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OpenFOAM: Future

Hrvoje Jasak

Wikki Ltd, United Kingdom

FSB, University of Zagreb, Croatia

OpenFOAM: Future Developments – p.1/15

• Present (my) development plans
• Dissemination, training and workshops
• Library infrastructure
• Solvers and utilities
• Collaboration and pilot projects
• Future Workshops and Seminars

OpenFOAM: Future Developments – p.2/15

OpenFOAM Today
• Number of academic users rising rapidly
• Some industry penetration: pilot projects
Requirements for the Next Phase
• Expanded knowledge base and support
• Formal and wider testing, validation database
and release management
• Need public CVS repository

OpenFOAM: Future Developments – p.3/15

Library Development
Supporting Complex Coupling
• Block Matrix and Solver
• Rewrite of FEM discretisation
• Block-implicit FVM operators
• Direct solver technology
• Solid-fluid interaction and general multi-mesh
and multi-model framework

OpenFOAM: Future Developments – p.4/15

Library Development
Support for Topological Changes
• Complete deployment of mesh morphing
• Automatic support in top-level solvers
• OpenFOAM in engine simulations
• Generalisation of polyMesh support: point
and edge zones; sub-meshes?
• Topological changes in parallel and dynamic
load balancing

OpenFOAM: Future Developments – p.5/15

Block Matrix
Block Matrix Class Rewrite
• Old code: scalar matrix and segregation only
• Need support for point-implicit and block
vector solution: tensor coefficients
• Introducing coupled variable support for block
solution on GeometricField level
• Automatic coefficient morphing for efficiency
• Generalised sparse addressing support: op+
• First implementation complete: under testing
OpenFOAM: Future Developments – p.6/15
Block Matrix


aP uP + aP uN = R

• Coupling vector components in the same cell:

tensor diagonal (aP ) coefficient
• Coupling vector components in neighbour:
tensor off-diagonal (aN ) coefficient
• Dynamic type change on matrix summation
OpenFOAM: Future Developments – p.7/15
Block Matrix
Block Matrix Class Rewrite
• BlockCoeff: scalar, Type or Type-squared
• CoeffField: List of BlockCoeff
◦ Type morphing to highest required type
◦ Automatic calculus operations
• BlockLduMatrix and BlockConstraint
◦ BlockCoeff diagonal and off-diagonal
◦ Sparse addressing: static and dynamic
• Discretisation support with new matrix types
OpenFOAM: Future Developments – p.8/15
Solver Development
Solver Development
• Surface tracking solver ready for release
• Updates in automatic mesh motion
• Improvements in moving mesh and
topological changes: run-time selection
• 2-D CFD solver on a curved surface: wall film
• Rewrite of FV stress analysis capabilities:
multi-material, improved contact handling

OpenFOAM: Future Developments – p.9/15

Surface Tracking
Surface Tracking Model
• Separate mesh for each phase
• Motion obtained from boundary conditions
• Mesh adjusted for the motion of free surface
Example: Hydrofoil Under Free Surface

OpenFOAM: Future Developments – p.10/15

Finite Area Solver
Transient Convection-Diffusion on a Sphere
• vt = v4∞ sin θ eθ
• ψ = 1 at t = 0
Analytical, t=0.4s
Analytical, t=1.0s
4.5 EI, t=0.4s
EI, t=1.0s
CN, t=0.4s
4 CN, t=1.0s




X 1


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

OpenFOAM: Future Developments – p.11/15

FV Stress Analysis
Contact Stress Analysis
• Multi-material and non-linear materials:
governing equation given per region
• Multiple contact and self-contact

OpenFOAM: Future Developments – p.12/15

Pilot Projects
• US Dept. of Energy: MFIX replacement
• Funded development: industrial collaboration
Workshop and Training Seminars
• OpenFOAM Workshop in USA and Japan
• Follow-up (annual?) European event
• OpenFOAM in teaching: virtual flow lab
• University collaboration/EU project?

OpenFOAM: Future Developments – p.13/15

USM Chile: Air Injection

OpenFOAM: Future Developments – p.14/15

OpenFOAM Development
• Entering a new phase: increased user base
• Need to expand developer base and
expertise: encourage collaboration
• Promote Open-Source CFD approach in
industry and academia
Thank you for attending the
First OpenFOAM Workshop!

OpenFOAM: Future Developments – p.15/15

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