Who Are The Stakeholders in The Tourism Industry

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1. Who are the Stakeholders in the Tourism Industry?

Give 3 examples
A stakeholder is a person, group or organisation who is in some way involved with a tourism
project. A stakeholder is quite literally anyone who is involved with a particular tourism project,
organisation or industry. A stakeholder in tourism can be a person, such as a tourist or a taxi
driver, or the tourism minister. They could be a group of people such as a student group or a
family. They could be a company or organisation.

2. For a named stakeholder, describe how they can help to sustain tourism.
Edmund Bartlett, Minister of Tourism in Jamaica

Develop strategies to be applied in areas such as:

- Growth based on a sustainable market position through development of Jamaica's natural,

cultural, historic and built heritage, in line with market trends.
- Enhancing the visitor experience through improving resorts and increasing the types and
quality of attractions.
- Community based development, enhancing the role of local communities in the tourism
industry, to increase local support and enhance sustainability.
- Making Tourism a more inclusive industry, by ensuring that the benefits of tourism are
distributed widely throughout the society.
- Environmental sustainability: The industry must contribute to the preservation of the
natural environment.

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