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Exercise 1

Write a pronoun in the blank that agrees with the antecedent; Then underline the antecedent.

1. The Carmonas all have their mother’s eyes.

2. Each member must pledge their loyalty to the group
3. Ms. Arnold coached the cheerleaders as they practiced their routines.
4. The emergency squad offers their services to all in need.
5. Akiko changed for her date before she ate dinner.
6. Lemuel and I researched our family tree.
7. The panthers play their opening game tonight
8. When Juan and I left school, we went straight to soccer practice.
9. Mr. Copas and Sean never tire of talking about their record catch of trout.
10. If you will give me a list of the things you need, I will get them .
11. Billy and Carol are amazing. I’ve never seen two people work together better than them .
12. Sasha and Trina work everyday after school because their family needs money.
13. Just before we graduated, our class gave its entire treasury to purchase some new
computers for the school.
14. Norman and Natasha spent a lot of money on their skiing gear.
15. Camille wrote her deepest feelings in a diary: its contents were private.
16. The girl on the phone said her name was Jane, but she sounded exactly like Maria.
17. Orville worked hard at accomplishing his goals.
18. The tennis player had trouble controlling his serves.
19. When my father and his three brothers were children, they all shared one bicycle.
20. Congress passed forty-seven bills during its last session.

Exercise 2

Circle any pronoun in italics that does not agree with its antecedent write its correct form in the blank. If
the italicized pronoun agrees with its antecedent, write C in the blank .

1. C Albert and Teresa featured a live rabbit in their science project.

2. their The musicians performed his program at the municipal auditorium.
3. her Marlene spent the evening studying for his math test.
4. C Most members of the Spanish club recommend it to their friends
5. his Bill organized its scheduled to allow for extra leisure time.
6. our My sisters and I finished your homework and then she watched television.
7. their Neither of the jones girls played her best.
8. its The team is proud of their record.
9. C Does anyone have an extra battery in their locker?
10. C Hakeem is never too busy to help his friends.

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