43
as result of Noah's curse,88-104 40-55 "Vom Rechte," 51 William I,King of England,127-30
Slaves,81-82 "ThreeSwiss," story of the,193-94 Von der Artzney bayder Gluck, 67-71 William of St. T hierry,312n54
Smalley,Beryl,45 T huroczy,Janos,122,124-25,272 Vovelle,Michel,5 William II,King of England,50
Smaragdus,81,248 Tobias of Bechyne,2n Wimpfeling,Jakob,194
Smith,Helmut,295 Tomich,Pere,117-18 Wace,43-44,55,84,128,206 Wittenwiler,Heinrich,63,83,101-2,172,
Song of Roland, The, 93,no,141 Traverse,Elizabeth,171 Waldeby,John,51 191
Southern,R. W.,84 Trees,as metaphors,69-70 Waldemar,King of Denmark,199 Work, see Labor
Specht,Henrik,216 Tres Riches Heures, 31,35,144 Walsingham,T homas,60,63,261,264 Wulfstan,Archbishop ofYork,17,22,329n93
Spiegel,Gabrielle,108 Tripartitum, 124-25,273 passim Wulfstan,Saint,222
Spiel von dem alten und Jungen Eidgenossen, Tschudi,Aegidius,192 Walter von der Vogelweide,59 Wydif, John,36,54,85,103,255,261,266,
196,198 Tubero,Ludovicus,274,276 Wasif Sah,Ibrahim ben,89 285
Spit von der Vasnacht, Ein, 64 Tucker,George,336n52 Webe� Max,24,27
Squattriti,Paolo,308m8 Turell,Gabriel,n8,125 Weinstein,Do 1ald,221 Zapolya,Janos,269,274
Stauromachia, 273-74 Turville-Petre,T horlac,127f Wenceslas IV, l \ng of Bohemia,2n Zeckel,George,see Dozsa,Gyorgy
Stedingen,199 Twelve Articles of the Peasants ofSwabia, 252, Wenceslas,Saint,210-n Zelivsky,John,384m40
Stegmiiller,Friedrich,45 260,283 passim Werboczy,Istvan,124-25,273 Zschelletzschky,Herbert,69
Stephen,King of Hungary,n9-20 Tyler,Wat,260 Wernher de Gartenaere,18 Zumthor,Paul,4,300
Stephen of Fougeres,19,24,44,48,53,219 Westminster Chronicle, 265 Zwingli,Ulrich,281,284
Stephen ofTournai,85 Ulpian,73
Stephens,Alexander,96 Ulrich vonTurheim,169
Stewart,Alison,362n81 Unibos, 206
Stoicism,73,312n47 Urgell,bishops of, 185-88
Strauss,Gerald,255 Urner Tellspzel Das, 192-93
"Stricker,Der," 51,184,206 Usatges of Barcelona, 240
Stiihlingen,283 Vale Royal,Cheshire,263-64
Sturner,Wolfgang,329n88 Vauchez,Andre,221,385moo
Sudbury,Simon,260 Vaux Saint-Cyr,M.-B. de,46
Summerfield,T hea,127 Vegio,Maffeo,142,216
Switzerland,190-99 Venette,Jean de,53
Sylvester II,Pope,n9 Verbeeck,Frans,172
Synod of Coblenz,81 Verson,Normandy,145-47
Synod of Westminster,81 Vezelay,basilica of, 141-42
Szucs,Jeno,41,121,273,278 Viaticum, 161
Vidal de Canellas,241
Tabari,89 Vienna Genesis,91,97
Taborites,255, 258,285 Vilain, use of term,IO
Talmud,on Noah's curse,87-88 Villein, use of term,IO
Tauler,Johannes,213 Villon,Frans:ois,169
Taurinus,273-74 Vincent of Beauvais,85
TeBrake,William,258 "Violet Prank," story of the,151-52
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Freedman, Paul H.
Images of the medieval peasant / Paul Freedman.
p. cm. - Figurae (Stanford, Calif.)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-8047-3372-4 (doth : alk. paper). -
ISBN 0-8047-3373-2 (pbk. : alk. paper)
I. Literature, Medieval-History and criticism.
2. Peasants in literature. 3. Peasantry.
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