Gun Violence in The U

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Gun Violence in the U.S.

Every year, there are more than ten thousand gun-related deaths in the United States. Among
developed countries, it is by far the country with the highest average of homicides due to
firearms. Massacres and shootings keep happening there on a regular basis. No one has
forgotten the twenty children who were killed by Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook Elementary
School in 2012.

Yet, despite these tragedies, nothing is being done to change the gun laws in America. Why?
Mainly for two reasons: 1) the gun industry and gun associations such as the NRA are very
powerful, and 2) guns are an important part of the country’s identity. Indeed, in the eighteenth
century, when the U.S. nation was created, Americans lived in a wild land full of enemies and
dangers. Weapons such as guns were essential for protection and survival. This is why the
right to keep and bear firearms became part of the U.S. Constitution.

The problem is that, today, the idea that Americans need guns to protect themselves is
ridiculous. This is the 21st century and the U.S. is supposed to be a civilized country which
understands that the proliferation of guns causes more crime and insecurity, not less. This
statistical truth has been proven over and over in other developed countries where strict gun
laws are in place.

Thus, to solve the problem of gun violence in America, there can be only one solution: less
guns. Three hundred ten million firearms are currently in circulation in the U.S. That number
must go down as soon as possible, but how? The two most urgent measures are 1) to ban
assault weapons with high-capacity magazines, and 2) to introduce universal background
checks in order to make sure that criminals and mentally insane people are not able
to purchase guns anymore.

1. What was one of the last big shooting tragedy in American history?

2. How can Americans make sure that criminals and crazy people don’t get access to guns?

3. Why did the right to keep and bear guns become part of the U.S. Constitution?

4. How many Americans die from firearms every year?

5. What do Americans need to understand in the 21st century if they are to be seen as a
civilized country?

6. Why are gun laws not changed in America?

7. What is the solution to gun violence in America?

8. What is the name of the strongest gun-rights association in America?

9. What are the two first steps that should be taken to make gun violence in America

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