Pan Third Position Collected Wo - P3P

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Why Conservative Socialism 

Created By Professor and edited by cjxproxy

Many times we hear that socialism has failed or there

has been nothing good that has come out of socialism.
We also hear many times that conservatism is a
backwards moral system. These people are usually very
ignorant and/or dishonest. They forget to mention how
in many of these socialist nations that living conditions
improved, everyone had jobs, minimum wages were
established like in Peron’s Argentina.They also forget to
mention how many of these socialist countries are the
most developed nations in the 3rd world like Qaddafi
Libya and Assad Syria. This is known to most self
described socialist but what isn’t known or talked about
is how many of these nations were socially conservative
like how eastern Germany supported the nuclear family
or how Qaddafi was a strong supporter of religion or
how many of these leaders were Nationalist whether it
was Stalin, Mussolini, or Bakunin, and how many of
these leaders were not very socially progressive at all
sure many of these leaders were atheist and staunch
secularists but other than many of  them supported the
ideas of nationalism, family, masculinity, and the right
to self determination.

 For all of the 21st century it has always been the

capitalist class that has supported the destruction of the
family, religion, identity, and all moral systems that
reject progressive liberalism. They have been the ones
who have brought death to thousands of people in the
middle east, Africa, and south America, mass refugee
crisis in Europe and North America, and many so called
western socialist don’t see that and many of these
western socialist support everything the capitalist class
likes for example the LGBT and open borders. Many of
these socialist aren’t even socialist there just liberals
and social democrats that use communist and anarchist
symbols and many conservatives are just liberals from
4-8 years ago. We need to reclaim the conservative and
socialist movements and combine the two together to
fight against liberalism, capitalism, progressivism, and
I – Rationale
By pozu

Over the past dozen decades, humanity and its

economic system has been rapidly advancing and
uncovering previously unknown secrets of the world
and developing new theories in the art of Capitalist
economics. Although, these new findings have lead way
to a horrific future of corrupt privately owned
businesses that are demonstrating the duality of the
significance of money, with the amount of control they
hold over the government, and what is put into law. The
accelerated rate of suicide in adolescents has also shun
a light to the failings of post-industrial Capitalism,
inflating hedonism and degeneracy in the populus from
the lacking of a consistent, self efficient funding from
employment. And due to the ever growing reach of
technology, false outlets for temporary happiness have
been developed, staring at phones and watching funny,
“relatable” content on such devices. Thus a need to
revert to past technological states is required to fulfill
actualization and a truly joyful society, and abolishing
the blissfully ignorant reality of mainstream, internet-
based society is likely needed to do so, to break from
the oppressive shackles of a couch-residing life and live
a more naturalized, self-productive lifestyle.
    The progressivism of Western Civilization proves
time and time again to be a cancer, bidding the coinage
of several boogeyman groups, be it Marxists, Jews or
Blacks. Though they may or may not be a disturbance
to our society, it is benefactory to abolish the privatized
leeches of the economy before you can abolish the other
disturbances. The rejection of identity politics is also
necessary to cure us of this cancer, as it is a weapon
privatized corporations used indiscriminately against
the members of society who dissent against their
political views. The promotion of civic engagement is
also needed to strengthen the nationality and patriotism
of the people, to provide a determinate motive for their
workings and contributions to the nation, and to
discourage the use of identity politics as a hypothetical
Neo-Agrarian society of this ideology. The push of
identity politics on the young and vulnerable is also to
blame for the accelerationist hedonism in society, with
the rise of adolescents being chemically castrated by
their parents, forced on hormonal therapy, and being
ideologically subjugated to pessimistic nihilism,
reactionary social justice and moral corruption.

14 points of pan third positionism by Cjxproxy and Professor

1 we call for a new revolutionary idea that is for

combining not only all forms of the third position
but also all forms of anti liberal ideology

2 we call for a unification of not only all third

position ideologies excluding (hitlerian national
socialism) but also the old left ,neo reactionary,
anarcho nationalist, and all who are against neo
liberal imperialism
3 We call for a vanguard party to lead these
revolutionary ideas into one unified force against
the current neo liberal order

4 we call for all Nationalist to reject neo

liberalism,American exceptionalism, imperialism
and intimidation like the Iraq and Syrian war

5 we support right of all cultural and religious

groups right to self determination 

6 Once pan third positionism takes over the

government we call for the third position to come
up with a new non free market capitalist or
utopian economic system that can fit the needs of
the people in that country.

7 for the pan third position ideology to thrive

once in control of any government we call for it
to be isolated and self dependent this is called pan
third positionism in one country
8 we call for a complete cultural revolution to
sweep away liberal and materialistic culture and
create a new traditional culture

9 we call for the complete removal of all the neo

liberal elites in government,corporations, media
and academia we call for class struggle not to
abolish property or achieve anarcho communism
but remove the current order

10 we call for a complete rejection of black and

white views on politics and civilization
development we understand that we can take
ideas from ideology that we don’t fully agree with
and the combining of left and right wing ideas is
not impossible and we also understand
civilization develop differently because of their
history,culture and economic development. What
works for one society may not work for another 

11 we call for an economic system that combines

the best accepts of capitalism and communism
examples are mutualism,national
syndicalism,state capitalism,market socialism and
corporatism. All of these systems we give our full
support too.

12 we want the creation of a new man that’s

smarter, physically, and mentally better that isn’t
being degenerate do to his self pleasure of the
nihilistic materialistic mindset of the current neo
liberal world

13 we call for a neo agrarian society because of a

stretching thin of resources and pollution but
unlike previous agrarian society we still support
modernize farming and we still understood other
non agrian industries still need to exist.

14 we call for the UN to be dissolved and for all

international fiancee to stop

My critique of classical fascism by cjxproxy
before I go into this I must emphasis I don’t hate
anyone that believes in the idea of classical fascism I
just have some problems with the ideology

Classical fascism as an ideology the original

fascist ideology as developed in Italy. The
ideology is associated with a series of three
political parties led by Benito Mussolini. My
biggest problem with classical fascism is that it
only applied to the material conditions of Italy
and not for example America. It puzzles me how
so many Third positionists fall for this mindset as
it creates barriers that we need to destroy in order
to adapt fascism or some form of third position to
America’s material conditions. Another thing I
need to mention is the fact that classical fascism
could never work in the present day due to new
problems arising that Italian fascists never
experienced. The biggest being over-
secularization, the LGBT, liberal socialists, and
new left marxists that don’t understand what
socialism or Marxism is but use the vocabulary
and imagery of said ideologies. We need to be
able to create or at the very least adapt a form of
third position to fit the answers to these new
problems that have arisen in the current age.

Globalization is a problem for everyone not just for

Europeans by the professor
I constantly hear from White Nationalists That
Globalization is only affecting Europeans and it’s only
European culture and traditions that are being affected
by globalization. Along with how all non-whites hate
white people and want them to be exterminated. Now
while it is true that globalization is causing European
identity and culture to be destroyed by mass
immigration and liberalization but they are dead wrong
to think that non whites aren’t being affected by
liberalism and globalization. Look at how many non
European countries have been destabilized due to US
and NATO putting sanctions and backing rebel groups
in the region.

Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Iran, Bolivia,

Venezuela, and countless others. The only
European countries that has been destabilized due
to NATO in recent years is Ukraine which NATO
supported neo nazi groups (which many of these
white Nationalists are supporting as well) to
overthrow the pro Russian government and put a
pro NATO and pro EU government in charge.
Also many non whites don’t hate white people
many Syrians are grateful that a Russian
intervention took place in the syrain civil war and
the Assad government has connections with many
nationalists in Europe like Nick Griffin for
example and many non whites are against
liberalism and globalization in the United states.
We need to start having conversations with anti
liberal and anti globalization forces all across the
world not just in European countries we need to
form an internationalist force to fight against
liberalism and globalization and to persevere all
religious, cultural, and Ethnic groups all across
the World.
The problem I’ve noticed with the third position by cjxproxy
There has been a problem that I have noticed with the
third position and it only seems to become a bigger
issue overtime. This being that people that support the
lgbt movement that get involved in third position
politics. Mainly national socialism, fascism, and

The history behind the lgbt movement within the

third position movement
The earliest that we can go back to is ernest rohm
who was a member of the NSDAP. He was
openly gay within the party and is believed to
have had orgies with other members. He was
killed during the long of the long knives because
he disagreed with homosexual acts being illegal
for obvious reasons.

Within strasserism this is also a growing concern.

This goes back to the 1980s when a man named
Michael Kühnen was apart of some strasserite
movements ended up dying from HIV
(unsurprisingly in the 1990s).

The most recent example of this taking place with

a Person on reddit named Boot who was a trans
person who would regularly post pics of him in
different outfits, showing off different flags the
biggest being a trans strasserist flag, Not to
mention the fact that he had a porn account and
yes there’s videos of him. He would disappear
due to being bullied off the internet
I believe that this is happening because of two
things. 1. Being the rejection of the self and 2.
Late stage liberalism. There have been many
people that have gotten involved in the movement
that have hid their degenerate sexuality and for
others they are widely open about such which
makes them outcasts of the movement for good

What should be done about this?

If you are like me you want to keep the

movement from becoming compromised by
social progressives. Me personally I don’t mind bi
and gay people joining the movement as long as
they are anti-lgbt movement. Transgenders on the
other hand are too mentally ill to be apart of the
third position in my opinion due to their gender
dysphoria. We need to call it out when things such
as this take place if we want to ensure any
seriousness within third position politics.
Marxism and the third position part 1:the state by
controversial thinker
Disclaimer: Everything I say in this article is still up for
debate in Marxist circles so don’t expect marxists you
know to agree with you if you start saying the points
made in this article. This is a very controversial topic
and marxists all have their vision what of Socialism,
Marxism, and/or communism is and they all think theirs
is the correct one. Keep that in mind as you read this.

“Hence the abolition of private property and

communism are by no means identical…”

-Karl Marx in a letter written in 1843. This letter

would be later referenced as “A Ruthless Critique
of Everything”

“Communism is for us not a state of affairs which

is to be established, an ideal to which reality
[will] have to adjust itself. We call communism
the real movement which abolishes the present
state of things. The conditions of this movement
result from the premises now in existence.”

-Excerpt From “On the German Ideology” by

Karl Marx.

For those reading who understand what

communists say on the internet or even in modern
parties within capitalist countries, you have
probably heard that communism has a set a of
rules/characteristics that MUST BE
FOLLOWED. In the Manifesto of the Communist
Party, Marx defined communism in one sentence:
the doctrine of the liberation of the proletariat. In
this series of articles I’ve titled “Marxism and
The Third Position”, I will be picking apart what
modern marxists attribute to what a communist
society should look like. I hope to show you that
reading Marx is useful and will not leave you
rambling about how the state must wither away or
how we have to kill rich people. I am trying to
separate Marx from his dogmatic followers.
Dogmatic followers of Marx have, since the 20th
century, have quoted excerpts from Marx’s works
attempting to define some sort of communist
society. They quote Marx from his Critique of the
Gotha Programme in order to justify a stateless,
classless, and moneyless society. This work is
primarily why I have decided to write this series
of articles. We need a new outlook on Marx that
really captures his logic and critique of

Before I pick apart why what modern marxists are

doing is a terrible thing to do if you respect any of
Marx’s work, let us analyze what their definition
of communism means. The term “state” within
Marxist circles is very different from the fascist
definition or the hegelian definition. The modern
Marxist interpretation can be summed up as “a
legal institution that is wielded by one class to
subjugate another through things like property
laws.” This is obviously very different from the
hegelian state. Marx’s full commentary on the
hegelian state has been lost. Which is very tragic
for these dogmatists as that means they will have
to think for themselves for once. Marx wrote a
criticism in 1843 about Hegel’s philosophy of
Right. While doing so, Marx started to critique
religion and he stated, “This state and this society
produce religion, which is an inverted
consciousness of the world, because they are an
inverted world.” He then went onto say a few
sentences later, “Religious suffering is, at one and
the same time, the expression of real suffering
and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the
sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a
heartless world, and the soul of soulless
conditions. It is the opium of the people.” This is
important as it is key to understanding Marx’s
view of the state compared to those who claim to
follow him now.

Marx defines The State differently here than in

his other works because earlier in the text he
refers to state and society as seperate which is
something Hegel did in the work that Karl Marx
is criticizing. So we will assume he is using the
basic Hegelian definition of The State. For those
unfamiliar with the definition an easy summary I
can offer is, “the sum of all the will and self-
consciousness of each individual under it
manifested into reality.” Marx says that The State
creates religion. This is true to some degree as the
will of man, his ethics, and his understanding of
himself create spirituality and The State
institutionalizes this spirituality into an organized
religion. So Marx does grasp Hegel’s state in its
basics. Marx however thinks that religion is a
sign of suffering and in order to destroy religion,
one must destroy suffering. In other works Marx
goes onto say how capitalism makes people
miserable and therefore perpetuates religious
authority. While people like me who are religious
have a different interpretation of spirituality and
religion, Marx is correct to say that hard times do
allow religious authorities, such as corrupt priests
and church leaders, to flourish.

This is where many modern marxists messed up

Marx. For example, The Soviet Union thought
that eliminating religion would end the pain
peasants went through in Ukraine from the priests
extorting them and such. So they enforced State
Atheism. This led to a terrible understanding of
spirituality and increased atheism embedded in
the population which only increased hostility to
anything associated with religion. Instead of
eliminating the pains in the material world that
upheld these atrocious religious regimes, the
Soviet Union attacked religion itself. They
abandoned Marx’s critique of religion to skip
ahead to an ideal Marx liked. This is why taking
ideals such as stateless, classlessness, and
moneylessness and pursuing them is a terrible
option. Marx said in the letter mentioned at the
top of this article that “we do not dogmatically
anticipate the world, but only want to find the
new world through criticism of the old one.” This
is why a healthy view of Marx is important. He
makes a good point. In order to create a new
system, we must make it from our critiques of the
old. We must not try to establish it from our
anticipations or aspirations as to what it shall look
like. That leads to things like war, famine, state
atheism, etc.
Karl Marx has some grasp of The State when he
talks specifically about Hegel. He is however, not
Hegel. He can never replace Hegel with his class
reductionist analysis. His analysis however
should not be ignored. We see the effects of it
being ignored. One of which was State Atheism.
The Third Positionists have a chance to fix what
the old marxists and what the new marxists have
gotten wrong, are getting wrong, and will keep
getting wrong. We reject dichotomy. We can
correct the parties that claim to represent Marx’s
critique and expose them for the dangers they
The Third Position Mindset by the professor
There is a problem in the Third Position. Throw out my
2 years of being a third positionist. I have noticed many
self proclaimed third positionists who still have boomer
conservative talking points about socialism and third
positionist who still hold onto many socially
progressive ideas from their liberal/left wing days.
These people do not have a third position mindset and
that’s what I will be going over on what is a third
position mindset, how it’s different from a capitalist and
communist mindset, and I’ll be making a second article
on what is a pan third position mindset.

What is the Third position mindset?

The third position mindset is a revolutionary and

intellectual mindset. It’s a revolutionary mindset
in the sense that it’s constantly seeking self
improvement whether it be physical, mental,
spiritual, or intellectual improvement along with
wanting self improvement for their people
whether it be their nation, religion, cultural or
ethnic group. The third position is a inherently
collectivist mindset that is looking for the
betterment of society with that being said that
doesn’t mean that we can’t be decentralized in
economics. For there to be a third position society
third positionists must have an internal revolution
inside themselves.

The third position is also a intellectual mindset

that seeks to break the false dichotomy of left vs
right. The third position seeks to go beyond
capitalism and communism and create something
entirely new. A third positionist shouldn’t be
scared of what other ideologies have to say; they
should take the best aspects of all ideologies.
Third positionists should create an analysis of the
current neo liberal system understanding of how
it works. The last important aspect of this is a
third positionist must read other ideologies
literature even if it is opposed to our ideal world a
third positionist must become a scholar of all
fields in the political science, economics,
philosophy, etc and he or she must be willing to
take a controversial stand against the modern
liberal society. For the third position to succeed,
third positionists must tear down every false
dichotomy and lie that the neo liberal system
propped up to keep the people in line. Then we
rebuild a new way of thinking about life and
politics. A system based on
meritocracy,nationalism, conservatism, socialism
and identity. Then we will truly have a new Rome
or Plato republic.
In defense of idealist monism and Christianity by Cjxproxy
Something that has caught my attention that is almost
eye-roll worthy is this antithetical approach towards
religion (especially Christianity) and idealism out of a
sense that everything has to have to have a material
origin. This however has been shown to be fruitless and
almost an in-cognitive virus of the mind.

When looking at Christianity they will say that it

has no basis in cognitive functioning and logic.
This I would have to disagree with from a semi-
positivist viewpoint. If we look at things such as
anthropology, astronomy, etc it has been shown
that biblical events have occurred in the past from
a scientific understanding. Things such as the
flood of Noah have been shown to have occurred
in some capacity. For example over 50 or so
ancient cultures believed in a great flood that
wiped out most of humanity. From an
astronomical standpoint it has been shown that
the Big Bang couldn’t have had a material origin
without an immaterial force guiding the process
of the Big Bang’s space-time expansion. This
immaterial force being unstable fluctuations in a
quantum state can produce space-time and matter.
Everything has to have an origin from something.
It is undoubtedly un-scientific to suggest that
anything can come from a source of absolute

If we look at the phenomenological and

sociological continuities of all of this it has been
shown that Christianity has had more of a positive
influence both on society and on the individual
more specifically on that person’s conscious
experiences with the help of Christian objective
morality. In no society has there ever and never
could ever be based on pure atheism with the
removal of the concept of god. This is because
you can never have a society that is based purely
on morality that is gained only from its
surroundings. Objective morality must have a
source in the divine because this morality has an
origin of being that can Inturn be applied to the
material world. Even if you take religion out of
the equation your still left with a god-like source.
Instead of it being the divine it comes from a cult
of personality. Just look at Soviet Union under
Lenin, Stalin, and North Korea. the
phenomenological aspect of my analysis this
helps the individual’s conscious experience in
how to act in certain situations without acting as
an immoral monster. Also with consciousness it
can not be explained as a material substance
without suggesting it has metaphysical qualities.
It has never been able to be fully explained as one
and never will. If you look at plants it has been
shown that even they have a conscious and can
feel pain. There is no explanation for this In a
material sense

In conclusion Christianity and idealist monism

have been shown to have more of an impact on
society than what materialists will like to tell you.
Not everything comes from a material origins
such as consciousness , you can’t have a society
based on atheism due to its lack of objective
morality, and Christianity can be proven to at
least have some partial truth
Liberal technocratic feudalism part 2:coronavirus edition
The last time I talked about this subject I thought would
be last time I would talk about it for at least 6 months
but since the coronavirus has happened which has
caused lock down all across the world and seeing how
some of my predictions are accelerating along with the
system showing major cracks and people becoming
more incompetent with the system that governs them. I
thought it would be a great time to talk about the
subject and my predictions on where things are going
and the future of the liberal world.

Let’s first start off with what I got right first that
is happening rapidly: the decline of small
businesses and the middle class due to the lock
down many businesses have had to close down
for several month causing many people not be
able to pay their rent if this will continue we
could see many small businesses start to close
down permanently. Many people are out of a job
so around 20 percent of Americans have lost their
jobs because of this pandemic and this number
will only continue to rise.

One of the biggest things I got right was that there

were cracks in the system and those cracks have
become more clear now. For example we now
have a shortage of certain products due to the fact
we get them from other countries like China and
since we stopped most of travel from China we
now have a shortage of different products. Not to
mention the stock market has gone down due to
international trade being disrupted. Another crack
we now see is that elites are divided on what to
do. Some of them want to reopen everything
while others want to continue the lockdown till
August not to mention many different states have
let out criminals because of the virus while police
arrest families who are walking around along
with small businesses and churches who are
trying to reopen causing many people to become
more disenfranchised with the current state of
affairs. This has caused many people not only in
America but all across the world to start
protesting their governments. One final crack is
that none of the elites know what the virus is.
There has been countless misinformation thrown
around that contradicts one another at one point
they said covid-19 was airborne than another one
said it wasn’t causing a lot of information thrown
around and showing that elites don’t have control
of what is considered true or not (a fact that been
known before this pandemic).

                What is to come?

In truth most of this could have been prevented if

these states had set up safety nets to help citizens
who were out of job because of this and state
giving money to small businesses but we all know
this won’t happen or will only be done on a small
scale. With all of this being said this will only
continue the decline of the United States and
liberal hegemony over the world. With this
causing many to become disillusioned with the
system ,many losses there jobs depression go up,
and has caused major protests all around the
world. This won’t be the end of the United States
or liberalism but this event will only accelerate
and continue the decline of society.
A third position case for Émile durkheim’s
consensus on modernity by Cjxproxy
When we look at society we can see how in the last 80
years society (mainly in western Europe and North
America) has become decadent due to the rise of
neoliberalism and it has caused so many negative
effects on society. From the destruction of the nuclear
family and cultural values for a dysfunctional family
always forced to work and the introduction to
multiculturalism there are many examples of
neoliberalism having a deadly effect on society. One of
the biggest things that we will be discussing is the
transition from mechanical modernity and organic
modernity and how a third positionist society can fix

When looking into the concept of modernity as

Emile Durkheim understood it we must first
understand the basis of what his consensus is.
From his perspective there are two types of
modernity. Mechanical modernity being pre-
modern in the sense that you’re born in a certain
clan of sorts with people that have the same
“collective consciousness”. modernity being that
you are on your own when it comes to finding a
group of people. This can be from jobs, values,
religion, etc. the thing that binds all people in an
organic modernity sort of society is
interdependence meaning that people rely on
another profession for certain needs. I believe in a
third position society there can be a bridge
between these two forms of modernity.

In a third positionist society since it is based on

collectivism it will be easier to find a group of
people you can associate with because most
people in this society will have values similar to
you because of the state’s enforcement of such
values. Also there would be a sense of
interdependence because people can still choose
the religion they want to be affiliated with, what
career they want to take, etc. this can lead to
people being able to find a cliche of people
without it being forced on them to choose who
they want to associate with.

In conclusion it is safe to say that within a of a

third postionist society we can bridge the gap
between these two forms of modernity that Emile
Durkheim had noticed within society in his

Sacred sexuality by LackJack

This is an article posted to the www.syndicalist All information in this article
is based on my research and thus it is important
that as you take it in, you do not reject new ideas.
This article pushes to help it’s readers understand
the modern decline of healthy sexual relationships
and offer solutions, so that any reader may try to
avoid the issue of.

Sexual Relations in Homosapiens

Sex as a cultural topic has surrounded humanity

since it’s founding. Humans have had great
experimentation with this natural part of our life
cycle. Not only is it the bringer of life but it
represents a deep sacred expression shown to a
partner as a sign of passion. Throughout history
we have seen this topic taken in different doses.
From the promiscuous times of Ancient Greece
where men and women had casual sex and deep
sexual bonds with almost complete strangers. To
the era of the Victorians where sex was almost
blotted out of the mind of the public but kept to
the bedroom. Now with modern science and a
modern culture we need to use our information to
form satisfying and fulfilling lifestyles.
Modernity however has encouraged a lifestyle of
casual sex as seen in Greece but it seems to have
not recognized what we have learned. It denies
dialects because it is solely based on dopamine
exchange. Many relationships now are seen as
progressive for being self interested and using sex
as only a past time rather than a bond. Even in
Greece you had seen that this practice was a form
of relationship building, now only demeanored to
something as miniscule as a hug. This fact is
unfortunately leading to the destruction of marital
interest and sexual fulfillment. (as will be
displayed below)

The Effects of Casual Non Bond SexThe human

body is naturally designed to bond with it’s sexual
partner. This is because humans are both social
and sexual bonding creatures. However if sex
bonding begins to be done with numerous
partners, it can lead to the body finding itself
changing how it intakes sex (no evidence
supporting this change causing any sort of
improvement in the relationship). This change is
suited for numerous partners as the idea of it; is
now treated as a norm. When the person in
question wants to form a deep sexual bond with a
male or female, It can be difficult for the brain to
return to this intimate phase [1].

This change becomes a form of dopamine

addiction, where sexual desire that becomes
apparent is similar to porn and drug abuse. It will
also make it more likely the person will find
themselves getting addicted to such dopamine
substances. [5] This information was founded by
the Dunedin School of Medicine, and there were
no differences between the two and prior
substance abuse as well were taken into account.

Sex Quality

The quality of sex has been universally agreed

upon. That quality is, that deep romantic
relationships have higher sexual and personal
gratification [1][2][5]. This is apparent as
especially in relationships that were recently
struggling there was a decrease in gratification.
These personal relationships also show an
afterglow, afterglow is sexual satisfaction (up to
48 hours) and relationship satisfaction (months to
years). Couples that experienced poor afterglow
would have less satisfaction and the years of
relationship satisfaction would diminish
alongside. This afterglow can also diminish with
each partner. [2]. The effects of these
relationships can also be very negative as even
with protection to the best of the ability, such as
STDs and pregnancy which can only harm a
person’s future ability to form bonds. For
example, you will have to convince somebody to
risk contracting an STD to form a bond.

How to form intimate bonds

This may seem very scary however you reader are

the first person who is to push against the
negative modern sexual norms that encourage
casual non intimate sex. What needs to be done
above all is to first form the following bonds. [6]
Intellectual – Exchanging ideas and opinions can
lead to a trust between you and your partner. It
can also deepen mutual interest and ideas.

Emotional – Being emotionally there for your

partner is essential. You will and must experience
pain, experience a deep connection, and have
feelings past dopamine interest and simple

Physical – You must be physically open to your

partner. What this means can vary between
relationships. It can be something as simple as
standing close by for hugs, kisses, and other signs
of affection such as gifts.

The Fundamental – this person who you are

attracted to is no god or animal, It is somebody
like you and thus experiences, feels, and thinks
like you. Do not get caught up in wanting a
relationship for the sake of it. The only good
foundation for relationships is deep mutual
If you’re interested in more advice on how to
form intimate relationships. [6] and [3] serves as
an opener to many new ideas and thoughts.
However take whatever you read, as with all
things, with salt, searching for different advice. 

Dopamine and Seratine 

This extends past sexual and romantic

relationships and to work, lifestyle, and how to
tackle it. Dopamine is often confused for
happiness. However there are fundamental
differences between it and Seratine which is what
we would more consider as happy. (Dopamine
often being experienced in casual sexual


• Addictive
• Short Term
• Often experienced in personal situations (such as
eating or watching a game show)
• Can lead to addiction.


• Not addictive
• Long term
• Often shared with others.
• Lack of, leads to depression and other negative
symptoms such as sadness and depression.

    Based on the evidence presented. It is more

beneficial to one’s self and their relationship to
form deep emotional and intimate bonds before
any sexual activity is to occur. How to push such
a mindset is still up for debate however unless
any contradictory information is presented there
is the conclusion that casual non intimate sex
does not have a positive effect and will more
often lead to negative situations. 
Can America survive? by the professor
America is not a nation, it’s an empire. An empire that
has large influence throughout the world and has many
different racial, cultural, religious, and ideological
groups that live inside its borders. Over the last few
years America has been more divided along with it
losing geo-political influence to Russia and China. This
has only rapidly accelerated this year with coronavirus
lockdown causing millions of people to lose their jobs
and now George Floyd Riots which has caused dozens
of cities to be caught on fire and over a dozen people
dead. Now while I don’t think civil war will break out
this year but I do see it as enviable that the United states
will break up like what happened to the Soviet Union or
Yugoslavia. The system itself right now is in complete
chaos. The elites are either backing police like Trump
or the protesters like Biden. The elites have also made a
major contradiction in their thinking as well due to
them supporting the lockdown but now are supporting
protesters out in the streets while the coronavirus
pandemic is still going on. The two political parties
(Republicans and Democrats) are more divided now
more than ever but also party unity has also been
shaken because of the more moderate and radical
factions are trying to take control of each party. Race
relations are also at its lowest due to recent events. As
these divides grow we’re gonna see more clashes
between these groups, radicalization and even
secession. We already saw several months ago dozens
of counties in Virginia disobeying the new gun laws
that were put in place there.

The country is slowly turning into a third world

country due to it becoming poorer, division, law
and order breaking down and large importation of
third world people. Unlike other third world
countries where they have some cultural,ethnic or
religious identity that could unite the country.
America won’t have that due how many different
people live in this territory. It won’t even have an
ideological identity that could unite the country
either. This is because of multiculturalism.


This could or could not be the breaking point of

this empire. However it is enviable that it will be
disintegrated eventually. It won’t just be on party
or racial lines. It will be on many lines like
ideological, cultural, religious, racial, and
territorial lines. We could see many different
nations come out of this some will still be liberal
while other could be conservative,
theocratic ,anarchist, Marxist, ethno states, third
position, societies ruled by gangs or LGBT
people the list goes on and on. This could be a
messy break up like Yugoslavia or a more
peaceful one like the Soviet Union. However
even if it is a peaceful break there will probably
be conflict in the coming years due to groups
holding resentment towards one another for
example liberals vs conservatives and could lead
to countless wars that can go on for decades
especially if foriegn countries are involved.

We should be expecting in the coming years for

society to get worse to have a bigger divide
between the rich and poor,Democrat and
Republican, white and black, Christian and non
Christian, etc. as a group it’s best for us to be
prepared and ready to defend ourselves. However
due to us being few in numbers it’s best that we
stay out of fights when we can and not draw
attention to ourselves. The system is already
tearing itself apart, there is no reason for us to be
in the crossfire.
The Pan Third Position Idea by The Professor
Before I define what pan third positionism is I need to
define what third position is. The third position is a
collection of different ideologies that share the values of
revolutionary nationalism, socialism, social
conservatism, and the belief of transcending the
boundaries of left and right. Some Examples of third
position ideologies are fascism, baathism, National
syndicalism, National bolshevism, Falangism,
Peronism, and Distributism.

What is Pan Third Positionism? A pan third

positionist is someone who sees national
socialism as a major internal problem in the third
position due to it being the reason why the rest of
the third position being discredited along with
many of its followers who advocate for race war,
racial superiority, and seeing race as the only
factor that defines a people identity. A pan third
positionist rejects this because of national
socialism’s narrow mindedness and doesn’t see
how there are many countries like the countries of
the middle east or south America who don’t have
a major racial identity rather a cultural identity.
This does not mean we reject ethnic nationalism
or not see differences between races. The pan
third positionist decides to take influence from
non national socialist elements of the third
position but at the same time realize that while
these ideas may have been right for there time but
now are outdated in certain areas especially when
it comes to class collaboration due to the class
being very different now and that we need a new
authentic third position for each and every
country that fits there cultural and economic
conditions. Another element of the pan third
position it’s less focus on anti-communism. Now
while we have critiques of communism like its
belief in stateless, classless society or its
internationalism (I understand some Marxist like
juche support international nationalism which we
also agree with) and its rejection of all tradition.
However we don’t see it as a major threat any
more. We see it splitting into two. One side that is
becoming more and more in line with liberalism
and the other becoming more aligned with the
third position.The final main aspect of the pan
third position is that it sees neoliberalism as the
main enemy of the world due to it’s destructive
nature by destroying cultural and ethnic identities
by mass immigration and wages war against those
who don’t bow to neoliberalism, globalization,
and turning the people of the world into
identitless consumeristic hedonists who only
strive for pleasure instead of striving for
intellectual, physical, and mental improvement of
society. We seek a alliance with all anti liberals
groups and countries to bring down this
destructive entity
George Floyd and Rayshard Brook: The New Prophets
of Progressivism by The Professor
For the last 3 weeks as of writing this. We have seen
major riots throughout the world over the deaths of two
black criminals George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks.
The media has hidden the facts that these two criminals
have assaulted people, sold drugs, and for the case of
Rayshard Brooks attacked police officers with a taser.
The media along with corporations and politicians have
spun the narrative that this is police brutality and there
is systemic racism in the government. Even though
there is affirmative action which benefits blacks over
whites and asians and the fact that the majority of
corporations and government officials support their
narratives. Anyone who thinks about this critically for
about 10 to 20 minutes knows that this is just a means
of social control, to root out those who think critically
of the system and those few people in the elite
praticulary Trump who are semi critical of the system
and to continue to push the establishment religion

What is Progressivism? Progressivism is an

ideology that believes in social reform that came
about during the enlightenment with liberalism.
Progressivism is largely associated with issues
like civil rights, feminism, LGBTQ, anti racism,
social justice, ect. All of these ideas are largely
accepted by the mainstream establishment
including the conservatives and by the vast
majority of Americans. While some main criticize
certain aspects of progressivism for example
conservative criticism of transgenderism being a
mental Illness but largely all of these ideas are
largely accepted even if certain aspects are

Why are these ideas largely accepted by the

American people? The reason why many of these
ideas are accepted is because the education
system, media, corporations and government
officials support these ideas and push them in
their movies, education, TV shows, products, etc.

Why do the capitalist support these ideas? There

isn’t one answer to this question. Part of the
reason why they support these ideas is social
control. You can easily control people’s thoughts
and ideas when you put a lot of power behind the
accusations of being called a racist. It isn’t that
hard to find news stories of people being fired or
harassed because they said something that is
cultural insensitivity. Other words like sexism,
homophobia, transphobia have similar powers in
certain institutions especially schools, universities
and mainstream news outlets. Another reason
why capitalism accepts these ideas is because it
brings people to their lower echelons. What do I
mean by this? Second wave Feminism for
example introduced the ideas of free love and the
sexual revolution which created many industries
for sex. From porn to sex toys to gay pride events.
This has caused people to become hyper
sexualized and consumeristic not to mention the
entire capitalist system runs off consumerism.
There is no point in social control to the capitalist
if you can’t make money off it. Many of these
ideas, especially femnism and LGBTQ movement
have created the perfect dosilale consumerist
masses one just has to look at a pride parade to
see what I’m talking about.

How does this relate to the riots?

What is the justification for tearing down and
vandalizing the statues of American figures? One
word racism. Racism is seen as the biggest sin
that one can commit in this progressive liberal
technocratic feudal society. One can lose their
job, disowned or outcast from society if they are
deemed as racist. Even someone like myself who
isn’t a racial supremacist or racial nationalist for
that matter is still considered a racist for
acknowledging these truths I’ve pointed out in
this article not to mention my third position
beliefs which aren’t inherently racial either.
However that doesn’t change the fact that
majority of society would see me as a racist not a
lot moderate figures that accused of being a racist
weather it be conservative, libertarians or centre
left liberal who aren’t fully on board with
progressivism (even though all 3 will eventually
lead to that) will be consider a racist. However
unlike many dissidents like myself or palo
conservative, third positionist, neo reactionary ect
were we reject the use of the word entirely due it
just being a word for someone you don’t like their
ideas. Many of the more moderate groups will
still use the word to attack those who accuse them
of being racist or sexist (not to mention other non
moderates) and try to show how non racist they
are and it caving in on certain issues that’s why
conservative have accepted immigration and
homosexuality to show how non racist or non
bigoted they are. Liberals and actual progressives
however are even worse; they will post and talk
constantly about fighting racism, abolishing
police and white privilege but they are now
washing the feet of black people and kneeling in
front of them and asking them forgiveness for
their sins of racism and bigotry. It should be noted
that all these groups lead to the same thing and
must be opposed.

What is to come?

As I predicted in my liberal technocratic feudalist

society essays where I predicted that we would
see people become poorer and we were starting to
see cracks in the system we have started to see
even more cracks and polarization. we are already
starting to see armed militias trying to protect
statues and people defending their homes and
businesses. We have also seen massive damage to
the economy due the protest and covid 19
lockdown. As we see these witch hunts continue
for so called racist and dissident were started, see
more becoming hostile to the protests or see a
opportunity in the protest to cause massive
problems for a system where they can’t control
them. We have already seen that over 24 people
are dead not to mention many people who have
been attacked and severely injured. With all this
being we will probably see the United States
become more like Latin America in terms wealth
inequality, crime political terrorism, and massive
corruption. With all of this being said I leave this
on a positive with all this happening and what is
to come will only grow our ideology and
The unity and division of Diplomacy By Craig V
1.Why the world is going to hell from a pan third
positionist perspective

Third positionism was an idea to reject the

common ideas of economics like first position
capitalism and second position socialism. Firstly
the world is going to hell because of the
exploitative nature of capitalism. Secondly
modern socialism is also to blame as socialism is
now less and less representative of the local
working class. This can be seen in many forms
for example what’s happening in the middle east
with Iraq and Syria, in particular, the countries of
the North Atlantic terrorist organization which
only wish to profit off Iraq and Syria’s oil fields
and establish ‘democracy’ and of course flood
European countries with skilled and cheap labour
or rather refugees. Thirdly, even though the
leaders running these ‘tyrannical regimes’ are
innovating these countries, strong leaders are
needed for hard times.

Finally, we must turn our eyes to the companies

which only care for themselves for example the
riots all across western civilization. Most
Companies support BLM in fact many companies
want to see America burn. Stupidly enough they
don’t care about their stores being looted and
their workers attacked. They can easily import
cheap labour from China a (country which has
compromised socialist economics and has the
west in a market cage) and they can easily remake
the products. Truly it’s no biggie the only folks
that suffer are the employees. Next, the media in
the UK can demonize the native working class
who build their ivory towers. They don’t care,
they only want to ‘culturally enrich’ and destroy
the statues of men who built their future.



2.The split between Natsoc and other Third

Positionist Ideologies.

Speaking of the world going to hell, the third

positionism has risen in the modern world
directly because of it. However my guess is:
Juche has risen because of the rise of imperialist
or interventionist foreign policy, strasserism has
risen because of the need of independence and
self-sustainability, fascism has risen because
markets have been irresponsible with their
monopolies, and of course national bolshevism
has risen because markets have been exploiting
our labour culturally and monetarily powerful
blocks have been taking peoples from their

Pan third Positionism has risen because third

positionists realize that division between each
other has got the world in a bad situation and us
uniting is the only way to fix it. Third positionists
realize the mistake of Mussolini’s hatred for
socialist economics the growing antifascist
attitude of the soviet union and so on. The
majority of modern national socialists or
siegefags embrace the division they hammer on
about the great job of the night of the long knives
their forces advance when they ‘justify’ the
operation barbarossa as the bolsheviks were
apparently ‘Jewish’ and not attacking anarchists
for what they did to mussolini but instead taking
the blame claiming that Hitler had Mussolini shot
for ‘failing his country’ because apparently
fascism is natsoc’s ‘stupid little brother’.

Love him or hate him Hitler was workable with

there’s a reason. He agreed to the axis with
Mussolini and establish Molotov Ribbentrop and
have Strasser in his party you may see his
betrayals of Strasser Mussolini or Stalin as a
sacrifice or a mistake siegtards ruin everything
Hitler or more commonly referred to their
glorious fuhrer worked for with their stupidity
they think Hitler’s idea of Ayran supremacy was
correct and pure truth and not an inspired
combination of Darwinism and mob mentality.
Hitler saw rich zionists and foreign labour in his
country and he had his head of propaganda to
portray the foreigners as tools of the zionist to
create a united struggle for the German
companies and the German worker against ‘the
eternal Jude’ Hitler betrayed the Strassers mainly
for strategic purposes as he wanted to keep the
people together besides he needed the companies
because they were german and after the war was
over he’d need them to establish monopolies over
the ruined industrial heartlands of other european
countries modern natsocs believe in racial
supremacy when in truth hitler really just
believed in the darwinist concept of survival of
his nation and of course he’d portray his enemies
as weak. That is the key concept of mob mentality
hitler at the same time worked with indians while
naming many blacks and arabs honorary aryans
but the modern natsoc believes in racial
supremacy rather than racial survival and
preservation their tactics are ineffective and most
of them don’t want to work with us therefore
making them less desirable than hitler.



3. Can we fix this?

I am not here to black pill you I am here to

provide solutions not problems 

To fascists: I say make responsible markets kill

the traitorous corporations all within the state
nothing against the state simple as.

to strasserists: I say make the nation self-

sustaining, Liberate the worker from his chains.
to juche-ists: I say to defend your people, hold the
line,never give up, down with imperialism.

to national Bolsheviks: spread the revolution

leave no one behind, not one step back.

And to the natsocs lurking around this community

Kill the siegetards Kill your movements 

cancer i do not wish to convert you my intent was

to advise you. 

AND to The establishment who intends to Crush

us Remember this

We shall not compromise, We shall not Let your

Crimes go unforgotten,


Weimar Germany, America, Cultural Pessimism & The
New Conservative RevolutionBy BaronVonDerDorf
As mankind found himself violently flung into the 20th
century, he had held onto his chivalric and bourgeois
sense of comforting progress, which came into the
earthly realm once the black smoke from the towers of
the Industrial Revolution began to distort across the
wholesome blue skies. Ghastly, ruined workers
violently hammering away at scolding hot metal,
transforming it’s bumpy, bulbous shape into something
that would further benefit the industry they were bound
to. Since the 18th century, which saw the radical change
from primordial, rural feudal society, to a completely
new society born from the womb of international
capitalism and scientific advancement. Therefore, with
new found markets and new innovation, the bourgeois
had torn asunder the old medieval world of feudal lords,
guild workshops and absolutism. Henceforth, humanity
in the infant years of the 20th century had carried over
Capitalism and Liberalism, our most dastardly and
cunning enemies we face today. One important aspect
to note, however, is that this rise of economic
competition also led to a decline of the collective, and
instead the rise of the individual. With new markets and
industries opening up their arms to awaiting workers,
young citizens could now choose which one they
wished to join into. Success stories of middle class
citizens and lower bourgeois giving the worker a false
sense of equality of opportunity, which, unfortunately,
was highly exaggerated and propagandized. Capitalism
had also destroyed the last legs of religion being the
beating heart of the society, religion had been stomped
on by the new gods of the world, the dastardly robber
barons and hypnotizing bankers. This was a process
seen by curious philosophers and questioning
sociologists, against capitalism or not, such as Friedrich
Nietzsche, Arthur Schopenhauer, Karl Marx, Friedrich
Engels, Bruno Bauer, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Marx
Stirner, Ludwig Feuerbach, Émile Durkheim & many
more knowledgeable figures from the time. German
Sociologist Max Weber even suggested capitalism
being a tumorous, pulsating offshoot of protestant
Calvinism. All of them having different interpretations
of the situation thereof, all of them having differing
paths in various areas, but also similar connections, like
the large roads which slither and elongate across the
United States. As various complex and challenging
interpretations of capitalism arose, and advocates for
better working conditions contested the system,
movements such as the Communards of the disastrous
Paris Commune of 1871 or the preceding revolutions of
1848 across monarchical europe. But with the dawn of
the 20th century, these ghastly spectres of critique had
also survived, and were about ready to violently
explode in rage against their softened masters.

As minor foreign wars raged in the balkans and

military tension nearly set the bubbling world
alight, the bourgeois powers prepared for the
iconoclastic baptism of fire that would soon spark
in 1914, after the fatal shooting of Archduke
Franz Ferdinand of the fragile Austro-Hungarian
Empire. This, as we all know with historical
hindsight, was the start of the first World War,
otherwise christened the Great War. The two
industrial powers, one headed by a nation fighting
for king and country, another for kaiser and
fatherland, engaged in brutish warfare across the
far snowy tundras of Eastern Europe, and the
blood stained muddy fields of Belgium and
France. As is known, the Russian Tsardom
collapsed and therefore was replaced with a weak
provisional Republican government, which soon
was eviscerated by anti-capitalist Bolshevik
revolutionaries in 1917. Germany soon fell to
revolution in 1918, and thus starts the first topic
of this article, the Weimar Republic.

The Weimar Republic was a weak, unbalanced

system that constantly swung like a pendulum
back and forth between aggressive Communist
Spartacists and government backed Freikorps
nationalists. Coup d’etats, revolutions & uprising
scarring and belittling the significance of the
trembling government. Economically the nation
was burdened by wild inflation that caused the
general public, already starved and cadaver like in
visage, to resort to trade as means to survive, the
demilitarization of both the Rhineland and
disgruntled, angry soldiers also led to increased
unemployment. The upper classes and politicians,
coddled by hedonistic material comfort tried to
fix this, but only led to mixed results or more

Jungkonservativen (Young conservatives), who

vouched for radical cultural pessimism in face of
the new free market consumer based culture, and
advocated for a new order based on the old
artistic German Romanticist movement of the
early 19th century and a new social order. The
term ‘Third Reich’ was actually coined by the
enigmatic and obscure Jungkonservativen author
Arthur Moeller van Den Bruck, who believed in a
merging of Nationalism and Socialism in a new
Germany. Despite not being a Jungkonservativen,
Oswald Spengler, author of Decline of The West
was an extreme cultural pessimist, who believed
all civilizations were akin to organic creatures
who had an origin, rise, decline and fall, he
believed that Germany, along with the western
world as a whole had entered the decline stage
during his turbulent time.

Nationalerevolutionäre (National revolutionaries),

who were driven by their experience in the
chaotic first world war, led by famous german
author and World War I veteran Ernst Jünger,
advocated for nationalism and modern technology
as a means to create a militaristic society in the
ruin of a capitalist one following a revolution
against modernity. The Nationalerevolutionäre
was opposed, like all of the movements of the
Conservative Revolution, against Liberalism, the
Enlightenment, Democracy and Christian social
ethics. Finally, there was the Völkisch (folkish)

advocating for aryan domination of the German

nation, uniting the other ethnically German
nations such as Austria, which had gone fascist in
1934, the Prussian lands occupied by Poland
following the violent collapse of Germany in
WWI, Switzerland and Alsace-Lorraine, occupied
by the French after decades of German rule. The
Völkischen also split amongst staunch Christians,
mostly Protestants, and hardline Wotanists and
Estoreics who supported esoteric and magic
ideals while also backing a new German Pagan or
Esoteric religion. The Völkischen possessed
beliefs incredibly keen to Julius Evola’s racial
esotericist thought, who was only semi-involved
in the Conservative Revolution, as he was Italian.
The Völkischen were influenced by the Nordicist
thought of the time, especially by authors Arthur
de Gobineau, Guido von List and Hans F. K.
All of these movements possessed an almost
Wagnerian sense of nationalism they coined ‘new
nationalism’. This nationalism was opposed to the
bourgeois Christian nationalism of their
predecessors. It combined Nietzschean critique of
Christian morality (however, a fair majority of the
Conservative Revolution wasn’t atheist, but some
figures such as Ernst Niekisch, who was
associated with the movement was.) along with
disdain for democracy, liberalism and capitalism,
seeing it as slave morality in Nietzsche’s Herren-
und Sklavenmoral (Master-Slave morality). They
also adopted a variation of Nietzsche’s Wille zur
Macht (Will to Power). This nationalism would
create a new society that combined modern
phenomena common at the time, technology, the
proletariat and modernity, rather than conserve
the old Monarchist values, with old tradition and
a revival of culture. This new nationalism
however was split and contested by opposing
sides during the entire movement’s history
between non-racialists and pro-racialists.
Movements that were closely related with the
movement were the Nationalbolschewik
(National Bolshevik) movement led by the
devoted Paul Eltzbacher, Heinrich Laufenberg,
Fritz Wolffheim, Ernst Niekisch & Karl Otto
Paetel, which called for a mix of nationalism,
traditionalism, social conservatism and authority
with Marxist-Leninist based economics and
strong autarky. They are also frequently
associated with the newly conceived
Strasserismus (Strasserism) ideology, an offshoot
of the Hitlerist NSDAP led by brothers Otto and
Gregor Strasser. In fact, some Conservative
Revolutionaries even associated themselves with
the Combat League of Revolutionary National
Socialists, otherwise called the Black Front
during the early 1930’s until it was wiped out
during the Night of The Long Knives in 1934.

The Conservative Revolution had reached it’s

twilight year in 1933, a grand finale to the opera
of its existence. Many former Conservative
Revolutionaries either fled Germany, became
members of the German Resistance during WWII,
were executed by the Nazis, or joined the Nazis.
A good example of a former Conservative
Revolutionary joining the Nazi Party was Jurist
Carl Schmitt, a profound man whose works in
political theory have influenced philosophers and
politicians such as Alain de Benoist and Slavoj
Žižek. The movement was gradually forgotten
due to its enigmatic obscurity outside of Germany
following World War II, and was largely
forgotten. The last major Conservative
Revolutionary, Ernst Jünger, died February 17th,

Today, in 2020, we find our nation, the United

States, in a similar standpoint to that of the
Weimar Republic. The Bourgeois are openly
pushing racial tension based on claims of police
brutality against European-Americans. The
pestilence COVID-19 and it’s ensuing epidemic
has resulted in a gradual economic recession and
slump, work being closed and people being put
out of their jobs. Unemployment has begun to
skyrocket, bourgeois American leftists claiming
to fight for the people dance in the streets, their
strings being pulled by their bourgeois masters.
Political violence between the Far-Left and Right
have once again bubbled to the mainstream
propaganda outlets, which blast and wail about
the rise of ‘white supremacy’ and advocate a
destruction of American culture. Our elected
politicians have done nothing but bow down to
globalist capita and globalism, which they are
firmly ensnared to by Zionist and fake-leftist dog
leashes. BLM activists openly attack and beat
citizens, no matter the race, and even their own
white allies. Hypnotized and dashed about
Anarchists have even tried (and failed), to
establish autonomous zones in major
metropolitan cities, which quickly degenerate to
animalistic dictatorship and moral nihilism. All
while the global elite further push this agenda to
make profit easier, at the expense of their nations
values, and their people’s safety. American
culture itself has been impaled, and left dangling
and rotting like a carcass in winter. It has died.

So what shall we do? Embrace cultural pessimism

ourselves, critique and hold disdain for
modernity, it’s repulsive architecture, absence of
authority, decay of culture, and embrace the
meaninglessness of us, an absurd being, living in
a constant black void filled to the brim with pain
and misery. But we shall not embrace nihilism,
we shall not devolve and degenerate like the
slave-morality influenced sacrilegious heathens of
today, we shall embrace the absurdity of such
situation we have been coddled and confined in,
and break the chains of meaninglessness and
carve the path of new purpose for ourselves, no
matter how much fear and anxiety we face, we
must embrace and love life, even for its most
hideous aspects. We must strive for genuine
change, and go against all who oppose us with
our wills of iron and intellect of steel. Fight
against modernity and capitalism, and strive for a
brighter future for all of your fellow brothers and
sisters. There must be, in this current
establishment, a new Conservative Revolution,
but one that shall bring about the revolution we
have desired since the 1920’s.
One important aspect we must take note of, is that
the United States of America itself is but the
offspring, rather a byproduct of the Liberal
individualist enlightenment. With the current
system which was influenced by the fundamental
founding fathers in the 18th century,
individualism reigns supreme. It should be
important for the New Conservative Revolution
to acknowledge certain excerpts from the
Constitution penned by James Madison, such as
the right to bear arms, which should be advocated
for by the New Conservative Revolution, and the
famous five basic freedoms, which could help set
the movement afoot. However, we must realize
that the constitution is also a cause for the cultural
nihilism we face today, such as the two-party
system which divides our nation and the
incredible manipulation and unfair treatment the
Liberal bourgeois inflict on the proletariat. The
husk of American Culture has been resurrected as
an ungodly, eldritch beast of neo-liberalism and
cultural capitalism. The wrong role models have
been affixed and lead our youth into sexual
degeneracy and mindless, barbaric violence.
Economical materialism and consumer culture
has hypnotized our people into the ‘next big
trend’, which consists of vomited up cultural
capitalist garbage. Worship of ‘the brand’ being
the order of the day, and a hatred for order and
tradition spearheads the march into disaster. From
the cultural pessimists prospective, we must view
this as a prime example of the failure of our
current system, and a downright disappointing
action that our leaders have so casually let pass
by. We must come to accept that there is no way
of reforming this peacefully, but only by force
and will shall we overcome and annihilate the
vespers of hatred and degeneracy we see
presented before our eyes. The cultural pessimist
must distance himself from the culture of lies, and
embrace our lack of meaning in this absurd

What shall the New Conservative Revolution be?

It must attract disdained, disgruntled and
disappointed Republicans and Democrats,
Paleoconservatives, Anti-capitalists, Nationalists
and Socialists, the apolitical, and perhaps most
important, the worker. It is to be modelled off not
only the original Conservative Revolution, but
also the french GRECE think tank group
established by Alain de Benoist. This group shall
also be divided up into various sects, like the
Conservative Revolution, between
Paleoconservatives, Third Positionists (Fascists,
National Syndicalists, Falangists, Corporatists,
etc.), Strasserists and National Bolsheviks. The
National Bolsheviks shall play an important part
in unifying the New Conservative Revolution
with a new Bolshevik-Socialist movement which
shall oppose the fake-Leftism prevalent today.
The goal being to establish a Red-Brown Alliance
as proposed by Francis Parker Yockey. The
movement shall be organized and have political
theorists, sociologists, political scientists and
philosophers to help give the moment a clear and
sophisticated voice. The movement shall not
allow National Socialists or White Nationalists
due to the risk they pose on the movement both
ideologically and intellectually speaking. Nor
shall it associate with Richard B. Spencer’s Alt-
Right movement, which is led by gullible fools,
insignificant, tottering Neo-Nazis and secretive
undercover agents. This movement shall
gradually disguise itself as a party of the
establishment, without genuinely supporting it,
and should have a rule over intellectual fields
regarding politics and political theory, which will
therefore rule over the political realm. If rallies
and or marches are to be demonstrated, they
mustn’t incite violence from opposing enemy
factions, or risk slander by the dramatizing media.
It should buy time until a potential revolution or a
violent coup d’etat takes place, insofar that it will
have gathered enough loyal followers and
support. In which, it’s main ally would be the
fellow anti-establishment Bolshevik-Socialist
movement, which would cooperate with the new
Conservative Revolution. If the illusive concept
of American balkanization is to become an
unfortunate reality, the New Conservative
Revolution must also be ready to combat such a
potential possibility in our current climate. It is
important for this movement to absolutely prepare
for all possibilities in the face of the unknown,
and to strive to carry on the legacy of our
Perhaps, in the face of degeneracy, we shall
perhaps grow stronger, grow more powerful, and
more wise. Sacrifices will be made, and our amor
fati shall drive us towards new paths in self
growth, and, insofar that we have tried, better
understanding of our beautiful, yet horrific,

“One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to

give birth to a dancing star.” – Friedrich
Nietzsche, 1883.
The problem with the modern dissident movement by
the professor

This was written back in September of 2019

almost a year ago. This was originally put in the
Pan Third Position Internationale discord server
however was never published on The Syndicalist
Papers. I’m deciding to publish it now because I
feel like a lot of what I have said is still relevant,
me working on another major article and planning
on making a sequel to this. Just know that this is a
bit dated and a few minor opinions have changed.
This year 2019 has been a heavy defeat for the
dissident right, 3rd position and the anti globalist
movement as a whole here in the USA and the
west. Massive waves of censorship, people
quitting due to social pressure (this includes me).
Dissident right parties losing grounds in the
European elections to moderate liberal and liberal
conservative parties and not to mention all the
mass shootings by so called “eco fascists”. While
Nationalism has gained ground, throwing out the
world but this is liberal nationalism not the
revolutionary or traditional nationalism or even
Marxist nationalism that fascism, reactionary, and
Marxist espouse and in many cases a lot doesn’t
change. It seems like nationalism and populism of
the west has seemed to have been co-opted by
neo liberals. Just how they co-opted socialism in
the west a century pior. This is not to say we
should abandon nationalism but to say we need to
reclaim nationalism and show the people the real
path for their countries to be great and to have the
right to self determination for they’re countries
and people but before that we need to discuss
this.we need to understand the failures of the
dissident right and third position this year.
What is the dissident right, third position, and
anti-globalist movements?

The dissident right is a collection of different

ideologies and movements. For someone to be
considered dissident right the need to be anti-
liberal, critical of the enlightenment, anti-
egalitarian, and holds socially conservative values
usually many of these people identity with either
monarchy, distributism, or neo-reaction. large
portions identity with movements like the alt right
or dark enlightenment or Palo conservative
movement and many hold nationalistic beliefs.
However many of these groups can have major
differences and end goals.

What is the third position

The third position is an ideological group that

goes beyond left or right. They’re socially
conservative and nationalistic and have left wing
economic values like corporatism, national
syndicalism, or another form of socialism
(usually a non Marxian form of socialism) but
like the dissident right they have many
differences amongst groups and usually leads to
sectarianism just like in the dissident right.

Achievement of this year

Well the first thing is that more people are

becoming interested in dissident ideas, people are
slowly but surely realizing that mainstream
politics are no longer working, and people are
looking for new alternatives. The second biggest
achievement is a big tent is forming ever since the
demise of the alt right, the dissident right, and
third position has become more diverse in opinion
and thought and moving away from liberal
democracy and have started moving away from
narrow minded view of white Nationalism and
civic nationalism and has been slowly evolving
into a cultural Nationalist movement which is
probably the best way forward for both groups.

The problem of this year

There have been many problems this year. Some
have been due to neo liberalsl and capitalist crack
downs Others have been due to sectarianism and
others have been due to nut jobs and
accelerationist who call themselves eco fascists
who shut up Walmarts and churches. Fun fact,
they’re not actually fascist just radical white
Nationalist who call themselves fascist because
they read siege and/or ironmarch even though
these two aren’t fascist and have misinterpreted
not only fascism but also national socialism but
we will get back to that later. We have also had
other groups on dissidents right and third position
support neo-liberalism and imperialist wars just
because they are so called natsoc fighting for the
neo liberals l even though they will be tossed
aside once they serve their purpose. But will
discuss all of these one at a time.

Censorship and Antifa

This Is probably been one of the biggest crippling

blows to these movements before 2019 there was
a censorship problem but it was nothing
compared to this year numerous channels were
shut down censored. there were also numerous hit
pieces put out by the ADL and SPLC which
attack and slander anybody who they deem as
racist and ruin their reputation. Also this year
there haas been numerous attacks by antifa the
foot soldiers of the capitalist class they attack and
harass anyone they think is racist they even attack
people on the center right. Like the ADl they have
doxxed, harassed, and committed violence against
others. So what are the solutions to these
problems? Well for the censorship problem we
have 2 temporary solutions we can either A make
more accounts on there site or B find an
alternative like bitchute to post are content but
these are only temporary solutions we should
eventually try to make are own website to
compete with big tech like YouTube and Twitter.
Now onto antifa and the splc sadly there is no real
solution to them at the moment they have too
much institutional power for us go head on with
them but we can weaken them by exposing their
violent tendencies, lies, and sue them this will at
least weaken them and stall them from doing
The mental disorders known as Siege and Iron

It comes as no surprise in these circles that one of

the main reasons why ideas don’t gain mass
attraction is because of terrorist attacks and
groups and people like Atom Waffen, James
Mason, and Alexander Slavros who are self
proclaimed fascist. These people are not fascist
they are a extreme versions of white nationalism
and accelerationism and both atom waffen and
James Mason are very anti western these people
promote Islam and satanism, they have also have
been allegation of atom waffen member having
sex with trannies and if that’s not true it still
doesn’t change fact that James Mason (whose a
adviser of atom waffen) is a child predator and
supports people like Charles Manson and the fact
Alexander Slavros is a self proclaimed white
Nationalist and someone who advocates for race
war while at the same time dating a Hispanics
from the United states and not even being white.
These people are not only hypocrites, insane, and
anti-western.These people have deeply miss
interrupted what fascism means they try to claim
that fascism is about universal truth and about
defending your race when in reality this is
completely wrong fascism is as it basic definition
Fascism is an ideology that takes ideas from the
right ie nationalism, conservatism, and ideas from
the left like syndicalism and unions and semi
planned economy fascism also heavily believes in
state and believe the state is one of the main
proponents that unify a nation on philosophical
level is about improvement of the individual
mentality, spiritual, physically, and society as a
whole. No original fascist leader ever talked
about this so called universal truth and this belief
that there is only one truth or a certain sects of
truth is completely false all societies have
developed differently and all have different
identities for example South America doesn’t
have one specific races that inhabit it and most of
the time these people are mixed race and have
very little racial problems and largely there
identity are based around Catholicism and there
culture this not to say this society is a utopia but
to say that these societies are different forms
other civilization like Europe for example is
largely a mono racial society there is only one
race and group that is truly European and its
white and massive immigration in Europe has
lead to massive problem for the continent because
these people come from completely different
societies and sometimes have nothing in common
with European culture so it best for Europe to
remain European and they’re more to European
civilization and it more than just being white it’s
also the religions ,languages and cultures that
have inhabited and shaped Europeans civilization
for hundreds and thousands of years that what
make European civilization and other
civilizations different and this is also true with
fascist groups as well they’re a reason why many
south American fascist weren’t ethno Nationalist
bc race and racial problems are different from
those of other civilizations and in fact many
European fascist weren’t the biggest racialist
either bc many had empires or planed empires
that in cultivated many different races and many
of these non European races were not segregated
in the colonies and these colonies were highly
developed and were allowed to serve in military
and in the cases of Libya and Somalia were
allowed to join the fascist party of Italy. Along
with this it still doesn’t change the fact that many
original fascist leaders like Mussolini, gentile and
Mosley’s didn’t like the racial policy of national
socialist Germany and when they were forced to
do racial laws to appease Germany that many of
these laws had numerous loopholes and Mussolini
later regretted doing them saying they could of
been avoided.


I think it’s also no surprise to us that most of the

useless mass shootings are from accelerationists
who think by causing violence the system will
collapse and the people will come join them. This
is dead wrong but also something that can cause
the system to crack down more on us and cause
the people to turn on us. Bc if these so called
dissidents keep doing this to random people the
government will not only crack down but all
dissident thought will be discredited to most
people’s minds and even cause people who hold
dissident views to abandon them because of this.
What we need to be doing is building up
institutions that support goals like websites,
unions, business, party, school, etc we need to
make our present known but in a productive way
where we can organize, run in local elections,
messages, and support one another even if these
groups stay on the fringe. It’s still a good way of
organizing everyone and uniting everyone in one
group and being organized and prepared for the
decline of the USA.

American exceptionalism

This seems to be a semi problem in certain parts

of dissident right where certain groups of people
believe that we should support the United States
and NATO because either A they’re supporting
national socialist groups in Ukraine to fight the
Russians or B that whether it’s right or wrong
they should fight for their country no matter what.
Let’s start with the first one because this is the
one I see most often. While it is true that the USA
and the ally coalition known as NATO have been
supporting Ukrainian Nationalists and Ukrainian
national socialists in Ukraine but what they don’t
realize is that these people are being used as
useful idiot’s and NATO is only backing them
because they are fighting Russia. Nato also back
left wing and Islamic groups like al Qaeda and
Kurdistan as well to fight its enemies. NATO has
no intention of having Ukraine be a national
socialist state and if they did why are they
actively supporting gay pride in region and
supporting Ukrainia to join EU even though that
would lead to massive non European immigration
to the country? Sure they could hold out like
poland and Hungary are doing but even then the
cracks are beginning to show, especially in
Poland. Now some may say that Russia is
supporting communists to take over Ukraine or
that putin is controlled opposition first while it is
true that Russia is supporting communist in the
region but also any other group that wants to fight
for Donbass theres numerous fascist, national
socialist, national bolshevik, monarchist, and
orthodoxist groups fighting for the independence
of Donbass from Ukraine also the communists
there are nothing like the communists in the west
they are very socially conservative and
nationalistic. Also if Putin is controlled by the
opposition why does the neoliberal establishment
always go after Russia and their allies and try to
start color revolutions in countries that are
aligned with Russia. The simple answer is he is
not controlled by the opposition. Putin along with
their allies are the last bastion of anti liberal
countries largely socially conservative and many
are borderline third positionist like Syria for
example. Now onto the second group of people
who will defend their country no matter what. Let
me ask you this: why do you defend a
government that hates not only you and your
ideology but the people who live in your country?
Why do you defend a government that dumbs
down your people with porn, drugs, shitty
education, consumerism, hyper sexualization, and
will replace your people with cheap labor from
the 3rd world? And finally why do you defend a
government that have numerous people who were
involved with Jeffery Epstein a major pedophile
and someone who was running sex trafficking
rings before he mysteriously died in his cell? The
truth of the matter is you can’t. You will be used
as a useful idiot for the neo liberal establishment
and if the neo liberal establishment wins there
will probably not be any possibility for any anti
liberal movement to take a foot in any part of the


We need to denounce certain groups in this

movement, abandon old strategy and find new
ways to advance our cause. No more narrow
minded ways of thinking about politics,
civilization, and strategy.

Fascism: A badge of Honor by American Syndicalist

How many times in your life have you herd something
to this effect: “Fascism is Capitalism in decay!”
“Fascists are just thugs who worship an endless cult of
death!” “Fascists are just a tool of Those who hate non
Whites!” All these actuations and more are levied
against an Ideal of Life, A way of being, and An attempt
to restore Honor, and God to a world long over run by
Capitalist Hedonism, Racial revenge narratives, and
Hardcore Secularism. These accusations are endlessly
spewed by both Marxists, and supporters of the
NeoLiberal order alike, without truly understanding
what it is they hate.

So today we fascists find ourselves engaged in a

single part of the daily, and endless struggle for
the Soul, Honor, and Life of the world we call

To begin this battle we true Fascists must trade

the Sword for the Pen, and the sense of a battle
hardened Spartan for the persuasiveness of a
world class speaker.

“What is Fascism?” One in crowds will ask, and

to this we must answer: Fascism is that desire in
all men to be their best selves at all times,
Fascism is when Nature, God, Mankind, Beauty,
Philosophy, Selflessness, the State, and the Nation
all exist in harmony as branches of a single Tree
that reaches to the heavens, Fascism sees the
inherent beauty in acts of righteousness violence,
and that the mightiest often sword makes right.
Well also understanding that violence in itself
isn’t endlessly just, Fascism is when one man
locks his arms in an unbreakable unity with his
fellow countrymen in pursuit of a single goal that
will benefit the whole national brotherhood,
Fascism understands that Black, White, Native
American, Asian, Christian, Muslim, and
Buddhist are all inherently different in
Mannerisms, Lifestyles, and Collective/Individual
expressions. Unlike Capitalism though we do not
seek to commodify these unique distinctions and
sell them back to the group from which they were
forged, unlike the Marxists we do not seek to
submerge these distinctions beneath another
brand of Materialism either. Instead Fascism
seeks to allows all groups to express their unique
beauty by interlinking themselves with all others
in the nation, and forming a true community
based on Respect, Honor, Loyalty, History, and a
shared National Destiny, Fascism is Realism in so
far that every Fascist must always remember the
world, and conditions resides in without holding
undo lust for a bygone era, or getting lost in a
world of fiction that he conjures for himself,
Lastly Fascism is Traditionalism in the sense that
on a Moral, and Personal level it seeks to revive
in those who honor, and live by its creed a sense
of Duty, Religious Fervor, Community, and
Family long since forgotten in our modern world.

History of the pan third position internationale by

the professor
May 31st marked the one year anniversary of pan third
internationale server. It surprised me that we reached
this landmark. I thought we would have been shut down
or died out but we have prevailed with almost 120
members, a word press, and members across the world.
I can see this group and its ideas going places in the
next few years due to the circumstances we are living in
as of right now. With that all being said me and
Cjxproxy have realized that many of our members do
not know the history behind the server which is rich
with drama, ideological changes, changing of
ownership of the server, and in fact the server wasn’t
even called the pan third position internationale but we
will get to that.
Before the pan third position

Before I joined the server. I think it’s best to

explain who I am and how I met many of the
original members of the server before the server
was even created. So who am I? Before I joined
the server I was a small 3pt youtuber called CD
13 where I made videos explaining different third
position ideologies and groups like fascism,
Falangism, national bolshevism, strasserism,
Autonomous Nationalist, Italian social movement
ect. This is where I meet many of the original
members like Cjxproxy, American Syndicalist,
Darkx, Reaver and the owner of the Server
Atomic Viper. Who were all of these individuals?
To start with the original owner Atomic Viper
who I met in late July of 2018 Viper was a small
3pt youtuber as well and one of my first
subscribers. He made videos about fascism
praticulary Oswald Mosley, Paganism and him
being Bisexual. This didn’t sit well with me due
to seeing it as a personal matter and some of his
anti Christian stances however he still made good
content and was one of my first followers so I
tolerated it. Next is Cjxproxy who I met in
September who was one of my subscribers who
commented frequently and was a legionnaire a
follower of the iron guard at the time. Then there
American Syndicalist who I met in December of
2018 and was also wanna my followers who was
a classical fascist at the time and was very
interested in learning more about the third
position. Forth is Darkx who  i had been aware of
him since October of 2018 who was also a
subscriber who wanted to to have independent
Alaskan fascist state(even tho he didn’t even live
in Alaska and never even visited the state) despite
his larpyness me and him became good friends
and I collaborated with him in a podcast that fail
apart after one episode due to infighting between
different members and introduced me to many
people in fascist scene including Evan Tobia and
Zackery Pierre the National Reformation Party
(originally called the American Blackshirts

Finally there’s Reaver. Reaver was also a small

youtuber that I had been following for since july
of 2018 but I didn’t talk to him until late January
to early February of 2019 were he created his
group on discord called the National Unionist
Party were me, Darkx and American Syndicalist
became leaders and were me, Cjxproxy and
American Syndicalist first meet for the next few
months this is where I spent part of my time
helping the group with ideas, running the server
and recurring new members however we only had
less than 30 members however some of these
people became many of the original members
during the beginning of the pan third position
including, Allen, ZleepWave, Rick Avory, and ofc
all the other members I mentioned expect for
atomic viper who didn’t join the server. All these
people became major people in the founding of
the Pan Third Position Internationale.

The viper era (May 31st to mid June)

We now get to the server itself like I said earlier

the server was made on may 31st 2019 by Atomic
Viper and wasn’t called the pan third position
international it was called the fascist international
coalition. Atomic Viper originally invented the
server to be a meeting place only for followers of
classical and British fascism. Viper did this
because there was no other server that was based
on that and wanted it to be more coherent. Viper
made a video about it and me, Cjxproxy, Allen,
Zleepwave, Darkx, and Rick Avory all decided to
join. When we first joined it was shit show. Viper
and a few other members were posting porn in the
chat, then when we got on voice chat with Viper
he started talking about how we should use magic
and how he has talked to Pagan Gods and to top it
all off the meme transgender strasserist Boot was
on there. As you all can tell it was shit show. After
Viper left the voice chat, me, Cjxproxy, Allen,
ZleepWave, Darkx and, Rick Avory started to
discuss how strange he was and started to wonder
if he was on drugs. After we got done discussing
that we soon found common ground with each
other with our distaste for modern day national
socialism which all us of found to be spregy,
destroyed the third position and wouldn’t work in
the modern day United States this would be
become one of the few things that came out of the
Viper era that would be kept. The Viper era ended
a day after this discussion took place.

The anti viper era (mid June to late July)

The next morning Atomic Viper had a mental

breakdown and became a national socialist, gave
ownership to the server to Cjxproxy and left the
server. As soon as this happened Cjxproxy
promoted Rick Avory to co leader and gave
admin to me and Darkx. Soon the Anti viper
revolution began we banned all the degenerate
members that were posting porn, banned boot,
Change the server symbol, decided to allow in all
forms of the third position with the exception of
national socialist and made anti viper action chat
where memes were made and showed each other
videos that viper posted of himself talking about
how he did bdsm on a girl, how fascist should go
to gay pride events and The time he did a DNA
test and found out how he was 2 percent black
and snapped the pencils on his desk.(as you can
tell he may of called himself a fascist but sure
didn’t act like it and wasn’t in right place in his
mind) in a matter of a few hours the server
became less shit posting and degeneracy.
Conversation became more productive, we
improved the vetting system, created more chat
rooms and got more members. I was able to get
Reaver and American syndicalist, Allen
introduced to us some of his friends from his
group known as The Praxist which contained
Purcell, Addy, Arryman and Kaiser Goji which
would also become members. Other notable
members are AngeloEagleDick, German frisian,
Evan Tobia, Zachary Pierre or Fashyfurby, Serp
Kerp, Train boy, and Swole. While there was
massive improvement during this era there were
still many problems during this era. One of
problems we faced during this era was that we
couldn’t find a good server to partner with at first
we partnered with swole server the American
corporatist party. While originally this was
supposed to be a server dedicated to a American
form of corporatism it quickly fell into the hands
of national socialist and siegetards where all they
would do is shit post, shit on anyone who wasn’t
them causing most of the non national socialist
members to leave including some of the
leadership. To say the less this partner only lasted
for 2 weeks and we banned swole and all people
who joined from his server in late june of 2019.
Another problem we faced was the moderation
team particularly Rick Avory, Darkx, and
Zleepwave. We ended up banning two of them in
this era Rick Avory and Darkx however we
started to have problems with zleepwave as well.
Zleepwave would constantly go through
ideological changes one week he was a strasserist
the next week he was a fascist syndicalist this
made us see him as a drifter, then he started
having pro Kurdistan and free Syrian army beliefs
and called me a traitor for wanting ally with other
anti liberal countries like Russia and Iran. Then
he started to claim that he has worked for the
zapatista and the Kurds (which me and cjxproxy
saw as bs). Despite this we decided keep him on
but this would continue to be a problem. The
reason Rick Avory was banned was because the
Praxist crew pure pressured Cjxproxy into
banning him because he was bragging about
having sex with a girl (me and Cjxproxy later
regretted this and would gladly let rick back in if
he wanted to) with Rick Avory gone Cjxproxy
promoted me to Co leader. Now for the finale
banning which ended this Era was the banning of
Darkx. At first me and Cjxproxy like Darkx over
time he became more and more spregy. When
Cjxproxy when I vacation during the middle of
July of 2019 I was placed in charged and Darkx
was co leader. He would promote and demote
people without my approval and sperged out on
people. What broke the camel’s back was when
he spregged out on Purcell for him making a joke.
I told Purcell that Darkx would be banned once
Cjxproxy got back however Cjxproxy took a
break from vacation just to ban darkx due this. It
was clear that both me, Cjxproxy, and everyone
else on the server was sick of him. This marked
the end of the Anti Viper Era. The Era ended in
late July.

The reformation era (late July 2019 to early

October 2019)

The Reformation Era was a transition period for

the server in terms of ideology and were me and
Cjxproxy wanted to take the server in. What do I
mean by this? A few months prior to server
creation I was getting into for a lack of better
term the left wing of the third position (i.e
strasserism, National bolshevism, National
anarchism, and fascist syndicalism) and left wing
Nationalism in general. Now while these ideas
were discussed in the previous two generation
most people just wrote them off as meme
ideologies for instance most people from the
Praxist server wrote off strasserism as crypto
Marxism even though if you actually read otto
strasser you would know that strasser was against
Marxism for its materialistic worldview and it
advocated agrarianism. Many from the Praxist
group also refused to learn about other ideologies
like Juche for instance as well. Now while the
praxis group did write these things off many of
the non praxis members were either neutral or
interested in these ideas and one person became
very interested in these and his name was
Cjxproxy. For many weeks me and Cjxproxy
would discuss these new ideas and wished to find
more members like this and form an alliance with
people from the old left however two things
would stop this one would we didn’t know where
to look and the Praxis group.

The American Praxist party problem

Now while the Praxist group was hostile to many

of our our new ideas especially the idea of a third
position and left wing Nationalist alliance in
which Kaisergoji Goji spreged out on Cjxproxy
over and threatened to kill him over it. There
were over problems we started to have with them
prior to this. First there leader Allen leaving both
groups Due to Purcell, Ayrman, and Addy
pressuring him into handing over leadership to
them or they would leave the party along with
most of the members. Then they changed the
ideology of there group and claimed they were
never fascist which really confused me and
Cjxproxy because Allen told us it was. Then there
was them talking down to us telling us third
position isn’t gonna go anywhere and they might
as well let them lead and when their manifesto
came out. All it said about there group was that
they were very pragmatic and had no real
policies. Then there were pro American neocon
foreign policies which made them seem like neo
conservative which some associate with their
claim they were always neo conservative. This
caused me and Cjxproxy not to trust them.

The server as a whole

The server at this time grew to 30 to 40 members

and many of our most modern memorable
members join this era including Scripted Python,
Gabrielleite, Duce, Sora, Hairy, Caleb, Piss
Sandwich, Sir coridle, Ghost and, real world.
With many of these members still being active to
this very day. A lot of stuff improved as well
including more serious conversations, expanding
our knowledge and being more open minded and
getting more members outside the USA.

Cercle Proudhon
In mid September of 2019 Cjxproxy and scripted
python discovered a anti capitalist server called
anti capitalist action (now known as cercle
proudhon) which was a server were all anti
capitalist could meet and discuss which includes
Marxist, fascist, baathist, anarchist, distributist,
anarchist, third position and all the variety of
socialist. At first we thought the server was really
cool many of the Marxist were left wing
nationalist and me and Cjxproxy had many good
conversations however there were some national
socialist and siegetards on the server and they
ended up sperging out on everyone for not being
racial nationalist and they ended up raiding the
server. However jamin the owner of the server
ended banning them and ended up not allowing
siegetards and national socialist in. Despite this
me and Cjxproxy found a good pool of left
nationalist, strasserist, national bolsheviks, and
others who would gladly help go in the direction
we wanted to go in.

The split
With discovering the cercle proudhon and us
having less in common with the Praxist group and
them becoming more hostile. Cjxproxy and I
finally decided to put the ideological change into
action we decided to call it Pan Third Positionism
which at the time was based around the ideas of
unity among third positionist (with the exception
of Hitlerist), unity with left wing nationalist, and
other anti liberal pro nationalists and socialist
forces along with the idea of forming a new third
position for the 21st century based on the
previous third position along with conservatism
and socialism all of these ideas were put into The
14 Points of Pan Third Positionism which me and
Cjxproxy drafted and got the approval of 2 out 3
of the mods which were American Syndicalist
and Scripted Python and decided to publish it in
early October 2019 and the server name and
image was changed as well. Most of the members
were neutral to positive about the change while
the praxis crew ie Purcell, Addy, ZleepWave, and
Kaisergoji were all hostile to the change and said
it wouldn’t work, called us idiots for it and then
started to tell us particularly addy that he had
been a fascist a lot longer than me and Cjxproxy
even tho they claimed they never were fascist
(and by then I just consider myself to be a third
positionist not a fascist). Kiasergoji also sperged
out on Cjxproxy in particular threatening him and
claimed that corporatism was too radical and he
left the server after that. At that moment me and
Cjxproxy had enough of them and decided ban
them with the exception of ZleepWave (who
would be ban a month later for him being
dishonest and a drifter claiming to be a mixture of
anarchist and fascist then Theodore Roosevelt
conservative.This would be the end of the
Transformation Era and the beginning of the Red

Part 2 coming soon

Misconceptions of Marxism by Serbian NatMaoist
There have been numerous of critiques of Marxism,
from all sides, but today, we are going to discuss some
misconceptions laid out by Third Positionists. I
personally do not think those misconceptions are all of
vile nature, as with all new things, people have a natural
fear of something strange and unknown and that’s
alright. However, we must also not be afraid of seeking
true answers in order to get our mind straight

First things first, one of the major criticisms by

Third Positionists people is that “Marxism and
Capitalism are both materialistic doctrines and
promote nihilism”.. This is very far from a truth,
considering how the entire Cold War was even a
thing, but here is the main problem with this
reasoning. This reasoning implies that every
materialist philosophy, no matter their
differences, are all in all same and thus should be
disregarded. Obviously, it should be noted that
this is wrong, because if we were to apply that
logic in let’s say this hypothesis “All religion are
the same”, it would be scientifically incorrect, for
that statement is vague and disregards the
material condition upon what those religions
came to existence, which means that Christianity
is not the same as for instance Buddhism, for they
do not share the material condition that gave birth
to them to begin with.

Same applies to idealistic philosophies too.

Ancient Greek idealism is different from
Christian idealism, and so on. Rejecting idealism
purely because of “idealism” itself and not what it
actually provides and means is a wrong idea. And
this finally goes to the philosophies of Capitalism
(which is believe it or not, in this current stage,
idealistic philosophy, as Postmodernism is an
idealistic stance, which of course differs from
Christianity) and Marxism (the scientific
materialist aka physicalist ideology).
Now onto the second point, which is related to the
first one:
“If Marxism is materialist philosophy that denies
soul and spirit, then it must mean that like
Capitalism supports the degeneration of society.”

This could be no more far from what Marxism

actually advocates:

“Of course, both ideal and material phenomena

exist in the world, but this does not mean that
they negate each other. On the contrary, the ideal
and the material sides are two different forms of
one and the same nature or society, the one cannot
be conceived without the other, they exist
together, develop together, and, consequently, we
have no grounds whatever for thinking that they
negate each other.” ~ Joseph Stalin, Anarchism or

The point is clear: if you were to improve

yourself mentally, you would need to change your
material conditions, (e.g. exercise of your body)
in order to have that effect. Same with
counsciousness or soul. A soul must have an
origin in material condition, and as long as there
is a material basis, there is a basis for idea and
meaning to how to lead a proper life.

All of this can lead us to conclusion: Marxism

hereby rejects liberal idealism of radical
egalitarianism, as well as of course other
postmodern phenomena that unfortunately due to
massive disinformation and Red Scare, it
managed to infest many people who now LARP
as revolutionaries in the west. In all seriousness,
how can someone who is a Fat Acceptance
movement be a Marxist? The large allocation of
fat causes numerous diseases which are
dangerous to human health, and directly affect
our well spiritual (conscious) well being. Same
with rampant pornographic addiction.

I still have a lot more to say, but the picture

should be quite clear to all Third Positionists out
there. Right now, Third Positionists here in this
server poses a good amount of revolutionary
thought, but it must be refined in order to not
sway too much into reaction.

Liberalism, Utopia, and Death by the professor

For over 50 years we have seen the rise of consumerism
throughout the United States with that we have seen the
decline of traditional Christianity, traditionalism in
general and the decline of traditional identity of the
United States. We have seen more people born in single
parents households, divorce has gone up, birth rates
down, crime, depression, and mental illness are now at
their highest. Throughout the United States and most of
the western world we are seeing rapid cultural decline
that has been happening for the last several decades and
now has started to rapidly accelerate due to Covid
lockdowns which has caused many to lose their jobs,
not go to school or work, and has made people feel
isolated and alone. With all of this being said sucide and
depression has gone up due to all of this with people
losing their material comfort and depression and mental
illness going up poir to this it was only a matter of time
before a lot of people started to snap. Many people in
the west don’t have a strong identity outside of
consumer products due to not having a strong cultural,
religious, ideological, or ethnic identity to replace
original identity with. This is because the original
identity has been destroyed due to sexual revolution,
immigration, more people need to be in the workforce
to raise a family and the progressivization of society as
a whole which rejed the original identity and has
nothing but hate for it. 


After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 the

USA has established itself as the sole superpower
of the world. Liberalism had beaten all the other
ideologies that opposed her. Many important
liberal intellectuals at that time particularly
Francis Fukuyama said we had reached the end of
history and in many ways America had reached
all material needs. People could buy and eat
whatever they wanted to. More people here die of
obesity than they do of starvation. Americans
have become very consumeristic and hedonistic.
People here tend to be more interested in
whatever new Netflix show is out there than what
is actually going on in their country. Along with
the people’s cultural, ethnic and, religious identity
being completely eroded and now gender is as
well. All in the name  equality, multiculturalism,
globalization, and profit. Consumerism is truly
the opium of the masses. America is truly a place
that is more interested in wealth than the
betterment of its people. 


With a lack of morals, meaning, identity, and the

stresses of the modern era we are seeing the rise
of mental illness, decrease of Average IQ, sucide,
and bad habits like overeating, alcoholism, and
drug abuse go up all throughout the USA and the
western world and the fall of western man. With
the system being more interested in profit than
actually helping its people. We are seeing
situations only get worse with the education
system failing, legalization of marijuana, 
misinformation, drug abuse, alcoholism, and a
lack of will to learn. We are seeing the dumbing
down of society which will cause less
technological advancements and the US losing its
world hegemony to Russia and China. With the
rise of mental illness and depression we are
seeing sucide rates go up, anti social behavior
will rise, crime will go up along with murder with
all of this and are birth rates being below
replacement level we are seeing sharp decline in
our population and all of this has further
accelerated due to the Covid lockdowns. We are
seeing the death of society 


If there one thing I agree with the pessimist

philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer on is that if we
ever reached utopia the masses would commit
suicide out of boredom not just through hanging,
gun shots, or even intentional suicide but from
giving to much into vice like over eating, drug
abuse, sexual degeneracy, and alchoholism slowly
but surely killing themselves. This is what’s
happening in the United States and the western
world. If one part of society starts to disintegrate
the rest will follow if the problem isn’t fixed.
Francis Fukuyama, other liberal elites and
intellectuals were foolish to believe we had made
it to the end of history and that the United States
and Liberalism would be on top forever. If history
has taught us one thing is that civilizations rise
and fall, History goes in cycles when it comes to
civilizations there will never be an end of history.
(There a good book on this called The Fate of
Empires by Sir John Glubb you can find a
audiobook of it on YouTube)


I think most of our readers already know that the

United States will still be here tomorrow
morning. Now while we are closer to a collapse
then we were in 2008 we still have a little ways to
go before that happens. I will give my opinion on
the slow collapse of the United States. Like I
stated in other articles that were seeing people
becoming poorer and richer, crime will increase,
middle class and small businesses fading away
and being replaced with corporations. This has
already started to happen and has accelerated due
to Covid lockdowns and George Floyd Riots. In
many ways we will return to feudal society but
more technologically advanced than previously
but that technological advancements will stop due
to dysgenics, the US becoming less influential on
the global scene and resources running out. In
many ways we will look like Latin America in
terms of class divides, political factionalism, and
crime without any of the good aspects of Latin
America and we are seeing the United states
already transforming into this. With all of this
plus ethnic,cultural, religious and ideological
tensions, decline of the United States
government’s power and elite sectarianism we
will see the elites tear America into pieces due to
their rivalries with one another and what direction
should America go in. We are seeing this rivalry
unfold right now with these riots where
companies and politicians are backing these riots
against Trump and his allies. This rivalry will
only get worse and the list of grievances towards
all different ethnic, religious, ideological, and
cultural groups will only grow in coming months
and years until it finally break out into a
war/insurgency or peaceful dissolving of the
country and we will see the birth of new nations.
As the decline of America continues we will see
the rise of anti liberal ideologies along with the
liberals becoming more and more religiously
fanatical like we have seen in recent years but
worse. We will also see the rise of religion again
since people turn to religion in hard times we will
see things like traditional to progressive
christianity, to foriegn religions like islam or
buddhism along with new sects of these religions
and cults. All of this will continue even after the
collapse happens.
The Age of Caesarism: The Oncoming Iconoclastic End
by BaronVonDerDorf
Within the Third Position are various philosophical
influences ranging from more exoteric thinkers such as
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli & Hegel, whom
are some of the most recognizable philosophers in the
eyes of the public, but hidden deep within a primeval
century of primordial intellectual foundations are more
esoteric thinkers, Hobbes, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche,
Sorel, Gentile, Evola, Jünger, de Maistre, Paetel, de
Benoist, Schmitt, Niekisch, Maurras, de Rivera,
Yockey, Faye and even thinkers such as Spinoza,
Adorno & Lovecraft (the latter which will soon be the
topic of a future article). However, there is one highly
important, though incredibly dour philosopher of the
Third Position that is perhaps one of the most relevant
of thinkers as of late, the German Philosopher,
Historian and Mathematician, Oswald Spengler.

    Why is Spengler so important, and such a

relevant figure? It can best be described in a brief
but informative introduction to his magnum opus
and masterpiece, The Decline of The West. The
work in question showcases an iconoclastic
reinterpretation of history, instead of seeing
history as one vertical “march of progress”, he
formulated that history is rather an unorganized,
bulbous and cyclical intermingling of various
histories of various cultures that rose, grew,
peaked, declined and died. He lists the modern
Faustian (European) culture as being the West,
but also discusses the Oriental (Asian), Arabic
and Magi (Persian and Semitic) cultures and
discusses their rise, fall, and their cultures. Based
on his findings, he believed that the Faustian West
would soon collapse in what he predicted as after
200 years, starting in the far off year of 2000.
During which the culture of nations would erode
and collapse due to a decline of creative
endeavours that would be paragons of Faustian
culture, Social Liberalism and Capitalism, further
advancement of technology and the emerging
globalization of the world. During the gradual
eroding of western civilization, imperious leaders
and tyrants called Caesars would commandeer
nations and unite the west within harmonious
Dictatorships until they would finally fracture and
collapse, thus ending the odyssey of Western
To the optimist, such a work seems to be morose
and highly saddening, but it wouldn’t happen due
to a blinding and arrogant belief of “We shall win,
we will get in office and save the West!” Such a
mindset, insofar as it is able to be bred, is
disgustingly empty headed and downright
harmful to those who find belief in such a
childish and folly filled statement. Henceforth
such cries for “action” that are spouted by such
people are scathingly inflicting, and therefore so
go unheard. The optimist is better left off unheard
if his optimism has no grounds to be ecstatic
about. Action should only be taken if it is safe
enough to do so, we must calculate and theorize
when the greatest time to strike would be.

How does Spengler’s predictions fit into our

current socio-political and economic situation? A
fairly good introduction into observing the
terminal illness Faustian civilization has been in
the current chaos and loathsome state our nations
have been reduced to because of the George
Floyd riots and protests, a force that despite the
bombastic, squawking and skewering wails of the
Capitalist media, Political parties and online
“influencers”, is a hateful movement being
backed by international corporations to tarnish
and belittle the importance of Faustian culture in
the name of “diversity” and “anti-Fascism”.
These beliefs have turned an idiotic mass of
establishment slaves violent, to destroy and
descimate the cultures some of whom belong to,
and therefore ride themselves off, all for the gains
in the wallets of the Liberal Capitalists. In our
schools the spritely and innocent youth are
whispered lies by an omnipresent, cyclopean
beast of liberalism through their teachers, and
ghettoized by the hypnotic “influencers” they
desire so much to be. Our youth have been
poisoned and strung up by puppet strings,
tottering and praising their masters whilst
rejecting all that in actuality would free them.
This has materially manifested in the pure
barbarism and hatred confined within the George
Floyd riots, a physical manifestation of the
oncoming apocalypse of Faustian culture.
However, this isn’t the only impairment cast upon
The COVID-19 pandemic has violently hushed
the concerned citizen and swept them into their
confined homes, which in some ways have
psychologically transformed into prisons. Further
giving two ultimatums, stay inside and bow to
your masters, or die of an enigmatic pestilence
from the far off east. This is furthering liberal
democratic domination of the people and
henceforth suppressing resistance and opposition.
However, the bantering of Neoconservatives has
flung our youth back into the schools of
indoctrination, and due to the natural behavior of
the youth, has slowly led to an increase of the
contagion, killing off more and infecting more,
though this has been contested among scientists
and journalists as rather more people being tested.
Neither the less, this is a pure exemplification of
the beginning origins of the Caesars of

However, what is to come once the last chant of

“Black Lives Matter!” has been shouted in
engulfed streets and the last infected patient has
recovered from COVID-19? As predictions over
an uncertain future arise out of the speculating
minds of the curious and questioning. It has been
speculated that due to the infections in Africa and
the Middle East, a second Migrant Crisis will
start, something that will seemingly come and
potentially reignite the disease, shoot up crime
rates once more and further destroy Faustian
culture. However, this is only one of a many
greater increasing number of possible scenarios.
It is also highly likely at once peak oil has been
achieved across the world, global warming would
have gotten to a point in which it would have
been completely irreversible, causing global panic
and conflict. One notable scenario that seems
everyday to grow and grow in potential is the
eventual iconoclastic collapse of the United
States, due to an economic crash following the
rotting of globalism and the putrescence that will
most likely be left twitching and squirming in the
aftermath of the increased racial tension in the
nation, something that could quickly escalate and
cause civil war. It’s likely, due to a lack of natural
resources, technological advancement would be
completely immiserated, and leading to a
complete collapse of technologically advanced
society and a return to an almost borderline
primitivist agrarian society, similar to the ideas
espoused by Archeofuturist thought. Within these
societies, morality and nihilism would rule as
supreme forces guiding the post-collapse
societies. Many of these societies would
potentially be of a multi-ideological spectrum
ranging from Anarcho-Communism all the way to
Neo-Nazism. However, scattered remnants of the
old order would remain, scrutinizing and
observing for it’s attempt at returning from it’s
destruction, a redemption of Neoliberalism. This
plays on perhaps the most important aspect of
Spengler’s philosophy in the upcoming
apocalypse, the Caesars.

The Caesars of Liberalism shall originate in the

chaotic years before the collapses of the nations
we had onced endeared and loved, but now
despise and hate. After the fall of these first few
Caesars, they shall be ousted from both political
affairs and subconsciously from our minds, as we
yearn for something to return us back to glory and
harmony. It’s likely these Caesars would have
taken power once more in the most trivial of
times, when the remnants of society would have
degenerated and withered beyond recognition to
what we have now, which is already a gradual
state of the upcoming decline. These dictators
would conquer and subjugate all whom they’d
consider ripeful and the most prolific, and take on
the appearance as liberators from the chaos, men
amongst the ruins. However, with their beguiling,
enticing policies and self proclaimed “love for the
people”, they shall formulate and gradually begin
their domination of the people within their realm,
finally degenerating and destroying the last of the
Faustian civilization, as soon it would have
become forgotten, lost to the grazing sands of

Such a pessimistic outlook is, admittedly, rather

frightening to think about. Everything we have
fought for, everything we hold dear, everything
we cherish, disappearing gradually within a few
hellish centuries, and never to be discovered
again. All of it forgotten in the indifferent void of
space, our insignificance exemplified and
worsened day by day. But it is a painful reality we
must accept, and try our hardest to prepare for the
collapse, whether we believe it to be the Caesar,
the Anti-Christ, or the Bringer of The Kali Yuga.
A battle, even if it’s hopeless, is best won by
acting, rather than idleness.

“We have learned that history is something that

takes no notice whatever of our expectations.” –
Oswald Spengler, Man and Technics, 1931.
Liberalism: A suicidal ideology by the professor
I know in my last article I talked about the suicidal
death of American neoliberalism on cultural and
economic level due to modern society favoring vice and
greed over knowledge and security. I’ll link the article
here, my article called Can
America Survive? and my
article on the George Floyd
Riots All of these articles I see
as important to understanding the suicidal nature of
American liberalism which I won’t be addressing those
ideas here (besides progressivism as religion and anti
statue rhetoric) but I’ll be addressing some new ideas
that haven’t addressed yet and What I think what will
happen to other Democracy outside the anglo world. 
Self hatred and diversity

White liberals and Christians liberals to a lesser

degree have nothing but self hatred for
themselves due to past wrongs that’s whites and
Christians committed like slavery and colonialism
. Even though non whites have done many of the
same things like the arab slave trade or forget the
fact that traditional colonialism had helped to put
a end to backwards practice like cannibalism and
human sacrifice in Latin America or the fact that
many whites were also enslaved by the algerian
arabs in between the 16th and 18th centuries.
White liberals and progressives in general see
racism and sexism everywhere. Their white guilt
has caused them to see racism and sexism as
bigger sins than majority of the ten
commandments with the exception of murder. It’s
a religion to them. A religion that’s suicidal and
self hating. As we have seen with the BLM riots
we’ve seen progressives calling for the defunding
of the police and the tearing down of historical
monuments, this has not only caused the political
landscape to become polarized but shows how the
liberal establishment is slowing killing itself by
supporting this movement they have showed how
there willing to defund there own police that
helps keep law, order and the establishment
afloat. They have also shown how they are
willing to support criminality which will help
further destroy modern liberal society. They have
also shown how they are willing to support the
autonomous zones until it threatens them like in
Seattle for example. How long will it be until the
progressive dogs break free from their capitalist
masters and start attacking them or will the liberal
capitalist put them down once Biden gets elected?

Another way the system is killing itself is through

diversity. What I mean by diversity is
multiculturalism. This cannot last due to the
difference in cultures, religion, and ethnic groups.
One only has to look at the former state of
Yugoslavia to know that multicultural societies
cannot work in the long run. We are seeing this
play out right now with the BLM riots where the
media and politicians are deliberately insisting
violence against whites,trump supporters and anti
liberal dissidents. Which only shows how
desperate parts of the system are to get rid of
Trump who isn’t even radical by the standards of
dissidents. We are also seeing race based and
political violence go up as well. The only thing
that bands everyone together is that we live here
which isn’t enough to keep all these groups
together. We also seeing splits happening within
in the progressive coalition were seeing terms like
TERF,, white feminist, etc being thrown around
by more anti white groups in the progressive
coalition which causes more splits and maybe a
wierd form of progressive white nationalism
come out of it. We are also seeing many muslim
communities oppose LGBT education in schools.
This will also lead to more problems and we’re
seeing the rise of black nationalism in some of
these spheres which isn’t disavowed or destroyed
will destroy the United states which will also
weaken the progressive as well.

Progressivism, like any ruling ideology, infuses
every part of society including science. Science is
shaped by the ruling class and what is seen as
important issues are issues that the ruling class
wants research on. It’s not to say that science that
opposes the ruling class isn’t researched, however
it is usually not used in elite studies and
occasionally scientists are thrown out when they
have ideas that go against the system like James
Watson for example. The liberal establishment
promotes pseudoscience like transgenderism and
LGBT propaganda. When research comes out
against these practices they are either ignored or
denounced. With this community having high
suicides rates, STDs and being promoted in media
and education both STDS and sucide will
continue to rise. Another science that the
establishment ignores is race and crime statistics.
Many cities like Chicago have stopped recording
race and crime statistics which will probably
further increase crime and make it harder to
attack criminality 

        Democracy outside the west

While in the west, liberalism is killing itself
socially and economically. In the east and non
western democracies liberalism and democracy
are killing themselves in a different way. In the
east liberalism and democracy doesn’t believe in
itself. It hasn’t established cultural hegemony in
these countries nor has economic liberalism
benefits these countries and in most of these
countries there are many anti liberal political
parties that hold seats in Government. In Greece
you have Golden Dawn and the Greece
communist party. in Slovakia you have the
People’s party of Slovakia. In Slovenia you have
the National Sloveanian party. In the Czech
Republic you have the communist party, in Serbia
the serbian radical party, etc. In other countries
you have parties that while don’t reject
democracy but do reject the EU, free market
capitalism, and are socially conservative. In
Romania you have the social Democrat party,In
Moldova you have the Party of Socialists of the
Republic of Moldova. In France you have the
French national front. Ukraine the opposition bloc
and Svoboda. Then there are countries that may
claim to be democracy but are ruled by strong
men that reject the EU, Liberalism, free market
and progressivism, and while there are other
parties they also oppose these ideas even more
extreme at times it like the American system that
only allows the liberal parties to have power but
anti liberal. Major examples are Russia under
Putin. Belarus under Alexander Lukashenko,
Syria under Assad and Venezuela under Maduro.
Then there is Turkey that is slowly transitioning
back to a Islamic theocracy. Iran is already doing
this as well. As American world Hegemony
weakens we will see more of these parties, strong
man, and anti liberal system will continue to rise
and liberal democracy will kill itself. There have
also been many Historical examples of this
happening where either A its kills itself from by
electing a anti liberal biggest being Germany in
1933 or were many part of the ruling class not
accepting the results most notably Spain in 1936
however they elected communist so liberalism
would have ended anyways.

Liberalism will commit suicide by 2 ways one it
will due to social and economic degeneracy or by
electing anti liberal parties to power. It’s only a
matter time until this process is complete.
Benito Mussolini on Palestine
Italian Fascism

1.“Il Popolo d’Italia”, July 7, 1921 “Mussolini

answered the question of bloodshed in Palestine,
supporting a view hostile to Zionism, an
instrument of British imperialism. Palestine has
been quiet for many centuries. Arabs, Christians
and Jews lived there peacefully, but now Palestine
has become a theater of bloody struggle thanks to
the efforts of the Zionists”
2.Benito Mussolini, speech in the chamber of June
21, 1921 “… On November 2, 1917, the British
government expressed its support for the idea of
creating a national state in Palestine for the
Jewish people, implying that nothing would be
done that could violate the civil and religious
rights of non-Jewish communities existing in
Palestine. Later, the Allied Powers adopted this
declaration. Finally, in accordance with Article
222 of the Peace Treaty, signed on September 20,
1920 in Sevres, Turkey renounced all its rights
and claims to Palestine, and the Allied Powers
chose England as mandates.
Now that the civilized peoples of the West have
not changed the degree of freedom for various
religious denominations, the opposite has
happened in Palestine, including because the
government of this state in its infancy was
entrusted to the political organization of the
But in Palestine there are six hundred thousand
Arabs who have lived there for ten centuries, and
seventy thousand Christians, while only about
fifty thousand Jews arrive…
10 principles of the Fascist concept of the state
Italian Fascism

1.) A fascist state denies the naturalistic and

liberal views on “the state as a night watchman,”
“the state as a mean”. Fascist state is the primary
reference point.
2.) The fascist state recognizes that man and his
rights can have weight and exist only in the state.
3.) The fascist state replaces the quantitative
concept of liberal democracy with the qualitative
concept of the corporatist organization of public
4.) The fascist state rejects the socialist view of
the state, which suppresses the individual
initiative of citizens and declares that a person
may well exist outside the state – in other words,
Marxist socialism claims that the state does not
matter to the individual.
5.) The fascist state proclaims the dualism of the
individual and the state institution, since Fascism
perceives man only as part of the family, the
parish, the professional Association, the nation
and the state.
6.) Fascist state organizes individuals in
professional associations – corporations, which,
uniting in Corporatist House, form corporatist
7.) The fascist state is an ethical state, because
corporatism means striving for the highest social
forms – the spiritualization of the reality
surrounding us, education and discipline. In this
sense, corporatism is a synthesis of spiritual and
material human activity.
8.) The fascist state, as an organic spirituality,
goes beyond the present generation of individuals
and includes all other generations: the generations
that have gone into history, and the generations of
the future.

9.) The fascist state is a totalitarian and

authoritarian state. “The primary role of the
fascist state is to take over the implementation of
the national mission. And, since the state
implements the fate of the nation, it must have
unlimited power – it must be totalitarian. It must
be a universal-spiritual, universal-ethical force, it
must accumulate all the national energy, free the
national organism from the corrupting influence
of foreign elements”.
10.) The fascist state denies both the mechanistic
thought of the integral traditionalists about the
“natural order” and the other equally stupid idea
of the existence of “historical dialectics”, which
reduces people to the life of slaves of material

Edmond Rossini’s speech on trade unions

“Of course, it is easier to create a trade union of the old
kind than to establish a national fascist trade union.
When wonderful promises are made before a meeting
of working people, it is obvious that applause can easily
be gathered.
However, when to these wonderful promises is added
some untenable criticism of the employer, who is today
the enemy, the exploiter of the workers, the applause
We have now, through many years of experience,
revolted at this method, and while preserving the right
of the working classes to defend their right to bread, we
are changing our method.
As for the spirit of the trade union movement, we are
changing our method.

As for the spirit of the trade union movement, we

initially asked the question: how is it possible for
the working masses of the country to ignore the
existence and needs of their homeland?
Why should these toiling masses move
chaotically, bustle about for the conquest of the
whole world, without paying attention to the fact
that the first conquest must be made by them in
the workshop, on the land where they work? On
the other hand, is it true that internationalism is
also practiced by all trade union movements in
other countries? I argue that this is not the case,
given the [personal] experience gained abroad.
Colleagues! Too much has already been said
about the fact that german socialists were more
german than socialists. The truth is that in all
countries where the trade union movement has
spread, the socialists have always taken into
account the needs of the homeland?
Why should these toiling masses move
chaotically, bustle about for the conquest of the
whole world, without paying attention to the fact
that the first conquest must be made by them in
the workshop, on the land where they work? On
the other hand, is it true that internationalism is
also practiced by all trade union movements in
other countries? I argue that this is not the case,
given the [personal] experience gained abroad.
Colleagues! Too much has already been said
about the fact that german socialists were more
german than socialists. The truth is that in all
countries where the trade union movement has
spread, the socialists have always taken into
account the needs of their countries and have
never been internationalists in the superficial
sense that prevails in the minds of Italian
internationalists. Socialists in other countries have
always thought to defend their people and
Homeland, before the so-called international

In addition, it is not necessary now to represent

internationalism in the old sense – it is not
necessary to deny the need for any international
relations. How could a people like ours, and
therefore even the trade union movement of our
people, deny that we have relations with other
Nations, especially as we have many emigrants?
On the other hand, it is clear to all, and I repeated
it almost a year ago at the Geneva conference,
that Italian workers will not be able to travel
abroad without being disorganized, thus opposing
the labor discipline of the country to which they
are going. This is to ensure that our workers are
not misjudged and do not hinder the development
of the working masses of the world.
International relations can be very good, and I’m
not even afraid to say that we can have relations
with other foreign organizations.
And if there were no political passions known to
all of us, the same fascist trade unions could
establish relations with other trade union
organizations. This is an exclusively political
element that opposes our movement’s relationship
with other trade union movements. This process
is especially pronounced in places where we see
such political extremism, representatives of which
in the full sense of the word are fighting with our
workers, who before leaving Italy to the fascist
national trade unions.

Italian Fascism is a non-Marxist socialism: Alessandro

Pavolini, Congress of Verona, 1943
“As for the social sphere, it is clear that Fascist
socialism cannot be Marxist socialism, that is, socialism
that recognizes only manual labor and neglects
technical and intellectual labor, which, from the point of
view of a purely human being, is as necessary as
everything else, and from the point of view of the
management of enterprises, even more important; not
just the manifestation of social differences, but the
contribution of each person to collective labor. Our
socialism cannot be similar to communist socialism of
the bolshevik type, because it is contrary to our spirit,
we are opposed to the idea of total subordination to the
state of the entire economy up to handicraft production,
all agriculture, all kinds of professions, as is done in
Russia. We must build socialism based on syndicates,
which will take a decisive step towards social justice,
without denying anything that has been done in the
social sphere in the 20 years of existence of the Fascist

Benito Mussolini on Fascist Syndicalism

Dear friends! With great enthusiasm, I carry out the task
entrusted to me by the leadership of the National Party
and the Milanese Fascist League, namely, I convey a
cordial and brotherly greeting from all fascists to the
“First National Assembly of syndical guilds”. All the
words I have said today also represent my personal
thoughts and feelings. I will remind you that I was one
of those people in Italy in the postwar period who tried
and even succeeded in spreading the principles of
national-syndicalism (or fascist syndicalism). The effort
was not in vain, because today, after such a short period
of time, we have the honor to observe this impressive
gathering of forces of real Italian workers. Now we are
no longer faced with the question of whether we should
apply syndicalism, because this question has already
been solved by the practical needs of life, leaving no
time for theories. Gentlemen! As you know, when
someone wants to win, it is necessary to sabotage and
destroy the enemy in all his shelters, in all his trenches.
While fascism dealt mainly with foreign policy issues,
the socialists remained hostile to us because they
portrayed us as imperialists and warmongers eager for
new wars, but in reality they knew that these
accusations were false. When we went directly to their
backyard, that is, when we tried to gather the working
masses and when we created trade unions and
cooperatives, the socialists were furious because they
felt that we were violating the alleged “borders of their
territory” and threatening to take away their most
sensitive and vital support bases — the workers. But
there is a simpler and deeper reason for all this, dear
friends, and it is this: the workers are also – and above
all – part of the Nation. Intellectual and manual
workers. Our syndicalism includes all of them and
establishes the necessary rules of hierarchy between
them. (Obviously, an engineer needs to pay more than a
manual worker) As I said, there are twenty million
physical and intellectual workers. Can we ignore them?
Should we consider them a vile and unprincipled class?
Should we abandon this class, which is in fact neither
vile nor unprincipled, and allow them to continue to be
exploited by the red demagogues? No, we can’t let that
happen! If we really want to make a great Nation, we
cannot ignore the workers. Workers – calm, orderly,
conscious – are a guarantee of the greatness of the
Fatherland, not a hindrance. That is why we must
implement syndicalist theory. But what is syndicalism?
It is at this point that I want to draw your attention. The
people who lead the “National syndicate guilds” place
their greatest hopes on me that fascist syndicalism will
never be a copy of socialist syndicalism. Our
syndicalism should be qualitative, not quantitative. We
cannot reject the masses, but at the same time we must
not look at them, flatter them, and promise them things
that cannot be really given. Just as political fascism
represents the aristocracy in Italian national society –
the aristocracy of courage, will and faith – so fascist
syndicalism must gather the aristocracy of the
proletariat, because those who possess quality will
eventually shift the quantity if they really wish and
want to do so. My friend [Edmondo] Rossoni, whose
work I have followed for ten years, is inspired by this
thesis. He was one of the first syndicalists in the world
to announce in his newspaper that the Fatherland should
not be denied and made secondary. Having lived abroad
for a long time, he was convinced that classes – not
two, but two hundred – are certainly a reality, but the
same reality consists of an irrepressible historical,
physiological and moral fact: the nation. On this basis,
we must reconcile these three elements in fascist
syndicalism: nation, production and the interests of the
working class. It is necessary that fascist syndicalism be
the result, the harmonious fusion of the past, which
teaches us and gives us great ideals and the future to
which we strive with all our might, laws and duties, the
experience gained. All this must be reduced to fascist
syndicalism. And next to political fascism (which, of
course, is the most interesting and rich phenomenon
that emerged in post-war Europe) needs to occur fascist
syndicalism, which eliminates all the consequences of
the established socialist order. Fascist syndicalism must
absorb the impulsive youth of the Italian proletariat,
who has rediscovered the Fatherland and who want to
make it prosperous, great and free. So it must be open
to fascist workers who have proven to be the case, how
many sacrifices their souls! But at the same time, fascist
syndicalism is open to the entire working aristocracy,
because it must prepare the ground for new and broader
ways of developing the Fatherland.

Classes in fascism: an excerpt from Ettore Rosboch’s

The Fascist concept of Economics
In a holistic view of the economic system, the
community of citizens seems to be made up of four
main classes: producers, intermediaries, consumers and
depositors, each performing its function but often
consisting of the same individuals belonging to more
than one class at a time: each depositor, producer or
intermediary is also a consumer at the same time. If we
deal only with the production of material goods, the
composition changes to producers, citizens who are not
producers, but useful or necessary for production
(military, teachers, officials, artists, etc.) and
unproductive citizens. In turn, the class of producers
according to a specific function is divided into
subclasses: capitalists, managers, workers of physical or
intellectual labor (composition may vary depending on
national interests), or, depending on the object,
agriculture, industry, trade, transport and the Bank. We
could go on and on in terms of classification, but here it
is enough to show the complexity of modern social
organization. Each of these many classes and subclasses
has its own interests and aspirations, which both
coincide and conflict with the interests of other groups.
The conflict is most acute in the area of profit sharing,
as each group seeks to ensure maximum benefit, even
in spite of the peculiarities of the distribution of capital.
It is also possible to recall how many economic disputes
between workers and entrepreneurs in each country
have occurred over many decades and how often there
is a divergence of interests between, say, industry and
agriculture. (…) Fascism is also an integral economic
and social doctrine, which has a fundamentally
idealistic and spiritual content. Fascism attaches to the
production phenomenon all the importance it has, but it
also takes into account other elements that constitute a
single complex of the national economy, seeks to
coordinate the interests of all and coordinate within the
fascist state as often conflicting interests of various
participants in production, and the interests of
production and consumption, production and savings.
Individualistic sentiments are very strong in the
community of people and, consequently, in economic
associations, which brings damage to absolutely all
social categories. It is not uncommon in modern Europe
to see employers neglecting workers and waiting for
rescue or assistance in prosperity from the state in the
form of customs protection or tax benefits, as well as
workers, which sometimes require excessive wage
increases without sufficient increase in production
efficiency. (…) Distribution of income in the sphere of
production, which fascism considers as a single
complex, the elements of which: capital, management
and labor – must act harmoniously and disciplined to
improve the well-being of people and, consequently, of
the entire nation state.

Manifesto di Verona (1943)
1.That a constitutional assembly be convened in order to
declare the demise of the monarchy, openly condemn
the treasonous last king, proclaim the social republic,
and name its head.
2.That this constitutional assembly be made up of
representatives of all labor unions and administrative
districts and also include representatives from invaded
provinces in the form of delegations of evacuees and
refugees residing in free territories; it also recognizes
the representatives of combatants and prisoners of war
and those of Italians abroad; those of Judicial Officers,
University and every other corps or institution whose
participation contribute to make the Constitutional
Assembly the synthesis of all National values.
3.The Republican Constitution should ensure to citizens,
soldiers, workers and contributors the right to control
and responsibly criticize the acts of public
administration. Every five years the citizen will be
called to decide on the election of the Chief of the
Republic. No citizen, arrested in flagrance or stopped
for preventive measures, shall be held beyond seven
days, without an order from a judicial authority. Except
in case of flagrance, an order from judicial authority
shall occur for domicile persecutions too. The Judicial
power, shall act with full independence, in the exercise
of its functions.
4.Both the negative electoral experience already made by
Italy, and the partially negative experience of a too
strictly hierarchical method of election, contribute to a
solution which conciliates the opposite needs. A mixed
system for example of popular election of
representatives in the Parliament and election of
Ministers by the Chief of the Republic and of the
Government, and in the Party, elections of the Fascio,
except for ratifications, and election of the national
Directory by the Duce seems to be the most advisable.
5.The organization responsible for the education of the
people to political problems is unique. In the Party,
order of fighters and believers, an organism of absolute
political purity, worthy of being the custodian of the
revolutionary idea, shall be created. Its distinctive
(tessera) is not required for any employment or charge.
6.The religion of the Republic is the Roman Catholic
Apostolic one. Every other religion, which does not
oppose the laws, is respected.
7.The unity, the independence, the territorial integrity of
the Fatherland in the sea and alpine borders “marked by
nature, sacrificed by blood and History; threatened by
the Enemy with invasion and with the promises of the
Government exiled in London. A second key aim will
be recognition of the fact that a 45 million strong
population living in an area that can’t sustain it has
certain indispensable and vital space needs.This foreign
policy will also strive for the creation of a European
Community made up of all those nations that accept the
following principles:

A. Elimination from our continent of the centuries

long British intrigues.
B. Abolition of the internal capitalist system and
combat against world plutocracies

C. Exploitation of Africa’s natural resources for

the benefit of Europeans as well as natives, with
full respect for those people, particularly Muslim
ones, who have shaped themselves into civilized

9.That the foundation and main goal of the Social

Republic be work, manual, technical, intellectual
– in all its manifestation.
10.That the State guarantee private property, which
is the fruit of individual labor and savings as well
as extension of the human personality. Private
property, however cannot have a disintegrative
effect on the physical and moral personality of
other individuals by way of the exploitation of
their labor.
11.That in the domain of the national economy the
State’s sphere of action encompass everything
that extends beyond individual interest out into
the domain of collective interests, whether due to
scale or function Public services and, in most
cases, defense industries must be managed by the
State through state controlled corporations.
12.That in every factory (whether industrial,
private, State-controlled, or State-owned)
representatives of technicians and workers
collaborate closely – to the point of having direct
knowledge of the factory’s management – in
setting fair wages and in equitably distributing
profits, between reserve funds, stockholder
dividends, and worker profit shares In some
factories this measure will be implemented by
expanding the power of the existing factory
commissions. In others, the current management
will be replaced by a managing council made up
of technicians, workers, and a state representative.
In others still, a union – controlled cooperative
will be set up.
13.That in the domain of agriculture production,
landowner’s freedom of enterprise be curbed
whenever and wherever the spirit of enterprise is
lacking. Expropriations of idle farms may lead to
them being parceled out among field workers
(who thereby become farmer – landowners).
Similarly, badly managed factories may be
transformed into union – or State controlled
cooperatives, depending on the needs of the
agricultural economy.Since current laws already
provide for these sorts of measures, the party and
various trade unions are now hard at work on
their implementation.
14.That farmer – landowners, craftsmen,
professionals, and artists be fully entitled to
pursue their vocations individually, as a family or
other nucleus. However they are subject to legal
requirements governing mandatory contributions
to government stockpiles or to regulation of fees
for services.
15.That homeownership be treated not just as an
extension of property rights but as a right. The
party’s platform proposes the creation of a
national agency for national housing that will
absorb the existing institute and enhance its
effectiveness. Its aim is to make homeownership
available to families of all categories of workers
via the construction of new homes or the
repurchase of existing ones. To this end, the
general principle of rent payments ought to go to
the purchase of a home, once capital and interest
have been paid in full, must be adopted.The first
duty of this agency will be to address the war’s
detrimental effects on housing by expropriating
and distributing empty buildings, and by erecting
temporary structures.
16.That workers automatically become members of
the union regulating the category which they
belong, but that this membership must not
preclude transfer to another union if all
requirements are met. All the trade unions are
gathered under the umbrella of a single
confederation composing all workers, technicians,
and professionals (but excluding land – owners
who are neither managers nor technicians). This
umbrella organization will be called the General
Confederation of Work, Technics, and Art.Like
other workers, employees of State-owned
industries or public services are integrated into
unions as a function of their category.The
imposing complex of social welfare institutions
created by the Fascist regime over the past twenty
years remains intact. Consecrated by the 1927
labor charter, its spirit will inform all future
17.That the party considers a salary adjustment for
all workers an urgent necessity. This can be
effected by adopting a nationwide minimum wage
(with prompt regional adjustments). The need is
particularly great among lower and middle-
echelon workers, both in the public and private
sectors. Part of the salary should be paid in
foodstuffs (at official prices) so that this measure
not prove ineffective or harmful for all parties
concerned. This can be achieved through means
of cooperatives and factory stores, by expanding
the Proviida’s responsibilities and by
expropriating stores that have broken the law and
by placing them under State or Cooperative
management. This is the best way to contribute to
a stabilization of prices and of the Lira’s value as
well as to the market’s recovery. As concern’s the
black market, speculators must be placed under
the authority of special courts and be made
subject to the death penalty, just like traitor and
18.That with this preamble to the constitutional
assembly the Party offers proof not only that it is
reaching out to the people but also with the
people.As for the Italian people, it must realize
that it has only one way to defend its past,
present, and future conquests: to reject the
slavelike invasion of the Anglo -American
plutocracies, confirmed by a thousand signs, is to
make the lives of Italians more modest and

There is only one way for us to accomplish all of

our social goals: to fight, to work, to triumph.

Benito Mussolini on the importance of socialization

Workers who were previously very skeptical, eventually
realized the importance of socialization. Its practical
implementation is under way. Under other
circumstances, these activities would be implemented at
a faster pace. But the beginning is made, and whatever
happens, it is doomed to continue. It is a principle
stemming from an idea that I described about eight
years ago here in Milan, in the face of fifty thousand
applauding listeners, as the “century of work” in which
the worker is no longer in the moral and economic
conditions of the wage earner, but assumes the role of
the producer directly concerned with the development
of production and the welfare of the Nation. Fascist
socialization is a logical and rational decision, helping
to avoid, on the one hand, bureaucratization of the
economy through the creation of a totalitarian state, on
the other hand the individualism of a liberal economy,
the former an effective vehicle for progress at the dawn
of capitalism, but today are no longer relevant in the
face of new needs of national communities, bearing a
social character. With the implementation of
socialization the best elements in the ranks of workers
they will be able to show what they are capable of. I am
determined to go in that direction. I entrusted the
workers with two sectors: local administration and
food. These sectors, which are crucial in the
circumstances, are now entirely in the hands of the
workers. They will have to show, and I hope they will
show, their preparedness and civic maturity”.
Arguments for Firearms ownership from a collectivist
(Hegelian) perspective by The Fascist Tzar
    Most arguments for ownership of guns are done
through a liberal anglo individualists lens.  This paper
here is to make an defence for ownership of guns from
a collectivistic, lens point. At the top of this paper the
title states a Hegelian standpoint and in particular right
wing version, for the simple reason that this person is
an adherent of the doctrines of Fascism, which are in
essence and in its source Hegelian. Here, we go.

    The very first series of arguments is

practical,which is coming from only a practical
source. The very first is that the ownership of
guns allows the sockety to be more closely tied to
the military, in a few areas. The first is that it
helps train people for further service in the armed
forces, this is done in two ways mainly. One it
helps people to see and learn that the knowledge
of weapons and war in general is not only
necessary but a forward seeking metaphysical
truth of the human desire for war. This is quite
shown in the fact that males have a conception
from they’re state of nature what war is and what
war demands in knowledge. This means that
young males will be known to weapons of the
current usage in the military and its past weapons.
The second is that people who have done their
service in the armed forces can look to their
future children or cousins, and in some cases
neighbors to teach them how to shoot, strip,
assemble, and clean firearms. THis also implies
discipline, knowledge and gender bondage. 
Another area is that the ownership of guns in
personal/private hands means that the military has
to train less on firearms then on nations who do
not. Frimarlity with weapons matter in shooting
ethier in defence, or sport, in the life of nations
competing and at times fighting against one

    The other practical view is that the economy

now has a market to operate in. This means that
people find in their labor a sense of meaning in
they’re lives, even to the case where this becomes
a huge part of this economic life within the state.
The other is that it gives meaning to the market in
that now this market can give people a hobby to
collect and spend money on to grow this market.
The good news in this is that people can self
actualize in this hobby and find a happy moment
in this person’s life. The other final economic
view for ownership besides the ability for people
to build business in this market is that the market
for guns never goes away. People desire weapons
in general, not just for hunting, nor sports, but for
the human reasons and ideals that go into what
makes weapons so human. It is a fact that an arms
industry has never gone away or even gone out of
existence.The only possible policy that one can
do is regulate the arms industry and confiscate
war profits. This has been done and we see also
that in doing this jobs are created for the . 

    A class argument can also be made that the

production of firearms as well as sale, ownership
and market ability of firearms gives a class reason
why guns ought to be owned by people. Gun
ownership helps roll back the scourge of class
warfare which destroys society’s ability to
function as a unit; an organic unit. The ability for
people to own weapons allows them also to form
clubs, and associations for all classes to
participate and form a stronger bond helping to
control class antagonism. At the same occurence a
technical class of workers and students are
created in the production, maintenance and
shooting of guns. This allows the working class or
any class in partapciotular to bond with each
other. This knowledge that is passed down helps
society to get over a fear of firearms. As
mentioned the creation of associations also helps
to form guilds, where gun owners, dealers and
sellers can form guilds to represent employee,
family, and employer relationships creating a
class or in fact a new class, or simply
harmonizing the classes. Then there is the class of
aristocracy,which engaged in gun ownership and
intherentience of firearms. This is a great thing in
that the aristocracy can relate with gun owners
regardless of class, but at the same time it also
makes aristocrats not forget that they have a duty
to be ready in the usage of firearms.Taking the
cofnsictation of fireamrs away from the
aristocracy along with the classes in general is
one of the reasons why all classes have been
demasculinized and have forgotten that war can
be just down the road. 

One thing must be said that sadly the bourgeoisie

has made the greatest mistake of thinking that
money/capital will provide security and have to
some extent advocated the removal of guns from
society. The bourgeois has said to themselves that
one needs to just throw money into the police to
solve any problems with crime. Which in their
minds will be the reason why guns are no longer
needed for ownership. This mentality is
ultimately unrealistic, unhuman, unidealstic, and
demasculinized society. It also gives the
opportunity for more crime. This is also what
Netschze talked about how the last humans would
come about and take away any kind of struggle
from human existence. This writer from a
religious viewpoint also would add that it leads to
the antichrist.  Lucky the members of the
bourgeois who have their heads screwed in
perfectly are fighting this. Changing this
mentality is a must. 

The final argument for a practical ownership of

guns is that it gives people to connect to american
culture. One Of the most worldwide images of the
american nation state and american culture is the
ownership of guns. Guns have always been a part
of the american mental/racial soul because the
United States appeared into the world from the
gun, and the gun only expressed it’s revolutionary
ideology. The gun is what made all states and all
nations of whatever system.  That the United
States was founded by revolution, is an important
note in that gun ownership is one of the reasons
why the american revolution took place. This
means that there was already a collectivists
agreement or social contract, or cultural
worldview on how guns are important to the daily
lives of the colonists existed before the
revolution. The other is that revolution teaches
people that guns are needed ethier to expand or
defend this revolution. In Fact this outlook has an
imperial ideal to it in that guns now take a central
position of the said ideology too some kind of
domestic expansion and build up on it. And also
that american culture has guns all over the
cultural conception of itself, it is in filims,
litaterture, and gives american men a theme of
masculinity for them to fulfil. This also works for
females in that american gun culture has created
groups of females ,allowing themselves to be safe
from rapes, robbery and other forms of crime.
There is a large poll of women who say that guns
have saved their lives or deterred violence.
Females have also entered into the cultural aspect
of gun ownership due to the fact that they have
nights for female shooters , and female shooting
associations, as well as certain pistols and rifles
that have gotten femintie coloring to their guns,
and as special firearms meant for women, from
the size of the caliber to recoil protection and so
forth.   The main crux of this is to say that gun
ownership is so tied to american culture that
attacking it and throwing it out, or even hindering
discredits one from the real, historical, and living
american culture, and is such an alienation from
american culture. It is a deathly cultural trap to
throw out gun culture, and is the highest of
unrealistic conceptions in the modern world.

To quickly conclude this writer must speak on the

individualism of gun culture is in itself just
another collective that sadly these same people
who attack collectivism don’t understand that
they have embraced one. This also means that gun
culture as said or implied above spells the
organism of the american nation state. That
americans and other groups of people have
subcultures that include gun ownership is not
evidence of an individualistic society; it’s quite
the opposite. That americans say that gun
ownership keeps them away from the
collectivistic societies of europe and asia is a total
farce in that they accept a collectivistic spirit, but
an american one. That americans embrace
unknowingly a colelcvictisc or anti individualistic
attitude is in itself a good thing for americans;
this means that americans have their own
conception of themselves, which is integral and
these same people who deny collectivism
embrace a version of one that is unified by gun
culture and the american sense of being. A good
combination indeed.

Class Collaboration and Class Struggle in the Right

Context by The professor
Throughout the Third Position and the dissident sphere
the concept of class collaboration and class struggle.
Some are for class struggle while others oppose it but
instead of choosing one or the other I believe there both
rights it just depends on the country, civilization and,
how the bourgeoisie views liberalism and the current
global order. We will also look at the differences
between class collaboration in fascist Italy  and doing it
now like in the USA and why it wouldn’t work there,
along like Peronist Argentina and how capitalists
betrayed him. 

 Fascist Italy vs Class Collaboration in the USA

and The West now

Fascist Italy during the 1920s is very different

place than what USA and The west is now. Back
then in Italy the bourgeoisie or capitalist were a
lot smaller, mostly agrarian, socially conservative,
and wasn’t as international. This is the exact
opposite of what the USA and the West is now.
The western capitalist are not tied to nations they
are international they see countries as markets.
They are extremely power have powerful sway
over many western governments. Along with
being major progressive who promote a global
international that intinalialy or unintentionally
destroys the unique cultures of all countries and
peoples and waters them down to consumeristic
and hedonistic masses that have no roots or
loyalties. This is everything the Third Position
and Fascist Italy was against. If the third position
is to ever have power it must be the working class
to take back their country and give power back to
the people. There is no collaboration with
international capitalists. They stand against
everything we stand for and are extremely
antagonistic against us as well. These
corporations must be nationalized and their
wealth taken from them so they don’t subvert
society. We already see how they do it like
George Soros funding color revolutions and antifa
to suppress dissidents of neo liberalism and
degrading are cultures down to mere
consumerism or Jeff Bezos who funded open
borders campaign to have more cheap labor in his
and his buddies workshops to put native workers
out of the job just to abuse migrants or the
countless companies who exploit the third world
for there resources. In the West but especially in
the United States we most support class struggle
against the ruling class. It’s the only way to truly
establish a Third Position society in the west. 

The petty bourgeoisie and the national

Now while there is hardly a national bourgeoisie
who would be sympathetic to dissidence against
the system there is the petty bourgeoisie while
many of its members may not be sympathetic to
us there is still a better chance with allying with
certain sections of it to help further our goals.
Many are socially conservative and a bit patriotic
and genuine which is a lot closer to us than
international capitalists who should be opposed.
Small businesses pose no threat to us and should
remain in private hands with regulation of course
but these businesses must remain localized. When
it comes to the national bourgeoisie most if not all
here in the west are in line with international
capitalists who also benefit from their policy of
cheap foreign labor and should be opposed.
However in non western countries like eastern
europe, middle east, Asia, Africa, and Latin
America theres those of national bourgeoisie class
may be sympathetic due to them either being
social conservative to want multi national
corporations out of there, want to be autarky and
nationalistic. These section should be worked
with to push out the international capitalist and
helping to create a corporatist or state capitalist
economy but we should remember what happened
to Juan Peron were national bourgeoisie started a
coup against him for his pro labour laws. The
state must make sure that it is more power than
the national bourgeoisie and there is no corruption
by them along with removing of disloyal
elements of this class.

Fascism – borderless and red by Aleksandr Dugin

              Orginal Russian addition 


Translated from Russian by Andreas Umland]

There are, in the 20th century, only three
ideologies that have managed to demonstrate that
their principles are realistic in terms of their
political-administrative implementation – these
are liberalism, communism and fascism. As much
as one may like to – it is impossible to name
another model of society which would not be one
of the forms of these ideologies and [which], at
the same time, existed in reality. There are liberal
countries, there are communist [countries] and
there are fascist (nationalist) [countries]. Others
are absent. And are impossible. In Russia, we
have passed two ideological stages – the
communist and the liberal. What remains is

1 Against national capitalism

One of the versions of fascism which, it seems,

Russian society is today ready (or almost ready)
to embrace is national capitalism. It is almost
beyond doubt that the project of national
capitalism or “right fascism” constitutes an
ideological initiative of that part of the elite of
society which is seriously concerned with the
problem of power and feels acutely the power of
time [velenie vremeni]. Yet, the “national-
capitalist,” “right-wing” variation of fascism does
by no means exhaust the nature of this ideology.
Moreover, the union of the “national bourgeoisie”
with the “intelligentsia” on which, according to
some analysts, the coming Russian fascism will
be based constitutes a glaring example for what,
actually, is entirely alien to fascism as a world-
view, as a doctrine, [and] as a style. “The
domination of national capital” – this is a Marxist
definition of the phenomenon of fascism. It does
absolutely not take into account the specific
philosophical self-reflection of fascist ideology
[and] consciously ignores the fundamental core-
pathos of fascism.

Fascism – this is nationalism, yet not any

nationalism, but a revolutionary, rebellious,
romantic, idealistic [form of nationalism]
appealing to a great myth and transcendental idea,
trying to put into practice the Impossible Dream
[sic], to give birth to a society of the hero and
Superhuman [sic], to change and transform
[preobrazovat’ i preobrazit’] the world. On the
economic level, fascism is characterized rather by
socialist or moderately socialist methods which
subordinate personal, individual economic
interests to the principles of national welfare,
justice, [and] brotherhood. And finally, the fascist
view of culture corresponds to a radical rejection
of the humanistic, “excessively humane”
mentality, i.e. of what represents the essence of
the “intelligentsia.” The fascist hates the
intellectual [intelligent] as a type. He sees in him
a masked bourgeois, a pretentious philistine, a
chatterbox and irresponsible coward. The fascist
loves the brutal [zverskoe], superhuman and
angel-like, at the same time. He loves the cold
and tragedy, he does not like warmth and comfort.
With other words, fascism despises everything
that makes up the essence of “national
capitalism.” He fights for the “domination of
national idealism” (and not “national capital”)
and against the bourgeoisie and intelligentsia (and
not for her and not with her). The fascist pathos is
accurately defined in the famous phrase of
Mussolini: “Rise, fascist and proletarian Italy!”
“Fascist and proletarian” – such is the orientation
of fascism. [It is] a labor and heroic, militant and
creative, idealistic and futuristic ideology which
does not have anything in common with securing
additional governmental comfort for the traders
[torgasham] (even if a thousand times national)
and sinecures for the socially parasitic
intelligentsia. The central figures of the fascist
state, [and] fascist myth [are] the peasant, worker,
[and] soldier. On the top, as the supreme symbol
of the tragic fight with destiny, cosmic entropy
[is] the god-like leader, Duce [duche], Führer
[fyurer], superhuman who realizes in his supra-
individual personality the extraordinary tension of
national will for feat. Of course, somewhere, at
the periphery, there is also a place for the honest
citizen-merchant [grazhdanin-lavochnik] and
university professor. They too put on party badges
and go out to ceremonial meetings. But, in fascist
reality, their figures are fading, getting lost, [and]
move into the background [otstupayut na zadnii
Not for them and not by them is the national
revolution done.

In history, clean, ideal fascism did not experience

a direct incarnation. In practice, the urgent
problems of assumption of power and
establishing economic order forced the fascist
leaders – including Mussolini, Hitler, Franco, as
well as Salazar – to forge alliances with
conservatives, national capitalists, big owners and
corporation heads. Yet, this compromise always
ended deplorable for the fascist regimes. The
fanatic anti-communism of Hitler warmed up by
the German capitalists cost Germany the defeat in
its war with the USSR while Mussolini – trusting
into the honesty of the king (articulator of the
interests exactly of big business) – was delivered
by him to the renegades Badoglio and Ciano who
put the Duce into prison and threw themselves
into the embrace of the Americans.

Franco held out the longest, and even that

because of the concessions of liberal-capitalist
England and USA and because of [his] rejection
to support the ideologically related regimes of the
Axis. Moreover, Franco was not a real fascist.
National capitalism is the inner virus of fascism,
its enemy [and] guarantor [zalog] of its
degeneration and perishing. National capitalism is
in no way an essential characteristic of fascism as
[national capitalism] is, on the contrary, an
accidental and contradictory element in its inner

Therefore, in our case, in the case of the growing

Russian national capitalism, one cannot speak
about fascism, but of an attempt to preliminarily
pervert what is not to be circumvented. Such
pseudo-fascism can be called “preventive,” [or]
“precautionary.” It hastens to make itself known
before an authentic, real, radically revolutionary
and consistent fascism, a fascist fascism is, in full
measure, born and becomes strong in Russia.
National capitalists – these are former
[communist] party leaders who are used to boss
around [vlastvovat’] and humiliate the people and
who subsequently, out of conformism, became
“liberal democrats,” and who, now that this stages
is over, are, equally zealously, venturing to cover
themselves with national clothes.

Having democracy transformed into a farce,

apparently, the partocrats, together with the
obliging intelligentsia, are, decidedly up to foul
and poison the nationalism that is advancing into

The nature of fascism [is] a new hierarchy, a new

aristocracy. The novelty lies in that the hierarchy
is based on natural, organic [and] clear principles
– dignity, honor, courage [and] heroism. The
dilapidated hierarchy which is trying to carry
itself over into the era of nationalism is, as before,
based on conformist abilities: “flexibility,”
“caution,” “a taste for intrigues,” “toadyism,” etc.
The obvious conflict between two styles, two
human types, two normative systems is

2. Russian socialism
It is absolutely unjustified to call fascism an
“extremely right-wing” ideology. This
phenomenon is much more precisely
characterized with the paradoxical formula
“Conservative Revolution.” It is a combination of
a “right-wing” cultural-political orientation –
traditionalism, faithfulness to the soil, roots,
national ethics – with a “left-wing” economic
program – social justice, limitation to the market
forces, deliverance from “credit [protsentnogo]
slavery,” prohibition of stock market speculation,
monopolies and trusts, [and] primacy of honest
work. In analogy to National Socialism which
was often called simply “German socialism,” one
can speak of Russian fascism as “Russian
socialism.” The ethnic specification of the term
“socialism” has, in this context, a special
meaning. What is meant is formulation of a socio-
economic doctrine, from the beginning, not on the
basis of abstract dogmas and rationalistic laws,
but on the basis of concrete, spiritual-ethical and
cultural principles that have organically formed
the nation as such. Russian socialism – that is not
Russians for socialism, but socialism for the
Russians. In distinction to rigid Marxist-Leninist
dogmas, Russian national socialism proceeds
from an understanding of social justice which is
characteristic exactly for our nation, for our
historical tradition, for our economic ethics.

Such a socialism will be more rural than

proletarian, more communal and cooperative than
administrative [gosudarstvennyi], more
regionalistic than centralistic – all these are
requirements of Russian national specificity
which will find its expression in the doctrine and
not only in practice.

3. New people

Such a Russian socialism should be build by new

people, a new type of people, a new class. A class
of heroes and revolutionaries. The remains of the
party nomenclature and their ramshackle order
should fall victim to the socialist revolution. The
Russian national revolution. The Russian’s are
longing for freshness, for modernity
[sovremennosti], for unfeigned romanticism, for
living participation in some great cause.
Everything that they are offered today [is] either
archaic (the national patriots) or boring and
cynical (the liberals). The dance and the attack,
fashion and aggression, excessiveness and
discipline, will and gesture, fanaticism and irony
will seethe in the national revolutionaries –
young, malicious [zlykh], merry, fearless,
passionate and not knowing limits. They [will]
build and destroy, rule and fulfill orders, conduct
purges of the enemies of the nation and tenderly
take care of Russian elderly and children.
Wrathfully and merrily will they approach the
citadel of the ramshackle [and] rotten System
[sic]. Yes, they deeply [krovno] thirst for Power
[sic]. They know how to use it. They will breathe
Live [sic] in society, they will shove [vvergnut]
the people into the sweet process of creating
History [sic]. New people. Finally, intelligent and
brave. Such as are needed. Who take the outer
world as a strike (in the words of [Evgenii]
Golovin [a Russian mystic and teacher of Dugin –
Immediately before his death, the French fascist
writer Robert Brasillach voiced a strange
prophecy: “I see how in the East, in Russia,
fascism is rising – a fascism borderless and red.”

Note: Not a faded, brownish-pinkish national

capitalism, but the blinding dawn of a new
Russian Revolution [sic], fascism – borderless as
our lands, and red as our blood.

The Dissolution of The American Identity by Cjxproxy

Recently I have noticed a prevailing issue in the last
several months. That is the disillusion of the American
identity. I started to take note of this when I noticed the
black separatists in BLM, cascadian nationalists, Texas
nationalists, etc. I want to discuss why this is occurring
and how this might be useful for us to use to stomp out
neoliberalism from America.

To start out with I want to go over how this has

been a problem for the american neoliberal
establishment for some time. First of all this is of
course becoming a bigger thing with more and
more people supporting things such as separatism
by the day. This is often talked about by people
such as the national anarchist Keith Preston. The
reasons for separatism are numerous rather it be
on religious, ethnic, sexual identity lines, etc. This
is very scary for the neoliberal establishment
because they want their ideology to rule over
everyone else and not let communities rule
themselves with their own political system. They
want to destroy our religion and replace it with
secularist progressive versions which is the main
point of Mencius moldbug the cathedral. They
want to destroy any sense of thought that is
outside of the neoliberal lens which is talked
about by numerous people such as Aleksandr
dugin and much more. Mind you this isn’t a
argument in favor of individualism or anything by
that stretch of the imagination but it makes
perfect sense why many people in this nation
want to separate from the rest of the United
Something else I want to talk about is how non-
separatists are becoming disillusioned indirectly
with American identity. Over the course of the
last several years there has been more vilification
and holificiation of President trump than any
other person thus far. I mainly want to focus on
Trump supporters here. A lot of them focus so
much on supporting Trump that it’s all they care
about. They are not patriotic in the sense that they
don’t actually care about anything else regarding
America outside of Trump’s policies. Most of
these people couldn’t really tell you America’s
history mind you and I’m speaking from
experience. With blacks lives matters it’s even
more noticeable. These try to pretend they care
about their perception of what the black
population should be and nothing else. They don’t
care for America or anything of that matter. Hell
most of them don’t even care about black people
they just want free stuff and not work hard to earn

How can we use this to our advantage? 

Well firstly we can use this to gain traction for
anti-liberal followers and thinkers. A lot of
cascadian nationalists for example are very anti-
neoliberal from my experience, most of them
raging from anarchists to even third positionists.
This can also help us gain support from anti-
liberal nations. For example Russia has helped
fund the Texas nationalist movement which I
think is a great thing. This can also help
accelerate the collapse of the system as we know
it to bring a new state. A state that is concerned
with protecting god, family, and the state itself. 

My hope is that in the future the disillusion of the

American identity will bring something about
that’s better but only time will tell.
Applying ancient law to modern times by Pandemik
     Something that every person in any non-liberal
political worldview will admit freely to is the absolute
depravity and utter ineffectiveness of our current
judicial system in the West. Millions of people are
thrown into prisons each year, crime rates are still
incredibly high (and still climbing in the United
Kingdom!), and we have recently had to deal with the
insanity of the George Floyd riots. What then is the
answer? Do we completely abolish the state police
force? Do we completely reform the judicial system to
get rid of systemic racism? We definitely do need to
reform it, but I believe we are looking in the wrong
direction. What we should do is not focus nearly as
much on punitive measures, nor on rehabilitation, but
we should rather take a direct inspiration from the
ancient versions of the judicial system. We can look
toward the third way, the way of restitutional justice.
We can see this directly in many ancient judicial
systems, and we will use the Old Testament law system
as an example. We should seek to both discourage
crime, and restitute losses incurred by crime, rather than
doing neither as our system today is wont to do.

     The first, most shocking thing we find in the

judicial system of the ancient Jewish people is the
complete lack of a prison system. There was no
confinement, of any type. Stocks, shackles,
hooks, etc. were absolutely foreign to it. So then
how did they deal with crime? They did so in two

      The first was the death penalty, reserved for

things such as murder, manslaughter, kidnapping,
bestiality and other sexual deviance, and perjury.
However, there was still a due process, and a
court system. To quote directly: “If anyone kills a
person, the murderer shall be put to death at the
evidence of witnesses, but no person shall be put
to death on the testimony of one witness.
Moreover, you shall not take ransom for the life
of a murderer who is guilty of death, but he shall
surely be put to death.” -Numbers 35:30-31. Here
we read that you firstly need multiple witnesses.
There was even a process where the witnesses
were questioned seperate from one another to see
if their individual stories held up. This means that
perjury was incredibly difficult to accomplish.
Furthermore, even if one did commit perjury,
there was a very serious punishment reserved for
it – again, the death penalty.

     Another takeaway from this passage is the

mention of a ransom. This alludes to the fact that
an agreed upon ransom could be worked out
(other than in the case of murder or other capital
crimes) between the victim and the criminal.
When the perpetrator of a large sin confessed that
sin, God mercifully treated the sin as an
inadvertent sin that could be atoned for by
sacrifice (Num 5:5-8). In the same way, God’s
chosen representatives, the human kings who
governed Israel, might commute a sentence for a
penitent criminal (other than a murderer).

    The second way the Mosaic Law could punish

a crime was through slavery. For example, if you
stole cattle, and you could not pay back double
what you stole, the Bible declares that we are to
sell that person into slavery (Exodus 22:1-4). The
slave system in Israel was quite different from
what we had in the 18th and 19th century, the
people within it were explicitly commanded to be
treated as humans. In a modern context, we would
most likely take this idea, and apply it to state
labour. For example, if you were to be caught
stealing something, and could not pay back
twofold, the state would restore it twice over in
your place and you would be condemned to
forced community labour until you worked off
your debt to the state. In the case of extremely
large amounts of money, you would be
condemned for life. You could even take this
directly to the community that you hurt. You
would become a debt-slave to the town, rather
than simply the state. Ideally, they would be
provided for by that town, and humanistically be
enslaved to the community. The debt-slave might
be considered “state property”, so as to further
ensure humanistic treatment.

     Finally, some form of corporal punishment

should be included. This is not referenced in the
Mosaic Law, however there are plenty of other
examples (Code of Hammurabi, Egyptian Judicial
system, Medieval Judicial system) where they
employed different forms of corporal punishment.
For example, cutting off your left hand for
stealing, or a public whipping for striking your
superiors. This clearly worked, and would work
in a modern setting. This acts not only as a
discouragement factor, but it further accelerates
the removal of the prison system. What this
would look like in tandem with restitution: you
steal something, either you pay twofold what you
stole upfront with your own money, or the state
pays for you and places you in debt-slavery until
you pay off your crime, and after all this you will
be corporally punished with the removal of your
left hand.
     Additionally, our modern law system is
incredibly complicated, to the point that it would
take several lifetimes to learn the entirety of the
law code. With a return to ancient law systems,
we could easily make the law system far less
complex than it is now. We would simply need to
set all of the maximum penalties (e.g. going into
debt-slavery for stealing) for the different crimes.
In other words – the Old Testament law system
would be incredibly adaptable to a libertarian
system! You could easily take this a step further
and put the entire “community police” idea in
action, with an elected or appointed sheriff. A
state police force wouldn’t be necessary (you
could have it still of course), the prison system
would be abolished, and people who are wronged
are paid back. What is there not to like, from any
political standpoint?

The idea of a witness-based judicial system is

also quite superior to our current accuser and
defendant system. Our current system is very
liberal and limited to capital gain. If you can
afford a good enough lawyer, then you can get
away with almost anything. In a witness system,
this would not be possible. You would have an
elected or appointed judge that would determine
the punishment, based off of the witness system.
If there are two or more witnesses to a crime
committed, and their seperate testaments agree
and complement each other (based off of specific
and varying questions meant to determine if they
are telling the truth), then the judge would make a
decision based off of the crime committed, if the
victim and the criminal are not able to come to a
ransom agreement or the crime was murder. The
more witnesses there are, the more legitimacy is
given to the case. In comparison, we currently
have a system where two men attempt to appeal
the most to the already publicly swayed jury. This
means it is far easier to corrupt than the witness
system layed out in the Mosaic Law.

The modern liberal would be quite affronted at

what I have just laid out, calling it “inhumane”
and “archaic”, because it violates their
sensibilities. To those people I ask, is abolishing
the state prison system really that inhumane? Is
replacing our useless and corrupt judicial form
with a restitution-based punishment system
archaic? Far from it! In fact, it is not only novel in
our time, but far more humane. In the supposed
punitive system we have now, nobody is
discouraged from crime, and no restitution is
made for any that are committed. Furthermore,
our court system is very corrupt, and the jury is
easily infected by popular opinion. It is far better
to have a witness based restitutional system
combined with corporal punishment, in which the
criminal is discouraged from crime. Thank you
for taking the time for reading, and I bid you
fellow Comrades a good day.
Trump, Biden, Election, and Accleration by
the professor
     For the last several years, political tensions have
been rising in the United States, and this year has been
the most explosive year of it yet. Rioting and killing of
political opponents has been a normal occurrence the
past few months. The establishment seems to be at war
with itself, with many corporations and billionaires
such as Joe Biden, George Soros, Democracy Alliance,
Bank of America, Leah Hunt-Hendrix, Mark, CNN, and
Zuckerberg, to name a few, backing or supporting the
Black Lives Matter protests, alongside other
progressive causes against President Donald Trump, the
Republican Party, Fox’s News, Daily Wire, and other
neo-conservate and “far-right” icons. The status quo
seems to be in complete chaos with the FBI and other
sections of the government trying to get Trump out of
office, along with planning out how a liberal session
against Trump would work. 

     Additionally, sections of the military are

standing down and joining the protest. On the
right wing side we see right wing militias and
groups go into the cities, defend small businesses,
and fight the protesters. In one of these scuffles,
BLM supporters attacked a right wing militiaman
who then responded by killing two of them. In
response the right immediately supported him and
saying he did nothing wrong. The left has done
the same with the people that they killed during
these riots, as well as people who the rioting
started for, such as George Floyd, who were
criminals. There is also the fact that both
Republicans and Democrats are saying they will
not accept the election if their candidate does not
win. In other words, this is a melting pot that is
about to explode. The real question is, who
should we, as third positionist and dissidents,
support and back for the election? 

     We recognize that Trump is closer to us, even

if he will not deliver on his promises. However, if
we do vote for him, we could see the progressive
go crazy, continue to riot, and possibly a coup
from the extreme anti-Trump sections of the
government. Or, we could see succession and
more radicalization from the right because of it.
On the other hand, if Biden wins, we will also see
further radicalization from the right which will
continue to push them further away from
liberalism, possibly with plans to impeach Biden
or put Trump back in power, which will result in a
push away from the Democrat party by the
dissident left. Either way, we get extreme
acceleration. However, we will get more with
Trump than with Biden. We already know we
cannot reform the system or have a revolution
against the system on our own, so we may as well
let them tear themselves apart, similar to what
happened in the first civil war between southern
plantations owners and the northern industrialist.
The only difference will be that this time it will
be between the technocratic progressive elites
versus the more conservative national elites. The
only people who could cause this acceleration are
the elites themselves which will cause their own
downfall and the people to become disillusioned
with them. 

In other words, it doesn’t really matter. As we

come closer and closer to the great collapse of
America, voting between Trump and Biden will
do nothing, other than possibly slowing it down.
What we should be doing is not focusing on who
to vote for, but rather how to prepare for the
collapse. There is no stopping this train.
The Material and Metaphysical Aspects of Nationalism
by Cjxproxy
Over the course of the last several months I’ve been
seeing discussions over if nationalism is a material or
metaphysical subject. Me personally I feel that there are
aspects to it that are both material and metaphysical.

To start out with I want to go over the material

aspects of nationalism. To start off I want to
discuss culture. Nationalism in a lot of ways is
centered around ones culture especially in the
Americas and the Middle East as examples. This
is due to assimilation of races and race-mixing
that has occurred especially in South America and
the Middle East as stated earlier. Culture is the
material aspect of nationalism that brings the
collective together because they share their
similarities with one another. For example a black
person in Brazil is still considered a Brazilian
because that person was born in that country and
shares the characteristics of your average

Another material aspect of nationalism that is

more specifically in favor in Europe and in some
parts of Asia is Ethnicity. Ethnicity can be a
binding part of the collective if that country is
comprised of mostly one ethnic group. For
example Poland is mostly comprised of just poles
so it would be very easy to have an exclusively
ethnic polish state in Poland. There is however
one problem with this form of nationalism is that
it’s only applicable to Europe and some parts of
Asia. Race is mostly a feeling as Benito
Mussolini once’s stated. While you can have
humility in your races achievements and
accomplishments but in a country like America its
simply not possible because of the encouragement
of race mixing and assimilation of different non-
Caucasian ethnic groups.

Now we must discuss the metaphysical aspect of

nationalism. That being of religion. Religion
especially islam, Christianity, Buddhism,
Hinduism, etc can instill nationalism into people’s
heart. This is due to the people having a
connection with one another by praising the same
god/gods, prophets, etc. for example there has
been a rise of Hindu nationalism in India over the
course of the last 50 yrs or so. This is because of
tensions between other religious groups in India
and also they have a connection between each
other because they worship the same Hindu gods
and goddesses and because of that they want a
state of their own.

In conclusion we can see that race and culture

make up the material aspects of nationalism and
religion makes up the metaphysical aspect of
nationalism. This all goes together fairly well
depending on the nation and it’s people.
The Problem with the Dissident Movement Part 2
By The Professor 

It’s been a little over a year since I wrote my

essay on the problems with the dissident
movement. Now while it was only published a
few months ago many people in our group still
had access to the document and many of these
ideas were starting to be discussed in many
dissident circles throw out the dissident internet
sphere. Now while I doubt my article played a big
role but I can say the article and our group the
pan third position did help to contribute to the
conversation and that many of things I said in the
article I got right like how we need to build
institutions to combat neo liberalism,The issue of
Censorship,how iron march and people who
follow it are bad actors like how dissident sphere
discovered that The Base the knockout of
atomwaffen division which both came from iron
march was a fed operation and having anti liberal
foriegn policy was good idea.  Now while a lot of
these issues are still problems however some of
them have become less of problem like how the
dissident right and third position are moving
away from dogmatic white nationalism, fed
posting sites and groups like atomwaffen or daily
stromer. Along with the third position and
dissident right becoming more intectual starting
to read more and becoming more mature instead
of being irony bros and starting to become
interested in new ideas that go beyond right and
left. However there are still many issues
especially when it comes sections of these
movements still not having a critical take on
capitalism, lack of infustractor, wishful 
thinking,still a problem of fed posting and
dogmatism in these spheres that most be

               The Party Crazies 

It seems like everyone is wanting to make the

next big party that will lead us to victory. It seems
like every year we have a knew party form with
many people being excited for we got the
National Reformation Party that is classical
fascist and cultural nationalist. Then we have
National Justice a white nationalist party. Then
we have the Constitution Party a palo
conservative party. Now while all these parties
have hundreds to thousands of people who
support them. However they don’t have enough
support  and end up not doing anything other than
posting podcast, articles and new rallies here or
there and nor they having backing or infustractor
to even compete with the Democrats or
Republicans. Then there the fact the United States
is two party system and has been like that since
the founding which neither one of these groups
are close to out competing the Democrats or
Republicans and even if one of these parties died
more than likely the Libertarians or Greens would
take there place. Now let just say for a moment
that one of these groups get into power and one of
there members becomes president. The entire
status quo would come crashing down on them
and would be as bad if not worse then what there
doing to Trump not to mention there would be
very little done. Senate and Congress vetoing
there Bill’s, trying to impeachment or
Corporations and the mainstream media would
start agitating riots just like there doing now. At
best these parties are good for spreading ideas and
organizing different dissident sects but in the end
these parties either die out like the American
Falange and the American Freedom Party did or
become more of a intectual club that just writes
books,podcast,article and occasional activism like
the National Reformation Party What we should
be doing is building up infustractor like starting
small business, funding, think tanks, safety nets,
Unions ect. This will help to become better
organized, protect are our guys and advance our
ideas into the 21st century. Despite National
Reformation Party flaws I do think there going in
right direction when it comes to ideology. Instead
of being a party I would suggest becoming just a
organization that does activism for the third
position just like patriot front does (just without
there ideology) along with starting up think tanks
and everything else I recommend.

          The Boogaloo Situation 

Then there’s the people who think we can wage a
war against the US government. There are many
problems with this idea. For starters just like with
the parties we lack funding, support and
infustractor to pull something like that off. Two
many of these people think we can get majority of
the military on our side which is false around
most of the military especially the officers are
liberals not to mention military stood down or
join the BLM protest back in the summer of 2020
not to mention if they find out your a dissident
they will discharge you like they did to Zoltanous
NH or Shandon Simpson  for example who was
also slander as a neo nazi satanist in the media.
Then there the fact the United States is the most
powerful country in the world with numerous
technologicales at it disposals like military
weapons that would you mows down to shreds or
due to how were connected to  technology they
could easily tap into are phones and computers
easily prevent a revolution because of this. I
would also like to say that many of these people
who advocate for this are fed operation like for
example The Base which was white nationalist
group inspired by siege and iron march. Its leader
was found to be a federal agent and arrested all its
members. Then theres Curt Doolittle, John Mark
and Propertarianism which was artificial proped
up by youtube never was demonized or banned
like so many others on the right. Which openly
advocated for civil war and Doolittle openly
admitted to helping USA government to throw a
color revolution in Ukraine. Then John Mark and
Curt Doolittle after over a year of advocating for
this decides to do a rally in which people had sign
up for it on Propertarian Institution and when it
finally happened John Mark didn’t want anyone
to know what he looked like and Doolittle sides
with BLM and decided to march with them which
caused blow back from there supporter online.
Then John Mark a few days later deletes his
channel and says everything he advocated for is
wrong.  Then theres the Case of Hal Turner who
was white nationalist a radio talk show host back
in the late 2000s who advocated for the killing of
judges and after he was arrested for it he came out
and said he was a FBI informant. These groups
who advocate for this are either fed operation,
hijack by feds or will be crushed by United States
Government with ease. The only way a civil war
could break is if the establishment internal
fighting breaks out into open warfare which is
slowly happening as of right now which then
maybe the dissident right has a chance but would
probably not be able to take the entire country let
alone a majority of the country.

Neo Reaction, Palo Conservativism,     MGTOW

And Half Criticism 

These three ideological groups have play a

massive part in the dissident right in the western
world. From there criticism of feminism,
progressivism, immigration,crime,  and foriegn
wars to their ideas and theories like the cathedral.
To them  supporting autarky,nationalism and
social conservativism. These groups are much
better options than that of Buckleyite
Conservativism and randian libertarianism 

However despite being better than the two I

mentioned above. They all still have the core
problem that mainstream Buckleyite
Conservativism has and that is the marriage
between conservativism and capitalism.  This is a
contradiction and a marriage that doesn’t work.
Now I know what these groups are going to say
it’s the communist who want social progressivism
and open borders. While it is true that many self
proclaimed western marxist and anarchist support
these things but are they really marxist or in
power or is what marxism actually is? The answer
is no to all of these questions. Most of these
people are social democrat or care more for social
progressivism than the actual working class
which marxism and anarchism were created for.
Many of these self proclaimed marxist and
anarchist are backed by some of the biggest
international capitalist in the world like George
Soros and Jeff Bezos.  What these anarchist and
marxist are is just tools for tools for the system
there ideologies have been water down in the
west for the last 60 years due influence like the
Frankfurt school and Congress for cultural
freedom which was to move leftist away from
supporting the Soviet Union to make the left more
controllable and more acceptable to liberalism.
Feminism, immigration and social progressivism
are not Marxist ideas but rather capitalist ideas.
Capitalism supports these ideas because it give
them a bigger work force which immigration and
second wave femnism has allowed them to have
or a new industry to make profit off of like the
sex industry. This has caused the destruction of
the family and religion both making it
economically harder to have a family due more
people participating in work force due both
genders and constant flow of immigrants
competing with each other for jobs which has
lowered wages and social more difficult due to
capitalist constantly promoting things like women
entering the work force, hyper sexualize in music
and movies ect.With the market destroying social
conservativism traditional family and economic
down turn caused crime to surge in 70s the
capitalist class soon made a profit off of that as
well with music like Rap,clothing styles, movies
ect that fetish the ideas of ghetto culture.
Capitalist are also the ones who constantly ban
dissident voices off there platform and are the
ones who fund opposition to us. They also lobby
for foriegn wars which they profits off by selling
the government weapons. It was not marxist
leninism or marxism in general that caused social
conservativism to die but rather capitalism.
Capitalism and consumerism profit off of vice
which capitalist class has easily exploited to
dumb down the people get people hooked to
porn,achool and just pays them enough to keep a
house, food and to watch Netflix or fact that the
corporations continues to exploits situation for
profits or brainwashing masses with there media
and education and to save there own skins from
being overthrown. All of this has caused the
demise of the family, religion and identity all
things social conservatives hold dear. Despite all
of this and all there criticism of modern media
and rich corporations and elites like Amazon,
Facebook or George Soros they still haven’t come
down to the conclusion to nationalize these
industries or updated there theories to critique
capitalism. Tax cuts and making the government
smaller will not save conservativism but only kill
it faster. They still haven’t come to the conclusion
that Corporations can have as much power as the
state and that conservativism and socialism go
better with each other rather than capitalism and
conservatism. Which in many of these modern or
former socialist countries they promoted the
traditional  family, nationalism,Like in Vietnam,
Baath Syria and Iraq, Soviet Union, Nasser Egypt
Cuba,North Korea, Peron Argentina religion in
some cases like Romania, Nicaragua, Fascist Italy
and Gaddafi Libya, Masculinity and many of
these places that are formerly socialist many
people there call for a return in socialism and
nationalism. I’m not advocating for marxism
other wise I wouldn’t have mentioned Fascist
Italy or Gaddafi Libya or the Baath states or
Peron nor any of the other ideologies I mentioned
here nor am I advocating for abolishing all private
property like small businesses for that matter.
However what we do need is   Autarky,
nationalization of major
industries,nationalism,social conservativism and a
authentic socialism that is for a particular country
needs. Creating a new state is the way of going
about this. By having major industries and media
under a social conservative socialist state can we
have cultural hegemony that will support our
ideas along with having enough economic and
social incentive to have families, to be orderly,not
turn to crime, to have kids, to stop immigration,
to have identity and to encourage the populists to
have greater virtue  and improve themselves both
mentally and physically. 

White Nationalism Opportunism and Dogmatism 

White nationalism like all the other dissident

ideologies that I listed above have tend to fall in
the same traps and other traps as well. Many of
them believe that once they get there white ethno
state that all problem they have will end which
isn’t true. Being a capitalist or liberal ethno state
will only lead to what we have now. One only has
look at Japan and see while they are still
homogeneous there birth are in decline, highly
consumeristic, incell problem and now there
letting in immigrants into there country. There
also a very strange mixture of dogmatism and
opportunism that runs in these circles. Many of
whom claim to be fascist and third positionist and
use third position symbolism like patriot front or
national justice party. yet they hardly espouse the
ideas of the state, third position economics and
social values that fascist and third positionist
promote many of them just seems advocates for
regulated capitalism which isnt a fascist or third
position economic stand point. In  Patriot Front
manifesto they didn’t even talk about social view
or economic only about European identity and in
the founding speech of national justice party they
barely even talked about third position economic
mostly about white identity. Then there those who
have a vey backwards view of the third position
like iron march and atom waffen division who
believe fascism is universal truth which is a
idiotic definition along believing in race war and
that fascism and third positionis put race above
everything while ignoring people like Giovanni
Gentile who they never talked about in there
books about Italian fascism  or others like the
Brazilian Integralist. They mislead people in what
third position actually is and try hide other
historical third position people or misquote them
as well like they did with Mussolini on race were
they found a few speeches where they only gave
part of the speech forget context along with all his
other anti biological race speech along with how
he allowed  jews and arabs to participate in the
fascist party along with freeing slaves in Ethiopia
or the fact that Italian fascism is about the state.
It’s not to say that Mussolini didn’t care about the
European race but that wasn’t what his ideology
is about. Then there those who not only try to
hijack fascism and subvert what it means but
those who try to do it to other third position
ideologies like strasserism and national
bolshevism where they  try remove the anti
Hitlerist sentiment and turn there orginal ethnic
nationalism into crude racism  like Matthew
Hiemback for example. Everything I have listed
is just pure opportunism from these white
nationalists many of these people will just be fine
with having a white ethno state and not try to
completely over hall liberalism or have some very
subverted form of the third position. Then there’s
the dogmatism. The Dogmatism of not allying
with people outside there race or ideology like
anti Zionist Jews, mixed race people, Third world
nationalist, anti capitalist ect. They think there the
only ones under attack which isn’t true just look
at how the liberal order treats countries like Iran,
Syria, North Korea or people like Palestinians ect
or how they attack traditionalist of all creeds from
Christians,Muslims ect. Now not all European
nationalist or white nationalist or identarians fall
into this trap for examples people like Jean
Francis Thiriart, Alen de Benoist, Greece,
Autonomous Nationalist, European New Right,
National Anarchist Movement, Kieth Woods ect.
Along with them getting somethings right like
anti white sentiment in the media, university and
corporations, immigration and I do believe
European dissidents in Europe should be ethno
nationalist but when it comes to United States its
impossible for us to be a ethno state because 1
there minorities who have been here for hundreds
of years and have enough of right to land as us
whites and 2 majority of people including
majority of whites would oppose this including
many in our ranks and 3 we can easily recruit
many of these non whites to our causes there
millions of non whites who disagree with anti
white sentiment,Immigration, International
capitalist and liberal progressivism along with
many non whites being American Nationalist
even tho there a minority there still a large one
and the dissident movement needs as many
people as we can get. If the United States still
exists once a Third Position government comes
about I can offer the whites nationalist this 1 an
end of all anti white rhetoric in media and
universities 2 end of all immigration, deporting
all illegals and ending all dual citizenship 3 policy
to increase birth rates and 4 end to affirmative
action. However if the United States balkanized
due to elites clashing with one another then there
could be a possibility of a white ethno state in
some parts of the former United States however
you still have to adopt the strategy of allying with
anti liberal groups and countries and the
American Dissident Right and Third Position
should form a coalition if possible to carve out
new territory for each other and be separate from
each other which I mean white nationalist get
there own state, Then those who want to not be
racial but religious can have there theocracy or
cultural nationalist third position can have a state
as well. This would act similar to the Soviet
Union were it’s all one country that compose
many different cultural and ethnic groups and
unlike USSR have different ideologies. This
would act as a bloc of trade and to defend itself
from liberalism and other threats.
          Adopting Foriegn Ideologies

While there all this talk of having a organic

ideology for there country there seems like there
very few people who willing to move in that
direction. I constantly see dissidents in America
and else were call themselves foriegn ideologies
that were never met for there country like
Falangist, Monarchist,National
Bolshevism,Juchist, Italian fascist, Francoist ect.
These people tend to lack historical context of
these ideologies and forget that these ideologies
are extremely foriegn to their own country. For
example Falangism. Falangism was created by
Spanish Nationalist Jose Antonio Primo De
Rivera to address Spanish problems like
Catlonian breakaway, problem with Capitalism
and Marxism, respect for Catholicism, , agrarian
reform and organizing economy by state
controlled unions. While some of these ideas can
be adapted to our own situation but many of there
ideas and symbolism took on Spanish problems
and  Spanish culture ect. There nothing wrong
with taking influence from someone like Jose
Antonio or other foreigners but at the same time
you need to have symbols, ideas and inspirations
that are more organic to your country situation for
example if you are an American some of your
inspiration can be people like Huey Long,
Christopher lasch, General Patterson, Southern
Agrarians, Founding Fathers ect. This would
make your ideas and beliefs more easier to get
behind and less foriegn to the American


As times keep changing and become more

difficult it is still important to keep improving and
continue to fix contradictions and errors in are
ideas and of previous movements. Before we can
achieve ultimate victory we must smash every
contradiction and every liberal chains. 

George Sorel. The Dreyfus Affair. 1908

The Dreyfusian Revolution

Source: Georges Sorel, La Revolution

Dreyfusienne, Paris, M. Rivière, 1908;

Revolutions closely resemble romantic dramas:

the ridiculous and the sublime are mixed so
inextricably together that we are often unsure
how to judge men who seem to be at one and the
same time buffoons and heroes. When the
emotions appropriate to troubled times have
calmed, the country is ashamed to have put up
with so many things whose absurdity it hadn’t
suspected. It sees with fright that it isn’t possible
to separate out that which only deserves laughter
and that which should continue to provoke
admiration. The greatest number come to believe
that the revolutionary who had filled the nation
with enthusiasm constitutes a Don Quixote’s
dream who deserves pity. The insanity of the men
of 1848 made a large contribution to the
consolidation of the Second Empire, since we
were afraid that too strong an opposition would
bring back the time of ineptitude. At the
beginning if his “Eighteenth Brumaire” Marx
says: “Hegel remarks somewhere that all great
world-historic facts and personages appear, so to
speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as
tragedy, the second time as farce. Caussidiere for
Danton, Louis Blanc for Robespierre….precisely
in such epochs of revolutionary crisis they
anxiously conjure up the spirits of the past to their
service, borrowing from them names, battle
slogans, and costumes in order to present this new
scene in world history in time-honored disguise
and borrowed language.” The men of the
revolution asked of Greco-Roman memories the
means needed to raise their hearts to the level
necessary to support titanic struggles. But in 1848
there was a comedy with nothing of the serious
about it. They had given themselves the air of
reproducing something of the Revolution in order
to have the right to pass the time in parades and,
in doing so, avoiding the difficulties presented by
current problems.
These observations are not precisely exact. The
Revolution is protected by the glory that France
acquired in the wars of Liberty, but it was just as
ridiculous as its imitation in 1848. As soon as the
new society acquired its definitive constitution
the revolutionaries’ Greco-Roman disguises were
looked upon as perfectly grotesque, and the great
men of Liberty were judged without the least

What is more, it shouldn’t be believed that the

reminiscences of 1789 and 1793 only produced
farce in 1848. The men of that time only knew
their great ancestors via historical novels. They
wanted to realize all that their models wanted to
do and would have done, according to the legend,
if they would have been able to see more clearly
in the midst of the intrigues that hindered their
activity. Educated by the experience of the past
the imitators knew how to conduct their lives in
such a way that they could pass directly into the
national epic without having to be arranged by
chroniclers. This concept engendered among
them a pride analogous to that which the cult of
antiquity had given birth to among the great
ancestors. The result of all is this is both the
excellent and the absurd. The men of 1848
committed many errors, but in general their
conduct was quite worthy. Today we appreciate in
them that which was noble: at the beginning of
the Second Empire we only saw in them that
which was laughable.

In his book Joseph Reinach often seeks to

diminish the grandeur of the work in which he
cooperated. Nevertheless, he has preserved the
memory of many amusing events.

Here is an amusing dialogue that occurred at the

time when negotiations were going on for
Dreyfus’ pardon. “Picquart said to me that we
should never believe in the success of that which
was conceived in beauty. I answered him that, in
fact, some of us had been living for the past two
years in a Wagnerian world and that we had lost
there some of our sense of reality.” It would be
difficult to invent a more successfully comic
scene aimed at demonstrating the intellectual
debility of the man who was the great hero of the

At the time there was a prodigious consumption

of sensibility. The fairer sex gave itself over to a
mass of extravagances. After the publication of
the letter “J’Accuse” Zola received a large
quantity of missives “from women and young
girls who cried over Dreyfus and who thought of
nothing but this marvelous novel.” When Picquart
was in prison “women sent him flowers; from all
over the world he received admiring letters.” At
the beginning of 1898 Joseph Reinach thought it
useful to have the letters Dreyfus had written to
his wife published. Boisdeffre, Gonse, Lebon,
Picquart (during the period he thought Dreyfus
guilty) read them dry-eyed. Our author esteems
that they acted prudently in surrounding this
publication with silence: “There weren’t only
brutes among the readers. Even if they were
enraged against the Jews women wouldn’t have
been able to hold back their tears.” [1] The
success was not great among the lettered. Many
“remained silent,” we are told, “because of
cowardice: the great and small masters of literary
criticism. They kneeled before the human
suffering of heroines of novels, but they turned
their eyes away from this sublime, this living
suffering.” [2]

This absence of enthusiasm on the part of men

viewed as competent deserves our attention.
Elsewhere Joseph Reinach speaks of “an ambient
materialism that had slowly penetrated, polluted,
and hardened souls.” It is this materialism that
according to him explains the indifference with
which Dreyfusard literature was received. “A few
old republicans were moved, the young ones had
unlearned pity and the Catholics couldn’t any
longer bear the Gospels.” I think it would be more
appropriate to say that this literature too often
wounded French taste. It was very rapidly to be
completely forgotten.

Zola was the perfect representative of the

buffoonery of those times. Everyone is in
agreement in recognizing that this cumbersome
personage was a small spirit. He loved to hear
himself called poet, psychologist and savant
without possessing any of the qualities that could
in any way justify any of these titles. He
presented himself as the chief of a realist school
but in fact he never had any idea of what
constituted reality. All he ever saw of things was
their gross contours, and this is why his admirers
say that he was especially successful in the
description of crowds [3]: his so-called violence
was entirely verbal [4]. He excelled in the art of
attracting public attention by means of a vulgar
sales pitch. We can compare him to a clown
parading around the fairgrounds.

The letter “J’Accuse” is a veritable prospectus,

and our author isn’t far from recognizing this.
“The Affair had never all been brought together
before the public, only in bits and pieces or
disfigured by lies,” he says. “It was necessary to
codify these fragments of truth, to give the
faithful their ‘Credo.’ Zola was obsessed with this
great page in which the entire drama burst forth.
This was his part in the common labor.” Despite
his admiration for this celebrated piece Joseph
Reinach is forced to recognize that one can find
there the whole romantic bric-a-brac employed
without taste or measure. Zola accused the court
martial of having acquitted Esterhazy under
orders, but that accusation was nothing but an
“excessive metaphor.”

The government pursued Zola for this metaphor

before the Court of Assizes. The novelist had
wanted this trial, but his disappointment was great
when he saw that tribunals are organized to judge
criminals and not to hear historical or literary
dissertations. He thought that the officers would
be made to come and explain their conductto him,
and that the revision of the trial of 1894 would be
held under his guidance.

At the beginning of the Affair the president said

to him that he had to conform to the prescriptions
of Article 52 of the law on the press. Zola
answered him: “I don’t know the law and don’t
want to know it.”
At the fifth session Zola felt the need to make a
jury- which he held in contempt because it was
made up of people who were too insignificant –
understand what a distance there was between
him and his adversaries. “There are different
ways,” he shouted, “to serve France…Through
my works the French language has been carried
around the world. I have my victories. I leave to
posterity the names of General Pellieux and
Emile Zola: it will choose.” It is much to be
feared for Zola’s memory that their two glories
will not be found to be equivalent.

Before Labori’s plea Zola read to the members of

the jury a lampoon that Joseph Reinach compares
to one of those absurd and sonorous speeches
pronounced by Victor Hugo’s characters: “You
are the heart and the reason of Paris, of my great
Paris, where I was born, that I have song of for
almost forty years…Dreyfus is innocent, I swear
it!…By my forty years of labor I swear that
Dreyfus is innocent…may my works perish if
Dreyfus is not innocent! He is innocent!” It can
truly be said that in this case caution was not

On the advice of Clemenceau and Labori Zola

took refuge a little later in England in order to let
the storm pass and to await a more favorable
time, during which the debates could be taken up
again under better conditions. He was much
reproached for this flight, and in order to justify it
he used the most singular arguments: “Much later
Zola told me,” said Joseph Reinach, “that he
thought he heard Dreyfus on his rock asking of
him this supreme sacrifice. He resigned himself to
this for it seemed to him that there where he
suffered most was where his duty lay.” All this
because he was bored to death during his exile;
the man could do nothing simply.

So many inanities could not please men who had

preserved a taste for the measured. Among the
reasons that determined Berthelot not to be a
Dreyfusard we must surely count the instinctive
aversion that this great savant felt for all that
seemed to be contrary to the sense of common
life [5]. It is very likely that Renan would have
followed the same path as his old friend [6].
Dreyfusard buffoonery was put up with with
some difficulty by the majority of the country,
and in such a way that the passing to calmer times
was made easy.


1. When the nationalists wanted to make use of

sensibility, inspire women’s sympathy for the
misfortunes of Mme Henry, whose husband was –
in my opinion – falsely accused of treason by
Joseph Reinach, the Dreyfusards complained of
the skill deployed by their adversaries. They all
but accused them of using loaded dice.

2. On the other hand, these letters had great

success among Russian peasants and Turkish
peddlers. Men of nature are greatly appreciated
by our author: while Vogue, Vandal, and
d’Haussonville remained silent at the beginning
of 1899, a Moldavian boatman, “half anthropoid,
half buffalo, said to Doctor Robin upon learning
that he was French: So you come from the
country where they don’t want there to be any
injustice.” This child of nature repeated what he
had heard from the Jewish café owner of the
village. As for the café owner, he had no choice
but to take an interest in justice since, like all the
Jews of the east, had had to pay a subscription to
the cause of justice.

3. In order to paint crowds it suffices to grasp

fantastic silhouettes.

4. Among those who are sincerely violent there

seems to always exist a modest tenderness, which
was totally lacking in Zola.

5. It is this aversion that can be found at the heart

of Berthelot’s anti-Catholicism, which could not
admit the supernatural.
6. Joseph Reinach affirms the contrary, but
without any proof. We can even draw from
Renan’s oeuvre quite a strong anti-Dreyfusard
A Dangerous Precedent

                  By The Professor

There’s a dangerous precedency is being set in the

American education system right now. Recently
the Mathematic Association of America, The
Seattle and San Diego public school district’s
along with serval other universities professors
have declared math to be racist and white
supremacist because Blacks and Hispanics do
worse at math than Europeans. Despite them
ignoring the fact that Asians, Jews and Indians do
better than Europeans at math they still claim that
math is racist and there isn’t a wrong answer to
math. Then the San Diego is already getting rid of
there old grading system because of this. Despite
the school system already falling to educate
people and the decrease of intelligence and
knowledge amongst the American people in
general for numerous other factors as well. This
will only accelerate the situation. This will cause
many of our young to be very uneducated even
more so then what they already are and even
worse there will hardly be people to do Jobs that
requires you to know math which will causes
these industries to shut down and are technology
to stop progressing. If this is implemented nation
wide this could cause the collapse of the country
as we know it in a few generations. The ideology
of Liberal Progressivism seems once again to be
killing itself. Its deconstructive nature will be it’s
down fall. As dissidents we most gain and save as
mucho knowledge as possible so that we can
n future generations and undo the current
A mistakes.
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Struggle and Identity

                           By The Professor

A little over a week ago my comrade and friend
Cjxproxy or CJ made an article on the
metaphysical and material aspects of identity.
While I felt that CJ made some good point like
how biological race is not always what creates a
country identity, and that Religion is the
immaterial side of identity. However, I feel like
CJ has missed something major on what forges an
identity and that is struggle. What do I mean by
struggle? What I mean by struggle is struggle
against an outside group. This is what forges
identity when groups come together to fight an
outside group that has less in common with
groups that have allied themselves with each

                                     What Causes Struggle?

Struggle is caused by both material-like resources

or land and immaterial like religious or
ideological reasoning. Struggle combines both.
All conflicts have a material and immaterial
reasoning behind them. For example, the War on
Terror. In this war we can see both material and
immaterial reasoning behind this conflict. If we
look at the American reasoning behind we see for
material is to get more resources like and
expanding markets and the immaterial reasons are
spreading the ideas of liberal democracy. The
same can be said for the other two players in the
war the jihadist like ISIS or al Qaeda (which they
see as defending there land and religion) and the
anti-west governments like Syria, Iran, and
Russia. Which they see as protecting there sphere
of economic, cultural, religious and ideological

                           Struggle of Forging Identity   

 Now we get to the part on how struggle makes

identity.  The unifying of individuals or groups to
fight against an outside group that they all oppose
is how this identity is created. We must ask why
these groups unite first instead of fighting each
other along with the outsider. There are many
reasons like strength in numbers, resources, more
similar cultures, religions, or ideologies compared
to the outsider, see the outsider as bigger threat
than they see in each other ect. We have seen this
play out all around the world in every time period
but to give an example the American revolution.
In the American colonies there was several
different Christian religious sect and European
ethnic groups that lived there. Many people from
these group banded together to fight Great Britain
because they viewed the British as trying to take
away their autonomy, along with what they saw
as unfair taxation, liberal democracy, along with
many of their families leaving there because of
religious persecution. This war would create the
foundations of the American identity. Like I said
earlier this has happen all over the world we have
seen different groups put aside here difference to
face a common enemy. we have seen the Arabs in
Palestine put aside their tribal and religious
differences to unite under a Palestinian and Arab
identity and face the Jews who they see as taking
away their territory and destroying their culture
and religion. In Latin America in the early 1800s
put aside their racial differences to fight the
Spanish for independence. It’s also should be
noted that even if the outsider wins the rule still
applies if the locals aren’t killed they are
assimilated into the outside group weather its
religiously, culturally, economically or
ideologically. For example, Africans Americans
slaves in the Americas had to adopted European
religions and languages or the Scottish and Irish
in Great Britain that had to adopt the English
language and religion as well. It should also be
noted that struggle can also deconstruct identities
as well and can create new ones or reborn old
ones like Yugoslavian civil war caused the Slavic
unity of the country to split and the older
identities of the country like Serbian, Croatian,
Boasian and few other to remerge as well as
creating new ones like the Kosovo identity.
Struggle is not material and immaterial but is also
creative and destructive at the same time.

The Beauty of Italian Futurism

                                                            By The
I am by no means a futurist. In fact I disagree
with about 60 percent of what futurism has to say
especially when it comes to its anti- social
conservatism, industrialization, anti-
intellectualism, anti-history and few other things,
However I find it to be beautiful. not only in its
artwork but its ideology but before I go over that
lets go over a brief history of the Italian Futurist
movement and its leader Filippo Tommaso

History of Futurism

Futurism was not only a political movement but

also an artist and social movement that started in
the Italian city of Milan in 1909 By Filippo
Tommaso Marinetti. The movement soon grew,
and other notable Italian artists joined such as
Carlo Carra, Umberto Boccioni just to name a
couple. In the same year Marinetti wrote the
Manifesto of Futurism.  In the manifesto one can
easily see a love of youth, speed, Italian
nationalism, technology, struggle, war and a
rejection of the past, religion, and tradition. These
views are also expressed in their artwork.  When
World War 1 broke out in 1914 the Futurist
supported Italy joining the war in 1915.  Many of
them including Marinetti joined the army and
were stationed near the Italian-Austrian border
where they saw combat. When Marinetti was not
fighting, he was making speeches in favor of the

In 1918 Marinetti founded the Futurist Political

Party. Which advocated for Futurism,
Republicanism, Nationalism, National
syndicalism, Gender equality and land reform.
However, a year later they merged with Benito
Mussolini Italian Fasces of Combat later to
become the National Fascist Party. Like the
Futurist the Italian Fascist also believed in
Nationalism, Syndicalism, Mass action and a love
of struggle. Along with being followers of George
Sorel. Many of the futurist joined the party and
fought against communist, anarchist and liberal
forces over control of Italy.  Marinetti would help
to write the original Fascist Manifesto. However,
in 1920 he had a falling out with the group and
would leave politics for 3 years but would join
back with the group once they took power. He
would end up being one the intellectuals to sign
the Manifesto of Fascist Intellectuals and would
also take part in debates on what direction
fascism should go in. In the 1930s he tried to
make futurism the official art of the Italian state
but Mussolini refused but was able to convince
him to not ban modern art when Hitler peer
pressuring him to do it after he called it Jewish
(Oh how something don’t change) but when racial
laws were enacted modern art and futurism come
under attack which Marinetti defending both by
saying modern art isn’t foreign and hardly has
any Jews involved. Something also to note is that
the Fascist regime by the 30s had become a lot
more conservative and Marinetti was trying
moderate his views by abandoning anti-
clericalism and anti-academic positions trying to
integrate himself into the regime. Unfortunately
for him his organization the Futurist Periodical
was shut down by the government in 1939 and
was replace with something similar but was
owned by the government. Marinetti would go on
and serve in World War 2 in the eastern front and
would die in 1944 in Car accident in Italy and so
did the rest of his movement but he would still
have a long lasting impact on not only Fascism
and Futurism but also on many Nationalist and
Third Position groups like Other Russia and the
European New Right for Examples.

Beauty of it all

 What’s the beauty of it then? Obviously, the art is

amazing and is truly show themes of the time and
the group. Its show speed and technology but
what is beautiful about the philosophy behind
futurism? The philosophy is beautiful because of
its belief in never ending struggle. They
understand that as long as we exist the struggle
will never end. They do not believe in an ended of
history. They do not see struggle as bad unlike
most modern-day liberals but just the natural state
of human civilization. Also, the love for youth
Dom, speed and struggle really shows their
revolutionary spirt. Something else that also very
interesting about them is that they cannot wait to
be overthrown by a more young and
revolutionary force of men. No contradiction in
their belief in struggle even when it brings their
own destructions. They are truly men of
revolution even if I disagree with them on many
Post 20th Century Part 2
Communism the Revolutionary Spirit That Grew Old.

By The Professor

Communism and socialism started before the

French revolution but only started to become a
mainstream dissident ideology until after the
revolution. Socialism as well as communism has
a lot more of a diverse history than what most
people think. Prior to the 20th century socialism
had a lot more different theory on what is
socialism and how to achieve.  Socialism does not
begin or end with Karl Marx. Like what was
stated earlier socialism and communism where
around before the French revolution with groups
and people like The Diggers an English Protestant
Agrarian socialist group, but socialism became
more strongly advocated after the revolution due
to emergence of capitalism and the wealthy
inequality and poor conditions that came with it. 
There was many theorists on socialism like
Robert Owen, Wilhelm Weitling, Pierre Joseph
Proudhon and of course Karl Marx and Frederick
Engels but out of all them Marx and Engels came
out as main theorist of communism and socialism
called Marxism followed behind by Proudhon and
Bakunin school of thought know as Anarchism. 
However, after death of both Marx and Engels.
Marxism started to have a crisis by the late
19th and early 20th century. The Main figure
heads of Marxism Particularly Karl Kautsky and
Eduard Bernstein who move Marxism into a more
reformist direction and away from its
revolutionary origins. Over time this trend would
move away from Marxism and would be called
social democracy which became cooperated into
liberalism. This could have been easily been the
death of Marxism and would leave anarchism as
the sole left-wing radical ideology. Another major
blow was dealt to radical Marxism when World
war one broke which Marx predicted that the
working class would turn against the capitalist
class and the workers of the world would unite.
This did not happen majority of the working class
sided with their countries and the only place in
Europe where there was a victorious revolution
was in Russia. Now while this did bring back
Marxism to it revolutionary past and brought
forth Marxism as a real threat to Liberalism but
the place the revolution was successful in Russia
was an semi feudal country and semi feudalist
countries and colonies would be the only places
where Marxist revolutions were successful. While
these are failed prediction that Marx made this
not why it failed.

There are 4 main reason why Marxism failed. The

first being its original anti-religious, anti-
nationalist, and Anti-social conservative stances.
These original stances of the original Marxist and
Bolsheviks caused them to lose much support
throw out the early years of Soviet Union which
was easily taken advantage of by conservatives
and conservative socialist who were nationalist
like the Italian Fascist. However, the Soviet
Union as well as many other Marxist-Leninist
countries went back on many of these issues
becoming nationalistic and social conservative by
re introducing thinks like the family, older
national heroes, anti-abortion laws and lacking up
on their anti-religious laws. while the
reintroduction of these conservative social norms
was not the reason for there down fall but it does
show a major error with Marxism in theory and in
practice. This also show that not everything from
the old world is bad and is necessary for survival.

 The second reason was self-hatred that engulfed

many of the soviet leaders after Stalin death.
After Stalin death and When Nikitia Khrushchev
came to power there began to be self-hatred for
the Soviet Unions former leaders particularly with
Stalin then would continue to Lenin then to the
ideology itself by the end of the Soviet Union
lifetime it was merely a social democracy that
abandon it anti capitalism and anti-liberalism.
Along with losing their grip over Warsaw pact
which caused liberal backed color revolutions to
happen and their poor economic reforms which
helped the Soviet Union to Collapse.
The third reason was dogmatism. Out of reaction
to the reformist/revisionist nature of Khrushchev
along with his dumbing down of Anti-liberalism.
There was those who split with the Soviet Union
due this such as Mao China and Hoxha Albania.
These two at first allied with each other but
would later split due Hoxha accusing China of
going in a revisionist direction. These splits only
further divide the communist sphere and show
how even though all these countries where
Marxist they didn’t see the others as true socialist.
This shows 2 two things one communist failed
due to the lack of unity and that even if every
country had a successful revolution these
countries would probably start to fight each other
over which one is socialist.

The finial reason why Marxism failed was the

second move away from Marxism in the west.
Many Marxist throw out the western countries
started to moving away from economic question
and more on social issues. This was most
certainly true with movement like the new left
and the Frankfurt school. Many of them saw
many of the earlier errors I laid out early
particular no capitalist country had a successful
revolution which caused many of these people to
reform Marxism in more social ways like
feminism, civil rights, free love, legalization of
drugs ect. While many of these ideas at first
almost kicked off revolution particularly in
France but was quickly put out and was observed
by the liberal system. One of the main fears of the
intellectual leader of the new left Herbart
Marcuse was the consumerization of everything
and that what has exactly happened one does not
have look far to see how capitalism promotes
things like free love, feminism, civil right, drug
use ect. One does not have look hard to see how
things like free love led to the creation of the porn
industry which has made billions of dollars or
how capitalism promoted both sexes joining work
force to get more cheap labor.  This shows
another flaw within both the New Left and
original Marxism that is how they believed that
capitalism breaks down old social norms which is
correct, but they believed that this would lead to
these new social norms and people that follow
them would rise up and overthrow the capitalist
class but as we can see these people are the least
revolutionary. In fact, I would argue that the old
conservative norms are more revolutionary due to
its increasing social isolation and how capitalism
wither away its social norms. What needs to be
done is to have some form conservative socialism
that takes from Marxism but throw out many of
the errors and not exclusively from it either.
Economic system such as distributism,
corporatism, syndicalism, and guild socialism
should also be used as reference points as well.
The Difference in National Socialism and Fascism
Before this article begins I just wanna say a big thank
you to A Third Positionist for making this wonderful
article on this subject. Its has many references from
numerous people like Giovanni Gentile, Bentio
Mussolini, Joseph Goebbels ect that helps explain the
difference between the two ideologies when it comes to
race, economic, state ect. While this publication is not a
fascist word press rather a more boarder third position
word press that has numerous different people from
different ideologies writing on it. but I find it very
important to have articles like these since so many
people misrepresent both ideaolgies and used them
synonymous with eachother which is wrong. It ashame
that these terms I have been so badly missed used that
we can’t have a honest conversation about it which
makes hard find any intectual vaule or understanding on
why they came about. Now with that out of the way I
hope everyone enjoys this and learns something new.
From Professor
Saadeh the Founder of the SSNP takes on Capitalism
and Communism
I want to Say a big thank you to Karab for translating
these quotes from Anton Saadeh the founder of the
Syrian Social Nationalist Party and one of main
exponents of Pan Syrianism

The political ideology of internationalistic

communism and colonial international capitalism
have similar goals: They both seek domination
over third world and developing countries weak
in resources, and they both seek to colonize less
powerful nations who cannot preserve their
independence. Communism calls for
internationalism and the destruction of nations
and nationalism, and colonial capitalism also calls
for internationalism, perpetual world peace and
one world government; the goals of both are
domination over world affairs, as well as stopping
developing countries from growing enough to
take back the resources controlled by the global
order in these countries.

The international communists who themselves

advocate for the destruction of nations, from
Lenin and Trotsky to Stalin and Molotov, found
themselves obliged to use the Russian nation in
their class struggle, and communism only
succeeded when it was merged with russian
nationalism and only nominally internationalist,
and in the split between trotskyites and stalinists,
the nationalist camp won over the internationalist
one. Yet internationalism was still influential in
russian communism and expansionism, as
Moscow became the center of world
Communism, as all communist organizations in
the world looked to it

This reality (international capitalism and

colonialism) destroys nationalism among the
working class and the peasants, and drifts them
away from any sense of unity and right to their
land. The syrian worker must know that the
workers in the feudal, capitalist internationalist
nations are feudal capitalist internationalist
workers. The worker’s government in France or
in Britain is still in control in the resources of
their colonial empire. Communism is a feudal
worker’s ideology, it is still internationalistic; it
does not better our conditions but only contests
international capitalism in global dominance over
natural resources

Is it really in the interest of our workers to join

Soviet Russia that uses them as pawns in their
geopolitical war against the capitalists in Britain
and the USA, as their struggle will serve Russian
interests and will only benefit Russia?
Post 20th Century Part 3
The Third Position. and Fascism The Spirit That Died

                                                        By The

 The Third Position was born in France in the

early 20th century before World War 1 broke out. 
It started out between a collaboration of
Syndicalist and Marxist lead by George Sorel and
French Action which is a Monarchist and
Nationalist party lead by Charles Marrus. This
collaboration between these two groups lead to
the birth of National Syndicalism. National
Syndicalism would soon spread to Italy where
many anti liberals from both left and right became
National Syndicalist along with many of them
becoming founding members of the fascist party
such as Benito Mussolini, Edmondo Rossoni,
Ugo Sprito, Enrico Corradini and many others.
While the term Third Position was not coined
until the late 1940s to early 1950s by Juan Peron
the leader of Argentina and sympathetic to both
Mussolini and National Syndicalism but as time
went on the time went on the term started to mean
all ideologies that are Nationalistic and
Socialistic. Like Socialism in the time of Marx
when socialism had many different
interpretations. Fascism and the Third Position
did as well but unlike Socialism they got into
power a lot quicker than the socialist did.

So why did fascism and third position fail?

Despite taking a lot from George Sorel it forgot
one of Sorel principles and that was the complete
overthrow of the current system. While Italian
fascism overthrow liberalism in Italy it did not
destroy the Italian Monarchy which later betrayed
Mussolini in 1943.  This also happened to Juan
Peron who did not get rid of all the military
generals and rich elites who were against him. In
many ways for most of the third position
ideologies the problem was structural problems
more than anything. This could also be said for
third position groups who did not take power as
well like the Spanish Falange which its leader at
the time Manuel Hedilla was in prisoned by
General Franco so that he could solidate his
power among the nationalist forces in the Spanish
Civil war.

The second reason why fascism and the third

position failed was world war 2 and the alliance
with German Hitlerism. Now while German
National Socialism is considered third position
and in theory it is but in practice it was not. Hitler
socialism did not change the mean of productions
like corporatism or Marxism rather it was form of
national capitalism the actual socialist in the party
like the Strasser brothers and Ernst Rohm where
purged from the party in the night of the long
knives in 1934. Hitler allowed big business to
operate if they were subordinate to him. Thus,
Hitlerism can be described as a form racial
opportunism that adopt whatever benefits them.
This is also shown that they did not care about the
third position when they jailed or killed many of
the German Conservative Revolutionaries like
Ernst Niekisch, Othmar Spann, Edgar Jung and
Fritz Wolffhiem or harassed them like Ernst
Junger and Friedrich Junger. Then their fact that
the National Socialist attacked the Austro fascist
in Austria and the time they backed the
Ethiopians against Italy. Despite all this many in
the third position decided to side with Hitler due
to having common enemies with liberalism and
communism but due to this alliance many of these
groups adopted the crude racialism and anti-
Semitism of the National Socialist which caused
factionalism to grow inside the party due to many
being against it like Italo Baldo, Giovanni
Gentile, Dinio Grandi, Giuseppe Bottai and
Giacomo Acerbo which later caused Mussolini to
be ousted from power in 1943. The alliance also
caused loss of support of these ideologies not just
from its Jewish members but also from its gentile
members as well like Jan Baars the leader of the
General Dutch Fascist League.

When World War 2 finally started Italy was not

prepared for war. The Axis power soon found
themselves surrounded on numerous different
fronts and by 1945 all axis power countries where
defeated. Along with the allies discovering
concentration camps in German territory which
ended up discrediting the Axis powers. While
Peronism and Baathism came to power after the
war. The Third Position in Europe and the
western world was largely marginalized and
factionalized. With many of these ideologies
become shell of there former selves.  The
Falange’s became purely reactionary once Franco
came over or National Socialism becoming just
purely white nationalism that wants race war and
like Charles Manson in some cases. Some of the
European third position like Oswald Mosely, Otto
Strasser and Jean Francis Thiriart started to
advocate for pan Europeanism and denounced
National Socialism. Others like Leon Degrell
continue to advocate for national socialism and
holocaust revisionism. Some denounced both like
the group Young Europe.  Some like Strasser,
Thiriart and Francis Parker Yockey sided with the
Soviet Union in the cold war while other like
Mosley and the Italian Social Movement sided
with America. Now while there was some success
amongst some of these like the Italian Social
Movement, but they would never retake the entire
government like they used to. All these problems
still plague the modern Third Position to this very

New Situation and New Rules

With recent event that happened at the Capital which an
article on that is coming soon once all information is
out there. There will no doubt be more cracks down on
different dissidents both on the internet and in real life.
We all know that they will slanders us, ban our
accounts, get us fired or kicked out of school, socially
outcast us and destroy us. With that being said we need
to start adopting stricter rules to our groups so that we
can keep afloat, make it harder to slander us and keep
are identities safe. As of right now there 3 basic rules
we need to start following 

                     1 Don’t tell  

Don’t tell anyone that your apart of any group.

Don’t tell your family, friends or co workers ect.
The group doesn’t exist to the outside world. The
only people you can tell are people that can be a
good fit for the group but you must tell leadership
about them before you invite them. If you get
caught delete all information the best you can. If
you leave for personal matter don’t give any
information about the group and delete all
contacts with the group.

          2 Don’t get Drunk or high

Getting drunk or high is a good way to reveal

information due to you not being in the right state
of mind. It also very unhealthy and cause you to
lose IQ points  as well. 

         3 Dont Shit Post or Fed post 

Shit posting and Fed posting is a good way for the

media and authorities to slander you and possibly
to try to throw you in prison. Even if it was a joke
they will twist what you said into something you
didn’t mean. This will also make it harder for
them to take down the group. Being serious make
conversation a lot more intectual and will stop the
group from becoming a shit fest. it wil alsol help
you and your members to become more  mature
and intectually grow.
The Capitol Situation

                            By The Professor

January 6, 2021 had to be one of the most

fascinating days of American history and politics
in a very long time. This was the first time in 200
years that the Capitol building was stormed. This
has also been the first time in decades that the
right wing has rioted against the government.
This has caused the liberal order across the world
to freak out about the situation. Along with many
liberal, BLM and Antifa activists to condemn the
riot and claim that the government would never
let them do that. Forgetting the fact that the Vice
President called in the national guard on the first
day when this happens not to mention several of
the protestors died and many of others injured and
arrested by police. while many cities across
America allowed BLM to riot for weeks on end
before calling in the national guard. Not to
mention them being able to set up an autonomous
zone in Seattle that lasted for a month. Or how
many Corporations and Politicians like Kamal
Harris, Mitt Romney, Ted Wheeler, and others
supported BLM.  While virtually every major
establishment figure condemns this including the
people, they came out to protest for. Donald
Trump and Mike Pence. The one thing the
progressive get right is that in some areas of the
capital the police did do little to stop the Trump
protestors which bring up three theories of mine.
Along with some new trends that we must go
over, positives and negatives that we have
because of this event and some criticism I have of
the protestors on an ideological ground and
tactics as well.

                 Attempted Trump Revolution or

Government Infiltrations or Something else.

Throughout many protests over the years there

has always been undercover police or FBI agent
inside these protest movement that try to insight
conflict to make arrest. This has happened to both
left-wing and right-wing groups throughout
history. It would not be a surprise if it happened
in this incident. There also the interesting fact
about the youtuber and right-wing commentator
Milo Yiannopoulos told his follower on Parlor
that he was approached by authorities and told not
to go. He was also told not to go and said
something bad would happen there. The
Authorities also ordered the leader of the Proud
Boy Enrique Tarrio not to go as well and was
arrested for a time. Then there also incidences at
the capital where police were standing down or
directing crowds into the capital. However, it
should also be noted that there were many police
officers battling protestors as well and some cases
protestors overwhelmed the police and got into
the white house. The last thing to note is that the
DC mayor Muriel Bowser had refused any
Federal Law Enforcement help Prior to the riot.

This has led to three theories to come into light.

One that it was attempted Pro Trump coup and
the second one being it was government operation
to completely discredit Trump. The third theory is
that the police and government were simply
unprepared for this event. In truth it was probably
a little bit of everything. There was probably
some Trump supporter who wanted to insight a
riot that could overthrow the government and
keep trump in charge but failed because one
majority of people who stormed the Capitol had
no real demands. Too many of the protestor were
not armed and some wanted it to be peaceful.
Third and finally the diversity of the crowd when
it comes to optics and objectives which ties into
the first and second point. Then like always there
those government authorities who infiltrate these
groups to insight a riot and like what was stated
earlier the mayor did not ask for help. Not
because she was pro trump. She pro liberal and
pro BLM along with having these policies when
they were protesting. In truth it does not matter if
one or all of these are true the results and the
trends are the same no matter what.

                             Aftermath of The Capitol Riots

Five people died during the riot.  Almost hundred

people arrested and over a 100 people injured.
After the event, the GOP and Donald Trump
denounced the event accused them of being antifa
subversives. They completely denounced there
base and show how spineless they are.  Another
result of this event was the purges of different
right winger and others off the internet including
the president himself. Along with taking down alt
tech like Parlor. This shows how not only the
dissident right but the right in general has very
poor structural organizations. However, there are
some more positive trends that will continue to
grow in the right due to this event like anti police/
government, anti GOP, anti-big business (More
on that later). Along with showing us that the
right can do mass action. It seems like the right is
starting to take a more Sorelian outlook on Tactic
and principles. (all be it I doubt that they know
who George Sorel is) There only two major
problem. one I mentioned earlier.

                      Lack of Organization

Unlike Sorel who had trade unions like the

General Confederation of Labor to back up his
ideas and unlike his followers in 20th century like
Mussolini and Lenin who were even more
successful who also had parties, unions, business,
parts of the military and some international
support. The Trumpist and the dissident right does
not have that. What they do have that is not GOP
establishment groups are bunch of small media
outlets, some artist, alt tech platforms, a few
activist groups like the proud boys, some militias,
and some other internet groups.  The problem is
that they are on platforms owned by corporations
that hate them and want them off their platforms
like Google and Amazon who have been recently
been purging trump supporters to actual
dissidents and taking down or pursuing alt tech
platforms to ban certain people like Nick Fuentes
due to this event.  Not to mention government
laws being passed to crackdown on dissidents
which many have called the patriot act 2.0. This
event happened at the worst time possible and has
given the government and corporations a reason
to crack down.

Then there the problem of needing more funding

and organizational support. The fact of the matter
is that not only Trumpist but us as well need more
people in certain professions like lawyers,
professor, businessmen, artist, activist, worker
unions etc. We all need to build up our own
institutions so we can have a better a chance at
combating the liberal cultural hegemony and have
an easier time spreading are ideas.  This event has
been huge set back on this point due to everything
I mentioned earlier but it is not over yet and we
can still do it, but it will be a lot more difficult not
only because of this but also due the COVID-19
lockdowns that have restricted business to open.
We need to start building a state within a state
that represent are interest. This is what the PLO
or Palestine Liberation Organization did inside
Lebanon all be it that it failed but it did cause a
lot of ruckus inside Lebanon and did cause a
change inside the system of the country. A
successful story of this happening is Mussolini
and Lenin revolutions. Which they both ended up
overcoming the former states of their countries.
Due to them having good organizing and having
many of the institutions that I have listed above.

 Lack of Theory and Need of a New Myth

The Trumpist lack theory and proper assessment

of the exact problems of the current order of
things. They do not see how liberal capitalism
cause many of the problem they have and their
myth around Trump saving America which is not
going to happen. Capitalism has created many of
the problems that they are against like open
borders, big tech censorship, foreign wars,
decline of the family and the opioid crisis etc.
They do not see how many of these policy
benefits rich corporations. They blame all of this
on Marxist, socialist and George Soros. They fail
to realize that one while it I true that George
Soros helps funds a lot of these group, they don’t
realize that George Soros also has funded color
revolutions back in late 1980s to overthrow pro
soviet governments in eastern Europe or the fact
his open society foundation merged with the CIA
established congress of cultural freedom affiliate
organization The European Intellectual Mutual
Aid Fund   which was group of leftist to sway
leftism in the west away from Soviet Marxism.
The reality is that many of these groups of self-
proclaimed Marxists are not Marxist at all. They
care more for black transgenders then they do for
worker rights which is what Marxism is based on.
I recommend Paul Gottfried book The Strange
Death of Marxism for more information on the
subject. Ill also link some sources on this as well.
This does not mean the right should become
Marxist but rather realize that one Marxism is
dead ideology only in name it’s not, two realize
who is the real enemy and that’s liberal

Third and finally realize that there is a lot of value

in Marx and Engels work. Marx and Engels
rightfully point out how capitalism destroy older
social norms, is not economically stable and how
it creates this cultural hegemony around itself. All
of this can be very valuable to the right wing
when comes to trying to understand why the
economy is getting worse, why the elites have a
lot of power and why things like the family,
identity and religion are withering away.  Not just
saying one should read Marxist critiques of
liberalism one should read all critiques of
liberalism from the left to right to in between.

Then there the mythos that Trump is going to

make America great again, but the reality is he
has not lived up too many of his campaign
promises like ending birth right citizenship, chain
migration, did not pull out all troop from the
middle east, did not put Hillary Clinton in prison
and so much more. What he did do was pardon
criminals like drug trafficker Alice Marie Johnson
and Michael R Milken and escalated tensions
with Iran and Syria.  What little he did do that
was good was all reversed by Biden when he got
into office. Now while trump said and did some
good things and is made out to be a lot worse than
what he is by his opponent. The reality is
however that Trump is not our savior and weird
personality cult around him particularly Q Anon
is not helping but it is pushing the right in a state
of fantasy and simulation of living a false reality
taking half-truths or lies and blowing them out of
portions. The Mythos around Trumps need to die
he is out of office. Did not do much good in
office. He just said a lot of good things and
exposed a lot of people to good ideas like
Nationalism and populism. A new myth needs to
come about. 

I do not mean an idea that fake rather I mean it as

Sorel meant it. a grand narrative or idea that push
the masses forward.  Now while I do think the
idea of Make America Great Again is a good one,
but I got a new one Make A New Great America.
We all should be striving for this. A new America
that values family, community, faith, order, and
the people along with the idea of forging a new
identity of America since the old one was lost and
one, we have now is just shallow consumerist
cosmopolitanism.  A New America that values the
worker and small business owner not the
international corporate capitalist who have
degraded America to marketplace and seek to do
that to the whole world. This New America
mythos must be founded upon the ideas like
family, order, and Identity.

                           New Trends

Due to the protest at the capitol. Certain trends

that started to grow in 2020 and before only
accelerated due to this event and has pushed them
further from the Republicans.

                            Anti GOP

Anti GOP sentiment have existed for a while in
the republican support base due to them not living
up to promises, being in bed with corporate and
foreign interest. This started to accelerate in 2020
when some of GOP supported the lock downs and
did not support President Trump when he called
for election fraud. Which caused many in the
Republican support base not vote in the Georgia
election. The GOP also made a major
contradiction in thinking as well particularly the
few who did support Trump said to vote in
Georgia even though at the same time claiming
the president election was rigid.

Then when the protestors entered the capital and

the GOP condemned them. Showing how the
GOP is a bunch of cowards to many of their
supporters. Even when BLM and Antifa rioted for
several months straight the GOP does not want to
change their strategy after knowing the liberals do
not play by the same rules as they do. They know
if they started to play how the liberals do it would
colipase the system even faster which would not
be beneficial to the corporations and foreign
interest that the GOP serves. Either way their
main voter base loses because the GOP does not
care to preserve the values, they want other than
capitalism. With this being said this has made
many of their supporters lose faith in the
Republican party and wanting something new.
They no longer want neo conservatives and big
business boot lickers. They want populist and
nationalist to be their representatives.


This is the new trend amongst the Trumpist. This

started in 2020 when the police started to enforce
the lockdowns which closed churches and
businesses. Along with letting criminals out of
prison.  When people tried to open back up due
them almost going out of business, loosing there
house and unable feed their families the police
would arrest them and close them down again. 
What further escalated this was many of them
along with many of national guard kneeling for
BLM, along with allowing them to riot for several
months. Then when the Trumpist go out to protest
the police would not protect them and antifa
would attack them (which has been a problem for
a while now) or would shoot tear gas and arrest
them. All of this would cause increase anger
toward the police and lose of support for them.
This was seen at many of protest leading up to the
one at the capital were trump supporter would
walk on the blue lives matter flag, get into
scuffles with police and yelling fuck the police.

Then when the Capitol protest did happen. We

saw the trump supporters get into fights with
police. Even people with blue lives matter flags
started to hit them with their flags. Then when
Pence called in the National Guard it showed how
the military was not on their side either. This has
caused last major support base of the police to
crumble and showing how the police do not
represent their interest but rather the
establishment interest.

Now while this also is not a new trend but one
that has only been strengthen due to this event is
the anti-big business sentiments. The right is
starting to realize how corporations can be as
powerful or even more powerful than the state.
For many years, the right failed to understand
how power always centralizes. If the state does
not have power, there is some other organization
that will. They also tend to not understand how
many corporations influences decision making by
lobbying. This is why are government wants more
immigrants, legalize drugs, and get into wars so
that corporations as well as their government
lackeys make profit. Capitalism runs off what’s
profitable not what moral. Now that the right and
many dissidents are getting banned off social
media and fired from their jobs. They are now
starting to realize that business can suppress there
speech not just the state. Or fact on how
corporations can sponsor rioting and terrorism
like they did during the summer of 2020.  Not to
mention what I have stated earlier and in previous
articles on how capitalism is the root cause of the
moral values like family, Christianity and
nationhood withering away. This will cause the
right to be more skeptical on free markets and
calls more restrictions on capitalism. Along with
them realizing that the state (not the one we have
now) can make incentives to have families. Help
bring back traditional religion; help bring back
small business and jobs etc.


In truth I believe the riots happened at the worst

time. When the right and the dissident movement
has no real institutions or organizations to back
up such actions but at same time, I do not
condemn the people who went there. The people
there had every right to be angry after many of
them and their friend and families lost their jobs
and watch their cities burn. I see these people as
miss guided in their belief that their leader Trump
would fix everything and won the election. The
reality is he lost weather it was legitimate or
illegitimate and the fact that what little good he
accomplished was reversed by Joe Biden. At the
same time however, I am disappointed at many of
the criticism that have come from the right and
dissident movement. So many of them only look
at the negative aspects of this happening or acting
like the anger of the trump supporters was not
legitimate or letting personal rivalries with people
who attend or supported it get in the way. Some
see this event as bad thing, but I see as good thing
and a wake-up call for Trumpist or right populist.
That 1 the Republican party is not on there side or
police or military or Trump. Not to mention the
possible destruction of the Republican party due
alienating both it moderate and populist base. 2
that the Trump cult and Q anon is slowly
withering away due to this and trump being out of
office. The only thing keeping it alive is
possibility of Trump making his own party.
3rd starting to have the Trumpist and Populist
have an ever more critical stance on liberalism
and capitalism. 4th showing need for right to do
some self-reflections and self-exile. While we
allow the liberals and more radical liberals fight
one another and allow their narratives fall apart.
We are already seeing it in Portland with Antifa
breaking with the Democratic party by attacking
their headquarters. Now while I am not a
supporter of Trump, but I cannot help but to thank
him for re introducing the ideas of populism
nationalism and economic protectionism. I think
the ideas that trump espoused often called
Trumpism can go beyond Trump like how
Peronism went beyond Juan Peron. I think
Alexander Dugin sums it up well and I will leave
you guys with that quote.

“Trumpism is much more important than Trump

himself. Trump has the merit to start the process.
Now we need go further.” – Alexander Dugin

Retard Proof introduction to stocks, real estate and investing.

By Sora

Okay, so you’re probably here from the insane

gains that happened from Gamestop. I’m going to
tell you right now that is very very not the norm
(not there is a norm for the stock market). The
price isn’t increasing because of buyers, but
rather because of what is known as short selling
(I’ll cover that in a bit). The Gamestop scenario is
pretty much only a 1/1,000,000 situation. This
guide will be brief and leave out certain things.
This is only meant to serve as a mere
introduction. There will be more reading to do (if
you can’t bother to study for a few hours here and
there don’t put your money into things you barely
understand). However, this will probably make
you more knowledgeable than the general
population. I’m not your financial advisor.
Everything here you should take with a grain of
salt before you trust some random person on the
internet with your hard earned money.

Why should I listen to you?

If my single digit iq self can do it, so can you. In

2017 I had a better % of return than the top 15
hedge funds in NYC (yes, I’m bragging. You
would too.) and I lived in a shitty 4×4 square with
my Father. I self studied most things and learned
more than going to class. That doesn’t mean I’m
smarter or more well read on the market. Nobody
knows where the price will fucking go. Throwing
freaking darts on money boards was a better
predictor than if you asked the firms their opinion
based on the current trend lines. All we can do is
make educated guesses.

What are stocks?

Stocks are a share/security in which you have a

share in a company. If you own 1 stock and the
company has 100 shares, you own 1% of the
company. You don’t own the company as much as
you own the assets to it. But, that’s not important
because you’re here to make money. Many stocks
have multi millions of shares that dictate the

If a stock you bought at $10 rises to $11 and you

sell it, you’ve made a total net profit of $1(minus
broker fees). If the stock goes down to $9 and you
sell for that price, you lose $1. You do not have to
sell a stock at a certain time, and it is up to you
when to sell. Like when it hits a certain price you
can profit from or when it hits a price you want to
sell before you lose too much. 

What makes the price of a stock go up? Many

things, from quarterly earnings (how well the
company did) general interest in stock. The
volume being moved is probably the biggest
indicator, if tons of people want to buy all the
sudden the price rises, if tons of people are selling
the price will fall. Many times it jumps back and
forth between the same day because it’s not split
between 50/50.

Let’s use an example of Amazon. AMZN for the

first four years did not make a profit (Profit is not
the same as revenue. Profit is the net income after
all expenses are paid. IE if your company makes
an income of $100,000 but it’s expenses are
$99,000 it only has a net income of $1000.) but
the price of the stop kept going up. Why is that?
It’s because investors saw the fact that they were
okay with Amazon not making profit currently. If
they can reinvest the revenue (The income before
accounting for any expenses unlike what I
described about profit earlier. to make the
company bigger, hence more profits later on.
AMZN did not make a single cent of profit, but it
has reached over $1.5k+ in stocks, and is
currently sitting at $3200 at the time of typing.

However, many people do not suggest buying a

singular stock from a company, but instead put
their money into ETFs, which are a collection of
different companies under the guise of a singular
stock. For example, the S&P 500 (The yearly
average return for S&P 500 has been 11% on
average since 1926, cited as one of the safest and
best returns on investments.) is a collection of the
500 largest companies in the United States. So, if
the funds for things within the stock go up, so
does the stock. If one fund that heavily affects the
market goes down, the stock goes down. There
are many people making their living trading this
singular index.
What are the advantages of getting something like
this vs a singular stock? Diversity. If 100% of
your funds are in Amazon, then Amazon started
shitting the bed. You will be unable to move the
money freely, or it’ll hinge on one investment,
which is a nono. If they are in the S&P 500, they
are not dictated on the price of a single stock, but
instead the top 500 biggest ones, which account
for 72% of the market share. Since you’re reading
this, you’re not probably wanting to be actively
trading and instead find something you can park
your money in and forget about. That would make
it even more important to get something diverse,
compared to betting your tendies on a singular
company. There are also tax benefits from leaving
your money in the same stock. You won’t pay
taxes on a stock if you’ve had it for a year before
selling. Capital Gains (Stocks, Real Estate) are
taxed differently depending on the country you
live in.

Different ways to make money on the market

There is more than one way to make money on a
stock. You can also do the opposite which is
shorting, which is betting on a stock that will go
down in price. Normally when you buy a stock,
you want the price to go up. With shorting you
want it to do the opposite. How it works is that
you will be borrowing a stock from somebody,
instantly buying it at the current market price, and
selling back to them for the difference on a later
date before it expires. If a stock is $50, and it
goes down to $40, you will have a net profit of
$10. If it goes up to $60 you will have a net loss
of $10, it can also go to $600 so you will lose up
to even more than you put in. Pretty fucking scary
right? The potential for gains and being bankrupt.
So, you’re not gonna do this if you’re reading this
guide. Stick with the simple stuff for now, and
you will have plenty of opportunity to make
shekels later on. So don’t get greedy thinking you
can meme something that you know ahead of
time will decrease in price, as if the market
already didn’t know months before your 89 iq ass
SHORTED” and then you will get a situation like
gamestop 2.0 and have fun giving blowjobs in a
back alley for $20 so you can pay off your debt.

There are also some basic terms I will give you, I

will link things in more in depth reading. You
probably shouldn’t mess with any of this until
you’re more experienced and confident.


You think the price of a stock is going to fall.

You think the price of a stock will rise.

A contract that gives you the right, but not the
obligation (shorting is an obligation) to make a
contract to buy/sell a stock at a set expiry date.
The price of the contract can rise just like a stock,
but if you don’t sell it or if it doesn’t hit the price
before the expired date you lose 100% of
everything. Yes, it’s risky. 
EX. I bought a contract for $500 thinking that
AMZN will hit 2k before 4/21. If AMZN hits
$2.1k (even higher than the set price) the contract
will probably be worth 5k. If it hits below it’s
worth $0.

The price somebody wants to buy a stock.

The price somebody wants to sell a stock.

The price between the lowest ask and highest bid.

Contracts for options to buy

Contracts for options to sell

Pump & Dump

The same thing you do to a girl with metal in her
nose, and bleached hair with the #1 app used on
her phone being tiktok. People push this stock to
heights and sell false hopes to sell at x price, and
the price typically falls insane amounts or straight
up dies. Be VERY careful for this, and those type
of women.

Cool so how do I start investing?

Sign up for an online brokerage. Just Google a

few and see which ones you like. Typically, trades
have fees so be careful those don’t rack up, but it
shouldn’t be a big deal unless you’re day trading.
You want a self directed account. The tax benefits
of retired investments and alike depend on your
country like Roth IRA for burgers or TSFA for
Canadians. Most of these have tax benefits.

Why should I invest?

Because it’s money without labour. Keeping cash

in the bank is dumb because the inflation (The
banks average yearly inflation is around 1.5-2%
however that is bullshit. If we consider real estate,
healthcare, education, transportation it’s closer to
7%+. Quite a lot, eh?) alone devalues your dollar.
Plus, it’s a way to ensure you have a cozy life on
top of your labour based job. If you have 100k in
your stock account and you get a return of 10%
for 10 years. Assuming you put nothing else more
in (unlikely) and leave it there. If you live in the
USA you’d have $250k+ after 10 years of not
doing shit. Pretty cool right? Obviously, it’s not as
easy as that, but that’s how a lot of people retire
early and relax. You can work a lower end job
often when you get older to pay for basic shit like
food and going out for drinks. Your capital if you
earn enough can pay for your important expenses.

What should I invest in?

I don’t know. Maybe look up different variations

of ETFs for S&P 500. Do your own research. If
something for 50+ years has had a decent return,
it’s probably not a bad idea. Anything is better
than holding on to cash with inflation (I’m not
accounting for your expenses and emergency
fund obviously). We could have a global
economic collapse like people shout out about
every month, or stocks could hit record high. I
don’t fucking know, otherwise I’d take my entire
life savings and bet on this (which I did once, but
I don’t suggeted that, even if I profited)

Reading Material for stocks

Investopedia is very short and to the point, very

good for starters.
Bill Ackman’s video is very good for the layman.
Warren Buffets book ain’t bad either, abit dated

The rest of the information you can find on

Google. Most of your findings there aren’t bad,
but make sure to avoid people trying to sell you
shit on YouTube. Good luck, and remember to do
research before you do anything. If this guide gets
enough positive reception, I will go into real
estate and basic money management. And always
godspeed you autist. 
Problem with Traditional Libertarianism
By Kasier Kyle

    Something I think a lot of people fail to

understand is that we live in a world of multiple
different cultures and different morals within each
culture that have shifting movements dependent
on world politics, that being the domestic events,
economy, and events that conflict with those of a
body nation. And these things aren’t to be
ignored, as that would be irresponsible. There is a
necessity of a state in everyone’s lives as a
facilitator of protection. The body that gives us
rights, that gives us economy, protects culture (if
it does it’s proper job that is, historically
governments have done so at large). And that is
taken for granted far too often. Safety is not
recognized in the modern world because of how
coddled we lived. When really if you think about
the cultures that exist, and from a third
positionary standpoint in the world there is no
objective creed for nations to abide by. Nations
and their cultures move by their own creed
amongst other nations, those that wish us harm
we can only assume want the best for themselves
and the worst for us.

    Libertarians who call for a smaller state aren’t

realizing what that means. The slogan of
libertarianism goes along the lines of “don’t tread
on me.” So by that we have to assume the
government does not have the capability to tread
on the individual. (As the libertarian is only
concerned with themselves and not society at
large). So if we undertake that assumption then
we know the government must have less power
than the people, if it doesn’t have the opportunity
to overcome the people if the time comes for it.
To leave people alone but have the ability to
overtake them would be civic statism, and not
libertarianism. Libertarians also have a rough
time understanding the concepts of stability and
subsequently prosperity. If you truly believe that
either capitalism or socialism that is run by
individuals is more likely to be corruptible and
untrained, rather than a system put together by
those of stable mind and heart and who
understand the value of training and undergone it
then they are outside the realm of reason.
Libertarianism itself is built on the sin of gluttony
as it asks for continuous liberty and anarchia. It’s
only bread out of the conditions of living in a
state, and so it yearns for more and more of what
it doesn’t have, those being the false god of civil
liberties. Which will only fester and continue to
feed into the gluttonous culture that is
libertarianism and breed the next step to
libertarianism which is anarchism. 
The pros of a state come from the state’s ability to
be part of the family of its people. That a state
serves the people through taxation, protection,
laws in accordance to its people’s culture,
opportunity for its people to give back to their
heritage by acting in the government which lands
them a job as well. The state is integral to all
ways of life since it’s what weeds out the
negatives in a society to keep the positives safe.
The populace isn’t perfect and is going to act out
of line, so to keep them in line measures need to
be taken for punishment. Law, order, and
prosperity: these three qualities function in the
fashion of a triune. As with law you are then
making your cultural morals, or I guess just
morals, further promoted by the powerbase of the
people that would then protect them from
malevolent progressives trying to change the
culture in ways one would prefer to avoid from
thinking. And that through order we get the
enforcement of these ideas. Through order there
is peace of mind, which is what any human across
any culture would look for no matter the
circumstance (and they who don’t want order
look for self harm, and for the sake of argument
we’re going to discard the mentally insane as a
variable here). And in peace of mind we find

    In conclusion, I don’t think all governments are

good, don’t read that out of this. There are some
governments that do this poorly in execution as a
state is a tricky thing to keep hold of and to
facilitate, there are a lot of moving parts like I
said before. What I am saying is that any
paleolibertarian (traditional libertarian) has an
oxymoron of thought and should rethink what
traditionalism and what libertarianism is even for
five minutes and realize that they can’t have their
cake and eat it too.

The Union
                           By The Professor
For many years now unions as well as the
working and middle classes has been in decline.
Unions for the most part only have relevance in
the rust belt. According to Pew research most
Americans view unions favorably but very few
belong to one and membership has been in
decline for many years which many view
negatively. While this has been going on
corporations have become more power destroying
smaller family businesses. The working class and
middle class has continued to become poorer,
living in more confined spaces, harder to have a
family, a house or a decent wage. Not to mention
the identities less world that neo liberalism has
created in America. Along with many losing their
jobs to robots or cheap foreign labor that the
capitalist has imported from other countries. Not
to mention the COVID-19 lockdowns that caused
many people loses their jobs and businesses.

Yet these multinational corporations continue to

grow and consolidate more and more power. It
was just recently announced that Bill Gates owns
the most farmland in the world. The free-market
libertarians have failed understand that power
always centralizes weather it be state or business.
Yet the modern unions like the social
conservatives of the Republican party when it
comes to social issues has done little to stop
corporate power from growing. Instead, they take
part electoral politics that have done nothing for
working and middle class other than driving them
into the dirt or even worse like the IWW has
become foot soldiers of the capitalist class social
agenda which has continue to split people of this
country and destroy traditional ways of living,
identity and destroy the working classes
economic conditions.

What is needed is a new revolutionary union that

advocates for not only better wages and
incentives for families but the re distribution of
land back to the local communities and families
particularly for farms but not exclusively .
American conservative intellectual Russell Kirk
once said that property and freedom are closely
linked. With bringing that back would allow
people to have more control over they’re lives.
The dismantling of multinational corporations
and the seizing of their facilities. So that the
country can be autarkic and liberate the country
from international corporate elites that see all
people as nothing but worker drones and
consumers. An end to immigration. Which will
secure natives jobs and help make it easier to
forge a new identity.  Solidarity between small
businesses and the working class so that its easier
combat corporations and ghettoization of both
classes. Finally, to have this revolutionary union
merge with a new state that does not put profits
over people and have the union split into different
sectors that represent different sectors of the
economy that will help govern and plan the
economy. Workers of the nation unite.  You have
nothing to lose but your liberal chains.

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