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Recycling fuel subsidies as health subsidies

Robert Yatesa

As debates concerning global sustain- However, it is also a popular policy – and to just 0.9% of the country’s GDP.12 Suc-
able development goals intensify, there this makes it particularly attractive to cessive national governments have tried
is one policy that seems to unite all governments. Across the world, politi- to reduce the levels of fuel subsidies in
development agencies: the reduction or cians are recognizing that the extension Indonesia but substantial reforms have
elimination of energy subsidies – espe- of health coverage wins votes and can been met with fierce and sometimes
cially those for fossil fuels. It has been bring them substantial political ben- violent opposition. There would appear
estimated that the world’s governments efits.7 Moreover, because virtually all to be a tremendous opportunity for
spend approximately half a trillion households use some health services the country’s new President to extend
United States dollars (US$) each year on within any given year, any investment health coverage to the entire population
subsidizing fossil fuels.1 This subsidy – of in health services can deliver results by reallocating just a third of the funds
commodities that appear to be the major quickly to most of the population. In currently spent on subsidizing fuel.
cause of climate change – has recently contrast, benefits from investments The launch of popular health re-
been described as a reckless use of public in infrastructure – e.g. in roads and forms could be a sensible strategy
funds.2 Although many governments electrification projects – tend to take for other political leaders who would
would like to reduce fuel subsidies, such many years to benefit the majority of like to reduce fuel subsidies although
subsidies are so popular with the general the population. they are worried about the political
public, that their reduction can cause Perhaps the most obvious area consequences. From a policy perspec-
civil unrest – as already seen in Egypt, where governments can generate quick tive, the recycling of fuel subsidies as
Indonesia and Nigeria.3 wins from increased public health health subsidies could improve health
Politically, it may not be feasible to investments is in the provision of free indicators, stimulate growth and reduce
remove fuel subsidies without giving medicines, commodities and diagnostic carbon emissions. Just as importantly,
something back to the general public. tests. Since – for many people in devel- this strategy could also be an effective
The money currently spent on fuel oping countries – these goods account political strategy and increase the popu-
subsidies might therefore need to be for the majority of any out-of-pocket larity of any government in power – as
reassigned to highly visible subsidies expenditure on health,8 their free provi- it improves the health of its people, its
on other goods or services. However, if sion would have an appreciable impact economy and the health of the planet. ■
civil unrest is to be avoided, the general on household disposable incomes.
public would need to experience tan- Some developing countries are
gible benefits relatively quickly following already promoting the benefits of free References
any such reassignment of funds. These health care, especially free medicines, to Available at:
benefits would also need to outweigh justify reductions in fuel subsidies. For volumes/92/8/14-143495
any perceived loss of welfare that might example, the Government of Sudan – a
result from higher fuel costs. In the country that suffered violent riots over
selection of targets for subsidies that rising fuel prices – is explicitly using the
have rapid impacts but do not distort resources it has saved from reducing
national economies, health services may fuel subsidies to provide free medicines
be a good choice. for children under five years of age.9
Given the large market failures in Furthermore, the Islamic Republic of
the provision of health services, there Iran has just announced that it will
is a strong economic rationale for soon launch major reforms to achieve
governments to subsidize health care.4 universal health coverage and use sav-
Furthermore, public spending on health ings made from reducing fuel subsidies
services can generate huge economic to pay for those reforms.10 Indonesia,
returns. 5 After comparing the recent which annually spends an astonish-
development of the two countries, it was ing 2.7% of its gross domestic product
argued that China had outperformed (GDP) – about US$ 30 billion – on fuel
India – in terms of growth and social subsidies but only 1% of its GDP on pub-
indicators – because China had invested lic health services might benefit from a
more heavily in social services in general similar strategy.11 The World Bank has
and, particularly, in health.6 calculated that health coverage could be
The subsidy of health services extended to the entire population of In-
therefore appears to be a sensible policy. donesia for an additional cost equivalent

World Health Organization Country Office for Indonesia, c/o Gedung Dr Adhyatma, Ministry of Health, Jalan HR Rasuna Said Blok X.5, Kavling 4-9, Jakarta 12950,
Correspondence to Robert Yates (email:

Bull World Health Organ 2014;92:547–547A | doi: 547


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547A Bull World Health Organ 2014;92:547–547A | doi:

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