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Personal pronouns and Possessive adjectives.

Los pronombres personales son aquellas palabras que sustituyen al sujeto de una
oración: María is a teacher. She is a teacher
Los adjetivos posesivos son palabras que indican posesión sobre un sustantivo:
My name is Ximena

I You He She It We They

My Your His Her Its Our Their

My My
Your Your
His His
What's Her name? This is Her friend.
Our Our
Their Their

Present Simple: To Be Affirmative Case

Contraction Full form

I'm I am
You're You are
He's / She's / It's He is / She is / It is
We're We are
They're They are

Article: a / an . The indefinite article is always required before a job.

I'm a student. He's an engineer.
You use a before all nouns which begin with a consonant sound.
What do you do? I'm a student.
You use an before all nouns which begin with a vowel sound.
What's his job? He's an accountant.

Activity 1: Match the questions and the answers.

1. Where's he from? a. Her name's Julie
2. What's her name? b. She's a doctor
3. Where are they from? c. His name's Andrew
4. What's his name? d. He's from Brazil
5. What's her job? e. They're from Australia

Activity 2: Possessive adjectives. Choose the correct sentence.

1. a. His from Brazil. b. He's from Brazil.
2. a. Their from Australia. b. They're from Australia.
3. a. He's name is Andrew. b. His name's Andrew.
4. a. Their name's Rodriguez. b. They're name is Rodriguez.


Activity 3: Write a description. Say who they are, where they're from and
what their job is.
Example: Ruth Clark is a lawyer. She’s from London, England.
Name: Ruth David Victor Pérez Noriko Sato Petra Schmidt
Clark Smith
Town: London N.Y. Lima Tokyo Hamburg
Country: England U.S.A. Peru Japan Germany
Job: Lawyer Psychologis Teacher Student Nurse

 What other jobs do you know in English? Write as many jobs as you
Example: Artist, student, doctor, psychologist, teacher...

Activity 4: Complete the sentence with a/an.

 He's____engineer. *I'm____student.
 He's____waiter. *She's____doctor.
 He's____teacher. * She's____artist.

Activity 5: Put the conversation in the correct order (1-6)

………Rome, Italy
…….. Teresa Agostini.
…….. And where are you from?
………It’s A-G-O-S-T-I-N-I
…1… What’s your name?
………How do you spell your last name?

 Practice the alphabet and spell your name

Activity 6: Countries and nationalities.

Pair work. Complete the chart.


The name game

1. Agamemnon
2. Aristotle
3. Billy Bob
4. Bronwyn
5. Cosmo
6. Cuthbert
7. Deidra
8. Euripedes
9. Ezekiel
10. Floramaria
11. Garfield
12. Giuseppe
13. Hedwig
14. Humperdink
15. Ignatius
16. Josephina
17. Kathi Lee
18. Llewellyn
19. Maximilian
20. Mordecai

21. Nuncio
22. Ophelia
23. Pebbles
24. Quincy
25. Quirino
26. Rocky
27. Shaquille
28. Soloman
29. Tallulah
30. Tyrone
31. Ulysses
32. Vasilis
33. Vaughn
34. Winifred
35. Wofgang
36. Xanthus
37. Yorick
38. Zachary
39. Zenevieva
40. Kaikura

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