Cost, Production and Plantation of Banana in Davao City

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My Community, Our Earth Geographic Learning

for Sustainable Development

Philippine Science High School Southern Mindanao Campus

Cost, Production and Plantation of Banana in Davao City

Proponents of the Project

Mark Dylan D. Corpuz

Kiara Marie Karmela T. Daray

Angel Mhae T. Lingaya

Raisa M. Mustapha

Mariz Stella S. Sillada

Green Science Camp Project

Aurantiacis Aqua Dux

Subcamp Advisers

Ms. Ferly Caga

Engr. Cromwell Castillo

Research Adviser

Michael A. Casas
My Community, Our Earth Geographic Learning
for Sustainable Development
Philippine Science High School Southern Mindanao Campus

I. Map with description:
A-Philippine Banana
B-Banana Brothers, Inc.
C-Tungkalan Banana
Farms Corporation
D-Paquibato Banana
Growers Multi-Purpose
E-P-1 Banana Growers
F-CMO Banana Farm

Figure 1. Map showing some Suppliers of Banana in Davao City

Source: Google Maps (2013)

II. Project Summary

The main objectives of this study are to identify the relationship of the volume of
banana production in Davao City to its area of plantation, and to its retail price. To be
able to do this, data were gathered from the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics. The
gathered data include the volume of production measured in metric tons, the area of
plantation in hectares, and the retail price per kilogram of banana in Davao City from
year 2002-2011. Line graphs were produced for each set of data and it was found that all
exhibit an increasing trend. Then, the relationships among the data were identified.
Volume of production varies directly to both the area of plantation and the retail price.
The relationships identified would contribute in informingthe people about how
profitable the banana industry is in Davao City.

III. Objectives
This project aims to:
1. determine the trend in the volume of banana production, area of
banana plantations and retail price of bananasin Davao City from year
2. establish the relationship between the volume of banana production
and area of banana plantationsin Davao City; and
3. establish relationship between the volume of banana production and
retail price of banana in Davao City
My Community, Our Earth Geographic Learning
for Sustainable Development
Philippine Science High School Southern Mindanao Campus

IV. Project Methods
The volume of banana production, total area of banana plantations, and retailprice
of banana inDavao City for the past ten yearswas gathered from the Bureau of
Agricultural Statistics. A line graph was produced for each set of data to identify their
trend. Then the relationship between the volume of banana production to the area of
banana plantations and retail price of bananas was determined.

V. Findings and Results

Table 1. Volume of banana production in Davao City from year 2002-2011

Year Volume of Production (t)
2002 5,274,826
2003 5,368,977
2004 5,631,250
2005 6,298,225
2006 6,794,564
2007 7,484,073
2008 8,687,624
2009 9,013,186
2010 9,101,341
2011 9,165,046

Table 1 shows the volume of banana production in Davao City from 2002 to
2011. During these years, the trend of the volume of banana production is increasing (as
shown in figure 2) with the lowest in 2002 and the highest in 2011.

2000   2002   2004   2006   2008   2010   2012  

Volume  of  Produc4on  (t)  

Figure 2. Volume of Banana Production in Davao City from 2002 to 2011

Table 2 shows the total area of banana plantations in Davao City from 2002 to
2011. It shows an increasing trend over the years (as shown in figure 3).
My Community, Our Earth Geographic Learning
for Sustainable Development
Philippine Science High School Southern Mindanao Campus

Table 2. Area planted with bananas in Davao City from year 2002-2011
Year Area Planted (ha)
2002 398,005
2003 408,000
2004 414,510
2005 417,755
2006 428,804
2007 436,762
2008 438,593
2009 446,371
2010 449,443
2011 450,125

2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  

Area  Planted  (ha)  

Figure 3. Area of Banana Plantations in Davao City from 2002 to 2011

Table 3 shows the retail price per kilogram of lakatan, latundan, and saba, which
are kinds of banana. Overall, the trend for the prices of these bananas over the years is
increasing. In 2002, lakatan was the most expensive while latundanwas the cheapest. But,
in 2011, lakatan remained the most expensive but saba became the cheapest.

Table 3.The retail price per kilogram of banana in Davao City from year 2002-2011.
Year Lakatan Latundan Saba
2002 1.02 0.89 0.96
2003 1.16 0.97 1.11
2004 1.14 0.95 1.08
2005 1.25 1 1.12
2006 1.28 0.92 1.09
2007 1.33 1.01 1.14
2008 1.47 1.31 1.18
2009 1.61 1.46 1.2
2010 2.05 1.58 1.2
2011 1.98 1.6 1.25
My Community, Our Earth Geographic Learning
for Sustainable Development
Philippine Science High School Southern Mindanao Campus






2002   2003   2004   2005   2006   2007   2008   2009   2010   2011  

Lakatan   Latundan   Saba  

Figure 4. Retail price of bananas in Davao City from 2002 to 2011

As the area of banana plantations increases, the volume of banana production and
the retail price also increase.

VI. Proposed Actions

This study proposes that the people should advocate for a sustainable environment by
limiting the areas for banana plantations to ensure biodiversity and land is conserved
because if the area of banana plantations will continue to increase, the nutrients needed
by the plants in the soil will be depleted. If this will happen, farmers would have to use
fertilizers, which can disturb the natural balance of the soil and contribute to
environmental problems like land pollution.
VII. Impacts of your Study
This study would raise the awareness of the people about the effects of the
increasing area of banana plantations. The results of this study would help attract more
investors to the growing banana industry, which will help in improving the economy of
Davao City. But, the continuous increase of the area of banana plantations in the city
would lead to monocropping, which has a negative effect to the environment.
Monocropping indirectly results to land pollution and it reduces crop diversity, which
will cause diseases to spread easily between the banana plants.
My Community, Our Earth Geographic Learning
for Sustainable Development
Philippine Science High School Southern Mindanao Campus

VIII. References
Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (2012).Other crops: number of bearing trees/hills/vines
by crop, geolocation and year. Retrieved March 18, 2013 from

Clay, J. (2004). World agriculture and the environment. USA: Island Press

Filson, G. (2004). Intensive agriculture and sustainability: a farming systems analysis.

USA: UBC Press

GreenSteve (2012).Monocropping: necessity or environmentally neglectful?. Retrieved

March 16, 2013 from

Jacques, P. & Jacques, J. (2012).Monocropping cultures into ruin: the loss of food
varieties and cultural diversity. Retrieved March 16, 2013 from

Smith, S. (2012). What is monocropping?. Retrieved March 16, 2013 from

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