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Unfortunately, some people do not look after their pets properly.

In some
cases, this amounts to animal cruelty. What can we do about this problem?
Animal cruelty is a widespread problem, and it is way more rotted than is
shown in the media. Millions of animals are suffering in physical and even mental pain, an
uncountable amount of them get killed every year. It is more than clear that it needs to stop.
We need to wipe out this problem before it gets even more disastrous.
One way of solving the problem is to confirm that the animal is sold or given to
a responsible owner or family. Most animal abuse cases come from pet owners who did not
research before buying or adopting a pet. Animal sellers or shelters need to make sure that the
person who is buying the animal is responsible and has a good background.
Furthermore, people need to be informed about the problem. We need to
encourage people to act, never look away when you see that the animal is being abused and
immediately report it. As a result, people would understand that animals have rights too.
Also, they would be prepared to act upon the problem.
Finally, we need to demand harsher rules for animal protection. Believe it or
not, but in many countries, animal rights have never come up in the discussion. Governments
around the world need to hear it loud and clear: animals have rights. Animals need to have
protection in every possible case.
All in all, measures need to be implied in the fight against animal cruelty. I
think implementing the mentioned suggestions would improve matters.

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