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1. Accessibility: headings, indexes, tables od contents. Angela

for the next time do more accessibility the information for us.
2. Adjournment: time of event. The adjournment is for next Friday
and the reunion will not be cancelled.
3. Conciseness: clear without verbiage. For the next project the
professor tells us that we have to be must conciseness.
4. Chair: when is talk about the faciliatory is about the person
who is presentation. The chair for the next presentation will be
5. Cover letter: a letter that accompanies another letter, a
package, or the like, to explain, commend, etc. You need to
complete your cover letter to send the documents.
6. Demonstration: supporting evidence. You must give to us a
demonstration off your business tomorrow.
7. Formal: designed for wear or use at occasions or events
marked by elaborate ceremony or prescribed social
observance. The document must be formal like the activity.
8. Infographics:  a visual presentation of information in the form
of a chart, graph, or other image accompanied by minimal text,
intended to give an easily understood overview, often of a
complex subject. Marta decided made an infographic for the
phycology class about social problems.
9. Minutes: an official record of the proceedings of a meeting,
conference, convention, etc. the secretary have the
responsibility to make the minutes of this reunion.
10. Outline: a general sketch, account, or report, indicating
only the main features, as of a book, subject, or project. All the
11. Plagiarism: an act or instance of using or closely
imitating the language and thoughts of another author without
authorization and the representation of that author's work as
one's own, as by not crediting the original author. If you do
plagiarism, you will have bad condescension.
12. Showcase: an exhibit or display, usually of an ideal or
representative model of something. I made a showcase of
that theme for the English class.
13. Stuff: the material of which anything is made. The
company made a hard, crystalline stuff.
14. Technical: using terminology or treating subject matter
in a manner peculiar to a particular field, as a writer or a book.
Paola for the next class will prepare a technical document.
15. Upcycling: to process (used goods or waste material) to
produce something that is often better than the original.
You need to make more upcycling to help our planet.

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